\____ \____ __________ | . | | | \ / |-- _ _ | |-- _ _ -|- _ __ \ / | | | \ | | | | | | | \ | | | \ \ / \ / | | | | \.| | | \.| | | \ \.| _| \/ ____\/____ Spoiler-Free Job Planning Guide / by rey meustrus (meustrus AT gmail DOT com) Version 1.10 @ June 9, 2011 Guide Overview =============================================================================== This guide is designed for people who enjoy planning their games ahead of time, but inevitably end up frustrated because of the low general information available about such things as classes at the beginning of the game. Final Fantasy V is a great case of this - the job system has a great deal of depth, but most of it is not clear to the player as the game starts, and by the time you figure it out, you're halfway through the game and have all these ability points in random jobs and nothing to do with them. At the same time, a desire to effectively plan a game does not mean the desire to be spoiled as to the special class and job abilities that appear later through the game. And so, that brings us to this guide. All the essential information about the classes that does not appear in the game or manuals can be seen here, with the information organized in the order that the classes actually appear. This should allow you to read over and consider how to plan your game as you play it instead of over-thinking in-game acquisitions that you shouldn't actually know about yet. How to use this Guide =============================================================================== There are several uses to this guide. Each section has its own use, and while it's probably a good idea to read the sections in order you don't have to read all of them. The first section is an in-depth analysis of the job system without spoiling any of the specifics later on. It's OK to skim or even skip this section, especially if you've already played the game through a few times. You can read through it all at once, you can read a particular section when you're curious, or you can skip it altogether. I will be assuming throughout the rest of the guide that you have read this section, so if it seems like I'm making a big assumption you can look back here for my explanation. The second section is the main spoiler-free feature of this guide. In it are recommendations for which jobs to use and when, as well as my opinion of each job. It's broken down by when you receive the jobs so you can read a bit at a time, only referring back to the guide when you get new jobs. The third section is a very technical discussion of techniques on how to build a job plan all at once ahead of time. It assumes you have played the game through at least once, but I've still tried to keep it free of any plot spoilers. The fourth section is all reference material in a compressed format. Check here for the specific base attributes for each character. Check here for ALL the abilities every job learns and what it could be good for. Check here for which equipment can be used by which job. This is mainly here as a resource when you're working through section 3 to build your own job plan. Notice the bracketed section names? You can use Ctrl+F (Find) and that [CODE] to jump to a particular section without scrolling and searching. Changelog =============================================================================== Version 1.10 @ June 9, 2011 * Some fact checking; thanks to Djibriel for pointing out my errors. This update came about mostly from his fact checking and play strategies. * Changed Ninja description to mention ways to manipulate !Throw damage. * Added "About the Attributes" section [INTR5]. * Added "Equipment Types" section [INTR7]. * Expanded the "What to Think As You Go Along" section [INTR9]. * Expanded the "Building a Good Magic User" section to discuss the Oracle job [PLAN4]. * Expanded somewhat the "The Mimic" section [PLAN5]. * Added hidden armor types to [REFR3]. * Ran spellcheck (I'm a good speller, but apparently I still make ~15 mistakes in a document this large). * Changed my email address. Version 1.00 @ March 15, 2011 * First release =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== 1. Basic to Advanced Understanding of the Job System a. The Basics [INTR1] b. Mastering a Job [INTR2] c. Types of Jobs [INTR3] d. Types of Abilities [INTR4] e. About the Attributes [INTR5] f. Other Uses for Jobs [INTR6] g. Equipment Types [INTR7] h. Building Each Character [INTR8] i. What to Think As You Go Along [INTR9] 2. Job Descriptions a. Jobs of the Wind Crystal [JOBS1] b. Jobs of the Water Crystal [JOBS2] c. Jobs of the Fire Crystal [JOBS3] d. Jobs of the Fire Crystal (Part 2) [JOBS4] e. Jobs of the Earth Crystal [JOBS5] f. Jobs of the Bonus Dungeon [JOBS6] 3. Building a Job Plan All at Once a. Where to Start [PLAN1] b. Building a Good Physical Fighter [PLAN2] c. Building a Good Magic User [PLAN3] d. Planning for a Blue Mage [PLAN4] e. The Mimic [PLAN5] f. Making the Plan: An Example [PLAN6] 4. Reference a. Character base attributes [REFR1] b. Equipment Allowed for Each Job [REFR2] c. All Attributes for Each Job [REFR3] d. All Abilities for Each Job [REFR4] 5. Closing [CLOSE] =============================================================================== Basic to Advanced Understanding of the Job System =============================================================================== The Basics [INTR1] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battles in Final Fantasy 5 are fought using attributes and abilities. Both of these elements are defined by jobs that you acquire throughout the game. Once you give a character a job, that character starts earning ABility Points (ABP) toward abilities. Some abilities are used innately by the jobs, such as !White and the White Mage. You can use these abilities when you change to another job. Other abilities aren't used automatically, like the Knight's Two-Handed, and must be equipped to use. There are several goals for using jobs. The first goal is access to abilities that aren't available to the Freelancer job. Playing without jobs is a special challenge for this reason. From here on, I will mark active attributes with a '!'. Having abilities, however, like !White is not the only reason for using jobs. The job your character is using also influences his or her attributes. There are four attributes: Strength (which affects damage from !Fight), Agility (which affects how soon the character can act again), Stamina (which affects HP), and Magic (which affects the damage or healing power of magic). While your character is using a job, his or her attributes are modified by that job. The third effect that jobs have is passive abilities, which I will mark with a '*'. These abilities are always active as long as the character is using that job. For example, Monks have the *Counter ability, which causes Monks to sometimes counterattack when hit physically. The final effect of a character's job is the equipment that that character may use. Since the Freelancer can use all equipment, this effect should be thought of more as a limitation than a bonus. Mastering a Job [INTR2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The part that makes jobs interesting is what happens when a character "Masters" a job. Once a character has learned all the abilities that job teaches, he or she no longer receives Ability Points while using that job. But, when using the Freelancer job, that character automatically uses all of the passive abilities of his or her mastered jobs, and receives the maximum bonus to each individual attribute from those jobs. Therefore, a higher goal for using jobs is for each character to have an attractive collection of passive abilities and attribute bonuses by the end of the game. This will make your characters so powerful as to handle optional bosses with ease, such as the Omega Weapon and those in the Bonus Dungeon. Don't get carried away, though. You need to plan carefully so that every collection of jobs in your party works to defeat the bosses along the way. Further, some abilities that would be useless otherwise, such as Equip Bow, can be extremely useful when given to a job like White Mage. Types of Jobs [INTR3] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three main groups of jobs: Fighters are good at Strength and Stamina. Dodgers are good at Agility. Magicians are good at Magic. Generally, you will want every character to master at least one of the jobs in the three major categories. Types of Abilities [INTR4] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When building your characters, it is best if everyone is a bit of a Dodger but mostly either Fighter or Magician. The abilities you can acquire can generally be separated into Fighter, Magician, and Buffer groups. Here are the most useful of these abilities: Fighter abilities: Two-Handed, *Counter, !Spellblade, !Throw, *Dual-Wield, !Rapidfire, !Jump, !Dance, !Finisher Magician abilities: !White, !Black, !Blue, !Summon, !Dualcast, !Gaia, !Dark Arts Buffer abilities: !Time, !Sing, !Mix, !Drink The useful distinction of the Buffer group is that even for !Time, which is magic, neither strength nor magic power have any impact on the results (except for the Comet and Meteo spells or the Requiem song, which in my humble opinion aren't effective anyway) About the Attributes [INTR5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is just a generalization; for more information look at more technical FAQs like Tseng's Algorithms FAQ. Strength: All weapons except rods, bells, and harps use Strength for damage calculation. Indispensable for a fighter character, but useless for a mage. Speed: Controls how soon a character can move again in battle, and also adds to the damage for knives. This is the single most useful attribute, and also the hardest to raise. There is no job with incredible value for raising Speed - you get what you pay for with ABP. Stamina: Directly affects HP, and nothing else as far as I remember. Everyone could use some more HP, right? Magic: Directly affects MP and the damage done by magical attacks. This includes spells and some special moves such as !Gaia, !Throw, or !Ianuki. Some physical attacks also use Magic as part of damage calculation, such as the critical damage from the Rune Blade, as well as normal attacks with rods, bells, and harps. If a character doesn't cast spells or deal any damage in such way, Magic can be ignored. Other Uses for Jobs [INTR6] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some jobs are useful for reasons other than the above. For example, I recommend that you have at least one Thief as soon as possible and at all times possible. Besides having the best bonus to Agility, the Thief can see hidden passages and protects your party from back attacks. Other jobs have rather mediocre attributes but excellent skills. I will make a note of these jobs as they are introduced in the next major section. A note about Equip (weapon) skills: These skills (and Barehanded) don't just let you equip that kind of weapon. They also give your character the Strength bonus of the job that you got the ability from. The Barehanded skill, for example, gives a +26 bonus to Strength. All of the magic abilities like !Summon or !Black also give a bonus to magic power equal to the bonus from the class the ability comes from. Two of the Equip (weapon) skills boost other attributes; the Equip Bows also boosts Agility, and the Equip Harps ability boosts boosts Agility and Magic instead of Strength. This replaces your existing bonus, rather than supplementing it. So, giving