______________________________JD CYR PRESENTS______________________________ THE 1998 FINAL FANTASY III REVIVAL _____________________________ / ______/ _____/_ _ _ __/ / /____ / /___ / // // / / _____// ____/ / // // / F I N A L F A N T A S Y I I I / / / / __/ // // /__ /__/ /__/ /____________/ *\ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ || \\/\// /,\ ||_ ||// -.|- ||_|| |0 \ //\\ ||_|| //__ ||_|| || \/\/ //`\\ |__| ||\\ || || || ||\\ \\// \___/ \\// || || 0000_______||_______________ 000000\|||||||_______________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---------------......._____ 000000/|||||||_______________.................---------------~~~~~~~ 0000 || || | P A R T O N E \, (C)1998, JD Cyr _____________________________________________________________________________ INTRO Final Fantasy III is my all-time favorite game, and I made this walkthrough feeling it still deserved a little attention. It's been 4 years since its North American release so I'm sure hardly anyone still plays it, but to me, FF3 is still the best game out there in every way. The music, the graphics, the storyline, the gameplay... all perfect. Hardly any game compares to this one. If you don't already own this game, I urge you to buy it now! This walkthrough is split into 2 sections because the game was too long to fit on a single NOTEPAD document. It is divided by FF3's 2 worlds. _____________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 5 Important Rules 2. Cast of Characters 3. Walkthrough (part one) 4. Tips and Tricks (part one) 5. Items Not to Miss 8. The Perfect Save Log 9. Epilogue / Copyright _____________________________________________________________________________ 5 IMPORTANT RULES 1- SAVE OFTEN: If you don't, you'll have to redo alot more whenever you die. Also, if you screw up, you have the chance to restart without having to worry about losing all the work you put into getting to where you are. 2- EXPLORE: There's lots of hidden stuff in FF3, most of which isn't in this walkthrough, so explore everything and make sure to check all those clocks for Elixirs! 3- EQUIP GEAR: Take the time to equip new gear whenever you have the chance, this can make the difference between winning and losing. Also, just because "Optimum" gave a guy specific gear, doesn't mean it's the best gear for the situation. Do it by hand, and use strategy. 4- USE ITEMS: I know people who ended up with about 3000 extra items at the end of the game. If it's there, it's just wasted space. Use the Elixirs and X-Potions and everything even after you have spells, or else GET RID OF THEM!!! You'll get money and be happier. 5- LATE LEVELS: Unlike other games, in this game it's better to gain levels later. Why? Because later on you have all the good espers, which give better bonuses, which let your favorite characters attain "ultimate" status. _____________________________________________________________________________ CAST OF CHARACTERS (in order of appearance) Terra Branford: Terra can be perceived as the game's main character. She is an 18 year old half-human, half-esper who was born with the gift of magic. Early on she is controlled by the Empire, but soon joins the returners, an elite group combating the Empire. Special Skill: Morph At a point in the game, Terra gains the ability to morph from her human form to her esper form. In her esper form, her attacks and spells are twice as effective, and her speed greatly increases. Locke Cole: A treasure hunter joining the quest early in the game; Locke quickly becomes friends with Terra, and introduces her to the Returners. He is quick and a good thief. His skills greatly aid the quest many times. Special Skill : Steal ---> Capture Locke's skill is stealing items from enemies. This comes in handy many times during the game. If a certain relic is acquired (the Thief Glove), Locke can then attack as he steals. Mog: Leader of a group of moogles living undeground, apparently having come here from the Upper Land of Mana. When Terra is in a bind, the moogles show up and come to her aid. Mog is a good attacker early in the game, and is the only one able to use certain extremely useful relics. Special Skill: Dance Mog learns dances native to the areas he visits, and uses them to help attack during battles. These dances, though useful at first, quickly become obsolete. Edgar Roni Figaro: He is the king of Figaro Castle, a technologically advanced castle that can travel underground. A great mechanic and secretly supporting the Returners. Edgar is also known as a womanizer by the women of his castle. He is of great use to the party in the beginning of the game. Special Skill: Tools Edgar, being a mechanic, is great at using an assortment of tools. These tools can do many things; from pummeling an enemy with darts, to making one self-destruct! Shadow: A dark warrior who chooses when and go. An overall well-balanced character with skills that can sometimes be devastating. His trusty doberman Intercep- tor is also good for high-powered attacks. A good character to have. Special Skill: Throw Shadow can be given items to throw at enemies for a large amount of damage. Any stars and weapons can be thrown; the more powerful the weapon, the more damage inflicted. Sabin Rene Figaro: Edgar's twin brother who left the castle when his mother died. This character is throughout the game, pretty much one of the strongest characters to control. Both his physical and magic attacks are extremely powerful. His special skill is also one of the most powerful. Special Skill: Blitz Using special combinations of button pressing, Sabin can perform great attacks and even heal the party. This again, is perhaps the most useful skill in the game. Celes Chere: "The product of genetic engineering, battle-hardened MagiTek Knight, with a spirit as pure as snow..." Celes is one of the greatest attackers to have in your party. Previously a knight for the Empire, she soon decides to switch over to the returners after being betrayed by her own. Special Skill: Runic With this useful skill, Celes absorbs magic spells cast in the direction of anyone in the party, and turns them into MP for herself to use. A very useful skill at times. Cyan Garamonde: Swordsman and defender of Doma Castle. His family is murdered by Kefka of the Empire, and so he vows revenge upon them to avenge his family's death. Able only to use weapons specially crafted for him, Cyan is an great fighter who, if trained and equipped properly, becomes the ultimate combatant. Special Skill: SwdTech As Cyan's character evolves, so do his sword techniques. His first technique is as rapid to command as a normal attack, and does a huge amount of damage. From there, most techniques are not often used, but still quite powerful. Gau: Wild child abandoned on the Veldt as an infant, and raised by the beasts inhabiting the area. Gau is a strong physical fighter with a huge number of skills. Not a very well balanced character, but can be helpful at times. Special Skill: Rage Gau has the ability to leap onto enemies and learn all that they know. What he learns ranges from powerful healing magic to devastating attacks. Setzer Gabbiani: The eccentric owner of the only airship left in existance. Setzer loves to gamble and take chances. His attacks are rather weak and his special skill usually does not work, but his main purpose, really, is to provide the team with a ship they can use to get around. There is one item that makes him a decent character though, the Fixed Dice which often can cause 9999 damage! Special Skill: Slot ---> GP Rain In battle, he uses a slot machine which determines what he will attack or heal with next. This special attack really isn't that great and sometimes even backfires. If equipped with the Coin Toss, this skill is changed to GP rain; an attack that sends your gold flying towards the enemy. The more gold thrown, the stronger the attack, the poorer you get. This last skill is purely for those with excess GP. Strago Magus: Grandfather to Relm and possibly to Shadow. Strago is a decendant of those who lived in peace with the espers, and lives in the magical village where people have a natural gift of magic. Not an often used character, who'se most powerful attacks are long of spectacular. Special Skill: Lore When Strago is attacked by a monster, he has the skill to learn that attack and use it against enemies later, to the party's advantage. Some of the attacks can come in handy. Relm Arrowny: A young artist living with her grampa Strago in the town of Thamasa. She is quick-witted and funny, but not much of a fighter. Her skill is not very useful, and her attack powers leave something to be desired. Special Skill: Sketch ---> Control Using her special talent, Relm can sketch an enemy's picture, who will then attack it's live reflection. When Relm is equipped with a Fake Mustache, she has the ability to control the mind of a foe, to turn him against his own. Umaro: A cave-welling beast, guardian of the Terrato magicite, and friend to the neigboring Moogles of the Narshe caves. A bulky, slow character with an amazing attack power. When Umaro is fighting in a battle, nothing can stop him. Give him a Green Cherry to augment his powers! Special Skill: Storm, Rage Although you can't tell him what to do, equip him with a Rage Ring and Blizzard Orb, and his number of attacks increases. He can the cast the Blizzard spell, and even throw one of your own characters at the enemy. Gogo: Gogo is a mysterious stranger dressed in odd clothing, with the ability to mimic exactly what another character can do. Not very strong, but a handy character to have. Special Skill: Mimic Gogo can mimic the last move used by any character before him. He can also use any character's special skills when you go to the "stats" menu and fill out the empty slots under "mimic". ___________________________________________________________________________ W A L K T H R O U G H FINAL FANTASY III : PART ONE - The World of Balance - 1. Narshe After the intro, walk straight up through Narshe and enter the caves after Vicks opens the gate. Follow the tunnel and use the save point on the left, then walk north some more to reach the boss "Whelk". To kill him, use normal attacks, but never attack the shell. If you do, he will strike back. 2. Arvis' House Terra will wake up back in a house without her slave crown. Search the clock for an elixir, and when the guards come, escape through the back door and head left back into the mines. 3. Mines of Narshe Follow the path and pick up the items. Terra will be forced into a corner and will fall through the floor. After a short cut-scene, Locke shows up to help Terra, but enemies appear to fight. Moogles then come to your help. The point of this fight is to prevent the enemies from reaching Terra, and to kill the commander. Switch between the groups with the "Y" button. Use a group that's in good shape to kill the Marshal. Just kill the Lobos first and then keep hitting him, he'll be dead before you know it. After this, Locke escapes Narshe with Terra through a secret passage. Remember this for later. Now you can't access Narshe, but enter the beginer's hall to the left of the gate. 4. Beginner's Hall In here, you can talk to the people to learn more about game controls and you can gather treasures from chests and pots. Exit Narshe and head south for Figaro Castle in the desert. 5. Figaro Castle Go straight up to the throne room and meet Edgar. After this, visit the Tool Shop and buy at least an Autocrossbow. Now visit the left tower and talk to the Matron, she will teach you about Sabin. Visit the throne room again. Now Kefka is approaching the castle. After the cut scenes, you will be in control of Terra... follow Locke to the room and rest. Next thing you know, the place is on fire. Talk to all the guards, and there will be a cut-scene. In the desert you must now fight an M-Tekarmor. To kill him, have Terra use fire, then Edgar use Autocrossbow a couple times. Now head south to the caves. 