Final Fantasy 5 Advance Guide By Ebmid (e-mail ebmid2 (at) yahoo (dot) com) Version 5 November 22, 2006 Introduction: This guide is for Final Fantasy 5 and Final Fantasy 5 Advance (which is the same as Final Fantasy 5, but has some extra stuff, as described in the Version Differences section). Most of this guide uses RPGe's translation version 1.10 of the Super Nintendo version of the game. But I have sections with translations for all the most important information into the Gameboy Advance version of the game and the Playstation version of the game (which was released along with other games in a package called Final Fantasy Anthology). And I translated the Blue Magic First Locations Monsters Locations section in its entirety, since a precise translation for that particular section is especially important. If you want to know the Playstation version's translation for a piece of information whose translation I didn't include, I recommend the website For additional information on the statistics behind anything in Final Fantasy 5 (notably determining exactly how much damage everything does and how likely it is to hit or miss its target), I recommend J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ, which can be found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at I got a lot of the information for this guide from his FAQ. The latest version of this guide should be able to be found at E-mail me if you want to post this guide on your own website. Table of Contents Section 01 - Walkthrough Section 02 - Tips Section 03 - Bugs Section 04 - Jobs Section 05 - My Job Recommendations Section 06 - Stats Section 07 - Jobs Translations Section 08 - Super Enemy Strategies Section 09 - Weapons Section 10 - Legendary Sealed Weapons Section 11 - Armor Section 12 - Items Section 13 - Location Translations Section 14 - White Magic Section 15 - Black Magic Section 16 - Dimen Magic Section 17 - Sword Magic Section 18 - Espers Section 19 - Blue Magic Descriptions Section 20 - Blue Magic All Locations Section 21 - Blue Magic First Locations (SNES Translation) Section 22 - Blue Magic First Locations (Playstation Translation) Section 23 - Blue Magic First Locations (Gameboy Advance Translation) Section 24 - Blue Magic Late Locations Section 25 - Blue Magic Translations Section 26 - Monster Translations for Playstation Section 27 - Monster Translations for Gameboy Advance Section 28 - Songs Section 29 - Terrain Attacks Section 30 - Animals Section 31 - Chemistry Section 32 - Dances Section 33 - Catches Section 34 - Condemn Section 35 - Predict Section 36 - Explosives Section 37 - Dark Arts Section 38 - Demons Section 39 - Enemy Magic Section 40 - Monsters Section 41 - Monsters Locations (Alphabetical) Section 42 - Monsters Locations (Chronological) Section 43 - Status Effects Section 44 - Hacking Section 45 - Maps Section 46 - Misc Translations Section 47 - Version Differences Section 48 - Missing Information Section 49 - Thanks ******************************************************************************* SECTION 01 - WALKTHROUGH ******************************************************************************* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 01 - METEOR AT TYCOON ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: PhenixDwn New monsters in this area: (Note that most of this walkthrough uses the translation from the SNES version of the game, but the monsters in these monster lists at the beginning of each part of the walkthrough use the Gameboy Advance translation, since I think people playing the GBA game and trying to complete the beastiary are the most likely to want to use this section.) xxx Goblin (Butz Solo Battles) At the Meteor at Tycoon At the beginning of the game you'll watch some scenes that set up the game. Once you get control of your character, ride to the east and go into the meteor. Save the girl and find the old guy. After they leave, open the treasure chest with a PhenixDwn that's hidden in the lower right part of the screen. Then leave and ride west, then north. You'll run into the girl and old guy again. Once they join you, continue north, and you'll find a cave. Go through it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 02 - PIRATE CAVE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: Leather Helmet New monsters in this area (GBA name): 002 Steel Bat Pirates' Cave 003 Devil Crab Pirates' Cave 004 Stroper Pirates' Cave From now on you'll get into fights with monsters randomly when you're walking around. The only exceptions are when you're inside towns or when you're riding something (like the chocobo) that keeps enemies away. If the monsters hurt you too badly, go to the spring at the start of the cave and it'll heal you. When you defeat monsters you gain experience, and as you get experience you'll gain levels, which makes you more powerful. Defeating monsters also gets you Gil, which you can use to buy things in shops later in the game. Make sure to get the Leather Helmet in the cave. Then go to the menu and equip it on someone (you'll always have to equip new weapons and armor, otherwise they won't help you). You'll come to a door that's locked, and you'll have to push the switch on the wall to open it, like the guy before you did. You can't get in the doors in the Pirate Base at the end of the cave for now, so you'll have to come back for them later. Sneak on board the ship at the end of the cave and go to the wheel at the back to try to steer it. There'll be a scene, then your party will finally have all four people in it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 03 - TULE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: Tent, PhenixDwn, Potion, Ether, 100 gil, Leather Shoes, Tent, Potion, 150 gil, PhenixDwn, Leather Shoes New monsters in this area (GBA name): None Once you have control of the ship, you can sail north to the Wind Shrine if you want. But before you do, you might as well sail west and check out the town of Tule. Talk to the people there. The people in the Beginner's House will give you some tips. Search all the barrels, boxes, pots, and treasure chests in the town to find hidden items. There's a PhenixDwn hidden in a bush that's off to the left of the house at the top of town and Leather Shoes hidden in a box that's off to the right of that house. Make sure to get them. There's a pub that has a piano in it. This is one of eight towns in the game that each have a piano. You'll get a little better at the piano every time you play the piano in a new town. So play the piano in this town. You can also buy better weapons and armor there, sell your old weapons and armor, and buy items. There's an inn where you can stay the night to restore your HP and MP if you need to. There's a magic shop there where you can buy some spells, but there's no point in doing that now, since you can't use magic yet. Faris will rejoin your party when you leave. Make sure to equip your new weapons and armor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 04 - WIND SHRINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: Potion x5, Tent, Leather Helmet, Broad Sword, Staff New monsters in this area (GBA name): 001 Goblin Randomly encountered on the World Map near Pirates' Cave in world 1 005 Killer Bee World Map near Pirates' Cave in world 1 006 Nutkin World Map near Wind Shrine in world 1 007 Stray Cat World Map near Wind Shrine in world 1 008 Black Goblin Wind Shrine 009 White Serpent Wind Shrine 010 Moldwynd Wind Shrine 011 Mani Wizard Wind Shrine 243 Wing Raptor Boss in the Wind Shrine When you're ready, sail north to the Wind Shrine. Talk to the people on the first floor. One of them will give you five potions if you talk to him before you go through the Wind Shrine. Make your way to the top and grab all the treasures along the way. There's a glowing circle along the way where you can use a Tent or Cabin to regain your strength or save your game. Aside from spots like these, you can't save inside dungeons; only on the world map. You'll get into a boss fight along the way. This guide doesn't generally have specific strategies for each weak boss, since I don't think they're necessary. If you have trouble with one, check a different guide. Make sure to get the Staff in the treasure chest at the end of the hidden passage in the lower right hand corner of floor 4. As you go through the game, you will sometimes win items from enemies when you beat them. Usually you win great items from strong enemies, and you only win crappy items from weak enemies. But note that you can win Elixirs, which are great healing items, from the Mold Winds here in the Wind Shrine. At the top of the Wind Shrine there'll be a scene, then you'll gain the pieces of the Wind Crystal, which will allow you to be a Knight, Monk, Thief, White Mage, Black Mage, or Blue Mage. Leave the Wind Shrine through the warp at the back of the room and the game will give you an explanation of how jobs and abilities work. Give each of your characters a job. You won't have any abilities for them to equip yet, but now that you have jobs, you will gain ABP when you defeat monsters, and as you get ABP you'll gain levels in your jobs and learn their abilities. See the Jobs Section for additional information on the different jobs. I recommend you start out with one White Mage, one Black Mage, and two Knights. But do whatever works for you. And once your characters have learned some of the abilities of a job, have them switch their jobs around, so they become well balanced. Or at least have the magic users learn different types of magic and the physical fighters learn different types of physical fighting. If you're only going to have two magic users, then I recommend that you make Galuf and Faris the magic users. Note that I also recommend that you temporarily switch some of your characters to Blue Mages to learn the Blue Magic spells as they become available. The Thief and Monk jobs can be useful, but they're a lower priority. Note that the White Mage's 7th level sucks. Your White Mages should switch to another job once they reach level 6. And the Black Mage's 7th level can be useful, but it's a lower priority than some of the other abilities you can get. None of the Knight's abilities are especially good, so when you get other physical fighting jobs later you should switch your Knights to them so you can learn the abilities of those other jobs. But it can be useful to have some of your characters be Knights now, not so that you can learn their abilities, but just because they're strong. Also note that while in general it is good to have a well balanced party, you might want to switch all four of your characters to the same job for some boss fights. The Black Mage job and the Summoner job (which you'll get later) are especially good for some boss fights. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 05 - RETURN VISITS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Vampire (it's a Blue Magic spell), GblinPnch (also Blue), Aero (Blue) Treasures: Potion x8, 300 gil, Ether, Tent New monsters in this area (GBA name): None Head back to Tule. Zokk was gone if you went there before, but he'll be back in his house at the top of the town now. Pay him a visit and he'll give you the Canal Key. Note that the normal job (which you had been using until now) can equip all weapons and armor, but when you pick a different job, it'll only be able to equip certain types of weapons and armor. So you might want to buy new weapons and armor that will work better with the jobs you have now. When you're shopping for new equipment, the jobs that can equip a weapon or piece of armor will step forward, and the jobs that can't will stay back. That way you'll be able to tell who can equip what. And now you can buy White and Black Magic from the magic shop, since you have jobs that can use it now. See the Weapons, Armor, Items, White Magic, and Black Magic sections for additional information. When you leave town Faris will join your party for good and send the other pirates back to their hideout, and you guys will decide to go to Worus to protect the other crystals. You can head there now through the Torna Canal, but there are a few other things you should do first. White Magic and Black Magic is bought in towns (with only a few exceptions that I'll note as they occur), but Blue Magic is more difficult to obtain. Blue Magic is used by monsters, and in order to learn those spells yourself, you have to get a monster to cast it on you, then win the fight against the monster. I'll list the first place you can learn each Blue Magic spell as you go through the walkthrough. Note that in order for you to learn a Blue Magic spell, the monster has to cast it on someone who has the Learning ability (note that Blue Mages automatically have the Learning ability, and can use it even if it isn't equipped). I recommend that you don't have any of your characters use the ability Counter when you're trying to learn a Blue Magic spell, because that might result in your accidentally killing the enemy before it has a chance to cast the Blue Magic spell on you. Monks automatically have the Counter ability, so I recommend against using them when you're trying to learn a Blue Magic spell. Go back to the Pirates' Cave (you'll have to sail around to the place where you entered it the first time, and go all the way through the cave again). You can learn the Blue Magic spell Vampire from the Steel Bat in the Pirates' Cave. (If you're playing the Playstation version of Final Fantasy 5, see Section 22 - Blue Magic First Locations (Playstation Translation) for translations of all the Blue Magic information in this walkthrough. If you're playing the Gameboy Advance version of Final Fantasy 5, see Section 23 - Blue Magic First Locations (Gameboy Advance Translation) for translations of all the Blue Magic information in this walkthrough. There will also be some treasure in the Pirates' Cave that you couldn't get earlier. There's a switch in the lower left corner of the Pirates' Cave that will open a door in one of its rooms that leads to some treasure chests. If you've already gotten the key to the Torna Canal, there will be a Pirate who will give you 8 Potions when you talk to him. Go back to the Wind Shrine where you can learn the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch from a Black Goblin and you can learn the Blue Magic spell Aero from a Mold Wind. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 06 - TORNA CANAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: Flail, Tent, 990 gil, PhenixDwn, Potion, World Map, Antidote x2, PhenixDwn New monsters in this area (GBA name): 019 Bandersnatch World Map on the land surrounding the entrance to the Torna Canal in world 1 191 Sucker Torna Canal 192 Octokraken Torna Canal 244 Karlabos Boss of Torna Canal 012 Skeleton Ship Graveyard 013 Calcruthl Ship Graveyard 014 Undead Husk Ship Graveyard 015 Mindflusher Ship Graveyard 245 Siren Boss of Ship Graveyard When you're ready, sail east to the Torna Canal leading to a river. Note that the monsters in the canal only target your female characters. Go through and you'll get into a fight with a boss. After the fight, note that you can heal by going downstairs on your ship and sleeping. Leave your ship then head down. You can jump onto the rock, then more rocks will appear so that you can jump from one to the next to get the Flail. Then go back and go inside the second boat and continue through it. You'll come to one part where you have to go underwater. Some people are unable to see themselves when they're underwater. If that's the case with you, try turning off one of the layers of graphics on your emulator (press 2 to turn off layer 2 with ZsNES, then press 2 again to turn it back on later). If you still can't see yourself, get the latest version of ZsNES. Make sure to keep searching the boxes and barrels you find for treasure. Once you get out of the second boat, go down and inside a third boat, and make sure to get the World Map that's in the corner. Get the other treasures in the boat, then go outside and over to a fourth boat. You'll get into a fight with a boss on your way out of the Ship Graveyard. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 07 - CARWEN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: 1000 gil, Antidote, Ice Rod New monsters in this area (GBA name): 016 Gatling World Map near Carwen in world 1 017 Big Horn World Map near Carwen in world 1 018 Tatou World Map near Carwen in world 1 020 Garula World Map on the plains west of Carwen in world 1 Once you're back on the world map, make your way southeast to the new town of Carwen. Talk to the people there, buy new equipment and magic in the shops, and play the piano. The White Magic spell Armor can be a useful defensive spell in fights against bosses. Give one of your characters the Thief's Passages ability (or give them the job of Thief, which automatically has the Passages ability) and search for items. There's a secret passage that's hard to see (even with the Passages ability) below and to the right of the item shop. Go between two boxes and you can make your way to some more boxes, one of which has an Ice Rod. Carwen's items shop has some items that weren't available in Tule, so consider buying them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 08 - NORTH MOUNTAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Flash (Blue) Treasures: PhenixDwn, Soft, Mythril Helmet New monsters in this area (GBA name): 021 Rock Slug North Mountain 022 Gaelicat North Mountain 023 Cockatrice North Mountain 024 Headstone North Mountain 247 Forza Boss of North Mountain 246 Magissa Boss of North Mountain Leave town and make your way north to the North Mountain. Make your way through it, and get the treasure chests along the way. You can learn the Blue Magic spell Flash here from an enemy called Blocks, although you'll have to use an Ether on it in order for it to have enough MP to cast the spell. If you don't want to use an Ether for a Blue Magic spell, you'll have another chance to learn Flash a little later in the game (I'll point it out). Avoid the flowers outside, as they'll poison you. Towards the top of the tower you'll get into another boss fight with Magissa. If you kill her right away, that'll be the end of the fight. But if you take a while, Forza will join her. Lenna will be poisoned, so you can use an Antidote to cure her. Continue through the mountain after the fight and you'll get the Hiryuu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 09 - TYCOON ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: HiPotion, MaidnKiss, Ether, Elixir, PhenixDwn, Ether, Elixir, PhenixDwn, Cabin, Healing Staff, Shuriken, Giyaman Bell, Katana, Cabin x2 New monsters in this area (GBA name): None Fly back to the meteor where you started the game, and with the Hiryuu you'll be able to go over it. Explore Tycoon castle. Talk to the people there and search for items. After you've talked to the Chancellor you'll be able to enter the section on the left of the castle, which has a switch you can press to get to a tunnel with some treasures. The Chancellor will be there and give you a Healing Staff. Outside on the right side of the castle you can take a hidden passage behind a tree to get to another section of the castle with two Cabins. There's nothing else you can do here, so leave once you have all the treasures. You can't get into the King's Room for now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 10 - WORUS TOWN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: Glasses New monsters in this area (GBA name): None Fly the Hiryuu back to Carwen. Then go south over the water and you'll find the town of Worus. Talk to the people in the town, buy new equipment, and search for items. There are new spells in its magic shop, but they're not White Magic, Black Magic, or Blue Magic. They're new types of magic that you wouldn't be able to use yet even if you bought them (you don't have the right jobs yet), so don't bother buying them yet. When you're ready, head to the castle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 11 - WORUS CASTLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Drag (Dimen), FrogSong (Blue), Shiva (Esper), MoonFlut (Blue) Treasures: Tent, 490 gil, PhenixDwn, Elf Cape, 1000 gil x2 New monsters in this area (GBA name): 030 Jackanapes Worus Castle Basement 025 Elf Toad Worus Castle Behind Waterfall 026 Ice Soldier Worus Castle Behind Waterfall 248 Ice Commander Boss in Worus Castle Behind Waterfall 249 Shiva Boss in Worus Castle Behind Waterfall Talk to the people here and search for items. You'll find a Tent, 490 gil, and a PhenixDwn. Downstairs you have the option of letting Lone Wolf out of jail. Doing so doesn't seem to have any benefits, and if you do let him go, he'll take a few of the treasure chests throughout the rest of the game so that you won't be able to get them yourself. If you want, you could take some of the treasure chests yourself first, and then let him go. You should've already taken the two Cabins in Tycoon, and those are some of the treasures he can take. The others are a Thunder Whip and two more Cabins (I'll point them out when you get to them). Although your last chance to free him comes before you get a chance to get the last two Cabins, so there's no way to get those and then let him go. (Unless you use the "Skipping the Pyramid" bug in the Bugs section. That bug works in the SNES version of the game, but it doesn't work in the Gameboy Advance version. I'm not sure about the Playstation version.) In the bottom right corner of floor one there is an exit that will take you to the waterway around the castle. You can go inside the waterfall at the top, where you'll find a tower that has enemies in it. You can learn the Blue Magic spell FrogSong from one of the Elf Toads here. Although it will only use FrogSong when it's alone, so you have to kill all the other monsters with it first. If you make your way to the top of the tower you can get the Esper Shiva if you can beat her in a fight. It's a pretty tough fight, though, and you might not be able to win it right now. Plus you don't have the job that can use Espers yet anyway, so you might want to wait and come back later. When you do fight Shiva, note that unlike all other enemies in the game, she has some spells that only affect the people in the front row, or only affect the people in the back row. So if you split your characters between the front and back row, you can make sure that her spells won't affect all of your characters at once. If you go into the basement you'll get into a fight with a very tough enemy named Garkimasra. You can learn the Blue Magic spell MoonFlut from Garkimasra. He won't cast it if you leave him alone, but sometimes he'll cast it in response to your damaging him. Although Garkimasra is a very tough fight at this point in the game. So I recommend waiting to learn MoonFlut until you get a chance to learn it from another enemy later in the game (I'll point it out). You can come back and beat Garkimasra later if you want. For now, you can go into the basement to get the treasures and try to run away from Garkimasra when you encounter him. Using the Thief's !Escape ability will make it easier to run away from him, if you have it. In that basement you'll find an Elf Cape, 2000 gil, and the Dimen spell Drag. You still can't use Dimen Magic yet, though. Later in the game you can get either the BraveBld or the Chicken Knife, but you can't get both. The BraveBld starts out strong, but gets weaker every time you run away from enemies. The Chicken Knife starts out weak, but gets stronger every time you run away from enemies (up to a point). So if you think you might eventually want to get the BraveBld, you might not want to go into the basement now, since you'll probably have to run away from Garkimasra. In that case you can wait to go into the basement until later in the game, when you'll be able to beat Garkimasra. (I'll remind you later.) Although I actually recommend that people get the Chicken Knife rather than the BraveBld, in which case you can go ahead and go in the basement now and run away from Garkimasra. See the information on the BraveBld and Chicken Knife in the Weapons section for more information. When you talk to the king, a meteor will fall to the north. So once you get everything you want from the castle, get back on your Hiryuu and head north to the meteor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 12 - WORUS TOWER ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: Silk Robe, MaidnKiss, Silver Ring, Ether New monsters in this area (GBA name): 027 Ricard Mage Worus Tower in world 1 028 Wyvern Worus Tower 029 Pas de Seul Worus Tower 250 Garula (Walse Tower) Boss of Worus Tower If you walk around outside of the Worus Tower you will encounter an enemy called Galura. Galura will never attack you. You can kill it if you want, but if you wait a bit, it'll leave on its own. Either way, you'll win ABP from it. Getting into encounters with Galura are an easy way to gain ABP. There's nothing you can do at the meteor itself, but after the meteor falls near Worus Tower, you'll be able to get into Worus Tower for the first time. Make your way through the tower. You can climb up the vines that are on some pillars to get to the floors above. At the top of the tower you'll get into a boss fight, then you'll be able to pick up some more crystal pieces and get new jobs. There's one crystal piece you won't be able to get yet, but don't worry, you'll be able to come back for it later in the game. For now, leave the tower and consider switching some of your characters to the new jobs. I recommend that you have your Black Mage switch to a Summoner and learn both types of magic. At some point all magic users should learn the Red Mage's !X-Magic ability. It's very useful. The Time Mage and Mystic Knight jobs can be useful, but they're only a medium level priority. Berserker sucks, don't waste your time with that. If you're going to use a Time Mage, note that their 7th level sucks. Your Time Mages should switch to another job once they reach level 6. You should definitely have a Summoner reach level 5, but getting it to the 6th level to master it isn't necessary. It can be useful, but it's a lower priority. You might want to go back to Worus and buy the spells in its magic shop now, since now you'll be able to use them. The Dimen Magic spell Haste can be a useful spell in fights against bosses. And now you can use the spell Drag which is in Worus Castle's basement, so you might consider getting that now if you didn't before. Now you'll be able to use the Esper Shiva if you want to go back to Worus Castle and get that, but it'll still be a pretty tough fight. It might be better to wait until you get to the next town, where you'll be able to buy magic which will greatly help you in your fight against Shiva. If you go back to Worus Castle and talk to people, they'll suggest you go to Karnak. There's a soldier at Worus who says he came from Karnak via a meteor. So go to the meteor near Worus Tower and you'll find it now has an opening that will transport you to an area near Karnak. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 13 - KARNAK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: ???? (Blue), Fusion (Blue) New monsters in this area (GBA name): 031 Aegir World Map on the plains near Karnak and the Ancient Library in world 1 032 Zu World Map on the plains near Karnak and the Ancient Library in world 1 034 Grass Tortoise World Map on the plains near Karnak and the Ancient Library in world 1 033 Wild Nakk World Map in the forests near Karnak in world 1 Walk from the meteor to Karnak. On the way you'll be able to learn the Blue Magic spell ???? from a Wild Nack in the forest. Talk to the weapon or armor salesmen (you'll get a one time only opportunity to buy something at a discount, so you might as well make the most of the discount and buy an expensive weapon) and you'll be arrested. When you get out of jail explore the castle and town. For now, you won't be able to get the treasures that are blocked by fires. But you can talk to people, buy new equipment and magic in the shops, and play the piano. The Fire Rods, Ice Rods, and Thunder Rods for sale in the weapon shop in Karnak are especially noteworthy. The Fire Rod does Fire damage when you attack with it, and it increases the damage of your Fire spells if you have it equipped. And if you use it as an item in battle when you have it equipped (press up from the item list during a battle to access the weapons you have equipped), it will casts Fire3 on all enemies then shatter. The Ice Rods and Thunder Rods have similar effects, but with Ice and Thunder, respectively. Ice Rods will be useful in the Steamship, and Fire Rods will help in the fight against the Esper Shiva (both as a Black Magic spell, and a Sword Magic spell). So once you have them, you can go back to Worus and get her, if you haven't already. Karnak also sells the White Magic spell Charm. If you go back to the Ship Graveyard, you can learn the Blue Magic spell Fusion from the enemy Carcurser there if you cast Charm on it. If you don't want to go all the way back to the Ship Graveyard, you'll have another chance to learn Fusion a little later in the game (I'll point it out). When you're continue, go inside the Steamship near Karnak. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 14 - STEAMSHIP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Exploder (Blue), Flash (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier) Treasures: Mythril Glove, Cabin, Elixir x2, PhenixDwn, World Map (if you didn't get it earlier in the Ship Graveyard), Thief Glove, GrnBeret, Full Moon, Elixir New monsters in this area (GBA name): 037 Crew Dust Steamship 038 Poltergeist Steamship 039 Defeater Steamship 040 Motor Trap They appear in the Steamship after you win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill 251 Liquid Flame Boss of Steamship Make your way through the Steamship. You can learn the Blue Magic spell Exploder from the enemy Motor Trap. Motor Traps appear after you win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill. You'll have to do Thunder damage to a Motor Trap to get it to cast Exploder. You can either cast Bolt on it or hit it with a Thunder Rod. If you didn't learn it earlier, you'll also be able to learn the Blue Magic spell Flash from the enemy Crew Dust. Crew Dust will only cast Flash when it's alone, so you'll have to kill all the other monsters with it first. There was a guy in Karnak who mentioned that. Use the switches on the elevators to go to the next floor. You'll come to a small room with seven exits. First take the pipe that's second from the right and you'll find the Thief Glove. Make your way back to the room with seven exits, and this time take the pipe furthest to the right. Go right and around and you'll find a treasure chest with a GrnBeret, then go through the door and you'll come back to the room with seven exits. Finally take the pipe second from the left. You'll go to a room with stairs and a door. Take the stairs on the right first, and you'll get a Full Moon. Then go back and take the door, and continue through the Steamship. In one room you'll have to flip a bunch of switches to create bridges and move yourself around on them (sometimes you'll have to be standing on the part that moves in order to move along with it). At the end of the steamship you'll have another boss fight. After you beat it, I suggest you go back and save, and once you've done that, continue on to the Fire Crystal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 15 - KARNAK CASTLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Aero 2 (Blue), DethClaw (Blue), Heal (White) Treasures: 2000 gil, Elixir, Shuriken, Ribbon, 2000 gil x2, Elixir x5, Elf Cape, Guardian, Thunder Scroll New monsters in this area (GBA name): 041 Sergeant Karnak Castle 043 Cur Nakk Karnak Castle 042 Sorcerer Inside treasure chests in Karnak Castle 044 Gigas Inside treasure chests in Karnak Castle 252 Iron Claw Boss of Karnak Castle xxx Sergeant (Iron Claw Battle) Boss of Karnak Castle xxx Cur Nakk (Iron Claw Battle) Boss of Karnak Castle You'll see a scene, then you'll have to get out of the castle before it explodes. Try to get all the treasures if you have time. Running away from random fights can save time, but it sometimes takes a particularly long time to run away from the enemies here, so you can use the Thief's !Escape ability to run away faster. You'll have to fight the monsters inside the treasure chests in order to get the treasures. If you're too weak to defeat them quickly enough to get all the treasures in time, you might consider fighting enemies to increase your level and gain new abilities before you start this part of the walkthrough. I recommend that you don't save at the save point inside Karnak Castle. That way, if you run out of time, you can load your game from back in the Steamship, increase your level, then try again. If you saved inside Karnak Castle, then you won't be able to take time to increase your level, since you'll be on the clock. If you're playing the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your computer (with a ROM), then you can use a Hex Editor to give yourself extra time. See the Hacking section for more information. Note that there's a pot that will heal you if you backtrack a little bit. Most of the treasure chests in Karnak Castle have monsters inside them. Which monsters you'll find in a treasure chest can vary, but sometimes you'll get Gigas, and you can learn the Blue Magic spell Aero 2 from the it. When you're about to leave the castle you'll get into a fight against three Karnaks and a Sergeant. Once you kill the Karnaks, the Sergeant will transform into an Iron Claw, and you can learn the Blue Magic spell DethClaw from that. Although if you kill the Sergeant before you kill the Karnaks, then he'll never transform into an Iron Claw, which can save time, but which makes you miss your chance to learn DethClaw. If you don't have time to learn Aero 2, you'll have another chance a little later in the game. You'll have another chance to learn DethClaw too, but it won't be for a long time. I'll point them out when you get to them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 16 - KARNAK AFTERMATH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Missile (Blue), AquaRake (Blue) Treasures: Fire Rod New monsters in this area (GBA name): 058 Dhorme Chimera World Map in desert south of Karnak in world 1 After you get out of Karnak Castle, you'll get new jobs. Consider switching some of your characters to them. I recommend that all your physical fighters should learn the Ninja's 2-Handed ability at some point. It's very useful. It's like the Knight's Dbl Grip ability, but it's innate, so once you've mastered the Ninja job, the Normal and Mimic Jobs won't have to equip the 2-Handed ability in order to use it. And it works with more weapons than Dbl Grip does. If you want to use Blue Magic, then I recommend that you have someone learn the Mediator's !Control ability (which he gets at level 2), because it can be helpful in getting monsters to use some Blue Magic spells so that you can learn them. But you should switch to another job once you reach level 2. The Mediator's other abilities suck. The Geomancer's !Terrain ability can be useful, but it's a lower priority. Although it might be more useful than I give it credit for. The skills that Geomancers learn after level 1 can be useful, but they're a lower priority too. And they work for the whole group even if they're only equipped on one character, so there's no point in having all of your characters learn them. Once you've decided what jobs you're going to use, go back to Karnak. The fires there have gone out, and that allows you for the first time to go up on top of the city's wall and walk around to find a Fire Rod in a barrel. Buy equipment for your new jobs if you want to. There will be a new weapons salesman there. One of your new jobs, Mediator, can learn an ability called !Control that will help you get additional Blue Magic spells. Once you get it, go back in the Steamship and take control of a Motor Trap. (Motor Traps appear after you win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.) Have the Motor Trap cast Missile on someone with the Learning ability, and you'll learn that Blue Magic spell. If you talk to everyone in Karnak after the Steamship, there's a guy who mentions a frightening monster in the desert to the west. Final Fantasy 5 has a few super enemies, some of which are even tougher than the game's final boss. One of them is D.Chimera, which is in the desert southwest of Karnak. The super enemies are all optional, so you don't have to fight them if you don't want to, but they're there if you want the challenge. Although you might want to avoid the desert for now and come back and fight it later. Note that you can learn the Blue Magic spell AquaRake from D.Chimera. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 17 - THE ANCIENT LIBRARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Fusion (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier), Ifrit (Esper), L5 Doom (Blue), GuardOff (Blue), Aero 2 (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier), MoonFlut (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier), Hammer (Blue) Treasures: Ether, Stealth Robe, PhenixDwn New monsters in this area (GBA name): 035 Silent Bee World Map near the Ancient Library in world 1 036 Mythril Dragon World Map in the forests near the Ancient Library in world 1 045 Page 32 Ancient Library 046 Page 64 Ancient Library 047 Page 128 Ancient Library 048 Page 256 Ancient Library 253 Ifrit Boss halfway through Ancient Library 254 Byblos Boss of Ancient Library Some of the people in Karnak will talk about areas to the south. When Karnak Castle exploded, it broke some of the wall next to it, so you'll be able to go to those areas now. Head south to the Ancient Library. If you didn't learn it earlier, you can learn the Blue Magic spell Fusion from the enemy Mithril Drgn if you use the Mediator's !Control ability. Mithril Drgn can be found in the forests around the Ancient Library. Talk to the people inside the Ancient Library, then head into the basement to look for Mid. The bookcases in the first room will be blocking your path, but they'll move out of your way when you step on certain spots. Search the bookshelf with the shadow below it at the end of the room and a doorway will appear. If you want to go back out through that room, you'll have to step on different spots to get the bookcases to move out of your way again. You can learn the Blue Magic spell L5 Doom from the enemy Page 64 here. Although L5 Doom will only work on characters who are at a level that is a multiple of 5 (for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on). So make sure that at least one of the people who can learn the spell is on a level that is a multiple of 5, and also make sure that at least one of the people in your party is not on a level that is a multiple of 5. (If all of your party members are on a level that is a multiple of 5, then the spell will work on all of them, and there will be no one left to survive the fight.) In order to achieve this, if you need to increase the level of some of your characters without increasing the level of some other characters, you can kill the characters whose level you don't want to increase, then get into fights so the other characters will gain experience (characters who are dead at the end of a fight don't gain experience). You can also learn the Blue Magic spell GuardOff from the enemy Page 256 in the Ancient Library if you use the Mediator's !Control ability. If you didn't learn the Blue Magic spell Aero 2 in Karnak Castle, then you can learn it here from a Page 32. And if you didn't learn the Blue Magic spell MoonFlut in Worus Castle, then you can learn it here from a Page 256. As you go through the Ancient Library, you'll find a bookshelf that won't let you through. Go back outside that room and climb the ladder to the left. Search and you'll find an entrance to another room. Go through there and you'll get the Esper Ifrit if you can beat it in a fight. With it, go back to the bookcase that wouldn't let you through and Ifrit will make it let you pass. In that room, make sure to go down the ladder and get the Stealth Robe, then continue through the Ancient Library. Search the spots at the top of the ladders when you come to dead ends. At the end of the path you'll get into a fight with a boss named Byblos. Note that Byblos is weak against fire. When you beat him, he says that the seal of his master still lives. You can learn the Blue Magic spell Hammer (a.k.a. Magic Hammer) from Byblos. If you don't get it now, you'll have another chance later, but it won't be for a long time. I'll point it out when you get to it. Talk to Mid after the battle and he'll go see Cid in Karnak. Go to Karnak and talk to them (Cid's in the pub) and they'll fix the Steamship and give it to you so you can find and protect the Earth crystal. When you get the steamship Galuf will recover some of his memory. In a flashback you'll see a place where Exdeath is sealed using the power of the four crystals, which are represented by four stones in a forest that's surrounded by mountains. It's just east of Tule. Now one of those stones has disappeared for each crystal that shattered. You don't really know where the Earth Crystal is, but you can explore a few new places with the steamship. You can get to Jacole in the south, which some of the people in Karnak had mentioned. And if you go see Cid and Mid in the Ancient Library, they'll mention a crescent shaped island. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 18 - CRESCENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Vitality (Song), DrkShock (Blue) New monsters in this area (GBA name): 193 Sahagin World map in oceans in world 1 194 Thunder Anemone World map in oceans in world 1 195 Sea Ibis World map in oceans in world 1 050 Doublizard World map near Crescent in world 1 051 Bio Soldier World map near Crescent in world 1 052 Harvester World map near Crescent in world 1 053 Black Flame World map near Crescent in world 1 You can use the World Map from the Ship Graveyard to see places to go by pressing Y. Sail to the crescent shaped island in the southeast, and visit the town there. The doors in the town will be locked during the earthquake, but it'll end when you leave town, then you can go back in and explore the town. Talk to the people there and play the piano in the bard's house. The bard will teach you a song, although you don't have the job with the ability to sing it yet. There are no new spells for sale in Crescent, but you can buy some spells there if you didn't already buy them in Karnak. I recommend that you do not buy new weapons or armor right now. One person in the town says he saw a Black Chocobo in the forest. Leave town and head to the forest in the south and you'll get the Black Chocobo. On the way there you can learn the Blue Magic spell DrkShock from the enemy BlackFlame that is on Crescent Island. You'll get new jobs when you get the Black Chocobo. Consider switching some of your characters to them. I recommend that all your physical fighters should learn the Hunter's !X-Fight ability at some point. It's very useful (even more useful than the Ninja's 2-Handed ability, although you should learn them both). I never used the Bard, but it's probably more useful than I gave it credit for. Its only really good songs aren't learned until late in the game though, so I don't recommend learning to sing them now. Buy equipment now, now that you know what jobs you're going to have. But don't spend all of your money in Crescent, because before continuing on to find the Earth Crystal, there are a few more towns you can visit, and they have different equipment for sale. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 19 - LIX ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: Charm (Song) New monsters in this area (GBA name): None First head to the town of Lix. It's just north of the Wind Shrine. Note that the Black Chocobo can only land in forests. Talk to the people in Lix and buy new equipment (but save some money for the next towns). The Shuriken, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, and Thunder Scroll for sale in the weapons store can't be equipped by anyone, but they can be thrown using the Ninja's !Throw command. Some weapons that can be equipped can be thrown too. See the Weapons Section for additional information. If you didn't get the White Magic spell Heal in Karnak Castle, you can buy it here. You can buy items at half price in Lix, and its items shop sells Ethers, so consider buying things there. You can see a scene if you stay the night at the inn, which is free. You can see a flashback if you talk to the scholar in the middle of the town. You can see another flashback if you play the music box in Butz's old house, and after that if you talk to the bard you'll learn the Charm Song. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH PART 20 - JACOLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasures: Shuriken, Tent, Thunder Whip New monsters in this area (GBA name): 049 Bomb World map near Jacole in world 1 057 Skull Eater Jacole Cave Fly to Jacole, the town in the southwest corner. Since the Black Chocobo can only land in the forest, you'll have to land pretty far away from Jacole then make the long trip there by foot. Talk to the people in Jacole and play the piano. Buy new equipment. There are no new spells for sale in Istory, but you can buy some spells there if you didn't already buy them in Karnak. The people in town mention a cave with great items in it, so leave town and head back to your ship. On the way you'll see the cave. If you want you can stop in and grab the treasures. Inside the cave you'll sometimes encounter the enemy Skull Eater. The Skull Eaters are very strong at this point in the game, and you might not want to try to fight them now. You can come back and go through the cave and fight the Skull Eaters later if you want. Or you could go
in now and run away from them.  Using the Thief's !Escape ability or the
Ninja's !Smoke ability makes it easier for you to run away.  Or if you wait,
the Skull Eaters will run away from the fight themselves, and when they do you
win 5 ABP.  They hit very hard before they run away, but if you have your
characters use the Knight's !Guard ability, the Ninja's !Image ability, or the
White Magic spell Image, then they'll be able to survive until the Skull Eater
runs away.

Press the switches and search the treasure chests (even the empty ones) to open
paths.  There's one wall with a line of switches.  Only one of them will open
the path to the next area, and its location changes.  As one of the people in
Jacole said, if you wait patiently, the right one will be highlighted.  You can
climb the wall at the end of the cave, but it doesn't lead anywhere.  One of
the treasure chests in the cave would have a Thunder Whip if you left Lone Wolf
in jail in Worus, but he'll take it if you let him out.  Note that if you open
that treasure chest, then leave the room and come back, it's closed again.
This is an oddity of the Lone Wolf treasures.  Once you've gotten the
treasures, leave the cave.

                     WALKTHROUGH PART 21 - ISTORY
Spells: Toad (Black), Love (Song), Ramuh (Esper)
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
054 Stone Golem                  World map near Istory in world 1
055 Mini Dragon                  World map in the forests near Istory in world
255 Ramuh                        World map in the forests near Istory in world
056 Prototype                    World map two islands southwest of Crescent in
                                 world 1

Fly to Istory, the town in the northwest corner.  You probably won't be able to
afford the accessories in the armor shop, which is fine.  The Coral Ring and
Flame Ring are pretty nice (though I don't really care for the Angel Ring), but
you'll be able to buy them much later in the game when you can come closer to
affording them.  And you'll find one of each of them as you go through the
game, and you can get more from some enemies later in the game using the
Thief's !Steal or !Capture abilities.  Istory doesn't have a weapons shop.
There are no new spells for sale in Istory, but you can buy some spells there
if you didn't already buy them in Karnak.

Talk to the people in Istory.  A little girl tells you that she found something
nice when she went around the flower bed.  So walk around the flower bed above
the armor shop and you'll find the Black Magic spell Toad.  Another girl says
that the sheep in the corner kicks people.  So stand behind it and talk to it
and it'll kick you over the fence.  On the other side of the fence is a bard
who will teach you the Love Song.  There's one old man in Istory who suggests
that something is hidden behind the waterfall near Istory.  And there is, but
you won't be able to get it until much later in the game, so don't worry about
it for now.

An old woman in Istory tells you that an old man who hits you with thunder
wanders in the forest to the east.  So walk around the eastern forest and
you'll encounter Ramuh.  When you beat him you'll get the item Ramuh, and when
you use that item, you'll gain the ability to call Ramuh as an Esper.  After
you beat him once, you won't encounter him again.  In that forest you can also
get into a fight with five MiniDragons.  They're another one of Final Fantasy
5's super enemies.  Going into the forest is optional, so you don't have to
fight them if you don't want to, but they're there if you want the challenge.
See the Super Enemies Strategies section of this guide for tips on how to beat

                  WALKTHROUGH PART 22 - RUINED CITY
Spells: Size (White), Emission (Blue)
Treasures: Shuriken x2
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
256 Sandworm                     Boss in Quicksand Desert
xxx Hole                         Boss in Quicksand Desert
059 Sandboil                     Quicksand Desert in world 1
060 Desert Killer                Quicksand Desert in world 1
061 Sand Bear                    Quicksand Desert in world 1
257 Cray Claw                    Boss of the Ruined City
258 Adamantoise                  Boss in the meteor at Tycoon

The old man at the inn in Crescent mentioned that the ruins of the ancient
Lonka civilization are on the western continent.  And you can fly to them and
see them from above, but there are no forests near them, so you can't land and
walk there.  And if you try to walk there from the Ancient Library, you won't
be able to get through the Quicksand Desert.  Head to the Ancient Library and
Cid and Mid will suggest you go west to the Quicksand Desert anyway.  And now
when you do, they'll show up and help you get through it.  There'll be a boss
fight.  The Sandworm will move from hole to hole.  If you attack a hole that
the Sandworm isn't in, it'll counterattack with Demi.  You can't hurt the
holes, only the Sandworm.

Once the fight is over, make your way through the desert.  The exit is to the
south.  There's a Pyramid in the desert, but you can't get into it for now.
You'll come back for it later in the game.  After you get out of the Quicksand
Desert, walk south to the Ruined City.  You might get into a fight with a
D.Chimera if you walk through the desert on the way there, so avoid the desert.
In the Ruined City you'll see King Tycoon, but he'll run away.  Keep chasing
him, and eventually you'll fall into a new area.  Make your way through that
new area.  You'll come to a room that has a lever that you can push to open the
door to the north.  Don't go through the door to the north yet, though.
Instead, go to the south, and you'll find a room where you can rest.  That room
also has a lever that you can use to eventually get some treasures.  (If you
choose not to push the level the first time, it'll give you the option of
pulling it right away.)  Then go through the door to the north.  The steamship
that sunk is here, and you can go back into its engine room and fight the
enemies there if you want.  There's also an airship.  When you get the airship,
you'll have to fight another boss.  After that, you'll be able to fly around
with the airship.

If you go back to Tycoon and stay the night, you can witness a flashback.  Fly
back to the Ruined City and it'll start flying.  Go back to where you found the
airship and Cid and Mid will say they will help you reach the flying Lonka
Ruins if you get some adamantium, which is in the meteor near Tycoon.  So head
back there and get it.  You'll be attacked by a boss.  Once you beat it, go
back and give the adamantium to Cid and Mid.

At this point you can go to the Flying Lonka Ruins.  But first you can find and
fight the enemy Prototype if you want.  It's another one of Final Fantasy 5's
super enemies.  It's optional, so you don't have to fight it if you don't want
to (in which case you should skip to the next part of the walkthrough), but
it's there if you want the challenge.  Prototype is found on the island that is
the second southwest from Crescent.  Prototype has really strong defense, so it
can be hard to do any damage to him.  See the Super Enemies Strategies section
of this guide for tips on how to beat him.  You can learn the Blue Magic spell
Emission from Prototype, although if you don't want to fight him now, you'll
have another chance to learn it in the next part of the walkthrough.

Garkimasra in the basement of Worus Castle also has very high defense, so if
you're able to beat Prototype, you can go back and beat Garkimasra too if you
want to.  And you can go back to Jacole Cave and beat Skull Eater.  Although in
addition to strong defense, Skull Eater also has a high Evade rate, so it might
take you several tries before you hit him.  See the Super Enemies Strategies
section of this guide for tips on how to beat them too.

If you really want a challenge, try casting a spell on Skull Eater, and that
will cause it to call four more Skull Eaters to help it fight you.  The spell
has to hit it in order to cause it to call four more Skull Eaters, and it has a
high Magic Evade rate too, so make sure to use a spell that will always hit
(like Fire).

You'll still be able to fight Prototype, Garkimasra, and Skull Eater any time
in the next two parts of the walkthrough, but after that there'll be a long
period where they aren't available.  Then you'll have another opportunity to
fight them late in the game, but by that time they shouldn't really be
considered super enemies.  I recommend fighting them now.  Although you could
have tried to fight them even earlier, when you could first encounter them.
You could even fight Prototype back when you had control of the steamship.
(Although once you traded it for the Black Chocobo, you couldn't get to the
island that has Prototype anymore, since it doesn't have any forests in which
the Black Chocobo can land.)

Spells:  Emission (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier), Blowfish (Blue),
WhiteWind (Blue), L4 Qrter (Blue)
Treasures: Gold Armor, Elixir, PhenixDwn, Gold Shield, HiPotion, 5000 gil,
Shuriken, Ancient Sword, Full Moon, Power Ring, Cabin, Ether
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
xxx Flame Thrower                Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
xxx Rocket Launcher              Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
260 Launcher                     Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
261 Launcher                     Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
259 Soul Cannon                  Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
062 Ra Mage                      Lonka Ruins
063 Ronkan Knight                Lonka Ruins
064 Stone Mask                   Lonka Ruins
065 Enchanted Fan                Lonka Ruins
066 Lamia                        Lonka Ruins
067 Archeotoad                   Lonka Ruins
068 Hydra                        Lonka Ruins
069 Ghidra                       Lonka Ruins
262 Archeoaevis                  Boss of Lonka Ruins

Fly up to the Flying Lonka Ruins and defeat the cannons.  They can be either
Flameguns or Rockets.  If you didn't learn the Blue Magic spell Emission
earlier, then you can learn it here from the Flameguns.  Although it's possible
for each of the four cannon fights to be against Rockets, in which case you
won't have a chance to learn Emission here.  If you defeat all four cannons and
you still haven't learned Emission, then you could load your game from before
you fought them and try again.  After the four fights against the cannons,
you'll have a fight against one giant cannon.  When you win that, you can enter
the Lonka Ruins.

There are some hidden passages in the Flying Lonka Ruins.  You can give one of
your characters the Thief's Passages ability (or give them the job of Thief,
which automatically has the Passages ability) to make it easier to find your
way around.

You can also learn the Blue Magic spell Blowfish from the monster Lamia here if
you use the Mediator's !Control ability on it.  You can learn the Blue Magic
spell WhiteWind from the monster Whirl Demon here if you use the Mediator's
!Control ability on it.  Or if you don't want to control the monster, charming
a monster may result in it doing something that you would otherwise have to
control it to get it to do.  Although some monsters can't be charmed.  And if
you charm monsters, they will cast damaging Blue Magic spells on the monsters
rather than on you.  You can reflect some of the Blue Magic spells onto your
characters by putting a wall on the monster, but some of the spells can't be
reflected.  You can get a spell to cast a wall on someone later in the game.

At the end of the ruins you'll find King Tycoon.  Talk to him and you'll fight
ArchaeAvis, another boss.  ArchaeAvis has five forms, and you fight them one
after another.  Although if you kill its first form with the Monk's Counter
ability, you won't have to fight the other forms.

After you beat ArchaeAvis, don't proceed into the next room.  Walk around in
that room until you get into a fight with a monster called Hydra (it's also
called Hydra in the Playstation translation, but it's called Ghidra in the
Gameboy Advance translation).  You can learn the Blue Magic spell L4 Qrter from
Hydra.  (Not Hyudora, that's a different enemy.  Hyudora is called Hyudra in
the Playstation translation and it's called Hydra in the Gameboy Advance
translation.)  Hydra casts L4 Qrter when you kill it.  Although L4 Qrter will
only work on characters who are at a level that is a multiple of 4 (for
example, 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on).

Once you've learned all the Blue Magic spells here, go into the next room, and
you'll see another scene.  When you finally get control again, land the
airship.  Galuf's gone, but you'll get him back soon.  You have some new jobs,
so consider switching your characters to them.  Go back to some of the towns
and buy new equipment for use with your new jobs, if you want.  Note that the
airship can only land on grass.

The Samurai and Chemist jobs can be useful, but they're a low priority.
Although they might be more useful than I give them credit for.  I never used
the Dragoon, but it may be more useful than I gave it credit for.  Dancer
sucks, don't waste your time with it.

                    WALKTHROUGH PART 24 - METEORS
Spells:  Titan (Esper)
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
265 Manticore                    Boss in the Meteor at the Ruins
264 Titan                        Boss in the Meteor at Karnak
263 Purobolos                    Boss in the Meteor at Worus

Go back to where you found the airship and Cid and Mid will have left a note
saying they're putting the adamantium back.  Go to the meteor near Tycoon and
you'll find Cid and Mid.  Then go to the other three meteors.  There will be a
boss fight at each meteor.  You can go to them in any order, but I recommend
going to the one near Karnak first.  There you'll fight Titan, and after you
defeat him you'll gain the ability to call him as an Esper.  Next I recommend
going to the meteor near the Lonka Ruins, where you'll have another boss fight.
Finally go to the meteor near the Worus Tower and you'll fight 6 enemies named
Puroboros.  Each time one of these dies, it'll attempt to cast Life 2 to revive
all his allies.  So try to kill them all at once using attacks that hit all
enemies for about the same amount of damage.  I recommend using the Esper
Titan.  Espers will actually cause them to respond by healing themselves, but
Titan is so strong that it does more damage than they can heal.  Or you could
try to Mute them so they can't cast Life 2.  Or just kill them over and over
again until they run out of MP and can't cast Life 2 anymore.

Once you've defeated the bosses at all the meteors, head for the warp and go to
Galuf's world.  If you were putting off doing anything (like getting the Dimen
Magic spell Drag from Worus, getting the Esper Shiva from Worus, letting Lone
Wolf out of jail in Worus, getting the Blue Magic spell AquaRake from the
D.Chimera in the desert south of Karnak, or fighting Prototype on the island
that is the second southwest from Crescent), then make sure you go do it now
before you leave this world.  You'll have another opportunity to fight
D.Chimera and Prototype late in the game, although by that time they shouldn't
really be considered super enemies.  You'll have another chance to get some
spells if you leave this world before you get them, but it won't be until much
later.  There's a shrine surrounded by mountains on a small island in the
middle of the world that you haven't visited yet, but you'll be back for that

And there are some spells that you won't ever be able to get again (the Esper
Shiva, the Charm Song in Lix, and the Love Song in Istory).  (In the
Playstation translation those spells are called the Esper Shiva, TemptSong, and
Love Song.  In the Gameboy Advance translation those spells are called the
Esper Shiva, Alluring Air, and Romeo's Ballad.)  Although if you're playing the
SNES version of the game, you will have one last chance to get them later in
the game (I'll point it out when you get to it) if you use the "Skipping the
Pyramid" bug in the Bugs section.  Although that bug doesn't work in the
Gameboy Advance version of the game.  I'm not sure about the Playstation

                   WALKTHROUGH PART 25 - WORLD TWO
Spells: DethClaw (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier)
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
070 Pao                          World map at beginning of world 2
266 Abductor (Butz Solo Battle)  Boss on the Solitary Island at beginning of
                                 world 2
071 Tarantula                    Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms it
072 Shell Bear                   Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms it
267 Gilgamesh (Dungeon)          Boss in Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar
                                 transforms it
073 Devilfish                    World map on the marshes and plains near
                                 Exdeath's Castle in world 2
074 Treant                       World map on the plains and in the forests
                                 near Exdeath's Castle in world 2
075 Strapparer                   World map on the plains near Exdeath's Castle
                                 in world 2
076 Merrow                       Big Bridge
077 Flying Killer                Big Bridge
078 Little Chariot               Big Bridge
079 Neo Garula                   Big Bridge
268 Gilgamesh (Bridge)           Big Bridge

You'll land on a small island.  After walking around for awhile, Lenna will
suggest you use a tent.  When you do you'll be attacked and taken to Exdeath's
Castle (even if you defeat the enemy that attacks you).  There'll be a short
scene, then you'll take control of Galuf, who will come to rescue the others.
Consider switching him to one of the jobs you got from the Earth Crystal.  The
exit is locked, but there's a door to the north with a save point and a spring
that will heal you.  Make your way to the basement, where you'll fight
Gilgamesh then reunite with the others.  You'll fight Gilgamesh several times
throughout the games, and some of those times you'll be able to steal some
great armor from him, but you can't steal it yet.  I'll tell you when you can.
Once you're all together go out of the castle (the exit is unlocked now).
There will still be one door in the castle that's locked, but you'll come back
to it later in the game.

If you didn't learn it earlier, you'll be able to learn the Blue Magic spell
DethClaw from the enemy Torrent on the plains and in the forests near Exdeath's

Head west across the bridge.  You'll get attacked a few times on your way
across the bridge.  The monster encounters on the bridge are not random like
they are in other areas of the game.  They're only triggered on certain spots.
So if you avoid those spots you can avoid most of the fights.  Once you reach
the end of the bridge, you'll get thrown to the other side of the world.

                    WALKTHROUGH PART 26 - GROCIANA
Treasures: 4400 gil, PhenixDwn
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
080 Tunneller                    World map near Rugor in world 2
081 Birostris                    World map near Rugor in world 2
082 Fairy Orc                    World map near Rugor in world 2
083 Devourer                     World map near Rugor in world 2
084 Mandrake                     World map near Rugor in world 2
085 Kuza Beast                   World map near Kuzar in world 2
086 Shield Dragon                Kuzar
088 Blood Slime                  Underground River
089 Acrophies                    Underground River
090 Moogle Eater                 Underground River
091 Lesser Lopros                Underground River
269 Tyrannosaur                  Boss of Underground River
092 Cactus                       World map in desert near Moogle Village in
                                 world 2
093 Sandcrawler                  World map in desert near Moogle Village in
                                 world 2

Head east.  In this area you'll encounter the monster Faerie Orc.  Faerie Orcs
will revive any members of your party who die, although they sometimes turn
them into zombies while doing that.  If you cast Cure on a Faerie Orc, it will
respond by casting Cure3 on your whole party.

Eventually you'll come to the town of Rugor.  Talk to the people there and play
the piano (it's behind a secret passageway in the pub).  If you go up on stage
in the pub you can earn 100 gil for dancing.  Make sure everyone has the job
you want them to have, then buy new equipment and magic in the shops.  The
White Magic spell Shell can be a useful defensive spell in fights against
bosses.  The towns in this world have some items for sale in their item shops
that weren't available before, so consider buying them.  You can see a scene if
you stay the night at the inn, if you want.  There's a little girl in the armor
shop who says she lost her Ribbon.  But you can't do anything about that now.
You can come back for it later in the game.

For lack of anything better to do, head south from Rugor when you're ready to
continue.  You'll find a castle, but there's not really anything you can do in
it now, so you'll have to continue on.  You can stop in and check out the
castle if you want first, though.  Galuf will tell you a little bit about it.
There's a really tough enemy in the castle called ShieldDrgn.  It's not that
tough when you come back later in the game, but if you fight it now it would
qualify as another one of Final Fantasy 5's super enemies.  You don't have to
go in now, so you don't have to fight it now if you don't want to, but it's
there if you want the challenge.  See the Super Enemies Strategies section of
this guide for tips on how to beat it.

Make your way south and east from the castle (your map will work here) and
you'll come to a forest with a moogle in it.  You can go past the moogle if you
want, but you won't be able to do anything.  Talk to the moogle then follow it
into the hole and make your way through the river.  Make sure to get the two
treasure chests along the way.  At the end of the cave you'll fight a boss,
then follow the moogle again.  If you follow the same path the moogle takes,
avoiding the desert, then you won't run into any enemies.  Although if you're
up for a challenge, you can go through the desert.  You can't run away from the
enemies you find there.  And they're very tough.  Sand Crawl is another one of
Final Fantasy 5's super enemies.  Go to the area where the moogle went and
you'll find its village hidden in the forest.

