Final Fantasy VI US/Japan difference FAQ v1.51b Copyright 1999, 2001 Cless ( Okay, well, I decided to make this file to see what was different between the US and Japanese versions of Final Fantasy VI. I also decided to learn the Japanese kana, so I could read some stuff, and translate some little things... this FAQ isn't totally complete or anything, I still have to add a lot of stuff. History of this FAQ: v1.51b (2/19/01) Below here, there is absolutely NO difference whatsoever in content, formatting, except that I removed a defunct URL on the bottom. All my spelling and grammar mistakes are still there 100% intact... so laugh at their patheticness all you want. This 'update' is only to say that this FAQ is -officially- *DEAD*. Should've done that a long time ago... Even though it's old, I still get email regarding it once in awhile. I just don't care about this game anymore and needless to say, have no interest in updating this FAQ. Anymore email regarding it will more than likely be ignored. That is all. v1.51 (4/28/99) -Did a bit of revising... -Converted it into a text file... v1.5 (10/18/98) -Fixed mistranslations, courtesy of Ian Kelley, and there was quite a few things I screwed up on :) -Added the Moglie (Moogle) names v1.0 (10/17/98) -Initial release Character names: US Japan Terra Tina Locke Lock Sabin Mash Cyan Cayenne Strago Stragus Gestahl Ghastra Kefka Cefca Vicks Biggs Banon Bannon Other Characters: Elayne Mina Owain Son Arvis Jun Madonna Madaline Gerad Geoff Duane Dean Katarin Katrina The Moglis (Moogles): Kupek Moglin Kupop Mogpu Kumama Mogchi Kuku Morl Kutan Mogtan Kupan Mogul Kushu Mogshin Kurin Mogpon Kuru Mugmug Kamog Zumomog Character Classes: In Japan, the characters had class names... Name Class Tina Magic Warrior Lock Adventurer Edgar Machinery Mash Monk Shadow Assassin Cayenne Samurai Gau Wild Boy Celes Rune Knight Mog Moglie Setzer Gambler Stragus Blue Mage Relm Pictomancer Gogo Mimic Umaro Snow Man Banon Priest Leo Great General Biggs Imperial Soldier Wedge Imperial Soldier Monsters: I haven't had the time to translate the many many monster names that Woolsey changed, so here are some bosses: US Japan TunnelArmr Dig Armor AtmaWeapon Ultima/Altema Weapon (Just still don't 100% agree with 'Altema') :) Atma Ultima/Altema Pastor Larry Suuno Moe Seeno Doom Gaze Death Gaze Chupon Tupon Umaro Snow Man Hidon Hidun Hidonite Eleboth DirtDragon Earth Dragon Ice Dragon Freeze Dragon Red Dragon Flame Dragon White Drgn Holy Dragon GoldDragon Illu Dragon Whelk Yumir Espers/Phantom Beasts: I don't know why he didn't, but Ted Woolsey shoulda left the words "Genjuu/Phantom Beast" alone, they sound way cooler than "Esper". Either that, or he didn't know what Genjuu meant... figures, knowing him. US Japan Stray Cait Sith Shoat Catoblepas ZoneSeek Zone Seeker Palador Keeshiheri (Romanji, I've no clue to what it is) Starlet Rakushumi (Romanji, I've no clue to what it is) Tritoch Varingarmandar Terrato Midgar Zolom Crusader Jihaad Magic: Renamed normal magic gained by Espers/Phantom Beasts: US Japan Attack Magic: Ice Blizzard Bolt Thunder Fire 2 Fira Ice 2 Blizzara Bolt 2 Thundara Fire 3 Figa Ice 3 Blizzaga Bolt 3 Thundaga Doom Death Pearl Holy Demi Gravity Quartr Graviga X-Zone Degeon Meteor Meteo W.Wind Tornado Healing Magic: Cure Keal Cure 2 Kealra Cure 3 Kealga Life Raise Life 2 Araise Antdot Poisona Remedy Esuna Life 3 Reraise Effect Magic: Scan Libra Rasp Raspil Mute Silence Safe Protes Sleep Sleeper Muddle Confu[se] Bserk Berserk Float Levitate Imp Kappa Rflect Reflec[t] Haste 2 Hasga Slow 2 Sloga Osmose Aspil Warp Telepo[rt] Special skills and attacks: ------> (This list is VERY incomplete) AquaRake Aqua Breath Revenge Revenge Blast ------> (incomplete) AuraBolt Aura Cannon Suplex Meteodrive Fire Dance Phoenix Dance Air Blade Vacuum Blade Bum Rush Battle Dance (this thing is a bitch to translate into english) ------> Dispatch Fang / Tusk Retort Sky Slash Tiger Quadra Slam Dance / Circle / Wheel Empowerer Dragon Stunner Moon Quadra Slice Violent / Furious Cleave Chop / Sever / Cut ------> AutoCrossbow Auto Bow-Gun Bio Blaster Bio Blast Flash Sun Beam Debilitator Weak