Final Fantasy III FAQ/Walkthrough By: Super Slash Version: 1.7 Email: ---------------------------- =================== VERSION HISTORY =================== v 1.0 - Submitted the guide v 1.1 - Made a HUGE update, featuring up to 220 enemies in the Enemies section, and made the Blitz, Rages, Slots, Enemies, Dances, AND SwdTechs section much easier to read. Next update will be the full, complete version of the guide v 1.2 - Completed the guide, after a long time of working on the guide, but probably not the final update v 1.3 - Typed up the HP/MP of the three tiers before the final battle in the Bosses section. I also added how to get the last chest before the World of Ruin in the Floating Continent. Also made the Bosses section a little easier to read, and fixed some minor errors that were found in the guide v 1.4 - Revamped ALL of the Walkthrough section, as it defenitely needed line breaking. Also added something to the Copyrights section v 1.5 - Added a Frequently Asked Questions section v 1.6 - Added and finished the Game Basics section. Also added a Side Quest I was missing for the World of Ruin, and added a couple of more questions to the Frequently Asked Questions section v 1.7 - Added the Wind God Gau trick to the Secrets and Glitches section NOTE: To find what you're looking for, hold Ctrl and press F (Apple for Macs), and type in, for example "IV. Walkthrough", without the quotations. Do this for any section you may be looking for. TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- I.........Story II.........Controls III.........Characters IV.........Game Basics V.........Walkthrough VI.........Bosses VII.........Side Quests VIII.........Item List IX.........Armors X.........Relics XI.........Shields XII.........Weapons XIII.........Head Gear XIV.........Spells XV.........Enemies XVI.........Colosseum XVII.........Shops XVIII.........Espers XIX.........SwdTechs XX.........Blitz XXI.........Rages XXII.........Lores XXIII.........Dances XXIV.........Slots XXV.........Secrets and Glitches XXVI.........Game Genie Codes XXVII.........Frequently Asked Questions XXVIII.........Email Info XIX.........Credits XXX.........Copyrights ========= I. Story ========= "Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland, and magic simply cease to exist. 1000 years have passed...Iron, gunpowder, and steam engines have been rediscovered, and high technology reigns. But there are some who would enslave the world by reviving the dread destructive force known as "magic". Can it be that those in power are on the verge of repeating a senseless and deadly mistake?". The story is about a girl named Terra. Her father named Maduin was an Esper, and her mother, known as Madonna, was a human. Then, when Terra was born, she was born with the gift of magic, and she is also a half human and half Esper. The Empire wants this girl because of her special powers. In a sense, they capture her, and place a crown on her head, known as the Slave Crown. This said crown makes Terra obey the Empire's every command. Later into the game, the Slave Crown is removed from her head. Soon after, she finds out there is something deep inside of her that she does not yet understand. Near the end of the game, she finds out that this feeling she has kept buried for so long is called "love". From then on, she wishes to stop the Empire and Kefka once and for all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============= II. Controls ============= "A" Button: Talk to people, confirms actions in shop menu, regular menu, and in battle, opens treasure chests, examines things such as pots, also presses switches found throughout the game, also moves a Chocobo while mounted, also moves a character in the back row if a party member is highlighted and A is pressed twice in the menu, equips an Esper. "B" Button: Cancels selected action, dismounts Chocobo while riding. "X" Button: Brings up the menu outside of battle, switches to another character turn. "Y" Button: Switches to another characters turn, also switches between groups inside a level where required. "L" Button: Selects all party members in menu when healing, selects all enemies while in battle before using a magic attack, selects all party members while in battle before using a magic attack, if held while holding R, you can run away while in battle. "R" Button: If held while holding L, you can run away while in battle. Also allows you to scroll down the Item Menu very fast, if both down on the D-Pad and this button is held. "Start" Button: Pauses the game in-battle, disables the map on the overworld. "Select" Button: Nothing. D-Pad: Moves your character, and the cursor in and outside of battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================ III. Characters ================ NOTE: Your party members do certain things called Desperation Attacks, on a very rare occasion. This type of attack occurs when a party member is low on HP. They use this attack, like I said, when they are very low on HP. Select the Fight command, and they may do a Desperation Attack! In this section, I will list all of the characters, and a biography about them and such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============== Terra Branford ============== In-Game Description: "A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of magic......" Biography: Terra has a bad life, and thus, she is constantly worrying and she is depressed because of the bad things that happened in her past. She is a half human and half Esper, and was born with the gift of magic. Her father was Maduin and her mother was Madonna. Of course, Madonna had her (duh). Soon after the birth of Terra, they all discovered that she was born with the gift of magic. Emperor Gestahl then attempted to capture her, after he got out of the Esper World and found out about her and her gift of magic. When they kidnapped her, later on she was controlled by the Empire by placing something on her head, known as the "Slave Crown". After about ten minutes into the game, the Slave Crown gets removed from her head. She is then met by many other people who wish to help her and everyone else in their quest to destroy the Empire once and for all. Magic Spells Started With: Cure, Fire Special Ability: Morph - She does not start with this ability, but learns it later on. When used, she turns purple, and her magic attacks are powered up. You can use the Fight command while in this stage, too. Morph doubles magic damage and attack damage, and halves the HP taken from magic attacks. Special Ability: Revert - This ability is only available while Terra is in her Morph form. When you select this form, she reverts back to her normal self (but why you would want to revert back is beyond me). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========== Locke Cole ========== In-Game Description: "Treasure hunter and trail-worn traveller, searching the world over for relics of the past..." Biography: Locke is known to be a treasure hunter. Despite his free-spirited nature, he really has worries and a bad past, like Terra. He has a girlfriend named Rachel, that he worries about from time-to-time. In the World of Ruin, he visits Rachel one last time. She then dies, and grants all of her power to Locke. The Phoenix Esper then appears, and you then obtain the Esper as yours. Rachel also once fell off of a cliff, thus causing her to have a memory loss. Her parents blamed it on him. Since then, he feels he has failed her, and then swears he will protect her for the rest of his life. He later meets Celes, in who he also makes an oath that he shall never leave her, and protect her forever. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Steal - Steals an item from an enemy or a boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= Edgar Rene Figaro ================= In-Game Description: "The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and a master designer of machinery..." Biography: Edgar is the king of a castle known as Figaro (his last name is from the castle, obviously). Edgar is the brother of Sabin. He has a burden, in which he learns he must hold onto if he is to save the world. He likes ladies a lot, and he is a happy person. He, too, wants to help destroy the Empire and bring peace onto the world. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Tools - Using the tools you can buy and find, Edgar will use that tool to cause a lot of damage on an enemy. There are some that do other effects, however. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= Sabin Rene Figaro ================= In-Game Description: "Edgar's twin brother, who traded his throne for his own freedom..." Biography: Sabin is the twin brother of Edgar. He is trained in the ways of martial arts by Duncan. After his father died, Sabin then had an attitude in which he did not like any of the politics of life. But, he casts aside these feelings, and thus, he helps everyone in the party take out the evil Empire. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Blitz - Allows Sabin to perform a special technique, causing massive damage. However, there is two moves in which he heals the entire party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== Celes Chere =========== In-Game Description: "Product of generic engineering, battle-hardened Magitek Knight with a spirit as pure as snow..." Biography: Celes was enhanced with the ability to use magic. She later on (although we never see it) disobeyed the evil Empire's orders, and thus, she was held captive in a jail at South Figaro. Later on in the game, Locke releases her, and she is no longer a servant of the Empire. She then is taken to the Returners by Locke, and Locke makes an oath to never let her down, and to always protect her. Later into the game, everyone thinks that she has betrayed everyone else. But, in the World of Ruin, she proves herself useful, and thus, she can prove that she is more of a help than everyone (including Locke) thought she was. Magic Spells Started With: Cure, Ice, Antidote Special Ability: Runic - Allows Celes not to get damaged by magic in-battle, but instead, absorbs it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====== Shadow ====== In-Game Description: "He owes allegiance to no one, and will do anything for money. He comes and goes like the wind..." Biography: Shadow will do anything for money, regardless of what task he must undertake to obtain that money. With it, he buys food for his dog named Interceptor, and feeds it. Shadow was originally named Clyde. He had a friend that goes by the name of Barram. His friend died, due to him robbing a train. After that incident had occured, he then killed his feelings, and thus he was now forever known as Shadow. He is hired by the Empire to help on their quest to hunt down the Espers, but later on, he hates them, and wants to take them down. Near the end of the game, Shadow becomes a really good guy, and leaves all of his past behind. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Throw - Throws an item/weapon at an enemy, causing an enormous amount of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============== Cyan Garamonde ============== In-Game Description: "Faithful retainer to his family's liege, with the courage and strength of a hundred men..." Biography: Cyan is the most trusted leader of the castle known as Doma. He is a very great swordsman, if not the best. Later in the game, Kefka poisons the waters of Doma, thus killing every Doma Soldier, and his wife and son Elayne and Owain. From then on, he demands revenge on the Empire. Soon after the death of his wife and son, he finds them "departing" on the Phantom Train. In the World of Ruin, if you do a certain sidequest, he will cast aside all of his pain and worries, and as a result, learns all of his Sword Techniques. He, too, wants to destroy the Empire to bring peace. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: SwdTech - Cyan starts off with three swordtechs. When you select this command, a bar will appear below the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. When the sword tech number you want to use is highlighted, press the A button to perform a special attack. Read the SwdTechs section for more info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Gau === In-Game Description: "Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence. A youth surviving against all odds..." Biography: When Gau was born, his mother had died. Then, his father abandoned him on the Veldt, thinking that he was some sort of wild monster. Then, he was convinced that it never happened, and that all it was was a big nightmare. Gau lives his entire life as a baby, fighting the monsters of the Veldt. He grows up into a boy, which is when Sabin and Cyan find him. They give him some food, then help Gau find his "treasure" so they can reach their desired location. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Leap - Use this to leap onto a monster. Gau will then be removed from your party for a temporary amount of time. You must fight monsters in the Veldt until he returns, and when he joins your party once more, he will have learned the rage of the monster he leaped from. Special Ability #2: Rage - Use this attack to select an enemy's name. Each enemy you try to use makes Gau do different things. You get Rages by using Leap, only on the Veldt. Also, once you use one Rage in-battle, Gau will use that same rage until the battle is over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =============== Setzer Gabbiani =============== In-Game Description: "A blackjack-playing world-travelling casino-dwelling free spirit..." Biography: Setzer is the owner of the airship, in which the party has to use in order to reach their next destination. He is a gambler, and the party spoils his plan of Maria. Celes tricks him into letting them use his airship by flipping a coin with identical sides. Setzer then lets them use the airship to reach their next destination. From then on, he is also determined to stop Kefka and the Empire once and for all, to bring peace onto the world. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Slot - If you get a match of each slot, Setzer does a special attack. It does a different attack/move depending on what slot match you get. See the Slots section for more information on this ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============ Strago Magus ============ In-Game Description: "An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the ways of monsters..." Biography: Strago is an old man that looks after his granddaughter, Relm. He is from Thamasa, the village of the Mage Warriors. Strago spent his younger days fighting the beast named Hidon. Unfortunately, he never did kill him. Hidon killed one of Strago's best friends, and thus, he decided to take the girl (Relm) and watch over her. Since then, Strago wants revenge on the almighty monster. If you do a certain sidequest, you CAN defeat Hidon. Strago tries to hide the fact that the town of Thamasa is a town of magic. However, later on in the game, he helps you on your quest to defeat the Empire. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Lore - This command allows you to use a special attack learned from a certain enemy. You automatically start out with Aqua Rake. Depending on what enemy/boss you defeat, you get a different Lore. See the Lores section for more information on this command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============ Relm Arrowny ============ In-Game Description: "In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water, light...the very essence of life..." Biography: Relm is, suprisingly, the daughter of Shadow. She is a ten-year-old with a really foul mouth. She threatens to "draw your portrait" if someone does/says something she does not want or like. She loves Shadow's dog, Interceptor, and it likes her. She also wants to help take down the Empire. In the World of Ruin, you can find her in Jidoor, painting a portrait of Starlet the Esper. She has, by far, the greatest magic power in the game. Even better than that of Terra and Celes. She has the weakest attack power in the game, however. Relm is also Strago's granddaughter. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Sketch - When used, Relm will draw a portrait of that enemy or boss, then use one of their special attacks that the enemy has. Can also be updated to "Control", if Relm is equipped with a certain item. It allows her to gain control of the enemy's attacks, allowing her to use one of their attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Mog === In-Game Description: "Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing Moogle..." Biography: Mog is one of the many Moogles in Narshe. You encounter him in the World of Ruin. However, it IS possible to obtain him in the World of Balance. Mog is okay, but he is not the greatest character in the world. His magic is half and half, but not all that great. There is really nothing in general more to say about Mog, other than he watches over Umaro, a primate found in the mines of Narshe. Mog is the boss of Umaro, and therefore, commands him. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: Dance - Mog uses a special attack each turn. Depending on what dance you use, he will do an attack each turn, and each turn he does different special attacks. You must defeat certain enemies and such to get different ones. Read the Dances section for more info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===== Umaro ===== In-Game Description: "Admirer of bone carvings, as strong as a gigas, a yeti pal with muscle!" Biography: Umaro is a sasquatch with a muscular body. He is friends with Mog, the Kupo. However, Umaro is not a very good character. While he may look nice and powerful, he is really a useless character. You cannot command him. He fights on his own. You find him in the World of Ruin, in the mines of Narshe. However, before Mog convinces him to join the team, he challenges you to a fight. You also find an Esper in his cavern. Magic Spells Started With: N/A Special Ability: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==== Gogo ==== In-Game Description: "Shrouded in odd this a man...? Or a woman...? ...Or should we ask...?" Biography: Gogo is actually a pretty good character. S/he can customize his/her own commands. For an example, you could give Gogo Blitz, Tools, and Magic. This is what makes Gogo good. S/he can also use Mimic, in which you will perform the last attack the last partner performed. Nothing much is known about Gogo in this game. Magic Spells Started With: All Of Your Party's Current Magic Attacks Special Ability: Mimic - When this command is used, Gogo will mimic the last attack that the last party member used. For example, if you used Bum Rush with Sabin, then immediately used Mimic with Gogo, Gogo would do Bum Rush. Quite useful, depending on how you use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================ IV. Game Basics ================ In this section, I will list the basic aspects of the gameplay. I will also list all of the status aliments that will most likely be inflicted on your party throughout the game. This section will help you familiarize yourself with the basics of the gameplay. =============== Battle Overview =============== ================== In-Battle Commands ================== MagiTek ------- The very first command in the game that you will probably use is the MagiTek command. With Terra (the girl with the unknown name at the very beginning of the game), there are a wide variety of abilities available when you select this particular command. They are: Fire Beam, Ice Beam, Heal Force, X-Fer, Bolt Beam, Bio Blast, Confuser, and TekMissle. Fire Beam is a beam that gets fired at the enemy, causing fire-based damage. Ice Beam and Bolt Beam do the same thing as Fire Beam, only Ice Beam deals ice-based damage, and Bolt Beam deals lightning-based damage to an enemy. Heal Force is like Cure, but with no MP Cost. It can only heal one party member, however. X-Fer simply removes an enemy from the current battle, if successful. Bio Blast targets all enemies, and Terra attempts to spray poison around the area, which deals a bit of damage to all enemies. Confuser creates a shockwave around Terra's head, which obviously confuses the enemy, if successful. However, once the enemy hits himself or you hit that enemy, the enemy gets out of confusion. Finally, TekMissle launches a missle to hit one enemy, dealing a lot of damage. Two more things: Vicks and Wedge can ONLY use Fire Beam, Ice Beam, Heal Force, and Bolt Beam. One final thing: you're only able to use these certain abilities while you're inside a Magitek Armor, in which case, is only available three times throughout the whole game (the last time being optional). Fight ----- This command is one of the most basic commands in the game, and one of the main ones you will use throughout the game. When you use this command, the party member will use his/her weapon to attack the foe. However, if you have no weapon equipped on the character, s/he will punch the enemy instead. If you have a good weapon equipped, this command can damage the enemy a decent amount. X-Fight ------- A very useful command, if you use it properly. However, it takes awhile before you can enable this command. Once you've reached the Anicent Castle in your quest, you can find an Offering Relic from a Monster-in-a-box in the Ancient Castle. Equip this said Relic, and Fight is replaced with X-Fight. When you use the X-Fight command, your party member will attack with the weapon equipped, four times over! This is especially useful if you get Setzer's ultimate weapon, the Fixed Dice. Give him the Offering + Fixed Dice, and he will deal a random amount of damage four times over (sometimes over 3000 damage)! Jump ---- This command is only available if you equip the DragoonBoots Relic on a party member (it dosen't work for Umaro, however), and it replaces the Fight command. When used, your party member jumps in the air for about ten seconds, then comes down and uses his/her weapon to damage a random enemy. You may think that this command is completely useless, but if you use it correctly, it isn't. Equip the DragoonBoots and the Dragon Horn Relics on Edgar and/or Mog, and then use the Jump command. When Edgar/Mog comes down to attack the enemies, they will jump down several times, causing a LOT of damage! They will only jump a maximum of four consecutive times altogether (however, there is a very rare chance of this ever happening). Steal / Capture --------------- The Steal command is useable by Locke/Gogo, as is the Capture command. When you use Steal, Locke/Gogo will attempt to steal an item from the enemy, if the enemy in question has an item you can steal. The Capture command only becomes available if you equip the ThiefGlove Relic. When used, Locke/Gogo will attempt to steal an item from an enemy, and in the process, attack the enemy. Steal and Capture are overall good commands if you use them on the right enemies/bosses. Dance ----- Mog and Gogo can use this command. When used, Mog/Gogo will attempt to perform a selected Dance in the list of Dances you've gotten throughout the game. If the Dance succeeds (Mog/Gogo may stumble, failing to perform the Dance for that turn), a variety of special abilities will be performed for the entire battle, unless Mog/Gogo dies. Certain Dances can be useful, if you use them correctly. However, take note that there's one Dance you can ONLY get in the WoB (World of Balance), and that is the Water Rondo Dance. Please refer to the Dances section of this guide for more information on these Dances. Tools ----- This command is only available with Edgar (excluding Gogo). There are quite a few Tools that Edgar can use in-battle, and the Auto-Crossbow is the only Tool that is useful in the beginning of the game. When you are up to Zozo, the Chain Saw and the Drill are the two most useful Tools. It basically stays like that for the rest of the game, too. Please refer to the Tools section of this guide if you wish to know what all of the Tools are. Blitz ----- This is a pretty useful ability that only Sabin can use, excluding Gogo. When you select this command, the cursor points directly at Sabin. From there, do NOT press any buttons, except a Blitz command (refer to the Blitz section) using the D-Pad. After the command has been input, press the A Button. If you did it correctly, Sabin/Gogo will use the Blitz technique that you entered the command for. This ability can prove quite useful, and once you obtain Bum Rush, you'll likely find yourself using nothing but that one ability with Sabin/Gogo. Health ------ Only Banon can use this command (no, not even Gogo can use this), and you only get to use Banon for around thirty minutes, then he leaves your party, and you never get to use him again. When you use this command, Banon attempts to heal the entire party's Hit Points (HP). This ability is pretty useful throughout the whole Lete River sequence, and especially for the boss fight there! Throw ----- Only Shadow/Gogo can use this special command. It's pretty self-explanatory, too. You can select an item in your Item List to throw at the enemy. You can only throw unequipped weapons and throwable items at the enemy (for an example, you can throw a MithrilKnife or a Shuriken). When the item is thrown, the enemy takes damage. The better weapon/item you throw, the more damage will be dealt! Be careful, however; don't throw any good equipments (such as the Pearl Lance) that you might find yourself equipping later on! SwdTech ------- Cyan and Gogo can use this ability. To use it, however, you must first have a sword equipped. When you select this command, a bar appears under the numbers 1-8. When the bar is under a certain number, that number it is under will light up. When the number of your choice is lit up, press the A Button to perform a certain SwdTech, which Cyan/Gogo will use. Please refer to the SwdTechs section if you want to know what level Cyan learns each SwdTech, and if you want info on what each SwdTech is and such. Also, you can learn ALL SwdTechs at once, by completing the Cyan's Soul side-quest in the World of Ruin. Rage ---- Gau and Gogo can use this ability. When you select this command, you'll be brought up to the list of the current Rages that you have available. When you select a Rage, Gau/Gogo has a 50% chance of performing a special attack, or a physical attack, which they will continue to use throughout the rest of the battle, unless they die. Certain Rages can be proved quite useful, especially right when you first get Gau. There are a few Rages that you'll want to get before moving on. See the Rages section for more information on this ability. Leap ---- Only Gau can use this command; not even Gogo can use it, and it is ONLY useable while you're on the Veldt. When you use this command, Gau leaps the selected enemy, and leaves your party until you continue to battle on the Veldt, where he rejoins you if he appears after the fight (do NOT attack him if you find him, otherwise he'll run away). When he returns to your party, he will learn the Rages of the enemies that were in the battle that you had him Leap in. Be sure to use this command wisely on your very first visit to the Veldt, as he can learn spells such as Fire 2 long before anyone in your party can! Runic ----- Only Celes/Gogo can use this command. However, you must have a sword equipped, otherwise this command will not be available. When this command is selected, Celes/Gogo will lift up the sword equipped, in an attempt to block an upcoming Magic spell that may be used by the enemy in the next turn. A lot of spells can be blocked using this technique. However, there ARE some spells that cannot be blocked with Runic (such as Ultima, for an example). When the spell is dodged, you recieve no damage! This ability can prove quite useful, especially on the boss TunnelArmr, in the Figaro Cave, which you fight at the end of Locke's Scenario. However, if you used Runic on your previous turn, and the next turn the Runiced person gets, the Runic effect wears off unless you use it again. Slots ----- When you get Setzer, this command becomes available (with him and Gogo only). When used, a slot machine rolls down on the screen. Press the A Button to stop one part of the slot. There are three slots that you must stop. If you stop all three slots and get a match of the same slot on all three slots, Setzer/Gogo will perform a special ability. Refer to the Slots section of this FAQ to see what ability is performed with each match, and for information on each ability. Lores ----- This command is available with Strago and Gogo. When selected, a list of the current Lores you've obtained is brought up. Select a Lore, and Strago/Gogo will perform that ability (not for the whole battle; just for one turn). Refer to the Lores section of this guide for information on how you learn each Lore, and for other information on these Lores. Sketch / Control ---------------- Relm and Gogo can use these commands. Control is only available if you have the FakeMustache Relic equipped on Relm/Gogo. When Sketch is used, Relm/Gogo will attempt to draw a 'portrait' of that enemy. When s/he does so, s/he uses a random attack the enemy has. For an example, I once used Sketch on Kefka in the final battle, and s/he performed Ultima, with no MP Cost! Control, however, is an ability that when used, Relm/Gogo will sometimes be able to 'control' the enemy, allowing Relm/Gogo to use a variety of that enemy's attacks! However, I don't think that Control works on any bosses. Mimic ----- Gogo, and Gogo only, can use this particular command. It can be proved quite useful, actually. For an example of its usefulness, use a technique such as Bum Rush with Sabin, then immediately go to Gogo's turn when his gauge is full (press X to switch to his turn), and select Mimic. Then, Gogo will mimic the ability that was last used. There is another good thing about this ability. Gogo can mimic X-Magic, but not X-Fight. He can mimic Jump, but NOT more than one jump (you have to have the Dragon Horn on him for him to do that). This is why this particular ability can be very useful if used properly. Magic ----- This is another one of the most easiest basics of the gameplay to understand. At the very beginning of the game, only Terra can use this ability. When you select this command, a list of Magic spells you've learned throughout your adventure will appear. There are two types of Magic: White Magic, and Black Magic. White Magic has a white dot next to the name of the spell, while Black Magic has a black dot next to the name of the spell. White Magic is simply spells for support, and sometimes causes negative status effects on an enemy. Black Magic is used to damage enemies with a certain attack. After you've passed Zozo in your quest, you start collecting Espers (commonly referred to as "Magicite") which you can equip on your characters to learn spells for them, as well! Terra and Celes are the only ones who start with Magic, and learn Magic as they level up (refer to the Spells section for more information). X-Magic ------- This is the same thing as Magic, but you can cast TWO consecutive spells in one turn with one party member! This command is only available once you've found and equipped the Gem Box Relic, which you cannot get until the World of Ruin, once you reach the top of Fanatic's Tower. Be sure to equip the Gem Box on one of your best spell casters! Item ---- Pretty self-explanatory. Simply put, when you select this command (it is available for EVERY party member except Umaro, but you have to customize it with Gogo), a list of all of the items you currently have appears. You can use any item like a Potion, Tonic, Tincture, Green Cherry, and so on. Since there's X-Fight and X-Magic commands that you can enable, you may think you can enable an X-Item command, but sadly, you cannot. Espers ------ Espers are only obtainable after passing your first visit to the town of Zozo. You get the first four Espers in the game in Zozo (more commonly known as Magicite). You can equip any Esper on any party member, except for Gogo and Umaro. Each Esper has a certain list of spells that you can learn at a certain Learn Rate for each spell. Also, some Espers give you certain stat bonuses when you level up (refer to the Espers section of the guide for more information on this). There are many Espers that you can collect throughout the game, and you will find yourself equipping them often. Also, each Esper performs a certain ability in-battle, whether it be to cause damage against the enemy, or to support your party. While in-battle, when it's someones turn that has an Esper equipped, select "Magic", and press Up when at the top of the Magic List. Then, a new option appears, which is the Esper. Press A, and you can now use the equipped Esper to either deal damage to some enemies, or to allow them to support your party! Row --- While in a battle (obviously), when someones turn comes up, press Left on the D-Pad to reveal the hidden "Row" command. Press A when you see this command, and the party member you selected the command with will go to the Back Row if he/she is currently in the Front Row, which reduces damage given to you, but also reduces physical damage you can give to the enemy. And if you select this command while in the Back Row, your party member will go in the Front Row. Defense ------- While in a battle (obviously), when someones turn comes up, press Right on the D-Pad to reveal the hidden "Def." command. Press A when you see this command, and the party member you selected the command with will "skip" his/her turn, in an attempt to reduce damage that may be given when the enemies attack. This command actually isn't as useful as it may sound, so I wouldn't use it often, if ever. ====================== Other In-Battle Basics ====================== Hit Points ---------- This (and MP) is THE most basic part of gameplay in any RPG, and is in every RPG to date (heck, sometimes even Adventure games). Hit Points are commonly referred to as "HP", as an abbreviation. Your HP starts at a low number for each party member. When enemies attack you, you lose a certain amount of your HP. If your HP reaches zero, that party member falls. Using a Fenix Down will 'revive' the wounded member, restoring some of their HP. Using a healing item (such as a Tonic or a Potion) will restore a bit of the party members HP. If all of your party members reach zero HP, you get a message saying that you were defeated, and then you restart at the spot where you saved your game last. If you use a Tent (only useable when in a Save Point, or while on the overworld), all of your HP/MP is restored fully on all of your current party members. If you use a Sleeping Bag (only useable in the same areas as a Tent), the party member you selected will have his/her HP/MP fully restored. Also, as you level up, your HP increases by a certain amount. Magic Points ------------ Another very basic aspect of the gameplay. Magic Points are most commonly referred to as "MP", an abbreviation for Magic Points. Only Terra starts out with MP at first, and it determines how many spells you can use before you have to recover your MP using certain items (such as Tinctures). It starts off at a low number, and as you level up, it increases by a certain amount. For each spell you use, your MP is drained by a little (sometimes a lot, depending on the spell/Esper used). Tents will fully restore your HP/MP (which is only useable in Save Points and on the overworld) to your whole party. Sleeping Bags fully restore your HP/MP to one party member, and is only useable in the same places as a Tent. However, if you have the Economizer Relic equipped, EVERY spell and Esper costs 1 MP to use. Yes, even Ultima. Gauge ----- The gauge appears while you're in a battle, and it appears at the bottom of the screen, by each of your party member's names. It goes up as the battle goes on. When it gets full, the party member's turn comes up (so, if the gauge was full by Terra's name, for example, she would get a turn). It may sound complicated, but it's very easy to understand. However, if you use the Morph command, the gauge by Terra's name will be green, and it goes down drastically. When it gets empty, Terra reverts back to her normal form. In some battles, the green gauge goes down slow, and in some other battles, it goes down very quickly! Running Away from Battle ------------------------ During a battle, if you do not feel like fighting at the moment, press and hold the L and R Buttons to begin running away. If you continue to hold these two buttons down for a short time, eventually your party will flee from battle! However, there are some battles that you'll get a message stating "Can't run away!", which obviously means you cannot run away from that fight. You also cannot run away from ANY boss fight in the game. =================================== Options and Other Stuff in the Menu =================================== Item ---- This option in the menu does the same exact thing as the one in-battle, only you can use more items if you're standing in a Save Point, or are on the World Map (you can use Sleeping Bags and Tents). Anyway, when selected, it brings up a list of the current items you have. You can use this option to select certain support items (Tonic, Potion, etc.) to use on your party members! Skills ------ Brings up a list of all of the available skills in the game (Blitz, Dances, Lores, etc.). However, when you select this option, the cursor points at a party member in the menu. Select a party member and press A to bring up the Skills list. Also, you cannot check the abilities you currently have unless that party member has the command in-battle that you're trying to look at. For an example, if you want to see a list of your Blitz commands, you have to select Sabin in order to be able to select Blitz on the list. You can also check the list of the current spells that party member has (if he/she has any spells at all). Also, you can select the Espers option to bring up the list of the current Espers you have (you have to have at least one Esper first). In the Magic spells list, you can use any type of White Magic (Cure, Imp, etc.) on a party member. If you're using a Cure spell to recover the party, press L to select all party members at once. However, you can heal up more HP to one party member by simply healing one. In the Espers list, you can select an Esper and equip the selected Esper on a party member. To unequip an Esper, simply select a blank space on the Esper List, and the Esper in question will now be unequipped! This is one of the best options in the Menu. Equip ----- Self-explanatory. When you choose this option, the cursor points at a party member. Select a party member, and press A to bring up the Equipment screen. However, you cannot equip Relics on this screen. Also, four options appear above the list of currently equipped weapons, armor, shield, and head gear. They are: Equip, Optimum, Remove, and Empty. Equip simply lets you equip the selected party member with a weapon (or two weapons, if you have a Genji Glove Relic equipped on the party member), a shield, some head gear, and some armor. Optimum automatically equips your character with what the game considers the best equipment for that member at that point. Remove simply allows you to remove a piece of equipment off of your character. Finally, Empty automatically unequips your party member of everything he/she currently has on, if selected. Relic ----- When you select this option, choose a party member you wish to equip/unequip Relics on, and press A to bring up the Relic equipment screen. There are only two Relics you can equip on each party member, though. Above the two Relic slots, at the top of the screen, are two options. They are: Equip, and Remove. Equip allows you to select a Relic slot, and when selected, brings up a list of Relics that character can equip. Select a Relic, and press A to equip it onto that character. Remove allows you to select a Relic slot, removing that Relic from that slot if you press A. Status ------ When this option is selected, the cursor points at a party member. Select a party member, and the Status screen is shown for that character. On that screen shows the current HP/MP and Level your character has, and also shows how much Experience Points you've obtained altogether, along with how many more EXP you will need before the next level up for that character. It also shows the list of commands for that specific character. If you come to this screen with Gogo, you can select the three empty slots on the Command List and "customize" more commands for Gogo to use. The Mimic command cannot be replaced, but any other customized commands can. Finally, the Status Screen shows how much your current battle stats are for that character. Config ------ The Config option brings up a list of a LOT of options you can change. The first option you'll see is the Battle Mode option (it is called Bat. Mode in the game). Use the Left and Right directions on the D-Pad to select an option for the Battle Mode. The Active option means that the enemies will attack you, even if you're not ready, and even if you're on an Item List or something! The Wait option is the best (in my opinion), and especially good for people who are slow at making a turn. It allows you to safely browse through the Item List, the Magic List, etc., while not having to worry about the enemies attacking you. However, the enemies WILL attack you if you're on the Command List, so you should know that. The next option is the Battle Speed (Bat. Speed). Use the D-Pad to select an appropriate number for the speed. Number 1 is the slowest, and Number 6 is the fastest. It simply makes the battle speed up/slow down more. The next option is basically the same thing as the Battle Speed, only it is the Message Speed (Msg. Speed). Again, use the D-Pad to select a number. 1 is the slowest, 3 is the normal speed, and 6 is the fastest. This simply makes the dialogue go slow or fast, or just normal (by default). The next option is the Command Set (the Cmd. Set). You can set it to Window or Short. Window is the default. In-battle, the Command List for that party member is all in one small window. The Short option makes the Command List in-battle be in a rectangular box, and the commands are sorted in a strange way. Personally, I think Window is the best one, but it's your call. The next option is the Gauge, which is On, by default. If you set it to Off, while in-battle, instead of the default Gauge being there, it will show your HP like this, for an example: "1000~1000". The HP on the left determines how much HP you currently have, while the HP on the
right determines your max HP altogether. The party members also get a turn at
any random time.

The next option is the Sound. You can switch between Stereo and Mono (Stereo is
the default). If you have Stereo selected, the game plays sounds and such in a
stereo-type fashion. The Mono option makes the games music, sounds, etc., play
in a radio-type fashion. Stereo is the best choice, by far, but it's up to you.
The Cursor option can be switched to Memory. This makes the game "remember" one
particular command. Use a command, then set the Cursor to Memory, and then all
you have to do is press the A Button without pressing anything else to do what
command you have it set to! The Reequip option can be switched to "Empty". But,
I fail to see what this thing does. The default is set to Optimum.

The Controller option can be set from Single to Multiple. What this does, when
set to Multiple is, you can set how many party members you want a second player
to control during battle. Set it to Multiple if you want a sort of Multiplayer
experience of the game. Also, you may think that the Controller option is the
last option in the Config Menu, but if you press Down on the D-Pad while the
Controller option is highlighted, you'll be brought to a few more things of the
menu. The Magic Order option (Mag. Order) can re-organize your spells list (it
takes effect for every party member). Number 1 is the default, which sorts out
your spells out in this order: Healing, Attacking, and Effect.

Number 2 sorts it out as: Healing, Effect, and Attacking. Number 3 sorts it out
as Attacking, Effect, and Healing. Number 4 sorts it out as Attacking, Healing,
and Effect. Number 5 sorts it out as Effect, Healing, and Attacking. Finally,
Number 6 sorts it out as Effect, Attacking, and Healing. The next option is
Window. The default is Number 1. Each number changes the background color of
the Menu Screen, and the background color of the Command List and such during a
battle. Number 1 is the default, dark blue background. Number 2 is a grey-ish,
Chrono Trigger-style background. Number 3 is a background of blue waves on the
screen. Number 4 is a wooden-looking background. Number 5 is a brownish-like
wavy background. Number 6 is another grey-ish Chrono Trigger-style background,
and Number 7 is a tree-type background.  Finally, Number 8 is a chicken-like
background, which looks the ugliest out of all of them (in my opinion).

The next option on the Config screen is the Color option. Switch it from Font
to Window, and you can choose between a few colors to change the games font.
In other words, the letters in the game appear differently. Finally, you can
go down to the very last option, which is the R, G, and B option. You can
lower the number on these, changing the font color, by using the D-Pad. You can
make several colors by using the R, G, and B options. Lower the gauge using the
D-Pad, and the number will lower. To get the default font back, either go to
the Color option and switch it back to Font, or simply fill up the gauge on all
three of the gauge bars. This makes the default white font appear.


The Save option is pretty much required. This option allows you to "save" your
adventure so you can stop playing for the time being. You can save your game
any time you step into a blue glimmering dot, or any time you're on the World
Map. The Save option on the Menu Screen will be lit up, making it selectable.
Also, while in a spot where you can save your progress, you can use a Sleeping
Bag or a Tent to fully recover your HP/MP. Be sure to save your progress at
any time where you get the chance, because you may need to!


In the Menu Screen, if you look down below the options on the Menu, you'll see
something that says "Steps". It shows you the amount of steps you've taken
throughout the entire game. Pretty pointless, but whatever.


GP is the money you'll use in the game. GP is used to buy Weapons, items,
Relics, Armors, etc., and you find a lot of it in chests and by defeating
enemies in levels. GP is one of the main aspects in Final Fantasy III, and you
will be needing it quite often throughout your adventure. You can see how much
GP you currently have by looking at the bottom-right corner of the Menu Screen.
The maximum amount of GP you can hold at once is 999,999,999. In other words,
over nine million, which is near impossible to obtain fairly.

Status Aliments

Throughout the game, there will be certain enemies at certain points that will
attack you with a certain attack, which could inflict a negative status effect
on your party member(s). I will list all of the Status Aliments, along with
info on how to cure them. However, some status effects are caused by casting
certain spells on the party, and some status effects are helpful. Also, take
note that a Tent recovers EVERY Status Aliment.


This isn't actually a bad status aliment to have inflicted on you. When it is
inflicted on a party member, that party member floats up in the air. The good
thing about this effect is, if an enemy uses the Quake spell (the Dirt Drgn,
for an example), you'll take absolutely no damage at all! A simple Remedy
item/spell will remove this effect.


A quite annoying Status Aliment this can be. It turns your party member into
stone, which means they cannot move or make a turn, or anything, unless they
are cured from it. There are a few enemies that can (and perhaps will) inflict
this aliment on the party. A simple Soft item turns the party member to normal.


This is a really annoying aliment to have inflicted upon your characters, as
well. A few enemies (like in Cyan's Soul) will use an attack called "Imp", that
will turn your party member into a green duck-looking thing, if successful. The
weird thing is, the Imp spell is useable outside of battle, which means you can
turn your own party member into an Imp (why you would wanna do that, I have no
idea). While an Imp, you cannot use Magic at all. A Green Cherry item or a use
of the Imp spell on the Imped character will cure this aliment.


This aliment is actually good, and can only be inflicted upon a party member if
another party member uses the spell Vanish. When you use Vanish on a party
member, the party member disappears, but you can still see the outlining of the
character. This aliment can be useful if you want to level up without worrying
about dying so often. However, if an enemy uses a spell on you, this aliment is
automatically removed! Also, use a Remedy if you need to cure this aliment, for
whatever reason.


This one is probably one of the most common and annoying aliments in the whole
game. When an enemy uses a poison ability on you, that party member becomes
poisoned. While in-battle, the party member in question will drastically lose
HP as the battle goes on. This aliment hurts you even outside of battle, too!
For every step you take, the screen gets pixelated, and the poisoned character
loses some HP! However, he/she never faints outside of battle, but gets down to
as low as 1 HP. In battle, however, if the HP keeps lowering until it reachs 0,
the party member falls. Using an Antidote item or the Antdot spell will cure
this annoying aliment.


Kinda like Petrify, only the party member does not stop attacking and getting a
turn. Also, you have no control over the party member unless you cure the
aliment. Instead, the party member automatically attacks either a party member,
or the enemy. Also, the party member with this aliment on will have 0 HP. When
you use a Revivify item on the Zombied member, his/her HP will be restored by a
very small amount, but it will also cure this aliment.


This aliment gets inflicted onto a party member if the enemy uses an ability
called "Ink". However, some other attacks will also inflict this aliment onto a
party member (sometimes the whole party). When this is inflicted, your party
member has black glasses-looking things on. While this aliment is inflicted,
the party member's physical attacks will Miss much more often. Use an Eyedrop
to cure this.


One of the most common aliments in the game, and it most likely will be seen
throughout your adventure. This aliment is simply inflicted when your party
member reaches 0 HP. He/she falls, and is then under the "Wounded" status.
Simply use a Fenix Down to restore some of the party members HP, bringing them
back into the fight.


Another really common aliment. When this is inflicted onto a member, the party
member will begin spinning around with a green ring above his/her head. When
the party members turn comes up, he/she will attack either a party member, an
enemy, or his/her self. The only way to cure this is to attack the party member
yourself. No specific item can cure this, but it is only in effect in-battle.


When the enemies cast this aliment upon a member, the party member cannot use
Magic spells unless the aliment is cured. Using an Echo Screen will take care
of this bad condition.


A timer is placed above a party members head when this aliment is in effect.
When the said timer reaches zero, the Doom spell is casted upon that member,
and thus, the party member falls in battle. There is no item or spell that
will cure this aliment, sadly.


When this is casted upon a party member, the party member is out of control,
and has a red, steamed up face. When it reaches his/her turn, the party member
automatically uses a physical attack, but causes more damage than normal. Use
Dispel to bring the party member back to normal.


This particular aliment causes the party member it's casted on to slow down
in-battle. While in this state, the party member gets a turn a bit more slower
than normal.


Cast the Haste spell on the party member to inflict this aliment. This will
cause the party member in question to get a turn in-battle quicker than normal.


When an enemy casts this upon a party member, the party member has a purple
shape around their body, and cannot move, make a turn, or anything for a short
amount of time. Sadly, no item or spell can cure this instantly.


Cast the Regen spell on a party member to inflict this. While in-battle, the
party member will gradually recover small amounts of HP. It's not a very useful
aliment, however.


V. Walkthrough

WARNING: This section WILL contain spoilers, but I'll be sure not to spoil the
         entire game for you. :P

When the game begins, you will see a cutscene of the story, then Vicks, Wedge,
and an unknown lady steps onto the mountains of Narshe. They don't find the
Esper they are looking for, then they talk a little bit, and the starting
credits begin. Skip or watch them, and then you will arrive at Narshe.


When you arrive here, just keep going north. Along the way, you'll come across
a few set of enemies to defeat. Just repedeately use Fire Beam; these enemies
pose no threat at all. When you have defeated the enemies, continue into the
next area. In this area, continue going north, fighting the enemies along the
way, then enter into the cave of Narshe. Inside, there is a save point to the
left, in which you can save your game. Go north to come across a gate. Examine
the gate, and then Vicks will break the gate, revealing a new area. Walk into
the next area, only to be interrupted by a guard. He calls upon Whelk to attack
you. You will enter combat against it. Read the Bosses section to see how to
kill it. 

When you defeat Whelk, advance into the next area. In this area, go north and
you'll see an Esper. A cutscene will occur. Vicks and Wedge will die, and then
the girl will have a reaction to the Esper. The screen will fade. You will
appear on a bed, and next to you is a guy named Arvis. You have control of the
girl, so move right and speak with Arvis. Arvis will remove the Slave Crown
from her head, and she will remember herself as Terra. Two guards of Narshe,
along with some wolves will knock on the door, wanting Terra alive, as she is
an "officer" of the Empire. They will also want her Magitek Armor (the suit you
just fought Whelk in). Arvis will lead you out of the area, so follow him. But,
before you do, go to the left side of his house and examine the clock for an
Elixir. Then enter through the door he is standing next to. Outside, you will
be around on the back of the building. Now, go west and across the bridge. The
Empire will locate Terra yet again. Proceed to the left and enter the next area
into the cave of Narshe.

In here, follow along the path, then go up the stairs and save your game at the
nearby save point. If you wish, you can walk around and fight the enemies in
this area to level up a bit. If you do, take note to just use your attacks, and
not any magic, as it is a waste. Either way, when you're done, follow along the
path some more. Ignore the chests. Why? Because if you leave them closed until
the World of Ruin, they will contain better items. Continue following along the
path and then some guards will corner Terra, and she'll fall down a trap. She
will land in a big area, and the scene will switch to a dream. Terra will dream
that Kefka will command her to burn up some soldiers in some firey place. After
the dream is over, Locke will enter Arvis' House and introduce himself. He then
rushes to help Terra. When the scene switches inside the cave, one of Narshe's
guards will come out with a few beasts to help him. 

Three Moogles will then come out, wanting to help Locke save Terra from the
Empire. When the Moogle asks you if you need help, select "Yes" if this is your
first time playing. When you gain control, press Y to switch groups. Check each
group via the menu by pressing X. When you have the group with Mog, go to
Equip, and select Mog. Now, select "Rmove", and remove both his shield and his
weapon. I'll tell you why you needed to do that later. Now, switch to Locke's
group and go south. Wipe out all the enemies until you can reach the guard. Now
press A to enter combat against him. Read the Bosses section to see how to win.

When you defeat him, Locke will take Terra out, then open a secret entrance via
a switch. Locke then exits the cave. Before leaving Narshe, however, go north
and talk to the guy guarding the door. Enter the door and you'll be inside of
the Classroom.


