============================================================================== FINAL FANTASY VI FULL FAQ/WALKTHROUGH Version 1.2 By Rebecca Skinner AKA Karpah (traybaby@gmail.com) Last Updated: 12th July 2004 ============================================================================== WARNING! This entire guide is littered with spoilers. I have held nothing back in scene descriptions and the like. The complete story to FF6 is held within this file. Don't say I didn't warn you. ============================================================================== CONTENTS ============================================================================== 1. Introduction a. Copyright and Contact Information b. Revision History 2. Game Basics a. Story b. Basic Controls c. The Menu Explained d. Battles 3. Character list a. Terra Branford b. Locke Cole c. Edgar Roni Figaro d. Sabin Rene Figaro e. Shadow f. Celes Chere g. Cyan Garamonde h. Gau i. Setzer Gabbiani j. Strago Magus k. Relm Arrowny l. Gogo m. Mog n. Umaro 4. The Walkthrough a. World of Balance b. World of Ruin c. Side Quests d. Kefka's Tower 5. Frequently Asked Questions 6. Lists!!! a. Espers b. Magic c. Lores d. Rages e. Dances f. Weapons g. Armour h. Relics 7. Bestiary 8. Colosseum a. Weapons b. Armour c. Relics d. Items 9. Closing ============================================================================== 1. INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== Welcome to my brand-spanking new Final Fantasy VI guide. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. "This game is nearly ten years old, and there's already a thousand walkthroughs out there, why on earth have you chosen to write one?" The answer is quite simple, really. Because I want to write one. And there's obviously some market for another one out there, because you're reading this, aren't you? This is not an expert's guide. I am not an expert at this game, I have never claimed to be. I am, however, quite experienced, having beaten the game seven times, and my walkthrough is designed to get you through the game, enjoying the fantastic storyline, but also seeing the Game Over as few times as is possible (without spending exorbitant amounts of time getting every single little thing, as it really is unnecessary.) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1a. Copyright and contact information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This guide is (c) 2003 Rebecca Skinner, AKA Karpah. It took a LOT of hard work on my part to write it, and I don't want anyone stealing on it on me! I'm flexible enough when it comes to people using it; you can download it, print it for your own personal use, hell, even e-mail it to your friends unaltered, I don't care. But if you want to post it on your own website, or submit it to another website, you sure as shootin' better e-mail me and ask permission to do so, or you will be in trouble. My e-mail address is: +++ traybaby@gmail.com +++ I think it goes without saying that trying to make a profit off this guide, by selling it, or other such means, is very illegal. I don't get any money for it, and I wrote the thing, so why should you? Perhaps the best way to sum up this copyright notice is with a classic line I found at the bottom of Edman's FF8 No Level Up Guide, and the line goes something like this: COPY THIS GUIDE AND YOU'LL BURN IN HELL WITH ALL THE BOSSES I HAVE BEATEN WHILE WRITING IT!!! There. I feel much better now. As of version 1.0, if you've downloaded this guide from anywhere other than www.gamefaqs.com, www.neoseeker.com, www.fffanatics.com, www.honestgamers.com or faqs.ign.com, this is an *unauthorized* copy. Final Fantasy VI is (c) Squaresoft. I am not part of, know anybody who is part of, or have anything to do with Squaresoft. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this guide, I'd be creating Parasite Eve III. =) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1b. Revision history =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0 - The first version of this guide, started 03/06/03. - All sections (introduction, characters, walkthrough, FAQ, lists, bestiary, colosseum, closing) complete. Yay me! Version 1.1 - I love it when I actually get meaningful feedback in the forms of e-mails. - Started, completed, and submitted on 16/09/03 - Added Game Basics, an added note on Umaro, how to save Cid in the WoR, Shadow's dreams, and other miscellaneous stuff. Version 1.2 - Submitted 12/07/04 - Corrected info on how to get the Charm Bangle at the Banquet. ============================================================================== 2. GAME BASICS ============================================================================== This is my first attempt ever at a Game Basics section. Bear with me. In this section, I'll go through the story of the game, only the very preliminaries though, and a runthrough of the menu of the game, along with everything it can do. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2a. The Story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I'll try not to include TOO many spoilers here. Unlike my walkthrough... *cough* You start off as Terra, a young girl with the unique power of Magic. She is enslaved by Empire, with the Slave Crown on her head. Upon meeting the Esper, in the mines of Narshe, she is found and rescued by Arvis, a member of the Returners, a local resistance movement. The Returners want Terra to help then, help them bring down the Empire who are trying to destroy the whole world by getting the power of Magic for themselves. Terra's in a bind, not knowing what is the right way to turn, not knowing who she is or why she has such an ability as Magic. All will soon become revealed, however.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2b. Basic Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yeah, now we're getting into the real bread-and-butter stuff. You'd be surprised how many people DON'T know simple things like controls. D-Pad - move character (field), change between options (battle, menu) Triangle - Menu (field) Circle - Cancel (an option or a choice) Square - Cancel (an option or a choice) X - Confirm/Action/Examine Select - no effect Start - Pause (in battle) L1 - quick-switch characters (menu) R1 - quick-switch characters (menu) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2c. The Menu Explained =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sorta important stuff that I should really include. If you don't know the menu, you won't get too far in the game. So here is my best shot at explaining all it's features, and just how to do everything. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2c. i. Item -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Exactly what the name suggests, a list of all the items you've picked up so far in the game. Unless you've sorted them previously, they'll be listed in the order you picked them up. You've got several options here: Use: To actually use an item, you have to select Use, then the item to use. Only items listed in white are usable. Obviously the only usable things outside battle are recovery items, both health-recovery and status-recovery. Some various things like Warp Stones are also usable outside battle. Sort: Use this option to sort your list of items into groups. All the recovery items will be placed at the top of the list, followed by all the weapons (sorted by type), then all the relics. Useful to press every so often, just to make things neater. Rare: A list of all the rare items collected over the course of the game. There is a total of thirteen rare items to collect (in alphabetical order): Books, Cider, Coral, Fish (four types), Lola's Letter, Lump of Metal, Old Clock-Key, Pendant, Royal Letter, and Rust-Rid. Some of them have a purpose, eg. the Fish, or the Lump of Metal. Some have zero purpose, eg. the Books, or the Pendant. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2c. ii. Skills -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The skills section is where you deal with your Espers and Magic, as well as with any character's individual skills such as Sabin's Blitz, etc. When you select the command, you will be prompted to select a character to see the Skill screen for. Once you've selected a charater, you can easily switch characters by pressing L1 and R1. Espers: To attach or unattach Espers. For a detailed look at what Espers are, you'll have to check out the Esper list, but for now I'll just say that they teach your characters Magic. To attach an Esper, if you have some (this option will be greyed out if you don't) select Espers, and the name of the Esper you want to attach. If the name of the Esper is greyed out, it means one of your other characters already has it attached, and you will need to unattach it from them before you can attach it to the new person. Switching Espers on a character is as simple as selecting a new Esper for that character to have, and they will automatically unattach their old one. Unattaching Espers manually is done by selecting the character to unattach, then selecting a blank spot on the Esper screen. It seems like common sense, but I've seen the question of how to unattach them several times on the FF6 board. Magic: Here you can see all the Magic your character has learnt (or is in the process of learning) over the course of the game, as well as using the learnt spells that are available for use outside battle. These spells are ones such as Cure/2/3, Life/2, Imp, Remedy, Antdot, and Warp. Greyed out spells are only available for use in battle, and spells with a percentage are ones that are in the process of being learnt (with the number being what percentage of the spell has been learnt.) The rest of the commands are skill commands, and most will be greyed out for most characters. Only one will be active for Sabin, Edgar, Cyan, Gau, Mog, and Strago, while more than one is possibly active for Gogo. Blitz: Only available for Sabin. Here you can see a list of the Blitzes Sabin has learnt, out of a total of eight, plus the input needed to perform them. Tools: Only available for Edgar. Shows a list of the Tools Edgar will have available in battle. None are usable outside battle. Swdtech: Only available for Cyan. A list of Cyan's Swordtech moves, out of a total of eight. Rage: Only available for Gau. A list of all the Rages Gau has learnt, out of a total of 255. Lore: Only available for Strago. A list of the Lores Strago has learnt, out of a total of 24. Dance: Only available for Mog. A list of all the Dances Mog has learnt, out of a total of eight. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2c. iii. Equip -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Knowing how to equip weapons and armour would be pretty useful, aye? Well, the Equip menu is where we go to do it. Once you select Equip, you'll be prompted to select a character to equip things to. As always, once a character is selected, you can always quick-switch them by pressing L1 and R1. R-Hand: Weapons go in the right hand. (Geez, where's all the left-handed characters? LEFT HANDED PEOPLE RULE!!!) Select R-Hand, and the slot beside R-Hand on the list is selected, and a list of available weapons to equip will open up on the bottom left of screen. Weapons in grey are non-equippable. Select a weapon from the list to equip the weapon. This will replace the weapon the character is currently holding (if any). L-Hand: Unless your character has the Gauntlet or Genji Glove relics, the left hand will hold a shield. (If they have a Genji Glove, equip a weapon as per right hand, if Gauntlet, this space stays empty.) Upon selecting L-Hand, you can equip a shield to go in the left hand, and a list of shield in inventory will appear. Shields greyed out are un-equippable. Select a shield from the list to equip it, replacing the shield a character is already holding (if any). Head: This selects a piece of armoured headwear. Similarly to R-Hand and L-Hand, selecting Head gives you a list of all available headwear, so choose one to equip and/or replace what a character is currently wearing. Body: Here's where the serious stuff comes in. Plate armour and the like. Similar to the previous three options, Body gives you the power to select a piece of armour for the character to wear on their body. Select Body, choose an item, and it will equip it to the character, replacing their current armour if necessary. Optimum: A lazy person's best friend, this command de-equips what armour and weapons the character currently has equipped, and attaches the best possible (best meaning best boost to your stats) armour and weapons based on what you currently have in your inventory. Handy, but not always useful, depending on what point you are at in the game. Empty: Exactly what the name suggests. Removes all weapons and armour from your character. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2c. iv. Relic -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The Relic menu lets you equip and unequip Relics at your disposal. There are two commands on the Relic menu: Equip: Upon choosing Equip, the arrow will move to the two slots your character has for Relics. Choose a slot, and a list of available relics appears in the bottom left corner of the screen. All Relics in the list are equippable. Selecting a Relic from the list equips it to the character, replacing what they had in that slot (if anything). The process can be repeated for the second slot. Empty: Removes all relics from your character. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2c. v. Status -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The Status screen lets you see all the nitty-gritty info about your characters, like their level, their stats (all of them), their commands (fixed for all characters except Gogo), their EXP, and how much EXP they need to level up. L1 and R1 can be used to quick-switch between characters. There are no options on the Status screen, except for Gogo's screen. Gogo can select the command it uses in battle on the status screen. See Gogo's character section for more info. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2c. vi. Config -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Selecting Config takes you to the configuration screen (who would've guessed that one?) showing you all the options that can be changed during actual gameplay. Tampering with these screens is really unnecessary unless you know what you're doing, and I don't even know what half of the options do. So best just to leave them alone. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2c. vii. Save -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The last option on the menu screen. Only appears when your party (or one of your parties) is standing on a save point. To Save, select save, and you are prompted to save to Memo, Slot 1, or Slot 2. Memo is good if you're like me and save veeeery frequently, and it saves quickly. Downsides to using Memo: If you lose power to the PSX, say bye bye to the memo save. That's why it's best not to rely on Memo saves all the time. You could have the misfortune that happened to me: I played for three hours once, saving only to Memo because my memory card was full, and then my sister accidentally knocked the power cord out of the wall =/ Bye-bye three hours of hard levelling up work. Slot 1/2: Best to save in, provided you have a PSX memory card with a previously saved game on it to overwrite, or one free slot. It's slow, and if you save every five seconds like me, I wouldn't use this option every time. But do use it, to keep a hard copy of your saved game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2d. Battles =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well, this section is DEFINITELY a first for me. After a few e-mails saying that my guides were too expert and did not cater enough for newer players who don't know the first thing about RPGs, and battling in particular, I decided to add this section to my guide. Battles in FF6, and all other RPGs, are turn-based. When you get into a battle, you will notice your character's details on the bottom right of screen - their HP, and their ATB, or active time bar. The ATB fills automatically, and when it is full for one character, then that character can have their turn. When a character's turn comes up, they have a number of options at their disposal. Attack: Selecting the Attack command, then selecting an enemy, means your character deals out a normal attack with the weapons they have equipped. If they have no weapons, they will attack with their bare hands. The second slot on the command list is different, depending on the character. This is the skill slot, meaning Terra will have Morph, Edgar Tools, Sabin Blitz, etc. Each command works differently. See their respective character sections for more info. Magic: If your character has at least one magic spell learnt, or an Esper equipped, this command will be available to you. Selecting it will bring up a list of Magic the character has learnt. From the list, you can select the Magic to cast, then the person/enemy to cast it on, to cast the Magic. Also on the Magic menu, you can summon the Esper you have equipped. Once the Magic list comes up, press Up to select the Esper, and confirm the choice. Effects of summoning Espers vary greatly, see the Esper section for more info. Each character can summon their Esper only once per battle. Item: As the name would suggest, this option allows the character to use an item. Selecting it brings up a list of items you have in your inventory. Only items listed in white are usable in battle. To use an item, simply select it from the item list, then select the target of the item (if applicable). eg. For a Phoenix Down, select the item Phoenix Down then choose whom you want to revive. Weapons and shields (but not armour) can also be changed in battle using the Item command. When the list of items appears, press Up to get the character's weapons. Select either the weapon or shield, then select the replacement weapon or shield from the list, to switch them over. Once your character has selected an action for their turn, they must wait until everything else that had selected actions previous to them have completed their turns. They will then carry out their action, and the ATB bar will start to fill again, repeating the process. Enemies can attack at any time, they have no ATB bar. Often enemy attacks are physical, though sometimes they can be magical, either elemental, non-elemental, or status-changing. Physical attacks are defended against with shields and armour, as are some elemental attacks. Depending on the type of elemental attack a character is hit with, and the elemental armour they wear, several things can happen. If the elements oppose each other (eg. Fire/Ice), they cancel each other out and no damage is sustained. (Good thing.) If they are the same element (eg. Fire/Fire) your character will actually gain HP from the attack. For any other combination, attack is (in most cases) normal elemental attack. Status attacks are different. You can both inflict them (with spells) and be inflicted with them. A list of all status attacks, what they do, and how to cure them, will be added shortly, in the next update of this guide. The battle continues, with everyone taking turns, until either all the enemies die, or all of your characters die/are Petrified (turned to stone). If you win, killing all the enemies, you will receive a certain amount of EXP/GP, and possibly some items (all three depend on the enemy/ies you fight.) If you lose the battle, you will be returned to the time and location of your last save. All items and spells you have gained since your last save will be lost, but all levelling up you have done will remain. I'm done with game basics. Hopefully that makes a few people happy ^_^ ============================================================================== 3. CHARACTER LIST ============================================================================== There are a LOT of characters in Final Fantasy VI, more than I've seen in any other game. All characters are unique, they come with their own unique stats and special skills, so it might be a good idea to get a hold of who they all are first, and just what they're capable of. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3a. Terra Branford =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of magic." Terra is the first (and main) character you will meet in the game. On the run from the Empire, Terra is one of only two characters in the game that can naturally use Magic. (By naturally, I mean, without the use of Espers.) Although she doesn't have the highest strength stat available, she is very proficient with Magic, having the second highest base Magic stat in the game. She starts with Fire and Cure, she soon learns Antdot, and as she levels up, she will learn Magic slowly (although, once you get access to the power of Espers, this natural ability kinda becomes pointless.) When Terra gets to level 99, she will learn Ultima if she hasn't already. (Sweet!) +++ Terra's special skill: Morph +++ Being the product of a human and an Esper, Terra can morph into Esper form for a limited time. This ability is only available after you regain her into your party after destroying the Magitek factory. When Terra morphs, her attack and magic power are increased by 50%, and her ATB bar is replaced with a green bar that counts down the time she has left in Esper form. When the bar reaches zero, she will revert back to human form. However, before you go thinking "cool, I'll get her to Morph in every battle" it is a good idea to note that Morphing takes a toll on Terra, and the more often she Morphs, the less time she can hold her Esper form for. And when Terra morphs, it may be several battles before she is able to do it again. It's generally a good idea to hold off on the Morph skill until big boss battles, and if you use it sparingly she will be able to hold Esper form for a long time, and do a lot of damage. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3b. Locke Cole =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Treasure Hunter and trail-worn traveller, searching the world over for relics of the past..." Thief might be a better term to use for Locke, but that's just a matter of semantics. He's not the strongest character in the game, in fact, he's pretty much average in most of his stats, but one in which he stands out is Speed. He's faster than all other characters, and when equipped with the Running Shoes relic or cast with Haste, he sure does take turns fast. Not an entirely useful character, but important nonetheless. +++ Locke's special skill: Steal/Capture +++ His Steal command, however, is something else. Selecting Steal will have Locke try and steal anything he can from the enemy on screen of your choice. This could be items such as Tonics and Potions, or sometimes weapons and armour. At the beginning of the game, his success rate is very low, as his success rate increases greatly as he levels up. His success rate also goes up when you give him the Sneak Ring relic. If you equip the Thief Glove relic, the Steal command changes to Capture, meaning Locke also attacks the enemy as he attempts to Steal. This Capture command is somewhat replicated when equipping Locke with the ThiefKnife, doing so means he will randomly attempt to steal from an enemy when attacking. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3c. Edgar Roni Figaro =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and a master designer of machinery..." As the description suggests, he is the heir to the throne of Figaro. Figaro is supposedly allied with the Empire, but Edgar secretly supports the Returner resistance movement. His Strength is a great asset early in the game, and still remains useful right until the end. IMO, one of the best characters to have and to keep in your party. He also gets a 50% discount at Figaro Castle's shops, which can prove useful, although you shouldn't find yourself running short of GP anyways. +++ Edgar's special skill: Tools +++ The second best skill in the game (second only to the power of the Blitz, of course.) His AutoCrossbow prove a godsend early in the game, in particular while travelling through Mt. Kolts. New tools are obtained by either finding them (i.e. Air Anchor, Chain Saw) or purchasing them in Figaro Castle. Some of the tools inflict status ailments, i.e. Bio Blaster, Noise Blaster, and Flash; Debilitator is good for creating weaknesses in those enemies that just don't want to die; but if you want to really pack a punch, look out for his Drill and Chain Saw. The Drill is more reliable, and is available for purchase as soon as you reach Figaro Castle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3d. Sabin Rene Figaro =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom.." If you play this game like I do, Sabin will be your most-used character, and will never leave your party. Sabin was also heir to the throne of Figaro, but opted for his freedom from the responsibility and went to train in martial arts with Duncan. This martial arts training gives Sabin the highest Strength stat in the game, as well as the best special skill. I wouldn't be surprised if a new player to this game (or an experienced one, if you're like me) would choose to rely entirely on his Blitzes, not having Sabin attack normally at all. If you do choose to have him attack normally, he doesn't equip the same swords as the rest of the party, preferring to equip such gear as knuckles and claws. (But no BRASS KNUCKS! Where's the fun there!?) Sabin also has a high Magic stat, and if he is always in your party, naturally he will learn the most spells. Some might choose to use Sabin for his Magic power other than his Blitz power. The choice is yours. +++ Sabin's special skill: Blitz +++ Every FF game seems to have one character that relies on his (or her) fists to deal out the damage. In FF6, that character is Sabin. His Blitzes are special commands that depend on inputting a certain combination of buttons after choosing the Blitz command. For people used to fighting games, this sort of idea may be old hat. I'm not really good at the Blitzes, but if you can master them, Sabin is one powerful mother! He learns the Blitzes slowly as he levels up, culminating in learning Spiraler at level 40. However, his best and most devastating Blitz, the Bum Rush, isn't available until you get the airship in the World of Ruin. Until then, Blitzes like Air Blade, Fire Dance, and Suplex make mincemeat out of everything, their attack power is out of this world. In terms of defensive Blitzes though, I've never found much use for Spiraler or Mantra, I mean, why would you want to kill off the best character to heal the other ones? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3e. Shadow =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "He owes allegiance to no one, and will do anything for money. He comes and goes like the wind..." Shadow is the assassin/ninja/all-around-tough-guy you meet in the pub of South Figaro. (All these sorts of characters seem to hang around in pubs.) Being the bad guy he is, he never seems to want to join your party voluntarily, preferring to get paid for his efforts, and disappearing whenever he sees fit. It's best not to rely on Shadow, as you can't guarantee he'll be around when you need him, but he is a strong character. As well as his strength, you will find a lot of weapons that can be used by Shadow only, such as the Imperial, Striker and Assassin, all which deal a serious punch. Shadow also has the power of his dog, Interceptor, on his side. Whenever Shadow blocks an attack, there is a chance that Interceptor will come in and attack the offending enemy, dealing out a hell of a lot of damage. I'm talking in terms of 1000 damage when Sabin's dealing out 400 damage with his Blitzes. Serious power. Never underestimate the Interceptor. +++ Shadow's special skill: Throw +++ Like any good ninja would, Shadow knows how to throw things. Any sort of sword, Shadow has the ability to throw, plus special objects such as Tack Stars and Shuriken. Shadow's Throw ability deals out a lot of damage, the only problem is, once you throw things, you can't get them back =( Of course, having said that, it is not wise to throw your good swords at enemies. It IS wise to keep a good supply of the cheap and easily replaceable Shuriken for Shadow to throw; dealing out 2000 damage for 30 GP (the price of a Shuriken) isn't too bad in my book. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3f. Celes Chere =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Product of genetic engineering, battle-hardened Magitek Knight with a spirit as pure as snow..." The second character that has the power to naturally use Magic. Well, not exactly "naturally", as her Magic ability comes from being infused with Magicite as a child. She gets involved in the story when she is imprisoned for being a traitor to the Empire, and she is saved by Locke. Like Terra, she has a high Magic stat, and will also learn spells naturally as she levels up, culminating in Ultima at level 99. She starts with Ice and Cure, and her Cure will prove useful until you gain the ability to learn Cure 2 and 3 using Espers. +++ Celes' special skill: Runic +++ Arguably the best defensive tool in the game. If Celes is equipped with a sword that has the Runic ability, and she uses the Runic command, she will absorb the next spell cast in that round (by friend or foe, doesn't matter which) and gain the amount of MP it cost to cast the spell. Be it Cure, Fire 3, or Ultima, Celes will Runic it, and quite possibly save one or all of party members from a nasty death. The only downsides to this are: the Runic ability only lasts one turn, and as soon as Celes selects a command in her next turn, the Runic ability wears off (even if she hasn't actually completed her next turn); and, obviously, curative magic can't be cast on your party while Celes is busy Runic-ing everything that comes her way. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3g. Cyan Garamonde =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Faithful retainer to his family's liege, with the courage and strength of a hundred men..." My my, this man is strong. Cyan hails from Doma, whose residents were all poisoned by Kefka, so Cyan has some serious beef with the Empire. And he has the strength to back it up. Maybe not the strength of a hundred men, but he comes close. For a really powerful combination, try equipping Cyan with the Offering and Genji Glove relics. Does he now have the strength of eight hundred men? ^_^ +++ Cyan's special skill: Swordtech +++ Swordtech is the name given to the fancy-pants sword manoeuvres Cyan can perform at will. He starts with one, the Dispatch, which is a single swipe, more powerful than his regular attack, and as he levels up he can learn Swordtechs two through five. (Swordtechs six through eight can only be learned by completing the Cyan's Nightmare side quest.) However, performing Swordtechs is notoriously slow. When the Swordtech command is selected, the Swordtech bar begins to fill up sloooooowly. To perform the move, you must wait until the bar reaches and highlights the number of the Swordtech you want to perform, then press X. When performing the Dispatch, this isn't too much of a problem, but when performing the Quadra Slam or the Empowerer (Swordtechs four and five respectively), it's a good idea to queue up a few character's turns so they can attack while the bar charges. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3h. Gau =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence. A youth surviving against all odds..." This wild-child really is something else. A very interesting and unique character, his only power resides in his Rage technique. It is possible to get Gau to use Magic, but utterly pointless as his Magic stat is one of the lowest in the game. +++ Gau's special skill: Leap/Rage +++ As Gau was born and raised on the Veldt, he has the ability to learn and mimic his enemy's attacks. When battling on the Veldt, using the Leap command will make Gau join the enemies, and the battle will end. Several battles (or maybe only one) later, Gau will return at the end of the battle, having learned the attacks of both the enemies you were fighting when he leapt, and the enemies you were fighting when he returns. Learning all the Rages is tough, as there are 255(!!) different enemies in the game, and only three cannot be Raged on the Veldt. Using the Rages Gau learns can be done on or off the Veldt, and is fairly straightforward. But once Gau enters Rage mode, and adopts the persona and attacks of a particular enemy, you lose control over him. He will keep performing the selected enemy's attacks until either the battle ends or he is KO'ed, whichever comes first. Gau can be a strong character if he learns the right Rages, but using Rages is very unpredictable as a lot of enemies attack with pure physical attacks and it is impossible to equip Gau with any weaponry. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3i. Setzer Gabbiani =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "A blackjack-playing, world-travelling, casino-dwelling free spirit..." Setzer is a man with three loves in life: flying his airship; gambling; and Maria, the famous opera singer. His love for Maria, and his possession of the world's only airship, are what brings him to the attention of the Returners. He is not a particularly strong character, nor is he rather proficient at using Magic. His third love, gambling, shows up most in the names of his weapons. Weapons like Cards, Trumps, and Fixed Dice can only be used by Setzer. +++ Setzer's special skill: Slot/GP Rain +++ Slot is a very iffy command. True to the gambling theme, he uses a slot machine to determine his attacks, and his attacks can range from the very good 7-Flush (kills every enemy on screen), to the very bad Joker Doom (kills everyone on screen, both your party and your enemies), to the plain bizarre Lagomorph (a tiny little creature appears from nowhere and casts a half-Cure spell on your whole party). Lagomorph is the most common, and to put it bluntly, is pointless. Equipping the Coin Toss relic changes the Slot command to GP Rain. When GP Rain is selected, Setzer actually attacks your enemies with your GP, and damages the enemies by throwing GP at them. While the damage it causes isn't too bad (it's not too good either, though), if you use it often it can leave your party high and dry of GP. Not a good thing at all. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3j. Strago Magus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the ways of monsters..." Strago is a descendant of the Mage Warriors, very similar to what Terra is. You meet Strago in Thamasa, while searching for the runaway Espers, and while he denies his heritage at first, when you help him out, he confesses the truth. His heritage gives him a high Magic stat, very close to the power of Celes. He is also one of only two characters who can equip Rods for battle, which randomly cast certain spells when the Rod is used as a weapon. His Heal Rod can be a great tool, just don't make the mistake of beating your enemies up with it! +++ Strago's special skill: Lore +++ Because Strago is learned in the ways of monsters, if he is present when enemies use certain attacks on your party, he can learn them for his own use as a Lore. Examples of Lores include Aqua Rake (which Strago begins with), Sour Mouth, and Blow Fish. Lores are very similar to magic spells, and they use up MP accordingly (sometimes quite a lot of MP). Interesting to note, Strago can learn Lores even if he is KO'ed during the battle, and not revived. Arguably his best Lore, GrandTrain, can only be learned by completing the Avenging Gungho side quest. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3k. Relm Arrowny =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water, light... the very essence of life..." One might wonder why a rude ten-year-old girl armed with a paintbrush is included as a character in the game. But that's exactly what Relm is. Granddaughter of Strago, also a descendant of the Mage Warriors of yore. She is the second character that can use Rods as weapons, and also has her own class of "weapons" to use. (I say "weapons" because this class of weapons are paintbrushes.) Her big line/threat is "I'm gonna draw your portrait!", if you can believe that. And, even more unbelievably, Relm has, far and away, the highest Magic stat in the game, even higher than Terra and Celes, the natural Magic users. An interesting character, but her strength is also far and away the weakest in the game. +++ Relm's special skill: Sketch/Control +++ Because Relm uses paintbrushes as weapons, and because she is heralded as a great artiste, she has the ability to sketch her enemies. It's not foolproof, as she can sometimes fail to sketch, but the better the paintbrush, the higher chance she has of sketching successfully. If she does manage to sketch an enemy, she will use one of their own attacks against them. This is very hit-and-miss, because, similar to Gau's Rage, a lot of enemies simply use physical attacks, and with Relm's pitiful strength stat, this isn't going to do a lot of damage. When she equips the Fake Mustache relic, she is able to Control the enemies she sketches, and choose which of their attacks (if any) they use against your party. Clever, but not really useful. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3l. Gogo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Shrouded in odd clothing, ...is this a man...? ...a woman...? ...or should we ask...?" I'm not too sure why Gogo is a character in this game, either. But he/she/it (let's stick with 'it', less confusing that way), is one of my favourite characters in the game, simply because of it's abilities. Its stats are only average, which might be seen as a downside, but its versatility makes up for that, tenfold. Gogo not only has the Mimic skill, but you can program whatever three skills you want into the remaining three slots. Any three skills/commands that any of the other characters possess. It can use Dance, Runic and Blitz, if you wish, if you equip the right weapons (for Runic/Swordtech). If using Blitzes, Gogo will automatically know all the same Blitzes as Sabin, same goes for Cyan and Swordtech, Edgar and Tools, etc. Programming the skills is simple, simply enter Gogo's status screen, select the slot in the blue box and choose the skill to go there. Very awesome. +++ Gogo's special skill: Mimic +++ While Gogo using other character's skills is all good, it's true power lies in the Mimic command. When Mimic is selected, Gogo will impersonate the action of the character before it, whether that be casting Magic, using an Elixir, or even failing to perform a Blitz. If Gogo mimics the use of Magic, it will cost no MP, if it mimics using an item, the item will not disappear from your inventory. Good (and very powerful) tricks can be performed with the Mimic command, such as equipping one character with the Gem Box and casting Ultima twice, then getting Gogo to mimic and cast Ultima two more times. I like Gogo. It's cool. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3m. Mog =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing... Moogle..." Mog is also an interesting character. Apart from being the only moogle who can say anything other than "KUPO!" (that thing has a mouth to rival Relm's, he even goes so far as to call Ramuh "an old psycho") he possesses an interesting skill (Dance) and can equip arguably the best relic in the game, the Moogle Charm. I just gotta ask one question, what on earth is a moogle? +++ Mog's special skill: Dance +++ Performing Dances is very similar to Gau's Rages. Once Mog dances, he will continue to Dance and perform one of a certain set of "moves" until he is KO'ed or the battle ends. Learning Dances is quite different though. To learn a Dance, Mog must participate (and survive) a number of battles (sometimes only one, though, there seems to be no pattern) in one of the eight regions of the world. (Eight regions, eight dances, get it?) The regions are Town, Snow, Cave, Desert, Grass, Water, Woods, and Mountains. If the region Mog attempts to Dance in is NOT the same as the region of the Dance he is attempting to perform, there's a chance he could stumble and fail. Of course, if the two regions are the same, he will successfully dance and enter berserk mode. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3n. Umaro =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Admirer of bone carvings, as strong as a gigas, a yeti pal with muscle!" One of the most pointless characters of the whole game. Umaro really has no point of being in this game, he does not relate to the storyline in any way, but hey, he's here, you may as well use him. There's a couple of catches with Umaro, however. One, you have no control over him whatsoever, he's perpetually in berserk mode. Two, you can't equip him with weapons or armour, which means he doesn't do a lot of damage most of the time. The only time he earns his keep is when you equip him with his two special relics, the Blizzard Orb and the Rage Ring. If he's got the Ring on, he will throw your own party members at the enemy, hitting them for decent damage. If he's got the Blizzard Orb on, he will randomly cast Blizzard on the enemy, dealing out good ice-based (duh) damage. If you don't have either of the two Relics, Umaro is a very weak character. ============================================================================== 4. THE WALKTHROUGH ============================================================================== Ah, the most important part of the guide. You ready for it? Ready? READY?? Insert your Final Fantasy VI CD, and away we go. "This is it. Don't get scared now." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4a. The World of Balance =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- It was long ago when the world was reduced to nothing after the War of the Magi and magic simply ceased to exist. 1000 years have passed and Iron, Gunpowder, Steam Engines, every new technology was discovered. But there are still those people out there that would try to revive magic and make the world their kingdom, would the same deadly and senseless mistake be repeated? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4a. i. Narshe -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ We open the game with two Magitek soldiers, along with an unknown girl, on the cliff-tops overlooking the mining town of Narshe. They comment on an Esper having been found there, after all this time... it's their job to find it, take it back. They then speak of the girl, who is wearing a Slave Crown and oblivious to their conversation. She's apparently a sorceress (cool) who once disposed of 50 armoured Magitek soldiers in under three minutes. (Very cool.) But she'll follow orders. Watch the pretty scene. When you gain control of the game and the characters, you will be in the main street of Narshe. Wearing your bulky Magitek armour, there's only one way you can go, straight up the street. So proceed up, killing everything in your way. These first few battles, although simplistic, are a good kind-of tutorial on the battle system of the game, if you're new to this game or this type of game (as I was when I played for the first time). Simply toast everything that tries to stop you with your Fire Beam or any other Magitek attack, maybe gaining one or two levels along the way. At the north end of town, enter the mines, Wedge will comment that the Esper was found in a mine shaft... maybe this one? Who knows. Of course, we're about to find out. In the mines, note that the little twinkling light on the left is a save point. Very useful things, save points. Save if you want. If you should desire the information, a kind and informative Moogle will tell you all about them. If you save, or if you don't save, keep heading further and further into the mines, following the only available path. In time, you will come to a locked gate. Go to open it, and Biggs will break it down. (Nice.) Go to walk through the gate, and another one of those pesky Narshe guards will unleash the first boss of the game on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Whelk! HP: 1600 MP: 1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before the battle even begins, Biggs and Wedge will have a discussion about their training in these sorts of matters. Their advice is simple - don't attack the shell of the Whelk, as it absorbs the energy of the attack then sends it straight back at you. Heh, easier said than done, but try to follow the advice, as the Mega Volts you receive when you don't are painful as all hell. Use the groooovy Magitek attacks on the Whelk's head until it grrrrrrrrrrrs at you, then when it does, STOP ATTACKING. It will withdraw its head into its shell, and if you keep attacking you will be sorry. Use the time when it's retreated into it's shell to maybe heal up with a few Heal Beams if necessary. Eventually, the Whelk will grrrrrrrrrrrrrr again and pop it's head back out, ready for you to keep attacking. Keep peppering the head with Magitek attacks. Not too bad for a warm-up boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just inside the gate, you will meet the frozen Esper. All of a sudden, the screen turns blue and you enter battle mode (sans battle). As Wedge and Biggs prepare to capture the Esper, the unknown girl steps forward and starts communicating silently with the Esper. The Esper starts emitting light, and while Wedge and Biggs are getting quite confused as to what's happening, the Esper blows them into oblivion. (Yee-haw!) The two remaining start what looks like exchanging electricity, and we fade to black.... Cut to a house, where our favourite unknown girl is lying in bed. (You are the girl. Even if you're not a girl, you are now the girl, get used to it. =P) Talk to the old man Arvis, who has just removed your Slave Crown. "A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire and born with the gift of Magic..." Yes, that's you. If you really did read my character descriptions above, you will know that this is Terra. Sure as shootin', you are prompted to enter her name, which already has the default of, you guessed it, TERRA. Leaving her
name as Terra will make following this walkthrough a lot easier. Quickly, 
Terra starts to regain her memory, starting with her own name.

But all is not well in the peaceful town of Narshe, as Imperial soldiers come 
banging on the door, wanting Terra and the Magitek armour back. Terra, having 
no memory at all of her slave days, is understandably quite perplexed. But old 
man Arvis knows the score here, and shows Terra the back door so she can 

Once outside, hidden behind the house, head left along the path. When you get 
out into the open, the guards will spot you, but don't panic, just keep 
walking slooowly. Now that you don't have the Magitek armour anymore, it might 
be an idea to check your weapons and stuff, as taking on slimeball-ian 
creatures with your bare hands wouldn't be fun, especially when you're as weak 
as Terra is right now. Once fully equipped and inside the mines, head up the 
stairs at the top of the screen, saving again on the right if you wish. 
Battles will be a tad harder from here on (no more pretty Fire Beam, one-two-
three-awwwwww), but you'll be able to manage. 

Of course, the soldiers aren't going to let you get away that easily, and 
they're following you. Just keep walking away from them (oh how nice it would 
be to run) until they corner you. Before they can nab you, however, the floor 
gives way and Terra falls through. She hits the ground, hard, and passes out. 

In Terra's dreams, we see a guy named Kefka putting the Slave Crown on Terra. 
From this, we can deduce that Kefka works for the Empire, and is, therefore, 
inherently evil. Kefka also takes Terra through training in the Magitek 
armour, praising her when she burns everything up. We then see Emperor 
Gestahl, speaking to a whole group of soldiers, telling them they are going to 
reclaim what is "rightfully theirs", i.e. the use of Magic. Don't know about 
you, but to me, these guys are sounding kinda sucky already.

Back in old man Arvis' house, he has called in the local "treasure hunter" 
(aka thief, but that's only a matter of semantics), and tells him his idea of 
protecting Terra.

    "Treasure Hunter and trail-worn traveller, searching the world over for 
     relics of the past..."

If you really feel the need, you can name him something fancy, but just leave 
it as LOCKE. Locke gets all indignant initially, thinking this has something 
to do with that "imperial, Magitek-riding witch"! Well, he's right, it does. 
But Arvis makes Locke see that it wasn't her fault, she wasn't responsible for 
her own actions, etc. and she needs their help. Reluctantly, Locke agrees, and 
Arvis tells Locke of his plan.

Your task, if you choose to accept it: Save Terra, then go to Figaro and talk 
to the king.

Back in the mines, Locke rappels down the hole Terra created to find her 
unconscious on the ground. (On a side note, I love the facial expressions 
these guys have. Locke's appraisal of Terra is a nice one, along with anytime 
any of them laugh. Priceless.) Anyways, after he's finished wolf whistling 
(minus sound-effects, but the idea is definitely there) he goes to pick her up 
to lift her out of there, but before he gets the chance, soldiers begin 
pouring into the mine.

Locke is a lil' pissed. A whole bunch of them, one of him. But before he gets 
to fight, we hear (well, read) a Kupo!! A few kind Moogles come to lend a 
helping hand. Well, eleven Moogles to be exact. And boy, does Locke need the 

For anyone who's played a Final Fantasy game before, you should be used to 
this whole switching-parties thing. If not, it's quite simple. You've got 
three groups, two composed entirely of Moogles, and one with three Moogles and 
Locke. Groups are changed with the Square button. If one group is entirely 
annihilated, they will retreat back to Terra's prone form with minimal HP. The 
goal of this little thing is to meet, greet, and kill the commander of the 
troops before their men get to Terra. 

There's two ways to go about this, either way, send a group of Moogles out 
after them. The Moogles are all higher-levelled than Locke, have higher HP, 
and better weaponry. Anyway, you can either take out every guard before 
fighting the commander, which could be good, or you can just make a beeline 
straight for him, killing only the guards that get in your way. Your choice. 
Whichever way you choose, the commander is the second boss in the game.

BOSS: Commander, Lobo (2)
HP: 420 (C), 27 (L)     MP: 150 (C), 5 (L)
These guys are not that hard to kill, but having a high HP would be nice. Send 
the Moogles in, for all the reasons I listed above. Once in the battle, focus 
on the commander. He has the stronger attacks, so taking him out first would 
be wise. At this stage, your only option is to Fight, as you have no magic or 
other moves, though Locke does have Steal if he is in this party. So Fight, 
Fight, and Fight some more. Attack the commander, then take out the two rabid 
Lobos when he's done. Not too hard, although the whole process with the guards 
might take a few attempts. 

Once the commander, all the other guards will just... disappear. (Nice.) Locke 
will thank the Moogles for their help, and they will retreat back into their 
little cavern. Locke then hoists Terra onto his shoulders (hmm, maybe he does 
have high strength after all!) and rushes her all the way through the mines 
very quickly. When he finally lays her to rest, he fiddles around until he 
finds a special switch on the wall. Terra finally comes to, admits she doesn't 
know anything that's been happening, and Locke simply can't believe she has 
amnesia. He keeps fiddling with the switch until it opens a secret entrance to 
the mine, which he tells Terra to remember for future use. (And you will need 
to remember it.) 

Now that you're out of the mines, remember your task? Head to Figaro. And 
that's exactly what we're gonna do. But first, if you're new to this game (and 
if you're reading this walkthrough, chances are that you are) check out the 
first house on the left, near the entrance into town. It's called the Training 
Room, and you can learn all about the game here, everything from battle 
strategies to information about status ailments. Absorb all the info you can, 
then leave Narshe, cos there's nothing more to do here for now.

On the world map, save your game first of all. (You can save your game 
anywhere on the world map, which is quite nifty.) Then head in a general 
southerly direction (again, it's the only way you can go) until you can come 
to a desert. Smack-bang in the middle of the desert is Figaro Castle. Head 

4a. ii. Figaro

Side note: I like the Figaro Castle theme. Very royal-sounding.

At the front door to Figaro Castle, a guard will stop you. However, he 
recognizes Locke and lets you inside. You could investigate the whole castle 
now if you wanted, but it's pretty pointless, so just walk straight through to 
the King's chamber where you will meet all lord and mighty King of Figaro.

     "The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and a master 
      designer of machinery..."

Leave his name as EDGAR. Edgar has to be one of the best characters in the 
game, I swear, cos he's got some of the funniest lines. For an example of 
that, after introductions take place, and Terra is surprised that someone like 
Locke knows a king, Locke runs off. Terra wants to know why Edgar is helping 
her, is it because of her abilities? Edgar responds with "I'll give you three 
reasons: First of all, your beauty has captivated me! Second... I'm dying to 
know if I'm your type... I guess your ...abilities... would be a distant 
third." Tee-hee, I love that stuff. Edgar seems to think he's God's gift to 
women (but then again, most men seem to think that, these days...)

Once you regain control of Terra, there's not a real lot to do in Figaro 
Castle. After examining everything in sight, emptying all the treasure chests, 
and doing some shopping, take a rest. Then head outside to the left tower and 
talk to the Matron. Here you will get a scene about Edgar's twin brother.

     "Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom.."

Meet SABIN, operator of the famous Blitz technique. Gotta love the guy. 

Anyways, you learn a little bit about Sabin, and Edgar, and their lives. After 
the scene is over, head back to the main hall and talk to Edgar. If I was 
Terra, I'd be wanting some answers outta this guy too, but unfortunately, you 
don't get any, not here anyways. Because someone from the Empire has arrived 
to see Edgar... and it's none other than Kefka!

Kefka is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best villain EVER. He's also 
absolutely hilarious, as you see in this scene as he approaches the castle. 
"Edgar, you pinhead! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere?" And as 
he walks through the sand, gets all huffy because there's SAND on his boots... 
so the soldiers clean it off for him. Priceless. But his little laugh... oooh, 
you will learn to hate it.

When you gain control of Edgar, talk to the two guards, then Kefka. Kefka is 
looking for the "girl of no importance" that he thinks found refuge there... 
Edgar laughs and says he can't keep track of all the girls there, there's more 
girls there than grains of sand! Kefka gets mad, stomps his foot a bit, acts 
all huffy, declares that he truly hopes nothing happens to Edgar's precious 
Figaro, and stalks off.

No prizes for guessing what is going to happen soon.

After the conversation is over, and Kefka and his cronies leave, converse with 
Locke for a short while. Terra will then appear, and Edgar will excuse 
himself. As Terra, follow Locke to "your" room in the right tower. There, 
Terra gets into an argument with Locke about the term "treasure hunter", and 
finally gets some answers on who Edgar is and why he's helping her. See, on 
the surface, Edgar pretends to support the Empire, but in actual fact, he's 
supporting the Returners, an underground resistance movement. Which is why he 
offered Terra refuge. Clever, clever, it's all falling into place now, isn't 
it? Terra knows she used to be part of the Empire, and begins to wonder about 
which side is right, the Empire, or the Returners.

When control switches over to Edgar, you realize that something bad's going 
down. Yes, Kefka's attacking Figaro. (I said, no prizes for guessing!) Edgar 
thinks Kefka's lost his mind, and frankly, I would, too. Kefka wants the 
girl, and when Edgar won't bring her out, it's welcome to Kefka's barbecue! 
Mwa, ha, ha. I love that guy.