6. Caves of Figaro At this point there's not much of interest, but you keep coming back here. Getting the items isn't crucial, but there's 2 Tinctures and a Fenix Down. When you exit, go south-southeast and enter South Figaro. 7. South Figaro There's a heck of alot of hidden items in this area, so search all the crates and pots and alleys, then enter the Cafe to meet Shadow. Go to the Relic Shop to purchase Sprint Shoes for one character, they are extremely useful. Search the far north-western house well for lots of cash. Find the far south- eastern house and talk to the woman, who says something about Sabin. Exit this village and head north. Rent a Chocobo not to have to fight (80GP). 8. Sabin's Cabin In here, Edgar remebers lots of stuff about Sabin, but there's nothing but a tonic in a bucket, and a bed where you can rest for free. Exit and look for a path in the mountain to the east. 9. Mt. Kolts Follow the path picking up the items, and you'll eventually reach the valley of the mountain where Vargas is. He a little tough; to kill him, first get rid of the Ipoohs, then keep whacking him until Sabin appears. When he does, immediately use Pummel (left, right, left) or Aura Bolt (right, down, left) if he has it. This will make him freak out and self-destruct. 10. Returner's Hideout First off, follow the guard and talk to Bannon. Search the chests for a Fenix Down, and Air Lancet, a True Knight a White cape and a Potion. Pots and cuckets also contain little items. Go outside where Bannon is and talk to him with Terra. If you want a Gauntlet, say "yes" right away when he asks you a question, if you want a Genji Glove (better for now), say no, enter the cave, talk to him again, say no again and so on. Now the Empire found the base so you have to escape on a raft. From Bannon's room, go down to reach the raft. 11. Lete River The point is not to let Bannon get killed, if he dies, you lose. When you encouter bad guys, have everyone attack and Bannon use his healing skill. At the first save point, rest if you must. At another crossway, choose the left path and you'll be at a save point. You should save here. At the next area, Ultros the octopus must be fought for the first time. For this guy, have Edgar keep using Autocrossbow, Sabin use the Aura Bolt Blitz, Terra use the Fire spell, and Bannon constantly use Health. After a cut scene, you appear at a save point... save. Now you have to pick one of 3 scenarios. The order doesn't matter, but Shadow joins you in one of these, and if you do Terra, Edgar and Bannon's scenario before Sabin's, he'll stay on the team longer. TERRA, EDGAR, AND BANON's SCENARIO 12a. Lete River (cont.) You'll still be rafting down the river. Still be careful Banon doesn't die or your game's over. You'll end up east of Narshe, edge the lake and enter town. 12b. Mines of Narshe Some guards won't let you in through the gate, so use the secret entrance from before. In the mine, follow the path and you'll come across a Moogle security system. You have to follow the flashing light to get through safely. If you screw up, press the A button when the light is in front of you, if not you'll have to fight and retry until you get it right. After this you're in a Moogle cave. Remember this place for later. Go left and down to a chest that contains the Rune Edge. Exit the mines and enter Arvis' house. After a bit of dialogue, the scenario ends. LOCKE's SCENARIO 13a. South Figaro At this point, only Locke will be in your party. One rule for this place; don't talk to the magitek-armor guys or you're dead meat. Also, make sure to equip your stuff. Visit the item shop and talk to the merchant near the clock to start a fight. Now in the fight, use the Steal command and take his duds, he'll wimp out and escape. Now you're dressed like a merchant! Go to the house south of the Item Shop and walk downstairs. You'll be able to pass as a merchant. Walk onto the boardwalk and fight the guy in the green suit and steal his clothes. Now go near the center of town where there are three guards, talk to the bottom ones. Enter the Cafe's basement and beat up the merchant for his clothes, you'll get Cider too. Go give the Cider to the crazy guy, who will try to give you a password, but forgot. Go downstairs and give the kid the word "courage". Go through the tunnel and upstair in the big house, and go in the first room. Walk behind the bookcase into the hidden stairway. Go all the way down and scroll against the bottom wall to enter a hiden area where there are two good items. Enter the first room and remove Cele's chains. Talk to the guard to get a key, and visit the second room to save. Go to the third room and wind the clock to open the secret passage. 13b. Secret Passage / Caves of Figaro There are lots of hidden items in this area, so scroll the walls well and make sure to find at least the Ribbon (VERY IMPORTANT), and the Earrings. Just follow the tunnels in this area and go up the stairs and exit this place and the town. Go northwest and enter the caves. Just go through, and heal at the spring. Right before you exit, a boss attacks. The TunnelArmr is kind of easy, just have Celes keep using the Runic skill, and Locke attack. Once the boss in\s dead, Locke's scenario ends. SABIN's SCENARIO 14a. House on the Veldt Shadow and a Chocobo-riding salesman are here. You can buy stuff before the guy leaves, or just talk to Shadow to get him on your team. Exit this dump head east, then south until you reach a bridge. This is the Imperial Camp. In the camp, you overhear a little conversation... 14b. Doma Castle You now play as Cyan. After the poisoning, exit the castle and you can choose to fight all the guys, or just go for the boss and get it over with. The guy is easy, just use SwdTech 1 (Dispatch) about twice and he's dead. 14c. Imperial Camp The right tent has a chest. Hit it if you don't feel like fighting. You get a Star Pendant. Go down to the second screen, where you hear about Kefka involving poison. You get mad and chase him around, he's easy, just hit him once. He keeps running away and you end up having to fight soldiers. Kefka poisons Doma, and you now control Cyan. Go to the throne room then the room east of it. Cyan freaks out, so go help him fight, he then joins you. You escape the camp in MagiTek suits, cool! Go southeast and enter the forest. 14d. Phantom Forest If you haven't done Terra's scenario yet, then Shadow leaves right away. This area is easy, just go right one screen, up once to a beautiful lake (also a recovery spring), keep going and eventually you find a phantom train. Enter the train. 14e. Phantom Train Right when you enter, go to the caboose to the right and have the ghost join your team. When you use the ghost's skill, he'll die. Also save and talk to the stupid guy. The first 2 cars are full of ghosts, they either want to join you or kill you. Some sell things. All ghosts in the train will do one of these. In the 3rd car, kill the ghost that blocks you, then go outside and climb on the roof to hop across to the next car and again one more. In this car, pull the switch to detach the rest of the cars, the pull it again to open the wall and keep going. Next car is a restaurant with a nice ghost that will replenish the group when you eat. Next car, in the first room, Siegfried will attack you. Beat him, but he takes the chest and you never hear from him again. The next room contains 4 chests, and the next car has a save spot. In the control room, pull switch 1 and 3, then climb on the train and pull the switch on the chimney. Now you have to fight the train. One of the easier bosses; just give him a Revify, or a Fenix Down and he's instantly gone. After the cut scene, exit the area and enter the path on the Mountains. Shadow will leave here so make sure to unequip him not to lose your stuff. 14f. Barren Falls / The Veldt Jump off the edge of the cliff, and as you fall, you'll have to fight Piranhas and a Rizopas. There's lots so it's kinda tough. After your fall, some kid wakes you then freaks out and leaves. Don't fight on the Veldt without Gau, it's a waste of time. Visit Mobliz to the southeast. 14g. Mobliz Go buy a dried meat at the shop. For a good item, visit the sick guy from Maranda and send a letter to his chick at the post office below. After this, visit the guy that speaks about the Serpent Trench, or sleep in the bed at the Relic Shop so you don't have to waste any money sleeping. Keep visiting the guy and mailing his letters. Eventually you get the Tintinabar. Exit the town and get into fights until you find Gau. 14h. The Veldt / Cresent Mountain / Serpent Trench Once you're in a fight vs. Gau, give him a dried meat and don't attack him. He'll join your team. and says he has something for you at Cresent Mountain. You should make him Leap until he has the Catscratch enemy attack from the Stray Cat, then head to his cave to the south. Walk around and Gau will point stuff out. Don't go near the upper left platform or else you'll lose 500 GP. At the end of the cave he shows you the "treasure", a scaphandre helmet. Go down and into the serpent trench. In here the fights are pretty easy. Keep choosing the RIGHT HAND pathes to get all the items. The trench take you to Nikeah. 14i. Nikeah Seriously not much to do here, but you can buy stuff. Visit the docks and talk to the sailor. then hop on the boat and off you go. End of 3rd scenario. 15. Narshe Snowfield Battle The teams will meet up in Narshe and head to the Snowfields where the esper is being kept. Here Kefka and his troops will come for the esper. The point is to kill Kefka and survive the troops' attacks. You can go straight for Kefka, or use characters to block off the path until no troops are left. Near the esper, Terra goes nuts and disappears. 16. Narshe From the Elder's house where the team is grouped up, pick the characters you want on your team for the next event. Pick only 3 if you want Shadow to join the quest in a bit. Search Narshe for items and buy new weapons. The items are the Wall Ring, Sneak Ring, Hyper Wrist, Thief Knife, Earrings and 5000GP. Rest in the bed in the weapon shop for free, head for Figaro Castle. 17. Figaro Castle When you enter the castle, go down the left staircase and talk to the old man, he will submerge Figaro and make it reappear past the mountains near Kohlingen. If Sabin and Edgar are in the party, a cut scene will ensue at the castle. If you rest in the left tower, you will learn even more. Have Edgar as team leader and visit the castle's shops for new items at a good discount! 18. Kohlingen Go into the Cafe where Shadow is, and he will join you for 3000GP if you have 3 or less characters in the party. If Locke is in the party, visit the top left house for a cut-scene that explains some of his past. The top right house also shows a flashback. You can head north to visit the man who wants to build a colloseum, but make sure to go to Jidoor. Jidoor is far to the south. Follow the west coast to get there. 19. Jidoor Not much to do here now... just some OK items and one Tincture in the house up north. Make your way make your way north east to reach Zozo, a town in which you can get attacked even in the streets. 20. Zozo First off, go past the first 2 buildings and up into the alley, where there will be a building containing a clock. Reset it to 6:10:50 to get at Edgar's best weapon, the Chainsaw. In the Relic Shop, walk up as far as possible to find a chest with the ThiefGlove. From there, go back down to the floor with the open doorway, and push against the window to jump across to the other building. Right before the end of the tower, Dadaluma fights you. He has 3270 HP and is weak against Poison, and calls up Ninjas to help him. Shred him with your best attacks and you will receive the FireKnuckle. Up in the tower you'll get the first 4 Espers, equip your favorite characters with those giving bonuses at level-ups, and unequip Shadow cause he's leaving now. After the cut scene, pick 2 more characters to make a full group, and go to Jidoor. 