Treasures: 1 gil, 10000 gil, Cabin, Dancing Dagger, Ether, PhenixDwn, Elf Cape
New monsters in this area (GBA name):  None

Talk to the moogle in the upper right hand corner.  Get the treasures in the
village (you have to put on the moogle suit to get the treasure chest in the
house on the left), then go back and talk to the moogle in the upper right hand
corner again.  Cara will come and bring you back to civilization.

                   WALKTHROUGH PART 28 - CASTLE BAL
Spells:  Exit (Dimen)
Treasures: Hero Drink, Angel Robe, Lamia Harp, Epee
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
099 Objet d'Art                  Castle Bal Basement
270 Abductor (Castle Bal)        Boss after Castle Bal
094 Aquathorn                    World map near Castle Bal in world 2
095 Weresnake                    World map near Castle Bal in world 2
096 Kornago                      World map near Castle Bal in world 2
097 Cursed Being                 World map near Castle Bal in world 2

Talk to the people in the castle and search for items.  Give one of your
characters the Thief's Passages ability (or give them the job of Thief, which
automatically has the Passages ability) so they'll be able to see the hidden
passages.  You won't be able to open the door in the basement yet, but you will
come back to it later in the game.  The Statues in the basement give a lot of
ABP.  It's the best place to gain ABP until very late in the game.  You can
kill them all with the Blue Magic spells L5 Doom or L3 Flare, or by using the
item Soft on them.

Go up the stairs in the room with the weapons and armor shops, and when you're
on the roof, go right to find some hidden stairs.  When you're back in the
weapons and armor shops, press the switch that you can see from the other side
of the wall and a doorway will open.  If you stand between the weapons and
armor salesmen, they'll give you a Lamia Harp.  Outside of the weapons and
armor shops, walk around in the pond in the lower left hand corner and you'll
be sucked into the moat.  Walk around the castle and search in the water to
find an Epee.  Go back around and back in the castle (hit the switch to get
back into the castle).  Buy new equipment and magic in the shops.

Once you've talked to Cara, you'll be able to leave and head north to Hiryuu
Valley.  You'll get into a fight as you leave.  Instead of heading north, you
can go back to Exdeath's Castle if you want.  It's to the east, through a short
cave.  But you won't be able to get into the castle because of the barrier.  In
the cave there's an optional enemy who is really tough.  You can get a lot of
money if you can defeat him.  You can try to fight him now if you want, but
he'll probably kill you.  I suggest you wait until later to try him.  I'll
mention him again then.

                      WALKTHROUGH PART 29 - KELB
Spells: Requiem (Song)
Treasures: Potion x24, CornaJar
New monsters in this area (GBA name):  None

The exit to Kelb is locked, and so are all of the doors but one.  Go through
that door and you'll find another door that's locked, but on your way out
there'll be a scene then everything will be unlocked.  One of the wolves will
be in mourning for Fang.  In the inn there's a wolf who will give you 8
Potions.  He'll do that three times, then he'll run out.  One of the wolves
will teach you the song Requiem.

If you search the well you'll find a man who asks for a frog.  If you use the
Mediator's !Catch command to catch an enemy who looks like a frog, the guy in
the well will give you the CornaJar in exchange for it (and 10,000 gil).  There
are enemies who look like frogs right outside the town.

Spells:  Golem (Esper), Hammer (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier)
Treasures: 5000 gil, Cabin, Bone Mail, 7000 gil, Air Blade, Coronet, PhenixDwn
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
100 Drippy                       Hiryuu Valley
101 Lycaon                       Hiryuu Valley
102 Bone Dragon                  Hiryuu Valley
103 Poison Eagle                 Hiryuu Valley
104 Zombie Dragon                Hiryuu Valley
xxx ???                          Hiryuu Valley
271 Golem                        Hiryuu Valley
xxx Bone Dragon (Golem Battle)   Hiryuu Valley
xxx Zombie Dragon (Golem Battle) Hiryuu Valley
272 Dragon Pod                   Boss of Hiryuu Valley
273 Dragon Flower                Boss of Hiryuu Valley

Head north from Kelb and you'll come to the Hiryuu Valley.  If you didn't learn
it earlier, you'll be able to learn the Blue Magic spell Hammer (a.k.a. Magic
Hammer) here from the enemies called Drippy.  Make your way through Hiryuu
Valley.  At one point you'll see some bones lying on the ground.  Search them
and you'll find the Bone Mail.  The Bone Mail has the highest defense of any
piece of armor in the game and it makes its wearer immune to Instant Death
Attacks, Darkness, Poison status, Charm, Aging, and Berserk.  It also gives its
wearer the undead status.  As a result of that, most healing spells and items
hurt you and you can't be revived during a fight.  Although healing spells and
items work normally when you're not in a fight.  You can still be healed by the
Blue Magic spell WhiteWind or the Guard Ring.  And you can drain HP from
enemies using the Black Magic spell Drain, the Esper Sylph, the Chemist's mix
Drain Kiss, the Blue Magic spell Vampire, the Dance Jitterbug Duet, the
Dragoon's !DrgnSwd ability, or the Drain Sword, or by attacking an enemy after
using the Magic Sword spell Drain.  And if you equip something or use a Chemist
mix that lets you absorb damage from one element, then you can be healed using
spells of that element.  Since you're undead, you can be fully healed by the
Black Magic spell Doom, the Chemist's mix Death Potion, or the Blue Magic
spells Roulette (which won't necessarily hit the character you want it to hit)
and L5 Doom (which can only be cast on enemies, but can be reflected back onto
you if the enemy has a Wall, although then it won't necessarily hit the
character you want it to hit, and it will only work on characters who are at a
level that is a multiple of 5).  The Doom Axe and Assassin Dagger also
sometimes cast Doom when you attack with them, and that will also fully heal
someone with the Bone Mail, although getting attacked with those weapons will
still hurt on occasions when they don't cast Doom.  The Bone Mail absorbs
Poison damage, halves Ice damage, and is weak against Fire damage and Holy
damage.  As a result of that, characters with the Bone Mail can also be
partially healed by the Black Magic spell Bio, the Chemist's mix Poison Breath,
or by attacking them after using the Magic Sword spells Venom or Bio.

The Flame Shield, Flame Ring, Ice Shield, Bone Mail, and Coral Ring absorb
Fire, Fire, Ice, Poison, and Water damage, respectively.  The Chemist's mixes
Resist Fire, Resist Ice, and Resist Thunder let you absorb Fire, Ice, and
Thunder damage, respectively.

If you don't want to use the Bone Mail, I recommend that you sell it.
Otherwise the game will recommend that you use it every time you change jobs or
abilities (since it always automatically recommends that you use the armor with
the strongest defense).

In the area with the Bone Mail you will sometimes get into a fight with an
enemy named Golem and two other enemies.  The two other enemies will turn
against Golem and he will ask you for help.  Kill the two other enemies and
leave him alive (you might need to heal him in order for him to stay alive),
and you will get the item Golem, and when you use that item, you'll gain the
ability to call him as an Esper.  After you beat him once, you won't encounter
him again.  Golem can be a useful defensive spell in fights against bosses.

Eventually you'll come to a dead end with a door that won't open.  Walk around
in that room and you'll fall through the floor to another area.  Hit the switch
and a new path will open.  Continue through the mountain.  You'll have to go
through some hidden passages that even the Thief's Passages ability won't let
you see.  But you can see them when you get really close to them.  At the end
you'll fight a boss, then get the Hiryuu Plant.  If you kill one of the small
enemies before you kill the large enemy, then another small enemies will appear
in its place.  So kill the large enemy first.  Once you're done, take the
Hiryuu Plant back to the Hiryuu at Castle Bal.  Here and in future dungeons you
can use your new Dimen Magic spell Exit to leave quickly.  Even if you don't
have any characters trained in Dimen Magic, you could switch one character to a
Time Mage, then cast the spell, then switch back.

Spells:  Speed (Song), Float (Dimen)
Treasures: 5000 gil
Steal:  Genji Glove
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
105 Gobbledygook                 Zeza's Ship
274 Gilgamesh (Ship)             Boss of Zeza's Ship
275 Enkidu                       Boss of Zeza's Ship

Fly the Hiryuu to Guido's Cave (it's on an island to the north).  You'll have
to leave as soon as you get there.  If you go back to Kelb, Kelgar will suggest
that you go to Zeza's Castle, north of the Hiryuu Valley.  So fly to Zeza's
Castle.  Talk to the people there, search for items, and buy new equipment and
magic in the shops.  Search the book in the King's Room to get the Speed Song.
If you help the old woman reshelve books, then talk to her, she'll open a
passage to another room.  Note that the Monster Encyclopedia goes under M, not
in Periodicals.  If you put something on the wrong shelf, you can leave the
room then come back and try again.  There is nothing to be gained by checking
the upper left hand shelf.  Make sure to get the Dimen Magic spell Float.
After you reshelve the books and go into the new area, then it takes you back
outside the castle, go left and you will get to another area.

Once you're done in Surgate, go to the fleet east of Exdeath's Castle and land
on the big ship (it wasn't there until now).  Zeza will make you go downstairs
and take a nap.  Then you'll be attacked.  Kill the monsters.  You can use the
Thief's !Steal or !Capture commands to get the Genji Glove from Gilgamesh when
you fight him this time.  It's one of the strongest accessories.  After you
beat him, follow Zeza downstairs and you'll go to the Barrier Tower.  You can
rest in the lower floor of the sub if you need to.

Spells:  L3 Flare (Blue), L2 Old (Blue), Time Slip (Blue)
Treasures: 9000 gil, Drain Sword, 18000 gil, Goldpin
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
106 Neon                         Barrier Tower
107 Magnetite                    Barrier Tower
108 Reflect Knight               Barrier Tower
109 Traveler                     Barrier Tower
110 Level Tricker                Barrier Tower
111 Gravitator                   Barrier Tower
112 Ziggurat Gigas               Barrier Tower
276 Atomos                       Boss of Barrier Tower

Make your way through the Barrier Tower.  Two of the treasure chests here have
monsters inside them.  Which monsters you'll find in a treasure chest can vary,
but it's possible to get a Red Dragon.  You can learn the Blue Magic spell L3
Flare from it.  You have to use the Mediator's !Control ability in order to get
it to cast L3 Flare.  And even then it will only cast it on itself, so you have
to cast a Wall on it so L3 Flare will reflect off of it and onto you.  You
can't get the White Magic spell Wall until after the Barrier Tower, so if you
want to learn L3 Flare here, you'll have to use the Chemist's !Combine ability
to make a Dragon Armor (combine a PhenixDwn and a DragnFang), which casts Wall.
Or you could use the Mediator's !Catch ability to catch the enemy Neon (which
is randomly encountered in the Barrier Tower) and release it during your fight
against the Red Dragon.  You'll have to release at least two Neons, since
releasing the first one will cast Wall on you rather than the Red Dragon, then
the second Neon's Wall might bounce off the first Neon's Wall and hit the Red
Dragon (or it might cast Wall on one of your other characters).  Also note that
this spell only works on characters who are at a level that is a multiple of 3
(for example, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on).)  If you want, you can wait to learn L3
Flare until a little later in the game after you've bought the White Magic
spell Wall.  I'll point out the next opportunity when you get to it.

You can also learn the Blue Magic spell L2 Old from here from the enemy
Tricker.  For that too, you have to use the Mediator's !Control ability in
order to get it to cast L2 Old then cast a Wall on it so L2 Old will reflect
off of it and onto you.  If you don't want to deal with casting a Wall before
you have the White Magic spell Wall, you'll have another chance to learn L2 Old
a little later in the game (I'll point it out).

You can also learn the Blue Magic spell Time Slip here from the enemy Traveler.
That one's simple.

The Drain Sword's attack power is good for this point in the game, and its
ability to drain HP from enemies is good at any point in the game, but its Hit%
of 25% is horrible.  Although you can get around that if you use it with the
!Aim, !Jump, !Throw, or !X-Fight commands or the Sword Dance.  Also note that
for most weapons the amount of damage that the Hunter's !X-Fight ability does
per hit is different than the amount of damage that you do by attacking
normally.  But it's the same for the Drain Sword.  And since !X-Fight hits four
times per round, that means it'll do four times as much damage as attacking

At the top of the tower you'll fight the boss Atmos.  Atmos will use really
tough attacks when all four of your characters are alive, but he'll use weak
attacks when you have at least one character dead.  So after he kills one of
your characters, the fight can be easier if you just leave that character dead.
After you beat him, Exdeath's Castle's barrier will be destroyed.  Although the
door in Exdeath's Castle is still locked, so you still can't get all the way
through it.  But you'll have control of the submarine, so you can go to Guido's
underwater cave.  But there are a few other places you can go first.  If you go
back to Kelb, Kelgar will react to Zeza's death.

Spells:  Shoat (Esper)
Treasures: Guardian
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
176 Druid                        Cave to northwest lake in world 2
177 Ironback                     Cave to northwest lake in world 2
115 Cure Beast                   World map near northwest lake in world 2
116 Land Turtle                  World map near northwest lake in world 2
117 Dechirer                     World map near northwest lake in world 2
281 Catoblepas                   World map near northwest lake in world 2

Check your map while you're underwater and there will be marks for all the
places you should visit.  Go to the one furthest to the west (it's on the
western side of the continent with Castle Surgate), then go back up to the
surface.  You'll surface in a lake that's near the town of Mua, inside a ring
of mountains.  Talk to the people in Mua and play the piano.  Search the
barrels beside the pub and you'll find a Guardian.  Buy new equipment and magic
in the shops.  The White Magic spell Wall can be a useful defensive spell in
fights against bosses.  And the Dimen Magic spell Hast2 is even better than
Haste.  It works on all of your party members at once.  If you search the door
of the house that's southwest of the pub, it'll say that it's locked.  You
won't be able to open it yet, but you will come back to it later in the game.

Once you're done in Mua, get back in your submarine and go underwater.  Check
your map, and this time go to the mark furthest to the north.  Note that you
can rest downstairs in the submarine when it's docked at the cave.  Go through
the cave there (it's far north of Castle Surgate, in the southwest corner of
the lake surrounded by mountains).  You'll end up on the surface.  As you've
probably forgotten by now, there was an old man in Castle Surgate who said that
he saw a huge eyeball there and he's surprised that he survived the encounter.
Well it's time to hunt the monster with that eyeball.  Walk around and you'll
encounter Shoat.  When you beat it you'll get the item Shoat, and when you use
that item, you'll gain the ability to call Shoat as an Esper.  Like Ramuh, you
won't be able to encounter Shoat again after you beat him once.  Note that
there's also a Chocobo Forest in this area, but you can't ride the chocobo you
find there (it doesn't really have any purpose in the game).  Once you get
Shoat, go back to your submarine and head to Guido's Cave.

                  WALKTHROUGH PART 34 - GUIDO'S CAVE
Spells:  Aero 3 (Blue)
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
113 Dark Aspic                                  Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Ifrit, Wyvern, Enchanted Fan]    Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Ramuh, Crew Dust, Zombie Dragon] Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Shiva, Gaelicat, Elf Toad]       Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh]             Guido's Cave

You can enter Guido's Cave underwater using the submarine.  It's the last mark
on the underwater map (it's east and a little north of Castle Surgate).  One
room has five doors, and you can open one at a time by moving a rock from one
treasure chest to another.  One room has a switch that'll open the path through
the cave in another room.  Guido's Cave has more hidden passages that you can
only see when you get really close to them.  So don't assume something is a
dead end until you've walked up to all its walls.

In Guido's Cave there is an enemy named Metamorpha that changes into other
enemies.  One of them will change into a Whirl Demon, and you can learn the
Blue Magic spell Aero 3 from that.  Although there are a few different types of
Metamorpha, and some of them won't turn into Whirl Demon.  The one that can
turn into Whirl Demon can only turn into Whirl Demon, Ifrit, or Wyvern.  So if
you're fighting a Metamorpha that turns into something else, then it's not the
one that will turn into Whirl Demon.

At the end of the cave you'll find Guido, and he'll give you the Elder Branch
and send you to the Great Forest of Mua.

Spells:  TinySong (Blue)
Treasures: 2500 gil, Ether, 4900 gil, PhenixDwn, 9500 gil, Cabin, Giant Drink,
Elixir, MornStar, Aegis Shield, Flame Shield (if you didn't get the Aegis
Shield), Soot, Flame Sword
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
118 Mini Magician                Great Forest of Mua
119 Galajelly                    Great Forest of Mua
120 Mammon                       Great Forest of Mua
121 Imp                          Great Forest of Mua
122 Wyrm                         Great Forest of Mua
277 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
278 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
279 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
280 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
xxx Exdeath (Galuf Solo Battle)  Boss of Great Forest of Mua

Go back to Mua, then walk east to the forest.  Walk up to the dead end and the
Elder Branch will create an entrance to the forest.  If you're playing on an
emulator, you can disable some of the layers of graphics to help see better
when you're not in a fight (press 2 and 3 with ZsNES).  Make your way through
the forest.  You can learn the Blue Magic spell TinySong from the enemy
MiniMage here.  Some trees will have a hole in them.  Search the hole to create
an opening to another part of the forest.

Once you get part of the way through the forest, there will be a fire.  At that
point you'll have an opportunity to open a treasure chest.  Don't open it now.
Right now it has an Aegis Shield, but if you wait for awhile, the fire will
turn it into a Flame Shield.  There are advantages to both shields, so there's
no clear choice.  The Flame Shield's defense, evade rate, and magic defense are
all a little bit higher, and it absorbs Fire damage.  But the Aegis Shield's
magic evade rate is much higher.  After you wait awhile, a Moogle will come to
your rescue.  Follow it into its hole and you can wait there until the fire is
out.  You can heal at the spring there.  Once the Moogle lets you leave, get
the Flame Shield and continue through the forest.  At the end, the Elder Branch
will create an entrance through another dead end.

Inside the Elder Tree you'll fight four bosses.  They use weak attacks when
they have a lot of HP, then they use stronger attacks when they get low on HP.
So kill them one at a time, so you'll never have to deal with more than one of
them being low on HP at a time.  One of them will use the spell Earth Shaker,
and if you cast the Dimen Magic spell Float on your party before the fight, it
won't hurt you.  You can win the throwing weapon Soot from each of the four
bosses.  It's not really a very good weapon, but I note it because it's rare.

After the fight there'll be another fight.  That second fight will end the same
way regardless of whether your HP stays above 0.  Note that the fight will end
immediately if you kill yourself with the Black Magic spell Break, the Blue
Magic spells Exploder or Fusion, the Chemist mix Explosive, or the Doom Axe's
Doom spell.  Or if you're wearing the Bone Mail, then you can kill yourself
with the White Magic spell Life; the item PhenixDwn; or the Chemist mixes
Revive, Resurrection, Reincarnation, Fenix Down, or Kiss of Life.  Note that
Exploder and Explosive will cause 1 damage to Exdeath if you have 0 HP left.

Once the fight is over, give Cara a job and ability and equip her.  She'll pick
up right where her predecessor left off.  If you go back to Kelb, Kelgar will
react to what happened.  The door in Exdeath's Castle will now finally be
unlocked, so you can go there and fight him now if you want.  But there's one
other thing to do first.

                   WALKTHROUGH PART 36 - GIL TURTLE
Treasures: 10 gil, 20 gil, 40 gil, 80 gil, 160 gil, 320 gil, 640 gil, 1280 gil,
2560 gil, 5120 gil, 10240 gil, 20480 gil, 40960 gil
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
098 Undergrounder                Cave between Castle Bal and Exdeath's Castle
                                 in world 2
282 Gil Turtle                   Cave between Castle Bal and Exdeath's Castle
                                 in world 2.  At the end of the hidden path
                                 that branches off to the south (it's just
                                 after the first set of stairs).

Fly back to Castle Bal, then go east to the cave.  The cave goes from Castle
Bal to the bridge to Exdeath's Castle.  But along the way there's a hidden path
that branches off to the south (it's just after the first set of stairs).  Go
along that path and you'll come to a door.  On the other side of that door is
the enemy Gil Turtle.  He's another one of Final Fantasy 5's super enemies.
He's optional, so you don't have to fight him if you don't want to (in which
case you should skip to the next part of the walkthrough).  I alluded to this
enemy earlier in the walkthrough, but suggested that you wait until later to
try to fight him.  Now it's later.  After you go through Exdeath's Castle, you
won't be able to fight the Gil Turtle anymore, so this is your last chance.
See the Super Enemies Strategies section of this guide for tips on how to beat

Past the door you get money for every step you take.  The path only extends for
a little bit, but it's a tough stretch.  You might encounter the Gil Turtle
multiple times along the path.  Make sure your characters are fully healed
after you beat him, in case you encounter him again.  Once you get to the end
and have gotten all the money, leave and head for Exdeath's Castle.  Although
you can go outside, then go back in and get the money multiple times if you

Spells:  L2 Old (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier), L3 Flare (Blue, if you
didn't learn it earlier), Crbnkl (Esper), Condemn (Blue)
Treasures: Ether, Diamond Shield, Ice Shield, Ether, Gale Bow, Elixir,
IceBrand, Kotetsu Katana, Elixir, 9900 gil, 8000 gil, DblLance, Partisan,
Pinwheel, Excailbur
Steal:  Genji Helmet
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
124 Blind Wolf                   Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
125 Hellraiser                   Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
126 Reflect Mage                 Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
123 Twin Lizard                  Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
127 Magic Dragon                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
128 Black Warlock                Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
129 Adamantite Golem             Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Imp (Castle Exdeath)         Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Oiseaurare (Castle Exdeath)  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Jackanapes (Castle Exdeath)  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Abductor (Castle Exdeath)    Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
130 Bandercoeuri                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
131 Iron Fist                    Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
133 Red Dragon                   Sometimes inside treasure chests in the
                                 Barrier Tower and randomly encountered in
                                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
134 Yellow Dragon                Sometimes inside treasure chests in the
                                 Barrier Tower and randomly encountered in
                                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
132 Blue Dragon                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
283 Carbuncle                    Boss in Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar
                                 transforms it
284 Gilgamesh (Castle Exdeath)   Boss in Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar
                                 transforms it
285 Exdeath (Exdeath Castle)     Boss of Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar
                                 transforms it

Make sure you got the Esper Shoat (called Catoblepas in the Gameboy Advance
translation) before you go back to Exdeath's Castle.  You won't have another
chance to get it once you go through Exdeath's Castle.  When you're ready, head
back to Exdeath's Castle.  You can steal a Spear from the enemy Jail Bear which
can be found in the basement of Exdeath's Castle before you go through the top
floors of the castle.  It's not really a very good weapon, but I note it
because it's rare.

The door that had always been locked before now is finally open.  So go through
it and make your way to the top floor of the castle.  You'll run into a dead
end, but when you backtrack a bit Galuf and the werewolves will open the way
through the castle.  After that, there will be different enemies in the castle
than there used to be.

If you didn't learn it earlier, you'll be able to learn the Blue Magic spell L2
Old from the enemy Magic Drgn.  Note that L2 Old will only work on characters
who are at a level that is a multiple of 2 (for example, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so
on).  If you didn't learn it earlier, you'll be able to learn the Blue Magic
spell L3 Flare here from the enemy Red Dragon.  You have to use the Mediator's
!Control ability on it to get it to use the spell, and even then it'll only use
it on itself, so you have to cast the White Magic spell Wall on it so that it
will be reflected back at you.  Note that L3 Flare will only work on characters
who are at a level that is a multiple of 3 (for example, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so

You can win a Power Staff from the enemy DarkWizard that can be found here in
Exdeath's Castle.  It's not really a very good weapon, but I note it because
it's rare.

There are some treasure chests in hidden passages in Exdeath's Castle.  Giving
one of your characters the Thief's Passages ability (or giving them the job of
Thief, which automatically has the Passages ability) will help you find them.
There are also some places in Exdeath's Castle where you have to walk through
boiling water.  That will damage you unless your characters are Floating (which
you can do with the Dimen Magic spell Float) or if you give one of your
characters the Geomancer's DmgFloor ability (or give them the job of Geomancer,
which automatically has the DmgFloor ability).

Step on the skull on the ground on floor 7 and the bridge will start moving.
Press A to stop it.  On floor 10 there will be some skulls on the ground.  Some
of them will create or hide bridges.  Some of them won't do anything.  Some of
them are pitfalls, so it can be helpful to give someone in your party the
Geomancer's Pitfalls ability (or give them the job of Geomancer, which
automatically has the Pitfalls ability) to help you avoid dropping down to the
lower level.  Go to the skull at the top of the screen and you'll be
transported to another area.  Search the thing in front of you and you'll get
into a fight with Carbunkle.  When you beat him you'll gain the ability to call
him as an Esper.  Crbnkl can be a useful defensive spell in fights against
bosses.  It casts the White Magic spell Wall on all of your party members at
once.  After you beat him, go back to the area with all the skull switches on
the ground, and this time go to the skull at the bottom of the screen.  That'll
open the bridge to the next area, so continue through the castle.

On floor 11 go through the stairs on the right and get the treasures.  Then go
back and open the treasure chest in the middle of the room, then go up the
stairs at the top of the room.  You'll be attacked by Gilgamesh.  Gilgamesh
won't appear unless the treasure chest in the middle of the room is open when
you go up the stairs at the top of the room, and the treasure chest closes
whenever you leave the room.  After you've been fighting him for awhile he'll
change to another form.  After that, you can use the Thief's !Steal or !Capture
commands to get the Genji Helmet from him.  It's one of the best helmets in the

You'll get the general sword Excailbur after the fight.  When used with the
Blue Magic spell GblinPnch or the Ninja's !Throw ability, it does as much
damage as a normal weapon with an attack power of 100.  But its attack power
when you use it normally is actually really weak, even though it says it is
strong.  Like with the Bone Mail, you should sell it if you don't want the game
to keep automatically equipping you with it when you change jobs or abilities.

Make sure you got the Esper Crbnkl (you won't have another chance), then
continue on through the castle.  You'll fight Exdeath.  You can learn the Blue
Magic spell Condemn from him.  If you miss it, you'll have another chance to
learn Condemn a little later in the game (I'll point it out).  When you beat
him, you'll end up back near Tycoon Castle.

                  WALKTHROUGH PART 38 - WORLD THREE
Spells: Magic (Song)
Treasures: Cabin, Chicken Knife, BraveBld (if you don't get the Chicken Knife)
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
286 Antlion                      Boss in cave near Tule in world 3
135 Sleepy                       World map near Surgate in world 3
136 Triffid                      World map near Surgate in world 3
137 Hedgehog                     World map near Surgate in world 3
138 Python                       World map near Surgate in world 3
139 Shadow                       World map near Surgate in world 3
140 Elm Gigas                    World map near Surgate in world 3
141 Desertpede                   World map near Pyramid in world 3
142 Bulette                      World map near Pyramid in world 3

Go to Tycoon (there's nowhere else you can go right now, since rivers are
blocking your path).  Talk to the Chancellor and you'll split up.  Earlier in
the game you couldn't get into the King's Room, but if you go there now you can
see a flashback by reading the King's Journal.  Have Butz go talk to Cara on
the balcony, then have them leave Tycoon.  You'll get news that a bridge has
been built to the west, so go over it and go to the Pirates' Cave and you'll
find your Chocobo Boco.  Boco can go over rivers, so go back to Tycoon and head
north past it.  You can stop in Tule if you want, but there's not much to do
there.  Continue west of Tule and you'll get attacked by an Antlion.  Faris
will come to rescue you.  Climb up the rope and Faris will rejoin your party.
Continue on and you'll come to Guido's Cave.  Talk to him then there'll be a
scene and you'll go to the Ancient Library.  There you'll get the Sealed Book,
which will let you enter the Pyramid in the Quicksand Desert.

But before you go to the Pyramid, there are a few other things you can do.  Go
to the top of the Ancient Library and one of the people will teach you the
Magic Song.  Make sure to get the Magic Song, since you won't be able to get it
after the next part of the walkthrough.  At this point in the game you can also
use the "Skipping the Pyramid" bug in the Bugs section to get some items that
you would normally have to wait until later to get.  And that bug will give you
your only chance to get the Esper Shiva, the Charm Song, and the Love Song if
you missed them in world one.  You have to do it before you leave the Ancient
Library, though.  That bug works in the SNES version of the game, but it
doesn't work in the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm not sure about the
Playstation version.

Leave the Ancient Library and head north to Castle Surgate.  Reshelve the books
for the old lady again and go through the passage she opens.  Search the boxes
in the room after that and you'll find a Cabin.  You wouldn't have been able to
get this until now, since there used to be someone standing in the way.  If you
let Lone Wolf out of jail in Worus, then he'll have taken the Cabin.  You can
go north and visit Karnak if you want, but there's nothing to do there.

Go west to the Quicksand Desert.  But before going to the Pyramid, go further
west and into Mua.  Now the door of the house that's southwest of the pub is
unlocked.  Make your way through the forest.  It's a twisted path with dead
ends that you can't see, so it can be hard to get through it.  Go down, right,
down, left, up, right, then down.  You'll get your choice of the BraveBld or
Chicken Knife.  The Chicken Knife is probably a better choice.  See the
information on the BraveBld and Chicken Knife in the Weapons section for more

The Chicken Knife's attack power increases every time you run away from enemies
(until it gets up to 127).  So if it isn't at 127 already, it might be good to
spend some time running away from enemies to make it stronger.  When you're
ready, head for the Pyramid.

                    WALKTHROUGH PART 39 - PYRAMID
Spells:  Condemn (Blue, if you didn't get it earlier)
Treasures: Ice Shield, Cursed Ring, Flame Shield, DarkMatter, White Suit,
Elixir x2, Thornlet, Black Suit, Crystal Armor, DarkMatter, Dark Suit,
DarkMatter x3, 8000 gil, 9000 gil, Earth Hammer, 10000 gil, Cabin, Ribbon,
Goldpin, Guard Ring, Elixir x2, DarkMatter x2, 12000 gil
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
288 Gargoyle                     Boss at the entrance to the Pyramid
143 Lamia Queen                  Pyramid
144 Rajiformes                   Pyramid
147 Zephyrus [Adamantite Golem, Bio Soldier] Pyramid
147 Zephyrus [Dhorme Chimera, Ronkan Knight] Pyramid
147 Zephyrus [Ziggurat Gigas, Tunneller]     Pyramid
145 Ushabti                      Pyramid
151 The Damned                   Inside treasure chests in the Pyramid and
                                 randomly encountered in the Solitary Island
153 Sekhmet                      Pyramid
148 Mummy                        Boss in Pyramid
149 Aspis                        Pyramid
146 Archeosaur                   Inside treasure chests in the Pyramid
152 Grand Mummy                  Boss in Pyramid
150 Mecha Head                   Pyramid
287 Melusine                     Boss at Elder Tree after the Pyramid

Make your way through the Pyramid.  You'll have to do it without Lenna.  Some
of the treasure chests here have monsters inside them.  If you didn't learn it
earlier, you'll be able to learn the Blue Magic spell Condemn from the monster
Cursed One that is inside some treasure chests.  Although sometimes which
monsters you'll find in a treasure chest can vary.  You have to control the
Cursed One in order to get it to cast Condemn, and then you have to give it an
Ether in order for it to have enough MP to cast it.  If you don't learn it
here, you'll have another chance to fight them a little later in the game (I'll
point it out).

The Cursed Ring has great stats, but it's cursed.  It kills you 50 seconds into
each battle.  Note that unlike Cursed items in some other Final Fantasy games,
this Cursed Ring will never lose its curse.  The Thornlet has the highest
defense of any helmet in the game, but it causes you to constantly lose HP in
battle.  Like with the Bone Mail, you should sell the Cursed Ring and Thornlet
if you don't want the game to keep automatically equipping you with them when
you change jobs or abilities.

The enemy MachinHead in the Pyramid is the only enemy in the game that can
defend itself against the Dragoon's !Jump ability.

On Floor 5 you'll have the opportunity to randomly encounter an enemy named
Sekmet in battle.  Normally if you kill him, he says that his brother at the
tower will avenge him.  It's possible to steal Thief Gloves from Sekmet.  The
Thief Glove increases the success rate of the !Steal command, which can be very
useful.  Thief Gloves can't be bought and only one can be found.  Stealing them
from Sekmet is the only way to get four of them.  Although like Ramuh and
Shoat, you won't be able to encounter Sekmet again after you beat him once.  If
you want, you can get into a fight with him, steal from him, run away, and then
repeat the process.  Or in the SNES version of the game you can Berserk him,
then you'll be able to beat him and then encounter him again later, since his
being Berserked will keep the game from realizing that he was beaten.  Although
that doesn't work in the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm not sure about the
Playstation version.

There are some treasure chests in hidden passages in the Pyramid.  Giving one
of your characters the Thief's Passages ability (or giving them the job of
Thief, which automatically has the Passages ability) will help you find them.
Although here you can be dropped into the hidden passages from the floor above,
so it's easier to discover them even if you don't use the Thief's Passages
ability.  On Floor 8 the ground will shift in some places, and you'll have to
wait for it to move to where you want it to be until you proceed.  And you
should proceed over it.  But first you should fall down to the lower floor,
where you'll be able to pick up a treasure chest that you wouldn't otherwise be
able to get.  Then go back up and continue through the Pyramid.  At the top
grab the tablet, then leave.  Head back towards the Ancient Library to pick up
your airship.  You'll fight a boss along the way.

                  WALKTHROUGH PART 40 - THE AIRSHIP
Spells: Power (Song), Hero (Song), Syldra (Esper), MghtyGrd (Blue)
Treasures: 3 of the legendary sealed weapons, Ribbon, Cabin, Mirage Vest, Thief
Knife, MagicLamp
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
087 Exdeath's Soul               Kuzar
154 Slug                         World map near Castle Bal in world 3
155 Gloom Widow                  World map near Castle Bal in world 3
156 Mykale                       World map near Castle Bal in world 3
174 Istory Lythos                World map near Rugor in world 3
173 Frost Bull                   World map near Rugor in world 3
175 Spizzner                     World map near Rugor in world 3
196 Corbett                      Sea south of Guido's Cave in world 3
198 Water Scorpion               Sea south of Guido's Cave in world 3
197 Nix                          Sea south of Mirage in world 3
199 Vilia                        Sea in southwest corner of the world in world
200 Gel Fish                     Sea in southwest corner of the world in world
201 Rukh                         Sea west of Crescent in world 3
202 Sea Devil                    Sea west of Crescent in world 3
203 Stingray                     The northern part of the sea that is southwest
                                 of Carwen in world 3

With the airship you can fly directly into the Cleft of Dimension (the entrance
is over Tycoon Castle) and finish the game now, if you want.  Although as Guido
suggested, it'd probably be better to get the other three tablets so you can
get the legendary sealed weapons first.  (Plus if you go into the Cleft of
Dimension now, you're cheating yourself out of the part of the game where you
get the other three tablets.)  You can go directly to the location of the
second tablet now, but there are a lot of other things you can do before that
too.  First, of course, fly to the Sealed Castle Kuzar and pick out three of
the legendary sealed weapons.  Which three you should pick first depends on
what jobs you're using now, and what type of weapons those jobs can equip.  See
the Legendary Sealed Weapons section for information on them before making your
choice, if you want.  Note that there are two weapons that say their names are
Sasuke's Katana and Firebute when you look at them in Kuzar.  Those are
actually Hardened and the Flame Whip, respectively.  Also note that the Rune
Axe does more damage than its attack power might suggest.  See exception 3 in
Part 5 of the Stats Section for more information.

The location of the Sealed Castle of Kuzar in world 2 corresponded to the
forest in world 1 where the powers of the four crystals gathered, where Exdeath
was sealed.  Now in world 3 there will be an enemy that you can encounter in
Kuzar named ExdethSoul.  Note that you actually could've predicted the location
of the Earth Crystal using that forest's location.  If you draw a line on the
map between the Water Crystal and the Fire Crystal, and you draw another line
between the Wind Crystal and the Earth Crystal, then that forest is the
location where the lines intersect each other.  Since you knew where the Wind,
Water, and Fire Crystals were and where the forest was, you could've figured
out the direction of the Earth Crystal.  Knowing all this doesn't help you with
anything, but I find it interesting.

Next go to Rugor and you can get a Ribbon from the girl in the armor shop
(through a secret passage).  If you had talked to her earlier, she would've
said she'd lost her Ribbon.

Then go to Carwen.  Search the barrels in the upper right hand corner of the
town and you'll find a Cabin.  You wouldn't have been able to get this until
now, since there used to be someone standing in the way.  If you let Lone Wolf
out of jail in Worus, then he'll have taken the Cabin.

Next go to Crescent.  If you've played all seven of the pianos in the towns
you've visited so far, the bard in the lower right hand corner will teach you
the Power Song.  As a reminder, there are pianos in Tule, Carwen, Karnak,
Crescent, Jacole, Rugor (through a secret passage), and Mua, and you can go
back and play them now if you missed one.

You can visit Jacole, Castle Bal, and Kelb too if you want, but there's nothing
to do there.  The wolf in Kelb who was in mourning for Fang explains that Fang
was the name of the werewolf who tried to protect the Fire Crystal.  Nobody
ever seems to mention the soldier who died trying to protect the Water Crystal.
You don't even learn his name.  He looked like he was from Castle Bal or Castle
Surgate.  You can ride the Hiryuu at Castle Bal, but by this point in the game
it can't take you anywhere new.

Go to the giant waterfall near where Istory used to be.  Approach it from above
and search and you'll find the MagicLamp.  You have to walk along rivers to get
there, so get there by riding Boco (you probably left him near Guido's Cave).
From Guido's Cave, ride him east, then north, then west to get there.  There
were mountains blocking your path earlier, but the path is clear now.

Next fly to Carwen.  Land your airship in the water just southwest of Carwen.
Sail around in the part of that sea that is as far north as you can get, and
eventually you'll encounter the enemy Stingray.  It's found in the same part of
the sea as Sahagin, Sea Avis, and Th.Anemone.  You can learn the Blue Magic
spell MghtyGrd (a.k.a. Big Guard) from Stingray.  Note that you must use the
Mediator's !Control ability to get it to cast the spell on you.  MghtyGrd can
be a useful defensive spell in fights against bosses.  It casts the White Magic
spells Armor and Shell and the Dimen Magic spell Float on all of your party
members at once.  You can steal the RuneEdge from the Stingray.  The RuneEdge
can be one of the most powerful weapons in the game.  It does more damage than
its attack power might suggest.  See exception 3 in Part 5 of the Stats Section
for more information.

Take your airship to the southernmost piece of land on the map, southwest of
Crescent.  Walk around in the small forest there, and eventually you'll enter
the town of Mirage.  You can enter the pub from the back.  Search the barrels
there for a Thief Knife.  Downstairs you'll find someone who says he'll give
you a gift if you take a trip around the world on a Chocobo.  So go back and
get Boco.  In world 3, the continents make something of a ring around an inner
ocean (the part with Crescent and Mirage is especially pronounced).  Ride Boco
around that ring.  When you get back to your starting point, take the airship
back to Mirage, and the guy there will give you the Mirage Vest.

Talk to everyone in Mirage.  The weapon, armor, and magic shops have two
salesmen each.  Give one of your characters the Thief's Passages ability (or
give them the job of Thief, which automatically has the Passages ability) so
they'll be able to see the hidden passages.  Searching the box in the armor
shop will open the path to the second salesman.  You can get to the second
salesman in the magic shop by entering the shop from the left.  The back
entrance to the pub will lead to the second weapons salesman.  There will be
one door that you can't open now, but you will come back to it later in the
game.  The Black Chocobo is in Mirage (it's through a hidden passage).
Catching it will let you fly it in addition to the airship, which can be useful
since the airship can't land in forests, but the Black Chocobo can.  But you
don't need the Black Chocobo just yet.  For now just buy new equipment and
magic in the shops and play the piano (it's also through a hidden passage).
  Mirage's items shop sells Elixirs, so consider buying them too.

Now that you've played the last piano, go back to Crescent and the bard will
teach you the Hero Song.

Then go back and take your airship to the Pirates' Cave.  There you'll get the
Esper Syldra.

At this point you can also go back and get any spells that you missed in World
One.  Some of the Blue Magic spells won't be available in the same places that
they were available in World One, but you can still get all of them (although
you won't get another chance to get some of them until later in the game).  See
the magic sections to find out where in this world you can get spells that you
missed earlier.  Note that if you missed the Esper Shiva, the Charm Song, the
Love Song, the Esper Shoat, the Esper Crbnkl, or the Magic Song, then you won't
be able to get them anymore.

                      WALKTHROUGH PART 41 - ODIN
Spells:  Odin (Esper)
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
290 Odin                         Boss in Castle Bal basement in world 3

This part of the walkthrough is optional, and it's fairly tough.  You can skip
it and come back later if you want to, but you should be able to handle it now.
Go through the Cave of Jacole.  Press the switches and search the treasure
chests (even the empty ones) to open paths.  There's one wall with a line of
switches.  Only one of them will open the path to the next area, and its
location changes.  As one of the people in Jacole said, if you wait patiently,
the right one will be highlighted.  You may remember that in world 1 you could
climb the wall at the end and come up outside.  Now you'll come up in the
basement of Castle Bal, which is now nearby.  You can go down and unlock the
door, then rest and save and come back if you want to (once you unlock the
door, you'll be able to come back through it).  Go north to the top of the
basement and fight Odin.  When you beat him you'll gain the ability to call him
as an Esper.

                    WALKTHROUGH PART 42 - BAHAMUT
Spells:  Bahamut (Esper)
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
184 Ankheg                       World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in
                                 world 3
185 Ammonite                     World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in
                                 world 3
186 Landcrawler                  World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in
                                 world 3
298 Bahamut                      Boss on North Mountain in world 3

This part of the walkthrough is optional and fairly tough too.  You can skip it
and come back later if you want to, but you should be able to handle it now.
Go back to Mirage and get the Black Chocobo, then fly it to the desert in the
northeast.  Land in the forest and walk to the North Mountain.  The enemies in
the desert are fairly tough.  Although they're not too tough.  The toughest of
them is the Land Crawl.  It sometimes takes a particularly long time to run
away from the Land Crawl, so if you want to run away from it you should use the
Thief's !Escape ability or the Ninja's !Smoke ability.

Go to the top of the mountain and you'll fight Bahamut.  When you beat him
you'll gain the ability to call him as an Esper.  He attacks with some pretty
tough spells, so it can be helpful to use the Blue Magic spell MghtyGrd.  Some
of his spells can be reflected with the Esper Crbnkl, or if you don't have
that, you could use the White Magic spell Wall.

Spells:  Roulette (Blue), Phenix (Esper)
Treasures: 5000 gil, PhenixDwn, 10000 gil, PhenixDwn, 15000 gil, PhenixDwn,
20000 gil, PhenixDwn, 25000 gil, Aviskill
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
187 Lemure                       Phoenix Tower
188 Parthenope                   Phoenix Tower
189 Cherie                       Phoenix Tower
xxx Bandercoeuri (Phoenix Tower) Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
xxx Liquid Flame (Phoenix Tower) Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
xxx Kuza Beast (Phoenix Tower)   Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
xxx Soul Cannon (Phoenix Tower)  Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
190 Magic Pot                    Inside a pot in the Phoenix Tower

This part of the walkthrough is optional and fairly tough too.  You can skip it
and come back later if you want to, but you should be able to handle it now.
Go to the Phoenix Tower in the southwest corner of the desert in the northeast
(the same desert with Bahamut).  Make your way up the tower.  The stairs in
some rooms will be hidden, but if you search the front of the pillar in the
middle of the room the stairs will be revealed.  In each room there are two
places you could search to reveal the stairs (to the left of center or to the
right of center).  Searching one of them will make you fight an enemy before
the stairs are revealed; searching the other will reveal the stairs without a
fight.  I've read that the Playstation version of Final Fantasy 5 randomly
picks which place will have an enemy and which won't, and it's different every
time.  But for the people who are playing the Super Nintendo version, here is a
list of which place is free of enemies on each floor:

1F:  Left
3F:  Left
4F:  Right
7F:  Left
8F:  Left
9F:  Right
12F:  Left
13F:  Left
14F:  Right
17F:  Left
18F:  Left
19F:  Right
22F:  Right
23F:  Left
24F:  Right
26F:  Left
27F:  Left
28F:  Right

You can't run away from the enemies you find in the Phoenix Tower.  You can
learn the Blue Magic spell Roulette from the enemy Bella Donna in the Phoenix

If you search the pots on some floors you'll find treasures.  When you search
some pots you'll encounter Magic Pots.  They're very difficult to beat by
attacking them.  You can run away if you want, but they ask you to give them an
Elixir, and if you do, then they will be the ones to leave the fight, and when
they do, you'll get 100 ABP.  You might have to give them more than one Elixir
to get them to leave.  If you give them one Elixir and they don't leave, you
will not be able to cast the Dimen Magic spell Reset to start the battle over
from the beginning in the hopes that the Magic Pot will leave after only one
Elixir.  You can't cast magic during the fights with Magic Pots.  But you can
use the Wonder Rod as an item in battle when you have it equipped (press up
from the item list during a battle to access the weapons you have equipped),
and that will cast Reset.  The Wonder Rod is found in the Fork Tower, which is
a later part of the walkthrough.  So people who are really concerned about
saving Elixirs can wait until after the Fork Tower to do this part.

Although if you want, you could try to actually beat the Magic Pots in a fight.
They're another one of Final Fantasy 5's super enemies.  They have very high
defense and very high HP and they periodically refill themselves to full HP, so
you have to do a lot of damage to them very quickly, before they have a chance
to refill their HP.  See the Super Enemies Strategies section of this guide for
tips on how to beat them.

Make your way to the top of the tower.  There'll be a scene during which you
can either answer Yes or No to a question.  The answer doesn't matter.  Get the
Esper Phenix, then leave.  Walk back to the Black Chocobo and fly back to the

Spells:  Condemn (Blue, if you didn't get it earlier), MindBlst (Blue)
Treasures: 12000 gil, HiPotion, Protect Drink, Elixir, 9000 gil, RisinSun,
Guard Ring, Crystal Helmet, Ether, Beastkill, Ether, DragnFang, DarkMatter,
Circlet, 3 of the legendary sealed weapons
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
157 Executor                     Solitary Island Temple
158 Oiseaurare                   Solitary Island Temple
161 Tot Aevis                    Solitary Island Temple
159 Shadow Dancer                Solitary Island Temple
160 Numb Blade                   Solitary Island Temple
xxx Covert                       Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in
                                 the Solitary Island Temple
xxx Pantera                      Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in
                                 the Solitary Island Temple
289 Wendigo                      Boss of Solitary Island Temple

Now it's finally time to get the second tablet.  Go to the temple on the big
bridge and make your way through it (it's just east of Castle Bal).  There are
some treasure chests in hidden passages in the Solitary Island Temple.  Giving
one of your characters the Thief's Passages ability (or giving them the job of
Thief, which automatically has the Passages ability) will help you find them.

Walk up to the air duct when you see it, and you'll get sucked into another
room.  It's a dead end, but it has two switches.  Going back to the air duct
will take you to one of four rooms depending on whether each switch is up or
down.  Make sure to go to the rooms with treasure chests with 9000 gil and an
Elixir before continuing through the temple.  Also, search the walls around the
bottom of the room with the switches and you'll find a HiPotion and a Protect

In the last room with the air duct there is a treasure chest with a RisinSun in
it.  That treasure chest has a monster in it.  It can be either the monster
Invisible or the monster Pantera.  They're both pretty interesting monsters,
and they can both only be found in this treasure chest.  If you want to see
both of them, you can open the treasure chest and get into a fight with one,
check it out, then before the fight ends you can run away and open the treasure
chest again in the hopes of getting into a fight with the other one.  The
monster Pantera uses the Image command, which creates additional fake copies of
him, and you can only damage the real one.  When you kill the first copy of the
monster Invisible, he'll use a different type of Image command, which creates
two more Invisibles, but they're in the same place.  You can tell by the
shadow.  It's not as cool looking as Pantera's Image, but it's still kind of

There are some pitfalls in the Solitary Island Temple, so it can be helpful to
give someone in your party the Geomancer's Pitfalls ability (or give them the
job of Geomancer, which automatically has the Pitfalls ability) to help you
avoid dropping down to the lower level.

If you didn't learn it earlier, you can learn the Blue Magic spell Condemn here
from the enemy Cursed One.  You have to control them in order to get them to
cast it, and then you have to give them an Ether in order for them to have
enough MP to cast it.

At the end of the temple you'll fight the boss Stalker when you get the second
tablet.  You can learn the last Blue Magic spell, MindBlst, from Stalker.  If
you miss it, you'll have another chance to learn MindBlst later, but not until
the game is almost over.

Stalker has three decoys that all look like him.  When you hit a decoy it won't
do any damage.  So it'll take awhile to beat him, since you'll waste a lot of
time hitting the wrong one.  When you do hit the right one, it'll randomly
switch to a different one.  And attacks that target multiple enemies will cause
them to counterattack.  Leave the temple once you beat him.  Fly to the Sealed
Castle Kuzar and pick out three more of the legendary sealed weapons.

                   WALKTHROUGH PART 45 - FORK TOWER
Spells:  Holy (White), Flare (Black)
Treasures: Ether, Wonder Rod, HiPotion, Defender
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
162 Tiny Mage                    Fork Tower
163 Chrono Controller            Fork Tower
164 Flaremancer                  Fork Tower
165 Dueling Knight               Fork Tower
166 Iron Muscles                 Fork Tower
167 Berserker                    Fork Tower
292 Omniscient                   Boss of Fork Tower
291 Minotaur                     Boss of Fork Tower

When you get the stone tablet in the Solitary Island Temple, the entrance to
the Fork Tower will be opened.  So head there next.  It's just west of
Crescent.  In Crescent, Mid is concerned that Cid is trapped underneath it.
You'll have to divide your party into two groups for the Fork Tower.  I found
the tower of magic on the left to be tougher than the tower of power on the
right, so I recommend that you send your two best magic users left, and send
whoever is leftover right.  (That's why, when you first got your jobs, I
recommended that you make Galuf and Faris magic users, since Cara and Faris are
naturally stronger at magic than Butz, and they should be more experienced than
Lenna, since she missed out on the experience that the others gained in the
Pyramid.)  Summon Magic works well here, so pick people who have that.  Give
your characters in the left tower weapons that increase their magic power, even
if those weapons have a weak attack power.

Make your way up the tower.  You actually can use physical attacks in the tower
of magic and you can use magic attacks in the tower of power, but doing so can
result in overwhelming counterattacks.  Although if your attack kills the
enemy, it won't be able to counterattack you.  Note that you can use healing
magic on yourself in the tower of power without consequences.  It sometimes
takes a particularly long time to run away from the enemies in the Fork Tower,
so if you want to run away from them you should use the Thief's !Escape ability
or the Ninja's !Smoke ability.

You can steal a Thunder Whip from the enemy Flare that can be found here in the
left tower.  It's not really a very good weapon, but I note it because it's

At the top you'll fight Minotauros, the boss of the tower of power first.  If
you defeated Sekmet in the Pyramid normally, he said that his brother at the
tower will avenge him.  Minotauros is presumably Sekmet's brother.  Prove
Sekmet wrong.

After you beat Minotauros the other group will have to fight Omniscient.  You
can reflect his spells with the White Magic spell Wall or the Esper Crbnkl.
You may have to put up your Walls multiple times if they wear off.  The Esper
Syldra will do the most damage to him.  You can steal the rare accessory
CornaJar from Omniscient.

After you beat Omniscient you'll get the spells Holy and Flare and the tower
will disappear, revealing the area where you first found the airship.  Go there
and you'll find Cid, who will work on your airship so it can be a submarine
too.  You can do the rest of the game out of order, if you want.

Note that underwater, just south of Karnak (it's not marked on the world map),
is a shrine with a man who will tell you some of the statistics of your party
(including what percentage of the hidden treasures you've found so far).  Note
that all of the hidden treasures in the game are listed in this walkthrough.
Also note that you can get credit for getting 100% of the treasures even if you
let Lone Wolf out of jail in Worus (even though he takes some of the treasures

Also note that underwater, just east of Mirage and a little south, is a smiley
face.  It doesn't do anything.

Treasures:  None
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
297 Famed Mimic Gogo             Boss of Sunken Worus Tower

Go underwater, look at your map, and go to the mark in the northeast (it's
southwest of Carwen).  It's the Worus Tower that sunk back at the beginning of
the game.  You'll only have a limited time in it, so you can use the Thief's
Dash ability to move faster.  Note that Thieves use the Dash ability
automatically, so if you have a Thief in your party, they don't have to equip
the Dash ability.  You can also save time by running away from enemies instead
of fighting them, if you want to.

Make your way through the tower.  There's a treasure chest half way through
that will reset the timer.  If you get that treasure chest then leave the tower
and come back, you'll still be able to get it again and reset the timer again.
If you're playing the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your
computer (with a ROM), then you can use a Hex Editor to give yourself extra
time.  See the Hacking section for more information.

At the end of the tower you'll find the crystal piece that you had to leave
behind at the beginning of the game.  You'll have to fight Gogo for it.  Gogo's
a Mimic.  He says he'll do what you do, and advises you to do what he does.  If
you attack him physically, he'll respond with an overwhelming physical attack.
And if you attack him with magic, he'll respond with an overwhelming magic
attack.  And after you've done a fair amount of damage to him, he'll attack
over and over again, overwhelmingly, even if you stop attacking.  But if you
never attack him, then he won't attack you.  Mimic that by not attacking him
some more, and after a few minutes of sitting there staring at each other,
he'll congratulate you and give you the crystal piece.  Note that you can steal
the rare helmet Goldpin from Gogo.

Although if you're up for a real challenge, you could try to actually beat him
in a fight.  He's another one of Final Fantasy 5's super enemies.  He's
probably the toughest of all of them.  See the Super Enemies Strategies section
of this guide for tips on how to beat him.  If you do want to fight him, you
might need to skip this part of the walkthrough and come back to it at the end
of the game when you've built up your level and gained new abilities and gotten
better equipment.

Once you have the Mimic job, leave the tower and consider switching some of
your characters to Mimic.  Gaining ABP in the Mimic job could hypothetically be
useful, but learning its ability for use with other jobs is a low priority.  If
you want to use the !Mimic ability, you might as well just be a Mimic, and you
don't have to gain ABP for the Mimic to use its own !Mimic ability.  So there's
not a lot of need to spend time gaining ABP for this job.

                  WALKTHROUGH PART 47 - GREAT TRENCH
Spells:  Meteo (Dimen)
Treasures: Water Scroll, Flame Ring, DragnFang, Ether, PhenixDwn, Kaiser
Knuckles, 3 of the legendary sealed weapons
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
168 Unknown (Spore, 2nd form)    Great Trench
169 Unknown (Blob)               Great Trench
170 Unknown (Worm)               Great Trench
171 Unknown (Spore, 1st form)    Great Trench
172 Unknown (Skeleton)           Great Trench
293 Triton                       Boss of Great Trench
294 Nereid                       Boss of Great Trench
295 Phobos                       Boss of Great Trench

Go underwater, look at your map, and go to the mark in the southeast (it's
north and a little east of Crescent).  Make your way through the Great Trench.
Some of the switches in it will open doors or create bridges, and some of them
will drop you to the level below.  There are some places there where you have
to walk through magma.  That will damage you unless your characters are
Floating (which you can do with the Dimen Magic spell Float) or if you give one
of your characters the Geomancer's DmgFloor ability (or give them the job of
Geomancer, which automatically has the DmgFloor ability).