But Edgar is not to be outsmarted that easily. He's not a master of machinery 
for no reason, y'know. He's got it all worked out. Walk back up the stairs and 
talk to the soldier at the top door, telling him to get ready. Then he, Terra 
and Locke all jump onto chocobos to escape while the "special machinery" of 
Figaro castle goes into action. That is one clever castle, I swear. Figaro 
Submerge Mode initiated! GO GO GADGET! Okay, so I made the last bit up.

Kefka is not to be outdone, however, and he sends two Magitek soldiers after 
the party. You know how big and tough these guys are, after all, you were one 
of them for a little while, remember? It's a fairly difficult battle, I'll 
give you that, tougher than any you've had so far. Have Edgar use 
AutoCrossbow, and Locke either Steal or Fight. For a hella funny scene, have 
Terra use Magic. Edgar gets freaked out, and Locke comments that this kid 
seems loaded for bear... When the two realize that it is, in fact, Magic that 
Terra is using, the two go nuts, have a bit of a secret convo, swoon, and in 
general act so weirdly you just gotta laugh out loud. 

After the battle, Kefka declares that Edgar is a "son of a submariner" as 
Figaro goes underground, and Edgar and Locke tell Terra about their mentor, 
Banon. They think Banon would be reeeeeeal interested to meet Terra, because 
"after all, no HUMAN has the power that you seem to have, Terra." (Oh Edgar, 
you fool, what a stupid thing to say.) He quickly apologizes, and Terra is a 
bit too quick to forgive him, in my book (if someone said that to me, I'd be 
spitting chips for at least a week, I swear.) Anyways, Terra agrees to meet 
with Banon, and Edgar says to get there, they need to go through the cave to 
South Figaro. It's not too hard to get to, just head straight and a tad left 
when you get control of the chocobo. 

When you see the cave, dismount, and head in. Edgar tells the soldier on guard 
at the entrance to report back to Figaro, to say that they arrived safely. The 
guard salutes, is off, and leaves the three of you to encounter the cave.

It's not real scary, the Figaro Area Cave. It's not even that difficult. 
Nothing notable about it at all, really. The water in the first part of the 
cave is a recovery spring (feel free to ignore the little turtle for now), 
simply walk up to it and press X and your party's HP/MP will be fully 
recovered. (Yay!) Keep going through the cave, when you come to the 
upside-down T intersection, head to the right and straight down the screen. 
There ARE a few treasure chests to be found here, but wise FAQ author says, 
leave those for later. There is a reason for it, but I'm not going to tell you 
what that is, you shall find out momentarily =P. Once you get to the bottom of 
the screen, head left and straight up the big flight of stairs. (Maybe a bit 
of levelling up to be done here too.) In battles, use the 
AutoCrossbow/Fight/Fire combination, it's a winner so far. Continue through, 
and out of the cave. Try not to blink in the sunlight too much. Just outside 
the cave and to the right is the town of South Figaro.

4a. iii. South Figaro

Quick note for travelling through towns - always examine the barrels and pots 
found in houses and on the streets. A lot of them contain things like Potions 
and Tonics, some contain things more special. And check *every* clock you see. 
Most clocks contain Elixirs, for some unknown reason, and Elixirs are always a 
good thing to keep handy ^_^

This whole South Figaro bit really confused me, the first time through the 
game, I had no idea what to do. Until, upon entering South Figaro for the four 
zillionth time, I noticed a strange figure in black practically running 
through the streets. I figured, what's up with that, so I followed him into 
the pub. (Ah, pubs are good. Me likes pubs.) Because he's an extremely 
interesting looking figure, you might like to have a chat with him. Locke's 
all up for chatting with him, although he doesn't exactly seem too keen to 
talk back. But Edgar realizes he knows this man...

     "He owes allegiance to no-one, and will do anything for money. He comes 
      and goes like the wind..."

Yessss, this is the infamous SHADOW. He'd slit his mama's throat for a 
nickel!... or so Edgar says. Personally, I reckon he wouldn't, but that's just 
my opinion. Leave him alone then, and talk to all the people at the bar. Talk 
to everyone you see, actually. Often they drop pearls of wisdom, or clues as 
to what's coming up. But of course, some just talk absolute rubbish.

So, (following my own advice), talk to all the locals, and they will all tell 
you about Mt. Kolts, to the east. Apparently a local martial arts instructor, 
Duncan, has taken a group of students there. Sounds interesting, you think. 
Gonna check it out? Of course.

So head out of town, after scouring the town and its shops for items 
(especially making sure to stock up on things like, uh, Antidotes.) Before 
looking for Mt. Kolts, however, travel north a little way to find a little 
house almost hidden in amongst the mountains. Take a look inside, examine 
everything, and Edgar will make only one conclusion - that this little hut 
belongs to his brother, Sabin! Sabin, however, is not here. If you ask the man
outside, he will tell you that Sabin went training with Duncan at Mt. Kolts, 
and so did Duncan's son Vargas... and he doesn't have a good feeling about 

Well, we're DEFINITELY heading to Mt. Kolts now, wouldn't you agree? We have 
to meet the infamous Sabin!

Buttttt, before we go, take a rest in Sabin's hut. This area is also a good 
place to level up, because the game gets a wee bit tougher from here on out. 
You've had your initiation into the world of Final Fantasy VI, the game is 
thinking. Now it's down to business. Mt Kolts is the real deal. Are you 
prepared? You better be. So wander around the immediate vicinity for a while, 
battling random creatures to level up a little bit, stopping back in at 
Sabin's hut to rest whenever you get low on HP/MP. The, when you're satisfied 
you can kick some tough-guy butt, head for the mountain, east of South Figaro.

4a. iv. Mt. Kolts

Mt Kolts is just one big catacomb of caves that gets very frustrating when you 
have to backtrack every five seconds. Lots of treasure chests to be found, 
which means two things - one, you're getting better weaponry and a few decent 
relics, so you might need to put them to good use soon, and two, you'll be 
doing a bit of levelling up when you trace your steps back from all the 
chests. Nothing too major in terms of dramas, just doing my part to let you 
know what might be coming up soon...

You will, every so often, see a shadowy man running around as you make your 
way up the mountain. No, it's not Shadow, though at first I'll admit I thought 
it was. You will find out who he is, soon enough. 

Directions through the caves are as such. Go through the first cave, which 
leads you outside. Ignore the little path trailing down (it's a decoy, hah!) 
and head back inside through the other entrance. If you take the south exit of 
this cave (skirting around the bottom side of the big boulder), you can pick 
up a Guardian. In this same cave, instead of taking the bridge up, you can 
sneak around to the right of screen, around the edge of the cliff, and out the 
door to find the Atlas Armlet, a very good relic that increases both fight and 
magic damage. (Equip it straight away to Terra or Edgar, your choice.) Also be 
on the lookout for Brawlers in these caves, Locke can steal Bandanas from 
them, and they are some of the best armour (cough) you've had access to so 

Back in that one cavern of the cave, follow the rickety bridge up and out of 
the cave at the top. Follow the black figure around the bend in the track (it 
looks like a dead end, but it's not.) If you take the nearest cave entrance to 
you, and follow it through, you will find a Tent. Then go back and take the 
far entrance. (A bit of levelling up to be done here, too, and you'll need 

Side note: I'll never state "recommended levels" for any part of this game. No 
specific levels are needed, though higher levels are generally a good idea. If 
in doubt, level up. But this game is possible to beat without levelling up 
once. Just keep that thought in mind. 

In the new cavern, follow the little bridges around, and out at the top-right 
of screen. The walk up along the path and cross the bridge. (So far, very 
boring, and nothing to indicate why we should've even come here in the first 
place.) Into the next cave, and ah, you find a save point. Means something 
must be coming up shortly. Good, gives this whole trip a purpose. Save your 
game. Important. 

Once outside the cave, you find yourself at the outside of a big spiral, with 
a cave in the middle. Guess where we're going. Round and round and round, till 
we get to the middle. (By now you will most definitely by finding out why I 
said AutoCrossbow is the most useful weapon you have. Over 100 damage to 
multiple targets when Locke and Terra are doing 50 or so each to only one, 
can't complain about that.) When you get to the middle, you'll find a man 
standing in the way of the cave. Grr, not nice of him. As you consider asking 
him politely to move, you realize that this is Duncan's son, Vargas, and he 
thinks Sabin sent you to face him. (Yeah, whatever.) He is also the man you've 
been shadowing around the mountain. And guess what. He wants to fight. 

BOSS: Vargas, Ipooh (2)
HP: 11600 (V), 360 (I)     MP: 220 (V), 60 (I)
First things first, do not be intimidated by the size and scariness of your 
opponents here. You CAN and WILL defeat them!

The two Ipoohs need to be taken out first, as they are stopping you from 
attacking Vargas. (Funnily enough, they are not stopping Vargas from attacking 
you.) Use Edgar's AutoCrossbow, Terra's Fire for multiple targets, and have 
Locke either fight or stick around using items to cure people. And you will 
need a few cure items. The attacks of all three characters are strong, very 
strong. If they prove too strong, it might be an idea to put your characters 
in the back row before the battle, as this reduces damage sustained (it also 
reduces damage inflicted, but it's a trade-off you might have to make).

Once the Ipoohs are out of the way, hit Vargas hard and fast with everything 
you've got. After a while, as you slooowly whittle down his HP, he'll get fed 
up and start taunting you. Of course, this just makes you mad, so you keep 
hitting him hard and fast. After the second round of taunts (or the first if 
you've been doing enough damage) a new figure will burst onto the scene and 
tell Vargas to "give it up". It's Sabin, come to save the day! Sabin and 
Vargas have a short conversation (yes, in the middle of the boss battle) in 
which it becomes clear that Vargas "did his own father in". Not good. For 
that, he deserves to get his ass handed to him on a platter, which you will do 
for him, right now. As Sabin asks the tough questions, Vargas gets pissed, and 
restarts the fight, but he blows Terra, Locke and Edgar away with his Blizzard 
Fist, leaving Sabin to finish it out on his own. 

Sabin is at a much higher level than the rest of your party, and has quite a 
lot more HP. Even fighting normally (using the Fight command), he does as much 
damage as Edgar was doing with his AutoCrossbow. So just keep dishing out the 
damage, ignoring the fact you have a pretty little timer on your head that is 
counting down. (It won't reach zero here, but if it does, it spells Doom.) 
Vargas will keep taunting as you keep hitting, making you even more mad and 
more determined to wipe him out. Eventually, Sabin will realise he has to use 
his master Duncan's teachings against Vargas to end the battle once and for 
all. The game will lead you step by step performing the Pummel technique, 
which is performed by selecting Blitz, pressing left-right-left on the D-pad 
when the cursor appears pointing to Sabin, then pressing X. When you 
successfully manage to perform the Pummel, Vargas will be astounded. "W...what 
the...!? He... already taught you that!?" He will then disappear.

After the battle, the two brothers are re-united once more. It's kinda sweet, 
if you're into that stuff. However, Terra mistakes Sabin for being "some 
bodybuilder who had strayed from his gym". Sabin laughs, and takes it as a 
compliment. When Sabin asks what the party is doing there, Edgar tells him 
they are going to the Sabil Mountains. (Bah, Sabin, Sabil, too similar.) Sabin 
then knows that their destination is, ultimately, the Returner's hideout. Cue 
short patriotic speech from Sabin about not wanting Figaro to be reduced to a 
puppet state, and offering his services to the party. Edgar is shocked that 
Sabin would want to help them, but quickly accepts the offer. (Good boy, don't 
give him a chance to change his mind.) 

After the scene finishes and you regain control, check out Sabin's Blitzes. He 
comes with three already pre-learnt, those three being the Pummel 
(left-right-left), the Suplex (triangle-square-down-up), and the Aurabolt 
(down, down-left, left). Aye, they be mighty tools, the Blitzes, and if you 
can master them, it sure will make the game a LOT easier. After checking it 
all out, maybe finding a few random enemies to practice on, (like I said, 
levelling up never hurt,) head into the cave Vargas was protecting. Pick up 
the Tent, and exit. 

Back on the world map, it might be a good idea to use said Tent to regroup 
after the boss battle. No doubt a few of your characters are running low on 
HP, and Terra on MP. Saving would also be clever, because you don't really 
want to go through all that again, do you?

Once you're through there, head north to the cave on the right side of the 
path. This is the Returners' Hideout.

4a. v. Returners' Hideout

Not actually a lot to do here, this part is more story information than 
anything else. But, because I seem to be including all sorts of story 
information here, I'll include this part too.

Once inside the hideout, follow the Returner to meet Banon. Banon is very 
interested to hear the story of exactly whom Terra is, but isn't too impressed 
when she denies all of her amazing feats because she can't remember them. 
However, he still wants Terra to help them. He tells the story of Pandora's 
box, how some fool opened the box and unleashed all the evils in the world... 
envy, greed, pride, violence, control... and how all that was left in the box 
was a single ray of light: hope. Banon wants Terra to be their hope, the 
world's hope, as they face all the evils of the Empire. (Talk about putting 
the pressure on.) 

After the scene, you regain control of Terra alone, and you have free rein of 
the Hideout. Talking to your other three party members, scattered around the 
place, will give you some interesting information. But first of all, item 
collection. Pick up a Phoenix Down from the treasure chest in that room, then 
head to the top-left room in the hideout, the treasure room. (Mwaha.) In the 
treasure room you will find: a True Knight relic, a Phoenix Down, and an Air 
Lancet (from the three treasure chests). Also pick up an Antidote and a 
Tincture from the two pots, then make your way through the right wall beside 
the crates to find a secret treasure chest with the White Cape relic. Pick up 
a Green Cherry from the pot in the main room (with the tables and chairs), and 
a Potion from the treasure chest in Banon's room. (Yahhh, item smorgasbord.) 
After you're finished looting the place, head back outside to talk to Banon, 
who is waiting to hear your decision on whether or not you will be their last 

Here's the tough bit. Tell Banon NO, you won't be their last hope. (It sounds 
cruel, but it's not, really.) He looks a little bit dejected, and you get sent 
back inside to think about it some more. Now that you've told him no, go back 
and talk to the man in the treasure room, and he will give you a Genji Glove 
relic. Genji Glove = gooooood, means you can equip two weapons, on in each 
hand, dealing out twice the damage. (See, it was well worth feeling a little 
bit bad when you told Banon no.) Now go outside and talk to Banon again, he 
will repeat the question, this time tell him Yes.

Inside we go for another story scene. Banon and the Returners discuss the fact 
that the Empire is using Magitek weaponry, and wonder how they created it. 
Seeing as all the current fuss is over an Esper, there has to be something 
linking the two... and there is only one thing... the War of the Magi. Locke 
tells a tale of magical machines, and Banon relates the theory that humans and 
machines were imbued with the power drained from Espers, crating Magitek 
armour and Magitek knights. Edgar then comes up with the idea of having Terra 
speak with the Esper in Narshe, in the hopes of waking it up. It's a dangerous 
idea, after all, everyone remembers the destruction caused by Espers in the 
War of the Magi (...don't they?) But Terra whole-heartedly agrees with the 
idea, and gets scolded by Sabin for sounding like she's enjoying it. 

Before the conversation goes any further, however, a wounded Returner comes 
running into the Hideout, all the way from South Figaro. (Not a bad effort.) 
South Figaro has been captured by the Empire, and the Imperial troops are 
heading this way! Edgar sends Locke to South Figaro to slow the Empire's 
progress down, and before Locke leaves, he warns Terra "not to let a young, 
lecherous king, who shall remain nameless, near you!" (God, I love some of 
these lines.) Sabin reacts predictably to that comment, asking Edgar if he's 
ever going to grow up, before the rest of the party (Terra, Edgar, Sabin and 
Banon) make plans to escape out the back door, down the Lete River in a raft. 

4a. vi. Lete River

There's not much to be said about the Lete River, really. But as soon as you 
jump on the raft, you are told: Protect Banon at all costs. If he kicks the 
bucket, it's all over red rover. Game over. Finis. And, seeing as he's weaker 
than the rest of your party (my Banon only had 120 HP here!), it might be a 
good idea to put him in the back row, as soon as you have the chance.

Battles on the River are all pretty much standard fare. Have Edgar using his 
AutoCrossbow, or the Drill if you have it, get Terra Fighting, have Sabin use 
his Pummel or Aurabolt Blitzes, and have Banon use his Health. Health really 
is a great move at this stage of the game, basically it casts Cure on the 
whole party, for a grand total of zero MP cost. 

When it comes to choosing directions to go on the River, it really doesn't 
matter which you choose, as they all end up in the same place anyways. Some 
paths, however, do lead you to caves with treasure chests, where you can also 
stop and regroup your party.

I am deliberately NOT mentioning the ultra-cheap (but effective) level-up 
trick here, that involves changing the Cmd. Set to Short, taping down the Up 
button on the D-pad and the X button, and leaving your Playstation alone for a 
few hours. Nope, not mentioning it at all. *whistles*

Continue along the River, fighting, healing, occasionally stopping to save. 
Before long, you will be approached by a strange (evil) purple octopus. And 
this odd-looking creature is not happy Jan.

BOSS: Ultros (take 1)
HP: 3000     MP: 640
God knows why an octopus wants to fight your party. But you will learn to love
Ultros, because he is simply so weird. And this ain't just any old octopus, 
either, this is octopus royalty, and one real sumbitch! He's a tough 
character, and if this is your first time through the game, this is the first 
point in which you will regularly see the Game Over screen.

Have all of your characters in the back row. Not just Banon now, all of them. 
Because his Tentacle attack is something to be feared, and if he hits one 
front-row character with it (as opposed to spreading the blow over the whole 
party, which quarters the attack power, understandably), that character will 
be hit for 300 damage and most probably get knocked out. In tbe back row, the 
damage is halved. All of your characters should then be able to survive such a 

Each character has their set commands, and you shouldn't vary from them too 
greatly. Have Banon stick to Health, Edgar to AutoCrossbow, Sabin to Pummel, 
and Terra to Fire. Each of the attacks should do about 150 damage from the 
back row, meaning you will slowly drain away his HP. 

Ultros is one cocky bastard, he loves to taunt you and make stupid jokes. 
Every time Terra uses fire, he will make a comment about "seafood soup". Every 
time Sabin uses a Blitz, he will make a comment about hating muscle-heads. A 
funny guy... no, scratch that, a funny thing. Like I said, by the end of the 
game, you will learn to love him.

If you keep attacking him in the standard pattern, with all your characters in 
the back row, he should go down fairly easily.

After the battle, Ultros disappears under the surface of the water. The party 
wonder about where he went, when Sabin decides to pummel it one last time with 
a Blitz. Crazily, he jumps in after Ultros... but Ultros turfs him back out of 
the water or something, because Sabin starts drifting away from the raft, down 
the river... Edgar, Terra and Banon can only watch helplessly as Sabin is 
swept downstream, away from them...

Choose a scenario, kupo!
Now you have a choice of three scenarios. 

+ The first is Locke's scenario. As you should recall, Locke was sent to South 
  Figaro to stop the advancing Imperial troops from reaching the hideout. 
  (section 3a. vii.)
+ The second is Terra and Edgar's scenario. They, along with Banon were on 
  their way to Narshe so Terra could "speak" with the Esper in the mines. 
  (section 3a. viii.)
+ The third is Sabin's scenario. We've just seen him drifting down the river, 
  somehow he has to get his ass out of the river and rejoin the other party.  
  (section 3a. ix.)

You do have to do all three scenarios, eventually, just one at a time. Each of 
the scenarios I've just listed has a relevant section number, so scroll to the 
sections of the scenario in the order you attempt them, KUPO!!

Once all the scenarios are complete, head for section 3a. x. Narshe.

4a. vii. Locke's Scenario

South Figaro

Locke's in South Figaro, and desperately needs to get OUT of there, back to 
Narshe. However, taking a quick look around the town, that's not going to be 
so easy. The place is heavily populated with Imperial troops, from foot 
soldiers to the Magitek HeavyArmr. And every exit is blocked off. Uh-oh.

If you enter the house you're standing in front of, talk to Duncan's wife and 
she will tell you there's a hidden passage out of town in the rich man's 
house, just find the room that's drafty. Okay, sounds like a plan. Let's go.

Word of advice here: you can talk to all the foot soldiers you want, and they 
will simply tell you to scram. If you pick a fight with one of the HeavyArmr 
troops, they WILL fight back. And you will NOT win the resulting battle. Just 
a friendly warning. 

You could wander around town for a little while, but there's not much you can 
do. Every available path to the rich man's house is blocked off by soldiers, 
excepting one. In the basement of the house of the man who always wants you to 
bring him cider (this house is the split-level near the item shop, you may 
have noticed this guy if you scoured South Figaro enough the first time you 
were here), there is a little boy guarding the way through jealously. If you 
talk to him, he only wants to talk about merchants, he only likes merchants. 
The only way to get past him is to BE a merchant. Am I dropping enough clues 

Head to the item shop, and stock up on whatever you need. If you talk to the 
merchant beside the counter, he makes the oh-so-grave mistake of calling Locke 
a thief. Ahem, that's TREASURE HUNTER to you! So Locke decides to teach this 
smartass a lesson. Make it a good one, bud!

The purpose of this fight is not to defeat the merchant, though you could do 
that if you wanted. Remember when I said the only way to get past that kid was 
to be a merchant? Well, Locke can't exactly become one, but he can impersonate 
one, can't he? How would you impersonate a merchant? By wearing his clothes! 
So when Locke picks a fight with this merchant, steal his clothes from him. 
(When Locke's Steal succeeds, the name of the enemy changes from 'Merchant' to 
'BDaySuit'. LOL!) Locke will then put on the merchant's clothes, declaring 
"these are a little tight, but the price was right". The BDaySuit then escapes 
from the battle, leaving Locke with a nice seat of merchant clothes.

Do I need to tell you where to go next? Straight back to that pesky little 
kid, who will let you past without a second glance once he sees your clothing. 
Take a Tonic from the bucket in the basement, then proceed out of the room. 
You successfully made it past one set of Magitek goons! Congratulations! Of 
course, the fun ain't over yet, it's just begun!

Head to the rich man's house, as you can get there now, but the door is 
blocked by more Magitek goofs. How to get past them, how to get past them... 
more wandering around town might be required. And of course, it always helps 
to know about the path across the river hidden by the building that also spans 
the river.

If you successfully wander around town long enough to find the room beneath 
the pub, you'll realize there's a bottle of cider on the table. Hey.... wasn't 
that old guy always asking for cider? No? Wonder what would happen if you took 
him some cider. Of course, you go to take the cider, and you can't just do 
that. Maybe you could ask that nice merchant standing over there if you could 
have his cider? Oh no, he takes great offence to our request, thinking we've 
come to STEAL it! (Well, no, we just wanted to borrow it, we'd bring it back, 
honest...) And he calls Locke a thief again! Right, time to teach this guy a 
lesson too...

The idea is the same as before. Steal his clothes, even though you already 
have the merchant ware, and you will take his cider too. So, now that we've 
got the cider, let's go give it to that old guy back in that split-level, and 
see what happens, mmmkay?

So we give the old man the cider, and he drinks it all faster than you can say 
boo. (Pig.) After he has his fill, he confides in you that there is, in fact, 
a secret passage that leads TO the rich man's house, and it leads straight 
from his house! You just have to give his grandson (the brat downstairs) his 
password, which is, uhhhh, he forgets! Nice one... I'd like to teach this dumb 
guy a lesson too, but unfortunately, that one's not in the game script. (And I 
should know it's not, cos I transcribed the whole game script =P) Anyways, 
traipse back downstairs and talk to the kid, who gives you three options for a 
password. Now, the game doesn't actually tell you the password here, but the 
way I like to remember it is this: what's something that old guy upstairs has 
nothing of? Right, Courage. I mean, he didn't even have the balls to tell you 
the password! So give the kid the password, and he will open the secret 
passage. Voila.

Head through the door he opens, and down the stairs, and you will transport to 
the rich man's house. Do make sure to remember to take the Elixir from the 
clock, then head upstairs and out. Take the Phoenix Down from the bottom of 
the barrel, then head inside the rich man's house.

Now, what was the clue again? You have to find the room that's drafty. Listen 
for sounds of a draft, not that hard to make it out. It's not the main room, 
so head upstairs, it's the only way you can go... no drafts in the corridor...
enter the first door. Huh? Sounds like there's wind coming from somewhere... I 
bet this is the right room. Check the other room, nope, no windy noises there, 
definitely this room. 

Of course, talking to the guy at the table isn't going to net you any useful 
information. So start looking around for a secret passage. After much 
searching, (or simply consulting this sentence) you eventually discover the 
secret passage behind the bookcase. Eureka!

Now you've got a maze of passages to work your way through. They're guarded by 
some pretty nasty tough guys too, and you'll be doing a bit of fighting. When 
given the option to change clothes, you should really change back to your own 
clothes, cos they're more comfortable, right? Although, the choice you make 
here has no effect on the game other than one or two lines of conversation 
coming up shortly, it's just a bit disconcerting to see Locke dressed up as a 
merchant, in battles and all...

As Locke makes his way through the first passage, he stops to peek into one of 
the rooms. With a shock, he realizes he recognizes the woman in the first room 
- one of the Empire's generals! She's noot a general anymore, however, she's 
currently having the stuffing knocked out of her by two guards for being a 

     "Product of genetic engineering, battle-hardened Magitek Knight with a 
      spirit as pure as snow..."

This is CELES. This Celes is one smart cookie, because she's realized what the 
Empire's really about, and she reveals a plan of Kefka's to poison the people 
of Doma! (That low-down dirty piece of.... never mind.) The guard refuses to 
listen to her though, and knocks her out, before leaving her under the 
watchful eye of the other guard. 

This guard, brags about not needing sleep for days at a time, but what's the 
first thing he's doing when Locke walks into the room? Catching up on a few 
zzz's, of course. Locke, being the nice guy he is, decides to loosen Celes' 
chains and free her. Celes is shocked when she realizes she's being rescued by 
a Returner... and even more shocked when Locke offers to take her with him, 
away from South Figaro. She politely declines, saying she's better off there. 
(Okay, not such a smart cookie after all.) Buttttt Locke works his good ol' 
masculine charm, and wins her over to his side, and they quickly leave the 
cell, but not before Celes takes a key from the guard's pocket. 

So now you have a party of two. Equip Celes with some weapons and armour and 
note that she, too, has MP... ooh, more Magic! Yes, she can use Cure and Ice. 
Anyway, back to the maze of passages. The next room has a save point, I advise 
you to use it. The third room is a storage room with a couple of clocks and a 
lot of treasure chests - empty them all to get a total of 3000 GP. (Cool.) 
Then check out the clocks, because, after all, you did take a clock key from 
the guard, didn't you? One works fine, but use the clock key to wind the other 
one... and the bookcase moves, to reveal a secret door. (Oooh.)

And beyond the door, the maze just continues. After a few battles, you might 
decide it wise to place both Celes and Locke in the back row. Once in the 
maze, head to the right and straight down to pick up some Iron Armour, then 
head back up and to the right again. If you really want the Heavy Shield and 
the Regal Cutlass in those two closed treasure chests beyond the wall, you'll 
have to head up, right, then back down and around for them. Locke's high Speed 
again proves to be useful in all these battles, the fights are tough 
(especially considering you don't have anything powerful like Blitz to rely 
on!) but you will still be sustaining a lot of damage and will need to Cure 

Whether you empty the chests or not, head down at that upside-down 
T-intersection (yep, straight through the wall-that-isn't-really-a-wall.) You 
can head all the way to the bottom and to the left for some Earrings, a useful 
relic that increases Magic damage, if you wish. See those stairs? You think 
you need to be heading for those, right? Wrong. More decoys! Take the bottom 
of the two right-leading passages, to another set of stairs, and head up and 
out. You are now free of South Figaro! Leave town real quick, before something 
draws you back =P

You may be free of the clutches of South Figaro, but you are still a long way 
from Narshe. Remember how to get back to Narshe from South Figaro? Right, the 
Figaro area cave, which is to the left of town. And you know how I told you to 
leave those treasure chests in the cave before? Well, now is when we empty 
them. They contain different items, now, you see, very VERY useful ones (well, 
one, anyways.)

Figaro Area Cave

After descending the stairs into the main cavern, head left. (Watch out for 
those nasty Trilobites, they have the PoisonBarb attack which inflicts poison, 
and you don't want to be wasting all Celes' MP on Antdot.) Pick up an X-Potion 
from the treasure chest there, and a Tincture from the one in the passage on 
the right. Now head to the top, and up the left-most set of stairs, for 
another treasure chest with a -ta-da!- Thunder Rod in it. Also watch out for 
the Primordes, their Numblade attack really sucks. Go back down the stairs, 
and go up the normal ones, the ones that lead out of the cave. Importantly, 
USE THE RECOVERY SPRING. Then, go to exit the cave. 

BOSS: TunnelArmr!
HP: 1300     MP: 900
There's two ways of taking on this machine. It uses powerful spells against 
you, so Celes suggests using her Runic ability to absorb them. Locke is 
understandably bemused, so Celes patiently explains the Runic ability in more 
detail. How it works is this - if Celes has used Runic, she will absorb the 
next spell cast, no matter who cast it or whom it was intended for. She 
will sustain no damage for absorbing the spell, but will, in fact, gain the 
amount of MP the spell cost to cast. It works especially well here, as 
TunnelArmr is fond of casting Bolt spells against your party. Celes can Runic 
all of them if she uses the Runic ability each turn, leaving Locke free to 
attack and destroy it.

However, this is a very slow process, as the TunnelArmr has high HP and Locke 
does jack all damage. If you use the pretty Thunder Rod you just picked up on 
this turkey, it will do a LOT (and I mean a LOT of damage), and almost kill it 
in one shot. Of course, after that, it's very easy to take it out, using the 
Runic/Fight strategy. 

After the battle, Celes and Locke exit the cave, and return to Narshe safely. 
Choose another scenario, kupo!!

4a. viii. Terra and Edgar's Scenario

Terra and Edgar are still accompanying Banon, riding the rapids of the Lete 
River. The strategy for battles here is the same as it was with Sabin in your 
party, ie. Banon = Health, Edgar = AutoCrossbow, and Terra = Fight or Fire, 
whichever suits your fancy. Eventually the ride comes to an end, and you are 
dumped back on the world map, close to Narshe. 

Phew, that was an easy scenario, you're thinking, I'm almost there. Well, 
true, you're almost there. But go to enter the town, and you will literally 
get booted out by three of Narshe's armed forces. They recognize Terra as 
being one of the Imperial soldiers from before, you see. Soooo, you need to 
get to the Esper... but you can't head straight through town... how are you 
going to get there? If I recall correctly, there was some sort of secret 
entrance to the mines, couldn't you use that to bypass the guards?

Of course! Slap your forehead as you remember Locke telling Terra about the 
secret entrance, to the left of screen. So head there, and Terra will tell 
Edgar about the switch. Of course, Edgar being the master of machinery, he 
works it out, and the three of them enter the mines.

The path through the mine is fairly straightforward, and the enemies pose no 
threat at all. Once you make it outside, head up the stairs and back inside. 
What sucks is, although Terra and Locke technically covered all this terrain 
before, you never got to see it, meaning this is all totally new =P

All goes well until you enter a room that has a little blue glowing point 
traversing around the room. It's a security checkpoint, not an entirely 
difficult one to fool or get past, but important nonetheless. Edgar knows how 
it all works, if you follow the exact path of the light, from one side of the 
room to the other, you will make it through safely. If not, all hell breaks 
loose as you get attacked by big tough scary dudes that actually aren't that 
big, tough or scary. The clever thing to do is just follow the light, so do 
so. Start at the very left of the room, head right at the first boulder then 
take the next path up. Turn right at the end of the boulder, then walk down. 
Keep heading in a general down direction, then go right at the bottom until 
you hit the very right side of the room. Walk up the right side of the room, 
turning left after the second boulder, then take the first up and head out. 
It's actually simpler than I've made it sound...!

You should recognize the next cavern from your trip through here before, this 
is the cavern Terra fell through when being chased by soldiers. So now you 
definitely know the way back. Any creatures you meet along the way are no 
match for Edgar's AutoCrossbow, even if he's still in the back row he can take 
them out with one hit.

Eventually, after a lot of slow walking and boring battling, you will end up 
exactly where Terra started - old man Arvis' house. Banon and Arvis have a 
discussion about Narshe's position in the war, and Arvis explains that Narshe 
is remaining neutral. Arvis is also suspiciously quick to put all his hope on 
Terra communicating with the Esper, to bring peace to the town.

So they too arrived in Narshe safely. Choose another scenario, kupo!!

4a. ix. Sabin's Scenario

Sabin's scenario is, by far, the longest of the three. The other two were a 
walk in the park in comparison to this one, which is why I chose to write for 
it last. 

House on the Veldt

Sabin washes up from his river journey near what is well-known as the House on 
the Veldt. (Even though, technically, it's not on the Veldt.) You can enter 
the house and talk to the man inside, but all he speaks is gibberish that, 
while being decipherable English, makes no sense to anyone. So ignore him, 
take a nap in his bed, and head back outside.

Recognize the guy standing by the well? Yes, it's Shadow, with his faithful 
dog Interceptor. Sabin asks Shadow how to get to Narshe from there, and Shadow 
relates the fact that Imperial troops have their sights set on Doma. (If 
you've already done Locke's scenario, you know what Kefka has in mind for the 
people of Doma..) Shadow says the only way to go is through Doma, and offers 
to accompany Sabin on his trip. (How kind.) Speak to the merchant on the 
chocobo before you leave, and purchase some good throwing weapons for Shadow. 
Shuriken are best, they're cheap and painful for your opponents. 

Once away from the house, simply follow the lie of the land along. The enemies 
aren't too much to worry about, except for the ones in the forest that can hit 
you and inflict Berserk. Eventually, you will encounter a nice little patch of 
desert near the bridge leading to Doma Castle, housing the Imperial base camp 
that Shadow mentioned. Seeing as you're heading for Doma, you've got no choice 
but to wander right into enemy territory.

Imperial Camp

Lots of talk here, little fighting.

Sabin chooses not to barge straight into the camp (how clever of him), instead 
he chooses to hide and observe the happenings and the conversation of two 
particularly inane soldiers. They talk about Kefka, and General Leo, and the 
upcoming attack on Doma Castle. It becomes clear that they like Kefka about 
as much as we do, ie. not very much. When their commander appears, they join 
the assault team in preparation for the attack.

In Doma Castle, the Imperial forces are attacking. Two Doma sentries are in 
despair because they can't keep them out, however, a new face appears on the 
scene to try and drive the soldiers away.

     "Faithful retainer to his family's liege, with the courage and strength 
      of a hundred men..."

This is CYAN. Cyan knows that without their commander, the forces will just 
give up and retreat. So, when you gain control of him, out the front of the 
castle, approach their commander with the intention of taking him out. I 
suppose you could call this a boss battle, but it's not really, because it's 
so simple. The trick here is to use your Retort Swordtech (Swordtech #2) and 
he will go down in one hit, receiving a Black Belt for your efforts. (Yay!) 
Once the commander is gone, all the other troops will get scared (chicken-
wusses) and run off.

Back in the Imperial camp, you have control of Shadow, who is now leader of 
your party. Head into the tent on the right, and hit the treasure chest for 
a funny scene. Then walk across the bridge, where Shadow will panic and hide
again. General Leo and an Imperial soldier are discussing their next move. 
The soldiers are all antsy, they want to attack, but Leo calls them off, 
making an emotional speech about not wanting to sacrifice so many lives. 
Another soldier arrives, with a carrier pigeon from Emperor Gestahl. Leo has 
been summoned to Vector, and he has no choice but to leave Doma in Kefka's 
hands. He disappears, warning him "not to jump the gun".

Back in control of Shadow, go to walk further into the Imperial camp, and 
you will stop and hide again when Kefka appears. If you've already done 
Locke's scenario, you already know Kefka's intentions for the poor people of 
Doma. He wants to turn the river into a flowing river of poison! Some of his 
own soldiers try to warn him against it, saying there are troops held prisoner
in the castle, but Kefka (mwa-ha-ha) doesn't care. Sabin and Shadow, however, 
do, and they approach Kefka. They pick a fight with him (not too clever, buds)
but as soon as you attack him, he runs off. When he runs off, it's your job to
chase him. This attack/Kefka-chickens-out-and-runs-off process will be 
repeated a few times. Eventually, you get ambushed by two Templars and two 
Soldiers, and he is free to carry out his dastardly plan.

Kefka tips the poison in the river, turning it a wicked shade of purple. In 
the castle, Cyan notices that the water looks funny, and one by one the troops 
around him fall victim to it and collapse. He realizes what's happening, and 
realizes he must warn the King before the King drinks the poisoned water. 
Together with a Doma sentry, make your way to the King's chamber by walking
straight up through the door, down the stairs, down through the door and up 
the red carpet. Cyan and the sentry will find the King on the floor, already 
succumbing to the poison. Cyan tells him to hang on, but the King tells Cyan 
to find his family, warn his family. So, when the sentry suggests to split up,
head back down the red carpet, and through the door on the right. Cyan's wife,
Elayne, and son, Owain, are both on the floor, not moving. They too have been 
killed by the poison.

This is the point where Cyan goes stark raving mad (as most people probably 
would if this were a real-life situation), and he rushes out to attack the 
Imperial camp. Sabin and Shadow find him zing-zinging with a soldier in 
Magitek armour (gotta love those sound effects!) Of course, because you're 
really nice, (and because you don't have a choice) you decide to help him out.
Talk to him and the three of you will enter a battle with a few grunts. You 
control Sabin and Shadow here, but Cyan does his own thing.

And off he goes again, zing-zinging with some more troops. Be kind and help 
him out again. Same deal, Cyan's out of control. Again, he goes zing-zinging. 
Talk to Cyan again, and Sabin will tell him they have to work together here. 
Again, the three of you will fight together. After the battle, Cyan and Sabin 
introduce themselves (funny how Shadow doesn't get a mention!) and they make 
plans to scram. Cyan doesn't want to just leave Doma... and while he 
procrastinates on the matter, you're spotted by another set of soldiers. 
Before they get the chance to attack, Sabin spots a way out... some Magitek 
armour! In a little funny scene, Cyan keeps speaking his own particular breed 
of "ye olde English" and Sabin starts copying it in frustration. (Tee-hee.) 

Now, in the armour, you're unstoppable. Cyan barges through a whole party of 
soldiers before you gain control, and just use your armour to head out of 
there the same way you came, toasting any soldiers you meet in the process. 
Once you get past the bridge, Sabin will jump free, and ask Cyan how to get 
to Narshe. Cyan tells him there's only one way to go, through the forest to 
the south. And quickly, the three of them scoot out of there.

Back on the world map, take the time to heal up and save, before following 
Cyan's instructions of heading south, through Doma. Battles are still fairly 
easy, although you now have the kick-ass Swordtechs at your disposal. Cross 
the bridge to go to Doma, then cross the next one back to the mainland, before
entering the forest.

Phantom Forest

The Phantom Forest is supposed to be spooky and all that, but it's not, 
really. Just head right, working your way around all the logs, killing all the
ghosts that get in your way, before going up and off the main path. The lake 
on the next screen is a recovery spring (yay!) From the recovery spring, head 
right then follow the signs back onto the path. Take the next up turnoff, then
keep heading right. (Very boring.) 

When you take the up turnoff from that path, you find yourself on a train 
platform. And lo and behold, there's a train there! Sabin wants to look in the
train in case there may be survivors from the Doma incident. Cyan gets freaked 
out, but follows Sabin onto the train.

Phantom Train

Once on the train, Cyan realizes the train is haunted, and tells Sabin they 
should get off. But before they get the chance, the train starts moving... Go 
to get off the train, and the door is locked. Cyan realizes what this train 
is, it's the Phantom Train, and it carries the departed to... the other side.
Sabin realizes what this means, and says "But I don't want to go THERE!" 
(Nice comeback.) They decide to stop the train to get off, by making for the 

Before heading left, for the engine, however, you can head right and into the 
next carriage to find a ghost. However, this ghost is unusual in that it 
wants to join your party. You get the choice of accepting it or not, and the 
choice is up to you. Having an extra ally in battle never hurt anybody, 
really, even if this ally is weak as anything. There is also a save point in 
the compartment, use it if you want. Now start heading left, towards the 

Note: Your new ghosty friend (if you accepted him) has a special skill of 
Possess. If you choose it, he will possess your enemy and kill it, but you 
will also lose him from your party.

Nothing is really noteworthy, as you travel through the carriages of ghosts 
(except for the fact you can bypass some carriages entirely by walking around 
the outside), until you get to the third carriage. As you go to walk around 
it, ghosts will start pouring out, chanting "N.o...e.s.c.a.p.e...!" at you 
repeatedly. But of course, you are going to escape, so as they hem you in 
from both sides, you go the only way you can, up! Walk across the top of 
the carriage, and Cyan will declare "I believe we're stuck." (Oh ye of little 
faith, Cyan.) But Sabin backs up, does a dash, and starts jumping from 
carriage to carriage! Three carriages later, he stops, but the ghosts are 
still coming! (Bloody persistent!) Sabin realizes the only way to get rid of 
them is to detach the rest of the train cars (guess you ghosties aren't going 
to the other side after all...) So enter that carriage, and pull the lever at 
the top. The rear cars will detach, and disappear into the distance.

Pulling the lever again will open up the wall and let you continue on your 
journey to the engine of the train, saving again at the save point if you 
wish. Two carriages later, you will find the dining car, and taking a seat at 
the central table will have Sabin yelling "Food! Food! Bring me everything ya 
got!" True to their word, the ghosts supply a feast, which also serves for 
recovering all your HP, MP, and curing any status ailments. So eat all you 
can, then make your way out of the train car and keep going. If you enter the 
dining car from the other side, you can pick up some Earrings from the 
treasure chest.

You can either bypass the next car by going over the roof, or you can go 
through it. There's not a whole lot in the car, but if you choose to enter it 
and empty the treasure chest in the first compartment you will be jumped by 
Ziegfried. Sabin makes a nice comment, saying Ziegfried looks more like a 
manicurist than a swordsman. So, you must fight. It's a very easy fight 
though, but he empties the chest after the fight and nicks off.

The next car you can just bypass, but the next little one is a save point, as 
we're getting veeeeery close to the front of the train. I advise you to use 
it. Before entering the save point car, if your ghosty friend is still there, 
he will leave your party. Enter the engine compartment, and read the 
directions kinda obscurely hidden in the bottom left corner of it. So flick 
the first and third levers, as per instructions, then head outside and to the 
smoke stack at the very front and press the switch. The Phantom Train will 
come to life, getting very mad as it realizes you're trying to stop it, and 
it decides to teach you a customary lesson.

Boss: Phantom Train!
HP: 1900     MP: 350
Yes, you are going to fight the train. Don't worry, it's a very easy battle, 
if you know your stuff. The trick to this battle is to realize that the train,
is in fact, an undead creature. (It is taking people to the "other side", 
after all.) How do you kill undead creatures? By bringing them to life! So use
a Phoenix Down on the train and say bye bye.

Of course, if you don't have one, you're in a spot of bother. The boss has 
tough attacks, most notable being Acid Rain, which can do 150 damage to your 
whole party. Stick with the usual method of Sabin using Aurabolt or Pummel, 
have Shadow Fight or throw Shuriken, and have Cyan use his Dispatch, and you 
should make it through.

After you defeat the Phantom Train, it will graciously agree to stop and let 
you off the train. So it pulls into another station, and our three very 
relieved heroes jump free. Before they get the chance to get the hell outta 
there, though, Cyan freaks out when he looks to the other end of the platform 
and sees people getting ON the train. Two of those people being Elayne and 
Owain, his wife and child. Cyan rushes madly to stop the train as it takes 
off, but there's nothing he can do as it rumbles away, taking his family to 
the other side. It's a moving scene, almost enough to move a certain FAQ 
writer to tears. After the scene ends, the three sadly leave the platform and 
exit the forest. 

I bet, with all that train and forest madness, you've almost forgotten where 
we were originally heading. Well, we're going to Narshe, and to get there, we 
have to keep going south. But, after examining the little area this side of 
the forest, you'll see there's only one place you CAN go, everything else is 
blocked off by mountains. Head there.

Baren Falls

At first, it looks like there's nothing to do at Baren Falls. Just take a 
little peek over the edge of the cliff, however. Cyan says that south of there
is the Veldt, where dangerous creatures live. Sabin realizes, with the Empire 
hot on their heels, if they can slip through the Veldt, they might be safe in 
Mobliz, to the east. If Shadow is still in your party at this point, he will 
disappear, saying he has served his purpose. This is where you jump over the 
cliff, down into the waterfall.