21. Jidoor Visit the Impresario's house to the north of town and pick up the letter he drops. You find out about Setzer, who has an airship. Go from here to the Opera House to the south. 22. Opera House You'll play as Celes in the role of Maria to trick Setzer. When the play begins, pick the right parts quickly or you get kicked out and have to restart (Oh, my hero..., I'm the darkness..., Must I...). After this a guy appears. When he fades away, grab the flowers and head for the top floor quickly or you have to restart. Now you're Locke in the dressing room. Return to the balcony and talk to Impressario. Because Ultros is back to his scheme again, you have 5 minutes to stop him. Run right to the northeast wing of the Opera House and hit the far right switch. Go back through the balcony and up to the northwest wing, where you will cross girders to get to Ultros. After he's dead, Setzer shows up and takes Celes. After the cut scene in the airship, you are taken to the continent where Vector (the Empiral Base) is. From your crash spot, you can choose the go straight to Vector, or visit the three towns. 23. Albrook / Tzen / Maranda Albrook is almost pointless, but has a few crappy hidden items. Tzen sells some good Mithril armors, as well as Maranda, and also so OK weapons. After you explose through, go to Vector in the center area. If you're in Maranda, there's a chocobo stable in the woods nearby. 24. Vector You can rest in the INN, but the keeper might steal 1000GP. There's a tiny house with a woman on a rocking chair. Say you're with the returners and guys will attack you, but then she'll heal you for free. Don't talk to guards in this town or you have to restart. Don't try to go through the gate cause there's a Guardian at it (BIG monster). Talk to the guy crouching behind the box near the Inn, and he'll help you get in the factory. 25. MagiTek Factory Pick up all the items you find. First off, grab that hook thats moving around by pressing A. Get the chest and go back. Go right and enter the second pipe to the right of the stairs, grab the chest and climb back through the pipe and enter the first pipe. Get the treasure and cross the conveyor belt to go down a level. There's 3 chests here, on the left, right and one thru the door to the left of the one you entered. Scroll the right wall near the boxes to get to 2 more chests. Kefka will talk and kick espers down a chute. Right now, look around for the "Blizzard" which Umaro uses that you can only get here. It's at the bottom left part of this area. Now, hop down the chute the espers went and talk to them. You'll have to fight them, but they'll end up giving you their powers.Enter the left door to save, and the right door to keep going. Climb the stairs and you'll be in a room with holding tanks. Walk to the left and down to find the Break Blade in a chest. Go up and fight number 024 who guards the door. He changes weak points, so SCAN him then use the appropriate attacks on him. Now enter the door and walk to the end of the hall and press the switch. After a cut scene and receiving all the magicites, you're in the basement with Cid. 26. Escape From the Factory Use the save point and Cid will push you in the cart after the quake. You'll have to fight Mag Roaders here which are kind of easy, but then you'll face Number 128. Heal with Locke and attack the body with the other characters. Now you're back in Vector. Setzer will come and you'll be on the airship, but Kefka will use the Cranes to attack you. Kill the right crane first, then the left, and your'e on your way. You'll be taken to Zozo. 27. Esper World You're back in the tower at Zozo, and after Terra explains stuff, you're in a dream, controlling the esper Maduin. This part is easy and has no hidden anything. After this, you can control the airship. You should head straight for Narshe, but can explore the world. 28. Narshe You're taken to Bannon. From this area, go to the far right treasure house where lone wolf is. He escapes and the chests are empty. Follow him north up to where the esper was and Terra went nuts. You have the choice between rescuing him or Mog. Rescue Mog if you want him in your party later, if not, talk to the Wolf to get the Gold Hairpin which cuts magic points used by 50%. If you picked Mog, add him to your team and go to Cresent Mountain and hop in the Serpent Trench, make him fight to use the Water Rondo dance. Then from Nikeah, walk north until you reach the House on the Veldt, then go back thru the Imperial Camp, the Phantom Forest and go down the Barren Falls. Now go grab the airship and head for the Imperial Base east of Vector. 29. Imperial Base Have Terra on the team or you get kicked out. Just go right through this area now, there's nothing of interest. Exit through the right side. 30. Cave to the Sealed Gate In the moving bridge area, find Coin Toss and move on. From here, go up the bridge and pull the switch. Go back down and grab the Genji Glove. Go back and take the right path. Go up and pull the left lever, then enter the new doorway, grab the treasure, and save the game. If you pull the right switch you have to fight a Ninja. Pull the next switch and go down the new stairway Go through the hole after you get the chest and step on both switches. Go down then left and step on the switch to enter the door. Get the Atma Weapon, the game's 2nd most powerful sword. Leave and go past the bridge, then up and pull the switch. Now cross the bridge, pull the other switch and go up and left across the bridge. Hit the switch in the chest and return to the right. Go up the stairs and your at the sealed gate. After you fight Kefka, go back through the base and on the airship. Not espers will attack you and the ship will crash south of Maranda. From here, go to Vector. 31. Imperial Palace Vector is in flames, talk to the villagers for more info. Go past the village and enter the palace, the Guardian is gone now. Make your way to the room where you will talk to Gestahl. He tells you to talk to as many soldiers as possible in 4 minutes. This is hard and can be very rewarding. Don't get treasures while you do this, and don't talk to Kefka in his cell. Some soldiers will fight you, so do it quick. Now during the banquet you are asked questions. Answer as follows for maximal rewards; 1- (toast) To out hometowns 2- (Kefka) Leave him in jail 3- (Doma) It was inexcusable 4- (Celes) She's one of us 5- (more questions) *ask them all, but DO NOT ASK THE SAME QUESTION TWICE!!!* 6- (espers) They've gone too far 7- (what question asked first) *say the applicable answer* 8- (break) YES - take a break 9- (anything else) The war is over 10- (favor) *say YES the first time* About halfway through, when Cid proposes the break, talk to the sentries, who will test your strength. Sit whenever you want to continue. After the meal, Terra and Locke decide to head to Albrook. Before leaving, make sure to go grab all the treasures and maybe speak to Kefka. As you leave, a soldier will reward you for talking to the soldier on behalf of the Empire. What you get depends on how many soldies you spoke to and how you answered the questions. In the best-case scenario, you would have gotten the troops to withdraw from South Figaro and Doma, access to the weapons shack in the Imperial Base, a Tintinabar and a Charm Bangle. Now visit the Imperial Base treasure room. 32. Imperial Base Treasure Room At the Imperial Base, go to the locked door in the building at the bottom. In here, open all the chests to get a Cherub Down, an X-Potion, an Ether, a Cure Ring, a Back Guard, 2 Elixirs, RunningShoes, a Wall ring, and a total of 39000 GP. Also in the stove is hidden a Flame Saber. Now head for Albrook. 33. Albrook If you go to Tzen, there's a guy selling Saphrim for 3000GP, but if you wait a bit more, the price drops to 10GP... not bad! So you're in Albrook. Go to the docks and talk to General Leo. Now go to the Inn and rest, then back to the ship and talk to Leo, then you're off. Shadow joins here. 34. Thamasa Follow the light green path leading to the peninsula and enter Thamasa. Talk to Strago in the far top right house, then go rest for a cool 1GP. All of a sudden a fire erupts in a house, after Strago joins you, enter the house. Avoid the flames or you'll have to fight Balloons, which can take off alot. Equip everyone with water or ice gear and spells to couter the fire. Whenever you can pick between 2 doors, always take the right hand one. You'll end up facing FlameEater. Kill him with water and ice spells, and Strago's Aqua Rake. Now Relm will appear and Shadow will save you. Unequip Shadow now because he's leaving. Now take Strago west to the mountains and enter a cave. 35. Espers' Gathering Place In the first room, take the right exit. After a while you come across 3 statues. When you walk away, Ultros once again attacks. Just have Relm Sketch him for a quick victory. Keep going up and use the save spot. To the right of this are three holes; the top ones lead to items while the bottom one leads to the espers. Now you're back in Thamasa. 36. Thamasa This is kind of the FF3 fake ending: the Espers and the humans have reached an agreement and everyone is happy.... and then Kefka shows up. You control General Leo for this next part. Don't try to leave town or Guardian will attack you. Talk to Kefka and use Flash. After the fight, you are now outside Thamasa. Go back to Thamasa to find Strago's friend Gungho and learn more about Hidon. When you enter the airship, the triangle island will break away from the earth and float up into the sky. You can go anywhere for now, but when you're ready, make a party of 3 characters and choose "find floating continent" from the airship menu. 37. Battle In The Sky On the airship, a bunch of Sky Armors and Spit Fires must be fought, and after a little while, Ultros shows up with his friend Chupon. They each have 20000 HP, and Chupon sneezes you away after you beat them, which makes you fly off the airship and into a battle with Air Force. Air force has 8000 HP and is weak against lighting and water. Use your best attacks nonstop. You will then land on the island. 