Inside, you can learn many basic stuff about this game, as well as information
about status effects, and other stuff. There are several doors in here, as well
as a bucket that recovers your HP and MP to full. Enter the door north of the
bucket. In here is a save point, and a treasure chest containing a Monster-in-
a-box. Although, all it contains is a Lobo. To the right is a pot that contains
a Tincture. Examine the pot to get the item. Now, exit this room. Back here, go
into the second door to the left. In here, examine the chest behind the guys to
get a Sleeping Bag. Exit this room. Now, enter the last door to the left. In
this room, open the last chest to obtain a Tonic. Now exit the classroom, along
with Narshe itself.


Outside, go southwest into the sand dunes to find a castle lying in the middle
of the sand. Build up here in the sand if you wish. If you do, be sure to get
Terra to at least Level 8, then kill Terra and build up Locke alone. Doing this
gives you more experience to that one character per battle. Regardless, enter
the castle.

Figaro Castle

In Figaro Castle, go north. The guard will try to stop you, but realize you're
not from the Empire, and let you pass. Enter the door. In here, go ahead and
equip the Mithril Shield on Terra, and then put the Buckler that Terra had on
Locke. Now, continue north through the next three areas. You will then be in
the throne room. In here, talk to the man sitting on the throne. He will start
talking, and introduce himself as Edgar, the King of Figaro. Locke will then
leave, and Edgar will talk with Terra a little bit. Edgar then leaves the room.
When you regain control of Terra, exit into the previous room. In this area
again, go to the southeast part of the room and enter the door there. In this
room, open the two chests to recieve a Tonic and an Antidote. The man there
also sells you some tools. You already start off with the Auto Crossbow. You
can buy the BioBlaster and NoiseBlaster, and I recommend it a lot. So, buy
one of each. When you are done, leave the room. 

Back here, enter the door to the left. In here, open the chest to recieve a
Soft. The man in this room sells you some items. I recommend buying some
Tonics, Fenix Downs, and some Tents. When you are done shopping, leave the
room. Back here, exit this room. Outside, enter the door to the southwest. In
here, go down the stairs, and into the next area. Continue going down the
stairs, and enter the next area. Outside, go northwest to reach a tower. Enter
the door there. In here, talk to the lady to the left. A cutscene will commence
where Edgar will talk with his brother, Sabin. When the cutscene is over, exit
this room the same way you entered it. Back outside, head into the previous
area, and up the stairs into the next room.

Back here, exit this area, and head all the way back to the throne room. Back
in the throne room, Edgar will be there again. Speak with him once more, and
Kefka will come and visit Edgar. You will now gain control of him. Go down, and
speak with the two troopers next to Kefka, then speak with Kefka himself. They
will start talking about Terra, and then Kefka and his troops will leave the
castle. When you regain control, go back north and speak with Locke. Terra will
then come out, and Edgar will head back to the throne room. Do as Locke says,
and follow him. When you gain control of Terra, head through the southeast
door. Follow Locke down the stairs in the left corner, then exit this area, and
the next one. You will be outside. Out here, enter the tower to the north. In
this area, Locke will stop.

Speak with him, and they will talk about Edgar and the Empire. When Locke is
finished speaking with Terra, he will leave the room, and the screen will fade.
Figaro will be on fire by the evil Kefka! Speak with Kefka and the soldiers if
you wish, then head north and speak with the Figaro guard. He will send out
three Chocobo's. Edgar will jump on top of one, then Locke and Terra will jump
on the last two. They will then leave Figaro. Figaro will then enter submerged
mode, and sink into the sand. Kefka will send out two guards to attack you, and
you'll enter in combat against them. There's no point to list these in the
Bosses section, as they are very easy. Just use Fire on both Magitek Armors at
the same time with Terra (get prepared for a long, stupid conversation), Auto
Crossbow as Edgar, and just attack as Locke until you win.

Once you defeat them, a cutscene will commence where Edgar and Locke talk to
Terra about the Returners. They will tell you that their next destination is
South Figaro. When the cutscene ends, you will be in control of a Chocobo.


Go directly north of the direction the Chocobo is facing, and you'll come
across a cave. Press B to dismount the Chocobo. Save it and enter the cave.

Figaro Cave

In here, head north and speak with the soldier. He will let you pass, so enter
the cave. In the cave, I recommend you build up to at least Level 12 with each
character. Although, you don't have to if you don't want to. You can kill off
two party members, and fight with one, gaining levels much faster. Use the pond
with the turtle floating on it for full recovery on HP/MP. Whenever you are
done, go to the northeast corner and enter the next area. In this area, head
east, then south. Let's ignore the treasure chests in this cave, for there will
be better items in them at the World of Ruin. Anyways, go up the nearby stairs,
and enter the next area. In here, enter through the next area to the left. In
this area, go south and you'll be back on the overworld.


Here, head south. You will see a small town. This is South Figaro, your next
destination. Enter there.

South Figaro

In here, you will see a knight looking guy walking. Follow him into the Café.
Inside the Café, go up the stairs, and go east to the counter. Speak with the
knight and you will find out he is really Shadow. For now, ignore him. Leave
the Café. Back here, go to the Equip screen on Edgar, and equip him with the
Mithril Pike (see, this is why I wanted you to unequip Mog at the beginning of
the game). Then, equip Locke with the Mithril Blade that Edgar had equipped.
Now, enter the building with a diamond symbol next to it. In here, speak with
the merchant guy. He will run into a wall (what an idiot), and run up stairs.
Buy a couple of pairs of Sprint Shoes, and equip one on a single party member.
Buy any other relics if you like, then exit the Relic Shop. Back outside, go
northeast, and enter the building with a sword symbol next to it. In the
Arsenal, use the nearby counter. This is the weapon shop.

Buy a RegalCutlass for Terra, then equip it on her. Now, go east and examine
the next counter. Buy a Heavy Shield for Locke and Edgar (NOT Terra), then buy
three Plumed Hats, then buy a Cotton Robe for Terra, and a Kung Fu Suit for
Locke. Equip all these items you just bought on each character. Now, sell all
of your old equipment you have in your inventory, then exit the shop. Back
outside, head west, and to the exit of the town. You'll come across a big
stable. Enter it, and rent a Chocobo inside.


Here, head directly north of South Figaro to reach another cave. Dismount the
Chocobo (if you mounted one), and enter the cave. This is Mt. Koltz, your next

Mt. Koltz

In this place, enter through the cave up ahead. Though you could build up a bit
more here, I do not recommend it. If you followed my guide, you should be well
more than high enough for this place. Regardless, whenever you're ready, go up
the stairs, then around into the next area. In this area, enter through the
next cave you see. Inside this cave, you will see a big mountain-looking thing,
that is blocking a secret pathway. First, go northeast, and enter the secret
area, and open the chest for  an Atlas Armlet. Now, go back to the entrance of
the cave. Go down, then go around the bottom, and go under the rock, through
the passage. Enter through the cave. Out here, open the chest to recieve a
Guardian. This is a new weapon for Locke, so equip it on him as soon as
possible, as it is the best weapon for him at this point. Go back into the
previous area, and exit the secret passage.

Now, go north, and follow up the path of stairs into the next area. In this
area, you will notice a shadow that will jump off the side of the mountain.
Follow where he went to enter the next area. In here, follow around the path of
the mountain, and enter through the first cave you come across. In here, go
south and outside to the next area. Here, open the treasure chest for a Tent.
Head back to the mountain side again. Out here again, continue around the
mountain and enter the second cave that you see. In this cave, go across the
bridge, then take the north past, and go east. Follow the bridge out and into
the next area. In this area, you will see the mysterious shadow again. Go north
and cross the long bridge, and into the next cave. In here is a save point, so
step in it, use a Tent and save your game. Enter through the next area to the

Out here, go east and begin following the mountain path down. Eventually, you
will come to a cave. But that mysterious shadow we saw will BLOCK the entrance,
and reveal himself! Speak with him, and he will ask if Sabin sent you. You will
enter combat against him. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat him.
Once you defeat Vargas, Sabin and the party will talk for a little bit. Then,
Sabin decides to join your party! Now, enter through the now open cave. In this
area, open the nearby chest to obtain a Tent. Now, go down the stairs, and into
the next area. Here, head south and exit this place, back to the overworld.


Out here, go north until you come across a white cave. Save it and enter this
said cave and you'll be in the Returner's Hideout.

Returner's Hideout

In this place, talk with the soldier. He will lead you to a door, so enter it.
In this room, save your game at the save point if you wish, and then speak with
Banon. Banon and the others will talk for a while, and then Banon will go to
rest. Terra will do the same. When you see Terra in the bed, move out of it.
Now, speak with Locke. Open the chest in front of him to recieve a Fenix Down.
Exit this room. Back here, go north across the wooden plank, and into the next
area. In this area, proceed down the hallway. Speak with the soldier if you
wish, then open the three chests to get a Fenix Down, Air Lancet and a True
Knight. Now, examine the pot and the bucket just north of the chests to recieve
an Antidote and a Tincture. Now, go to the topright corner of the room, and you
will enter a secret passage. Open the chest to recieve a White Cape, then exit
the secret passage. Exit this room completely.

Back here, keep going south, and go down the black stairs. Go up towards
Banon's room, and examine the pot to get a Green Cherry. Go south, and speak
with Sabin. Now, head to Banon's room. Speak with Edgar, then open the chest
to recieve a Potion. Save your game if you wish, then head out of Banon's room.
Now, go back to the entrance of the hideout, and speak with the soldier. He
will let you pass outside, where Banon is at. Speak with Banon, and if you want
the Genji Glove (I really recommend it), tell him "No" when he asks you if you
will be their last ray of hope. Do this two more times. If you told him "Yes",
he will give you a Gauntlet (which is MUCH worse than the Genji Glove). Either
way, you and Banon head back into the hideout.

A cutscene will occur. The Doma Soldier will pass out and die due to the
Empire. If you told Banon "No" three times outside, you will have recieved a
Genji Glove from another soldier. When the cutscene ends and you regain control
of the party, you will appear in a secret room. I recommend equipping the Genji
Glove (if you got it) on Sabin. Trust me; it will be great for him later on.
Also, if you have an extra Plumed Hat, equip it on Sabin. Before you go, take
note that if you go north into the previous room, there is a shop in the main
room of the hideout that has a shop, where you can buy new stuff and sell your
old equipment. Whenever you're ready, go back into the secret area and head to
the south to enter the Lete River. Also, equip the Genji Glove (if you got it)
on Sabin, and if you have one, an extra Plumed Hat on him. Also, it would be
a good idea to unequip the Atlas Armlet now, and to put everyone in the back
row. You take half as much damage as you would normally. Also, unequip the
Sprint Shoes for now, so you can reequip them on the next scenario.

Lete River

Outside, go down and then jump onto the raft. Along the way you will be asked
what path to take. For the first path, go left. You will come into a cave, and
stop at a save point. Use a Tent if needed, then save it and jump back on the
raft. For the second path, select left once again. You'll come to yet another
cave with yet another save point. Save and rest if needed, then take the raft.
It will take you down a waterfall, then you'll stumble across an octopus. You
will enter combat against it. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it.
Once you defeat Ultros, he will retreat (but he will return). Sabin will try
and attempt to chase it by jumping underwater. He will rise, but will miss the
raft. Sabin will be floating in the water, and the screen will fade. You will
be in control of Mog, in a black area with a set of party members, and a save
point. Select Locke, and we will begin Locke's Scenario, and appear in South
Figaro. Read below if you want to do a different scenario. A good way to do
the scenarios is Banon's, then Sabin's, then Locke's. Also, before you finish
each scenario, unequip the characters so that you can equip the stuff on the
party members for the other scenario's as well.

South Figaro

When you gain control of Locke, equip the Air Lancet on him that you found
earlier. Don't worry; we will get more equipment for him later. Now, head
left and go up the two set of stairs, and then enter the Item Shop. Inside,
you will find a merchant next to the counter. Speak with him and you will
enter combat against him. Use Steal to steal his clothing (he's not fully
naked, thank the Lord). If you do not steal it, keep trying until you do.
Once you do, he will escape. Exit the Item Shop. Back outside, go down the
set of stairs and enter the building there. Inside, go north, and turn left
down this set of stairs. Speak with the guard boy and he will let you proceed.
Now, take the right path, and enter that area. Examine the bucket to recieve
a Tonic. Now, go through the door north of the guard. Out here, go north, and
enter the Arsenal nearby. In here, go past the Weapon Shop to the shield and
armor shop. Buy a Heavy Shield, a Plumed Hat, and a Kung Fu Suit for Locke.

Equip it on him. Now, sell your old equipment, and exit this place. Back
outside, go up the long set of stairs just east of the shield symbol on the
building. Follow the path to the left and you will come across a guard clothed
in green. Talk to him to enter combat against him. Steal his clothing. When you
do, follow along the path again, and head back down the stairs. Go left of the
Arsenal, and you will find a guard blocking your path. Speak with him, and he
will move. Head into the Café. Inside, go right, and down the set of stairs. In
this area, go into the door, and fight the Merchant. Steal his clothing. Once
you do, you will take the cider from the table. Now, exit the Café.

Outside, head back to the area where the guard boy was. Once there, go up the
stairs. Back here, go north, and follow the path. Speak with the man there, and
give him the cider. He will say that there is a secret passage, and to tell it
to his grandson (the guard). He will say that he "forgets" the password (d'oh).
Go back to the guard, and tell him the password is "Courage". He will show you
a secret entrance, so enter it. In this new area, you will be (somehow) under
the floor or something, and enter a new building. Inside, examine the nearby
clock for an Elixir! Now, go up the stairs and enter the next area. In this
area, you will be behind the building. Move right to reveal yourself, then
enter the next building. Inside, head up the set of stairs. In here, enter the
first door you see (the second one is useless). In here, go behind the bookcase
to enter a secret room. Inside, go down the set of stairs into the next area.

Now, follow the path, and you will be prompted to take off your disguise, or
leave it on. Either one is fine. Now, go right, and Locke will examine the
first door. General Celes is inside, along with two guards that are watching
her. When you regain control of Locke, enter the room. Inside, remove Celes'
chains. They will talk a bit. When you regain control, examine the guard on
the chair. He is sleeping (I thought he said he could go days without sleep).
Take the Clock Key from his pocket. He will rush out of his chair, but then
immediately go back to sleep (what an idiot). Exit this room.

Back here, enter the next door if you wish to save your game. Regardless, go
to the third door. Equip Celes with a Plumed Hat (you should have one). Inside
this area, rid this place of all its chests to recieve 500 GP, 1000 GP, and
1500 GP. One is empty, however. Now, at the end of the room is a clock. Examine
it, and you will prompted to wind it. Do so to reveal a secret door, so enter
inside it. In this room, there are some enemies you can fight. Be careful, for
Celes has no equipment at the moment. Use Ice to kill them. Anyways, follow the
path, and when the path splits, go south and open the chest to recieve an Iron
Armor. Equip this on Celes.

Now, take the right path, and follow the path. You will come across some
chests. Open them to recieve a Regal Cutlass, and a Heavy Shield. Equip both of
these items on Celes. Now, go back to the right path, and then go south. You
will go under the black ceiling. Go all the way right, and then up the stairs
into the next area. In here, go to the door, and Locke and Celes will talk a
bit more. Go through the door, and outside, exit this place.


Here, go northwest of South Figaro and use a Tent (if you have one), and save
your game. Enter the cave, back to Figaro Cave.

Figaro Cave

In here, go up the stairs and into the next area. In this area, go right and
into the next area. Here, go north and then take a left, then north into the
next area. In this area, you will be in the room with the recovery spring.
You can build up to at least Level 15 here if you wish, as we are about to
fight another boss. Whenever you're ready, head south and you'll enter in
a boss battle against Tunnel Armor. Read the Bosses section to see how to
defeat it. Once you defeat it, Locke's Scenario is over. Now, we go to Banon,
Terra and Edgar's Scenario.

Lete River

You will float into a cave, and back to the overworld.


On the overworld, head north and into Narshe.


Back in Narshe, go left. Examine the dead end, and Edgar will find a hidden
switch in the wall, revealing a cave. Enter it. In here, follow the path
up and enter the next area. In this area, go left and go up the stairs and
into the next area. Here, cross the bridge, then go north and into the next
area. In this next place, go north and a glimmering dot will go a certain
way around the rock maze. You have to go EXACTLY in every place that the
shining dot went into to make it to the door up ahead. If you do not, you
will be cornered by a bunch of yellow dots, and enter in a battle. Then,
you will be back at the entrance of the room. Keep trying, and memorize
its every move. When you make it, enter the next area. In this area, follow
the path, and take a turn to the right. Ignore the entrance you see, then
proceed south, and save your game at the save point you come across if you
wish. Then, proceed south into the next area. In this area, cross the bridge
and then go down and enter Arvis' House. Inside, go down and enter the door
and watch the cutscene. This scenario is over, so select Sabin's.


On here, save your game and enter the nearby town thing. Here, speak with
the guy on the Chocobo and he will sell you some items. The only thing you'd
even need is Fenix Down's and Tent's. And maybe some Shurikens and some Sprint
Shoes. Also buy a Plumed Hat for Shadow. Whenever you're done, speak with
Shadow nearby. Shadow will join your party (for the time being). Exit this
place. Outside again, go east, then turn and go south. Continue going south and
eventually, you'll come across a patch of sand. Enter that patch of sand.

Imperial Camp

In this place, go south, and the party will hide. A cutscene will commence, and
then Kefka orders the soldiers to attack Doma Castle! The soldiers will go to
Doma and attack it! Cyan will appear, then head outside. When he goes outside,
you will be in control of him. Don't worry about fighting the soldiers; it's
not worth it, and it does nothing. Fight the soldier in black by running up to
him and pressing A. When you enter combat against the soldier, just do SwdTechs
to kill him. When he is defeated, a short cutscene will occur, and you'll be in
control of Sabin. Go south, then turn right and enter the tent thing. Inside,
there is a treasure chest in the topright corner. Examine it, then choose "Kick
It". It will fail, and a dog from outside will come in and attack you. Defeat
it. When you defeat it, open the chest to recieve a Star Pendant. Now, exit the
tent, and go left. Now, go south and cross the bridge, and then keep going
down. A cutscene will occur with a soldier and General Leo. When you gain
control, go south, and yet another cutscene will occur with Leo and Kefka.

When it is over, Kefka will spot you, and attack you. Just hit him once and
then the game continues. Follow Kefka and speak with him to enter another
combat against him. Do the same thing. He will run away one last time. Before
you go to fight him again, however, enter the tent to the north. Inside are two
chests which contain a Monster-In-A-Box and a Mithril Glove. Be warned,
however, that the Monster-In-A-Box is a bit. difficult at this point. I
recommend fighting it though. Just heal up. Whenever you defeat it, go back to
Kefka, and attempt to attack him once more. He will run away and have his
soldiers attack you. When you win the battle, Kefka will poison the water! The
scene then switches to Doma Castle, and all the soldiers will die (funny; they
just fall over and jump off the cliff, and INTO the poison waters).

You will then have control of Cyan. Enter the door to the north. In here, go
down the stairs. Continue going down the stairs, then exit through the door you
see. A Doma Soldier will then lead you to the king's room. Inside, Cyan will
speak with the Doma King. He, too, will die by the poisonus waters (how in the
world did he die by the waters? He wasen't even outside). When you regain
control of Cyan, exit the King's room. Here, go right and enter the door. In
here, Cyan will find Elayne and Owain laying down. He finds out that Elayne is
dead. He then drags Owain out, and finds out that he is dead, too! Those were
his wife and son. Cyan then rushes out of the room, and goes to the camp. He
will start fighting soldiers. When you gain control of the party, speak with
Cyan to help him defeat the pack of soldiers. Once you do so, help Cyan fight
yet another pack of soldiers. Then, you have to fight one last pack of
soldiers. When the third battle ends, the party will go to an area with lots
of Magitek suits. Shadow, Cyan and Sabin go in them. After they joke around,
they will run through some soldiers.

When you regain control, go right and you'll enter in combat against a soldier
in a Magitek suit (coincidence? I think not). Just burn it to crisp with Fire
Beam. Now, continue along the path and you will fight another soldier. Once
you defeat them, go north and you'll fight one last soldier. When you defeat
them, go behind the Magitek suit and cross the bridge. Your party will hop
out of the suits, and then exit this place.


On the overworld, cross the bridge, then go southeast and cross the next one.
Begin going south, and walk into the trees. You will then be in the Phantom
Forest, your next destination.

Phantom Forest

When you arrive here, go east until the path ends, then go north into the next
area. In here is a recovery spring you can use to heal. Go east and into the
next area. In this area, take the path to the north (not the south). In here,
go east and enter through the next area that you see. You will be in an area
with a train. A small cutscene will occur. Go left, and another cutscene will
occur, where your party will enter the Phantom Train.

Phantom Train

When you are inside this train, a cutscene will occur. The train will take off,
and you can't get off! We have to stop it now! Examine the area you entered
from, and you'll find out that the door will not budge. When you gain control,
go all the way left and into the next area. There are also many Ghosts that you
can fight on this train. Outside, head left into the next room of the train. In
here, go all the way left (again), and back outside. Here, enter the door you
see. Inside, follow along the path, and a ghost will block your path! Speak
with the ghost, and then you will enter combat against it. Defeat it by just
attacking it. When you are back outside, many ghosts will keep saying "No
escape!" over and over. You'll then be surrounded by a hoard of ghosts! You
will climb to the top of the train roof, and then jump across two other ones.
But that dosen't stop those ghosts! Enter into the next room. In this room,
you will find a switch on the wall. Press it, and head back outside. You just
got rid of the ghosts by detaching the train! Enter into the previous area.

Back here, flip the switch again. This time, it opens up an entrance. Save your
game, and then follow the hallway. One of the ghosts there will temporarily
join you, but it's not worth it. All it is good for is Possess, which is its
special ability that is an instant KO. But thus, you lose the ghost. Enter into
the next area. Outside, go around the train room, and enter from the back. In
here, ignore the ghosts and open the chest to recieve some Earrings. The other
side of the room, you can speak with the two ghosts to have a meal that heals
your HP/MP. Anyway, go left and enter the next room. In this room, enter the
nearby door on the wall. Inside, examine the front of the chest, and someone
named Ziegfried will appear. He will attempt to fight you. He will pose no
threat AT ALL. What a pushover. Once you win, exit this room, as he takes the
item from the chest and runs off. Back here, go left and ignore the next door,
then enter outside.

Back outside, enter the next part of the train. In here, speak with the man
if you wish. Ignore the first door, but enter the second one. In here, there
are four chests which contain two Fenix Down's, a Sniper Sight, and a Monster
In A Box. The Monster-In-A-Box is very tough, however. Exit this room when you
are done, then head left outside. Out here, enter the door you see. Inside is
a save point. Use a Tent and save your game, then exit this room. Back outside,
go left and enter the next door you see. Inside, there are three switches which
must be pressed in a certain order. First, flip the one on the left, then the
one on the right. Leave the middle one alone, then head back outside. Here, go
left and up the train, then examine it. The train will stop, but it will attack
you! Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it. When you defeat it, the
train will stop at a certain point, allowing you to be able to get off of it.
Cyan then sees his family "departing". When the cutscene ends, go right and
exit this place. The screen will fade, and you'll be on the overworld.


Here, save your game and go southeast. You will see a cave. Enter it, for this
is Baren Falls.

Baren Falls

When you get here, go north and enter the cave. Inside, go north and into the
next area. Here, go up to the edge of the summit. Sabin and Cyan will talk a
bit, and then Shadow will leave the party (for now). Go up to the summit once
he leaves, and then choose to jump. You'll enter in a fight with a bunch of
Piranha's, followed by a Rizopas at the end. You'll have to defeat a certain
amount of Piranha's five times, then a Rizopas will appear. Once you defeat
them, Sabin will float down the waters, to the edge of a lonely platform. Gau,
a boy from the Veldt will appear. Sabin will get up, and Gau will run. Go down,
and you'll be in the Veldt.

The Veldt

On this place, you can fight every enemy (not boss) that you've encountered so
far in the game. Take note that after you fight a group of enemies, sometimes
Gau will appear. You can't do anything with him right now, so just attack him
and he will run. Anyways, go southeast, and then north where you will see a
town. Enter it.


When you enter this town, go left and enter the Arsenal through the right door.
Inside, buy a Heavy Shield, an Iron Helmet, and an Iron Armor for Cyan. Also
buy a Kung Fu Suit and a Plumed Hat for Gau. You're about to get him in a few
minutes. Also buy two Magus Hats for Terra and Celes. At the Weapon Shop, buy
a Mithril Claw for Sabin, and a Kotetsu for Cyan. If you have the Genji Glove
equipped on Sabin, you can equip his Metal Knuckle and Mithril Claw at the same
time, which I really recommend doing. If you don't, however, just equip the new
weapon on him. Sell all of your old equipment you had on before, then exit the
Arsenal. To the northeast of this town is an Item Shop, so enter it. Inside,
buy a Dried Meat, and any other items you may need to stock up on. When your
errands are done, exit the shop. There is also a side quest in this town if you
wish to do it, and I recommend doing it. Read the Side Quests section if you
wish to do it. Before you leave the town, enter the first house to the north.
Inside, examine the nearby clock for an Elixir. Leave Mobliz, back to the

The Veldt

Back on the Vedlt, get caught by some enemies. Continue fighting until Gau
appears, but DO NOT hurt him. Instead, go to "Items", and select "Dried Meat".
Use it on Gau and he will be fed. Get ready for a long cutscene. After that,
he'll join your party. You'll get some tutorial thing on using Gau. When you
regain control, go directly south of Mobliz. Eventually, you'll see a mountain
that has a cave. Before you do, however, you can battle until you find a Stray
Cat enemy. Leap on it, then get Gau back (DON'T attack when you see him). This
rage is awesome, and the Stray Cat will only appear near the cave. Whenever you
are ready, enter the cave. Inside, go north and a short cutscene will occur.
Gau "forgets" where the shiny treasure is located. Go northwest, then northeast
and walk across the wooden bridge. When the next cutscene occurs, Gau will have
found his treasure, and then you'll automatically enter the next area. Sabin,
Cyan and Gau will jump into the water, and you'll enter a 3D-Maze type thing.

When it lets you take a specific direction, always choose the right. You will
enter a cave. Inside, go to the right and open the chest to recieve an
X-Potion, then proceed north into the next area. Back in the water, choose the
right path again. In the next cave, follow the path and up into the next area.
In this area, follow the path down. You will come across a pool of water.
Ignore it, and continue going south. Press the switch and the water will drain.
Enter the newly revealed hole. In here, go up to the platform to the left. Open
the chest to recieve a Green Beret; equip it on Gau immediately. Go south and
through the tunnel, then open the door. Continue going down, then go west and
into the next area. You will be brought to Nikeah from the waters.


When you are here, you'll be lying down next to a ship. Go onboard the ship.
Speak with the man, and tell him you're ready. The boat will travel across the
seas, and you'll see a short cutscene. Sabin's Scenario is now over (it's about
time; that took forever, didn't it?).


Here, you will see the rest of the team, along with Banon. Then, the rest of
the team will arrive, along with Locke and Celes. After the conversation, they
will find out that Kefka is about to attack Narshe for the Esper! They will
move all the way to the mountains, near the Esper. Save your game at the save
point, then speak with Banon. Tell him you are ready. You will be prompted to
put two groups of party members. Press A when the cursor is over a member, then
drag the character into one of the boxes. Go from first to last. The last one
must have at least one party member in it. It may be a good idea to put four of
your strongest characters in one group, then just rush to Kekfa. Press Start
whenever you are ready. This is just like when you had to save Terra in the
very beginning, execpt this time there are harder enemies, no Moogles, and
Kefka! Make your way over to the commander guarding Kefka.

Defeat him, and then go for Kefka himself. Don't worry; he isn't too tough
right now. Just read the Bosses section for help on winning this battle. Once
you win, Kefka and his men (if you left any there) will run away, and your team
will rush to the Esper. You'll see a long cutscene where Terra has a reaction
to the Esper, then turns into an Esper-looking thing and flies off to Zozo. Now
we must rescue her! Locke will wake up lying in a bed next to Celes, and then a
cutscene will occur. The others will also discuss stuff about the Esper and
Terra. You will have to choose who goes to save her, and who stays in Narshe to
watch over it. Choose your strongest characters, and then examine the clock
next to the exit for an Elixir. Exit Narshe completely.


On the overworld, head to Figaro Castle to the southwest.

Figaro Castle

Here, go totally north until you enter the main part of the castle. If you have
Sabin in your party, he will wander around Figaro for a while. Anyway, when you
enter the main room (the room before the Throne Room), enter the Tool Shop to
the right. Buy a Drill tool for Edgar, and buy the other ones if you haven't
already. Exit this room, and then head to the very first area of the castle
(where the two stairs are, along with a door). Go down the left stairway. In
here, speak with the man and tell him to travel to Kohlingen. Exit the castle.


Here, go directly north and enter Kohlingen.


At this town, enter the first building to the left. Shadow is inside, to the
right, sitting in a chair. If you have three party members in your group, he
will join your party if you pay him. There is also a sidequest you can do if
you get Shadow. Read the Side Quests section to see how to do it. Whenever you
are ready, exit the Inn. Go north of the Inn, and enter the General Store. Once
inside, you can buy some items, along with some helmets and gear for your party
members. There is even a Weapon Shop. In it, buy a Full Moon weapon for Locke.
Sell your old equipment, then exit this place back to the overworld.


Back on the overworld, go north of Figaro castle, and you'll come across a lone
building. Enter it. In this area, enter the house. This place is really going
to become the Colosseum, by the time you get to the World of Ruin. Examine the
pot on the left wall for a Hero Ring, then exit this place. Outside, go south
of Figaro Castle, and continue to follow the path down. Eventually, you will
come across a town. This is Jidoor.


In here, go left and enter the Armor Shop. Buy a few Mithril Shields for your
party members (if you didn't in Kohlingen), then buy a White Dress for Terra
and Celes (wow, it rhymes). Also buy a Head Band for Locke, Sabin and Shadow.
When you are done, sell all of your old equipment, and exit the shop. Back
here, go east, then north through the tunnel, and into the Weapon Shop. In
there, buy a Kaiser for Sabin, a Forged for Cyan, and if you didn't in the
last town, a Full Moon for Locke, and a Kodachi for Shadow. Equip your new
stuff, sell your old stuff, and exit the shop. Outside, go up the stairs just
south of the Weapon Shop, and enter the Item Shop. Stock up on any items you
may need, then exit this town.


Outside, go north and follow the path. Eventually, you'll come across what
looks like another town. Save your game and enter it.


At this place, go west, and you'll come across the Café. Just north of that is
the Inn, so enter it. In there, you'll see a clock on the wall in the middle.
Examine it, and it will tell you to reset it. For the first one, reset it to
six. For the next one, reset it to ten. And for the last one, reset it to
fifty. The wall nearby will move, revealing a secret passage. Go up the secret
passage, then open the chest for Edgar's new tool: the Chain Saw. Exit the Inn.
Back outside, go southwest into the building with a jewel above the door. In
there, go up the stairs and into the next area. In this area, go up the stairs
and enter this next area. Now, follow the path the guys are going in, while
going down the hallway. Go up the stairs, and into the next area. Now, go up
these stairs, and when you see an alcove (looks like an entrance to another
area), walk into it, and turn left. You'll jump to the next building. Go left
and jump to the next building. 

Now, go out of this alcove, then enter the area nearby. In here, go north, then
when you reach a dead end, go left and down the hallway. Now, go south and into
the next area. In this area, go up the stairs, and into the alcove, then jump
across to the next building. Jump to the next building, then go up the stairs
and open the door, into the next area. In this area, go up the tons of stair
sets that this area holds. When you reach the end, go left and into the next
area. Outside, go up the set of stairs and enter the nearby door. Inside, open
the chest to recieve a Fire Knuckle weapon for Sabin. Exit this area. Back
here, go up the set of stairs, and speak with the black man. He will attack
you, even though he said he wouldn't (that's stupid). Read the Bosses section
to see how to defeat this sorry excuse for a boss.

Take note that there are also some more items in chests and stuff that I did
not mention spreaded around Zozo. There are also items in pots and such. Since
this is a pretty straight foward area, you won't have too much trouble finding
these said items. When you defeat Dadaluma, go up the stairs and enter the next
room. In this area, go northwest, and open the chest to recieve some Running
Shoes. Go just right of that chest, and open it to recieve an X-Potion. Go
north, and you will find Terra lying on a bed! Speak with her, and a very long
cutscene will occur. The Esper, Ramuh, will appear and brief you on some stuff
about the Espers and how their world is, and such. When the long cutscene is
over, Ramuh will put three Espers behind, as well as himself. Walk up to each
of these Magicite, and press A to pick them up. Now you can learn magic with
every character, at your own will! Yay!

Now, head south and speak with the first party member standing there. Everyone
will leave Zozo, and talk about stuff along the way down the buildings. When
they make it to the exit, they will tell you that you need to take four party
members with you. You're forced to take Locke and Celes. Make sure the rest two
are your strongest party members. When you select members, you will see a ghost
that walks around, as he can give you information on how you use Magicite. When
you are ready, exit Zozo.


Back on the overworld, head south and back to Jidoor.


In this town once again, restock up on items if nessecary. Regardless, head
directly north, and enter the biggest building in the town. By the way, go
ahead and equip one Esper on each party member, and fight outside to learn
the spells. To equip Espers, go to the Menu, Skills, Espers, then put the
cursor over the Esper you want to equip, and press A. Read the Espers section
for further info. Anyways, when you enter the building, speak with the man that
is running around. He will mistake Celes for someone named "Maria". He will run
off, and your party will be in confusion. Go back to the exit, and pick up the
dropped letter. Some man will come and introduce you to a man with an airship
named Setzer. We want that airship to reach the Magitek Factory. After this
next level, the game will really start to get interesting. Anyway, when you are
done, exit the building, and exit this town.


On the overworld, go south of Jidoor and follow the path until you come across
a building. This is the Opera House.

Opera House

When you enter here, talk to the Impresario there. A cutscene will occur, and
Celes will have to be this "Maria" in order to lead us to the airship. You will
see Ultros in the background! He has something planned, and will throw a letter
onto the floor! Another cutscene will occur where your party will enter the
main room, and then hear Draco sing opera. When you regain control, go to
either the southwest or southeast corner of the chairs you were sitting in, and
into the previous area. Back here, go to the right part of the room, and enter
the door there. Inside, speak with Celes. A short cutscene will occur, and you
will be in control of Celes. You can read that book on the desk, and it tells
you what to do and everything. But, I will guide you through it. Go northeast,
and then go left and into the curtains. A scene will start where Celes will
sing opera.

At certain points, you must select a certain word to continue the opera. If you
selected the wrong word, you get kicked out, and have to retry. You only get
three chances. Here is what you say each time. For the first one, say "Oh, my
hero...", then "I'm the darkness", and "Must I...". After you say all these
things, you will be in control of Celes. Follow Draco around the area until he
turns into some flowers. Pick them up, and walk up to the top of the balcony.
The rest of the scene will occur, and then the scene switches back to the main
room, showing some dancers. Then, you will see Locke. When you gain control of
Locke, exit this room, but on the way, read the letter nearby on the floor.
Ultros wrote it! He's gonna crash the party! Exit this room.

Back here, go down the stairs, then go north and into the door to the opera
room. Inside, speak with the Impresario sitting in the chair. A cutscene will
occur. Ultros is gonna push a four-ton weight on Celes! We only have five
minutes to stop him! It may be a good idea to equip Sprint Shoes right now.
Now, head to the far right side of the room, and head north. Follow the path,
and into the next area. In here, speak with the man up the stairs, and he'll
say to press the far right switch. Do so, and exit this room. Back here, go
around to the left side instead of the right, and into the next area. In this
area, go up the stairs, and open the door into the next area. You are now above
Celes and all the other people. There are a bunch of rat-looking things up
here, so defeat them. But be careful, for you are being timed even IN battle!
Make your way through the enemies until you make it to Ultros. Then, speak with

He will push you, along with himself, off of the cliff, and you'll fall to
Celes and the others. Eventually, some music starts, and you'll fight Ultros
once again. Read the Bosses section to see how to win, though he has less HP
than last time, and is MUCH easier. When Ultros is defeated, Setzer will come
and take Celes, mistaking her for Maria! Then, all of your party will be inside
the airship. Setzer then comes, and finds out that Celes is indeed not Maria.
When the cutscene is over, you'll be in control inside of the airship.


Inside, speak with Setzer. A cutscene will occur, and Celes and him will flip
a coin. It has identical sides! Setzer will then agree to help you reach your
next destination. The scene'll switch, and your entire party will be on the
deck of the ship. They will then fly to Vector, your next destination.


On the overworld, equip the stuff you bought onto Locke and Celes if you did
not already. Otherwise, save it and head into the town right by you.


Here, enter the nearby Item Shop if you need to stock up on some items. Either
way, head right and go up the stairs. Go northeast, then down, and then make
your way around all of the buildings, then go down the stairs, and into the
Armor Shop. Inside, buy any equipment your party may need, then equip the new
ones, and sell the old ones. Don't worry about the two chests in the shop; they
are both empty. Exit the shop, then turn left and enter the Weapon Shop. In it,
go to the right corner, and examine the pot to get a Tincture. Go to the shop,
and buy an Epee for Terra, Celes and Edgar. Then, buy a Blossom for Shadow.
Now, equip the new equipment and sell the old equipment. Now, exit this place.


Here, go north of Albrook, and you'll see a castle surrounded by mountains.
This is Vector.


When you arrive here, go north past the Inn, and you'll see an old man behind
some boxes. Speak with him, and he will help you gain access to the Magitek
Factory. He will act sick, as you sneak past the guards. Go to the second box,
and press A to jump on it. Your party will walk across the steel thing, and
then jump behind the guards as the man acts sick. Go north, and into the next
area. This is the Magitek Factory, the place we've been wanting to go to.

Magitek Factory

In here, take note that regular attacks do NOT hurt the enemies in here. Use
only magic such as Bolt 2, as that is the only thing that will kill them off
quickly. Also, Edgar's Flash tool works well here. Go down the first two sets
of stairs, and then south down the next set of stairs. You will see two tubes
nearby. Take the second one to the right, and go down it. Open the chest to
recieve a Tincture. Now, enter the next tube. Climb down the stairs, and then
you'll elevate down to the bottom. Open the nearby chest to recieve an
X-Potion. Now, go north through the nearby tube, and then go up the elevator
thing you see. You'll get rode up to a platform, which has a chest. Open it
to recieve a Flame Sabre, which is a weapon for Edgar and Celes. Go back the
way you came. Now, go east and across the pipes to be brought to the next
ledge. Open the chest to recieve a Thunder Blade, which is another weapon for
Edgar and Celes.

Equip either the Flame Sabre or that one; they are both the same, execpt the
different elements (Fire and Lightning). Anyways, open the chest just south of
you for a Remedy. Use the next nearby conveyor belt to the lower level. Now,
there are also some hidden chests containing a Gold Helmet and a Gold Armor.
They are very hard to find, and are in hidden rooms. I can't explain it very
well, but they are on the southern wall. It's hard to find the entrances to
these rooms, as well. Whever you're ready, go down the next belt by where you
entered this area. Down here, go south and you'll here Kefka's laugh. He will
push two Espers down another conveyor belt, and run away!

When you regain control, go down towards where Kefka was, but do not go down
the conveyor belt. Instead, turn right, and ride the elevator to the next
platform. Go down, then west and open the chest to recieve a Tent. Go south,
and follow the path around, and you'll be in the previous area. If you didn't
get the chests spreaded around this area, now is your chance. Whenever you're
ready, get back to where Kefka was, and use the conveyor belt to the bottom.
Down here, examine Ifrit (the one that is not guarding the door), and a battle
will commence. It's not really a boss, however, as it is really easy. Use Ice
on Ifrit, and as Shiva appears, use regular attacks on her (such as Drill).
Shiva may not appear if you are quick enough to end the battle, however. When
the battle ends, speak with Shiva. Her and Ifrit will entrust you with their
power, just like Ramuh did. Grab the two Magicite, and you can now learn some
Ice and Fire attacks with other characters! Enter the door to your left and
save your game, then enter the door to the right. In this area, go up the
seemingly neverending stairs, and into the next area.

Now, go west past the Esper Tubes and into the next area. In this area, examine
the guy there, and you'll enter a boss battle. Read the Bosses section for help
on fighting this boss. When you defeat it, proceed into the next area. In here,
go north and activate the console. Doing this will turn all the Espers in the
tubes into Magicite. A person named Cid will then come, and a cutscene will
occur. Celes will then attempt to stop Kefka in an attempt to save the party.
Follow Cid down the elevator to the bottom floor. Down here, save your game,
then speak with Cid. You'll hear Kefka's laugh from the above floor, and then
Cid will tell you to jump into the minecar.

You will be in a 3D-type thing, and fight several Mag Roaders along the way.
The last thing you will fight is another boss. Read the Bosses section to see
how to win. Once you defeat the boss, the minecar ride will come to an end, and
you'll bump into a Magitek Solider (why is he here?). Go north and save your
game, then go down and Setzer will come. They will talk a little, then your
party will escape Vector. Kefka, however, refuses to give up, and as a result,
he sends two cranes out to fight you. Read the Bosses section to see how to
win the fight.

Once they are defeated, your party will travel to Zozo, to get Terra back.


Your party will automatically arrive in the room with Terra lying on the bed.
Now, you will see a short cutscene, then you'll be able to play in the Esper
World (this is gonna be boring).

The Esper World

When you enter this place, you'll be in control of an Esper. Go south and into
the next area. In this area, go north and speak with the girl named Madonna
lying on the ground. Choose to return her. You will appear in a bedroom, and
she will be lying on a bed. When you regain control, speak with her, and when
the cutscene is over, you'll be lying in a bed. Walk out and into the next
area. Head back to the gate, and speak with the guy there. He'll let you pass,
so go into the cave. Go north up the stairs, and speak with Madonna. They will
start to do something (wow, I don't even want to KNOW what they're doing). Then
Terra as a baby appears (now I'm REALLY scared). Then, you'll see a cutscene
in which you will see Gestahl from two years later. When you regain control, go
down and speak with the guy in the blue.

A cutscene will occur, and they will say that they are gonna have to seal a
gate. When you regain control, speak to the fairy guarding the entrance.
Madonna will break through, so go into the next area. Here, go southwest and
follow the path, then go north and to the cave, past the guy in the blue. Back
in the cave, you will see a cutscene. When you regain control, head north and
then speak with Madonna. Terra, along with Maduin and Madonna, will be sucked
into the cave. Then, another cutscene occurs, and we're back at Zozo.


The cutscene with Terra will continue, and you'll see that she is indeed now
back to normal! Eventually, Terra will rejoin the group, and you can now fly
the Blackjack. Use Setzer's instructions for the controls.


On the blackjack, you can go inside and find several rooms, and you can even
get healed and buy items at the exit of the ship. There is also one big room
where you can switch party members by talking to the other ones. Anyways, there
is still two more side quests from here on that you can undertake. If you want
to do them, read the Side Quests section. Whenever you're ready, head to
Narshe once again (if you headed there to get Mog, then you've seen the scene
that is about to occur already).


Go north, and a guard will greet you and lead you to Banon and the others. A
cutscene will then occur. Banon and the others will say that in order to stop
the war, Terra must open the Sealed Gate for the Espers. They have a well
concieved plan, too. When the cutscene is over, exit this area. Now, exit
Narshe completely. You can also complete a sidequest right now if you wish.
Read the Side Quests section for info on it.


On the overworld, use the airship and fly to Vector. Just east of Vector, there
will be a sandy area. Just east of that, you'll come across what appears to be
a lone building. Enter it.

Imperial Base

At this time, there is nobody here. Go north and up the stairs, then follow the
path to the right, and down the stairs. Exit this place.


Here again, go right to enter the Cave to the Sealed Gate.