Almost immediately, you will be attacked. (You kinda knew this was coming, 
didn't you?) Piranhas will attack you, two or three at a time, more appearing 
when you eliminate all the old ones. Basically, just Fight them all, as they 
only have 65 HP each, or you can use a few fancy tricks such as Dispatch or 
Pummel if you wanna feel special. Their attacks aren't very strong, especially
if your characters are clever and have put themselves (or have had themselves 
put) in the back row. ^_^) You should make it past them with most of your HP 
intact. After you fight 11 of them, a new creature will appear.

Boss: Rizopas!
HP: 775     MP: 39
The Rizopas has a number of techniques at his disposal, none of which are 
friendly. He likes to utilize the Mega Volt of the Whelk, a number of Ice 
attacks, and the uber-deadly El Nino attack, which will damage both Sabin and 
Cyan for 300 damage each (or 250 if they're in the back row). Uncool. Very 
uncool. Try real hard to keep your HP above 300, hit him hard and fast with 
everything you've got, i.e. Dispatch, Pummel, Aurabolt, and hopefully you will 
make it through without seeing the El Nino. 

The Veldt/Mobliz

After the battle, you will wash up on the shores of the Veldt. A young boy 
approaches you cautiously, freaking out when Sabin stirs.

     "Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence. A youth 
      surviving against all odds..."

Leave his name as GAU. Sabin regains consciousness, and asks Gau who he is. 
Gau panics and runs off, leaving you alone on the Veldt.

So, Cyan said you could head east to Mobliz? Do exactly that. While the Veldt 
IS full of dangerous creatures (like, every creature you've fought in the game
so far) there's nothing TOO major to worry about. On your path east, you will 
most probably see Gau a few times during battles. Gau talks of being hungry, 
hungry... when you attack him (as you have no other choice), he gets mad and 
runs off. The scene will most likely be repeated a few times until you get to 
Mobliz, so don't worry.

Once in Mobliz, follow the tried-and-true technique of checking all the shops,
stocking up on goodies, and talking to all the locals. As a way to save 
yourself some GP, sleep in the bed at the back of the relic shop, instead of 
staying at the inn. (Buy some SPRINT SHOES in the relic shop, as well!) Keep 
talking to everybody, and the guy outside the item shop will tell you, "I 
threw some Dried Meat into a herd of wild animals, and some kid emerged and 
grabbed it!" That kid... could it have been Gau? Well, let's think about it, 
just how many kids can there be roaming free on the Veldt, anyways? It must 
have been Gau. Wonder what would happen if you did the same thing, fed Gau 
some Dried Meat? It's worth a try. So buy some in the Item Shop, and head 
back out onto the Veldt.

Fight until you meet Gau again. Instead of attacking him when he appears, this
time feed him the Dried Meat. What follows is perhaps the best scene in the 
whole game, as Gau asks for more food, Sabin refuses to provide it, and the 
two get into a punch-up, which Gau describes as "dancing". This only enrages 
Sabin, and Cyan gets involved to separate the two combatants. Gau picks up on 
Cyan's old English and starts bouncing around chanting "Thou! Thou!" (Like I 
said, FUNNY.) Cyan gets pissed off, walks off, and Sabin quietly tells him 
that he's not acting normal because his family have just been... Gau claims to 
understand, and Sabin asks Gau to join their party.

Now you have a new member, Gau. Not exactly the best character, but he is 
helpful, and he comes with a repertoire of eight Rages. After he joins, he 
tells Sabin and Cyan, in thanks, he will give them his shiny, shiny SHINY 
treasure! Cyan is sceptical, saying "can anything be THAT shiny?" But Gau 
insists, we go to Crescent Mountain, and Sabin agrees to humour him and go to 
Crescent Mountain.

Crescent Mountain is to the very south of the continent. It's not that far a 
walk, and it might be a good idea to learn a few Rages on the way there. 
Either way, get your butts to Crescent Mountain.

Crescent Mountain/Serpent Trench

Once inside the cave, walk inside a small way, and Gau will start looking for 
his shiny SHINY treasure. Sabin and Cyan agree to look around for it, so now 
you're on your own to explore the cave.

Head up through the cave and head towards the right. Heading up and left onto 
the little plateau will give you another funny scene, as Sabin peers over the 
edge of the cliff, and Gau spooks him, causing him to drop 500 GP over the 
cliff. (Not exactly good.) Anyways, there's nothing really special in the 
cave, so head up, right across the bridge, and down towards the exit. 

Near the exit, Gau stops and starts digging around for his treasure. 
Eventually he finds it, and uncovers a piece of strange-looking headgear. It 
is said that this headgear will allow them to breathe underwater! Sabin has no 
hesitation in using the headgear, and the three of them head out of the cave 
towards the rushing waters of the Serpent Trench. 

The Serpent Trench can be a difficult part of the game. The only battles in 
it are predetermined, and the path is linear, but the enemies are tough. 
Taking the right path both times will lead you to two caves where you can 
stop, catch your breath, empty a few treasure chests, and heal up a bit.

The first cave is simple, just walk straight through, collect the X-Potion, 
and head out. The second cave is also pretty much the same, head straight up, 
down on the next screen, and stand on the switch at the bottom to drain the 
water. Then descend the steps, drop down the hole (oh so monotonous), head 
up and collect the Green Beret from the treasure chest in the north, then 
down to the south and out.

Continue along the Trench, killing everything in your path, until you finally 
wash up on the shores of Nikeah.


You end up on the dock, right near a big South Figaro-bound ferry. Of course, 
if you're in South Figaro, you know exactly how to get to Narshe, right? But 
before you board the ferry, stop and browse a bit through town, stock up on 
items you might be running low on (eg. Phoenix Downs.) Then, hop aboard the 
ferry and journey to South Figaro.

+++ End of the Three Scenarios!! +++

4a. x. Narshe

Edgar, Terra, Banon, Arvis and the town Elder are in the Elder's house, 
discussing the current events, with Gestahl wanting to get his dirty little 
hands on the Esper. Out of nowhere, Sabin, Cyan, and Gau walk in. After Sabin 
makes the introductions, Cyan relates the tale of how Kefka destroyed the 
people of Doma... everyone is aghast. (Understandably, too.) The Elder tries 
to reason that Kefka only did it because Doma was collaborating with the 
Returners... but Locke and Celes walk in, saying that is complete nonsense, 
and that the Empire is poised to attack Narshe right now! Banon asks where 
Locke for the information, and Locke says that Celes is now working with them.
Cyan recognizes Celes, and goes absolutely ape, and when Terra says that she, 
too, once was an Imperial soldier, poor Cyan doesn't know what to do! Before 
Cyan can attack anyone, or before anybody can calm him down, a messenger 
appears, with word that "the Empire cometh!"

Cut to outside town, where Kefka and the cavalry are approaching. Kefka is 
going stark-raving-crazy, declaring that, even though Narshe is officially 
neutral, to "exterminate everyone!" (Sounds like fun.) They're after the 
Esper, which Arvis and the Elder moved into the hills. So your little troop 
must head into the hills to defend it.

On the way up, there are a few little scenes between various characters. Edgar
warns Celes not to believe that Locke has fallen in love with her, and Celes 
angrily reacts that she's not some love-starved twit; Celes tells Terra that 
she, too, can use Magic, and Terra asks if Celes has ever loved anyone; Cyan 
warns Celes that he still doesn't trust her, and she says her actions will 
speak for themselves.

When you get to the top of the snowfield, you will be in control of Terra, 
alone, as the rest of your group forms a barrier from the field below. In case
you weren't too sure, something big is coming up, as you must defend the Esper
(and Banon) from Kefka. Get each of your characters ready for some battles 
(interchange with them by going to talk to them), and then, when you're ready,
save first (you will always save as Terra, no matter who you were controlling 
at the time) and talk to Banon. He will ask you if you're prepared; if you 
are, say yes. You will then be asked to divide your group into three parties.

There are several strategies you could take here - for instance, you could 
create three roughly equal parties, one with three members and two with two, 
and alternate them for battles through the snowfield. It could work, but there
are other strategies.

My tip would be to select your strongest characters to be in one party (i.e. 
Sabin, Edgar, Cyan, and Celes or Terra) and arrange your other three members 
into the other two parties. 

Once your parties are decided, Kefka approaches the snowfields from the south.
Upon seeing the 'traitor', Celes, he laughs, saying this will be delightful! 
He sends about fifteen sets of troops out after you, and you will realize that
the scene is very reminiscent of that of Locke and the Moogles, from way 
earlier in the game. 

The way it works is exactly the same. Take your power party with your 
strongest characters, and plow through to get to Kefka at the bottom. You will
most likely run into six or eight sets of soldiers, Templars, and other 
assorted things along the way... but they're not too tough. Seeing as you 
chose your strongest party (if you did), then just use your strongest attacks 
(Aurabolt, AutoCrossbow, Dispatch) on them.

I recommended you to take a Magic user with you because while the battles are 
not that tough, they're tough enough to need to heal up after every second 
battle or so. Using up Potions and Tonics is very uneconomical when you can 
just take a Magic user with you. Just make sure said Magic user stays in back 
row, because her HP and defence will be quite low.

With a bit of luck, you can make it to the bottom of the snowfields, and to 
Kefka, before his troops reach Banon and your two other parties. And of 
course, you're not just going to give Kefka a stern talking-to, you're going 
to fight him.

Boss: Kefka!!
HP: 3000     MP: 3000
Seeing that we are in the icefields, Kefka quite enjoys casting Ice on your 
party, as well as Poison. If you have Celes if your party, this is no threat, 
as she can use her Runic blade to absorb it all, which means Celes might be a 
better choice to take in your power party, rather than Terra.

In terms of attacks, it is the same as every other battle. Use your strongest
attacks to get the battle over and done with as soon as possible; meaning 
Aurabolt/Pummel/Suplex, AutoCrossbow/Drill (if you have it), Dispatch/Quadra
Slam (if Cyan is level 15), Runic/Cure all (depending on who you have in your 
party, Celes or Terra).

One blessing in this battle is the very slow speed of Kefka. If you keep up 
the attacks, Kefka should only get the chance for three or four attacks 
in amongst your flurry of heavy hits. The battle shouldn't last long, and is 
fairly straight-forward.

After Kefka is defeated, both him and all his troops disappear (MAGIC!), and 
your party rushes to see if the Esper is still safe. Of course it is, as you 
stopped all the troops before they got close enough to throw stones at it. It 
would seem the Esper is still alive, as it blows all your party away from it, 
excepting Terra. (Remember, Terra shared some sort of connection with the 
Esper, last time they 'spoke'.) Terra cautiously approaches the Esper, and the
two start communicating again. (Edgar's good line here - "Terra... Step away 
from the Esper..."). Suddenly Terra morphs into an... an Esper! She goes 
crazy, launches herself into the air, and flies off into the distance!

The party regroup, and travel back to Arvis' house. Locke wakes up and has a 
short conversation with Celes, and Celes says that Terra did, indeed, turn 
into an Esper. Edgar appears, and says they need to find Terra (oh, duh, 
Captain Obvious.) Apparently, witnesses saw her screaming across the sky to 
the west, so guess which way you're going? West. Together, they agree to head 
west after Terra, Edgar explaining that Figaro Castle could be used to shuttle
them to the western province. 

So, when you get control of the scene, you are asked to choose one party of 
four to travel west in search of Terra. You have another choice to make here,
to take three or four characters with you. See, in the course of your travels,
you will meet Shadow once more, and be able to hire him to join your party. 
Obviously, if you already have four, Shadow can't join your party. So, taking
three or four, is up to you.

Whether or not you take three or four party members with you to the West, you
need to take the best. I will recommend Sabin, Edgar, and Celes, although Cyan
would also be a good member to take with you. Keep in mind that my 
recommendations are for the way I play the game, which is for maximum 
strength. In terms of variety, it would be good to take Locke, for reasons 
that shall become clear. But ultimately, the choice is up to you.

Once your party is decided, check out the town. There are a lot of good things 
available for purchase, and, as always, use the recovery spring in the 
Training Room. Once you're done, head back to Figaro Castle, right in the 
middle of the desert.

4a. xi. Figaro Castle

Upon entering Figaro Castle, take the first lot of stairs down on the left.
The little man standing guard there (who will also block you from travelling
down any further) is the main man you need to see. If you talk to him, he will
ramble on about "lots of requests this month", then ask you if you want to go 
to Kohlingen. Well, yes we do, thank you very much, so choose that option and
watch the magnificent machinery of Figaro Castle at work once more.

If you have both Edgar and Sabin in your party, take a nap here to see a nice
nostalgic scene, where the two of them talk about what happened the day their
parents died, and the events of the last ten years. Sweet stuff.

Once the castle resurfaces, head outside and north-west to Kohlingen.

(Side note: it is a good idea to purchase the Drill in the Figaro weapon shop,
if you haven't done so already.)

4a. xii. Kohlingen

Ah, another town to explore and ransack. Gotta love these places. But first 
stop, the pub. No, you're not going to have a drink, although one might be 
mighty nice around now. Enter the pub, and take one guess as to whom you see 
sitting right there. Yes, that all-round tough guy, Shadow. If you have three
people in your party, he offers to help you, in exchange for enough to feed 
his dog, say, 3000 GP. (Greedy dog.) However, if you have four people in your
party already, Shadow will simply tell you to leave him alone.

Outside the pub, with or without Shadow, check out the town, talk to the 
locals, you know the drill. The citizens of Kohlingen have a lot of 
interesting things to say, y'know. The two kids playing chasey talk about the 
creature of light, stopping right in front of them... this is, of course, 
Terra. But they offer no clues to her present whereabouts, so continue. The 
man trekking around behind the pub speaks of Rachel, a friend of Locke's, 
living in a house at the back of town. If you have Locke in your party, head 
to the house in question in the north-east of town, for a rather sad scene.

If you speak to the man in front of the pub, he will tell you that the 
'glowing creature' (again, Terra) stopped there, but headed to the south, 
towards Jidoor. This is your big break. This is where you need to go next. 
South to Jidoor. So pack up and depart for Jidoor.

4a. xiii. Jidoor

Jidoor is the little town you find by heading south, south, around the 
mountains, and south some more. It's not exactly the most exciting little 
town, but then again, it doesn't need to be exciting, we're on a mission, 

We're looking for clues as to Terra's whereabouts. So, you know the drill, 
talk to everybody. The girl toddling around outside the auction house will 
tell you that "a girl wrapped in fire sped off to the north, into the 
mountains." Ten bucks says that this girl is Terra. So thank the girl kindly 
for her help, check out the rest of the town (the auction house isn't open 
yet, one-two-three-awww), stock up on stuff (including Potions and/or 
Tinctures, trust me, you'll need a lot), and head north around the other 
side of the mountains.

4a. xiv. Zozo

The town of Zozo will really separate the men from the boys, so to speak. It's 
the hardest section of the game so far. That being said, you better be 
prepared. If Sabin and Cyan are in your party, it helps greatly to have them 
at Level 15 or above (most people probably already will have them higher than 
that, but I tend to play RPGs at low levels) so you have access to their Fire 
Dance blitz and Quadra Slam Swordtech respectively. Both prove to be great 
assets here.

If you spoke to many many people in Jidoor, you will have found out the people 
of Zozo are a pack of lying thieves, not to be trusted as far as you can throw 
them. Keep that in mind.

Save before you enter Zozo. You will not find a single save point once inside, 
and you'll be here for a while.

The first thing you'll notice about Zozo is it is unlike any town you have 
seen before. It's always dark, always raining, always gloomy, and it has one 
of the best theme songs in the whole game. Plus, you will fight. You will 
fight a lot. The Gabledygaks are plain annoying, the Slamdancers like to cast 
Ice2 which will kill off your characters faster than you can say boo, the 
Harvesters are pure evil, and the HadesGigas have the dreadful Magnitude8 
attack which will wipe out any character with a HP of under 400 (which is all 
of my characters right now, uh oh.) That's why it's best to have not just a 
range of single-target attacks, but a set of multi-target attacks too, for 
when you find six Gabledygaks at once.

You could explore the town to its fullest extents, as there are actually 
shops here and the like. However, the shops are mostly empty, and the enemies 
you will fight while traipsing around to these shops are far too dangerous. So 
I will simply outline the way to go to get out of this horrible place ASAP.

First enter the Pub. Talking to the guy behind the counter will net you the 
info that 'the clock's second hand is pointing at 30'. (Uh, yeah, whatever.) 
Remember what you learnt in Jidoor. EVERYONE IN ZOZO LIES. So, whatever clock 
is being talked about, the second hand is NOT pointing at 30. Leave the Pub, 
there's nothing much to see here.

Head north, on the left side of the Pub, until you get to what is labelled as 
the Inn. (But it isn't, really, cos everyone and everything in Zozo lies.) 
Here you will find a clock mounted on the wall, and you have to reset the time 
on it. Ahhhh, this must be the clock the pub owner was talking about. So far, 
you've learnt that the second hand isn't pointing at 30. Everyone you talk to 
in Zozo will give you clues as to what the time to set on the clock is, but 
you want the spoils of it NOW NOW NOW! To make a long story short, the time to 
enter on the clock is 6:10:50, so enter in those three numbers for the hour, 
minute and second. Then walk up the newly created stairway on the right, and 
pick up the Chain Saw from the treasure chest at the top of the stairs. (This 
is what we came to the Inn for.)

The Chain Saw is arguably Edgar's second best tool. Like the Drill, it also 
deals out huge amounts of damage to one enemy. But it also has a second, rarer 
attack, in that it will sometimes attempt to kill the enemy in one shot. On 
most normal critters, this will work, on boss monsters, it won't, and will be 
a waste of a precious turn. Just things to keep in mind.

For a bit of a laugh, talk to the merchant walking around outside the Inn. He 
will tell you "this place is dangerous! And don't you dare think about jumping 
between buildings!" Well, the first part, we knew that, and the second... 
hehe! This guys is the only guy in Zozo who speaks the truth. We will be 
visiting him again, much later in the game.

Anyways, head back down past the Pub and enter the building on the left. (Not 
too sure what the sign is supposed to be, but it's LYING!) Then start the 
looooong procession up the stairs. Up, then outside, up again, back inside, 
follow the progression of little whatever-they-ares, outside again, and up 
lots and lots of stairs. At the top, as high as you can go, you will find a 
little room with a Thief Glove for Locke. The Thief Glove turns the Steal 
command into Capture, meaning Locke can attack and Steal at the same time.

Now, 'member what that guy said about not jumping between buildings? Mwaha. 
Guess what we're gonna do. What we kinda have to do, seeing as there's no 
other way to keep heading up. Head two flights down the stairs, and up into 
the little gap on the very left of the floor. Then head left, and cross to the 
next building! (We are so naughty.) Jump left again, and head inside.

In this new building, head up and take the second path to the left, and 
collect the Tincture and the Potion from the back row of pots. Head down and 
out, then up the stairs, and jump back to the other main building. Once there, 
keep heading up, up, up. Inside, and up some more. (You think all this stair 
climbing has a purpose, other than to make our heroes tired?) When you get to 
the top, head out through the door on the left. Up some more. (Yawn.) In a 
room on the second level up, you can pick up the groovy Fire Knuckle for 
Sabin. Best to also stop and regroup here. Heal up, check your weapons, your 
relics, etc. Big ugly battle coming up. Once you're ready, keep heading up 
until you're stopped by the man blocking the stairs.

Boss: Dadaluma!!
HP: 3270     MP: 1005
Hi, man! How are ya today? Good? That's good.

Of course, he's not gonna let you through. He says he will, but duh, he won't. 
And he's one strong mother. Dadaluma is the reason I said to bring a strong 
fighter along to the west instead of Locke. Dadaluma is skeery. Very skeery. 

Hit him hard with everything you've got. Sabin's Aurabolt, Edgar's Drill 
(Chain Saw won't work too well), Cyan's Dispatch (or Quadra Slam if you wanna 
wait the time), Locke for Capture, Shadow for throwing Shuriken (as always), 
Celes for healing or using Ice. Unfortunately, Dadaluma has no weaknesses. He 
also calls in two Iron Fists to help him deal out damage, which can be 
threatening, but in my opinion it's best just to ignore them and focus on 

When he starts casting Safe, Shell, and using Potions on everything in sight, 
you know you're almost there. Just make sure to keep your HP up, using either 
Potions or Cure, and keep hitting him.

Well. That fight royally sucked. Stop and heal up after the battle as best you 
can, just in case you unfortunately run into another fight. Then head up and 
into the top of the tower.

Guess whoooo! TERRA! She's heeeeeeeeeeere! As you approach her cautiously, and 
try to speak with her; a voice is heard, and Ramuh appears out of thin air, 
scaring the bejeesus out of everybody. Ramuh is, in actual fact, an Esper, 
escaped from the Magitek Research Facility in Vector. He sensed Terra was in 
trouble, and summoned her there, to Zozo. He tells of the War of the Magi, and 
why Espers and humans can no longer live side by side. 

The group thinks Terra is an Esper, but Ramuh tells them that this is not the 
case. But her very existence strikes fear into her own heart, and when she 
learns to accept this part of herself, she'll be alright. The party wants to 
help her somehow, and Ramuh tells them to free his people from the Gestahl's 
research facility. He then gives the party the remains of his friends, the 
ones that tried to escape with him, as pieces of Magicite. Only when an Esper 
passes away, can it's abilities be transferred in total... 

Ramuh, too, turns himself into Magicite, giving you four Espers, and a goal: 
to break into the Magitek Research Facility, to stop Gestahl draining Magic 
from Espers.

So, your party agrees to leave Terra there for the time being, and go to 
Vector. Edgar says to split into two groups, because they still need to beef 
up their defences in Narshe. Celes is one to go to the Empire, because she is 
a former Magitek Knight and knows it well. Locke also jumps to go with her, 
leaving you a choice to make, which two to take with you to Narshe, out of 
Cyan, Sabin, Edgar, and Gau?

Ultimately, the decision is yours. But my tip would be to take two of either 
Cyan, Sabin, or Edgar. Gau is a weak character, unless you spent hours 
training him up while on the Veldt, and your other three are all quite strong. 
So pick two of them, and be on your way. I chose Sabin and Edgar.

Once your party is decided, Locke tells the remaining party members to wait 
for them in Narshe. (If you wish to change group members, head for Narshe.) 
Celes wonders about how they're going to get to the south continent, to 
Vector, as no boats go there. Locke says the people of Jidoor can probably 
help them (in other words, head back to Jidoor.) Celes wants to know why Locke 
volunteered to come with her to Vector, but Locke skilfully dodges the real 
question, saying he always wanted an inside look at the Empire! And with that, 
the four of you are on your way.

You will see a little ghostie patrolling the area near where you entered Zozo.
This guy (or girl) is quite helpful in that he (or she) will teach you all 
about using the Espers you picked up. There's not that much to it, just attach
them in the Skills menu, then when the character has learnt all the spells 
associated with that Esper, unattach it and attach a different one. Simple.

4a. xv. Jidoor

The people of Jidoor now have a separate set of messages for you than they 
did before. The man toddling around next to the auction house (which is still 
shut, grrr) will tell you the only way to reach the Empire is by air, and of 
course, you'll need an airship! Well, last time I checked, I didn't carry one
of those in my back pocket, sorry, so keep enquiring.

Meanwhile, in Owzer's house, on the north side of town... If you speak to 
Impresario, the man pacing nervously, he will mistake Celes for Maria, the 
world-famous opera singer, and tell you that the two of you could pass for 
each other in a heartbeat! As he leaves hurriedly, he drops a note at the 
door. Of course, cos you're a busybody, you read the Impresario's note.

"My Dear Maria,
 I want you for my wife. I'm coming for you...
          The Wandering Gambler"

Hoo ha, sounds interesting. Locke wants to know who this Wandering Whats-his-
name is, and the Master tells him...

     "A blackjack-playing, world-travelling, casino-dwelling free spirit..."

Hi, SETZER. Nice ta meet ya. Setzer is the owner of the world's only airship, 
did you know? Well, you do now. How convenient.... this Setzer guy has an air
ship... he wants Maria... Celes looks like Maria... think it might be time to
pay a trip to the Opera House? Quite possibly. You need this airship, you need
it bad. Talking to the girl outside the relic shop, she'll tell you the opera 
house is far to the south of town. Guess where we're going. Yup, the Opera 
House. After staying at the Inn or doing whatever else you usually do in 
towns, head south along the spit until you find the Opera House.

4a. xvi. Opera House

Easily the best part of the game. Good fun, this bit.

In the Opera House, you will encounter the Impresario once more. Locke tells 
him that they know Setzer's coming to steal Maria... When Locke makes 
reference to grabbing Setzer at the end of Scene 1, the Impresario has a pink 
fit, saying it will ruin the entire performance! Quickly, the Impresario 
realizes he's stuck between a rock and a hard place... until Locke outlines 
his grand master plan.

Because Celes looks so much like Maria, they'll use Celes as a decoy, then 
when Setzer abducts her, they'll follow her straight to his airship, and pick 
him up then! BRILLIANT! cries the Impresario! Celes isn't too impressed with 
the idea, saying she's a general, not an opera floozy, but realizes she has no 
choice. She rushes into the dressing room to try out her singing, which sends 
Locke into peals of laughter.

Before the scene can continue, our favourite purple octopus appears upstairs, 
saying he will pretend to be Setzer and foil their little plan! Hmm.. sounds 
interesting... he sends a note from 'Setzer' down to where the group are 
discussing things, but unfortunately, they don't read it before the 
performance starts.

As the opera begins, with beautiful dramatic music, Locke decides to check on 
Celes' preparation. So head to the right, down, and out of the theatre. From 
there, I'm sure you can find your way to where you left Celes getting ready 
for the opera, can't you? The two have a discussion on why Locke chose to 
accompany Celes, and Locke reveals that he once abandoned someone when she 
needed him...

As Celes, check the music score on the table. The lyrics and the music here 
really are beautiful, and you're going to need to know at least the general 
gist of the lines before you head out on stage. Just for you, here are the 
words to the score she must read.

"Oh my hero, so far away now.
 Will I ever see your smile?
 Love goes away, like night into day.
 It's just a fading dream...
 I'm the darkness, you're the stars.
 Our love is brighter than the sun.
 For eternity, for me can there be, only you, my chosen one...
 Must I forget you?
 Our solemn promise?
 Will autumn take the place of spring?
 What shall I do?
 I'm lost without you.
 Speak to me once more!"

Once you think you know them, you can head up through the other door and out 
onto the stage for your true test. Enjoy the music. 

At three points you will be asked to select the next line to the song. It's 
not that hard to choose "Oh my hero...", "I'm the darkness...", and "Must 
I..." Then, when Draco appears on stage, you must "dance" with him, trying to 
copy his moves and going to interact with him every time he stops moving. If 
you succeed, he will turn into a bunch of flowers. Pick them up, and head up 
the stairs and out to the balcony, and toss them to the stars. Enjoy the rest 
of the scene. It's beautiful, and always brings a tear to my eye. *sniff*

After Celes is seen dancing on stage with Prince Ralse, we go back to Locke in 
the dressing room. And there's the note from Ultros, right there on the floor. 
Read it, and Locke will want to high-tail it back to the Impresario with the 
news. When he arrives, the scene on stage steps up a notch, with Draco 
arriving, and he and Ralse getting into a duel over Maria. 

The Impresario wonders how Ultros will disrupt the Opera. See that octopus up 
in the rafters next to a 4-ton weight? That's him, and that's how he plans to 
do it. We don't want a pancaked Maria now, do we? But, because the weight is 
so heavy, it'll take Ultros 5 minutes to lift it up, meaning we've got 5 
minutes to get there and stop him. Ready? GO!
Follow the Impresario's instructions and talk to the man in the room on the 
far right of stage. He will then tell you to pull the far right switch, so do 
so. Then head out of that room and to the room on far left of stage, and 
through the door, to get out onto the rafters. If you run into the little 
critters patrolling the beams, you will be forced into some tough fights, so 
try to avoid them. You'll have plenty of time, so don't worry. Before talking 
to Ultros, stop and heal up and all that jazz. Because when you stop to talk 
to him, you will both fall down, onto the stage.

(The good news is, if you stuff any of this scene up, be it the words to the 
song, or the fighting here, you get 3 more chances. Sweet.)

Once you and Ultros fall onto the stage below, and knock both Ralse and Draco 
off stage, the whole opera is disrupted, and the crowd falls into a stunned 
silence. The Impresario is horrified, saying "if the two heroes are flattened, 
who will get the girl?!" Locke wakes up, and realizes what has happened. In a 
nice touch of bravery (or stupidity), he attempts to salvage the opera, saying 
"I, Locke, the world's premier adventurer will save her!" But Ultros isn't 
happy with that. "Silence! You are in the presence of octopus royalty! A 
lowborn thug like you could never defeat me!" (I love that guy.) So of course, 
the two of you will fight.

Boss: Ultros!! (take 2)
HP: 2550     MP: 550
It's the inevitable return, baby, of the... great purple octopus!

As Ultros talks smack at the start of the battle, you've got time to prepare a 
strategy. There are two ways you can go about it, depending on how you look at 
his "Tentacle" attack (which is the same as the first fight and will still 
kill any front-row character it hits):

1) Place all your characters in the back row. This means the fight will last a 
LOT longer, and of course, there's still the chance you might die, if you're 
not quick enough with potions, etc.
2) Leave them all in the front row, and simply try to kill him before he hits 
you with the Tentacle.

It's up to you.

Either way you look at it, it might be useful to know that this guy casts Imp 
a lot. When you're an Imp, you can only use physical attacks, and the strength 
of those attacks is cut in half. Therefore, Imp is not a good thing. It is 
best to have a supply of Green Cherries on standby (they cure Imp, you see). 
The best way to handle this battle is to use your two strong characters 
(hopefully you brought two of Cyan, Sabin and Edgar with you!) to pulverize 
Ultros as much as possible, and to use Locke for potions, cherries, etc.

Also of great use can be summoning the Kirin Esper, if one of your party has 
it attached, as this will cast Regen.

Before you even get the chance to regroup after the battle, another person 
drops onto stage! It's Setzer, true to his word! He picks up Celes, and off 
they go! That Impresario is one real nut, he's still acting like this is still
part of the whole opera. "Stay tuned for Part 2!" (Silly.) 

On the airship, Setzer tosses Celes into a room and locks her in, telling her 
he'll be back to deal with her in a minute. Quick as a flash, she hops over to 
a hatch and hauls the rest of your party into the cabin. (They sure found her 
quick.) Within moments, Setzer is back, and he's realized his huge gaff. 
"You're not Maria!" Quickly, Celes outlines the plan, that they need his help 
and his airship in getting to Vector. At first, Setzer is childishly hesitant. 
He doesn't know if he wants to help them, because the Empire has been good to 
him, made him a rich man. But when your party starts telling him just how 
crooked and evil the Empire is, it changes his way of thinking. But... he has 
one more card up his sleeve, that Setzer. He agrees to help them, only if 
Celes becomes his wife!

Locke is outraged by the suggestion, but Celes is cool calm and confident. 
(She's got a plan of her own.) Seeing as Setzer is the world's most notorious 
gambler and all, they'll flip a coin. As she takes the coin from Edgar, if 
it's heads, he helps them, if it's tails, she'll marry him. Of course, he 
loves the idea, so Celes flips the coin.

Heads! Your party wins! Setzer examines the coin... how unusual! A coin with 
identical sides! The great gambler has indeed been hustled! If both Sabin and 
Edgar are in your party here, Sabin will realize the implications of this (it 
was the same coin Edgar flipped ten years ago, to decide whether or not Sabin 
would get his freedom!) Setzer loves it, and agrees to help them. And, after a 
short scene on the deck of the airship, you're off to Vector. But you'd better 
land a short distance away, as the airship will stick out like a sore thumb. 
So Setzer lands near the Imperial town of Albrook.

4a. xvii. Albrook

Not a lot to see in Albrook. Some shops, an Inn, and a hell of a lot of 
soldiers. Stock up on weapons, Shuriken, items, stay at the Inn. How exciting.
When you're done, head north-west to the fort of Vector.

4a. xviii. Vector

Ah, here we are in Vector, the headquarters of this evil Empire thingy. While 
it may be intrinsically evil, it is still a town, with shops and such. So 
check 'em all out. You can even stay at the Inn, though it's not recommended, 
as the thief behind the counter will steal 1000 of your GP while you sleep.

Need to rest up, recover some HP? There is a way to do it without staying at 
the Inn. Left of the Inn, you'll see what looks like a little outhouse. Enter
it and talk to the person inside. You'll be asked if you want to pledge your 
allegiance to the Empire. Wellll, hell no, so tell this guy no. He's kinda 
angry about it, and sends a few easy-peasy critters to kill you. Kill them, 
then talk to the man again. He will admire your spirit, and recover your HP 
and MP for you! Sweet. Works all good.

Now, what were you in Vector for again? Oh, that's right, the Magitek Research
Facility. You can look around for it all you want, but it's nowhere to be 
found. You will, however, find a guy hiding suspiciously behind some crates 
in the north-east corner of town. Talk to him, and you will find he is a 
Returner sympathizer (this is a good thing), and he's going to help you get 
into the factory. (Yay!)

So follow his directions. While he pretends to be sick to distract the 
soldiers, jump on the box and run across the rails. Now you're free to go up 
the railway tracks and enter the facility. 

4a. xix. Magitek Factory

Number of times I died while writing this section of the walkthrough: 5.

This bit is tough. Very tough. Hardest part of the game so far. But, if you 
survived Zozo, you can survive anything, it just might take a few tries. The 
battles in here are hard, very hard, and you will encounter them frequently. 
I hope you've stocked up on Phoenix Downs and the like, and have at least one 
character other than Celes knowing Cure. You'll need it.

The enemies here have lots of Tents to steal. Keep that in mind. Not that 
you'll find a save point for a while, but Tents are always handy things to 
keep stocked.

Another word of advice - Fire Dance is a wonderful thing.

There are many ways to go through the factory, and many many treasure chests 
to find filled with goodies. Heading through the very top pipe on the left 
and down the ramp, you will find a treasure chest with a Flame Sabre. (These 
elemental weapons are good, but can prove a disadvantage in some cases.) 
Once you've picked that, hitch a ride back to the right on the crane. Going 
down the right-most of the two pipes will lead you to a chest with a Tincture. 
Then go back up and down the left pipe.

You will end up on a landing with two ramps, a pipe, and a set of stairs. 
Empty the treasure chest for a X-Potion. If you go up the pipe, you'll be 
forced to travel up on a lift that takes you back to where you picked up the 
Flame Sabre, so be careful, don't make the same mistake I just did =P. Going 
down the stairs also nets you nothing, so head across the ramp on the right. 
(The good thing is, you'll be doing a bit of levelling up because you'll 
usually be getting 240 EXP per character per battle.) From the chest on the 
far right of screen, pick up a Thunder Blade, and a Remedy from the chest 
below it. Then, down the ramp on the left.

This landing is where you can get lost. To simply proceed on through the 
factory, head right on the ramp just in front of you, where all the machines 
keep getting dumped. But that's no fun, you want to explore this hellhole!

Here's what you can find by roaming this place at this point:

=> Dragon Boots in the bottom-left of that screen.
=> A Tent from travelling down into the next room, then around to the bottom 
=> A GoldShld from going up the stairs on the left of screen, and up into the 
   next room.

Not bad, eh, for a few random battles? Plus you might level up along the way,
learn a few groovy new spells, it's all good.

Also keep an eye on your Espers, who's learning what spells, do Espers need to 
be changed over. Once a character has learnt all the spells a particular Esper 
can offer (or even before they do if you so wish), you should switch them 
around so they keep learning. The more spells, the better!

Once you've collected all your goodies, follow the machines on the ramp and 
head right. You'll be dumped on another landing, very close to the facility's 
tip. Before you get the chance to move, Kefka appears! And he is in a very 
good mood. "I'm all-powerful! I'm collecting Espers! I'm extracting Magic!" 
And he's going to restore the Statues, but we don't exactly know what those 
are yet. 

He finds two Espers in the bottom corner of the room. They're useless now, he 
says, they've been drained of their powers. (But they're still alive, so, 
remember what a wise old Ramuh once told us...) He's had enough now, so he 
sends them down into the tip. Poor Ifrit. Poor Shiva. 

Of course, the Espers are not useless, and we've been sent here to save them. 
So follow them down the ramp, into the tip.

There's two doors leading out of the tip. One is blocked by Shiva. The other 
leads to a save point. Use one of your multitudes of Tents, if you wish, then 
save your game. Then go back and speak to Ifrit, the Esper in the middle of 
the room.

Boss: Ifrit and Shiva!!
HP: 3300 (I), 3000 (S)     MP: 600 (I), 500 (S)
We're fighting the poor Espers. Hey, they're hurt, lost, and afraid, and 
we just bullied our way in to see them, how silly of us. So, we must fight.

Anyone who knows ANYTHING about Final Fantasy games knows that Ifrit is the 
god of Fire. And of course, how do we attack a Fire creature? With Ice. Only 
Celes has the spell Ice at this point, but seeing as Ifrit will be casting a 
lot of Fire spells, Celes is best used for her Runic ability.

If you have characters equipped with Flame Shields, use Celes for her Ice 
spell, as any character with a Flame Shield hit with Fire will actually absorb
HP. But chances are, you won't be having characters with Flame Shields.

If you have Edgar and Sabin in the party, use their Drill and Pummel commands. 
It would be good if you had an Ice blitz and an Ice tool, but you don't, so 
stick to non-elemental. Have Locke running around with Potions and Phoenix 
Downs, should Ifrit decide to cast Fire twice during one Runic turn.

Once Ifrit has had his fill of damage, Shiva will appear. And as, everybody 
knows, Shiva is the goddess of Ice. Ergo, Fire attacks are good. But the 
strategy for Shiva is much the same, physical attacks are safest. These two 
don't have a real lot of HP, so the battle shouldn't be too difficult.

The battle ends when Ifrit senses a kindred spirit within you... Ramuh? Wait! 
They're Espers too! Ifrit says Gestahl has imprisoned them all, to try and 
drain their power... Shiva says they don't have long to live, so they will 
follow Ramuh's lead and give you their power... and you have two new Espers, 
as simple as that! Now you can learn some nice Fire and Ice spells... mwahaha.

But your trip through the factory isn't done yet. Where are the glass tubes 
Ifrit was speaking of? Where are all the other Espers, still imprisoned? Save 
your game again before you head out, then go through the door Shiva was 

Lots of stairs here... simply follow them up, up, up. Once you get to the top,
you're out of the hard part, out of the factory, and into the facility itself.

4a. xx. Magitek Research Facility

The first thing you will notice are the glass tubes. So this is where the 
Espers were once imprisoned. But there are no Espers there anymore! Where are 

Go past all them and out of the room. Okay, no Espers in this new room, 
either. But there is an irate No. 024 blocking the path through.

Boss: Number 024!!
HP: 4777     MP: 777
This is the first boss you meet that utilizes the plain annoying WallChange 
habit. Basically, he has one elemental weakness. Every time you hit him with 
Magic (this includes Scan), his one weakness changes. So it's pointless trying
to use magic against this guy, or elemental attacks, because he keeps changing
every five seconds.

This battle is SO easy if you have Edgar and Sabin. (See, I chose my party way
back in Zozo for strength, so I selected these two. It proves a wise choice.) 
Simply keep hitting number 024 with Pummel and Drill, two good, painful, non-
elemental attacks. Of course, he also counter-attacks with a nice blow that 
deals 150 damage, but that's what you've got Celes and Locke there for! Use 
Celes for Cure runs, and Locke with Potions (or you can steal a Drainer from 
him if you're daring enough.) Not too hard a battle, once you know what's up 
with it.

Once the 024 dude's outta the way, keep going on your quest to find the 
Espers. In the next room, ah, more glass tubes. And these have Espers floating
inside! Rescuing the Espers is quite easily. Head to the top of the room, and 
pull the red switch. The Espers thank you for trying to help you, but they 
haven't long to live. So they, too, will entrust you with their power.

Six tubes, six new Espers for you. Wow!

But before you can collect them, Cid appears on the scene. Besides being a 
dumpy guy in a bright yellow jacket, he's a scientist working for the Empire. 
And now that the Espers have passed away, he realizes the secret to absorbing
their power! You collect the Espers, and then Celes steps out. She knows Cid
(remember Celes used to be a general and all) and when Cid asks her who the 
others are, and she doesn't reply, he says she must be a spy looking to cause
an uprising! (Uh oh.) Locke is absolutely flabbergasted with this apparent 
revelation, that Celes may be a spy, spying on the Returners. 

Out of nowhere, Kefka appears. After overhearing the secret to Esper power 
(and calling Cid a miserable blockhead), he plays along with the whole Celes-
is-a-spy routine, demanding that she give up the Magicite shards! Locke goes
nuts again, and Celes snaps back that she didn't deceive them, and he should 
have a little faith in her! Of course, Kefka thinks the whole situation is 
hilarious. He knows Celes isn't a spy, but he's enjoying fooling the 
Returners into thinking she is! Celes pleads with Locke to believe her, but 
Locke can't. (Bad Locke.) 

Kefka then calls two HeavyArmrs in to deal with them, and they knock the 
three of you out, except for Celes. Celes is going to protect you... and maybe 
then, Locke will believe her... Kefka doesn't like the magic Celes is casting, 
and begs with her to stop it, but is she going to stop? Oh hell no. Before you 
can say boo, she's warped the two of them away, out of there, so your party 
can escape the clutches of the facility. 

Of course, Locke draws the wrong conclusion. (Gah, that man is stupid.) Before 
he can vocalize his thoughts, however, Cid appears, and quickly examines all 
the glass tubes. Uh oh, the fighting (what fighting?) has caused the capsules 
to rupture, and their contents are spilling out. (In other words, bad news.) 
You've got to get out of there, pronto. Follow Cid over to the elevator, and 
head on down.

On the trip downwards, Cid realizes that he's been used, by Kefka, by the 
Empire. Your group has helped him come to a decision, he's going to go to 
Gestahl and get the stupid war stopped! (Good luck buddy.) 

At the bottom of the elevator, SAVE. Very important. Make sure your three 
party members are all healed up and good to go. The hardest part of the 
Magitek Facility is still to come. Then go talk to Cid, who is patiently 
waiting by the elevator. He will tell you about Celes, how he's known her 
since she was a baby, how he raised her as if she was his own daughter. How 
she was forced to become a Magitek Knight, and do some awful things. He wants 
to apologize to her for the way her life has turned out.... butttttt..... here 
comes that evil cackle one more time. Yes, that rat Kefka is back, and Cid is 
shit-scared. He pushes you into the mining car on the railway tracks, and 
sends you on your way to freedom.

Of course, it's not as simple as riding out of there. (If only it was.) See 
the pretty (cough) 3D graphics of the tunnel out of there, and stop and kill 
the Magroaders along the way. All of them. Lots of them. God, I hate 
Magroaders. But they're not too bad, when you use the patented Drill/Pummel 
combo of moves. (Heaven forbid if you don't have Edgar and Sabin. May I 
suggest Quadra Slam instead? And if you have Gau in your party... may God have 
mercy on your soul.) 

After kicking ass and taking names of what seems like a million Magroaders, 
you will find one last big-tough-guy enemy who won't let you through. God 
knows what it's supposed to be. But it's hard.

Boss: No. 128 (with L. Blade, R. Blade)!!
HP: 3276 (N), 400 (L), 700 (R)     MP: 810 (N), 150 (L), 470 (R)
The sucky thing with this is, you don't get the chance to heal up before the 
battle. You've been fighting all these freakin' Magroaders, and now this thing 
comes at you. 

First things first, heal up as best you can. Don't be afraid to take a turn 
out to cast Cure, or use a Potion. After all, you can't fight if you're 
Wounded, so keep your health at a decent level. 

You can target the left blade and right blade of 128 if you want, that never 
hurt. These things only have a low HP, and they can deal out a fair bit of 
damage. Buttttt, when you take them out, they don't stay dead for long, number 
128 regenerates them rather quickly. So focussing on them is kinda pointless. 

That being said, you can either focus all your attacks on the body of 128, and 
hope to hell that the blades don't kill you in the process, or, you can use 
multi-target attacks and take out the blades at the same time. Personally, I 
would be using Edgar's Drill attack on the body of 128, Sabin's Fire Dance on 
the whole thing, and Cyan's Quadra Slam. Apparently Retort also works quite 
well and inflicts some nice damage. 