Eventually you'll come to the Dwarf Kingdom.  One of the dwarves says that if
you return the MagicLamp to its original place, its power will revive.  That
original place is the lower right hand corner of the room right after the Dwarf
Kingdom (the room with the white water in it).  When you walk into that spot,
there will be a bright blue flash of light.

In the next room, a door will open when you open a treasure chest next to it.
Although at first, you won't be able to get through the door because lava will
block your path.  Press all the switches in the room, then you'll be able to
get through.  Get the third tablet at the end and you'll fight some bosses.  As
long as one of them is still alive, the others will come back to life shortly
after you kill them.  So try to kill them all at once using attacks that hit
all enemies for about the same amount of damage.  Leave after you beat them.
Fly to the Sealed Castle Kuzar and pick out three more of the legendary sealed

                  WALKTHROUGH PART 48 - ISTORY FALLS
Spells:  Leviathan (Esper)
Treasures: Ether, TurtleShell, Air Lance, Giant Drink, RuneEdge, Guard Ring,
PhenixDwn, Wall Ring, Artemis Bow, 12000 gil, Enhancer, Aegis Shield, Pinwheel,
Giant Axe, 3 of the legendary sealed weapons
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
178 Mercury Bat                  Istory Falls
179 Coral                        Istory Falls
183 Tonberry                     Istory Falls
180 Aquagel                      Istory Falls
181 Steel Fist                   Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in
                                 the Pyramid and randomly encountered in Istory
182 Alchymia (Red Dragon)        Istory Falls
182 Alchymia (Ghidra)            Istory Falls
182 Alchymia (Bone Dragon)       Dummy enemy?
296 Leviathan                    Boss of Istory Falls

While underwater, look at your map, and go to the mark in the northwest (it's
south of Istory Falls).  Go through the cave there and you'll end up on the
surface, just east of the giant waterfall near where Istory used to be.  Walk
into the waterfall and make your way through the area you find there.  You can
get to lower levels by sliding down waterfalls.  There's nothing you can get
here by walking up into the waterfalls, so don't bother trying.  Istory Falls
has some areas with hidden passages that even the Thief's Passages ability
won't let you see.  But you can see them when you get really close to them.
There's a RuneEdge hidden in one of them in the lower right hand corner of
floor B2.

On the left side of floor B2 there's a treasure chest with a Guard Ring on the
other side of a waterfall.  You have to press a switch to stop the waterfall,
then get the treasure.
You'll have to use the Thief's Dash ability (press the cancel button while
walking to move faster) to be able to get the treasure before the waterfall
starts again.  Note that Thieves use the Dash ability automatically, so if you
have a Thief in your party, they don't have to equip the Dash ability.  You
won't be able to walk up that waterfall no matter how fast you move, even
though it kind of looks like you can.

There are some pitfalls in Istory Falls, so it can be helpful to give someone
in your party the Geomancer's Pitfalls ability (or give them the job of
Geomancer, which automatically has the Pitfalls ability) to help you avoid
dropping down to the lower level.

Before you get the treasure chests on floor B5, press the switches near them.
That'll spring the traps.  After you get all the treasures, continue on by
jumping down the hole near the Giant Axe.  Grab the tablet.  Leave by walking
into the waterfall at the bottom of the room.  You can get the Esper Leviathan
on your way out if you want, but you'll have to fight him first.  It's
optional.  Then fly to the Sealed Castle Kuzar and pick out the last three
legendary sealed weapons.

If you're playing the Gameboy Advance version of the game, then after you get
the last of the legendary sealed weapons, someone will give you a message that
there was an earthquake to the south.  Fly your airship south, and just west of
Phantom Village you'll see an area where the ocean is bubbling.  Go underwater
in your submarine, and you'll find a cave there.  In the cave you'll get three
more jobs:  Oracle, Cannoneer, and Gladiator.  You'll meet a man there who says
he'll sell you ingredients for the Cannoneer's ability.  You can find him in
the inn in Crescent.  There are two doors and a switch in the room where you
get the new jobs, but you can't do anything with them yet.  But don't worry,
you'll be able to come back for them later in the game.  Those jobs and the
cave aren't available in the SNES or Playstation versions of the game.  I don't
yet have recommendations about whether or not you should use the Oracle,
Cannoneer, Gladiator, or Necromancer jobs.  And my recommendations about the
other jobs were made without taking into account the alternatives presented by
the Oracle, Cannoneer, Gladiator, or Necromancer jobs.

Treasures (listed separately by subsection):
Desert: None
Ruins: Ether, Cabin, DarkMatter, Elixir x2, Drain Sword
Town: None
Forest: DragnFang, Ribbon, Enhancer, Lillith Rod
Cave: Angel Ring, Coral Ring
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
204 Grenade                      Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
205 Baldanders                   Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
206 Death Dealer                 Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
207 Level Checker                Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension and Sunken
                                 Worus Tower
208 White Flame                  Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
209 Moss Fungus                  Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
210 Farfarello                   Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
300 Calofisteri                  Boss of Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
211 Orukat                       Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
212 Great Dragon                 Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
213 Achelon                      Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
311 Omega                        Cave of the Cleft of Dimension

You have now done everything there is to do before going to the Cleft of
Dimension.  So get ready to fly the airship into the hole where Tycoon Castle
used to be.  Before you go into the Cleft of Dimension, I recommend that you
buy a bunch of Cabins.  There are no inns inside the Cleft of Dimension where
you can recover your HP, but toward the end there are a few save points where
you can rest using a Cabin.

Go into the Cleft of Dimension and make your way through the desert and ruins.
You can heal at the pot in Mirage.  Leave the town and make your way through
the forest.  You can't cast the Dimen Magic spell Exit in the forest (or in the
Void that you'll find later in the Cleft of Dimension), so if you want to leave
the Cleft of Dimension, go to another part of it and cast Exit there.  At the
end of the forest there will be a tree with a hole in it.  Search the hole to
create an opening to another part of the Cleft of Dimension.  You'll have to
fight a boss before continuing.  In the cave there is one waterfall that's
hiding an entrance to another room.  Walk into the waterfalls to find it.
There's an Angel Ring in the hidden room.
On the lower section of the cave there is a machine visibly walking around.
He's Omega, another one of Final Fantasy 5's super enemies.  He's optional, so
you don't have to fight him if you don't want to.  And you don't get anything
valuable for beating him, but you can try it if you want.  See the Super
Enemies Strategies section of this guide for tips on how to beat him.  You
should save before you fight him.  There's a save spot in the cave, but you
might miss it if you slid down the waterfall from the upper level to the lower
level, rather than taking the stairs in the room next to the waterfall.

You might want to skip Omega then come back to him at the end of the game when
you've built up your level and gained new abilities and gotten better
equipment.  There are enemies towards the end of the game that give you a huge
amount of experience and ABP, so you can build up your levels quickly by
fighting against them.

Spells:  Ramuh (Esper, if you didn't get it earlier)
Treasures (listed separately by subsection):
Library: None
Towers: None
Castle: Thor Hammer, Running Shoes, Red Shoes, Rainbow Suit, ManEater
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
299 Apanda                       Boss of Library of the Cleft of Dimension
214 Ninja                        Towers of the Cleft of Dimension
215 Dragon Aevis                 Towers of the Cleft of Dimension
220 Iron Giant                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
216 Sword Dancer                 Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
217 Death Claw                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
218 Fury                         Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
219 Yojimbo                      Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
302 Alte Roite                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
303 Jura Aevis                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
301 Azulmagia                    Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
304 Catastrophe                  Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
305 Halicarnassus                Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
306 Twintania                    Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension

Continue past Omega and you'll enter a library.  You can read the two books
highlighted at the back of the room.  When you try to read the book on the
table you'll be attacked by a boss named Apanda.  He's the master of Byblos,
whom you fought in the Ancient Library.  Apanda is weak against fire (not
surprising for something you found in a book).  And if you use the Esper Ifrit
(the protector of libraries) on him, then he'll waste a turn cowering in fear.
You can steal the throwing weapon Soot from Apanda, and you can win another one
from him.  It's not really a very good weapon, but I note it because it's rare.

After you beat Apanda, turn around and leave the room again.  There's a
dimensional switch in the book.  When the book is closed, the door in the
library will take you back to the cave.  When the book is open, the door in the
library will take you to a new section with towers.  There are some pretty
obvious invisible bridges in the towers section (and there are a few places
that look like they might have an invisible bridge, but they don't).  Use the
Thief's Passages ability to see them if you really want to.  Make your way
through the towers section and you'll come to a castle.  There are three bosses
in the castle section, and that's not counting the optional bosses.  You may
come to a door that you can't open for now, but don't worry about it.

Make your way to the jail area.  First I suggest you fight Apocalypse, the guy
in the lower left hand corner.  He's optional, but you'll have access to a save
spot after you beat him.  Apocalypse is a Blue Mage, with access to many of the
same Blue Magic spells that you can learn.  I've seen it said that if you miss
getting one of the Blue Magic spells, you could try learning it from him.
That's possible for many of them, I suppose, but it seems a bit impractical to
me, and there are other ways of learning the Blue Magic spells (see the Blue
Magic sections).  Plus, there are some Blue Magic spells that he doesn't know.
That includes some that he can never know, plus some that you can actually
teach him (Aero 3, AquaRake, Blowfish, Exploder, Hammer, L.3 Flare, and
Vampire).  Teaching him Exploder is an interesting way to beat him (since then
he'll use it, which kills him).  You can steal a Giant Glove from Apocalypse.
It's not really a very good accessory, but I note it because it's rare.

Save after you beat Apocalypse, then continue through the castle.  The treasure
chest in the cell towards the upper right has Red Shoes, and the treasure chest
in the cell in the bottom right has a Rainbow Suit.  You don't have to get
them, and if you do, you might have to fight some of the green guys running
around in the cells (although it's possible to avoid them and still get the
treasures, if you want to).  When you're ready to proceed, talk to the gray
thing in the upper right hand cell and you'll fight him, Catastroph, the first
mandatory boss of the castle.  Catastroph uses the Earth Shaker spell, which
can do a fair amount of damage.  But if you keep your characters Floating, then
he won't cast Earth Shaker.  Note that you can cast the Dimen Magic spell Float
on yourself before the battle even starts.

Continue through the castle.  Outside, in the next section, you have another
chance to encounter Ramuh if you missed him before.  When you beat him you'll
get the item Ramuh, and when you use that item, you'll be able to call Ramuh as
a spell.  After you beat him once, you won't encounter him again.  Make sure to
get the ManEater through the secret passage in the section on the left.  Inside
the castle you can go back to the door you couldn't open earlier, from the
other side this time, where there's a switch that'll open the door.  There
isn't really any point in that, though.  When you try to continue to the next
room, you'll be pulled onto the throne.  Try to leave again, and you'll fight
Halicarnaso, the next mandatory boss.  He'll start out by trying to turn you
all into frogs.  Although if you cast toad on your party members yourself
before the start of the fight, then his attack will backfire, and turn you back
into humans (although you don't need to do this, and shouldn't, with characters
who are immune to being turned into frogs during battle).  Halicarnaso will
have a strong counterattack to Summon Magic, so don't use any of it against him.

Once you beat him, continue through the castle, and on the roof you'll fight
Twin Tania, the last mandatory boss of this section.  Twin Tania sometimes
casts Mega Flare as a counterattack when you use magic to attack him.  And he
sometimes casts Tidal Wave as a counterattack when you attack him physically.
Mega Flare can be reflected with the White Magic spell Wall or the Esper
Crbnkl.  The damage from Tidal Wave can be absorbed by Coral Rings.  You can
leave the Cleft of Dimension and buy Coral Rings in Mirage, or you can steal
them from Bella Donna in the Phoenix Tower.

In the library of the Cleft of Dimension there was a book that said that Giga
Flare leaves a moment of vulnerability during preparation.  Twin Tania is the
one who uses Giga Flare.  So when it says he's charging up for Giga Flare, you
can attack him without him counterattacking, and you can use a lot of spells
that wouldn't ordinarily work on bosses (like the instant death attack of the
Esper Odin).  You can steal a Giant Axe from Twin Tania when it's charging up
for Giga Flare.  It's the best axe in the game, although there are other
weapons that are better.  If you beat Twin Tania when it is not charging up for
Giga Flare, then there's a chance that you'll win the Tinker Bell.  It's the
best bell in the game, although there are other weapons that are a lot better.

Note that you can steal the Tempest Katana from an enemy named Bodyguard that
can be found here on the roof of the castle.  It's a very powerful weapon.

                    WALKTHROUGH PART 51 - THE VOID
Spells:  MindBlst (Blue, if you didn't learn it earlier)
Treasures: Pinwheel x2, Elixir, Ragnarok, Pinwheel
Steal:  Genji Shield, Genji Armor
New monsters in this area (GBA name):
221 King Behemoth                Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
223 Necromancer                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
224 Gorgimera                    Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
225 Mindflayer                   Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
226 Crystelle                    Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
228 Mover                        Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
222 Crystal Dragon               Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
227 Belphegor                    Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
307 Gilgamesh (X-Zone)           Boss in Void at the end of the Cleft of
312 Shinryu                      Inside a treasure chest in the Void at the end
                                 of the Cleft of Dimension
309 Barrier                      Boss in Void at the end of the Cleft of
308 Necrophobe                   Boss in Void at the end of the Cleft of
310 Gilgamesh (Necrofobia)       Appears during the fight with Necrofobia in
                                 the Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
313 Exdeath (Final)              Boss of Void at the end of the Cleft of
314 Neo Exdeath                  Boss of Void at the end of the Cleft of

After you beat Twin Tania, go up the bridge and make your way through the Void.
Rather than take stairs in the void, you'll move from area to area via warp
points like the one on which you start.  The enemies here are very, very tough.
Good luck.  But they give a lot of ABP when you beat them, so this can be the
best place to gain new abilities.  A typical fight in the Void can give you 30
ABP, and in the second and fourth areas you'll have a chance of randomly
encountering enemies called Movers, and if you beat them you'll get 199 ABP.
Although Movers sometimes end the fight early, so in order to get the ABP
you'll have to beat them quickly before they can do that.  The enemies here
don't give you experience points, so while this can be a good place to gain new
abilities, you should go back to the castle section to gain experience.  You
can get a lot of experience from Iron Giants, who can be found easily in the
room right before the castle's roof.

If you fought Gilgamesh at the top of Exdeath's Castle, then he was sent to the
Cleft of Dimension at the end of the fight.  You'll fight him again here.  You
can use the Thief's !Steal or !Capture commands to get the Genji Shield from
him.  It's a great shield.  Although I think he won't be there in the Void for
you to fight him if you didn't fight him towards the end of Exdeath's Castle.

Make your way through the void.  If you didn't learn the Blue Magic spell
MindBlst earlier, then you can learn it here from a Mind Mage.

Do not open the treasure chests on the third area of the Void right away.
First, go ahead to the fourth area and search the green glowing spot.  You'll
get into a fight with Necrofobia.  It's an optional fight, but you'll have
access to a save spot after you beat him.  You'll have to destroy his four
barriers before you can hurt him.  If you didn't already get as many Thief
Gloves as you wanted from Sekmet in the Pyramid, then you can steal another one
from Necrofobia.  If certain conditions are met, then Gilgamesh will show up
and help you fight Necrofobia once you destroy Necrofobia's barriers and do a
bit of damage to him (you have to get Necrofobia below 9,999 HP).  I'm not sure
what all the conditions are, though.  I suspect that Gilgamesh won't show up
here if you didn't fight him at the top of Exdeath's Castle, but sometimes he
doesn't show up even if you did fight him at the top of Exdeath's Castle (even
after you get Necrofobia below 9,999 HP).  You can use the Thief's !Steal or
!Capture commands to get the Genji Armor from Gilgamesh if he does show up.
It's great armor.  Save your game when the fight is over, then go back to the
previous area and get the treasure chests, if you want.

In one of them you'll find the enemy Shinryuu.  He's another one of Final
Fantasy 5's super enemies.  He's optional, so you don't have to fight him if
you don't want to.  See the Super Enemies Strategies section of this guide for
tips on how to beat him.  When you beat Shinryuu you'll get the sword Ragnarok.
You can steal a Dragon Whip from Shinryuu.  It's not really a very good weapon,
but I note it because it's rare.  You can also sometimes win Dragon Whips from
the enemy Stingray in the northern part of the sea that is southwest of Carwen
in world 3.  But trying to do that can sometimes take lots of tries before it
succeeds, so some people prefer to get the Dragon Whip from Shinryuu.

At this point, if you want, you can go back to the shrine that's underwater
south of Karnak.  If you got all of the treasures I listed in this walkthrough,
he should tell you that you've found 100% of the treasures in the game.

When you're ready, make your way to the end of the Void and you'll fight
Exdeath.  Exdeath has two forms, and after you beat his first form, you'll have
to fight his second form.  His second form appears to have four parts, and
you'll have to destroy all four of them to win the fight.  In addition to the
regular four parts, there are also two extra parts that are sort of hidden.
The two extra parts can't be hurt, and you don't need to destroy them in order
to win the fight.  You won't be able to target the two extra parts
specifically, but if you use an attack that targets an enemy at random (like
the Hunter's !X-Fight ability) it will sometimes be wasted on those two parts.
It can be helpful to switch to the Normal or Mimic Jobs for this fight, since
they can use multiple abilities.

After you beat both of Exdeath's forms there'll be an ending scene then the
credits will roll.  After the credits, if you're playing the Gameboy Advance
version of the game you'll have the option of saving your game.  The credits
take a long time, so be patient.  If you save your game then reload it, you'll
have access to the Bonus Dungeon, as descriped in the next part of the
walkthrough.  Although if you're playing the SNES or Playstation versions of
the game, there is no bonus dungeon, and this is the end of the game.

Note that the ending scene after you beat Exdeath will be a little different
depending on who is still alive at the end of the fight.  Here's what the
possibilities are (this'll be a spoiler if you haven't seen it yet, obviously):

If all four of your characters are alive, then the ending will show them all
leaving the void, then a year later one of them will write Cid and Mid a letter
saying what all four of them have been doing since the fight, then there will
be flashbacks for all four characters plus Galuf, then they'll all reunite at
the Elder Tree.

If at least one character is dead at the end of the fight, then the ending will
show the characters who are still alive leaving the void, but the ones who are
dead will be left behind.  The letter to Cid and Mid will say what the
characters who lived have been doing since the fight, but obviously it won't be
able to say what the characters who died have been doing.  There will be
flashbacks for the characters who died only (and there won't be a flashback for
Galuf).  Then the characters who lived will reunite at the Elder Tree, and
there the characters who died will be brought back to life.

New monsters in this area (GBA name):
230 Assassin                     Bonus dungeon
239 Dinozombie                   Bonus dungeon
232 Behemoth                     Bonus dungeon
236 Exoray                       Bonus dungeon
229 Mini Satana                  Bonus dungeon
231 Soul Eater                   Bonus dungeon
233 Dark Elemental (type 1)      Bonus dungeon
234 Dark Elemental (type 2)      Bonus dungeon
235 Dark Elemental (type 3)      Bonus dungeon
241 Ironclad                     Bonus dungeon
237 Duelist                      Bonus dungeon
240 Claret Dragon                Bonus dungeon
238 Medusa                       Bonus dungeon
242 Hades                        Bonus dungeon
315 Grand Aevis                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
316 Archeodemon                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
317 Guardian                     Boss in Bonus dungeon
318 Launcher (Bonus dungeon)     Boss in Bonus dungeon
319 Launcher (Bonus dungeon)     Boss in Bonus dungeon
320 Wave Cannon                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
321 Omega Mk.II                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
322 Neo Shinryu                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
323 Enuo                         Boss of Bonus dungeon

Unlike the rest of the walkthrough, the remaining sections will be in the
Gameboy Advance translation, since they only apply to the Gameboy Advance
version of the game.

Note that there is a really high rate of random enemy encounters in the bonus
dungeon.  It will be helpful to use the Oracle's Read Ahead ability, which
reduces the rate of random enemy encounters.

Also note that there are lots of places in the bonus dungeon where the path
branches off and you can go in multiple different directions.  With only a few
exceptions that I'll mention, the branches usually all go to essentially the
same place.  But you might get more treasures if you go along one path than
another, or in order to get all the treasures, you might have to go one way,
then backtrack and go the other way too.

Anyway, after you gained access to the bonus dungeon in the previous part of
the walkthrough, go back to the cave where you got the Oracle, Cannoneer, and
Gladiator jobs in part 48 of the walkthrough.  If you flip the switch in the
middle of the room, then the room will move to another area.  Then you'll be
able to go through the door on the left side of the room, which leads to the
Sealed Temple.

Below I have listed which monsters can be encountered and which treasures can
be found in each floor of the bonus dungeon.  I refer to the floors by their
official name.  You can see the official name of the floor you're on if you
open the game's menu.  But here is a short guide to the bonus dungeon:

First you should go through the right door of the Sealed Temple.  Take one of
the warps in the next room, and proceed to the room after that.  You should be
in the room called Titans' Grotto - B2.  Use the Beastmaster's !Catch ability
to catch one of the monsters here named Behemoth.  Then proceed to the next
room, and take the warp there.  That will take you to the area that you
could've accessed through the left door of the Sealed Temple.

Proceed left and make your way through this area of the bonus dungeon.  You'll
have to fight a Gil Turtle on the way.  At the end of this path you'll find a
little kid.  He'll ask you to catch a Behemoth.  Since you already did that,
he'll give you access to a new area of the bonus dungeon, through the middle
door in the Sealed Temple.  So now backtrack and go through the middle door of
the Sealed Temple.  On your way back you'll see a monster in a jail cell, but
you can't do anything with it yet.

Through the middle door of the Sealed Temple you'll find a stone statue of a
snake blocking your way.  Search it.  You can't get around it right now, so go
back and go through the right door of the Sealed Temple again.  You can proceed
through this area by taking one of the warps again, or by taking the door in
the first room.  Either way, proceed through three rooms until you get to the
room called Ruined Shrine - Hall of Watchmen.  Talk to the little kid you find
there, and he'll give you medicine that will soften petrification curses.  Take
it and go back to the stone statue of the snake through the middle door of the
Sealed Temple.  It only lasts for 5 minutes, so be fast.  Take the warp in the
lower right hand corner of the room with the little kid, then go up through the
door, and make your way through the next room, and you'll be back in the Sealed

After you soften the snake, you'll have to fight it, and after that you can
proceed through the Bonus Dungeon.  Along the way, in the room called Warp Zone
there is a warp that will take you back to the beginning of the bonus dungeon.
When you get to the room called Abyssal Falls - B2 the path will split in
several directions.  To the south is a room where you can go to get some
treasures.  There is another door in the room called Abyssal Falls - B2, but
you can't get through it right now.  So instead go to the left.  You'll have to
press the switch to stop the waterfall, then run past it.  You'll have to be
fast.  In the next room, called the Abyssal Falls - Hall of Tranquility, you
should talk to the little kid and he'll unlock the jail cell you saw along the
path through the left door at the beginning of the Sealed Temple.  You can go
back and fight that monster now if you want, but there are a few other optional
things I want to point out first.

North of the main room of Abyssal Falls - Hall of Tranquility is a room with a
save spot.  If you go left from the Abyssal Falls - Hall of Tranquility you'll
find a room crawling with Omegas.  On the left side of that room is a door that
is currently locked.  But if you go north to the next room, you'll find a
switch that unlocks that door.  You'll find another switch that unlocks the
door in Abyssal Falls - B2.  The third switch just unleashes a flow of sand
that knocks you back to the room below with the Omegas.  The hole in that room
drops you to River of Souls - B2, which is back at the beginning of the bonus
dungeon, through the door to the left of the Sealed Temple.  You can use that
hole when you want to go back and fight the monster in the jail cell.

But first, proceed through the newly unlocked door in the left side of the room
with the Omegas.  Then proceed to the room after that (you'll have to fall
through a hole in the floor, rather than use the stairs).  In the next room
you'll find the optional super enemy Omega Mk.II.  It's like Omega, but
tougher.  You win the Force Shield when you beat it.

After you're done with Omega Mk.II, go back to the room called Abyssal Falls -
B2.  Go through the door there, now that it's unlocked.  If you take the
northern exit from that room, you'll find another room with a treasure chest
that contains the enemy Neo Shinryu.  It's like Shinryu, but tougher.  Most
attacks won't damage Neo Shinryu at all.  They don't even do 0 damage.  It's
like they don't hit at all.  But you can damage him if you use the Dragoon's
!Jump ability.  You can do the most damage if you jump with the Dragon Lance,
which you can steal from the enemy Crystal Dragon, which can be found either
right here in the area of the Bonus Dungeon with Neo Shinryu or in the Void at
the end of the Interdimensional Rift.  You win the Ultima Weapon when you beat
Neo Shinryu.

After you're done with Omega Mk.II and Neo Shinryu (or if you don't want to
fight them), go all the way back to the jail cell at the beginning of the
Sealed Temple.  It's through the Sealed Temple's left door.  When you open it,
you'll fight the boss Archeodemon.  Whenever you attack Archeodemon, he
responds by casting the spell Death on himself.  Archeodemon is an undead
monster, so the spell Death completely restores his HP.  But you can prevent
him from healing himself by using the White Magic spell Reflect on him,
although that will reflect his Death spell onto you.

After you beat Archeodemon, go all the way back to the room with the little kid
who gave you the key to Archeodemon's jail cell.  There's a warp point at the
bottom of the room which will be unblocked after you beat Archeodemon.  Go
through the warp point and continue through the short path to the end of the
bonus dungeon.  You'll get into one fight with the bosses Guardian, Wave
Cannon, and Launchers.  Then at the end you'll fight the final boss, Enuo.

Here's the list of which monsters can be encountered and which treasures can be
found in each floor of the bonus dungeon:

Sealed Temple
Treasures:  None
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Sword Dancer, Fury, Death Claw
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Sword Dancer (2), Fury
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Grenade (5)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dragon Aevis (2)

Sealed Temple - Corridor (from the right door of Sealed Temple)
Has two warps to Titans' Grotto - B1
Treasures:  None
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Fury, Sword Dancer (2)
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Grenade (5)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Blue Dragon, Yellow Dragon
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Assassin

Titans' Grotto - B1 (from the warp in Sealed Temple - Corridor)
Treasures:  Elixir, Dark Matter, Vishnu Vest
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Iron Giant, Gorgimera
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Yojimbo (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Iron Giant, Yojimbo
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dinozombie

Titans' Grotto - B2 (from Titans' Grotto - B1)
Treasures:  Elixir
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Behemoth
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Behemoth, Yojimbo
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Gorgimera (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dinozombie

Ruined Shrine - Hall of Souls (from the door in Sealed Temple - Corridor)
Treasures:  Blastshot, Blastshot, Blitzshot, Blitzshot
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Mini Satana, Flaremancer (2)
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Mini Satana, Fury (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Mini Satana (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dark Elemental (type 1), Dark Elemental (type 2), Dark
Elemental (type 3)

Ruined Shrine - Hall of Doubt (from Ruined Shrine - Hall of Souls)
Treasures:  Ether, Mace of Zeus, Blitzshot, Elixir, Dark Matter,
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Mini Satana (2), Chrono Controller
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Dark Elemental (type 1), Dark Elemental (type 2), Dark
Elemental (type 3)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Dark Elemental (type 1), Dark Elemental (type 2), Dark
Elemental (type 3)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dark Elemental (type 1), Dark Elemental (type 2), Dark
Elemental (type 3)

Ruined Shrine - Hall of Watchmen (from Titans' Grotto - B2 or drop through a
hole in Ruined Shrine - Hall of Doubt)
Has a warp to River of Souls - B1
Treasures:  None
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Mecha Head, Level Checker (2)
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Mecha Head (2), Level Checker
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Mindflayer (3)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Exoray (5)

Sealed Temple - Dungeon (from the left door of Sealed Temple)
Treasures:  Blastshot, Buckshot
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Sword Dancer, Fury, Death Claw
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Dragon Aevis (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Red Dragon and Yellow Dragon
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Mini Satana
BOSS:  Archeodemon

River of Souls - B1 (from Sealed Temple - Dungeon)
Treasures:  Iron Draft, Goliath Tonic, Power Drink
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Soul Eater
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Nutkin, Skull Eater, Soul Eater
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Soul Eater, Skull Eater (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Nutkin, Soul Eater (4, H)

River of Souls - B2 (from River of Souls - B1)
Treasures:  Dark Matter, Turtle Shell, Elixir
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Rukh
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Belphegor, Crystelle (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Vilia
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Mover (3), Mover (3, H)
BOSS:  Gil Turtle

River of Souls - B3 (from River of Souls - B2)
Treasures:  Cottage, Fuma Shuriken
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Sea Devil, Rukh
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Belphegor (2), Crystelle
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Stingray
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Mover (3), Mover (3, H)

Sealed Temple - Arena (from the center door of Sealed Temple)
Treasures:  Dark Matter, Hero Cocktail, Holy Water, Gladius, Ether
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Mini Satana
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Assassin
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Red Dragon, Blue Dragon
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Assassin
BOSS:  Grand Aevis, Dark Elemental (2)

Heart of Ronka - Treasure Room (from Sealed Temple - Arena)
Treasures:  Ether, Ether, Fuma Shuriken, Fuma Shuriken, Cottage, Dark Matter,
Sorceror's Mantle, Cottage, Blitzshot, Holy Water, Holy Water, Blitzshot,
Phoenix Down
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Exoray (5)
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Iron Giant (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Exoray (5)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Ironclad

Heart of Ronka - B1 (from Heart of Ronka - Treasure Room)
Treasures:  Kagenui, Hyper Wrist, Buckshot, Blastshot
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Mecha Head (2), Level Checker
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Mindflayer (3)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Exoray (5)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Exoray (5)

Heart of Ronka - B2 (from Heart of Ronka - B1)
Treasures:  Cottage, Apocalypse
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Exoray (5)
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Mindflayer (2), Achelon
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Iron Giant (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Exoray (5)

Warp Zone (from pulleys in Heart of Ronka - B2)
Has a warp to the Sealed Temple
Treasures:  None
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Mecha Head, Level Checker (2)
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Moss Fungus (3)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Exoray (5)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Moss Fungus (2), Mindflayer

Abyssal Falls - B1 (from stairs in Heart of Ronka - B2)
Treasures:  Cottage, Royal Crown
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Duelist
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Assassin
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Great Dragon, Dragon Aevis
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Soul Eater (3)

Abyssal Falls - B2 (from Abyssal Falls - B1)
Treasures:  Coral Ring
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Duelist
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Great Dragon, Dragon Aevis
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Mini Satana (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dark Elemental (type 1), Dark Elemental (type 2), Dark
Elemental (type 3)

Abyssal Falls - Treasure Room (south of Abyssal Falls - B2)
Treasures:  Dark Matter, Water Scroll, Cottage, Dark Matter, Turtle Shell
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Duelist
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Assassin, Yojimbo
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Assassin, Ninja
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Claret Dragon

Abyssal Falls - Hall of Tranquility (2 parts, the first is left from Abyssal
Falls - B2)
Has a warp to Lethe Court - The Shadowed Gate
Treasures:  Longinus
No encounters

Tomb of Memory - Incubi's Path (left of Abyssal Falls - Hall of Tranquility)
Treasures:  Ash, Elixir, Demon's Rod
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Dinozombie, Mecha Head
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Medusa, Mini Satana
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Medusa (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dinozombie, Necromancer

Tomb of Memory - Decedent's Path (north of Tomb of Memory - Incubi's Path)
Has a hole that drops you to River of Souls - B2
Treasures:  None
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Necromancer, Archeosaur
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Mini Satana (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Medusa, Lamia Queen (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dinozombie

Tomb of Memory - Iniquity's Path (left of Tomb of Memory - Incubi's Path)
Treasures:  Dark Matter, Blitzshot, Hero Cocktail, Dark Matter
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Dinozombie, Medusa
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Dinozombie
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Medusa, Mini Satana
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Medusa (3)

Tomb of Memory - Throne Room (from Tomb of Memory - Iniquity's Path)
Treasures:  Ash, Blitzshot, Holy Water
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Medusa, Necromancer (2)
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Dinozombie
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Medusa (3)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Dinozombie (2)
BOSS:  Omega Mk.II

Shinryu's Lair - Entryway (through door in Abyssal Falls - B2)
Treasures:  Elixir, Ribbon, Blitzshot
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Red Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Blue Dragon
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Great Dragon, Dragon Aevis
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Shield Dragon (2)
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Crystal Dragon

Shinryu's Lair - Treasure Room (from Shinryu's Lair - Entryway)
Treasures:  Phoenix Down, Flame Scroll, Blitzshot, Lightning Scroll, Elixir,
Maximillian, Blastshot, Ash, Ash, Flame Scroll
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Red Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Blue Dragon
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Shield Dragon (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Crystal Dragon
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Claret Dragon

Shinryu's Lair - Shinryu's Roost (north of Shinryu's Lair - Entryway)
Treasures:  Ultima Weapon (guarded by Neo Shinryu)
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Red Dragon, Yellow Dragon, Blue Dragon
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Claret Dragon
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Crystal Dragon, Dragon Aevis
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Claret Dragon
BOSS:  Neo Shinryu

Lethe Court - The Shadowed Gate (3 parts, the first from the warp in Abyssal
Falls - Hall of Tranquility)
Treasures:  Mutsunokami, Elixir
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Ironclad
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Assassin, Dinozombie
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  King Behemoth, Behemoth
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Hades

Lethe Court - The Stairs of Destiny (from part 3 of Lethe Court - The Shadowed
Treasures:  Robe of Lords
ENCOUNTER 1 (90/256):  Ironclad
ENCOUNTER 2 (90/256):  Crystal Dragon (2)
ENCOUNTER 3 (60/256):  Claret Dragon, Great Dragon
ENCOUNTER 4 (16/256):  Hades
BOSS:  Guardian, Wave Cannon, Launcher (2)

Lethe Court - The Void (from Lethe Court - The Stairs of Destiny)
Treasures:  None
No random encounters
BOSS:  Enuo

New monsters in this area (GBA name):  None

After you beat Enuo, you'll get the final job, Necromancer.  Note that
Neromancers have the undead status.  As a result of that, most healing spells
and items hurt you during a fight.  Although healing spells and items work
normally when you're not in a fight.  Necromancers can still be healed by the
Blue Magic spell White Wind or the Protect Ring.  And you can drain HP from
enemies using the Black Magic spell Drain, the Esper Sylph, the Chemist's mix
Succubus Kiss, the Blue Magic spell Vampire, the Dance Jitterbug, the Dragoon's
!Lance ability, or the Blood Sword, or by attacking an enemy after using the
Magic Sword spell Drain.  And if you equip something or use a Chemist mix that
lets you absorb damage from one element, then you can be healed using spells of
that element.  Since you're undead, you can be fully healed by the Black Magic
spell Death, the Chemist's mix Death Potion, or the Blue Magic spells Roulette
(which won't necessarily hit the character you want it to hit) and Level 5
Death (which can only be cast on enemies, but can be reflected back onto you if
the enemy has a Wall, although then it won't necessarily hit the character you
want it to hit, and it will only work on characters who are at a level that is
a multiple of 5).  The Death Sickle and Assassin's Dagger also sometimes cast
Death when you attack with them, and that will also fully heal a Necromancer,
although getting attacked with those weapons will still hurt on occasions when
they don't cast Death.  Unlike people equipped with the Bone Mail, Necromancers
can be revived during fights by spells like Raise, although spells like Raise
will hurt them if they're already alive.  And unlike people equipped with the
Bone Mail, Necromancers do not absorb Poison damage, so they can't be healed by
poison attacks.

Anyway, as soon as you get the Necromancer job, a monster will emerge from the
final area of the game, the Cloister of the Dead.  Someone will show up and use
that monster as an introduction to how Necromancers work.  You can gain
Necromancer spells by defeating certain monsters.  In order to gain the spell,
the character who delivers the final blow must be a Necromancer.  After you
defeat that monster as a Necromancer and gain the first spell, you can go into
the Cloister of the Dead.  But first you might want to get the rest of the Dark
Arts spells.  Here is a list of each Dark Arts spell, the monsters who can
teach it to you, and where those monsters can be found:

Drain Touch  Mindflayer (Cloister of the Dead)
Dark Haze    Lemure (Phoenix Tower)
Deep Freeze  Assassin (Bonus dungeon)
Evil Mist    Zombie Dragon (Drakenvale)
Meltdown     Liquid Flame (Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower)
Hellwind     Objet d'Art (Castle Bal Basement)
Chaos Drive  Mini Satana (Bonus dungeon)
Curse        Ironclad (Bonus dungeon)
Dark Flare   Tonberry (Istory Falls)
Doomsday     Hades (Bonus dungeon)

When you're ready, the last thing you can do is go through the Cloister of the
Dead.  In the Cloister of the Dead you have to refight several of the game's
bosses.  And they're tougher this time around.  The Wing Raptor, the game's
first boss, was originally 250 HP.  But this time it's 12,000 HP.  The Cloister
of the Dead has several levels, and each one has 5 boss fights.  You fight all
5 fights on each level in a row, without a break to heal or switch jobs in
between fights.  Then you get a break after each level.  But if you leave it
before you're done, you'll have to start back at the first level when you start
it again.  When you're finished, you get the Medal of Smiting, and that's the
end of the game.

Here, for planning purposes, is a list of all the bosses in the Cloister of the

Cloister level 1:
Wing Raptor
Magissa and Forza
Gil Turtle

Level 2:
Liquid Flame
Soul Cannon, Launcher (2)
Purobolos (6)
Triton, Nereid, Phobos

Level 3:
Dragon Pod, Dragon Flower (5)

Level 4:

Level 5:

Level 6:
The Sealed (4)
Necrophobe, Barrier (4)


                               SECTION 02 - TIPS

Final Fantasy 5 has a few super enemies, some of which are even tougher than
the game's final boss.  They're all optional, so you don't have to fight them
if you don't want to, but they're there if you want the challenge.  They are
Garkimasra, D.Chimera, Skull Eater, MiniDragon, Prototype, ShieldDrgn, Sand
Crawl, Gil Turtle, Magic Pot, Gogo, Omega, and Shinryuu (there are easy ways to
beat Magic Pot and Gogo, but they're tough if you try to beat them in a real
fight).  See the Super Enemies Strategies section of this guide for tips on how
to beat them.

Make sure to read the notes at the top of the jobs section about the different
types of abilities.

For each statistic, the Normal and Mimic jobs will get the best of all the jobs
they've mastered.  See the Stats section for a list of the stats of each job.

There are some bugs in Final Fantasy 5 that you can exploit to your advantage.
And there are some bugs that you can fix to your advantage.  Or you could just
ignore them.  See the bugs section for more information.

In Worus Castle you have the option of letting Lone Wolf out of jail.  Doing so
doesn't seem to have any benefits, and if you do let him go, he'll take a few
of the treasure chests throughout the rest of the game so that you won't be
able to get them yourself.  The treasure chests he takes are:  Two Cabins in
Tycoon, the Thunder Whip in the Jacole Cave, a Cabin in Surgate, and a Cabin in

Underwater, just south of Karnak (it's not marked on the world map), is a
shrine with a man who will tell you some of the statistics of your party
(including what percentage of the hidden treasures you've found so far).  Note
that all of the hidden treasures in the game are listed in the walkthrough in
this guide.  Also note that you can get credit for getting 100% of the
treasures even if you let Lone Wolf out of jail in Worus (even though he takes
some of the treasures himself).

If you're fighting a monster that has a Wall that reflects spells you cast on
it, then you can get around that by putting a wall on one of your own
characters (using the White Magic spell Wall or the Esper Crbnkl), then casting
a spell on that character, and it'll be reflected onto one of the monsters at
random.  Walls don't reflect spells that have already been reflected once.

If you cast a spell on all four of your characters and it reflects back at the
enemy (because of the White Magic spell Wall or the Esper Crbnkl), then that
will make its effect stronger.

Some spells can be used on one target or multiple targets.  Their effect will
be stronger if you just use them on one target.

Some weapons (particularly rods and staves) increase the damage of some of your
spells when you have them equipped.  And some of them will cast a spell if you
use them as an item in battle when you have them equipped.  See the Weapons
section for additional information.

Some rods and staves will cast a spell if you use them as an item in battle
when you have them equipped (press up from the item list during a battle to
access the weapons you have equipped).  See the Weapons section for additional

Enemies that are made of stone can be killed by the item Soft.

Some monsters are immune to instant death attacks and some status effects, like
frog and mini.  The monsters section has a list of which monsters are immune to
which status effects.  Most bosses are also immune to attacks that normally
decrease the target to less than 10 HP or take off a certain percentage of the
target's current HP.  So you'll have to beat them the hard way.

Spells that usually drain HP or MP from their target will backfire if they're
used against undead monsters.  Many spells that normally kill people will fully
heal undead monsters.  Spells that normally bring people back to life will kill
undead monsters (although that won't work on most undead bosses).  Spells that
usually heal people will hurt undead monsters.  Spells that usually restore
people to full HP will reduce an undead monster to less than 10 HP (although
they won't have any effect on most undead bosses either).  If you cast Cure3 on
just one target, it will restore that target to full HP.  But if you cast Cure3
on multiple targets, then it will only restore them a bit.  Which means that
Cure3 can only damage undead bosses if you cast it on multiple targets.  If
they're the only monster in the fight, then you can simulate casting it on all
of your allies and reflect it off a wall.

The Flame Shield, Flame Ring, Ice Shield, Bone Mail, and Coral Ring absorb
Fire, Fire, Ice, Poison, and Water damage, respectively.  The Chemist's mixes
Resist Fire, Resist Ice, and Resist Thunder let you absorb Fire, Ice, and
Thunder damage, respectively.  Using those can be helpful in beating enemies
who use elemental attacks against you, but when you're using them you can also
heal yourself using elemental attack magic rather than normal cure spells.

The Bone Mail makes its wearer immune to Instant Death Attacks, Darkness,
Poison status, Charm, Aging, and Berserk.  It also gives its wearer the undead
status.  As a result of that, most healing spells and items hurt you and you
can't be revived during a fight.  Although healing spells and items work
normally when you're not in a fight.  You can still be healed by the Blue Magic
spell WhiteWind or the Guard Ring.  And you can drain HP from enemies using the
Black Magic spell Drain, the Esper Sylph, the Chemist's mix Drain Kiss, the
Blue Magic spell Vampire, the Dance Jitterbug Duet, the Dragoon's !DrgnSwd
ability, or the Drain Sword, or by attacking an enemy after using the Magic
Sword spell Drain.  And if you equip something or use a Chemist mix that lets
you absorb damage from one element, then you can be healed using spells of that
element.  Since you're undead, you can be fully healed by the Black Magic spell
Doom, the Chemist's mix Death Potion, or the Blue Magic spells Roulette (which
won't necessarily hit the character you want it to hit) and L5 Doom (which can
only be cast on enemies, but can be reflected back onto you if the enemy has a
Wall, although then it won't necessarily hit the character you want it to hit,
and it will only work on characters who are at a level that is a multiple of
5).  The Doom Axe and Assassin Dagger also sometimes cast Doom when you attack
with them, and that will also fully heal someone with the Bone Mail, although
getting attacked with those weapons will still hurt on occasions when they
don't cast Doom.  The Bone Mail absorbs Poison damage, halves Ice damage, and
is weak against Fire damage and Holy damage.  As a result of that, characters
with the Bone Mail can also be partially healed by the Black Magic spell Bio,
the Chemist's mix Poison Breath, or by attacking them after using the Magic
Sword spells Venom or Bio.

This one paragraph uses the GBA translation:  Neromancers have the undead
status.  As a result of that, most healing spells and items hurt you during a
fight.  Although healing spells and items work normally when you're not in a
fight.  Necromancers can still be healed by the Blue Magic spell White Wind or
the Protect Ring.  And you can drain HP from enemies using the Black Magic
spell Drain, the Esper Sylph, the Chemist's mix Succubus Kiss, the Blue Magic
spell Vampire, the Dance Jitterbug, the Dragoon's !Lance ability, or the Blood
Sword, or by attacking an enemy after using the Magic Sword spell Drain.  And
if you equip something or use a Chemist mix that lets you absorb damage from
one element, then you can be healed using spells of that element.  Since you're
undead, you can be fully healed by the Black Magic spell Death, the Chemist's
mix Death Potion, or the Blue Magic spells Roulette (which won't necessarily
hit the character you want it to hit) and Level 5 Death (which can only be cast
on enemies, but can be reflected back onto you if the enemy has a Wall,
although then it won't necessarily hit the character you want it to hit, and it
will only work on characters who are at a level that is a multiple of 5).  The
Death Sickle and Assassin's Dagger also sometimes cast Death when you attack
with them, and that will also fully heal a Necromancer, although getting
attacked with those weapons will still hurt on occasions when they don't cast
Death.  Unlike people equipped with the Bone Mail, Necromancers can be revived
during fights by spells like Raise, although spells like Raise will hurt them
if they're already alive.  And unlike people equipped with the Bone Mail,
Necromancers do not absorb Poison damage, so they can't be healed by poison

The Chicken Knife might cast Escape when you use it with the Fight, Aim, or
SwdSlap commands.  But it won't cast Escape if you use it with the BuildUp,
Capture, Jump, or X-Fight commands; the Sword Dance; or the Blue Magic spell

The Drain Sword has a low Hit% (25%).  But you can get around that if you use
it with the !Aim, !Jump, !Throw, or !X-Fight commands or the Sword Dance.  Also
note that for most weapons the amount of damage that the Hunter's !X-Fight
ability does per hit is different than the amount of damage that you do by
attacking normally.  But it's the same for the Drain Sword.  And since !X-Fight
hits four times per round, that means it'll do four times as much damage as
attacking normally.

The sword Excailbur has a low attack power in general.  But it does as much
damage as a normal weapon with an attack power of 100 when used with the Blue
Magic spell GblinPnch or the Ninja's !Throw ability.

Attacking an enemy with the Monk's Counter ability doesn't cause the enemy to
counterattack.  So if you're fighting an enemy with a weak normal attack but a
strong counterattack, it might be good to not initiate any attacks against them
yourself.  You can just wait for them to attack you, then you can damage them
with the Monk's Counter ability, and you won't have to worry about their

The Knight's !Guard command protects the character who uses it from physical
attacks for one round.  A good defense isn't usually useful on its own, since
one character can't both use !Guard and attack at the same time.  But !Guard
can be very useful when you combine it with the Monk's Counter ability.  !Guard
will work for defense, and you can simultaneously hurt your enemies by
counterattacking with Counter (which works automatically when it's equipped).

The Knight's !Guard command can also be useful when you combine it with the
Knight's Cover ability.  If one of your characters has the Cover ability, then
they will intercept attacks aimed at their allies who are low on HP (less than
1/8 their Max HP).  Give one of your characters the Cover ability and have him
use the !Guard command, and make sure the other three characters are low on HP.
Then that one character will cover the defense of the whole party on his own,
and the other three characters will be free to attack.  Note that !Guard
doesn't protect against magic attacks, so these strategies can't be used for

The Ninja's !Image command and the White Magic spell Image work with the Cover
ability in the same way that the Knight's !Guard command does.  Although unlike
!Guard, they won't allow you to use the Monk's Counter ability, and they'll
only cover two attacks.  But unlike !Guard, they'll last for more than one
round, if you don't get hit twice in that round.

If all of your living characters use the Bard's !Hide ability to hide at the
same time, it'll result in your running away from the fight.  Although if all
of your living characters hide at the same time during a fight from which you
can't run away (like a boss fight), they can stay hidden indefinitely and the
enemy won't be able to damage you.  If you wait long enough, the enemy will
waste all its MP casting spells that can't hurt you.  It might take a while.
Although you should note the "Hidden Zombies" bug in the Bugs section, about an
error with hiding.

Equip one, two, or three of your characters with a Wall Ring and have an enemy
turn them into a Zombie.  Then have your other characters use the Bard's !Hide
ability.  The enemies won't be able to hurt your characters who are hiding, and
Zombies can't be hurt, so your party will be invincible.  And spells that the
enemies cast on you will be reflected off of the Zombie's Wall Ring, which can
still hurt your enemies.  If your Zombie character has a weapon that casts a
spell (notably the Flame Whip, Wonder Rod, Doom Axe, or Assassin Dagger), then
when they attack themself, the spell will be reflected off of their Wall and
will hurt your enemies.  If your Zombie character is using a Fire Rod, Ice Rod,
Thunder Rod, Venom Rod, or Wizard Rod, then their attacks will be reflected off
of their Wall and will hurt your enemies.  If you equip one of your characters
who are hiding with the Masamune, that will let them go first in battles, which
will ensure that they're able to hide before they get hit.  Although you should
note the "Hidden Zombies" bug in the Bugs section, about an error with hiding.

The Blue Magic spells L2 Old, L3 Flare, L4 Qrter, and L5 Doom will work on
enemies who are at some levels, but not enemies who are at other levels.  But
you can change an enemy's level with the Blue Magic spell DrkShock or the
Chemist's !Combine potions Sampson Power and Dragon Power.  Or you can give the
enemy the Aging Status (using the Dimen Magic spell Old, the Blue Magic spell
L2 Old, the Blue Magic spell Time Slip, or the Ancient Sword), which constantly
decreases their level.  That might allow you to use those Blue Magic spells on
enemies on whom you wouldn't otherwise be able to use them.  Multiple Sampson
Powers and Dragon Powers can be used cumulatively, but you can't raise an
enemy's level higher than 255.  So if you can't get an enemy's level to
something divisible by 3 or 5 by any other way, you can still increase it over
and over again until it gets to 255, then L3 Flare and L5 Doom will work.  L2
Old and L5 Doom will even work on bosses if they're at the right level, so
those can be very useful spells.

The Magic Pots in the Phoenix Tower will leave if you give them an Elixir.
Although you might have to give them more than one Elixir to get them to leave.
If you give them one Elixir and they don't leave, you will not be able to cast
the Dimen Magic spell Reset to start the battle over from the beginning in the
hopes that the Magic Pot will leave after only one Elixir.  You can't cast
magic during the fights with Magic Pots.  But you can use the Wonder Rod as an
item in battle when you have it equipped (press up from the item list during a
battle to access the weapons you have equipped), and that will cast Reset.  The
Wonder Rod is found in the Fork Tower.

Make sure the treasure chest on floor 11 of Exdeath's Castle is open before you
proceed through the castle.  That will cause Gilgamesh to attack you there in
Exdeath's Castle, and I think he will only be there for the other fights later
in the game if you fight him there in Exdeath's Castle.  You can steal great
equipment from Gilgamesh, so being able to fight him is a good thing.

Part of the way through the Great Forest of Mua there will be a fire then
you'll take cover in a Moogle's cave until the fire is out.  There's a treasure
chest near the entrance to the cave.  If you wait to get it until after the
fire is out, the fire will have changed it from an Aegis Shield to a Flame

The Summoner's !Conjure ability randomly calls one of the Espers you've gained
with no MP cost.  If you want, you can skip getting the optional weak Espers,
and that will make it more likely to call a strong Esper.  Although it is kind
of satisfying to get all the Espers.

If you want to cast the Black Magic spell Fire on an enemy, then you could give
one of your characters the job of Black Mage and have them cast Fire.  But if
you've already learned the !Black ability for use with other jobs, then it
would actually be more effective to give one of your characters the job of
Summoner and the !Black ability, and then have them cast Fire.  That's because
the Summoner has greater Magic Power than the Black Mage, and the amount of
damage that most spells do is based on your Magic Power.  If you want one of
your Knights to attack an enemy with the sword Excalibur, then it would
actually be more effective if you gave them the Monk's ability Brawl.  That's
because the Brawl ability boosts your strength to the level of a Monk, and the
amount of damage that most weapons do is based on your Strength.  It also helps
to equip armor that boosts your Strength.  These are examples, but there are
lots of other things you can do like this.  See the Stats section for
information on how your stats are determined and what they affect.

The Dimen Magic spell Hast2, the Blue Magic spell MghtyGrd, the Esper Golem,
and the Esper Crbnkl can all be useful defensive spells in fights against
bosses.  If you don't have Hast2, you can use the Dimen Magic spell Haste
instead.  If you don't have MghtyGrd, then you can use the White Magic spells
Armor and Shell instead.  And if you don't have Crbnkl, then you can use the
White Magic spell Wall instead.  But Haste, Armor, Shell, and Wall are all
pains in the ass to use, since you have to cast them separately on each of your

In world three there is a hidden town called Mirage that has hidden equipment
and magic salesmen.  See the notes about it in part of the walkthrough titled
The Airship.

Make sure you get all the Blue Magic spells, Espers, Songs, and Genji
equipment, the job Mimic, and the Chicken Knife or BraveBld.  It's easy to miss
some of them as you go through the game.  They're all pointed out in the
walkthrough section.

You'll find different enemies on different parts of each dungeon.  So don't
spend too much time looking for an enemy on a floor where it can't be found.

You can win ABP easily from the monster Galura.  Galura will never attack you.
You can kill it if you want, but if you wait a bit, it'll leave on its own.
Galura can be found on the World Map on the plains west of Carwen in world 1,
near Worus Tower in world 1, or on the eastern part of the second forest south
of the bridge that is west of Tycoon in world 3.

The Statues in the basement of Castle Bal give a lot of ABP.  It's the best
place to gain ABP until very late in the game.  You can kill them all with the
Blue Magic spells L5 Doom or L3 Flare, or by using the item Soft on them.

The best place to gain ABP is in the Void at the end of the game.  A typical
fight in the Void can give you 30 ABP, and in the second and fourth areas
you'll have a chance of randomly encountering enemies called Movers, and if you
beat them you'll get 199 ABP.  Although Movers sometimes end the fight early,
so in order to get the ABP you'll have to beat them quickly before they can do
that.  The enemies in the Void don't give you experience points, so while it
can be a good place to gain new abilities, you should go back to the Castle
section of the Cleft of Dimension to gain experience.  You can get a lot of
experience from Iron Giants, who can be found easily in the room right before
the castle's roof.