Barehanded to a Knight will only improve Strength by 3 points, but giving it to a Black Mage will boost it by a whopping 45 points. You do not need to actually use the weapon the ability is for to get these bonuses. Equipment Types [INTR7] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While equipment obviously affects the physical damage dealt and taken by your characters, it can also influence magical damage. There are more categories of equipment than the game shows you. Knife: Equippable by many jobs, but there aren't many good ones. The best is the Chicken Knife, but it has to be made stronger by running away a lot. The Assassin Dagger is also good as a secondary weapon for *Dual-Wield. Staff: Not too good, but if it's available your other options are probably limited. Weapons like the Flail do OK damage from the back row for random battles, but the best thing to equip is the Heal Staff. It really cuts down on healing MP costs. Rod: Physically abysmal, but what this weapon hides is that certain rods boost elemental damage. Give a Summoner a Thunder Rod and Ramuh is 50% more powerful. Sword: These are the most basic "whack the enemy with a stick" variety of weapon, but they aren't the best. Holy Sword: A special type of weapon only equippable by Knights. They are usually the strongest weapons available, but can't be equipped by more useful fighter jobs. Axe: The Berserker's special weapon. The most notable one is the Gaia Axe, which is the strongest weapon available when you get it. Whip: The Beastmaster's special weapon. The most notable one is the Blitz Whip, which besides being an excellent weapon when you find it is also thunder-elemental at a time when you'll be fighting lots of enemies weak to that element. Short Sword: Ninja weapon. These are criminally underpowered until near the end of the game. Bell: The Geomancer's weapon. This deals damage based on magic power, and despite dealing full damage from the back row, bells are always underpowered. Harp: The Bard's "weapon." This also deals damage based on magic power, by its own special formula. Harps deal damage based on a fraction of the target's max HP. Tragically, they don't work on most bosses. Bow: The Ranger's special weapon, which deals full damage from the back row. This is the best weapon from the back row, and is one of the weaker fighter-type weapons. Katana: The Samurai's special weapon. These are among the most powerful weapons available at any point after they become available at all. Spear: The Dragoon's weapon, which is required to get the best benefit from !Jump. Other than that, these tend to be rather weak for a fighter-type weapon. Armor: Equippable only by serious fighter jobs, with superior physical defense and mediocre magic defense. Shield: Equippable only by fighter jobs, providing evade and in some cases special protection against magic. Ninja Garb: Equippable mostly by dodger jobs, and also by the Monk. Provides little defense and even less magic defense. Sometimes boost other attributes like Strength. Light Garb: Equippable by any job that can equip armor or ninja garb. Provides limited physical and magic defense. Robe: Equippable by magician jobs. Poor defense but superior magic defense and magic evasion (the latter being a hidden attribute). Clothes: Low defense, low magic defense clothing equippable by all jobs. Ribbon: Equippable only by Dancer. These items are some of the best equipment in the game and only become available very late. Aside from the ribbon itself, other Dancer-specific equipment improves the chance of getting Sword Dance from !Dance. Besides Rods, certain equipment like the Air Knife and the Gaia Gear also boost elemental damage. Building Each Character [INTR8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each character has slightly different base attributes and is therefore slightly better suited to a different task. Here's what I recommend for each character: Bartz: He's going to be with you forever, and is a great damage dealer. It's safe to give him the task of "primary damage-dealer". Being the front member, it's also more convenient to give him the Geomancer job later in the game since that job's abilities only work if the Geomancer is in the front. Lenna: Lenna has the best Magic attribute, so she had better be a Summoner at some point to take advantage of its high boost to Magic. Don't make her your only White Mage, since late in the game you'll be spending some time without her. Galuf: This is your most complicated character, for various reasons I won't go into. Galuf needs to be your most versatile character, so that you can both survive without him and without any others. For the sake of this versatility, I suggest that Galuf start out as a strong physical fighter, but transition to a faster magician about 2/3 through the game. Faris: Faris has great Agility. His attributes are average-looking, but if you were to sum them up, they'd be better than anybody else's. He can be great at anything, really. One way to take advantage of that is to have him fill whatever role Galuf isn't filling so that you always have two fighters and two casters. What to Think As You Go Along [INTR9] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every collection of jobs that forms your party has to be able to sustain itself. Normally that means that you have at least one character with !White and the rest with decent damage potential. Try not to focus too heavily on magic at any one time because it isn't as effective for random battles. As you add more jobs to a character, consider what attribute bonuses they bestow. Every character should be at least one of each job type. It's not especially beneficial for a character to master multiple jobs of the same type, though, unless there's some special combination of non-inheritable skills you're looking for. Don't be afraid to switch jobs before you've mastered. This is especially true of magic users, because getting !White lvl5 isn't very useful if you only have lvl3 spells. It can be more useful to put those ABP towards another magic type (so your caster can use two kinds of magic at once!) or a job like Beastmaster or Ranger whose weapons are rather useful for a back row caster. Finally, don't be afraid to experiment! Sure, the Chemist looks like it can't do much harm, but items for !Drink are cheap, plentiful, and powerful. =============================================================================== Job Descriptions =============================================================================== To get the most out of the lack of spoilers in this section, try not to scroll down past the heading of the next section. Jobs of the Wind Crystal [JOBS1] =============================================================================== Job Str Agi Sta Mag | ABP| Type | Ability Highlights ----------------------------------|----|-------|------------------------------- Knight +23 + 1 +20 -14 | 690| Fight | *Cover, !Guard, Two-Handed Monk +26 + 1 +26 -23 | 700| Fight | *Barehanded, *Counter Thief + 1 +16 + 2 - 6 | 635| Dodge | *Passages, *Sprint, *Vigilance White Mage - 7 + 1 ~ 0 +25 | 580| Magic | !White Black Mage - 9 ~ 0 - 2 +31 | 730| Magic | !Black Blue Mage - 8 + 1 + 3 +23 | 350| Magic | *Learning, !Blue =============================================================================== Your goal when you start will be to get you basics started. At least one character should have !White lvl 1, possibly up to lvl 3. I recommend starting with a Thief for the very useful abilities that you can also learn and attach to other jobs later. If you're planning on using a Blue Mage (I think you should give it a go) you'll want to start out with one so that character can learn *Learning. Everyone else (and that may just be one character) should be a Monk. Knight ------ You may think the Knight should be the best physical fighter, but it's not. The real focus of the Knight is on defense, at which it is very good. With the *Cover and !Guard skills, a Knight can effectively block all physical attacks when the party is wounded. Because they are still vulnerable to magic, however, letting your party get wounded to attract attacks with *Cover is not usually a good idea. Its most useful ability is Two-Handed. It is very effective at boosting damage, but it isn't inherited by Freelancer. If you are worried about lack of weapons, or you want more damage mid-game, Two-Handed will work. On its own, this job will stay powerful throughout the whole game due to its ability to equip Holy Swords. With Two-Handed, a Knight can always be a good damage dealer. Overall, the Knight is a strong fighter but doesn't have the best attributes. You can have a very powerful party without ever touching this job. Monk ---- The Monk's main attraction is that it has the best Strength and Stamina out of all jobs. As such you will probably want to master this job with anyone who will be dealing physical damage. The Monk is the strongest damage dealer until a Knight can learn Two-Handed. Even then, the Monk does about 2/3 as much damage and gets *Counter. This job also takes much less Gil to maintain than a Knight or other equipped fighter. By the end, though, the Monk will be a liability because the equipment starts to get much more powerful. Therefore, anyone who is going to master Monk should do so early. Not "before you get all the jobs" early, but certainly sooner than the rest. The Monk's most useful abilities are *Counter and *Barehanded. *Counter is useful when it is inherited, and in some boss fights when the boss has a nasty counter so you don't want to deal damage directly. *Barehanded is useful because it boosts your Strength to +26, the best in the game. Give this ability to a mage who wants some strength, or a job with good weapons that is otherwise unable to deal good damage like Blue Mage. Overall, the Monk has the best attributes of any Fighter jobs and has a decent inherited ability as well. Any character dealing physical damage should master Monk early on. Thief ----- The Thief has the best Agility out of all jobs. However, since there are many other dodger jobs with useful abilities, you may find yourself not wanting to spend 635 ABP just for a small boost. Unless you plan on following a guide through the game, or checking every wall in every room in every town, castle, or dungeon, you need at least one Thief in the party from the very beginning. Once you learn *Find Passages, you can move on to another job. The !Steal ability can get you some really cool stuff. It remains useful throughout the entire game, especially at the end where you can steal some pretty rare stuff. However, since !Steal is much more effective with the Thief- only Thief Glove, it is usually best to just switch to a Thief when you want to use it. The Thief's battle prowess is lackluster, as well as its staying power. Consider using an ability like Barehanded to make it stronger. Overall, you probably need at least one Thief in your party. Anybody that isn't mastering another dodger job or just has enough time should consider mastering Thief. White Mage ---------- You need one, possibly two White Mages, unless you're playing a specific "no White Mage" challenge. There's no easy way to replace them. Keeping in mind that you have two ability slots per character at the end, there is enough space for !White on two characters. While the White Mage can be a viable fighter when combined with abilities from later jobs, that simply isn't possible right now. In the beginning, it's best to learn !White lvl 1 and move on to a