Hope that Locke doesn't get Wounded (my Locke had like half the HP of Edgar 
and Sabin) and keep him around running Potions on your main two fighters, 
whoever those two may be. If you want to take a gamble, equip Locke with the 
Genji Glove and get him in there for some slashin' action. But your safest bet 
is what I outlined above.

Once number 128 is out of the way, you're home free from this ride from hell.
Yay. It's about TIME!

4a. xxi. Vector

Laugh as the cart you were riding in knocks a HeavyArmr off the tracks when 
you get outside the factory, and please do stop, save, and heal up at the 
newly-created save point. Because the fights still continue, even though 
you're out of the darned factory. 

When you get to the bottom of the railroad tracks, Setzer will appear. He was 
starting to worry, so he came looking for you. (Ain't that sweet.) Together, 
the four of you get your scrawny butts out of there.

Kefka isn't happy with what's happened, not happy at all. He sees you 
escaping, and he's not going to let you get away that easily. Most definitely 
not. Nuh-uh, no way.

Boss: Cranes (left and right)!!
HP: 1800 (L), 2300 (R)     MP: 447 (L), 447 (R)
These guys do not look that tough. Unfortunately, they are much tougher than 
you. Chances are, you don't have level 2 Bolt and Fire spells. You might, but 
most likely, you don't. Well guess what - they do. And they won't hesitate in 
using them. At all.

The left crane is strong against Thunder. Try not to cast Bolt on it, as 
you'll heal it. The right one works the same with Fire, so don't cast Fire on 
it. These two are clever cookies - they know each other's strengths and 
weaknesses, and will heal each other using the respective spells, charging 
each other up level by level every time they do so. If they get to level 3 - 
watch out. You're in big trouble. 

You can play with elemental attacks if you want, if you really want to get 
involved in all that stuff. I, however, wouldn't bother, and I would stick to 
the powerful non-elemental attacks you have at your disposal. Plus, you now 
have Setzer. His Slot attack, while iffy at the best of times, can prove a 
godsend should you get a good combination. 

After the battle, Locke wants to return to Zozo to visit Terra. Setzer wants 
to know whom Terra is, and Locke replies that he will explain on the way. So 
you're off to Zozo once more.

4a. xxii. Zozo

As the six of you crowd around Terra's bedside, willing her to wake up, 
something very strange happens. One of the Espers in your possession begins to
glow, hum, and emit an eerie light. It's responding to Terra's presence, and 
it causes Terra to awaken. "Father...?" she cries. (Ooh, now the plot gets 
thicker.) Now she knows exactly what's happened.... exactly who she is and why
she is the way she is... she was raised in the Esper World...

4a. xxiii. Esper World

Nice little playable scenario here of the Esper World. Nothing too scary to 
play, just lots and lots of clearing up of storyline, which I will, of course,
go into in great detail ^_^

You are now Maduin. (You're the level 2 elemental spell Esper!) Wander around 
town for a bit, and to the north (towards the gate leading to the human world)
you will find a young human girl. You've got options here, you can either 
leave her there, or take her with you, but there's no choice, really. Take the
girl with you back to your cave.

Of course, you're going to ignore the little fairy's warning to let her rest.
You barge up there and wake her up! Because you're a nice, gentle soul and 
all, you give her the pendant around your neck, which helps protect the Esper 
World. (Bad move, mate. Real bad move.) This poor girl is so confused, and the
Espers are pretty pissed off that a human has invaded their realm. 

Introductions are made, and it becomes clear Maduin is one of those sensitive 
new-age Espers we hear so much about. "Are humans and Espers truly so 
different?" But the girl, Madonna, takes offence to what Maduin is saying and
makes plans to leave. 

Next day, Madonna is ready to return home. So meet her at the gate to the 
human world, barging straight past the guard on the way. Maduin tells Madonna
she doesn't have to leave, she can stay there. Madonna is reluctant, but 
there musta been some major chemistry that didn't come across too well or 
something, because along comes a flowery love speech from Maduin, and a 
pretty dancing scene. And what is the result of their dancing, their 
involvement together? A little baby girl. Can you guess what they've named 
her? Yes, Terra.

Two years later...

Bad things are happening! Humans are invading the Esper World! Led by none 
other than that shocker Gestahl! They've come seeking the Esper's magical 
power.... and they're collecting it in truckloads. 

Talk to the Elder seated at the table. He says there is no choice, they must 
do what they've been avoiding...  yes, the magical barrier. It will sweep the 
nasty creatures out, then seal the gate. Madonna appears, and she is faced 
with a choice. But she declares that she will not miss "the other side", and 
will stay with them. (Good good, all good.) But, as you try to leave the cave
to go help the Elder, you just have to get into a fight with two of the 
Espers. They think Madonna is responsible for the invasion, but Maduin 
vehemently denies it. Before anyone knows what's happening, Madonna takes 
Terra and bolts out the door! "Urghhh!" Yes Maduin, follow her already!

From your front door, head left until you get to familiar territory. There you
will find the Elder, already creating the magical barrier. But Madonna's 
getting sucked back to the other world! (Too late, too late, she cried!) Go 
straight past him to find Madonna, and you will confront Gestahl, who is also 
getting sucked back to the human world. (Hah, take that.) Right at the gate, 
you will find Madonna. As you try to bring her back, Terra gets sucked through
the gate. Madonna loses it, and the two of you also get drawn back to the 
human world. 

Gestahl discovers the three of you, lying on the ground. Madonna, in her 
feeble state, does not know what's happening, and asks Gestahl to take care of
her baby. Gestahl realizes immediately exactly what Terra is - the product of 
a human and an Esper. And she will help them realize their dream faster than 
they ever imagined! Madonna cottons on to what's happening - not too quickly -
and tries to take Terra back. Alas, Madonna, it wasn't meant to be. Shed a 
tear as Gestahl ruthlessly and viciously slays Madonna (well, as ruthlessly 
and viciously as you can get with these graphics!) and the gate closes behind

4a. xxiv. Zozo

Terra realizes that the Esper Locke is holding is the remains of Maduin, her 
father. And she knows that she is the product of a human and an Esper, that's
how she got her powers! (Ahh, all is finally revealed.) Locke works out that 
the Espers they found in the Research Facility must have been grabbed during 
the expedition that killed Madonna... and that Celes' power must have come at
the expense of an Esper... a sobering thought, really. Sabin is mad, let's 
strike back, he says! But Terra wants to know what's happening in Narshe. 
Because, of course, none of you have the slightest clue what's happening 
there, your party agrees to head back there.

And now you get to play with the airship! Oh cool! Well, sorta cool. This is 
the first point of the game in which you are completely in control of your own
destiny - you can go wherever you want! Of course, because there's not a lot 
to see in the little FF6 world, you're gonna be a good little boy or girl and
go straight to Narshe like you were told. From Zozo, Narshe is pretty much 
straight in a north-easterly line.

Good thing about your airship - when you have it, you can switch between 
characters at any time on it. In the bowels of the ship, you will also find a
man that provides 'refreshments' (i.e. recovers your HP/MP) and another that 
sells basic items. Now you can pick between any of your fine characters for 
the rest of this half of the game.

4a. xxv. Narshe

As you enter Narshe, you are approached by a guard who says they have been 
waiting for you. You follow him, all the way to the Elder's house. Banon tells 
you that the people have Narshe have finally decided to battle the Empire. 
(Hoo ha!) The plan is to combine Narshe's money with Figaro's machinery to 
storm the Empire. Then Banon drops his big bombshell. He wants to open the 
sealed gate!

Yes Terra, the sealed gate to the Esper World. When the gate has been opened, 
the Espers can attack from the east, and the human troops from the north. Only 
one person can establish a bond of trust between humans and Espers so this 
becomes possible... yep, Terra again. Of course, she'll do it!

So there's your next task. To open the sealed gate, and to make the Espers 
understand the situation. That's a big'un.

Talking to Arvis, you find out that the sealed gate stands on the eastern edge 
of the Empire. So, back to the south continent we must go. Before you do, 
please check out all the shops and stock up on items. It might be worth it to 
buy a Black Belt or two, and maybe a Wall Ring or so, in the Relic shop. When 
you're done, head to the house in the very south-east of town, up on all the
cliffs. You might have been here before and seen the locked treasure chest. 
Well, now it's getting unlocked by Lone Wolf. He sees you, panics, and runs 
off. Damn, you mean there's another treasure hunter in this town, besides 
Locke? Follow the guy.

He heads out of the house and into the mines. In the mines, take the first 
path on the right, and follow the path all the way through. You'll go through 
the icefields where you fought Kefka before, but keep going. Right at the top 
of the cliffs, you'll find Lone Wolf with the treasure (a Gold Hairpin) and 
Mog. Unfortunately, Mog's in a bit of a bad spot, hanging over the edge of 
the cliff.

After a short scene, you will get a choice. Which do you want to take? Mog or 
the Hairpin?

As always, it's up to you. The Gold Hairpin is an awesome relic, as it cuts 
the number of MP needed to cast a magic spell in half. If you choose not to 
take it, you can pick up another one, but not for a rather long time. Choosing 
Mog here adds an awesome character to your party for the time being, and this 
is the only chance you will get to learn Mog's Water Rondo dance (if you care 
about that sort of thing). If you choose not to take Mog, you can also pick 
him up later in the game. Which one I take here is seriously just up to my 
mood on the day, they're both awfully good things ^_^

Once you've made your choice, Lone Wolf runs off. Equip the Hairpin if you 
chose it, or see the scene with Mog if you chose him...

     "Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing... Moogle..."

... then head back out to your airship and away.

In Empire territory before, you might have spotted a small Imperial base camp 
east of the town of Albrook. Trying to enter it before would have netted you 
nothing but a few fights and being forcibly removed. But now, that's exactly 
where you're headed. Through that camp and to the Sealed Gate. Off we go. 

4a. xxvi. Cave to the Sealed Gate

Entering the Imperial base, you will find it deserted. Odd... No soldiers. As
there's absolutely nothing to do here, just go up the stairs at the top of 
screen and out to the right.

Now proceed across the bridge and you will enter the Cave to the Sealed Gate.

In the first cave, pick up an Assassin in the treasure chest on the right, and 
head on down. Also collect the Tempest from the chest down the left set of 
stairs, before walking up and around down the stairs on the right.

Now we get to the first fun part. (Yay.) A nice room with shifting bridges, 
that you have to somehow navigate your way across, without falling into the 
pit of lava below. (Ooooh.) But it's not hard if you know how, and I know how, 
so I will tell you how ^_^ 

First, walk across to the right on the first bridge, and down at the 
T-intersection. Wait for the bridges to change. Then walk across to the first 
landing point. Wait. Walk down two steps when the bridges change back and 
wait. Walk across to the left, and wait. Collect the Coin Toss relic, and make 
your way back to the landing. 

When the bridges are at their original position, walk up to the very top of 
the upside-down T. Wait. Then walk across to the second landing, collecting 
the X-Potion. Now, when the bridge appears, head down on the left-most bridge 
and wait. Walk down and to the left on the little L bridge, and wait. Go all 
the way along the bridge to the very bottom, and wait. Then proceed out of 

You survived! Ten points. Of course, if you hadn't navigated the bridges 
properly, and fallen into the lava, you wouldn't have died, just been sent 
back to the start with a small but icky HP penalty. Oh well. Don't need to 
worry about THAT, do we?

Basement 3, where you are now, is a slightly confusing place to be, I'll 
admit. Paths intertwine and cross over and just look really really messy. 
Following the path right and around leads to a treasure chest with an Ether, 
which is always useful. Whether you go and pick it up or not, head down the 
stairs and follow the path. 

I bet you're getting sick of seeing Zombones and Ings by now. I know I sure 
am. Quick tip: Both creatures are undead, meaning Life spells, Revivifys, 
Phoenix Downs, and Aurabolts are good weapons. 

When you get to the forking of paths, take the bottom one that leads up 
stairs (or so it kinda looks like). Halfway across the bridge, you'll find a 
switch. Press it! You'll hear a distant sound in the background, and fall onto 
your back. (Ouch.) You know what that distant sound was? It was the sound of a 
bridge appearing (out of thin air, it would seem). If you walk up through the 
cave on the left, you will find where the bridge appeared, and you will be 
able to pick up a Genji Glove. (Sweet.)

Once you've picked up the Genji Glove, head back to the broken bridge and up 
the stairs on the right. There, you will find a bridge leading to the right, 
and two switches at the top. Pressing the right switch will win you a battle 
with a Ninja, and believe me, you do NOT want to be fighting Ninjas at this 
point of the game. They're hard to kill, and they possess a bevy of horrible 
attacks. But, fight one or more if you wish. Pressing the left switch will 
reveal a doorway, and going through the doorway will reveal a treasure chest 
with a Tent and a save point. 

Once you're done there, head across the bridge, making sure to press the 
switch in the middle (you kinda have to press it) and head down the loooooong 
set of stairs. (Almost done here.) The chest on the left contains another 
Ether, so pick it up, then head into the cave on the right. The trick here is, 
if you run into a wall, try another direction to walk, as you can't see where 
you're going. Head up and right, then up, left, up, and right some more to get 
through it. Pick up the Elixir from the chest near the stairs. 

Head right, and you'll find a whole array of floor panels. Skirt around them 
all, and head down the bridge. Follow the path along, and step on the raised 
floor panel. This opens up a doorway, where we can find lots of good stuff, 
like an Elixir, two pieces of Magicite, and the fantastic Atma Weapon.

The Atma Weapon (a poor translation of the Ultima Weapon) is one of the two 
weapons in the game that increase in power as your HP increases. (The other is 
the Illumina, but you won't go finding that anywhere, that requires lots of 
colosseum fighting.) In other words, equip it to someone with very high HP, 
and watch the damage they inflict skyrocket. 

Once you've picked up the Atma Weapon, head out and back to the bridge you can 
from. Bypass it completely and head up to the right. Press the switch at the 
top, which moves the next platform, enabling you to get across. Flick the next 
switch, then head on up. Collect the piece of Magicite from the chest at the 
top, then head down and right and out of the basement.

In the next room, simply head up all the stairs and through the arch. You are 
now AT the Sealed Gate. 

From here on, it's all up to Terra. Your party is counting on you... Terra 
approaches the gate slowly, but before she gets the chance to work out just 
how to open it, we get that evil little laugh! Dammit, Kefka is back again! 
The rest of your party decides to distract Kefka, while Terra goes for the 
gate. And we enter pseudo-battle mode. 

Your party is pissed off that Kefka followed them. Kefka gleefully replies 
that the Emperor was right - let Terra fall into your hands, and you'd open 
the gate for them! Mwa, ha, ha. They've been working for the Empire all along! 
They've been PLAYED! So now your job is to keep Kefka busy while Terra slips 
through the gate. And the fight begins.

Of course, after one turn, Kefka notices the gate opening, and the battle 
ends. Terra has mutated into her Esper form, calling for the Espers to heed 
her call. And the gate opens! Something's coming through it! Out comes a storm 
of very VERY angry Espers, full of energy and destroying everything in sight!

The Espers send Kefka off into space, and knock your whole party unconscious. 
While your party lays there stupidly, the gate closes, and is bricked up by 
unseen forces in a rather interesting pattern. But the Espers are nowhere to 
be seen, they're off and gone, wreaking absolute havoc. Terra suggests 
returning to the airship, so head down all the steps and out through the new 
second door, and out of the cave. 

Head back through the Imperial base. When you go to leave it, the rest of your 
party will appear. They will tell you what's happened, that the Espers were in 
a rage, and the Empire's citizens ran off as though terrified. The Espers are 
heading towards Vector, the capital.

Back on the airship, heading towards Vector, Terra spots something. She goes 
to examine, and Locke warns her to be careful. She can feel the power of the 
Espers... there's one hurtling towards her, and Locke jumps on Terra to push 
her out of its path. Setzer appears, clueless as to what's happening, and 
Locke jumps on him to protect him from another angry Esper. The ship starts 
going nuts, Setzer assumes it's because of the power of the Espers.

Edgar: "Umm... SETZER!!!"

He's lost control of the bloomin' airship! The airship starts flying 
erratically all over the place, finally coming to a rest.

After checking your party, refreshing, all that jazz, head out of the airship 
through the bottom door. You've been dumped on the south-western tip of the 
south continent, near the town of Maranda.

Where are we going again? Oh, Vector, that's right. 

But we may as well take a look at Maranda while we're here. Unless you're the 
real exploring type, you wouldn't have made it all the way down here before.

4a. xxvii. Maranda

Typical small town. Not a lot to do. In the house on the far-east side of 
town, you can find Lola, whose husband is off fighting in the war effort. You 
might have already met Lola's husband, the wounded soldier in Mobliz earlier,
and posted a letter for him. This letter is now in Lola's possession, and she
talks about being happy that her husband is alive and well.

As always, stock up on weapons and armour if you feel the need. Then set out 
for Vector.

If you really want, or you think you need the experience from the 4000 
battles you will most surely fight on the way, you can walk all the way to 
Vector. But it's a long walk. Just north-west of the airship's landing site,
south-east of Maranda, in the forest, you can find a hidden chocobo stable. 
(Sweet!) The much easier way is to rent a chocobo for 100 GP and ride all the 
way back to Vector.

4a. xxviii. Vector

Vector is in absolute ruins. The Espers most definitely made it here, and tore
up the place pretty good. Everything's on fire, and everyone's just wandering 
around not knowing what's going on. 

But we know what's going on, and we know why we're here. We want to get the 
war stopped! To do that, we need to talk to Gestahl, in the castle, which is 
on the north-west side of town, up two flights of stairs. Head to the castle, 
maybe stopping to talk to Banon and Arvis along the way. 

Once you enter the palatial grounds, a guard approaches you and tells you that 
the Emperor is expecting you. (Ooh.) So follow him through the palace until 
you meet the Emperor. Gestahl tells you he's lost his will to fight, and Cid 
appears (he's alive!) telling you that Gestahl has had a change of heart. 
(Umm... yeah.) But before they start to discuss what to do to restrain the 
Espers, they must feast and rejoice! Sounds good. But before you feast and 
rejoice (gah), you are told there are some soldiers in the castle who would 
prefer to keep fighting. You've got to go around and talk to as many of them 
as you can, and you've got exactly four minutes to do it.

(This part is important. Make sure you do it well. Good things will happen if 
you do it perfectly.)

Don't waste any time, once the clock starts, head out of the room. Talk to the 
two soldiers either side of you, and the two HeavyArmrs down one flight of 
stairs. (4 people.) Down the second flight, head right, and start up the 
stairs. Ignore the first door, go through the second and enter the library. 
Talk to the soldier, and the librarian, before heading through the door on the 
left into what looks like a bathroom and talking to one more soldier (7 
people.) Head out of the library and back to the stairwell.

Keep going up, and you'll end up outside. Talk to the soldier near you, then 
around to the two HeavyArmrs near the stairs leading up. Go up the stairs, 
speak with the two more HeavyArmrs, and enter the very top room for a fight 
with a soldier. Back down the stairs, but still outside, there will be another 
soldier to the far left of screen. Then head back inside through the door on 
the left. (14 people.)

Talk to the soldier patrolling this area. Then start down the stairs on this 
side. Down two flights, you will find a room with six soldiers patrolling in 
it. Talk to them all, including the guy on the bed. Then head up through the 
top door and fight the soldier that opposes peace. (21 people.)

Leave that room, and head right down to the bottom floor of the palace, and 
out the front door. Speak to the guy blocking the path out of the castle, and 
both of the HeavyArmrs (which will both want to fight.) 24 people. That's it. 
You're done. And hopefully you're within the 4 minute limit.

Time remaining when I completed this section: 42 seconds.

Once the four minutes expires, or you're done talking, head back to the main 
chamber in preparation for the banquet. The troopers will show you to the 
table, and the four of you plus Cid will take your seats. A long conversation 
will ensue, in which you must make a number of choices. Your responses are 
also important, so I will transcribe the conversation here.

(Note: The >> denotes a choice you make, and the best choice to select.) 

Gestahl:   Imagine! All of us here together, sharing a meal! First we must 
           have a toast!
>> To our hometowns...
Gestahl:   Well then... To our hometowns!
Gestahl:   As you know, Kefka's in jail for war crimes. What shall we do with 
>> Leave him in jail...
Gestahl:   Hmm... Well, let's let him stew in his cell for a while. Then we'll 
           decide what to do.
Gestahl:   I truly apologize about the poisoning of Doma. No-one dreamed Kefka 
           would use poison.
>> That was inexcusable.
Gestahl:   I'm so terribly sorry! Kefka's being severely punished, and we're 
           cleaning up the poison.
Gestahl:   By the way... with regard to General Celes...
>> Celes is one of us!
Gestahl:   Kefka was lying. General Celes realized the war was stupid before 
           anyone else. That's why she joined the Returners. Any other 
           questions for me?
>> Why'd you start the war?
Gestahl:   My desire for power got the best of me. Now I've come to my senses.
>> Why do you want peace now?
Gestahl:   I feel we need each other's help at this time...
>> Why'd we have to talk to your men?
Gestahl:   Some of my men refuse to embrace peace. I felt they'd understand if 
           they actually met you face to face.
Gestahl:   With your permission, I'd like to talk about the Espers...
>> Okay.
Gestahl:   My Empire's been decimated by the Espers that emerged from the 
           sealed gate. They're acting spiteful. Unless they're stopped, 
           they'll rip the world asunder!
>> Yes, the Espers have gone too far.
Gestahl:   After the Espers went on their rampage, I knew I couldn't go on 
           with my war. I asked myself why I had started it in the first 
           place. By the way... About those questions you asked me... which 
           did you ask first?
>> (Select the question you asked first)
Gestahl:   Right. Anyway, more than anything I want peace. That's my true 
           dream. I want you to understand that!
Cid:       You seem a bit tired. Care for a rest break?

Version 1.2:  At this point, elect to take a break. There are more Sp Forces 
to be fought, namely the ones in that room, and fighting and defeating them is
necessary to get the ultimate rewards later. (Thanks to the FF3 board for 
pointing this one out!) There are four in the room, two on each side of the 
Emperor, but talking with one will bring them all into battle. When you're 
done, you can talk with Cid and Gestahl for your own amusement, before 
returning to your seat to continue the banquet.

Gestahl:   Is there anything you wish to hear me say?
>> That your war's truly over.
Gestahl:   I understand. I've ordered this war to be over! Now I must ask for 
           a favour...
Gestahl:   After they devastated my Empire, the Espers headed northward, 
           towards Crescent Island. They must be found...! We must tell them 
           we're no longer their enemy. After all that I have put them 
           through, it is up to me to set things right. That is why... I need 
           to borrow Terra's power. Only Terra can bridge the gap between 
           Esper and human.
Gestahl:   We must make for Crescent Island aboard the freighter from Albrook. 
           Will you accompany me?
>> Yes.

When the conversation is over, a short discussion follows about who should 
accompany Leo to Crescent Island. Terra has to go, of course, and Locke wishes 
to accompany her. He tells the rest to stay there, because he smells a rat. 
Edgar agrees, it's hard to trust the Emperor just like that.

Now it's just Terra and Locke. Equip them all up, and head out of the castle. 
On the way, you will be stopped by one of Gestahl's goons, who will reward you 
for your efforts in talking to soldiers and at the banquet. If you spoke to 
all 24 soldiers, fought and defeated 5 of them, and gave all the responses 
listed above, this is what will happen:

=> Imperial troops will withdraw from South Figaro.
=> Troops will also pull out of Doma.
=> You are given the right to take any weapons you desire from the Imperial 
   base to the east, near the Sealed Gate.
=> You will receive a Tintinabar and a Charm Bangle.

Not bad, eh? The main one is the weapons room in the Imperial base. Oh boy is 
that fun. 

So leave Vector, and head for the Imperial base. It's a fair hike, but you can
make it.

4a. xxix. Imperial Base

There's still no-one here, but who cares. What you're here for is in the 
basement of the one building in town. Go there for a literal smorgasbord of 
treasure chests, and you will pick up the following items: Cherub Down, 
X-Potion, 8000 GP, Ether, Back Guard, Cure Ring, Elixir, Running Shoes, 20000 
GP, Wall Ring, 13000 GP, and a Flame Sabre (check the heater)!


Once you've properly looted the place, head to Albrook to meet up with General

4a. xxx. Albrook

No matter how good your efforts were in Vector, Albrook is still an occupied 
city. But we're here to sail to Crescent Island, so head to the boat on the 
docks, to the south of town, where you will find Leo. He informs you that 
another of the Empire's generals, plus a person he hired in town, will be 
travelling with you.

Well the person he met in town is Shadow, and... dum-de-dum... the general is 

Haven't seen Celes in a while, have we? Last we heard, Kefka said she was a 
spy working for the Empire, Locke didn't believe her when she said she wasn't, 
and all hell broke loose. Locke freaks out when he sees Celes, and Leo 
politely enquires if anything's wrong. When Locke says "No..." Leo tells that 
he has arranged lodgings for you for the night, as the ship isn't leaving 
until tomorrow morning.

Terra approaches Celes, but Celes refuses to talk to her. When Locke 
approaches, Celes runs off, leaving Locke alone and heartbroken. =(

So head back the Inn, where Leo arranged for you to sleep, and take a nap.

In the middle of the night, Locke wakes up and decides to go for a walk. He 
finds Celes out overlooking the water, lost in thought. He walks up to her, 
and tries to explain himself, saying he is still her friend, and why won't she 
speak to him? She says nothing, and runs off.

Next day. Head back to the ship and talk to Leo, and you will depart for 
Crescent Island.

During the night, on the boat, you will be in control of Terra alone. Talk to 
General Leo, and a short conversation will ensue, about the Empire and what it 
has done to Terra. Here she is, co-operating with the 'enemy', after all it's 
done to her. Leo plays the sensible role, but has his own shameful story to 
tell as he reveals he knew she was being used as a type of biological weapon, 
and because he didn't do anything about it, he's no different from Kefka. 
Terra then starts up about love again (what is her obsession, anyways?) She 
says she hasn't felt love yet, and Leo is sympathetic to her cause, before he 
walks off suddenly.

From nowhere, Shadow appears, as he was sleeping under the stars and heard the 
whole conversation. Before Terra works up the courage to ask for his advice 
and help, Shadow replies that he can't help, she must look within for answers. 
She gets huffy, and storms off.

But there's another person onboard who can't sleep. Locke crawls onto the 
deck, sick as a dog, before panicking and rushing over to the edge of the 
boat, presumably to throw up over the edge. Charming, really. And on that 
note, we continue to Crescent Island.

4a. xxxi. Crescent Island

Leo tells you, before you disembark, that you will split into two groups. He 
and Celes will form one group, while Shadow, Terra and Locke make up the 
other. Talk to Locke one you gain control of Terra, and he will call over 
Shadow to leave. Celes makes an effort to talk to Locke before they go, but 
he rudely ignores her and walks off, party in tow. 

Once you're free to roam the island, there's actually not a lot to do. In 
fact, the only thing of interest is a town, in the north-east corner of the 
island. So, head there.

4a. xxxii. Thamasa

Thamasa's another one of those cutesy little towns that just makes you go 
"awwwww." Check out the weapon shop, just to the left of town entrance, and 
you might find something strange. Rods for sale? Mage weapons? But we have no 
true dedicated mages in the party....

We're here to find out about the rogue Espers, right? So talk to all the 
people in town, who have never heard of Espers and have no idea what Magic is. 
The guy near the tree in the centre of town will inform you that if Espers are 
animals, you should talk to the old guy on the edge of town. Really, eh? 
Sounds promising. The house he's talking about is the one just north-east of 
where you are, with the three sets of pretty blue flowers out front. But, like 
I taught you, check all barrels and stuff first, so go to empty the barrel at 
the side of the house for an interesting scene.

You stumble across a little boy in the woods, chanting "Fire! Fire!" And lo 
and behold, the trees burst into flames. This kid is casting magic! What kind 
of town is this, anyways? And if that really is magic, why have people been 
lying to you about not knowing what it is?

Anyways, enter the house, where you will find an old man, who looks to be 
guarding the door. His reaction when you talk to him is a typical one - 
"Whatcha want with me?"

     "An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the way of 

Hi, STRAGO. Wait, learned in the way of monsters? Blue magic...? Mwaha.

However, Strago claims he doesn't know anything about Espers. He's not even 
familiar with the word. When Locke quizzes him, he becomes adamant that he 
doesn't know what they are. While your party mulls over that, a voice is heard 
"Grandpa!" and a little girl appears.

     "In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water, light... the 
      very essence of life..."

This young girl is RELM, Strago's granddaughter. Relm asks Strago who you are, 
and if you can use Magic too. Strago goes nuts... he was lying to you too! He 
sends Relm to her room, and Relm huffily goes, declaring that Strago is a 
"fussy old man" and taking Interceptor with her.

Once they're gone, and Relm slams the door behind her, Strago still maintains 
that his backwater village can tell them nothing about Espers. Locke, Terra 
and Shadow agrees that something suspicious is up, and plan to take a look 
around. Strago's very sorry he couldn't be more helpful. (Like hell you are, 
old man.)

Now you can check out the town some more. What's odd is that the guy at the 
Inn is charging 1 GP for a rest now, whereas before he was charging 1000 GP. 1 
GP's nothing, so take a rest.

In the middle of the night, Strago comes running into the room, positively 
hysterical. He wakes up Terra and Locke, telling them that Relm is in danger! 
A fire's broken out at a neighbour's house, and Relm is trapped inside! You 
have to go save her! 

Locke tries to wake up Shadow to get his help too, but Shadow's dead to the 
world. Eventually he gives up, and leaves.

The fire is on the right side of town, in the big house just south of 
Strago's. But it might be worth leaving town and saving your game first, as 
this burning building can be a real bitch. When you're done, head over to the 

Talking to Strago, you find out that Relm is inside. Strago's had enough, he 
starts chanting "Flames be GONE!" The mayor rushes over, saying "Magic is 
forbidden!" Terra and Locke quickly work it out, Strago's casting magic?! But 
Strago doesn't care if it's forbidden or not, and the rest of the townspeople 
begrudgingly agree to help with the spell. 

It doesn't work however, and the flames just grow higher and higher. Strago 
panics, and decides to go in after her. Of course, Locke and Terra can't just 
let him do that. So together, the three of you head into the burning house.

It might be a good idea to have a few characters with Ice spells here. You've 
got Shiva, Bismark, and Maduin, get those characters learning! 

So once you're in control, and you've been warned to stay away from the 
flames, head up through the door. If you meet the flames, you'll be forced to 
fight Bombs, and sometimes lots of them. That's where Strago's pre-learned 
Aqua Rake lore comes in really handy, as it'll kill even the largest number of 
bombs, and for only 22 MP, 11 with the Gold Hairpin! 

Head up through the next door and into a big C-shaped room. The left door at 
the top is no good, as all it does is earn you a fight with four Bombs, and 
even worse, it's a pincer attack. (Best stay away from that one.) 

Just for an idea of what should be happening in battles, my Terra had the 
Genji Glove and Black Belt equipped as relics, and the Blizzard and Epee as 
weapons. She was doing about 1000 damage per dual hit, and she was on level 
20. My Locke had the Thief Glove and Genji Glove relics, and the AtmaWeapon 
and ThunderBlade weapons. He was doing about 1500 damage and stealing twice as 
well, being on level 19. Just an idea of what you can be doing. 

Anyways, enough of my bragging about doing the game at lower than normal 
levels. Go through the right door at the top, and you'll find another room 
with two doors. If you go through the right one, you'll find a chest with a 
Fire Rod (but for the love of God don't equip it, as fire damage against fire 
creatures won't work in your favour at all.) Pick it up and go back through 
the left door. Again, same deal, two doors. This time, the room on the right 
yields an Ice Rod, which is the perrrrrfect weapon for fire creatures. Equip 
it to Strago straightaway.

Go back and through the left door again, and up the stairs. In the middle of 
the room you will find one Bomb sitting, stationary. Yes, this is the source 
of the blaze, but it's no ordinary Bomb. It's Flame Eater!

Boss: Flame Eater!!
HP: 8400     MP: 480
It's been a while since we had a boss. So the game decides to make up for it 
by throwing a nice tough one our way.

This guy is fire-elemental. (Duh.) And he has a nice range of Fire attacks, 
including Fire 3. (And we have no Celes to Runic. *gulp*) Seeing as he casts 
so many spells, it might be an idea to cast Reflect on your party if you have 
learnt it, or equip some Wall Ring relics if you have some. If not, you'll 
have to make do without, and it makes the battle a lot tougher.

He starts off with Bomblet, summoning a number of little Bombs to help him. 
These can all be killed really easily using the patented technique of Aqua 
Rake, so do so. If ever he summons more Bombs using Bomblet, do it again. (I 
liked that! Do it again!)

You can pretty much guess how this battle works, hit him hard and fast with 
Ice attacks. Make sure one of your characters has the Blizzard equipped, and 
make sure Strago has the Ice Rod. Having a few characters knowing Ice 2 never 
hurt anybody except him. Have Shiva equipped, and summon her into battle for 
some hefty damage. The Drainer is also a good weapon to have, to save you 
curing yourself every time he hits with a Fire 2.

Try and keep all your characters HP above the 500 mark, to protect from Fire 
2. Unless you've done a lot of excess levelling up, you won't survive being 
hit with a Fire 3.

If all goes well, you will survive. It might take a few tries, but YOU CAN 
DO IT!!!

Odd feature I noticed at this part of the game: If, for some reason you die 
(because maybe a FlameEater kills you grrrr), you'll be sent back to the time
and place of your last save (duh), but whatever levelling up you did before 
your death still remains. Interesting.

After the battle, Strago goes crazy, because there is still no sign of Relm.
However, at the top of screen, Interceptor can be seen dragging Relm away to 
safety. But the house is collapsing, collapsing around them... Interceptor 
tries scaring the Bombs away from the prone forms of Terra, Locke, Strago and 
Relm, but he's only a dog, what can he do?

Enter Shadow! He drops down from above, and with some nice ninja tricks, 
takes out all four of the Bombs! Using a Smoke Bomb, he escapes the burning 
house with all four people plus Interceptor.

Back in Strago's house, Relm is all okay. Strago realizes he's got a bit of 
explaining to do, now that the secret of the town is out. And he starts doing 
a lot of explaining, about the town, and the people in it.

You see, Thamasa is the village of the Mage Warriors. Way back when, before 
the War of the Magi, humans used Espers to gain magical powers, and these 
humans became known as Mage Warriors. However, after the war broke out and the 
Espers flew threw the Sealed Gate, the Mage Warriors were blamed for starting 
the war in the first place.

The Warriors were hunted down like animals. A few of them escaped and made 
their way to where Thamasa stands now. Those few were the ancestors of the 
people of Thamasa. The people there still carry magical powers, although they 
have been weakened over time. 

Locke wants Strago to help them find the Espers. At first, Strago is 
reluctant, but he remembers that he does owe them for saving Relm. Relm wants 
to help too, but Strago quickly dismisses the idea, causing Relm to call him a 
"fuddy duddy!" Strago knows that if the Espers are on the Island, they'll be 
in the mountains to the west, as the mountains have powerful magical 
properties. (Beats me how a mountain can have magical properties, but 
anyways.) So that's your next target - the mountains west of Thamasa.

On the way out of town, you see Shadow and Interceptor. Shadow doesn't want to 
be misunderstood, he just wanted his dog back. He leaves, saying he'll search 
for the Espers in his own way. And now you are free to leave town.

4a. xxxiii. Esper's Gathering Place

Funny about that, there wasn't a cave here before, in these here mountains. 
But there is now.

Once in the cave, pick up the Heal Rod from the treasure chest on the left. 
While I love this thing, it has limited use until Strago learns enough Lores 
or Relm has enough Magic at her disposal to not need to attack with weapons at 

Ignore the exits at the top and left of screen, as they are connected and will 
simply lead you round and round in circles. (I have fallen into this trap many 
a time.) Instead, head out to the right of screen through a semi-hidden path.

Once outside, follow the path to get back inside. Ignore the ten-year-old 
blonde girl following you, please.

You'll see a fair few Admanchts on your travels. At first, these things might 
seem to be a pain in the ass, but the key to killing them is to use elemental 
magic. It doesn't matter what element, they'll all hit for mucho damage. Level 
1 spells will hit for roughly 450 each, and level 2 spells for 1100.

Anyways, head back inside. There's only one way to go here, which is up and 
around to the right. (All the funny bridges and stuff come into play later.) 
Laugh as you run smack-bang into Relm without even seeing her, and she bolts 

See the pretty statues? Ignore them for just one sec, we've got other stuff to 
do first. Walk straight past them without ascending the stairs, and out the 
door on the other side of the room. Importantly, save. Ignore the switches on 
the floor, we'll be coming back to them later. Now go examine the statues. 

Strago flips out upon examining them. Locke looks at them more closely, and 
reads that they are, in fact, images of Goddesses. As Strago launches into an 
explanation of what they are, where they came from, and why they're so 
important, Relm sneaks into the room, and quickly hides. The Goddesses quite 
literally created Magic as we know it, and they are the source of all Magic. 
The Espers made these images, and put them in a very special place. They 
represent power beyond all comprehension... 

The actual stone Goddesses are revealed to hidden somewhere beyond the reach 
of humans, perhaps behind the Sealed Gate. Terra is clever in working out that 
the barrier protecting the Esper World is created by the stone Goddesses. 
(Good girl, have a cookie.) So if the Espers came to bask in the magical 
power, they must be around here somewhere (and three sets of eyes turn to face 
the next door...) But before you can go there, you get pounced on by a 
familiar figure. Da man Ultros is back!

He's in love with the Statues, too. "Oh! They're glowing! They're... 
beautiful!" However, Locke is not one to be intimidated, and he asks the 
'squidball' if he's ever going to learn. So Ultros picks a fight with you 
about the Statues.

Boss: Ultros (take 3)!!
HP: 22000     MP: 750
Guess who's back... back again....

Ultros is bigger, badder, and meaner than ever. And he has a real high HP.
(He even comments, 'I have more lives than I do arms!')

There is one key strategy for this battle, and I cannot emphasize it enough. 
Fire 2. If all three of your characters have Fire 2, this battle is a walk in 
the park. If no Fire 2, hopefully they've all got Fire. So just keep toasting 
the sucker over and over again with a bevy of Fire spells. Even though his HP 
is darned high, you'll whittle it down quickly.

Ignore his Safe-casting, Haste-casting, form-changing, and smack-talking. Just 
concentrate on the Fire spells. Even a Flame Sabre or two (you should have 
picked up two by now) and a Fire Rod will do the trick.

Eventually, Relm will drop into the battle. Strago is angry, he told her to 
stay at home, and here she is in the middle of a battle. What follows here is 
perhaps the cutest scene in the whole game. Relm wants to practice her 
drawing, and she spies Ultros. She wants to draw him ("Listen, Ulty, why don't 
you pose for me?"), and him being the (beep) he is, tells her to rack off 
("I'm not one of your kiddy friends! Don't talk to me as if I were!"). Relm 
gets upset, and sits and cries. Terra steps in, and berates Ultros for not 
letting Relm draw him. Ultros asks what he should do then, and Locke suggests 
letting Relm draw his portrait ("She may actually make you look pleasant!"). 
Ultros gives in, but not happily, and spouts my favourite line of the whole 
game - "Uncle Ulty REALLY wants you to draw his portrait!" That makes Relm 
happy, and she joins the fight.

Now, when Relm's turn comes around, get her to Sketch Ultros. If the Sketch 
fails, try again, keep trying until it succeeds. When she draws Ultros, it 
takes him down more than a few pegs. ("How can this be? I'm nothing more than 
a stupid octopus!") He then disappears.

Relm is jubilant with her battle performance. She wants to join your party 
full-time! Terra makes the decision to accept her, which has Strago fuming. 
Now that you're free of the purple menace, head into the next room where you 
saw the save point. Make sure to save, then examine the three floor panels. 
One leads to the Espers, two lead back down to the room with the funny 
bridges, and ultimately to treasure chests.

Note: Relm is now in your party, and she is the best Magic user in the whole 
game. Get her learning a good range of offensive spells, and learning them 

Leave the floor panel closest to the stairs for last. First step on the one on
the far side of the room, then head to the right and out of the cave to find a 
X-Potion. Then, off the other end of the bridge, past the Statues again, and 
onto the top panel.

There's a multitude of ways you can go now. Out the top of the cave is a chest 
with a Chocobo Suit, at the bottom you can pick up a Tabby Suit, then head 
back down and back around pass the Statues again. Step on the final floor 

Go up and out of the cave, then follow the path and head back inside. There 
you will find an Esper, sitting quite happily at the bottom of the screen.

Relm tries to get a closer look at it, and it must go boo at her or something, 
because she jumps back, afraid. Immediately, Strago is in to protect her, and 
out come half a dozen other Espers to protect the little fairy one! Locke 
tells Strago to take Relm and get out of there, and they run off.... but in 
five seconds they are back, with Relm flapping her arms wildly to indicate 
that there's more Espers coming from that direction. Out comes Yura to end the 
tense stand-off. Yura seems to be the only Esper capable of or interested in 
human speech, and quickly gets involved in a conversation with Terra. The 
screen shimmies, there's some intense power there.

Yura senses that Terra is different from the rest of them. Terra says, yes she 
is, but Strago butts in wanting to know if they're the Espers that came 
through the gate. (Well duh, how many other Espers are there flying around?) 
Yura acknowledges that they are, and they had gathered around the gate 
wondering how to rescue the kidnapped Espers when it opened. They came through 
with the intention of saving their people, but lost control of their powers. 
Yura is sorry to have caused so much trouble, to have completely levelled a 
city and killed innocent people... but Locke brightens it all up by saying the 
Empire wants to talk peace, and that they should accompany them back to 

4a. xxxiv. Thamasa

Locke brings the Espers back to meet with General Leo in the town centre. Leo 
is thrilled that they have made the Espers understand their desire for peace! 
After introductions are made, Yura asks for forgiveness, and Leo says that 
they too are sorry for hungering after the Espers' power. 

It seems their job is done, or so Locke says to Celes. (What, they're friends 
again now?) Celes wants to return to Vector, and everyone has a bit of a laugh 
about the situation.

So take ONE GUESS as to who shows up to ruin it all.

Yessir, Kefka is back.

And he's here with three HeavyArmrs to cause some Magitek mayhem! After one of 
them wipes out your party, Leo indignantly asks Kefka what the hell is going 
on! Emperor's orders, Kefka replies! Gestahl wants the remains of the Espers, 
and Kefka is going to bring them to him!

Quickly, he kills three of the Espers and turns them into Magicite, which he 
retrieves, then he sends the HeavyArmrs to destroy the town, which they do. 

Now you get to play as Leo! (Yay.) As Leo, go up to Kefka with the intention 
of completely kicking his ass. The two of you get into a fight, but it's not a 
fair one. Sure, you can Shock Kefka an awful lot, which does a nice lot of 
damage to him. And Leo is equipped with not one not two not three but FOUR 
swords, and four sets of armour, but still, sadly, Kefka has to play dirty. 

Watch the horrendous scene. It's the one scene in the game I won't spoil.

Back at the Sealed Gate, the barrier is breaking down. Wave after wave of 
Espers appear, coming to protect their friends, and they make a 
not-so-straight beeline for Thamasa. In Thamasa, Kefka is doing more 
Magicite-fetching, collecting pieces by the dozen. 

Once Kefka is through, Terra and the rest of your party is in mourning. And 
here is Interceptor, badly wounded. While Locke tends to the wound, the rest 
of your party arrives in the fixed-up airship. They worked out the Empire was 
up to no good, just as your party did. Edgar wants to return to the airship to 
rethink their plans, and Strago tugs on Locke's sleeve, wanting to accompany 
them. Relm wants to accompany them too, and Sabin laughs. ("Yeah right kid!") 
Relm gets mad, demanding to know who the puffed-up aerobics instructor is, 
anyway. She threatens to paint his portrait, which alarms Locke, Terra and 

Reluctantly, Strago agrees to take Relm along, and they head out of town, but 
not before Relm teases Edgar by calling him 'lover boy'.

Outside town, save up, and do all that sort of stuff. Then jump back on your 
airship. Setzer tells that the Empire are looking for some sort of Statues, 
which panics Strago. And indeed, Kefka and Gestahl are at the Sealed Gate, 
about to head through it. Terra has the bizarre thought that the world is 
groaning in pain, and it would appear that she's not too far wrong. Cracks 
are appearing on the ground, an entire section of the world is lifting and 
up off the surface... of course, it's all the work of Kefka and Gestahl. 
They've found the Statues. Strago says that the Statues have neutralized each
others power, then sealed themselves away... and if they should ever be moved
out of alignment, the resulting imbalance of power would rearrange the face 
of the planet! (Ooh not good.)