                               SECTION 03 - BUGS

You can get additional information on how some of these bugs work from J.L.
Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ.  It can be
found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at
All of the information about how to fix some of the bugs was gotten from that

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
If you use the Chemist's mixing ability then you use !X-Magic in the same fight
to cast two spells, then both of the spells will be cast on the target of the
second spell.  That allows you to cast a spell on all targets even if you can
normally only cast it on one target.  And it allows you to cast a spell on
enemies that can normally only be cast on allies, and vice versa.  For example,
if your first spell is Armor (targeted for one ally) and your second spell is
Cure (cast on all allies), then Armor will end up being cast on all allies too.
Using this bug with the White Magic spell Holy causes the game to freeze.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
At the beginning of world three, Exdeath knocks you from Guido's Cave to the
Ancient Library.  Normally you can't get back to Guido's Cave until later in
the game.  But if you cast the Dimen Magic spell Exit before you leave the
Ancient Library, then it will take you back to Guido's Cave.  And when Exdeath
knocked you to the Ancient Library, he also created a path through the
mountains that will let you access areas of the map that you couldn't reach
from Guido's Cave earlier.  You can ride Boco to Mirage and Castle Bal, where
you can get the Black Chocobo and Hiryuu (respectively), which will allow you
to access even more areas of the map.  (Keep in mind that the Black Chocobo can
only land in forests and the Hiryuu can only land on plains, since there are
some areas that only one of them can reach.)  Using this bug lets you complete
the parts of my walkthrough titled The Airship, Odin, Bahamut, Phoenix Tower,
Solitary Island Temple, and Fork Tower before you go through the Pyramid, get
Lenna back at the Elder Tree, or get the airship.  (With the following
exceptions:  You have to finish the Pyramid before you can get the MagicLamp,
the Esper Bahamut, and the three legendary sealed weapons that you get in
exchange for the Pyramid's stone tablet.  You have to finish the Pyramid and
then get Lenna back at the Elder tree before you can get the Esper Syldra.  And
you have to finish the Pyramid, then get Lenna back at the Elder Tree, and then
get the airship before you can get the Blue Magic spell MghtyGrd or the Mirage

Using this bug also gives you one last chance to get all the treasures and
spells in Worus Town, Worus Castle, Istory, and Lix.  (Most importantly the
Esper Shiva, the Love Song, and the Charm Song, which you otherwise wouldn't be
able to get in world 3 if you didn't get them in world 1.)  Although you still
can't get the Espers Shoat or Carbunkle in world 3 if you didn't get them in
world 2, and in world 3 you still can't get Ramuh in the same place that you
got him in world 1.  And you won't be able to go back to the Moogle Village.
The forest where the Moogle Village is supposed to be located will just be a
normal forest.

Note that if you use this bug to go through the Solitary Island Temple before
you get Lenna back at the Elder Tree, then you can also automatically get Lenna
back by going into the Fork Tower.  You'll still have her when you leave the
tower.  Amusingly, if you do this, then later she'll participate in the fight
at the Elder Tree for her own unconscious body.  Note that if you do that,
she'll be dead at the end of the fight at the Elder Tree, even if her HP never
fell to 0 during the fight.  If she was the only character alive at the end of
the fight, then you can walk around with all four of your characters dead.  But
you'd better bring one of them back to life before you get into a fight,
otherwise the game will realize that you're dead, and it'll be over.

Note that if you use this bug to land the Black Chocobo or Hiryuu next to the
Ancient Library, then you go through the Pyramid and get Lenna back at the
Elder Tree, then the Black Chocobo or Hiryuu will get stuck when the Ancient
Library is sucked into the Cleft of Dimension.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
If you land the Black Chocobo in the middle of the forest with the Elder Tree
in world three and then walk out, you won't be able to walk back in and get it
again.  Same goes for the regular Chocobo.  If the Black Chocobo gets stuck in
the forest with the Elder Tree, then you can use the regular Chocobo to get it
back.  But if you get both the Black Chocobo and the regular Chocobo stuck in
the forest, then you won't be able to get them out again.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
If you land the Airship or Hiryuu on the entrance to Guido's Cave in world
three, they'll be stuck there.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
If all of your living characters use the Bard's !Hide ability to hide at the
same time during a fight from which you can't run away (like a boss fight),
then your enemy won't be able to hurt you.  When it tries to attack you, a
message saying "Ineffective" will be displayed.  Return from hiding immediately
after the enemy tries to attack you a second time, and you will be protected
from physical attacks.  You won't be protected from magic attacks, and your
protection from physical attacks will end if you get hit by a magic attack.
But this can be very helpful against bosses that only use physical attacks,
like Gil Turtle.  Although you should note the "Hidden Zombies" bug, about an
error with hiding.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
Have all of your living characters use the Dragoon's !Jump ability.  If an
enemy tries to attack you while you're all in the air, it'll be an ineffective
attack.  Then after you land, it'll take a while for the game to realize that
you're a valid target again.  Your enemy's next attack, and any counter attacks
that it does in the meantime, will also register as ineffective.  It's easiest
to make this bug work if you kill off three of your characters, since otherwise
there'll be a lag between when your first character jumps and your last
character jumps, and by the time the last character has jumped, the first
character is about ready to land, which doesn't leave much time for the enemy
to try to attack while you're all in the air.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
Give the character at the top of your lineup the Normal or Mimic job and equip
them with a Ribbon, a White Robe or Angel Robe, and a Guard Ring.  Get into a
fight, and have one of your other characters cast the Dimen Magic spell Quick
(which gives them two more attacks in that round).  Then on the first of those
attacks, have them kill themself.  Then end the fight normally (with three of
your characters, including the character at the top of your lineup, still
alive).  It doesn't always work (it seems to only work about 25% of the time),
but if it worked, then the things that the character at the top of your lineup
was holding in his hands will be changed.  If it didn't work, you can load your
game from before you tried it and try again, and it might work.

If the character at the top of your lineup had a shield in his left hand, then
that shield will be transformed.  If the character at the top of your lineup's
left hand was empty and he had a weapon in his right hand (which can be a
double grip only weapon, or not), then the weapon in his right hand will be
transformed and the item By RPGe (which was called Efu Efu in a previous
translation) will be in his left hand.

In savestate hacking a code is assigned to each item and piece of equipment in
the game.  It's a number in Hexidecimal.  (0 to 9 are normal, then after 9
comes A, then B, then C, then D, then E, then F, then 10, and so on.)  The code
is listed in the weapons, armor, and items sections of this guide.  When an
item is transformed through this trick, it gets transformed into the item with
the immediately previous code.  So for example the Javelin, whose code is 17,
would be transformed into the item whose code is 16, which is the Ragnarok.
The Dragoon Spear (20) would be transformed into the Holy Spear (1F), which
would be transformed into the DblLance (1E).

When you use this trick to get the item By RPGe in your left hand, that item
will protect you from all physical attacks.  Although if you unequip it (and
it'll get unequipped automatically when your equipment is optimized when you
change jobs or abilities), you won't be able to reequip it without doing this
trick again.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
The Kiss of Blessing (created using the Chemist's !Combine ability to combine a
MaidnKiss and a Revivify) berserks the target.  But it will even work on
enemies who are otherwise immune to being berserked.  Even bosses.  In addition
to keeping them from casting spells, Berserking some enemies stops them from
doing other things.  It stops the first form of the final boss of the game from
changing into his second form.  And if you use it on Ramuh, Shoat, or Sekmet
then beat them in a fight, it will stop the game from realizing that you beat
them.  Normally they won't appear again after you beat them, but if you used
the Kiss of Blessing on them before you beat them, you can encounter them
again.  If you're playing the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your
computer (with a ROM), then you can use a Hex Editor to fix this error.  See
J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ for
information on how to fix it.  It can be found on the page for the SNES version
of Final Fantasy 5 at

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
Step 1 (before the battle):  Have one character with one or both hands empty.
Have one character with the !Steal ability.  (Note that Thieves automatically
have the !Steal ability.)  Have one character with the !Throw ability.  (Note
that Ninjas automatically have the !Throw ability.)  (You can have one
character fill two or three of those roles, if you want.)

During the battle:  Step 2:  Have the character with one or both hands empty
equip a weapon or shield from your inventory.  (It must be the only copy of
that weapon or shield that was in your inventory.)  Step 3:  Throw the empty
spot in your inventory that used to contain the weapon or shield that you just
equipped.  Step 4:  Steal from your enemy.  (The trick won't work if you
already had any copies of the thing you're stealing in your inventory at the
beginning of the battle.)  Step 5:  Get rid of the thing you just stole, by
using the Ninja's !Throw ability, the Chemist's !Drink ability, the Chemist's
!Combine ability, or just using it as an item (if it's something like a
potion).  This can't be done with things like armor that can't be thrown,
drunk, combined, or used.  Step 6:  End the fight normally.  When it's over,
you'll have an infinite amount of the item you stole.

When you have an infinite amount of an item, you can only sell them one at a
time.  You'll also have the option of selling 255 of them, but if you do that,
then you won't have an infinite amount of them anymore.  If you buy more of the
item or sort your inventory, you won't have an infinite amount of them anymore
(sorting changes it so that you only have 99 of them).  When you have an
infinite amount of an item, you can't use any of them outside of battle
(potions, example).  So you might want to sort your inventory so you can use
the items outside of battle or so you can sell a few dozen of them all at once
and still have some left.  Without using this trick, you can get an infinite
amount of an item through savestate hacking by putting 255 copies of the item
in your inventory.

If you do step 3 twice before proceeding to step 4, then you can do this trick
without having to do step 5.  That lets you do it for things like armor that
can't be thrown, drunk, combined, or used.  Although that results in you only
getting 99 copies of the item, rather than an infinite amount.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
On the world map (but not in dungeons) you can usually avoid random battles if
you open then close the menu every few steps you take.  Opening the menu causes
the game to reset the number of steps you have to take before you get into a
random battle.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
The Power Drink is supposed to increase your attack power for the duration of
the battle, but it doesn't work.  It actually only ends up increasing the
attack power of the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch.  If you're playing the Super
Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your computer (with a ROM), then you can
use a Hex Editor to fix this error.  See J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a.
InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ for information on how to fix
it.  It can be found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
The Blue Mage's !Observe ability is supposed to detect an enemy's HP and
weakness, but it only actually detects an enemy's HP.  If you're playing the
Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your computer (with a ROM), then
you can use a Hex Editor to fix this error by changing the ROM's offset 26E94
from 08 to 10.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
Enemies can't usually attack you when you're using the Bard's !Hide ability.
Although you can still be turned into a Zombie when you're using the Bard's
!Hide ability.  And if you are, the game freezes.  Wearing an Angel Ring can
prevent this, since it makes you immune to Zombie status.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
If an enemy attempts to turn a dead character into a zombie, it'll actually
bring them back to life if they have an Angel Ring equipped.

This bug applies to the SNES version.  It's not applicable to the Gameboy
Advance or Playstation versions.
The Wonder Rod can normally only cast White or Black magic.  But if you're
playing the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your computer (with a
ROM), then you can use a Hex Editor to get it to cast other types of magic.  It
can even cast spells that can normally only be cast by monsters.  See the
Hacking section for additional information.

This bug applies to the SNES version.  It's not applicable to the Gameboy
Advance or Playstation versions.
If you're playing the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your
computer (with a ROM), then you can use a Hex Editor to simulate having caught
some enemies that normally can't be caught.  See the Hacking and Catches
sections for additional information.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
The Samurai's !SwdSlap ability is supposed to Paralyze the enemy, but it
doesn't.  It's just like a normal Fight command, except when you use it against
an enemy that has the Charm, Sleep, or Controlled status, they will keep that

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
If you use the Mediator's !Catch ability to catch a MossFungus or Gel Fish and
release it, it won't do anything.  If you're playing the Super Nintendo version
of Final Fantasy 5 on your computer (with a ROM), then you can use a Hex Editor
to fix this error by changing the ROM's offset 1088C5 from E9 to 47 and
changing offset 1088E0 from E9 to 47.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
If all your living characters are Berserkers, then your party won't be able to
run away.  And in that case, if one of your characters uses the Chicken Knife
and it triggers the !Escape command, that'll cause a glitch that prevents your
future attacks from doing any damage.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
There's a bug that decreases the amount of damage done by some weapons.  See
exception 5 in Part 5 of the Stats Section for information on it and how to fix

This bug applies to the SNES version.  It's not applicable to the Gameboy
Advance or Playstation versions.
The amount of damage that your attacks do is computed by a formula with several
steps that rounds each step down to the nearest number.  As a result of that,
sometimes increasing your level won't increase the amount of damage you do,
since the increase is so small that it gets rounded to zero.  At there is a patch (called
the Fractional M Patch) you can use which will stop the formula from rounding
if you're playing the Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 5 on your
computer (with a ROM).  This patch will also fix the "Increasing Damage" bug,
and should not be applied to a ROM if you have already fixed the "Increasing
Damage" bug yourself.  That website also has patches that can be used to fix
some of the other bugs I listed if you don't want to change them yourself with
a Hex Editor.  That website has patches for some things in other games too.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
On the North Mountain you start outside, then you go through a cave, then you
go outside for awhile, then into another cave, and so on.  Take one step down
from the entrance to the second cave, then go left a bit, then up one step,
then left and you'll be able to walk off the side of the cliff and walk around
in midair.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
In the Pyramid there is a place where you drop from 6F to 5F, then walk through
a secret passage to a one way door to the south.  Instead of going through the
one way door to the south, you can walk north and walk around inside the walls.
You can get to other rooms of the Pyramid that way, but if you enter another
room that way through one of its doors, you won't be able to exit normally
through its other door, or drop down to the next floor because of the sand
falls.  If you walk into the walls, you can also reenter the normal rooms
through the southern walls of the rooms that the sand falls drop you into, or
through the wall south and one square right of one of the sand falls.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
If you walk left or right at the entrance to Istory Falls (inside Istory Falls,
but before the gargoyles), you can walk around inside the walls.  You can get
to the second area that way, and there's a bonfire inside the walls.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
In the town of Kelb there are three wolves running around in circles.  The
wolves always turn left whenever they run into something.  If you stand in
their way, it's possible to get them to turn and run out of their normal circle
and hit a dead end with nowhere to turn, which will cause them to keep walking
into a wall.

This bug applies to the SNES version but not the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.
After you finish the Barrier Tower, there will be a short period where Galuf is
standing in one place and the rest of your party is in another place.  As
usual, the rest of your party will be represented by whoever was in the top
spot.  If you put Galuf in the top spot before you finished the Barrier Tower,
it'll look like he's in two places at once.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
The first time you go to the Sealed Castle Kuzar in world two, Galuf will tell
you about it.  If you wait to go there until after Galuf dies, it'll still say
that he's the one telling you about it.  Although you have to do it while
you're still in world two.

This bug applies to the SNES and Gameboy Advance versions.  I'm not sure about
the Playstation version.
If you search the upper left hand bookshelf in the room with all the
bookshelves in Castle Surgate, Lenna will say something.  If you search it when
she's not in your party at the beginning of world 3, she'll still say something.

                               SECTION 04 - JOBS

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Jobs Translations section for a translation of the job names in this

The Normal job has the Fight ability and the Items ability, plus it can equip
two abilities that you've learned from other jobs.  The Mimic job has the Mimic
ability, plus it can equip three abilities that you've learned from other jobs,
but it doesn't have the Fight or Items abilities unless you include them among
your three chosen abilities.  All other jobs have the Fight ability, the Items
ability, and the First Battle Option of their own job, plus they can equip one
ability that you've learned from other jobs.  (Note that the Berserker job
doesn't have a First Battle Option.)

Abilities of type S (Status Skills) and I (Innate Abilities) are used
automatically, but you must manually select abilities of type L (Learned Battle
Options) and F (First Battle Options) in battle whenever you want to use them.

You must learn Status Skills and Learned Battle Options (by gaining ABP and
increasing your job level) before you can use them.  And you must learn the
Innate Abilities and First Battle Options of other jobs before you can use
them, but a job can use its own Innate Abilities and First Battle Option even
if they haven't yet been learned for use with other jobs.

Status Skills, Learned Battle Options, and First Battle Options must be
equipped as abilities in order for you to use them (even those of your current
job).  And you must equip the Innate Abilities of other jobs in order to use
them, but a job can use its own Innate Abilities without equipping them.  And
the Normal and Mimic jobs can use the Innate Abilities of all the jobs they've
mastered without equipping them.  (Therefore, the Normal and Mimic jobs become
very powerful after you master a few other jobs.)

The Stats section contains information on the effect that different jobs and
abilities have on your statistics.

Abilities list (the level at which you gain the ability is listed first, then
the ABP to get to that level, then the ability's type, then the ability and

1  010  I  Cover - Cover near-death allies.
2  030  F  !Guard - Nullify physical attacks.
3  050  S  Dbl Grip - Lets you hold some weapons with both hands to doubles the
                amount of damage they do.  See the Weapons section for
                information on which weapons are Double Grip OK.
4  100  S  Equip Shields - Lets you equip shields even if your current job
                can't normally equip them.
5  150  S  Equip Armor - Lets you equip body armor that knights can equip even
                if your current job can't normally equip it.  Nothing lets you
                equip body armor that knights can't equip if your current job
                can't normally equip it.
6  350  S  Equip Swords - Lets you equip General Swords and Knight Swords even
                if your current job can't normally equip them.

0   NA  F  !Kick - Physical attack on all enemies.  Does more damage when
                you're at high levels.  Does more damage if you have the Kaiser
                Knuckles equipped.  Note that !Kick can never be learned for
                use with other jobs.
1  015  L  !Buildup - Attacks an enemy for double the damage of a normal
                attack, but it takes extra time to do it.
2  030  I  Brawl - Increases your attack power when you attack with your fists.
                Works even better if you have the Kaiser Knuckles equipped.
3  045  L  !Mantra - Restore HP.  Cure poison and darkness.
4  060  I  Counter - Counterattack when you're attacked.
5  100  S  HP +10% - Maximum HP increases by 10%.
6  150  S  HP +20% - Maximum HP increases by 20%.
7  300  S  HP +30% - Maximum HP increases by 30%.

1  010  I  Passages - See hidden passages.  Equipping this on one character
                lets it work for the whole group.
2  020  L  !Escape - Run away quickly from most monsters.
3  030  I  Dash - Hold cancel while walking to double walking speed.  Equipping
                this on one character lets it work for the whole group.
4  050  F  !Steal - Steal 'treasure' from monster.  The Thief Glove increases
                !Steal's success rate.  See the monsters section for a list of
                what monsters have what treasure to steal.
5  075  I  Caution - Prevent attacks from behind.  Equipping this on one
                character lets it work for the whole group.
6  150  L  !Capture - Steal 'treasure' and attack simultaneously.  See the
                monsters section for a list of what monsters have what treasure
                to steal.
7  300  S  Agility - Become as agile as a Thief.

White Mage:
See the White Magic section for information on the White Mage's magic.
1  010  L  !White - Use level 1 White spells.
2  020  L  !White - Use White spells level 2 and below.
3  030  L  !White - Use White spells level 3 and below.
4  050  L  !White - Use White spells level 4 and below.
5  070  L  !White - Use White spells level 5 and below.
6  100  F  !White - Use White spells level 6 and below.
7  300  S  MP +10% - Maximum MP increases by 10%.

Black Mage:
See the Black Magic section for information on the Black Mage's magic.
1  010  L  !Black - Use level 1 Black spells.
2  020  L  !Black - Use Black spells level 2 and below.
3  030  L  !Black - Use Black spells level 3 and below.
4  050  L  !Black - Use Black spells level 4 and below.
5  070  L  !Black - Use Black spells level 5 and below.
6  100  F  !Black - Use Black spells level 6 and below.
7  450  S  MP +30% - Maximum MP increases by 30%.

Blue Mage:
See the Blue Magic sections for information on the Blue Mage's magic.
1  010  L  !Observe - Detect an enemy's HP and weakness.
2  020  I  Learning - Learn blue magic when monsters cast it on you.
3  070  F  !Blue - Use Blue magics.
4  250  L  !Analyze - Detect an enemy's Level, HP, weaknesses, and status.
                Some monsters can't be analyzed (see the monsters section).

1  100  I  Berserk - Prevents you from being able to control your characters.
                They continuously attack enemies at random, but their attacks
                do more damage than attacking normally.  The amount of extra
                damage is a complicated formula that varies with your enemy's
                defense, but it does at least 50% more damage than attacking
                normally.  Note that unlike other Innate abilities, Berserk is
                not used automatically by the Normal and Mimic jobs once you
                master the Berserker job.
2  400  S  Equip Axes and Hammers - Lets you equip axes and hammers even if
                your current job can't normally equip them.

Mystic Knight:
See the Sword Magic section for information on the Mystic Knight's magic.  See
the Weapons section for information on which weapons are Magic Sword OK.
1  010  I  Barrier - Automatic Magic Barrier when near-death.
2  020  L  !MgcSwrd - Use level 1 MagicSword spells.
3  030  L  !MgcSwrd - Use MagicSword spells level 2 and below.
4  050  L  !MgcSwrd - Use MagicSword spells level 3 and below.
5  070  L  !MgcSwrd - Use MagicSword spells level 4 and below.
6  100  L  !MgcSwrd - Use MagicSword spells level 5 and below.
7  400  F  !MgcSwrd - Use MagicSword spells level 6 and below.

Time Mage:
See the Dimen Magic section for information on the Time Mage's magic.
1  010  L  !Dimen - Use level 1 Dimen spells.
2  020  L  !Dimen - Use Dimen spells level 2 and below.
3  030  L  !Dimen - Use Dimen spells level 3 and below.
4  050  L  !Dimen - Use Dimen spells level 4 and below.
5  070  L  !Dimen - Use Dimen spells level 5 and below.
6  100  F  !Dimen - Use Dimen spells level 6 and below.
7  250  S  Equip Rods and Staves - Lets you equip all rods, all staves, the
                Flail, and the MornStar even if your current job can't normally
                equip them.

See the Espers section for information on the Summoner's magic.
1  015  L  !Summon - Use level 1 Summon spells.
2  030  L  !Summon - Use Summon spells level 2 and below.
3  045  L  !Summon - Use Summon spells level 3 and below.
4  060  L  !Summon - Use Summon spells level 4 and below.
5  100  F  !Summon - Use Summon spells level 5 and below.
6  500  L  !Conjure - Randomly call one of the Espers you've gained with no MP

Red Mage:
See the White Magic section and the Black Magic section for information on the
Red Mage's magic.
1  020  L  !Red - Use level 1 White and Black spells.
2  040  L  !Red - Use White and Black spells level 2 and below.
3  100  F  !Red - Use White and Black spells level 3 and below.
4  999  L  !X-Magic - Cast two spells consecutively.  On its own it gives you
                access to White and Black spells level 3 and below.  But it can
                also be used with high level White and Black spells, Sword
                Magic, Dimen spells, and Summon spells if you equip them as
                abilities.  It can't be used with Blue Magic or Songs.

1  010  L  !Smoke - Run away quickly from most monsters.
2  030  L  !Image - Nullify two physical attacks.
3  050  I  Preemptiv - Frequent preemptive attacks.
4  150  F  !Throw - Attack by throwing weapons.  Never misses (except sometimes
                when you're using a Rod).  See the weapons section for a list
                of which weapons can be thrown.
5  450  I  2-Handed - Hold a weapon in each hand.  Can't be used with weapons
                that are Double Grip Only.  See the Weapons section for
                information on which weapons are Double Grip Only.

1  010  L  !Tame - Tame beast-type monsters.
2  050  L  !Control - Control 1 monster's actions.  The Coronet increases
                !Control's success rate.  Some monsters can't be controlled
                (see the monsters section).
3  100  S  Equip Whips - Lets you equip whips even if your current job can't
                normally equip them.
4  300  F  !Catch - Capture a monster if you've weakened it to 1/8 its max HP
                (or 1/2 if you have the CornaJar equipped).  Then later you can
                release it and it will attack other monsters.  If it uses an
                attack that will only affect one monster, then it will target a
                monster at random.  Some monsters can't be caught.  See the
                catches section for information about what attack each monster
                uses when you catch it.

1  025  F  !Terrain - Use nature to attack the enemy.  See the Terrain Attacks
                section for information on the Geomancer's Terrain ability.
2  050  I  Pitfalls - Spot trap holes.  Equipping this on one character lets it
                work for the whole group.
3  100  I  DmgFloor - Be unharmed on damage floors.  Equipping this on one
                character lets it work for the whole group.

1  015  L  !Animals - Call upon our forest friends.  See the Animals section
                for information on the Hunter's Animals ability.
2  045  F  !Aim - Attacks normally, but never misses (except sometimes when
                you're using a Rod).
3  135  S  Equip Bows - Lets you equip bows even if your current job can't
                normally equip them.
4  405  L  !X-Fight - Attacks four enemies at random during one turn (it can
                attack the same enemy more than once).  The amount of damage
                that each attack does is different than if you attack normally.
                It cuts through the enemy's defense, so the difference varies
                depending on your enemy's defense, but each of the four hits
                usually does a little more than half as much damage as one
                normal hit would do (unless you're using the Drain Sword, in
                which case each of the four hits does the same amount of damage
                that one normal hit would do).  Never misses (except sometimes
                when you're using a Rod).

1  025  L  !Hide - Hide from enemy attacks.  Note the "Hidden Zombies" bug in
                the Bugs section, about an error with hiding.
2  050  S  Equip Harps - Lets you equip harps even if your current job can't
                normally equip them.
3  100  F  !Sing - Sing magic songs.  See the Songs section for information on
                the Bard's songs.

1  050  F  !Jump - Jumping attack against the enemy.  For one turn while you're
                in the air, the enemy can't attack you.  Does twice as much
                damage if you're using a spear.  Never misses (except sometimes
                when you're using a Rod).
2  150  L  !DrgnSwd - Absorb HP and MP.
3  400  S  Equip Spears/Lances - Lets you equip spears/lances even if your
                current job can't normally equip them.

1  010  L  !SwdSlap - See the "SwdSlap" bug in the Bugs section.
2  030  F  !GilToss - Throw Gil to damage all enemies.  The amount of damage it
                does and Gil it costs increases with your level.
3  060  I  Evade - 33% chance of evading physical attacks.
4  180  S  Equip Katanas - Lets you equip katanas even if your current job
                can't normally equip them.
5  540  L  !Slash - Kill all enemies.  Doesn't always work.

1  015  I  Medicine - Double effect of potions and ethers you use.
2  030  L  !Combine - Develop a new medicine from two existing medicines.  See
                the Chemistry section for information on the Chemist's Combine
3  045  F  !Drink - Use drinks.  See the drinks part of the items section for
                information on the different drinks.
4  135  L  !Pray - Cures all allies of the status ailments Darkness, Poison,
                Mini, Frog, Mute, Charm, Paralyze, Sleep, and Aging.
5  405  L  !Revive - Revive a wounded party member.

1  025  L  !Flirt - Temporarily distracts enemies.  Doesn't always work.
                Equipping the helmet Tiara, the body armor Rainbow, or the
                accessory Red increases the Hit% of the Flirt command.
2  050  F  !Dance - Dance mysterious dances.  Equipping the helmet Tiara, the
                body armor Rainbow, or the accessory Red increases your chance
                of doing the Sword Dance by letting you do the Sword Dance when
                you otherwise would've done the Tempting Tango.  See the Dances
                section for information on the Dancer's dances.
3  325  S  Equip Ribbons - Lets you equip the ManEater knife, the Rainbow body
                armor, the Ribbon helmet, and the accessory Red even if your
                current job can't normally equip them.

1  999  F  !Mimic - Copies the last action taken (including automatic use of
                the Innate Abilities Counter, Barrier, or Berserk (note that
                Mimicking someone who is Berserked will cause you to attack,
                but will not give you the Berserked status)).  You can Mimic
                the use of spells or items without using MP or using up items
                (except the Dimen Magic spell Meteo).  When you mimic someone
                who used the Dimen Magic spell Quick, only their last turn will
                be mimicked.  Most innate abilities and status skills, and the
                effect of good equipment and stats can't be mimicked.

Note that the Oracle job is only available in the Gameboy Advance version.
1  020  F  !Condemn - Sentence a target to the effects of different spells.
                See the Condemn section for information on the Oracle's Condemn
2  050  L  !Predict - Foretell cataclysms.  See the Predict section for
                information on the Oracle's Predict ability.
3  150  S  ABP Up - Lets the person who equips the ability gain one and a half
                times the ABP per battle.
4  300  S  Read Ahead - Reduces the rate of random enemy encounters.

Note that the Cannoneer job is only available in the Gameboy Advance version.
1  050  F  !Open Fire - Damages one enemy and impose a status effect.  The
                amount of damage and the status effect varies.
2  150  S  EXP Up - Lets the person who equips the ability gain one and a half
                times the experience per battle.
3  300  L  !Combine - Mix and fire off explosives that damage all enemies.  See
                the Explosives section for information on the Cannoneer's
                Combine ability.

Note that the Gladiator job is only available in the Gameboy Advance version.
1  030  S  Lure - Increases the rate of random enemy encounters.
2  070  F  !Finisher - Either attacks an enemy for large amounts of normal
                damage, or sometimes does an elemental attack.  Butz's
                elemental attacks are wind based, Lenna's are water based,
                Cara's are earth based, and Faris's are fire based.  Sometimes
3  150  S  Long Reach - Attack enemies at full power from the back row, no
                matter the weapon.
4  450  L  !Bladeblitz - Attack all enemies.

Note that the Necromancer job is only available in the Gameboy Advance version.
See the Dark Arts section for information on Dark Arts magic.
1  015  L  !Oath - Call forth a demon.  See the Demons section for information
                on the Necromancer's Oath ability.
2  030  L  !Dark Arts (level 1)
3  045  L  !Dark Arts (level 2)
4  060  L  !Dark Arts (level 3)
5  100  L  !Dark Arts (level 4)
6  200  F  !Dark Arts (level 5) - Call upon evil forces to perform Dark Arts.
7  300  I  Undead - Become undead.  Take damage from recovery items or magic.
                See the Necromancers section of the Tips section for additional
                information.  Note that unlike other Innate abilities, Undead
                is not used automatically by the Normal and Mimic jobs once you
                master the Necromancer job.

Note that no job has a status skill that lets you equip general knives (other
than the ManEater); ninja knives; bells; helmets (other than the ribbon); body
armor that knights can't equip (other than the Rainbow); accessories (other
than the accessory Red); or the weapons Full Moon, DblLance, or RisinSun if
your current job can't normally equip them.

                      SECTION 05 - MY JOB RECOMMENDATIONS

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Jobs Translations section for a translation of the job names in this

I recommend you start out with one White Mage, one Black Mage, and two Knights.
But do whatever works for you.  And once your characters have learned some of
the abilities of a job, have them switch their jobs around, so they become well
balanced.  Or at least have the magic users learn different types of magic and
the physical fighters learn different types of physical fighting.  If you're
only going to have two magic users, then I recommend that you make Galuf and
Faris the magic users.  Note that I also recommend that you temporarily switch
some of your characters to Blue Mages to learn the Blue Magic spells as they
become available.  The Thief and Monk jobs can be useful, but they're a lower

Note that the White Mage's 7th level sucks.  Your White Mages should switch to
another job once they reach level 6.  And the Black Mage's 7th level can be
useful, but it's a lower priority than some of the other abilities you can get.
None of the Knight's abilities are especially good, so when you get other
physical fighting jobs later you should switch your Knights to them so you can
learn the abilities of those other jobs.  But it can be useful to have some of
your characters be Knights now, not so that you can learn their abilities, but
just because they're strong.

Also note that while in general it is good to have a well balanced party, you
might want to switch all four of your characters to the same job for some boss
fights.  The Black Mage job and the Summoner job (which you'll get later) are
especially good for some boss fights.

When you get the second set of jobs, I recommend that you have your Black Mage
switch to a Summoner and learn both types of magic.  At some point all magic
users should learn the Red Mage's !X-Magic ability.  It's very useful.  The
Time Mage and Mystic Knight jobs can be useful, but they're only a medium level
priority.  Berserker sucks, don't waste your time with that.  If you're going
to use a Time Mage, note that their 7th level sucks.  Your Time Mages should
switch to another job once they reach level 6.  You should definitely have a
Summoner reach level 5, but getting it to the 6th level to master it isn't
necessary.  It can be useful, but it's a lower priority.

I recommend that all your physical fighters should learn the Ninja's 2-Handed
ability at some point.  It's very useful.  It's like the Knight's Dbl Grip
ability, but it's innate, so once you've mastered the Ninja job, the Normal and
Mimic Jobs won't have to equip the 2-Handed ability in order to use it.  And it
works with more weapons than Dbl Grip does.  If you want to use Blue Magic,
then I recommend that you have someone learn the Mediator's !Control ability
(which he gets at level 2), because it can be helpful in getting monsters to
use some Blue Magic spells so that you can learn them.  But you should switch
to another job once you reach level 2.  The Mediator's other abilities suck.
The Geomancer's !Terrain ability can be useful, but it's a lower priority.
Although it might be more useful than I give it credit for.  The skills that
Geomancers learn after level 1 can be useful, but they're a lower priority too.
And they work for the whole group even if they're only equipped on one
character, so there's no point in having all of your characters learn them.

I recommend that all your physical fighters should learn the Hunter's !X-Fight
ability at some point.  It's very useful (even more useful than the Ninja's
2-Handed ability, although you should learn them both).  I never used the Bard,
but it's probably more useful than I gave it credit for.  Its only really good
songs aren't learned until late in the game though, so I don't recommend
learning to sing them now.

The Samurai and Chemist jobs can be useful, but they're a low priority.
Although they might be more useful than I give them credit for.  I never used
the Dragoon, but it may be more useful than I gave it credit for.  Dancer
sucks, don't waste your time with it.

Gaining ABP in the Mimic job could hypothetically be useful, but learning its
ability for use with other jobs is a low priority.  If you want to use the
!Mimic ability, you might as well just be a Mimic, and you don't have to gain
ABP for the Mimic to use its own !Mimic ability.  So there's not a lot of need
to spend time gaining ABP for this job.

I don't have recommendations about the Oracle, Cannoneer, Gladiator, or
Necromancer jobs yet.  And my recommendations about the other jobs were made
without taking into account the alternatives presented by the Oracle,
Cannoneer, Gladiator, or Necromancer jobs.

                              SECTION 06 - STATS

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Jobs Translations section for a translation of the job names in this

               STATS PART 1 - JOBS
The table below shows the statistics for each job.  In addition to the job
stats listed below, the characters each have individual bonuses to certain
statistics, which are listed in the second table below.

The Normal and Mimic statistics shown in the chart are before you master other
jobs.  Then for each statistic, the Normal and Mimic jobs will get the best of
all the jobs they've mastered.  If you're playing the SNES or Playstation
versions of the game, note that Monks have the best Strength and Vitality,
Thieves have the best Agility, and Summoners have the best Magic Power.  If
you're playing the Gameboy Advance version of the game (which has some extra
jobs), then Monks and Gladiators are tied for the best Strength, Thieves have
the best Agility, Monks have the highest Vitality, and Oracles have the best
Magic Power.  So if you want your Normal and Mimic jobs to have the best
statistics they can have then you should master those jobs.

            JOB STATS
JOB            ST   AG  VIT   MP
Normal         25   24   24   24
Knight         48   25   44   10
Monk           51   25   50    1
Thief          26   40   26   18
White Mage     18   25   24   49
Black Mage     16   24   22   55
Blue Mage      17   25   27   47
Berserker      46   15   49    1
Mystic Knight  39   38   38   25
Time Mage      20   26   21   48
Summoner       15   23   23   57
Red Mage       33   29   18   32
Ninja          40   38   27   14
Mediator       38   25   32   21
Geomancer      29   26   28   48
Hunter         41   36   25   19
Bard           17   32   15   35
Dragoon        43   29   39   12
Samurai        44   26   43   12
Chemist        27   27   30   20
Dancer         30   29   14   19
Mimic          25   24   24   24
Oracle         16   23   20   60
Cannoneer      34   30   30   28
Gladiator      51   38   27   10
Necromancer    29   25   45   53

Butz           +3   +1   +3   +1
Lenna           0   +2   +1   +4
Galuf          +2    0   +4    0
Faris          +2   +3   +2   +2
Cara            0   +4    0   +3

               STATS PART 2 - MISC
Your Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Magic Power are determined by your job,
plus some abilities can increase them (as noted below), and some weapons and
armor have small bonuses to them.

Your Max HP is determined by your Level and Vitality (excluding equipment
bonuses to Vitality).

Your Max MP is determined by your Level and Magic Power (excluding equipment
bonuses to Magic Power).

Your Regen rate is determined by your Vitality.

Your Attack Power is determined by your weapon(s).

Your Defense, Evade Rate, Magic Defense, Magic Evade Rate, and Equipment's
Weight are determined by your armor.

The Bard's Songs; the Chemist's Drinks; the White Magic spells Armor and Shell;
the Blue Magic spells DrkShock and GuardOff; and the chemist mixes Dragon
Power, Sampson Power, and Split Shell affect their target's stats.

The amount of time you have to wait between turns is determined by your Agility
and your Equipment's Weight.

Some Status Effects affect stats (except the Hit Percentage of the Lillith Rod
and the Dancer's !Flirt ability).

Some attacks always hit their target.  For the rest:

The probability that a magic attack will hit the target successfully is
determined by the spell's Hit % and the target's Magic Evade Rate.  Magic
attacks (except attacks with the Rod, Fire Rod, Ice Rod, Thunder Rod, Venom
Rod, and Wizard Rod) become more likely to hit as the caster's Level increases,
and they become less likely to hit as the target's Level increases.  If the
target has an Aegis Shield, that gives them another chance to evade magic
attacks (except the Lillith Rod and the Dancer's !Flirt ability).

The probability that a physical attack will hit the target successfully is
determined by the attacker's weapon's Hit % and the target's Evade Rate.  If
the target has the Samurai's Evade ability, the knife Guardian, the accessory
Elf Cape, the knife Hardened, and/or the sword Defender, then those will each
give them another chance to evade physical attacks.  (Although equipping both
the knife Hardened and the sword Defender will only give you one extra chance
to evade physical attacks, not two.)  General Knives (except the ManEater),
Ninja Knives, Bows (except the Gale Bow and the AntiMagic Bow), and the
Beastkill Whip and the Dragon Whip halve the target's evade rate.

Some attacks are hybrid physical magic attacks.  The probability that they will
hit the target successfully is determined the same way as it is for regular
physical attacks.

Some enemies can't evade particular types of attacks.  See the Monsters section
for details.

The hybrid physical magic attacks are:  The Esper Chocob, the Esper Odin's
Gungnir attack, the Terrain attack Branch Arrow, the Terrain attack Branch
Spear, the Enemy Magic attack Reaper's Sword, and Gilgamesh's Jump attack.

Spells count as magic attacks.  (Except the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch, the
Enemy Magic spell Fight, and the Enemy Magic spell Strong Fight, which all
count as physical attack.  And except for the spells that are hybrid physical
magic attacks.)

Songs; Terrain attacks; the Hunter's Animals; the Chemist's Mixes; the
Dragoon's DrgnSwd ability; the Samurai's !Slash ability; the Dancer's !Flirt
ability; the Monk's Mantra ability; and the Dances Mystery Waltz, Jitterbug
Duet, and Tempting Tango all count as magic attacks.

The Monk's !Kick ability, the Ninja's !Throw ability, the Samurai's !GilToss
ability, and enemy specialty attacks all count as physical attacks.

Attacks with weapons count as physical attacks.  (Except attacks with any of
the following weapons:  Staves (except the Mythril Staff and the staff that is
just called Staff), Rods, Harps, Scrolls, the Drain Sword, the Giyaman Bell,
and the Tinker Bell.  Those all count as magic attacks.)

The amount of damage that some magic attacks do is set, or a function of the
caster's or target's Current and/or Max HP.  For the rest:

Some enemies are weak or strong against particular elements, so that affects
how much damage attacks of that element do.  In addition to that:

The amount of damage that most magic attacks do is determined by the spell's
Attack Power, the caster's Level and Magic Power, and the target's Magic

The amount of damage that a hybrid physical magic attacks does is determined by
the spell's Attack Power, the caster's Level and Magic Power, and the target's

The amount of damage that a physical attack does is determined by a complicated
formula involving the attacker's Attack Power, Level, and Strength and the
target's Defense.  (Except the Samurai's !GilToss ability, which is only based
on the attacker's Level and the target's Defense.)  Different weapons have
different formulas, but if they have the same attack power, then they will
generally do about the same amount of damage, with the following exceptions:

1.  If there's a special effect to take into account, like being in the back
row, or using Magic Sword, etc..

2.  Bells, Axes, Hammers, the RuneEdge, the Flail, the MornStar, and some Rods
and Staves do dramatically different amounts of damage each time you use them.
All weapons vary a bit from round to round, but for most weapons it isn't a
very significant difference, and with these weapons it is.  The amount of
damage they do on average is about the same as most other weapons of equal
attack power, though.

3.  The RuneEdge, Rune Axe, and Rune Bell do damage based on your strength,
just like most weapons.  But the formula for the amount of damage they do has
an extra part based on your Magic Power.  This can result in these weapons
being incredibly powerful despite their mediocre attack power.  Although they
use up your Magic Points when you use them (you don't get their bonus damage if
you're out of Magic Points).

4.  The Chicken Knife, Giyaman Bell, Tinker Bell, and the Ninja's !Throw
ability do damage based on your strength or magic power (some weapons are based
on strength, and some are based on magic power), just like most weapons.  But
the formula for the amount of damage they do has an extra part based on your
Agility (except when you use the Ninja's !Throw ability with the Flame Scroll,
Water Scroll, or Thunder Scroll).  This can result in the Chicken Knife doing
even more damage than the BraveBld can.

5.  The formula for the damage done by all General Knives (except the
ManEater), Ninja Knives, Bows (except the AntiMagic Bow), Whips, the Full Moon,
and the RisinSun are also supposed to have an extra part based on your Agility.
This would result in them doing more damage than other weapons with the same
attack power.  But there was an error in the game's programming that lessened
the effect of this (the error didn't affect the Chicken Knife, Giyaman Bell,
Tinker Bell, and !Throw ability).  If you're playing the Super Nintendo version
of Final Fantasy 5 on your computer (with a ROM), then you can use a Hex Editor
to fix this error by changing the ROM's offsets 28313-28316 from A526C220 to

             STATS PART 6 - ABILITIES
Some abilities increase some of your stats to the level of the job that learned
them.  They are listed below.  For example, if one of your characters had the
job of White Mage, then you could increase that character's strength to the
level of a Monk by equipping the Monk's Brawl ability.  These abilities won't
have any effect if your character's stats are already higher than the ability
could make them.  (That is, they can only increase your stats; they won't lower
them.)  The list below does not include the bonus that the individual
characters have for certain statistics (listed above).

Summon level 5          MP 57
Summon level 4          MP 53
Summon level 3          MP 49
Summon level 2          MP 45
Summon level 1          MP 41
Black level 6           MP 55
Black level 5           MP 52
Black level 4           MP 49
Black level 3           MP 46
Black level 2           MP 43
Black level 1           MP 40
Dark Arts level 5       MP 53
Dark Arts level 4       MP 49
Dark Arts level 3       MP 45
Dark Arts level 2       MP 41
Dark Arts level 1       MP 37
White level 6           MP 49
White level 5           MP 47
White level 4           MP 45
White level 3           MP 43
White level 2           MP 41
White level 1           MP 39
Dimen level 6           MP 48
Dimen level 5           MP 46
Dimen level 4           MP 44
Dimen level 3           MP 42
Dimen level 2           MP 40
Dimen level 1           MP 38
Blue                    MP 47
X-Magic                 MP 32
Red level 3             MP 32
Red level 2             MP 31
Red level 1             MP 30
MgcSwrd level 6         ST 39 and MP 25
MgcSwrd level 5         ST 37 and MP 23
MgcSwrd level 4         ST 35 and MP 21
MgcSwrd level 3         ST 33 and MP 19
MgcSwrd level 2         ST 31 and MP 17
MgcSwrd level 1         ST 29 and MP 15
Brawl                   ST 51
Equip Swords            ST 48
Equip Axes and Hammers  ST 46
Equip Katanas           ST 44
Equip Spears/Lances     ST 43
Dbl Grip                ST 38
Equip Bows              ST 41 and AG 36
Equip Whips             ST 38 and AG 25
Equip Harps             AG 32 and MP 35
Agility                 AG 40

             STATS PART 7 - EQUIPMENT
Below is a list of equipment that give bonuses to your statistics.

Chicken        |   | +5|   |
Gladius        |   | +2|   |
ManEater       | +2| +2| +2| +2
Assassin       |   | +1|   |
Thief          |   | +1|   |
Dancing        |   | +1|   | +1
MageMash       |   |   |   | +1

Kagenui        |   | +3|   |
Hardened       |   | +1|   |
Kodachi        |   | +1|   |
Kunai          |   | +1|   |

Ultima Weapon  | +2| +2| +2|
Enhancer       |   |   |   | +3

BraveBld       | +5|   |   |
Apocalypse     | +3|   | +3|
Excalibur      | +5|   |   |
Drain          |   |   |   | +5

AXES            ST  AG  VIT MP
Earthbreaker   | +5| -5| +5| -5
Rune Axe       |   |   |   | +3

WHIPS           ST  AG  VIT MP
Flame          | +2| +2|   |

BOWS            ST  AG  VIT MP
Yoichi         | +3| +3|   |

SPEARS          ST  AG  VIT MP
Longinus       | +2|   |   |
Holy           | +3|   |   |
Javelin        | +1|   |   |
Spear          |   | +1|   |

RODS            ST  AG  VIT MP
Demon's Rod    |   |   |   | +2
Rod            |   |   |   | +1
Wonder         |   |   |   | +2
Lillith        |   |   |   | +3

STAVES          ST  AG  VIT MP
Mace of Zeus   |   |   |   | +3
Judgment       |   |   |   | +3
Light          |   |   |   | +2
Power          | +5|   |   |
Healing        |   |   |   | +2

Force          |   | -5|   |
Aegis          |   |   |   | +1

Thornlet       |   |   |   | -5
Royal Crown    |   | +1|   | +1
DarkHood       |   | +2|   |
Ribbon         | +5| +5| +5| +5
Circlet        |   |   |   | +3
Magus          |   |   |   | +2
Bandana        | +3|   |   |
Coronet        |   |   |   | +1
Tricorn        |   |   |   | +1
Tiara          |   |   |   | +3
GrnBeret       | +1| +1|   |

Bone Mail      |   |   | -5|
Maximillian    |   |   | +2|
Robe of Lords  |   |   |   | +1
Dark           | +1| +1|   |
Black          |   |   |   | +5
White          |   |   | +3| +3
Lumina         |   |   |   | +2
Strength       | +3|   |   |
Angel          |   |   | +5|
Stealth        |   | +1|   |
Training       | +1|   |   |

Guard          |   |   | +5|
Giant          | +5| -5| +5| -5
Kaiser         | +5|   |   |
Thief          |   | +1|   |
Hyper Wrist    | +5|   |   |
Power          | +3|   |   |
Crystal Orb    |   |   |   | +5
Elf Cape       |   | +1|   | +1

This section is my summary of some of the information contained in J.L. Tseng's
(a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ.  You can get
additional information on the statistics behind anything in Final Fantasy 5
(notably determining exactly how much damage everything does and how likely it
is to hit or miss its target) from his guide, which can be found on the page
for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at

                        SECTION 07 - JOBS TRANSLATIONS

SNES name      PS name     GBA name
Normal         Bare        Freelancer
Knight         Knight      Knight
Monk           Monk        Monk
Thief          Thief       Thief
White Mage     White Mage  White Mage
Black Mage     Black Mage  Black Mage
Blue Mage      Blue Mage   Blue Mage
Berserker      Berserker   Berserker
Mystic Knight  Sorcerer    Mystic Knight
Time Mage      Time Mage   Time Mage
Summoner       Summoner    Summoner
Red Mage       Red Mage    Red Mage
Ninja          Ninja       Ninja
Mediator       Trainer     Beastmaster
Geomancer      Geomancer   Geomancer
Hunter         Hunter      Ranger
Bard           Bard        Bard
Dragoon        Lancer      Dragoon
Samurai        Samurai     Samurai
Chemist        Chemist     Chemist
Dancer         Dancer      Dancer
Mimic          Mime        Mime
None           None        Oracle
None           None        Cannoneer
None           None        Gladiator
None           None        Necromancer

                      SECTION 08 - SUPER ENEMY STRATEGIES

Note that normally you want to have a job at all times, so that when you win a
fight the ABP will go towards learning an ability.  But for the fights against
some of the Super Enemies you should be more worried about surviving than
gaining ABP.  So it might be good to switch your characters to the Normal or
Mimic Jobs.  That way they can use multiple abilities and use lots of different
weapons and armor (although the Mimic Job can't use as many different weapons
and armor as the Normal Job).  Make sure to remember to reequip your characters
with jobs and their regular equipment after the fight.

Remember that a job can use its own Innate Abilities even if they haven't yet
been learned for use with other jobs, and even if they aren't equipped.  And
the Normal and Mimic jobs can use the Innate Abilities of all the jobs they've
mastered without equipping them.  The Ninja's 2-Handed ability is innate, and
it's a very useful ability in these fights.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Monster Translations sections for a translation of the monster names
in this section.

1.  D.Chimera
Location:  The desert south of Karnak in world 1.  Later in the game it can
also be found in the Sunken Worus Tower and the Desert in the Cleft of
Dimension, although by that time it shouldn't really be considered a super
Strategy:  You don't need a special strategy.  It's just a tough fight.

2.  MiniDragon
Location:  World map in the forests near Istory in world 1.
Strategy:  You don't need a special strategy.  It's just a tough fight.
Although note that like most bosses, MiniDragon is immune to most status
ailments.  But unlike most bosses, MiniDragon is not immune to Frog.

3.  Prototype
Location:  Two islands southwest of Crescent in world 1.  Later in the game it
can also be found in the Sunken Worus Tower and sometimes it can be found
inside one of the treasure chests in the Solitary Island Temple, although by
that time it shouldn't really be considered a super enemy.
Strategy:  The easiest way to kill Prototype is to use the Mediator's !Control
ability to get control of Prototype and have him attack himself.  But that's
not much of a challenge.  Here are some more interesting strategies:

Prototype has really strong defense, so it can be hard to do any damage to him.
But it's possible if you use an Axe or a Hammer.  When you use an Axe or
Hammer, the enemy's defense power has less of an effect than it does when you
use most other weapons.  When you use an Axe or Hammer, your own attack power
also has less of an effect than it does when you use most other weapons, so
usually those two things balance each other out.  But Axes and Hammers can be
really useful in this rare instance where you're fighting an enemy with really
strong defense.  You can buy Ogre Axes in Jacole, or if you want to take the
time to get them, you can win Doom Axes from the enemies called Crescent who
can be found on the island with the town Crescent.

Or you can use the Hunter's !X-Fight ability.  Or you can decrease his defense
with the Blue Magic spell GuardOff then attack him normally.  Or you can use
attacks that aren't affected by the enemy's defense (like the Blue Magic spells
Exploder, Vampire, and ????).  The Hunter's Animal Wild Boar will also damage

If you equip a Javelin (which you can steal from the enemy Sand Bear in the
Quicksand Desert), or the Earth Hammer (which you can steal from the boss
Titan, which you encounter after the Flying Lonka Ruins) then you can damage
him using the Sword Dance.  Or you can use the Ninja's !Throw ability to throw
a Shuriken, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, or Thunder Scroll (which can all be
bought in Lix) or a Javelin or Earth Hammer at him.  You can damage him using
the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch if you use the Ninja's 2-Handed ability to equip
any of the following combinations of weapons:  the Earth Hammer and a Javelin,
the Earth Hammer and the Wind Spear (which you can steal from the boss
Chim.Brain, which you encounter after the Flying Lonka Ruins), the Earth Hammer
and a Doom Axe, the Earth Hammer and the Ancient Sword (which you can find in
the Flying Lonka Ruins), or two Javelins.  Even if you don't have any of those
combinations of weapons, GblinPnch can still damage him if you use the
Chemist's !Drink ability to drink some Power Drinks.  And GblinPnch does more
damage if the enemy and caster are the same level.  Prototype is level 23, so
if you're level 23 too then GblinPnch can damage him even if you aren't using
any of those combinations of weapons.

If you change Prototype's level so it's divisible by 5 (by dividing it twice
with the Blue Magic spell DrkShock), then you can kill it using the Blue Magic
spell L5 Doom.

There are some enemies who can be caught with the Mediator's !Catch command,
then will damage Prototype if you release them during during the fight against
Prototype.  Some of the most notable ones are that you can kill Prototype if
you release four of the enemy Sand Bear or four of the enemy Zuu.  Sand Bear
can be found in the Quicksand Desert and Zuu can be found on the plains near
Karnak and the Ancient Library.

If you encounter Prototype on a beach, then the Geomancer's !Terrain ability
Big Tsunami will sometimes cause some damage to Prototype (but not always).
That won't be an option if you aren't on a beach, though.

Or you can use the Blue Magic spell Blowfish, the Esper Titan, or the Chemist's
mixes Dark Potion, Drain Kiss, Explosive, or Shadow Flare.  Or you can decrease
his defense with the Chemist mix Split Shell.  Or you can attack him using the
Katana, which can be bought in Jacole.  It won't always work, but you can
sometimes get a critical hit if you use a Katana or just attack him with your
fists, and those can damage him.  If (and only if) your level is high enough
and you have the Monk's Brawl ability, then attacking Prototype with your fists
will damage him even when you don't get a critical hit.  If (and only if) your
level is high enough, then you can also damage Prototype by using the Samurai's
!Giltoss ability or the Monk's !Kick ability.  If your level isn't high enough,
then you can increase it with the Chemist mixes Dragon Power or Sampson Power.
Although you don't get the Chemist or Samurai jobs or have a chance to learn
Blowfish until you go to the Flying Lonka Ruins.  And you don't learn Titan
until after that.  Prototype is very tough, so you can wait until then to fight
him if you want.

4.  Garkimasra
Location:  Worus Castle Basement.  Later in the game it can also be found in
the Sunken Worus Tower, although by that time it shouldn't really be considered
a super enemy.
Strategy:  Same as the strategy for Prototype above.  Although Garkimasra
absorbs elemental damage, so some of the things that damage Prototype will heal
Garkimasra.  In particular, using the Ninja's !Throw ability to throw a Flame
Scroll, Water Scroll, or Thunder Scroll, or using the Mediator's !Catch command
to catch the enemy Zuu and releasing it during the fight against Garkimasra
will heal Garkimasra.

Garkimasra's defense is very strong, but it's not nearly as strong as
Prototype, so there are some attacks that will damage Garkimasra that wouldn't
damage Prototype.  Specifically you can damage him by just attacking normally
with a Javelin.  Or you could use the Sword Dance, the Ninja's !Throw ability,
or the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch even if you have some weapons that are weaker
than the ones required to damage Prototype.  Although you'll still need to use
the Ninja's 2-Handed ability to equip two weapons before you use the Blue Magic
spell GblinPnch.  Or if you're Berserked, you can damage him with a lot of weak
weapons.  Or you could use the Blue Magic spell AquaRake.  The Esper Chocob
will sometimes use the attack Fat Chocobo, and that will damage Garkimasra.
The Hunter's Animal Bee Swarm will sometimes damage Garkimasra (but not always).

Note that Garkimasra is level 20, so GblinPnch will do more damage if you're on
level 20 too.  And you can kill Garkimasra with the Blue Magic spell L5 Doom
without having to change his level at all.

Garkimasra's HP is lower than Prototype's, so to kill Garkimasra you only have
to catch one Sand Bear and release it, rather than four.  And there are some
enemies that wouldn't be able to kill Prototype (although some of them might
damage him), but will kill Garkimasra if you catch them and release them.  One
notable one is the enemy Goblin.  The Goblin can be found near the Pirates'
Cave, and it casts a strong Black Magic spell called Flare when you catch and
release it.

If you want to fight Garkimasra when you first get to Worus Castle, before
you've been to Jacole, then note that you can buy Battle Axes in Worus.
They're not as strong as Ogre Axes or Doom Axes, but they're the best you can
get at the time.

5.  Skull Eater
Location:  Jacole Cave in world 1.  You can fight it in world 3 too, although
by that time it shouldn't really be considered a super enemy.
Strategy:  Same as the strategy for Prototype above.  Although in addition to
strong defense, Skull Eater also has a high Evade rate, so it might take you
several tries before you hit him.  You can get around that by using the
Hunter's !Aim or !X-Fight abilities or the Dragoon's !Jump ability.