38. Floating Island After you land, go talk to Shadow and save. Equip eveyone to optimum and give them good relics. Go down the path and grab the orbs (the first is Cyan's Murasame... equip it now with the Tempest and give him a Genji Glove). One orb is Gigantos. He has 6000 HP and is weak to poison, but a tough cookie. Have someone use Cure2 continuously, Shadow Shiruken his ass, and Edgar use Drill or Chainsaw. Sabin use Aurabolt, Cyan use Quadra Slam, Dispatch or attack, Gau use Stray Cat, etc... Use the Phantom esper early in the fight. He gives you the Hardened blade. Push against the mound things, they open up and turn to teleporters. This maze is the game's most difficult, so I won't explain it. Go down one mound thing and you find a save point. Later, there's a sort of hole in the island, and you see the airship. Don't jump or else you have to restart it all. When you keep going you end up at the Atma Weapon. This guy has 24000 HP and has no weak points, but also has no specific strong points. Use all your best spells and attacks and keep healing. When the fight is over, a great cut scene ensues. Run eastward until you come to a thing that looks like a save point, it's really a monster. Nerapa has 2800 HP and is weak against ice, lightining and pearl, but has a wall spell. Attack him lots physically, and cast wall on your own character, then an attack spell on that character to hurt Nerapa with magic. When you get to the Airship, wait for shadow until the last 2 seconds, he'll come. End of the world / part one. ___________________________________________________________________________ TIPS AND TRICKS (part one) Theft, the only way to go: *As soon as you get the Thief Glove, equip it! Instead of just attacking, Locke will both attack and steal at once, this can get you great items for free. Most of the time the items won't be that good, but be patient and you will be rewarded. *In the Vector Magitek Factory you can steal Magicite from Flans. This can also be stolen from the Intangir on Triangle Island (WOB). *Steal DragoonBoots from Wyverns (WOB), these sell for lots of $$$. *Steal unlimited Genji Gloves from Dragons! (Floating Continent). Spell Secrets: *You can instantly obliviate an enemy by Vanishing him, then using Doom, Break or X-Zone. This works on almost anyone! If you Vanish an enemy and have Relm Sketch it, the game might glitch up... if you notice strange things when you're fighting, run away and check your inventory.... it might be FULL of great items. *Cast 5 spells per turn! First, get the Gem Box, and in battle, cast one spell, then Quick, and you can then cast 4 more spells! *For easy magic levels, go to the Triangle Island and fight Intangirs ...they give 10 MP each, so stick around for lots of new spells. *You can summon up espers by using a Magicite, or selecting the esper name in the Magic menu within a battle. Each have different effects. Final Attacks: Almost every character has a special low-HP attack. This means that if a character is about to die, and you still make him attack, there is a chance of him or her using an extremely powerful "desperation attack", here; TERRA: Riot Blade - spinning things strike enemy LOCKE: Mirager - a straightforward attack with a cool sound EDGAR: Royal Shock - light rays leap from enemy SABIN: Tiger Break - leaps toward enemy in a tiger or dragon head CYAN: BlackBlade - screen turns black and you see a circular sword slice MOG: Moogle Rush - exactly like the blitz Pummel SETZER: Red Card - throws three sets of three cards RELM: Star Prism - 3 orange stars kill enemy intantly STRAGO: SabreSoul - jumps towards, and kills enemy CELES: Spin Edge - she spins with her sword out SHADOW: ShadowFang - jumps at enemy and makes claw marks GOGO: X-Meteor - causes a large meteor to hit all enemies Pretty interesting miscellaneous stuff *Get an extra Memento Ring in Strago's house upstairs in the left corner of the room. Face down towards the indent and press A. *Buy Magicites Golem and ZoneSeek at Jidoor's Auction House. *(WOB) there's a forest west of the veldt that is full of Bombs... fight long enough and you may encounter the elusive Grenade! *When you go from Figare Castle to South Figaro through the caves, leave all the chests alone... go back for them in the WOR and they will all be more valuable! *Fenix Down, Revify or Life spells will instantly kill undead enemies (including bosses), while death spells will heal them. *To save cash, use Sleeping Bags on parties of 2 or less, and Tents on 3-character to full parties. ___________________________________________________________________________ ITEMS NOT TO MISS Whatever you do, don't miss any of these items. They're very helpful and will make your quest alot easier and even more fun. 1. ChainSaw: Edgar's most powerful Tool to be found in Zozo. Reset the clock in the northern building to 6:10:50 to reveal the hidden staircase containing this item. 2. Exp.Egg: A handy relic that makes fights give twice as much EXP points. Can be found in Daryll's Tomb in the Wolrd of Ruin in the basement. Scroll the bottom and right walls of the square room with the flight of stairs to the left to find a hidden passage leading to this item and more. 3. Economizer: Cuts the amount of MP used to 1. Can be won from Brontosaurs, (tyranosaur forest) but are VERY RARE! I've played hundreds of hours and only have gotten 6 so far! 4. Gem Box: A relic allowing a character to cast 2 consecutive magic spells. Find this atop the fanatic's tower (WOR). 5. Offering: Find this relic in the Ancient Castle, allows fighters to attack 4 times in a row! Pair with a Genji Glove for 8x the attack power. 6. MoogleCharm:A relic only Mog can equip that lets the player evade fights altogether. Found in the Narshe Moogle Cave where Mog was sitting (just face the wall and press A). 7. Ribbon: Prevents all adverse statuses, this relic can be stolen from Brontosaurs, and one can be found in a South Figaro house's basement during Locke's scenario. 8. AtmaWeapon: A must-have weapon; attack power varies depending on HP level of user. Find this in the Fire Cave, and steal one from the Godess (third statue) in Kefka's Tower. 13. Ragnarok: The most powerful weapon in the game. Find this in a Narshe home (WOR). Allows user to learn the Ultima spell. 14. Illumina: A sword equal in power to the Ragnarok, but attacks for to same damage from either row. To get this sword, bet the Ragnarok at the Colloseum. 15. Fixed Dice: Cheat your way to Glory, Setzer's ultimate weapon. ___________________________________________________________________________ THE PERFECT SAVE LOG FF3 is not only about beating the game, it's about finding all the secrets, training the ultimate fighters, and truly enjoying every aspect of what this game has to give you. For those truly hardcore FF3 players, I have compiled a list of how to make your log the PERFECT save log, in which you may have played the game for all it's worth. 1- Every player has his favorite characters, and their most hated. Why would someone want a bad character on his team? One reason this game is so great is for the fact that you don't have to have a team comprising of any bad characters! When you reach the world of ruin, just ignore the phases you need to do to get those characters you dislike. You may leave behind a few important items, but it's not a great price to pay to have a team comprising of only the best! My team only has 7 fighters, only 1 of which I hate: Setzer! I just kept him for the airship. 2- Get rid of all the crap in your inventory. Find out which items you are apt not to use, or have not used throughtout most of the game, and sell them! Equip all your characters to their optimum, including relics, and sell the rest. Keep any items you might want to switch from time to time (ie; the Atma Weapon or Tintinabar), but GET RID OF EVERYTHING ELSE. Not only will your inventory look much cleaner, but you'll be super rich and you won't select the wrong items by mistake. When you're done getting rid of all the useless stuff, reorganize it and rearange it in the order you like best. 3- Get all your favorites to level 99 and try to max out all their stats from an early level by equipping the right espers. I got my Cyan to be the ultimate fighter by doing this, now every single attack he does takes off 9999, and he attacks 8 times in a row! You can probab- ly do this with any character if you just play your cards right. 4- If you went and got a character you didn't want, simply turn him into a type of "SuperImp". This is easy, just go to the Colloseum and fight using an Elixir to get a Rename Card. Then go steal an Imp Halberd from a Weed Feeder, an Imp's Armor from a Sprinter, a Titanium from a Tumbleweed and and a Totoise Shield from a Geckorex (most of these enemies can be found near Kefka's Tower). Cast IMP on the hated character, then use the rename card on him and call him whatever you want (I called mine Kappa, after the imp that teaches you stuff at the 3 scenarios thing). Finally, equip the new Imp with all the new gear... there you go, one super imp, one less crapacter. ___________________________________________________________________________ EPILOGUE You've just read part 1 of my FF3 walkthrough and guide, so make sure not to miss the other half for a walkthrough to the World of Ruin, as well as a whole bunch of new tips and tricks, secrets and answers to all you need to know about Final Fantasy 3. Thank you for reading my walkthrough, you can contact me at jdcyr@hotmail.com. COPYRIGHT I wouldn't apreciate it if someone was to copy from this guide or use stuff from it to his own profit. You can post this guide on your site without alterations, but get my permission before doing anything else to it. Thanks. (c)JD Cyr, 1998 ______________________________JD CYR PRESENTS______________________________ THE 1998 FINAL FANTASY III REVIVAL _____________________________ / ______/ _____/_ _ _ __/ / /____ / /___ / // // / / _____// ____/ / // // / F I N A L F A N T A S Y I I I / / / / __/ // // /__ /__/ /__/ /____________/ *\ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ || \\/\// /,\ ||_ ||// -.|- ||_|| |0 \ //\\ ||_|| //__ ||_|| || \/\/ //`\\ |__| ||\\ || || || ||\\ \\// \___/ \\// || || 0000_______||_______________ 000000\|||||||_______________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---------------......._____ 000000/|||||||_______________.................---------------~~~~~~~ 0000 || || | P A R T T W O \, (C)1998, JD Cyr ___________________________________________________________________________ INTRO This is part 2 of my FF3 walkthrough. The half it covers is more of a non- linear type thing where you have a choice of what to do next. In this half you even get to choose what characters to have on your team (except 3), so you have a chance to build a save log with only your favorite characters. The parts where you can skip or get a character are outlined. Enojy! ___________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Walkthrough (part two) 2. Possible Endings 3. Tips and Tricks (part two) 4. Glitch Secrets 5. Epilogue / Copyright ___________________________________________________________________________ W A L K T H R O U G H FINAL FANTASY III : PART TWO - The World of Ruin - 1. Solitary Island One year after the ordeal, you wake up as Celes on a small island. Cid also lives here, but is dying. Save him by going to the beach and feeding him the fast-moving "delicious" fish. If you feed him the slow ones, or you don't feed him enough, he will die. When Cid dies or gets better, Celes decides to kill herself, but survives. Back at the hut, you learn about a raft that Cid made, so decide to leave. Equip yourself and head to Albrook. 2. Albrook Not much to do here, but you learn abit about life after the holocaust and you hear a bit about your friends. Check a pot in the weapons shop for a Tincture, then if you want, buy new gear. You hear about Sabin being in Tzen. If you want Sabin on your team, head north past Kefak's Tower to Tzen. 3. Tzen As you enter town, the "Light of Judgement" hits and things start to flare up. Buy and equip a Jewel Ring and go to the house Sabin is holding up. You are given 6 minutes to rescue the kid and get out, while grabbing treasures along the way. Avoid the chest next to the stairs going down, and the one next to the kid, they are monsters-in-a-box. Now get out and Sabin will join the team. If you want Terra on the team, head east past the bridge, and south following the coast and enter Mobliz. 4. Mobliz Follow the kid in the house and go downstairs. Terra will be here, and after a cut scene, Phunbaba will attack. Terra fights but gets her ass kicked. Now it's your turn, he has 28000 HP and is weak to poison. Don't attack with lightning, it heals him. Make yourself invisible, it helps. Terra still won't join but you'll get the Fenrir esper. Head north-northwest to Nikeah. 5. Nikeah Talk to everyone in the Cafe, and follow the thieves onto the ship. Go back to town and talk to 'Gerad', and follow him... you're headed to South Figaro. 6. South Figaro Go to the Cafe, into the door marked Inn and through to Gerad's room. The thieves will leave after you talk to Gerad (Edgar). Shop around, then head west to the Caves of Figaro. 7. Cave of Figaro Sigfried will be here, and tell you to wait there. Don't listen to him. If
you didn't alrady search the chests, do it now. Go through the cave and into
the new section. Jump across the turtle and past the chests. You'll event-
ually get to Figaro Castle's basement.