Now you're in control, as Relm for some reason. You can go and find the 
Floating Continent right now, if you wish, but it is best to wait. There are 
things to be done first...

4a. xxxv. Before heading to the Floating Continent...

Yeah okay, so you're up to the Floating Continent, where Kefka and Gestahl are
carrying out their evil plan to move the Statues, causing who-knows-what. Are 
you just going to head there and kick some ass? No, you're going to get 
everything you can, first, and make sure you're well prepared.

=> Head to Jidoor and the auction house. A lot of crappy things are for sale, 
but if you stick around long enough you can pick up two Espers, Golem and 
ZoneSeek. ZoneSeek is one of my favourite Espers, due to it's fast-learning 
Rasp and Osmose spells.
Note: If you get sick of seeing Cherub Down and talking chocobos, staying at 
the Inn is reported to increase your chances of bidding for the Espers.
=> You know how you cleared troops out of Doma and South Figaro earlier? 
Head back there. You might find stuff you'd missed, or couldn't access, 
=> For another Esper, Sraphim, head to Tzen, the northernmost town on the 
southern continent. In the bushes on the east of town, you will find a man 
with a magical stone, and he will sell it to you for 3000 GP. You can leave 
him and come back for it a lot later, and the price will only be 30 GP then, 
your choice.

Once you've done that, and anything else you wish, it's time to head to the 
Floating Continent to stop Kefka and Gestahl. Select your best three members 
only. Equip them up with Espers, relics, and weapons, all the best. 

Which members to choose? Again, it is up to you. Again, I would select for 
strength, along with one Magic user. This is just my personal preference, 
and because I know that the Floating Continent is the toughest test you 
have faced so far. My party here usually consists of Sabin, Edgar, and 
Celes. There are good valid arguments for taking Locke, Terra, Cyan, Strago,
or even Relm with you. (I've never heard any arguments for taking Setzer or 
Gau with you =P) But ultimately, the choice is yours.

Once you're ready, go to take off and select "Find the Floating Continent."

4a. xxxvi. The Floating Continent

Of course, it's not just as easy as flying there, and landing. (Did you really
expect that it would be?) When you head there, you get attacked by the 
Imperial Airforce (IAF)! And the IAF is not good news. You'll be forced to 
fight wave after wave of Sky Armour and Spit Fires. The battles aren't too 
hard, especially if you have your characters equipped with Genji Gloves and 
Black Belts (a good relic combination if I do say so myself). Also of note 
is that both baddies are weak against Thunder and Wind. Make sure to heal up 
between each battle though, as they can surprise you with bad stuff like 
Absolute 0, Diffuser, and other nasty things.

After about half a dozen fights, one of your party will notice something 
strange approaching your ship. You can take a look at it at the front of the 
ship, it's a pink blobby thing. But the fights continue, while the blob 

After a couple more fights, the pink blob will jump on to the back of your 
ship, followed by a familiar purple figure. Pounce! Fight time!

Boss: Ultros (and Chupon)!!
HP: 17000 (U), 10000 (C)     MP: 8000 (U), 40000 (C)
Yup, the squidball does not want to learn. But he promises, really, this will 
be your LAST battle with him.

His attacks are very similar to the last three fights you have had with him. 
This time, his Tentacle is not a real threat, as your characters have much 
more HP; his Ink move still inflicts Dark but that's one status ailment I 
never worry much about. Is this sounding like an easy battle so far? Well it 
is. Remember the key technique from the last one? Fire 2. It woks exactly 
the same in this battle, i.e. hurts him a LOT. Hopefully at least one of your 
characters has Fire 2 (at time of writing, two of mine do) so it should be 
fairly straightforward.

After you knock off about 5000 of his HP, he gets fed up and calls in a 
friend to help. Enter Chupon, the pink blobby thing.

Fire attacks on Chupon = not good. He absorbs all fire attacks, so, 
theoretically, he should be weak to ice, the opposing element. And he is. So 
pelt him with Ice 2, or Ice if you don't have it. When Chupon appears, Ultros
will remain in the battle, but Chupon is one to worry about, the one to 
defeat. Seeing as he doesn't have a real high HP, it shouldn't take long. 
When I played this battle, Chupon didn't even get one attack off before I 
wiped him out.

When Chupon's through, he will Sneeze you all out of the battle.

And Chupon doesn't just Sneeze you out of the battle, he Sneezes you off the 
whole darn airship! So now you're falling, falling through the air, and 
another boss comes down to attack you before you can catch your breath.

Boss: Air Force (with Laser Gun and Missile Bay)!!
HP: 8000 (A), 3300 (L), 3000 (M)     MP: 750 (A), 335 (L), 7000 (M)
Yah, another freakin' boss. Good news is, your HP and MP magically recovered 
itself from the last battle. MAGIC!!

This is actually a rather tough battle. The aim of it is to take out the main 
section, the Air Force, because as you might imagine, the other two parts 
regenerate if you kill them off. But it is important to kill off the other 
two parts, the Laser Gun and the Missile Bay, because both have very powerful 
attacks. The good news is, all three parts share common weaknesses - thunder 
and water. If you've got Strago here, his Aqua Rake is enormously helpful; 
anyone else and you'll have to rely on either physical attacks or Bolt 2. 

While all three parts are intact, use multi-target attacks to wipe them all 
out. So target your Bolt spells towards the entire enemy party, or if using 
physical attacks, use an AutoCrossbow or a Fire Dance. (If your Sabin is 
present and level 30, which I highly highly doubt, you can also use Air 
Blade for good damage.) Once the two sidekicks are gone, target all your 
attacks on the Air Force. Use strong single-target attacks. In terms of 
Blitzes and Tools, Drill and Aurabolt are beauties. 

When you reduce the number of opponents to just one, Air Force will launch 
a Speck. What is the purpose of the Speck? Veteran FF players would 
recognize it as a device that absorbs all magic spells cast, which might 
make your next few turns redundant if you've already programmed them. The 
Specks are not hard to kill, but physical attacks must be used to do so. 

The Speck, when it arrives, will also start a countdown after every turn. 
(Count 6!) Now you're battling the countdown, because if it gets to zero it 
will unleash a WaveCannon at you that is, indeed, very painful. (Count 5!) So 
take it out, and take out the Air Force with single-target attacks. (Count 4!)

And after all is said and done, you land on the Floating Continent itself.

Your leader comments "Kefka, Gestahl... and the Statues are just ahead." But 
before you move, who's that lying on the ground just there, completely out of
it? It's Shadow! After he outlived his usefulness, the Empire tried to off 
him, so now he wants some serious revenge. So he joins your party, filling it
up once more. (See why you were only allowed to bring 3 party members now?)

Go back and save at the save point, because I don't imagine you want to go 
through that whole getting-here process again. Then follow the path along, up 
the stairs that seem to lead into a wall. When you get to the top of the 
stairs, the wall crumbles to reveal a path, clever, no? Keep following the 
path until you get to the bottom, where again the walls pull an amazing 
disappearing trick and allow you to pass.

Shadow works wonders against all the foes here, dealing out Shuriken by the 
boatload. For other members, I'd suggest using Sabin's Fire Dance (for 
multiple enemies) or Pummel (for single enemies), Edgar's Drill, Celes' or 
Terra's strong magic (or equip them with a Genji Glove and get them fighting), 
Strago's Aqua Rake (Gold Hairpin comes in handy), Cyan's Dispatch or Quadra 
Slam Swordtechs, Locke's Capture (with a Genji Glove, you can steal some good 
weapons here) or some simple curative magic for Relm.

Keep going until you spot a blue sphere inset into the wall, top of screen. 
These are Floating Continent treasure chests, and this one contains a Murasame 
for Cyan. If you want a Hardened, a good weapon for Shadow, proceed along the 
path until a set of stairs appears leading to another blue sphere. 
Unfortunately, this sphere is a Monster-In-A-Box.

That must be some big-ass box, because Gigantos lives up to his name in being 
absolutely freakin' huge. And he is TOUGH. His HP isn't astronomical or 
anything, only 6000, but the scary thing is his Throat Jab, which can deal out 
up to 800 damage to some poor unfortunate character (or 500 if said character 
is in the back row). You must really really want the Hardened to fight this 
guy. One tactic that works with limited success is placing everyone in the 
back row, setting two members of your party aside as dedicated curers, and 
using Shadow and one other for major attacks. Shuriken are the key here, as 
they deal out 1500 damage each (well they did in my game anyways), the trouble 
is living long enough to use them.

Whether you went for the Hardened or not (and my salutations to you if you 
went for it and got it), go back to the indent in the path below the raised 
platform. The walls, they cave again! And the platform, it works like a 
transfer tunnel, sending your party to a different part of the continent 

Don't listen to anybody who tells you this place is simple. Without a coloured 
map, like the ones found in strategy guides ahem, it's not. But I'm going to 
try my best to work you through the maze and to the Statues, mmmkay?

From where you end up, head down the two sets of stairs, and to the right to 
what looks like a little jewelled thing in the wall. It's actually a switch, 
so step on it to press it. Voila, more ground appears. Follow the new ground, 
head down the little flight of stairs, and go as far right as you can. Go 
through the next transfer tunnel, and you will find yourself faced with a 
choice of two more tunnels. Take the one left of your current position.

If this is sounding really confusing, my apologies. It's not an easy place to 
work through, and I was not looking forward to writing up this part. At all.

Step on the switch at the bottom of screen, then head up, up the stairs and 
step on the switch on the left. This lowers a section of the floor, so go back 
down the stairs and go left across the part you just lowered. When you get to 
the stairs, head down. (You'll be doing a lot of levelling up and spell 
learning here.) Head slightly right, and down again, this was the section you 
lowered with the first switch. Keep heading right across the great divide, 
down the stairs, then up up up on the right.

Once you've gone up as high as you can go, head right again. Go up and step on 
the switch to reveal another transfer tunnel. But ignore it momentarily, head 
a little to the right, and down and through that transfer tunnel.

This one's not a tunnel of sorts, it very nicely leads to a save point. 
(Halleluja!) I know you're gonna be running real low on HP, so use a Tent. 
Back up the transfer tunnel, keep heading right for a Beret in the treasure 
chest, now go back and through the original uncovered tunnel. (You'll need to
step on the switch again, for some reason.)

You'll see the airship, floating below, and you'll be given the option to 
return to it if you want. Common sense says why the hell would you want to go
back, cos then you'll have to do all this shit again! And that's all well and
true. So ignore the airship and head off to the left.

(If anyone can come up with a good reason as to why you might want to return 
to the ship, please e-mail me and tell me. I'd be quite curious to know.) 

Added Note: Someone actually sent me some reasons as to why you would want to 
return to the airship, can you believe it? I just HAVE to post them here. 
Without further ado:

Reasons as to Why One Would Choose To Escape The Floating Continent
(submited by tlingit88)
- So you can see the World Of Balance before it becomes the World Of Ruin.

-So you can fly the airship around the World Of Balance, visiting the towns,
before it becomes the World Of Ruin and all the towns basically go down the

- Cause the music on the damn Floating Continent is hideous! Where's my music

- The Floting Continent is a confusing and frusturates people, usually.

I had to include that. Anyways...

If you go up to the indent in the wall, it will open and you can walk straight
through. There, guarding the stairs leading up jealously, you will find 

Boss: AtmaWeapon!!
HP: 24000     MP: 5000
In case you weren't sure, Atma is the resident Weapon of FF6. Atma is a hell 
of a lot easier than any other Weapon, though.

It gives you a big (and I mean REALLY big) hint at the start of the battle. 
Atma is pure energy. Pure magic. Therefore, if you whittle it's MP down to 0,
you will win.

Some guides tout this as the big strategy. But let's look at it this way. With
a Fire 2, you can do over 1000 damage to his HP. With Rasp, you can do 300 
damage to his MP. Which would be quicker? They're both about the same. So you 
can make a choice, to go for the HP or the MP.

If going for the MP, just use Rasp over and over. And over and over. Hopefully
all your characters have learnt it from the ZoneSeek Esper.

If going for the HP, any level 2 spells work well. Including Cure 2, on your 
party of course, not on it. And you'll need it, because Atma likes to cast 
strong magic like W.Wind, Quake, and Flare. His Full Power attack is also 
something to be feared, so if your characters aren't all in the back row 
before the battle, you'll be in a spot of trouble.

The good news is, he has a slow speed. You should be taking four turns in the 
time it takes him to have one. If you have three dedicated attackers in your 
party with level 2 spells (or two, with Shadow throwing Shuriken) and one 
dedicated healer with Cure 2, you should find this battle a snap.

After the battle, Shadow feels guilty about selling his skills to the Empire, 
and he runs off, leaving you with a party of three to ascend the stairs and 
see the Statues.

Of course, Kefka and Gestahl are already there wreaking havoc. Gestahl laughs 
that they have arrived just in time to perish, as they behold the power of the 
Statues. And they are indeed powerful, look at them glow. Celes begs Gestahl 
to stop the madness, but do you seriously think he's going to stop? Of course 
not. In an attempt to strike her down, he sends a piece of magic, which she 
skilfully jumps out of the way of, and it hits the party member standing 
behind her instead, dazzling them =( Your third party member also gets 
dazzled, while Celes regains her composure and comes back to launch another 
verbal offensive.

Gestahl's now using the line that it was Celes' birthright to rule the world 
beside him, as it was Kefka's. (Classic movie line to do with birthrights but 
nothing at all to do with Final Fantasy: "You want me, to go with you, to the 
graveyard, because I have some sort of trust fund and there are vampires?") 
Yeah, anyways, (I love that movie, ten points and a kiss on the cheek to you 
if you know what movie that line is from) you're not going to fall for that 
line. Kefka tells her to kill the others and they'll forgive her treachery, 
and he even gives her a sword to do so. Kefka, you silly man. She takes it, 
approaches your leading party member, raises the sword high, saying "she 
wishes she'd never been born"... then turns and jabs the sword straight into 
Kefka instead! *cheers loudly* You go girl!

Next line - Kefka: Ouch!!

He's pissed now, calling Celes a "vicious brat". He's in pain, and he spouts 
the classic line "I hate hate hate hate hate hate... hate hate hate hate hate 
hate hate hate hate hate HATE YOU!" (Hehe.) In revenge, he asks the Goddesses 
to show him their power, which both they and Gestahl vehemently object to. 
But, ignoring their warnings, again he tries, getting impatient when the stone 
Goddesses refuse. Even Gestahl is clever enough to realize if they bring them 
back to life, they'll destroy the very world they're trying to possess, so it 
wouldn't be too clever to bring them back. But is Kefka smart enough to 
realize this? Nooooo. He tells Gestahl to "shuddap!" and pseudo-battle mode is 

Kefka is, officially, crazy. Yes, he is trying to destroy the world. Gestahl 
gravely tells him that "his days are now over", and tries to put Kefka to 
sleep. Kefka laughs, infuriating Gestahl, who launches a barrage of spells in 
his direction. Do any of them hit Kefka? Not one. Does Gestahl know why they 
don't hit him? No. But Kefka does, and it's because he's standing within the 
field of the Statues, silly! Now he wants the Statues to show poor Gestahl 
(never thought I'd hear myself utter that phrase, "poor Gestahl") a sign, 
which they oblige to, sending down thunderbolts. But the bolts miss! A sick 
game of "hot and cold" begins... "you're way off, where are you aiming!?... a 
little to the right... run, run, Gestahl... YES!!" as Gestahl gets struck.

And he pushes the prone Gestahl off the edge of the continent. Simple as that. 

Celes gets sent flying as she physically tries to restrain Kefka, then he gets 
up to his dirty work of moving the Statues. Oh silly boy, you're going to 
rearrange the face of the planet, like Strago said! But he continues, 

Out of nowhere, abseiling by thin air, comes Shadow! He tries to push the 
Statues back into alignment, but fails. The spell on your other two party 
members is broken, and Shadow tells you to flee, to go, because there are 
people counting on you!

After you get kicked off the plateau, you've got six minutes to escape the 
continent before world destruction. This is a simple task, even though you 
will fight Naughtys along the way. Just toast the Naughtys with Fire, ignoring 
the fact that the continent keeps falling away alarmingly behind you as you 
follow the path. When you get to the twinkling point, you will fight Nerapa. I 
guess it's a boss battle.

Boss: Nerapa!!
HP: 2800     MP: 280
But as you can see from the HP, it's not really a boss battle. Nerapa is weak 
against Ice, but it's not as simple is hitting it with Ice 2. Use physical 
attacks, or cast Rflect on one your own characters and bounce Ice spells off 
them to Nerapa. Either way, it's not hard.

When you get to the end of the path, you will see the airship below. You'll 
still probably have two minutes on the clock too. You can jump on the 
airship, and escape right now, but are you just going to leave Shadow there to 
die? Oh hellllllllllllll no. So wait for him. And wait. And wait. And wait.

With five seconds left on the clock, Shadow will appear, again abseiling by 
thin air. The four of you will escape, as the world crashes and burns around 
you. Watch the scene as the world slides into ruin.

4b. The World of Ruin

So, let's recap before we continue, shall we?

=> Gestahl is dead.
=> Kefka destroyed the world.
=> Your party seemed to escape in a blaze of fire.
=> Escaped to where?

Escaped to Solitary Island, my friend. At least one of your party members did,
along with one other familiar face.

4b. i. Solitary Island

Celes is lying on the bed in the old dilapidated house. While we all watch, 
she awakens. With her is old Cid, Cid is looking after her. Cid tells her 
she's been sleeping for a whole year, and that he's been watching over her the 
whole time. Now Cid's the tired one, he's running out of energy.

He tells of what's happened to the world since the day it all fell apart. The 
two of them are on a tiny deserted island, where they washed up with several 
strangers. Celes realizes it wasn't a dream, the world being torn apart. She 
wants to know about her friends, about Locke in particular, but Cid doesn't 
know, he only knows that they're there, maybe they're the only two people left 
alive. Since that day, the world's continued its slide into ruin. Animals and 
plants are all dying, and everyone else they washed up with died of boredom 
and despair.

Celes realizes that her friends, the rest of your party, are probably all 
dead. Cid wants the two of them, to just live their lives out there, 
peacefully, but Celes won't hear a word of it. She realizes that Cid is pretty 
hungry, as he hasn't eaten in three days, and goes out to catch him some fish.

This whole fish minigame is so silly. Catch fish by walking into the water and 
examining them when they are close to you. The goal is to catch the yummy ones 
(the fast-swimming ones). If you keep catching yummy ones, and taking them 
back to Cid, he will gradually feel better. If you keep catching any other 
ones, and feeding them to Cid (or not catching any at all), his health will 
gradually degenerate.

So, keep catching him fish. It is actually possible to keep him alive, but I 
have never succeeded in doing it myself, simply because I don't have the 
patience. Anyways, keep feeding him fish, or if you're lazy and just want to 
get on with the game, just exit and re-enter the house and keep talking to 

Eventually, the inevitable will happen. Cid is lying on the bed, not moving. 
Celes struggles to come to terms with the fact that her beloved Granddad is, 
indeed, dead. One she accepts that he is, she makes up her mind to go through 
with a very drastic act.

Celes is seen walking to the other end of Solitary Island. When you get 
control, walk her up to the top of the cliff. Worked out what she's going to 
do yet? Examine the white rock, and Celes will read Cid's handwriting tell you 
that the others who were here took "a leap of faith" off this cliff when they 
were feeling down. A "leap of faith"? Who could jump off a cliff and live to 
tell the tale? No-one, and that is exactly the point. Celes has come here to 
end her life, her meaningless existence on a backwater island in the middle of 

She approaches the edge, musing about how no-one is there with her, not even 
Locke who promised to protect her... and with that, she throws herself off the 

Of course, she can't die, because she's the only character we've got and if 
she dies, the game is over. She washes back up on the beach, where she was 
catching the fish, and she finds a cute little seagull nursing her back to 

How a seagull could nurse a human back to health, I will never know. But that 
is beside the point.

Celes is shocked when she realizes that the seagull has a bandana tied around 
it. A bandana? Locke!? Locke's still alive!?!?!
Once the scene is over, head back inside the house. There will be a letter on
the floor, from Cid to Celes.

     "You need to leave! The others are surely waiting for you! Find the 
      stairs next to the stove. Down them lies your road to freedom.
                                             Love, Granddad"

So, as the note says, find the stairs next to the stove, just behind the 
table, and head down. At the bottom you will find another room, housing a 
raft! Celes can escape to civilization on the raft! She's got it all made! 
Celes drags the raft outside to the beach, and, vowing to make her Granddad 
proud of her, she jumps on it and drifts away.

+++ Added Note: If you did keep Cid alive by feeding him yummy fish, he will 
+++ stand up and walk to the stove, near the stairs leading down to the raft. 
+++ After telling you about his 'project of freedom', Celes will walk 
+++ downstairs, grab the raft, and ride it away from the beach. Cid will be on
+++ the beach to wave goodbye as she departs.

(On other notes, maybe you now see why I chose to take Celes to the floating 
continent instead of Terra, as the magic user. Being the first character you 
meet in the World of Ruin, all other characters you find in the new world will 
have their level and HP decided based on Celes'. Better to have higher levels,

4b. ii. Albrook

Eventually, she washes up near the town of Albrook. Yeah, the towns are the 
same as in the previous world. Make sure to give Celes some weapons, relics 
and an Esper here, otherwise you'll find battles kinda tough.

Like every other time you've been here, there's not a lot to do. Stop, heal 
up, maybe buy some weapons and armour, talk to everyone in town to find out a
little of what's been happening in the world.

Kefka's still alive. He's hiding away in a tower to the north, turning his 
"Light of Judgement" on anyone who opposes him. He's got the power of the 
Statue, and he's acting like a god. Creepy.

Talking to the man between two trees near the weapon shop, he will tell you 
that the sparkle in your eye reminds him of a man who came through here 
recently. A man... could it have been one of your friends? We must 
investigate. So, after doing everything you need to do in Albrook, continue on 
your trek north.

4b. iii. Tzen

If you keep heading north, bypassing Kefka's Tower and keeping on going, you 
will come to the town of Tzen. Make sure you save before entering the town. 
Upon entering Tzen, something big will collapse and everyone will rush off to 
help with whatever it is. Follow the mad people.

There, you will find none other than Sabin, holding up an entire house, as a 
mother cries outside that her daughter is inside. Celes is delighted to see 
Sabin, as Sabin is to see her, and she suggests that the two of them leave. 
Geez, Celes, have you no brains? If he lets go of the house, it will collapse, 
killing the child inside. First, save the child. Then they will go. You've got 
a timer on your head. Six minutes.

Once it starts, enter the house. (Please make sure you have Sprint Shoes on 
here, otherwise you'll struggle to make it.) Pick up the Heal Rod from the 
chest at the top of the house, and the Pearl Rod from the chest in the bedroom 
on the left. Head down through the bedroom, and out to the left at the bottom. 
Kill lots of scorpions along the way. Take the Hyper Wrist from the chest 
bottom left of screen, ignore the PmStalkers in the chest near the stairs, 
pick up the Tincture top of screen. Then head down the stairs, killing even 
more scorpions along the way.

Once downstairs, pick up the Drainer from the chest in the little room on the 
left, then head up the stairs at the top. Ignore the PmStalkers in the chest 
on the left (you can fight them if you want, and get ~1000 EXP and ~2000 GP, 
but you don't get any good items, phooey), pick up the child on the 
mantelpiece, collect the Magicite from the box on the right, and head out of 
that evil house.

Once you're out, Sabin will let go, causing the house to crumble into 
smithereens. This is when Celes and Sabin have their big reunion scene. Celes 
is amazed Sabin is alive, and Sabin laughs, saying "you think a minor thing 
like the end of the world was gonna do me in?" Celes now knows that everyone 
is still alive, and to quote a famous line, she needs to "get the band back 
together." Sabin agrees, they get everyone back, then smash Kefka, bringing 
peace unto the world.

Sounds like a plan. Let's go.

Now you have two people in your party. Yay. Check out the town, buying Sraphim 
from the man in the bushes north-east of town if you haven't already done so. 
Sraphim is a good Esper, with recovery and life magic embedded in it.

Once you're done, it's time to continue your exploration of your new world. 
Looking at the map, there's nothing else on the continent, so where to go now? 
You may not be able to spot it on the map, but on the very east side there is 
a bridge connecting your continent to the snaky U-shaped one. Find the 
bridge, and cross it. Now you have a whole new continent to explore. Head 
north along the new continent, ignoring the tower surrounded by mountains as 
you can't access it yet, until you find the town of Nikeah.

4b. iii. Nikeah

You may recall that Nikeah had one very good way of, uh, "ferrying" to other 
places. (I'm so subtle.) Too right, it had a ferry to South Figaro. However, 
heading down to the docks, you'll be told that the ship now belongs to the 
Crimson Robbers. (Aw, nuts.) Maybe you could ask these Crimson Robbers for a 
lift? It's worth a shot. Scour the town until you find them, in the Pub. 
(Where all those types hang out, see?) They'll quite happily tell you all bout 
their trip. They're going to Figaro Castle, to steal all the booty there, and 
they're going to get in by a secret tunnel that only they know about! Talking 
to the girl and guy at the bar, you will find out about the group's leader 
that they met in this town, a guy by the name of Gerad. (Gerad...?) Upon 
hearing that, they all leave and head onto the ferry, but alas, no Gerad in 
sight. Try to find Gerad.

While walking through the marketplace, you might spot a VERY familiar figure 
standing in between the weapons and armour shops. Could it be.... Gerad? No, 
of course it's not Gerad, it looks scarily like Edgar! Celes recognizes him 
and asks him "you're Edgar, aren't you?", to which Gerad scuttles off. Follow 
him, and quiz him again. Again he walks off! So follow him again. When you 
talk to him this time, he tells you that he'll be getting ready for their 
departure to Figaro. Celes asks him if he's somehow lost his memory, and he 
replies "listen, my lady, I've been Gerad all my life!" (And what is Gerad an 
anagram of? Bingo. No, not 'Bingo', EDGAR!) As he walks away, Celes says 
quietly "only Edgar would say 'my lady'." Edgar realizes his slip, but covers
quickly, walking off again. Follow him all the way down and onto the docks.

Edgar is asking the robbers if they know how to get into Figaro Castle. Of 
course they do, so he tells them to lead the way, cos it's buried. With that, 
Celes and Sabin jump onto the boat, and it departs for South Figaro.

4b. iv. South Figaro

After leaving the docks, you'll find that the thieves are roaming free, all 
over South Figaro. They're waiting for some sort of sign, from Edgar/Gerad. 
Where on earth is he?

Find him in the Inn. Confront him. He's surprised that "you people" are STILL 
here, and Celes warns him to be polite, Edgar! Before Edgar gets the chance
to respond, one of the thieves comes in saying that they're good to go. Edgar 
still maintains the whole "mistaken identity" charade, and the two of them 
leave. Follow them, all the way out of town and to the Figaro Area Cave, 
which makes a cameo appearance west of South Figaro.

4b. v. Figaro Area Cave

Upon entering the cave, you will note Ziegfried blocking the path through. He 
tells you to wait here, while he goes in first and clears the monsters. Like 
hell you will. So when he leaves, follow him in.

You should know the way through the Figaro Area Cave by now. If you don't, 
follow the path until you get to a T-intersection at the bottom of the stairs. 
Take a right, head all the way up, head left and take the first doorway out. 
That's all there is to it.

In the next cave, you will find Edgar and the Crimson Robbers talking. You've 
reached their secret entrance into Figaro Castle. While Edgar stumbles around, 
because he has no clue, one of the robbers feeds the little turtle in the 
recovery spring. (I told you way back when that this turtle would come in 
handy.) The turtle shuffles its position, into the direct path between the 
land and the doorway. One by one, the robbers bound across, jumping off the 
turtle's back, and head through the doorway.

Ingenious, really.

So follow them through the doorway, waiting until the turtle gets itself into 
position. Once through, simply follow the path along, ignoring all the 
treasure chests because the robbers have already been through, until you end 
up in Figaro Castle.

4b. vi. Figaro Castle

But not all is well in Figaro Castle. Edgar is talking to the guard on duty, 
who thinks "it was awful". He makes sure he's alright, before walking off. 
Follow him up the stairs, and down the other set, down to where the guy 
normally makes the castle travel from Figaro to Kohlingen. But he too thinks 
it was awful, and now he's not going to stop you from travelling further into 
the depths of Figaro Castle.

Once down the stairs, go north and down the next set of stairs. Go down out of 
that room, empty the two treasure chests on the right for a Crystal Helm and a 
Gravity Rod, and the two on the left for an X-Potion and an Ether. Then head 
up through the left-most door, up the stairs, and up through the door to find 
a treasure chest with a Regal Crown. Now head back to the room with the four 
treasure chests, and up through the central door.

Proceed through to the Engine Room, where you will find Edgar examining 
feathery things all over Figaro's machinery. They're not feathers, they're a 
lot more dangerous. Edgar tells the robbers to go through and get the 
treasure, while he prepares to beat up the feathery things. Once the robbers 
are out of the room, Edgar turns on Celes and chastises her - "what are you 
waiting for, Celes? Give me a hand!" So, of course, you give him a hand in 
fighting off the four Tentacles.

Boss: Tentacle (x4)!!
HP: 5000 (TL), 7000 (BL), 4000 (TR), 6000 (BR)     
MP: 600 (TL), 800 (BL), 500 (TR), 700 (BR)
These Tentacles, on paper, don't look like such tough opponents. But they all 
have different elemental weaknesses, making it impossible to take them out 

The way I would take on the Tentacles is like this. They all have different 
weaknesses and strengths, like I said, but only one is of the element Fire, 
the bottom-right one. So I would attack all four with Fire spells. Sure, 
you'll keep healing the bottom right one, but seeing as it has full HP 
anyways, who cares? The other three all will take damage, meaning you can take 
them out reasonably quickly. So use Sabin's Fire Dance, and hopefully your 
Edgar and Celes know Fire 2. (Mine do, luckily.) Once the three Tentacles have 
been taken out, concentrate a bevy of Water and Ice attacks on the last one.

It's not as simple as I've made it sound, however. These guys do have powerful 
attacks, Bio and Seize being the most annoying. Bio can be prevented (on two 
of your characters at least) by equipping Star Pendant or other anti-Poison 
relics beforehand, but on Edgar, you'll just have to keep using Antidote or 
Remedy on him. Seize takes one member of your party out of action, holding 
them captive and slowly draining their HP. You can wait for the Tentacle in 
question to Discard the party member it is holding, or you can attack it for a 
greater chance of retrieving your character.

Well, that battle sucked. After the battle Celes asks Edgar why he kept up 
such a stupid farce, and he replies that he had heard Figaro had had an 
accident, and he wanted to help, and that those idiots had escaped and knew 
exactly where Figaro was. Those robbers were the very same people that had 
been held in Figaro's prison, and Edgar had put them there!

As the robbers reappear with their treasure, the three of you quickly hide. 
The morons assume that Edgar must have been eaten by the Tentacles, and 
disappear happily with their loot. Once it's your turn to play again (yay), 
enter the room the robbers were just in and take the Soul Sabre from the 
statue in the middle of the room. Then return to the guy that operates the 
machinery (the one that normally never lets you down here), and he will 
raise the castle to the surface.

Where to now? There's nothing else on the Figaro continent. Maybe get Figaro 
to take a trip to the Kohlingen continent?

4b. vii. Kohlingen

North-west of Figaro's arrival point, you will find the town of Kohlingen. 
Kohlingen is the first opportunity you will get to purchase Diamond armour, 
the best (but most expensive) type of armour. It was my choice to pick up two 
sets here, of armour/helm, for Edgar and Celes, and a vest for Sabin.

Once done shopping, head to the Pub. No, you won't meet Shadow here, like you 
did last time =P. You will find another familiar face, though, sitting at the 
table. It's Setzer!

Celes tries to get Setzer to join their party, telling him that they're going 
after Kefka. Setzer's not sure about the idea, however, as he's just a 
gambler. (What, you mean I bought those Doom Darts in the weapon shop for no 
reason!?) And he's lost his wings, his airship, so he's depressed. But Celes 
works her feminine charms on him, praises him big time, and psyches him up to 
get fighting. Setzer's starting to feel lucky!!

Now, he says, let's go visit Daryl's Tomb. When your party looks confused as 
to why, he explains "we're gonna get us another one... airship, that is!" 
Oooooh, let's go. The game shows you that Daryl's Tomb is south-west of 
Kohlingen, so now that you finally have a full party, head there.

Do make sure to equip Setzer with weapons, relics, and an Esper. My Setzer 
here was very weak, and had a grand total of zero spells, so I gave him 
Bismark, then Maduin, then Sraphim, for a basic assortment of spells.

4b. viii. Daryl's Tomb

I wish the game would make up its mind on how to spell Daryl. It uses three 
different ways over the course of this place. When Setzer tells you about it, 
the game says "Daryl", when you enter the tomb, it says "Darill", when you get
to the end of the tomb it says "Daryll". I choose my favourite way of spelling 
it. So there.

When you arrive at Daryl's Tomb, Setzer tells you a little bit about Daryl. 
She was a real piece of work, he says. Nothing scared her. And of course, 
you're gonna be fighting lots of things down there (it's a tomb, so they're 
mostly undead things, ahem, take note), so keep your eyes peeled!

Go through the first room and into Basement 2. Take the rooms in a clockwise 
order. In the room on the top right, examine the tombstone to reveal a 
doorway, then go through and pull the lever on the wall. Back to B2. Bottom 
right room, you can pick up a Genji Helmet from the treasure chest. 

Back to B2. Through the bottom door, and straight through (ignoring switch), 
you will find a room with four tombstones. Read them all and piece together 
the message - THE WORLD IS SQUARE. Nothing else to see here for now, back to 

Bottom left room. Pick up a Crystal Mail from the treasure chest, then down 
the stairs to find a Czarina Gown. Go through the top door outta there, pull 
the switch on the far wall (which opens a door above), then go back to B2. Top 
left room, where you will find a blank tombstone. When prompted to carve 
something, select Yes, and if you read the four tombstones telling you that 
the world is square, that's what you will carve. This will then tell you how 
to get the EXP Egg relic. Note: you don't actually have to go through this 
carving process to get the relic. And if you didn't read the four tombstones 
telling you what to carve, nothing will happen here.

Either way, go back and get the EXP Egg by going to the room where you found 
the Czarina Gown, head through the right wall one step from the bottom, and 
through. Now go back to B2 and through the bottom door again, we've got other 
things to do.

Pull the switch near the turtle, raising the water level. Then jump on the 
turtle and drift across to the other doorway out of there.

For the love of God, save your game before opening the treasure chests. Did 
you save? Really? You sure? Go back and do it again just to be positive. Now 
open the treasure chest on the left to find a Monster-In-A-Box.

Boss: Presenter!!
HP: 9845     MP: 1600
If you want to be picky, it's not really a boss. But it's a nice tough monster 
all for you!

This guy remind you of anybody? Yah, he looks a bit like the Whelk you fought 
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight at the start of the game. (Remember him? Prolly not.) 
You might remember him when I tell you that the idea behind fighting him was 
to hit his head, and to night attack when he retreated into the shell. *sees a 
few looks of dawning recognition* Right, well, the idea here is the same. If 
you attack him when he's withdrawn into his shell, you won't get a Mega Volt, 
you'll get a GIGA Volt. Which is even more painful. So attack the head ONLY. 
There. All done. Easy battle, if you ignore the Magnitude 8s, the Mega Volts, 
and the fact that he absorbs Thunder.

One hit kill: Setzer's Doom Darts. Booya.

Well, for that difficult battle *cough* you get a Dragon Claw. Good weapon for 
Sabin. Equip it now. Save your game AGAIN. (Just do it!) Take the Man Eater 
from the treasure chest on the right, equip it to Celes, then head through the 
door in the middle.

Yikes, you're actually AT Daryl's tomb now. This is her tombstone. Examine it, 
and you will get attacked. Oh, joy.

Boss: Dullahan!!
HP: 23450     MP: 1721
Blargh. Not another boss fight. (Is it becoming clear yet that I don't like 
this part of the game?)

He likes to cast L? Pearl. A lot. It's hard to know who will be affected by 
this, unless you've done the math beforehand with the last digit of your GP. 
Any member of your party whose level is a multiple of that last digit will get 
hit. Pray that it's 0. Then none of you will get hit. If it's 1, you're in for 
a bit of unpleasant treatment.

Of note is that Dullahan is weak against fire. So, you know what to do, get 
those Fire 2's moving. His Morn Star attack can be a pain in the ass, dealing 
out 500 damage to your characters if they're in the back row (I keep all my 
characters in the back row all the time, out of habit) but nothing a little 
Cure 2 can't fix.  If you're running out of MP, use Osmose if you've learnt 

This might sound slightly dumb to say, but make sure all your characters stay 
alive. If one dies, bring them back and heal them up quickly. Because if you 
get down to two characters, and all his Pearl, Morn Star, and Absolute 0 
attacks are focussed on just two people, you won't last long.

After the battle, the leader of your party will flick a switch on the 
tombstone, opening up a door behind it. Head through the door and down the 
stairs, where we find a bit more out about our man Setzer and his girl Daryl. 
She was a wild one, using an experimentally designed airship to fly all around 
the world. The two of them had a race, him in his airship, and her in the 

The race was a good one. After the race, Daryl promised she'd meet Setzer on 
their hill before sunset. She never showed up. A full year later, the wreck of 
the Falcon was found in a distant land.

Setzer restored the craft, and brought it down there, to the depths of the 
tomb. Now it's there for them to use, and it just may save them....

Once the ship is in the air, Celes realizes they can attack Kefka's tower from 
the air. But first they need to find their friends!

A seagull flies by their ship. Nothing out of the ordinary, really. But it 
transfixes Celes, who orders Setzer to "follow that bird!" The bird flies all 
the way to Maranda, and the Falcon follows it.

And thus starts the side quests. If you feel confident that you can win this 
game with only what you've got now, then by all means, skip the next section 
and head for Kefka's Tower. If not, read on.

4c. Side Quests

Arr, thar be a lot of side quests in this game, me matey.

All are beneficial to your mission (with the exception of Gau's Father, but 
that's just a bit of fun.) All are recommended to be done, because after all,
it is mighty hard to win the game with only four characters. In no particular 

=> Finding Cyan
=> Finding Gau
=> Finding Terra
=> Finding Shadow
=> Finding Relm
=> Finding Strago
=> Finding Mog and Umaro
=> Finding Locke
=> Finding Gogo
=> Duncan's House
=> Cyan's Nightmare
=> Avenging Gungho
=> Tower of Fanatics
=> The Ancient Castle
=> Gau's Father
=> The Eight Dragons
=> The Paladin Shield
=> Shadow's Dreams
=> Hunt for the Remaining Espers

If I've missed any, feel free to e-mail me and flame the hell out of me. 
Actually, don't do that. But tell me so I can include them, will you?

Without further ado, on with the show...

4c. i. Finding Cyan


When we left off, we were parked just outside Maranda. Find the house with the
seagulls all around, on the east side of town, and head in. It's Lola's place 
again! And she's happy, because her boyfriend in Mobliz sent her all these 
flowers. She shows you all the letters he's been sending, and your party is 
confused. Wasn't Mobliz demolished by Kefka? Someone else must be sending the 

Read the letter, and you will recognize Cyan's handwriting. But where is he 
sending the letters from? Not from Mobliz, that's for sure. Lola jumps up and
down, oh oh, can you please attach this reply to a carrier pigeon for her? 
(Okay, not seagull. Carrier pigeon. Looks like a bloody seagull.) Of course, 
accept the favour, and walk outside and examine the pigeon to attach it.

Watch closely where it goes when it takes off. You should recognize the town 
almost completely surrounded by mountains as Zozo. (The town where everybody 
LIES!) So leave town, get into your airship and head to Zozo.


Ain't that nice, when you arrive in Zozo, the pigeon is waiting right there 
for you. Examine it, and it will fly off up into Mt Zozo. I guess that's where
you're going, eh? How do we get there?

Remember that guy in Zozo, that I said was the only one who spoke the truth? 
The one you would be visiting much later in the game? Well, that time is now. 
That guy is the guy looking like a merchant wandering around outside what is 
labelled as the Inn. If you speak with him, he will tell you how to get to Mt.
Zozo. Go to the top of the building labelled Pub, and you will find a path 
leading there. You'll need his can of Rust-Rid to open up the door to get 
there, though, so buy it from him for 1000 GP. Now follow his directions.

Side note: you can learn a fair few spells here if you try, because the 
battles are most definitely easy (right now I'm just using GP Rain on every
thing and killing it all in one hit) and you get 2 magic points for each one.

At the top of the building, examine the door on the left and you will 
automatically use the Rust-Rid. Open the door to enter the path to Mt. Zozo.

Mt. Zozo

Battles not so easy now =(

If you ever run into an Ursus, a brown beary-thing, make sure to kill it 
FIRST. It likes to steal 8724 GP from your party at a time then escape, which 
isn't very nice. Putting your party in the back row lowers its success rate of
Steal, but it doesn't remove it entirely.

Head up and around to the left, picking up the Ice Shield in the top left of 
screen (as top-left as you can go) and the Red Cap from the treasure chest 
near the stairs at the bottom. Then head down the stairs, as everything else 
is dead ends. Follow the path along, around and around, picking up the Thunder
Shield from the chest in the little beam of light, before heading up the 
stairs. Also collect the Aegis Shield from the top of the bridge before 
heading out the door closest to you for a Gold Hairpin. (Possibly your second
one.) Then go back in and out the door at the top.

Once outside, head left along the bridge, and go back inside. Save at the save
point. If you want a TOUGH battle, head to the top of screen and step on the 
switch to find the first of the Eight Dragons. (See the Eight Dragons side
quest for more info, but I'm not going to go into battle strategies for that 
now.) Whether you take on the Storm Dragon or not, take the stairs down and 
follow the path out of the cave, then into the next one.

It looks like we've found Cyan's lair. Lots of flowers around, a locked 
treasure chest, and a letter on the table. Because you're so nosy, read the 
letter, in which Cyan confesses to Lola that he is not her boyfriend, that her 
boyfriend passed away some time ago. But no Cyan to be seen. Head out the 
other side of the cave to find a cliff-edge, with Cyan tying another note to 
the leg of a carrier pigeon.

Cyan is freaked out momentarily when he sees you, but is happy that you are 
still alive, and before you even ask, he agrees to come with you and fix the 
world up. He then realizes what he has left in the cave, all the flowers and 
things (which you have already seen!), and he quickly runs to hide them all. 
Your party busts him as he is trying to reach the last set, however, and while 
he tries to cover it up, your party leader insists that they are gorgeous!

Cyan tells you a little about Lola, and why he started writing her letters. 
When he heard that she wrote a letter every day, but never got a response, 
something inside him snapped... as he wrote to her, he realized he was very 
much like her. He was looking into the past all the time, full of despair... 
and then something changed. Abruptly, he changes topic, saying he bumped into 
Sir Gau in Maranda, who wanted to get stronger before facing Kefka, so he 
returned to the Veldt. Guess where you're going next.

Before you leave, head back out to the cliff-face and pick up the shining key
on the ground. You can use this to open the locked treasure chest in Cyan's 
room. You all know Cyan's fear of machines, right? Well in the chest are two 
key items, a "Machinery Manual" and a "Book of Secrets".

As far as I know, these have no use. If I'm wrong, feel free to flame me and 
correct me.

4c. ii. Finding Gau

The Veldt

Finding Gau is very simple. Simply return to the Veldt, with three members 
only in your party, and fight until he appears after a battle. You don't have
to feed him Dried Meat like you did the first time, however. Gau will 
recognize you, tell you that he is your friend, and suggest that you travel 

4c. iii. Finding Terra

It's time to find our favourite little half-Esper.


The good thing about this World of Ruin is that the towns are in approximately 
the same places on the map, the continents just look all different. Mobliz is 
on the east side of the snaky U-shaped continent.

When you enter the town, two guard dogs will stop you, and alert the town of 
your presence. A child will come running out of one of the houses, scream when 
he realizes someone's coming, then disappears. Follow the child.

Pick up the Elixir from the clock in the house, then head down the stairs and 
through the other door. Enter a cave... full of kids? One of the kids isn't 
gonna let you in, says you're gonna have to fight your way through. But a 
voice (well, text) from off-screen - 'Wait!' And here comes... Terra!