Skull Eater's defense is very strong, but it's not quite as strong as
Prototype, so there are some attacks that will damage Skull Eater that wouldn't
damage Prototype.  Specifically you can damage him using the Sword Dance, the
Ninja's !Throw ability, or the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch even if you have some
weapons that are slightly weaker than the ones required to damage Prototype.
Although you'll still need to use the Ninja's 2-Handed ability to equip two
weapons before you use the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch.  The Hunter's Animal Bee
Swarm will sometimes damage Skull Eater (but not always).

Note that Skull Eater's is level 32, so GblinPnch will do more damage if you're
on level 32 too.  And before you can kill Skull Eater using the Blue Magic
spell L5 Doom, you can change its level so it's divisible by 5 by giving it the
Chemist mix Sampson Power then dividing its level twice with the Blue Magic
spell DrkShock.  Or you could change its level so it's divisible by 5 by giving
it a bunch of Sampson Powers and/or Dragon Powers, until its level hits the
maximum of 255.

Skull Eater's HP is lower than Prototype's, so to kill Skull Eater you only
have to catch one Sand Bear or Zuu and release it, rather than four.  And there
are some enemies that wouldn't be able to kill Prototype (although some of them
might damage him), but will kill Skull Eater if you catch them and release
them.  Notable among them are the enemies Goblin and MiniDragon.  The Goblin
can be found near the Pirates' Cave, and it casts a strong Black Magic spell
called Flare when you catch and release it.  The MiniDragon can be found near
Istory, and it casts a strong offensive White Magic spell called Holy when you
catch and release it.

The Geomancer's !Terrain ability can sometimes kill Skull Eater (but not

Unlike Prototype, Skull Eater might be susceptible to instant death attacks and
spells that will give it status ailments like Mini, Frog, and Charm, although
its magic evade rate is very high, so they're unlikely to work.

If you really want a challenge, try casting a spell on Skull Eater, and that
will cause it to call four more Skull Eaters to help it fight you.  The spell
has to hit it in order to cause it to call four more Skull Eaters, and it has a
high Magic Evade rate too, so make sure to use a spell that will always hit
(like Fire).

6.  ShieldDrgn
Location:  The Sealed Castle Kuzar in world 2.  You can fight it in world 3
too, although by that time it shouldn't really be considered a super enemy.
Strategy:  A special strategy is not absolutely necessary with the ShieldDrgn,
but it's a very tough fight at the point in the game when it first becomes
available.  It has a wall that reflects spells, its HP is very high, and its
defense is fairly high, but its defense is low enough that there are still
several weapons available at that point in the game that can hurt it.  The
ShieldDrgn attempts to Charm your characters.  You will be immune to Charm if
you're using the Berserker's Berserk ability (or if you have the job of
Berserker, which automatically has the Berserk ability).  You will also be
immune to Charm if you have the helmet Tiara, which could be stolen from the
enemy Lamia which could be found in the Lonka Ruins.  The easiest way to defeat
the ShieldDrgn is to use the Mediator's !Control ability and make it kill
itself with its Flame attack.  In most cases ShieldDrgn will leave the battle
when its HP gets low, although if you make it kill itself with its Flame attack
it won't leave the battle until it dies.

7.  Sand Crawl
Location:  The desert in the northeast in world 2.
Strategy:  You don't need a special strategy.  It's just a tough fight.

8.  Gil Turtle
Location:  In the cave between Castle Bal and Exdeath's Castle in world 2.  At
the end of the hidden path that branches off to the south (it's just after the
first set of stairs).  You can fight it in the Bonus Dungeon too, although by
that time it shouldn't really be considered a super enemy.
Strategy:  The Gil Turtle is weak against Ice, so the best way to hurt him is
to attack him with the Black Magic spell Ice 3, or cast the Magic Sword spell
Ice 3, then attack him (make sure you're using a weapon that will work with
Magic Sword).  You can use the Red Mage's !X-Magic ability to cast Ice 3 two
times in one turn.  If you're going to have some characters just cast spells
and not attack, you should put them in the back row and equip them with Ice
Rods (which increase the damage that Ice spells do).  For those characters who
will be attacking, their attacks will be even more effective if you use the
Hunter's !X-Fight ability and/or the Ninja's 2-Handed ability.

If you haven't learned the level 5 !Black ability or the level 5 !MgcSwrd
ability yet, you'll have to be a Black Mage or Mystic Knight, respectively, in
order to use those abilities.  If you don't have the Ninja's 2-Handed ability,
then you can use the Knight's Dbl Grip ability or make your characters Ninjas,
since Ninjas can use the 2-Handed ability automatically.  Although if you do
that, then you won't be able to also use both !MgcSwrd and !X-Fight.

Before the fight cast the Dimen Magic spell Float on your party.  During the
fight you can protect your party from some of the Gil Turtle's attacks with the
Esper Golem, but it'll wear off after awhile, so you might have to summon him
several times.  Heal yourself as necessary during the fight, and you can cast
the Dimen Magic spell Hast2 to speed up your characters.  If you're too weak to
beat him, you might have to spend some time fighting enemies to increase your
level and gain new abilities.

9.  Magic Pot
Location:  Inside pots in the Phoenix Tower.
Strategy:  You can win the fight by just giving them an Elixir (sometimes it
takes more than one), which will cause them to leave the fight on their own.
Although if you want, you can try to actually beat the Magic Pots in a fight.
They have very high defense and very high HP and they periodically refill
themselves to full HP, so you have to do a lot of damage to them very quickly,
before they have a chance to refill their HP.

You can do the most damage to them by using the Hunter's !X-Fight ability (it
cuts through an enemy's defense).  The Mystic Knight's !MgcSword ability and
the Bard's !Sing ability won't work in the fights against the Magic Pots, so
you can't use them to increase the amount of damage you can do.  But you can
use the Ninja's 2-Handed ability and the Chemist's !Drink ability.  Have your
characters all drink a bunch of Hero Drinks (a bunch) before attacking.

10.  Gogo
Location:  Boss of the Sunken Worus Tower.
Strategy:  If you don't do anything, Gogo will give up after a few minutes and
you'll win the fight.  Although if you want, you can try to actually beat Gogo
in a fight.  He's a Mimic.  If you never attack him, then he won't attack you.
But if you attack him physically, he'll respond with an overwhelming physical
attack.  And if you attack him with magic, he'll respond with an overwhelming
magic attack.  And after you've done a fair amount of damage to him, he'll
attack over and over again, overwhelmingly, even if you stop attacking.

You can do the most damage to him by using the Hunter's !X-Fight ability when
you're using the Ninja's 2-Handed ability.  The fact that Gogo won't attack you
at the beginning of the fight unless you attack him first means that you can
take some time to prepare before you attack him.  You could cast the Magic
Sword spell Flare (in which case you should make sure your weapons work with
Magic Sword), or you could build up your characters' stats using the Bard's
!Sing ability (Hero Song works well).  Although you don't have too much time to
build up strength, because Gogo will give up after a little less than two
minutes of your not attacking him.  If you don't have the Bard's !Sing ability,
you could use the Chemist's !Drink ability instead (several Hero Drinks for
each character works well).  You can also take time to heal your characters
after your first few attacks, before you've done enough damage to Gogo that he
starts attacking over and over again on his own.

It might help to cast the Dimen Magic spell Hast2 on your party, and either
both the White Magic spells Shell and Armor or just the Blue Magic spell
MghtyGrd.  Although if you equip those abilities on someone, then there will be
less room for other abilities.

Note that like most bosses, Gogo is immune to most status ailments.  But unlike
most bosses, Gogo is not immune to Mute.  The White Magic spell Mute doesn't
always work, and Gogo's Magic Evade rate is very high, so that makes it even
less likely to work.  But if you use the Mystic Knight's Magic Sword spell
Mute, then hit him, that will always Mute him.  Then you can attack him with
magic without worrying about his counterattacks.  He'll still be able to cast
some of his spells (since some spells aren't stopped by Mute), but it'll stop
some of his spells.  Note that if you are going to Mute him then attack him
with magic, you should not use the Ninja's 2-Handed ability.  Using it would
cause Gogo to counterattack twice when you attack him in order to Mute him.

11.  Omega
Location:  Visibly walking around in the Cave in the Cleft of Dimension.
Strategy:  Flame Rings can help defend your party from some of his attacks.
You can leave the Cleft of Dimension and buy them in Mirage, or you can steal
them from Red Dragon in the Castle section of the Cleft of Dimension that's

Omega is weak against thunder, so you can do the most damage to him by casting
the Magic Sword spell Bolt 3, then using the Hunter's !X-Fight ability when
you're using the Ninja's 2-Handed ability (make sure both of your weapons work
with Magic Sword).  If one of your characters has those abilities but another
doesn't, you could have the second character Mimic the first one.

Note that like most bosses, Omega is immune to most status ailments.  But
unlike most bosses, Omega is not immune to Stop.  Omega's Magic Evade rate is
very high, so casting the Dimen Magic spell Stop is unlikely to work on him.
And normally the Love Song doesn't always work either, but Omega has a weakness
for the Love Song, so it will always work.  Although Omega's level is so high
that it only works on him for a very small period of time, so in order to keep
him stopped, you'll have to have two characters with the haste status
constantly using the Love Song.

12.  Shinryuu
Location:  Inside a treasure chest in the Void at the end of the Cleft of
Strategy:  You can steal the Dragoon Spear from the enemy named CrysDragon in
the first and third areas of the Void.  It's a very powerful weapon, and it's
strong against Dragons, so getting Dragoon Spears for your characters to use
against Shinryuu is very effective.  You can do the most damage to him by using
the Dragoon's !Jump ability or the Hunter's !X-Fight ability (either one, but
not both) when you're using the Ninja's 2-Handed ability to use two Dragoon

Most of Shinryuu's attacks can be avoided.  If you equip a Coral Ring, you can
avoid Shinryuu's Tidal Wave and Atomic Ray attacks.  If you equip the Bone
Mail, you can avoid Shinryuu's Poison Breath and Roulette attacks.  If you
equip a Ribbon, you can avoid Shinryuu's Demon's Eye attack.  If you equip an
Ice Shield, you can avoid Shinryuu's Snowstorm attacks.  If you aren't at a
level that is divisible by 2, you can avoid Shinryuu's L2 Old attack.  If you
aren't at a level that is divisible by 3, you can avoid Shinryuu's L3 Flare
attack.  And if you're initially on an inconvenient level, you can change your
level by giving your character the Chemist mix Dragon Power or Sampson Power.
If you give your character the Chemist mix Dragon's Kiss, you can avoid
Shinryuu's Maelstrom attack.  And if you periodically use the Ninja's !Image
ability or use the White Magic spell Image, you can avoid Shinryuu's fight
attack.  All that leaves is Shinryuu's Thunder attack, and that only takes off
25% of your Max HP (or 50% if you're weak to Thunder attacks), so it can never
kill you if you're at full HP.  Although of all of those, the Coral Ring is the
most important, since Shinryuu's Tidal Wave attack is his strongest attack.
You can leave the Cleft of Dimension and buy Coral Rings in Mirage, or you can
steal them from Bella Donna in the Phoenix Tower.

Note that like most bosses, Shinryuu is immune to most status ailments.  But
unlike most bosses, Shinryuu is not immune to Berserk and Darkness.  So you can
use the White Magic spell Bersk to stop him from casting magic if you want.
Shinryuu's Magic Evade rate is very high, so casting the Blue Magic spell Flash
or using the Chemist Mix Dark Gas is unlikely to successfully give him the
Darkness status.  But the Chemist Mix Dark Sigh always works, so you can use
that to give him the Darkness status.

                             SECTION 09 - WEAPONS

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations and Monster Translations sections for
translations of the locations and monster names in this section.

This guide doesn't list the prices of all the weapons.  For that I recommend
J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ.  It can
be found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at

This guide also doesn't say from which enemies you can steal or win weapons
(except in a few especially noteworthy cases).  For additional information on
that topic, see the Monster Section.  Also note that some enemies have two
different things that you might be able to steal, with one being easier to
steal than the other.  So if you keep stealing from an enemy and getting an
item other than the one you want, keep trying (you can cast the Dimen Magic
spell Reset to get another chance).

Some weapons can sometimes cast spells or trigger commands.  That occurs only
when using the Fight, Aim, or SwdSlap commands.  It will never occur when using
the BuildUp, Capture, Jump, Throw, or X-Fight commands; the Sword Dance; or the
Blue Magic spell GblinPnch.  If your characters have the Zombie status, or if
they use the Counter ability, then their weapons can cast spells, but they
won't trigger commands.  Note that the Earth Hammer's Quake spell, the Earth
Bell's Quake spell, and the Air Blade's Gale Cut spell all count as commands,
not as spells.

Note that the normal job can equip all weapons and armor (except throwing

(The code for hacking is listed first, then the weapon, then the attack power,
then the location and special effect (if any))

Fists display an attack power of 3, but their attack power increases as your
level increases.  Fists have an 8% chance of having a Critical Hit.

General Knives are Magic Sword OK (except for the ManEater).
General Knives can be thrown (except for the Dancing, Thief, ManEater, Chicken).
General Knives can be equipped by everyone except Monks, White Mages, and
Oracles (except for the ManEater, which can only be equipped by Dancers).
02 Knife             7  Lenna starts with it.
03 Dagger           14  Bought in Carwen, Worus.
04 Mythril          23  Bought in Karnak.
06 MageMash         31  Bought in Jacole.  Special Effect:  Casts Mute 33% of
                        the time.
07 Guardian         36  Found in Karnak Castle, Mua.  Special Effect:  25%
                        chance of evading physical attacks.
09 Orihalcn         41  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb.
6D Dancing          51  Found in Moogle Village.  Special Effect:  Triggers the
                        Dance command 50% of the time.
0A Air Lance        56  Bought in Mua.  Found in Istory Falls.  Special Effect:
                        Does Wind damage.  Increases damage of Wind spells.
6C Thief            66  Found in Mirage.   Special Effect:  Triggers the
                        Capture command 33% of the time.
0B Assassin         81  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Casts Doom 25% of the time.
6B ManEater         89  Found in the Castle in the Cleft of Dimension.  Special
                        Effect:  Strong against Human enemies.
 * Gladius         118  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.
63 Chicken       1-127  Found in Mua in world 3.  Special Effect:  Attack power
                        starts at 1, but increases by 1 for every 2 times you
                        run from a battle, up to 127.  Triggers the Escape
                        command 25% of the time when you use it with the Fight,
                        Aim, or SwdSlap commands.  But it won't trigger the
                        Escape command if you use it with the BuildUp, Capture,
                        Jump, or X-Fight commands; the Sword Dance; or the Blue
                        Magic spell GblinPnch.  Note that the Chicken Knife
                        does damage based on your strength, just like most
                        weapons.  But the formula for the amount of damage it
                        does has an extra part based on your Agility, which can
                        result in it doing even more damage than the BraveBld

Ninja Knives are Magic Sword OK.
Ninja Knives can be thrown.
Ninja Knives can be equipped Ninjas.
05 Kunai            29  Bought in Karnak after you get the jobs from the Fire
                        Crystal, Lix.
08 Kodachi          46  Bought in Kelb.
0C Hardened         99  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  25% chance of evading physical attacks (can't
                        be used in conjunction with the Defender Sword).
 * Kagenui         126  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.  Special Effect:  Sometimes
                        stops enemies.

General Swords are Double Grip OK.  General Swords are Magic Sword OK (except
for Excailbur and RuneEdge).
General Swords can be thrown (except for the RuneEdge and Enhancer).
General Swords can be equipped by Knights, Mystic Knights, Blue Mages, Red
Mages, Cannoneers, and Gladiators.
5C Excailbur         1  Found in Exdeath's Castle.  Special Effect:  When used
                        with the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch or the Ninja's
                        !Throw ability, it does as much damage as a normal
                        weapon with an attack power of 100.  Falsely claims to
                        have an attack power of 100 in general.
0D Broad            15  Bought in Tule.  Found in the Wind Shrine.
0E RegalCut         22  Bought in Carwen, Worus.
0F Mythril          31  Bought in Karnak.
10 Coral            37  Bought in Jacole.  Special Effect:  Does Thunder
11 Ancient          43  Found in Lonka Ruins.  Special Effect:  Casts Old 33%
                        of the time.
13 Slumber          49  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb.  Special Effect:  Casts
                        Sleep 50% of the time.
56 RuneEdge         50  Found in Istory Falls.  Also stolen from Stingray on
                        the northern part of the sea that is southwest of
                        Carwen in world 3 or in the Bonus Dungeon.
12 Epee             57  Bought in Surgate.  Found in Bal.
6E Enhancer        102  Found in Istory Falls, the Forest of the Cleft of
 * Ultima Weapon   180  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.

Knight Swords are Double Grip OK (except for Drain).  Knight Swords are Magic
Sword OK (except for Drain).
The Defender, Excalibur, Ragnarok, and Apocalypse can be thrown, but the rest
of the Knight Swords can't.
Knight Swords can be equipped by Knights and Gladiators.
57 Flame            63  Bought in Mirage.  Found in Great Forest of Mua.
                        Special Effect:  Does Fire damage.
58 IceBrand         65  Bought in Mirage.  Found in Exdeath's Castle.  Special
                        Effect:  Does Ice damage.
55 Drain            84  Found in Barrier Tower, the Ruins of the Cleft of
                        Dimension.  Also stolen from K.Behemoth in the Void at
                        the end of the Cleft of Dimension or the Bonus Dungeon.
                        Special Effect:  Drains HP from enemies, but only has a
                        Hit% of 25%.  Does the same amount of damage per hit
                        when you use the Hunter's !X-Fight ability as it does
14 Defender         99  Found in Fork Tower.  Special Effect:  Casts Armor on
                        one ally when used as an item in battle (if equipped).
                        25% chance of evading physical attacks (can't be used
                        in conjunction with the Hardened Knife).
15 Excalibur       110  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Does Holy damage.
16 Ragnarok        140  Found in the Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension.
 * Apocalypse      145  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.
61 BraveBld      0-150  Found in Mua in world 3.  Special Effect:  Attack power
                        starts at 150, but decreases by 1 every time you run
                        from a battle.

Axes Double Grip OK.
The Battle Axe, Venom Axe, Rune Axe, and Earthbreaker Axe can be thrown, but
the rest of the Axes can't.
Axes can be equipped by Berserkers and Gladiators.
21 Battle           23  Bought in Worus.
23 Ogre             33  Bought in Jacole.
69 Doom             43  Won from the enemy called Crescent which is found on
                        the island with the town Crescent in world 1.  Also
                        stolen from Mukare near Castle Bal in world 3.  Special
                        Effect:  Casts Doom 33% of the time.
25 Venom            48  Bought in Surgate.  Special Effect:  Casts Venom 67% of
                        the time.
27 Rune Axe         71  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.
6A Giant            91  Found in Istory Falls.  Also stolen from Twin Tania in
                        the Castle in the Cleft of Dimension when it's charging
                        up for Giga Flare.
 * Earthbreaker    133  Stolen from Ironclad in the Bonus Dungeon.

Hammers are Double Grip OK.  The Earth Hammer and Thor Hammer are Back Row OK,
but the rest of the Hammers aren't.
The War Hammer and Earth Hammer can be thrown, but the rest of the Hammers
Hammers can be equipped by Berserkers.
22 Mythril          28  Bought in Karnak.
24 War              38  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb.
26 Earth            58  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.  Found in the Pyramid.
                        Special Effect:  Increases damage of Earth spells.
                        Casts Quake 25% of the time.
28 Thor             81  Found in the Castle in the Cleft of Dimension.

Whips are Back Row OK.
Whips can be equipped by Mediators.
4B Whip             26  Bought in Karnak after you get the jobs from the Fire
                        Crystal.  Special Effect:  Paralyzes the target 50% of
                        the time.
4D Thunder          42  Found in the Cave of Jacole.  Also stolen from the
                        enemy named Flare in the Fork Tower or the Bonus
                        Dungeon.  Special Effect:  Casts Bolt 33% of the time.
4C Chain            52  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb.  Special Effect:  Paralyzes
                        the target 50% of the time.
5D Beastkill        72  Found in Solitary Island Temple.  Special Effect:
                        Strong against beast-type enemies.  Paralyzes the
                        target 50% of the time.
4E Flame            82  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Casts Fire3 33% of the time.
4F Dragon           92  Won from Stingray on the northern part of the sea that
                        is southwest of Carwen in world 3 or in the Bonus
                        Dungeon.  Also stolen from Shinryuu inside one of the
                        treasure chests in the Void at the end of the Cleft of
                        Dimension.  Special Effect:  Strong against Dragons.
                        Paralyzes the target 50% of the time.

Bells are Back Row OK (except the Rune Bell).
Bells can be equipped by Geomancers.
50 Giyaman          24  Bought in Karnak after you get the jobs from the Fire
                        Crystal.  Found in Tycoon.
51 Earth            35  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Increases damage of Earth spells.  Casts Quake
                        25% of the time.
52 Rune             45  Won from Bardandels in the Ruins part of the Cleft of
                        Dimension.  Special Effect:  Increases damage of Earth,
                        Fire, Ice, Holy, Poison, Thunder, and Wind spells.
53 Tinker           55  Won from Twin Tania in the Castle in the Cleft of
                        Dimension (when it's not charging up for Giga Flare).

Bows are Double Grip Only (except the AntiMagic Bow).  Bows are Back Row OK.
Bows can be equipped by Hunters and Gladiators.
67 AntiMagic         0  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.  Special Effect:
                        Casts Mute 33% of the time.
65 Silver           38  Bought in Jacole.
3F Fire             39  Bought in Crescent.  Special Effect:  Does Fire damage.
40 Ice              39  Bought in Crescent.  Special Effect:  Does Ice damage.
41 Thunder          39  Bought in Crescent.  Special Effect:  Does Thunder
42 Darkness         43  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb.  Special Effect:  Gives the
                        target the Darkness status 66% of the time.
43 KillerBow        49  Bought in Kelb.  Special Effect:  Automatically kills
                        the target 8% of the time.
44 Elven            56  Bought in Mua.  Special Effect:  15% chance of having a
                        Critical Hit.
66 Gale             69  Found in Exdeath's Castle.  Special Effect:  Triggers
                        the X-Fight command 25% of the time.
68 Aviskill         91  Found in Phoenix Tower.  Special Effect:  Strong
                        against enemies of the Creature Type Avis (see the
                        Monster list to see which enemies are of the Creature
                        Type Avis).
45 Yoichi          101  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  30% chance of having a Critical Hit.
46 Artemis         111  Found in Istory Falls.  Also stolen from AvisDragon in
                        the Tower section of the Cleft of Dimension or the
                        Bonus Dungeon.  Special Effect:  Strong against
                        beast-type enemies.
 * Fairy's Bow     130  Won from Grand Aevis in the Bonus Dungeon.  Special
                        Effect:  Sometimes confuses enemies.

Harps are Double Grip Only and Back Row OK.
Harps can be equipped by Bards.
47 Silver            0  Bought in Crescent.  Special Effect:  Damages one enemy
                        in the amount of 1/16 of its current HP.  (Doesn't
                        always work.)  When used with the Blue Magic spell
                        GblinPnch, it does as much damage as a normal weapon
                        with an attack power of 15.
48 Dream             0  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb.  Special Effect:  Puts one
                        enemy to sleep and damages it in the amount of 1/8 of
                        its current HP.  (Doesn't always work.)  When used with
                        the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch, it does as much damage
                        as a normal weapon with an attack power of 25.
49 Lamia             0  Found in Bal.  Special Effect:  Charms one enemy and
                        damages it in the amount of 3/16 of its current HP.
                        (Doesn't always work.)  When used with the Blue Magic
                        spell GblinPnch, it does as much damage as a normal
                        weapon with an attack power of 35.
4A Apollo           75  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Strong against Dragons and Undead enemies.
                        When used with the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch, it does
                        as much damage as a normal weapon with an attack power
                        of 45.

Katanas are Double Grip OK.  Katanas sometimes have critical hits.
Katanas can be thrown.
Katanas can be equipped by Samurais.
29 Katana           42  Bought in Jacole, Rugor, Bal, Kelb.  Found in Tycoon.
                        12% chance of Critical Hit.
2A Air Blade        44  Found in Hiryuu Valley.  12% chance of Critical Hit.
                        Special Effect:  Increases damage of Wind spells.
                        Casts Gale Cut 12% of the time.
2C Bizen            51  Bought in Surgate.  12% chance of Critical Hit.
2B Kotetsu          58  Found in Exdeath's Castle.  12% chance of Critical Hit.
2D Forged           87  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.  12% chance of
                        Critical Hit.
2E Murasame         97  Stolen from Giant Bird in the sea north of Mirage in
                        world 3 or the Bonus Dungeon.  25% chance of Critical
2F Masamune        107  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  15% chance
                        of Critical Hit.  Special Effect:  Lets its user attack
                        first in battles.  Casts Haste on one ally when used as
                        an item in battle (if equipped).
30 Tempest         117  Stolen from Bodyguard on the roof of the Castle in the
                        Cleft of Dimension or in the Bonus Dungeon.  20% chance
                        of Critical Hit.
 * Mutsunokami     142  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.

Spears will do twice as much damage if you use the Jump command.
Spears can be thrown.
Spears can be equipped by Dragoons and Gladiators.
18 Spear            25  Stolen from Jail Bear in Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar
                        transforms it.
19 Mythril          30  Bought in Karnak after you get the jobs from the Fire
1A Trident          38  Bought in Jacole.  Special Effect:  Does Thunder
1B Wind             44  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb.  Special Effect:  Does Wind
1D Gungnir          54  Bought in Surgate.
17 Javelin          55  Stolen from Sand Bear in the Quicksand Desert in world
                        1 and in the desert south of the Pirates' Cave in world
1C Partisan         62  Bought in Mirage.  Found in Exdeath's Castle.
1F Holy            109  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Does Holy damage.
20 Dragoon         119  Stolen from CrysDragon in the first and third areas in
                        the Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension or in the
                        Bonus Dungeon.  Special Effect: Strong against Dragons.
 * Longinus        132  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.

Rods are Back Row OK (except the Wizard Rod).
Rods can be equipped by Black Mages, Time Mages, Blue Mages, Red Mages,
Summoners, Necromancers, and Mimics.
36 Lillith           0  Found in the Forest of the Cleft of Dimension.  Special
                        Effect:  Temporarily distracts enemies.  Doesn't always
                        work.  Casts Psych 25% of the time.  When used with the
                        Blue Magic spell GblinPnch, it does as much damage as a
                        normal weapon with an attack power of 30.
60 Wonder            0  Found in Fork Tower.  Special Effect:  99% of the time
                        it casts a spell.  It goes through all the White Magic
                        spells (except Scan) then the Black Magic spells, from
                        weakest to strongest, then repeats.  Casts Reset when
                        used as an item in battle (if equipped).
31 Rod               8  Bought in Tule, Carwen.
32 Fire             16  Bought in Karnak.  Found in Karnak after you get the
                        jobs from the Fire Crystal.  Special Effect:  Does Fire
                        damage.  Increases damage of Fire spells.  Casts Fire3
                        on all enemies when used as an item in battle (if
                        equipped), then shatters.
33 Ice              16  Bought in Karnak.  Found in Carwen.  Special Effect:
                        Does Ice damage.  Increases damage of Ice spells.
                        Casts Ice 3 on all enemies when used as an item in
                        battle (if equipped), then shatters.
34 Thunder          16  Bought in Karnak.  Special Effect:  Does Thunder
                        damage.  Increases damage of Thunder spells.  Casts
                        Bolt3 on all enemies when used as an item in battle (if
                        equipped), then shatters.
35 Venom            32  Bought in Kelb.  Special Effect:  Does Poison damage.
                        Increases damage of Poison spells.  Casts Bio on one
                        enemy when used as an item in battle (if equipped),
                        then shatters.
37 Wizard           40  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Does Fire, Ice, and Thunder damage.  Increases
                        damage of Earth, Fire, Ice, Poison, Thunder, and Wind
 * Demon's Rod      55  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.  Special Effect:  Infused
                        with poison.

The one Staff called Staff (the one with 9 attack power) and the Mace of Zeus
are Double Grip OK, but the other Staves aren't.  The Judgment Staff is Back
Row OK, but the other Staves aren't.
Staves can be equipped by White Mages, Time Mages, Red Mages, Chemists,
Oracles, and Mimics.
3A Power             0  Won from DarkWizard, which can be found in Exdeath's
                        Castle after Kelgar transforms it and can sometimes be
                        found inside one of the treasure chests in the Pyramid.
                        Special Effect:  Casts Berserk 99% of the time.
3B Healing           0  Found in Tycoon.  Special Effect:  Casts Cure 2.
38 Staff             9  Bought in Tule, Carwen.  Found in the Wind Shrine.
39 Mythril          19  Dummy item which can't be found.
3C Light            30  Won from Metamorpha when it's in its original form.
                        Metamorpha can be found either in Guido's Cave or the
                        Cave part of the Cleft of Dimension.  Special Effect:
                        Does Holy damage.  Casts Holy on one enemy when used as
                        an item in battle (if equipped), then shatters.  When
                        used with the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch, it does as
                        much damage as a normal weapon with an attack power of
                        45.  Falsely claims to have an attack power of 45 in
3D Sage             45  One of the twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons.  Special
                        Effect:  Increases damage of Holy spells.  Casts Life
                        on one ally when used as an item in battle (if
                        equipped).  Strong against Undead enemies.  When used
                        with the Blue Magic spell GblinPnch, it does as much
                        damage as a normal weapon with an attack power of 53.
                        Falsely claims to have an attack power of 53 in
3E Judgment         45  Stolen from DarkWizard, which can be found in Exdeath's
                        Castle after Kelgar transforms it in world 2 and can
                        sometimes be found inside one of the treasure chests in
                        the Pyramid in world 3.  Also stolen from Isteritos
                        near Rugor in world 3.  Special Effect:  Does Holy
                        damage.  Casts Dispel on one enemy when used as an item
                        in battle (if equipped).  When used with the Blue Magic
                        spell GblinPnch, it does as much damage as a normal
                        weapon with an attack power of 60.  Falsely claims to
                        have an attack power of 60 in general.
 * Mace of Zeus     78  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.

These Misc Weapons are Back Row OK (except the DblLance).  The Flail and Full
Moon are Double Grip OK but the others aren't.
The DblLance can be thrown, but the other Misc Weapons can't.
The Flail and the MornStar can be equipped by White Mages, Time Mages, Red
Mages, Chemists, Oracles, and Mimics.  The Full Moon, the RisinSun, and the
DblLance can be equipped by Thieves, Ninjas, and Mimics.
5E Flail            16  Bought in Karnak.  Found in Ship Graveyard.
59 Full Moon        35  Bought in Mirage.  Found in the Steamship, Lonka Ruins.
5F MornStar         50  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.  Found in the Great
                        Forest of Mua.
1E DblLance         61  Bought in Mirage.  Found in Exdeath's Castle.  Special
                        Effect:  Attacks the target twice per round.
64 RisinSun         71  Found in Solitary Island Temple.

These weapons can not be equipped by anyone.  They can only be thrown.  The
Flame, Water, and Thunder Scrolls do elemental damage to all enemies when
they're thrown.
62 Soot             25  Found in Great Forest of Mua.  Also won from any of the
                        four Seal Guardians in the Great Forest of Mua.  Also
                        stolen and won from Apanda in the Library in the Cleft
                        of Dimension.
5A Shuriken         50  Bought in Lix, Kelb, Mirage.  Found in Tycoon, Karnak
                        Castle, Cave of Jacole, Ruined City, Ruined City, Lonka
5B Pinwheel        117  Bought in Mirage.  Found in Exdeath's Castle, Istory
                        Falls, and 3 found in the Void at the end of the Cleft
                        of Dimension.
FC Flame Scroll    120  Bought in Lix, Kelb, Mirage.  Special Effect:  Does
                        Fire damage.
FD Water Scroll    120  Bought in Lix, Kelb, Mirage.  Found in Great Trench.
                        Special Effect:  Does Water damage.
FE Thunder Scroll  120  Bought in Lix, Kelb, Mirage.  Found in Karnak Castle.
                        Special Effect:  Does Thunder damage.

                     SECTION 10 - LEGENDARY SEALED WEAPONS

This is a list of the Legendary Sealed Weapons.  They're listed in the larger
Weapons list above too, but they're all together here, to make it easier to
choose which ones you should get first.  Also make sure to keep in mind the
notes in Part 5 of the Stats Section about the differences between different
types of weapons.

(The weapon's name is listed first, then the attack power, then if it's Double
Grip OK or Double Grip Only, then if it's Magic Sword OK, then if it's Back Row
OK, then if it can be thrown, then notes)

 Name        AP  DG    MSO  BRO  Thr  Notes
 Assassin    81  No    Yes  No   Yes  General Knife, equipped by everyone
                                      except Monks, White Mages, and Oracles.
                                      Special Effect:  Casts Doom 25% of the
 Hardened    99  No    Yes  No   Yes  Ninja Knife, equipped by Ninjas.  Special
                                      Effect:  25% chance of evading physical
                                      attacks (can't be used in conjunction
                                      with the Defender Sword).
 Excalibur  110  OK    Yes  No   Yes  Knight Sword, equipped by Knights and
                                      Gladiators.  Special Effect:  Does Holy
 Rune Axe    71  OK    No   No   Yes  Axe, equipped by Berserkers and
 Flame       82  No    No   Yes  No   Whip, equipped by Mediators.  Special
                                      Effect:  Casts Fire3 33% of the time.
 Earth       35  No    No   Yes  No   Bell, equipped by Geomancers.  Special
                                      Effect:  Increases damage of Earth
                                      spells.  Casts Quake 25% of the time.
 Yoichi     101  Only  No   Yes  No   Bow, equipped by Hunters and Gladiators.
                                      Special Effect:  30% chance of having a
                                      Critical Hit.
 Apollo      75  Only  No   Yes  No   Harp, equipped by Bards.  Special Effect:
                                      Strong against Dragons and Undead
                                      enemies.  When used with the Blue Magic
                                      spell GblinPnch, it does as much damage
                                      as a normal weapon with an attack power
                                      of 45.
 Masamune   107  OK    No   No   Yes  Katana, equipped by Samurais.  Special
                                      Effect:  15% chance of Critical Hit.
                                      Lets its user attack first in battles.
                                      Casts Haste on one ally when used as an
                                      item in battle (if equipped).
 Holy       109  No    No   No   Yes  Spear, equipped by Dragoons and
                                      Gladiators, does twice as much damage if
                                      you use the Jump command.  Special
                                      Effect:  Does Holy damage.
 Wizard      40  No    No   No   No   Rod, equipped by Black Mages, Time Mages,
                                      Blue Mages, Red Mages, Summoners,
                                      Necromancers, and Mimics.  Special
                                      Effect:  Does Fire, Ice, and Thunder
                                      damage.  Increases damage of Earth, Fire,
                                      Ice, Poison, Thunder, and Wind spells.
 Sage        45  No    No   No   No   Staff, equipped by White Mages, Time
                                      Mages, Red Mages, Chemists, Oracles, and
                                      Mimics.  Special Effect:  Increases
                                      damage of Holy spells.  Casts Life on one
                                      ally when used as an item in battle (if
                                      equipped).  Strong against Undead
                                      enemies.  When used with the Blue Magic
                                      spell GblinPnch, it does as much damage
                                      as a normal weapon with an attack power
                                      of 53.  Falsely claims to have an attack
                                      power of 53 in general.

                              SECTION 11 - ARMOR

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations and Monster Translations sections for
translations of the locations and monster names in this section.

This guide doesn't list the prices or weight of all the armor.  For that I
recommend J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ.
It can be found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at

This guide also doesn't say from which enemies you can steal or win armor
(except in a few especially noteworthy cases).  For additional information on
that topic, see the Monster Section.  Also note that some enemies have two
different things that you might be able to steal, with one being easier to
steal than the other.  So if you keep stealing from an enemy and getting an
item other than the one you want, keep trying (you can cast the Dimen Magic
spell Reset to get another chance).

Shields can be equipped by Knights, Dragoons, Samurais, Berserkers, Mystic
Knights, Blue Mages, Cannoneers, Gladiators, and Mimics.
(The code for hacking is listed first, then the shield, then its defense power,
then its evade rate, then its magic defense, then its magic evade rate, then
the location and special effect (if any))
81 Leather            0  10   0   0  Bought in Tule.
82 Bronze             1  15   0   0  Bought in Carwen.
83 Iron               2  20   0   0  Bought in Worus.
84 Mythril            3  25   0   0  Bought in Karnak.
85 Gold               4  30   0   0  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate.
                                     Found in the Lonka Ruins.
86 Aegis              5  33   0   0  Found in Great Forest of Mua, Istory
                                     Falls.  Special Effect:  Immune to Stone.
                                     33% chance of evading magic attacks
87 Diamond            6  35   0   0  Bought in Mua.  Found in Exdeath's Castle.
                                     Special Effect:  Halves Thunder damage.
C4 Flame              7  40   5   5  Found in Great Forest of Mua (if you give
                                     up the Aegis Shield there), Pyramid.
                                     Special Effect:  Absorbs Fire damage.
CD Ice                7  40   5   5  Found in Exdeath's Castle, Pyramid.
                                     Special Effect:  Absorbs Ice damage.
88 Crystal            8  45   0   0  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.
C6 Genji              9  50   1   0  Stolen from Gilgamesh in the fight at the
                                     beginning of the Void at the end of the
                                     Cleft of Dimension.  Special Effect:
                                     Immune to Mini, Paralyze.
 * Force             15  10   0   ?  Won from Omega Mk.II in the Bonus Dungeon.
                                     Special Effect:  Defends against elemental
CE Cursed            15   1   5  10  Dummy item which can't be found.  Special
                                     Effect:  Unlike Cursed items in some other
                                     Final Fantasy games, this will never lose
                                     its curse (like by increasing your evade).
                                     But its other stats give it some

(The code for hacking is listed first, then the helmet, then its defense power,
then its evade rate, then its magic defense, then its magic evade rate, then
who can equip it (see the key below), then the location and special effect (if
A:  Knights, Dragoons, Samurais, Berserkers, Mystic Knights, Gladiators, and
B:  Monks, Thieves, Ninjas, Hunters, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Mediators,
    Chemists, Dancers, Cannoneers, and Mimics.
C:  White Mages, Black Mages, Time Mages, Summoners, Blue Mages, Red Mages,
    Chemists, Geomancers, Bards, Dancers, Oracles, Cannoneers, Necromancers,
    and Mimics.
D:  Anyone.
E:  Dancers.

94 Goldpin            0   0   2   5  C  Found in the Barrier Tower, Pyramid.
                                     Also stolen from Gogo in the Sunken Worus
                                     Tower.  Special Effect:  Lets you cast
                                     spells for half MP.
89 Leather            1   0   1   0  D  Bought in Tule.  Found in Pirates'
                                     Cave, Wind Shrine.
8A Bronze             2   0   2   0  A  Bought in Carwen.
90 Plumed             2   0   2   5  D  Bought in Karnak, Crescent.
97 GrnBeret           3   0   2   0  B  Bought in Jacole, Lix, Rugor, Bal,
                                     Kelb.  Found in the Steamship.
99 Tiara              3   0   7  10  C  Bought in Mirage.  Special Effect:
                                     Increases your chance of doing the Sword
                                     Dance by letting you do the Sword Dance
                                     when you otherwise would've done the
                                     Tempting Tango.  Increases Hit% of the
                                     Flirt command.  Immune to Charm.
8B Iron               4   0   2   0  A  Bought in Worus.
91 Tricorn            4   0   2   5  C  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate.
CB Coronet            5   0   4   5  D  Found in Hiryuu Valley.  Special
                                     Effect:  Increases success rate of Control
96 Bandana            6   0   0   0  B  Bought in Kelb, Surgate.
8C Mythril            6   0   2   0  A  Bought in Karnak.  Found on the North
92 Magus              6   0   2   5  C  Bought in Mua.
8D Gold               8   0   2   0  A  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate.
C3 TigrMask           9   0   2   0  B  Bought in Mua.
8E Diamond           10   0   2   0  A  Bought in Mua.  Special Effect:  Halves
                                     Thunder damage.
93 Circlet           10   0   2   5  C  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.  Found
                                     in the Solitary Island Temple.
98 DarkHood          12   0   2   0  B  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.
95 Ribbon            12   0   2   5  E  Found in Karnak Castle, Pyramid, Rugor
                                     in world 3, the Forest of the Cleft of
                                     Dimension.  Special Effect:  Immune to
                                     Instant Death Attacks, Darkness, Poison
                                     status, Frog, Mute, Aging, Berserk, and
8F Crystal           13   0   2   0  A  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.  Found
                                     in the Solitary Island Temple.
 * Royal Crown       13   5  13   ?  D  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.
C7 Genji             15   0   2   0  A  Stolen from Gilgamesh after he
                                     transforms when you fight him in Exdeath's
                                     Castle after Kelgar transforms it.
                                     Special Effect:  Immune to Charm, Mini.
 * Grand Helm        15   0   2   ?  A  Won from Gil Turtle in the Bonus
CC Thornlet          20   0   5  10  A  Found in Pyramid.  Special Effect:
                                     Causes you to constantly lose HP in
                                     battle.  Immune to Sleep.

(The code for hacking is listed first, then the armor, then its defense power,
then its evade rate, then its magic defense, then its magic evade rate, then
who can equip it (see the key below), then the location and special effect (if
A:  Knights, Dragoons, Samurais, Berserkers, Mystic Knights, Gladiators, and
A+B:  Knights, Monks, Thieves, Dragoons, Ninjas, Samurais, Berserkers, Hunters,
      Mystic Knights, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Mediators, Chemists, Dancers,
      Cannoneers, Gladiators, and Mimics.
C:  White Mages, Black Mages, Time Mages, Summoners, Blue Mages, Red Mages,
    Chemists, Geomancers, Bards, Dancers, Oracles, Cannoneers, Necromancers,
    and Mimics.
D:  Anyone.
E:  Dancers.
F:  Chemists and Mimics.

9A Leather            1   0   1   0  D    Bought in Tule.
A7 Cotton             2   0   4  15  C    Bought in Carwen, Worus.
A1 CopperPlt          3   0   2   0  A+B  Bought in Carwen.
9B Bronze             4   0   2   0  A    Bought in Carwen.
A8 Silk               4   0   6  16  C    Bought in Karnak.  Found in Worus
A2 Training           5   0   2   0  A+B  Bought in Worus.
9C Iron               6   0   2   0  A    Bought in Worus.
AA Bard               6   0   8  17  C    Bought in Jacole, Crescent.  Special
                                          Effect:  Immune to Mute.
A3 Silver             7   0   2   0  A+B  Bought in Karnak.
A9 GaiaGear           8   0  10  18  C    Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate.
                                          Special Effect:  Increases damage of
                                          your Earth spells.
9D Mythril            9   0   2   0  A    Bought in Karnak.
A4 Stealth            9   0   2   0  A+B  Bought in Jacole, Lix, Rugor, Bal,
                                          Kelb.  Found in the Ancient Library.
BB Angel             10   0  11  25  F    Bought in Mirage.  Found in Bal.
                                          Special Effect:  Immune to Poison
                                          damage.  Immune to Poison status.
B9 Strength          11   0   0   0  A+B  Bought in Kelb, Surgate.
AB Lumina            11   0  12  19  C    Bought in Mua.
9E Gold              12   0   2   0  A    Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate.
                                          Found in the Lonka Ruins.
A5 DiamondPlt        13   0   2   0  A+B  Bought in Mua.  Special Effect:
                                          Halves Thunder damage.
AE Mirage            14   0   4   3  A+B  Found in Mirage.  Special Effect:
                                          Nullifies the first physical attack
                                          in each fight.
AC Black             14   0  14  20  C    Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.
                                          Found in the Pyramid.
AD White             14   0  14  20  C    Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.
                                          Found in the Pyramid.
9F Diamond           15   0   2   0  A    Bought in Mua.  Special Effect:
                                          Halves Thunder damage.
A6 Dark              17   0   2   0  A+B  Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.
                                          Found in the Pyramid.
CF Rainbow           18   0   3   4  E    Found in the Castle in the Cleft of
                                          Dimension.  Special Effect:
                                          Increases your chance of doing the
                                          Sword Dance by letting you do the
                                          Sword Dance when you otherwise
                                          would've done the Tempting Tango.
                                          Increases Hit% of the Flirt command.
                                          Immune to Charm.
 * Robe of Lords     18   0  22   ?  C    Found in the Bonus Dungeon.
A0 Crystal           20   0   2   0  A    Bought in Mirage, Dwarf Kingdom.
                                          Found in the Pyramid.
 * Vishnu Vest       20   0   8   ?  A+B  Found in the Bonus Dungeon.  Special
                                          Effect:  Resistant to fire, ice, and
C8 Genji             22   0   2   0  A    Stolen from Gilgamesh when he appears
                                          in the fight against Necrofobia in
                                          the Void at the end of the Cleft of
                                          Dimension.  Special Effect:  Immune
                                          to Charm, Frog.
 * Maximillian       27   0   5   ?  A    Found in the Bonus Dungeon.
BF Bone Mail         30   0   5  10  A+B  Found in Hiryuu Valley.  Also stolen
                                          from Necromancr in the Void at the
                                          end of the Cleft of Dimension or in
                                          the Bonus Dungeon.  Special Effect:
                                          See the Bone Mail section of the Tips
                                          section for additional information.

(The code for hacking is listed first, then the accessory, then its defense
power, then its evade rate, then its magic defense, then its magic evade rate,
then who can equip it (see the key below), then the location and special effect
(if any))
A:  Knights, Dragoons, Samurais, Berserkers, Mystic Knights, Gladiators, and
B+C:  Monks, Thieves, Ninjas, Hunters, White Mages, Black Mages, Time Mages,
      Summoners, Blue Mages, Red Mages, Mediators, Chemists, Geomancers, Bards,
      Dancers, Oracles, Cannoneers, Necromancers, and Mimics.
D:  Anyone.
E:  Dancers.
G:  Thieves and Mimics.

C5 CornaJar           0   0   0   0  D    Found in Kelb.  Also stolen from
                                          Omniscient in the Fork Tower.
                                          Special Effect:  Lets you catch
                                          monsters when their HP is below 1/2
                                          of max, rather than below 1/8 of max.
CA Wall               0   0   0   0  D    Found in Istory Falls.  Special
                                          Effect:  Permanently gives you the
                                          Wall status while you wear it.
 * Sorceror's Mantle  0  10   0   ?  D    Found in the Bonus Dungeon.  Special
                                          Effect:  Nullifies all elemental
B2 Elf Cape           0   0   3   5  D    Found in Worus Castle, Karnak Castle,
                                          Moogle Village.  Special Effect:  33%
                                          chance of evading physical attacks.
 * Chaos Orb          0   0   8   ?  D    Won from Archeodemon in the Bonus
                                          Dungeon.  Special Effect:  Increases
                                          the power of elemental magic.
 * Crystal Orb        0   0  20   ?  D    Won from Guardian in the Bonus
C0 Leather            1   0   1   0  D    Two found in Tule.
B4 Glasses            1   0   1   3  D    Found in Worus.  Special Effect:
                                          Immune to Darkness.
B7 Silver             2   0   3   5  B+C  Bought in Karnak.  Found in Worus
B6 Mythril            3   0   0   0  A    Bought in Karnak.  Found in the
BA Power              3   0   0   0  B+C  Bought in Kelb.  Found in the Lonka
 * Hyper Wrist        3   0   0   ?  D    Found in the Bonus Dungeon.  Special
                                          Effect:  +10 attack power.
B0 Thief              4   0   0   0  G    Found in the Steamship.  Also stolen
                                          from Sekmet in the Pyramid.  Also
                                          stolen from Necrofobia in the Void at
                                          the end of the Cleft of Dimension.
                                          Special Effect:  Increases success
                                          rate of Steal command.
B8 Diamond            4   0   5   5  B+C  Bought in Mua.
C2 Gauntlet           6   0   1   0  A    Bought in Bal, Kelb, Surgate.
C1 Kaiser             8   0   0   0  D    Found in Great Trench.  Also won from
                                          Fall Guard, which can sometimes be
                                          found inside one of the treasure
                                          chests in the Pyramid and can be
                                          randomly encountered in Istory Falls.
                                          Special Effect:  Improves Brawl and
                                          Kick abilities.
B1 Giant              9   0   1   0  A    Stolen from Apocalypse in the Castle
                                          in the Cleft of Dimension.  Special
                                          Effect:  Immune to Mini.
B5 Running            0   0   3   5  D    Bought in Mirage.  Found in the
                                          Castle in the Cleft of Dimension.
                                          Also won from Cherie in the Phoenix
                                          Tower.  Special Effect:  Permanently
                                          gives you the Haste status while you
                                          wear it; Immune to Paralyze, Sleep,
                                          Slow, Stop.
BC Angel              5   0  10  10  D    Bought in Istory, Mirage.  Found in
                                          the Cave in the Cleft of Dimension.
                                          Also stolen from Druid in the Cave to
                                          northwest lake in world 2 and in the
                                          Cave to Istory Falls in world 3.
                                          Special Effect:  Immune to Aging,
BD Flame              5   0   5   5  D    Bought in Istory, Mirage.  Found in
                                          the Great Trench.  Also stolen from
                                          Red Dragon, which can sometimes be
                                          found inside treasure chests in the
                                          Barrier Tower and can be randomly
                                          encountered in Exdeath's Castle after
                                          Kelgar transforms it, the Castle of
                                          the Cleft of Dimension, or the Bonus
                                          Dungeon.  Special Effect:  Absorbs
                                          Fire damage, Immune to Ice damage,
                                          Weak against Water damage.
BE Coral              5   0   5   5  D    Bought in Istory, Mirage.  Found in
                                          the Cave in the Cleft of Dimension.
                                          Also stolen from Bella Donna in
                                          Phoenix Tower.  Special Effect:
                                          Absorbs Water damage, Immune to Fire
                                          damage, Weak against Thunder damage.
AF Guard             10   0  10  10  D    Found in Pyramid, Solitary Island
                                          Temple, Istory Falls.  Also stolen
                                          from Sol Cannon in the Phoenix Tower.
                                          Special Effect:  Casts Regen.
D0 Red               11   0   2   3  E    Found in the Castle in the Cleft of
                                          Dimension.  Also stolen from Cherie
                                          in the Phoenix Tower.  Special
                                          Effect:  Immune to Charm.  Increases
                                          your chance of doing the Sword Dance
                                          by letting you do the Sword Dance
                                          when you otherwise would've done the
                                          Tempting Tango.  Increases Hit% of
                                          the Flirt command.
C9 Genji             12   0   1   0  A    Stolen from Gilgamesh on Zeza's ship.
                                          Special Effect:  Immune to Paralyze,
B3 Cursed            25   0   5  10  D    Found in Pyramid.  Also stolen from
                                          Fury in the Castle in the Cleft of
                                          Dimension or the Bonus Dungeon.
                                          Special Effect:  Kills you 50 seconds
                                          into each battle.  Unlike Cursed
                                          items in some other Final Fantasy
                                          games, this will never lose its
                                          curse.  But its stat increases give
                                          it some advantages.

                              SECTION 12 - ITEMS

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

This guide doesn't list the prices of all the items and drinks.  For that I
recommend J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ.
It can be found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at

This guide doesn't say from which enemies you can steal or win items and drinks
(except in a few especially noteworthy cases).  For additional information on
that topic, see the Monster Section.

Note:  Items are all found throughout the game.

(The code for hacking is listed first, then the item, then the effect, then the

E0 Potion            Effect:  Restores 50 HP. Location:  Bought in Tule,
                     Carwen, Worus, Karnak, Jacole, Crescent, Istory, Lix,
                     Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
E4 PhenixDwn         Effect:  Brings a dead character back to life.  Can kill
                     undead monsters, although that doesn't always work.
                     Location:  Bought in Carwen, Worus, Karnak, Jacole,
                     Crescent, Istory, Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
E8 Antidote          Effect:  Cures Poison status. Location:  Bought in Carwen,
                     Worus, Karnak, Jacole, Crescent, Istory, Lix, Rugor, Bal,
                     Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
E9 Eyedrop           Effect:  Cure Darkness status. Location:  Bought in
                     Carwen, Worus, Karnak, Jacole, Crescent, Istory, Lix,
                     Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
E5 MaidnKiss         Effect:  Cure Frog status. Location:  Bought in Carwen,
                     Worus, Karnak, Jacole, Crescent, Istory, Lix, Rugor, Bal,
                     Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
EC Soft              Effect:  Cures Stone status.  Kills enemies that are made
                     of stone. Location:  Bought in Carwen, Worus, Karnak,
                     Jacole, Crescent, Istory, Lix, Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate,
                     Mua, Mirage.
ED LuckMallet        Effect:  Cures Mini status. Location:  Bought in Carwen,
                     Worus, Karnak, Jacole, Crescent, Istory, Lix, Rugor, Bal,
                     Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
E2 Ether             Effect:  Restores 40 MP. Location:  Bought in Lix, Rugor,
                     Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
E6 Revivify          Effect:  Cures Zombie status and restores some HP.
                     Location:  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua,
E1 HiPotion          Effect:  Restores 500 HP. Location:  Bought in Rugor, Bal,
                     Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
E3 Elixir            Effect:  Restores full HP and MP. Location:  Bought in
F0 Tent              Effect:  Restores 1000 HP and 100 MP to each character;
                     cures the status ailments Darkness, Poison, Mini, Frog,
                     and Stone; and removes the status effect Float.  Can only
                     be used outside or on save points. Location:  Bought in
                     Tule, Carwen, Worus, Karnak, Jacole, Crescent, Istory,
F1 Cabin             Effect:  Restores full HP and MP of entire party; cures
                     the status ailments Darkness, Poison, Mini, Frog, and
                     Stone; and removes the status effect Float.  Can only be
                     used outside or on save points. Location:  Bought in
                     Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.
E7 TurtleShell       Effect:  Used with Chemist's !Combine ability. Location:
                     Found in Istory Falls and won from enemies throughout the
EA DragnFang         Effect:  Used with Chemist's !Combine ability. Location:
                     Found in places and won from enemies throughout the game.
EB DarkMatter        Effect:  Used with Chemist's !Combine ability. Location:
                     Found in places and won from enemies throughout the game.
 * Buckshot          Effect:  Cannoneer's combining ingredient. Location:
                     Bought in Crescent.  Also found and won from enemies in
                     the Bonus Dungeon.
 * Blastshot         Effect:  Cannoneer's combining ingredient. Location:
                     Bought in Crescent.  Also found and won from enemies in
                     the Bonus Dungeon.
 * Blitzshot         Effect:  Cannoneer's combining ingredient. Location:
                     Bought in Crescent.  Also found and won from enemies in
                     the Bonus Dungeon.
EF MagicLamp         Effect:  Calls an Esper in battle, without using MP and
                     even if you haven't gotten the Espers or learned the
                     !Summon ability.  If you use it to call an Esper that only
                     attacks one enemy, then the target is determined at
                     random.  Calls the most powerful Esper first, then calls
                     progressively weaker Espers (skipping Phenix) until you
                     get to the weakest, which it calls 19 times, then it calls
                     something called Egg Chop, which doesn't seem to do
                     anything.  You can recharge it by taking it back to where
                     you found it or to its original place in the Great Trench.
                     Location:  Found behind Istory Falls.
F9 Ramuh             Effect:  Lets you call the Esper Ramuh. Location:  Won
                     from Ramuh.
FA Shoat             Effect:  Lets you call the Esper Shoat. Location:  Won
                     from Shoat.
FB Golem             Effect:  Lets you call the Esper Golem. Location:  Won
                     from Golem.
F7 DrgnCrest         Effect:  Doesn't do anything.  Just a trophy. Location:
                     Won from Shinryuu.
F8 OmegaMedl         Effect:  Doesn't do anything.  Just a trophy. Location:
                     Won from Omega.
 * Medal of Smiting  Effect:  Doesn't do anything.  Just a trophy. Location:
                     Won after the fight with Enuo.
FF by RPGe           Effect and Location:  Can't be found in the game normally.
                     See the "Transforming Items" bug in the Bugs Section for
                     information about it.
   World Map         Effect:  Lets you see your location on the world map.
                     It's listed separately with the other rare items.
                     Location:  Found in Ship Graveyard.