job that can defend itself. Because the White Mage is such a wimp, don't forget to put him or her in the back row. Weapons like the Flail, which do full damage from the back row, can at least upgrade the White Mage's damage from "pitiful" to "barely competent," but the best you can expect to do is to use the Heal Staff once you find it for some free healing. Overall, you need one or two White Mages. All you have to do is figure out how to keep the character alive while training the job. Black Mage ---------- The best usage of !Black is against enemies with elemental vulnerabilities. As there aren't that many of them, !Black's usefulness is suspect. Black Mages do have the second highest Magic attribute, though I'd prefer Summoners any day. The Black Mage is a worse physical fighter than the White Mage because it cannot equip weapons like the Flail or the Heal Staff. Its ability to equip knives doesn't help much either. The best times to use black magic are immediately after you acquire new spells. You'll pull insane damage for a little while, and then the rest of the party will catch up. Repeat this about three times total for the whole game. Overall, the Black Mage could be useful, but I wouldn't use it. Blue Mage --------- !Blue is extremely powerful. You should have a Blue Mage, and if you do, you should have someone learn *Learning right away, or else acquiring the blue magic will be harder than it needs to be. Blue magic is very versatile. If you catch the right spells from the right enemies (by following a guide), certain bosses will become pathetically easy. The Blue Mage gets access to the first of these in the lead-up to getting the jobs of the Fire Crystal, so be ready. You need *Learning early on because blue magic isn't bought, it's learned. In order to use a spell, a Blue Mage or a character with *Learning must be hit by that spell. You should check another guide for a full listing of spells and what enemies use them, but here's my short list of awesome spells to look out for: Death Claw, Flamethrower, Lv* Flare/Doom/etc., White Wind, and Mighty Guard. The Blue Mage can equip shields and swords, but is not a very effective fighter due to poor Strength. That can be fixed with an ability like *Barehanded. Overall, the Blue Mage can be very strong, and I encourage you to include one in your party. Jobs of the Water Crystal [JOBS2] =============================================================================== Job Str Agi Sta Mag | ABP| Type | Ability Highlights ----------------------------------|----|-------|------------------------------- Mystic Knight +14 +14 +14 + 1 | 680| Dodge | !Spellblade Time Mage - 5 + 2 - 3 +24 | 530| Magic | !Time Summoner -10 - 1 - 1 +33 | 750| Magic | !Summon Red Mage + 8 + 5 - 6 + 8 |1159| Other | !Dualcast Berserker +21 - 9 +25 -23 | 500| Fight | =============================================================================== Now is the time to specialize. You've already got your White Mage, your Thief, and your Blue Mage. Now it's time for those characters to learn !Time, !Summon, and possibly !Spellblade. Those first two abilities won't be all that useful right now, but they will become enormously helpful later. Mystic Knight ------------- The Mystic Knight is a strange job. It's a casting job, but not only does its magic bonus suck, it doesn't do damage by magic anyway. !Spellblade enchants the character's sword and the sword is thereafter charged with magic. The other thing that makes it a strange job, though, is its high Agility bonus. This bonus squarely defines it as a Dodger job. !Spellblade will work well in all the same places that !Black will, but the MP cost is one-time instead of ongoing. It can make physical attacks much stronger, 4x if exploiting an elemental weakness, and usually 2x with Flare. Physical strength is average. You could increase it with *Barehanded. You could also use !Spellblade very effectively with the Knight job, using its exclusive Holy Swords. Overall, !Spellblade is useful but expensive in ABP. This could be your dodger job if not Ninja or Thief. Time Mage --------- The best !Time spell? Hastega, definitely. That one spell alone, in my opinion, justifies one character with !Time. The Time Mage can equip knives AND staffs, which makes it better than the Black Mage, but it's still a physical weakling. I like to equip a Time Mage with the Heal Staff and forego the use of a White Mage altogether for a little while early on. Overall, !Time is worth teaching to one character. Summoner -------- !Summon is powerful. Really powerful. Besides elemental attacks and Bahamut, the Golem and Carbuncle summons are great defensively. Furthermore, the Summoner has the best Magic except for the Oracle. It suffers from the same physical problems as the Black Mage. Overall, its +33 to Magic alone is enough to warrant mastering with any character that will deal magic damage primarily. Red Mage -------- Here we have our first truly mediocre job. Unlike in Final Fantasy 3 (NES), this Red Mage suffers from abysmal Strength and Magic bonuses compared to dedicated jobs. However, Red Mage may be worth all 1159 ABP to master for the !Dualcast ability, which allows you to cast two spells in one turn. Now, since red magic tops out at level three, you'll also want to master another caster job like Black Mage or Summoner to take advantage of their magic with !Dualcast. This is a major ABP sink for a single ability, though, so don't try it unless you've absolutely minimized all of the character's other job mastering responsibilities. Physically, the character is a lot like the Blue Mage but without shields. Overall, train this job if you want !Dualcast. Berserker --------- This is an interesting job. It's got good attributes for Strength and Stamina, and it's cheaper than any of the other fighter jobs. But, it's completely uncontrollable. I think the best use for this job is to give to a character that is otherwise a magic user so as to get a good Stamina bonus. The Berserker is strong physically, and some of the late game weapons like the Gaia Hammer are a force to be reckoned with. Overall, train this job if you're not training Monk. Jobs of the Fire Crystal [JOBS3] =============================================================================== Job Str Agi Sta Mag | ABP| Type | Ability Highlights ----------------------------------|----|-------|------------------------------- Beastmaster +13 + 1 + 8 - 3 | 460| Other | !Control, Equip Whips Geomancer + 4 + 2 + 4 +24 | 175| Magic | !Gaia, *Find Pits, *Light Step Ninja +15 +14 + 3 -10 | 690| Dodge | !Throw, *Dual-Wield =============================================================================== Now that all the "normal" Final Fantasy jobs have been covered, it's time to get eccentric! All three of these jobs can be useful right away; the Beastmaster is a very important support to the Blue Mage, the Geomancer can make your casters useful in random battles, and the Ninja job has an inherited skill that will be very effective for the rest of the game. Beastmaster ----------- The Beastmaster looks a very mediocre job with little going for it, but don't give up on it too soon. Whips are fully effective from the back row. A Beastmaster with some kind of magic equipped like !White or !Blue is quite versatile. This job's most useful ability is !Control, which is invaluable for learning !Blue spells. Overall, use this job as a support for a Blue Mage, or not if you don't use a Blue Mage. Geomancer --------- The Geomancer is the cheapest mage job, and its abilities can be very useful in mid- to late-game. The !Gaia ability can be very useful for mages in the back row; this is the first real possibility for them to be viable in random battles. Another use of the Geomancer is its cheap +24 to Magic. 175 ABP to master is a pittance for your Fighter character(s). Physically, the Geomancer sucks. That's not a problem, though, because you should attack with !Gaia. Don't even try attacking with the really weak Bells. Overall, at least one character should use this for the innate abilities late-game, and it can be useful for your physical and magical characters alike. Ninja ----- This is a Dodger job that can be extremely effective for a Fighter character. Unlike Knight's Two-Handed, *Dual-Wield is innate and is passed on to Freelancer without taking up an ability slot. If you have enough weapons to support it, it will double your damage. The Ninja is physically strong, especially with *Dual-Wield. It will shine most with the powerful late-game equipment. !Throw can also deal great damage in situations where normal attacks won't work. While normally the !Throw ability is only a small improvement on normal damage output, the scrolls can be manipulated into dealing more damage than the medium strength !Summon spells. Damage from scrolls is Magic-based, and balanced for the Ninja's Magic attribute. Give a Ninja !Summon, however, and the 43 point boost to Magic will make scrolls absolutely devastating. Give a Summoner !Throw, and get all that plus the possibility to further multiply the damage by equipping rods. However, keep in mind though how expensive scrolls are. Overall, the Ninja is good for a physical fighter who wants to double his or her damage output, and a convenient dodger job for that character. It can also be used with interesting effectiveness in combination with magician jobs/ abilities. Jobs of the Fire Crystal Part 2 [JOBS4] =============================================================================== Job Str Agi Sta Mag | ABP| Type | Ability Highlights ----------------------------------|----|-------|------------------------------- Bard - 8 + 8 - 9 +11 | 175| Dodge | !Sing Ranger +16 +12 + 1 - 5 | 600| Dodge | Equip Bows, !Rapidfire =============================================================================== For only two jobs, this collection is quite the mixed bag. There's the bard, which might only be useful for the novelty, and there's the Ranger, who's got toys for all kinds of characters. Using either job is not time sensitive, so wait for the right time to switch jobs. Bard ---- The !Sing ability can supplement or replace !Time, if you don't mind your character being occupied for the entire battle. Besides that, Bard has the cheapest Agility bonus, but in this case you get what you pay for. Physically, harps are weird weapons. They deal damage based on the enemy's max HP, but they aren't effective against bosses. Some harps are very effective against the undead. Also good against the undead is the Requiem song. Overall, you may find a place for the Bard in your plan if you need a cheap Agility bonus or want a dedicated buffer character. Think carefully about whether this job fits into your plan before giving it to someone. Ranger ------ This is a great job. Bows are strong and fully effective from the back row, which can be great for a mage or a fighter. The !Rapidfire ability is a great way to boost your physical damage output, as well. The Ranger works very well on a magician character because bows are powerful from the back row. You can switch a caster to Ranger and give him or her the casting ability, then switch back to a magician job once the character learns Equip Bows. Another way that Ranger works well with magician characters is that the !Animals skill is based on magic power. Feel free to experiment with its effectiveness compared to other means of getting a mage to deal damage in random battles without using MP. Physically, it's not the strongest job, but bows are pretty good weapons and they are great