Terra is glad to see your party. You ask her to come with you, to stop Kefka, 
but she falters in her reply, and walks off. Follow her, and talk to her 
again. She can't fight any longer, she says. The day the world fell, Kefka 
turned the Light of Judgement on Mobliz. The adults all perished trying to 
save the children, and from the moment Terra arrived in town, she felt needed. 
Duane enters the room and interrupts the conversation, telling you that you 
can't take Terra away from them. Katrin arrives, and Duane bolts. (Hmm, 
there's something we don't know about these two.) These kids have made Terra 
feel something she's never felt before, and the moment she sensed it, she lost 
her will to fight. As there's nothing else you can do here, leave the room. 
One of the kids will come running in, crying that Phunbaba is coming!

Phunbaba is a big green alien-looking thing that stomps around Mobliz every so 
often. (Terra actually describes it as an ancient demon that was released when 
the world was undone, but my explanation is much more suitable.) She rushes 
out to fight Phunbaba, all by herself, to protect her children. You think 
Terra can take on Phunbaba all by herself? No, unfortunately, she can't. No 
matter what you do in this one battle, you will fail, and Terra will lose.

But the game is not over. Luckily, your party wasn't too far out of town when 
Phunbaba arrived, and they're back to fight it off. This is the REAL battle.

Boss: Phunbaba (take 1)!!
HP: 28000     MP: 10000
Phunbaba has the strength of thunder behind him, he's very VERY fond of 
casting things like Bolt 2 and Bolt 3. If you've got Thunder Shields/Armour 
equipped, this is all good, because you will gain HP. If you don't have them, 
well, you could be in a bit of trouble. (The Minerva and the Paladin Shield 
also absorb thunder, but I'd say you wouldn't have either of those yet.) Keep 
your HP up, because of the whole major-damage thing.

Phunbaba's weak point is Poison. Hopefully your party all has Bio or Poison, 
Bio being the better of the two. Keep casting it, repeatedly, using Osmose if 
your HP gets too low.

Osmose is one of the best spells available in the whole game. Get your 
characters learning it from the ZoneSeek Esper.

When you've taken off approximately half of his HP, he'll get fed up and 
Escape from the battle.

Terra is lying in bed, all worn out. She's really lost her fighting edge. 
She's staying there, she can't be of help to you. Celes objects, but Terra is 
adamant. Maybe after a little more time passes, she will rejoin you, because 
she needs to know what's happening to her.

Give up on Terra, because she obviously doesn't want to go with you. Leave the 
room, and the little boy will give you the Fenrir Esper for scaring Phunbaba 
away. (Yay!) If you want to rest up after the battle, you can take a nap in 
the bed in the back of the abandoned Relic shop. Leave town unhappy, because 
you still have no Terra.

Wait a second... weren't you going to find out the story of Duane and Katrin, 
the two children? Yeah, there was something fishy going on there. Re-enter 
town (it's necessary to leave and come back here), and go into the second 
house, on the left. There you will find Duane, pacing nervously. Katrin's 
pregnant, he says. (So THAT's what was happening.) Follow the dog through the 
secret door in the back of the bookcase, to find Terra with a scared Katrin. 
She's happy to be having a child, but Duane is absolutely miserable. (No 
shit.) But here he is now, dealing with the situation. He apologizes for being 
a crummy husband, but he's learning and he wants her back. 

Before she gets the chance to reply, that dratted kid is back with the news 
that Phunbaba has, too, returned. Leave Terra, Duane, Katrin, and the kid 
there, and go out and face the thing.

Boss: Phunbaba (take 2)!!
HP: 26000     MP: 10000
This battle is very similar to the last one. Equip Thunder Shields, attack 
with Poison, same old, same old. Eventually, he will get up and start sneezing 
party members away with BabaBreath. After two members are gone, the battle 
will end. Terra appears from the house, and, in Esper form, she joins the 
battle with your remaining two members. Keep up the Bio and everything. 
Remember that Terra's Magic spells do double damage in Esper form. My Terra 
was doing over 4000 damage here with Bio, and with power like that, Phunbaba 
isn't gonna last long.

After the battle, all the kids appear from the houses. Terra descends back 
down to the ground, and the kids scatter, scared of the "monster". She 
realizes they mean her, and gets upset. But a little girl approaches Terra, 
and recognizes her. "Mama... it's you, isn't it?" Slowly, the kids realize, 
the 'monster' is actually their beloved Terra. Terra is jubilant, she can 
fight once more! And she recognizes the feeling she's been having... it's 
called "Love"! She wants to fight for the future of the children, and so she 
joins your party.

Take another nap in the back of the shop, then head out of town to continue on 
your merry little way.

4c. iv. Finding Shadow

Note for this section: If you waited for Shadow on the Floating Continent, you
will find Shadow in this section. If you did not wait for him, you will find 
Relm in this section and Shadow is gone for good.

My version was written on finding Shadow here, instead of Relm.

Cave on the Veldt

As the name suggests, you must visit a cave you will find on the south portion
of the Veldt. When you enter it, you will be approached by Interceptor, who 
runs off quickly out the top of screen. Follow him.

In the next cavern, pick up the Rage Ring from the chest near the top of 
screen. Speaking to the three guys around the campfire will give you info on 
how to find Gau, if you haven't found him already. (But we already have, so 
it's all good.) Then head through the door at top of screen, down the next set 
of stairs at the very top, and out the door on the left.

Going to the very left will not lead you to the room with the treasure chest. 
Take two steps to the right, then go down and left to get there. Open the 
chest to find the Allo Ver. Allo Vers are tough creatures, because they like 
to cast Condemned, Doom, and Atomic Ray (all of which are Runicable, 
incidentally.) A good thing to note is that the Allo Ver is undead, so using a 
Revivify or Phoenix Down or a Life spell on it will kill it in one hit. You'll 
get Tiger Fangs for winning the battle.

When you're done there, go back up and down the big set of stairs. Keep 
following paths through rooms until you find a tunnel blocked off by a rock. 
In the next room down, the switch will move the rock, so flick it. Make sure, 
before heading through the tunnel, that you descend the next set of stairs and 
pick up the Striker from the chest, otherwise this is all pointless.

Once through the tunnel, you will see Shadow (or Relm, depending on the 
situation) lying on the ground. You can just walk straight to them, though, 
so follow the path out of the room at the top. Make sure to save in the next 
room before proceeding through to where Shadow is lying.

Your party will walk over to Shadow and examine them. Look at the wounds! 
While you're busy ogling, a creature will sneak up on you from behind and 
pounce on you. It's the same creature that hurt Shadow.

Boss: SrBehemoth
HP: 19000     MP: 1600
Ooh, scary looking.

He has a variety of strong magic at his disposal, such as Pearl, Ice 3, and 
Meteo. Sounds a bit intimidating, but it's not, as Celes can Runic all the 
magic attacks. He's weak against both Poison and Fire, so use Bio and Fire 2 
for a LOT of damage. Make sure to keep one of your characters aside to keep 
you going with Cure 2s.

When Sir Behemoth is killed, another monster will immediately attack from the 
rear. Some might say this is the spirit of the Behemoth, and they have this 
idea because it's an undead creature. How do we kill undead creatures? Yeah, 

Alternately, you can use a somewhat cheap trick I have chosen not to mention 
so far. It's not a secret to anyone, but it is a tad sneaky. Spells like Doom 
and X-Zone on their own seem kinda pointless, right, as they never seem to do 
what they're supposed to. However, when you combine one of those two with 
Vanish, i.e. Vanishing the enemy before casting X-Zone/Doom, it will work 
almost ALL THE TIME. Not just on normal creatures, on most bosses too. 
Including Sir Behemoth. So give it a whirl right now, if your characters have 
the spells, and laugh as you kill him without even touching him.

If you kill his first form with Vanish/Doom or Vanish/X-Zone, you won't even 
see the second.

Yay, that was easy. Your party leader realizes you can't help Shadow there, so 
you take him back to Thamasa.


Shadow is in bed, in Strago's old house. He's having nightmares...

A man is walking away from that very same house. A dog (Interceptor?) chases 
after him, trying to bring him back. But he won't be coming back. He wants the 
dog, and the girl, to live in a peaceful world. He rushes out of town quickly, 
while the dog struggles over a decision of who to be loyal too. Eventually, he 
follows the man out of town.

Worked out who the man was? It was Shadow. You can see more of Shadow's dreams 
by having him with you when you stay at various Inns around the world. And who 
was the girl he was talking about? Where was he? Thamasa, outside Strago's 
place. Who lives there? Relm.

If you see more of the dreams, you can piece together the scenario. But if 
you're too lazy to hunt out all the dreams, I'll tell you how it is. Shadow is 
actually Relm's father. *gasp* 

Anyways, enough of the major spoilers. (I said I wasn't gonna hold back with 
any part of the story, and so far I've kept my word.) Interceptor will stand 
guard over Shadow, while you go on your merry way.

But no FAIR! We want Shadow back in the party, not resting in some house in 
Thamasa! The funny thing is, as soon as you leave town, so does Shadow. You 
know where he heads? Well, what does a ninja like to do? Fight. Where can 
Shadow do a lot of fighting, and get paid for his efforts? The Colosseum.


The first thing you should notice when you enter the Colosseum - who's that 
little purple thing behind the counter on the right? Hah, it's Ultros. Laugh, 
before proceeding up to the guy in front of the double doors.

You know how you picked up the Striker in the Cave on the Veldt? That's what 
Shadow was looking to find when he was there. Obviously, he didn't find it, 
because it's in your possession. And that's what he's here looking for now. 
So bet the Striker in the Colosseum, and you will face Shadow.

It's an easy battle, so pick whichever character you want. When you win the 
fight (and you will most definitely win), you get the Striker back, and a 
conversation with Shadow ensues.

Your party wants to know what he's doing there, and Shadow replies that all 
he knows how to do is fight. But when you suggest that he comes with you, he 
eagerly grabs the opportunity, and joins your party.

Yay! We got da ninja back!

4c. v. Finding Relm

We all know Relm fancies herself as a bit of an artist, yeah? Where's the 
biggest collection of artwork you've seen thus far in the game? Think about 


If you guessed Owzer's house, the largest house in Jidoor, you're spot on. 
Even if you didn't guess it, go there anyways.

When you enter it, the lights are all out, and things are looking spooky. 
Never fear, simply turn on the lights at the switch near the stairs leading to 
the gallery. Then go look at some artwork while you wonder why you're here and 
where Relm is.

When you examine the picture in the bottom-left corner, the picture of the 
lovely lady, you will get into a battle with two Dahlings. That's your first 
sign that not all is what it seems, that something is really wrong here. Kill 
the Dahlings, and then after the battle, the painting turns into a door. Go 
through the door and down the stairs.

Go to head past the painting on the left, the one with the chair, and you will 
get drawn into it. Something really weird's happening here. You'll now have to 
fight some Wild Cats and a SoulDancer, which is nothing tricky, but still, 
it's annoying. After the battle you'll get thrown out of the painting by the 
person who owns the chair. (This is funny.)

Going through the door on the left will lead you to a chest with a Moogle 
Suit, so pick it up and head back and through the door on the right. Now 
you'll be faced with three doors that are constantly switching. If you go 
through the gap on the right when it is just a gap in the wall, then head 
left,you can pick up the Relic Ring from a hidden treasure chest. Anyways, the 
ideais to go through the door on the left, as all the other doors lead you 
back to the painting of the door, so go through the door on the very left.

Now you're in a room with two doors, but the one on the right is inaccessible. 
Head through the left and keep going, until you're dumped in a lit room with 
treasure chests floating in the air.

If you walk in the shadow of one of the treasure chests (the three darker 
patches on the floor), it will fall to the floor and you will be forced to 
fight whatever's inside. So, bypass all the shadows completely, and start 
examining pictures on the wall. The one on the right... it looks like Celes! 
But the one in the middle is the interesting one, examine it and you will 
fight the Still Life. It could be defined as a boss battle, but it's not 
really. It likes to cast Condemned on you, which doesn't really matter as 
you're going to kill it quickly anyhows. If you have Locke here, you can steal 
the Fake Mustache, a nice relic for Relm (when we get her). 

After the battle, the painting again turns into a door, so head through it. 
Save at the save point, then head through the door on the right. (Using the 
door on the left will dump you through the inaccessible door a few rooms back, 
which although isn't harmful, its just plain annoying.) Keep heading through 
and you will wind up in a darkened living room, where you will find Owzer (the 
fat thing) and Relm, painting a picture. Talk to Owzer, and he will beg you to 
help the painting. Help the painting? There's a monster hiding inside the 
painting of the goddess, and you have to bring it out and kill it.

Boss: Chadarnook!!
HP: 30000     MP: 7600
There are two parts to Chadarnook - the goddess, and the monster hiding behind
her. While both attack you, we're trying to kill the monster here, not the 
goddess. Try not to attack the goddess, as she likes to use powerful counter
attacks that inflict fifteen million different status ailments. Never a good 
thing. As it is, she already has all sorts of weird attacks that make your 
party members do weird things, like attack each other. (Attack them to get 
rid of that effect.) So, moral of the story, don't attack the goddess, use the
time to heal yourself up and such, and wait for the monster to appear.

When the screen starts flashing, the demon and goddess are changing places. 
When the demon appears, use strong magic and powerful physical attacks. It's 
weak against Fire and Holy, so use Fire 2 or Fire 3 if you have it. Keep 
pounding away, but don't program too many attacks at a time, because at any 
moment the goddess could reappear and you DONT want to be attacking that.

The demon likes casting Bolt attacks, which is all well and good if you have a
Thunder Shield on. If you don't, be prepared to take some hefty damage, so 
take the chance to cure up when the goddess appears.

That battle is a complete pain in the ass. Owzer thanks you for saving the 
picture, and he tells the story of how the monster get there in the first 
place. It started when he bought a stone at the Auction house, and he wanted 
to get a portrait done of it. He heard about Relm's amazing ability and 
brought her here to work. Then the monster came along, enticed by the stone, 
and jumped into the painting. The stone is on the bookcase, and, you guessed 
it, it's Magicite, Starlet, to be exact. Starlet is all yours now, and you 
take Relm with you and leave.

4c. vi. Finding Strago

Remember the tower surrounded by mountains on the Nikeah continent? That's the
Tower of Fanatics. That's where we're going to get Strago.

Note: You must have Relm in your party to bring Strago back.

Tower of Fanatics
Enter the tower. First thing you notice, the parade of little whatever-they-
ares walking out front. Wait a second, who's that guy third from the front!? 

Go to examine the group. Relm will bound up and away, yelling at the troop. 
"You! You old fool!!" Strago recognizes Relm's voice, and nearly has a heart 
attack. Bouncing out of the formation, he comes to rest beside Relm. He's so 
happy to see her, even though she's still as foul-mouthed as ever (calling him
an idiot and all). Not just Relm is excited to see him, the rest of your party
is too, and now you have to make way for him, because he's gonna join you!

Well. That was easy. Welcome back, Strago.

For a walkthrough of the rest of the Tower of Fanatics, see that side quest 

4c. vii. Finding Mog and Umaro

'Member Mog? That cute little moogle you saw dangling helplessly off the edge 
of the cliff in Narshe? We can get him as a playable character here!


Take three of your party members to Narshe. You can take 4, but that means 
this whole trip of getting both Mog and his yeti pal Umaro takes a lot longer. 
So take three members, and head to Narshe. 

Remember how the moogles had that little cave in the mines, where they all 
came out from when Locke was in trouble, way back when at the start of the 
game? That cave is where we're going. To get there, take the secret mine 
entrance to the left of Narshe. Be prepared to fight a LOT of MagRoaders. 
Follow the track along, heading outside then up the stairs and back inside, 
until you get to familiar territory, where the security checkpoint was. In the 
next room, take the doorway down at the top, then go all the way up on the 
left to enter the moogle cave.

The moogle cave is empty except for one standing looking at the far wall. If 
you talk to him, you'll scare the absolute bejeesus out of him ("Kupo!!! Don't 
scare me like that!) Yes, Mog actually speaks English. Your party is as 
shocked as you are that he can actually talk.

     "Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing... Moogle..."

That's if you didn't choose him earlier on in the game, if you chose the Gold 
Hairpin or didn't get the choice at all.

The 'old psycho', Ramuh, told Mog about you guys, told him to expect you. And 
now, he's gonna join your party! You could also use some yeti muscle, y'know. 
Once you find Mog's friend, hiding somewhere in the mines, he'll order him to 
help you. Okay, sounds good.

You need Mog in your party at this point. If you had 4 in your party when you
found Mog, Mog will return to your airship, so you will need to go back to 
the airship and switch him in before looking for Umaro.

When you were travelling through the mines before, you may have occasionally 
noticed a grey creature bounding and jumping around outside. That was Umaro. 
So we're going to go out to the mines of Narshe. After Mog joins your party, 
check the wall he was looking at to pick up the Moogle Charm. The Moogle Charm 
is the relic in FF6 that lets you avoid random battles, which is a very good 
thing. Equip it to Mog, take the Ribbon from the chamber on the left side 
of the moogle cave, then head up to the mines. If you're like me, and didn't 
empty any of the treasure chests along the way through here, you can now pick 
up an Elixir and Pod Bracelet.

The easiest way to get to the mines is to follow the caves through to Arvis' 
house, into the main street of town and straight through. Actually, we don't 
want to go to the mines, per se, we want to go straight through them and out 
the other side. So do that, I don't need to tell you the exact path to take, 
do I, you've been here a million (well, a few) times before. It's basically a 
straight line anyways.

Once you get to the icefields you fought Kefka in, you might notice a white 
dragon flying around. For a tough battle, let it come up to you, or go up to 
it. This is the second of the legendary Eight Dragons, but if you don't want 
to take it on yet, just avoid it and keep going.

Eventually you'll come to the top of the mountain, where you left the Esper. 
If you examine it now, guess what. You're going to have to fight it.

Boss: Tritoch!!
HP: 30000     MP: 50000
Tritoch is not the first Esper we have fought, but it will be the last. Yay.

As you'll quickly find out, physical attacks are absolutely pointless. (My Mog
did 2 damage with his Mythril Pikes. Yay.) Sooo, you've got to turn to Magic 
instead. Tritoch is not an ice Esper, but as it is found in the ice and snow,
it will absorb Ice damage. So, you guessed it, use Fire 2, over and over. It 
has a nice range of strong (Ice) attacks, like Ice 3 (gulp), Absolute 0, Cold 
Dust, and the like. It also has an annoying habit of casting Rasp, running you
low on MP, so steal some of his thousands upon thousands with Osmose. And keep
casting Fire 2, stopping to heal up when he hits you with Ice 3.

Not too hard a battle.

When it's over, Tritoch will be surprised you HUMANS freed it from its prison 
of ice. You possess Magicite! Tritoch can still sense the war and destruction,
and knows that there is still a war raging... it can tell you want to put a 
stop to the madness, and, like the other Espers before it, will give you it's 
power to see if you are worthy.

Tritoch is an awesome Esper. You can learn Fire 3, Ice 3 and Bolt 3 from it. 

Once you collect the Magicite, part of the cliff-top crumbles away to reveal 
a gap, a chute you can enter. Jump into it, and slide down. You'll wind up in
a network of caverns.

From your landing point, head right and out the entrance. Keep walking, but 
eventually you will fall through the floor. From your new landing point, head
up the stairs on the left (not the exit, the other stairs) and follow the 
pink bridge around, making sure to collect the Gauntlet from the treasure 
chest on the way. In the next cave, don't pull the switch before the bridge, 
just keep walking. Pull the switch after the bridge, as you've got no other 
choice (psh) and you will fall through the ground again. (Silly traps.)

Now you're in a cave that looks like the lair of some sort of creature. 
Examine the statue in the centre of the room, which is actually a bone 
carving. There's a piece of Magicite in the eye of the carving, so take it out
to receive Terrato. Once you've taken it, you hear a thump-thump-thump as the 
creature that lives in this lair approaches. It's a yeti, and it's not very 
happy that you're invading its turf.

Boss: Yeti!!
HP: 17200     MP: 6900
Wait! We're friends! Really! We don't want to fight! But we don't get a 

This battle also isn't too difficult. Like the creatures before it, the Yeti 
is weak against Fire, so repeat the Fire 2 strategy you used on Tritoch. The
yeti has a habit of jumping before it attacks, meaning any attacks you've 
programmed to do will be wasted as you can't attack something that isn't there
to attack, can you!? It's also a big fan of Tackle attacks, which won't hurt 
TOO badly but you still won't want to receive too many of them.

About halfway through the battle, the Yeti will decide to eat a Green Cherry. 
This increases his abilities insanely - power 100 times up, defence up, mag 
def up, speed up, recovery up. But it's not that bad, really, just means the 
second half of the battle will take slightly longer. Keep up with the Fire 2. 
Bye bye Yeti.

After the battle, the Yeti will go and sit in the corner. Go and talk to it, 
and Mog will order it to join your party, kupo!!! The Yeti agrees, and now you
get to name it.

    "Admirer of bone-carvings, as strong as a gigas, a yeti pal with muscle!"

Leave the yeti's name as UMARO, or change it to Bianca. (Is it just me, or in
that graphic, is Umaro smiling like a two-year-old on a sugar high?) Ooh, yes
boss, Umaro will join you. No slouching, now! Umaro's going to wait for you 
in big airship. One might be prompted to ask how Umaro knows you have a big 
airship, but those are not the sorts of questions you are supposed to ask.

Now you've got both Mog and Umaro. Choose your next quest.

4c. viii. Finding Locke

Locke's the eternal treasure hunter, you know, always looking for new 
treasures. Did you hear the one about the stone Phoenix, that can bring people
back to life? No? Well, you have now. It's located in the Phoenix Cave, which
is the star-shaped circle of mountains on the north side of the Albrook/Tzen 
continent. Go to land in the little spot right in the centre, and you will
enter the cave.

Phoenix Cave

Once you decide to enter the Phoenix cave, you will have to split into two 
parties. Therefore, it's recommended you have at least eight members (or four 
plus Mog) here. See, smart money says, make one power party here, and one 
party with Mog and the Moogle charm. There are no bosses in the Phoenix cave, 
and for the one optional Boss, you can choose which party you want to fight 

So, choose your four best, most well-developed characters for one party, and 
put Mog in the other.

The Moogle Charm is a fabulous thing.

Once your parties are decided, they will jump down to the cave, and land with 
a thud. The hook on the left of screen is used to leave the cave, should you 
need to, at any time. And the game tells you, use the (square) button to 
change parties. You can handle that, you might have changed parties during the 
Locke and the Moogles fight in Narshe earlier. Plus, it's not that difficult. 
And there's a lot of party-switching to be done here.

I'll label your parties as P1 and P2. (That's how intensive the switching is, 
I don't want to be bothered typing out "party" every time you have to do so.) 
You start off with P1, so head inside the cave and step on the switch, which 
opens up a door. As P2, walk inside and through the door P1 opened. Ignore the 
chest on the left, as you can't get to it yet, and head down on the right to 
step on the switch just above P1, which opens a door on the right. Back to P1.

As P1, walk through the door on the right and step on the switch, lowering the 
spikes on the left. As P2, walk back up and along the path created by the 
lowering of the spikes. Ignoring the tunnel on the left, go to the right and 
step on the switch, lowering the spikes for P1. As P1, walk along the new 
path. You can get the treasure chest if you want, but it's empty. (Because the 
"world's premier adventurer" has already been through here.) Continue down the 
stairs to a room full of lava.

Head out on the bridge to the left, and step on the switch, revealing three 
rocks in the lava. Back to P2. As P2, head up and around to the left, taking 
the stairs down on the very left. From there, take the bridge out to the 
right, and jump across on the rocks, then back the other way. Step on the 
switch on the land, then back to P1. Follow the bridge back down, and take the 
bottom bridge off the piece of land. Follow the bridge along, then follow the 
path along and up the stairs. Go gown the set immediately left, and step on 
the switch.

As P2, head up along the path and up the stairs. Save at the save point on the 
left, then step on the switch above, lowering the spikes. As P1, walk back up 
the stairs and along where the spikes just were, then down the stairs. Lots of 
rock-jumping to be done here. Head left, then down, then right, then up on the 
right and out. Pull the switch on the wall to drain the water and cool the 
lava, then stop and switch. As P2, walk all the way over to the left and step 
on the switch. As P1, you can now walk down the stairs and down the path. If 
you want a Dragon battle, keep heading down at that point to find the Red 
Dragon, if not, go up the stairs just on the left and step on the switch at 
the top. Back to P2.

(Getting sick of the switching yet? We're almost done here.)

As P2, walk down the stairs and along the path to the left. Follow the path 
along, walking down onto the cooled lava and up the stairs on the left. Keep 
walking and skip across the stones on the left. Now put one party on each of 
the switches at the bottom of the screen to lower the boulder. Pick a party 
and keep walking down. When you get to the end of the bridge, you will find 
Locke examining a treasure chest.

Now, it's all just a lot of talking. Locke's happy you're safe, and he's found 
a relic that can restore life... it's the Phoenix Esper. It may have lost its 
power though, because there are such deep cracks in it. He didn't save Rachel, 
his partner, so he'd lost all sense of purpose... but now, with the Esper, he 
can maybe right the terrible wrong.

You ask him to go with you, only as far as Kohlingen, because that's where 
Rachel is sleeping. (Remember her?) And off you head.


Locke approaches Rachel with the Esper, but it doesn't seem to be doing 
anything.  The patriarch tells you he thinks you've been wasting your time, as 
the cracks on the stone are too deep. But no! It glows, and turns into the 
full Phoenix! And Rachel opens her eyes!

Cue mushy romance talk from Rachel. The Phoenix has only given her a little 
bit of time, so she says what she wants to say fast. When Rachel was with 
Locke, she was so happy... when the accident occurred, she thought only of him 
and the joy she brought him... so she will never forget him. And with that, 
she is gone.

The Esper is reborn, and it gives its power to you. So, you have yet another 

Celes approaches a somber Locke upstairs. But he acknowledges that they now 
have work to do, so let's get going! He's back in your party! On the way out 
of town, he slaps his forehead in disbelief. He's forgotten the treasures of 
the Phoenix Cave! He rushes back, and brings them all to you - X-Potion! 
Phoenix Down! X-Ether! Elixir! Flame Shield! Valiant Knife! Now, you have an 
appointment with Kefka, so move out!

4c. ix. Finding Gogo

Gogo is an entirely hidden character, but it is perhaps the best character in 
the game. To find it, you have to head to Triangle Island, a small island in 
the north-east corner of your map screen, roughly shaped like a triangle.

Triangle Island

There's nothing actually on Triangle Island. No caves, no towns, or nothing. 
So we shall simply walk around until we get into a battle with a Zone Eater. 
Anything else we find, we'll kill. We're looking for a Zone Eater.

Zone Eaters have the unusual attack on Engulfing your party members, that is, 
it sucks them in and appears to eat them. Believe it or not, that is what we 
want to happen, we want all four (or however many you have) of your party 
members to be Engulfed by a Zone Eater. So do it.

You're not going to die when this happens. You're going to be dumped in a 
secret cave, hidden on the island. Once inside the cave, you can escape simply 
by going to the beam of light at the top of screen. But we don't want to 
escape, we want to find Gogo. So head down the stairs.

Ignore the stairs that keep going down, and head left out onto the bridge. Now 
we've got some jumping to do. The idea is to jump across without touching the 
little green men, because they will knock you off the bridge. So, when the man 
is on the left, away from you, head up and press X twice to jump across to the 
top. To get to the two chests, you'll have to do some serious and risky 
jumping, but you'll be rewarded with a Magical Brush (left chest) and some 
Genji Armour (right chest). You can also pick up a Fake Mustache for Relm by 
visiting the treasure chest next to the bottom-right bridge.

If you get touched by the green men, you'll get knocked off and fall. However, 
this isn't so bad, because you'll land next to two treasure chests containing 
an Ether and a Red Jacket. If you fall, empty the boxes, step on the switch to 
move the boulder, then head up the stairs and try again.

From the beginning, go up twice, to the left, then down twice. Head to the 
very left side of the ledge, jump across once while the man is on the right, 
then run to the left and jump up, and continue off the bridge.

Head down the stairs, and save your game. (The next bit is tricky.) It's the 
room with a roof that moves up then crashes to the ground. And if you're 
underneath the roof when it falls, say bye-bye game. Once you enter the room, 
and you get the chance to move, run to the first treasure chest on the left, 
and pick up a Zephyr Cape. If you're directly below the chest, you're safe 
from the moving roof, so let it crash down around you. Once it's back up, run 
to the next chest, pick up a Hero Ring, and wait again, directly below it. 
Then, run to the third chest, pick up the Tack Star, but DO NOT STOP, keep 
running down and out of the room before the roof falls.

That darned roof caught me twice as I was writing this. Good thing I told you 
to save, eh?

Follow the path through the next room, and you'll be in an interesting looking 
cave with bridges and empty chests. The empty chests act as springboards, so 
you can bounce around. So head left, then up, but instead of heading around 
and left again, head down to step on the switch. Then head right back on to 
the main bridge. Now head left twice then up to get the Thunder Shield. Once 
you've picked that up, go back and up out of the room.

See that thing standing at the top of the stairs? That's Gogo. Go up to it and 
talk to it.

     "Shrouded in odd clothing, ...is this a man...? ...a woman...? ...or 
      should we ask...?"

Leave its name as it is. (Now you know why I call it "it"?) There are rumours 
going around as to who exactly Gogo is. The most common one (or the most 
sensical one anyways) is that Gogo is Setzer's friend Daryl, the girl who 
crashed and burned when they were racing around the world. It might not make a 
LOT of sense, as Setzer and Daryl will never acknowledge each other, but it's 
an idea.

Gogo is the master of the simulacrum, and its miming skills will astonish you. 
It asks you why you are here, and you very quickly tell the story, so quickly 
you never even see the words appear on the screen. An unusual tale, Gogo says. 
But you're trying to make this right. Should be fun. When do we leave?

Now Gogo is part of your party, and has either joined you or gone back to your 
airship (depending on whether your party if full or not.) If you've got Warp, 
warp out of there, if not, head out the way you came.

4c. x. Duncan's House

Not so much a side quest, but the method of getting Sabin's ultimate Blitz, 
the Bum Rush.

Remember Sabin's old martial arts instructor, Duncan? Well, we're going to 
pay him a little visit. I know, Vargas supposedly bumped him off way back in 
Mt. Kolts. But he's alive and well.

Head to the Narshe continent (top-centre of map screen) and look for five 
trees in the shape of a cross. Obviously, make sure Sabin is in your party. 
Land near there and walk into the trees and you will enter Duncan's house.

Try to enter the house and Duncan will walk out. Sabin will be shocked as all
hell, and Duncan laughs, asking why Sabin is so surprised to see him. The two
have a heart-to-heart discussion. Sabin gets all emotional, and Duncan is 
surprised to se tears running down Sabin's face.

But enough of that, time to finish Sabin's martial arts training. Watch the 
cute little fight scene. When the two come back down to earth, Sabin will have
learnt the Bum Rush technique.

4c. xi. Cyan's Nightmare

Note: You must have Cyan in your party to complete this side quest.

Cyan's Nightmare takes place in Doma Castle, where he lived before the reign 
of the Empire. It can be found on the island just east of Nikeah.

Doma Castle

Doma Castle is absolutely abandoned. Not one person can be found. It's kinda 
creepy, in a way.

Once inside, take the first door on the left, then the one of the right, to 
find a room to take a nap in. When prompted to take rest, say Yes. In the 
morning, your three other party members rise, get out of bed, and regroup. But 
Cyan is still asleep, and all your party leader's efforts to wake him fail. 
Out of nowhere, three little boys bounce into the room. They introduce 
themselves as Curley, Larry, and Moe - the three Dream Stooges! They declare 
Cyan's soul to be theirs, and today they shall dine well! They jump into 
Cyan's mind, into his soul... and desperately, you jump in after them.

You find yourself in a weird maze of blue paths and doors, with a psychedelic 
and unnerving background - enough to give anybody a headache. And you have 
only one of your party members here. (I had Gogo at this point, lucky me.) Off 
to the right of screen, you will see another one. Just north of screen, you 
will see another one. But no sign of Cyan. First you have to find your two 
members, then you have to find Cyan.

Save on the left if you wish, then head left to the three doors. Go through 
the right door, and on the next platform, take the right door again. Here you 
will find your second party member, along with one of the Stooges. When you 
approach, the Stooge will say that he's not going to mess with you unless his 
brothers are here, so he leaves. Talk to the party member on the ground to 
collect them, then set off looking for your other member. 

Take the door out of there, then the door on the right, to end up back where 
you started. Save again if you wish. Then go back to the three doors and take 
the one on the left to get to your other member. Again, the Stooge doesn't 
want to mess with you, and runs off. Talk to the member to collect them, then 
start heading back off. Head out through the door at the top, then through the 
door at the top of the stairs, through the door on the right, then out through 
the only door there. (Damn doors.) Now head left and through the door there. 
Try to go through the door at the bottom, and you will be surprised by the 
Stooges. Now that they're all here, they want to FIGHT!

Boss: Larry, Curley and Moe!!
HP: 10000 (L), 15000 (C), 12500 (M)     MP: 2000 (each)
If you don't know what you're doing, these guys are tough to fight. There's 
three of you, and three of them. And they have rather strong magic and 
annoying attacks at their disposal. However, if you know what each of their 
weaknesses are, and which to take on first (both of which I am about to tell 
you), it's a fairly easy battle.

Curley (the one at the top) is weak against Ice. He's also the one you should 
attack first, because he is the only one of the three with Life spells, 
meaning if you take out one of the others, Curley will simply revive them with 
full health. (Never good.) So attack Curley with as many Ice spells as you can 
get your hands on.

After Curley's dead, you can choose either Larry (left) or Moe (right). Larry 
is weak against fire, and absorbs Ice. Moe has no weakness, but LOVES thunder, 
meaning he will absorb Bolt damage and cast strong Bolt spells. So pick off 
the two of them in whichever you want.

Make sure to take out Curley first as soon as is physically possible. Because 
when all three of them are alive, they can pull off a Delta Hit, which will 
Petrify one of your party. (Never a good thing.) You don't want to have to 
waste time with Softs or Remedy, so aim for Curley first and hit him GOOD.

Interesting note: If you take out Curley and Moe first, after a while, Larry 
will simply run away.

After the battle, head through the open doorway. But the fun ain't over yet.

Dream Train

Yeah, it's the Phantom Train we were on before. Understandable that it would 
be in Cyan's nightmares, after all, he saw the train take his wife and child 
to the "other side".

Same deal as before, we're heading for the front of the train. Save in the 
first carriage, and go through. Outside the second carriage you will see dream 
Cyan being chased by ghosts, remember that? Inside the second carriage, pull 
the first lever to move the box so you can access the treasure chest, and 
inside the treasure chest is a Genji Glove! (Oooooh.) Now, at the end of that 
car, take the Lump of Metal from the treasure chest, and put it in the 
treasure chest that keeps blocking you from the other treasure chest, in the 
middle of that car. Now you can grab the Flame Shield from the chest between 
the two seats.

Reading the book on the table tells you to "memorize the positions. This 
knowledge might save you." Positions...? Wha? Oh, I get it. Pull the second 
lever, near the six open chests, and they will open and close in a certain 
arrangement. For your knowledge, the pattern is open open closed; closed 
closed open. And it will be handy later on. Once you've got the pattern worked 
out, head out of the car.

The third car is trickier still, with its confusing layout and three levers. 
First off, take the Ice Shield and the X-Potion from the treasure chests at 
the bottom. Now, you need to pull the switches in a certain order to get 
through. Pull the right one first, as it's the only one you can get to. Then 
the left one, as it's the only new one you can get to. Now pull the right one 
again, the middle one, the right one, and the left one. Phew, got all that? 
Now you can safely walk along the bottom of the carriage to the other side, 
with six chests. Nowwww, what was the clue again? The knowledge of the 
positions will save your life. So open/close the six chests in the pattern 
described above, pull the final lever, and head on out of there.

Save again, in the next car, the save car. Go up to the engine, and, in the 
engine room, pull all three levers, then head out to move on.

Dream Mines

Okay, where the hell are we NOW? Who knows. Wherever we are, we're wearing 
Magitek armour, and we're seeing Cyan being chased by Magitek troops. Never 
good. Follow them down, and follow the path along. Keep following it until you 
realize that you are, in fact, where you were before, you're just running 
around in circles. Grit your teeth in frustration for a second, then turn 
around and start heading backwards. Like magic, you will find yourself in a 
new place, where Cyan has run off across a bridge. Follow him across the 
bridge, but your Magitek armour is too heavy, and you fall through.

Dream Doma

It never ends, does it? Actually, it does, and we're almost at the end. Your 
party freaks out when Elayne and Owain, Cyan's dead wife and child, appear, 
asking you to save Cyan. Where are you? You're inside Cyan's soul. The little 
question mark flashes as Elayne explains, Cyan continues to torture himself 
for failing to defend Doma. A beast known as Wrexsoul is taking advantage of 
Cyan, a composite monster made of wretched spirits who were dispatched in 
meaningless wars. (Who writes this stuff, honestly?) So we have to help him. 
Of course we're going to help him!

Save your game when the save point appears. Now, where in a castle would you 
expect to find a demon such as Wrexsoul? Throne Room would be a good guess, 
eh? So head to the throne room, right up the red (well, grey/yellow) carpet. 
Sitting on the King's throne, you'll find a puffy-looking little thing that is 
Wrexsoul, and Cyan on the ground, his face contorted in pain. You tell 
Wrexsoul you want Cyan back - "You're too late! His pain has reached critical 
mass! Nothing can stop his feelings of rage and despair! I grow stronger now 
with his anger, hatred and guilt! And I hunger for... you!" Well, fine. You 
wanna fight me? Put 'em up, big boy.

Boss: Wrexsoul (w/ two SoulSavers)!!
HP: 23066     MP: 5066
At the start of the battle, Wrexsoul tells you he's gonna possess your body, 
and he won't appear in that form again until you're about to expire. The bad 
thing is, he doesn't tell you which character he's going to possess. If you 
want to take him on this way, kill off your characters one by one, reviving 
the other ones in between, until Wrexsoul appears. Then hit him good with 
everything you've got. His HP isn't that high, but you will need all the luck 
you can get.

There is, however, a much easier way. Once Wrexsoul disappears, concentrate 
your attacks on the two SoulSavers. If ever you kill one of them, it will 
regenerate itself, which is never good. Buttttt, there's a way around that, 
and it's known as the good ol' X-Zone trick. Keep casting X-Zone until you 
catch BOTH SoulSavers in it. It might take a few tries, but when you succeed, 
the battle will be over. (How's that for cheap!?)

Cyan praises you up big time after the fight. He's finally come to grips with 
his own suffering, and now he has one final chat with the ghost forms of his 
beloved family. Your rewards for finishing the Cyan's Nightmare side quest - 
Cyan learns his final three Swordtechs, six through eight, and plus in the 
scene before you may have noticed the Esper sitting on the throne. Go back to 
the throne room to pick up Alexandr.

4c. xii. Avenging Gungho

Note: You must have both Relm and Strago in your party to complete this side 


Upon entering Thamasa, Relm will be ecstatic to be home. And Strago agrees, 
it's time to relax. Actually, not time to relax yet. "Grandpa!" Relm wails. 
Gungho's been hurt!

Gungho went looking for Hidon, the beast they used to hunt. And he almost had 
it... before it got him. Strago is amazed, Gungho took on Hidon? Yup, he did. 
(Erm, actually.... no, I won't spoil it yet.) Gungho tells Strago, you must 
avenge him! Strago hesitates... he spent his youth chasing that creature, and
doing it again at that age is more than he bargained for. But he makes up his 
mind - he will do it!

Of course, Relm isn't just going to let him go just like that. She, and the 
rest of your party, is coming with you! Strago doesn't like the idea, Hidon 
is his obsession, not hers, but of course Relm doesn't give two hoots about 
all that. So your next stop is Ebot's Rock, just north of Thamasa.

Ebot's Rock

Now comes the fun part. Not. Walk inside, noting that you only get a very 
limited field of vision, and step on the switch in front of you. There you 
will find a treasure chest, which claims to be hungry. And it won't let you 
past unless you feed it Coral. Great, just great. Because you don't have any 
at the moment, tell it no, and it will kick you away. Go back and step on the 
switch again.

In this part, what you've got to do is just tour around, collecting Coral from 
the treasure chests, stepping on all switches. There is no rhyme or reason to 
any of it, making it one of the sillier parts of the game. If you end up back 
at the hungry chest, give it all the Coral you've got. Keep collecting Coral 
and feeding the chest until it gets full and lets you pass. You need 36 pieces 
of Coral to do so.

Once past the treasure chest, head straight through to find Hidon.

Boss: Hidon (and Hidonites)!!
HP: 25000 (H), 3500 (H-ite)     MP: 12500 (H), 1000 (H-ite)
This can be a tough battle. The ultimate idea here it to a) kill off all the 
Hidonites, b) have Hidon use GrandTrain, then c) kill Hidon. Why use 
GrandTrain? GrandTrain is the best Lore Strago can learn, and this battle is 
the ONLY one in which he can do so.

Use good multi-target attacks against everything. The only problem is, the 
lower-left Hidonite will absorb everything you throw at it, so ignore that 
one, and concentrate attacks on all the other ones. The second one on the left 
is weak against Poison, but will absorb Fire and Holy, the front one is weak 
against everything, and the top one is the opposite of the second, will absorb 
Poison and is weak against Fire and Holy. Hidon itself is weak against Fire, 
Holy, and Earth.

Now that I've said all that, it's best to stick to non-elemental attacks, or 
attacks that are not Fire, Poison or Holy. Strago's Aqua Rake Lore will 
quickly take out all the Hidonites except the bottom one, so take that out 
with non-elemental attacks. After all the Hidonites are gone, Hidon will use 
GrandTrain, dealing out over 1000 damage to each of your characters (so make 
sure to keep your health up).

Hidon is very fond of casting Poison and Bio, so Star Pendants/other 
anti-Poison relics/anti-Poison armour (for Relm or Strago) would be well worth 
it. Once the Hidonites are gone, take out Hidon quickly before he regenerates 

After the battle, Strago will be all excited that he actually beat Hidon, and 
he rushes back to Thamasa to tell Gungho.


In Thamasa, Strago rushes to Gungho's bedside, waving his arms wildly. He 
actually BEAT Hidon! Gungho doesn't believe it, calling Strago a liar! But 
Relm backs him up, saying he really did do it. Gungho is all angry, jumping 
around angrily, until Strago asks him how his wounds are healing. Immediately, 
Gungho is all sick and ill again, telling Strago that they're getting better 

Worked it out yet? Ahhh, silly Gungho.

Later on that night, Strago is animatedly telling the story of how he beat 
Hidon. But, like the old man he is, he soon falls asleep in the middle of it. 
Relm comes in to check on Gungho's wounds. She thanks Gungho for giving her 
grandfather the motivation to go out and beat that thing... "and even if YOU 
were faking, that creature meant business!" Yeah, Gungho wasn't really hurt. 
Gungho laughs when Relm calls him a terrible actor, and the scene and the side 
quest is over.

If you didn't learn GrandTrain in the Hidon battle, you can go back to Ebot's 
Rock and fight him again and again until you learn it. Only problem is, you 
have to go through that Coral nonsense again, every time. Bleh.

4c. xiii. Tower of Fanatics

The Tower of Fanatics is a great place to learn magic spells. It's the place 
where you found Strago wandering outside helplessly.

The unique and cool thing about the Tower of Fanatics is that you can only use
Magic there, you can't use physical attacks at all, nor special skills. While
at first you might be thinking "oh, that's really sucky" it's actually not, 
because with the right equipment you can be immune from most Magic attacks. 
What sort of equipment do I mean? Things like Wall Rings, which cast Rflect. 
(If you're like me, and wondering where the hell to get Wall Rings, they sell
them in the Relic shop of South Figaro. ^_^)

Or, if you want an entirely effortless trip through the tower, you can just 
take Mog and the Moogle Charm.

+++ Added note (Version 1.1) - It is actually possible to use physical attacks
+++ in the Tower, if any of your characters should enter Berserk mode. This 
+++ was pointed out to me for Umaro only, as he's always berserked, but it 
+++ works for all characters. 

The tower is the best place in the game to learn Magic. I usually take a few 
parties there at different times, to get them all with a good range of Magic,
say, Level 3 spells, Ultima, that sort of thing.

Choose your four characters, and enter the tower. Actual navigation of the 
tower is simple, it's just going up stairs, so you can't exactly get lost. 
Along the way, if you're fighting, you'll fight L.10 through to L.90 Magic 
creatures. Not a lot to worry about, really, except for a few notes.