8.	Basement of Figaro Castle
Go up the stairs and down the other way, keep going down. After searching the
rooms (and the statue to get a Soul Sabre), go talk to Gerad, he'll admit 
he's Edgar and join your party. Now you have to fight the 4 tentacles; their
combined HP is 22000, and the bottom left one is weak against Fire, the
bottom right one against Ice/Water. When it's dead, get out and Figaro will
resurface. Now go buy Edgar some new stuff and visit the old guy that 
operates the castle to take you to Kohlingen.

9.	Kohlingen
Setzer will be in the Inn. He'll join you, you have no choice. Make your way
south then west to Daryll's Tomb.

10.	Darill's Tomb
Go right to basement 2, then left and down. Search the chest and go back up
through the doorway. Press the switch in the pond, then go back to the room
with the stairs going up and the chest in the middle. Scroll the bottom wall
for a passageway leading to the Exp. Egg. Go back to the start of basement 2
and enter the right door. Examine the gravestone, then go up to press the
switch and down to grab the treasure. Go to the room with the turtle on your
left and ride across, and use the save point. The left chest is a monster 
(Presenter, weak against Fire) that gives you a Dragon Claw, and the other 
has the Man Eater. Go up through the door and examine the statue, you will 
have to fight Dullahan. 23450 HP and weak against Fire. Use the drill to bust
him up good. After you get the airship, the world is your oyster. You can try
to beat the game now, or gather all the other guys and get your levels up.
Next sections explain all the non-linear aspects.