(The code for hacking is listed first, then the drink, then the effect, then
the location)

F2 Giant   Effect:  Doubles your max HP for the duration of the battle.  Used
           with the Chemist's !Drink ability. Location:  Bought in Rugor, Bal,
           Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.  Found in Great Forest of Mua, Istory
F4 Speed   Effect:  Casts Haste.  Used with the Chemist's !Drink ability.
           Location:  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.
F5 Protect Effect:  Casts Armor.  Used with the Chemist's !Drink ability.
           Location:  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.  Found
           in Solitary Island Temple.
F3 Power   Effect:  See the "Power Drink" bug in the Bugs section.  Multiple
           Power Drinks can be used cumulatively.  Used with the Chemist's
           !Drink ability. Location:  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua,
F6 Hero    Effect:  Increases your level by 10 for the duration of the battle,
           which increases the chances of your spells working and the amount of
           damage your physical attacks and spells do.  Multiple Hero Drinks
           can be used cumulatively.  Used with the Chemist's !Drink ability.
           Location:  Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua, Mirage.  Found
           in Bal.


These items can't be found in the game, but you can get them using savestate
hacking or the "Transforming Items" bug in the Bugs Section.  None of them do
anything.  The Sabre looks like a weapon, but it can't be thrown or equipped by

00     Blank
01     Empty
54     Sabre
6F     L-Hand
70     R-Hand
80     Blank
EE     Dummy
71-7F  Item0000
D1-DF  Item0000

                      SECTION 13 - LOCATION TRANSLATIONS

SNES Name               Playstation Name
Ancient Library         Library of Ancients
Bal                     Val
Barrier Tower           Shield Generator
Carwen                  Kerwin
Cleft of Dimension      N-Zone
Exdeath's Castle        X-Death's Castle
Great Trench            Great Sea Trench
Guido's Cave            Gill's Shrine
Hiryuu Valley           Valley of the Dragons
Istory                  Easterly
Jacole                  Jachol
Kuzar                   Kuza
Lix                     Rikks
Lonka                   Gorn or Ronka
Mua                     Moore
Rugor                   Lugor
Solitary Island Temple  Island Shrine
Steamship               Fire Ship
Worus                   Walz

SNES Name               Gameboy Advance Name
Ancient Library         Library of the Ancients
Cleft of Dimension      Interdimensional Rift
Elder Tree              Guardian Tree
Exdeath's Castle        Castle Exdeath
Great Forest of Mua     Great Forest of Moore
Great Trench            Great Sea Trench
Guido's Cave            Ghido's Cave
Hiryuu Valley           Drakenvale
Jacole                  Jachol
Kelb                    Quelb
Kuzar                   Sealed Castle
Lonka                   Gohn, the Town of Ruin and Ronka Ruins
Mirage                  Phantom Village
Mua                     Moore
Pyramid                 Pyramid of Moore
Quicksand Desert        Desert of the Shifting Sands
Rugor                   Regole
Solitary Island Temple  Island Shrine
Steamship               Fire-powered ship
Worus                   Walse

                           SECTION 14 - WHITE MAGIC

This section describes the magic used with the White Mage's !White ability and
the Red Mage's !Red ability.  All White Magic spells except Dispel are
reflected by Walls.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

(The spell is listed first, then that spell's level, then the MP, then the
cost, then the location and effect)

Cure    1   4    180 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Restores
                     a small amount of HP of one or all allies.
Scan    1   1     80 Bought in Tule, Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Shows one
                     enemy's HP and weakness.
Antdt   1   2     90 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Cures
                     Poison of one ally.
Mute    2   2    280 Bought in Carwen, Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Prevents one
                     or all enemies from using spells.  Doesn't always work.
Armor   2   3    280 Bought in Carwen, Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Increases one
                     ally's defense.
Size    2   5    300 Found in Lonka Ruins.  Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Changes
                     one or all allies or enemies from normal size to mini, or
                     from mini to normal size.  Doesn't always work.
Cure2   3   9    620 Bought in Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Restores a medium
                     amount of HP of one or all allies.
Life    3  29    700 Bought in Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Brings one ally back
                     to life.  Can kill undead monsters, although that doesn't
                     always work.
Charm   3   4    650 Bought in Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Confuse one enemy.
                     Doesn't always work.
Image   4   6   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:
                     Nullifies the next two physical attacks on one ally or
Shell   4   5   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:
                     Increases one ally's magic defense and magic evade rate.
Heal    4  10   3000 Found in Karnak Castle.  Bought in Lix, Rugor, Bal, Kelb,
                     Surgate, Mua.  Effect:  Cures one ally of the status
                     ailments Darkness, Poison, Mini, Frog, Mute, Charm,
                     Paralyze, Sleep, Aging, and Stone.
Cure3   5  27   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Restore the target to full HP if
                     you cast it on just one target.  Restores a large amount
                     of HP if you cast it on multiple targets.
Wall    5  15   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Reflects all spells cast on one
                     ally or enemy.  Note that spells can only be reflected
                     once, so if a spell is reflected from someone and comes at
                     you, it will hit you even if you have a Wall of your own.
                     That also means that if you bounce a spell off of your own
                     character's Wall then it will hit one of the enemies at
                     random, even if that enemy has a Wall.
Bersk   5   8   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Berserks one ally or enemy.
Life2   6  50  10000 Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Brings one ally back to life
                     with full HP.  Can kill undead monsters, although that
                     doesn't always work.
Holy    6  20     NA Found in Fork Tower.  Effect:  Holy damage to one enemy.
Dispel  6  12  10000 Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Removes the status effects
                     Image, Regen, Haste, Shell, Armor, Wall, Float, Berserk,
                     Slow, and Stop from one ally or enemy.

                           SECTION 15 - BLACK MAGIC

This section describes the magic used with the Black Mage's !Black ability and
the Red Mage's !Red ability.  All Black Magic spells except Drain and Psych are
reflected by Walls.

Many Black Magic spells can be used on one enemy or all enemies.  Their effect
will be stronger if you just use them on one enemy.  If you cast a spell on all
four of your characters and it reflects back at the enemy (because of the White
Magic spell Wall or the Esper Crbnkl), then that will make its effect stronger.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

(The spell is listed first, then that spell's level, then the MP, then the
cost, then the location and effect)

Fire    1   4    150 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Weak
                     Fire damage to one or all enemies.
Ice     1   4    150 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Weak
                     Ice damage to one or all enemies.
Bolt    1   4    150 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Weak
                     Thunder damage to one or all enemies.
Venom   2   2    290 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Gives one enemy the
                     poison status.  Doesn't always work.
Sleep   2   3    300 Bought in Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Puts one or
                     all enemies to sleep.  Doesn't always work.
Toad    2   8    300 Found in Istory.  Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Changes one
                     or all allies or enemies from a human to a frog, or from a
                     frog to a human.  Doesn't always work.
Fire2   3  10    600 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Medium Fire damage
                     to one or all enemies.
Ice 2   3  10    600 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Medium Ice damage to
                     one or all enemies.
Bolt2   3  10    600 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Medium Thunder
                     damage to one or all enemies.
Drain   4  13   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:  Drain
                     HP from one enemy.  Doesn't always work.
Break   4  15   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:  Turns
                     one enemy to stone.  Doesn't always work.
Bio     4  16   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:  Does
                     poison damage to one or all enemies.  Also causes them to
                     constantly lose HP.
Fire3   5  25   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Strong Fire damage to one or all
Ice 3   5  25   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Strong Ice damage to one or all
Bolt3   5  25   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Strong Thunder damage to one or
                     all enemies.
Flare   6  39     NA Found in Fork Tower.  Effect:  Damages one enemy.
Doom    6  29  10000 Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Kills one enemy.  Doesn't
                     always work.
Psych   6   1  10000 Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Drain MP from enemies.
                     Doesn't always work.

                           SECTION 16 - DIMEN MAGIC

This section describes the magic used with the Time Mage's !Dimen ability.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

(The spell is listed first, then that spell's level, then the MP, then whether
or not it can be reflected by walls, then the cost, then the location and

Drag    1   1  N     30 Found in Worus Castle.  Bought in Mirage.  Effect:
                        Gives you more time to enter your commands.
Slow    1   3  Y     80 Bought in Worus, Karnak, Istory.  Effect:  Makes one
                        enemy wait longer between turns.  Doesn't always work.
Regen   1   3  Y    100 Bought in Worus, Karnak, Istory.  Effect:  Restores a
                        small amount of HP to one ally periodically.
Void    2   3  N    320 Bought in Worus, Karnak, Istory.  Effect:  Prevents all
                        allies and enemies from using spells.  Doesn't work in
                        all fights (see the monster section).
Haste   2   5  Y    320 Bought in Worus, Karnak, Istory.  Effect:  Decreases
                        the amount of time that one ally has to wait between
Float   2  10  Y    300 Found in Surgate.  Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Causes
                        one or all allies to float so they can avoid
                        earthquakes and damage floors.
Demi    3   9  Y    620 Bought in Karnak, Istory.  Effect:  Reduce one enemy's
                        HP by half.  Doesn't always work.
Stop    3   8  Y    580 Bought in Karnak, Istory.  Effect:  Prevents one enemy
                        from doing anything.  Wears off after eventually.
                        Doesn't always work.
Exit    3  15  N    600 Found in Bal.  Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Leave a
                        dungeon or end a fight.
Comet   4   7  N   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:
                        Damage one enemy.  The amount of damage it does varies
Slow2   4   9  Y   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:
                        Makes all enemies wait longer between turns.  Doesn't
                        always work.
Reset   4   1  N   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:
                        Starts the battle over from the beginning.
Qrter   5  18  Y   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Reduce one enemy's HP by 7/8.
                        Doesn't always work.
Hast2   5  15  Y   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Decreases the amount of time
                        that all allies have to wait between turns.
Old     5   4  Y   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Causes one enemy to age,
                        decreasing their statistics.  Doesn't always work.
Meteo   6  42  N     NA Found in Great Trench.  Effect:  Attacks four enemies
                        at random (it can attack the same enemy more than
                        once).  The amount of damage it does varies
Quick   6  77  N  10000 Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Lets the caster do two
                        additional things in one round.  Casting Quick again as
                        one of those things doesn't work.  And casting it twice
                        using the Red Mage's !X-Magic ability doesn't work
XZone   6  20  Y  10000 Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Kills one enemy.  Doesn't
                        always work.

                           SECTION 17 - SWORD MAGIC

This section describes the magic used with the Mystic Knight's !MgcSwrd
ability.  Sword Magic spells can not be reflected by Walls.

Sword Magic is based on Black Magic (except the Black Magic spells Toad and
Doom) plus the White Magic spells Mute and Holy.  You gain a Sword Magic spell
automatically when you get the equivalent Black (or White) Magic spell.  Sword
Magic wears off when the fight is over, and will only work with some weapons
(see the Weapons section for a list of which ones).  See the Weapons section
for information on which weapons are Magic Sword OK.  Note that the elemental
Sword Magic spells will only help with enemies who are weak to their element.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

(The spell is listed first, then that spell's level, then the MP, then the
cost, then the location and effect)

Fire    1   2    150 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes
                     attacks by your weapon to do a small amount of Fire
Ice     1   2    150 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes
                     attacks by your weapon to do a small amount of Ice damage.
Bolt    1   2    150 Bought in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes
                     attacks by your weapon to do a small amount of Thunder
Venom   2   1    290 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes attacks by
                     your weapon to do poison damage and give the enemy the
                     poison status effect.
Mute    2   1    280 Bought in Carwen, Karnak, Jacole.  Effect:  Causes attacks
                     by your weapon to give the enemy the mute status effect.
Sleep   2   2    300 Bought in Carwen, Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes
                     attacks by your weapon to give the enemy the sleep status
Fire2   3   5    600 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes attacks by
                     your weapon to do a medium amount of Fire damage.
Ice 2   3   5    600 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes attacks by
                     your weapon to do a medium amount of Ice damage.
Bolt2   3   5    600 Bought in Karnak, Crescent.  Effect:  Causes attacks by
                     your weapon to do a medium amount of Thunder damage.
Drain   4   6   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:  Causes
                     attacks by your weapon to drain HP from the enemy.
Break   4   8   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:  Causes
                     attacks by your weapon to give the enemy the stone status
Bio     4   3   3000 Bought in Rugor, Bal, Kelb, Surgate, Mua.  Effect:  Causes
                     attacks by your weapon to do poison damage.
Fire3   5  15   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Causes attacks by your weapon to
                     do a large amount of Fire damage.
Ice 3   5  15   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Causes attacks by your weapon to
                     do a large amount of Ice damage.
Bolt3   5  15   6000 Bought in Mua.  Effect:  Causes attacks by your weapon to
                     do a large amount of Thunder damage.
Holy    6  10     NA Found in Fork Tower.  Effect:  Causes attacks by your
                     weapon to do holy damage.
Flare   6  30     NA Found in Fork Tower.  Effect:  Causes attacks by your
                     weapon to do extra damage.
Psych   6   1  10000 Bought in Mirage.  Effect:  Causes attacks by your weapon
                     to drain MP from the enemy.

                              SECTION 18 - ESPERS

This section describes the magic used with the Summoner's !Summon and !Conjure
abilities.  Espers can not be reflected by Walls.

Note that you won't be able to get Shiva after you leave world 1.  (Unless you
use the "Skipping the Pyramid" bug in the Bugs section, which can only be done
at the beginning of world 3.  That bug works in the SNES version of the game,
but it doesn't work in the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm not sure about the
Playstation version.)  And you won't be able to get Shoat or Crbnkl after you
leave world 2.  Ramuh won't be in the same place after you leave world 1, but
you'll be able to find him again somewhere else.  You might suspect that Shiva,
Shoat, and Crbnkl could be found in the same place that Ramuh can be found, but
I've checked into it, and I'm sure that they can't, so don't waste time trying.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

(The spell is listed first, then that spell's level, then the MP, then the
cost, then the location and effect)

Chocob  1   4    300 Bought in Worus, Mirage.  Effect:  Usually uses the attack
                     Chocobo Kick which damages one enemy and doesn't always
                     work.  Sometimes uses the attack Fat Chocobo which damages
                     all enemies and does even more damage.
Sylph   1   8    350 Bought in Worus, Mirage.  Effect:  Steal HP from one
Remora  1   2    250 Bought in Worus, Mirage.  Effect:  Paralyzes one enemy.
                     Doesn't always work.
Shiva   2  10     NA Found in the tower inside Worus Castle.  Effect:  Ice
                     damage to all enemies.
Ramuh   2  12     NA Found in the forest near Istory in world 1.  If you miss
                     him there, you can find him again in the area outside the
                     Castle in the Cleft of Dimension (after you area where you
                     fight Catastroph and before the area where you fight
                     Halicarnaso).  Effect:  Thunder damage to all enemies.
Ifrit   2  11     NA Found in Ancient Library.  Effect:  Fire damage to all
Titan   3  25     NA Found in the meteor near Karnak.  Effect:  Earth damage to
                     all enemies.  Doesn't work on enemies who have the float
                     status effect.
Golem   3  18     NA Found in Hiryuu Valley (help him when you encounter him in
                     a random fight).  He can also be found in the Cave in the
                     Cleft of Dimension.  Effect:  Temporarily protects your
                     party from physical attacks.
Shoat   3  33     NA Found in the forest in the northwest corner of world 2.
                     Effect:  Turns one enemy to stone.  Doesn't always work.
Crbnkl  4  45     NA Found in Exdeath's Castle.  Effect:  Casts Wall on your
Syldra  4  32     NA Found in the Pirates' Cave in world 3 after you've been
                     through the Pyramid.  Effect:  Wind damage to all enemies.
Odin    4  48     NA Found in Castle Bal in world 3.  Effect:  Sometimes uses
                     the attack True Edge which kills all enemies.  Sometimes
                     uses the attack Gungnir which damages one enemy at random.
                     If you summon Odin using the !Summon or !Conjure commands,
                     then it will always use the attack Gungnir in battles with
                     at least one boss.  But if you summon Odin using the
                     MagicLamp, then it will always use the attack True Edge.
Phenix  5  99     NA Found in the Phoenix Tower.  Effect:  Fire damage to all
                     enemies.  Revives one of your characters with full HP and
Levia   5  39     NA Found in Istory Falls in world 3.  Effect:  Water damage
                     to all enemies.
Bahmut  5  66     NA Found on the North Mountain in world 3.  Effect:  Damage
                     to all enemies.

                     SECTION 19 - BLUE MAGIC DESCRIPTIONS

This section describes the magic used with the Blue Mage's !Blue ability.  See
the next five sections for the locations of all the Blue Magic spells.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Blue Magic Translations section for translations of the Blue Magic
spells in this section.

(The spell is listed first, then the MP, then whether or not it can be
reflected by walls, then the effect.  The locations are listed separately

Condemn    10  N  Kills one enemy after 30 seconds.
Roulette    1  N  Kills one enemy or ally at random.  Doesn't always work.
AquaRake   38  N  Damage to all enemies.  Strong against Desert type enemies
                  (see the Monster list to see which enemies are of the
                  Creature Type Desert).
L5 Doom    22  Y  Kills all enemies who are at a level that is a multiple of 5
                  (for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on).  Works on enemies
                  who are normally immune to instant death attacks.
L4 Qrter    9  Y  Reduces all enemies' HP by 3/4 if they are at a level that is
                  a multiple of 4 (for example, 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on).
                  Doesn't work on most bosses.
L2 Old     11  Y  Causes Old status for all enemies who are at a level that is
                  a multiple of 2 (for example, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on).  Works
                  on enemies who are normally immune to Old.
L3 Flare   18  Y  Damages all enemies who are at a level that is a multiple of
                  3 (for example, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on).
FrogSong    5  N  Causes Frog status for one enemy.  Doesn't always work.
TinySong    5  N  Causes Mini status for one enemy.  Doesn't always work.
Flash       7  N  Causes Darkness status for all enemies.  Doesn't always work.
Time Slip   9  N  Causes Sleep and Old status for one enemy.  Doesn't always
MoonFlut    3  N  Causes Berserk status for all allies.
DethClaw   21  N  Paralyzes one enemy and decreases its HP below 10.  Doesn't
                  always work.
Aero        4  Y  Weak Wind damage to one or all enemies.
Aero 2     10  Y  Medium Wind damage to one or all enemies.
Aero 3     24  Y  Strong Wind damage to one or all enemies.
Emission    5  N  Fire damage to one enemies.
GblinPnch   0  N  Damages one enemy.  Does more damage if the enemy and caster
                  are the same level.  The amount of damage it does depends on
                  the attack power of your weapon.
DrkShock   27  Y  Cuts one enemy's level in half (rounds down).  Doesn't always
GuardOff   19  Y  Reduces one enemy's defense and magic defense by half.
                  Doesn't always work.
Fusion     13  N  Kills the caster, but restores full HP and MP of one ally.
MindBlst    6  Y  Damages and paralyzes one enemy and causes it constantly lose
Vampire     2  N  Drain HP from one enemy in the amount of half the difference
                  between the caster's maximum HP and current HP.  Doesn't
                  always work.
Hammer      3  N  Reduces one enemy's MP by half.  Doesn't always work.
MghtyGrd   72  Y  Casts Armor, Float, and Shell on all allies.
Exploder    1  N  Kills the caster, but damages one enemy in the amount of
                  caster's HP.
????        3  N  Damage one enemy in the amount of the caster's maximum HP
                  minus current HP.  Doesn't always work.
Blowfish   25  N  1000 damage to one enemy.
WhiteWind  28  N  Heals all allies in the amount of the caster's current HP.
Missile     7  N  Reduces one enemy's HP by 3/4.  Doesn't always work.

                     SECTION 20 - BLUE MAGIC ALL LOCATIONS

This section lists all the monsters from which you can learn each Blue Magic
spell, in chronological order.  Note that Sections 21-23 (Blue Magic First
Locations) list the first place you can learn each spell, and it specifies what
you need to do to get the monster to cast the spell on you.  And if you get to
the end of the game and realize you missed a spell, Section 24 (Blue Magic Late
Locations) lists a place that you can still learn each spell, and it also
specifies what you need to do to get the monster to cast the spell on you.

Some monsters will only cast a Blue Magic spell when you control them, or in
reaction to a certain action you take (like attacking them or casting a certain
spell on them), or under certain conditions (like if they're alone or if their
HP is at a certain level).  And sometimes the monster will only cast the spell
on themself or another monster, in which case you need to cast a Wall on them
so the spell will bounce off of them onto you.  I've noted those conditions in
brackets after the monster's name.  Note that if a monster doesn't have enough
MP to cast the spell, you may have to give them an Ether.

I note that you must control some enemies to get them to cast a spell.  If you
don't want to control them, charming a monster may result in it doing something
that you would otherwise have to control it to get it to do.  Although some
monsters can't be charmed.  And if you charm monsters, they will cast damaging
Blue Magic spells on the monsters rather than on you.  You can reflect some of
the Blue Magic spells onto your characters by putting a wall on the monster,
but some of the spells can't be reflected.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Blue Magic Translations and Monster Translations sections for
translations of the Blue Magic spells and monster names in this section.

 Condemn        Exdeath (Exdeath Castle), Cursed One [Control], Unknown
                (Skeleton), Apocalypse
 Roulette       Bella Donna, DoomDealer, Apocalypse, Shinryuu
 AquaRake       D.Chimera, Chim.Brain, Seal Guardian (Water) [HP < 3000],
                D.Chimera (ZephyrZone), Bahamut [20000 <= HP < 25000], Gogo [HP
                < 33000 & HP Damage], Leviathan
 L5 Doom        Page 64, Tricker [Control and Wall], Ixecrator, LevelCheck,
 L4 Qrter       Hydra [as it dies], Tricker, Ixecrator, LevelCheck, Apocalypse
 L2 Old         Tricker [Control and Wall], Magic Drgn, Ixecrator, LevelCheck,
                Apocalypse, Shinryuu
 L3 Flare       Red Dragon [Control and Wall], Exdeath (Exdeath Castle),
                Lunenta (ZephyrZone), Archaesaur [Control and Wall], Ixecrator,
                LevelCheck, Shinryuu
 FrogSong       Elf Toad [Alone or Control], ArchaeToad, Conago, Elf Toad
                (Metamorpha), Gilgamesh (ExDeath Castle), Silvune [Control],
                Chamcubia [Control or React:Fight], Farfarerro, Apocalypse
 TinySong       MiniMage, Gilgamesh (ExDeath Castle), Mukare [Control], Silvune
                [Control], Cherie [Control or React:Fight], Farfarerro,
 Flash          Blocks, Crew Dust [Alone or Control and Wall], Ramuh, Neon
                [Control and Wall or React:Physical attacks], Crew Dust
                (Metamorpha), Gilgamesh (ExDeath Castle), Apocalypse,
                Necrofobia [Alone]
 Time Slip      Traveler, Gilgamesh (ExDeath Castle), Cherie [Control],
 MoonFlut       Garkimasra [React:HP Damage], Page 256, Garkimasra (ExDeath
                Castle) [React:HP Damage], Mukare
 DethClaw       Iron Claw, Torrent, Rock Brain [Control], Statue [Control],
                Gilgamesh (Ship), Death Claw, Apocalypse
 Aero           Mold Wind, Magisa, Defeater [Control], Gigas [React:HP Damage],
                Mukare, Apocalypse [React:Aero 3]
 Aero 2         Gigas, Page 32, Whirl Demon, Gilgamesh (Bridge), Enkidou,
                GajraGajri [Control], Abductor (ExDeath Castle), Apocalypse
 Aero 3         Whirl Demon (Metamorpha), Seal Guardian (Air) [HP < 3000],
                Magic Drgn, Elm Gigas [after you wake it up], Ziggurat (Zephyr
                Zone) [Control], Cherie [Control], Bardandels
 Emission       Prototype, Flamegun, MachinHead, Triton, Great Drgn, Omega,
                Apocalypse, Mind Mage [Control]
 GblinPnch      Goblin, Black Goblin, Sahagin [Control], Gilgamesh (Bridge),
                Gabbldegak, Armon [Control], Apocalypse [React:L3 Flare]
 DrkShock       BlackFlame, Rock Brain, Druid [Control], Shadow [Control],
                Nile, Apocalypse
 GuardOff       Page 256 [Control], Ziggurat, Magic Drgn, Shadow [Control],
                Ziggurat (ZephyrZone), Nile, Cursed One [Control], Apocalypse
 Fusion         Carcurser [Control], Mithril Drgn [Control], Water Buzz
                [Control], Dilure [Control], Unknown (Blob) [Control], Mover
 MindBlst       Stalker, Apocalypse, Twin Tania, Mind Mage
 Vampire        Steel Bat, Blood Slime, Abductor (Bal Castle), Enkidou,
                Radiator [Control or React:HP Damage], Bold Mani [Control],
                Python [React:Fight], Shadow [Control], MercuryBat, Achelone
 Hammer         Byblos, Drippy, Owazoral (ExDeath Castle) [Control], Apanda
 MghtyGrd       Stingray [Control], Apocalypse [Wall], Shinryuu [Wall]
 Exploder       Motor Trap [React:Thunder attack], Bomb, Puroboros, Grenade
 ????           Wild Nack, Kuzar, Tyrasaurus [React:Physical attacks], Lunenta
                (ZephyrZone) [Control], MachinHead [Control], Gel Fish
                [Control], Kuzar (Phoenix Tower), Slownin [Control],
                Apocalypse, K.Behemoth [Control]
 Blowfish       Lamia [Control], Cactus [Control], Hedgehog [Control],
                BlandLamia, Mukare [Control], Chamcubia [Control]
 WhiteWind      Whirl Demon [Control], Arage [Control], White Flame [Control]
 Missile        Motor Trap [Control], Prototype, Rocket, Gilgamesh (Ship),
                Enkidou, MachinHead, Sol Cannon (Phoenix Tower), Apocalypse


This is a list of the first place that each blue magic spell can be found, in
chronological order (and the second place for some spells that can be hard to
get the first time around).  You can't go back to the same place and get some
spells if you miss them on your first chance.  See Section 24 (Blue Magic Late
Locations) below for a place that each blue magic spell can still be found late
in the game.  See Section 20 (Blue Magic All Locations) for a list of all the
monsters from which you can learn each spell.

I note that you must control some enemies to get them to cast a spell.  If you
don't want to control them, charming a monster may result in it doing something
that you would otherwise have to control it to get it to do.  Although some
monsters can't be charmed.  And if you charm monsters, they will cast damaging
Blue Magic spells on the monsters rather than on you.  You can reflect some of
the Blue Magic spells onto your characters by putting a wall on the monster,
but some of the spells can't be reflected.

You can learn Vampire from the enemy Steel Bat which can be found in the Pirate

You can learn GblinPnch from the enemy Black Goblin which can be found in the
Wind Shrine.

You can learn Aero from the enemy Mold Wind which can be found in the Wind

You can learn Flash from the enemy Blocks which can be found in the North
Mountain.  (Note:  You must use an Ether on Blocks.)  If you don't want to use
an Ether, then your first chance to learn Flash without using an Ether is from
the enemy Crew Dust which can be found in the Steamship.  (Note:  The Crew Dust
will only use Flash when it's alone, so you have to kill all the other monsters
with it first.)

You can learn FrogSong from the enemy Elf Toad which can be found in the
Waterfall behind Worus Castle or in Worus Tower.  (Note:  The Elf Toad will
only use FrogSong when it's alone, so you have to kill all the other monsters
with it first.)

You can learn MoonFlut from the enemy Garkimasra which can be found in the
Worus Castle Basement.  (Note:  He won't cast it if you leave him alone, but
sometimes he'll cast it in response to your damaging him.)  If you don't want
to fight Garkimasra, then your next chance to learn MoonFlut is from the enemy
Page 256 which can be found in the Ancient Library.

You can learn ???? from the enemy Wild Nack which can be found in the forests
near Karnak in World 1.

You can learn Fusion from the enemy Carcurser which can be found in the Ship
Graveyard.  (Note:  You must cast Charm on Carcurser, which means that you
won't be able to learn this until you've already been to Karnak where you can
buy the White Magic spell Charm.)  If you don't want to go back to the Ship
Graveyard from Karnak, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy
Mithril Drgn which can be found in the forests near the Ancient Library in
World 1.  (Note:  You must control the Mithril Drgn.)

You can learn Exploder from the enemy Motor Trap.  Motor Traps appear after you
win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.  Defeaters
can be found in the Steamship.  (Note:  You must cast Bolt on Motor Trap or hit
it with a Thunder Rod.)

You can learn Aero 2 from the enemy Gigas which can be found inside treasure
chests in Karnak Castle.  If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it
is from the enemy Page 32 which can be found in the Ancient Library.

You can learn DethClaw from the enemy Iron Claw, the boss of Karnak Castle.  If
you miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy Torrent
which can be found on the plains and in the forests near Exdeath's Castle.

You can learn Missile from the enemy Motor Trap.  Motor Traps appear after you
win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.  Defeaters
can be found in the Steamship.  (Note:  You must control the Motor Trap, which
means that you won't be able to learn this until you've already been through
the Steamship once and gotten additional jobs from the Fire Crystal.)

You can learn AquaRake from the enemy D.Chimera which can be found in the
desert south of Karnak in world 1.

You can learn L5 Doom from the enemy Page 64 which can be found in the Ancient
Library.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at a level that
is a multiple of 5 (for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on).  Make sure you have
at least one character in your party who is not at a level that is a multiple
of 5 when you have this cast on you, otherwise it'll kill you all.)

You can learn GuardOff from the enemy Page 256 which can be found in the
Ancient Library.  (Note:  You must control it.)

You can learn Hammer from the enemy Byblos which can be found in the Ancient
Library.  If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the
enemy Drippy which can be found in Hiryuu Valley.

You can learn DrkShock from the enemy BlackFlame which can be found on Crescent
Island in world 1.

You can learn Emission from the enemy Prototype which can be found two islands
southwest of Crescent in world 1.  If you don't want to fight Prototype, then
your next chance to learn Emission is from the enemy Flamegun which guards the
entrance to the Lonka Ruins.

You can learn Blowfish from the enemy Lamia which can be found in the Lonka
Ruins.  (Note:  You must control it.)

You can learn WhiteWind from the enemy Whirl Demon which can be found in the
Lonka Ruins in world 1.  (Note:  You must control them.)

You can learn L4 Qrter from the enemy Hydra which can be found in the Lonka
Ruins, in the room with King Tycoon.  Hydra casts L4 Qrter when you kill it.
(Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at a level that is a
multiple of 4 (for example, 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on).)

You can learn L3 Flare from the enemy Red Dragon which can somtimes be found
inside treasure chests in the Barrier Tower and can be randomly encountered in
Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it.  (Note:  You must control it, and
even then it will only cast it on itself, so you have to cast a Wall on it so
L3 Flare will reflect off of it and onto you.  You can't get the White Magic
spell Wall until after the Barrier Tower, so if you want to learn L3 Flare in
the Barrier Tower, you'll have to use the Chemist's !Combine ability to make a
Dragon Armor (combine a PhenixDwn and a DragnFang), which casts Wall.  Or you
could use the Mediator's !Catch ability to catch the enemy Neon (which is
randomly encountered in the Barrier Tower) and release it during your fight
against the Red Dragon.  You'll have to release at least two Neons, since
releasing the first one will cast Wall on you rather than the Red Dragon, then
the second Neon's Wall might bounce off the first Neon's Wall and hit the Red
Dragon (or it might cast Wall on one of your other characters).  Also note that
this spell only works on characters who are at a level that is a multiple of 3
(for example, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on).)

You can learn L2 Old from the enemy Tricker which can be found in the Barrier
Tower.  (Note:  You must control it, and even then it will only cast it on
itself, so you have to cast a Wall on it so L2 Old will reflect off of it and
onto you.  You can't get the White Magic spell Wall until after the Barrier
Tower, so if you want to learn L2 Old in the Barrier Tower, you'll have to use
the Chemist's !Combine ability to make a Dragon Armor (combine a PhenixDwn and
a DragnFang), which casts Wall.  Or you could use the Mediator's !Catch ability
to catch the enemy Neon (which is randomly encountered in the Barrier Tower)
and release it during your fight against the Tricker.  You'll have to release
at least two Neons, since releasing the first one will cast Wall on you rather
than the Tricker, then the second Neon's Wall might bounce off the first Neon's
Wall and hit the Tricker (or it might cast Wall on one of your other
characters).  Also note that this spell only works on characters who are at a
level that is a multiple of 2 (for example, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on).)  If you
don't want to try to learn it from Tricker, then your next chance to learn L2
Old is from the enemy Magic Drgn which can be found in Exdeath's Castle after
Kelgar transforms it.

You can learn Time Slip from the enemy Traveler which can be found in the
Barrier Tower.

You can learn Aero 3 from the enemy Metamorpha that changes into Whirl Demon
which can be found in Guido's Cave.  Note that there are a few different types
of Metamorpha, and some of them won't turn into Whirl Demon.  The one that can
turn into Whirl Demon can only turn into Whirl Demon, Ifrit, or Wyvern.  So if
you're fighting a Metamorpha that turns into something else, then it's not the
one that will turn into Whirl Demon.

You can learn TinySong from the enemy MiniMage which can be found in the Great
Forest of Mua.

You can learn Condemn from the enemy Exdeath, the boss of Exdeath's Castle.  If
you miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy Cursed One
which can be found in treasure chests in the Pyramid and can be randomly
encountered in the Solitary Island Temple. (Note:  You must control the Cursed
One and give them an Ether.)

You can learn MghtyGrd from the enemy Stingray which can be found on the
northern part of the sea that is southwest of Carwen in world 3.  It's found in
the same part of the sea as Sahagin, Sea Avis, and Th.Anemone.  (Note:  You
must control the Stingray.)

You can learn Roulette from the enemy Bella Donna which can be found in the
Phoenix Tower.

You can learn MindBlst from the enemy Stalker, the boss of the Solitary Island


This is a list of the first place that each blue magic spell can be found, in
chronological order (and the second place for some spells that can be hard to
get the first time around).  You can't go back to the same place and get some
spells if you miss them on your first chance.  See Section 24 (Blue Magic Late
Locations) below for a place that each blue magic spell can still be found late
in the game.  See Section 20 (Blue Magic All Locations) for a list of all the
monsters from which you can learn each spell.

I note that you must control some enemies to get them to cast a spell.  If you
don't want to control them, muddling a monster may result in it doing something
that you would otherwise have to control it to get it to do.  Although some
monsters can't be muddled.  And if you muddle monsters, they will cast damaging
Blue Magic spells on the monsters rather than on you.  You can reflect some of
the Blue Magic spells onto your characters by putting a wall on the monster,
but some of the spells can't be reflected.

You can learn Red Feast from the enemy Steel Bat which can be found in the
Pirate Cave.

You can learn GobPunch from the enemy BlakGoblin which can be found in the Wind

You can learn Aero from the enemy Mauldwin which can be found in the Wind

You can learn Flash from the enemy Stone which can be found in the North
Mountain.  (Note:  You must use an Ether on Stone.)  If you don't want to use
an Ether, then your first chance to learn Flash without using an Ether is from
the enemy Cool Dust which can be found in the Fire Ship.  (Note:  The Cool Dust
will only use Flash when it's alone, so you have to kill all the other monsters
with it first.)

You can learn ToadSong from the enemy Elf Toad which can be found in the
Waterfall behind Walz Castle or in Walz Tower.  (Note:  The Elf Toad will only
use ToadSong when it's alone, so you have to kill all the other monsters with
it first.)

You can learn MoonFlut from the enemy Harpy which can be found in the Walz
Castle Basement.  (Note:  He won't cast it if you leave him alone, but
sometimes he'll cast it in response to your damaging him.)  If you don't want
to fight Harpy, then your next chance to learn MoonFlut is from the enemy Page
256 which can be found in the Library of Ancients.

You can learn ???? from the enemy Wild Dog which can be found in the forests
near Karnak in World 1.

You can learn Pep Up from the enemy CrystSlugs which can be found in the Ship
Graveyard.  (Note:  You must cast Muddle on CrystSlugs, which means that you
won't be able to learn this until you've already been to Karnak where you can
buy the White Magic spell Muddle.)  If you don't want to go back to the Ship
Graveyard from Karnak, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy
MithrlDrgn which can be found in the forests near the Library of Ancients in
World 1.  (Note:  You must control the MithrlDrgn.)

You can learn Exploder from the enemy Mottletrap.  Mottletraps appear after you
win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.  Defeaters
can be found in the Fire Ship.  (Note:  You must cast Bolt on Mottletrap or hit
it with a LightningRod.)

You can learn Aero 2 from the enemy Gigas which can be found inside treasure
chests in Karnak Castle.  If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it
is from the enemy Page 32 which can be found in the Library of Ancients.

You can learn DoomClaw from the enemy Iron Claw, the boss of Karnak Castle.  If
you miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy Trent
which can be found on the plains and in the forests near X-Death's Castle.

You can learn Missile from the enemy Mottletrap.  Mottletraps appear after you
win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.  Defeaters
can be found in the Fire Ship.  (Note:  You must control the Mottletrap, which
means that you won't be able to learn this until you've already been through
the Fire Ship once and gotten additional jobs from the Fire Crystal.)

You can learn AquaRake from the enemy Quadrharpy which can be found in the
desert south of Karnak in world 1.

You can learn L5 Doom from the enemy Page 64 which can be found in the Library
of Ancients.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at a level
that is a multiple of 5 (for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on).  Make sure you
have at least one character in your party who is not at a level that is a
multiple of 5 when you have this cast on you, otherwise it'll kill you all.)

You can learn GuardOff from the enemy Page 256 which can be found in the
Library of Ancients.  (Note:  You must control it.)

You can learn MagHammr from the enemy Byblos which can be found in the Library
of Ancients.  If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the
enemy Drippy which can be found in the Valley of the Dragons.

You can learn BlakShock from the enemy BlackFlame which can be found on
Crescent Island in world 1.

You can learn Burn Ray from the enemy Prototype which can be found two islands
southwest of Crescent in world 1.  If you don't want to fight Prototype, then
your next chance to learn Burn Ray is from the enemy Flamethrower which guards
the entrance to the Ronka Ruins.

You can learn Blowfish from the enemy Lamia which can be found in the Ronka
Ruins.  (Note:  You must control it.)

You can learn WhitWind from the enemy Fan Wizard which can be found in the
Ronka Ruins in world 1.  (Note:  You must control them.)

You can learn L4 Qrtr from the enemy Hydra which can be found in the Ronka
Ruins, in the room with King Tycoon.  Hydra casts L4 Qrtr when you kill it.
(Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at a level that is a
multiple of 4 (for example, 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on).)

You can learn L3 Flare from the enemy Red Dragon which can somtimes be found
inside treasure chests in the Shield Generator and can be randomly encountered
in X-Death's Castle after Kelgar transforms it.  (Note:  You must control it,
and even then it will only cast it on itself, so you have to cast Rflect on it
so L3 Flare will reflect off of it and onto you.  You can't get the White Magic
spell Rflect until after the Shield Generator, so if you want to learn L3 Flare
in the Shield Generator, you'll have to use the Chemist's !Mix ability to make
a Dragon Armor (mix a Phoenix Down and a Dragon Fang), which casts Rflect.  Or
you could use the Trainer's !Catch ability to catch the enemy Neon (which is
randomly encountered in the Barrier Tower) and release it during your fight
against the Red Dragon.  You'll have to release at least two Neons, since
releasing the first one will cast Rflect on you rather than the Red Dragon,
then the second Neon's Rflect might bounce off the first Neon's Rflect and hit
the Red Dragon (or it might cast Rflect on one of your other characters).  Also
note that this spell only works on characters who are at a level that is a
multiple of 3 (for example, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on).)

You can learn L2 Old from the enemy Tripper which can be found in the Shield
Generator.  (Note:  You must control it, and even then it will only cast it on
itself, so you have to cast Rflect on it so L2 Old will reflect off of it and
onto you.  You can't get the White Magic spell Rflect until after the Shield
Generator, so if you want to learn L2 Old in the Shield Generator, you'll have
to use the Chemist's !Mix ability to make a Dragon Armor (mix a Phoenix Down
and a Dragon Fang), which casts Rflect.  Or you could use the Trainer's !Catch
ability to catch the enemy Neon (which is randomly encountered in the Shield
Generator) and release it during your fight against the Tripper.  You'll have
to release at least two Neons, since releasing the first one will cast Rflect
on you rather than the Tripper, then the second Neon's Rflect might bounce off
the first Neon's Rflect and hit the Tripper (or it might cast Rflect on one of
your other characters).  Also note that this spell only works on characters who
are at a level that is a multiple of 2 (for example, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on).)
If you don't want to try to learn it from Tripper, then your next chance to
learn L2 Old is from the enemy MagicDragon which can be found in X-Death's
Castle after Kelgar transforms it.

You can learn TimeSlip from the enemy Traveler which can be found in the Shield

You can learn Aero 3 from the enemy Metamorpha that changes into Fan Wizard
which can be found in Gill's Shrine.  Note that there are a few different types
of Metamorpha, and some of them won't turn into Fan Wizard.  The one that can
turn into Whirl Demon can only turn into Fan Wizard, Ifrit, or Y Burn.  So if
you're fighting a Metamorpha that turns into something else, then it's not the
one that will turn into Fan Wizard.

You can learn LitlSong from the enemy MiniMage which can be found in the Great
Forest of Moore.

You can learn Condemnd from the enemy X-Death, the boss of X-Death's Castle.
If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy The
Damned which can be found in treasure chests in the Pyramid and can be randomly
encountered in the Island Shrine. (Note:  You must control The Damned and give
them an Ether.)

You can learn Guardian from the enemy Stingray which can be found on the
northern part of the sea that is southwest of Kerwin in world 3.  It's found in
the same part of the sea as Fins, Cybis, and Thunderpit.  (Note:  You must
control the Stingray.)

You can learn Roulette from the enemy Serpentina which can be found in the
Phoenix Tower.

You can learn MindBlst from the enemy Stoker, the boss of the Island Shrine.


This is a list of the first place that each blue magic spell can be found, in
chronological order (and the second place for some spells that can be hard to
get the first time around).  You can't go back to the same place and get some
spells if you miss them on your first chance.  See Section 24 (Blue Magic Late
Locations) below for a place that each blue magic spell can still be found late
in the game.  See Section 20 (Blue Magic All Locations) for a list of all the
monsters from which you can learn each spell.

I note that you must control some enemies to get them to cast a spell.  If you
don't want to control them, confusing a monster may result in it doing
something that you would otherwise have to control it to get it to do.
Although some monsters can't be confused.  And if you confuse monsters, they
will cast damaging Blue Magic spells on the monsters rather than on you.  You
can reflect some of the Blue Magic spells onto your characters by giving the
monster the reflect status, but some of the spells can't be reflected.

You can learn Vampire from the enemy Steel Bat which can be found in the Pirate

You can learn Goblin Punch from the enemy Black Goblin which can be found in
the Wind Shrine.

You can learn Aero from the enemy Moldwynd which can be found in the Wind

You can learn Flash from the enemy Headstone which can be found in the North
Mountain.  (Note:  You must use an Ether on Headstone.)  If you don't want to
use an Ether, then your first chance to learn Flash without using an Ether is
from the enemy Crew Dust which can be found in the Fire-powered ship.  (Note:
The Crew Dust will only use Flash when it's alone, so you have to kill all the
other monsters with it first.)

You can learn Pond's Chorus from the enemy Elf Toad which can be found in the
Waterfall behind Walse Castle or in the Tower of Walse.  (Note:  The Elf Toad
will only use Pond's Chorus when it's alone, so you have to kill all the other
monsters with it first.)

You can learn Moon Flute from the enemy Jackanapes which can be found in the
Walse Castle Basement.  (Note:  He won't cast it if you leave him alone, but
sometimes he'll cast it in response to your damaging him.)  If you don't want
to fight Jackanapes, then your next chance to learn Moon Flute is from the
enemy Page 256 which can be found in the Library of the Ancients.

You can learn ??? from the enemy Wild Nakk which can be found in the forests
near Karnak in World 1.

You can learn Transfusion from the enemy Calcruthl which can be found in the
Ship Graveyard.  (Note:  You must cast Confuse on Calcruthl, which means that
you won't be able to learn this until you've already been to Karnak where you
can buy the White Magic spell Confuse.)  If you don't want to go back to the
Ship Graveyard from Karnak, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy
Mythril Dragon which can be found in the forests near the Library of the
Ancients in World 1.  (Note:  You must control the Mythril Dragon.)

You can learn Self-Destruct from the enemy Motor Trap.  Motor Traps appear
after you win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.
Defeaters can be found in the Fire-powered ship.  (Note:  You must cast Thunder
on Motor Trap or hit it with a Thunder Rod.)

You can learn Aera from the enemy Gigas which can be found inside treasure
chests in Karnak Castle.  If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it
is from the enemy Page 32 which can be found in the Library of the Ancients.

You can learn Death Claw from the enemy Iron Claw, the boss of Karnak Castle.
If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy Treant
which can be found on the plains and in the forests near Castle Exdeath.

You can learn Missile from the enemy Motor Trap.  Motor Traps appear after you
win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.  Defeaters
can be found in the Fire-powered ship.  (Note:  You must control the Motor
Trap, which means that you won't be able to learn this until you've already
been through the Fire-powered ship once and gotten additional jobs from the
Fire Crystal.)

You can learn Aqua Breath from the enemy Dhorme Chimera which can be found in
the desert south of Karnak in world 1.

You can learn Level 5 Death from the enemy Page 64 which can be found in the
Library of the Ancients.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are
at a level that is a multiple of 5 (for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on).
Make sure you have at least one character in your party who is not at a level
that is a multiple of 5 when you have this cast on you, otherwise it'll kill
you all.)

You can learn Off-Guard from the enemy Page 256 which can be found in the
Library of the Ancients.  (Note:  You must control it.)

You can learn Magic Hammer from the enemy Byblos which can be found in the
Library of the Ancients.  If you miss it there, then your next chance to get it
is from the enemy Drippy which can be found in Drakenvale.

You can learn Dark Spark from the enemy Black Flame which can be found on
Crescent Island in world 1.

You can learn Flame Thrower from the enemy Prototype which can be found two
islands southwest of Crescent in world 1.  If you don't want to fight
Prototype, then your next chance to learn Emission is from the enemy Flame
Thrower which guards the entrance to the Ronka Ruins.

You can learn 1000 Needles from the enemy Lamia which can be found in the Ronka
Ruins.  (Note:  You must control it.)

You can learn White Wind from the enemy Enchanted Fan which can be found in the
Ronka Ruins in world 1.  (Note:  You must control them.)

You can learn Level 4 Graviga from the enemy Ghidra which can be found in the
Ronka Ruins, in the room with King Tycoon.  Ghidra casts Level 4 Graviga when
you kill it.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at a level
that is a multiple of 4 (for example, 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on).)

You can learn Level 3 Flare from the enemy Red Dragon which can somtimes be
found inside treasure chests in the Barrier Tower and can be randomly
encountered in Castle Exdeath after Kelgar transforms it.  (Note:  You must
control it, and even then it will only cast it on itself, so you have to cast
Reflect on it so Level 3 Flare will reflect off of it and onto you.  You can't
get the White Magic spell Reflect until after the Barrier Tower, so if you want
to learn Level 3 Flare in the Barrier Tower, you'll have to use the Chemist's
!Mix ability to make a Dragon Defense (mix a Phoenix Down and a Dragon Fang),
which casts Reflect.  Or you could use the Beastmaster's !Catch ability to
catch the enemy Neon (which is randomly encountered in the Barrier Tower) and
release it during your fight against the Red Dragon.  You'll have to release at
least two Neons, since releasing the first one will cast Reflect on you rather
than the Red Dragon, then the second Neon's Reflect might bounce off the first
Neon's Reflect and hit the Red Dragon (or it might cast Wall on one of your
other characters).  Also note that this spell only works on characters who are
at a level that is a multiple of 3 (for example, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on).)

You can learn Level 2 Old from the enemy Level Tricker which can be found in
the Barrier Tower.  (Note:  You must control it, and even then it will only
cast it on itself, so you have to cast Reflect on it so Level 2 Old will
reflect off of it and onto you.  You can't get the White Magic spell Reflect
until after the Barrier Tower, so if you want to learn Level 2 Old in the
Barrier Tower, you'll have to use the Chemist's !Mix ability to make a Dragon
Defense (mix a Phoenix Down and a Dragon Fang), which casts Reflect.  Or you
could use the Beastmaster's !Catch ability to catch the enemy Neon (which is
randomly encountered in the Barrier Tower) and release it during your fight
against the Level Tricker.  You'll have to release at least two Neons, since
releasing the first one will cast Reflect on you rather than the Level Tricker,
then the second Neon's Wall might bounce off the first Neon's Reflect and hit
the Level Tricker (or it might cast Reflect on one of your other characters).
Also note that this spell only works on characters who are at a level that is a
multiple of 2 (for example, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on).)  If you don't want to try
to learn it from Level Tricker, then your next chance to learn Level 2 Old is
from the enemy Magic Dragon which can be found in Castle Exdeath after Kelgar
transforms it.

You can learn Time Slip from the enemy Traveler which can be found in the
Barrier Tower.

You can learn Aeroga from the enemy Metamorph that changes into Enchanted Fan
which can be found in Ghido's Cave.  Note that there are a few different types
of Metamorph, and some of them won't turn into Enchanted Fan.  The one that can
turn into Enchanted Fan can only turn into Enchanted Fan, Ifrit, or Wyvern.  So
if you're fighting a Metamorph that turns into something else, then it's not
the one that will turn into Enchanted Fan.

You can learn Lilliputian Lyric from the enemy Mini Magician which can be found
in the Great Forest of Moore.

You can learn Doom from the enemy Exdeath, the boss of Castle Exdeath.  If you
miss it there, then your next chance to get it is from the enemy The Damned
which can be found in treasure chests in the Pyramid of Moore and can be
randomly encountered in the Island Shrine. (Note:  You must control The Damned
and give them an Ether.)

You can learn Mighty Guard from the enemy Stingray which can be found on the
northern part of the sea that is southwest of Carwen in world 3.  It's found in
the same part of the sea as Sahagin, Sea Ibis, and Thunder Anemone.  (Note:
You must control the Stingray.)

You can learn Roulette from the enemy Parthenope which can be found in the
Phoenix Tower.

You can learn Mind Blast from the enemy Wendigo, the boss of the Island Shrine.

                    SECTION 24 - BLUE MAGIC LATE LOCATIONS

See Sections 21-23 (Blue Magic First Locations) above for the first place that
each blue magic spell can be found.  But if you're past that point in the game
already, then this list says where each blue magic spell can be found late in
the game.  See Section 20 (Blue Magic All Locations) for a list of all the
monsters from which you can learn each spell.

I note that you must control some enemies to get them to cast a spell.  If you
don't want to control them, charming a monster may result in it doing something
that you would otherwise have to control it to get it to do.  Although some
monsters can't be charmed.  And if you charm monsters, they will cast damaging
Blue Magic spells on the monsters rather than on you.  You can reflect some of
the Blue Magic spells onto your characters by putting a wall on the monster,
but some of the spells can't be reflected.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance version of Final Fantasy
5, see the Locations Translations, Blue Magic Translations, and Monster
Translations sections for translations of the Locations, Blue Magic spells, and
monster names in this section.

You can learn ???? from the enemy Wild Nack which can be found in the forests
near Karnak in World 1, on the plains south of the eastern part of the big
bridge (the small area between the sea and the mountains) in World 3, or in the
Sunken Worus Tower in world 3.

You can learn Aero from the enemy Mold Wind which can be found in the Wind
Shrine and the Sunken Worus Tower.

You can learn Aero 2 from the enemy Whirl Demon which can be found in the Lonka
Ruins in world 1, the Sunken Worus Tower, and the Ruins of the Cleft of
Dimension.  (Note:  The names of the enemies in the Sunken Worus Tower aren't
shown.  Whirl Demon is the one that looks like a tall, skinny oval.)  Or you
can also learn Aero 2 from the enemy GajraGajri which can be found in the Great
Forest of Mua in World 2 or the ceiling of the Castle in the Cleft of Dimension
in World 3.  (Note:  You must control GajraGajri.)

You can learn Aero 3 from the enemy Elm Gigas which can be found near Surgate
in world 3.

You can learn AquaRake from the enemy D.Chimera which can be found in the
desert south of Karnak in world 1, the Sunken Worus Tower, or the Desert in the
Cleft of Dimension.  (Note:  The names of the enemies in the Sunken Worus Tower
aren't shown.  D.Chimera is the one that looks like a lion with stuff on its

You can learn Blowfish from the enemy Hedgehog which can be found in the
forests on the small islands in the southeast in world 2 or near Surgate in
world 3.  (Note:  You must control them and give them an Ether.)

You can learn Condemn from the enemy Cursed One which can be found in treasure
chests in the Pyramid or can be randomly encountered in the Solitary Island
Temple.  (Note:  You must control them and give them an Ether.)

You can learn DethClaw from the enemy Statue which can be found in the basement
of Castle Bal and inside one of the treasure chests in the Pyramid.  (Note:
You must control them and give them an Ether.)

You can learn DrkShock from the enemy Shadow which can be found in the forests
on the small islands in the southeast in world 2 or near Surgate in world 3.
(Note:  You must control them and give them an Ether.)

You can learn Emission from the enemy Prototype which can be found two islands
southwest of Crescent in world 1, in the Sunken Worus Tower in world 3, and
sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in the Solitary Island Temple in
world 3.  (Note:  The names of the enemies in the Sunken Worus Tower aren't
shown.  Prototype is the one that looks like a spider shaped robot with four
legs.)  Or you can also learn Emission from the enemy Great Drgn which can be
found in the Cave in the Cleft of Dimension or the Bonus Dungeon.

You can learn Exploder from the enemy Motor Trap.  Motor Traps appear after you
win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.  Defeaters
can be found in the Steamship.  (Note:  You must cast Bolt on Motor Trap or hit
it with a Thunder Rod.)  Or you can also learn Exploder from the enemy Grenade
which can be found in the Ruins in the Cleft of Dimension or the Bonus Dungeon.
(Note:  You must cast magic on the Grenade or control them.)