Cave to the Sealed Gate

When you enter this cave, head down the stairs, then go east and open the chest
to recieve an Assassin. Enter the next area. In this area, open the chest down
the stairs to the left to recieve a Tempest. Now, go down the stairs to the
right, and into the next area. In this area, you must watch how the bridges
move in each spot. Memorize where and how they move, and then make your way
across the platforms. Take note that inside the chest in this room contains a
Coin Toss. Enter the next area when you make it across. In this area, go across
the rocky bridge, and open the chest to recieve an Ether. Now, go down the hill
and through the tunnel, then up the nearby stairs (not the broken bridge). Now,
go across the bridge and flip the switch in the middle. The bridge will break,
and you'll be on the lower ledge. You also triggered something somewhere. Enter
the nearby tunnel to the left, then go north and open the chest for a Genji
Glove. Now, go back to the place where you fell, and go right and up the set
of stairs.

Go north and flip the switch on the right, and an enemy will fall down and
attack you. It's very easy to defeat. Once you defeat it, the Ninja will reveal
a secret to you. We will find it in a minute. Flip the switch on the left to
reveal a cave. Enter it, and open the chest to recieve a Tent. Save at the
nearby save point, then exit this area. Back here, go across the nearby bridge,
and press the switch in the middle to reveal a set of stairs. Go down them,
then go south and follow the path to a chest. Open it to recieve an Ether. If
you examine the ground everywhere by pressing A, you can find hidden items and
stuff hidden inside the ground. Anyways, go through the nearby tunnel that you
see. Go north in a zigzag direction until you make your way out of it. Then,
open the nearby chest that you see to recieve an Elixir. Now, go right and
press the two nearby switches. I know, it disables two walkways, but you need
to do this in order to discover this "secret".

Anyways, go south down the walkway, then go east and up those walkways. Flip
the switch on the wall. Doing this will cause a platform across from you move
up, creating a walkway for you to cross. Do so, and then flip the switch to
reveal yet another walkway. Then, go across that walkway, and open the chest.
A switch is inside, so choose to flick it. Now, head across the walkway to the
east, and go north and open the chest to recieve a Magicite. Now, go south and
flick the switch yet again, then go across the walkway you just came to. Now,
go southwest and cross the walkway, then press the last switch on the nearby
platform. Doing this will open a secret passage. Enter inside and into the next
area. In this area, open the chests to recieve a Magicite, an Ether, another
Magicite, and an Atma Weapon. Equip the Atma Weapon on Terra soon, or now. I
know, it may suck right now, but it becomes one of her best weapons later on.

Now, exit this area. Back here, go east and cross the walkway again, then flip
the switch again and cross the walkway (trust me, this is the last time I'll
make you do that). Go northeast, then all the way south into the next area. In
this area, go up all the stairs, then enter the cave. Outside is the Sealed
Gate we have been looking for. A cutscene will occur. Kefka comes to ruin the
fun, once again! You must attack Kefka one time when you enter battle against
him, then the cutscene will finish. After the Espers fly off, Kefka will be
blown away, and then the gate will be blocked by some rocks. When you get back
inside the Sealed Cave, go all the way south and enter the newly revealed area.
In this area, exit the cave.


Back on the overworld, head west into the Imperial Base again.

Imperial Base

Here, make your way back to the exit of the place, and then a short cutscene
will occur. Your party will go on the Blackjack and fly to Vector again. The
Espers will then fly off, and another cutscene will occur. Your party will
crash the airship.


On the Blackjack, you'll be lying on the airship's deck. Move inside the ship
itself. Inside, go all the way south until you exit the airship.


On the overworld, go all the way northeast until you come to Vector. Near
Vector, you can build up your party member's spells up in the trees. Either
way, enter Vector when ready.


Here again, you find out that the entire place is on fire! I wonder who did it.
Go north, and up the stairs. There are a bunch of guards, including Banon,
Arvis, and a Returner that is here, to the north. Continue going north, and
into the next area. In this area, go west and up the stairs. A guard will tell
you that Emperor Gestahl himself is expecting you. He will lead you to his
room, so enter it. Here, go all the way north and speak with Gestahl. Gestahl
will tell you that he lost his will to fight (yeah right). He will want to
rejoice and feast, but before we do that, you must talk to as many soliders
as possible spreaded around Vector. In the previous room, there are some
soldiers. The right and the left path has soldiers everywhere, inside doors
and such. You only have a certain amount of time to talk to as many as you can,
so be warned. Kefka is also in a room in jail, but he says nothing that is
important, and just wastes more time.

There are also a few chests you can get during the sequence of speaking with
the soldiers. When the timer reaches zero, you will go into a room for a
banquet with Emperor Gestahl. When he asks what to toast, say "To our
hometowns...". When he asks what to do with Kefka, tell him "Leave him in
jail...". When he says that he's very sorry about the poison, tell him "That
was inexcusable.". Then, when he mentions Celes, say "Celes is one of us!".
Then, you'll be prompted to ask Gestahl some questions. Ask him all the
questions, one by one, but do not ask him the same question more than once.
After you ask him all three questions, instead of choosing "One more question
please!", choose the last answer. Tell him "Yes, the Espers have gone too far."
when prompted. Then, Gestahl will want to know what you asked him the first
time. Choose whatever you said, and then Cid will ask if you want a break. Say
"Yes, let's take a break.". Walk up to one of the guards sitting next to
Gestahl, and choose to battle them. Attack them, and when you defeat them,
return to your seat. Choose to continue.

When Gestahl asks you what you would like him to say, tell him "That your war's
truly over.". When Gestahl asks if you'll accompany him, tell him "Yes". When
the cutscene is over, exit Vector. On the way out, the guard will tell you what
has happened depending on the amount of soldiers you spoke to. If you spoke to
all of them (24 in total), you will be able to rid the building at the Imperial
Base of all its chests! What a great reward! Either way, exit Vector. Head to
the Imperial Base if you want your prizes.


Head to Albrook, which is just south of Vector.


In here, stock up on any items you may need, then head to the boat area. It is
at the southern part of the town. Here, go on the boat and speak with General
Leo. He will have brought a person to travel with him: Celes and Shadow! Woo!
When General Leo tells you to rest before they take off, Celes runs off. Head
to the Inn, which is just east of the Relic Shop. The Relic Shop is just north
of the boat area. Inside, the owner will let you rest for free. Locke will then
get up, and you'll see a cutscene of Locke trying to make up to Celes in the
middle of the night (I said make "up", you perverts). When you regain control,
head back to the boat, and speak with Leo. You will then take off. When you
gain control of Terra, speak with Leo. A cutscene will occur. When it is over,
speak with Leo yet again. Then, speak with Locke. When the cutscene ends, you
will be on the overworld.


On the overworld, head northeast, into a town called Thamasa.


In this town, enter the Arsenal nearby. Inside, buy a Gold Shield for any party
member who may need it. Also buy a Tiger Mask for Sabin and Gau, followed by a
Tiara for Terra and Celes. Buy a Gold Helmet for anyone who may need one, then
buy a Mystery Veil for Terra and Celes. Now, if you have enough GP, buy a Gaia
Gear or Gold Armor for your party. Head to the Weapon Shop. Buy a Hawk Eye for
Locke, then equip all your new stuff and sell the old stuff, then exit the
Arsenal. Back outside, head to the nearby Item Shop if need be, then head north
east into the next house. Inside, speak with the old man and a cutscene will
occur. This old man is Strago. His daughter, Relm, then comes out of her room,
and pays you a visit. When the cutscene ends, you'll be back outside. Go west
of Strago's house, and enter the Inn. Rest for 1 GP (wow, an awesome bargain).
A cutscene will occur, where Strago will wake you up in the middle of the
night. It appears the house that Relm is in has caught on fire! Go east of the
Inn, and you'll see the house on fire. Speak with Strago, and a cutscene will
occur. Strago will then use magic in an attempt to put out the fire, but the
magic spreads it instead (funny; he said the town knew nothing about magic)!

When the cutscene ends, your party heads into the burning building. Inside, we
must find Relm. Go north and into the next area. In this area, go north, and
into the next area once again. Here, go west, then north, and then take the
door on the right. In this room, take the door on the right. Open the chest
to recieve a Fire Rod for Strago, then take the left door. In here, also take
the right door, and open the chest containing an Ice Rod, which we'll need for
the upcoming boss. Take the left door, then head up the stairs. In this room,
head north to see a flame. This is the boss, and you will enter combat against
it. Read the Bosses section if you need help. Once you defeat it, the party
will find Relm lying on the ground there! Flames will then come and surround
you, but Shadow steps in to crash the party (not your party). Good ol' Shadow
will use a Smoke Bomb to escape the building.

Back in Strago's house, he will explain what the town is about. Strago will not
let Relm come with you on their journey. When you regain control, exit Thamasa.
On the way, you'll see a cutscene with Shadow.


On the overworld, head southwest and then north, into the Esper Cave.

Esper Cave

Inside this place, go north and open the nearby chest for an Ice Rod. Proceed
into the next area, to the northeast. Out here, go around the mountain and into
the next area. In this area, go east, then south and into the next area. In
this area, go down the walkway, and walk up to the three statue things. When
the cutscene ends, head south, only for your "friend" Ultros to pay you another
visit. The squidball will enter combat against you, but he's not even worth it
to be mentioned in the Bosses section. Just use lightning attacks on him, and
then eventually, a cutscene will occur where Relm will come. Just use Sketch
with her, and the battle will end. When you defeat Ultros once again, Relm will
join the party. Go west across the walkway, and into the next area. In this
area, save your game at the nearby save point. Now, go south, and you'll see
several spots that look odd. If you stand on one, you fall into a certain area.

Take all of the holes except for the one on the left for now. You can take the
caves they lead you to that have chests containing equipment for Strago and
Relm. Use the broken walkways to get off the ledges, then make your way back to
the trap room. When you're ready, go down the left trap. Go north up the walk
way, and into the next area. In this area, go west and enter the cave. Now, go
all the way south, and you'll see an Esper. A cutscene will occur. When it is
over, your party, along with the Espers, will head back to Thamasa.


Here, another cutscene will occur. Just when the people thought there was peace
in the world, Kefka comes to ruin the fun! He will have a few Magitek Knights
with him, and they will knock out everyone in sight! Kefka will then turn all
of the Espers into Magicite, and collect them. Then, the Magiteks will knock
out Leo! You will now be in control of Leo. Speak with Kefka, and a battle will
commence. Just repedeately use Shock on Kefka, and eventually, a cutscene will
occur. It appears that the Gestahl he sends out is a phantom, and is actually
Kefka himself! Then, he kills General Leo! What a brute! After this, another
cutscene occurs, and then, Gestahl and Kefka are at the Sealed Gate. Then, the
Espers will go flying off to Thamasa, and the scene switches to Thamasa again.

Kefka is still laughing his hyena butt off, while his guards walk around doing
nothing. He will neutralize the powers of them, and turn more Espers into some
more Magicite! Then, Ifrit will attempt to attack Kefka in a pathetic attempt.
Kefka turns him into a Magicite, as well (I thought he was already one?). Then,
he will turn every other Esper into Magicite. Then, Terra and the others will
place flowers beside Leo's grave, and return to Thamasa. A cutscene will then
occur. When it is over, you'll be on the overworld.


Here, save your game and enter the airship. A cutscene will occur where a huge
chunk of the earth's crust will be sent flying into the air, killing tons of
people in the process. Kefka and Gestahl are on this continent, so we must get
up there and stop them. From here on, you're asked whether to jump onto the
continent, or do any other errands you may need to do. I recommend not jumping
on yet, but instead, you should go to the top right corner of the map, and land
on the small piece of land there. Fight the Intagir there, and use Doom on him
to instantly kill it, for 10 Magic Points per battle. Build up your magic with
every (or as many as you wish) character, then head to the Blackjack and choose
to jump onto the continent.


Before you land on the continent, you will have to fight a bunch of enemies
that attack you. After each battle, you can go to the Menu Screen and heal your
partners, and equip them with stuff (the game removes equipment from certain
characters at this point). After the battles, you'll have to fight your pal,
Ultros, for one last time. So this time, be sure to kick his sorry arse for
good. Read the Bosses section to see how to win. Once you defeat him, you'll
fall off the Blackjack for yet ANOTHER boss battle. Read the Bosses section
to see how to defeat him, too. When you defeat him, you'll land onboard the
Floating Continent, the final level of the World of Balance.

The Floating Continent

This is it! We must make our way to Kefka and Gestahl. When you start, you'll
see Shadow lying on the ground. Speak with him and he'll join you again. Save
your game at the save point there. Take note that the enemies here can give you
very good amounts of experience points at this point in the game, so build up a
bit if you wish. Regardless, head east, and you'll come across a dead end. Go
north, and the dead end will break, allowing you to pass. Do so, and go south
east, and another passageway will open. Follow that path, and then go north and
open what appears to be a blue sphere (the treasures of this level) to get a
Murasame. Go east from the chest, then go north to break another dead end. Go
onto the platform, and stand in the middle. You'll fall down a hole, and be
warped to another side of the platform. Now, go southeast and then north and
press the switch (looks like a white sphere) to reveal a walkway.

Go east, and then continue going east. Ignore the second set of stairs you see,
and if you kept going east, you'll come to another warping platform. Go into
the hole, and you'll be warped to another side. Now, go southwest and go into
the next hole platform to be warped to a ledge with a switch nearby. Press that
switch, and a platform below will move down. Now, go north, and then press the
switch to lower the piece of land. Go across this piece of land, then go south
down the next two sets of stairs. Go east across the now revealed walkway, then
follow the path right, and go up the sets of stairs you'll come across. Now, go
north then east, and continue going east. Open the chest to recieve a Beret.
Now, go west, then south down the stairs. You'll fall down into an area with a
save point. Use a Tent, and save your game, then go up the light back into the
previous area. Now, go northwest and press the switch in the corner to reveal
another platform. Go on this platform, and you'll be warped to another side.

Now, go down and you'll be prompted one last time to go back onto the airship.
If you don't have Mog, return to the overworld, and get him. Read the Side
Quests section. On the way, go ahead and get the Water Rondo dance for him.
This is your very last chance to get the Water Rondo dance, as you will NOT get
a chance in the World of Ruin. Whenever you are ready, proceed left, then go
north to reveal a passage. Up here, there is a creature guarding the stairs.
Examine it to enter a boss battle. It even has some very catchy music, this
time. And it is also by far the hardest boss yet. Read the Bosses section to
see how to defeat it. Once you defeat it, Shadow leaves you for good.

NOTE: There is about to be ONE chance you have in either keeping him for the
      World of Ruin, or letting him die. It is entirely up to you, but I really
      do not recommend letting him die.

Proceed up the stairs, and get ready for a long and great cutscene. Kefka kills
Gestahl himself, because he wants so much power from the statue's that he'll go
nuts over it. Then, Kefka will attempt to crumble the ENTIRE WORLD by using the
awesome power of the statues. You'll be knocked to a lower ledge in where you
must escape the continent before it blows up. The area is pretty straight
foward, so just continue following along the path. You'll see a chest along the
way. To get it, go around the right side of the platform without approaching
the part of the platform is where the stairs are leading to the chest. When you
get it, you'll get an Elixir. Proceed to the east, and you'll meet Nerapa.

Just use regular attacks with all your party members to take him out. Anyway,
when you make it, you'll see the airship below. From here on, you have two
choices. 1) You can choose "Jump!!" to immediately escape the continent,
leaving Shadow behind, killing him as a result. Or, you can do 2) "Gotta wait
for Shadow...". If you choose #2, back away after choosing it, and right when
the timer reaches 0:05, move to the right, and then Shadow will arrive. Your
entire party will jump on the Blackjack, and watch the cutscene as the entire
world crumbles up. The Blackjack will be destroyed, and your entire party will
be sent flying into who knows where.

World of Ruin Walkthrough

You'll wake up in the World of Ruin, on Solitary Island, a small deserted
island in the middle of the ocean.

Solitary Island

Here, you will see a cutscene where Cid walks in, and after a year, Celes will
awaken. She has been in a coma for a full year. Cid will tell you that he is
hungry, and that he needs to eat some fish, as that is all they have on this
small island. You can either save him, or let him die. If you wish to let him
die, just stand there for around three minutes, and talk to him. If he says
"...", then he is dead. If he does not, wait a couple of more minutes and then
speak with him again. However, it IS possible to save him, but it requires much
patience and frustration, and it's hard. I do NOT recommend saving him. If you
DO wish to save him, read the Side Quests section. If you kill him, you not
only get rid of a stupid character, but you also get some great music to go
with it.

Also, if you kill him, then here's what you do after the cutscene. Celes will
be on a mountain. Now, re-equip her with some equipment, as she lost the
equipment during the destruction of the world. Go up the mountain, then go left
to the edge. She will attempt to commit suicide. However, a bird will then save
her, and have...Locke's headband on! It appears that he is still alive, so now
we must continue. Go back to Cid's house, and read the letter by his bed. Then,
go left and down the secret stairs. Press A on the raft, and you'll then go all
the way off of the island, and onto the overworld.


On the overworld, go north. You will find Kefka's Tower in the middle of the
overworld. No, we're not going there. Go north of his tower, and enter the
town by some sand. This is Tzen.


At this place, go north. You will hear a distant noise. Go northwest to see a
house that's about to collapse, and...Sabin! He will tell you that there is a
child in that building. Head into the building, as you've only got a certain
amount of time before Sabin releases the building. Inside, there are several
treasure chests spreaded throughout the area. First, go north through the door,
and open the chest to recieve a Heal Rod. Go west, then south, and then through
the door. Open the nearby chest to recieve a Pearl Rod. Now, go southwest, and
open the chest at the dead end to recieve a Hyper Wrist. Go through the nearby
door, then open the nearby chest for a Monster-In-A-Box. One Bolt 2 on all the
enemies at once will kill them immediately. Then, go north and through the
door, and open the chest to recieve a Tincture. Go back to the previous room,
and go down the stairs into the next area.

In this area, go through the door, then west and south, and open the chest to
recieve a Drainer. Go north, then up the stairs, and then open the two chests
on the left and right side to get a Monster-In-A-Box, along with a Magicite.
Talk to the kid on top of the fire place, and then get out of the house. You
will see a cutscene where Sabin will release the building, and it'll collapse.
He'll then join the party. Now it is time to find everyone else. Go up the
stairs, then go east and up those stairs, too. Then, go north, and you'll see
a man in the trees. Speak with him, and pay him 10 GP to get the Magicite
Sraphim. Now, buy some items at the Item Shop near the entrance of town if you
need to restock. Regardless, exit the town.


Now, head east of Tzen, then go directly north. You'll come across a metal
bridge-looking thing. Cross it, and then follow the path. Go all the way north
and eventually, after a long walk, you'll see a town. Save your game, and then
enter it.


As you can see, this place has completely changed since the World of Balance.
Anyway, go to the northeastern part of the town, and go into the Inn. Inside,
go to the northeastern corner and examine the clock for an Elixir. Exit the
Inn. Back here, head to the Café, and speak with all of the men inside. They
will talk about Figaro, and someone named "Gerad". After you've spoke with
all of them, they will exit the Café. Go out of it, as well. Now, go north,
and you will find Gerad, who looks just like Edgar. He will then run away to
another spot. Talk to him again, and he will then run to the boat area. Follow
him, and speak to him yet again. He will run away AGAIN, to the boat this time.
Follow him to the boat, and then a cutscene will occur. Celes will sneak onto
the boat unnoticed, and then you'll be carried all the way to South Figaro.

South Figaro

Here, go north and into the next area. Here, head into the Café nearby. Inside,
go north and into the door with the "Inn" sign above it. Here, enter the nearby
door and speak with Gerad again. He will deny his identity, and run away once
more (funny; if he isn't Edgar, why is he running away from you every time?).
Now, exit this town.


On the overworld, head southwest, and save your game. Enter the cave.

Figaro Cave

In this place, speak with Sigfried blocking the entrance. He'll apparently go
in and clear the monsters for you. Enter the next area, then go east into the
next area. In this area, take note that there are several other areas you can
enter where you can open treasure chests that you never opened in the World of
Balance. They now contain better items. Either way, go to the northern part of
the cave, then into the next area. In this area, you'll see a cutscene where
Sigfried, Gerad and the others will all hop across a turtle, and into the next
room. You do the same. In this area, go west down the hallway, and into the
next area. Now, go north and Sigfried will notice you, and run away. Go to the
left end of the room, and you'll be at what appears to look like a dead end,
Simply go down and into the next area.

Figaro Castle

At Figaro Castle, go down and then a conversation will start. Gerad will look
at the soldier lying on the ground. When you regain control, exit the cell, and
then go up and into the next area. In this area, go west down the stairs. Now,
go west down the next set of stairs, to the second floor of the basement. In
here is basically a dungeon-type place, but it's short. Anyway, go north and
then into the next area. Here, go down into the next area. You'll be in a room
with three doors. Go down, and you'll be in a jail cell-type thing. Open the
two chests in each cell to recieve a Gravity Rod, a Crystal Helm, an Ether, and
an X-Potion. Enter the door on the far left. Now, go up the stairs. In this
area, enter the nearby door to recieve a Regal Crown. Now, go back to the room
with three doors, and this time, enter the middle one. Go down the hallway, and
through the door. In here, you will find Gerad.

Speak with him one last time, and a cutscene will occur. He will finally give
up and admit that he's Edgar. A boss battle will commence. Read the Bosses
section to see how to defeat it. Once you defeat it, a cutscene will commence,
and the party will hide. Once the soldiers leave, enter the door in front of
you. Examine the body-looking thing, and you'll get a Soul Sabre for Edgar.
Equip Edgar with stuff, then exit the basement. Back on the first floor of the
basement, the old man will raise the castle up to the surface. Speak to him
again, and tell him to go to Kohlingen. Exit the castle.


On the overworld, head just northwest of Figaro Castle, to Kohlingen.


Nothing has really changed here. Go west and head into the Inn. Inside, go east
and you will find Setzer. Speak to him, and after a short conversation with
Celes, he will join the party once again. When the cutscene is over, head to
the General Store just north of the Inn. Buy some equipment for Setzer, then
buy some items if you wish. Head out of the town.


On the overworld, head southwest of Kohlingen. This is Daryl's Tomb.

Daryl's Tomb

In this place, examine the rock. Setzer will open a secret cave, so enter it.
Inside the tomb itself, head south and into the next area. In this area, head
to the southwestern room. Here, open the chest to recieve a Crystal Mail, then
exit this room. Back here, go to the southeast room. In it, open the chest for
a Genji Helmet, then exit the room. Now, go back to the southwestern room, and
then go down the stairs, past the chest. In here, open the next treasure chest
to recieve a Czarina Gown. There is a secret nearby that we must find. I'll
tell you how to get it. Go to the southeast corner of the room, and you'll find
out that it is indeed a secret passage. Follow the passage to a chest. Open it
to recieve an Exp. Egg. Now, exit the secret passage, and enter the door ahead.
In here, walk across the water and flick the switch on the wall, and you'll
hear a distant sound. Head out of this room, then go back to the main room.

Back here, go through the northeastern door. Inside, examine the stone and a
secret passage will open behind it, so enter it. In here, flick the switch at
the end of the room, then head back to the main room. This time, enter the area
in the middle. Here, jump on the turtle and it will take you to another area.
Now, flick the switch on the wall next to you, and the water level will raise.
Jump on the turtle, then enter the next area. In this area, follow along the
path, and you'll see a save point. Save your game, then open the chest near the
save point for a Monster-In-A-Box. This miniboss is just like Whelk, so do not
attack the shell at all. Just attack the head. However, if you manage to kill
both the shell AND the head at the same time with Sabin, you get two Dragon
Claw's for Sabin, in which he can use both at one time to deal massive damage
in one turn. But it is insanely difficult to do that, and could take many
tries, and I say it's not worth it. Anyway, when you defeat it, save your game
again, and then open the next chest for a Man Eater. Enter the next area.

In this area, go north and examine the purple thing there. You will, for some
reason, enter a boss battle. Read the Bosses section to see how to win. Once it
is defeated, a switch inside the tombstone thing will be flicked, revealing a
secret room behind it. Enter this room. Follow Setzer down the stairs as you
see visions of his past. Eventually, Setzer and the party will be onboard the
new airship: The Falcon. Setzer will fly the Falcon out of the waters, and then
Celes see's a bird. Setzer follows it, and when the cutscene ends, you'll be
right next to a town. Land the Falcon onto the overworld.


Enter the nearby town.


In this town, go to the Weapon Shop and buy a Falchion for Terra, Locke and
Edgar. All the other stuff is practically useless. Just east of the Weapon
Shop, enter that building. Speak with the girl inside, and she will put a
letter on the desk. Read it, and you will find out that Cyan, too, is alive.
When Lola asks you to do the favor, say Yes. Go back outside, and examine the
bird next to the building. The bird will fly towards Zozo. Go back to the


On the overworld, board the Falcon and fly east of Maranda. On that island,
fly to the place where there is a town-looking place surrounded by mountains.
This is Zozo.


At this place again, we must go to the mountains of it. Anyway, examine the
bird at the start, and it will fly off. Now, go west, then north past the
building. Speak with the merchant there, and accept the Rust-Rid for 1000 GP.
Now, go south and enter the Café. Go up the stairs, and when you reach the
end, take the right path. Outside, enter the nearby door, and open the chest
to recieve a Tincture. Now, unseal the door on the left with the Rust-Rid. Go
north and you'll be in Mt. Zozo.

Mt. Zozo

Here, go west, then down the stairs. Open the chest to recieve a Red Cap. Now,
go back up the stairs, and then open the chest to the left to recieve an Ice
Shield. Now, go down the nearby stairs you see. Go across the walkways, and
you'll come to a chest. Open it to recieve a Thunder Shield. Go up the rest of
the walkways, and then up the stairs. Go up these walkways, too, and open the
nearby chest for an Aegis Shield. Now, proceed north and into the next area.
Open the chest to recieve a Gold Hairpin, then go back to the previous area.
This time, go east and north into the next area. In this area, go across the
bridge, then go into the next area. Here, go across the walkway, and then go
south. Follow along the path, going down stairs and walkways, and then enter
the next area.

Now, go east and into the next area. Here, read Cyan's letter on the desk.
Ignore the chest for now, and proceed into the next area. In this area, you'll
see a cutscene with Cyan. When the cutscene is over, head back into the
mountain area Cyan was on, then examine the glimmering dot in the northwest
corner. Go back into the previous area, then you can open the chest. You'll get
a "Machinery Manual", and a "Book of Secrets". The strange thing is, these
"key" items do absolutely nothing in the US Version. In the japanese version,
Final Fantasy VI, this allows Cyan to use Edgar's Tools! That's just
spectacular. Anyway, go west until you make it back into the previous cave.
Back here, go north. Continue going north until you reach the end of the path,
then go left and save your game at the save point. Now, go north and press the
nearby switch by walking on it.

Doing this will cause a chest to open, and a dragon will come out! Stay on the
right side of the platform, and eventually, the dragon will get you. A boss
battle will begin. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it. Once you
defeat it, exit this place, along with Zozo itself.


On the overworld, head inside the Falcon, but do not fly it. Go inside it, and
take three party members only with you. However, since you only have Cyan to
talk to at the moment, go to him to switch. He can be found in the engine room,
just left of where you enter. Fly the airship to the northeastern part of the
map. Land in the Veldt; it is an open field with a few mountains scattered.

The Veldt

Get caught by enemies here, and fight them. When Gau appears, stand there and
let him talk. He will join your party once again. Now, go back in the airship
and get your good party. Land just south of the Veldt, where there is a small
town. This is Mobliz.


As you can see, this place has been completely demolished. Go north, and you'll
see two wolves that will bark at you. A kid comes out. When you regain control,
enter the same house that the kid came out of. Inside, go left and down the
stairs. In this area, enter the door you see nearby. The kid you just saw will
try to stop you, but then someone stops him. Terra comes out! She will run away
to the room above. Enter that door, and speak with Terra. She will tell you she
has lost the will to fight. After the cutscene, exit the house. Phunbaba will
then come to attack, and you'll fight it with Terra. Just keep attacking; you
will not hurt it at this time. Phunbaba will knock out Terra, and then you will
have to fight the thing with your party. Just keep using Bio or Poison, and hit
it with your strongest attacks. When you defeat it, it will run away, and a
cutscene will occur. When it is over, exit Mobliz. On the way out, the kid will
give you the Fenrir Magicite that he left behind.


On the overworld, use the airship to fly to the bottom-left corner of the map.
Time to revisit Solitary Island.

Solitary Island

Here, head to the beach. A Magicite is lying near the ocean. Pick it up to
recieve Palidor, then go back to the airship. Now, head to the northern part
of the map, and you'll find Narshe. Enter it.


NOTE: Make sure you enter here with three party members.

Now, take note that this place is now infested with enemies, and there is
really nobody there anymore, besides a couple of things. All the doors are
locked, too. Anyway, go north. A pickpocket will spot you (I assume Lonewolf).
Instead of going north, go left to a dead end. Examine the dead end to reveal
a cave, so enter it. In here, go northeast and into the next area. Now, go
left, and then north. Ignore the bridge, and go into the next area. In this
area, follow the path north until you reach the next room. In here, go north
(too straightfoward, and I'm still giving you specific directions) and enter
the next area. Here, go northeast, and when you see a small entrance, go into
it. Here, go down the stairs, then go north and into the next area. This is the
area of the Kupo's (or so it used to be).

Go directly north and you'll find Mog. Speak with him. Whether you got him in
the World of Balance or not, he will join your party. Now, examine the wall he
was facing to get a Moogle Charm. Head back to the entrance of Narshe. From
there, go north until you get to the mines. Go east into the next area. Follow
along the path until you get to the mountains. At the mountains, head north,
but at all costs, you should avoid that dragon you see. It may be a bit
difficult at this point, and I do not think you're ready to battle it yet. Read
the Bosses section if you wish to battle it, however. If you think you can do
it, battle it, but save it before you do. In the next area, go across the
bridge, then go north. Examine the Esper. For some reason, it'll attack you.
Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it. Once you defeat it, it will
grant you its power. An area in the cliff will break off. Go north, and choose
to jump. You'll be in a cave area, where we must go next.

In here, go up the platform right by you (the one in the middle). In this area,
open the chest for an X-Ether. There are a lot of chests spreaded throughout
this cave, but there is no need for me to give a detailed explanation. Now, go
northeast, then go down through the entrance into the next area. Here, go up
the platform you see in front of you, then cross the bridge. On the next ledge,
go north across the bridge, then west and into the next area. In here, ignore
the first switch, then go across the bridge and flick the next switch. You'll
fall down into another area. Here, go north and examine the bone. When it asks
if you would like to remove the Magicite, say Yes. You'll get Terrato, then
you'll hear a sound. A big yeti will come, and a boss battle commences. Read
the Bosses section for help on this sorry excuse for a boss.

When you beat it, he will join your party, ONLY if you have Mog in your party
now. If you do not have Mog in your party, get him and come back here. He will
join your party, but he isn't too good. Exit this part by going to the north.
You'll fall down to a ledge, so make your way out of Narshe.


Back here, save your game, and head just northeast of Narshe. You should see a
small mountain, along with five trees forming a cross shape right next to it.
Go into the middle of them into a secret place.

Duncan's House

In this place, you must have Sabin in your party. Now, go north, and Duncan
will come out. He is Sabin's father, and he will fight with Sabin a bit. After
they are through fighting, Sabin will have learned his ultimate Blitz: The Bum
Rush. When the cutscene ends, exit this place.


On the overworld, get on the airship. If you want to, you can try to fight with
Doomgaze. You may not be strong enough at this point, but you can try if you
wish. Read the Side Quests section if you wish to do so. Whenever you're ready,
head to the Veldt.

The Veldt

Here, walk around the Veldt until you spot a cave. Enter it.

Cave in The Veldt

Follow the path, and Interceptor will spot you. Dosen't that tell you that
something is here? Go north and into the next area. Here, follow along the
path and you'll see some guys by a campfire. Speak with them if you wish. Now,
go west of them and open the chest to recieve a Rage Ring, then enter through
the door in front of you. Now, go down the stairs, then through the tunnel.
Take the left path, and open the treasure chest for a Monster-In-A-Box. It's
not that difficult to defeat. When you defeat it, equip the Tiger Fangs you
just got on Sabin. Take the south path until you come to an area with three
rocks blocking a path. Ignore those rocks, and go south through the door. Now,
flick the switch on the wall, and one rock will move. Proceed down and open the
chest to recieve a Striker. Now, go back to the rocks, and go through the now
opened path. Go south through the tunnel, then go north and into the next area.

In this area, go down the stairs and save your game at the save point, then go
south into the next area. Here, you will find Relm if you did not save Shadow
in the World of Balance. If you saved Shadow, he will be in place of Relm. Talk
to him/her, and then a Behemoth will jump out and attack you. Read the Bosses
section to see how to defeat it. When it is defeated, your party will head to
Thamasa, to put Shadow/Relm in a bed.


Here, Relm/Shadow will be lying in a bed. You'll then see a cutscene of the
last of Shadow's past. When you regain control, exit Thamasa.


NOTE: Only if you saved Shadow, do this. 

Get on the airship, and fly to where Daryl's Tomb is. Go all the way north, and
enter the building that looks like the Opera House. This is where we will get
Shadow for good.


In this place, go north and speak with the man. Choose a Striker to throw out
for fighting. You will fight Shadow, so choose your best party member to fight
him. The member will attack on its own; you can't control it. When Shadow is
defeated, he'll join your party for good. Go back to the overworld.


Now, get back on your airship, and head back to Mobliz.


Time to get Terra for good. Now, go west and enter the building on the far
left. In here, go behind the bookshelf into a secret room. Inside, go down and
a cutscene will occur with Terra. You'll hear footsteps again, and you know
what that means. When you regain control, exit this room to enter yet another,
this time a true battle with Phunbaba. Read the Bosses section to see how to
kill it for good. Once you defeat it, you'll see a cutscene with Terra. She
will have regained the will to fight, and realize that the part she kept
buried in her for so long was the feeling of love. When you regain control,
re-equip Terra, and exit Mobliz.


Back on the overworld, head to the area with Zozo. Just south of it is Jidoor,
so go in there.


At this place, buy some items if you want to. Then, head directly north into
the big building there. Inside here, the lights are off. Go north and press A
on the two lamps on the wall to flick the light switch, turning them on. Now,
go up the stairs to the right side of the room, and examine the pot in the
corner for a Tincture. Now, go back to the lamps and up the stairs. You'll be
in a place with a bunch of paintings, one being Gestahl. Examine the painting
just south of Gestahl and you'll enter a battle. After you defeat the enemies,
go through the newly revealed door. In here, go down the stairs, and stand by
the chair painting. You'll be sucked in, and be attacked Once the battle is
over, head north and into the door to the left. Open the chest to recieve a
Moogle Suit, then head through the east door. In here, go north and you will
see some doors that moves around from the wall. Go northwest into the corner,
and open the hidden chest for a Relic Ring. 

Now, watch the moving doors. They are not openable, but when they move, you'll
see an entrance from where they moved. Enter the entrance from the far left. In
here, follow the path into the next area. In this area, there are a bunch of
floating treasure chests. Go up to the first chest, then go directly south of
it, and it will drop. A battle will commence. Win the battle to get 2000 GP. Do
this with each chest to get a Potion, an Ether, and a Remedy. Now, examine the
painting in the middle to enter a basic battle. Defeat the enemy, and head
through the newly revealed door. Use a Tent and save your game, then proceed
through the door to the north. The door to the left carries you to a room
you've already visited. In here, go north through the door, and then up the

You'll find the Owzer, and Relm painting. A cutscene will commence. After the
cutscene, a monster that is hiding in the painting Relm is working on will
attack you. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it. Once you kill it,
the Owzer will not hesitate to let you grab the stone (Magicite) that caused
the monster to appear in the first place. Go over to the bookshelf on the
right, and examine it to recieve the Magicite "Starlet". Relm will join your
party, and you'll appear back in the town. Exit it.


Here, save your game and enter the airship. Get Relm in your party, and fly to
the small island that is shaped like a snake. In the middle of it, you'll see
a blue tower surrounded by mountains. Land here, and enter said tower.

Fanatic's Tower

In here, you'll see Strago. Go north, and a cutscene will commence. Relm will
convince Strago to join the team once again. Exit this place, for now.


We are almost done getting all of the characters. All we need now from this
point on is Locke, and another secret party member. First, we are going for
the secret party member. Use the airship to fly to the small island on the
northeast corner of the map. It is near the Veldt. 

Triangle Island

Here, get caught by an enemy until you encounter the Zone Eater. Sit there and
do nothing, and it will use Engulf, sucking in a party member. Wait until it
sucks in all four party members, and you'll be in a secret place. Inside, go
south and into the next area. Here, go west and you'll see a bunch of walkways,
along with some guys clothed in green. Face north and jump to the next walkway,
and let the green guy bump into you. You'll be knocked to the lower floor. Now,
open the chests to recieve an Ether and a Red Jacket. Go right and press the
switch to lower the platform, then back into the previous area. Back here, make
your way across the walkways. There are some chests you can get which contain a
Genji Armor, a Magical Brush, and a Fake Mustache. Make your way over to the
other side, and into the next area. In this area, save your game and enter the
nearby room. This room has a falling ceiling, and if you get smashed, it's game
over for you.

Watch the ceiling as it falls, and while it is rising up to the top, quickly
run over to the spot(s) where when it comes down, you will not be smashed, but
be covered by a hole. There are also a few chests here, one which you can only
get on the first way through the room. If you do not, you'll be smushed before
you can make it over to a safe area after getting the chest. The chests contain
a Zephyr Cape, a Hero Ring, and a Tack Star. Make your way over to the next
area. In this area, go south into a room with lots of walkways. In this room,
go south and you'll see a ton of walkways, with treasure chests that appear
open. Go to the edge of the first walkway, and press A to jump across.

The chests act as platforms. Do the same with the other walkways until you come
to a door. Enter it. Here, go north and speak with the thing clothed in orange.
This is Gogo. It will join your party, so head back to the previous room. Back
here, you can use the walkway near the door to get to a switch. Jump from it
to land on the northern part of the platform with the switch. The switch will
extend two walkways; one which lets you get off this platform, and another that
will let you make your way to a chest on the other side of the room. The chest
contains a Thunder Shield.

Whenever you're ready, make your way back to the first room. Enter the light
that is to the north, and you'll be back on the overworld.


Enter the airship, and fly where Tzen is. Instead of entering Tzen, go just
north of it. You'll see a huge mountain with a very small hole in the middle of
it. Lower the airship below the hole, and press B. You will have to split into
two groups to enter this next dungeon. I suggest you get Mog and his Moogle
Charm relic before entering here. Put your strongest party members in the first
group, and Mog (along with the weakest members) in the second. Then, equip the
Moogle Charm on Mog, and let the first group encounter random battles.

Phoenix Cave

This is going to be your first real dungeon in the World of Ruin. Anyway, when
you start, enter the cave with your first group. Inside, press the switch and
then use the second group to go inside the cave. Enter through the passageway,
and then go up the stairs, and go south. Press the switch to reveal another
passageway, then switch to Group #1, and go through it. Go north and stand on
the nearby switch, then switch to Group #2. With it, go north and pass the now
safe floor. Go around to the right, then go south and press the switch. Switch
to Group #1, and pass the safe floor, then go south into the next area. The
chest near the next area is empty, so don't worry about getting it. In this
area, go north and around the walkway. That chest is empty, too. Stand on the
switch, and three rocks will appear on the surface of the lava. Switch to
Group #2, and then head west, and south into the next area. 

Here, go east and across the walkway, then move to the edge of the walkway to
hop across the three stones. Do the same for the next set. Now, go across the
walkway, then press the nearby switch. Get Group #1, and head back to the
entrance of that room, then make your way around the other walkways. You'll
come to a big platform that has moved, so proceed through it into the next
area. In this area, go left into that area. Press the switch, then get Group
#2, and proceed north into the next area. In this area, save your game at the
save point, then go north across the walkway and press the switch. Switch to 
Group #1, and go into the previous area. Here, go all the way northwest, past
the now safe floor.

Then, go south into the next area. In this area, go left and jump across
the rocks. Keep doing this until you get to the next area. Here, flip the
switch to lower the water level, and to quench the lava in the previous room.
Now, switch to Group #2, then go all the way left and press the switch, which
will let Group #1 proceed through the passageway. Use Group #1 and go south,
then at the end, you'll spot a dragon. Examine it to enter combat against it.
As usual, read the Bosses section to see how to kill it. After it is dead, open
the chest nearby to recieve a Dragon Horn. Go all the way back north, and up
the stairs. Now, press the switch to the north, and then switch to Group #2.
Head down the stairs, and to the left through the rocks.

Now, enter the next area. In here, go down on the now safe floor, and make your
way onto the platform to the south. The chest contains a Ribbon. Now, go to the
northwest corner of the room, and into the next area. In here, go south through
the tunnel, and hop across the rocks. Go south and stand on one of the two
switches, then switch to Group #1. Step on the second switch to lower a
platform. Head south with either group, and into the next area. In this area,
go west then across the walkway, and you will find Locke! He will have gotten
the Phoenix Esper, but the stone is a bit cracked. After the cutscene, Locke
and the party will head to Kohlingen. Locke is now going to attempt to revive
Rachel, to make up for his past mistakes.


Here, you will see a cutscene where Locke revives Rachel. He succeeds in doing
so, but then Rachel passes away, and grants the power of Phoenix to Locke. You
now have the Magicite Phoenix, which contains the Life 3 spell. Go to a place
where you obtain some Magic Points to learn it. Anyway, when the cutscene ends,
Locke will give you all the treasures of the Phoenix Cave. Now, exit Kohlingen.


Outside, get your party members again, then head to where the Veldt is. The
island across it has a big forest you can fight in. You will find enemies like
Tyranosaur's. Occasionally, a Brachosaur will appear, and it is really tough.
Just use Vanish on the enemies, and then Doom on the vanished enemy. This will
result in an instant kill. Repeat this until you have as many spells as you
want (but make sure no matter what that you DO have Life 3). Now, when you get
Life 3, head back to the Fanatic's Tower where we got Strago.

Fanatic's Tower

NOTE: Make sure you enter this place with your absolute best party members, but
      get Mog in your party and equip the Moogle Charm. This place will be much
      easier with it equipped.

When you get here, take note that you can ONLY use Magic in this place. That is
why I told you to equip the Moogle Charm on Mog. Anyway, start by going up the
stairs. From here on, it is completely straightfoward. Go up the stairs, and
enter the doors you find along the way to the very top. The first door contains
a chest which holds a Safety Bit. There is also a secret in there; examine the
wall in the east corner of the chest. This reveals a door outside that contains
an Air Anchor tool for Edgar! The second room holds a chest that contains a
Genji Shield, and the third room contains a chest that has a Stunner, along
with a dragon. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it. The fourth room
contains a Force Armor. Lastly, the room at the very top contains a Gem Box.
You HAVE to collect it to clear this level. Equip the Gem Box on a party member
and go outside. A bunch of green men will come up to you, then a ghost will
drop down and attack you. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat this
boss. Once you defeat it, exit this tower.


Get in the airship, and then go to the Opera House, just south of Jidoor.

Opera House

In the Opera House, there is only one logical reason to go here. A dragon is
in the middle of the stage. Now, head to the main room, where the opera scenes
commence at. In there, go right and take that path and into the next area.
Here, speak with the man, then flick the third switch to the right. You'll
fall down the stage, where you'll see a dragon. Read the Bosses section to see
how to kill it. After you kill it, exit this place.


Save your game, and enter the airship. Fly to Figaro Castle.

Figaro Castle

Here, enter the first floor of the basement, and tell the man to take you to
Figaro. However, the castle will bump into something under the ground. Choose
to stop and explore. Now, go east up the stairs, then continue going east down
the next set of stairs. In here, go southeast, then north through the only open
door, and into the next area.

Ancient Cave

Go east down the second set of stairs you see, and open the chest for an Ether.
Now, go back up the stairs, then south and into the next area. Open the chest
in this area for a Monster-In-A-Box. Be careful, for it can be a bit difficult.
When you defeat it, go back to the previous area. In this area, go over to the
left side of the room, and you'll see a chest. Open it to recieve a Wing Edge,
then enter the next area. In this area, follow the path down the stairs, and
go north and open the chest for some Doom Darts. Now, go southwest of the chest
through the dark tunnel, then follow the path northwest and into the next area.
In this area, circle around the room opening the chests. You'll get an X-Potion
and a Magicite. When you get all of the chests, go down the stairs in the
middle of the room. In this area, save your game at the save point, then go
west and up those stairs.