L.10 Magic - strong against Poison, weak against Fire and Holy.
L.20 Magic - strong against Poison. Casts status-changing spells, and also 
uses Rflect.
L.30 Magic - strong against Holy, weak against Poison.
L.40 Magic - strong against Poison, weak against Thunder. Likes to cast 
L.50 Magic - strong against Poison, weak against Fire and Holy. Also casts 
status-changing spells.
L.60 Magic - strong against Ice, weak against Fire. Casts strong spells like 
Quake and W.Wind.
L.70 Magic - strong against Fire, weak against Ice and Water. Casts Level 3 
spells, and also uses Rflect.
L.80 Magic - weak against Poison. Is fond of casting recovery spells.
L.90 Magic - strong against Wind. Casts powerful spells like Merton, Flare 
and Meteor.

Got all of that? Right. Now, head up the tower.

In the first side room on the right, you can pick up a Safety Bit. Now, 
examine the back wall on the right of the chest, and you'll hear a click. 
Head back out and a new door has appeared, one flight below. In the new room 
you can pick up the Air Anchor, an awesome Tool for Edgar. (But you can't use
it yet!) Now keep going up.

If you run into a Magic Urn on your travels, there's no point in attacking it
as they absorb everything. Simply take the chance to cast Osmose, then let 
them do their fill of Life spells before they escape. You get Magic Points for
"beating" them, too!

In the second room on the right, you can pick up a Genji Shield. Go out and 
keep going back up. Third room, you can pick up a Stunner, as well as get into 
a fight with the White Dragon, if you see fit. (See Eight Dragons side quest.) 
Fourth room, you can collect some Force Armour. Soon, after much much battling 
and spell learning, you will arrive at the top. In the room at the top, you 
will find a treasure chest with the Gem Box relic. This is what we came here 

The Gem Box relic changes your Magic command to X-Magic, meaning you can cast 
two Magic spells in a row. Arguably one of the best relics in the game.

Once you pick it up, head back outside and prepare to make the journey down. 
However, you don't get to do that. You'll get approached and hemmed in by 
about ten thousand ghosts, who demand Master Kefka's treasure back. Oh, like 
you're really going to give it to them. When you steadfastly refuse, you will
be approached by another figure.

Boss: MagiMaster!!
HP: 50000     MP: 50000
This boss is another that has the annoying power of WallChange. Soooo, all 
you've got at your disposal is Magic, and every time you hit him with Magic, 
his weakness changes. Best way to kill him? Of course, powerful non-elemental 
Magic. However, don't get the Ultima ready just yet. There's two ways to go 
about this battle, depending on whether you have the Life 3 spell or not.

Yes, Life 3. Obtained from the Phoenix Esper, which you can find in the 
Phoenix Cave. Why is Life 3 important? Well, see, when you get this guy to 
near-death, he'll use the finishing move of Ultima, which can and definitely 
will wipe out your entire party, no matter what.

So if you've got Life 3, you can cast it on your characters to bring them back 
to life after this final Ultima blast. I'm getting slightly ahead of myself 

If you have Life 3: cast it on at least one of your characters. It's not 
reflectable, don't worry. Then hit him hard and fast with as much powerful 
non-elemental magic as you have. Ultima, Meteor, Flare, things like that. Of 
course, while you're hurting him, he'll also be hitting himself with 
(reflected) magic spells, which will wear down his HP as he strikes a lucky 
weak-point one. Eventually, he'll get to the point where he wants to cast 
Ultima. All five of you die, but the character(s) with Life 3 are brought back 
to life, winning you the battle.

If you do not have Life 3: there is only one way to go about the battle and 
survive. Rasp. When he damages himself to the point of wanting to cast Ultima,
he better have less than 99 MP so he can't cast it. So get the Rasp to work. 
You have to Rasp away all 50000 of his MP. Yes, you'll be there for a long 
time. Have fun. Enjoy the battle.

After the battle, you've got your Gem Box relic. Either Warp out of the tower 
or head back down the way you came, and you're through.

4c. xiv. The Ancient Castle

This ancient castle's a bit of a doozy. For the simple reason that, if you 
don't know it's there, the chances of you actually finding it are Buckley's 
and none. The ancient castle itself is located underground, halfway between 
Figaro and Kohlingen. Can you work out how to get there now?

Fly your airship to where you left Figaro Castle, in the sands near Kohlingen. 
Enter it, and talk to the man who operates the machinery, asking him to take 
you back to Figaro. He obliges, and the castle departs.

Halfway there, the castle will stop. There's something odd about this stratum, 
the man says... he wants to get to the bottom of the problem, but he asks you 
if you want to keep going or to stop. Of course, we're going to stop and 
investigate this stratum.

How can we get outside, though? Front door's obviously blocked, you are 
underground, after all. There's one other way out of the castle, and it's the 
way you entered it in the World of Ruin. Out through the door in the jail. So 
head back up the stairs, down the other side and out the door to find yourself 
in a cave.

This rather extensively confusing cave is home to a few treasure chests. Pick 
up a Wing Edge, bottom left of screen, and an Ether, bottom right, before 
heading through the door on the right. There you will find a Monster-In-A-Box. 
It's a tough battle, as you'll fight a Master Pug (aka Tonberry King), but if 
you can manage it, you'll be rewarded with a Graedus.

Go back up, and down the other stairwell. More mazes. Follow the path, picking 
up the Trumps on your way through, before heading out to left of screen. If 
you examine the outskirts of this new room, instead of heading directly for 
the stairwell in the centre, you will find a Magicite and an X-Potion. Now 
descend the stairs. Save your game, before heading up and out.

You've found what looks like an abandoned old castle. And this is, indeed, the 
ancient castle. (Would you have found it without knowing where to look for it? 
I bet not.) We flash back, to when there was a war raging at this castle. 
Espers? Magic? The War of the Magi! A thousand years in the past, a big battle 
was waged here. The King had no choice but to leave the battle in Odin's 
hands, but Odin failed to defend the kingdom, being turned into Magicite. 
There's a legend that tells of a battle between Odin and a powerful sorcerer, 
in the great hall of the castle. Maybe we should check it out?

And there are the remains of Odin, still up near the throne. Examine them, to 
turn Odin into a Magicite, which you promptly collect. Now, this might sound 
stupid, but head to the second little set of steps down from the throne, and 
examine the right side of them. You will hear something unlock in the 
distance. Wonder what it was?

Now, of course, examine the rest of the castle. In that main throne room 
there are darkened areas to the left and right of the throne. Entering the 
first 'doorway' on the right side will lead to a room with a Blizzard Orb 
and a Gold Hairpin.

There's also a doorway off to the left, and a doorway off to the right. The 
doorway on the left leads to an empty room, so head off to the right. On the 
bookcase you will see something flashing - check it out. A book with a gem-
encrusted cover, the Queen's Diary. Reading it, you'll discover that the Queen 
was in love with Odin! After the fighting was over, she planned to bare her 
soul to him. But she never got the chance...

See those stairs there? That's what you unlocked just no. Head down them. 
There you will find the Blue Dragon, fight it if you want. You will also find 
a statue at the head of the room. Even the Queen was turned to stone... A tear 
comes... from the statue? The tear and the Odin Esper become one... and bond 
together to form a new Esper, Raiden!

Let's leave this castle of broken love and despair. Not a lot else to see 
here. Except for a room outside, on the left of the castle entrance, with a 
treasure chest inside. You better be prepared for a big battle, here.

Boss: KatanaSoul!
HP: 37620    MP: 7400
KatanaSoul is not one to muck around. He means business.

He's a very optional boss, but worth taking on. At first glance, he might seem 
impossible to beat. He loves throwing Fire Skeans, Water Edges, and Bolt 
Edges, among other equally devastating moves. 

He, however, has a weakness in Poison. So exploit it. Cast Bio, and when 
you've had enough of that, use the strongest other moves you've got. Strong 
Lores like Grandtrain, Tools like the Chain Saw, Blitzes like the Bum Rush. 
Mimic any one of the above three. It's a hard battle, and it might take quite 
a few tries to get it right, but it's very do-able, just make sure you keep 
someone (or two people) aside with Cure 2 or Cure 3 to heal you up EVERY turn.

For an instant kill on KatanaSoul: cast Muddle on him. He'll get so mixed up, 
he'll use his GaleCut on himself and kill himself in one hit.

After the battle, you will receive the Offering relic. This is the only place 
in which you can get the Offering, and boy is it worth coming here and going 
through that battle to get it. It turns the Fight command into X-Fight, 
meaning you can attack FOUR times instead of one. You might scoff, thinking 
pfft, what's that to me. But, you can combine the Offering with the power of 
the Genji Glove, meaning you can attack EIGHT times of one! Or use it with 
Capture, you can attempt to Capture eight times! It's an awesome relic. Enjoy 

4c. xv. Gau's Father

Note: You must have both Sabin and Gau in your party to complete this side 
quest, and you must have visited the House on the Veldt in the World of Ruin.

If that above little line didn't give it away, this sentence sure will. 
Remember that crazy old man in the House on the Veldt, always talking about 
his clocks? That's Gau's father. So go visit him one more time, his house is 
directly west of Triangle Island.

Note: The actual scenes you see here depend on how many characters you have 
found in the World of Ruin.

House on the Veldt

Talk to the man in the house, and he will talk more gibberish, so your party 
leaves despondently. Outside, Sabin has the idea - Gau, could this be your 
father? Gau doesn't even know what a father is, but Sabin is sure of it. (It 
almost seems like he's talking Gau into believing it.) Sabin - "Yes. This is 
definitely your father." Gau gets all excited, speaking in his own weird way.
Sabin wants to go back and tell Gau's father the news... but they can't go 
back there with Gau looking like that, first they have to go to Jidoor and 
give him a makeover!


First stop: the Inn

All of your characters are attempting to teach Gau how to eat properly. Sabin 
scolds him for eating with his fingers, for saying yaoooo when he means yes...

Next stop: Clothes shop

Your characters take turns in dressing Gau how they see fit. Terra and Celes 
both have suggestions as to what he should wear, but Sabin dismisses them 
quickly, covering up his disgust at the clothes they choose. Sabin then 
dresses him up to look "functional, but sporty", but the rest of the group 
doesn't agree. Setzer starts complaining about lacking in fashion sense, and 
dresses Gau up in exactly the same as what he's wearing.

House on the Veldt

With how Gau looks now, any father would be proud to have a son like him. So 
they take Gau inside.

Sabin tries to tell the man about Gau. He gets the man to acknowledge he once 
had a son, then brings Gau forward. The man is furious, but he decides to 
humour you by telling you a story. He had a dream about a demon-child once, 
and how he grabbed the creature and rushed onto the Veldt with it... it was 
crying like crazy when he left the demon-child there, but without looking 
back, he turned and started to run away.

The man looks at Gau, saying his parents must be proud to have him as a son. 
He refuses to acknowledge the fact that Gau is the demon-child he threw out 
on the Veldt when he was a baby.

Kinda sad scene, really.

Outside, Sabin is sorry for what has happened. But Gau doesn't care, his 
father is alive, and he is happy.

4c. xvi. The Eight Dragons

If you talk to one of the people in Albrook, they will tell you about the 
Eight Dragons that were released when the world was torn open. These eight 
legendary dragons are some of the toughest creatures in this game to kill, but
you will get a good prize for beating them all.

I would not recommend taking on any of these Dragons until you have completed
all the other side quests, so you have what some might call "ultimate moves". 

Dragon #1: Storm Dragon
Location: Mt. Zozo
HP: 42000     MP: 1250
The first dragon you will encounter over the course of the game, and it's the 
hardest of the lot. Ain't that always the way.

The Storm Dragon casts lots of attacks like Rage, Aero, and the like. To 
nullify all these attacks, equip a Thunder Shield or Thunder Armour. Of 
course, when a creature is of one element, you attack with the opposite, so 
attack with Bolt. Bolt 2 or Bolt 3 will deal out some nice damage, or you can 
stick to attacks like Bum Rush, Drill, and Quadra Slam. He has the highest HP
of any of the Dragons, and is the hardest to kill, so make sure all your 
characters are in the back row. (That should just be second nature by now.) 
Use Golem for some good defence, as his Wing move can kill you in one hit.

Dragon #2: Snow Dragon
Location: Narshe
HP: 24400     MP: 9000
This isn't actually a tough battle, due to the elemental factor. Yes, you're 
fighting in the ice and snow. Therefore, the Snow Dragon will be using suck 
attacks like Ice 3 which, although scary-sounding, isn't that bad, especially
if your characters are in the back row and/or are wearing Flame Shields or Ice
Shields. When he casts Ice, you cast Fire. The strongest Fire spell you've 
got. Fire Dance also works well here, if you have Sabin. If you've already 
been, gotten Tritoch, and learnt Fire 3 before this fight, casting it will 
deal 3000 damage or more to this beast, and its kinda easy pickings from 

Dragon #3: Red Dragon
Location: Phoenix Cave
HP: 30000     MP: 1780
The Red Dragon is of the element Fire. (Have you worked out yet that the eight
Dragons symbolise the eight elements?) So it will use a lot of Fire attacks. 
If you've got a Flame Shield or an Ice Shield, this is all good, if not, 
watch out. It casts Fire 2 and Fire 3, so be prepared with the Ice attacks and
the Cure magic. Hit it hard and fast with everything you've got, Strago's Aqua
Lore also works well here.

Dragon #4: Dirt Dragon
Location: Opera House
HP: 28500     MP: 16500
The Dirt Dragon is Earth-elemental, so he casts attacks like Quake and 
Magnitude 8. You know all about the Mag 8, but one Magic attack you might not 
have seen too much of is Quake. If your feet are on the ground when he casts 
it, you will die. It's that simple. Of course, avoiding it is equally as 
simple. Get your feet off the ground by casting Float on all four of your 
characters BEFORE the battle.

Seeing as you don't need to worry about the elemental attacks, all you need to
worry about is the physical ones. While they're not THAT powerful, he does 
like to use Slide which will inflict 700 or 800 damage per person. Keep 
someone aside, as always, with the curative magic while you focus everything 
on him.

Dragon #5: White Dragon
Location: Tower of Fanatics
HP: 18500     MP: 12000
White, Pearl, Holy, they all mean the same thing. The White Dragon likes Holy 
attacks, and he'll start off the battle by casting two of them on your entire 
party. Ouch. Don't expect to get much change from 1000 HP even if all your 
characters are in the back row. He also casts Dispel. A LOT. Not a nice 

I told you the tower was the best place to learn spells, didn't I? So 
hopefully by now, you have a fair few good ones. Like Ultima. *drools* And 
level 3 attacking spells. Use them. A lot. This Dragon has the lowest HP of 
the lot, and therefore shouldn't be too difficult.

Dragon #6: Blue Dragon
Location: Ancient Castle
HP: 26900     MP: 3800
In case you couldn't keep going with the elemental theme, the Blue Dragon is 
of the Water element. If you've got Strago here, he will learn the CleanSweep 
Lore, because you'll be seeing a lot of it during the battle. CleanSweep is 
a stronger version of Aqua Rake, and correspondingly, it hurts a whole lot 

What's the opposite of Water? Thunder. So use a lot of Bolt attacks, 
especially Bolt 3 if you have it. Aurabolt also works well, from Sabin, but 
as always, keep someone aside to cure, cure, cure, because those CleanSweeps 

Dragon #7: Gold Dragon
Location: Kefka's Tower
HP: 32400     MP: 4000
This dragon isn't very scary. Because by now, you should know exactly how to 
deal with tough-looking things. Yup, with Ultima. The thing with this guy is,
he counter-attacks every attack with either a Bolt or a Bolt 2, on the 
offending attacker or your entire party. This isn't really a big cause for 
concern, especially if your characters are wearing Thunder Armour, as two of 
mine are. I used the Gem Box/Ultima trick once on this thing, and Mimicked it 
once, and Gold Dragon went bye-byes.

Dragon #7: Skull Dragon
Location: Kefka's Tower
HP: 32800     MP: 1999
More elemental stuff. His HP is not all that high, so I'm sure that you know 
how to do it. If you're not sure, see the Gold Dragon strategy. (Yes, I'm 
lazy, I know...)

4c. xvii. The Paladin Shield

The Paladin Shield is the best shield in the game, without a doubt. And it's 
not that difficult (just a little time-consuming) to get.

In Narshe, talk to the man in the split-level behind the weapons shop. (You'll
need Locke in your party to unlock the door.) He will talk about a cursed 
shield, and give it to you. This Cursed Shield is the worst piece of armour 
in the game, as it slashes 7 from most of your stats, and inflicts every bad 
status abnormality known to man (The abnormalities can be prevented with 
Ribbon, all except Condemned, but you'll just have to live with the stats). 
But, if you equip the Cursed shield, and fight (and survive) 255 battles 
while one of your characters is wearing it, the curse will be broken and you 
will be rewarded with the Paladin Shield.

4c. xviii. Shadow's Dreams

A side quest (of sorts) that I completely forgot about in my first version of 
the guide >_< My bad. I'm sorry.

If you take Shadow with you when you stay in various Inns aroudn the world, 
you have a chance of seeing Shadow's dreams. You see one in Thamasa at the 
time of the burning house, but the rest are optional. Together they inform you 
more about Shadow's past, and his role in the story in the game.

In the dreams, Shadow is a man named Clyde. Still with his faithful 
Interceptor by his side, he is tormented by the decision of whether or not to 
leave the girl in Thamasa. I have'nt actually seen any of the dreams myself, 
but I have heard of them. They are what inform you that Shadow is, in fact, 
Relm's father.

4c. xix. Hunt for the Remaining Espers

So, lets take a look at our Esper list. There's still a few gaps to be filled 
here, after we've completed everything.

1) Ragnarok
   In Narshe, go to the weapons shop. (You'll need Locke in your party to 
   unlock the door.) You will find a man in the basement, talking about 
   fashioning a stone into a sword. He offers you the choice, whether you want
   to take the sword Ragnarok or the stone Ragnarok. While the sword is a good 
   sword, I would take the stone. This is the Esper Ragnarok.

2) Palidor
   Once you get the airship, return to Solitary Island, the tiny island 
   towards the bottom-left corner of your map screen. Washed up on the beach, 
   you will find the Palidor Esper.   

3) Bahamut
   When flying around in the Falcon airship, you will be attacked at random 
   by the Doom Gaze. It's a weird creature that likes to cast things like L.5 
   Doom and Aero a few times, then disappear in a fit of panic. It starts off 
   with a grand total of 55,555 HP, and the good news is, all the damage you 
   inflict on it in one battle carries over to all the other ones. Eventually,
   you will kill it (do NOT use the Vanish/X-Zone trick), and obtain the 
   Bahamut Esper for your efforts.

4) Golem and ZoneSeek
   If you didn't buy these two in the auction house in Jidoor in the World of 
   Ruin, head back there to pick them up now.

4d. Kefka's Tower

Once you decide you're ready to take on the big, bad, Kefka, you can fly your 
airship to land on his tower, on the Tzen/Albrook continent.

However, Celes is upset. When Setzer enquires as to why, Celes says that the 
Statues give the Espers the power they need to live, and if they destroy the 
Statues... Strago says that Espers, and Magic, will most definitely disappear
from the world... and that begs the question, what will happen to Terra?

Now you've got some big choices to make. You need to split your group into 
three parties for the tower. If you've done all the side quests, you'll have
fourteen characters to choose from, leaving two behind in the ship. Who to 

Naturally, some of your characters are going to be stronger than others, as 
you've used them more often. So spread your strong characters evenly through
out your parties. Do remember that Mog and the Moogle Charm is a great asset 
for one party.

For the record, my parties at this point were: 

Party 1: Edgar, Celes, Strago, Cyan
Party 2: Gogo, Shadow, Relm, Terra
Party 3: Mog, Sabin, Locke, Umaro

As I took the party of Edgar, Celes, Relm and Sabin to the Tower of Fanatics,
each of them knows Ultima, Quick, Cure/Life/Fire/Ice/Bolt 1/2/3, etc. See what
I mean about balancing characters out?

Once you select your parties, all three of them will jump down onto Kefka's 
Tower, landing in three separate sections. Party switching here is not as 
tiresome as in the Phoenix Cave. Therefore, I'll split this into sections, of
party movements.

4d. i. Party 1

First of all, equip everyone as best as you can. The hook flying around is a 
means of getting back to the airship, but why would we want to do that?

Once you're set, head down the path on the left. Follow the path and pick up 
the Coronet on the top-right of screen, then head through the door on the 
left. In the new room, take the stairs down on the left, and then walk around
and through the door on the right. 

Take the Fixed Dice from the chest in the next room before heading down and 
out. Follow the path down on the left and head back inside. Once down the 
stairs, you'll have to wait here, as you can go no further. 

Importantly, unattach and unequip everything your party members have on. Then
switch to your second party.

4d. ii. Party 2

Equip and attach everything necessary to your second party. Then follow the 
stairs down on the right and through the door on the left.

Be sure to pick up the Minerva from the chest in the top-left corner of screen
before heading down the two sets of stairs. The top door on the left leads 
through to a Tack Star, so go pick it up before going back and down.

And now you're in... what looks like the prison in Vector! You know, the one 
you saw Kefka locked in! Hope against hope that Kefka might still be in the 
cell on the left... dammit, he's not. There is, however, something else in 
there, something you've seen before.

Boss: Atma!!
HP: 55000     MP: 19000
You know, that thing you fought on the Floating Continent? He makes a return 
right here. He's an optional boss, as every Weapon is in Final Fantasy games. 
But he's one worth taking on. 

He's at level 67, at the moment, with a sky-high HP. Are you really supposed 
to be at the same level as your enemies? I sure do hope not, because at the 
moment I'm less than half. Oh well. Whatever you do, don't hit Atma with 
Poison, Water, Earth, Wind or Holy, as it absorbs all of the above. Gee, 
you're thinking, what CAN I hit it with then? One word - ULTIMA! (Mwaha.) 
That's why I put Terra in this party, and gave her the Gem Box relic, as my 
Terra knows Ultima (and can and will use it twice in one turn), and also why 
I brought Gogo, to Mimic Terra. (See, I is teh clever.) 

It also might be an idea to cast Float on your characters before battle, and 
equip then with Ice shields, as Atma is fond of casting Quake, S.Cross, and 
Ice 3.

With the patented Ultima/Gem Box strategy (and if your character has Quick, 
it's even better), one should not have a problem, except for maybe stopping 
to Osmose every now and then.

Take your eight magic points, and say thank you very much. Once you defeat 
Atma, he turns into a save point. (It's about bloody time!) So please, please,
please, SAVE YOUR GAME, because we do not want to have to go through all this
stuff again, now, do we? Then head out the door, bottom of screen.

Ignore the fact you've just fallen a really long way, and simply keep going. 
Follow the path around to the left, and up the stairs and out. Now, you're 
faced with a choice between two pipes. Taking the right one leads you back to 
the door you just fell through, meaning you've got to traverse your way back 
here. Never good, all this backtracking, so take the one on the left and be 
done with it.

And we're outside again. (Cool.) Pick up the Force Shield from the chest on 
the left, before heading down the escalator on the right. (Ya know, this tower 
is all pretty boring so far.) Follow the path around to the bottom left and 
pick up the Force Armour from the treasure chest. Then go through the door 
just below the escalator. Recognize that person standing there? Yeah, it's 
your first party. And you have the power to let them through. So step on the 
switch, moving the platform so they can walk across, empty the treasure chest 
for a Ribbon, then head on out.

Now go through the door on the right, and head straight through. Here, on the 
platform, you will find the seventh Dragon, the Gold Dragon. (See side quest 
for more details and strategy.) Whether you fight it or not, go through the 
little door on the left. Follow the path, and eventually you will come to an 
interesting tower-looking place. Send your character up the steps to step on 
the switch under the 4 tonne weight, and realize that they can go no further 

Unattach and unequip everything, and switch to Party 3.

4d. iii. Party 3

While we've been doing all this, killing weapons, dragons, and looting 
treasure chests, your third party has been sitting quietly, exactly where they 
landed when you jumped on to the continent. Let's get them moving, shall we?

Attach and equip everything to them as best as you can, before heading down 
the escalator on the left hand side. From the chest on the left, take the Red 
Cap, before heading through the door just there. Keep going through to enter a 
room where you can find a Nutkin Suit and a Gauntlet. Now head back outside.

Now keep following the path down, and through the door at the bottom. Ignore 
the flashing arrow usually hanging over doors, top of screen, and head left. 
Now you're in a factory. Take the Hero Ring from the chest north of the 
stairs, before heading up on the conveyor belt at the top of the room.

Please don't make the mistake of going down the pipe just left of where you 
end up, this will only send you back to the room at the other end of the 
conveyor belt. Save point here, eh? Better save your gave before proceeding. 
(YES, YES, SAVE!!) Then go to head left, down the stairs. Before you get 
there, you will stop, confuzzled, as a big bad guy drops down on you from 

Boss: Inferno, Striker, and Rough!!
HP: 30800 (I), 11000 (S), 8000 (R)     MP: 9700 (I), 2600 (S), 770 (R)
I told you you shoulda moved outta the way. But noooo. Now we gotta fight.

This is a really really tough battle, despite the relatively low HP of your 
attackers. As you might have worked out by now, the two "arms" of the Inferno 
(the Striker and the Rough) will regenerate if you dispose of them. But 
there's a danger to leaving them 'alive', so to speak. If all three parts are 
alive, they can form a Delta Hit, the same as the three Stooges did, which 
Petrifies one of your party members. This can be cured with a Soft, or with 
Remedy, but you really don't want to take the time out to do that, do you?

These guys are fond of Bolt attacks. Very fond of them. You'll get Bolt, Bolt 
2, and Bolt 3, thrown at your entire party on regular occasion, and believe 
me, it will hurt, a lot, unless you have Thunder Shields, Thunder Armour, the 
Minerva, or the Paladin Shield equipped. 

All the shields listed above will also absorb his Atomic Ray attack. However, 
there's not a lot you can do against the Shrapnel or Sobat attacks, just grin, 
bear them, and heal up afterwards.

I'm sure you don't need to be told how to take these guys out by now. Just 
don't attack them with Fire, Ice and Thunder (because Inferno absorbs Fire, 
Striker absorbs Ice, and the Rough absorbs Bolt.) Use your best attacks, say, 
Ultima, Quick, and the Gem Box relic.

I bet those are the toughest 8 Magic Points you will ever earn. I mean that. 
It's a tough battle. But without further ado, on with the game.

Head back and save, because I KNOW you won't want to go through that crap 
again. After saving, head down the stairs on the left and down through the 
door, and down until you get outside. 

In the chest on the right is a Megalixir. Follow the path around, and be SURE 
to examine the treasure chest with the twinkly thing on it. Doing so extends 
the path just left of you, very important for future group travellings. Head 
up the escalator to pick up the Rainbow Brush from the treasure chest, before 
going back around and through the door at bottom of screen.

Following the path along, you will encounter the last Dragon, the Skull 
Dragon. See Eight Dragons side quest for strategies. Whether you fight it or 
not, keep going through the door on the right. In the second room along the 
path, you will also arrive at the tower thingy your second party arrived at. 
Again, not a lot of places to go, so step on the switch at the top. The door 
in the centre opens! Guess which of your parties is going through that door... 
Unattach and unequip everything, and switch back to Party 1.

4d. iv. Party 1

Attach and equip everything again. (I bet you're getting sick of both that, 
and this place, right? We're almost through.) Then walk down through the newly 
created path and out the door.

Hey, do you recognize where we are? Too right, the Magitek Research Facility. 
All the glass tubes... but no Espers, of course. Out the door at the other end 
of the room, and through the cave. See, and we come out near where the twinkly 
treasure chest was (but it's not twinkly anymore) and there's the path we 
created. Nifty, eh? So walk up it, take the Tack Star from the treasure chest 
on the left, then back around to the right and up the stairs.

Now you, too, are at the tower! So head straight up, past your two 
patiently-waiting parties, and through the double doors. Stepping on the 
switches does nothing, but you must make a choice here, which way you will go, 
left or right.

Which you choose determines which party faces which boss, coming up shortly. I 
will tell you now, the party that eventually steps on the left switch will 
fight one, the party that steps on the right will face one, and the one that 
steps on the center one will fight two. Yes, two. Whichever direction you 
choose now, the party on the opposite side of the tower will fight two bosses. 
So if you head the left, party 3 will get the double boss. If you head right, 
the double-whammy goes to party 2. Make your choice, and head in the 
direction. When you walk past the wall, it will close behind you, sealing your 
fate. Now head out the door on bottom of screen, to where you will find your 
party members standing. Try to push the weight, and you will yell at the party 
members standing underneath to move. Of course, they don't move, as you're not 
moving them. Switch to the party standing underneath the weight. (I dub thee 
party X).

4d. v. Party X (2 or 3)

Move them out of the way, off the switch! Back to party 1.

4d. vi. Party 1

Push the weight down, onto the switch. This will break one of the barriers 
below down, allowing party X to also head up through the door. Take party 1 
back to step on the switch in the tower. Now switch to party X, who was next 
to the weight on the switch.

4d. vii. Party X (2 or 3)

Walk that party back down the tower, and up the stairs either to the left or 
right of them, to go through the door at the top. Send this party out to the 
other side (left or right), where they will find your other party standing 
below. (I dub thee party Y.) Switch to that party.

4d. viii. Party Y (2 or 3)

Same deal. Get them off the switch, so party X can push the weight down.

4d. ix. Party X (2 or 3)

Push the weight down onto the second switch. This unlocks the other barrier, 
allowing party Y to travel through and up through the door at the top. Walk 
party X back to step on the switch in the tower, then switch to party Y.

4d. x. Party Y (2 or 3)

This is the party you have selected to fight the two boss battles, right? 
Right? It better be, as there's no turning back now. Equip them all up good 
and proper, before sending them through the door at the top. Get them to stand 
on the third and final switch in the tower. This does two things - reveals a 
path leading up, and a path leading back outside. First head down and outside, 
to step on another switch. (Dude, what's with all the SWITCHES here!?) 
Anyways, this switch reveals two doors, left and right. Important for your 
party to go through. Once you've done that, head back inside and up the 

Uh oh. See that thing blocking the stairs? This is the first of the two bosses 
Party Y will fight.

Boss: Guardian!!
HP: 60000     MP: 5200
'Vanish/X-Zone'-able: YES

*points two lines up* Hey, now THERE's an idea!

Okay, so you might not want to cheat, you might want to take him on the 
old-fashioned way. Fine, fine.

This guy is hard. Really hard. Hopefully you remember good strategy for hard 
things by now. (In case you can't tell, I rely a lot on Magic, and very 
powerful Magic at that.) Lots and lots of Ultima works quite well here, my 
Terra is dealing out 8000 damage with her Ultima, even on her low levels. 
Multiply that by four, using the Gem Box and Quick.... Wow.

Towards the end of the battle, Guardian will start running battle programs, 
including Ultros'. How he got Ultros' battle program, I will never know. But 
now he uses all Ultros' attacks, including things like Tentacle. Ignore it. 
Keep attacking with good stuffs.

Well, that was fun. If you've prepared well, with Magic and things, it will 
all pay off now. I'm killing these things so fast I don't even get time to 
write down their attacks, because I don't see any of them.

Guardian turns into a save point after the battle. So save, and keep going 
through. Ignore the escalator, as it's going down, and you want to go up, so 
go through the door on the left. And, we're outside again. Head up the 
escalator, where you will find another nice tough thing. It's the first Stone 
Goddess. Poltergeist.

Boss: Poltergeist!!
HP: 58000     MP: 18900
'Vanish/X-Zone'-able: YES

Ooooh, nasty characters. Likes to use Blaster (instant kill) and Stop on you. 
Also counter-attacks often with things like Fire 3. Eek. This ain't one of 
them all-powerful Goddesses for nothing, you know.

The good old attack strategy works good here, as always, but you need to have 
a defensive plan in store as well. Because these Stop and Blaster things will 
do you a tad bit of harm. Having your characters knowing things like Cure 3 
and Life 2 is a good thing. Whenever she casts Blaster, you cast Life 2, when 
she uses something like WaveCannon, you use Cure 3. While peppering with 
Ultima attacks in-between.

Okay, that wasn't so nice. Stupid Goddess. And we've got two more to go.

After the battle, Poltergeist disappears, knocking you back. Go straight past 
where she once stood and through the door to find a save point. Stop, and 
SAVE. Then head down through the hatch. Step on the switch. (MORE freakin' 
switches!) Then unattach, unequip, and switch to your next party. For 
simplicity's sake, I'll go to the party on the LEFT side of the tower.

4d. xi. Party on left side of tower (it could be any party!) 
Take this party down and out the door, then through the door on the left and 
back inside. Keep walking through, following the rooms along, nothing to see 
here, until you get to a machiny-looking room. At the top of the stairs lies 
the second Goddess. Doom.

Boss: Doom!!
HP: 63000     MP: 4800
'Vanish/X-Zone'-able: YES

What a name. Really. Who names their Goddesses "Doom"?

This battle is the hardest of the three Goddesses, as is reflected by the HP. 
She LOVES casting Ice attacks (not Doom, surprisingly enough), so it's kinda 
hard (but possible) to lose if you have a lot of Ice Shields attached, or just 
a few simple Wall Rings. (I knew those Wall Rings would come in handy 
somewhere other than the Tower of Fanatics.) Of note are other attacks like 
N.Cross (freezes your party, evil thing, cast weak fire spell on your party to 
break it), and, when her aura begins to shake, that's when bad things happen. 
She will, first off, put up a Forcefield against any physical attacks aimed at 
her, then nullify all elemental attacks one at a time, and then... she will 
Target your party members, and use the Demon Rage attack. (Aptly titled, 

The Demon Rage attack is something to be feared, as it can do up to 6000 
damage to its target. But, of course, there are things you can do to lessen 
its effects. Like put characters in the back row, which halves the strength of 
the attack. Or cast Safe, which halves it again. So you can, quite reasonably, 
reduce the attack to just 1500 damage, which is still painful, but bearable.

As for killing it, well. I just use Vanish/X-Zone, because I'm a big cheater. 
But if you don't want to do that, she has a weakness to Pearl/Holy, until she 
cancels it in the second half of the battle. Or, you can just use the Ultima 
strategy with great success.

Doom will also be replaced with a save point when you beat her. So save, and 
head through the pipe to the second switch. From there, unattach, unequip, and 
switch to your final party.

4d. xii. Party on right side of tower (it could be any party!)

Your final party is sitting quite happily on the right switch. Seems almost a 
shame to move them, really, they look quite content. Oh well, get their butts 
into gear. Attach everything and equip everything, before heading down and out 
the door, and through the door on the right. At the top of the red carpet in 
the second room along, you will find the last of the almighty Goddesses.

Boss: Goddess!!
HP: 44000     MP: 19000
'Vanish/X-Zone'-able: YES

Why do the other ones get cool names, and this one is simply known as 
"Goddess"? I dunno.

Good news is, you get a Pincer attack for this battle. Increases your damage 
inflicted, reduces your damage sustained. I got no problem with this. It is, 
however, still a veeery tricky battle, as this Goddess has the worst attacks 
of the lot. Things like Quasar, Love Token, S.Cross, Charm, Overcast, and the 

These aren't exactly easy to avoid, either. You might remember that Love Token 
causes your party member to protect your enemy, an interesting sounding idea 
but horrible when you see it. Charm is sort-of similar, you go into a Muddle 
and only attack your allies every turn. (Believe me, that one sucks.) Overcast 
petrifies the two enemies it's cast on, unless they're wearing something like 
the Relic Ring. All-in-all, plain nasty.

Hmm, how to beat it.... Beat it before all the madness starts. Vanish/X-Zone. 
But if you want to do it honestly, I'm warning you, this will be tough. Very 
tough. I would stick to the Ultima/Gem Box/Quick strategy with one person, and 
hope to hell that this one person is not the one hit with Charm. Use the other 
three simply attacking, or healing each other or your main attacker up.

I hate this battle. Worst battle in the whole game. Ugh.

Goddess also is replaced with a save point after she passes away. Save, save, 
save, and SAVE AGAIN just to make sure, before heading through and stepping on 
the final switch.

4d. xiii. Final Showdown

When all three of your parties have stepped on the three switches, you will be
drawn up to meet Kefka. This is one weird, completely screwed up scene, right 
here. Kefka knew you'd make it here, so he prepared a little entertainment for
you! Watch in awe as he throws Locke and Terra around (if they're present), 
and gape in amazement at this man's sheer stupidity. Watch him turning the
Light of Judgement on the entire world! Just for kicks, I'll include the nutty
conversation here.

Kefka:     Welcome, friends! I knew you'd make it here, so I've prepared some
           suitable entertainment for you!
Party:     How long are you going to let the destruction continue?
Kefka:     I've tapped into the ultimate power. Observe...!
Kefka:     Such magnificent power! You are like insects to me!
Kefka:     I will exterminate everyone, and everything!
Party:     People will keep rebuilding the things you take from them!
Kefka:     Then I'll destroy those too. Why do people rebuild things they know 
           are going to be destroyed? Why do people cling to life when they 
           know they can't live forever? Think how meaningless each of your 
           lives is!
Terra:     It's not the net result of one's life that's important! It's the 
           day-to-day concerns, the personal victories, and the celebration of
           life... and love! It's enough if people are able to experience the 
           joy that each day can bring!
Kefka:     And have you found your "joy" in this nearly dead world of ours?
Terra:     Yes!
Terra:     I know what love is...!
Locke:     And I have learned to celebrate life... and the living.
Cyan:      My family lives on inside of me.
Shadow:    I know what friendship is... and family...
Edgar:     It is my dream to build a kingdom in which I can guarantee freedom 
           and dignity.
Sabin:     I have come to experience anew the love of my brother...
Celes:     I've met someone who can accept me for what I am.
Strago:    I have a special little Granddaughter!
Setzer:    My friend's airship... and her love!
Mog:       I have my friends here!
Kefka:     This is sickening... You sound like chapters from a self-help 
           booklet! Prepare yourselves!
Kefka:     Now, for my next trick, I will make you all... disappear!
Party:     Kefka, you don't know what you're doing! Stop!
Kefka:     I command the greatest power in the universe! You are all helpless 
           before me!
Kefka:     I will destroy everything... I will create a monument to 
Party:     Life will go on! There will always be people, and dreams!
Kefka:     No! I will hunt them down. I will destroy it all! Destroy! Destroy! 
Party:     We will not allow you to harm another living thing.
Kefka:     Hee, hee, hee!! But what fun is destruction if no "precious" lives 
           are lost?
Party:     It's over, Kefka!

Like you can see, the guy's a prime candidate for his local loony bin. Once 
the speeches are finished, you get to arrange however many party members you 
have with you into an order. This is the order in which they will take on the 
final bosses. 

You get the first four for the first battle. If any die, they will be replaced 
at the end of each battle by the next character on the list, unless you bring 
them back to Life first. Your game ends if all four of your characters are 
Petrified or KO'ed in battle.

That being said, you should, obviously, arrange them from strongest to 
weakest. Put all your heavy Ultima users or heavy physical attackers at the 
front, because if you play this right, you'll only need four characters.

I placed Sabin, Gogo, Cyan, and Terra as my first four characters here. My 
Terra knows Quick, Ultima, and has the Gem Box equipped. My Sabin knows Quick 
and Cure 3 (amongst other things, like Ultima), and Cyan has the Offering and 
Genji Glove relics on.

Without further ado, the battle starts.

Final Boss #1: Face, Long Arm, Short Arm
HP: 30000 (F), 33000 (LA), 27000 (SA)     MP: 10000 (each)
I'm not even gonna ask what this thing is. Some big, ugly thing, with two big, 
powerful hands. Ya know, this... thing... whatever it is, is one tricky 
character. At the start of the battle, and whenever it feels like it, it will 
use R.Polarity, reversing all your character's positions (in the front/back 
row). So, after patiently putting them all BACK in the back row (or leaving 
them in the front for a quicker but riskier battle) we get on with the battle.

The two hands of the... thing... are fond of using Slip Hits on your party 
members. You know, so your members lose HP really slowly, each round? And 
there's not a lot you can do about the Slip Hits, just keep curing yourself. 
As with every enemy with multiple targets, you should use strong multi-target 
attacks. Like, you guessed it, ULTIMA. 

My battle works like this (substitute in your own character names at will):

=> My Cyan attacks normally, doing a lot of damage in each of his 8 hits 
=> My Sabin casts Quick then two Cure 3, every turn. Regardless of whether 
your characters are at full HP when his turn rolls around. You never know what 
could happen, in this here boss battle
=> My Terra casts Quick and Ultima in one X-Magic turn, then Ultima-Ultima in 
each of her next two. Five Ultimas in one turn, not bad, eh? 
=> And of course, you have the fabulous Gogo there to mimic Terra's every 
step. Five more Ultimas, not as powerful as Terra's, but still dealing out a 
LOT of damage.

Have you worked out the Key Strategy here yet? Yah. Lots. And Lots. Of Ultima. 
If Terra's dealing out somewhere in the vicinity of 25000 damage every turn, 
Gogo's copying but only dealing out 15000, Cyan's doing his best but only 
getting like 15000, and Sabin's keeping you all healthy, do you think ANY boss 
is going to last long? No.

Of course, you might not have the same characters as me. You might not even 
have the same strategy as me. But trust me, this is the easiest way to go to 
take out the final bosses, and it only takes a little preparation. Like, doing 
several of the side quests, say, the Tower of Fanatics. I spent an hour just 
wandering the lower levels of it, teaching my characters Ultima, Quick, and 
Cure 3.

Anywayssss, I'm getting sidetracked again. Use Key Strategy with great success 
in the first battle. After the three parts of the... thing... have given up 
the ghost, it will fall and a second... creature... will take its place.

Final Boss #2: Tiger, Hit, Tools, Magic
HP: 30000 (T), 28000 (H), 24000 (T), 30000 (M)     MP: 10000 (each)
This boss is even weirder looking than the last. What on earth are we fighting 
here, anyways?

Anyways, this boss has FOUR parts! And they're basically indistinguishable 
from each other. Does it matter, really? Nope, not one whit.

Key Strategy (see Final Boss #1) also works quite well here. Only time you 
need to vary from it, really, is if one of your characters accidentally gets 
wiped out, if your healer is not quick enough. Then get the NEXT CHARACTER 
(even if it is Ms. Superweapon with the Ultima) to use Life 2. Your characters 
do have Life 2, don't they? No? Dammit, get them learning Life 2.

Every time you knock out one of the targets, you get the 10 Hits attack. It 
is, exactly as the name suggests, 10 hits upon random members of your current 
party. Granted, the hits aren't that strong, but they can hurt, and if you're 
unlucky, they can wipe out one of your characters before the final part of 
the... creature... dies, sending you onto the next battle sans one member.

Final Boss #3: Sleep, Girl
HP: 40000 (S), 9999 (G)     MP: 10000 (each)
The easiest battle of the four. The top part, the girl, absorbs EVERYTHING. 
Everything except Ultima, that is ^_^ But before you launch straight into Key 
Strategy, you gotta do something after it casts W.Wind, right at the start of 
the battle. This clever attacks knocks down your whole party to 10% of its 
maximum HP, meaning, if your HP is at less than 90% when it is cast, you're in 
a spot of bother. Life 2, baby, yeah!

Two Ultima shots should be enough to knock the Girl out, and the Girl's the 
one casting all the W.Wind, so you should be safe after that. Except for the 
odd Meteor attack, there's not too much to worry about. But, as a final 
gesture before it dies, this boss will cast one last attack, Calmness, to wipe 
out one of your party members. And you don't get to replace them before you 
proceed on to the next battle. Ugh.

Pray that your sweet Gem Box owner is not the one wiped out.

Final Boss #4: Kefka
HP: 62000     MP: 38000
Kefka is surprisingly easy for a final FINAL boss. His HP is not all that 
high, but he does have a number of impressive-looking and bloody-painful 
attacks. Such as Goner, which could easily wipe a few thousand HP off your 
whole party, and Fallen One, which reduces your party's HP to just 1. It is 
wise not to program too many attacks in at a time here, because when he casts 
Fallen One, your next character has to be on hand either with several Cure 3's 
or a Megalixir. 

Use Key Strategy here, repeatedly, only varying when Fallen One comes around. 
(See, it's called Key Strategy for a reason.) It won't be too long before 
Kefka stops talking smack and kicks the bucket.