                               HOW TO GET CYAN

11a.	Maranda
From Daryll's Tomb, visit Maranda and go into Lola's house. Read the letter
on her desk, then exit the house and talk to the pigeon. Follow the pigeon
to Zozo.

11b.	Zozo
Gotalk to the guy in front of the Inn and buy the Rust-Rid from him for 1000 
GP. After this, enter the Café and climb until you reach the door that is 
rusted shut. The Rust-Rid helps that, and you can now enter Mt. Zozo.

11c.	Mt. Zozo
Walk through the path getting the treasures, and you'll arrive at 2 pathes.
Take the left one first to get the treasure, then the right one to keep going
onward. You'll eventually find Cyan. He'll join your team. Go back outside 
search the glowing thing if you want some pointless items from the chest
inside. return to the save spot and go step on the switch to release the 
Storm Drgn. He has 42000 HP and is weak against Lightning. To get rid of him 
fast, use Vanish then Doom or Break. You'll get a Force Armor and you only
have 7 more dragons to go. Now get out of here and back to the airship. Go to
Maranda and have Cyan visit Lola, and examine the letter... he'll switch it.

                               HOW TO GET GAU

12.	The Veldt
From there, take the airship to the Veldt with a party of 3 and fight until
Gau shows up, it's as simple as that. I recomend skipping Gau because he 
sucks. If you DO get him, take him and Sabin to the house on the big island 
north of the Veldt to learn more about Gau's past. It's sad but oh well. From
here, go to the cave on the Veldt.

                          HOW TO GET RELM OR SHADOW

13a.	Cave on the Veldt
In here you'll find a chest containing the Alloverm he has 8000 HP and is
weak against Fire and Pearl. He can cast Doom, so watch it. Hw gives a Fire
Claw when he's dead. Anywho, keep on down the pathes and you'll reach a door
with a switch beside it. Pull the switch and keep going until you find Shadow
(Relm is you left Shadow on the Floating Continent). Go check him/her out and
SrBehemoth will attack. He has 19000 HP and is weak against Fire and Poison.
Just keep hitting him until dead, but then his ghost shows up. Just use a 
Fenix Down on him and he'll die right away. Now you're headed to Thamasa.

13b.	Thamasa
Go rest in the Inn and when you wake up, go check on Shadow or Relm. Go back
to the airship and go back to the Solitary Island where Celes started, visit
the beach and pick up the Palidor esper. If you want, you can go back to 
Thamasa and you'll hear Shadow went to fight at the Colloseum.

14.	Colosseum 
You wager items and fight monsters to win other items here. When you bet the
Striker (you find it in the cave on the Veldt), Shadow will fight you. When 
you win, he will stay on your team forever. 

Shadow's Dreams
You can learn more about Shadow	when you take him to an Inn, and he dreams.
The dreams are pretty freaky, and there are 7 in all. If you see them all,
the ending changes. Anyhow, go to Jidoor to get Relm if you want.


15.	Jidoor
I absolutely suggest you skip this, because all you'll miss is one esper you
don't need anyhow, and it's a huge giant pain in the ass, this area. Anyhow,
go north to Owzer's house and check out the paintings. Some of them will make
you fight, some of them will give you info. After all this, enter the new 
door and fight out the picture, then take the left door, then back and 
through the right one. Now take the left door. You'll get to a room with
floating chests, who will fall and attack you. If you look at the painting, 
you'll have to fight Still Life. Enter the door that appears when it's dead
and use the save spot. Take the right door or it's just a detour. You'll find
Relm and Owzer, and have to fight Chadarnook. He's real tough. 56000 HP and
weak against Fire. Have Edgar use Drill and everyone else use Fire and such.
You get Starlet for beating it. 

                              HOW TO GET TERRA

16. Mobliz
Back in the house basement, everybody's saying that Katarin is missing. Go to
the house on the left where Duane is, and follow the dog behind the bookshelf
to find Terra and Katarin. While you're down there, Phunbaba will attack 
again, and you'll have to go back outside and fight him. He has 26000 HP and
is weak against poison. After a few from your team get blown away by Baba-
breath, Terra joins and helps. Just kill him like you did before. Get back
to the airship, and now Terra's on your team.

                              HOW TO GET STRAGO

17.	Fanatics' Tower
Relm must be in your party for this. Just land near the tower and enter it.
Relm will make Strago snap out of his coma or whatever, and join your team.
Don't climb the tower yet, instead take the airship to where the mountains
form a star and press B to decend. This is situated north of Tzen.

                              HOW TO GET LOCKE

18a.	Phoenix Cave
Just make 3 groups with each a good fighter and follow down the path, 
stepping on switches and such to clear the way for the other groups. There
are only 2 items of interest in this place (Wing Edge, Ribbon), so don't 
break your head trying to find everything. At one point you come across the
Red Dragon. Equip all Ice armor and use Ice and Water spells on him. After 
the maze, you'll find Locke and be automatically returned to Kohlingen.

18b.	Kohlingen
You'll learn more about Locke here, and receive the esper Phoenix. Locke will
also give you all the stuff that was in the empty treasure chests in Star
Mountain. Locke is now on your team. Head for Narshe.

                          HOW TO GET MOG AND UMARO

19.	Narshe
Locke will be a big help here since he can open the locked buildings. In the
house with no markings, talk to the man in bed, he'll give you the Cursed
Shld, which if worn for 255 battles will transform to the Paladin Shld, who
teaches Ultima. Get into the weapon shop and find the old man, who will give 
you a choice between the Ragnarok esper and sword (the esper teaches the most
powerful spell Ultima, while the sword is the second best in the game, and is
needed to get the best sword in the game... I'd pick the sword since attacks
eventually get as strong as any spells). 


20.	Narshe Mines
Enter the mines through the secret passage through Arvis' house, and then go 
to the Moogle Cave where Mog will be waiting to join you. Once he's out of 
the way, check the wall behind him and get the Moogle Charm. Return to the 
airship and add Mog to your party.  


21.	Umaro's Cave
Go back into Narshe and go straight to the Ice Fields. The Ice Dragon is here
and weak against Fire. Equip all fire gear and kill him. Now go to where the 
frozen esper where Terra freaked out is, and fight it to get it's powers. Now
jump in the indentation in the back. There are 3 chests down here. The Pugs
once beaten will give you the Minerva Armor (best female armor in the game).
You'll find a switch, don't pull it. Cross the bridge and pull the one you 
are near, and you will fall in a den. There's a skull here, go check it out
to get Terrato. Umaro will appear and try to kill you, but he only has 17200
HP and is weak against fire and poison, and cold spells heal him. Once Mog
makes him feel bad, he joins the team. Head for a triangular island somewhere
to the far east of the overworld map.

                              HOW TO GET GOGO

22a.	Triangle Island
Walk around until you get attacked by the ZoneEater. Don't attack it, just
let it suck up all your characters. Once all engulfed, you're in a cave.

22b.	Cave in Triangle Island
Follow the bottom path and pick up treasure along the way. Once you're at a
spot where you have to jump from platform to platform, do it but let yourself
get knocked down by the guys once to get the loot. After this is a place with
a ceiling that goes up then falls. Avoid it or you die. You'll end up meeting
Gogo, who'll join your quest. Go to his Stats menu and equip him some 
abilities, then use Warp or a Warp Stone and get out of there. Now you may 
have all the characters, so the next section's just a bunch of random events.

                              RANDOM EVENTS

1.	The Gem Box, Fanatic's Tower
Take a Berserked Umaro, Gogo with the Fight command equipped, and 2 good 
magic users who have Vanish and a death spell or X-Zone, or take Mog equipped
with the Moogle Charm and 3 good magic users who have the same above spells.
You also need the Life3 spell for the boss. This is a very long tower. When
you rach the first door, search the chest, then press A on the wall to the 
right of the chest, exit the room and go down a floor. There will be a new
door. Enter and get Edgar's Air Anchor. Another door contains the White 
Dragon.  He has 18500 HP and has no weakness. Use Flare and Ultima ot kill
him and get the Pearl Lance. Atop the tower, after you get the Gem Box, 
equip it right away and exit to fight the Mage Master. He changes weak points
often, so Berserk him and he won't be able to anymore! He has 50000 HP. Make
sure at least one guy has Life 3 cast on him or else your climc has been in
vain. Anywho, use your best spells on him, and if you get his weak point to
stop at something like Fire, then use fire spells. After the fight you have
to climb all the way back down. Now find Doma Castle.