Ancient Castle

Here, go north, and a cutscene will commence. It's a little long for a World of
Ruin cutscene. Anyways, when it is over, go northwest past the castle door, and
enter one of the two hole things. In this area, open the chest for a Monster In
A Box again. Be careful while fighting this thing, too; it's tougher than the
Master Pug in the Ancient Cave. When you defeat it, you get the Offering relic.
Equip it on your best attacker, as it is a GREAT item. Exit this area, and gp
through the castle doors nearby. Inside the castle, go north down the hallway
until you see the statue of Odin. Examine him and he will turn into a Magicite.
Now, stand by the second chair to the right. Go down five times, and press A.
You will hear a distant noise. Now, go to the east wall, then down and into the
next area. In this area, you'll see a sparkle on the bookshelf. Examine the
bookshelf and you will read something about Odin (a diary, I assume). Now, go
in the northeastern corner of the room and examine the bucket to recieve an

Then, go down the nearby stairs. In here, there is a dragon. Fight it. Read the
Bosses section to see how to kill it. Once you win, if you go north, you'll see
the statue of a girl that looks like Celes. However, if you examine it, your
Odin Magicite piece will be turned into Raiden. Odin is MUCH better by far, as
you do not really need the Quick spell that Raiden gives you. The spell Meteor
that Odin gives you is much better by far, and if you transform Odin into
Raiden, you cannot get Meteor until near the end of the game. When you're
ready, make your way back to Figaro Castle.

Figaro Castle

Head back to the man that moves the castle, and tell him to continue the
journey. Then, tell him to carry you back to Kohlingen, and to continue the
quest once more. Head back on the overworld.


Back on here, head into your airship, and fly directly north of Fanatic's Tower
where there is a small island with a castle. Switch Cyan into your party, and
enter the said castle.

Doma Castle

At this place, there is nothing to do here except one thing, and it can only be
done if Cyan is in your party. Anyways, head northwest and enter inside the
castle itself. Once inside, go northeast, and enter the door there. Inside,
open the chest for an X-Potion, then exit this area. Back here, go south of the
door you were just through, and into the next area. Out here, go south and
follow the path until you come to a door. Enter it. Inside, open the chests to
recieve a Fenix Down, and some Beads. Now exit the room, and enter inside the
castle again. Back here, go southeast and enter the door there. In here, check
the pot in the northeastern corner for a Remedy, then follow the path left and
enter the last door to the left. Open the chest for an Ether, then exit this
room. Enter the next door. Go north, and take a rest. A cutscene will commence
where Cyan will not wake up, and three "Dream Stooges" will enter into his
body. Then, your character will be lying on the ground.

Cyan's Soul

Here, save your game at the save point. Now, go up the stairs and follow along
the path until you come to three doors. Enter the one on the left. In here, go
down and a stooge will run. Examine the party member to get him/her back. Now,
enter the nearby door. Here, enter the door in the northeast corner, then take
the door to the right. You'll see another stooge that will run, and another
party member. Examine the party member, then enter the nearby door. In this
area, go left and then north, and enter the door. In here, go down the stairs,
and try to go through the door. The Three Dream Stooges will come out, and then
they will attack you. Read the Bosses section to see how to win. Once they are
defeated, enter the door. You will be outside on a train that looks just like
the Phantom Train. Go left and enter the train. Inside, save your game, and
proceed down the hallway and into the next area. Back outside, you'll see Cyan.

Ignore him, and climb up the ladder onto the train, then climb down the next
ladder. Now, go left and through the door. In here, it is a switch puzzle. It
can be a bit confusing, so I'll guide you through it. Flick the first switch
on the wall to move the couch by you. Now, go to said couch and go around the
boxes. Then, flick the third switch on the wall to move the boxes. Go back to
the third switch and flick it to move the couches back. Go left past the couch,
and flick the second switch on the wall. This will move another couch nearby.
Now, flick the first switch again, then go for the third one again. Make your
way back to the first switch, then go southwest and open the chest for an Ice
Shield, then go west.

Time for another puzzle with treasure chests. To do it,you must open and close
the chests in a certain order, then flick the fourth switch on the wall to open
up a new passageway. On the top set, leave the first two open, then close the
last one on the right. On the bottom set, close the first two (the ones on the
left and the middle), and leave the last one open. Now, flick the fourth switch
on the wall to open a passageway. Enter it. Here, go through the door to the
west and save your game. Exit that room. Back outside, go left and enter the
last door on the train. Flick the last switch on the left, and then exit the
room. You'll appear in an area that looks like the Mines of Narshe. You'll also
be in a Magitek Suit. Go south and you'll see Cyan for a minute, and he will
run away. Proceed south and into the next area. In this area, go east and down
the stairs, then north and into the next area.

Here, go south back into the previous area. You'll appear by a bridge and you
will also see Cyan. Cross the bridge, and you'll fall down. Then, you'll appear
in Doma Castle (boy, this place is weird, huh?). You will see a cutscene of
Cyan's family telling you to stop "Wrexsoul", that is taking control of Cyan.
They will turn into a save point, so save your game and exit this room. Here,
go south and into the next area. You can explore the entire castle and see some
of Cyan's past. Whenever you're ready, enter the throne room. Inside, go north
and you'll see Cyan and Wrexsoul. A boss battle commences. Read the Bosses
section to see how to defeat the monster. When Wrexsoul is defeated, Cyan will
be with you, and you'll see a cutscene. Cyan will see Elayne and Owain, then
they will turn into a sword. You'll also see a Magicite sitting on the throne,
but you won't get the chance to grab it! You'll be back in Doma Castle.

Doma Castle

Back here, Cyan will clear his mind of all doubt and confusion, and thus, he
will learn all of his SwdTech's! Now, head to the throne room. Pick up the
Magicite from the throne, and you'll get Alexandr. Exit the castle.


On the overworld, save your game and enter the airship. From this point on,
there are only two things left to do: take two more side quests, or go to
the last place, which is Kefka's Tower. Take note, however, that regardless
of what you do, I strongly suggest building up your techniques in the dinosaur
forest, which is west of the Veldt. It is in some trees. If you wish to take
the side quests, read the Side Quests section. Regardless, whenever you are
ready, head to the island that has Tzen on it. Just south of it you will see
a tower. Fly the airship under that tower, and press B. You will now jump onto
Kefka's Tower, the last and final dungeon of the game.

Kefka's Tower

First of all, you will have to put characters in three groups. I strongly
recommend you have at least ONE of your best party members in each group, so
that way you can defend the weak members. I also strongly recommend just
running away from the battles in this place. After all, it IS the last level,
so we don't really need to build up from this point on. Regardless, when you
first enter Kefka's Tower, use the first group to go down the escalator. Now,
go north and open the chest at the end for a Coronet. Turn left and go through
the mouth-looking thing. In here, go left, then down the escalator, then go
right and into the next area. In this area, follow along the path, collecting
the chest along the way which contains a Fixed Dice for Setzer. Follow along
the path until you get into the next area. In this area, go down the stairs,
and then follow the path and enter the next area.

For now the first group is stuck, so switch to Group #2. With it, head down the
stairs and go through the door. Now, go up the stairs and turn left, then open
the chest for a Minerva. Proceed down the stairs and then through the door and
into the next area. In here, open the chest for a Tack Star, then exit this
room. Back here, go all the way south into another area. In this room, exit the
cell, then go to the last cell to the left. You'll see a creature sitting in
it, that looks just like the Atma Weapon. Examine it and a battle commences, so
read the Bosses section for help on winning. Once you defeat it, it turns into
a save point, so save your game, and exit the cell. Now, go south and enter the
next area.

You'll fall down to a floor. Follow along the path, and go up the stairs and
into the next area. Here, take the left pipe, and you'll be in another area. In
this area, go left and open the chest for a Force Shield, then go down the
conveyor belt (I have no idea why I've been calling them escalators). Then,
take the left door and into the next area. In this room, you'll be on the other
side of Group #1. Open the chest nearby for a Ribbon, then stand on the green
switch and get Group #1. With it, go down the newly revealed platform, and into
the next area. Here, go down the hallway of Esper Tubes, and through the door
at the end. Follow along the path in this room and into the next area. In here,
you are stuck once again, so switch to Group #2 again. With it, exit the switch
area. Back outside, enter the nearby door. Go down the hallway through the
door, then go north and then you will see a dragon. Examine it and it will
attack you. Read the Bosses section to see how to kill it. 

Once the dragon is dead, proceed left and into the next area. Here, follow
along the path into the next area. Now, go directly north and stand on the
switch, and then switch to Group #3. With it, head down the conveyor belt, then
go left and open the chest for a Red Cap. Now, enter into the door in front of
you. Follow along the path and you'll be in an area that looks like the Magitek
Factory. Go north and open the chest for a Nutkin Suit. Then, follow along the
path and open the chest at the end for a Gauntlet. Go back to the area where
the first chest was, then go south and through the door. Follow the path into
the next area. In the factory area, open the nearby chest for a Hero Ring. Now,
there is a hidden chest in this area that contains an Aegis Shield, so we are
gonna find it. See that spinning thing near the stairs? Well, go on the left
side of it, and go down. You'll be inside a secret area. Go around the right
side of it, until it comes to an end. Then, you'll see a small square with a
chest. Open said chest for the Aegis Shield, then exit the secret area.

Back here, go all the way north and jump on the conveyor belt up to the top
floor. Here, use a Tent at the nearby save point, and save your game. Head left
and a monster will drop off of the beams to attack you. Read the Bosses section
to see how to kill it. Once you kill the monster, proceed down the stairs, and
head south and into the next area. In this area, proceed down the hallway. In
this room, go down and open the chest for a Megalixir. Now, go left and you
will see a chest that has a sparkle on it. Examine it to move the rubble away
from the stairs, blocking the first group's path. Now, switch to Group #1, and
head up the stairs. Open the chest to the left for a Tack Star, then proceed
north and into the next area. Now switch to Group #2, and proceed through the
nearby door. In here, proceed down the hallway, and you'll meet your last
dragon. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat it.

When the last dragon is defeated, the spell of the dragons will be broken, and
you'll get the Crusade Esper for killing all of the dragons! Proceed east, and
into the next area. Now, go through the small area and you'll be on the other
side of the first two groups. Go north and stand on the switch to open the door
for the first party. Switch to Group #1, and head through the door. Now, go
either to the northwest or northeastern path, then head south and into the next
area. Back here, you'll be by a four-ton weight. Move the group that is
standing on the switch off of it, and then switch back to Group #1, and examine
the weight. You'll push it onto the switch, and a pathway opens for the other
group. Do the same on the other side with Group #3, then with the first group,
go back into the previous room and stand on the switch in the room. Get the
other two groups, and proceed up the stairs and into the same room Group #1 is
in. Stand on the switches with all three groups, and a doorway will open in the
middle of the room. Go into that room.

Inside, you will meet the Guardian. Read the Bosses section to see how to
destroy it. When the Guardian is defeated, a save point will appear. Save your
game at it, then head north and into the next area. In this area, go around to
the west and into the next room. Here, go up the stairs, and you will see one
of the three statues that appeared on the Floating Continent. Walk up to it,
and a boss fight commences. Read the Bosses section to see how to destroy the
first statue. When the battle is over, the statue will vanish. One down, two
more to go. Now, go back to the room where the three switches are. Go down the
middle platform, and once out there, stand on the switch. Two doors will appear
for the other two groups, so go back to the area where the statue was. Proceed
north into the next area. In here, save your game and drop down the hole, then
stand on the switch.

Switch to another group, and go through the new doors that were just revealed.
After following the path, you will come across a statue with each group, so
read the Bosses section to see how to defeat them. When you defeat each of the
statues, the magic from the world will NOT disappear, and you'll find out that
Kefka has absorbed the magic from all of them! Now, with the last two groups,
follow along the path and step on the two switches you'll come across. When all
three party members stand on the three switches, you will float up to the
ultimate battle. In this place, you'll hear some creepy music, and Kefka will
appear. All of the party will be there.

After a really long cutscene, you will enter combat in the final battle; the
last fight in the entire game. Read the Bosses section to see how to slaughter
Kefka once and for all! When you beat Kefka for good, enjoy the great ending!
When it is over, congratulations! You have just completed one of the greatest
games of all time!


VI. Bosses

In this section, I will list all of the bosses in the game, along with info
about how to defeat them and such.



Found: Narshe

HP (Head): 1600
HP (Shell): N/A
MP (Head): 1000
MP (Shell): 120

Boss Strategy: Defeating Whelk is fairly simple. Take note that you DO NOT
attack the shell AT ALL. After your first turn with the three party members,
wait until he goes inside his shell. When he does, do not attack until he
comes back out. Anyways, have Terra use TekMissle on the head, and have Vicks
and Wedge use Fire Bream on the head. After a couple of turns, Whelk should be
dead but good.



Found: Narshe

HP: 420
MP: 150

Boss Strategy: Not much of a boss, but hey. First, have all the Kupo's attack
the Lobo's, while Locke attacks Marshal. After a few turns, Marshal should be
easily taken out.



Found: Mt. Koltz

HP (Ipooh): 360
MP (Ipooh): 60
HP (Vargas): N/A
MP (Vargas): 220

Boss Strategy: First of all, use all your most powerful attacks with your party
to take out the two Ipooh's. However, even though Vargas attacks you, you can't
attack him until both Ipooh's are defeated. Once you kill the Ipooh's, focus
all of your most powerful attacks (Fire, Auto Crossbow) on Vargas. Eventually,
a cutscene will occur. Sabin will appear, and then Vargas blows all your party
away, leaving only Sabin remaining. When the battle with Sabin begins, put the
cursor on the "Blitz" command, and press A. From there, press Left, Right, Left
and then A again. If you did everything I said correctly, you'll do Pummel.
This immediately defeats Vargas. It's unlikely that you'll get it, but during
the battle with your three party members, you can use Locke to steal a Mithril
Claw for Sabin.


Ultros (1st Fight)

Found: Lete River

HP: 3000

Boss Strategy: This boss can be difficult if you don't know what you're doing.
Make sure Banon is at least a Level 9. If he isn't, you will more than likely
not win, as he has to survive or it is a game over. Anyways, this boss will
go through certain attack patterns. He will, after one turn, attack one party
member with Tentacle. He will repeat this process, and eventually hit EVERY
party member at once. It's best to have your party in the back row for this
fight. Never attack with Banon; instead, use Health on every turn. Use Fire
with Terra, and with Edgar, use Auto Crossbow. With Sabin, use either Pummel
or AuraBolt (see the Blitz section). Repeat this and constantly heal Banon
until you defeat Ultros.



Found: Figaro Cave

HP: 1300
MP: 900

Boss Strategy: There is a certain way to defeat this boss, just like Whelk.
Use Runic every time Celes gets a turn, and constantly attack with Locke.
Runic will allow Celes to dodge the magic attacks TunnelArmr inflicts on
her, and she will absorb the magic. Again, just keep attacking with Locke,
and use Runic with Celes on every turn she gets. In no time, TunnelArmr will
be defeated. Heal if ever needed.



Found: Phantom Train

HP: 1900
MP: 350

Boss Strategy: There is a very easy way to defeat this thing. Just use one
Fenix Down on it, and it will immediately be killed. However, if you'd like
to fight this thing fair, here is a strategy. Just use Pummel/Aurabolt as
Sabin, and Dispatch as Cyan. With Shadow, throw an item (such as a Shuriken)
at the train. The train has some powerful attacks, so be aware. Heal with
Potions or Tonics if you ever need to, and the train will die in no time.


Kefka (1st Fight)

Found: Narshe

HP: 3000
MP: 3000

Boss Strategy: Defeating Kefka for the first time can be difficult, or really
easy. To defeat him, use your strongest group. Gau's Stray Cat can come in very
much handy use in this fight. Cyan's SwdTech using Dispatch is also a very good
attack for this battle. If you have Terra, use Fire and also attack with her.
If Celes is in your party, use Ice and Cure with her (Cure if ever needed). If
you got Locke, just attack with him. With Edgar, use AutoCrossbow. With Sabin,
use Pummel or AuraBolt. If you use the strategy I gave you, you will defeat
this laughing hyena in no time, for the time being.



Found: Zozo

HP: 3270
MP: 1005

Boss Strategy: To be honest, I don't even know why I considered this thing a
boss. It's barely even worth an effort to type up a strategy for this battle.
Regardless of what character you have, just use their strongest attacks (with
Edgar, Drill or Chain Saw, with Shadow, throw. With all the others, you know
how to do it). When Dadaluma is about to lose, he'll use Tonics and Potions
over and over again (what an idiot). He will also call out some ninja's, but
they aren't tough at all. You'll take out this boss in no time.


Ultros (2nd Fight)

Found: Opera House

HP: 2550
MP: 500

Boss Strategy: Another pushover boss fight. He is even WEAKER than last time!
What, did trying to push that four-ton weight make him lose energy he may have
gained before? Anyways, for starters, use Bolt 2 with any character you may
have it with. If you do not have it, then just forget about it, but it makes
the fight MUCH easier. With Edgar, use Drill or Chain Saw. With Sabin, use
AuraBolt or Pummel. With Gau, use the Stray Cat rage. With Celes, just attack,
unless you have Bolt 2. Using the Ramuh Esper works very well here, as well.
With Locke, just attack or use Bolt 2. Repeat this process, and if ever needed,
heal. After a few attacks, this octopus should be defeated once more.


Number 024

Found: Magitek Factory

HP: 4777
MP: 777

Boss Strategy: Yet ANOTHER one of these very simple, sorry for an excuse boss
battles. Simply use your strongest attacks on this thing (like Drill, and your
best magic attacks), and he will be defeated very, very shortly. You should
have little to no trouble at all with this boss fight. Heal if nessecary.


Number 124

Found: Magitek Factory

HP: 3276
MP: 810

Boss Strategy: Defeating this boss shouldn't be too difficult. He has two
blades that you must destroy, but those have not much HP, so you shouldn't
have too much of a problem destroying them. Use Steal with Locke on the actual
body until you get a Tempest from it (it is for Cyan). That really comes in
handy at this point. Use magic attacks, and with Gau, Stray Cat rage. With
Edgar, use his Tools. With Sabin, use AuraBolt. Repeat this process until you
defeat this boss.



Found: Blackjack

HP (1st Crane): 1800
MP (1st Crane): 447
HP (2nd Crane): 2300
MP (2nd Crane): 447

Boss Strategy: These cranes that Kefka sent out are not very difficult; you
just have to be careful. First, focus your attacks on the left one (#1). Use
Drill and any other special ability you have. Don't risk using magic on them,
however. Trust me. Just use your strongest attacks on them, and eventually,
they will both be destroyed. Also, one of them holds a Debilitator you can
steal; it's a tool for Edgar.



Found: Thamasa

HP: 8400
MP: 480

Boss Strategy: This boss actually, despite his very high HP, is extremely
easy. If you got the Ice Rod inside the building, you'll be able to handle
this boss no problem. If you go under Item, you can select Ice Rod, and
throw it at the Flame Eater. Use nothing but Ice spells on him, and use the
Aqua Rake Lore with Strago. He will sometimes send out some Balloon enemies
to attack you, but one Aqua Rake should take care of them. If you keep this
up, you should win in no time. Heal if you ever need to.


Ultros / Chupon

Found: Blackjack

HP (Ultros): 17000
MP (Ultros): 8000
HP (Chupon): 10000
MP (Chupon): 40000

Boss Strategy: Trust me, this is the LAST time you'll have to battle this
squidball. After a couple of turns, he'll send out a partner named Chupon to
help him (he finally learns he can't win by himself?). Focus all of your
attacks on Ultros himself, using lightning spells and regular attacks. He
shouldn't be too tough. Once Ultros is taken care of, focus all of your
attacks on Chupon by using special abilities and regular attacks. Heal if
ever needed, and eventually, Chupon will be defeated. When he does get beaten,
he'll use Sneeze on the entire party to end the battle.


Air Force

Found: Below the Blackjack

HP (Air Force): 8000
MP (Air Force): 750
HP (MissleBay): 3000
MP (MissleBay): 7000
HP (Laser Gun): 3300
MP (Laser Gun): 335
HP (Speck): 420
MP (Speck): 285

Boss Strategy: Do not focus your attacks on his body parts; it is not worth
it, as this boss shouldn't be that hard. Focus all of your attacks on his
main body. After a few turns, he may send out a Speck. Just use water and
lightning spells on this boss, and regular attacks to take out the Speck.
As I said, lightning and water spells hurt this thing the most. If you never
attack his body parts, and just the boss himself, he should be taken out in
no time. Just heal if you ever need to, like always.



Found: The Floating Continent

HP: 2400
MP: 5000

Boss Strategy: Okay, this is by far the toughest boss you have faced on your
journey, unlike most of the easy bosses so far. Anyway, starting off, make
sure you have some stuff to throw with Shadow. If you do not, the battle will
be a bit tougher. Anyway, with Edgar, use Drill or Chain Saw. With Locke, use
either magic, or just attack. You can also steal either an Elixir or a Ribbon
from this boss. With Terra, use magic attacks. Do the same with Relm, if you
have any with her. With Gau, use either magic or the Stray Cat rage. With
Strago, use Lore's, or magic. With Celes, use magic, or just attack. Be warned,
however, as the Atma Weapon WILL use his ultimate attack if you give him too
much time. He will also occasionally use Flare, which will damage one party
member quite a bit. Heal whenever he consumes your party's HP away, and make
sure you have some Tincture's in stock. Eventually, you'll kill it.



Found: Figaro Castle

HP (Tentacle A): 7000
MP (Tentacle A): 800
HP (Tentacle B): 6000
MP (Tentacle B): 700
HP (Tentacle C): 5000
MP (Tentacle C): 600
HP (Tentacle D): 4000
MP (Tentacle D): 500

Boss Strategy: The first boss battle in the World of Ruin isn't that hard. If
you have Drill with Edgar, use it. It's very handy for this fight. With Celes,
just make her attack. With Sabin, use his strongest Blitz (Pummel or AuraBolt).
Heal if you ever need to. Take note that they will often use an attack that
makes your character have white around it, then they'll take that character in
their grasp for a short time, absorbing their HP. They'll let them go after a
while, however. Again, heal if ever nessecary and you'll kill the tentacles
in a short time.



Found: Daryl's Tomb

HP: 23450
MP: 1721

Boss Strategy: Defeating this boss can be a bit easy, yet sometimes a bit hard.
Just have one party member use Fire attacks on it, have Setzer attack, though
he sucks. Have Celes heal when needed, and also have her attack when she can.
Also have Edgar use Drill or Chain Saw. Sabin should use AuraBolt for the whole
fight. Eventually, it will be taken out.


Storm Dragon

Found: Mt. Zozo

HP: 42000
MP: 1250

Boss Strategy: At this point in the game, the Storm Dragon should be a bit
tough. With Sabin, use either his strongest Blitz or Bolt 2. With Celes, heal,
like always. Use Bolt 2 with her if you get the chance. With Setzer, have him
just sit there. If you have Bolt 2 with him, use it. Edgar's Chain Saw or Drill
really comes in handy for this battle. You should use Bolt 2 with every party
member except for Celes, for she needs to focus more on healing than anything.
The Storm Dragon has some powerful attacks that will consume your HP by an
insane amount, so be warned and be careful. It may take a few tries, but you'll
eventually kill this boss.


Ice Dragon

Found: Narshe

HP: 24400
MP: 9000

Boss Strategy: If you cannot defeat this thing right now, try again later.
Anyway, for starters, have your entire party use Fire 2, even Mog (if he has
it). Edgar can use Drill if he does not have Fire 2, and Celes can focus on
healing, and sometimes, attacking. He will often use N-Cross, which freezes
certain party members, so be careful. He will also use Absolute 0, which hurts
quite a bit (around 1200 per blow). Just heal when needed, and make sure you
use Fire 2 on it until you defeat it.



Found: Narshe

HP: 30000
MP: 50000

Boss Strategy: This boss is a joke, despite the fact that you're battling an
Esper. Simply use your best attacks, such as Fire spells, and this thing will
be defeated in no time. The only thing it'll mainly use is Rasp, which is not
very much of a problem. Just heal if it is even nessecary, and it'll lose.



Found: Narshe

HP: 17200
MP: 9000

Boss Strategy: Defeating this boss is very easy, and you should have no
problem winning. Anyway, for starters, use your strongest attacks such as Drill
and Blitz. Using spells such as Fire spells also helps here. Have Mog just sit
there, or use his crappy dances, or just attack. Heal if ever needed. If you
let him live too long, he'll jump up in the air, then eventually come down and
hurt one party member. Repeat the same process until he is defeated.


Doom Gaze

Found: The Falcon

HP: 55555
MP: ?????

Boss Strategy: This boss can be kinda hard, depending on what magic attacks you
have and how prepared you are. At the start of the battle, he will try to use
Doom on the entire party. Just hit him with your strongest attacks, and
eventually, it will flee from battle. However, its HP does NOT recover, even
after running away. So in other words, you can heal after it runs, and try
again. Attack it until it flees. Rinse and repeat until it dies. However, you
can also use the Vanish/Doom trick to immediately kill it. Take note that you
should NOT use Vanish and then X-Zone on it. If you do so, it will NOT drop one
of the best Magicite in the whole game after it is defeated. Heal if you ever
need to, though I doubt you will ever need to.



Found: Cave in The Veldt

HP (Behemoth #1): 19000
MP (Behemoth #1): 1600
HP (Behemoth #2): 1900
MP (Behemoth #2): 9999

Boss Strategy: As always, here is yet another simple boss battle (don't you get
tired of these easy battles?). There are two, and they are both the same. After
you defeat one, you'll switch battle positions, and another one will appear.
The only thing you need to do for this battle is attack it with your strongest
attacks. Heal if you ever need to, and when the second one appears, do the same
thing as you did for the first one. Of course, if you want to immediately kill
it, use a Fenix Down. This only applies to the second one, however.



Found: Mobliz

HP: 26000
MP: 10000

Boss Strategy: Defeating Phunbaba for good isn't actually all that hard. For
the first part of the fight, you'll be using all your party members. Use your
strongest attacks such as Drill with Edgar, and Bum Rush with Sabin. This thing
is also very weak against Bio. If you do not have Bio with anybody, simply use
Poison, as it hurts him, but it is still a lot weaker than Bio. After you take
off a certain amount of HP, Phunbaba will blow your entire party away. Terra
then steps in to join the fun, and you have to fight him with her in your team.
Use Bio/Poison if she has it, and hit him with your strongest attacks until he
is defeated.



Found: Jidoor

HP (Monster): 30000
MP (Monster): 7600
HP (Woman): 56000
MP (Woman): 9400

Boss Strategy: First off, there are two types to this boss: a woman and a
monster. The thing is, do NOT attack the woman. Just wait until she turns into
the monster, then hit it with your strongest attacks. Have Sabin use his Bum
Rush to deal a good 5000-5200 damage. The woman, regardless if you attack her
or not, will put status effects on your party. However, if you attack her, she
will do much worse than just her "Charm" ability. Be careful of that Charm
attack, however, as it'll make one party member hit ANY party member until he
or she dies. The monster is also weak against Fire spells. If you do not attack
the woman, just heal when needed, and Chadarnook will be defeated in no time.


Red Dragon

Found: Phoenix Cave

HP: 30000
MP: 1780

Boss Strategy: I hope you entered this fight with your strongest group. It
actually isn't a very hard boss fight, but it has some very strong attacks.
Anyway, its weak point is Ice spells. Use your best attacks on it, and use
Sabin's strongest Blitz. Bum Rush will deal around 5200 damage on it per a
blow, so that will take off half of its life with that one attack in a matter
of three turns. Heal if you ever need to, and hit it with the strongest type
of Ice spells. In no time, this dragon will be defeated.


White Dragon

Found: Fanatic's Tower

HP: 18500
MP: 12000

Boss Strategy: This boss is extremely easy. It is by far one of the easiest
bosses in the game; it NEVER attacked me, though it does attack sometimes.
Since you cannot use regular fighting in this battle, just pound it with Fire,
Ice and Lightning spells. It dosen't even have very much HP. Occasionally, it
will use Pearl on a party member, but throughout most of the battle, it will
use Dispel. I've never even seen the purpose in Dispel, personally. Heal if
you ever need to, which is unlikely. Continue attacking it until it is dead.



Found: Fanatic's Tower

HP: 50000
MP: 50000

Boss Strategy: This is by far one of the hardest bosses in the World of Ruin
if you do not use the best (and quite possibly the only way) strategy to beat
this boss. Use the Berserk spell on him, and then he will be weak against ANY
type of magic spell. Pound him with spells such as Pearl, Ice 3, Bolt 3, and
not last but not least, Fire 3. Berserk, as far as I know, lasts for the entire
battle, so no worries there. Cast Life 3 on one party member, because if you do
not, he will kill ALL of your party, along with himself at the end of the
fight. Whereas, if Life 3 is casted, it will revive the party member that it
has affect on.


Dirt Dragon

Found: Opera House

HP: 28500
MP: 16500

Boss Strategy: This can be one of the hardest dragons, as it has a couple of
powerful attacks. It will sometimes use Horned Tusk, which hurts a party member
around 3200 per shot, usually resulting in an instant death. Use Bum Rush on
him, and use your strongest magic spells on him. If he does not use some of his
strongest attacks, you shouldn't have too much of a problem with this boss.
Just keep on hitting him with your strongest attacks, and heal whenever needed
until you kill it.


Blue Dragon

Found: Ancient Castle

HP: 26900
MP: 3800

Boss Strategy: The Blue Dragon isn't very hard, as you should be more than high
enough to battle it at this point. Just hit it with your strongest attacks such
as Bum Rush, and hit it with every spell except for Ice spells. It will just
regain HP if you do use it on him. He will sometimes use attacks that hit all
party members, dealing around 1000 damage to them all. It's not much of a
problem, however. Just keep attacking it and heal up if you ever need to and it
will be defeated soon enough.


The Three Dream Stooges

Found: Cyan's Soul

HP (Curley): 15000
MP (Curley): 2000
HP (Larry): 10000
MP (Larry): 2000
HP (Moe): 12500
MP (Moe): 2000

Boss Strategy: At this point in the game, you should have absolutely no trouble
at all with this boss. They have very low HP, and you should have very powerful
attacks by now. To start it off, go for Moe. If you do not, she will use Life 2
to revive a stooge that dies before her. She should be taken out by two Ice 3's
and a Bum Rush or another powerful attack. Once Moe is defeated, simply hit the
other ones with your strongest attacks. After a few turns, they should all be
defeated. It isn't likely that you'll ever need to heal. They will also use an
attack called Delta Hit if you don't kill one fast enough.



Found: Cyan's Soul

HP (Wrexsoul): 23066
MP (Wrexsoul): 5066
HP (SoulSaver): 3066
MP (SoulSaver): 566

Boss Strategy: Defeating Wrexsoul can be a bit difficult, or extremely easy.
It is really entirely up to you. The real and difficult way to defeat him
is: when the battle begins, he will disappear. Wrexsoul will also use an
attack called "Zinger", in which he will go into a party member. Keep attacking
one party member, and when they reach the Wound status, see if Wrexsoul will
reappear. If not, revive the wounded member, and kill another one. Repeat until
Wrexsoul appears, then he'll be back for three turns. Hit him with your best
attacks, and keep doing that until he's defeated. If you defeat him the real
way (which is the method I just mentioned), you'll get a Pod Bracelet. For
lazy people, to end the battle immediately, just keep casting X-Zone at the
start of the battle for an instant victory. However, you won't get the Pod
Bracelet this way.



Found: Ebot's Rock

HP (Hidon): 25000
MP (Hidon): 12500
HP (Hidonite): 3500
MP (Hidonite): 1000

Boss Strategy: Take note that if you have Strago in your party, he will learn
the GrandTrain Lore if you let Hidon use it during the fight. Anyways, to start
the battle off, attack the Hidonites. One Bum Rush and a few magic spells will
take all of them out. However, do NOT use ANY magic on the Hidonite on the far
left; it uses Reflect. After you've taken out all of the Hidonites, use your
strongest attacks on Hidon himself. A Bum Rush should hurt around 6200, and a
Drill should hurt around 3200. After a few turns, you'll win the battle. Be
warned, however, that he may poison the entire party, though he is still easy.



Found: Kefka's Tower

HP: 24000
MP: 5000

Boss Strategy: Atma isn't too difficult, but he does have some powerful attacks
that can damage your entire party quite a bit. Since you're fighting this with
Group #2, I imagine it's one of the weakest party. Just pound it with your most
powerfull attacks such as Bum Rush if you have Sabin, and Drill if you have
Edgar. I really recommend using Gogo for this fight, and to customize Blitz,
Magic and Tools on him. Then, continously use Bum Rush on him, dealing around
5200-6200 damage on him per a blow. Atma will often use attacks like Bolt 3
and Fire 3, but for some reason, they will have almost no effect on your party.
The only very powerful move that he uses that you should be careful of is
Quake. When he uses this, it will take off at least 1800 HP off of EVERY party
member you have in your party. Just keep up the same attack pattern, and heal
when he damages you a lot until you win.


Gold Dragon

Found: Kefka's Tower

HP: 32400
MP: 4000

Boss Strategy: This is one of the easiest dragons to defeat, ever. It is very
weak against special physical attacks like Bum Rush, dealing around 6200 points
of damage per a shot. It will often use Lightning attacks; mainly Bolt and Giga
Volt. Giga Volt can damage one (if not all) party member quite a bit, so be
aware of that attack. But he will use Bolt for some odd reason, dealing little
to no damage at all on you. Just keep hitting it with attacks except for Bolt
spells, and keep healed up until it is defeated.



Found: Kefka's Tower

HP (Inferno): 30800
MP (Inferno): 9700
HP (Striker): 11000
MP (Striker): 2600
HP (Rough): 8000
MP (Rough): 770

Boss Strategy: Defeating this boss can be quite a pain if you do not have at
least two good party members to aid you. This one fights much like the boss at
the end of the Magitek Factory. Ignore the two body parts; they regenerate a
turn later if you kill them. Focus all of your attacks on the main body, and
use attacks such as Ice 3, and Bum Rush. Take note that it absorbs Fire AND
Lightning spells, so only Ice will damage it. The two body parts, however,
WILL often use Shrapnel and other damaging attacks like that. Heal when you
have to, and keep hitting this thing with your strongest attacks until you
kill it.


Skull Dragon

Found: Kefka's Tower

HP: 32800
MP: 1999

Boss Strategy: The last dragon is not even hard in itself. If you have Gogo
or Sabin in your party, use Bum Rush on the dragon. Ice and Fire spells also
do well against this dragon. It dosen't really use any powerful attacks that
would force you to use Cure 3, so you do not need to worry about that. Just
keep attacking it with everything you've got, and after a few turns, it'll die.



Found: Kefka's Tower

HP: 60000
MP: 5200

Boss Strategy: This boss can be quite difficult, if you do not have a good team
to battle it with. If you have Sabin or Gogo in the group, use Bum Rush, like
always. Pound it with some magic attacks; that helps a little bit. Attack it
with everything you have. When it is half way defeated, it will go into Ultros'
attacking pattern, and thus, it may use Tentacle on the entire party. If it
does, get prepared for a lot of healing. Just keep attacking it, and keep your
HP up and eventually, you'll defeat it.



Found: Kefka's Tower

HP: 58000
MP: 18900

Boss Strategy: The first of the three statues can be difficult, if you don't
know how to kill it. If you have Sabin, use Bum Rush. Depending on what you
have equipped, the Fire spells (such as Flare Star) will damage a party member
zero. Continue to hit it with your strongest attacks. Take note that this boss
loves to use Fire 3 and Shrapnel quite often, so be warned of that. Heal when
he takes off your HP, and keep attacking him until you kill him.



Found: Kefka's Tower

HP: 63000
MP: 4800

Boss Strategy: To tell you the truth, this can be a very difficult boss, if you
do not have a great party to battle it. As always, use Bum Rush if possible,
and use all spells except Ice spells. Pearl and Flare can also do pretty good
for this fight. Heal when he damages you; I strongly suggest having a party
member with Cure 3 for this battle. After a while. he will charge up, and use
his ForceField attack, which makes a certain type of magic attack inaffective
on him. He will keep using it until NO magic works on him, then he'll use his
ultimate attack: the Demon Rage. This will hit one party member, dealing around
a possible 3200 damage to that member, usually instantly killing them. Keep
yourself healed up, and keep pounding him with physical and magical attacks,
and eventually you'll win.



Found: Kefka's Tower

HP: 44000
MP: 19000

Boss Strategy: This is probably the easiest out of all of the three statues.
To start the battle off, you'll probably get the first turn before she even
gets one. If you have Shadow with you, throw all that you've got at her, and
some items will even deal around 7200 damage! If you have Sabin or Gogo, use
Bum Rush (you knew it was coming). With Edgar, just use Drill or pound her
with magic attacks. She probably WILL use Overcast, which will give ALL of
your party members only 20 seconds to live. However, if you hurry, you should
defeat her before 20 seconds is up. Heal if you need to, and keep hitting her.
She'll die very soon.


Kefka (Final Battle)

Found: Kefka's Tower

HP (Face): 30000
MP (Face): 10000
HP (Long Arm): 33000
MP (Long Arm): 10000
HP (Short Arm): 27000
MP (Short Arm): 10000
HP (Tiger): 30000
MP (Tiger): 10000
HP (Tools): 24000
MP (Tools): 10000
HP (Magic): 41000
MP (Magic): 10000
HP (Hit): 28000
MP (Hit): 10000
HP (Sleep): 40000
MP (Sleep): 10000
HP (Girl): 9999
MP (Girl): 10000
HP (Kefka): 62000
MP (Kefka): 38000

Boss Strategy: This is it: the final battle. However, before you battle Kefka
himself, you must select who you want to fight with you. Before selecting any
party member, take note that you should select four of your best party members
first, then all the other ones. Select End to begin the ultimate battle. But
before you battle Kefka, you must also defeat three tiers. For the first set,
you will have to fight a head, and two arms. Go after the arms first, then aim
for the head. Hit it with your strongest attacks, like Bum Rush, Drill, and
just have fun hitting it with EVERY magic spell you have; it does not absorb
ANY spell. You'll hear an exploding noise when each part dies. When the first
tier is destroyed, your party will rise up to another set, which has five
things you must destroy. They will often use spells such as Dispel, and Bolt 3.

They can be a bit hard, too. Hit them with attacks like Ice 3, Bolt 3, Fire 3,
and even Ultima if you have it. They will also use Gravity Bomb, which will
hurt one party member a considerable amount of damage. Eventually, they'll use
Reflect on them if you keep pounding them with magic attacks. Be careful of
their spells, and heal whenever needed. They'll most likely use the 10 Hits
attack before the last one dies, which hits your party ten times. On the last
set of tiers (the third), attack the girl at the top first. If you do not, she
will revive the girl on the bottom if you kill her first. Just use physical and
magical attacks on her; she only has 9999 HP, which should be very easy to take
off at this point. Then, focus all of your attacks on the girl at the bottom.
Eventually, the girl will use a One Hit KO attack on one party member, and then
your party rises to Kefka, for the final battle. Take note that you can also
steal a Ragnarok from the girl on the top, and an AtmaWeapon for the girl on
the bottom.

NOTE: Kefka WILL use the Fallen One attack the minute the battle starts, so
      just use Cure 3 to take care of that.

Defeating Kefka isn't exactly hard in itself; he was very easy for me each time
I battled him. He only has 1000 HP less than Doom, so it shouldn't be too hard.
Basically do the same thing you did for the tiers: pound him with everything
you've got; magic attacks and physical attacks. This is the final battle, so
at this point, it dosen't matter what you do. If you don't kill him fast, he
will say "The end comes...beyond chaos!", and the area will start to shake. He
will then use his ultimate attack, which is Goner. It hits every party member,
and deals a bit amount of damage, but still not enough where you'll have too
much trouble. Just keep up the same strategy, and after a short while, Kefka
will crumble up, and fall at last. You can also steal a Megalixir from him
during the battle.


VIi. Side Quests

There are several side quests in both worlds in this game. I will list all
of them for both worlds below. Feel free to email me if I missed anything,
or if something is incorrect.

World of Balance Quests


Getting the Tintinabar in Mobliz

To do this side quest, head to the northwestern part of town, and enter the
building there. Inside, there is a man lying on a bed. Speak to him, and he
will ask you to read the nearby letter on his desk. Do so; you should see it.
You will show the letter to the man, and he will read it. Exit this house, and
enter the one to the right (it has a bird on the mailbox). Inside, speak with
the nearby man standing next to the clock. He will ask for 500 GP to deliver
the next letter. Accept it, and exit the house. Back outside, go north and go
inside the Relic Shop. Inside, speak with the owner, then press B. Go north and
walk into the bed there for a rest. Exit the Relic Shop. Back outside, head to
the house with the man lying down in bed again. There is another letter, so
examine it. Exit the house, and head back to the house to the east. Talk to the
man again, and he will ask you to pay another 500 GP to send another letter. Go
to the Relic Shop and sleep again; there will be another letter. Read that one,
too. Repeat the same process over and over until you get the relic.


Shadow's Past

This side quest is actually quite interesting. If you get Shadow in Kohlingen,
then go to the Inn and sleep in the beds. You will get to see what happened in
some of Shadow's past. If you sleep about three more times (I think it is), you
will recieve other visions of Shadow's past. The last vision of Shadow's past
can be seen in the World of Ruin.


Getting the Magicite Golem and Zoneseek

You must go to Jidoor, after getting the airship after getting Terra back
before this side quest is available. Just north of the Item Shop at Jidoor,
there is an Auction House. Enter it, and speak with the man. Sometimes, the
auction will have the two Magicite. Golem will cost 20000 GP, while Zoneseek
will cost 10000 GP. If they don't have these Magicite, keep going on the
overworld and back in Jidoor to the Auction House until they do.


Getting Mog in Narshe

Yes, it is possible to get Mog before the World of Ruin. Of course, you'll
still need to find him in the World of Ruin, regardless if you got him in
the World of Balance or not. Anyways, once you can fly the airship, fly to
Narshe, and land. Enter Narshe. Inside, go north and east to Arvis' House.
From his house, go south but not down the stairs. You will come across
another building; enter it. Inside you will see Lonewolf the Pickpocket. He
will run away, so snag all the chests to recieve a ThiefKnife, a pair of
Earrings, 5000 GP, a Wall Ring, a Sneak Ring, and a Hyper Wrist. One chest
is empty, however. Now, exit the house. Outside, you will see Lonewolf the
Pickpocket again. Make your way to the mountain at the top, where the Esper
is (get there from the Mines of Narshe, at the northern part of town). When
you make it to the top, you'll meet Lonewolf again. He will be holding a
Moogle hostage. Stand there and don't move at all, and the Kupo will knock
both of them off the cliff, but they will be hanging. If you choose to save
Lonewolf, you'll get the Gold Hairpin (it is NOT worth it; it's not even very
good). If you save Mog, he'll join your party. Now you must use Warp to get out
of Narshe, or get out the hard way.


Getting the Water Rondo Dance for Mog

NOTE: Mog MUST be in your party to do this.

Right after you get Mog (or right before you battle Atma Weapon), use the
airship and land near the town of Nikeah. If you do not, there is a known
glitch where you'll lose your airship after aquiring the dance, and thus,
you'll be stuck on that place forever, forcing you to restart. After you've
landed the airship near Nikeah, go to Baren Falls. Then, go all the way to
the Cave on the Veldt, and then go through the Serpent Trench. Battle all the
enemies you come across, and when the trench ends, you'll have this dance. Take
note that the World of Balance is the ONLY time you can get this, and it is
impossible to obtain in the World of Ruin. So, take advantage of this by
getting it while you can.


World of Ruin Quests


Saving Cid

It is very hard to save Cid, and I say it's not worth it. But, if you really
wish to save him, here is how. Go to the beach, and grab a fish by pressing
the A Button. Make sure you do NOT catch the very sluggish fish, as those
result in an instant kill for Cid. Anyway, catch the medium speed ones, and if
you see any, the extremely fast ones. Go back to Cid's house after you've got
a fish, and talk to him to feed him the fish. You can only take one fish to
him at a time, however. He goes in certain stages the more you feed him fish.
If he starts to say something like "I...wheeze, pant...want to thank you...
cough!", then he is about to die. However, if he stops coughing and wheezing,
and saying positive things, then you are doing spectacular. However, it takes
lots and lots of patience and turmoil to save him, which is why I say that it
is not worth it. For the impatient: NEVER, EVER try saving Cid. Eventually, he
will feel much better, then he will be back to normal, and show you the raft
instead of you finding it when he dies.