from the back row. Then there's !Rapidfire, which effectively doubles your damage output against bosses by turning one attack into four half-power attacks on random targets. It doesn't have to be done with a bow; combined with *Dual-Wield, you'll get 8 attacks from one turn. It's a very powerful ability that you may want to give your main fighter. Overall, you may end up with more than one character training Ranger for different reasons, including the Agility bonus, Equip Bows, and !Rapidfire. Jobs of the Earth Crystal [JOBS5] =============================================================================== Job Str Agi Sta Mag | ABP| Type | Ability Highlights ----------------------------------|----|-------|------------------------------- Samurai +19 + 2 +19 -12 | 820| Fight | *Shirahadori, !Ianuki Dragoon +18 + 5 +15 -12 | 600| Fight | !Jump Dancer + 5 + 5 +10 - 5 | 400| Other | !Dance, Equip Ribbons Chemist + 2 + 3 + 6 - 4 | 630| Other | *Pharmacology, !Mix, !Drink =============================================================================== Now for the last jobs you'll be seeing for a long time. These are the truly eccentric jobs, those that can fill any niche in any strategy. Pick what you like, but try not to step on the toes of your past self who already gave your characters ABP in other jobs. Samurai ------- Samurai is the most expensive Fighter job, with very little to show for itself. It's quite the accomplished job on its own, able to equip powerful Katanas, but its only meaningful contribution to your character's overall job plan is *Shirahadori, which adds a random chance to dodge any physical attack. Its other abilities could be really useful, however, if you're prepared to plan specific strategies around them. !Zeninage is like !Throw against all enemies, using your Gil. It can be very effective if you have the money to spare. !Ianuki tries to instant-kill all the enemies on the screen, and while it is useful against random encounters it's probably not worth the ability slot most of the time. Physically, the Samurai is an excellent fighter, but its attributes will have no lasting impact on a character unless that character isn't mastering any other fighter jobs. Overall, all character can benefit from masting the Samurai for *Shirahadori, but the 820 ABP cost is prohibitive. Dragoon ------- This job's main ability is !Jump, which frankly sucks for a fighter unless the rest of the party can absorb the enemy's attacks. Another ability is !Lance, which might be useful for a mage if it didn't take up a whole ability slot. Physically, this is the weakest fighter job, and good lances are rare. Overall, the Dragoon in this game is a novelty that usually isn't worth it. Dancer ------ Dancer may look like a fluffy nothing job, but can actually be a very powerful addition to a Fighter character. A Freelancer equipped with at least of the very late-game dancer-specific equipment will be getting the Sword Dance (x4 to attack power) 50% of the time. There are only three such items, and some are better than others for actual defensive purposes, but if you know where, you can !Steal more if you really want to. Physically, the Dancer is vulnerable but also has huge damage potential. Overall, one fighter character could learn !Dance to increase his or her effectiveness. Chemist ------- Chemist is such a weird, random job that it's easy to overlook. It's plenty useful, though. The !Drink ability is quick to learn, and the plentiful items it uses can buff your Fighter character to God Mode. Besides that, The Chemist is a big novelty that can be surprisingly effective. Its attributes aren't special in any way, so its abilities are what makes it useful. !Drink is quick to learn, and the items necessary are cheap and plentiful, but it only affects the character using it. !Mix can have some profound effects if you look up how to use it in other guides, and your character doesn't need great attributes to use it effectively. *Pharmacology is good as an inherited ability, but not worth it otherwise. Physically, the chemist sucks. It's in the same category as magic users. Overall, you can use !Drink to supplement to a fighter, or !Mix to supplement a magic user. It can be a fun job to experiment with. Jobs of the Bonus Dungeon [JOBS6] =============================================================================== Job Str Agi Sta Mag | ABP| Type | Ability Highlights ----------------------------------|----|-------|------------------------------- Oracle - 9 - 1 - 4 +36 | 520| Magic | !Condemn, ABP Up Cannoneer + 9 + 6 + 6 + 4 | 500| Other | EXP Up, !Combine Gladiator +26 +14 + 3 -14 | 700| Dodge | !Finisher, !Blade Blitz Necromancer + 4 + 1 +21 +29 | 750| Magic | !Dark Arts =============================================================================== These jobs don't become available until almost the end of the game, and are only available in the FF5 Advance version. If you're playing this version of the game, eventually there will be a cutscene about an earthquake or an underwater volcano erupting; that's the entrance to the bonus dungeon. It's unlikely that you've left any space for these jobs in your plan, but feel free to try them out and maybe plan for them in a future play-through. Oracle ------ The Oracle job has the highest Magic bonus. In my opinion, though, it doesn't make for a very effective job on its own. But, the Magic bonus combined with the ABP Up ability can make this job very useful for a character training for !Dualcast. Physically, the Oracle is every bit as weak as a White Mage, but by now you should be able to deal with that. Overall, the Oracle is only useful for the Magic bonus that's higher than the Summoner's. Cannoneer --------- Here you have the more offensively-minded version of the Chemist. You buy your ammunition in the same place you got the job. The !Combine skill is really more intuitive than !Mix, so if you don't want a guide next to you the whole time you might like this job better. Physically, the Cannoneer is decent like a Red Mage. Overall, this one's just another interesting ability to try out if you feel like it. Gladiator --------- The Gladiator job completely subverts normal job classification. It has amazing Strength and Agility, but mediocre Stamina. You could combine Gladiator with Berserker to get attribute bonuses practically as good as combining Monk with Ninja (you'll have one less Stamina). The former takes 1200 ABP and nets you !Finisher, while the latter takes 1390 ABP and nets *Dual-Wield and *Counter. Physically, the Gladiator dominates with its vast use of weaponry and its !Finisher and !Blade Blitz skills, but can't take a hit as well as other Fighter jobs can. Overall, the Gladiator has got some potentially powerful abilities and really good bonuses, but you might not be able to fit it in because of the unusual attribute distribution. Necromancer ----------- The Necromancer job is only here for completeness. No matter how awesome it is, I cannot possibly justify using it because you get it at the END of the Bonus Dungeon. But then, I've never actually gotten this job myself anyway. Anyway, !Dark Arts works similarly to blue magic, except that instead of learning by being hit with the spell, you learn by murdering the creature that casts it and stealing its soul. Or something like that. The Necromancer has to make the finishing blow. Physically, the Necromancer is as weak as the Time Mage. But you're an almighty dark lord by now so it doesn't matter anymore, right? Overall, use this job if you like; once you get it you're really playing this game to be a completist anyway. =============================================================================== Building a Job Plan All at Once =============================================================================== Where to Start [PLAN1] =============================================================================== From here on out, this guide becomes a lot more technical. Building your job plan all at once assumes that you have played through the game at least once and you know the general effectiveness of some of the jobs. These guidelines should help you maximize the effectiveness of your party without ever needing to grind for levels or ABP. The first step to building an effective job plan is to get a general feel for the roles you want your characters to play. It may help to look at their base attributes in the reference section. Given the base attributes, it would make sense for Bartz to be your primary fighter and for Lenna your primary magic damage dealer. Because both Lenna and Galuf disappear momentarily from your party, Faris makes the best choice for White Mage, although it it perfectly alright to have two. There are several things you must keep in mind when designing your job plan. The most important thing is that all of these first jobs are available from the start. You can't start training Summoner or Ranger immediately, so you need something to train in the interim. Even the Blue Mage, with only 350 ABP to master, will last all the way through to the Earth Crystal jobs. Also keep in mind how you want battles to go. In the end-game, the best way to fight a boss is to start with a full suite of buffs. You need a Time Mage to cast Hastega, a Blue Mage to cast Mighty Guard (armor, shell, and float on everyone), and a Summoner to summon Golem (though not for all battles). After that, some of the most effective ways to deal damage are with either !Summon (though it's very MP-expensive), with !Time Meteor, or with a fighter using !Rapidfire. Finally, plan for everyone to have good bonuses to all attributes. The fastest way to get a good attribute balance is with a Berserker, Bard, and Geomancer, which altogether is worth 850 ABP altogether and gives bonuses of +21 Strength, +8 Agility, +25 Stamina, and +24 Magic. These can be the jobs you resort to if you don't have any reason to master a type of job except for the bonus. Also, you can skip the Geomancer if the character has no use for Magic Power. Building a Good Physical Fighter [PLAN2] =============================================================================== There are two skills that will immediately improve your damage output: Two-Handed, and *Dual-Wield. Knights learn Two-Handed, but since it isn't an inherited skill, it might not fit into your plan. Ninjas learn *Dual-Wield, but then you need two weapons for that character. Too many characters with *Dual-Wield can quickly eat up your supply of effective weapons. After that, there are three active abilities that can multiply damage output. One is !Rapidfire, which hits four times (or eight times, with *Dual-Wield) at half strength. Another is !Finisher, which is simply a power shot that has a bit higher rate of missing. The third is !Dance, which can be most effective with at least one piece of Dancer equipment to make the dance we want, Sword Dance, happen 50% of the time instead of 25%. An effective Sword Dance, however, will do twice as much damage as either of the other options, though !Rapidfire is much better if you plan on power leveling or exploiting huge weaknesses that push your damage over 9999 per shot.
Another ability that meshes well with fighters is !Spellblade. It can make your
attacks much more powerful in many situations, but takes away the first turn of
a battle. If the enemy changes weakness, that's another turn to compensate.
!Spellblade will be useful most situations where !Black would be useful, and it
can be effectively combined with any of the previous three active abilities.