You can learn Flash from the enemy Blocks which can be found in the North
Mountain.  (Note:  You must use an Ether on Blocks.)

You can learn FrogSong from the enemy Conago which can be found near Castle Bal
in world 2 or near Jacole in world 3.

You can learn Fusion from the enemy Mithril Drgn which can be found in the
forests near the Ancient Library in World 1 or in the eastern part of the
forest north of the Pirates' Cave in world 3.  And if you've beaten Ramuh then
Mithril Drgn can also be found in the forests near Istory in world 1 and in the
Castle of the Cleft of Dimension in world 3.  (Note:  You must control them.)

You can learn GblinPnch from the enemy Black Goblin which can be found in the
Wind Shrine.

You can learn GuardOff from the enemy Shadow which can be found in the forests
on the small islands in the southeast in world 2 or near Surgate in world 3.
(Note:  You must control them and give them an Ether.)

You can learn Hammer from the enemy Drippy which can be found in the Hiryuu
Valley, the Sunken Worus Tower, and the Cave of the Cleft of Dimension.

You can learn L2 Old from the enemy Ixecrator which can be found in the
Solitary Island Temple.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at
a level that is a multiple of 2 (for example, 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on).)

You can learn L3 Flare from the enemy Ixecrator which can be found in the
Solitary Island Temple.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at
a level that is a multiple of 3 (for example, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on).)

You can learn L4 Qrter from the enemy Ixecrator which can be found in the
Solitary Island Temple.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at
a level that is a multiple of 4 (for example, 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on).)

You can learn L5 Doom from the enemy Ixecrator which can be found in the
Solitary Island Temple.  (Note:  This spell only works on characters who are at
a level that is a multiple of 5 (for example, 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on).  Make
sure you have at least one character in your party who is not at a level that
is a multiple of 5 when you have this cast on you, otherwise it'll kill you

You can learn MghtyGrd from the enemy Stingray which can be found on the
northern part of the sea that is southwest of Carwen in world 3.  It's found in
the same part of the sea as Sahagin, Sea Avis, and Th.Anemone.  Or if can be
found in the Bonus Dungeon.  (Note:  You must control the Stingray.)

You can learn MindBlst from the enemy Mind Mage which can be found in the void
at the end of the Cleft of Dimension or the Bonus Dungeon.

You can learn Missile from the enemy Motor Trap.  Motor Traps appear after you
win a fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you kill.  Defeaters
can be found in the Steamship.  (Note:  You must control the Motor Trap, which
means that you won't be able to learn this until you've already been through
the Steamship once and gotten additional jobs from the Fire Crystal.)  Or you
can also learn Missile from the enemy Sol Cannon which can be found in the
Phoenix Tower.

You can learn MoonFlut from the enemy Mukare which can be found near Castle Bal
in world 3.

You can learn Roulette from the enemy Bella Donna which can be found in the
Phoenix Tower.

You can learn Time Slip from the enemy Cherie which can be found in the Phoenix
Tower.  (Note:  You must control them.)

You can learn TinySong from the enemy Cherie which can be found in the Phoenix
Tower.  (Note:  They won't cast it if you leave them alone, but sometimes
they'll cast it in response to the fight command, or you can control them.)

You can learn Vampire from the enemy Steel Bat which can be found in the Pirate

You can learn WhiteWind from the enemy Whirl Demon which can be found in the
Lonka Ruins in world 1, the Sunken Worus Tower, and the Ruins of the Cleft of
Dimension.  (Note:  You must control Whirl Demon.  Also note that the names of
the enemies in the Sunken Worus Tower aren't shown.  Whirl Demon is the one
that looks like a tall, skinny oval.)  Or you can also learn WhiteWind from the
enemy White Flame which can be found in the Forest in the Cleft of Dimension.
(Note:  You must control White Flame.)

                     SECTION 25 - BLUE MAGIC TRANSLATIONS

SNES name  PS name    GBA name
????       ????       ???
Aero       Aero       Aero
Aero 2     Aero 2     Aera
Aero 3     Aero 3     Aeroga
AquaRake   AquaRake   Aqua Breath
Blowfish   Blowfish   1000 Needles
Condemn    Condemnd   Doom
DethClaw   DoomClaw   Death Claw
DrkShock   BlakShock  Dark Spark
Emission   Burn Ray   Flame Thrower
Exploder   Exploder   Self-Destruct
Flash      Flash      Flash
FrogSong   ToadSong   Pond's Chorus
Fusion     Pep Up     Transfusion
GblinPnch  GobPunch   Goblin Punch
GuardOff   GuardOff   Off-Guard
Hammer     MagHammr   Magic Hammer
L2 Old     L2 Old     Level 2 Old
L3 Flare   L3 Flare   Level 3 Flare
L4 Qrter   L4 Qrtr    Level 4 Graviga
L5 Doom    L5 Doom    Level 5 Death
MghtyGrd   Guardian   Mighty Guard
MindBlst   MindBlst   Mind Blast
Missile    Missile    Missile
MoonFlut   MoonFlut   Moon Flute
Roulette   Roulette   Roulette
Time Slip  TimeSlip   Time Slip
TinySong   LitlSong   Lilliputian Lyric
Vampire    Red Feast  Vampire
WhiteWind  WhitWind   White Wind


This list doesn't have the translation for the names of all the monsters in the
game.  But it has the translation for the names of the ones that I think are
especially significant, because I listed them as a super enemy or the source of
a Blue Magic spell or rare item.  If you want the translation of the name of
another monster, I recommend the website

SNES name    Playstation name
Abductor     Abductor
Achelone     Sybaritic
Apanda       Apprehender
Apocalypse   Azulmagia
Arage        A Rage
Archaesaur   Archeosaurus
ArchaeToad   Archeotoad
Armon        Armon
Atmos        Atomos
AvisDragon   DragonAvis
Bahamut      Bahamut
Bardandels   Cycloskull
Bella Donna  Serpentina
Black Goblin BlakGoblin
BlackFlame   BlackFlame
BlandLamia   BrandLamia
Blocks       Stone
Blood Slime  BloodSlime
Bodyguard    Yojimbo
Bold Mani    Bald Money
Bomb         Bomb
Byblos       Byblos
Cactus       Cactus
Carbunkle    Carbuncle
Carcurser    CrystSlugs
Catastroph   Catastrophe
Chamcubia    Disabler
Cherie       Sherry
Chim.Brain   Chimera Brain
Conago       Kornago
Crescent     Crescent
Crew Dust    Cool Dust
CrysDragon   CrystlDrgn
Cursed One   The Damned
D.Chimera    Quadrharpy
DarkWizard   BlakWarlok
Death Claw   Death Claw
Defeater     Defeater
Dilure       Verminator
DoomDealer   DethDealer
Drippy       Drippy
Druid        Druid (the one with red robes, not purple)
Elf Toad     Elf Toad
Elm Gigas    Neogigas
Enkidou      Enkidoh
Exdeath      X-Death
Fall Guard   Fall Guard
Farfarerro   Jestrex
Flamegun     Flamethrower
Flare        Flare
Fury         Fury
Gabbldegak   Gobbldigoo
GajraGajri   Galacjelly
Galura       Garula
Garkimasra   Harpy
Gel Fish     Shell Fish
Giant Bird   BigButrfly
Gigas        Gigas
Gil Turtle   Gilgame
Gilgamesh    Gilgamesh
Goblin       Goblin
Gogo         Gogo
Golem        Golem
Great Drgn   Drgn Great
Grenade      Grenade
Halicarnaso  Halycanos
Hedgehog     Hedgehog
Hydra        Hydra
Hyudora      Hyudra
Ifrit        Ifrit
Invisible    Invisible
Iron Claw    Iron Claw
Iron Giant   Iron Giant
Isteritos    T-Wrecks
Ixecrator    Druid (the one with purple robes, not red)
Jail Bear    Shell Bear
K.Behemoth   BehemoKing
Karnak       Karnak
Kuzar        Kuzer
Lamia        Lamia
Land Crawl   Landcrawler
LevelCheck   LevelCheckr
Leviathan    Leviathan
Lunenta      Subterran
MachinHead   MechaHead
Magic Drgn   MagicDragon
Magic Pot    Magic Pot
Magisa       Magissa
MercuryBat   Mercury Bat
Merugene     Mellusion
Metamorpha   Metamorpha
Mind Mage    Mind Flare
MiniMage     MiniMage
Mithril Drgn MithrlDrgn
Mold Wind    Mauldwin
MossFungus   MossFungus
Motor Trap   Mottletrap
Mover        Mover
Mukare       Bewitchin
Necrofobia   NecroPhobe
Necromancr   Necromancer
NeoExdeath   Neo X-Death
Neon         Neon
Neregeid     Nergade
Nile         Nile
Odin         Odin
Omega        Omega
Omniscient   Omniscient
Owazoral     Red Harpy
Page 256     Page 256
Page 32      Page 32
Page 64      Page 64
Pantera      Pantera
Phobos       Phobos
Prototype    Prototype
Puroboros    Byurobolos
Python       Python
Radiator     Radiator
Ramuh        Ramuh
Red Dragon   Red Dragon
Rock Brain   Blockhead
Rocket       Missile Launcher
Sahagin      Fins
Sand Bear    Sand Bear
Sand Crawl   Sandcrawlr
Sea Avis     Cybis
Sekmet       Bludgeoner
Sergeant     Sergeant
Shadow       Shadow
ShieldDrgn   ShieldDrgn
Shinryuu     Shinryuu
Shiva        Shiva
Shoat        Shoat
Silvune      Kestrel
Skull Eater  Skull Eater
Slownin      Slownin
Sol Cannon   Sol Cannon
Stalker      Stoker
Statue       RockStatue
Steel Bat    Steel Bat
Stingray     Stingray
Th.Anemone   Thunderpit
Titan        Titan
Torrent      Trent
Traveler     Traveler
Tricker      Tripper
Triton       Triton
Twin Tania   Twin Tania
Tyrasaurus   Tyrannosaurus
Unknown      Unknown
Water Buzz   Water Buz
Whirl Demon  Fan Wizard
White Flame  WhiteFlame
Wild Nack    Wild Dog
wyvern       Y Burn
ZephyrZone   ZefaZone
Ziggurat     Ultragigas
ZombieDrgn   DrgnZombie


SNES name                   Gameboy Advance name
????                        ???
Abductor                    Abductor
Achelone                    Achelon
Acrophese                   Acrophies
AdamaGolem                  Adamantite Golem
AdamanTiMi                  Adamantoise
Aegil                       Aegir
Alcumia                     Alchymia
Alte Roite                  Alte Roite
Ammona                      Ammonite
Andagranda                  Undergrounder
Anku Heggu                  Ankheg
Antlion                     Antlion
Apanda                      Apanda
Apocalypse                  Azulmagia
Aquathone                   Aquathorn
Arage                       Hellraiser
ArchaeAvis                  Archeoaevis
Archaesaur                  Archeosaur
ArchaeToad                  Archeotoad
Armon                       Nix
Aspis                       Aspis
Atmos                       Atomos
AvisDragon                  Dragon Aevis
Bahamut                     Bahamut
BandelKuar                  Bandercoeuri
Bander S.                   Bandersnatch
Bardandels                  Baldanders
Barette                     Bulette
Barrier                     Barrier
Belfegor                    Belphegor
Bella Donna                 Parthenope
Berserker                   Berserker
Big Boss                    Big Boss?
Bighorn                     Big Horn
BioSoldier                  Bio Soldier
Black Goblin                Black Goblin
BlackFlame                  Black Flame
BlandLamia                  Lamia Queen
Blind Wolf                  Blind Wolf
Blizzard                    Istory Lythos
Blocks                      Headstone
Blood Slime                 Blood Slime
BlueDragon                  Blue Dragon
Bodyguard                   Yojimbo
Bold Mani                   Dechirer
Bomb                        Bomb
BoneDragon                  Bone Dragon
Byblos                      Byblos
Cactus                      Cactus
Calotisteri                 Calofisteri
Carbunkle                   Carbuncle
Carcurser                   Calcruthl
Catastroph                  Catastrophe
Chamcubia                   Lemure
Cherie                      Cherie
Chim.Brain                  Manticore
Chimera                     Chimera?
Cockatrice                  Cockatrice
Commander                   Ice Commander
Conago                      Kornago
Coral                       Coral
Corvette                    Corbett
Crayclaw                    Cray Claw
Crescent                    Harvester
Crew Dust                   Crew Dust
CrysDragon                  Crystal Dragon
Cure Beast                  Cure Beast
Cursed One                  The Damned
D.Chimera                   Dhorme Chimera
DarkWizard                  Black Warlock
Dearo                       Devil Crab
Death Claw                  Death Claw
Defeater                    Defeater
Desertpede                  Desertpede
Devourer                    Devourer
Dilure                      Birostris
Dim Master                  Chrono Controller
DoomDealer                  Death Dealer
Drippy                      Drippy
Druid                       Druid
DuelKnight                  Dueling Knight
Elf Toad                    Elf Toad
Elm Gigas                   Elm Gigas
Enkidou                     Enkidu
Exdeath                     Exdeath
ExdethSoul                  Exdeath's Soul
Faerie Orc                  Fairy Orc
Fall Guard                  Steel Fist
Farfarerro                  Farfarello
Fishman                     Merrow
Flamegun                    Flame Thrower
Flare                       Flaremancer
FlyingKillr                 Flying Killer
Forza                       Forza
Fury                        Fury
Gabbldegak                  Gobbledygook
GajraGajri                  Galajelly
Gala Cat                    Gaelicat
Galura                      Garula
Gargoyle                    Gargoyle
Garkimasra                  Jackanapes
Gatlings                    Gatling
Gel Fish                    Gel Fish
Gel Water                   Aquagel
Giant Bird                  Rukh
Gigas                       Gigas
Gil Turtle                  Gil Turtle
Gilgamesh                   Gilgamesh
GloomWidow                  Gloom Widow
Goblin                      Goblin
Gogo                        Famed Mimic Gogo
Golem                       Golem
Gorchimera                  Gorgimera
GrandMummy                  Grand Mummy
GrassTurtle                 Grass Tortoise
Gravido                     Gravitator
Great Drgn                  Great Dragon
Grenade                     Grenade
Halicarnaso                 Halicarnassus
Hedgehog                    Hedgehog
HiryuuFlowr                 Dragon Flower
HiryuuPlant                 Dragon Pod
Hole                        Hole
Hydra                       Ghidra
Hyudora                     Hydra
IceSoldier                  Ice Soldier
Ifrit                       Ifrit
Imp                         Imp
Invisible                   Covert
Ion                         Iron Muscles
Iron Claw                   Iron Claw
Iron Dress                  Ironback
Iron Giant                  Iron Giant
Isteritos                   Frost Bull
Ixecrator                   Executor
Jail Bear                   Shell Bear
Jura Avis                   Jura Aevis
K.Behemoth                  King Behemoth
Karlabos                    Karlabos
Karnak                      Cur Nakk
Killer Bee                  Killer Bee
Kuzar                       Kuza Beast
Lamia                       Lamia
Land Crawl                  Landcrawler
Land Turtle                 Land Turtle
Launcher                    Launcher
LevelCheck                  Level Checker
Leviathan                   Leviathan
Likaon                      Lycaon
Lil'Chariot                 Little Chariot
LiquiFlame                  Liquid Flame
LonkaKnght                  Ronkan Knight
Lopros                      Lesser Lopros
Lunenta                     Tunneller
MachinHead                  Mecha Head
Magic Drgn                  Magic Dragon
Magic Pot                   Magic Pot
Magisa                      Magissa
Magnetes                    Magnetite
Mammon                      Mammon
Mandrake                    Mandrake
ManiWizard                  Mani Wizard
MercuryBat                  Mercury Bat
Merugene                    Melusine
Metamorpha                  Metamorph
Mind Mage                   Mindflayer
MiniDragon                  Mini Dragon
MiniMage                    Mini Magician
Minotauros                  Minotaur
Mithril Drgn                Mythril Dragon
Mold Wind                   Moldwynd
MooglEater                  Moogle Eater
MossFungus                  Moss Fungus
Motor Trap                  Motor Trap
Motordrive                  Iron Fist
Mover                       Mover
Mukare                      Mykale
Mummy                       Mummy
Necrofobia                  Necrophobe
Necromancr                  Necromancer
NeoExdeath                  Neo Exdeath
NeoGalura                   Neo Garula
NeoGoblin                   NeoGoblin?
Neon                        Neon
Neregeid                    Nereid
Nile                        Ushabti
Ninja                       Ninja
Nut Eater                   Nutkin
Octoraken                   Octokraken
Odin                        Odin
Omega                       Omega
Omniscient                  Omniscient
Orcat                       Orukat
Owazoral                    Oiseaurare
Padosule                    Pas de Seul
Page 128                    Page 128
Page 256                    Page 256
Page 32                     Page 32
Page 64                     Page 64
Pantera                     Pantera
Pao                         Pao
Phobos                      Phobos
Poltergeist                 Poltergeist
Prototype                   Prototype
PsychoHead                  Mindflusher
Puroboros                   Purobolos
Pyra Layer                  Rajiformes
Python                      Python
Ra Mage                     Ra Mage
Radiator                    Dark Aspic
Ramuh                       Ramuh
Red Dragon                  Red Dragon
Ridicule                    Cursed Being
RikaldMage                  Ricard Mage
Rock Brain                  Strapparer
Rocket                      Rocket Launcher
RockGarter                  Rock Slug
Sahagin                     Sahagin
Sand Bear                   Sand Bear
Sand Crawl                  Sandcrawler
Sand Killer                 Desert Killer
Sand Porky                  Sandboil
Sandworm                    Sandworm
Sea Avis                    Sea Ibis
Sea Devil                   Sea Devil
Seal Guardian               Crystal
SeaScorpio                  Water Scorpion
Sekmet                      Sekhmet
Sergeant                    Sergeant
Shadow                      Shadow
ShdwDancer                  Shadow Dancer
ShieldDrgn                  Shield Dragon
Shinryuu                    Shinryu
Shiva                       Shiva
Shoat                       Catoblepas
Silent Bee                  Silent Bee
Silvune                     Vilia
Siren                       Siren
Skeleton                    Skeleton
Skull Eater                 Skull Eater
Sleepy                      Sleepy
Slownin                     Numb Blade
Slug                        Slug
Sol Cannon                  Soul Cannon
Sorcerer                    Sorcerer
Spizner                     Spizzner
Stalker                     Wendigo
Statue                      Objet d'Art
Steel Bat                   Steel Bat
Sting Eagle                 Poison Eagle
Stingray                    Stingray
StonedMask                  Stone Mask
StoneGolem                  Stone Golem
Stray Cat                   Stray Cat
Stroper                     Stroper
Sucker                      Sucker
SwrdDancer                  Sword Dancer
Tarantula                   Tarantula
Tatu                        Tatou
Th.Anemone                  Thunder Anemone
Thing                       Crystelle
TinyMage                    Tiny Mage
Titan                       Titan
Tonberi                     Tonberry
Torrent                     Treant
Tote Avis                   Tot Aevis
Traveler                    Traveler
Treeman                     Triffid
Tricker                     Level Tricker
Triton                      Triton
Twin Tania                  Twintania
TwinLizard                  Doublizard
TwinLizard (ExDeath Castle) Twin Lizard
Tyrasaurus                  Tyrannosaur
UndeadRusk                  Undead Husk
Unknown                     Unknown
Wall Knight                 Reflect Knight
Wall Mage                   Reflect Mage
Water Buzz                  Devilfish
Weresnake                   Weresnake
Whirl Demon                 Enchanted Fan
White Flame                 White Flame
White Snake                 White Serpent
Wild Nack                   Wild Nakk
WingRaptor                  Wing Raptor
Wyrm                        Wyrm
Wyvern                      Wyvern
Yellow Drgn                 Yellow Dragon
ZephyrZone                  Zephyrus
Ziggurat                    Ziggurat Gigas
ZombieDrgn                  Zombie Dragon
Zuu                         Zu
None                        Archeodemon
None                        Assassin
None                        Behemoth
None                        Claret Dragon
None                        Dark Elemental (type 1)
None                        Dark Elemental (type 2)
None                        Dark Elemental (type 3)
None                        Dinozombie
None                        Duelist
None                        Enuo
None                        Exoray
None                        Grand Aevis
None                        Guardian
None                        Hades
None                        Ironclad
None                        Launcher
None                        Launcher
None                        Medusa
None                        Mini Satana
None                        Neo Shinryu
None                        Omega Mk.II
None                        Soul Eater
None                        Wave Cannon

                              SECTION 28 - SONGS

This section describes the songs used with the Bard's !Sing ability.  Songs can
not be reflected by Walls.

Note that you won't be able to get Love Song or Charm Song after you leave
world 1.  (Unless you use the "Skipping the Pyramid" bug in the Bugs section,
which can only be done at the beginning of world 3.  That bug works in the SNES
version of the game, but it doesn't work in the Gameboy Advance version.  I'm
not sure about the Playstation version.)  And you won't be able to get Magic
Song after you get Lenna back at the Elder Tree.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

Power     Learned in Crescent in world 3 once you've played at least seven
          pianos.  Effect:  Increases strength of all party members for the
          duration of the fight.  The singer keeps singing this song, and the
          strength keeps increasing, until the singer gets hit or dies or the
          fight ends.
Speed     Learned in Surgate.  Effect:  Increases agility of all party members
          for the duration of the fight.  The singer keeps singing this song,
          and the agility keeps increasing, until the singer gets hit or dies
          or the fight ends.
Vitality  Learned in Crescent in world 1.  Effect:  Casts Regen on all party
Magic     Learned at the top of the Ancient Library in world 3.  Effect:
          Increases magic power of all party members for the duration of the
          fight.  The singer keeps singing this song, and the magic power keeps
          increasing, until the singer gets hit or dies or the fight ends.
Heroic    Learned in Crescent in world 3 once you've played all eight pianos.
          Effect:  Increases the level of all party members for the duration of
          the fight, which increases the chances of their spells working and
          the amount of damage their physical attacks and spells do.  The
          singer keeps singing this song, and the level keeps increasing, until
          the singer gets hit or dies or the fight ends.
Requiem   Learned in Kelb.  Effect:  Damages all undead enemies and causes them
          to constantly lose HP.
Love      Learned in Istory in world 1.  Effect:  Casts Stop on all enemies.
          Doesn't always work.
Charm     Learned in Lix in world 1.  Effect:  Confuses all enemies.  Doesn't
          always work.

The pianos are found in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, Crescent, Jacole, Rugor (secret
passage), Mua, and Mirage (enter the pub from the back and it's still in a
secret passage).

                         SECTION 29 - TERRAIN ATTACKS

This section describes the attacks used with the Geomancer's !Terrain ability.
Terrain attacks can not be reflected by Walls.

Terrain attacks do not need to be found or bought.  There are four terrain
attacks that can be used in each location.  At first you're only able to use
one attack, then when you get to level 11 you can use the second attack too,
then when you get to level 21 you can use the third attack too, then when you
get to level 51 you can use all four attacks.  When you first get to a level
with a new attack, the chance of getting that attack is fairly low.  But the
chance of getting that attack increases as your level increases, up until you
get the next attack.

 # Attack 1     Attack 2         Attack 3     Attack 4
 1 Branch Arrow Leaf Dance       Branch Spear Vine Hell
 2 Dust Storm   Quicksand        Desert Storm Heat Sand
 3 Gale Cut     Gale Cut         Gale Cut     Gale Cut
 4 Gale Cut     Gale Cut         Sonic Boom   Tornado
 5 Gale Cut     Sonic Boom       Tornado      Tornado
 6 Gale Cut     Tornado          Sonic Boom   Tornado
 7 Gust         Earthquake       Gale Cut     Tornado
 8 Gust         Earthquake       Cave-in      Tornado
 9 Gust         Earthquake       Tornado      Tornado
10 Gust         Gale Cut         Sonic Boom   Sonic Boom
11 Gust         Gale Cut         Sonic Boom   Tornado
12 Gust         Gale Cut         Tornado      Tornado
13 Gust         Sonic Boom       Tornado      Tornado
14 Tornado      Earthquake       Gale Cut     Tornado
15 Tornado      Gale Cut         Sonic Boom   Tornado
16 Tsunami      Faen Fantom      Whirlpool    Big Tsunami
17 Tsunami      Whirlpool        Big Tsunami  Waterfall
18 Will-o-Wisp  Bottomless Swamp Poison Mist  Bottomless Swamp
19 Will-o-Wisp  Poison Mist      Sonic Boom   Cave-in
20 Will-o-Wisp  Stalactite       Gale Cut     Cave-in
21 Will-o-Wisp  Stalactite       Whirlpool    Cave-in
22 Will-o-Wisp  Will-o-Wisp      Will-o-Wisp  Sonic Boom

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations section for translations of the locations in
this section.

 # Location
 1 Forests, Meteor at Worus
 2 Deserts
 3 Exdeath (Final) fight
 4 Lonka Ruins, Barrier Tower inside, Phoenix Tower, Fork Tower inside, Ruins
   in Cleft of Dimension
 5 Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
 6 ?
 7 Plains in world 1 and 3
 8 North Mountain outside, Hiryuu Valley outside
 9 Steamship
10 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
11 Tule, Wind Shrine, Worus Castle Basement, Worus Castle Behind Waterfall,
   Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms it, Gilgamesh fight on Big Bridge,
   Kuzar, Castle Bal Basement, Barrier tower outside, Solitary Island Temple,
   Towers in Cleft of Dimension, Castle in Cleft of Dimension inside
12 Big Bridge outside
13 ?
14 Plains in world 2
15 Fork Tower outside, Abductor fight in Castle Bal, Castle in Cleft of
   Dimension outside
16 Beaches, Worus Tower
17 Ship Graveyard outside, Sea, Crayclaw fight, Zeza's Ship
18 Marshes
19 Pyramid
20 Pirates' Cave, North Mountain caves, Jacole Cave, Meteor at Tycoon, Meteor
   at Karnak, Meteor at Ruins, Underground River, Cave between Castle Bal and
   Exdeath's Castle, Hiryuu Valley caves, Guido's Cave inside, Cave to
   northwest lake in world 2, Antlion fight, Cave to Istory Falls, Great
   Trench, Cave in Cleft of Dimension
21 Guido's Cave outside, Istory Falls
22 Ship Graveyard inside, Ancient Library, Library in Cleft of Dimension

Below is a description of each Terrain attack.  The levels listed are only
intended to describe the order in which you learn the attacks.  The levels
aren't described in the game, but they're useful as an approximation of the
relative usefulness of the attacks.  A level 2 attack might be the second
attack learned in one location and the third attack learned in another
location, but in every location it will always be learned after level 1 attacks
and before level 3 attacks.  Tornado and Bottomless Swamp are learned before
some attacks in some places and after those attacks in other places, so I
listed them as having multiple levels.

Name             Level         Description
Branch Arrow     1             Damages one enemy.
Dust Storm       1             Earth and Wind damage to all enemies.  Does more
                               damage when you're at high levels.  Sometimes
                               causes Darkness.
Gust             1             Wind damage to one enemy.
Tsunami          1             Damage to all enemies.
Will-o-Wisp      1             Fire damage to one enemy.  Does more damage when
                               you're at high levels.  Sometimes confuses one
Earthquake       2             Earth damage to all enemies.  Doesn't work on
                               enemies who have the float status effect.
Faen Fantom      2             Kills one enemy.  Doesn't always work.
Leaf Dance       2             Wind damage to all enemies.  Does more damage
                               when you're at high levels.  Causes Darkness.
Quicksand        2             Kills one enemy.
Stalactite       2             Damages one enemy.
Branch Spear     3             Damages one enemy.
Desert Storm     3             Earth and Wind damage to all enemies.
Gale Cut         3             Wind damage to all enemies.
Poison Mist      3             Damage to all enemies.  Poison based.  Does more
                               damage when you're at high levels.  Also gives
                               the enemies the poison status.
Whirlpool        3             Decreases one enemy's HP below 10.  Doesn't
                               always work.
Big Tsunami      4             Damage to all enemies.
Heat Sand        4             Earth and Fire damage to all enemies.
Sonic Boom       4             Reduces one enemy's HP by 3/4.
Vine Hell        4             Casts Slow on all enemies.
Cave-in          5             Damages one enemy.  The amount of damage it does
                               varies dramatically.
Waterfall        5             Water damage to one enemy.
Tornado          1, 3.5, or 6  Decreases one enemy's HP below 10.  Doesn't
                               always work.
Bottomless Swamp 2 or 4        Kills all enemies.  Doesn't always work.

                             SECTION 30 - ANIMALS

This section describes the animals with the Hunter's !Animals ability.
Animals do not need to be found or bought.  You get new animals as your level
increases.  When you first get to a level with a new animal, the chance of
getting that animal is fairly low.  But the chance of getting that animal
increases as your level increases, up until you get the next animal.

(The animal is listed first, then the level at which the animal becomes
available, then its effect)

Mysidian Rabbit   1  Doesn't do anything.
Squirrel          1  Damages one enemy at random.  Doesn't work on enemies who
                     have the float status effect.
Bee Swarm         5  Damage to all enemies.  Does more damage when you're at
                     high levels.
Nightingale      10  Partially heals all party members and removes all Poison
                     and Darkness status effects.
Momonga          20  Paralyzes all enemies.
Falcon           30  Reduces by 3/4 the HP of one enemy at random.
Skunk            40  Poisons and causes Darkness for all enemies.
Wild Boar        50  Damages one enemy at random.  Doesn't work on enemies who
                     have the float status effect.
Unicorn          60  Fully heals all party members.

                            SECTION 31 - CHEMISTRY

This section describes the possibilities of the Chemist's !Combine ability.

To see what result you'll get when you mix two chemistry ingredients, look up
the code in the row with the letter for one ingredient and the column with the
letter for the other ingredient, then check the key below for what that code

-| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L
A| A| 1| 2| D| A| 3| 4| 5| I| G| 6| 7
B| 1| B| 8| 9|10|11|12| 1| I|13|14|15
C| 2| 8| C|16|17|18|19| 2| I|20|21|22
D| D| 9|16| D|23|24|25| D|25|26|27|28
E| A|10|17|23| E|29| G| H| I|30|31|32
F| 3|11|18|24|29| F|33| 3|33|34|35|36
G| 4|12|19|25| G|33| G|37| I| 4|38|39
H| 5| 1| 2| D| H| 3|37| H| I|40| 6| 7
I| I| I| I|25| I|33| I| I| I|41|42|43
J| G|13|20|26|30|34| 4|40|41|44|45|46
K| 6|14|21|27|31|35|38| 6|42|45|47|48
L| 7|15|22|28|32|36|39| 7|43|46|48|49

 A Potion - Restores 90 HP.
 B Antidote - Cures Poison status.
 C Eyedrop - Cure Darkness status.
 D MaidnKiss - Cure Frog status and restores some HP.
 E Revivify - Cures Zombie status and restores some HP.
 F PhenixDwn - Brings a dead character back to life.  Can kill undead monsters,
        although that doesn't always work.
 G Ether - Restores 80 MP.
 H HiPotion - Restores 900 HP.
 I Elixir - Restores full HP and MP.
 J TurtleShell
 K DragnFang
 L DarkMatter

Mixes can be used on one enemy or one ally, but the default is for one ally,
even if it's a damaging mix.  So make sure to switch the target of damaging
 1 Neutralize - Restores some of target's HP and cures poison.
 2 Cure Blind - Restores some HP and cure Darkness.
 3 Resurrection - Brings target back to life with full HP and MP.  Can kill
        undead monsters, although that doesn't always work.
 4 X-Potion - Restores all of target's HP.
 5 Water of Life - Casts Regen on target.
 6 Dragon Power - Increases target's level by 20.
 7 Dark Potion - Does 666 damage to target.  Doesn't always work.
 8 Restorative - Cures the target of the status ailments Mute, Charm, Paralyze,
        Sleep, Aging, and Berserk.
 9 Levitate - Cast Float on target.
10 Sampson Power - Increases target's level by 10.
11 Resist Ice - Makes target absorb ice damage.
12 Resist Poison - Makes target immune to the status ailment poison.
13 Split Shell - Decrease target's defense and magic defense.
14 Poison Breath - Poison damage to target in amount of half of caster's HP.
15 Poison - Poisons target.  Doesn't always work.
16 Lamia's Kiss - Charms target.
17 Elemental Power - Increase power of target's elemental attacks.
18 Resist Thunder - Makes target absorb thunder damage.
19 Resist Fire - Makes target absorb fire damage.
20 Haste Drink - Casts Haste on target.
21 Dark Sigh - Gives the target the Darkness and Confused status ailments and
        causes it to constantly lose HP.
22 Dark Gas - Gives the target the Darkness status ailment.  Doesn't always
23 Kiss of Blessing - Casts Bersk, Haste, and Image on target.
24 Kiss of Life - Brings target back to life with half of their maximum HP and
        full MP.  Can kill undead monsters, although that doesn't always work.
25 Lillith's Kiss - Drains MP from target.  Doesn't always work.
26 Drain Kiss - Drain HP from target.  Doesn't always work.
27 Dragon's Kiss - Gives target the dragon status so that weapons that are
        strong against dragons will be strong against the target.  Also makes
        the target a boss so that they're immune to the things to which bosses
        are immune.
28 Toad's Kiss - Turns target into a frog.
29 Life Shield - Makes target immune to instant death attacks.
30 Bacchus' Wine - Berserks target.
31 Holy Breath - Holy damages to target in the amount of caster's HP.
32 Failure (1) - Poisons target.
33 Reincarnation - Brings target back to life with full HP and MP.  Can kill
        undead monsters, although that doesn't always work.
34 Panacea - Cures the target of the status ailments Darkness, Poison, Mini,
        Frog, Mute, Charm, Paralyze, Sleep, Aging, Berserk, Slow, and Stop.
35 Dragon Armor - Casts armor, shell, and wall on target.
36 Death Potion - Kills target.
37 Half Elixir - Fully restores target's MP.
38 Dragon Shield - Makes target immune to Fire, Ice, and Thunder damage.
39 Dark Ether - Decrease target's MP by 3/4.  Doesn't always work.
40 Ether Dry - Restores 160 MP to target.
41 Failure (2) - Sometimes decreases target's HP below 10.  Sometimes causes it
        to constantly lose HP.
42 Giant Drink - Doubles target's Maximum HP.
43 Dark Elixir - Decreases target's HP below 10.  Doesn't always work.
44 Protect Drink - Casts Armor and Shell on target.
45 Failure (3) - Charms target and decrease target's HP by 1/4.
46 Explosive - Damages target by the amount of caster's HP, then caster dies.
47 Dragon Breath - Fire, Ice, and Thunder damage to target in the amount of
        caster's HP.
48 Dark Breath - Damages target.
49 Shadow Flare - Damages target and causes it to constantly lose HP.

                              SECTION 32 - DANCES

This section describes the dances with the Dancer's !Dance ability.

Dances do not need to be found or bought.  When you use the !Dance ability,
you'll do one of the four dances at random.  Although if you have the helmet
Tiara, the body armor Rainbow, or the accessory Red equipped, they will
increase your chance of doing the Sword Dance by letting you do the Sword Dance
when you otherwise would've done the Tempting Tango.

Sword Dance     Attacks one enemy for multiple times the amount of damage a
                normal attack would cause.  The amount of extra damage is a
                complicated formula that varies with your enemy's defense, but
                it does at least 4 times as much damage as attacking normally.
                Never misses (except sometimes when you're using a Rod).  Note
                that the amount of damage it does depends on the attack power
                of your weapon.
Mystery Waltz   Steals MP from one enemy.
Jitterbug Duet  Steals HP from one enemy.
Tempting Tango  Charms one enemy.

                             SECTION 33 - CATCHES

This section describes the attacks with the Mediator's !Catch ability.

There are lots of monsters that use the Strong Fight attack when you catch and
release them.  I'm listing all of them and their stats below so that you can
compare them easily.

(The code for hacking is listed first, then whether you can catch it without
hacking, then the monster's name, then its attack power and attack multiplier,
which are parts of the formula that determine how much damage the attack does.
See J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ for
more information about the formula that determines how much damage the attack
does.  It can be found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at  Note that some of the monsters are only available in the
Gameboy Advance version, so I've listed their SNES hacking number as NA.)

NA  Y  Soul Eater                    50   30
5C  *  Skull Eater                   50   30
D8  N  Gilgamesh (X-Zone)           109   13
CD  Y  Great Drgn                   100   13
NA  Y  Duelist                      100   12
NA  Y  Assassin                     110   10
CC  Y  Ninja                         90   12
DE  Y  SeaScorpio                    59   18
96  N  ExdethSoul                    77   13
C3  Y  Cherie                        78   12
BB  Y  SwrdDancer                    75   12
A3  Y  DuelKnight                    78   11
A5  Y  Berserker                     77   11
90  Y  Sekmet                        70   11
A8  Y  Iron Dress                    70   11
F3  Y  LonkaKnght (ZephyrZone)       70   10
9C  Y  ShdwDancer                    75    9
8F  Y  Barette                       61   10
E2  Y  Sea Devil                     71    8
80  Y  Motordrive                    63    9
7E  Y  AdamaGolem                    62    9
72  N  Shoat                         55   10
AD  Y  Unknown (Blob)                61    9
F1  Y  AdamaGolem (ZephyrZone)       60    9
E5  N  Golem (2nd form)              50   10
EF  N  ZombieDrgn (Metamorpha)       50   10
EA  N  Gala Cat (Metamorpha)         55    8
79  Y  Blind Wolf                    54    8
EB  N  Wyvern (Metamorpha)           40   10
EC  N  Elf Toad (Metamorpha)         40   10
ED  N  Crew Dust (Metamorpha)        40   10
EE  N  Whirl Demon (Metamorpha)      40   10
78  Y  TwinLizard (ExDeath Castle)   54    7
70  Y  Land Turtle                   42    9
85  Y  Treeman                       52    7
67  N  Golem (1st form)              40    8
54  Y  Kuzar                         45    7
41  Y  Sand Bear                     36    8
52  Y  Devourer                      37    7
59  Y  Acrophese                     36    7
63  Y  Likaon                        36    7
4E  Y  Jail Bear                     37    6
4B  Y  Torrent                       36    6
43  Y  LonkaKnght                    36    6
35  N  Ifrit                         29    6
37  Y  TwinLizard                    29    5
33  Y  Page 128                      28    5
32  Y  Page 64                       27    5
D9  Y  Sahagin                       27    5
2A  N  Motor Trap                    24    5
1F  N  Padosule                      19    6
24  Y  GrassTurtle                   20    5
1E  N  Wyvern                        17    5
2F  Y  Karnak                        20    4
23  Y  Wild Nack                     20    3
0F  Y  Bighorn                       10    4
1D  N  RikaldMage                    17    2
10  N  ????                          11    3
10  Y  Tatu                          11    3
0D  N  Octoraken                      8    3
0C  N  Sucker                         7    3
07  Y  Black Goblin                   5    3
02  Y  Nut Eater                      5    2
03  Y  Stray Cat                      5    2
05  Y  Dearo                          4    1

Below is a full list of what attack each monster uses when you catch and
release them.  Some monsters use attacks that your characters could use on
their own (like the Black Magic spell Flare).  But when you catch and release
some monsters they'll use enemy magic.

(The code for hacking is listed first (FF is no monster), then whether you can
catch it without hacking, then the monster's name, then what attack it uses.)

E4  N  ????                         Strong Fight
D6  Y  Achelone                     Snowstorm
59  Y  Acrophese                    Strong Fight
7E  Y  AdamaGolem                   Strong Fight
F1  Y  AdamaGolem (ZephyrZone)      Strong Fight
21  Y  Aegil                        Rainbow Wind
B6  Y  Alcumia                      Kurururu!
BF  Y  Ammona                       Quicksand
61  Y  Andagranda                   Quake
BE  Y  Anku Heggu                   Quake
5D  Y  Aquathone                    Doom
7A  Y  Arage                        WhiteWind
94  Y  Archaesaur                   Blaze
47  Y  ArchaeToad                   FrogSong
DD  Y  Armon                        Wind Slash
NA  Y  Assassin                     Strong Fight
CE  Y  AvisDragon                   Breath Wing
7F  Y  BandelKuar                   Blaster
11  Y  Bander S.                    Blaster
BC  Y  Bardandels                   Aero 3
8F  Y  Barette                      Strong Fight
NA  Y  Behemoth                     Fight
F7  Y  Belfegor                     Hurricane
C2  Y  Bella Donna                  WhiteWind
A5  Y  Berserker                    Strong Fight
FE  N  Big Boss                     Fight
0F  Y  Bighorn                      Strong Fight
38  Y  BioSoldier                   Bio
F4  Y  BioSoldier (ZephyrZone)      Flame
07  Y  Black Goblin                 Strong Fight
3A  Y  BlackFlame                   DrkShock
91  Y  BlandLamia                   Allure
79  Y  Blind Wolf                   Strong Fight
AA  Y  Blizzard                     Snowstorm
1A  Y  Blocks                       Flash
58  Y  Blood Slime                  Vampire
81  Y  BlueDragon                   Snowstorm
D7  Y  Bodyguard                    Reaper's Sword
71  Y  Bold Mani                    L3 Flare
36  Y  Bomb                         Exploder
64  Y  BoneDragon                   Bone
B9  Y  BoneDragon (Alcumia)         Bone
A1  Y  BoneDragon (Golem Battle)    Fight
20  N  Byblos                       Wind Slash
55  Y  Cactus                       Blowfish
14  Y  Carcurser                    Hug
C1  Y  Chamcubia                    Allure
C3  Y  Cherie                       Strong Fight
E6  Y  Chimera                      Fight
NA  Y  Claret Dragon                Flare
19  Y  Cockatrice                   Beak
5F  Y  Conago                       FrogSong
B2  Y  Coral                        Spore
DC  Y  Corvette                     Tailscrew
39  Y  Crescent                     Wind Slash
28  Y  Crew Dust                    Flash
ED  N  Crew Dust (Metamorpha)       Strong Fight
D5  Y  CrysDragon                   Explosion
6F  Y  Cure Beast                   Cure3
9D  Y  Cursed One                   Condemn
3E  Y  D.Chimera                    AquaRake
F0  Y  D.Chimera (ZephyrZone)       AquaRake
NA  Y  Dark Elemental (buckshot)    Fire3
NA  Y  Dark Elemental (ether)       Bolt3
NA  Y  Dark Elemental (hipotion)    Ice 3
7D  Y  DarkWizard                   XZone
05  Y  Dearo                        Strong Fight
C8  N  Death Claw                   Hammer
2B  Y  Defeater                     Electric Shock
8E  Y  Desertpede                   Quicksand
52  Y  Devourer                     Strong Fight
50  Y  Dilure                       Fusion
A0  Y  Dim Master                   XZone
NA  Y  Dinozombie                   Bone
BD  Y  DoomDealer                   Condemn
62  Y  Drippy                       Void
A7  Y  Druid                        Circle
NA  Y  Duelist                      Strong Fight
A3  Y  DuelKnight                   Strong Fight
1B  Y  Elf Toad                     FrogSong
EC  N  Elf Toad (Metamorpha)        Strong Fight
89  Y  Elm Gigas                    Hurricane
96  N  ExdethSoul                   Strong Fight
NA  Y  Exoray                       Fire3
51  Y  Faerie Orc                   Cure3
B5  Y  Fall Guard                   Rocket Punch
CA  Y  Farfarerro                   Psych
A2  Y  Flare                        Flare
D2  Y  Fury                         Flare
FB  Y  Gabbldegak                   Mustard Bomb
74  Y  GajraGajri                   Rainbow Wind
18  Y  Gala Cat                     Float
EA  N  Gala Cat (Metamorpha)        Strong Fight
12  N  Galura                       Remedy
2C  Y  Garkimasra                   Condemn
FA  Y  Garkimasra (ExDeath Castle)  Old
0E  Y  Gatlings                     Needle
E0  Y  Gel Fish                     X-Zone
B4  Y  Gel Water                    AquaRake
E1  Y  Giant Bird                   Breath Wing
30  Y  Gigas                        Aero 3
FC  N  Gil Turtle                   Fight
D8  N  Gilgamesh (X-Zone)           Strong Fight
98  Y  GloomWidow                   Thread
00  Y  Goblin                       Flare
67  N  Golem (1st form)             Strong Fight
E5  N  Golem (2nd form)             Strong Fight
CF  Y  Gorchimera                   Tidal Wave
24  Y  GrassTurtle                  Strong Fight
6D  Y  Gravido                      Qrter
CD  Y  Great Drgn                   Strong Fight
BA  Y  Grenade                      Exploder
86  Y  Hedgehog                     Blowfish
49  Y  Hydra                        Earth Shaker
B8  Y  Hydra (Alcumia)              Quake
48  Y  Hyudora                      Thunder
1C  Y  IceSoldier                   Ice 2
35  N  Ifrit                        Strong Fight
E8  N  Ifrit (Metamorpha)           Fight
76  Y  Imp                          Charm
F8  Y  Imp (ExDeath Castle)         Charm
A4  Y  Ion                          Earth Shaker
A8  Y  Iron Dress                   Strong Fight
C7  N  Iron Giant                   Rocket Punch
AB  Y  Isteritos                    Atomic Ray
9A  Y  Ixecrator                    L5 Doom
4E  Y  Jail Bear                    Strong Fight
C9  Y  K.Behemoth                   Giga Flare
2F  Y  Karnak                       Strong Fight
01  Y  Killer Bee                   Needle
54  Y  Kuzar                        Strong Fight
46  Y  Lamia                        Blowfish
C0  Y  Land Crawl                   Maelstrom
70  Y  Land Turtle                  Strong Fight
D0  Y  LevelCheck                   L3 Flare
63  Y  Likaon                       Strong Fight
43  Y  LonkaKnght                   Strong Fight
F3  Y  LonkaKnght (ZephyrZone)      Strong Fight
5B  Y  Lopros                       Breath Wing
4F  Y  Lunenta                      Sonic Wave
F5  Y  Lunenta (ZephyrZone)         ????
7C  Y  Magic Drgn                   Flame
0B  N  Magic Pot                    Kurururu!
69  Y  Magnetes                     Electromagnetic Field
75  Y  Mammon                       Bersk
53  Y  Mandrake                     Stomach Acid
0A  Y  ManiWizard                   Doom
NA  Y  Medusa                       Allure
B1  Y  MercuryBat                   Vampire
8C  Y  Metamorpha                   Old
D1  Y  Mind Mage                    MindBlst
NA  Y  Mini Satana                  Charm
3C  Y  MiniDragon                   Holy
73  Y  MiniMage                     Fire3
26  Y  Mithril Drgn                 Blaze
09  Y  Mold Wind                    Aero 2
5A  Y  MooglEater                   AquaRake
C5  Y  MossFungus                   X-Zone
2A  N  Motor Trap                   Strong Fight
80  Y  Motordrive                   Strong Fight
D4  Y  Mover                        Delta Attack
99  Y  Mukare                       Time Slip
CB  Y  Necromancr                   WhiteWind
68  Y  Neon                         Wall
93  Y  Nile                         Flash
CC  Y  Ninja                        Strong Fight
02  Y  Nut Eater                    Strong Fight
0D  N  Octoraken                    Strong Fight
FD  N  Omega                        Fight
C6  Y  Orcat                        Demon's Eye
9B  Y  Owazoral                     Rainbow Wind
F9  Y  Owazoral (ExDeath Castle)    Blaster
1F  N  Padosule                     Strong Fight
33  Y  Page 128                     Strong Fight
34  Y  Page 256                     Comet
31  Y  Page 32                      XZone
32  Y  Page 64                      Strong Fight
8A  Y  Pao                          Medicine
29  Y  Poltergeist                  Drain
3D  Y  Prototype                    Mega Flare
16  Y  PsychoHead                   Charm
92  Y  Pyra Layer                   AquaRake
87  Y  Python                       Entangle
42  Y  Ra Mage                      Break
8B  Y  Radiator                     Vampire
27  N  Ramuh                        Thunder
E9  N  Ramuh (Metamorpha)           Fight
82  Y  Red Dragon                   Atomic Ray
B7  Y  Red Dragon (Alcumia)         Atomic Ray
60  Y  Ridicule                     Hammer
1D  N  RikaldMage                   Strong Fight
4C  Y  Rock Brain                   DeathClaw
17  Y  RockGarter                   Mucus
D9  Y  Sahagin                      Strong Fight
41  Y  Sand Bear                    Strong Fight
56  Y  Sand Crawl                   Maelstrom
40  Y  Sand Killer                  Quicksand
3F  Y  Sand Porky                   Spore
DB  Y  Sea Avis                     Beak
E2  Y  Sea Devil                    Strong Fight
DE  Y  SeaScorpio                   Strong Fight
90  Y  Sekmet                       Strong Fight
2D  Y  Sergeant                     Escape
88  Y  Shadow                       Vampire
9C  Y  ShdwDancer                   Strong Fight
57  Y  ShieldDrgn                   Almagest
E7  N  Shiva (Metamorpha)           Fight
72  N  Shoat                        Strong Fight
25  Y  Silent Bee                   Needle
DF  Y  Silvune                      Almagest
13  Y  Skeleton                     Bolt2
5C  *  Skull Eater                  Strong Fight
84  Y  Sleepy                       Sleep
9E  Y  Slownin                      Reaper's Sword
97  Y  Slug                         Stomach Acid
2E  Y  Sorcerer                     Wall
NA  Y  Soul Eater                   Strong Fight
AC  Y  Spizner                      Wind Slash
A9  Y  Statue                       Break
04  Y  Steel Bat                    Vampire
65  Y  Sting Eagle                  Float
E3  Y  Stingray                     Tidal Wave
44  Y  StonedMask                   Wall
3B  Y  StoneGolem                   Quake
03  Y  Stray Cat                    Strong Fight
06  Y  Stroper                      Spore
0C  N  Sucker                       Strong Fight
BB  Y  SwrdDancer                   Strong Fight
4D  Y  Tarantula                    Thread
10  Y  Tatu                         Strong Fight
DA  Y  Th.Anemone                   Spore
D3  Y  Thing                        MghtyGrd
9F  Y  TinyMage                     Bolt3
B3  Y  Tonberi                      Doom
4B  Y  Torrent                      Strong Fight
F6  Y  Tote Avis                    Beak
6B  Y  Traveler                     Time Slip
85  Y  Treeman                      Strong Fight
6C  Y  Tricker                      L4 Qrter
37  Y  TwinLizard                   Strong Fight
78  Y  TwinLizard (ExDeath Castle)  Strong Fight
15  Y  UndeadRusk                   Break
AD  Y  Unknown (Blob)               Strong Fight
B0  Y  Unknown (Skeleton)           Condemn
AF  Y  Unknown (Spore, 1st form)    Mucus
8D  Y  Unknown (Spore, 2nd form)    Fight
AE  Y  Unknown (Worm)               Stomach Acid
6A  Y  Wall Knight                  ????
7B  Y  Wall Mage                    Bolt3
4A  Y  Water Buzz                   Fusion
5E  Y  Weresnake                    Entangle
45  Y  Whirl Demon                  Snowstorm
EE  N  Whirl Demon (Metamorpha)     Strong Fight
C4  Y  White Flame                  WhiteWind
08  Y  White Snake                  Entangle
23  Y  Wild Nack                    Strong Fight
77  Y  Wyrm                         Breath Wing
1E  N  Wyvern                       Strong Fight
EB  N  Wyvern (Metamorpha)          Strong Fight
83  Y  Yellow Drgn                  Thunder
95  Y  ZephyrZone                   XZone
6E  Y  Ziggurat                     Hurricane
F2  Y  Ziggurat (ZephyrZone)        Aero 3
66  Y  ZombieDrgn                   Poison Breath
A6  Y  ZombieDrgn (Golem Battle)    Earth Shaker
EF  N  ZombieDrgn (Metamorpha)      Strong Fight
22  Y  Zuu                          Breath Wing

* Before you can catch an enemy, you have to lower its HP.  Skull Eater only
has 1 HP, so you can't catch it normally, since it's either at full HP or dead.
But if its HP could be lowered without killing it, you would be able to catch
it.  Using savestate hacking to give it the Zombie status is one way to do that.

                             SECTION 34 - CONDEMN

I don't have descriptions for the Condemn ability yet, since this game is so
new.  Check some other guide for that.  This section is really just here as a

                             SECTION 35 - PREDICT

I don't have descriptions for the Predict ability yet, since this game is so
new.  Check some other guide for that.  This section is really just here as a

                            SECTION 36 - EXPLOSIVES

I don't have descriptions for the Explosives yet, since this game is so new.
Check some other guide for that.  This section is really just here as a

                            SECTION 37 - DARK ARTS

This section describes the magic used with the Necromancer's !Dark Arts
ability.  In order to learn each Dark Arts spell, you have to find and kill a
particular enemy, and have one of your characters deliver the final blow while
they have the Necromancer job.  Dark Arts spells can not be reflected by Walls.

Some Dark Arts spells can be used on one enemy or all enemies.  Their effect
will be stronger if you just use them on one enemy.

(The spell is listed first, then that spell's level, then the MP, then the
monster you have to kill to get the spell and its location)

Drain Touch  1  15  Mindflayer (Cloister of the Dead)
Dark Haze    1  18  Lemure (Phoenix Tower)
Deep Freeze  2  38  Assassin (Bonus dungeon)
Evil Mist    2  38  Zombie Dragon (Drakenvale)
Meltdown     3  38  Liquid Flame (Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower)
Hellwind     3  38  Objet d'Art (Castle Bal Basement)
Chaos Drive  4  38  Mini Satana (Bonus dungeon)
Curse        4  42  Ironclad (Bonus dungeon)
Dark Flare   5  52  Tonberry (Istory Falls)
Doomsday     5  66  Hades (Bonus dungeon)

I don't have descriptions for the effects of the Dark Arts spells yet, since
this game is so new.  Check some other guide for that.

                              SECTION 38 - DEMONS

I don't have descriptions for the Demons yet, since this game is so new.  Check
some other guide for that.  This section is really just here as a placeholder.