Battling Doom Gaze

After you get the Falcon from Daryl's Tomb, begin flying around. You will
eventually encounter a monster named Doom Gaze, in mid air. Read the Bosses
section to see how to defeat it, however. For your efforts, you get the
Magicite Bahamut, which gives you the Flare spell.


Fighting Hidon

To start off this side quest, make sure you have Relm and Strago in your party.
Then, fly the airship to Thamasa. Inside, go north and you'll see a cutscene.
You'll find out that Gungho has been hurt by a monster named Hidon! Strago has
fought this monster in his younger days. Strago will say he will go by himself
to destroy Hidon, but you really don't have to. Exit Thamasa, and then fly to
the small island north of Thamasa. Enter the cave. Inside, go north and stand
on the switch to warp to an area with a talking treasure chest. It will tell
you that it is very hungry. You must find some coral to feed it. Now, simply
stand on the switches spreaded around the maze, collecting chests with coral
on the way. When you have around 25 Pieces, head back to the chest and feed it.
It will let you pass, so go north and you'll meet Hidon. Examine him to enter
a battle against him. Read the Bosses section to see how to win.


Getting Ragnarok

You can ONLY do this after you've gotten Locke from the Phoenix Cave. Switch
Locke in your party, then head to Narshe. Inside, examine the door to the
Weapon Shop, and then Locke will unlock it. Enter it, and go down the stairs
and speak with the man inside. He will ask you if you want a sword, or if you
would like him to turn it into a piece of Magicite. Choose either one, but many
people say that the sword is better. The Magicite gives you the Ultima spell,
and you can bet the sword in the Colosseum to get the best weapon: the
Illumina. It is entirely up to you as of what to do, however.


Visiting Gau's Father

To start this side quest, you must first have Gau and Sabin in your party. And
you must also have the Falcon. With it, fly to the northeastern part of the
World Map. Just west of the big forest northwest of the Veldt is a single
house. Land your airship near that house, and approach it to enter an outside
area next to the house. Enter the house. Inside, you'll spot an old man. Speak
with him, and a scene will commence. Sabin will be convinced that this man is
indeed Gau's father. However, Gau reacts strangely.

Sabin then says that they need to give Gau a makeover, so they take him to the
town of Jidoor to get him some better clothes to wear. He ends up wearing a
black T-Shirt! When they re-visit his father, he tells of a story about how Gau
got on the Veldt and such. After some dialogue, this side quest ends.


VIII. Item List

In this section, I will list every item in the game, and information on what
they do and such. All credit goes to Atom Edge's Item FAQ which contains all
of the information you'd ever need to know on the Item's of the game.

Healing Items


Found: World of Balance - Figaro Castle, Returner's Hideout
Bought At: World of Balance - Figaro Castle, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Phantom Train,
           South Figaro, World of Ruin - Figaro Castle, Kohlingen
Stolen From: Abolisher, Boxed Set, CrassHoppr, Cirpius, Coelecite, Mesosaur,
             Rhodox, Sand Ray, Trilobiter, Vermin, WeedFeeder
Obtained From: Coelecite, Intagir, Latimeria, Sand Ray
Morphed From: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone,
              Abolisher, Bug, Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr,
              ChickenLip, Cluck, Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius,
              Coelecite, Crawly, Deep Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind,
              Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan, GiganToad, Geckorex, Grease
              Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell, Ghost, Harvester, HermitCrab,
              Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron Fist, Insecare, Joker,
              Lich, Luridan, Muus, Marshal, Mesosaur, Mind Candy, Maliga,
              Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm Stalker, Parasoul,
              Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot, Punisher, Rain Man, Rinn,
              Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper, Slurm, StillGoing, Scorpion, Sand
              Ray, Sea Flower, Trooper, Vaporite, Vectuar, Vindr, Wyvern,
Description: Cures "Poison" status.
Sells For: 25 GP


Dried Meat
Found: N/A
Bought At: Mobliz - World of Balance
Stolen From: Brontuar, Ultros, Wart Puck
Obtained From: Red Fang
Morphed From: Allosaurus, Adamanchyt, Brachosaur, Bounty Man, Brontaur,
              Baskervor, Bogy, Chaos Drgn, Chitonid, Ceritops, Doberman, Fidor,
              Gold Bear, Lobo, Leafer, Nohrabbit, Nastidon, Poppers, Prussian,
              Peepers, Red Wolf, Rhodox, Rhinox, Rhobite, Red Fang, Ralph,
              Tusker, Tyranosaur, Vector Pup, Vomammoth, Vermin
Description: Eat when hungry. Recovers 150 HP.
Sells For: 75 GP


Echo Screen
Found: Thamasa - World of Balance
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, Nikeah, Returner's Hideout, South Figaro,
Stolen From: Bloompire, Insecare
Obtained From: Osprey, WeedFeeder
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Cure's "Mute" status.
Sells For: 60 GP


Found: World of Balance - Narshe, South Figaro, Mobliz, Nikeah, Kohlingen,
       Albrook, Imperial Base, The Floating Continent, World of Ruin - Doma
       Castle, Mines of Narshe
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Air Force, AtmaWeapon, Face (Final Battle), Gigantos, Hit (Final
             Battle), Kefka (1st Fight), Long Arm (Final Battle), MagiMaster,
             Magic (Final Battle), Master Pug, Magic Urn, Peepers, Rider, Spit
             Fire, Tiger (Final Battle)
Obtained From: AtmaWeapon, TunnelArmr
Morphed From: Apokryphos, Behemoth, Cruller, Doom Drgn, Dragon, Enuo,
              GtBehemoth, Goblin, Hoover, Land Worm, L.70 Magic, Phase, Still
Description: Recovers HP/MP to 100%.
Sells For: 1 GP


Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Cave to the Sealed Gate, Imperial Base,
       World of Ruin - Figaro Cave, Figaro Basement, Jidoor, Mobliz, Triangle
       Island, Doma Castle, Ancient Cave
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Kefka (1st Fight), L.50 Magic, L.60 Magic, L.70 Magic, L.80 Magic,
             L.90 Magic
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Recovers 150 MP.
Sells For: 1 GP


Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Thamasa
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Figaro Castle, Returner's Hideout, South
           Figaro, Tzen, World of Ruin - Figaro Castle, South Figaro
Stolen From: Beakor, Deep Eye, Gabbledegak
Obtained From: Nautiloid, Primordite
Morphed From: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone,
              Abolisher, Bug, Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr,
              ChickenLip, Cluck, Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius,
              Coelecite, Crawly, Deep Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind,
              Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan, Figaliz, GiganToad, Geckorex,
              Grease Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell, Ghost, Harvester, Hermit
              Crab, Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron Fist, Insecare,
              Joker, Kiwok, Lich, Luridan, Lizard, Muus, Marshal, Mesosaur,
              Mind Candy, Maliga, Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm
              Stalker, Parasoul, Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot,
              Punisher, Rain Man, Rinn, Repo Man, Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper,
              Slurm, Still Going, Scorpion, Sand Ray, Sea Flower, Trooper,
              Vaporite, Vectuar, Vindr, Wyvern, Wizard
Description: Cures "Dark" status.
Sells For: 25 GP


Fenix Down
Found: World of Balance - Mines of Narshe, South Figaro, Returner's Hideout,
       Phantom Train, Mobliz, Doma Castle
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Blackjack, Figaro Castle, Jidoor,
           Kohlingen, Outside the House of Gau's Father, Phantom Train, Mobliz,
           Narshe, Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa, Tzen
           World of Ruin - Albrook, Figaro Castle, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Nikeah,
           South Figaro, Thamasa, Tzen
Stolen From: Aquila, Balloon, Chaos Drgn, Fidor, Garm, Gabbledegak, Harpy,
             Harpiai, Necromancr, Phase, Parasoul, Sea Flower, Trixter,
             Uroburos, Vulture, Zombone
Obtained From: Anguiform, Aquila, Abolisher, Chaos Drgn, LeftBlade, Leader,
               Phase, Parasoul, RightBlade, Sea Flower, Trixter, Uroburos,
               Vulture, Zombone
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Recovers the wounded.
Sells For: 250 GP


Green Cherry
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Returner's Hideout, Thamasa
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Phantom Train, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah,
           Tzen, World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: Gobbler, Humpty, Lich
Obtained From: Anemone, Ceritops, General, Kiwok, Lich, Over-Mind, Siegfried,
               Tomb Thumb
Morphed From: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone,
              Abolisher, Bug, Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr,
              ChickenLip, Cluck, Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius,
              Coelecite, Crawly, Deep Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind,
              Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan, Figaliz, GiganToad, Geckorex,
              Grease Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell, Ghost, Harvester, Hermit
              Crab, Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron Fist, Insecare,
              Joker, Kiwok, Lich, Luridan, Lizard, Muus, Marshal, Mesosaur,
              Mind Candy, Maliga, Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm
              Stalker, Parasoul, Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot,
              Punisher, Rain Man, Rinn, Repo Man, Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper,
              Slurm, Still Going, Scorpion, Sand Ray, Sea Flower, Trooper,
              Vaporite, Vectuar, Vindr, Wyvern, Wizard
Description: Cures "Imp" status.
Sells For: 75 GP


Found: World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: EarthGuard, Kefka (Final Battle), Master Pug
Obtained From: MagiMaster
Morphed From: Magic Urn, Intagir
Description: Recovers party's HP/MP to 100%.
Sells For: 1 GP


Found: World of Balance - Returner's Hideout, Zozo, Albrook,
       World of Ruin - Jidoor
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Blackjack, Figaro Castle, Jidoor,
           Kohlingen, Phantom Train, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah, Returner's
           Hideout, Thamasa, Tzen, World of Ruin - Albrook, Figaro Castle,
           Jidoor, Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa, Tzen
Stolen From: Anguiform, Actaneon, Apparite, Allo Ver, Beakor, Bomb, Bounty Man,
             Borras, Bogy, Bug, Chitonid, Cephaler, Crane, Coelecite, Doberman,
             Dragon, Fidor, Gold Bear, Guard, GloomShell, Gobbler, Hazer,
             HermitCrab, Ipooh, Lunaris, M-TekArmor, Mandrake, Mega Armor,
             Nautiloid, Nastidon, Over-Mind, Over Grunk, Officer, ProtoArmor,
             Poplium, Reach Frog, Rhobite, Stray Cat, Soldier, Sand Horse,
             Sewer Rat, Slurm, Tusker, Vermin, Vomammoth, Whisper, Zombone
Obtained From: Bomb, Baskervor, Beakor, CrassHoppr, Doberman, Dark Side, Head
               of Whelk, Marshal, M-TekArmor, Nastidon, Nohrabbit, Pterodon,
               Ralph, Rhinotaur, StillGoing, Templar, Vermin, Vomammoth
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Recovers 250 HP.
Sells For: 150 GP


Found: World of Balance - Maranda, Magitek Factory, South Figaro, Cave to the
       Sealed Gate, World of Ruin - Jidoor, Doma Castle
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Blackjack, Thamasa, World of
           Ruin - Albrook, Figaro Castle, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Nikeah, South
           Figaro, Thamasa
Stolen From: Cephaler, Chitonid, Crawly, Crawler, Hoover, Nohrabbit, Over
             Grunk, Osteosaur, Trilium
Obtained From: Chitonid, Mandrake, Mad Oscar, Rider, Rizopas
Morphed From: Allo Ver, Bloompire, Black Drgn, Crusher, Displayer, Evil Oscar,
              Exoray, FossilFang, Ing, Karkass, L.50 Magic, Mandrake, Mover,
              Mad Oscar, Nightshade, Over Grunk, Over-Mind, Osteosaur, Power
              Demon, Trilium, TumbleWeed, Uroburos
Description: Cures all status aliments except "Zombie".
Sells For: 500 GP


Found: World of Balance - Maranda, Vector
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Blackjack, Figaro Castle, Jidoor,
           Kohlingen, Thamasa, Tzen, World of Ruin - Albrook, Jidoor,
           Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa, Tzen
Stolen From: Apparite, Black Drgn, FossilFang
Obtained From: Apparite, Exoray, Ing, Mad Oscar, Necromancr, Ogor, Orog,
               Osteosaur, PowerDemon
Morphed From: Anguiform, Buffalax, Brain Pan, General, Gilomantis, Gobbler,
              Hemophyte, Latimeria, Misfit, Mantodea, Orog, Ogor, Opinicus,
              Osprey, Suriander, Sand Horse, Sp Forces, Toe Cutter, Templar,
              Vulture, Wart Puck
Description: Cures "Zombie" status.
Sells For: 150 GP


Sleeping Bag
Found: World of Balance - Mines of Narshe, Classroom
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Phantom Train, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah,
           Returner's Hideout, South Figaro, World of Ruin - Albrook, Jidoor,
           Kohlingen, Nikeah, Thamasa, Tzen
Stolen From: ChickenLip
Obtained From: Delta Bug, Gigan Toad
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Recovers HP/MP to 100%.
Sells For: 250 GP


Found: World of Balance - Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Thamasa
Bought At: World of Balance - Figaro Castle, Jidoor, Narshe, South Figaro
           World of Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: Bug, Cactrot, Mind Candy
Obtained From: Cactrot, Lizard, Mind Candy, Tusker, Whisper
Morphed From: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone,
              Abolisher, Bug, Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr,
              ChickenLip, Cluck, Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius,
              Coelecite, Crawly, Deep Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind,
              Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan, Figaliz, GiganToad, Geckorex,
              Grease Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell, Ghost, Harvester, Hermit
              Crab, Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron Fist, Insecare,
              Joker, Kiwok, Lich, Luridan, Lizard, Muus, Marshal, Mesosaur,
              Mind Candy, Maliga, Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm
              Stalker, Parasoul, Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot,
              Punisher, Rain Man, Rinn, Repo Man, Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper,
              Slurm, Still Going, Scorpion, Sand Ray, Sea Flower, Trooper,
              Vaporite, Vectuar, Vindr, Wyvern, Wizard
Description: Cures "Petrify" status.
Sells For: 100 GP


Found: World of Balance - Mt. Koltz, Magitek Factory, Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Blackjack, Figaro Castle, Jidoor,
           Kohlingen, Outside of Gau's Father's House, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah,
           Returner's Hideout, South Figaro, Thamasa, Tzen, World of Ruin -
           Figaro Castle, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa
Stolen From: Commando
Obtained From: Black Drgn, Commando, GhostTrain, Number 128
Morphed From: Anguiform, Brain Pan, Buffalax, Gilomantis, General, Gobbler,
              Hemophyte, Latimeria, Mantodea, Misfit, Osprey, Opinicus, Ogor,
              Orog, Sp Forces, Sand Horse, Suriander, Toe Cutter, Templar,
              Vulture, Wart Puck
Description: Recovers party's HP/MP to 100%.
Sells For: 600 GP


Found: World of Balance - Narshe, Returner's Hideout, Jidoor, Zozo, Albrook,
       Magitek Factory, Vector, Tzen
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Blackjack, Figaro Castle, Jidoor,
           Kohlingen, Narshe, Returner's Hideout, Thamasa, Tzen, World of
           Ruin - Albrook, Figaro Castle, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Nikeah, South
           Figaro, Thamasa, Tzen
Stolen From: Buffalax, Drop, L.10 Magic, L.20 Magic, L.30 Magic, L.40 Magic,
             Left Blade, Right Blade, Sky Armor, Spit Fire
Obtained From: Drop, L.30 Magic, L.40 Magic, L.50 Magic, L.60 Magic, L.70
               Magic, L.80 Magic, L.90 Magic, Spit Fire, Shell (Whelk)
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Recovers 50 MP.
Sells For: 750 GP


Found: World of Balance - Classroom, Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Sabin's
       House, Zozo
Bought At: World of Balance - Outside Gau's Father's House, Phantom Train,
           Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah, Returner's Hideout, South Figao, Thamasa
Stolen From: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Allo Ver, Bomb, Bleary, Cadet, Cruller,
             Crawly, Cirpius, ChickenLip, Commander. Dark Wind, Delta Bug, Dark
             Side, Dark Wind, Doberman, Exocite, Flan, GreaseMonk, Garm, Grunt,
             Gold Bear, Guard, Ghost, General, HeavyArmor, Hornet, Iron Fist,
             Joker, Leafer, Lobo, Magic Urn, M-TekArmor, Mind Candy, Maliga,
             Nautiloid, Nastidon, Psychot, Pipsqueak, Primordite, Red Wolf,
             Rinn, Repo Man, Ralph, Red Fang, Rhodox, Spectre, Scorpion, Sp
             Forces, Soldier, Trilium, Trilobiter, Trooper, Tusker, Vomammoth,
             Vector Pup, Vargas, Vaporite, Were-rat, Wyvern, Wild Rat
Obtained From: Areneid, Bleary, Brawler, Cadet, Exocite, Grunt, Ghost, Guard,
               Hazer, Leafer, Lobo, Psychot, Poplium, Piranha, Repo Man,
               Rhobite, Red Wolf, Scorpion, Stray Cat, Spectre
Morphed From: Apokryphos, Aquila, Barb-e, Balloon, Behemoth, Bomb, Borras,
              Boxed Set, Chimera, Cruller, Dahling, Dragon, Dark Force, Doom
              Drgn, Dante, Enuo, Goblin, Grenade, Gigantos, GtBehemoth, Harpy,
              Hades Gigas, Hoover, Harpiai, Intagir, Land Worm, L.60 Magic,
              L.70 Magic, L.80 Magic, L.90 Magic, Madam, Magic Urn, Pan Dora,
              Phase, Rhyos, Retainer, SlamDancer, Stray Cat, Still Life,
              Samurai, Spek Tor, SoulDancer, Trixter, Test Rider, Tap Dancer,
              Vectagoyle, Woolly
Description: Recovers 50 HP.
Sells For: 25 GP


Found: World of Ruin - Narshe, Ancient Castle, Kohlingen
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Laser Gun
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Recovers MP to 100%.
Sells For: 1 GP


Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Serpent Trench, Zozo, Figaro Cave,
       Magitek Factory, Cave to the Sealed Gate, Vector, Imperial Base, Esper
       Cave, World of Ruin - Figaro Cave, Figaro Basement, Doma Castle, Cyan's
       Soul, Ancient Cave, South Figaro, Kohlingen
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Dirt Dragon, Dullahan, Enuo, Gigantos, Land Worm, Mad Oscar, Pm
             Stalker, Spek Tor, Telstar, White Dragon
Obtained From: Aspik, Behemoth
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Recovers HP to 100%.
Sells For: 1 GP


Miscellaneous Items


Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate, World of Ruin - Tzen,
       Ancient Cave
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Flan, Intagir, Muus
Obtained From: Mover, Sp Forces
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Summons Random Espers.
Sells For: 1 GP


Rename Card
Found: World of Ruin - Colosseum
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Secret item.
Sells For: 1 GP


Smoke Bomb
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Blackjack, Narshe, Nikeah, World of
           Ruin - Albrook, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Bloompire, Insecare
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Lets party escape from battle.
Sells For: 150 GP


Super Ball
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: Crusher, Mover
Obtained From: Crusher
Morphed From: N/A
Description: Bounding Damage.
Sells For: 5000 GP


Warp Stone
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Albrook, World of Ruin - Phoenix Cave
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Blackjack, Thamasa, World of
           Ruin - Albrook, Jidoor
Stolen From: Cluck, Displayer, Eland, Evil Oscar, Hipocampus, Hidon, Hermit
             Crab, Opinicus, Warlock, Zone Eater
Obtained From: Cluck, Displayer, Eland, HermitCrab, Hipocampus, Hidon,
               Opinicus, Slatter, Warlock
Morphed From: Anguiform, Brain Pan, Buffalax, General, Gobbler, Gilomantis,
              Hemophyte, Latimeria, Mantodea, Misfit, Orog, Ogor, Osprey,
              Sp Forces, Suriander, Sand Horse, Toe Cutter, Templar, Vulture,
              Wart Puck
Description: Same effect as "Warp".
Sells For: 350 GP


IX. Armors

In this section, I will list every armor in the game, along with information
about who can equip them, and what they do and such. All credit goes to Atom
Edge for having a complete list of every armor in the game inside his Item
FAQ. []


Description: Made of Behemoth hide.
Equippable By: Strago, Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: SrBehemoth
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +6
Speed: +6
Stamina: +6
Mag. Pow: +6
Defense: 94
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 73
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Chocobo Suit
Description: Feel like a chocobo!
Equippable By: Strago, Relm
Found: World of Balance - Esper Cave
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Vindr
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +3
Speed: +6
Stamina: +2
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 56
Evae %: 00%
Mag. Def: 38
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: Poison
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Cotton Robe
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 32
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 21
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 100 GP


Crystal Mail
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
Found: World of Ruin - Daryl's Tomb
Bought At: World of Balance - South Figaro, World of Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor,
              Red Dragon, Skull Dragon, Wirey Dragon
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 72
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 49
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 8500 GP


Czarina Gown
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Relm
Found: World of Ruin - Daryl's Tomb
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Mag. Pow: +3
Defense: 70
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 64
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Dark Gear
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Setzer, Gau, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor, Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +6
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 68
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 46
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 6500 GP


Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Celes, Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Kohlingen, South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 70
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 47
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 7500 GP


Diamond Vest
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Setzer, Mog,
               Gau, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa
Stolen From: Buffalax, PowerDemon
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 65
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 44
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 6000 GP


Force Armor
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
Found: World of Ruin - Fanatic's Tower, Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Guardian (Kefka's Tower)
Obtained From: Storm Dragon
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 69
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 68
MEvade%: 30%
50% Damage: Fire, Bolt, Ice, Wind, Earth
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Gaia Gear
Description: Absorbs Earth-elemental attack.
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Mog,
               Gau, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa, World of Ruin - Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: Baskervor, Latimeria
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 53
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 43
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: Earth
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 3000 GP


Genji Armor
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Celes, Edgar, Setzer
Found: World of Ruin - Triangle Island
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +5
Speed: +3
Stamina: +2
Mag. Pow: +3
Defense: 90
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 80
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Gold Armor
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa, World of Ruin - Albrook, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Chimera
Morphed From: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader, Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
Vigor: 00
Stamina: 00
Speed: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 55
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 37
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 5000 GP


Imp's Armor
Description: ??? if equipped while an Imp.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Tyranosaur
Obtained From: Sprinter
Morphed From: Cactrot, Pugs, Pug
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 100
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 100
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: Water
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Iron Armor
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: -2
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 40
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 27
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 350 GP


Kung Fu Suit
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Gau
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Mobliz, Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 34
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 23
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 125 GP


Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Edgar, Celes, Strago, Relm, Mog,
               Gau, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 28
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 19
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 75 GP


Light Robe
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 60
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 43
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 5500 GP


Description: Raises MP by 1/4.
Equippable By: Terra, Celes
Found: World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Goddess, Pugs
Obtained From: Pugs
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: +4
Defense: 88
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 70
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: Poison, Pearl, Earth, Water
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: Fire, Bolt, Ice, Wind
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Mirage Vest
Description: Creates illusion of wearer.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Colosseum
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +6
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 48
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 38
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Mithril Mail
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Maranda, Narshe
Stolen From: ProtoArmor
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Chaser, Dueller, Drop, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc,
              IronHitman, Junk, Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader (Brown). Mag
              Roader (Red), M-TekArmor, PlutoArmor, Pipsqueak, Sky Armor, Sky
              Base, Sky Cap, Trapper, Tomb Thumb, Telstar
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 51
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 34
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1750 GP


Mithril Vest
Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Maranda, Tzen, Vector
Stolen From: Commando, Rider
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 45
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 30
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 600 GP


Moogle Suit
Description: Be a moogle! Kupo!!
Equippable By: Strago, Relm
Found: World of Ruin - Jidoor
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Dahling, SoulDancer
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +5
Defense: 58
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 52
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: Poison
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Ninja Gear
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Setzer, Gau, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Tzen, Vector
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +2
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 47
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 32
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 550 GP


Nutkin Suit
Description: A squirrel costume.
Equippable By: Strago, Relm
Found: World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Nightshade
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +7
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +3
Defense: 86
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 67
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Power Sash
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Sabin
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa, World of Ruin - Nikeah, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +5
Speed: +1
Stamina: +5
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 52
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 35
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 5000 GP


Red Jacket
Description: Houses a legendary grappler's spirit.
Equippable By: Edgar, Sabin
Found: World of Ruin - Triangle Island
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Poltrgeist
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +5
Speed: +2
Stamina: +4
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 78
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 55
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: Fire
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Silk Robe
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Strago, Relm, Mog, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 39
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 29
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 300 GP


Snow Muffler
Description: How cozy!
Equippable By: Mog, Gau, Umaro
Found: Colosseum
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 128
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 90
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: Fire
Absorb HP: Ice
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Tabby Suit
Description: Resembles a tabby cat.
Equippable By: Strago, Relm
Found: World of Balance - Esper Cave
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Wild Cat
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +2
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 54
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 36
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: Poison
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Tao Robe
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +5
Defense: 68
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 50
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 6500 GP


White Dress
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Tzen, Vector
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +5
Defense: 47
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 35
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1100 GP



X. Relics

In this section, I will list every relic in the game, along with information
about what they do and such. All credit goes to Atom Edge's Item FAQ for having
a complete list of each and every relic in the game.


Description: Protects against "Poison", "Dark", "Zombie".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Tzen, World of Ruin - Nikeah, South
           Figaro, Tzen
Stolen From: Ing, Orog, Speck
Obtained From: Orog, PowerDemon
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2500 GP


Atlas Armlet
Description: Raises fight damage.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Mt. Koltz
Bought At: World of Ruin - Albrook, Jidoor
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2500 GP


Back Guard
Description: Evades "Back attack" and "Pincer attack".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Vector, Imperial Base
Bought At: World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: Misfit
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3500 GP


Barrier Ring
Description: Casts "Shell" when HP is low.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, Narshe, World of Ruin - Albrook, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Harvester
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 250 GP


Description: Randomly evades enemies attack.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Ruin - Doma Castle
Bought At: World of Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2000 GP


Black Belt
Description: Randomly counterattacks when attacked.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa, Tzen, World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2500 GP


Blizzard Orb
Description: Equip on a sasquatch, and...
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Ruin - Ancient Castle
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +5
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Charm Bangle
Description: Encounter fewer random enemies.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Vector
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Cherub Down
Description: Casts "Float".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Imperial Base, World of Ruin - Jidoor
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3150 GP


Coin Toss
Description: Changes "Slot" into "GP Rain".
Equippable By: Setzer, Gogo
Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Crystal Orb
Description: Raises MP by 1/2.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Atma, MagiMaster
Obtained From: Gold Dragon
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow:00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Cure Ring
Description: Casts "Regen".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Imperial Base
Bought At: World of Ruin - Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa
Stolen From: Apokryphos
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Chupon, Critic, White Dragon
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 4000 GP


Cursed Ring
Description: Is cursed.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Ruin - Colosseum
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Didalos, SrBehemoth, Siegfried, Veteran
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Czarina Ring
Description: Casts "Safe", "Shell".
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor, Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Air Force
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP


Dragon Horn
Description: Makes "Jump" continuous.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Phoenix Cave
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Changes "Fight" into "Jump".
Equippable By: All Characters Except U,arp
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa, World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: Harvester, Wyvern, Wirey Drgn
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 4500 GP


Description: Raises magic damage. More powerful if paired.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Phantom Train, Narshe
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Narshe, Jidoor, Thamasa, Tzen, World of
           Ruin - Albrook
Stolen From: Brainpan, Veteran
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2500 GP


Description: Cuts MP consumed to 1.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Aquila
Obtained From: Brachosaur
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Exp. Egg
Description: Doubles obtained exp.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Ruin - Daryl's Tomb
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Morphed From: Aquila, Harpy, Harpiai
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Fairy Ring
Description: Protects against "Poison", "Dark".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Nikeah, World of Ruin - South Figaro,
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 750 GP


Description: Changes "Sketch" to "Control".
Equippable By: Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Ruin - Triangle Island
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Still Life
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Gale Hairpin
Description: Raises "Preemptive attack" rate.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Vector
Bought At: World of Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 4000 GP


Description: One weapon can be held in 2 hands to increase damage.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Returner's Hideout, World of Ruin - Narshe, Kefka's
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 05
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Gem Box
Description: Changes "Magic" into "X-Magic".
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Fanatic's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Genji Glove
Description: Possible to equip each hand with a weapon.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate, World of Ruin - Cyan's Soul
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Dragon, Dullahan
Obtained From: Retainer, Samurai
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 05
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Protects against "Dark".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Nikeah, South Figaro, World of
           Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: Harvester, Madam
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 250 GP


Gold Hairpin
Description: Halves MP consumed.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Narshe, World of Ruin - Mt. Zozo, Ancient Castle
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Guard Ring
Description: Casts "Safe".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2500 GP


Hero Ring
Description: Raises fight and magic damage.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Future Colosseum, World of Ruin - Figaro Cave,
       Triangle Island, Kefka's Tower, Auction House
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Hyper Wrist
Description: Raises vigor.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Narshe, World of Ruin - Tzen
Bought At: World of Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: Chimera
Obtained From: Specter
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 4000 GP


Jewel Ring
Description: Protects against "Dark", "Petrify".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Narshe, South Figaro, World of Ruin - Albrook,
       Thamasa, Tzen
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Dadaluma
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 500 GP


Marvel Shoes
Description: Creates various effects.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: SoulDancer, SlamDancer, Tap Dancer
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Memento Ring
Description: Departed mom's love protects against fatal magic attacks.
Equippable By: Shadow, Relm
Found: World of Balance - Thamasa
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Wrexsoul
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Merit Award
Description: Allows heavy armor, etc. to be equipped.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Ruin - Colosseum
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Casts "Safe" when HP is low.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Imperial Camp
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, Narshe, World of Ruin - Albrook
Stolen From: Goblin
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 06
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 350 GP


Moogle Charm
Description: No random enemy encounters.
Equippable By: Mog
Found: World of Ruin - Mines of Narshe
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Muscle Belt
Description: Raises HP by 1/2.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Borras
Obtained From: Skull Dragon
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Changes "Fight" into "X-Fight".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: KatanaSoul
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Peace Ring
Description: Protects against "Berserk", "Muddle".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, World of Ruin - Thamasa, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: NeckHunter, Kefka (1st Fight)
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP


Pod Bracelet
Description: Casts "Safe", "Shell".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Ruin - Mines of Narshe
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Doom Drgn
Obtained From: Wrexsoul
Morphed From: Chupon, Critic, White Dragon
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Rage Ring
Description: Equip on a sasquatch, and...
Equippable By: Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Cave in the Veldt
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +5
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Relic Ring
Description: Makes body cold.
Equippable By: Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Jidoor
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Protects from status aliments.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, World of Ruin - Phoenix Cave, Mines of
       Narshe, Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: AtmaWeapon, Brachosaur, Guardian (Kefka's Tower)
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Barb-e, Dahling, L. 80 Magic, Madam, Pan Dora
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Casts "Haste".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro, Zozo, Imperial Base
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa, Tzen, World of Ruin - South
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3500 GP


Safety Bit
Description: Protects against mortal magic attacks.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Ruin - Fanatic's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Doom
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Boxed Set, Critic, Chupon, L.60 Magic, L.90 Magic, Trixter,
              Woolly, White Dragon
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Sneak Ring
Description: Raises success rate of "Steal".
Equippable By: Locke, Gogo
Found: World of Balance - Narshe
Bought At: World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: Dadaluma, Ursus
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +5
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP


Sniper Sight
Description: Ensures 100% "Fight" hit rate.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Imperial Camp
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Narshe, Thamasa, World of
           Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP


Sprint Shoes
Description: Allows person to sprint.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Outside Gau's Father's House, Mobliz, Narshe,
           Returner's Hideout, South Figaro, Thamasa, World of Ruin - Albrook
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 750 GP


Star Pendant
Description: Protects against "Poison".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Imperial Camp
Bought At: World of Balance - Nikeah, South Figaro, World of Ruin - South
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 500 GP


Thief Glove
Description: Changes "Steal" to "Capture".
Equippable By: Locke, Gogo
Found: World of Balance - Zozo
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Scrapper
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Recovers HP with each step.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Mobliz
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Pug
Morphed From: Spek Tor, Stray Cat, Wild Cat
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


True Knight
Description: Protects party members who are low on HP.
Equippable By: N/A
Found: World of Balance - Returner's Hideout
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, Narshe, South Figaro, World of
           Ruin - Albrook
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 500 GP


Wall Ring
Description: Casts "Rflect".
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Narshe, Imperial Base
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Narshe, Thamasa, World of
           Ruin - Albrook, South Figaro, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3000 GP


White Cape
Description: Protects against "Imp", "Mute"
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Returner's Hideout
Bought At: World of Balance - Mobliz, Nikeah, World of Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: Ultros (Esper Cave)
Obtained From: Ceritops, Kiwok
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 10%
Sells For: 2500 GP


Zephyr Cape
Description: Dodges attacks more easily.
Equippable By: Everyone
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory, World of Ruin - Triangle Island
Bought At: World of Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 10%
Sells For: 3500 GP



XI. Shields

In this section, I will list all of the shields in the game, along with info
about who can equip them, and what they do and such. All credit goes to
Atom Edge's Item FAQ for listing every shield in the game, with all the info.


Aegis Shield
Description: Randomly evades magic attack.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Mt. Zozo, Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 46
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 52
MEvade%: 40%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: Mobliz, South Figaro
Stolen From: GreaseMonk
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 16
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 10
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 100 GP


Crystal Shld
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Celes, Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor,
              Red Dragon, Storm Dragon, Skull Dragon, Wirey Dragon
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 50
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 34
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 3500


Cursed Shld
Description: Is cursed.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Narshe
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: -7
Speed: -7
Stamina: -7
Mag. Pow: -7
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: Fire, Bolt, Ice, Poison, Earth, Water
Sells For: 1 GP


Diamond Shld
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Celes, Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 40
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 27
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1750 GP


Flame Shld
Description: Absorbs Fire-elemental attack.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Cyan's Soul
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Rough, Striker
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Bomb, Balloon, Chimera, Grenade
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 41
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 28
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: Fire
No Effect: Ice
Weak Pt.: Water
Sells For: 1 GP


Force Shld
Description: Protects against magic attacks.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Ice Dragon
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 70
MEvade%: 50%
50% Damage: Fire, Bolt, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Genji Shld
Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Fanatic's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 54
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 50
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Gold Shld
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Cyan, Celes, Setzer, Mog
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa, World of Ruin - Albrook, Tzen
Stolen From: Adamanchyt
Obtained From: Dante
Morphed From: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader, Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 34
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 23
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1250 GP


Heavy Shld
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Celes, Setzer
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro
Bought At: World of Balance - Mobliz, Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Chaser, Drop, Dueller, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc, Iron
              Hitman, Junk, Mag Roader (red), Mag Roader (brown), M-TekArmor,
              Pipsqueak, PlutoArmor, Sky Armor, Sky Cap, Tomb Thumb, Trapper,
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 22
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 14
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 200 GP


Ice Shld
Description: Absorbs Ice-elemental attack.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Mt. Zozo, Cyan's Soul
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Inferno
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Rhyos, Test Rider
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 42
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 28
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: Ice
No Effect: Fire
Weak Pt.: Wind
Sells For: 1 GP


Mithril Shld
Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe
Stolen From: General
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 27
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 18
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 600 GP


Paladin Shld
Description: Houses a hero's soul.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 59
Evade %: 40%
Mag. Def: 59
MEvade%: 40%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: Fire, Bolt, Ice, Pearl
No Effect: Poison, Wind, Earth, Water
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Thunder Shld
Description: Absorbs Thunder-elemental attack.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Mt. Zozo, Triangle Island
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Steroidite
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Dante, Vectagoyle
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 43
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 28
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: Fire, Ice
Absorb HP: Bolt
No Effect: Wind
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: ??? if equipped while an Imp.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Geckorex
Obtained From: Geckorex
Morphed From: Cactrot, Pug, Pugs
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 66
Evade %: 30%
Mag. Def: 66
MEvade%: 30%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: Water
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP



XII. Weapons

In this section, I will list every weapon in the game, along with information
about who can equip them and such. Also, I will split them into different
catogories, like Dirks, and Swords. All credit goes to Atom Edge's Item FAQ
for listing all of the weapons in the game, along with all the information.



Air Lancet
Description: Wind-elemental.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Locke, Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Balance - Returner's Hideout
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Narshe, Tzen
Stolen From: Scrapper
Obtained From: TunnelArmr
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 76
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 475 GP


Description: Randomly dispatches at enemy.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Locke, Shadow
Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Covert, Ninja, Outsider
Bat. Pow: 106
Vigor: 00
Speed: +3
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Shadow
Found: N/A
Bought: World of Balance - Albrook, Narshe, Vector
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 112
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1600 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Shadow, Edgar, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Mog,
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - South Figaro
Stolen From: Chupon (Battle with Ultros), TapDancer
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 26
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 75 GP


Description: Pearl-elemental.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Shadow, Edgar, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Mog,
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Master Pug
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 204
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly evades an enemy's attack.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Locke
Found: World of Balance - Mt. Koltz
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Merchant, Pterodon
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 59
Vigor: 00
Speed: +4
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Shadow
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Woolly
Obtained From: Gigantos
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 121
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Shadow
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Woolly
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 82
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 300 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Shadow
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 93
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 600 GP


Man Eater
Description: Doubles damage done to human target.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Shadow, Edgar, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Gogo
Found: World of Ruin - Daryl's Tomb
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 146
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 10%
Sells For: 5500 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Shadow, Edgar, Celes, Strago, Relm, Setzer, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Mobliz, South Figaro
Stolen From: Marshal, Pterodon
Obtained From: Iron Fist
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 59
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 150 GP


Description: Randomly dispatches at enemy.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Shadow
Found: World of Ruin - Cave in The Veldt
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Covert, Ninja, Outsider
Bat. Pow: 190
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly casts "Stop".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Shadow
Found: World of Ruin - Fanatic's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 220
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly evades an enemy's attack.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Locke, Shadow, Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: Vectagoyle, Tap Dancer
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 164
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 30%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 8000 GP


Description: Randomly steals an enemy's item.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Locke, Shadow
Found: World of Balance - Narshe
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: SlamDancer
Obtained From: Dadaluma
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 88
Vigor: 00
Speed: +3
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 10%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Gains power as HP decreases.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Locke
Found: World of Ruin - Kohlingen
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 145
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP




Atma Weapon
Description: Transforms at Level Up; grows stronger as HP increases.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Sleep (Girl in the Final Battle)
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 255
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly casts "Ice".
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory
Bought At: World of Ruin - Albrook, Nikeah, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Number 024
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 108
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3500 GP


Break Blade
Description: Randomly casts "Break".
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Outsider
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 117
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 6000 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor
Stolen From: Dark Force
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor,
              Red Dragon, Wirey Dragon
Bat. Pow: 167
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 7500 GP


Description: Absorbs damage as HP.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Ruin - Tzen
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Atma, Lizard, Number 024
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 121
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Mag Pwr up.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 135
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +7
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 20%
Sells For: 5000 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Maranda, Tzen, Vector
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 98
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP


Description: Pearl-elemental sword.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Goddess
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 217
Vigor: +2
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 00
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 176
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 8500 GP


Flame Sabre
Description: Randomly casts "Fire".
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Teera, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory, Imperial Base
Bought At: World of Ruin - Albrook, Nikeah, Tzen
Stolen From: FlameEater
Obtained From: Number 024
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 108
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3500 GP


Description: A legendary sword.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Ruin - Colosseum
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 255
Vigor: +7
Speed: +7
Stamina: +7
Mag. Pow: +7
Defense: 00
Evade %: 50%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 50%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Karkass, Trooper
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Chaser, Drop, Dueller, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc, Iron
              Hitman, Junk, Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader (Red), Mag Roader
              (Brown), M-TekArmor Pipsqueak, PlutoArmor, Sky Base, Sky Armor,
              Sky Cap, Telstar, Trapper, Tomb Thumb
Bat. Pow: 38
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade%: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 275 GP


Ogre Nix
Description: Uses MP to inflict mortal blow. May break if luck is bad.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Borras, Gigantos, HadesGigas, Steroidite
Bat. Pow: 182
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade%: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly casts "Flare".
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Ruin - Narshe
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Girl (Final Battle)
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 255
Vigor: +7
Speed: +3
Stamina: +7
Mag. Pow: +7
Defense: 00
Evade %: 30%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 30%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Balance - South Figaro
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 54
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 400 GP


Rune Edge
Description: Consumes MP to inflict mortal blow.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Balance - Mines of Narshe
Bought At: World of Ruin - Nikeah
Stolen From: Number 024
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 55
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3750 GP


Description: Randomly dices up enemy.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Cyan, Edgar, Celes
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Blue Dragon
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 208
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Soul Sabre
Description: Absorbs damage as MP. Randomly casts "Doom".
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Ruin - Figaro Castle
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Karkass
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 125
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly casts "Bolt.
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory
Bought At: World of Ruin - Albrook, Nikeah, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 108
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3500 GP




Aura Lance
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Poltrgeist
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 227
Vigor: +3
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: +3
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Gold Lance
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Rhyos
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader (Yellow), Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
Bat. Pow: 139
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 6000 GP


Imp Halberd
Description: ??? if equipped as an Imp.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Mantodea
Obtained From: Tyranosaur
Morphed From: Cactrot, Pug, Pugs
Bat. Pow: 253
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Mithril Pike
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Maranda, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 70
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 400 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor
Stolen From: Test Rider
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 150
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 6500 GP


Pearl Lance
Description: Randomly casts "Pearl".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: White Dragon
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 194
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +3
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Stout Spear
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa, World of Ruin - South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 112
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 5000 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Maranda, Narshe, World of Ruin - South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 93
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 850 GP




Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Ogor
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 57
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 250 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Retainer
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 162
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Vector
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 81
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 600 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 66
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 400 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: World of Balance - The Floating Continent
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: KatanaSoul, Ogor, SrBehemoth
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 110
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 4500 GP


Sky Render
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Doom
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 215
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 20%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: KatanaSoul
Obtained From: Red Dragon
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 199
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly casts "Wind Slash".
SwdTechable: Yes
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Cyan
Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Number 128
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 101
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 4000 GP




Fire Rod
Description: Casts "Fire 2" when used as an item. Also randomly casts "Fire 2".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Balance - Thamasa
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Wizard
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 79
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP


Gravity Rod
Description: Casts "Quartr" when used as an item. Also randomly casts "Quartr".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Ruin - Figaro Basement
Bought At: World of Ruin - Maranda, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 120
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 6500 GP


Heal Rod
Description: Recovers target's HP.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Balance - Esper Cave, World of Ruin - Tzen
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 200
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Ice Rod
Description: Casts "Ice 2" when used as an item. Also randomly casts "Ice 2".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Balance - Thamasa
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa
Stolen From: Spectre, Wizard
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 79
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP


Magus Rod
Description: Mag Pwr Up.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: Yes
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Dirt Dragon
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 168
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +7
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 30%
Sells For: 1 GP


Mithril Rod
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Joker
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 60
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 250 GP


Pearl Rod
Description: Casts "Pearl" when used as an item. Also randomly casts "Pearl".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Ruin - Tzen
Bought At: World of Ruin - Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 124
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 6000 GP


Poison Rod
Description: Casts "Poison" when used as an item. Also randomly casts "Poison".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 86
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 750 GP


Description: Uses MP to inflict mortal blow.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: World of Ruin - Ancient Castle
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 111
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Thunder Rod
Description: Casts "Bolt 2" when used as an item. Also randomly casts "Bolt 2".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Wizard
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 79
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1500 GP




Chocobo Brsh
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 60
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 300 GP


DaVinci Brsh
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 100
Vigor: 00
Speed: +1
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3500 GP


Magical Brsh
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Relm
Found: World of Ruin - Triangle Island
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 130
Vigor: 00
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 5000 GP


Rainbow Brsh
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Relm
Found: World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 146
Vigor: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP




Ninja Star
Description: Use this with the "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Thamasa
Stolen From: Vectaur
Obtained From: Ninja
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 132
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 500 GP


Description: Use this with the "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Kohlingen, Outside Gau's Father's House,
           Phantom Train, World of Ruin - Thamasa
Stolen From: Covert, Mag Roader (Yellow), Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader
             (Red), Mag Roader (Brown)
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 86
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 15 GP


Tack Star
Description: Use this with the "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: World of Ruin - Triangle Island, Kefka's Tower (x2)
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Covert, Hemophyte, Reach Frog
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 190
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Special Weapons


Bone Club
Description: Intricately carved.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Punisher
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 151
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 10000 GP


Description: Same damage from back row.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Locke
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Maranda, Narshe, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 102
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2750 GP


Description: Same damage from back row.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Narshe
Stolen From: Wart Puck
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 86
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1000 GP


Full Moon
Description: Same damage from back row.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Locke
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe, Tzen
Stolen From: Prussian
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 95
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1250 GP


Hawk Eye
Description: Same damage from back row.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Locke
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 111
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 3000 GP


Morning Star
Description: Same damage from back row.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Strago, Relm, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 109
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 2500 GP


Rising Sun
Description: Same damage from back row.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Locke
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Punisher
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 117
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Same damage from back row.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Locke
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 172
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 7500 GP


Wing Edge
Description: Same damage from back row. Randomly strikes mortal blow.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Locke
Found: World of Ruin - Phoenix Cave, Ancient Cave
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 198
Vigor: +7
Speed: +7
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP




Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 104
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 500 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa, World of Ruin - Kohlingen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 115
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 5000 GP


Doom Darts
Description: Randomly casts "Doom".
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Setzer
Found: World of Ruin - Ancient Cave
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 187
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Fixed Dice
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Setzer
Found: World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 1
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Randomly dispatches at enemy.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Kohlingen, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Covert, Ninja, Outsider
Bat. Pow: 133
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 6500 GP




Dragon Claw
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Sabin
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: Presenter (Head/Shell)
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 188
Vigor: +2
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP


Fire Knuckle
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Sabin
Found: World of Balance - Zozo
Bought At: World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 122
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 5000 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Sabin
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 83
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 50 GP


Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Sabin
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 55
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 250 GP


Mithril Claw
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Sabin
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 65
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 400 GP


Poison Claw
Description: Randomly poisons an enemy.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Sabin
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Maranda, Vector, World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: Gilomantis
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 95
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1250 GP


Tiger Fangs
Description: N/A
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: Sabin
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: GtBehemoth
Obtained From: Allo Ver
Morphed From: N/A
Bat. Pow: 215
Vigor: +3
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Mag. Pow: +3
Defense: 00
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
Sells For: 1 GP




Bolt Edge
Description: Multiple Thunder-elemental attack. Use with "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe, World of
           Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Sells For: 250 GP


Fire Skean
Description: Multiple Fire-elemental attack. Use with "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe, World of
           Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: Grenade
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Mag Roader (Red), Mag Roader (Brown)
Sells For: 250 GP


Inviz Edge
Description: Makes thrower transparent. Use with "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bought At: World of Balance - Outside Gau's Father's House, World of
           Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Sells For: 100 GP


Shadow Edge
Description: Creates thrower's illusion. Use with "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Jidoor, Outside Gau's Father's House, World of
           Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Sells For: 200 GP


Water Edge
Description: Multiple Water-elemental attack. Use with "Throw" command.
SwdTechable: No
Runicable: No
Two-Handed Weapon: No
Equippable By: N/A
Found: World of Balance - Cave to the Sealed Gate
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe, World of
           Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Sells For: 250 GP



XIII. Head Gear

In this section, I will list all of the helmets in this game, along with
information about who can equip them and such. All credit goes to Atom Edge's
Item FAQ for listing every helmet in the game, along with all of the info.


Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Sabin, Celes, Relm, Gau
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: Brawler
Obtained From: Colossus
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 16
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 10
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 400 GP


Bard's Hat
Description: Raises MP a little.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Maranda, Narshe, Tzen, Vector, World of
           Ruin - Albrook, Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 19
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 21
MEvade%: 10%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1500 GP


Description: Raises success rate of "Sketch".
Equippable By: Relm
Found: World of Balance - The Floating Continent
Bought At: World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 21
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 21
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1750 GP


Cat Hood
Description: Picks up all possible GP (recieve double the amount after battle).
Equippable By: Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +2
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +4
Defense: 33
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 33
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +2
Speed: +1
Stamina: +3
Mag. Pow: +4
Defense: 25
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 19
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 3500 GP


Description: Raises success rate of "Control".
Equippable By: Relm
Found: World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +2
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +4
Defense: 23
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 23
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Crystal Helm
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
Found: World of Balance - Figaro Basement
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor, Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor,
              Red Dragon, Storm Dragon, Skull Dragon, Wirey Dragon
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 29
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 19
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 5000 GP


Dark Hood
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Locke, Shadow, Sabin, Mog, Gau, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Jidoor, Thamasa
Stolen From: NeckHunter
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 26
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 17
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 3750 GP


Diamond Helm
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Cyan, Edgar, Celes, Setzer
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: Dante
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 27
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 18
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 4000 GP


Genji Helmet
Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Daryl's Tomb
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 36
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 38
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Gold Helmet
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Edgar, Celes, Mog
Found: World of Balance - Magitek Factory
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa, World of Ruin - Albrook, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader (Yellow), Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 22
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 15
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 2000 GP


Green Beret
Description: Raises HP a little.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Balance - Serpent Trench, Kohlingen
Bought At: World of Balance - Maranda, Narshe, World of Ruin - Albrook,
           Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
Stolen From: Joker
Obtained From: Telstar
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 19
Evade %: 10%
Mag. Def: 13
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1500 GP


Hair Band
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 12
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 08
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 75 GP


Head Band
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Locke, Cyan, Shadow, Sabin, Mog, Gau
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Vector
Stolen From: Iron Fist
Obtained From: Dadaluma
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +3
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 16
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 10
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 800 GP


Iron Helmet
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Celes, Setzer, Gau
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: HeavyArmor
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Defense: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 18
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 12
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 500 GP


Leather Hat
Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 11
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 07
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 25 GP


Magus Hat
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Strago, Relm, Mog, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Kohlingen, Mobliz, Narshe, Nikeah
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +5
Defense: 15
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 16
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 300 GP


Mithril Helm
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Locke, Cyan, Edgar, Shadow, Celes, Setzer, Gau, Gogo
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Maranda, Narshe, Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Chaser, Drop, Dueller, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc, Iron
              Hitman, Junk, M-TekArmor, Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader (Red),
              Mag Roader (Brown), PlutoArmor, Pipsqueak, Sky Cap, Sky Base, Sky
              Armor, Telstar, Tomb Thumb, Trapper
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 20
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 13
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1000 GP


Mystery Veil
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa, World of Ruin - Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: +1
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +3
Defense: 24
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 25
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 2750 GP


Oath Veil
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Ruin - Maranda
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 32
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 31
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 4500 GP


Plumed Hat
Description: N/A
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Outside Gau's Father's House, Mobliz, Nikeah,
           South Figaro
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 14
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 09
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 125 GP


Red Cap
Description: Raises HP by 1/4.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: World of Ruin - Mt. Zozo, Kefka's Tower
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +4
Speed: +3
Stamina: +2
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 24
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 17
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Regal Crown
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Edgar, Sabin
Found: World of Ruin - Figaro Basement
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +1
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: +1
Defense: 28
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 23
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: Thorns inflict pain.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: Hidon
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Didalos, Siegfried, SrBehemoth, Veteran
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 38
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 00
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP


Description: N/A
Equippable By: Terra, Celes, Relm
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Narshe, Thamasa
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: +2
Defense: 22
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 20
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1500 GP


Tiger Mask
Description: N/A
Equippable By: Sabin, Gau
Found: N/A
Bought At: World of Balance - Thamasa, World of Ruin - Tzen
Stolen From: N/A
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: N/A
Vigor: +3
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 21
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 13
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1250 GP


Description: ??? if equipped while an Imp.
Equippable By: All Characters Except Umaro
Found: N/A
Bought At: N/A
Stolen From: TumbleWeed
Obtained From: N/A
Morphed From: Cactrot, Pug, Pugs
Vigor: 00
Speed: 00
Stamina: 00
Mag. Pow: 00
Defense: 42
Evade %: 00%
Mag. Def: 42
MEvade%: 00%
50% Damage: N/A
Absorb HP: N/A
No Effect: N/A
Weak Pt.: N/A
Sells For: 1 GP



XIV. Spells

In this section, I will list all of the spells in the game, along with
information on the learn rate of each spell and such.


Description: Restores HP. Can target one or all allies.
MP Cost: 5
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Kirin (x5 Learn Rate)
               Shiva (x3 Learn Rate)
               Sraphim (x20 Learn Rate)
               Starlet (x25 Learn Rate)


Cure 2
Description: Restores HP. Can target one or all allies.
MP Cost: 25
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Kirin (x1 Learn Rate)
               Unicorn (x4 Learn Rate)
               Golem (x5 Learn Rate)
               Sraphim (x8 Learn Rate)
               Starlet (x16 Learn Rate)


Cure 3
Description: Restores HP. Can target one or all allies.
MP Cost: 40
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Starlet (x1 Learn Rate)
               Phoenix (x2 Learn Rate)


Description: Revives wounded ally. Can only target one ally.
MP Cost: 30
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Bismark (x2 Learn Rate)
               Sraphim (x5 Learn Rate)
               Phoenix (x10 Learn Rate)


Life 2
Description: Revives wounded ally and restores to full HP. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 60
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Phoenix (x2 Learn Rate)


Life 3
Description: Inflicts "Reraise" status on alive ally. Can only target one ally.
MP Cost: 50
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Phoenix (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Removes Poison and Seizure status effects. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 3
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Kirin (x4 Learn Rate)


Description: Removes all negative status effects. Can only target one ally.
MP Cost: 15
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Unicorn (x3 Learn Rate)
               Sraphim (x4 Learn Rate)
               Starlet (x20 Learn Rate)
               Alexandr (x15 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts Regen status on ally. Can only target one ally.
MP Cost: 10
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Kirin (x3 Learn Rate)
               Sraphim (x10 Learn Rate)
               Starlet (x20 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Fire-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 4
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Siren (x6 Learn Rate)
               Ifrit (x10 Learn Rate)
               Bismark (x20 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Ice-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 5
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Shiva (x10 Learn Rate)
               Bismark (x20 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Lightning-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 6
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Ramuh (x10 Learn Rate)
               Bismark (x20 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Poison-based damage. May inflict Poison status. Can target
             only one.
MP Cost: 3
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Ramuh (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Damages target and heals caster by the same amount. If casted on
             an undead foe, the foe gets healed and the caster takes damage.
             Can only target one.
MP Cost: 15
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Ifrit (x1 Learn Rate)


Fire 2
Description: Deals Fire-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 20
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Ifrit (x5 Learn Rate)
               Maduin (x3 Learn Rate)
               Flame Shld (x5 Learn Rate)


Ice 2
Description: Deals Ice-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 21
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Shiva (x5 Learn Rate)
               Maduin (x3 Learn Rate)
               Ice Shld (x5 Learn Rate)


Bolt 2
Description: Deals Lightning-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 22
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Ramuh (x5 Learn Rate)
               Maduin (x3 Learn Rate)
               Thunder Shld (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Poison based damage. May inflict "Poison" status. Can target
             one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 26
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Shoat (x8 Learn Rate)


Fire 3
Description: Deals Fire-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 51
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Tritoch (x1 Learn Rate)
               Phoenix (x3 Learn Rate)


Ice 3
Description: Deals Ice-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 52
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Tritoch (x1 Learn Rate)


Bolt 3
Description: Deals Lightning-based damage. Can target one or all enemies.
MP Cost: 53
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Tritoch (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Petrify status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 25
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Shoat (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Instantly dispatches opponent. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 35
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Shoat (x2 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Pearl-based damage. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 40
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Alexandr (x2 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals non-elemental damage. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 45
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Bahamut (x2 Learn Rate)


Description: Lowers enemy's HP by 50%. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 33
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Phantom (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Lowers all enemy's HP by 25%. Targets all enemies.
MP Cost: 48
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Terrato (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Instantly dispatches all enemies. Targets all enemies.
MP Cost: 53
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Fenrir (x5 Learn Rate)
               Cursed Shld (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals non-elemental damage. Targets all enemies.
MP Cost: 62
Vunerable To: N/A
Acquired From: Odin (x1 Learn Rate)
               Crusader (x10 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals non-elemental damage. Targets all enemies.
MP Cost: 80
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Ragnarok (x1 Learn Rate)
               Paladin Shld (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Earth-elemental damage. Targets all enemies and allies.
MP Cost: 62
Vunerable To: N/A
Acquired From: Terrato (x3 Learn Rate)


W Wind
Description: Lowers all characters HP to 6.25% of current HP. Targets all.
MP Cost: 75
Vunerable To: N/A
Acquired From: Terrato (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals Fire and Wind-based damage. Targets all.
MP Cost: 85
Vunerable To: N/A
Acquired From: Crusader (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Scans an enemy's HP, MP, weakness, and level. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 3
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Kirin (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Slow status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 5
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Siren (x7 Learn Rate)
               Palidor (x20 Learn Rate)


Description: Deals direct damage to MP. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 12
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Shiva (x4 Learn Rate)
               Zoneseek (x20 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Mute status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 8
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Siren (x7 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Safe status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 12
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Unicorn (x1 Learn Rate)
               Carbunkl (x2 Learn Rate)
               Golem (x5 Learn Rate)
               Alexandr (x10 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Sleep status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 5
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Siren (x10 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Muddle status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 8
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Stray (x7 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Haste status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 10
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Carbunkl (x3 Learn Rate)
               Palidor (x20 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Stop status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 10
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Golem (x5 Learn Rate)
               Fenrir (x3 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Berserk status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 16
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Phantom (x3 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Float status on target. Can target one or all.
MP Cost: 17
Vunerable To: N/A
Acquired From: Stray (x2 Learn Rate)
               Palidor (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts/removes the Imp status from target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 10
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Stray (x5 Learn Rate)
               TortoiseShld (x1 Learn Rate)
               Titanium (x1 Learn Rate)
               Imp's Armor (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Reflect status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 22
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Carbunkl (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Shell status on target. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 15
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Unicorn (x1 Learn Rate)
               Carbunkl (x2 Learn Rate)
               Zoneseek (x5 Learn Rate)
               Alexandr (x10 Learn Rate)
               Force Shld (x5 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts/removes the Vanish status from target. Can only target
MP Cost: 18
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Phantom (x3 Learn Rate)


Description: Inflicts the Haste status on target, Targets all allies.
MP Cost: 38
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Palidor (x2 Learn Rate)


Slow 2
Description: Inflicts the Slow status on target. Targets all enemies.
MP Cost: 26
Vunerable To: Runic, Rflect
Acquired From: Palidor (x2 Learn Rate)


Description: Absorbs MP. If target is undead, caster takes damage and enemy
             gets healed. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 1
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Shiva (x4 Learn Rate)
               Zoneseek (x15 Learn Rate)


Description: Warps party out of battle. If outside, warps to entrance of level.
MP Cost: 20
Vunerable To: N/A
Acquired From: Carbunkl (x2 Learn Rate)
               Fenrir (x10 Learn Rate)


Description: Caster recieves two turns immediately.
MP Cost: 99
Vunerable To: N/A
Acquired From: Raiden (x1 Learn Rate)


Description: Removes all positive status effects. Can only target one.
MP Cost: 25
Vunerable To: Runic
Acquired From: Unicorn (x2 Learn Rate)
               Alexandr (x10 Learn Rate)


Character Spells

Certain characters learn certain spells at certain levels. I will list them
in this part of the section.


Level 1 - Cure
Level 3 - Fire
Level 6 - Antdot
Level 12 - Drain
Level 18 - Life
Level 22 - Fire 2
Level 26 - Warp
Level 33 - Cure 2
Level 37 - Dispel
Level 43 - Fire 3
Level 49 - Life 2
Level 57 - Pearl
Level 68 - Break
Level 75 - Quartr
Level 86 - Merton
Level 99 - Ultima


Level 1 - Ice
Level 4 - Cure
Level 8 - Antdot
Level 13 - Imp
Level 18 - Scan
Level 22 - Safe
Level 26 - Ice 2
Level 32 - Haste/Muddle
Level 40 - Bserk
Level 42 - Ice 3
Level 48 - Vanish
Level 52 - Haste2
Level 72 - Pearl
Level 81 - Flare
Level 98 - Meteor


XV. Enemies

NOTE: This section will NOT list all of the statistics of every enemy, but just
some of them. If you are really interested in every statistic about certain
enemies, check out Master ZED's Monster Statistics Guide. All credit goes to
Master ZED, as he let me use his list for my Enemy List. His list is here:

In this section, I will list all of the enemies, along with information about
them and such.


Found: Narshe, Vector
Lv.: 5
HP: 40
MP: 15
Exp.: 48
GP: 48
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Imperial Camp
Lv.: 11
HP: 100
MP: 15
Exp.: 0
GP: 48
Stolen: Tonic, Potion
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Imperial Camp
Lv.: 11
HP: 205
MP: 50
Exp.: 0
GP: 96
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Poison


Found: Cave to the Sealed Gate, The Floating Continent
Lv.: 27
HP: 1650
MP: 130
Exp.: 694
GP: 520
Stolen: Cherub Down
Obtained: Ninja Star
Morphed: Trump, Assassin, Striker
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Bolt, Pearl


Found: Cyan's Soul, Ancient Castle
Lv.: 40
HP: 3000
MP: 500
Exp.: 1545
GP: 791
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Genji Glove
Weakness: Poison


Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 30
HP: 1584
MP: 250
Exp.: 510
GP: 716
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Mag Roader (Purple)
Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 420
MP: 100
Exp.: 232
GP: 237
Stolen: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Obtained: Water Edge
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 59
HP: 7050
MP: 2600
Exp.: 2300
GP: 2000
Stolen: Aura
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Genji Glove
Weaknes: Poison


Found: Phantom Train
Lv.: 12
HP: 120
MP: 100
Exp.: 35
GP: 101
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Jidoor (Owzer's House)
Lv.: 37
HP: 3580
MP: 500
Exp.: 1151
GP: 1260
Stolen: Moogle Suit
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ribbon
Weakness: Poison


Rain Man
Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 39
HP: 2722
MP: 180
Exp.: 890
GP: 485
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice, Pearl, Water


Found: Mt. Koltz
Lv.: 9
HP: 137
MP: 100
Exp.: 79
GP: 84
Stolen: Bandana
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Ice


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 26
HP: 1900
MP: 195
Exp.: 1200
GP: 525
Stolen: Cure Ring
Morphed: Tonic (x3) Elixir
Weakness: Bolt, Pearl, Water


Dark Force
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 55
HP: 8940
MP: 700
Exp.: 2950
GP: 600
Stolen: Crystal
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Phantom Train
Lv.: 12
HP: 230
MP: 90
Exp.: 42
GP: 125
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Soft
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Phantom Train
Lv.: 13
HP: 390
MP: 190
Exp.: 65
GP: 228
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Revivify, Green Cherry
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 30
HP: 1584
MP: 143
Exp.: 770
GP: 542
Stolen: Remedy
Obtained: Revivify
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: South Figaro
Lv.: 10
HP: 102
MP: 50
Exp.: 85
GP: 153
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Plains & Forest Near South Figaro/Returner's Hideout (WoB)
Lv.: 7
HP: 119
MP: 100
Exp.: 59
GP: 80
Stolen: Tonic, Antidote
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Mines of Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 4
HP: 24
MP: 0
Exp.: 21
GP: 22
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire


Found: Mt. Zozo
Lv.: 34
HP: 2409
MP: 74
Exp.: 882
GP: 2000
Stolen: Sneak Ring
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains & Forest Near South Figaro/Returner's Hideout (WoB)
Lv.: 8
HP: 232
MP: 100
Exp.: 246
GP: 186
Stolen: Mithril Claw, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Bolt


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 54
HP: 25000
MP: 350
Exp.: 4200
GP: 100
Stolen: Thunder Shld
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ogre Nix
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Plains & Forest Near Narshe (WoB), Triangle Island (WoR)
Lv.: 5
HP: 33
MP: 0
Exp.: 24
GP: 45
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire, Water


Stray Cat
Found: Plains & Forest Near Imperial Camp, Doma Castle
Lv.: 10
HP: 156
MP: 30
Exp.: 42
GP: 90
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Tintinabar


Found: Narshe
Lv.: 5
HP: 27
MP: 5
Exp.: 37
GP: 30
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Imperial Camp
Lv.: 12
HP: 465
MP: 10
Exp.: 0
GP: 83
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Narshe
Lv.: 1
HP: 115
MP: 30
Exp.: 50
GP: 90
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Narshe
Lv.: 13
HP: 355
MP: 80
Exp.: 160
GP: 180
Stolen: Potion, Fenix Down
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Near Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 22
HP: 750
MP: 100
Exp.: 465
GP: 458
Stolen: Gaia Gear
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Cyan's Soul, Ancient Castle
Lv.: 40
HP: 2912
MP: 228
Exp.: 1150
GP: 435
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Around Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 22
HP: 2237
MP: 100
Exp.: 1144
GP: 760
Stolen: Hyper Wrist
Obtained: Gold Armor
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Flame Shld


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 28
HP: 5800
MP: 180
Exp.: 2055
GP: 0
Stolen: RunningShoes
Obtained: X-Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Weakness: Ice


Found: Plains on the Southern Continent (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 1112
MP: 130
Exp.: 459
GP: 456
Stolen: Antidote
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Lete River
Lv.: 12
HP: 380
MP: 70
Exp.: 464
GP: 325
Stolen: Guardian, MithrilKnife
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Desert Near Kohlingen (WoB)
Lv.: 20
HP: 1399
MP: 219
Exp.: 380
GP: 1870
Stolen: Remedy, Revivify
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Ice, Pearl, Water


White Drgn
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 71
HP: 18500
MP: 12000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Pearl Lance, X-Potion
Morphed: Cure Ring (x2), Safety Bit, Pod Bracelet
Absorb: Pearl


Doom Drgn
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 54
HP: 18008
MP: 10000
Exp.: 8500
GP: 2700
Stolen: Pod Bracelet
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir


Found: Forest North of The Veldt (WoR)
Lv.: 77
HP: 46050
MP: 51420
Exp.: 14396
GP: 0
Stolen: Ribbon
Obtained: Economizer
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Ice


Found: Forest North of The Vedlt (WoR)
Lv.: 57
HP: 12770
MP: 420
Exp.: 8800
GP: 0
Stolen: Imp's Armor
Obtained: Imp Halberd
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Ice


Dark Wind
Found: Plains & Forest Near Narshe (WoB), Triangle Island
Lv.: 5
HP: 34
MP: 0
Exp.: 28
GP: 41
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains & Forest Near Imperial Camp, Doma, and Gau's Father's House (WoB)
Lv.: 11
HP: 290
MP: 30
Exp.: 108
GP: 135
Stolen: Potion, Eyedrop
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains & Forest Near Jidoor And Zozo (WoB)
Lv.: 15
HP: 412
MP: 60
Exp.: 160
GP: 485
Stolen: Fenix Down, Potion
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp, Revivify
Weakness: Wind


Found: Near Thamasa (WoR)
Lv.: 42
HP: 3615
MP: 233
Exp.: 1994
GP: 1221
Stolen: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Exp. Egg


Found: Tzen
Lv.: 26
HP: 305
MP: 35
Exp.: 267
GP: 400
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Water


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 555
MP: 80
Exp.: 235
GP: 200
Stolen: AutoCrossbow
Morphed: Mithril Blade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Figaro Cave (WoB)
Lv.: 6
HP: 92
MP: 0
Exp.: 48
GP: 64
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains & Forest Near Imperial Camp and Doma (WoB)
Lv.: 11
HP: 243
MP: 80
Exp.: 89
GP: 145
Stolen: Antidote (x2)
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire, Wind


Delta Bug
Found: Plains On Former Serpent Trench Area (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 612
MP: 80
Exp.: 288
GP: 211
Stolen: Tonic
Obtained: Sleeping Bag
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains & Forests on Southern Continent (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 1412
MP: 110
Exp.: 559
GP: 756
Stolen: Poison Claw
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Fire


Found: Mt. Koltz
Lv.: 9
HP: 147
MP: 100
Exp.: 97
GP: 134
Stolen: Remedy, Tonic
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Jidoor (WoR)
Lv.: 37
HP: 2200
MP: 305
Exp.: 872
GP: 767
Stolen: Nutkin Suit
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains Around Northeastern Continent, Doma (WoR)
Lv.: 55
HP: 6200
MP: 600
Exp.: 2554
GP: 1333
Stolen: Titanium
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Near The Serpent Trench Area (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 12
MP: 400
Exp.: 510
GP: 896
Stolen: Echo Screen
Obtained: Smoke Bomb
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Figaro Cave (WoB)
Lv.: 12
HP: 150
MP: 20
Exp.: 105
GP: 135
Stolen: Tonic, Antidote
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Colosseum
Lv.: 53
HP: 32760
MP: 6000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Cursed Ring (x2), Thornlet, Relic Ring


Found: Lete River
Lv.: 11
HP: 236
MP: 100
Exp.: 216
GP: 173
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Eyedrop
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt


Found: Lete River
Lv.: 11
HP: 196
MP: 100
Exp.: 162
GP: 153
Stolen: Mithril Claw, Tonic
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt


Found: Serpent Trench
Lv.: 13
HP: 315
MP: 150
Exp.: 96
GP: 358
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Bolt


Reach Frog
Found: Plains & Forest Around Narshe/Maranda (WoR)
Lv.: 52
HP: 3511
MP: 220
Exp.: 1550
GP: 2600
Stolen: Tack Star, Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Near Serpent Trench Area (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 1280
MP: 70
Exp.: 297
GP: 356
Stolen: Drainer
Obtained: Soft
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Ice


Found: Plains & Forest on Southern Continent (WoB)
Lv.: 18
HP: 545
MP: 155
Exp.: 190
GP: 279
Stolen: Sleeping Bag, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Desert South of Maranda (WoR)
Lv.: 49
HP: 12018
MP: 10500
Exp.: 7524
GP: 10000
Stolen: Remedy
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Narshe
Lv.: 14
HP: 1300
MP: 170
Exp.: 400
GP: 1290
Stolen: Elixir, Mithril Vest
Obtained: Remedy (x2)
Morphed: Gold Lance, Gold Shld, Gold Helmet, Gold Armor
Weakness: Fire, Poison


Found: Colosseum
Lv.: 53
HP: 50305
MP: 55530
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Cure Ring (x2), Safety Bit, Pod Bracelet
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 18
HP: 250
MP: 50
Exp.: 115
GP: 100
Stolen: Tonic
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Figaro Castle, Imperial Camp
Lv.: 8
HP: 210
MP: 250
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt


Sky Armor
Found: Blackjack
Lv.: 24
HP: 900
MP: 170
Exp.: 350
GP: 400
Stolen: Tincture
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Wind


Found: Imperial Camp
Lv.: 14
HP: 1800
MP: 250
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: X-Potion
Obtained: Green Beret (x2)
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Lethal Wpn
Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 47
HP: 9200
MP: 1956
Exp.: 5848
GP: 1189
Stolen: Debilitator
Morphed: Gold Lance, Gold Shld, Gold Helmet, Gold Armor
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Mines of Narshe (WoB), Mt. Koltz
Lv.: 5
HP: 15
MP: 0
Exp.: 23
GP: 29
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 255
MP: 110
Exp.: 160
GP: 120
Stolen: Magicite, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Nullify: Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Cave to the Sealed Gate
Lv.: 21
HP: 1100
MP: 50
Exp.: 740
GP: 442
Stolen: Amulet
Obtained: Revivify
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Fire, Poison
Weakness: Pearl, Water


Found: Figaro Cave (WoR), Figaro Basement
Lv.: 27
HP: 800
MP: 100
Exp.: 421
GP: 326
Stolen: Green Cherry
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 25
HP: 1300
MP: 1000
Exp.: 550
GP: 600
Stolen: Earrings
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Bolt, Pearl


Found: Figaro Cave (WoR), Figaro Basement
Lv.: 28
HP: 1334
MP: 100
Exp.: 419
GP: 797
Stolen: Tonic
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Desert South of Maranda (WoR)
Lv.: 27
HP: 3
MP: 60000
Exp.: 0
GP: 10000
Stolen: Soft
Obtained: Soft
Morphed: Imp's Armor, Titanium, TortoiseShld, Imp Halberd
Weakness: Ice, Water


Repo Man
Found: Mines of Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 5
HP: 35
MP: 0
Exp.: 25
GP: 25
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Zozo
Lv.: 16
HP: 428
MP: 85
Exp.: 291
GP: 314
Stolen: DragonBoots, Goggles
Obtained: Barrier Ring
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Phantom Train, Forest Left of The Veldt & Baren Falls River (WoB)
Lv.: 8
HP: 160
MP: 50
Exp.: 35
GP: 80
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Flame Shld
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Still Life
Found: Jidoor (WoR)
Lv.: 37
HP: 4889
MP: 390
Exp.: 2331
GP: 1574
Stolen: FakeMustache
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Weakness: Fire


Boxed Set
Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 45
HP: 4020
MP: 105
Exp.: 1504
GP: 465
Stolen: Antidote
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Safety Bit
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Zozo
Lv.: 15
HP: 392
MP: 120
Exp.: 224
GP: 296
Stolen: ThiefKnife, Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Marvel Shoes
Weakness: Poison


Found: Zozo
Lv.: 16
HP: 1200
MP: 60
Exp.: 550
GP: 600
Stolen: Atlas Armlet
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ogre Nix
Absorb: Earth
Weakness: Poison


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 27
HP: 8000
MP: 15500
Exp.: 1200
GP: 3333
Obtained: Tintinabar
Morphed: Imp's Armor, Titanium, TortoiseShld, Imp Halberd
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt


Magic Urn
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 31
HP: 100
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir, Tonic
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Megalixir
Absorb: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 51
HP: 120
MP: 10500
Exp.: 1500
GP: 0
Stolen: Super Ball
Obtained: Magicite
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison


Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 45
HP: 4220
MP: 140
Exp.: 1219
GP: 554
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Plains Near Serpent Trench Area (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 2252
MP: 218
Exp.: 562
GP: 458
Stolen: Diamond Vest, Tincture
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Fire, Water


Found: Serpent Trench
Lv.: 12
HP: 220
MP: 330
Exp.: 48
GP: 115
Stolen: Tonic
Obtained: X-Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Phantom Forest, Phantom Train
Lv.: 10
HP: 226
MP: 70
Exp.: 48
GP: 75
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Plains Near Northeast Continent, Doma, Jidoor, Maranda (WoR)
Lv.: 51
HP: 3200
MP: 620
Exp.: 1456
GP: 1224
Stolen: Remedy
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Sand Ray
Found: Figaro Desert, Desert Near Kohlingen, Imperial Camp Desert
Lv.: 6
HP: 67
MP: 10
Exp.: 41
GP: 54
Stolen: Antidote (x2)
Obtained: Antidote
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Figaro Desert, Desert Near Kohlingen, Imperial Camp Desert
Lv.: 6
HP: 87
MP: 15
Exp.: 37
GP: 94
Stolen: Tonic
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Serpent Trench
Lv.: 12
HP: 230
MP: 98
Exp.: 57
GP: 125
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt


Sand Horse
Found: Figaro Desert, Desert Near Kohlingen (WoR)
Lv.: 27
HP: 1025
MP: 100
Exp.: 475
GP: 726
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Ice, Water


Dark Side
Found: Narshe
Lv.: 13
HP: 255
MP: 85
Exp.: 165
GP: 138
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Mad Oscar
Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 30
HP: 2900
MP: 980
Exp.: 780
GP: 2292
Stolen: X-Potion
Obtained: Remedy, Revivify
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison, Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Figaro Cave (WoB)
Lv.: 7
HP: 122
MP: 0
Exp.: 71
GP: 120
Stolen: Remedy, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Figaro Cave (WoB)
Lv.: 7
HP: 119
MP: 10
Exp.: 53
GP: 80
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Narshe
Lv.: 8
HP: 420
MP: 150
Exp.: 0
GP: 350
Stolen: MithrilKnife
Obtained: Potion (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Narshe
Lv.: 13
HP: 255
MP: 60
Exp.: 90
GP: 96
Stolen: MithrilBlade, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 650
MP: 30
Exp.: 232
GP: 308
Stolen: Mithril Shld, Tonic
Obtained: Green Cherry
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Poison


Found: Triangle Island
Lv.: 44
HP: 4530
MP: 240
Exp.: 1757
GP: 1768
Stolen: Tack Star, Shuriken
Morphed: Trump (x2), Assassin, Striker
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Triangle Island
Lv.: 44
HP: 4211
MP: 219
Exp.: 1583
GP: 869
Stolen: Murasame, Ashura
Obtained: Revivify
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Bolt, Poison


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 38
HP: 1300
MP: 1250
Exp.: 970
GP: 333
Stolen: Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Poison


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 53
HP: 8150
MP: 900
Exp.: 2200
GP: 700
Stolen: Goggles
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ribbon
Weakness: Poison


Found: Plains & Forest on Southern Continent (WoB)
Lv.: 17
HP: 467
MP: 90
Exp.: 194
GP: 320
Stolen: Green Beret, Tonic
Obtained: Mithril Rod
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Poison


Iron Fist
Found: Plains & Forest Near Zozo/Jidoor
Lv.: 15
HP: 333
MP: 65
Exp.: 144
GP: 249
Stolen: Head Band, Tonic
Obtained: MithrilKnife
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison


Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 46
HP: 5555
MP: 1150
Exp.: 2189
GP: 960
Stolen: MithrilGlove
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Sealed Cave
Lv.: 20
HP: 781
MP: 60
Exp.: 415
GP: 300
Stolen: Potion, Revivify
Obtained: Revivify
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Poison
Weakness: Ice, Pearl


Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 29
HP: 2058
MP: 360
Exp.: 485
GP: 385
Stolen: Diamond Vest, Potion
Obtained: Amulet, Revivify
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 38
HP: 3826
MP: 1327
Exp.: 1510
GP: 393
Stolen: Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Vector Pup
Found: South Figaro
Lv.: 11
HP: 166
MP: 0
Exp.: 128
GP: 83
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Deserts Near Tzen/Solitary Island/Solitary Island Plains (WoR)
Lv.: 23
HP: 1
MP: 19
Exp.: 2
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Ice, Water


Sewer Rat
Found: Opera House (WoB)
Lv.: 16
HP: 299
MP: 20
Exp.: 108
GP: 156
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 37
HP: 2600
MP: 97
Exp.: 830
GP: 415
Stolen: Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 800
MP: 35
Exp.: 592
GP: 400
Stolen: Flash
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Bolt


Found: Plains & Forest Near Imperial Camp, Doma, & Gau's Father's House (WoB)
Lv.: 10
HP: 135
MP: 40
Exp.: 53
GP: 110
Stolen: Potion (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Water


Wild Cat
Found: Owzer's House
Lv.: 36
HP: 1115
MP: 78
Exp.: 701
GP: 416
Stolen: Tabby Suit
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Tintinabar
Weakness: Fire, Water


Red Fang
Found: Near Kohlingen (WoB)
Lv.: 14
HP: 325
MP: 20
Exp.: 135
GP: 185
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Dried Meat
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Bounty Man
Found: Narshe
Lv.: 13
HP: 285
MP: 50
Exp.: 115
GP: 55
Stolen: Potion (x2)
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Mt. Koltz
Lv.: 10
HP: 270
MP: 100
Exp.: 163
GP: 102
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Soft
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains & Forest on Southern Continent (WoB)
Lv.: 17
HP: 620
MP: 10
Exp.: 255
GP: 345
Stolen: Tiger Mask, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Plains on Southern Continent (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 1111
MP: 60
Exp.: 321
GP: 356
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Remedy
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Bolt


Wart Puck
Found: Triangle Island
Lv.: 44
HP: 3559
MP: 330
Exp.: 1595
GP: 1169
Stolen: Dried Meat, Flail
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Fire


Found: Cave in the Veldt
Lv.: 36
HP: 7191
MP: 354
Exp.: 4928
GP: 1889
Stolen: Gold Lance
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ice Shld


Found: Cave in the Veldt
Lv.: 49
HP: 19000
MP: 9999
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: BehemothSuit (x2)
Morphed: Cursed Ring (x2), Thornlet, Relic Ring
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 59
HP: 2800
MP: 180
Exp.: 1400
GP: 350
Stolen: Ninja Star
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Plains & Forest on Southern Continent (WoB)
Lv.: 18
HP: 892
MP: 95
Exp.: 484
GP: 434
Stolen: DragoonBoots, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Sealed Cave
Lv.: 21
HP: 1991
MP: 160
Exp.: 1072
GP: 309
Stolen: Potion, Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 29
HP: 7000
MP: 850
Exp.: 2931
GP: 0
Stolen: Genji Glove, Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 50
HP: 10050
MP: 12850
Exp.: 3000
GP: 1200
Stolen: Dried Meat
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Ice


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 38
HP: 3000
MP: 300
Exp.: 953
GP: 731
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Mt. Koltz
Lv.: 10
HP: 134
MP: 100
Exp.: 82
GP: 102
Stolen: Tonic, Antidote
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Plains on Northeast Continent/Doma Castle (WoR)
Lv.: 53
HP: 4500
MP: 350
Exp.: 2293
GP: 1420
Obtained: Imp's Armor
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 470
MP: 63
Exp.: 438
GP: 250
Stolen: Potion, Green Cherry
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify


Found: Plains & Forests Near Kohlingen (WoR)
Lv.: 29
HP: 1418
MP: 100
Exp.: 449
GP: 909
Stolen: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Exp. Egg
Weakness: Wind


Found: Near Thamasa (WoR)
Lv.: 41
HP: 2905
MP: 175
Exp.: 1096
GP: 421
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Figaro Basement
Lv.: 27
HP: 1000
MP: 80
Exp.: 398
GP: 427
Stolen: Tincture
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Mind Candy
Found: Plains & Forests Near Jidoor/Zozo
Lv.: 15
HP: 290
MP: 100
Exp.: 128
GP: 168
Stolen: Tonic, Soft
Obtained: Soft
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire, Wind


Found: Plains & Forests on Southern Continent (WoB)
Lv.: 17
HP: 480
MP: 20
Exp.: 278
GP: 234
Stolen: Antidote (x2)
Obtained: Echo Screen
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire, Wind


Found: Mt. Zozo
Lv.: 34
HP: 2079
MP: 122
Exp.: 707
GP: 1000
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire, Wind


Toe Cutter
Found: Cave in The Veldt
Lv.: 36
HP: 2500
MP: 187
Exp.: 1753
GP: 726
Stolen: Poison Rod
Obtained: Poison Rod
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire, Wind


Over Grunk
Found: Forest Near Jidoor (WoB)
Lv.: 15
HP: 492
MP: 100
Exp.: 219
GP: 365
Stolen: Remedy, Potion
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 29
HP: 1200
MP: 112
Exp.: 449
GP: 370
Obtained: Revivify
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Owzer's House
Lv.: 36
HP: 2095
MP: 340
Exp.: 788
GP: 577
Stolen: Super Ball
Obtained: Super Ball
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 48
HP: 50
MP: 760
Exp.: 1780
GP: 390
Stolen: Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Found: Figaro Cave (WoB)
Lv.: 11
HP: 145
MP: 10
Exp.: 90
GP: 115
Stolen: Tonic, Eyedrop
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt


Sky Cap
Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 40
HP: 3262
MP: 200
Exp.: 1253
GP: 441
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Wind, Water


Found: Near Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 21
HP: 420
MP: 100
Exp.: 214
GP: 280
Stolen: Remedy, Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Desert Near Figaro Castle/Kohlingen (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 952
MP: 100
Exp.: 360
GP: 576
Stolen: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice, Bolt, Water


Gigan Toad
Found: Plains on Southern Continent (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 458
MP: 20
Exp.: 235
GP: 340
Obtained: Sleeping Bag
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Plains Near Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 54
HP: 5000
MP: 1020
Exp.: 2400
GP: 1120
Stolen: TortoiseShld
Obtained: TortoiseShld
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 38
HP: 2366
MP: 185
Exp.: 770
GP: 422
Stolen: Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, EySedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Land Worm
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 59
HP: 12000
MP: 1300
Exp.: 4600
GP: 0
Stolen: X-Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Absorb: Earth
Weakness: Ice


Test Rider
Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 32
HP: 3100
MP: 220
Exp.: 1947
GP: 520
Stolen: Partisan
Obtained: Stout Spear
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ice Shld
Weakness: Poison


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 39
HP: 2850
MP: 220
Exp.: 853
GP: 629
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Tomb Thumb
Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Exp.: 500
GP: 150
Obtained: Green Cherry
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Narshe, South Figaro (WoB)
Lv.: 13
HP: 495
MP: 150
Exp.: 80
GP: 195
Stolen: Iron Helmet, Tonic
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Vector
Lv.: 19
HP: 1202
MP: 140
Exp.: 691
GP: 380
Stolen: Bio Blaster
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 57
HP: 27000
MP: 9000
Exp.: 9000
Stolen: Air Anchor
Morphed: Gold Lance, Gold Shld, Gold Helmet, Gold Armor
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Phantom Forest
Lv.: 11
HP: 145
MP: 25
Exp.: 55
GP: 55
Stolen: Potion
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Triangle Island (WoB)
Lv.: 26
HP: 32000
MP: 16000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Magicite
Obtained: Antidote
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Megalixir
Absorb: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 26
HP: 1750
MP: 140
Exp.: 750
GP: 786
Stolen: Back Guard
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 37
HP: 2470
MP: 145
Exp.: 775
GP: 550
Stolen: Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 46
HP: 4635
MP: 280
Exp.: 1429
GP: 968
Stolen: X-Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Weakness: Pearl


Deep Eye
Found: Plains & Forests Near Kohlingen (WoR)
Lv.: 28
HP: 1334
MP: 100
Exp.: 385
GP: 485
Stolen: Eyedrop
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains & Forests Near South Figaro/Returner's Hideout (WoB)
Lv.: 8
HP: 132
MP: 100
Exp.: 53
GP: 256
Stolen: Buckler, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Figaro Basement, Figaro Cave (WoR)
Lv.: 28
HP: 1334
MP: 150
Exp.: 588
GP: 1330
Stolen: Dark Hood
Obtained: Peace Ring
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Thamasa, Forest West of The Veldt (WoB)
Lv.: 17
HP: 3000
MP: 500
Exp.: 190
GP: 500
Stolen: Fire Skean
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Flame Shld
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 40
HP: 1200
MP: 330
Exp.: 1323
GP: 531
Morphed: Cure Ring (x2), Safety Bit, Pod Bracelet


Pan Dora
Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 39
HP: 1522
MP: 350
Exp.: 622
GP: 461
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ribbon
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Owzer's House
Lv.: 22
HP: 2539
MP: 100
Exp.: 1531
GP: 769
Stolen: Moogle Suit
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Marvel Shoes
Weakness: Poison


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 25
HP: 6000
MP: 1120
Exp.: 7550
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir, X-Potion
Obtained: Hardened (x2)
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ogre Nix
Weakness: Poison


Mag Roader (Red)
Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 250
MP: 100
Exp.: 198
GP: 300
Stolen: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Obtained: Fire Skean
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Ice


Spek Tor
Found: Plains on Northeastern Continent/Doma Castle (WoR)
Lv.: 50
HP: 250
MP: 20
Exp.: 1356
GP: 1524
Stolen: X-Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Tintinabar
Weakness: Water


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 39
HP: 1000
MP: 230
Exp.: 455
GP: 461
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Desert Near Tzen/Solitary Island
Lv.: 23
HP: 1
MP: 18
Exp.: 1
GP: 0
Stolen: Megalixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Water