One last way to improve attack power directly is with !Drink. The various
potions available can double your strength or HP, massively increasing your
damage output or staying power.

Besides that, there are skills which don't take your weapons into account for
damage: !Throw, !Zeninage, and !Combine.

Building a Good Magic User                                              [PLAN3]
There are five types of magic: White, Black, Blue, Summon, and Time. White
magic is absolutely necessary for any party, and Time magic can greatly improve
your effectiveness with buffs and debuffs. That leaves Black, Blue, and Summon
to deal damage. Of those three, Black tends to be the least effective. Blue is
very useful for a variety of situations, if you can find the spells. Summon is
very powerful, but at higher levels costs a lot of MP.

The main thing about your magic users to remember is that until you can get the
new jobs at the end of the game, Summoner has the best magic power. As such, if
you have a White Mage equip !Summon, your !White will be stronger. The same
applies to a Summoner equipping any other type of magic.

Interestingly, the Oracle job, which has higher magic power than the Summoner,
only costs 520 ABP to master. Because the last 500 ABP the Summoner earns
doesn't go toward !Summon, it only costs 20 ABP more to switch !Call for
mastering the Oracle job. Doing this improves magic power marginally, but it
can be an interesting change of pace to try out the Oracle job. Of course, this
works for all magician jobs, not just the Summoner, but the Summoner has the
most expensive skill not involving normal spellcasting. The Black Mage's costs
450 ABP, the White Mage's 300 ABP, and the Time Mage's 250 ABP.

You may want to consider building a mage with !Dualcast, the Red Mage ability
that allows you to cast two spells in one turn. However, not only does it take
1159 ABP to acquire, but if you don't include other magic abilities, you will
be limited to lvl 3 White/Black magic. Therefore, a mage with !Dualcast should
probably study two other magics and use them as a Mimic.