2.	Cyan's Dream, Doma Castle
With Cyan in your party, go to the room to the right of the throne room to
gather the treasure.  Then enter the door south of this room and follow the
path until you reach a door which leads to a couple more chests. Now return
to the hall leading to the throne room. Go south from the throne room door
and then into the right door. Search the pot then go left and enter the 
second door you come to.  Get the chest and then goo back and enter the door
you passed up. Take a nap and you will enter Cyan's dreams. You start out 
with one of the 3 characters in a weird dreamworld. Head left and enter the 
right door and then the next right door. Now you can go down and get another 
of your characters back. Now enter the door, go right and enter that door. 
Now go left again and this time enter the left door. Go down and get you 
remaining character. Enter the door. Now enter the top door, then the door 
on the right, and then the only door there. Now go right and enter the door.
Go down and try entering the door. Larry, Curly, and Moe will attack. Larry 
(left stooge) has 10000 HP and is weak against fire. The top stooge Curly has
15000 HP and is weak against ice and water. The right stooge Moe has 12000 HP
and no weaknesses. To kill these, use Ultima and Bahamut. Finish them off 
with regular attacks. Enter the door that appears, and you'll find yourself 
on a train. Go left into the train car. In the second car pull the switch as
you enter and then hurry around the couch to get the treasure. Now go to the 
far left of the car and get the Lump of Metal from the chest. Return right, 
to the open chest that moves. Push A and you'll put the Metal into the chest 
allowing you to get by it and get the chest in the back. Now go left and pull
the switch, notice which chests close. Continue left into the next car. 
Notice there is a chest just to the left of the entrance on the other side of
the couch. There are 4 switches. Use them in the following order (they are 
numbered 1 to 4, from right to left): 1, 2, 1, 3. Now you can reach switch 
#4. Before pulling it, close the chests so they match the set-up in the 
previous car: open open closed,  closed closed open. Once you have the chests
set up like above, pull the switch and the wall will open allowing you to go 
on to the next car. Enter the engine room and then attempt to exit. You'll 
find yourself in some mines. Go down and follow the path until you re-enter 
the cave. As soon as you enter the cave turn around and exit. You'll end up 
in a new spot. Trying to cross the bridge you'll fall and end up in the 
sleeping chambers of Doma Castle. Go to the throne room where you'll find
Wrexsoul. Just use Vanish on him, then X-zone, that takes care of that! After
defeating Wrexsoul Cyan will rejoin your party capable of using all 8 
SwdTechs and you'll wake up back in the sleeping chambers. Go to the throne 
room and you'll find the esper Alexandr. Now return to the airship and go 
north to Duncan's House, it's hidden but look for 5 trees in a plus sign
patern, his house is the center tree.

3.	The Bum Rush, Duncan's House
Make sure you have Sabin in your party. As you enter the house Duncan will 
come out and teach Sabin the Bum Rush blitz. Now go to Figaro Castle. 

4.	The Ancient Castle
With a party of whoever, enter the castle and go down the stairs to the left.
Talk to the guy	and have him take you back to Figaro. On the way you'll get
stuck! Stop and explore. Go up the stairs and then down the other ones. In 
the back of the far right jail cell is a doorway. Enter it and you'll be on
your way to the Ancient Castle. Go down the passage and open a chest you find
that will contain the Master Pug who will give you the Gradeus. Once you 
reach a room with a stairway going down into a hole, get the two chests in 
that room then go down the stairs, past the save spot and up some stairs. 
You're now at the Ancient Castle. Go straight into the castle intil you reach
the statue of Odin. Examine it and you'll get the Esper Odin. Stand on the 
right throne and walk five steps down. Press A and a secret passage will 
open. In the secret room you'll find a statue of a girl and the Blue Dragon.
Defeat the dragon then examine the statue. This will change the Esper Odin 
into the Esper Raiden (you should get Odin's spell before getting Raiden). 
Once you've visited all four rooms that go off from the throne room (one on 
the left, one on the right, one to the north, plus the secret one) then 
return outside.  A couple steps to the right of the stairs is a door. Enter 
and get the chest. Now enter one of the doors to the left of the stairs. When
you defeat the monster-in-a-box (KatanaSoul) you get the all-powerful 
Offering relic. Now return to Figaro castle by going back the way you came 
and have the guy continue your journey to Figaro. Once you get there talk to
him again and have him take you back to Kohlingen so you can get your 
airship. Now go to Thamasa.

5.	The Hidon Battle, Thamasa
When you enter town you'll find Gungho hurt. You find out that Hidon did it 
and that Gungho wants you to avenge him. Now go to Ebot's Rock, just north
of Thamasa (called Eboshi Rock on the map). As you enter step on the switch 
to be transported. North of where you appear is a Coral eating treasure 
chest. Wander around the cave, stepping on switches to get around, and pick
up coral from the chests. If you end up back at the coral eating chest, feed 
it. If you've fed it enought he'll let you thru. If not go get more coral. 
Once it lets you through, go straight north and you'll find Hidon. Kick his
ass with earth, fire and pearl spells. After you beat Hidon you'll return to
Thamasa to brag to Gungho. Now go to the Opera House. NOTE: Hidon revives 
after you beat it so you can return and beat it as many times as you like.

6.	The Dirt Dragon, Opera House
Equip as many characters in your party as you can with Gaia stuff. If you 
have some on each character it'll make life much easier for you. Go to the 
balcony and talk to Impressario. You'll learn there is a dragon on the stage.
Go northeast to where the stage	master and 4 switches are. The rightmost 
switch won't do anything. The leftmost switch barks and the one right next to
that turns the lights off. Pulling the only one left will cause you to fall 
to the stage where you'll have to fight the Dirt Drgn. He has 28500 HP and is
weak against wind and water. If some of your guys don't have Gaia gear, make 
them Float. To see your character jump on the heads of the audience go back 
to the switches after you defeat the dragon and pull the one that drops you 
to the stage. Now it's about time you go fight DoomGaze.

7.	Doom Gaze 
At this point it may be a good idea to fight Doom Gaze. Fly around the map 
and eventually he'll attack you. You can kill him in one shot if you equip
Celes with a Genji Glove, the Offering, the Atma Weapon and another good 
sword. If you don't kill him, he escapes, but the next time you meet him,
his HP will not have regenerated. So if you continue to run into it, 
eventually you'll kill it. And when you do, the Esper Bahamut is yours. This
guy has 55555 HP and is weak against fire and pearl. You may want to fly 
around until you defeat it.  It's worth it to get Bahamut. Well, now you've 
done pretty much everything, except the final event...

                               KEFKA's TOWER

Fly over the tower and try landing on top. Make 3 groups of good fighters.
Your 3 groups will land in 3 different areas of the tower. Each group will be
designated as follows:  G1 wil be the group that landed on the left side of
the tower, G2 will be the group in the middle, and G3 will be the group on 
the right. You start as G1. 

G1: Go around to your right and get the chest then enter the little hatchway
    to your left. Continue on this path until you come to a dead end. You 
    should see a switch and a chest on the other side of the room.

G2: When you have to choose between going up and down, go up first and get 
    the treasure then go down. Going down will lead to a prison. In the far 
    left cell you'll find Atma. He has 55000 HP and is not weak against any-
    thing. Defeat it and it'll change into a save spot.
    Now go down out of the prison and continue on that path until you have
    to choose between two pipes. Don't go in the rightmost pipe, it'll just 
    take you back before the prison. Enter the left pipe. Before you enter 
    the hatchway that you find, go to your far left to get a chest. Enter the
    hatchway, step on the switch and get the chest, then go back up and enter
    the door to you right. Keep going staight and you'll reach the Gold 
    Dragon (32400 HP, weakness = water... don't use lightning spells). After 
    defeating it you get the Crystal Orb. Now continue you journey. When you 
    reach a room with a switch, stand on it and switch groups.

G3: First enter the hatchway that is next to the chest to get two more chests
    then come back and enter the other hatchway. Continue on that path and 
    you'll eventually reach a save spot. A few more steps and you'll get 
    attacked by Inferno, Striker, and Rough (a big ol' monster and it claws).
    Attack Rough (left claw) with Ice spells, he only has 8000 HP. Inferno is
    weak against lightning and has 30800 HP... Striker (right claw) and his 
    11000 HP are weak against fire. Once you've defeated them continue on 
    your journey. When you get to a chest with a glowing thing on it, examine
    it to open up a passage that your other group will need to get past. Then
    keep going and you'll reach the Skull Drgn. Weak to fire and pearl, and
    has 32800 HP. When you defeat it you'll get the Muscle Belt. If you've
    killed the other 7 dragons, you'll also receive the Esper Crusader. Keep
    going and you'll end up on the other side of the room you left G2 in. 
    Stand on the switch.

G1: You are no longer at a dead end. Follow the path and you'll eventually 
    reach the room your other two groups are in. Continue straight and then,
    after you reach the switch, pick a side to go on (it doesn't matter 
    which). For illustrative purposes I'm gonna say go left. Now go down. 
    Move G2 off the switch and then push the weight off the edge. Now go back
    inside and stand on the switch.

G2: Enter the main doorway and do what G1 did, except on the right side.