Found: Cave to the Sealed Gate
Lv.: 20
HP: 480
MP: 15
Exp.: 290
GP: 270
Stolen: Potion, Antidote
Obtained: Antidote
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Exp.: 1000
GP: 550
Obtained: Green Cherry
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt, Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 37
HP: 2444
MP: 82
Exp.: 981
GP: 669
Stolen: Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 13
HP: 235
MP: 120
Exp.: 220
GP: 138
Stolen: Ice Rod, Tonic
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Evil Oscar
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 56
HP: 7000
MP: 500
Exp.: 2800
GP: 1320
Stolen: Warp Stone
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Esper Cave, Near Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 23
HP: 505
MP: 20
Exp.: 232
GP: 270
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Forests Near South Figaro (WoR)
Lv.: 27
HP: 1700
MP: 100
Exp.: 612
GP: 971
Stolen: Gaia Gear
Obtained: Antidote
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Phantom Train
Lv.: 12
HP: 200
MP: 84
Exp.: 54
GP: 135
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Allo Ver
Found: Cave in The Veldt
Lv.: 19
HP: 8000
MP: 8000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Tiger Fangs (x2)
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 47
HP: 4550
MP: 1700
Exp.: 2600
GP: 890
Stolen: Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 18
HP: 8050
MP: 400
Exp.: 2600
GP: 2800
Stolen: Break Blade
Morphed: Trump (x2), Assassin, Striker
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Cyan's Soul, Ancient Castle
Lv.: 39
HP: 3062
MP: 198
Exp.: 1410
GP: 631
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ribbon
Weakness: Poison


Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 47
HP: 2077
MP: 500
Exp.: 1620
GP: 674
Stolen: Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Pm Stalker
Found: Tzen
Lv.: 26
HP: 265
MP: 190
Exp.: 258
GP: 491
Stolen: X-Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 56
HP: 6800
MP: 1600
Exp.: 3090
GP: 200
Stolen: Tack Star
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify


Sp Forces
Found: Imperial Base
Lv.: 21
HP: 700
MP: 20
Exp.: 200
GP: 0
Stolen: Tonic
Obtained: Magicite
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Poison


Found: Plains & Forests Near South Figaro (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 75
MP: 200
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Remedy
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Water


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 32
HP: 1677
MP: 200
Exp.: 587
GP: 388
Stolen: Ice Rod, Thunder Rod
Obtained: Fire Rod
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Poison


Found: Mt. Zozo
Lv.: 34
HP: 1759
MP: 68
Exp.: 797
GP: 2000
Stolen: Thief Glove
Obtained: Air Lancet
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Exp.: 1000
GP: 850
Obtained: White Cape, Green Cherry
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Fire


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 18
HP: 580
MP: 35
Exp.: 252
GP: 273
Stolen: Mithril Vest, Tent
Obtained: Tent
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 38
HP: 3210
MP: 314
Exp.: 1270
GP: 519
Stolen: Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 33
HP: 1000
MP: 100
Exp.: 800
GP: 350
Obtained: Green Cherry
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains on Southern Continent (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 582
MP: 25
Exp.: 308
GP: 247
Stolen: Potion (x2)
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 615
MP: 45
Exp.: 228
GP: 343
Stolen: Fenix Down, Tonic
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Owzer's House
Lv.: 36
HP: 885
MP: 87
Exp.: 653
GP: 497
Stolen: Chocobo Suit
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 33
HP: 2000
MP: 100
Exp.: 1000
GP: 750
Obtained: White Cape, Green Cherry
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 32
HP: 1877
MP: 100
Exp.: 697
GP: 298
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Weakness: Fire


Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 11
HP: 110
MP: 35
Exp.: 75
GP: 100
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Esper Cave/Near Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 23
HP: 977
MP: 80
Exp.: 292
GP: 410
Stolen: Echo Screen
Obtained: Smoke Bomb
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire, Wind


Found: Opera House
Lv.: 16
HP: 499
MP: 40
Exp.: 145
GP: 235
Stolen: Antidote, Potion
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Ice


Found: Plains on Norheastern Continent/Doma/Plains & Forests Near Maranda (WoR)
Lv.: 54
HP: 4500
MP: 420
Exp.: 4612
GP: 501
Stolen: Imp Halberd
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Fire


Found: Plains Near Kohlingen (WoR)
Lv.: 29
HP: 1318
MP: 100
Exp.: 532
GP: 1200
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Near Thamasa (WoR)
Lv.: 41
HP: 3300
MP: 188
Exp.: 1396
GP: 773
Stolen: Full Moon
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Black Drgn
Found: Solitary Island Desert/Desert Near Tzen/Serpent Trench Desert (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 4000
MP: 600
Exp.: 780
GP: 502
Stolen: Revivify
Obtained: Tent
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Esper Cave/Near Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 24
HP: 1305
MP: 50
Exp.: 1450
GP: 189
Stolen: Gold Shld
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Figaro Cave, Figaro Basement (WoR)
Lv.: 28
HP: 1945
MP: 200
Exp.: 1150
GP: 712
Stolen: Diamond Helm
Obtained: Gold Shld
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Thunder Shld
Weakness: Poison


Wirey Drgn
Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 26
HP: 2802
MP: 200
Exp.: 895
GP: 1300
Stolen: DragoonBoots
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 53
HP: 7200
MP: 1600
Exp.: 2500
GP: 800
Stolen: Chain Saw
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 32
HP: 900
MP: 55
Exp.: 347
GP: 275
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Found: Plains & Forests Near Kohlingen (WoR)
Lv.: 28
HP: 900
MP: 100
Exp.: 189
GP: 287
Stolen: Magicite
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Nullify: Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water


Found: Triangle Island (WoR)
Lv.: 43
HP: 3850
MP: 185
Exp.: 1399
GP: 826
Stolen: Soul Sabre, MithrilBlade
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Mt. Zozo
Lv.: 35
HP: 2191
MP: 136
Exp.: 1242
GP: 3000
Stolen: Bone Club, Rising Sun
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 22
HP: 555
MP: 80
Exp.: 369
GP: 300
Stolen: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Fenix Down
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Zozo
Lv.: 15
HP: 350
MP: 20
Exp.: 104
GP: 126
Stolen: Fenix Down, Eyedrop
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 58
HP: 11000
MP: 700
Exp.: 4100
GP: 2900
Stolen: Tiger Fangs
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir


Found: Tzen
Lv.: 26
HP: 290
MP: 19
Exp.: 199
GP: 336
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Chaos Drgn
Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 44
HP: 9013
MP: 1300
Exp.: 4881
GP: 1000
Stolen: Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Spit Fire
Found: Blackjack
Lv.: 25
HP: 1400
MP: 180
Exp.: 550
GP: 300
Stolen: Elixir, Tincture
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Gold Lance, Gold Shld, Gold Helmet, Gold Armor
Weakness: Bolt, Wind


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 57
HP: 7500
MP: 880
Exp.: 2900
GP: 900
Stolen: SwordBreaker
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Thunder Shld


Found: Cave to the Sealed Gate
Lv.: 20
HP: 590
MP: 90
Exp.: 374
GP: 350
Stolen: Poison Rod, Green Cherry
Obtained: Green Cherry
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Poison
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Plains on Southern Continent (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 850
MP: 100
Exp.: 249
GP: 596
Obtained: Echo Screen
Morphed: Tent, Fenix Down, Warp Stone, Revivify
Weakness: Ice


Mag Roader (Yellow)
Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 32
HP: 1777
MP: 100
Exp.: 621
GP: 352
Stolen: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Obtained: Water Edge
Morphed: Gold Lance, Gold Shld, Gold Helmet, Gold Armor


Found: Desert on Southern Continent (WoB)
Lv.: 16
HP: 310
MP: 20
Exp.: 165
GP: 210
Stolen: Potion, Soft
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Ice, Water


Sea Flower
Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 47
HP: 4200
MP: 200
Exp.: 1315
GP: 670
Stolen: Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Water
Weakness: Ice, Bolt


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 54
HP: 9800
MP: 700
Exp.: 3500
GP: 250
Stolen: Drill
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Esper Cave/Near Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 24
HP: 860
MP: 82
Exp.: 485
GP: 525
Stolen: Antidote
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 49
HP: 6013
MP: 820
Exp.: 2781
GP: 906
Stolen: Economizer, Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Exp. Egg
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 53
HP: 2000
MP: 200
Exp.: 2200
GP: 1100
Stolen: NoiseBlaster
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Esper Cave/Near Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 23
HP: 1150
MP: 104
Exp.: 378
GP: 450
Stolen: Potion (x2)
Obtained: Remedy
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire


1st Class
Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 11
HP: 180
MP: 25
Exp.: 117
GP: 112
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Tap Dancer
Found: Triangle Island (WoR)
Lv.: 43
HP: 4452
MP: 270
Exp.: 1727
GP: 526
Stolen: SwordBreaker, Dirk
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Marvel Shoes
Weakness: Poison


Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 48
HP: 3525
MP: 900
Exp.: 1510
GP: 791
Stolen: Fenix Down
Obtained: Revivify
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Mt. Zozo
Lv.: 35
HP: 4771
MP: 590
Exp.: 2953
GP: 2500
Stolen: Muscle Belt, Potion
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ogre Nix
Weakness: Poison


Mag Roader (Brown)
Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 32
HP: 1380
MP: 70
Exp.: 647
GP: 284
Stolen: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
Obtained: Fire Skean
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld


Wild Rat
Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 12
HP: 160
MP: 0
Exp.: 135
GP: 135
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire


Gold Bear
Found: Figaro Cave (WoB)
Lv.: 13
HP: 275
MP: 0
Exp.: 160
GP: 185
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Obtained: Potion
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 52
HP: 6600
MP: 390
Exp.: 2400
GP: 1950
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 49
HP: 3815
MP: 9900
Exp.: 1698
GP: 826
Stolen: Fenix Down
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Safety Bit
Weakness: Pearl


Red Wolf
Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 32
HP: 1510
MP: 110
Exp.: 687
GP: 412
Stolen: Tonic (x2)
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Dried Meat (x4)


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 59
HP: 12280
MP: 100
Exp.: 3500
GP: 0
Morphed: Cursed Ring (x2), Thornlet, Relic Ring
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Found: Triangle Island (WoR)
Lv.: 43
HP: 3609
MP: 300
Exp.: 1385
GP: 826
Stolen: Hardened, Imperial
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Safety Bit
Absorb: Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Earth, Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 51
HP: 10000
MP: 300
Exp.: 2820
GP: 0
Stolen: Earrings
Morphed: Cursed Ring (x2), Thornlet, Relic Ring


Sky Base
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 52
HP: 6000
MP: 550
Exp.: 2300
GP: 670
Stolen: Flash
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 52
HP: 2000
MP: 800
Exp.: 2000
GP: 700
Stolen: AutoCrossbow
Morphed: MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail, Heavy Shld
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 39
HP: 7862
MP: 1550
Exp.: 3253
GP: 1995
Morphed: Gold Lance, Gold Shld, Gold Helmet, Gold Armor
Nullify: Poison, Wind, Earth
Weakness: Bolt, Pearl, Water


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 99
HP: 14001
MP: 11000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Minerva
Obtained: Minerva
Morphed: Imp's Armor, Titanium, TortoiseShld, Imp Halberd
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire


Whelk (Shell)
Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 4
HP: 50000
MP: 120
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Tincture (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt


Presenter (Shell)
Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 19
HP: 9230
MP: 1600
Exp.: 0
GP: 1000
Obtained: Dragon Claw (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice, Bolt, Water
Weakness: Fire


Mega Armor
Found: Imperial Base
Lv.: 21
HP: 1000
MP: 50
Exp.: 350
GP: 0
Stolen: Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Mt. Koltz
Lv.: 12
HP: 11600
MP: 2200
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Mithril Claw, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Figaro Cave (WoB)
Lv.: 16
HP: 1300
MP: 900
Exp.: 0
GP: 250
Stolen: Bio Blaster, Air Lancet
Obtained: Elixir (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 56
HP: 14500
MP: 2050
Exp.: 5200
GP: 1300
Stolen: Debilitator
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: Phantom Train
Lv.: 14
HP: 1900
MP: 350
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Tent (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Bolt, Pearl


Found: Zozo (WoB)
Lv.: 22
HP: 3270
MP: 1005
Exp.: 0
GP: 1210
Stolen: Sneak Ring, Jewel Ring
Obtained: ThiefKnife, Head Band
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 21
HP: 3000
MP: 500
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Nullify: Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 21
HP: 3300
MP: 600
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Nullify: Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water
Weakness: Ice


Number 024
Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 24
HP: 4777
MP: 777
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Drainer, Rune Edge
Obtained: Flame Sabre, Blizzard
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Number 128
Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 23
HP: 3276
MP: 810
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Tempest
Obtained: Tent (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 67
HP: 30800
MP: 9700
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ice Shld
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice


Crane (#1)
Found: Blackjack
Lv.: 23
HP: 1800
MP: 447
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: NoiseBlaster
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Water


Crane (#2)
Found: Blackjack
Lv.: 24
HP: 2300
MP: 447
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Debilitator, Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: N/A
Lv.: 14
HP: 1000
MP: 150
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire, Poison


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 33
HP: 17200
MP: 6990
Exp.: 0
GP: 10
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire, Poison


Guardian (Invincible)
Found: Vector, Imperial Base, Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 71
HP: 50000
MP: 5000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 67
HP: 60000
MP: 5200
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ribbon, Force Armor
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Air Force
Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 25
HP: 8000
MP: 750
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Obtained: Czarina Ring (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Tritoch (Unbeatable)
Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 19
HP: 12000
MP: 600
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Tritoch (#2, Unbeatable)
Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 19
HP: 12000
MP: 12000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 26
HP: 8400
MP: 480
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Flame Sabre
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Nullify: Bolt, Poison, Pearl, Earth
Weakness: Ice


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 37
HP: 24000
MP: 5000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ribbon, Elixir
Obtained: Elixir (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 26
HP: 2800
MP: 280
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Nullify: Poison, Wind, Earth, Water
Weakness: Ice, Bolt, Pearl


Found: Cave in The Veldt
Lv.: 43
HP: 19000
MP: 1600
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Murasame
Obtained: BehemothSuit (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire, Poison


Found: N/A
Lv.: 83
HP: 63001
MP: 60000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Tentacle (#1)
Found: Figaro Basement
Lv.: 31
HP: 7000
MP: 800
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 37
HP: 23450
MP: 1721
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Genji Glove, X-Potion
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Doom Gaze
Found: The Falcon
Lv.: 68
HP: 55555
MP: 38000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice, Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Chadarnook (Woman)
Found: Owzer's House
Lv.: 37
HP: 56000
MP: 9400
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Pearl, Water
Weakness: Fire


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 47
HP: 15000
MP: 2000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 47
HP: 10000
MP: 2000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice, Wind
Weakness: Fire


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 47
HP: 12500
MP: 2000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 53
HP: 23066
MP: 5066
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Memento Ring
Obtained: Pod Bracelet (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Pearl
Weakness: Ice


Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 43
HP: 25000
MP: 12500
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Thornlet, Warp Stone
Obtained: Warp Stone (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl, Earth


Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 61
HP: 37620
MP: 7400
Exp.: 0
GP: 30000
Stolen: Strato, Murasame
Obtained: Offering (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


L.30 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 54
HP: 3000
MP: 700
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Tincture
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Pearl
Weakness: Poison


Hidonite (#1)
Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Earth


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 73
HP: 63000
MP: 4800
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Safety Bit
Obtained: Sky Render (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice, Poison
Weakness: Pearl


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 68
HP: 44000
MP: 19000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Minerva
Obtained: Excalibur (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt, Pearl


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 67
HP: 58000
MP: 18900
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Red Jacket
Obtained: Aura Lance (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Wind
Weakness: Poison


Kefka (Final Battle)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 71
HP: 62000
MP: 38000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Megalixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Nullify: Poison


L.40 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 55
HP: 4000
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Tincture
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Bolt


Ultros (1st Fight)
Found: Lete River
Lv.: 13
HP: 3000
MP: 640
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt


Ultros (2nd Fight)
Found: Opera House
Lv.: 19
HP: 2550
MP: 500
Exp.: 0
GP: 2
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt


Ultros (3rd Fight)
Found: Esper Cave
Lv.: 25
HP: 22000
MP: 750
Exp.: 0
GP: 3
Stolen: White Cape
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt


Found: Blackjack
Lv.: 26
HP: 10000
MP: 40000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Dirk
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Phantom Train
Lv.: 7
HP: 100
MP: 5
Exp.: 0
GP: 1
Obtained: Green Cherry (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


L.10 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 48
HP: 1000
MP: 300
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Tincture
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


L.50 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 57
HP: 5000
MP: 2000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ether
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Remedy (x4)
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Whelk (Head)
Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 6
HP: 1600
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Potion (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Presenter (Head)
Found: Daryl's Tomb
Lv.: 31
HP: 9845
MP: 1600
Exp.: 0
GP: 1000
Obtained: Dragon Claw (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice, Bolt, Water
Nullify: Poison
Weakness: Fire


Found: N/A
Lv.: 73
HP: 18000
MP: 2000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Bandana (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Wind


Found: N/A
Lv.: 83
HP: 60001
MP: 60000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Master Pug
Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 73
HP: 22000
MP: 1200
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Megalixir, Elixir
Obtained: Graedus (x2)
Morph: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water


L.60 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 58
HP: 6000
MP: 5000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ether
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Safety Bit
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire


Found: South Figaro (WoB)
Lv.: 5
HP: 119
MP: 20
Exp.: 26
GP: 60
Stolen: Guardian, Plumed Hat
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


B.Day Suit
Found: South Figaro (WoB)
Lv.: 6
HP: 100
MP: 100
Exp.: 18
GP: 54
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Tentacle (#2)
Found: Figaro Basement
Lv.: 32
HP: 6000
MP: 700
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice, Water
Weakness: Fire


Tentacle (#3)
Found: Figaro Basement
Lv.: 33
HP: 5000
MP: 600
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt, Water


Tentacle (#4)
Found: Figaro Basement
Lv.: 34
HP: 4000
MP: 500
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Earth, Water


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 21
HP: 400
MP: 150
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Tincture
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice


Left Blade
Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 22
HP: 700
MP: 470
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Tincture
Obtained: Fenix Down
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 69
HP: 8000
MP: 770
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Flame Shld
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Ice


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 67
HP: 11000
MP: 2600
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Flame Shld
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire


L.70 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 56
HP: 7000
MP: 3000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ether
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Elixir
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 62
HP: 30000
MP: 50000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Nullify: Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water
Weakness: Fire


Laser Gun
Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 24
HP: 3300
MP: 335
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: X-Ether
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 25
HP: 420
MP: 285
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Amulet
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 25
HP: 3000
MP: 7000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Debilitator
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt, Water


Chadarnook (Monster)
Found: Owzer's House
Lv.: 41
HP: 30000
MP: 7600
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Ice Dragon
Found: Narshe (WoR)
Lv.: 74
HP: 24400
MP: 9000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Force Shld (x2)
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Absorb: Ice
Weakness: Fire


Kefka (1st Fight)
Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 18
HP: 3000
MP: 3000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir, Ether
Obtained: Peace Ring (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Storm Drgn
Found: Mt. Zozo
Lv.: 74
HP: 42000
MP: 1250
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Force Armor (x2)
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Absorb: Wind
Weakness: Bolt


Dirt Drgn
Found: Opera House
Lv.: 53
HP: 28500
MP: 16500
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: X-Potion
Obtained: Magus Rod (x2)
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Weakness: Wind, Water


Ipooh (#1)
Found: Mt. Koltz
Lv.: 11
HP: 360
MP: 60
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Potion (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire


Found: Doma Castle (WoB)
Lv.: 12
HP: 456
MP: 20
Exp.: 0
GP: 50
Obtained: Fenix Down, Black Belt
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Imperial Camp
Lv.: 12
HP: 100
MP: 10
Exp.: 0
GP: 48
Stolen: Tonic
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Gold Drgn
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 62
HP: 32400
MP: 4000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Crystal Orb (x2)
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Water


Skull Drgn
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 62
HP: 32800
MP: 1999
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Muscle Belt (x2)
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Blue Drgn
Found: Ancient Castle
Lv.: 65
HP: 26900
MP: 3800
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Scimitar (x2)
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Bolt


Red Dragon
Found: Phoenix Cave
Lv.: 67
HP: 30000
MP: 1780
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Strato (x2)
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Absorb: Fire
Weakness: Ice, Water


Found: Baren Falls
Lv.: 9
HP: 10
MP: 60
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Baren Falls
Lv.: 13
HP: 775
MP: 39
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Remedy (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Phantom Train
Lv.: 19
HP: 1500
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Obtained: Hyper Wrist (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Short Arm (1st Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 73
HP: 27000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Water


Long Arm (1st Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 73
HP: 33000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Wind


Face (1st Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 74
HP: 30000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Nullify: Earth
Weakness: Fire


Tiger (2nd Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 70
HP: 30000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Earth
Weakness: Ice


Tools (2nd Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 73
HP: 24000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Bolt


Magic (2nd Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 72
HP: 41000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Earth


Hit (2nd Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 73
HP: 28000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Elixir
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Girl (3rd Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 58
HP: 9999
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ragnarok
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water
Weakness: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water


Sleep (3rd Tier)
Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 71
HP: 40000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Atma Weapon
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Hidonite (#2)
Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Water


Hidonite (#3)
Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison
Weakness: Fire, Pearl


Hidonite (#4)
Found: Ebot's Rock
Lv.: 43
HP: 3500
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water


L.80 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 53
HP: 8000
MP: 2800
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ether
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Ribbon
Weakness: Poison


L.90 Magic
Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 55
HP: 9000
MP: 9000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Ether
Obtained: Tincture
Morphed: Tonic (x3), Safety Bit
Absorb: Wind
Nullify: Pearl, Earth, Water


Found: Magitek Factory
Lv.: 19
HP: 670
MP: 125
Exp.: 499
GP: 296
Stolen: Mithril Mail, Potion
Obtained: Bio Blaster
Morphed: Crystal, Crystal Shld, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail
Weakness: Bolt


Found: Fanatic's Tower
Lv.: 68
HP: 50000
MP: 50000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Crystal Orb, Elixir
Obtained: Megalixir (x2)
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Cyan's Soul
Lv.: 41
HP: 3066
MP: 566
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Fire, Pearl
Weakness: Ice


Ultros (4th Fight)
Found: Blackjack
Lv.: 26
HP: 17000
MP: 8000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Dried Meat
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Water
Weakness: Fire, Poison


Found: The Floating Continent
Lv.: 24
HP: 3000
MP: 195
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Nullify: Poison, Wind, Earth, Water
Weakness: Fire, Bolt, Pearl


Phunbaba (1st Fight)
Found: Mobliz (WoR)
Lv.: 26
HP: 60000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Poison


Phunbaba (2nd Fight)
Found: Mobliz (WoR)
Lv.: 31
HP: 28000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Poison


Phunbaba (3rd Fight)
Found: Mobliz (WoR)
Lv.: 31
HP: 26000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Poison


Phunbaba (4th Fight)
Found: Mobliz (WoR)
Lv.: 31
HP: 26000
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Bolt
Weakness: Poison


Found: N/A
Lv.: 5
HP: 35
MP: 0
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Star Pendant, Fenix Down
Obtained: Remedy
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: N/A
Lv.: 11
HP: 1001
MP: 0
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Lv.: 11
HP: 1001
MP: 0
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Zone Eater
Found: Triangle Island (WoR)
Lv.: 61
HP: 7700
MP: 57000
Exp.: 2000
GP: 2000
Stolen: Warp Stone
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Ice
Nullify: Fire, Bolt, Poison, Wind, Earth, Water
Weakness: Pearl


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1001
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Kefka (Leo Fight)
Found: Thamasa (WoB)
Lv.: 1
HP: 5001
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: South Figaro (WoB)
Lv.: 7
HP: 102
MP: 25
Exp.: 33
GP: 66
Stolen: Potion, Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: Imperial Camp
Lv.: 13
HP: 380
MP: 48
Exp.: 0
GP: 144
Stolen: Tonic
Obtained: Tonic
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Weakness: Poison


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Narshe (WoB)
Lv.: 2
HP: 1
MP: 50
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: N/A
Lv.: 2
HP: 50001
MP: 10000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: Kefka's Tower
Lv.: 67
HP: 55000
MP: 19000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Stolen: Crystal Orb, Drainer
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft
Absorb: Poison, Wind, Pearl, Earth, Water


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1
MP: 1000
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


Found: N/A
Lv.: 1
HP: 1
MP: 0
Exp.: 0
GP: 0
Morphed: Antidote, Green Cherry, Eyedrop, Soft


XVI. Colosseum

In this section, I will list information regarding the Colosseum, which is
located in the World of Ruin. To get there, go north of Figaro Castle when it
is surfaced near Kohlingen. The building that looks like the Opera House is
the Colosseum. Inside, you can go up to the north and speak with the man. He
will ask you if you would like to battle. Say yes. You now have to bet a
certain item. You will fight a certain enemy and obtain a certain item from it,
if you win. Take note that you can NOT control the character on your own. You
will get to choose which of the four party members gets to battle, then the
battle begins as you watch the fight commence. Take note that Chupon, the
most common Colosseum enemy ever, WILL use Sneeze quite often, but it IS indeed
possible to defeat it. 

Below is a chart that tells you all of the items you can bet, along with what
enemy you battle and what you obtain from the enemy. All credit goes to Atom
Edge for his Item FAQ which contains information about everything for the


/               |         |              \
|               |         |              |
|    ITEM       |  ENEMY  |   OBTAINED   |
|Antidote       | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Dried Meat     | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Echo Screen    | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Elixir         | Cactrot |  Rename Card |
|Ether          | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Eyedrop        | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Fenix Down     | Cactrot |   Magicite   |
|Green Cherry   | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Magicite       | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Megalixir      |Siegfried|  Tintinabar  |
|Potion         | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Remedy         | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Rename Card    |Doom Drgn| Marvel Shoes |
|Revivify       | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Sleeping Bag   | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Smoke Bomb     | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Soft           | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Super Ball     | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Tent           | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Tincture       | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Tonic          | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|X-Ether        | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|X-Potion       | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Warp Stone     | Chupon  |    Elixir    |


/               |         |              \
|               |         |              |
|     DIRK      |  ENEMY  |   OBTAINED   |
|Air Lancet     | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Assassin       |TestRider| SwordBreaker |
|Blossom        | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Dirk           | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Graedus        | Karkass |     Dirk     |
|Guardian       | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Hardened       |  Phase  |   Murasame   |
|Imperial       | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Kodachi        | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Man Eater      | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|MithrilKnife   | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Striker        | Shadow* |   Striker    |
|Stunner        |TestRider|    Strato    |
|SwordBreaker   | Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|ThiefKnife     |Wart Puck|  ThiefGlove  |
|ValiantKnife   | Woolly  |   Assassin   |

* - If you did not save Shadow in the Floating Continent, or have not yet
    rescued him from the Behemoth's, you will fight Chupon instead of Shadow.


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|    SWORD       |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|AtmaWeapon      |GtBehemoth|   Graedus    |
|Blizzard        | Scullion |   Ogre Nix   |
|Break Blade     |Lethal Wpn|  Break Blade |
|Crystal         | Borras   |   Enhancer   |
|Drainer         |  Enuo    |   Drainer    |
|Enhancer        | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Epee            | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Excalibur       | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Falchion        | Outsider |  Flame Shld  |
|Flame Sabre     |Evil Oscar|   Ogre Nix   |
|Illumina        | Scullion |   Scimitar   |
|MithrilBlade    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Ogre Nix        |SrBehemoth|  Soul Sabre  |
|Ragnarok        | Didalos  |   Illumina   |
|RegalCutlass    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Rune Edge       | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Scimitar        | Covert   |   Ogre Nix   |
|Soul Sabre      | Opinicus |   Falchion   |
|ThunderBlade    |Steroidite|   Ogre Nix   |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|    LANCE       |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Ashura          | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Aura            |  Rhyos   |    Strato    |
|Forged          | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Kotetsu         | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Murasame        | Borras   |     Aura     |
|Strato          | Aquila   | Pearl Lance  |
|Sky Render      | Scullion |  Aura Lance  |
|Tempest         | Chupon   |   Elixir     |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|      ROD       |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Fire Rod        | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Gravity Rod     | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Heal Rod        |  Pug     |   Magus Rod  |
|Ice Rod         | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Magus Rod       |Allosaurus|    Strato    |
|Mithril Rod     | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Pearl Rod       | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Poison Rod      | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Punisher        | Opinicus |  Gravity Rod |
|Thunder Rod     | Chupon   |    Elixir    |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|    BRUSH       |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Chocobo Brsh    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|DaVinci Brsh    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Magical Brsh    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Rainbow Brsh    |Test Rider|  Gravity Rod |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|     STAR       |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Ninja Star      |Chaos Drgn|   Tack Star  |
|Shuriken        | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Tack Star       | Opinicus |  Rising Sun  |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|Bone Club       |Test Rider|  Red Jacket  |
|Boomerang       | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Flail           | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Full Moon       | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Hawk Eye        | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Morning Star    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Rising Sun      |Allosaurus|   Bone Club  |
|Sniper          | Borras   |   Bone Club  |
|Wing Edge       |  Rhyos   |    Sniper    |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|   GAMBLING     |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Cards           | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Darts           | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Dice            | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Doom Darts      | Opinicus |   Bone Club  |
|Fixed Dice      | Trixter  | Fire Knuckle |
|Trump           |Allosaurus|     Trump    |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|     CLAW       |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Dragon Claw     |Test Rider|    Sniper    |
|Fire Knuckle    |TumbleWeed| Fire Knuckle |
|Kaiser          | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|MetalKnuckle    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Mithril Claw    | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Poison Claw     | Chupon   |    Elixir    |
|Tiger Fangs     | Mantodea | Fire Knuckle |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|    SHIELD      |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Aegis Shld      |  Borras  | TortoiseShld |
|Buckler         |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Crystal Shld    |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Cursed Shld     |  Didalos | Cursed Ring  |
|Diamond Shld    |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Flame Shld      |IronHitman|   Ice Shld   |
|Force Shld      |Dark Force|   Thornlet   |
|Genji Shld      | Retainer | Thunder Shld |
|Gold Shld       |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Heavy Shld      |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Ice Shld        |  Innoc   |  Flame Shld  |
|Mithril Shld    |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Paladin Shld    |Hemophyte |   Force Shld |
|Thunder Shld    | Outsider |   Genji Shld |
|TortoiseShld    |Steroidite|   Titanium   |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|    HELMET      |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Leather Hat     |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Hair Band       |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Plumed Hat      |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Beret           |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Magus Hat       |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Bandana         |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Iron Helmet     |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Coronet         |Evil Oscar|  Regal Crown |
|Bard's Hat      |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Green Beret     |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Head Band       |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Mithril Helm    |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Tiara           |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Gold Helmet     |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Tiger Mask      |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Red Cap         |  Rhyos   |    Coronet   |
|Mystery Veil    |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Circlet         |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Regal Crown     | Opinicus | Genji Helmet |
|Diamond Helmet  |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Dark Hood       |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Crystal Helm    |  Dueller | Diamond Helm |
|Oath Veil       |  Chupon  |    Elixir    |
|Cat Hood        |  Hoover  |  Merit Award |
|Genji Helmet    |  Fortis  | Crystal Helm |
|Thornlet        | Opinicus | Mirage Vest  |
|Titanium        |Brachosaur|   Cat Hood   |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|     ARMOR      |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|BehemothSuit    | Outsider | Snow Muffler |
|Chocobo Suit    | Veteran  | Moogle Suit  |
|Cotton Robe     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Crystal Mail    | Covert   |  Ice Shld    |
|Czarina Gown    | Sky Base |   Minerva    |
|Dark Gear       | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|DiamondArmor    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Diamond Vest    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Force Armor     |SrBehemoth|  Force Armor |
|Gaia Gear       | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Genji Armor     | Borras   |  Air Anchor  |
|Gold Armor      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Imp's Armor     |  Rhyos   | TortoiseShld |
|Iron Armor      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Kung Fu Suit    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|LeatherArmor    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Light Robe      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Minerva         |   Pug    | Czarina Gown |
|Mirage Vest     |Vectagoyle|  Red Jacket  |
|Mithril Mail    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Mithril Vest    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Moogle Suit     |  Madam   |  Nutkin Suit |
|Ninja Gear      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Nutkin Suit     | Opinicus | Genji Armor  |
|Power Sash      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Red Jacket      |Vectagoyle|  Red Jacket  |
|Silk Robe       | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Snow Muffler    | Retainer | Charm Bangle |
|Tabby Suit      | Vectuar  | Chocobo Suit |
|Tao Robe        |Test Rider|   Tao Robe   |
|White Dress     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|      TOOL      |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Air Anchor      | Brontuar | Zephyr Cape  |
|AutoCrossbow    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Bio Blaster     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Chain Saw       | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Debilitator     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Drill           | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|NoiseBlaster    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Flash           | Chupon   |   Elixir     |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|     SKEAN      |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Bolt Edge      | Chupon    |   Elixir     |
|Fire Skean     | Chupon    |   Elixir     |
|Inviz Edge     | Chupon    |   Elixir     |
|Shadow Edge    | Chupon    |   Elixir     |
|Water Edge     | Chupon    |   Elixir     |


 /               |          |             \
|                |          |              |
|     RELIC      |  ENEMY   |   OBTAINED   |
|Amulet          | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Atlas Armlet    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Back Guard      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Barrier Ring    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Beads           | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Black Belt      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Blizzard Orb    |Allosaurus|  Rage Ring   |
|Charm Bangle    | Retainer | Dragon Horn  |
|Cherub Down     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Coin Toss       | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Crystal Orb     | Borras   | Gold Hairpin |
|Cure Ring       | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Cursed Ring     |Steroidite|  Air Anchor  |
|Czarina Ring    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Dragon Horn     | Rhyos    | Gold Hairpin |
|DragonBoots     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Earrings        | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Economizer      |Vectagoyle| Dragon Horn  |
|Exp. Egg        |Steroidite|  Tintinabar  |
|Fairy Ring      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|FakeMustache    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Gale Hairpin    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Gauntlet        |Vectagoyle| Thunder Shld |
|Gem Box         |SrBehemoth|  Economizer  |
|Genji Glove     |Hemophyte | Thunder Shld |
|Goggles         | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Gold Hairpin    |Evil Oscar| Dragon Horn  |
|Guard Ring      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Hero Ring       | Rhyos    | Pod Bracelet |
|Hyper Wrist     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Jewel Ring      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Marvel Shoes    |Tyranosaur|  Tintinabar  |
|Memento Ring    | Chupon   | Memento Ring |
|Merit Award     | Covert   | Rename Card  |
|MithrilGlove    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Moogle Charm    | Outsider | Charm Bangle |
|Muscle Belt     |Allosaurus| Crystal Orb  |
|Offering        | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Peace Ring      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Pod Bracelet    |Hemophyte |  Hero Ring   |
|Rage Ring       |Allosaurus| Blizzard Orb |
|Relic Ring      | Sky Base | Charm Bangle |
|Ribbon          |Dark Force| Gold Hairpin |
|RunningShoes    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Safety Bit      |   Pug    | Dragon Horn  |
|Sneak Ring      |Tap Dancer| Thief Glove  |
|Sniper Sight    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Sprint Shoes    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Star Pendant    | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Thief Glove     |  Harpy   |    Dirk      |
|Tintinabar      |Dark Force|  Exp. Egg    |
|True Knight     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Wall Ring       | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|White Cape      | Chupon   |   Elixir     |
|Zephyr Cape     | Chupon   |   Elixir     |



XVII. Shops

NOTE: Each shop is listed in alphabetical order, so take note of that.

In this section, I will list every shop in the game, with information on how
much each item costs in each shop and such. All credit goes to Atom Edge's
Item FAQ for listing the information on each and every shop in the game.

World of Balance Shops




Forged - 1200GP
Poison Claw - 2500GP
Epee - 3000GP
Blossom - 3200GP
Shuriken - 30GP
Fire Skean - 500GP
Water Edge - 500GP
Bolt Edge - 400GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Eyedrop - 50GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Revivify - 300GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP
Warp Stone - 700GP



Head Band - 1600GP
Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Mithril Vest - 1200GP
Ninja Gear - 1100GP
White Dress - 2200GP



Goggles - 500GP
Peace Ring - 3000GP
Earrings - 5000GP
Sniper Sight - 3000GP
Wall Ring - 6000GP
Amulet - 5000GP





Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Smoke Bomb - 300GP
Warp Stone - 700GP
Tent - 1200GP


Figaro Castle



AutoCrossbow - 250GP
NoiseBlaster - 500GP
Bio Blaster - 750GP
Flash - 1000GP
Drill - 3000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Antidote - 50GP
Eyedrop - 50GP
Soft - 200GP
Tent - 1200GP



AutoCrossbow - 125GP
NoiseBlaster - 250GP
Bio Blaster - 375GP
Flash - 500GP
Drill - 1500GP



Potion - 150GP
Tincture - 750GP
Fenix Down - 250GP
Revivify - 150GP
Antidote - 25GP
Eyedrop - 25GP
Soft - 100GP
Tent - 600GP


* - Must have Edgar as leader of the party.




Forged - 1200GP
Kaiser - 1000
Kodachi - 1200GP
Full Moon - 2500GP
Fire Skean - 500GP
Water Edge - 500GP
Bolt Edge - 500GP
Shadow Edge - 400GP



Mithril Shld - 1200GP
Head Band - 1600GP
Mithril Vest - 1200GP
Ninja Gear - 1100GP
White Dress - 2200GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Antidote - 50GP
Soft - 200GP
Revivify - 300GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Tent - 1200GP



Peace Ring - 3000GP
Barrier Ring - 500GP
MithrilGlove - 700GP
Earrings - 5000GP
True Knight - 1000GP
Sniper Sight - 3000GP





Air Lancet - 950GP
Flail - 2000GP
Full Moon - 2500GP
Shuriken - 30GP
Fire Skean - 500GP
Water Edge - 500GP
Bolt Edge - 500GP
Inviz Edge - 200GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Antidote - 30GP
Green Cherry - 150GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Mithril Shld - 1200GP
Magus Hat - 600GP
Bandana - 800GP
Head Band - 1600GP
Iron Helmet - 1000GP
Silk Robe - 600GP
Iron Armor - 700GP





Mithril Pike - 800GP
Trident - 1700GP
Poison Claw - 2500GP
Epee - 3000GP
Boomerang - 4500GP



Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Green Beret - 3000GP
Mithril Helm - 2000GP
Mithril Vest - 1200GP
Mithril Mail - 3500GP


Merchant Outside Gau's Father's House



Tonic - 50GP
Fenix Down - 5000GP
Tent - 1200GP
Plumed Hat - 250GP
Shuriken - 30GP
Inviz Edge - 200GP
Shadow Edge - 400GP
Sprint Shoes - 1500GP


Merchant on Phantom Train



Tonic - 50GP
Potion - 300GP
Antidote - 50GP
Green Cherry - 150GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Shuriken - 30GP





MithrilKnife - 300GP
MithrilBlade - 450GP
Mithril Claw - 800GP
Kotetsu - 800GP



Dried Meat - 150GP
Tonic - 50GP
Potion - 300GP
Eyedrop - 50GP
Green Cherry - 150GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Buckler - 200GP
Heavy Shld - 400GP
Plumed Hat - 250GP
Magus Hat - 600GP
Bandana - 800GP
Iron Helmet - 1000GP
Kung Fu Suit - 250GP
Iron Armor - 700GP



Sprint Shoes - 1500GP
White Cape - 5000GP


Narshe (before obtaining the Airship)



RegalCutlass - 800GP
Mithril Claw - 800GP
Kotetsu - 800GP
MithrilPike - 800GP
Air Lancet - 950GP
Flail - 2000GP
Full Moon - 2500GP



Tonic - 50GP
Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Soft - 200GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Smoke Bomb - 300GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Mithril Shld - 1200GP
Magus Hat - 600GP
Bandana - 800GP
Iron Helmet - 1000GP
Silk Robe - 600GP
Iron Armor - 700GP



Sprint Shoes - 1500GP
Jewel Ring - 1000GP
Fairy Ring - 1500GP
Barrier Ring - 500GP
MithrilGlove - 700GP
True Knight - 1000GP


Narshe (after acquiring the Airship)



Poison Rod - 1500GP
Trident - 1700GP
Boomerang - 4500GP
Morning Star - 5000GP
Hawk Eye - 6000GP
Blossom - 3200GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Green Cherry - 150GP
Tent - 1200GP
Fire Skean - 500GP
Water Edge - 500GP
Bolt Edge - 500GP



Gold Shld - 2500GP
Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Green Beret - 3000GP
Mithril Helm - 2000GP
Tiara - 3000GP
Gold Helmet - 4000GP
Mithril Mail - 3500GP
Power Sash - 5000GP



Earrings - 5000GP
Sniper Sight - 3000GP
RunningShoes - 7000GP
Wall Ring - 6000GP
Black Belt - 5000GP





Mithril Claw - 800GP
Kotetsu - 800GP
Mithril Pike - 800GP



Tonic - 50GP
Potion - 300GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Smoke Bomb - 300GP
Green Cherry - 150GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Heavy Shld - 400GP
Plumed Hat - 250GP
Magus Hat - 600GP
Bandana - 800GP
Iron Helmet - 1000GP
Kung Fu Suit - 250GP
Silk Robe - 600GP
Iron Armor - 700GP



Goggles - 500GP
Star Pendant - 500GP
White Cap - 5000GP
Fairy Ring - 1500GP


Returner's Hideout



Eyedrop - 50GP
Tonic - 50GP
Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP
Sprint Shoes - 1500GP


South Figaro



Dirk - 150GP
MithrilKnife - 300GP
MithrilBlade - 450GP
RegalCutlass - 800GP
NoiseBlaster - 500GP
Bio Blaster - 750GP



Tonic - 50GP
Antidote - 50GP
Soft - 200GP
Eyedrop - 50GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Buckler - 200GP
Heavy Shld - 400GP
Hair Band - 150GP
Plumed Hat - 250GP
Cotton Robe - 200GP
Kung Fu Suit - 250GP



Sprint Shoes - 1500GP
Goggles - 500GP
Star Pendant - 500GP
Jewel Ring - 1000GP
True Knight - 1000GP





Mithril Rod - 500GP
Fire Rod - 3000GP
Ice Rod - 3000GP
Thunder Rod - 3000GP
Morning Star - 5000GP
Hawk Eye - 6000GP
Stout Spear - 10000GP
Darts - 10000GP



Tonic - 50GP
Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Warp Stone - 700GP
Revivify - 300GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Gold Shld - 2500GP
Tiger Mask - 2500GP
Tiara - 3000GP
Gold Helmet - 4000GP
Mystery Veil - 5500GP
Power Sash - 5000GP
Gaia Gear - 6000GP
Gold Armor - 10000GP



Earrings - 5000GP
Sniper Sight - 3000GP
RunningShoes - 7000GP
Wall Ring - 6000GP
Black Belt - 5000GP
DragoonBoots - 9000GP
Sprint Shoes - 1500GP





Air Lancet - 950GP
Full Moon - 2500GP
Epee - 3000GP
Boomerang - 4500GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Eyedrop - 50GP
Green Cherry - 150GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Revivify - 300GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Mithril Helm - 2000GP
Mithril Vest - 1200GP
Ninja Gear - 1100GP
White Dress - 2200GP



Earrings - 5000GP
RunningShoes - 7000GP
Black Belt - 5000GP
Amulet - 5000GP





Forged - 1200GP
Poison Claw - 2500GP
Epee - 3000GP
Blossom - 3200GP



Head Band - 1600GP
Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Mithril Vest - 1200GP
Ninja Gear - 1100GP
White Dress - 2200GP


World of Ruin Shops




Flame Sabre - 7000GP
Blizzard - 7000GP
ThunderBlade - 7000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Smoke Bomb - 300GP
Warp Stone - 700GP



Gold Shld - 2500GP
Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Green Beret - 3000GP
Gold Helmet - 4000GP
Gold Armor - 10000GP



Sprint Shoes - 1500GP
Atlas Armlet - 5000GP
Earrings - 5000GP
Barrier Ring - 500GP
MithrilGlove - 700GP
True Knight - 1000GP
Wall Ring - 6000GP
Jewel Ring - 1000GP


Figaro Castle



AutoCrossbow - 250GP
NoiseBlaster - 500GP
Bio Blaster - 750GP
Flash - 1000GP
Debilitator - 5000GP
Drill - 3000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Antidote - 50GP
Eyedrop - 50GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Tent - 1200GP



AutoCrossbow - 125GP
NoiseBlaster - 250GP
Bio Blaster - 375GP
Flash - 500GP
Debilitator - 2500GP
Drill - 1500GP



Potion - 150GP
Tincture - 750GP
Antidote - 25GP
Eyedrop - 25GP
Echo Screen - 60GP
Fenix Down - 250GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Tent - 600GP


* - Must have Edgar as the leader in your party.