Planning for a Blue Mage                                                [PLAN4]
A Blue Mage becomes incredibly handy after Karnak, if you played it right and
ended up with the Death Claw ability. Many bosses are vulnerable to it, though
it can miss a couple times. Other spells are effective in specific situations,
like Aqua Breath against anything in the desert (including the Sand Worm),
or Lvl 5 Death, to which some bosses are vulnerable.

To train your Blue Mage, you will need someone to learn the !Control skill from
the Beastmaster job. The skills that must be learned this way start as soon as
you get the job after Karnak. Right after you get the Fire Powered Ship, you
can also get the extremely effective Blitz Whip for you Beastmaster as well.
So, while you might not need to master the Beastmaster job, you should consider
getting !Control, which takes 60 ABP, and possibly the Equip Whips ability for
another 100 ABP because they're good from the back row.

The Mimic                                                               [PLAN5]
The Mimic is a special job that you can get in World 3 by going to the
underwater Walse Tower in the submarine. It receives bonuses from mastered jobs
the same way that the Freelancer job does. However, the Mimic has a very
restricted equipment set, and Equip  skills do not pass on. The Mimic
does not have the !Fight or !Item abilities. Instead, it has the !Mimic ability
and three empty slots.

I wouldn't recommend the Mimic job except for a caster with !Dualcast. Because
of the restricted equipment set, once you've used an ability slot to equip a
decent weapon you're back to the two slots that Freelancers get. A caster with
!Dualcast, however, could make ample use of three ability slots for different
magic types and ignore equipment altogether.

Of course, it's also possible to use the Mimic exclusively for !Mimicing other
characters pulling off specialized or expensive actions, like !Drinking or
!Dancing, or !Summoning Bahumut. !DualCast with !Time (for the Quick spell) and
!Summon Bahamut or some other powerful magic is quite powerful, and can be
duplicated with a party full of Mimics as long as you don't have to break to

Making the Plan: An Example                                             [PLAN6]
Let's start making a plan. I'll start by deciding what abilities I want each
character to have in the end. I've decided that I want Bartz to have a powerful
physical attack, and I want everyone else to be magicians. Faris will be a
buffer magician and deal damage physically, but the other two should deal
damage primarily by magic.

What will make Bartz a powerful fighter? Looking through the reference section,
and with a bit of prior knowledge of the game, I've decided upon *Dual-Wield,
!Spellblade, and !Rapidfire. This will give Bartz 8 magically charged hits per

Faris, being the only magician to stay with the party throughout the game, is
an obvious choice for White Mage. Faris should also be a Time Mage to cast
Hastega on the party. I would use a Bard, but a Bard would not make an
effective White Mage because it needs to !Sing constantly (every two turns) to
be effective.

What kind of magic damage should Lenna and Galuf deal? !Summon is the most
powerful, but it's expensive. !Blue can also be quite powerful, and its
versatility will help Galuf through his time away from the rest of the party.
As for Lenna's second ability, I'll choose !White and have two White Mages to
make the party that much harder to kill.

Now I need to decide how to get good attribute bonuses.

I'll start with Strength. Bartz has got to master Monk for the bonuses, and
*Counter isn't a bad thing to have either. Because Faris will also be dealing
physically, he should also master Monk. I'll have Galuf master Monk too because
he's going to be focused on physical damage for most of the game. Lenna,
though, should master Berserker because it's cheaper and she doesn't need the
better bonus.

Bartz is already mastering Ninja for *Dual-Wield, and I think Faris will too
for the same reason. That leaves Lenna and Galuf for Agility, and I think I'll
have Galuf be the Thief so that Krile, who has the best base for Agility, can
be the fastest character possible. That leaves Lenna. She can master Ranger;
that way she can use bows from the back row for a while.

Everyone's already got magic covered except Bartz. I'll give him Blue Mage,
both for the Magic bonus and because since Galuf the Blue Mage is also Galuf
the Thief, somebody else has to take care of *Learning in the very beginning.

Looking at how the ABP adds up so far, I'm going to give Faris the Beastmaster
job for a while to help Galuf learn blue magic with !Control, and Galuf the
Geomancer job, to help with later parts of the game where *Find Pits and *Light
Step are very useful.

Here's the whole job plan so far, organized in the order each character will
start using that job:
                                             * Don't need to master
 Character/Job Str   Agi   Sta   Mag   |  ABP | Ability Highlights
Bartz           54    39    53    48   | 3020 |=!Spellblade + !Rapidfire
 Blue Mage     ~     ~     ~     +23   |  350 | *Learning, !Blue
 Monk          +26   ~     +26   ~     |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
 Mystic Knight ~     +14   ~     ~     |  680 | !Spellblade
 Ranger        ~     ~     ~     ~     |  600 | !Rapidfire
 Ninja         ~     +14   ~     ~     |  690 | !Throw, *Dual-Wield
Lenna           46    38    50    61   | 2130 |=!White + !Summon
 White Mage    ~     ~     ~     ~     |  280*| !White
 Summoner      ~     ~     ~     +33   |  750 | !Summon
 Ranger        ~     +12   ~     ~     |  600 | Equip Bows
 Berserker     +21   ~     +25   ~     |  500 |
Galuf/Krile     53/51 40/44 54/50 57/60| 2360 |=!Summon + !Blue
 Thief         ~     +16   ~     ~     |  635 | *Passages, *Sprint, *Vigilance
 Monk          +26   ~     +26   ~     |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
 Blue Mage     ~     ~     ~     ~     |  100*| *Learning, !Blue
 Geomancer     ~     ~     ~     ~     |  175 | !Gaia, *Find Pits, *Light Step
 Summoner      ~     ~     ~     +33   |  750 | !Summon
Faris           53    41    52    51   | 2390 |=!White + !Time
 Monk          +26   ~     +26   ~     |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
 White Mage    ~     ~     ~     +25   |  580 | !White
 Beastmaster   ~     ~     ~     ~     |  160*| !Control, Equip Whips
 Time Mage     ~     ~     ~     ~     |  280*| !Time
 Ninja         ~     +14   ~     ~     |  690 | !Throw, *Dual-Wield
Notice that some jobs are marked with a *, meaning that the character does not
need to master that particular job. This is because he or she doesn't need that
job's attributes or passive skills. The White Mage, after learning !White,
spends 300 ABP on "MP +10%" which is basically worthless. The Blue Mage and the
Time Mage have similarly useless final skills. The Beastmaster is only used
for !Control, and using 400 ABP for Equip Whips would only delay the point
where Faris can use Freelancer instead.

There are some ways I can improve upon this plan. First, Bartz must master a
whopping 3020 ABP. There are two thing I can do to fix this. First, I can use
a Geomancer instead of a Blue Mage, which frees up 175 ABP. Second, I am
basically tripling the dodger jobs to get the desired skills, so I should
consider a different set of abilities. Without altering the plan too radically,
I can replace !Spellblade with !Drink for a savings of 590 ABP.

Now that Bartz is covering Geomancer, Galuf doesn't have to anymore. Since
Bartz isn't a Blue Mage anymore, though, Galuf needs to pull Blue Mage sooner.
Since Galuf starts with Blue Mage instead of Thief, someone else needs to cover
Thief to start. The last change is to replace Faris's Ninja with Thief, which
improves his Agility but drops the *Dual-Wield skill.