Maker NoiseBlaster Voice Blast ------> (this too is a real bitch to translate) Bio Blast Bio Blaster TekMissile Magic Missile Ice Beam Blizzard Beam Bolt Beam Thunder Beam X-fer Degenerator ------> Graphic changes: -The Bar signs...The Bar signs in FF6 say PUB on them, in FF3, they are a Wine Glass and a bottle, that says "Cafe" on them. -A few monsters and Genju had some slight graphic changes; (these are the FF3US names) Critic, 2nd tier of last boss, Goddess, and the Esper/Genju, Starlet/Rakushumi were modified a little (they were partially in the nude). Another enemy graphic was slightly changed, the Barb-e (and palette swaps look-alikes) had smoke coming out of their pipes. Misc. changes: -You can rename Cayenne's Special Sword Technique attacks, but only in Kanji, no kana. -Customize controls option, in Config menu. -No black and white title screen when beginning, goes immediately to the regular title screen. -Title screen says "Final Fantasy VI", also theres an Amano-ish Tina on Magic Armor between Final and Fantasy, it's awesome. -Characters had a Job/Class name (see above). -While equpping things, it shows the quantity you have left. -Item names are limited to 8 characters, unlike FFIII having been expanded to a limit of 12 (13?). -Cayenne in FFIII had Machinery books, in FFVI, he had a Machinery book AND a porn mag! SeX0r -Ted Woolsey isn't in the Magic Armor mode7 credits screen. -Money is Gil. Bugs: Heres some game bugs that were fixed before the US release: -Equip anything as a helmet bug. I personally recommend equipping the you 255 Def, and 255 Magic Def.! To do it: Make sure the character your gonna equip has no helmet equipped, and make sure there are no helmets in your inventory. Now, stick the item you want to equip as a helmet in the bottom right corner of the inventory, then goto equip, then select optimum, it will be equipped as a helmet. -Back to the World of Balance Bug. OK, this is kinda strange...during the opera when you have to fight the rats....leave a pack there...go back there when you are in the World of Ruin, the pack will still be there. Get into a battle with it and kill yourself, the battle will end, it will show the 4 ton weight drop, then the screen will black, then you will be outside the Opera House... but in the World of Balance. The strange thing after that, the worlds music is the music on the Veldt. Also, if you enter a town, you will enter the World of Ruin's "version" of it, yet another thing that happens is that the bottom character gets replaced by Lock, but only in battle. One final note on it is, if you try to use Figaro Castle to go back to Figaro area, you will end up back in the World of Ruin, but there's no Airship. -When you get the Valiant Knife, after getting Lock in the WoR, you get 2 of them. DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING OF THE FOLLOWING FROM THIS FAQ!: ============================================================================================ Legal disclaimer crap: Final Fantasy VI and its contents are copyright and trademark 1994 Square Japan. I grant you permission to distribute this FAQ anywhere as long as it is in it's original, unmodified form. If you stick it on your website, I ask you link my site with yours. DO NOT use this document for ANY profit making purposes, such as selling it, or using it as an incentive to buy any game, or anything similar! Come on people, I didn't make this file for other people to make any kind of profits, I made it free, and that's exactly how I want it distributed, by ALL! Doing such things are illeagal anyhow, and I'll see you in hell if I find out if you do! ============================================================================================ For any corrections, additions, comments, questions, etc, please send me an email, at: ============================================================================================ Credit: Shinryuu-- gave me back this file after losing it. Ian A. Kelley ( has helped a lot with this document, especially with things I could not translate (Cayenne's Tech Kanji, for one). And don't forget to visit his awesome homepage!