Man Eater - 11000GP
Partisan - 13000GP
Crystal - 15000GP
Sniper - 15000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Warp Stone - 700GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Circlet - 7000GP
Dark Hood - 7500GP
Crystal Helm - 10000GP
Dark Gear - 13000GP



Czarina Ring - 3000GP
Guard Ring - 5000GP
Atlas Armlet - 5000GP
Cherub Down - 6300GP





Darts - 10000GP
Dice - 5000GP
Trump - 13000GP
Enhancer - 10000GP
Gold Lance - 12000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Antidote - 50GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Diamond Shld - 3500GP
Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Green Beret - 3000GP
Diamond Helm - 8000GP
Diamond Vest - 12000GP
DiamondArmor - 15000GP





Gravity Rod - 13000GP
SwordBreaker - 16000GP
Falchion - 17000GP
Fire Skean - 500GP
Water Edge - 500GP
Bolt Edge - 500GP
Inviz Edge - 200GP
Shadow Edge - 400GP



Crystal Shld - 7000GP
Crystal Helm - 10000GP
Oath Veil - 9000GP
Dark Gear - 13000GP
Tao Robe - 13000GP
Crystal Mail - 17000GP





Rune Edge - 7500GP
Flame Sabre - 7000GP
Blizzard - 7000GP
ThunderBlade - 7000GP
Enhancer - 10000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Soft - 200GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 12000GP



Diamond Shld - 3500GP
Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Green Beret - 3000GP
Diamond Helm - 8000GP
Gaia Gear - 6000GP
Power Sash - 5000GP
Diamond Vest - 12000GP



White Cape - 5000GP
Cure Ring - 8000GP
Zephyr Cape - 7000GP
Gale Hairpin - 8000GP
Hyper Wrist - 8000GP
Beads - 4000GP
Amulet - 3000GP
Czarina Ring - 3000GP


South Figaro



Trident - 1700GP
Stout Spear - 10000GP
Enhancer - 10000GP
Gold Lance - 12000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Eyedrop - 50GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Tent - 1200GP



Diamond Shld - 3500GP
Bard's Hat - 3000GP
Green Beret - 3000GP
Diamond Helm - 8000GP
Gaia Gear - 6000GP
Diamond Vest - 12000GP
DiamondArmor - 15000GP



Goggles - 500GP
Star Pendant - 500GP
Fairy Ring - 1500GP
Amulet - 5000GP
RunningShoes - 7000GP
Wall Ring - 6000GP
Cure Ring - 8000GP
Czarina Ring - 3000GP





DaVinci Brsh - 7000GP
Gravity Rod - 13000GP
Pearl Rod - 12000GP
Trump - 13000GP
Gold Lance - 12000GP
Man Eater - 11000GP
Shuriken - 30GP
Ninja Star - 500GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Revivify - 300GP
Remedy - 1000GP
Smoke Bomb - 300GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Tent - 1200GP



Mystery Veil - 5500GP
Circlet - 7000GP
Dark Hood - 7500GP
Light Robe - 11000GP
Diamond Vest - 12000GP



Barrier Ring - 500GP
Fairy Ring - 1500GP
Wall Ring - 6000GP
Jewel Ring - 1000GP
Czarina Ring - 3000GP
Guard Ring - 5000GP
Peace Ring - 3000GP
Cure Ring - 8000GP





Kaiser - 1000GP
Poison Claw - 2500GP
Flame Sabre - 7000GP
Blizzard - 7000GP
ThunderBlade - 7000GP
FireKnuckle - 10000GP



Potion - 300GP
Tincture - 1500GP
Green Cherry - 150GP
Fenix Down - 500GP
Echo Screen - 120GP
Revivify - 300GP
Sleeping Bag - 500GP
Super Ball - 10000GP



Gold Shld - 2500GP
Beret - 3500GP
Tiger Mask - 2500GP
Gold Helmet - 4000GP
Power Sash - 5000GP
Gold Armor - 10000GP



DragoonBoots - 9000GP
Sneak Ring - 3000GP
Black Belt - 5000GP
Back Guard - 7000GP
Sniper Sight - 3000GP
Peace Ring - 3000GP
Jewel Ring - 1000GP
Amulet - 5000GP



XVIII. Espers

In this section, I will list information regarding all of the Espers in this
game. To equip an Esper, press X while anywhere except a battle to bring up
the menu screen. Select "Skills", then select a party member. From there,
select "Espers", and a list of Espers you've obtained throughout the game
will appear. Put your cursor over an Esper, then press A to bring up the list
of spells you learn from that Esper, along with all of the Learn Rates for
each spell, and stat bonuses. To unequip an Esper, go to the Esper List and
select a blank spot. Only one person can have that Esper equipped at a time.
To use an Esper in battle, go to your Spells list, and press Up. Select the
Esper to do a certain spell to the enemy(s). Below is a list of each Esper
in the game, along with information about what they do and such.


Description: Lightning-elemental attack. Attacks all enemies for lightning
             based damage.
Ability: Bolt Fist
MP Cost: 25
Spells Learned:

Bolt - Learn Rate x10
Bolt 2 - Learn Rate x5
Poison - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: Stamina +1


Description: Gradually recovers HP. Casts Regen on all allies.
Ability: Life Guard
MP Cost: 18
Spells Learned:

Cure - Learn Rate x5
Cure 2 - Learn Rate x1
Regen - Learn Rate x3
Antdot - Learn Rate x4
Scan - Learn Rate x5

At level up...: N/A


Description: Silences enemies. Casts Mute on all enemies.
Ability: Hope Song
MP Cost: 16
Spells Learned:

Sleep - Learn Rate x10
Mute - Learn Rate x8
Slow - Learn Rate x7
Fire - Learn Rate x6

At level up...: HP + 10%


Description: Confuses enemies. Casts Muddle on all enemies.
Ability: Cat Rain
MP Cost: 28
Spells Learned:

Muddle - Learn Rate x7
Imp - Learn Rate x5
Float - Learn Rate x2

At level up...: MagPow +1


Description: Fire-elemental attack. Attavcks all enemies for fire-based damage.
Ability: Inferno
MP Cost: 26
Spells Learned:

Fire - Learn Rate x10
Fire 2 - Learn Rate x5
Drain - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: Vigor +1


Description: Ice-elemental attack. Attacks all enemies for ice-based damage.
Ability: Gem Dust
MP Cost: 27
Spells Learned:

Ice - Learn Rate x10
Ice 2 - Learn Rate x5
Rasp - Learn Rate x4
Osmose - Learn Rate x4
Cure - Learn Rate x3

At level up...: N/A


Description: Casts Remedy on the party. Removes negative status effects from
             all allies.
Ability: Heal Horn
MP Cost: 30
Spells Learned:

Cure 2 - Learn Rate x4
Remedy - Learn Rate x3
Dispel - Learn Rate x2
Safe - Learn Rate x1
Shell - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: N/A


Description: Non-elemental attack. Attacks all enemies.
Ability: Chaos Wing
MP Cost: 44
Spells Learned:

Fire 2 - Learn Rate x3
Ice 2 - Learn Rate x3
Bolt 2 - Learn Rate x3

At level up...: MagPow +1


Description: Petrifies enemies. Causes all enemies to become petrified.
Ability: Demon Eye
MP Cost: 45
Spells Learned:

Bio - Learn Rate x8
Break - Learn Rate x5
Doom - Learn Rate x2

At level up...: HP + 10%


Description: Makes the party invisible. Casts Vanish on the entire party.
Ability: Fader
MP Cost: 38
Spells Learned:

Bserk - Learn Rate x3
Vanish - Learn Rate x3
Demi - Learn Rate x5

At level up...: N/A


Description: Casts Rflect on the entire party.
Ability: Ruby Power
MP Cost: 36
Spells Learned:

Rflect - Learn Rate x5
Haste - Learn Rate x3
Shell - Learn Rate x2
Safe - Learn Rate x2
Warp - Learn Rate x2

At level up...: N/A


Description: Water-elemental attack. Attacks all enemies for water-elemental
Ability: Sea Song
MP Cost: 50
Spells Learned:

Fire - Learn Rate x20
Ice - Learn Rate x20
Bolt - Learn Rate x20
Life - Learn Rate x2

At level up...: Vigor +2


Description: Protects the party. Protects the party from damage of all physical
             attacks equal of the HP of the caster.
Ability: Earth Wall
MP Cost: 33
Spells Learned:

Safe - Learn Rate x5
Stop - Learn Rate x5
Cure 2 - Learn Rate x5

At level up...: Stamina +2


Description: Casts Shell on party.
Ability: Wall
MP Cost: 30
Spells Learned:

Rasp - Learn Rate x20
Osmose - Learn Rate x15
Shell - Learn Rate x5

At level up...: MagPow +2


Description: Recovers HP.
Ability: Reviver
MP Cost: 40
Spells Learned:

Life - Learn Rate x5
Cure 2 - Learn Rate x8
Cure - Learn Rate x20
Regen - Learn Rate x10
Remedy - Learn Rate x4

At level up...: N/A


Description: Causes party members to use a Jump attack.
Ability: Sonic Dive
MP Cost: 61
Spells Learned:

Haste - Learn Rate x20
Slow - Learn Rate x20
Haste2 - Learn Rate x2
Slow 2 - Learn Rate x2
Float - Learn Rate x5

At level up...: N/A


Description: Makes multiple images of the party.
Ability: Moon Song
MP Cost: 70
Spells Learned:

Warp - Learn Rate x10
X-Zone - Learn Rate x5
Stop - Learn Rate x3

At level up...: MP + 30%


Description: Attacks with Fire/Ice/Lightning-based damage.
Ability: Tri-Dazer
MP Cost: 68
Spells Learned:

Fire 3 - Learn Rate x1
Ice 3 - Learn Rate x1
Bolt 3 - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: MagPow +2


Description: Earth-elemental attack. Attacks all enemies with earth-based
Ability: Earth Aura
MP Cost: 40
Spells Learned:

Quake - Learn Rate x3
Quartr - Learn Rate x1
W Wind - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: HP + 30%


Description: Recovers all of the party's HP.
Ability: Group Hug
MP Cost: 74
Spells Learned:

Cure - Learn Rate x25
Cure 2 - Learn Rate x16
Cure 3 - Learn Rate x1
Regen - Learn Rate x20
Remedy - Learn Rate x20

At level up...: Stamina +2


Description: Mystic purity attack. Attacks all enemies with Pearl-based damage.
Ability: Justice
MP Cost: 90
Spells Learned:

Pearl - Learn Rate x2
Shell - Learn Rate x10
Safe - Learn Rate x10
Dispel - Learn Rate x10
Remedy - Learn Rate x15

At level up...: N/A


Description: Recovers battle status. Revives all dead allies.
Ability: Rebirth
MP Cost: 110
Spells Learned:

Life - Learn Rate x10
Life 2 - Learn Rate x2
Life 3 - Learn Rate x1
Cure 3 - Learn Rate x2
Fire 3 - Learn Rate x3

At level up...: N/A


Description: Slices through enemies. Instantly dispatches all enemies.
Ability: Atom Edge
MP Cost: 70
Spells Learned:

Meteor - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: Speed +1


Description: Attacks all enemies for non-elemental damage which ignores enemy
Ability: Sun Flare
MP Cost: 86
Spells Learned:

Flare - Learn Rate x2

At level up...: HP + 50%


Description: Turns an enemy into an item.
Ability: Metamorph
MP Cost: 6
Spells Learned:

Ultima - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: N/A


Description: Attack harms you and the enemy.
Ability: Purifier
MP Cost: 96
Spells Learned:

Merton - Learn Rate x1
Meteor - Learn Rate x10

At level up...: MP + 50%


Description: Slices through enemies. Instantly dispatches all enemies.
Ability: True Edge
MP Cost: 80
Spells Learned:

Quick - Learn Rate x1

At level up...: Vigor +2


XIX. SwdTechs

SwdTechs can only be used by Cyan or Gogo, and Cyan learns SwdTechs as he
levels up. However, to learn all of his SwdTechs at once, you must complete the
"Cyan's Soul" side quest, mentioned in the Side Quests section of this guide.
They are techniques that Cyan can use with his sword to slice enemies, or do
other effects to enemies/bosses. In order to perform a SwdTech, select the
option in-battle, then a gauge with the numbers 1 through 8 above the gauge
will appear. To use a certain SwdTech, let the gauge go under a certain number,
then press A to confirm the action and use a SwdTech. Below is a list of each
SwdTech, along with information about what they do and such.


SwdTech #1 - Dispatch
Description: Deals physical damage to one enemy.
Level Learned: 1


SwdTech #2 - Retort
Description: When used, it will make Cyan counterattack whoever attacks him.
Level Learned: 6


SwdTech #3 - Slash
Description: Cuts an enemy's HP by half.
Level Learned: 12


SwdTech #4 - Quadra Slam
Description: Causes Cyan to slice enemies four times.
Level Learned: 15


SwdTech #5 - Empowerer
Description: Cyan damages an enemy's HP/MP, then obtains the amount of HP/MP
             dealt to the enemy.
Level Learned: 24


SwdTech #6 - Stunner
Description: Deals damage to all enemies, and casts Stop.
Level Learned: 34


SwdTech #7 - QuadraSlice
Description: Causes Cyan to slice enemies four times. Deals more damage than
             Quadra Slam.
Level Learned: 44


SwdTech #8 - Cleave
Description: Instantly dispatches enemies.
Level Learned: 70


XX. Blitz

In this section, I will list all of the Blitz in the game, along with
information about what they do and such. Only Sabin or Gogo can use a Blitz.
To use one, put the cursor over the 'Blitz' command, then press A. From there,
input a Blitz command (they are listed below), and after the command has been
input, press A again. You will perform a certain move which does certain
things. The list of each one is listed below.


Blitz #1 - Pummel
Description: Deals physical damage to an enemy.
Command: Left, Right, Left
Alternate Command: N/A
Level Learned: 1


Blitz #2 - AuraBolt
Description: Deals magical damage to a single enemy.
Command: Down, Down-left, Left
Alternate Command: Down, Down, Left
Level Learned: 6


Blitz #3 - Suplex
Description: Deals physical damage to an enemy.
Command: X, Y, Down, Up
Alternate Command: N/A
Level Learned: 10


Blitz #4 - Fire Dance
Description: Deals fire-based damage to all enemies.
Command: Left, Down-left, Down, Down-right, Right
Alternate Command: Left, Left, Down, Down, Right
Level Learned: 15


Blitz #5 - Mantra
Description: Restores HP to all allies except Sabin.
Command: R, L, R, L, X, Y
Alternate Command: N/A
Level Learned: 23


Blitz #6 - Air Blade
Description: Deals wind-based damage to all enemies.
Command: Up, Up-right, Right, Down-right, Down, Down-left, Left
Alternate Command: Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left
Level Learned: 30


Blitz #7 - Spiraler
Description: Restores all allies HP to full, and removes all status aliments.
             Also removes Sabin out of battle.
Command: R, L, X, Y, Right, Left
Alternate Command: N/A
Level Learned: 42


Blitz #8 - Bum Rush
Description: Deals magical damage to one enemy. Deals more damage than
Command: Left, Up-left, Up, Up-right, Right, Down-right, Down, Down-left, Left
Alternate Command: Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left
Level Learned: 70 (alternatively, visit Duncan in the WoR with Sabin)


XXI. Rages

NOTE: Gau will only use the Rage half of the time. Any other time will just be
      a physical attack, regardless of the Rage used.

In this section, I will list all of the Rages in the game, along with
information about what they do and such. Only Gau/Gogo can use a Rage. In a
battle on the Veldt, use Gau's Leap technique on an enemy. Doing this will make
Gau leave the party for a few battles. Keep fighting on the Veldt until Gau
reappears, then do not attack. He will join your party again with the Rage of
the enemy he leaped on! Every Rage does something different, and once a Rage is
used, Gau will use it for the entire battle. Below is a list of each Rage in
the game.


Ability: Critical


Ability: Fire


Ability: Fire 2


Ability: Water Edge


Ability: Lullaby


Ability: Pearl


Mag Roader
Ability: Bio


Ability: Shock


Ability: Bolt 2


Ability: Cure 2


Rain Man
Ability: Bolt 3


Ability: Stone


Ability: L.3 Muddle


Dark Force
Ability: Cleansweep


Ability: Demi


Ability: Elf Fire


Ability: X-Zone


Ability: Break


Ability: Snare


Ability: Poison


Ability: Net


Ability: Mega Volt


Ability: Blizzard


Ability: Incisor


Stray Cat
Ability: Catscratch


Ability: Tusk


Ability: Bite


Ability: Blizzard


Ability: Pounce


Ability: Cyclonic


Ability: Aqua Rake


Ability: Aqua Rake


Ability: Meteor


Ability: Step Mine


Ability: Fire Ball


Ability: Sandstorm


White Drgn
Ability: Pearl


Doom Drgn
Ability: N. Cross


Ability: Disaster


Ability: Meteo


Dark Wind
Ability: Break


Ability: Duster


Ability: Shimsham


Ability: Cyclonic


Hermit Crab
Ability: Net


Ability: L.3 Muddle


Ability: Iron Needle


Ability: Bserk


Delta Bug
Ability: Mega Volt


Ability: Shrapnel


Ability: Bio


Ability: Charm


Ability: Lifeshaver


Ability: Bio


Ability: PoisonBarb


Ability: Flare*


Ability: Ink


Ability: Scissors


Ability: Aqua Rake


Reach Frog
Ability: Slimer


Ability: Break


Ability: Quake


Ability: Sandstorm


Ability: Virite


Ability: W Wind


Ability: Imp


Ability: Tek Laser


Sky Armor
Ability: Tek Laser


Ability: Sonic Boom


Lethal Wpn
Ability: GravBomb


Ability: Blaze


Ability: Slimer


Ability: Lifeshaver


Ability: Poison


Ability: Blow Fish


Ability: Slimer


Ability: Blow Fish


Repo Man
Ability: Exploder


Ability: Haste


Ability: Exploder


Still Life
Ability: Lullaby


Boxed Set
Ability: Meteor


Slam Dancer
Ability: Ice 2


Ability: Magnitude8


Ability: Break


Magic Urn
Ability: Cure 3


Ability: Merton


Ability: Dischord


Ability: Slow 2


Ability: Giga Volt


Ability: Bolt 2


Ability: Step Mine


Sand Ray
Abiliy: Tail


Ability: Numb


Ability: Clamp


Sand Horse
Ability: Sand Storm


Dark Side
Ability: Ice 2


Mad Oscar
Ability: Sour Mouth


Ability: Heart Burn


Ability: Doom


Ability: Wind Slash


Ability: Swing


Ability: Cure 2


Ability: Wind Slash


Ability: Storm


Ability: Pearl


Ability: Pearl


Ability: Bolt 2


Iron Fist
Ability: Stone


Ability: Bolt 3


Ability: Imp


Ability: Flare


Ability: Doom


Vector Pup
Ability: Bite


Ability: Pearl Wind


Sewer Rat
Ability: Incisor


Ability: Cave-In


Ability: Life 3


Ability: Life


Wild Cat
Ability: Blaster


Red Fang
Ability: Drain


Bounty Man
Ability: Bite


Ability: Blizzard


Ability: Tackle


Ability: Stop


Wart Puck
Ability: Shimsham


Ability: Surge


Ability: Fire 3


Ability: Pearl Wind


Ability: Cyclonic


Ability: Condemned


Ability: Revenge


Ability: Fire 3


Ability: Doom


Ability: Haste2


Ability: Aero


Ability: Shimsham


Ability: Aero


Ability: Net


Ability: Muddle


Mind Candy
Ability: Sleep Sting


Ability: Bserk


Ability: Landslide


Toe Cutter
Ability: Shrapnel


Over Grunk
Ability: Bane Touch


Ability: Virite


Ability: Lifeshaver


Ability: Quake


Ability: Numblade


Sky Cap
Ability: Megazerk


Ability: Tusk


Ability: Remedy


Gigan Toad
Ability: Slimer


Ability: Break


Ability: Quake


Ability: Magnitude8


Test Rider
Ability: Flash Rain


Ability: Tek Laser


Tomb Thumb
Ability: Step Mine


Ability: Tek Laser


Ability: Plasma


Ability: Dischord


Ability: Cling


Ability: Pep Up


Ability: Lifeshaver


Ability: Bio


Ability: Cleansweep


Deep Eye
Ability: Dread


Ability: Shell


Ability: Imp


Ability: Blaze


Ability: Condemned


Pan Dora
Ability: Revenge


Ability: Osmose


Ability: Magnitude8


Mag Roader
Ability: Mute


Spek Tor
Ability: Blaster


Ability: Giga Volt


Earth Guard
Ability: Big Guard


Ability: Magnitude8


Ability: Osmose


Allo Ver
Ability: Quake*


Ability: Blow Fish


Ability: Pearl


Ability: Love Token


Ability: Flash Rain


Pm Stalker
Ability: Drain


Ability: Flash Rain


Sp Forces
Ability: Safe


Ability: Cure 2


Ability: Demi


Ability: Elf Fire


Ability: Giga Volt


Ability: Rflect


Ability: Slide


Ability: Stone


Ability: Face Bite


Ability: Demi


Ability: Acid Rain


Ability: Imp


Ability: Blizzard


Ability: Fire


Ability: Wing Wisp


Ability: Scan


Ability: Wind Slash


Ability: OogyBoogy


Ability: Land Slide

Black Drgn
Ability: Storm


Ability: Acid Rain


Ability: L.3 Muddle


Wirey Drgn
Ability: Cyclonic


Ability: Mega Volt


Ability: Lifeshaver


Ability: Pep Up


Ability: Bolt 3


Ability: Bolt 3


Ability: Exploder


Ability: Vanish


Ability: Meteor


Ability: Poison


Chaos Drgn
Ability: Disaster


Spit Fire
Ability: Tek Laser


Ability: Aqua Rake


Ability: Fire 2


Ability: Shimsham


Mag Roader
Ability: Haste


Ability: Stop

Sea Flower
Ability: Sleep


Ability: Fire Ball


Ability: Poison


Ability: Cyclonic


Ability: Pep Up


Ability: Raid


1st Class
Ability: Stone

Tap Dancer
Ability: Slow 2


Ability: Doom


Ability: Revenge


Mag Roader
Ability: L.4 Flare


Wild Rat
Ability: Scratch


Gold Bear
Ability: Gouge


Ability: Virite


Ability: Fire 2


Red Wolf
Ability: Rush


Ability: Merton


Ability: Ice 3


Ability: Roulette


Sky Base
Ability: Doom


Ability: Dischord


Ability: Flare Star


* - Rage only obtainable through a cheat device.


XXII. Lores

NOTE: In order for Strago to learn the Lore, the enemy must have used the
      ability at least once, and Strago must not be in Dark status.

In this section, I will list all of the Lore's in the game, along with info
on how to obtain them, and what they do and such. Lores can only be used by
Strago/Gogo. They are attacks that you learn from defeating certain enemies
with Strago in your party. Below is a complete list of each Lore.


MP Cost: 20
Description: Put's a 'death' status on the enemy, and a countdown timer will
             start. When the timer reaches 0, the enemy immediately dies.
             Has no effect on undead enemies.
Used By: Critic, Dark Force, Nerapa, Still Life, Veteran, Zombone


MP Cost: 10
Description: At a random time, the enemy dies. Has lots of effect against
             undead enemies.
Used By: Critic, Dark Force, Pipsqueak, Veteran


MP Cost: 30
Description: A big wave comes out, attacking all enemies. This attack works
             well against desert-type enemies.
Used By: Atma, Blue Drgn, Dark Force, Enuo


Aqua Rake
MP Cost: 22
Description: Lots of bubbles of water appear to attack all enemies. This
             attack works well against fire-type enemies.
Used By: Actaneon, Anguiform, Blue Drgn, Chimera, Dark Force, Enuo, Rhyos,
         Suriander, Vectagoyle


MP Cost: 41
Description: Creates a whirlwind, attacking all enemies.
Used By: Dark Force, Doom Gaze, Harpiai, Harpy, Poltrgeist, Rhyos, Sprinter,
         Storm Drgn, Tyranosaur


Blow Fish
MP Cost: 50
Description: Attacks a single enemy, and causes 1000 damage.
Used By: Brainpan, Cactrot, Dark Force, KatanaSoul, Mover, Phase,
         Phunbaba, Presenter


Big Guard
MP Cost: 80
Description: Casts Shell/Safe on the entire party.
Used By: Earthguard, Guardian, Mover


MP Cost: 31
Description: Damage an enemy the same amount as your maximum HP. If HP is low,
             deals heavy amounts of damage.
Used By: Borras, Dark Force, Dragon, Gigantos, Pan Dora, Red Wolf


Pearl Wind
MP Cost: 45
Description: Creates rain that heals the entire party. With higher HP, heals
             more HP.
Used By: Abolisher, Curley, Dark Force, Ogor, Peepers, Sprinter, Storm Drgn,


L.5 Doom
MP Cost: 22
Description: Instantly kills an enemy whose level is in the multiple of 5's.
Used By: Dark Force, Didalos, Dueller, Goblin, Sky Base, Trapper


L.4 Flare
MP Cost: 42
Description: Flare is casted upon an enemy whose level is in the multiple
             of 4's.
Used By: Apokryphos, Dark Force, Dueller, Goblin, Mag Roader, Trapper


L.3 Muddle
MP Cost: 28
Description: Muddle is casted upon an enemy whose level is in the multiple
             of 3's.
Used By: Apokryphos, Dante, Dark Force, Goblin, Trapper


MP Cost: 0
Description: Casts Dark, Mute and Slow on an enemy with Rflect on.
Used By: Dark Force


L.? Pearl
MP Cost: 50
Description: Pearl is casted upon an enemy whose level is in the multiple of
             your current GP's single digit.
Used By: Critic, Dark Force, Dullahan, Innoc


Step Mine
MP Cost: Your current playtime x2
Description: 1/32 steps that are walked counts as damage.
Used By: Brachosaur, Crawler, Dark Force, Greasemonk, Intagir, Master Pug,
         Mesosaur, Pug, Tomb Thumb


Force Field
MP Cost: 24
Description: Nullifies random elements. Lore gets better per a use.
Used By: Doom


MP Cost: 68
Description: During battle, your level is reduced by half. All fractions
             rounded up.
Used By: Chaser, Crawler, Dark Force, Figaliz, IronHitman, Lizard,
         Pipsqueak, Scullion


Sour Mouth
MP Cost: 32
Description: A deadly attack that casts Mute, Imp, Poison, Sleep, Muddle, and
             Dark status on an enemy.
Used By: Dark Force, Evil Oscar, Mad Oscar


Pep Up
MP Cost: 1
Description: Causes your party member to sacrifice themselves to recover max
             HP/MP to one party member, and remove any status effects.
Used By: Intagir, Junk, Muus


MP Cost: 66
Description: Changes to your status are swapped to target an enemy.
Used By: Blue Drgn, Dark Force, Reach Frog


MP Cost: 22
Description: Casts a stone which causes damage and puts a foe in Muddle status.
             If the enemy is the same level as the caster, damages foe x8.
Used By: 1st Class, Brawler, Dark Force, Guardian, Iron Fist, Poppers


MP Cost: 50
Description: Creates a meteor storm from space, attacking all enemies.
Used By: Dark Force, Goddess


MP Cost: 64
Description: Creates a big triangle, attacking all enemies with a very powerful
             attack. Deals massive damage.
Used By: Hidon


MP Cost: 1
Description: Suicides the party member in an attempt to deal massive damage to
             a single enemy. Hurts as much as the casters current HP.
Used By: Balloon, Bomb, Dark Force, Grenade, Junk, Pipsqueak, Repo Man,
         Scullion, Wart Puck


XXII. Dances

In this section, I will list all of the dances in the game, along with info
about what they do and such. Only Mog/Gogo can use a Dance. Dances are obtained
by defeating enemies in a certain background. Each dance has several attacks
that Mog will use for the entire battle. Sometimes, Mog will not perform the
dance, but instead, he will stumble on the ground. Below is a complete list of
each Dance in the game.


Wind Song
Learned At: Grass Field Background
Attacks: Wind Slash, Plasma, Sunbath, Cockatrice


Forest Suite
Learned At: Woods Background
Attacks: Elf Fire, Wild Bare, Rage, Wombat


Desert Aria
Learned At: Desert Background
Attacks: Sand Storm, Kitty, Wind Slash, Antlion


Love Sonata
Learned At: Town Background
Attacks: Tapir, Ensar, Elf Fire, Specter


Earth Blues
Learned At: Mountain Backgroung
Attacks: Sun Bath, Sonic Boom, Land Slide, Whump


Water Rondo
Learned At: Serpent Trench Background
Attacks: Wild Bear, El Nino, Specter, Plasma


Dusk Requiem
Learned At: Cave Backgrounds
Attacks: Poison Frog, Elf Fire, Snare, Cave In


Snowman Jazz
Learned At: Snowfield Backgrounds
Attcks: Ice Rabbit, Snowball, Snare, Surge



XXIV. Slots

NOTE: If you equip Setzer with the Coin Toss, his Slot ability turns into
      'GP Rain'. Using this attack, Setzer throws GP at an enemy to cause
      some damage to a single enemy.

In this section, I will list all of Setzer's Slot attacks. Certain attacks are
performed by getting a certain combination (7, 7, and 7, for example). If you
get a wrong combination, the Lagomorph ability will be performed, which heals
around 70 HP to all of the party. Below is a complete list of each Slot Attack
in the game.


Combination: Bar, Bar, Bar
Attack Performed: Esper Attack
Description: Attacks with a random Esper

Combination: Chocobo, Chocobo, Chocobo
Attack Performed: Chocobop
Description: Summons millions of Chocobo's, damaging all enemies.


Combination: Diamond, Diamond, Diamond
Attack Performed: 7-Flush
Description: Uses magical beams coming up from the ground to damage all


Combination: Airship, Airship, Airship
Attack Performed: H Bomb
Description: Performs a big attack, damaging all enemies.


Combination: Bird, Bird, Bird
Attack Performed: Sun Flare
Description: Attacks all enemies with the Bahamut Esper.


Combination: 7, 7, 7
Attack Performed: Joker Doom
Description: Kills all enemies in an instant.


Combination: 7, 7, Bar
Attack Performed: Flash
Description: Instantly kills all party members.



XXV. Secrets and Glitches

In this section, I will list all of the Secrets/Glitches I know of in this
game. They will both be put in seperate sections. If you want to read about
Secrets, look below. If you want Glitches, scroll down out of the Secrets
section. With that said, here is a list of them.


Secret #1 - Hidden Items

Throughout the game, you will find pots, buckets, clocks, and such. Examine
these objects by walking up to them and pressing A. Sometimes, you may get
an item from the objects, so always examine them when you come across them!
Also, throughout some levels there are fake walls you can go through to get
certain treasure chests. An example of these passages are levels like the
Magitek Factory, and Kefka's Tower. Be sure to keep touching walls to see
if you can go through them, as you may get some great items from the treasure!

Secret #2 - Free Experience Points

NOTE: You must have a turbo controller for this to work.

This is an easy way to get an infinite amount of experience points. To do it,
you must be at Lete River. Now, set your window commands to 'Short', and then
switch Banon's 'Health' and 'Fight' around, then set it back to Window so
that you will have Health as Banon's first command. Now, when you have the
oppertunity to go Straight, or Left, put your controller in Turbo Mode, and
make something hold down the A Button. Leave it on for a long time, and you
will have gained tons and tons of levels just from doing this!

Secret #3 - Saving Shadow on the Floating Continent

When the Floating Continent is crumbling, and once you get to the very end
where the airship is located, wait until 5 seconds is remaining. Choose the
'Gotta wait for Shadow....' option, and you will be able to get him in the WoR!

Secret #4 - Rig Setzer's Slots

This secret allows Setzer to get _any_ type of combination on his slot machine.
To do it, use an Echo Screen on Setzer, before you do anything else in the
battle. Then, when it is Setzer's turn, use his Slot ability. You will be able
to use any type of combination if you did the above instructions. This can be
really helpful in certain battles.

Secret #5 - Wind God Gau

This will make Gau like a god, although it's overrated. To do it, first make
sure you have the following: one Merit Award, one Tempest, the Offering relic,
and the Stray Cat rage. To get the Merit Award, bet the Cat Hood at the
colosseum. Equip the Tempest, Merit Award, and Offering on Gau, then get in a
battle and use the Stray Cat rage. If he uses Catscratch, he will attack many
times with Catscratch and Wind Slash! It's pretty good, but still overrated.


Glitch #1 - The Sketch Glitch

NOTE: You must have v1.0 of the game for this bug to work. If you have above
      that, use the code found in the Game Genie Codes section, and it should

The Sketch Glitch is a really well-known glitch, but can only be done on the
early cartridges of the game. This glitch can give you several items of the
max amount (255), and other effects! To start the glitch off, you must have 
Relm in your party. Now, learn the Mute spell (if you haven't already), and
rearrange it as Slot #28 in your Spell List for one party member. Now, put
the party member that has Mute in Slot #28 as the leader of the party. Then,
do NOT use magic with the first party member. Instead, use a different member
to cast Vanish upon an enemy, then use Sketch on the invisible enemy (or an
enemy you KNOW Sketch will miss on). If you do miss, some strange stuff can
occur. For an example, you could have 255 of several items, the game could
freeze when entering a town, etc. This bug can even go as far as erasing
all of your game data! So, be extra careful when using this bug, and it is
recommended that you do not try this on the regular SNES, but on an emulator.
Save a state before attempting this bug.

Glitch #2 - Psycho Cyan

To perform this, have Cyan use Retort. Now, have another party member cast Imp
on him. Immediately kill him with a spell, or anything that kills him in a
single hit. Then, revive him. Now, use the Fight command with anybody, and Cyan
will counterattack, attacking the enemy. He will even counterattack his own
attack, and will not stop until the foes in battle are dead.

Glitch #3 - Save anywhere in certain dungeons

This glitch may actually be pretty useful in some cases. You must be in a
dungeon where you have different groups. Stand into a save point to enable the
Save option on the menu screen. Now, switch to another group (make sure one
group is still in a save point), and go to the menu screen. The Save option
will still be enabled! This effect will stay until the group walks off of the
Save Point. With this glitch, you can use a Tent/Sleeping Bag anywhere!

Glitch #4 - Evasion with No Effect

You can't really 'perform' this bug, but rather, it's a programming mistake.
Yes, the Evasion status has no effect. However, MBlock% DOES have an affect,
and if your MBlock is at 128%, your character will be nearly invincible.

Glitch #5 - Instantly Kill an Enemy/Boss

First, get into a battle with a boss or an enemy. Cast Vanish on an enemy to
turn it invisible, then use Doom on the vanished enemy. It will immediately
kill the enemy/boss. This does not work on every boss, however. Also, this
trick also works with a combination of Vanish/X-Zone, but you do not get
the Bahamut Esper from Doomgaze if you use X-Zone instead of Doom.


XXVI. Game Genie Codes

In this section is a list of some Game Genie codes for the game. They can only
be input through an emulator, or a Game Genie itself.


Start At Level 99
Code: AA93-54D8
Description: N/A


Start With 9,999,999 GP
Code: DC9C-E4D8
Description: N/A


Walk Through Some Walls
Code: AA90-77AD
Description: N/A


Start With Illumina
Code: FC5C-78E5
Description: N/A


Start With Gold Shld
Code: 9258-7675
Description: N/A


Play As General Leo & Kefka
Code: DD5C-740D
Description: To use this code, you must first be at the World of Ruin, with all
             of the party members, including Umaro and Gogo. Now, get on the
             airship, and speak with a party member. Turn on the Game Genie
             Switch, and then say that you wish to change party members. Umaro
             and Gogo will now be replaced with Kefka and Leo. Select your
             party, and before confirming, turn off the Game Genie Switch. When
             it is Kefka's turn, the game will freeze, since he has nothing to
             use. However, Leo is glitch free, and will work fine.


Get Great Items From Enemies
Code: AA94-E7D8 + AA94-EF08 + AA94-E4D8
Description: Enter any of the three codes. You may have to flick the Game Genie
             Switch on and off a couple of times before this code works.


Obtain Over 5 Million EXP Every Battle
Code: 1793-54D8
Description: N/A


Party Members Do Random Stuff In Battle
Code: A29D-54D8
Description: The party will do random stuff during battle, such as Desperation
             Attacks. They will do the same attack until the battle is over.


Learn Spells at an x10 Learn Rate
Code: CE37-776D
Description: N/A


Have All Spells
Code: 3037-54A6
Description: N/A


Obtain 16,000 EXP Every Battle
Code: D493-54D8
Description: N/A


Run x2 Faster Than Normal
Code: D007-8DD7
Description: With this code, you run x2 faster than with Sprint Shoes.


All Party Members Have Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charms Equipped
Code: AADC-EF08
Description: N/A


Have 9999 HP and MP
Description: N/A


Every Equipped Item Becomes a Paladin Shld After a Battle
Code: AA9E-E4D8
Description: N/A


Get Certain Weapons from Enemies
Code: AA24-EF08
Description: N/A


Attack Twice in a Row
Code: FA6B-E7D8
Description: N/A


Never Encounter a Battle
Code: F06B-E7D8
Description: Does not work for boss battles.


Learn Spells at an x50 Learn Rate
Code: E317-77D6
Description: N/A


Erase All Saved Games
Code: 0F9F-E708
Description: N/A


Become Level 99 After One Battle
Code: AA23-54D8
Description: N/A


Obtain an Illumina and/or a Ragnarok after a Battle
Code: AA9D-E768 + AA95-EFA8 + AA24-EF08
Description: N/A


Learn All Spells on an Equipped Esper After One Battle
Code: EE39-77D6
Description: N/A


Well, that's all of them for now. Perhaps I'll add more in the future! I hope
you enjoyed the list of codes!


XXVII. Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, I will list the most commonly asked questions regarding this
game. Before emailing me with a question, please refer to this very section
first, and see if your question is already answered! Thank you.


Q: Can I revive General Leo?

A: No, you cannot. There is no special, extremely hard-to-obtain Revival Potion
   that you will recieve after fighting the CzarDragon in the Dinosaur Forest,
   in the World of Ruin. In short: regardless of the rumors you've been told
   and the rumors you've heard, once Leo is dead, he's gone for good. However,
   there IS a Game Genie Code that allows you to use him again (please refer to
   the above section for the code and information on it).


Q: Is there a way to get the Meteo spell in this game?

A: Sadly, no. Even though you may think it's possible since it's obtainable in
   other Final Fantasy games, there's no Esper in the game that teaches Meteo.


Q: How do I get the Cursed Shld?

A: Okay, you must be at the World of Ruin, first of all. After getting Locke
   from the Phoenix Cave, return to Narshe with him in your party (he dosen't
   have to be alone; you just need him in your party). Then, head to the Weapon
   Shop. From there, go directly north of the Weapon Shop, and go up the stairs
   there. You'll see a big house. Walk up to the door, and press A. Locke will
   open the door. Enter it, then go east and go down the staircase. You will
   find a man lying in the bed. Speak to him, and he'll give you the worst
   shield in the game: the Cursed Shld.


Q: Can I uncurse the Cursed Shld?

A: Yes. After getting it from the old man in Narshe, equip it on any character.
   However, the shield will NOT uncurse if it is equipped on Gogo. After it is
   equipped on a character, use the Falcon to fly to Solitary Island (the place
   where you started the World of Ruin). Equip a Ribbon Relic on the shield
   bearer, so that the negative status effects of the shield will wear off.
   However, the Condemn status will still be on your party member. After you
   battle with the shield equipped 256 times, it will become the Paladin Shld,
   which is THE best shield in the game. It also teaches Ultima on the wearer,
   at an x1 Learn Rate. Also, you can unequip the Cursed Shld off of a party
   member and equip it on a different one, if you want. The amount of times you
   have battled with it on does not reset, even if you do this.


Q: Where can I get lots of EXP?

A: In the World of Balance, the best place to get the most and quickest EXP
   Points would probably be the Floating Continent. If you are not yet at that
   point in the game, the Cave to the Sealed Gate is also a good choice. Also,
   the forests near Vector gives decent EXP for that point in the game. For the
   World of Ruin, the best place is, no doubt, the Dinosaur Forest, which is
   just northwest of the Veldt. It is a big forest. In it, you'll be able to
   encounter two monsters: the Tyranosaur, and the Brachosaur. However, both
   monsters are pretty tough, so I suggest using Vanish on them, followed by
   Doom, for a one-hit kill.


Q: Where can I get lots of GP?

A: For the World of Balance, head to one of the forests next to Vector. In the
   forest, you will obtain around 1337 GP (yes, 1337) per a battle. For the
   World of Ruin, the best place would be the desert next to Maranda. The two
   monsters you fight there are: the Cactrot, and the Hoover. Use a simple
   Blitz technique with Sabin (perferably Pummel or Bum Rush) to kill the
   Cactrot. The Hoover can be quite a pain, so I suggest using Vanish/Doom on
   that enemy. For both enemies, you'll get 10,000 GP per a battle.


Q: Where can I get lots of Magic Points?

A: See the above question. In that same desert (World of Ruin only), the
   Cactrot gives you 10 Magic Points after a battle, while the Hoover gives you
   5 Magic Points.


Q: How do I get the Illumina?

A: First, you must be at the World of Ruin. After getting Locke, head to Narshe
   with him in your party. Head to the door of the Weapon Shop, and press A
   while in front of it. Locke will pick the lock on the door, opening it. Head
   inside, and go northeast and into the next room. Speak with the old man in
   the chair, then tell him to forge the Ragnarok into a sword. When he does,
   head to the Colosseum. Bet the Ragnarok Sword to fight Didalos. After you
   defeat it, you'll get the Illumina, the most powerful weapon in the game.


Q: Can I uncurse the Cursed Ring?

A: No. The Cursed Shld can be uncursed (refer to one of the questions above),
   but the Cursed Ring cannot.


Q: I saw that you listed the CzarDragon enemy in the Enemies section. How do
   you find it?

A: Through a Game Genie code, if I remember correctly. However, I don't know
   the exact code, so I'd be grateful if you could e-mail me and tell me!


Q: In your Enemies section, I see lots of enemies with (NoName). What are the
   purpose of these enemies?

A: They trigger certain plot events throughout the game (thanks go to Djibriel
   for telling me about this), such as the Kefka scene where Leo dies.


XXVIII. Email Info

If you wish to email me about this guide, whether it be a comment or a typo,
or even a big error in the guide, then email me at my email listed at the top
of this guide. For those who are lazy, my email is Email
me there, and I'll add whatever it is I missed, or fix whatever it is I messed
up on as soon as possible. Please make the subject something to do with the
game (such as "Final Fantasy III FAQ"), so I'll know that your email isn't


XXIX. Credits

Credits go to you for reading this guide.
Credits go to me for taking literally four months of my life to type this one
              file up, for those of you who needed help or to know stuff about
              this game.
Credits go to Master ZED for allowing me to use his Enemy List for mine. Thanks
              a bundle, man!
Credits go to Djibriel for pointing out some stuff I did not know I messed up
              on. Thanks!
Credits go to Atom Edge and his two FAQs for this game. Without those FAQs,
              I would never have figured all of the Item stuff out. Thanks
              so much, Atom!
Credits go to Livinlarav for pointing out some errors in the guide. Thanks!
Credits go to for telling me how to get the
              chest in the Floating Continent at the end, which contains an
              Elixir. Thanks much!
Credit goes to assassin17 and TrevorBlack for helping me figure out what some
               of the Config options do. Thank you!
Credits go to Jonathan Davis ( for telling me how to do
              the Wind God Gau trick. Thanks!


XXX. Copyrights

Do not copy this guide without my permission. If you attempt to do that
without my permission, you will be in trouble with the law. For permission,
email me at my email adress listed at the top of this guide, I may say yes, I
may say no, it depends. This guide is a Copyright (c) 2006, and was created by
Jesse Winstead. All rights reserved. The following sites have been allowed to
use this guide:

End Of File.