Here is the resulting plan:
                                             * Don't need to master
 Character/Job Str   Agi   Sta   Mag   |  ABP | Ability Highlights
Bartz           54    39    53    48   | 2255 |=!Rapidfire + !Drink
 Monk          +26   ~     +26   ~     |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
 Ranger        ~     ~     ~     ~     |  600 | Equip Bows, !Rapidfire
 Ninja         ~     +14   ~     ~     |  690 | !Throw, *Dual-Wield
 Chemist       ~     ~     ~     ~     |   90*| *Pharmacology, !Mix, !Drink
 Geomancer     ~     ~     ~     +24   |  175 | !Gaia, *Find Pits, *Light Step
Lenna           46    38    50    61   | 2130 |=!White + !Summon
 White Mage    ~     ~     ~     ~     |  280*| !White
 Summoner      ~     ~     ~     +33   |  750 | !Summon
 Ranger        ~     +12   ~     ~     |  600 | Equip Bows
 Berserker     +21   ~     +25   ~     |  500 |
Galuf/Krile     53/51 40/44 54/50 57/60| 2185 |=!Summon + !Blue
 Blue Mage     ~     ~     ~     ~     |  100*| *Learning, !Blue
 Monk          +26   ~     +26   ~     |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
 Thief         ~     +16   ~     ~     |  635 | *Passages, *Sprint, *Vigilance
 Summoner      ~     ~     ~     +33   |  750 | !Summon
Faris           53    41    52    51   | 2335 |=!White + !Time
 Thief         ~     +16   ~     ~     |  635 | *Passages, *Sprint, *Vigilance
 Monk          +26   ~     +26   ~     |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
 White Mage    ~     ~     ~     +25   |  580 | !White
 Beastmaster   ~     ~     ~     ~     |  160*| !Control, Equip Whips
 Time Mage     ~     ~     ~     ~     |  280*| !Time

It should be noted that Bartz could master the Chemist job to gain
*Pharmacology innately, but that would cost 540 ABP and push his total up to


Character base attributes                                               [REFR1]
Character      Str   Agi   Sta   Mag   |  ABP | Highlights
Bartz          28    25    27    25    | 2550 | Best Str
Lenna          25    26    25    28    | 2450 | Best Mag
Galuf          27    24    28    24    | 2500 | Best Sta
Faris          27    27    26    26    | 2550 | Good Agi, Average
Krile          25    28    24    27    | 2500 | Best Agi

Also up there is the amount of ABP a character can be expected to gain in
normal gameplay, including the final dungeon where all enemies give 30+ ABP.

Equipment Allowed for Each Job                                          [REFR2]
 Character/Job |Kn|St|Rd|Sw|Hs|Ax|Wp|Ss|Bl|Hp|Bw|Kt|Sp|Ar|Sh|La|Gi|Ro|Cl|Rb|
 Knight        |<>|  |  |<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|  |  |<>|  |
 Monk          |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |<>|  |
 Thief         |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |<>|  |
 White Mage    |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |
 Black Mage    |<>|<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |
 Blue Mage     |<>|  |<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|  |
               |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 Mystic Knight |<>|  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|  |  |<>|  |
 Time Mage     |<>|<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |
 Summoner      |<>|  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |
 Red Mage      |<>|<>|<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|<>|  |
 Berserker     |<>|  |  |  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|  |  |<>|  |
               |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 Beastmaster   |<>|  |  |  |  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |<>|  |
 Ninja         |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |<>|  |
 Geomancer     |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |
               |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 Bard          |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |
 Ranger        |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |<>|  |
               |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 Samurai       |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|  |<>|<>|<>|  |  |<>|  |
 Dragoon       |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|<>|  |  |<>|  |
 Dancer        |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|
 Chemist       |<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|<>|  |
               |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 Oracle        |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|  |
 Cannoneer     |<>|  |  |<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|  |
 Gladiator     |<>|  |  |<>|<>|<>|  |  |  |  |<>|  |<>|<>|<>|<>|  |  |<>|  |
 Necromancer   |<>|<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|  |<>|<>|  |
               |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 Mimic         |<>|<>|<>|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|  |
 Freelancer    |<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|<>|
 Character/Job |Kn|St|Rd|Sw|Hs|Ax|Wp|Ss|Bl|Hp|Bw|Kt|Sp|Ar|Sh|La|Gi|Ro|Cl|Rb|
Kn: Knife       Hs: Holy Sword  Bl: Bell        Sp: Spear       Gi: Ninja Garb
St: Staff       Ax: Axe         Hp: Harp        Ar: Armor       Ro: Robes
Rd: Rod         Wp: Whip        Bw: Bow         Sh: Shield      Cl: Clothes
Sw: Sword       Ss: Short Sword Kt: Katana      La: Light Armor Rb: Ribbons

All Attributes For Each Job            - lowest ABP in the category     [REFR3]
Character/Job  Str   Agi   Sta   Mag |  ABP | Highlights
Fighters                             |      |
 Monk          +26   + 1   +26   -23 |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
 Knight        +23   + 1   +20   -14 |  690 | *Cover, !Guard, Two-Handed
 Berserker     +21   - 9   +25   -23 |  500-|
 Samurai       +19   + 2   +19   -12 |  820 | *Shirahadori, !Ianuki
 Dragoon       +18   + 5   +15   -12 |  600 | !Jump
Dodgers                              |      |
 Thief         + 1   +16   + 2   - 6 |  635 | *Passages, *Sprint, *Vigilance
 Mystic Knight +14   +14   +14   + 1 |  680 | !Spellblade
 Ninja         +15   +14   + 3   -10 |  690 | !Throw, *Dual-Wield
 Gladiator     +26   +14   + 3   -14 |  700 | !Finisher, !Blade Blitz
 Ranger        +16   +12   + 1   - 5 |  600 | Equip Bows, !Rapidfire
 Bard          - 8   + 8   - 9   +11 |  175-| !Sing
Magicians                            |      |
 Oracle        - 9   - 1   - 4   +36 |  520 | !Condemn, ABP Up
 Summoner      -10   - 1   - 1   +33 |  750 | !Summon
 Black Mage    - 9   ~ 0   - 2   +31 |  730 | !Black
 Necromancer   + 4   + 1   +21   +29 |  750 | !Dark Arts
 White Mage    - 7   + 1   ~ 0   +25 |  580 | !White
 Time Mage     - 5   + 2   - 3   +24 |  530 | !Time
 Geomancer     + 4   + 2   + 4   +24 |  175-| !Gaia, *Find Pits, *Light Step
 Blue Mage     - 8   + 1   + 3   +23 |  350 | *Learning, !Blue
Other                                |      |
 Beastmaster   +13   + 1   + 8   - 3 |  460 | !Control, Equip Whips
 Dancer        + 5   + 5   +10   - 5 |  400 | !Dance, Equip Ribbons
 Cannoneer     + 9   + 6   + 6   + 4 |  500 | EXP Up, !Combine
 Red Mage      + 8   + 5   - 6   + 8 | 1159 | !Dualcast
 Chemist       + 2   + 3   + 6   - 4 |  630 | *Pharmacology, !Mix, !Drink