                           SECTION 39 - ENEMY MAGIC

(The spell is listed first, then the MP, then whether or not it can be
reflected by walls, then the effect.  The locations are listed separately

Kurururu!            5  N  Changes one or all allies or enemies from a human to
                           a frog, or from a frog to a human.
Level Down           0  N  ?
Escape               0  N  Runs away.
Stalker Attack       0  N  This spell is used by the monsters Pantera and
                           Stalker, who each have multiple decoys.  When they
                           use this spell the real enemy will change places
                           with one of the decoys.
Byblos Attack        0  N  ?
No Clue              0  N  Kills the caster.
Grand Cross          0  N  Gives all enemies a random status ailment or
                           decreases their HP below 10.
Delta Attack        30  Y  Damages one or all enemies.  Does more damage when
                           the caster is at high levels.  Sometimes gives the
                           target the stone status effect.
Interceptor Rocket   0  N  Causes one or more enemies to stop jumping, if they
                           were using the Dragoon's !Jump ability.
Barrier Change       0  N  The monster Merugene casts this spell before she
                           switches to another one of her forms with different
                           weaknesses.  The spell doesn't actually do anything,
                           but the spell's label serves as a label for her
                           switching forms.
Nothing              0  N  Do nothing for a turn.
Wind Slash           0  N  Medium Wind damage to all enemies.
No-Damage Magic      0  N  During a few fights the monsters interact with each
                           other or with themselves (for example, when the
                           Sergeant commands the Karnaks to attack).  This is
                           the spell that one monster uses to trigger a
                           reaction in another monster.
Targeting            0  Y  This spell doesn't do any damage on its own, but it
                           indicates what the target of the caster's next
                           attack will be.
Gravity 100         10  Y  Removes float status of all enemies.
Darkness             0  N  Kills the caster.
Reaper's Sword       0  N  Does medium damage to one enemy and kills it.
                           Doesn't always work.
Punishment           0  N  Kills one or all allies.
Blaster             10  Y  Sometimes kills one enemy.  Sometimes gives one
                           enemy the paralyzed status effect.
Beak                 0  N  Gives one enemy the stone status effect.  Doesn't
                           always work.
Hug                  0  N  Restores one enemy to full HP and gives it the stone
                           status effect.  Doesn't always work.
Spore                0  N  Gives one or all enemies the poison status effect.
                           Doesn't always work.
Poison Breath        0  N  Does Poison damage to all enemies.  Does more damage
                           when the caster is at high levels.  Sometimes gives
                           the target the poison status effect.
Dance of the Dead    0  N  Reduces one enemy's HP to 0 and gives it the zombie
                           status effect.
Zombie Powder        0  N  Reduces one enemy's HP to 0 and gives it the zombie
                           status effect.
Zombie Breath        0  N  Damages all enemies.  The amount of damage it does
                           varies dramatically.  Gives the zombie status effect
                           to anyone who dies from the attack.
Spirit               0  N  Revives one dead enemy with 1/8 their maximum HP,
                           but gives them the Zombie status effect half the
Allure               0  N  Gives one or all enemies the charm status effect.
                           Doesn't always work.
Entangle             0  N  Gives one enemy the paralyzed status effect.
                           Doesn't always work.
Rainbow Wind         0  N  Gives one or all enemies the darkness and mute
                           status effects and causes them to constantly lose
Strange Dance        0  N  Gives one enemy the sleep status effect.  Doesn't
                           always work.
Electromagn Field    0  Y  Gives one or all enemies the stop status effect.
                           Doesn't always work.
White Hole          99  N  Kills one enemy and gives it the stone status
                           effect.  Doesn't always work.
Needle               0  N  Sometimes gives one enemy the darkness status
                           effect.  Sometimes gives one enemy the mute status
Maelstrom            0  N  Decreases all enemies' HP below 10.  Doesn't always
Bone                 0  N  Decreases one enemy's HP below 10.  Doesn't always
Tailscrew            0  N  Decreases one enemy's HP below 10.  Doesn't always
Stomach Acid         0  N  Does weak damage to one enemy and causes it to
                           constantly lose HP.
Rocket Punch         0  N  Damages one enemy in the amount of half its current
                           HP and gives them the charm status effect.  Doesn't
                           always work.
Mustard Bomb         0  N  Does medium damage to one enemy and causes it to
                           constantly lose HP.
Almagest            50  N  Does strong Holy damage to all enemies and causes
                           them to constantly lose HP.
Quicksand            0  N  Weak Earth damage to all enemies and causes them to
                           constantly lose HP.
Atomic Ray           0  Y  Medium Fire damage to all enemies.
Mini Blaze           0  Y  Weak Ice damage to all enemies.
Snowstorm            0  N  Strong Ice damage to all enemies.
Blaze                0  N  Does medium Ice damage to all enemies and causes
                           them to constantly lose HP.
Electric Shock       0  Y  Weak Thunder damage to one enemy.
Earth Shaker         0  N  Strong Earth damage to all enemies.  Doesn't work on
                           enemies who have the float status effect.
True Edge            0  N  Damages all enemies.  The amount of damage it does
                           varies dramatically.
Tidal Wave           0  N  Strong Water damage to all enemies.
Mega Flare           0  Y  Strong damage to all enemies.
Sonic Wave           0  N  Cuts one or all enemies' level in half.  Doesn't
                           always work.
Thread               0  N  Gives one or all enemies the slow status effect.
                           Doesn't always work.
Mucus                0  N  Gives one or all enemies the slow status effect and
                           causes them to constantly lose HP.  Doesn't always
Quake                0  N  Strong Earth damage to all enemies.  Doesn't work on
                           enemies who have the float status effect.
Strong Fight         0  N  Damages one enemy.
Medicine             0  N  Cures one or all allies of the status ailments
                           Darkness, Poison, Mini, Frog, Mute, Charm, Paralyze,
                           Sleep, Aging, and Berserk.
Image                0  N  Nullifies the next two physical attacks on one ally.
Breath Wing          0  N  Does Wind damage to all enemies in the amount of one
                           fourth of their maximum HP.
Flame                0  N  Does Fire damage to all enemies in the amount of one
                           fourth of their maximum HP.
Thunder              0  N  Does Thunder damage to all enemies in the amount of
                           one fourth of their maximum HP.
Surge Beam           0  N  Damages all enemies in the amount of half of their
                           maximum HP and causes them to constantly lose HP.
Fight                0  N  Damages one enemy.
Remedy               0  N  Restore the target to full HP if you cast it on just
                           one ally.  Restores a large amount of HP if you cast
                           it on multiple allies.
Valiant Attack       0  N  Damages one enemy in the amount of half its current
                           HP and gives them the aging status effect.  Doesn't
                           always work.
Giga Flare           0  N  Very strong damage to all enemies.
Circle               5  N  Removes one enemy from battle.  Doesn't always work.
Wormhole             0  N  Removes one enemy from battle.
Possess              0  N  Removes one enemy from battle.  Doesn't always work.
Dynamo               0  N  Change row of all enemies.  Doesn't always work.
Magnet               0  N  Move one enemy in the back row to the front row.
                           Doesn't always work.
Reverse Polarity     0  N  Reverses the image of the caster.  This has no
                           practical effect, but monsters sometimes use it when
                           they interact with other monsters behind them.
Jump                 0  N  Jumping attack against one enemy.  For one turn
                           while the caster is in the air, the enemy can't
                           attack them.
X-Zone               0  N  Kills the caster.
Hurricane            0  N  Decreases one enemy's HP below 10.  Doesn't always
Demon's Eye          0  N  Gives one enemy the stone status effect.  Doesn't
                           always work.
Pull                 0  N  Moves one enemy closer to the caster.  The monster
                           Atmos only uses the Wormhole spell when your party
                           members are close to him, and he uses this to get
                           them close to him.
Terminate            0  N  Ends the fight.

                             SECTION 40 - MONSTERS

For information on enemy magic, catching monsters, monsters locations, and
monsters from whom you can learn Blue Magic, see the Enemy Magic, Catches,
Monsters Locations, and Blue Magic sections of this guide.  But if you want
additional information on monsters, I recommend the monsters list in J.L.
Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ.  It can be
found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at
The Can't Evade field for each monster refers to the attack category of the
weapon you use.  See that guide's weapons section for information on each
weapon's attack category.  Its separate Monster Formations section also has
additional information, including how much ABP you get from each fight, whether
you can run from each fight, and whether void or analyze work in each fight.
Although J.L. Tseng's guide doesn't have information on the monsters that are
new in the Gameboy Advance version's Bonus Dungeon.

My guide uses the names for equipment and items that are used in the game's
menus.  But J.L. Tseng's FAQ uses different names for some things.  For
example, I refer to a staff that is called Judgment, but J.L. Tseng's FAQ
refers to the same weapon as the Staff of Judgement.  So if you search J.L.
Tseng's FAQ for all references to something, make sure you're using the name
that it uses.  My guide refers to some monstes as being beast-type.  J.L.
Tseng's FAQ refers to those monsters as having a Creature Type of Creature.
And my guide says that most bosses are immune to some types of attacks.  J.L.
Tseng's FAQ refers to those monsters as having a Creature Type of Heavy.


Note that some monsters can be found on some floors on a dungeon, but not other
floors.  So don't spend too much time looking for a monster on a floor where it
can't be found.

If you're playing the Playstation or Gameboy Advance versions of Final Fantasy
5, see the Location Translations and Monster Translations sections for
translations of the information in this section.

MONSTERS (excluding bosses, which are listed below)
Abductor (ExDeath Castle)   Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Achelone                    Cave of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Acrophese                   Underground River
AdamaGolem                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Aegil                       World Map on the plains near Karnak and the Ancient
                            Library in world 1 or on the eastern part of the
                            plains that are south of the bridge that is west of
                            Tycoon in world 3
Alcumia (BoneDragon)        Dummy enemy?
Alcumia (Hydra)             Istory Falls
Alcumia (Red Dragon)        Istory Falls
Ammona                      World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in world 3
                            and Desert of the Cleft of Dimension
Andagranda                  Cave between Castle Bal and Exdeath's Castle in
                            world 2
Anku Heggu                  World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in world 3
                            and Desert of the Cleft of Dimension
Aquathone                   World map near Castle Bal in world 2
Arage                       Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle and the Castle of the
                            Cleft of Dimension
Archaesaur                  Inside treasure chests in the Pyramid and randomly
                            encountered in the Bonus Dungeon
ArchaeToad                  Lonka Ruins and Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
Armon                       Sea in southwest corner of the world in world 3 or
                            south of Mirage in world 3
Assassin                    Bonus dungeon
AvisDragon                  Towers of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
BandelKuar                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it and
                            sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in the
Bander S.                   World Map on the land surrounding the entrance to
                            the Torna Canal in world 1 or near Tycoon in world
                            3 and in the Fork Tower in world 3
Bardandels                  Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
Barette                     World map near Pyramid in world 3
Behemoth                    Bonus dungeon
Belfegor                    Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and the
                            Bonus Dungeon
Bella Donna                 Phoenix Tower
Berserker                   Fork Tower
Big Boss                    Dummy enemy
Bighorn                     World Map near Carwen in world 1 or near Tycoon in
                            world 3
BioSoldier                  World map near Crescent in world 1
Black Goblin                Wind Shrine
BlackFlame                  World map near Crescent in world 1 and Sunken Worus
                            Tower in world 3
BlandLamia                  Pyramid, Sunken Worus Tower, and the Bonus Dungeon
Blind Wolf                  Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle and the Castle of the
                            Cleft of Dimension
Blizzard                    World map near Rugor in world 3
Blocks                      North Mountain
Blood Slime                 Underground River and Sunken Worus Tower
BlueDragon                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it, the
                            Castle of the Cleft of Dimension, and the Bonus
Bodyguard                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Bold Mani                   World map near northwest lake in world 2
Bomb                        World map near Jacole in world 1 and Sunken Worus
                            Tower in world 3
BoneDragon                  Hiryuu Valley
Cactus                      World map in desert near Moogle Village in world 2
Carcurser                   Ship Graveyard
Chamcubia                   Phoenix Tower
Cherie                      Phoenix Tower
Chimera                     Dummy enemy
Claret Dragon               Bonus dungeon
Cockatrice                  North Mountain
Conago                      World map near Castle Bal in world 2 and near
                            Jacole in world 3
Coral                       Istory Falls
Corvette                    Sea south of Guido's Cave in world 3
Crescent                    World map near Crescent in world 1
Crew Dust                   Steamship and Sunken Worus Tower
CrysDragon                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and the
                            Bonus Dungeon
Cure Beast                  World map near northwest lake in world 2
Cursed One                  Inside treasure chests in the Pyramid and randomly
                            encountered in the Solitary Island Temple
D.Chimera                   World Map in desert south of Karnak in world 1 and
                            Sunken Worus Tower and Desert of the Cleft of
                            Dimension in world 3
Dark Elemental (type 1)     Bonus dungeon
Dark Elemental (type 2)     Bonus dungeon
Dark Elemental (type 3)     Bonus dungeon
DarkWizard                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it and
                            sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in the
Dearo                       Pirates' Cave
Death Claw                  Castle of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Defeater                    Steamship
Desertpede                  World map near Pyramid in world 3
Devourer                    World map near Rugor in world 2
Dilure                      World map near Rugor in world 2 and Sunken Worus
                            Tower in world 3
Dim Master                  Fork Tower and the Bonus Dungeon
Dinozombie                  Bonus dungeon
DoomDealer                  Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
Drippy                      Hiryuu Valley, Sunken Worus Tower, and Cave of the
                            Cleft of Dimension
Druid                       Cave to northwest lake in world 2 and Cave to
                            Istory Falls in world 3
Duelist                     Bonus dungeon
DuelKnight                  Fork Tower
Elf Toad                    Worus Castle Behind Waterfall, Worus Tower, and
                            Sunken Worus Tower
Elm Gigas                   World map near Surgate in world 3
ExdethSoul                  Kuzar
Exoray                      Bonus dungeon
Faerie Orc                  World map near Rugor in world 2
Fall Guard                  Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in the
                            Pyramid and randomly encountered in Istory Falls
Farfarerro                  Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
Flare                       Fork Tower and the Bonus Dungeon
Fury                        Castle of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
GajraGajri                  Great Forest of Mua and the Castle of the Cleft of
Gala Cat                    North Mountain
Galura                      World Map on the plains west of Carwen in world 1,
                            near Worus Tower in world 1, or on the eastern part
                            of the second forest south of the bridge that is
                            west of Tycoon in world 3
Garkimasra                  Worus Castle Basement and Sunken Worus Tower
Garkimasra (ExDeath Castle) Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Gatlings                    World Map near Carwen in world 1 or near Tycoon in
                            world 3
Gel Fish                    Sea in southwest corner of the world in world 3
Gel Water                   Istory Falls
Giant Bird                  Sea west of Crescent in world 3 or the Bonus
Gil Turtle                  Cave between Castle Bal and Exdeath's Castle in
                            world 2.  At the end of the hidden path that
                            branches off to the south (it's just after the
                            first set of stairs).  Or in the Bonus Dungeon.
GloomWidow                  World map near Castle Bal in world 3
Goblin                      Inside a treasure chest in Tule and randomly
                            encountered on the World Map near Pirates' Cave in
                            world 1 or on the plains south of the Pirates' Cave
                            in world 3, in the Fork Tower in world 3, and in
                            the Sunken Worus Tower in world 3
Gorchimera                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and the
                            Bonus Dungeon
GrassTurtle                 World Map on the plains near Karnak and the Ancient
                            Library in world 1 or on the eastern part of the
                            plains that are south of the bridge that is west of
                            Tycoon in world 3 or in the eastern part of the
                            forest north of the Pirates' Cave in world 3
Gravido                     Barrier Tower
Great Drgn                  Cave of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Grenade                     Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Hades                       Bonus dungeon
Hedgehog                    World map in the forests on the small islands in
                            the southeast in world 2 or near Surgate in world 3
Hydra                       Lonka Ruins and Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
Hyudora                     Lonka Ruins
IceSoldier                  Worus Castle Behind Waterfall and Worus Tower
Imp                         Great Forest of Mua
Imp (ExDeath Castle)        Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Ion                         Fork Tower
Iron Dress                  Cave to northwest lake in world 2 and Cave to
                            Istory Falls in world 3
Iron Giant                  Castle of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Ironclad                    Bonus dungeon
Isteritos                   World map near Rugor in world 3
Ixecrator                   Solitary Island Temple
Jail Bear                   Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms it
K.Behemoth                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and the
                            Bonus Dungeon
Karnak                      Karnak Castle
Killer Bee                  World Map near Pirates' Cave in world 1 or on the
                            plains south of the Pirates' Cave in world 3
Kuzar                       World map near Kuzar in world 2
Lamia                       Lonka Ruins and Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
Land Crawl                  World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in world 3
                            and Desert of the Cleft of Dimension
Land Turtle                 World map near northwest lake in world 2
LevelCheck                  Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension, Sunken Worus
                            Tower, and Bonus Dungeon
Likaon                      Hiryuu Valley, and if you've beaten Golem then
                            Likaon will also be in the Cave of the Cleft of
LonkaKnght                  Lonka Ruins and Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
Lopros                      Underground River
Lunenta                     World map near Rugor in world 2
Magic Drgn                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it, Sunken
                            Worus Tower, and the Castle of the Cleft of
Magnetes                    Barrier Tower
Mammon                      Great Forest of Mua and the Castle of the Cleft of
Mandrake                    World map near Rugor in world 2
ManiWizard                  Wind Shrine and Fork Tower
Medusa                      Bonus dungeon
MercuryBat                  Istory Falls
Metamorpha [Ifrit, Wyvern, Whirl Demon]     Guido's Cave
Metamorpha [Ramuh, Crew Dust, ZombieDrgn]   Guido's Cave and Cave of the Cleft
                                            of Dimension
Metamorpha [Shiva, Gala Cat, Elf Toad]      Guido's Cave
Metamorpha [Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh]            Guido's Cave
Mind Mage                   Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and the
                            Bonus Dungeon
Mini Satana                 Bonus dungeon
MiniDragon                  World map in the forests near Istory in world 1
MiniMage                    Great Forest of Mua, Sunken Worus Tower, and the
                            Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
Mithril Drgn                World Map in the forests near the Ancient Library
                            in world 1 or in the eastern part of the forest
                            north of the Pirates' Cave in world 3, and if
                            you've beaten Ramuh then Mithril Drgn will also be
                            on the world map in the forests near Istory in
                            world 1 and in the Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
                            in world 3
Mold Wind                   Wind Shrine and Sunken Worus Tower
MooglEater                  Underground River
MossFungus                  Forest of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Motor Trap                  They appear in the Steamship after you win a fight
                            in which the enemy Defeater is the last enemy you
Motordrive                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Mover                       Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and the
                            Bonus Dungeon
Mukare                      World map near Castle Bal in world 3
Necromancr                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and the
                            Bonus Dungeon
NeoGoblin                   Dummy enemy
Neon                        Barrier Tower
Nile                        Pyramid
Ninja                       Towers of the Cleft of Dimension and the Castle of
                            the Cleft of Dimension
Nut Eater                   World Map near Wind Shrine in world 1, in the
                            Jacole Cave, in the forest south of the Pirates'
                            Cave in world 3, and in the Bonus Dungeon
Octoraken                   Torna Canal
Orcat                       Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
Owazoral                    Solitary Island Temple
Owazoral (ExDeath Castle)   Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Padosule                    Worus Tower
Page 128                    Ancient Library
Page 256                    Ancient Library
Page 32                     Ancient Library
Page 64                     Ancient Library
Pao                         World map at beginning of world 2
Poltergeist                 Steamship
Prototype                   World map two islands southwest of Crescent in
                            world 1, Sunken Worus Tower in world 3, and
                            sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in the
                            Solitary Island Temple in world 3
PsychoHead                  Ship Graveyard
Pyra Layer                  Pyramid
Python                      World map near Surgate in world 3
Ra Mage                     Lonka Ruins
Radiator                    Guido's Cave
Red Dragon                  Sometimes inside treasure chests in the Barrier
                            Tower and randomly encountered in Exdeath's Castle
                            after Kelgar transforms it, the Castle of the Cleft
                            of Dimension, and the Bonus Dungeon
Ridicule                    World map near Castle Bal in world 2 and near
                            Jacole in world 3
RikaldMage                  Worus Tower in world 1 and Fork Tower in world 3
Rock Brain                  World map on the plains near Exdeath's Castle in
                            world 2
RockGarter                  North Mountain
Sahagin                     World map in oceans in world 1 and the northern
                            part of the sea that is southwest of Carwen in
                            world 3
Sand Bear                   Quicksand Desert in world 1 and in the desert south
                            of the Pirates' Cave in world 3
Sand Crawl                  World map in desert near Moogle Village in world 2
Sand Killer                 Quicksand Desert in world 1 and in the desert south
                            of the Pirates' Cave in world 3
Sand Porky                  Quicksand Desert in world 1 and in the desert south
                            of the Pirates' Cave in world 3
Sea Avis                    World map in oceans in world 1 and the northern
                            part of the sea that is southwest of Carwen in
                            world 3
Sea Devil                   Sea west of Crescent in world 3 and in the Bonus
SeaScorpio                  Sea south of Guido's Cave in world 3
Sergeant                    Karnak Castle
Shadow                      World map in the forests on the small islands in
                            the southeast in world 2 or near Surgate in world 3
ShdwDancer                  Solitary Island Temple
ShieldDrgn                  Kuzar and the Bonus Dungeon
Silent Bee                  World Map near the Ancient Library in world 1 or in
                            the eastern part of the forest north of the
                            Pirates' Cave in world 3
Silvune                     Sea in southwest corner of the world in world 3 and
                            in the Bonus Dungeon
Skeleton                    Ship Graveyard
Skull Eater                 Jacole Cave and the Bonus Dungeon
Sleepy                      World map in the forests on the small islands in
                            the southeast in world 2 or near Surgate in world 3
Slownin                     Solitary Island Temple
Slug                        World map near Castle Bal in world 3
Soul Eater                  Bonus dungeon
Spizner                     World map near Rugor in world 3
Statue                      Castle Bal Basement and inside one of the treasure
                            chests in the Pyramid
Steel Bat                   Pirates' Cave
Sting Eagle                 Hiryuu Valley and Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
Stingray                    The northern part of the sea that is southwest of
                            Carwen in world 3 or in the Bonus Dungeon
StonedMask                  Lonka Ruins and Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
StoneGolem                  World map near Istory in world 1
Stray Cat                   World Map near Wind Shrine in world 1 or in the
                            forest south of the Pirates' Cave in world 3
Stroper                     Pirates' Cave
Sucker                      Torna Canal
SwrdDancer                  Castle of the Cleft of Dimension and the Bonus
Tarantula                   Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms it
Tatu                        World Map near Carwen in world 1 or near Tycoon in
                            world 3
Th.Anemone                  World map in oceans in world 1 and the northern
                            part of the sea that is southwest of Carwen in
                            world 3
Thing                       Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension and in
                            the Bonus Dungeon
TinyMage                    Fork Tower
Tonberi                     Istory Falls
Torrent                     World map on the plains and in the forests near
                            Exdeath's Castle in world 2 and Sunken Worus Tower
                            in world 3
Tote Avis                   Solitary Island Temple
Traveler                    Barrier Tower and Sunken Worus Tower
Treeman                     World map in the forests on the small islands in
                            the southeast in world 2 or near Surgate in world 3
Tricker                     Barrier Tower
TwinLizard                  World map near Crescent in world 1
TwinLizard (ExDeath Castle) Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
UndeadRusk                  Ship Graveyard
Unknown (Blob)              Great Trench
Unknown (Skeleton)          Great Trench
Unknown (Spore, 1st form)   Great Trench
Unknown (Spore, 2nd form)   Great Trench
Unknown (Worm)              Great Trench
Wall Knight                 Barrier Tower
Wall Mage                   Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
Water Buzz                  World map on the marshes and plains near Exdeath's
                            Castle in world 2
Weresnake                   World map near Castle Bal in world 2 and near
                            Jacole in world 3
Whirl Demon                 Lonka Ruins, Sunken Worus Tower, and Ruins of the
                            Cleft of Dimension
White Flame                 Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
White Snake                 Wind Shrine
Wild Nack                   World Map in the forests near Karnak in world 1, on
                            the plains south of the eastern part of the big
                            bridge (the small area between the sea and the
                            mountains) in World 3, or in the Sunken Worus Tower
                            in world 3
Wyrm                        Great Forest of Mua
Wyvern                      Worus Tower
Yellow Drgn                 Sometimes inside treasure chests in the Barrier
                            Tower and randomly encountered in Exdeath's Castle
                            after Kelgar transforms it, the Castle of the Cleft
                            of Dimension, and the Bonus Dungeon
ZephyrZone [AdamaGolem, BioSoldier]   Pyramid
ZephyrZone [D.Chimera, LonkaKnght]    Pyramid
ZephyrZone [Ziggurat, Lunenta]        Pyramid
Ziggurat                    Barrier Tower
ZombieDrgn                  Hiryuu Valley and Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
Zuu                         World Map on the plains near Karnak and the Ancient
                            Library in world 1 or on the eastern part of the
                            plains that are south of the bridge that is west of
                            Tycoon in world 3

????                        Hiryuu Valley
Abductor (Bal Castle)       Castle Bal
Abductor (Butz Solo Battle) Solitary Island at beginning of world 2
AdamanTiMi                  Meteor at Tycoon
Alte Roite                  Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
Antlion                     Cave near Tule in world 3
Apanda                      Library of the Cleft of Dimension
Apocalypse                  Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
ArchaeAvis                  Lonka Ruins
Archeodemon                 Bonus dungeon
Aspis                       Pyramid
Atmos                       Barrier Tower
Bahamut                     North Mountain in world 3
BandelKuar (Phoenix Tower)  Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
Barrier                     Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
BoneDragon (Golem Battle)   Hiryuu Valley and Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
Byblos                      Ancient Library
Calotisteri                 Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
Carbunkle                   Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Catastroph                  Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
Chim.Brain                  Meteor at the Ruins
Commander                   Worus Castle Behind Waterfall
Crayclaw                    Ruined City
Enkidou                     Zeza's Ship
Enuo                        Bonus dungeon
Exdeath (Exdeath Castle)    Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Exdeath (Final)             Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
Exdeath (Galuf Solo Battle) Great Forest of Mua
Fishman                     Big Bridge
Flamegun                    Lonka Ruins
FlyingKillr                 Big Bridge
Forza                       North Mountain
Gabbldegak                  Zeza's Ship
Galura (Worus Tower)        Worus Tower
Gargoyle                    Pyramid, Solitary Island Temple, Great Trench, and
                            Istory Falls
Gigas                       Inside treasure chests in Karnak Castle
Gilgamesh (Bridge)          Big Bridge
Gilgamesh (Dungeon)         Boss in Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms
Gilgamesh (ExDeath Castle)  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Gilgamesh (Morphed)         Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
Gilgamesh (Necrofobia)      Appears during the fight with Necrofobia in the
                            Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
Gilgamesh (Ship)            Zeza's Ship
Gilgamesh (X-Zone)          Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
Goblin (Butz Solo Battles)  At and after the Meteor at Tycoon
Gogo                        Sunken Worus Tower
Golem                       Hiryuu Valley and Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
Grand Aevis                 Bonus dungeon
GrandMummy                  Pyramid
Guardian                    Bonus dungeon
Halicarnaso                 Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
HiryuuFlowr                 Hiryuu Valley
HiryuuPlant                 Hiryuu Valley
Hole                        Quicksand Desert
Ifrit                       Ancient Library
Invisible                   Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in the
                            Solitary Island Temple
Iron Claw                   Karnak Castle
Jura Avis                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
Karlabos                    Torna Canal
Karnak (Iron Claw Battle)   Karnak Castle
Kuzar (Phoenix Tower)       Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
Launcher                    Lonka Ruins
Launcher (Bonus dungeon)    Bonus dungeon
Leviathan                   Istory Falls
Lil'Chariot                 Big Bridge
LiquiFlame                  Steamship
LiquiFlame (Phoenix Tower)  Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
MachinHead                  Pyramid, sometimes inside one of the treasure
                            chests in the Solitary Island Temple, and the Bonus
Magic Pot                   Inside a pot in the Phoenix Tower
Magisa                      North Mountain
Merugene                    Elder Tree after the Pyramid
Minotauros                  Fork Tower
Mummy                       Pyramid
Necrofobia                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
Neo Shinryu                 Bonus dungeon
NeoExdeath                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
NeoGalura                   Big Bridge
Neregeid                    Great Trench
Odin                        Castle Bal basement in world 3
Omega                       Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
Omega Mk.II                 Bonus dungeon
Omniscient                  Fork Tower
Pantera                     Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in the
                            Solitary Island Temple
Phobos                      Great Trench
Puroboros                   Meteor at Worus
Ramuh                       World map in the forests near Istory in world 1 and
                            the Castle of the Cleft of Dimension in world 3
Rocket                      Lonka Ruins
Sandworm                    Quicksand Desert
Seal Guardian               Great Forest of Mua
Sekmet                      Pyramid
Sergeant (Iron Claw Battle) Karnak Castle
Shinryuu                    Inside a treasure chest in the Void at the end of
                            the Cleft of Dimension
Shiva                       Worus Castle Behind Waterfall
Shoat                       World map near northwest lake in world 2
Siren                       Ship Graveyard
Sol Cannon                  Lonka Ruins
Sol Cannon (Phoenix Tower)  Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
Sorcerer                    Inside treasure chests in Karnak Castle
Stalker                     Solitary Island Temple
Titan                       Meteor at Karnak
Triton                      Great Trench
Twin Tania                  Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
Tyrasaurus                  Underground River
Wave Cannon                 Bonus dungeon
WingRaptor                  Wind Shrine
ZombieDrgn (Golem Battle)   Hiryuu Valley and Cave of the Cleft of Dimension


This list uses the monster names from the GBA translation, since I think people
playing the GBA game and trying to complete the beastiary are the most likely
to want to use this section.  But it still uses the locations names from the
SNES translation, because I don't want to take the time to translate them.  See
the Location Translations and Monster Translations sections for translations of
the information in this section.

Each monster's number in the GBA version's beastiary is also listed.  Note that
to avoid spoilers, this list only has the first location of each monster.  For
all locations, see the list that's in alphabetical order.

xxx Goblin (Butz Solo Battles)   At the Meteor at Tycoon
002 Steel Bat                    Pirates' Cave
003 Devil Crab                   Pirates' Cave
004 Stroper                      Pirates' Cave
001 Goblin                       Randomly encountered on the World Map near
                                 Pirates' Cave in world 1
005 Killer Bee                   World Map near Pirates' Cave in world 1
006 Nutkin                       World Map near Wind Shrine in world 1
007 Stray Cat                    World Map near Wind Shrine in world 1
008 Black Goblin                 Wind Shrine
009 White Serpent                Wind Shrine
010 Moldwynd                     Wind Shrine
011 Mani Wizard                  Wind Shrine
243 Wing Raptor                  Boss in the Wind Shrine
019 Bandersnatch                 World Map on the land surrounding the entrance
                                 to the Torna Canal in world 1
191 Sucker                       Torna Canal
192 Octokraken                   Torna Canal
244 Karlabos                     Boss of Torna Canal
012 Skeleton                     Ship Graveyard
013 Calcruthl                    Ship Graveyard
014 Undead Husk                  Ship Graveyard
015 Mindflusher                  Ship Graveyard
245 Siren                        Boss of Ship Graveyard
016 Gatling                      World Map near Carwen in world 1
017 Big Horn                     World Map near Carwen in world 1
018 Tatou                        World Map near Carwen in world 1
020 Garula                       World Map on the plains west of Carwen in
                                 world 1
021 Rock Slug                    North Mountain
022 Gaelicat                     North Mountain
023 Cockatrice                   North Mountain
024 Headstone                    North Mountain
247 Forza                        Boss of North Mountain
246 Magissa                      Boss of North Mountain
030 Jackanapes                   Worus Castle Basement
025 Elf Toad                     Worus Castle Behind Waterfall
026 Ice Soldier                  Worus Castle Behind Waterfall
248 Ice Commander                Boss in Worus Castle Behind Waterfall
249 Shiva                        Boss in Worus Castle Behind Waterfall
027 Ricard Mage                  Worus Tower in world 1
028 Wyvern                       Worus Tower
029 Pas de Seul                  Worus Tower
250 Garula (Walse Tower)         Boss of Worus Tower
031 Aegir                        World Map on the plains near Karnak and the
                                 Ancient Library in world 1
032 Zu                           World Map on the plains near Karnak and the
                                 Ancient Library in world 1
034 Grass Tortoise               World Map on the plains near Karnak and the
                                 Ancient Library in world 1
033 Wild Nakk                    World Map in the forests near Karnak in world
037 Crew Dust                    Steamship
038 Poltergeist                  Steamship
039 Defeater                     Steamship
040 Motor Trap                   They appear in the Steamship after you win a
                                 fight in which the enemy Defeater is the last
                                 enemy you kill
251 Liquid Flame                 Boss of Steamship
041 Sergeant                     Karnak Castle
043 Cur Nakk                     Karnak Castle
042 Sorcerer                     Inside treasure chests in Karnak Castle
044 Gigas                        Inside treasure chests in Karnak Castle
252 Iron Claw                    Boss of Karnak Castle
xxx Sergeant (Iron Claw Battle)  Boss of Karnak Castle
xxx Cur Nakk (Iron Claw Battle)  Boss of Karnak Castle
058 Dhorme Chimera               World Map in desert south of Karnak in world 1
035 Silent Bee                   World Map near the Ancient Library in world 1
036 Mythril Dragon               World Map in the forests near the Ancient
                                 Library in world 1
045 Page 32                      Ancient Library
046 Page 64                      Ancient Library
047 Page 128                     Ancient Library
048 Page 256                     Ancient Library
253 Ifrit                        Boss halfway through Ancient Library
254 Byblos                       Boss of Ancient Library
193 Sahagin                      World map in oceans in world 1
194 Thunder Anemone              World map in oceans in world 1
195 Sea Ibis                     World map in oceans in world 1
050 Doublizard                   World map near Crescent in world 1
051 Bio Soldier                  World map near Crescent in world 1
052 Harvester                    World map near Crescent in world 1
053 Black Flame                  World map near Crescent in world 1
049 Bomb                         World map near Jacole in world 1
057 Skull Eater                  Jacole Cave
054 Stone Golem                  World map near Istory in world 1
055 Mini Dragon                  World map in the forests near Istory in world
255 Ramuh                        World map in the forests near Istory in world
056 Prototype                    World map two islands southwest of Crescent in
                                 world 1
256 Sandworm                     Boss in Quicksand Desert
xxx Hole                         Boss in Quicksand Desert
059 Sandboil                     Quicksand Desert in world 1
060 Desert Killer                Quicksand Desert in world 1
061 Sand Bear                    Quicksand Desert in world 1
257 Cray Claw                    Boss of the Ruined City
258 Adamantoise                  Boss in the meteor at Tycoon
xxx Flame Thrower                Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
xxx Rocket Launcher              Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
260 Launcher                     Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
261 Launcher                     Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
259 Soul Cannon                  Boss at the entrance to the Lonka Ruins
062 Ra Mage                      Lonka Ruins
063 Ronkan Knight                Lonka Ruins
064 Stone Mask                   Lonka Ruins
065 Enchanted Fan                Lonka Ruins
066 Lamia                        Lonka Ruins
067 Archeotoad                   Lonka Ruins
068 Hydra                        Lonka Ruins
069 Ghidra                       Lonka Ruins
262 Archeoaevis                  Boss of Lonka Ruins
265 Manticore                    Boss in the Meteor at the Ruins
264 Titan                        Boss in the Meteor at Karnak
263 Purobolos                    Boss in the Meteor at Worus
070 Pao                          World map at beginning of world 2
266 Abductor (Butz Solo Battle)  Boss on the Solitary Island at beginning of
                                 world 2
071 Tarantula                    Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms it
072 Shell Bear                   Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar transforms it
267 Gilgamesh (Dungeon)          Boss in Exdeath's Castle before Kelgar
                                 transforms it
073 Devilfish                    World map on the marshes and plains near
                                 Exdeath's Castle in world 2
074 Treant                       World map on the plains and in the forests
                                 near Exdeath's Castle in world 2
075 Strapparer                   World map on the plains near Exdeath's Castle
                                 in world 2
076 Merrow                       Big Bridge
077 Flying Killer                Big Bridge
078 Little Chariot               Big Bridge
079 Neo Garula                   Big Bridge
268 Gilgamesh (Bridge)           Big Bridge
080 Tunneller                    World map near Rugor in world 2
081 Birostris                    World map near Rugor in world 2
082 Fairy Orc                    World map near Rugor in world 2
083 Devourer                     World map near Rugor in world 2
084 Mandrake                     World map near Rugor in world 2
085 Kuza Beast                   World map near Kuzar in world 2
086 Shield Dragon                Kuzar
088 Blood Slime                  Underground River
089 Acrophies                    Underground River
090 Moogle Eater                 Underground River
091 Lesser Lopros                Underground River
269 Tyrannosaur                  Boss of Underground River
092 Cactus                       World map in desert near Moogle Village in
                                 world 2
093 Sandcrawler                  World map in desert near Moogle Village in
                                 world 2
099 Objet d'Art                  Castle Bal Basement
270 Abductor (Castle Bal)        Boss after Castle Bal
094 Aquathorn                    World map near Castle Bal in world 2
095 Weresnake                    World map near Castle Bal in world 2
096 Kornago                      World map near Castle Bal in world 2
097 Cursed Being                 World map near Castle Bal in world 2
100 Drippy                       Hiryuu Valley
101 Lycaon                       Hiryuu Valley
102 Bone Dragon                  Hiryuu Valley
103 Poison Eagle                 Hiryuu Valley
104 Zombie Dragon                Hiryuu Valley
xxx ???                          Hiryuu Valley
271 Golem                        Hiryuu Valley
xxx Bone Dragon (Golem Battle)   Hiryuu Valley
xxx Zombie Dragon (Golem Battle) Hiryuu Valley
272 Dragon Pod                   Boss of Hiryuu Valley
273 Dragon Flower                Boss of Hiryuu Valley
105 Gobbledygook                 Zeza's Ship
274 Gilgamesh (Ship)             Boss of Zeza's Ship
275 Enkidu                       Boss of Zeza's Ship
106 Neon                         Barrier Tower
107 Magnetite                    Barrier Tower
108 Reflect Knight               Barrier Tower
109 Traveler                     Barrier Tower
110 Level Tricker                Barrier Tower
111 Gravitator                   Barrier Tower
112 Ziggurat Gigas               Barrier Tower
276 Atomos                       Boss of Barrier Tower
176 Druid                        Cave to northwest lake in world 2
177 Ironback                     Cave to northwest lake in world 2
115 Cure Beast                   World map near northwest lake in world 2
116 Land Turtle                  World map near northwest lake in world 2
117 Dechirer                     World map near northwest lake in world 2
281 Catoblepas                   World map near northwest lake in world 2
113 Dark Aspic                   Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Ifrit, Wyvern, Enchanted Fan]    Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Ramuh, Crew Dust, Zombie Dragon] Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Shiva, Gaelicat, Elf Toad]       Guido's Cave
114 Metamorph [Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh]             Guido's Cave
118 Mini Magician                Great Forest of Mua
119 Galajelly                    Great Forest of Mua
120 Mammon                       Great Forest of Mua
121 Imp                          Great Forest of Mua
122 Wyrm                         Great Forest of Mua
277 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
278 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
279 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
280 Crystal                      Boss of Great Forest of Mua
xxx Exdeath (Galuf Solo Battle)  Boss of Great Forest of Mua
098 Undergrounder                Cave between Castle Bal and Exdeath's Castle
                                 in world 2
282 Gil Turtle                   Cave between Castle Bal and Exdeath's Castle
                                 in world 2.  At the end of the hidden path
                                 that branches off to the south (it's just
                                 after the first set of stairs).
124 Blind Wolf                   Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
125 Hellraiser                   Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
126 Reflect Mage                 Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
123 Twin Lizard                  Upstairs in Exdeath's Castle
127 Magic Dragon                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
128 Black Warlock                Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
129 Adamantite Golem             Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Imp (Castle Exdeath)         Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Oiseaurare (Castle Exdeath)  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Jackanapes (Castle Exdeath)  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
xxx Abductor (Castle Exdeath)    Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
130 Bandercoeuri                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
131 Iron Fist                    Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
133 Red Dragon                   Sometimes inside treasure chests in the
                                 Barrier Tower and randomly encountered in
                                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
134 Yellow Dragon                Sometimes inside treasure chests in the
                                 Barrier Tower and randomly encountered in
                                 Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
132 Blue Dragon                  Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar transforms it
283 Carbuncle                    Boss in Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar
                                 transforms it
284 Gilgamesh (Castle Exdeath)   Boss in Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar
                                 transforms it
285 Exdeath (Exdeath Castle)     Boss of Exdeath's Castle after Kelgar
                                 transforms it
286 Antlion                      Boss in cave near Tule in world 3
135 Sleepy                       World map near Surgate in world 3
136 Triffid                      World map near Surgate in world 3
137 Hedgehog                     World map near Surgate in world 3
138 Python                       World map near Surgate in world 3
139 Shadow                       World map near Surgate in world 3
140 Elm Gigas                    World map near Surgate in world 3
141 Desertpede                   World map near Pyramid in world 3
142 Bulette                      World map near Pyramid in world 3
288 Gargoyle                     Boss at the entrance to the Pyramid
143 Lamia Queen                  Pyramid
144 Rajiformes                   Pyramid
147 Zephyrus [Adamantite Golem, Bio Soldier] Pyramid
147 Zephyrus [Dhorme Chimera, Ronkan Knight] Pyramid
147 Zephyrus [Ziggurat Gigas, Tunneller]     Pyramid
145 Ushabti                      Pyramid
151 The Damned                   Inside treasure chests in the Pyramid and
                                 randomly encountered in the Solitary Island
153 Sekhmet                      Pyramid
148 Mummy                        Boss in Pyramid
149 Aspis                        Pyramid
146 Archeosaur                   Inside treasure chests in the Pyramid
152 Grand Mummy                  Boss in Pyramid
150 Mecha Head                   Pyramid
287 Melusine                     Boss at Elder Tree after the Pyramid
087 Exdeath's Soul               Kuzar
154 Slug                         World map near Castle Bal in world 3
155 Gloom Widow                  World map near Castle Bal in world 3
156 Mykale                       World map near Castle Bal in world 3
174 Istory Lythos                World map near Rugor in world 3
173 Frost Bull                   World map near Rugor in world 3
175 Spizzner                     World map near Rugor in world 3
196 Corbett                      Sea south of Guido's Cave in world 3
198 Water Scorpion               Sea south of Guido's Cave in world 3
197 Nix                          Sea south of Mirage in world 3
199 Vilia                        Sea in southwest corner of the world in world
200 Gel Fish                     Sea in southwest corner of the world in world
201 Rukh                         Sea west of Crescent in world 3
202 Sea Devil                    Sea west of Crescent in world 3
203 Stingray                     The northern part of the sea that is southwest
                                 of Carwen in world 3
290 Odin                         Boss in Castle Bal basement in world 3
298 Bahamut                      Boss on North Mountain in world 3
184 Ankheg                       World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in
                                 world 3
185 Ammonite                     World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in
                                 world 3
186 Landcrawler                  World map in desert near Phoenix Tower in
                                 world 3
187 Lemure                       Phoenix Tower
188 Parthenope                   Phoenix Tower
189 Cherie                       Phoenix Tower
xxx Bandercoeuri (Phoenix Tower) Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
xxx Liquid Flame (Phoenix Tower) Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
xxx Kuza Beast (Phoenix Tower)   Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
xxx Soul Cannon (Phoenix Tower)  Guards stairwells in Phoenix Tower
190 Magic Pot                    Inside a pot in the Phoenix Tower
157 Executor                     Solitary Island Temple
158 Oiseaurare                   Solitary Island Temple
161 Tot Aevis                    Solitary Island Temple
159 Shadow Dancer                Solitary Island Temple
160 Numb Blade                   Solitary Island Temple
xxx Covert                       Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in
                                 the Solitary Island Temple
xxx Pantera                      Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in
                                 the Solitary Island Temple
289 Wendigo                      Boss of Solitary Island Temple
162 Tiny Mage                    Fork Tower
163 Chrono Controller            Fork Tower
164 Flaremancer                  Fork Tower
165 Dueling Knight               Fork Tower
166 Iron Muscles                 Fork Tower
167 Berserker                    Fork Tower
292 Omniscient                   Boss of Fork Tower
291 Minotaur                     Boss of Fork Tower
297 Famed Mimic Gogo             Boss of Sunken Worus Tower
168 Unknown (Spore, 2nd form)    Great Trench
169 Unknown (Blob)               Great Trench
170 Unknown (Worm)               Great Trench
171 Unknown (Spore, 1st form)    Great Trench
172 Unknown (Skeleton)           Great Trench
293 Triton                       Boss of Great Trench
294 Nereid                       Boss of Great Trench
295 Phobos                       Boss of Great Trench
178 Mercury Bat                  Istory Falls
179 Coral                        Istory Falls
183 Tonberry                     Istory Falls
180 Aquagel                      Istory Falls
181 Steel Fist                   Sometimes inside one of the treasure chests in
                                 the Pyramid and randomly encountered in Istory
182 Alchymia (Red Dragon)        Istory Falls
182 Alchymia (Ghidra)            Istory Falls
182 Alchymia (Bone Dragon)       Dummy enemy?
296 Leviathan                    Boss of Istory Falls
204 Grenade                      Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
205 Baldanders                   Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
206 Death Dealer                 Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension
207 Level Checker                Ruins of the Cleft of Dimension and Sunken
                                 Worus Tower
208 White Flame                  Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
209 Moss Fungus                  Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
210 Farfarello                   Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
300 Calofisteri                  Boss of Forest of the Cleft of Dimension
211 Orukat                       Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
212 Great Dragon                 Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
213 Achelon                      Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
311 Omega                        Cave of the Cleft of Dimension
299 Apanda                       Boss of Library of the Cleft of Dimension
214 Ninja                        Towers of the Cleft of Dimension
215 Dragon Aevis                 Towers of the Cleft of Dimension
220 Iron Giant                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
216 Sword Dancer                 Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
217 Death Claw                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
218 Fury                         Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
219 Yojimbo                      Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
302 Alte Roite                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
303 Jura Aevis                   Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
301 Azulmagia                    Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
304 Catastrophe                  Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
305 Halicarnassus                Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
306 Twintania                    Boss in Castle of the Cleft of Dimension
221 King Behemoth                Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
223 Necromancer                  Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
224 Gorgimera                    Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
225 Mindflayer                   Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
226 Crystelle                    Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
228 Mover                        Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
222 Crystal Dragon               Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
227 Belphegor                    Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
307 Gilgamesh (X-Zone)           Boss in Void at the end of the Cleft of
312 Shinryu                      Inside a treasure chest in the Void at the end
                                 of the Cleft of Dimension
309 Barrier                      Boss in Void at the end of the Cleft of
308 Necrophobe                   Boss in Void at the end of the Cleft of
310 Gilgamesh (Necrofobia)       Appears during the fight with Necrofobia in
                                 the Void at the end of the Cleft of Dimension
313 Exdeath (Final)              Boss of Void at the end of the Cleft of
314 Neo Exdeath                  Boss of Void at the end of the Cleft of
230 Assassin                     Bonus dungeon
239 Dinozombie                   Bonus dungeon
232 Behemoth                     Bonus dungeon
236 Exoray                       Bonus dungeon
229 Mini Satana                  Bonus dungeon
231 Soul Eater                   Bonus dungeon
233 Dark Elemental (type 1)      Bonus dungeon
234 Dark Elemental (type 2)      Bonus dungeon
235 Dark Elemental (type 3)      Bonus dungeon
241 Ironclad                     Bonus dungeon
237 Duelist                      Bonus dungeon
240 Claret Dragon                Bonus dungeon
238 Medusa                       Bonus dungeon
242 Hades                        Bonus dungeon
315 Grand Aevis                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
316 Archeodemon                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
317 Guardian                     Boss in Bonus dungeon
318 Launcher (Bonus dungeon)     Boss in Bonus dungeon
319 Launcher (Bonus dungeon)     Boss in Bonus dungeon
320 Wave Cannon                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
321 Omega Mk.II                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
322 Neo Shinryu                  Boss in Bonus dungeon
323 Enuo                         Boss of Bonus dungeon
xxx Chimera?                     Dummy enemy
xxx Big Boss?                    Dummy enemy
xxx NeoGoblin?                   Dummy enemy

                          SECTION 43 - STATUS EFFECTS

For information on Status Effects I recommend the Status Effects section of
J.L. Tseng's (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe's) FFV Algorithms and Stats FAQ.  It can
be found on the page for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at  Note its separate section on status duration determination.

                             SECTION 44 - HACKING

If you want to hack savestates, you'll need a hex editor.  You can get Hex
Workshop at

For information on savestate hacking, I recommend TuxedoCyan's hacking guide
and Dark Penguin's magic hacking guide.  You can find them both on the page for
the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5 at  TuxedoCyan's list of
items uses an old translation, so instead of that part of his guide, you can
use the codes in the weapons, armor, and item sections in my guide.  I put a *
for the code for items that are only available in the Gameboy Advance game,
since there is no code for them for hacking in the SNES game.

Also note that offsets 170F and 1710 control the timer in Karnak Castle and the
Sunken Worus Tower if you aren't in a battle.  Offsets 88A8 and 88A9 control
the timer in Karnak Castle, the Sunken Worus Tower, and the fight against Odin
if you are in a battle.  The unit is 60ths of a second.

And offsets 1128, 1178, 11C8, and 1218 control what monsters your characters
have caught using the Mediator's !Catch ability if you aren't in a battle.
Offsets 2C28, 2CA8, 2D28, and 2DA8 control what monsters your characters have
caught using the Mediator's !Catch ability if you are in a battle.  See the
codes in the Catches section of my guide.  Although if you haven't caught a
monster, and then you use savestate hacking when you're in a battle to simulate
having caught one monster in particular, you'll also have to change your
character's ability so it registers that you've caught a monster in general.
If you don't do that, then your character will still try to catch another
monster rather than release the one he already has.  Offsets 436F, 4370, 4371,
and 4372 control your first character's abilities.  Offsets 4383, 4384, 4385,
and 4386 control your second character's abilities.  Offsets 4397, 4398, 4399,
and 439A control your third character's abilities.  Offsets 43AB, 43AC, 43AD,
and 43AE control your fourth character's abilities.  If those offsets are set
to 1D, then they'll be Catch.  If you change them to 1E, then they'll be

Offset 15C7 controls what spell the MagicLamp will cast next if you aren't in a
battle.  Offset 8887 controls what spell the MagicLamp will cast next if you
are in a battle.  00 to 0C are the summons other than Chocobo (and Phenix,
which the MagicLamp doesn't summon), with the lower numbers corresponding to
stronger summons.  0D to 1F all cast Chocob, and 20 to FF all cast Egg Chop.

Offset 15C8 contains the number of times you've run away if you aren't in a
battle.  Offset 8888 contains the number of times you've run away if you are in
a battle.  The number of times you've run away affects the attack power of the
BraveBld and Chicken Knife.

Offset 15C9 controls what spell the Wonder Rod will cast next if you aren't in
a battle.  Offset 8889 controls what spell the Wonder Rod will cast next if you
are in a battle.  The Wonder Rod can normally only cast White or Black magic,
but if you use savestate hacking, you can get it to cast other types of magic.
Note that it skips 01, it goes back to 00 after 23, and it goes back to 00
after FF).  I haven't identified what all the codes do.  If you can identify
something I haven't, let me know.  The Wonder Rod has 0 attack power, so there
are several types of abilities (like Sword Dance or Aim) that would all just do
0 damage, so it's hard to identify them.  Here's what I've been able to

00-11 are White magic
12-23 are Black magic
24-35 are Dimen magic
36-44 are ?
45-4C are Songs
4D-5B are Espers (only Chocob's first attack, Chocobo Kick, and Odin's first
          attack, True Edge, are included in this group)
5C is the Esper Chocob's second attack, Fat Chocobo.
5D is the Esper Odin's second attack, Gungnir.
5E is ? (maybe nothing)
5F is DrgnSwd's HP draining
60 is DrgnSwd's MP draining
61 is ? (maybe nothing)
62 is the spell cast by the Silver Harp
63 is the spell cast by the Dream Harp
64 is the spell cast by the Lamia Harp
65 is the spell cast by the Apollo Harp
66 is ? (maybe the dance Sword Dance)
67 is the dance Mystery Waltz
68 is the dance Jitterbug Duet
69 is the dance Tempting Tango
6A is the Mystic Knight's Barrier spell
6B is ? (maybe nothing)
6C is ? (maybe nothing)
6D is the spell cast by many whips that paralyzes the target 50% of the time
6E is ?
6F is ?
70-8D are Blue magic
8E-DB are Enemy magic
DC is ?
DD wins the battle instantly
DE-FF are ? (maybe nothing)

White magic spells are in the order in which they're listed in the white magic
section of this guide (and the same for other types of magic).  DD, which
causes you to win the battle instantly, is an especially interesting code.

                               SECTION 45 - MAPS

You can find a world map for Final Fantasy 5 at

                        SECTION 46 - MISC TRANSLATIONS

I'm not going to provide translations for all the equipment, since I don't
think people need it.  But here are a few of the things for which I think
people might be most likely to search and keywords for search engines.

Latest SNES name  Other names
Butz              Bartz
Boco              Boko
Lenna             Reina
Cara              Krile or Kururu
Guido             Gill or Ghido
Exdeath           X-Death
Normal Job        Suppin or Traveler
By RPGe           Efu Efu or EfuEfu
Cursed Shield     Bloodied Shield or Blood Shield
Dragoon Spear     Dragon Lance, Dragon Spear, or Hiryuu Spear
Drain Sword       Blood Sword
Guard Ring        Protect Ring
Mythril Staff     Mithril Staff
Soot              Ash
Tempest Katana    Nimbus Katana, Strato Katana, or Murakumo Katana
Note that Final Fantasy 5 is also known as Final Fantasy V, FF5, or FFV.  Final
Fantasy 5 Advance is also known as Final Fantasy V Advance, FF5A, or FFVA.

                       SECTION 47 - VERSION DIFFERENCES

The Playstation game is essentially the same as the SNES game, except that they
use different translations.  The Gameboy Advance game is essentially the same
as the SNES and Playstation games, except that it uses a third translation, and
it has some extra stuff.  It has a bonus dungeon that has some of the old
monsters, but also some new bosses and monsters and new equipment.  The Gameboy
Advance game also has four extra jobs which have their own abilities, and their
own spells which you can learn after you get the last of the extra jobs.  Note
that the new jobs use the same types of equipment as the old jobs.  And some of
the bugs apply to one version of the game, but not another version.

                       SECTION 48 - MISSING INFORMATION

This guide doesn't have detailed descriptions of all of the abilities of the
jobs that are new to the Gameboy Advance version yet, since it's so new.

This guide doesn't have any information about codes, since I don't use codes
(although it does have information on savestate hacking, which is better).  And
it doesn't have any Final Fantasy 5 art, fanfics, or information about Final
Fantasy 5 music, since I'm not especially interested in any of that.  It
doesn't have any information about the mythology behind some of the things in
the game (like the sword Excalibur, or the Esper Shiva).  It doesn't have
specific strategies for all the bosses, since I don't think they're especially
necessary.  Some other guides and websites have information on those things, so
you can search them for that.  I don't have recommendations on which ones to
use, although you can find a lot of guides at

But other than that, I think my guide is complete.  It has, or has links to,
all the information available on FF5.  I read through all the other FF5 guides
when I was writing it, and tried to combine information from all of them.
Although there are some niche guides (like guides to doing a straight character
challenge, low level game, or speed run) that have information that mine
doesn't, for people interested in those things.

                              SECTION 49 - THANKS

When I wrote this there were lots of guides that had already been written on
Final Fantasy 5, but none of them were complete.  I combined information from
lots of different sources to make this guide, in addition to adding information
of my own.  In particular, thanks go to VeghEsther, Chen Guojun,
dingo_jellybean, Exdeath, Bob the Almighty, Matt Hobbs, Dragon Fogel, Ian Diaz
(a.k.a. iLikeSwords), Samurai Goroh, TopperCop, Chris Kohler, Nora Stevens,
Tatsushi Nakao, TuxedoCyan, Dark Penguin, Mystery Moogle, Vilurum, Ray,
silktail, Nati,,, and  I never would've been able to
come up with most of the information in the Tips or Bugs sections without them.
Most of all, thanks goes to J.L. Tseng (a.k.a. InstructorTrepe), whose guide
gave me a lot of the information for my own guide.

This guide is Copyright 2006, Ebmid