G3: Go in through the main door and step on the switch. This will open up a
    pathway. Go south and step on the platform to open up a couple other 

G1: Go down and out to where you pushed the weight off. To your left there is
    a door. Enter the door and go stright where you'll find Doom, 63000 HP,
    weak against pearl. Make sure to steal the Ragnarok this guy has. When 
    you beat it you'll get Cyan's Sky Render and there will be a save spot
    there. Now enter the pipe to the north and stand on the switch.

G2: Go down and out to where you pushed the weight off. To your right is a
    door. Enter the door and go staight where you'll find  Goddess, a 44000
    beeotch with no weaknesses from who you can steal an extra Atma weapon.
    When you beat it you'll get Excalibur and there will be a save spot 
    there. Enter the door and step on the switch.

G3: Go north and you'll be attacked by Guardian (remember it? this time you
    can beat it thought!)... He's got 60000 HP and is weak to lightning. When
    you defeat it a save spot will be there. Go north and keep following that
    path until you reach Poltrgeist. 58000 HP, weak to poison. Defeating it
    will get you the AuraLance. Go north and drop down the hole. Step on the
    switch and it's time for the final multi-battle showdown. 

                              THE FINAL BATTLE

Put your characters in the order you want them to fight. The first 4 in your
list will fight 1st. If anyone of those 4 are dead at the end of any of the 
stages of the last fight the next characters in line will replace them. This
goes on until all 4 fighting members die or you beat the game. To beat it 
very easily, have Celes with a Genji Glove/Offering and 2 Atma Weapons keep
attacking, while Terra, or a good magic user equipped with the Gem Box, and
Economizer cast Ultima, Quick, then Ultima, Ultima, Ultima, Ultima. Have Gogo
mimic this, or have a good magic user constantly heal. Have the others attack
with their best attacks. When you reach Kefka, have Celes attack once and 
he'll die right away (he only has 65000 HP), or attack him with a weaker 
character to make him use his Goner spell (the coolest looking spell I've 
ever seen!), then finish him off, that's it, You beat the game! Sit back and 
enjoy one hell of an ending!

                              POSSIBLE ENDINGS

FF3 has one basic ending, but it does slightly change depending on what 
characters you have, and if you did specific things during the game. Some of
the changes are pretty minor, but still interesting to see. When I say "beat
the game without X", I mean; don't get that character during WOR.

1- beat the game with all the characters (complete ending)

4- beat the game without seeing any of shadow's dreams

5- beat the game having seen at least 3 of shadow's dreams

6- beat the game after having seen all 7 of shadow's dreams 

7- beat the game with anyone but Terra

8- beat the game with anyone but Strago (must have Relm)

9- beat the game with anyone but Relm (must have Strago)

10- beat the game with anyone but Locke

12- beat the game with anyone but Sabin 

13- beat the game with ONLY Celes, Setzer and Edgar


                            TIPS AND TRICKS
                              (part two)

Battle Techniques

	*Equip Umaro with the Gauntlet relic to raise both his Bat.Pwr and
	 his Defense. Give him a Green Cherry to raise them even more!
	*Give Locke the Theif Glove and the Offering to attack/steal 4 times.

	*Fight the "Retainer" enemy in Kefka's tower, then exit and have Gau
         Leap him on the Veldt... old General Leo's SHOCK attack!
 	*Equip someone with a Genji Glove, then an Atma Weapon and a Valiant 
	 Knife. These depend on HP levels for their power, so are sure to 
	 deal a good amount of damage at any HP level during a fight!

	*Te Relic Ring has great battle possibilities. Equip it to the party
	 leader and cast Doom on him to completely heal the entire party. 
	 Take note that all healing magics directed to the wearer will cause 
	 him/her harm.

	*Make Shadow's dog Interceptor attack by making Shadow "Guard"... 
	 when a monster attacks him, the dog gets mad and attacks him!

	*Keep a chracter low enough on HP so that he slouches, and have him
	 equipped with a protective relic and one that casts Haste. Then have
	 all other characters equipped with a True Knight, and one cast Quick
	 on the weak character. The weak character will quickly do his low-
	 energy attack and decimate the enemy.

Easy Levels

	*To get Rages and Lores quickly, take Strago, Gau, Relm and another 
	 to the veldt. Have Relm CONTROL enemies and use their special 
	 attacks on Strago. Make Gau leap on enemies that don't teach Lores.

	*(WOR)Fight in the forest shaped like a dinosaur's head on the 
	 continent north of the Veldt. It contains Brachosaur and such, which
	 give about 8500 EP each (with the Exp.Egg).
	*Send only ONE character at a time to level fight, that way all the
	 exp. is sent only to HIM. Equip him with the Exp.Egg and the Offer-
 	 ing and fight (equipped with the appropriate espers) until level 99.

	*(WOR)Go to Doma Castle and fight with only 1 or 2 characters that 
	 are Vanished. Equip the Exp.Egg and up to 20000 EP can be acquired
	 EVERY SINGLE FIGHT! Beware the Tumbleweeds, they cast LifeShaver!

	*For easy Magic Levels, find a tiny desert southwest of Thamasa, it
	 contains Cactrot (10 MP) and Hoover (5 MP).
	*For lots of money quick, fight LeapFrogs in the forest above 
	 Thamasa... they give an average of 24000 GP each fight!

Miscellaneous Stuff

	*To see an often-missed cut scene, after the airship crashes in WOB,
	 return to it and check out the engine room with Setzer in the party.

	*For another rarely seen cinema, in Cyan's Dream right before you
	 fight WrexSoul, go to Cyan's room.

	*At the Colloseum, wager a Ninja Star, it will get you a Tack Star,
	 which you can wager for a Rising Sun, which you can wager for a Bone
	 Club, which you can wager against the powerful armor Red Jacket.

	*If you want an extra Exp.Egg, go to the Colloseum and wager an Imp 
 	 Halberd for a Cat Hood, then a Merit Award, then Marvel Shoes, then
	 a Tintinabar, then the Exp. Egg! Or cut to the chase and wager an
	 Elixir for a Rename Card right away. You can also use the Ragnarok
	 esper to Metamorph a Harpy, who will turn into a Exp.Egg.

	*Steal unlimited Muscle Belts from Borras in Mnt. Zozo.


                              GLITCH SECRETS

There are a few errors present in FF3. You can take advantage of these 
glitches and get lots of free items! I don't recomend doing these though,
since some have been known to erase all save logs, or render FF3 unplayable.
The effects of the glitches vary, and some may be undesired. Careful here!

1-	Summon Palidor, then sketch a monster
2-	Sketch a Vanished Gobbledegak or Dark Wind
3-	Have Gogo sketch the Storm Drgn.
4-	Have Relm sketch while she is muddled
5-	Sketch a Chaos Drgn. in the Phoenix Cave
6-	On the Veldt, have Gau Leap, and when he returns, quickly tell Relm
	to Sketch once, then another time. Run away from the battle.
7-	(WOB) Visit Triangle Island with Relm, and encounter an Intangir. 
	Before anyone does anything, Sketch him, and escape the battle.
8-	You have to do this one without any characters acquired after Strago,
	without high levels, and without having any Magicite teaching any 
	high-level spells. With Relm and Gau in a party of 4, walk around 
	Jidoor until you encouter 3 Crawlies. Have Gau use the Behemoth Rage 
	(Behomoth from the Floating Continent), and he should cast Meteor. 
	Now have Relm Sketch the far back Crawly and the screen should go 
	weird. Now you have General Leo on you party, as well as the spells 
	Quasar, many times, and HyperDrive. This is not joke, but very rare!
9-	Try sketching monsters from the Floating Continent (try Brain Pan).
10-	When you get Terra back from Zozo, get her to Narshe and head right
	for the hidden passage and hit the switch instead of talking to the 
	guards that block the gate.
11-	(WOR)Go fight Test Riders in Narshe, and every turn have someone cast
	Vanish, then have Relm Sketch. Escape from battle when it goes weird.
Some versions of FF3 have been "unglitched", this means that the tricks above
cannot be preformed. But if they DO work, the effects seen can be amazing!


                          EPILOGUE / COPYRIGHT

This is it, you've reached the end of my FF3 walkthrough and guide. I hope
you enjoyed it and learned new things about FF3. If you have questions or
comments, send them this way at jdcyr@hotmail.com

Thanks to Square for making ff3, and especially to Carson Lee cause I copied
lots of stuff from him to make this! The entire last quarter of my walkthu
was originally made by him, so 100% of the credit goes to him. Anyhow, thanks
to YOU for reading it. Read my OTHER walkthroughs, available on my website.


                 (c)JD Cyr, 1998   -  (c)Carson Lee, 1998