All Abilities for Each Job                                              [REFR4]
 Character/Job Ability               |  ABP | Highlights
 Knight        (!Guard)              |  690 | *Cover, !Guard, Two-Handed
               *Cover                |   10 | Protect wounded allies
               !Guard                |   30 | Take 0 damage from physical atk
               Two-Handed            |   50 | 2x damage instead of shield
               Equip Shields         |  100 |
               Equip Armor           |  150 |
               Equip Swords          |  350 | +23 Strength
                                     |      |
 Monk          (!Kick)               |  700 | *Barehanded, *Counter
               !Focus                |   15 | Wait a round for double damage
               *Barehanded           |   30 | +26 Strength, fight w/o weapon
               !Chakra               |   45 | Cure own HP and status ailments
               *Counter              |   60 | Sometimes counter enemy attacks
               HP +10%               |  100 |
               HP +20%               |  150 |
               HP +30%               |  300 |
                                     |      |
 Thief         (!Steal)              |  635 | *Passages, *Sprint, *Vigilance
               *Passages             |   10 | See hidden passages
               !Flee                 |   20 | Immediately escape combat
               *Sprint               |   30 | Run faster when holding B
               !Steal                |   50 | Steal treasure from an enemy
               *Vigilance            |   75 | Prevent back attacks
               !Mug                  |  150 | !Fight and !Steal
               Artful Dodger         |  300 | +16 Agility
                                     |      |
 White Mage    (!White lvl 6)        |  580 | !White
               !White lvl 1          |   10 | +25 Magic
               !White lvl 2          |   20 | +25 Magic
               !White lvl 3          |   30 | +25 Magic
               !White lvl 4          |   50 | +25 Magic
               !White lvl 5          |   70 | +25 Magic
               !White lvl 6          |  100 | +25 Magic
               MP +10%               |  300 |
                                     |      |
 Black Mage    (!Black lvl 6)        |  730 | !Black
               !Black lvl 1          |   10 | +31 Magic
               !Black lvl 2          |   20 | +31 Magic
               !Black lvl 3          |   30 | +31 Magic
               !Black lvl 4          |   50 | +31 Magic
               !Black lvl 5          |   70 | +31 Magic
               !Black lvl 6          |  100 | +31 Magic
               MP +30%               |  450 |
                                     |      |
 Blue Mage     (!Blue)               |  350 | *Learning, !Blue
               !Check                |   10 | Check enemy's HP
               *Learning             |   20 | Learn blue magic that hits you
               !Blue                 |   70 | +23 Magic
               !Scan                 |  250 | Same as white magic Scan
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
 Mystic Knight (!Spellblade)         |  680 | !Spellblade
               *Magic Shell          |   10 | Casts shell when wounded
               !Spellblade lvl 1     |   20 | +14 Str, +1 Magic
               !Spellblade lvl 2     |   30 | +14 Str, +1 Magic
               !Spellblade lvl 3     |   50 | +14 Str, +1 Magic
               !Spellblade lvl 4     |   70 | +14 Str, +1 Magic
               !Spellblade lvl 5     |  100 | +14 Str, +1 Magic
               !Spellblade lvl 6     |  400 | +14 Str, +1 Magic
                                     |      |
 Time Mage     (!Time lvl 6)         |  530 | !Time
               !Time lvl 1           |   10 | +24 Magic
               !Time lvl 2           |   20 | +24 Magic
               !Time lvl 3           |   30 | +24 Magic
               !Time lvl 4           |   50 | +24 Magic
               !Time lvl 5           |   70 | +24 Magic
               !Time lvl 6           |  100 | +24 Magic
               Equip Rods            |  250 |
                                     |      |
 Summoner      (!Summon lvl 5)       |  750 | !Summon
               !Summon lvl 1         |   15 | +33 Magic
               !Summon lvl 2         |   30 | +33 Magic
               !Summon lvl 3         |   45 | +33 Magic
               !Summon lvl 4         |   60 | +33 Magic
               !Summon lvl 5         |  100 | +33 Magic
               !Call                 |  500 | Random summon for 0 MP
                                     |      |
 Red Mage      (!Red lvl 3)          | 1159 | !Dualcast
               !Red lvl 1            |   20 | +8 Magic
               !Red lvl 2            |   40 | +8 Magic
               !Red lvl 3            |  100 | +8 Magic
               !Dualcast             |  999 | Cast two spells at once
                                     |      |
 Berserker                           |  500 |
               Berserk               |  100 | Always !Fight, makes stronger
               Equip Axes            |  400 | +21 Strength
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
 Beastmaster   (!Catch/!Free)        |  460 | !Control, Equip Whips
               !Calm                 |   10 | Sometimes stuns enemies
               !Control              |   50 | Control enemy's attacks
               Equip Whips           |  100 | +13 Strength, +1 Agility
               !Catch/!Free          |  300 | Summon caught monster later
                                     |      |
 Ninja         (!Throw)              |  690 | !Throw, *Dual-Wield
               !Smoke                |   10 | Immediately escape battle
               !Image                |   30 | Absorb next physical attack
               *First Strike         |   50 | More frequent preemptive strike
               !Throw                |  150 | Throw weapons for high damage
               *Dual-Wield           |  450 | Use two weapons
                                     |      |
 Geomancer     (!Gaia)               |  175 | !Gaia, *Find Pits, *Light Step
               !Gaia                 |   25 | Attack with nature
               *Find Pits            |   50 | Detect holes in the floor
               *Light Step           |  100 | Avoid step damage
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
 Bard          (!Sing)               |  175 | !Sing
               !Hide                 |   25 | Avoid attacks for a turn
               Equip Harps           |   50 | +8 Agility, +11 Magic
               !Sing                 |  100 | Use Songs
                                     |      |
 Ranger        (!Aim)                |  600 | Equip Bows, !Rapidfire
               !Animals              |   15 | Summon woodland creatures
               !Aim                  |   45 | !Fight with perfect accuracy
               Equip Bows            |  135 | +16 Strength, +12 Agility
               !Rapidfire            |  405 | 4 half-power atks random enemy
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
 Samurai       (!Zeninage)           |  820 | *Shirahadori, !Ianuki
               !Mineuchi             |   10 | !Fight + sometimes stun
               !Zeninage             |   30 | Throw gil for massive damage
               *Shirahadori          |   60 | Sometimes dodge attacks
               Equip Katanas         |  180 | +19 Strength
               !Ianuki               |  540 | Kill all enemies, 75% accuracy
                                     |      |
 Dragoon       (!Jump)               |  600 | !Jump
               !Jump                 |   50 | Leave battle shortly for atk
               !Lance                |  150 | Drain HP and MP from enemy
               Equip Lances          |  400 | +18 Strength
                                     |      |
 Dancer        (!Dance)              |  400 | !Dance, Equip Ribbons
               !Flirt                |   25 | Stun weaker enemies
               !Dance                |   50 | Do one of four battle dances
               Equip Ribbons         |  325 |
                                     |      |
 Chemist       (!Drink)              |  630 | *Pharmacology, !Mix, !Drink
               *Pharmacology         |   15 | Double the effect of items
               !Mix                  |   30 | Mix items for effects in battle
               !Drink                |   45 | Drink special potions
               !Recover              |  135 | Same as white magic Esuna
               !Revive               |  405 | Same as white magic Raise
                                     |      |
 Oracle        (!Condemn)            |  520 | !Condemn, ABP Up
               !Condemn              |   20 | Casts countdown spell on enemy
               !Predict              |   50 | Predicts cataclysm in battle
               ABP Up                |  150 | Earn 150% ABP
               *Read Ahead           |  300 | Reduces random encounters
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
 Mimic         (!Mimic)              |  999 | Three empty ability slots
               !Mimic                |  999 | Copies last character action
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
                                     |      |
 Cannoneer     (!Open Fire)          |  500 | EXP Up, !Combine
               !Open Fire            |   50 | Fire cannon, may confuse
               EXP Up                |  150 | Earn 150% EXP
               !Combine              |  300 | Mix item with ammo for effects
                                     |      |
 Gladiator     (!Finisher)           |  700 | !Finisher, !Blade Blitz
               *Lure                 |   30 | Attracts enemy attacks
               !Finisher             |   70 | Extreme damage, misses often
               *Long Reach           |  150 | Full strength from back row
               !Blade Blitz          |  450 | Hit all enemies
                                     |      |
 Necromancer   (!Dark Arts lvl 5)    |  750 | !Dark Arts
               !Oath                 |   15 | Summon a demon
               !Dark Arts lvl 1      |   30 | +29 Magic
               !Dark Arts lvl 2      |   45 | +29 Magic
               !Dark Arts lvl 3      |   60 | +29 Magic
               !Dark Arts lvl 4      |  100 | +29 Magic
               !Dark Arts lvl 5      |  200 | +29 Magic
               Undead                |  300 | Makes character undead

Closing                                                                 [CLOSE]
I'd like to thank my brother, who encouraged me to reorganize this guide and
get it online, and who wrote the introduction.

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This license enables you to edit and redistribute this guide, but you are
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Feel free to contact me about this guide at meustrus AT gmail DOT com.