And that's it. Your mission is complete. Espers and Magic start crumbling 
around you, before your very eyes, and Terra's strength is fading fast. She 
can, however, lead you back out to your airship using the last of her Esper 

The scenes here are cute, funny, sweet, and LONG. Watch the ending of the 
game. I'm not going to spoil it. See it yourself, already, don't be so lazy! 
I've just spent far too long telling you how to beat the entire game, now GO 


This is like, the last addition to the guide itself. Partly because there was 
tidbits of information I wanted to include about the game that didn't fit 
anywhere in the general walkthrough, questions I see asked all the time on the 
Final Fantasy VI message board at GameFAQs, etc. So here it is. Enjoy.

+++ Got a specific question you'd like to ask? E-mail it to me, and I'll 
+++ answer it here.

Q. Where is the best place in the game to level up?
In the World of Ruin, on the island north of the Veldt, you will see a forest 
that looks kinda like a deformed Pac-Man. Apparently it's supposed to be a 
dinosaur, I dunno. Anyways, inside you will find lots of Tyranos, and the 
occasional Brachosaur, and if your party of four can successfully kill a 
Tyrano you'll net something like 4799 EXP each.

Q. Where is the best place in the game to learn spells?
Undoubtedly, the Tower of Fanatics, in the World of Ruin. The lower levels 
work best, as the enemies are easier. Simply traverse the lowest level, 
meeting nothing but L.10, L.20, and the odd L.30 Magic, which you can take out 
easily. With an average of 5 Magic Points per battle, you can't go too wrong 

Alternate (and much better sounding) idea from Raptor:

"for me, the best place to learn spells is a small desert just west of 
maranda. only 2 things there: Hoovers (1881 exp, 5 magic points, 10000GP) and 
Cactrots (10 magic points, 10000GP). "Hoovers are too strong and Cactrots are 
tough to hit!". everything has a solution: a Doom take care of the Hoovers, 
but don't work on the Cactrots. but there's at least one think that i know 
they can't avoid: Setzer's GP Rain (use Coin Toss relic). some unknown thing 
(maybe a bug... why not? ehheheh) make it do the usual damage... something 
like 2300 on lvl 39! isn't it the perfect place for spell-learning? you also 
get LOTS of money and some lvl up! so easy to learn that when i went to the 
kefka's tower with all members knowing all the spells (except the Crusader 
spells, of course!)... and over 3500000GP in my pocket! I tryed to beat the 
offers of the rich men on the auction house in jidoor but i never get a
chance! :( hehehehe!"

Q. What's an Economizer, and where do I get one?
Economizers are relics that cut the cost of casting spells (or summoning 
Espers) to just 1 MP each. Pretty useful, if I do say so myself. The best 
source of Economizers is from Brachosaurs in the dinosaur forest (see FAQ #1), 
they drop them quite regularly.

Q. What level should I be at by the final boss?
There's no "should" in terms of levels here. People can make recommendations, 
but the final bosses are beatable (is that a word?) on any level. I usually 
get there around level 35 or so, and I never have a problem with them. If you 
can't handle a boss (any boss, not just the final ones) it's a preparation 
problem, not a level problem. I forget who said that line. If anyone knows who 
said it, e-mail me and tell me.

Q. What is with that DOG? It appears out of nowhere and attacks my enemies!
Hey, it attacks your enemies, don't complain ^_^ Nah, in all seriousness, the 
dog, Interceptor, is Shadow's companion. And it will only appear to attack 
after Shadow is threatened. Usually, if Shadow blocks an attack, there is a 
random chance that Interceptor will appear with either the Wild Fang or 
Takedown moves.

Q. HELP I CAN'T BEAT (insert boss name here)!!!!!
Check the walkthrough, buddy.

Q. I've heard of glitches in this game, such as Psycho Cyan and the Sketch 
bug. Can you tell me about them?
They weren't actually in this game, they were in the original FF3 release, and 
taken out for the FF6 re-release. I don't know a lot about them, but I know a 
Apparently, if Relm tried to Sketch/Control either very large enemies, or Gau 
in a Rage, there was a chance you could encounter the bug. Basically, the bug 
was said to do anything from wipe your entire memory card to give you 255 of 
every item, ie. its effects varied greatly. Not a good bug.
Psycho Cyan, I'm not too sure about. Give me a while, I'll do a bit of 

Q. What's in the "Bonus" (or "Omake") section, on the main menu?
Ooh, I like the Bonus section. There's three sections to it, but some of them 
aren't available until you beat the game once.
Section 1 => Studio, home of the three CG sequences of the game (beginning, 
end, and something called PILOT), and five picture galleries.
Section 2 => Status. Only available after you defeat the game, it houses the 
statistics on all your characters, like highest/lowest levels you achieved per 
character, what spells they all learnt. Also your best/worst performance 
times, GP, and number of steps. Quite interesting. Of course, this proves that 
Sabin is my most-used character.
Section 3 => Secret. (Not so secret anymores, eh?) Lots of lists about the 
game, some of which I have copied down and included here in this guide. A 
complete bestiary, with a lot more stats than my little one. Plus an Esper 
guide, a Lore section, and a Colosseum list. Interesting stuff.

Q. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
Now, why would you want to know about meee? *blushes* My name is Rebecca, I'm 
eighteen, and I live in Melbourne, Australia. (Yeah maaaate, I'm an Aussie!) 
That's all you're allowed to know! =P

Arrr, that's all I can think of right now, me matey.

          6. LISTS!

*cue dramatic horror music*
The bane of any RPG FAQ writer's existence, compiling long and lengthy lists. 
Here goes. Enjoy the results of all my hard labour.

6a. Espers

Espers form the basis of the Magic system in Final Fantasy VI. When Espers 
pass away, as so many of them do in this game (27 to be exact) they become 
Magicite, and this Magicite can be used by our heroes to learn magic spells. 
When a piece of Magicite is equipped to a character, and that character 
participates in (and survives) battles, he/she will earn Magic Points that 
contribute towards learning the spells the Esper has to offer. Different 
spells have different rates of learning, and it goes without saying that the 
most advanced and powerful spells get learned the slowest. For example, any 
character equipped with Ragnarok that earns 5 Magic Points will learn 5% of 
the Ultima spell, while any character equipped with Bahamut that earns 5 Magic 
Points will learn 10% of Flare.

In addition, any character can summon their equipped Magicite into battle for 
them. The effects of these summons vary greatly, from healing your entire 
party (Sraphim) to instant death for your enemies (Raiden).

Some Espers also have level-up attributes. When a character equipped with such 
an Esper levels up, they will get bonuses to their stats, HP or MP.

The following is a brief list of all 27 Espers and their features.
Spells:       Bolt x10, Bolt 2 x5, Poison x5
Summons:      Bolt Fist (25 MP)
Description:  The staff this old man Esper carries can fire a powerful
              lightning strike at enemies.
Level-up:     +1 to Stamina.
Where?        When Terra is rescued in Zozo.

Spells:       Cure x5, Cure 2 x1, Regen x3, Antdot x4, Scan x5
Summons:      Life Guard (18 MP)
Description:  A sacred animal, he can Regen allies by covering them with 
Level-up:     None
Where?        When Terra is rescued in Zozo.

Spells:       Sleep x10, Mute x8, Slow x7, Fire x6
Summons:      Hope Song (16 MP)
Description:  Those who hear this singing fairy woman are struck mute and 
              cannot cast spells.
Level-up:     10% bonus to HP.
Where?        When Terra is rescued in Zozo.

Spells:       Muddle x7, Imp x5, Float x2
Summons:      Cat Rain (28 MP)
Description:  Superstitious people who see this black cat crossing their path
              panic with fear.
Level-up:     +1 to Magic.
Where?        When Terra is rescued in Zozo.

Spells:       Fire x10, Fire 2 x5, Drain x1
Summons:      Inferno (26 MP)
Description:  This Esper uses great energy to fry foes in an Inferno. Good on
              foes weak vs. fire.
Level-up:     +1 to Vigor.
Where?        In the pit of the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Ice x10, Ice 2 x5, Rasp x4, Osmose x4, Cure x3
Summons:      Gem Dust (27 MP)
Description:  This female Esper launches a freezing blizzard attack by
              crystallizing air moisture.
Level-up:     None
Where?        In the pit of the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Cure 2 x4, Remedy x3, Dispel x2, Safe x1, Shell x1
Summons:      Heal Horn (30 MP)
Description:  This healing Esper casts Remedy on the party with its single
              magical horn.
Level-up:     None
Where?        When the Espers self-destruct in the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Fire 2 x3, Ice 2 x3, Bolt 2 x3
Summons:      Chaos Wing (44 MP)
Description:  This gigantic Esper strikes down its enemies with waves of pure
Level-up:     +1 to Magic.
Where?        When the Espers self-destruct in the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Bio x8, Break x5, Doom x2
Summons:      Demon Eye (45 MP)
Description:  One ugly Esper. Those that meet its magic glare turn to stone.
Level-up:     10% bonus to HP.
Where?        When the Espers self-destruct in the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Berserk x3, Vanish x3, Demi x5
Summons:      Fader (38 MP)
Description:  A ghostly Esper formed of lost thoughts and dreams. Casts Fader
              for the party.
Level-up:     10% bonus to MP.
Where?        When the Espers self-destruct in the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Reflect x5, Haste x3, Shell x2, Safe x2, Warp x2
Summons:      Ruby Power (36 MP)
Description:  This shining fairy Esper uses its red eyes to cast Rflect on the
Level-up:     None
Where?        When the Espers self-destruct in the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Fire x20, Ice x20, Bolt x20, Life x2
Summons:      Sea Song (50 MP)
Description:  This great white whale rules the seas. Its foamy blast taps the
              power of water.
Level-up:     +2 to Vigor.
Where?        When the Espers self-destruct in the Magitek facility.

Spells:       Safe x5, Stop x5, Cure 2 x5
Summons:      Earth Wall (33 MP)
Description:  Like Alexander, this Esper was made before the war. Shields vs.
              some attacks.
Level-up:     +2 to Stamina.
Where?        The auction house of Jidoor.

Spells:       Rasp x20, Osmose x15, Shell x5
Summons:      Wall (30 MP)
Description:  An Esper of unknown origin. Makes a Shell to protect the party.
Level-up:     +2 to Magic.
Where?        The auction house of Jidoor.

Spells:       Life x5, Cure 2 x8, Cure x20, Regen x10, Remedy x4
Summons:      Reviver (40 MP)
Description:  An archangel descends from on high and restores the party's HP.
Level-up:     None
Where?        A man walking in the bushes in the north-eastern side of Tzen.

Spells:       Haste x20, Slow x20, Haste 2 x2, Slow 2 x2, Float x5
Summons:      Sonic Dive (61 MP)
Description:  This magical bird gives the party Jump Attack. You can't be 
              attacked while jumping.
Level-up:     None
Where?        Solitary Island beach, after obtaining the Falcon airship.

Spells:       Warp x10, X-Zone x5, Stop x3
Summons:      Moon Song (70 MP)
Description:  A silver wolf whose howl makes the party seem larger, 
              discouraging some enemies.
Level-up:     30% Bonus to MP.
Where?        When you defeat Phunbaba in Mobliz.

Spells:       Fire 3 x1, Ice 3 x1, Bolt 3 x1
Summons:      Tri-Dazer (68 MP)
Description:  A winged Esper with a scaly body. Its attack combines fire, ice
              and thunder.
Level-up:     +2 to Magic.
Where?        After defeating the Esper in Narshe.

Spells:       Quake x3, Quarter x1, W Wind x1
Summons:      Earth Aura (40 MP)
Description:  This giant serpent of divine origins sends a giant shockwave
              through the earth.
Level-up:     30% bonus to HP.
Where?        From the bone statue in Umaro's chamber.

Spells:       Cure x25, Cure 2 x16, Cure 3 x1, Regen x20, Remedy x20
Summons:      Group Hug (74 MP)
Description:  A greater healer than Sraphim. This Esper cures fatigue and 
              restores HP.
Level-up:     +2 to Stamina.
Where?        From Owzer's chamber after defeating Chadarnook.

Spells:       Pearl x2, Shell x10, Safe x10, Dispel x10, Remedy x15
Summons:      Justice (90 MP)
Description:  Mages brought this ancient machine to life. His light ray attack
              burns away evil.
Level-up:     None
Where?        From the king's throne after defeating Wrexsoul.

Spells:       Life x10, Life 2 x2, Life 3 x1, Cure 3 x2, Fire 3 x3
Summons:      Rebirth (110 MP)
Description:  This undying Esper, called the immortal bird, can cure Wounded
              party members.
Level-up:     None
Where?        After finding Locke in the Phoenix Cave.

Spells:       Meteor x1
Summons:      Atom Edge (70 MP)
Description:  A warrior with god-like power riding a noble steed. His Atom 
              Edge cuts foes in two.
Level-up:     +1 to Speed.
Where?        The main chamber of the Ancient Castle.

Spells:       Flare x2
Summons:      Sun Flare (86 MP)
Description:  King of Dragons. Elements in his body combine to generate a
              nuclear fusion blast.
Level-up:     50% bonus to HP.
Where?        After defeating Doom Gaze.

Spells:       Ultima x1
Summons:      Metamorph (6 MP)
Description:  This legendary sword Esper radiates a strange light turning
              enemies into items.
Level-up:     None
Where?        The basement of the weapons shop in Narshe.

Spells:       Merton x1, Meteor x10
Summons:      Purifier (96 MP)
Description:  This holy war between demon, devil and goddess damages friend
              and foe alike.
Level-up:     50% bonus to MP.
Where?        After defeating all eight dragons.

Spells:       Quick x1
Summons:      True Edge (80 MP)
Description:  Odin's powered up form. His improved skills increase his chances
              of decimating foes.
Level-up:     +2 to Vigor.
Where?        When examining the Queen's statue in the Ancient Castle.

6b. Magic

No matter how often I play this game, how much I try to get every character a 
complete set of spells, I always seem to miss a few. This list is mainly to 
help myself in future games, but then I realized, hey, it may help other 
people too ^_^

MP:           5
Range:        One/All
Description:  Recovers a small amount of HP
Learn From:   Starlet x20, Sraphim x20, Kirin x5, Shiva x3

MP:           25
Range:        One/All
Description:  Recovers a medium amount of HP (approx. 3 times as much as Cure)
Learn From:   Starlet x16, Sraphim x8, Golem x5, Unicorn x4, Kirin x1

MP:           40
Range:        One/All
Description:  Recovers a large amount of HP (approx. 7 times as much as Cure)
Learn From:   Phoenix x2, Starlet x1

MP:           30
Range:        One
Description:  Revives a Wounded party member to 12% of max HP.
Learn From:   Phoenix x10, Sraphim x5, Bismark x2

Life 2
MP:           60
Range:        One
Description:  Revives a Wounded party member to maximum HP.
Learn From:   Phoenix x2

MP:           3
Range:        One
Description:  Cures Poison.
Learn From:   Kirin x4

MP:           15
Range:        One
Description:  Cures all status effects excepting Wounded, Imp and Zombie.
Learn From:   Starlet x20, Alexander x15, Sraphim x4, Unicorn x3

MP:           10
Range:        One
Description:  Causes a character to slowly regain HP.
Learn From:   Starlet x20, Sraphim x10, Kirin x3

Life 3
MP:           50
Range:        One
Description:  Cast on a living party member, it automatically revives from 
              Wounded status (should they enter it) with 12% of max HP.
Learn From:   Phoenix x1

MP:           4
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a small amount of fire-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Bismark x20, Ifrit x10, Siren x6

MP:           5
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a small amount of ice-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Bismark x20, Shiva x10

MP:           6
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a small amount of thunder-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Bismark x20, Ramuh x10

MP:           3
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to inflict Poison on the target.
Learn From:   Ramuh x5

MP:           15
Range:        One
Description:  Transfers some of the target's HP to the spell caster.
Learn From:   Ifrit x1

Fire 2
MP:           20
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a moderate amount of fire-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Ifrit x5, Maduin x3

Ice 2
MP:           21
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a moderate amount of ice-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Shiva x5, Maduin x3

Bolt 2
MP:           22
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a moderate amount of thunder-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Ramuh x5, Maduin x3

MP:           26
Range:        All
Description:  Attempts to inflict Poison on the enemy party. An advanced 
              version of Poison.
Learn From:   Shoat x8

Fire 3
MP:           51
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a large amount of fire-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Tritoch x1

Ice 3
MP:           52
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a large amount of ice-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Tritoch x1

Bolt 3
MP:           53
Range:        One/All
Description:  Deals out a large amount of thunder-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Tritoch x1

MP:           25
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to Petrify enemies.
Learn From:   Shoat x5

MP:           35
Range:        One
Description:  Summons Death himself to attempt to instantly kill an enemy.
Learn From:   Shoat x2

Pearl (Holy)
MP:           40
Range:        One
Description:  Covers a foe in holy light.
Learn From:   Alexandr x2

MP:           45
Range:        One
Description:  Deals out a large amount of explosive non-elemental damage.
Learn From:   Bahamut x2

MP:           33
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to slice an enemy's HP in half.
Learn From:   Phantom x5

MP:           48
Range:        One
Description:  A dual Demi spell, attempts to reduces an enemy's HP by 3/4.
Learn From:   Terrato x1

MP:           53
Range:        All
Description:  Attempts to send enemy party to the X-Zone, from which they can 
              never return.
Learn From:   Fenrir x5

MP:           62
Range:        All
Description:  Causes a meteor shower to descend from above.
Learn From:   Crusadr x10, Odin x1

MP:           80
Range:        All
Description:  Deals out massive amounts of non-elemental damage. The most 
              powerful spell you can hope to learn.
Learn From:   Ragnarok x1

MP:           50
Range:        All (enemy party and allies)
Description:  An earthquake deals out large amounts of earth-elemental damage 
              to everyone with their feet on the ground.
Learn From:   Terrato x3

W. Wind
MP:           75
Range:        All (enemy party and allies)
Description:  Slashes everyone's HP down to 10%.
Learn From:   Terrato x1

MP:           85
Range:        All (enemy party and allies)
Description:  Deals out a massive amount of fire-elemental damage to everyone.
Learn From:   Crusadr x1

MP:           3
Range:        One
Description:  Reveals a foes HP, MP, strengths and weaknesses.
Learn From:   Kirin x5

MP:           5
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to slow down target, meaning they take turns more 
Learn From:   Palidor x20, Siren x7

MP:           12
Range:        One
Description:  Reduces an enemy's MP.
Learn From:   Zoneseek x20, Shiva x4

MP:           8
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to Silence an enemy, preventing them from casting 
Learn From:   Siren x8

MP:           12
Range:        One
Description:  Increases defence.
Learn From:   Alexander x10, Golem x5, Carbunkl x2, Unicorn x1

MP:           5
Range:        One
Description:  Puts target to sleep, preventing them from taking turns.
Learn From:   Siren x10

MP:           8
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to muddle the target, using random commands against 
              random characters.
Learn From:   Stray x7

MP:           10
Range:        One
Description:  Speeds up target, they can take turns quicker.
Learn From:   Palidor x20, Carbunkl x3

MP:           12
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to completely stop the target, preventing them from 
              taking turns.
Learn From:   Siren x10

MP:           16
Range:        One
Description:  Makes target uncontrollable, can use physical attacks only.
Learn From:   Phantom x3

MP:           17
Range:        One/All
Description:  Causes target to float in the air with their feet off the 
              ground. Target is then immune to earth attacks.
Learn From:   Palidor x5, Stray x2

MP:           10
Range:        One
Description:  Attempts to turn target into an Imp. Is also used to cure the 
              Imp status effect.
Learn From:   Stray x5

MP:           22
Range:        One
Description:  Creates a magical barrier that reflects (most) magic attacks.
Learn From:   Carbunkl x5

MP:           15
Range:        One
Description:  Increases Magic Defence.
Learn From:   Alexander x10, Zone Seek x5, Carbunkl x2, Unicorn x1

MP:           18
Range:        One
Description:  Makes target invisible, and immune to physical attacks.
Learn From:   Phantom x3

MP:           38
Range:        All
Description:  Speeds up target party, to take turns more quickly.
Learn From:   Palidor x2

MP:           26
Range:        All
Description:  Slows down target party, so they take turns more slowly.
Learn From:   Palidor x2

MP:           1
Range:        One
Description:  Transfers some of the target's MP to the spell caster.
Learn From:   Zoneseek x15, Shiva x4

MP:           20
Range:        All
Description:  Escapes from battles or dungeons.
Learn From:   Fenrir x10, Carbunkl x2

MP:           99
Range:        One
Description:  Allows a character to have double turns.
Learn From:   Raiden x1

MP:           25
Range:        One
Description:  Removes all status effects from the target.
Learn From:   Alexandr x10, Unicorn x2

6c. Lores

Strago's Lores really are interesting. In battles against certain enemies, if 
they use certain attacks on your party, Strago can "learn" them and use them 
himself, against your enemies. Most first-timers through this game will 
probably not have Strago in their party a lot, therefore not learn a lot of 
Lores, and not recognize what a great skill using them is. 

The following is a list of the 24 Lores you can learn, a brief description of 
them, and a list of what creatures you can learn them from.

Cost:         20 MP
Description:  When the countdown reaches 0 target becomes Wounded. Ineffective
              vs. Undead.
Learn from:   Critic, Dark Force, Nerapa, Still Life, Veteran, Zombone
Cost:         10 MP
Description:  Someone becomes Wounded at random during battle. Effective vs.
Learn from:   Critic, Dark Force, Pipsqueak, Veteran

Clean Sweep
Cost:         30 MP
Description:  Summon a tsunami to wash away enemies. Very effective vs. desert
Learn from:   Atma, Blue Drgn, Dark Force, Enuo

Aqua Rake
Cost:         22 MP
Description:  Engulf an enemy in seething foam. This spell has both water and
              wind attributes.
Learn from:   Actaneon, Anguiform, Blue Drgn, Chimera, Dark Force, Enuo, 
              Rhyos, Suriander, Vectagoyle

Cost:         41 MP
Description:  This wind spell casts an enemy headlong into an abrasive
Learn from:   Dark Force, Doom Gaze, Harpiai, Harpy, Poltrgeist, Rhyos, 
              Sprinter, Storm Drgn, Tyranosaur

Blow Fish
Cost:         50 MP
Description:  This giant burst of needles deals 1000 points of damage to any
Learn from:   Brain Pan, Cactrot, Dark Force, KatanaSoul, Mover, Phase, 
              Phunbaba, Presenter

Big Guard
Cost:         80 MP
Description:  Casts both Shell and Safe on all party members at once.
Learn from:   Dark Force, Earthguard, Guardian, Mover

Cost:         31 MP
Description:  Deal damage to enemy equal to your max HP - current HP. Lower
              HP means more damage.
Learn from:   Borras, Dark Force, Dragon, Gigantos, Pan Dora, Red Wolf

Pearl Wind
Cost:         45 MP
Description:  Cure party for an amount equal to your present HP. (Higher HP
              means more cure.)
Learn from:   Abolisher, Curley, Dark Force, Ogor, Peepers, Sprinter, Storm 
              Drgn, Vectaur

L.5 Doom
Cost:         22 MP
Description:  Casts Doom on an enemy whose level is a multiple of 5. (ie. 5, 
              10, 15, 20...)
Learn from:   Dark Force, Didalos, Dueller, Goblin, Sky Base, Trapper

L.4 Flare
Cost:         42 MP
Description:  Casts Flare on an enemy whose level is a multiple of 4. (ie. 4,
              8, 12, 16...)
Learn from:   Apokryphos, Dark Force, Dueller, Goblin, Mag Roader(#4), Trapper

L.3 Muddle
Cost:         28 MP
Description:  Casts Muddle on a foe whose level is a multiple of 3. (ie. 3, 6,
              9, 12, 15...)
Learn from:   Apokryphos, Dante, Dark Force, Goblin, Trapper

Cost:         ???
Description:  Puts Dark, Mute and Slow status on a Rflected enemy.
Learn from:   Dark Force

L.? Pearl
Cost:         50 MP
Description:  Casts Pearl on an enemy whose level is a multiple of your 
              present GP's single digit.
Learn from:   Critic, Dark Force, Dullahan, Innoc

Step Mine
Cost:         Elapsed playtime x 2 (MP)
Description:  1/32 of walk steps is dealt as damage.
Learn from:   Brachosaur, Crawler, Dark Force, Greasemonk, Intangir, Master 
              Pug, Mesosaur, Pug, Tomb Thumb

Force Field
Cost:         24 MP
Description:  Randomly nullifies attacks of certain types. Effectiveness 
              increases per use.
Learn from:   Dark Force, Doom

Cost:         68 MP
Description:  Level reduced by half during battle. Fractions are rounded up.
Learn from:   Chaser, Crawler, Dark Force, Figaliz, Iron Hitman, Lizard, 
              Pipsqueak, Scullion

Sour Mouth
Cost:         32 MP
Description:  Puts Mute, Imp, Poison, Dark, Sleep and Muddled status on an 
              enemy. Some are immune.
Learn from:   Dark Force, Evil Oscar, Mad Oscar

Pep Up
Cost:         1 MP
Description:  Sacrifice yourself to give an ally max HP/MP and clear any
              abnormal status.
Learn from:   Dark Force, Flan, Intangir, Junk, Muus

Cost:         66 MP
Description:  Swap all status changes, including defence bonuses, with target 
Learn from:   Blue Drgn, Dark Force, Reach Frog

Cost:         22 MP
Description:  A stone damages and Muddles foe. If your level = enemy level, 
              damage is multiplied by 8.
Learn from:   1st Class, Brawler, Dark Force, Guardian, Iron Fist, Poppers
Cost:         50 MP
Description:  Call down a meteor storm from outer space. Ignores defence 
Learn from:   Dark Force, Goddess

Cost:         64 MP
Description:  Strike through any defence with a triangular burst of energy. 
              The best blue spell.
Learn from:   Hidon

Cost:         1 MP
Description:  Suicidal explosion dealing damage equal to your present HP.
Learn from:   Balloon, Bomb, Dark Force, Grenade, Junk, Pipsqueak, Repo Man, 
              Scullion, Wart Puck

6d. Rages

Gau's Rages also get their own special section. I'm not going to go into 
details of each rage (there's 255 of them for crying out loud!), I just want 
to provide a list of them (plus their main attack, as each Rage has only one) 
so you can get them all (without having those few blank spots on the list and 
thinking "now, which ones am I missing?")

DID YOU KNOW? If you have both Gau and Strago in your party, Strago can learn 
Lores from some of Gau's Rages? Yes folks, it's true. Those particular Rages 
are marked in the list with a !!.

Also note, the three Rages marked with a ** are only possible to obtain using 
a GameShark or something similar. =(

Guard       (Critical)              Soldier      (Fire)
Templar     (Fire2)                 Ninja        (Water Edge)
Samurai     (Lullaby)               Orog         (Pearl)
Mag Roader  (Bio)                   Retainer     (Shock)
Hazer       (Bolt2)                 Dahling      (Cure2)
Rain Man    (Bolt3)                 Brawler      (Stone) !!
Apokryphos  (L.3 Muddle) !!         Dark Force   (Cleansweep) !!
Whisper     (Demi)                  Over-Mind    (Elf Fire)	
Osteosaur   (X-zone)                Commander    (Break)
Rhodox      (Snare)                 Were-Rat     (Poison)
Ursus       (Net)                   Rhinotaur    (Mega Volt)
Steroidite  (Blizzard)              Leafer       (Incisor)
Stray Cat   (Catscratch)            Lobo         (Tusk)
Doberman    (Bite)                  Vomammoth    (Blizzard)
Fidor       (Pounce)                Baskervor    (Cyclonic)
Suriander   (Aqua Rake) !!          Chimera      (Aqua Rake) !!	
Behemoth    (Meteor)                Mesosaur     (Step Mine) !!
Pterodon    (Fire Ball)             FossilFang   (Sandstorm)
White Drgn  (Pearl)                 Doom Drgn    (N. Cross)
Brachosaur  (Disaster)              Tyranosaur   (Meteo)
Dark Wind   (Break)                 Beakor       (Duster)
Vulture     (Shimsham)              Harpy        (Cyclonic)
Hermit Crab (Net)                   Trapper      (L.3 Muddle) !!
Hornet      (Iron Needle)           Crasshoppr   (Bserk)
Delta Bug   (Mega Volt)             Gilomantis   (Shrapnel)
Trilium     (Bio)                   Nightshade   (Charm)
Tumbleweed  (Lifeshaver)            Bloompire    (Bio)
Trilobiter  (PoisonBarb)            Siegfried    (Flare) **
Nautiloid   (Ink)                   Exocite      (Scissors)
Anguiform   (Aqua Rake) !!          Reach Frog   (Slimer)
Lizard      (Break)                 Chickenlip   (Quake)
Hoover      (Sandstorm)             Rider        (Virite)
Chupon      (W Wind) **             Pipsqueak    (Imp)
M-TekArmor  (Tek Laser)             Sky Armor    (Tek Laser)
Telstar     (Sonic Boom)            Lethal Wpn   (GravBomb)
Vaporite    (Blaze)                 Flan         (Slimer)
Ing         (Lifeshaver)            Humpty       (Poison)
Brainpan    (Blow Fish) !!          Cruller      (Slimer)
Cactrot     (Blow Fish) !!          RepoMan      (Exploder) !!
Harvester   (Haste)                 Bomb         (Exploder) !!
Still Life  (Lullaby)               Boxed Set    (Meteor)
Slam Dancer (Ice2)                  HadesGigas   (Magnitude8)
Pug         (Break)                 Magic Urn    (Cure3)
Mover       (Merton)                Figaliz      (Dischord) !!
Buffalax    (Slow2)                 Aspik        (Giga Volt)
Ghost       (Bolt2)                 Crawler      (Step Mine) !!
Sand Ray    (Tail)                  Areneid      (Numb)
Actaneon    (Clamp)                 Sand Horse   (Sand Storm)
Dark Side   (Ice2)                  Mad Oscar    (Sour Mouth) !!
Crawly      (Heart Burn)            Bleary       (Doom)
Marshal     (Wind Slash)            Trooper      (Swing)
General     (Cure2)                 Covert       (Wind Slash)
Ogor        (Storm)                 Warlock      (Pearl)
Madam       (Pearl)                 Joker        (Bolt2)
Iron Fist   (Stone) !!              Goblin       (Bolt3)
Apparite    (Imp)                   PowerDemon   (Flare)
Displayer   (Doom)                  Vector Pup   (Bite)
Peepers     (Pearl Wind) !!         Sewer Rat    (Incisor)
Slatter     (Cave-In)               Rhinox       (Life3)
Rhobite     (Life)                  Wild Cat     (Blaster)
Red Fang    (Drain)                 Bounty Man   (Bite)
Tusker      (Blizzard)              Ralph        (Tackle)
Chitonid    (Stop)                  Wart Puck    (Shimsham)
Rhyos       (Surge)                 SrBehemoth   (Fire3)
Vectaur     (Pearl Wind) !!         Wyvern       (Cyclonic)
Zombone     (Condemned) !!          Dragon       (Revenge) !! 
Brontaur    (Fire3)                 Allosaurus   (Doom)
Cirpius     (Haste2)                Sprinter     (Aero) !!
Gobbler     (Shimsham)              Harpai       (Aero) !!
Gloomshell  (Net)                   Drop         (Muddle)
Mind Candy  (Sleep Sting)           WeedFeeder   (Bserk)
Luridan     (Landslide)             Toe Cutter   (Shrapnel)
Over Grunk  (Bane Touch)            Exoray       (Virite)
Crusher     (Lifeshaver)            Uroburos     (Quake)
Primordite  (Numblade)              Sky Cap      (Megazerk)
Cephaler    (Husk)                  Maliga       (Remedy)
Gigan Toad  (Slimer)                Geckorex     (Break)
Cluck       (Quake)                 LandWorm     (Magnitude8)
Test Rider  (Flash Rain)            PlutoArmor   (Tek Laser)
Tomb Thumb  (Step Mine) !!          HeavyArmor   (Tek Laser)
Chaser      (Plasma)                Scullion     (Dischord) !!
Poplium     (Cling)                 Intangir     (Pep Up) !!
Misfit      (Lifeshaver)            Eland        (Bio)
Enuo        (Cleansweep) !!         Deep Eye     (Dread)
GreaseMonk  (Shell)                 NeckHunter   (Imp)
Grenade     (Blaze)                 Critic       (Condemned) !!
Pan Dora    (Revenge) !!            SoulDancer   (Osmose)
Gigantos    (Magnitude8)            Mag Roader   (Mute)
Spek Tor    (Blaster)               Parasite     (Giga Volt)
EarthGuard  (Big Guard) !!          Coelecite    (Magnitude8)
Anemone     (Giga Volt)             Hipocampus   (Flash Rain)
Spectre     (Fire)                  Evil Oscar   (Bio)
Slurm       (Slimer)                Latimeria    (Magnitude8)
StillGoing  (Osmose)                Allo Ver     (Quake) **
Phase       (Blow Fish) !!          Outsider     (Pearl)
Barb-e      (Love Token)            Parasoul     (Flash Rain)
Pm Stalker  (Drain)                 Hemophyte    (Flash Rain)
Sp Forces   (Safe)                  Nohrabbit    (Cure2)
Wizard      (Demi)                  Scrapper     (Elf Fire)
Ceritops    (Giga Volt)             Commando     (Rflect)
Opinicus    (Slide                  Poppers      (Stone) !!
Lunaris     (Face Bite)             Garm         (Demi)
Vindr       (Acid Rain)             Kiwak        (Imp)
Nastidon    (Blizzard)              Rinn         (Fire)
Insecare    (Wing Wisp)             Vermin       (Scan)
Mantodea    (Wind Slash)            Bogy         (OogyBoogy)
Prussian    (Land Slide)            Black Drgn   (Storm)
Adamanchyt  (Acid Rain)             Dante        (L.3 Muddle) !!
Wirey Drgn  (Cyclonic)              Dueller      (Mega Volt)
Psycot      (Lifeshaver)            Muus         (Pep Up) !!
Karkass     (Bolt3)                 Punisher     (Bolt3)
Balloon     (Exploder) !!           Gabbldegak   (Vanish)
GtBehemoth  (Meteor)                Scorpion     (Poison)
Chaos Drgn  (Disaster)              Spit Fire    (Tek Laser)
Vectagoyle  (Aqua Rake) !!          Lick         (Fire2)
Osprey      (Shimsham)              Mag Roader   (Haste)
Bug         (Stop)                  Sea Flower   (Sleep)
Fortis      (Fire Ball)             Abolisher    (Poison)
Aquila      (Cyclonic)              Junk         (Pep Up) !!
Mandrake    (Raid)                  1st Class    (Stone) !!
Tap Dancer  (Slow2)                 Necromancer  (Doom)
Borras      (Revenge) !!            Mag Roader   (L.4 Flare) !!
Wild Rat    (Scratch)               Gold Bear    (Gouge)
Innoc       (Virite)                Trixter      (Fire2)
Red Wolf    (Rush)                  Didalos      (Merton)
Woolly      (Ice3)                  Veteran      (Roulette) !!
Sky Base    (Doom)                  IronHitman   (Dischord) !!
Io          (Flare Star)

6e. Dances

Dances are Mog's special skill. When fighting battles in certain regions, he 
can learn Dances about those regions, composed of several attacks specific to 
that region. Once he has learnt Dances, he can use them anywhere in the world. 
His Dances range from defensive, to attacking, to instant kill. Without 
further ado, on with the list.

Mog's Dances are not foolproof. If he tries to Dance in a foreign region (one 
that doesn't match the Dance he is trying to perform) there is a chance he 
will stumble and fall. If he falls, he will not perform and you will be given 
the normal options in his next turn.

Wind Song
Where Learnt:  Grass fields
Attacks:       Wind Slash, Sun Bath, Plasma, Cockatrice

Forest Suite
Where Learnt:  Woods
Attacks:       Rage, Wild Bear, Elf Fire, Wombat

Desert Aria
Where Learnt:  Desert regions
Attacks:       Sand Storm, Wind Slash, Antlion, Kitty

Love Sonata
Where Learnt:  Towns
Attacks:       Elf Fire, Snare, Specter, Tapir

Earth Blues
Where Learnt:  Mountains
Attacks:       Land Slide, Sun Bath, Sonic Boom, Whump

Water Rondo
Where Learnt:  Underwater (ie. Serpent Trench)
Attacks:       El Nino, Specter, Plasma, Wild Bear
Note:          The Water Rondo dance can only be learnt by choosing Mog in 
               Narshe in the World of Balance (instead of the Gold Hairpin), 
               and then taking him through the Serpent Trench.

Dusk Requiem
Where Learnt:  Caves
Attacks:       Cave In, Elf Fire, Snare, Poison Frog

Snowman Jazz
Where Learnt:  Snow fields
Attacks:       Snowball, Snare, Surge, Ice Rabbit

6f. Weapons

- Special thanks goes out to Steve McFadden for letting me use his weapons, 
armour and relic info. -

It goes without saying that your characters can equip weapons to deal out some
serious damage. It's kinda hard to beat the game without them (though 
possible, I have heard.) Most weapons can be found as you travel around the 
game, in treasure chests and stuff, others can be bought at shops.

Each character has their own unique weapons they can equip. Other weapons can
be equipped and used by anybody. Below is a complete list of weapons in the 
game, and a bit of info about each of them.

Air Lancet
Price:     950 GP
Effects:   Wind-elemental
Bat. Pwr:  76
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Locke, Strago, Gogo, Relm

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  57
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Price:     N/A 
Effects:   Randomly dispatches an enemy
Bat. Pwr:  106
Stats:     Speed +3, Mag Pwr +2, Evade% +10
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow, Locke

Atma Weapon
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Transforms at Level Up, grows stronger as HP increases
Bat. Pwr:  ???
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  162
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Aura Lance
Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  227
Stats:     Vigor +3, Speed +2, Stamina +1, Mag. Pwr +3
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Mog, Edgar

Price:     7000 GP
Effects:   Randomly casts "Ice"
Bat. Pwr:  108
Stats:     Mag. Pwr +2
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Price:     3200 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  112
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow

Bone Club
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Intricately carved
Bat. Pwr:  151
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Umaro

Price:     4500 GP
Effects:   Same damage from back row
Bat. Pwr:  102
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Locke

Break Blade
Price:     12,000 GP
Effects:   Randomly casts "Break"
Bat. Pwr:  117
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Terra

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  104
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Setzer

Chocobo Brush
Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  60
Stats:     Mag. Pwr +1
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Relm

Price:     15,000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  167
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Terra

Price:     10,000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  115
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Setzer

Da Vinci Brush
Price:     7000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  100
Stats:     Speed +1, Mag.Pwr +1
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Relm

Price:     5000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  ???
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Setzer

Price:     150 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  26
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Doom Darts
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly dispatches an enemy
Bat. Pwr:  187
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Setzer

Dragon Claw
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Holy-elemental
Bat. Pwr:  188
Stats:     Vigor +2, Mag. Pwr +1
Features:  none
Users:     Sabin

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Absorbs damage as HP
Bat. Pwr:  121
Stats:     Evade% +10
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Terra, Locke

Price:     10,000 GP
Effects:   Magic power up
Bat. Pwr:  135
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +7, M.Block% +20
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Terra, Celes, Edgar

Price:     3,000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  98
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Terra

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Holy-elemental
Bat. Pwr:  217
Stats:     Vigor +2, Speed +2, Stamina +1, Mag. Pwr +1, Evade% +20
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Price:     17,000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  176
Stats:     Evade% +10
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Fire Knuckle
Price:     10,000 GP
Effects:   Randomly casts "Fire"
Bat. Pwr:  122
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Sabin

Fire Rod
Price:     3,000 GP
Effects:   Casts "Fire 2" when used as an item, and then breaks
Bat. Pwr:  79
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Fixed Dice
Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  ???
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Setzer

Price:     2,000 GP
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row
Bat. Pwr:  86
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago, Celes, Terra

Flame Sabre
Price:     7,000 GP
Effects:   Randomly casts "Fire".
Bat. Pwr:  108
Stats:     Mag. Pwr +2
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Price:     1,200 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  81
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Full Moon
Price:     2,500 GP
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row
Bat. Pwr:  95
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Locke

Gold Lance
Price:     12,000
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  139
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Mog, Edgar

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Holy-elemental
Bat. Pwr:  204
Stats:     Evade% +10
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Gravity Rod
Price:     1,300 GP
Effects:   Casts "Quarter" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Bat. Pwr:  120
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly evades an enemy's attack.
Bat. Pwr:  59
Stats:     Speed +4, Evade% +10
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Locke

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  121
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow

Hawk Eye
Price:     6,000 GP
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row
Bat. Pwr:  111
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Locke

Heal Rod
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Recovers target's HP
Bat. Pwr:  200
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Ice Rod
Price:     3,000 GP
Effects:   Casts "Ice 2" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Bat. Pwr:  79
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row
Bat. Pwr:  255
Stats:     Vigor +7, Speed +7, Stamina +7, Mag.Pwr +7, Evade% +50, M.Block% 
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Imp Halberd
Price:     N/A
Effects:   ?? if equipped while an Imp
Bat. Pwr:  253
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  82
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow

Price:     1,000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  83
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Sabin

Price:     1,200 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  93
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow

Price:     800 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  66
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Magical Brush
Price:     10,000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  130
Stats:     Speed +1, Stamina +1, Mag. Pwr +1
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Relm

Magus Rod
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Magic power up
Bat. Pwr:  168
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +7
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Man Eater
Price:     11,000 GP
Effects:   Doubles damage to a human opponent.
Bat. Pwr:  146
Stats:     M. Block% +10
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Metal Knuckle
Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  55
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Sabin

Morning Star
Price:     5,000 GP
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row
Bat. Pwr:  109
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago, Celes, Terra

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  110
Stats:     Evade% +10
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Mythril Blade
Price:     450 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  38
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Mythril Claw
Price:     800 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  65
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Sabin

Mythril Knife
Price:     300 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  30
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Mythril Pike
Price:     800 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  70
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Mog, Edgar

Mythril Rod
Price:     500 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  60
Stats:     Mag. Pwr +2
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Ninja Star
Price:     500
Effects:   Used with "Throw" command
Bat. Pwr:  132
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Shadow

Ogre Nix
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Consumes MP to inflict mortal blow
Bat. Pwr:  182
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Terra

Price:     13,000
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  150
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Mog, Edgar

Pearl Lance
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly casts "Pearl"
Bat. Pwr:  194
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +3
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Mog, Edgar

Pearl Rod
Price:     12,000 GP
Effects:   Casts "Pearl" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Bat. Pwr:  124
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Poison Claw
Price:     2,500 GP
Effects:   Randomly poisons an enemy
Bat. Pwr:  95
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Sabin

Poison Rod
Price:     1,500
Effects:   Casts "Poison" when used as an item, and then breaks.
Bat. Pwr:  86
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Uses MP to inflict mortal blow
Bat. Pwr:  111
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  255
Stats:     Vigor +7, Speed +3, Stamina +7, Mag.Pwr +7, Evade% +30, M.Block% 
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand, Teaches Flare x2
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Rainbow Brush
Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  146
Stats:     Vigor +1, Speed +2, Stamina +1, Mag.Pwr +2
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Relm

Regal Cutlass
Price:     950 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  54
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Terra

Rising Sun
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row.
Bat. Pwr:  117
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Locke

Rune Edge
Price:     7,500 GP
Effects:   Consumes MP to inflict mortal blow
Bat. Pwr:  55
Stats:     Evade% +10
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Terra

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly dices up an enemy
Bat. Pwr:  208
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Price:     30
Effects:   Used with "Throw" command
Bat. Pwr:  86
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Shadow

Sky Render
Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  215
Stats:     Evade% +20
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Price:     15,000 GP
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row
Bat. Pwr:  172
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Locke

Soul Sabre
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Absorbs damage as MP, randomly casts "Doom"
Bat. Pwr:  ???
Stats:     Evade% +10
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Stout Spear
Price:     10,000 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  112
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Mog, Edgar

Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  199
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly dispatches an enemy
Bat. Pwr:  190
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly casts "Stop"
Bat. Pwr:  220
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow

Sword Breaker
Price:     16,000 GP
Effects:   Randomly evades an enemy's attack
Bat. Pwr:  164
Stats:     Evade% +30
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago, Shadow, Locke

Tack Star
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Used with "Throw" command
Bat. Pwr:  190
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Shadow

Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly casts "Wind Slash"
Bat. Pwr:  101
Stats:     none
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Cyan

Thief's Knife
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Randomly steals an enemy's item.
Bat. Pwr:  88
Stats:     Speed +3, Evade% +10, M. Block% +10
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Shadow, Locke

Thunder Blade
Price:     7,000 GP
Effects:   Randomly casts "Bolt"
Bat. Pwr:  108
Stats:     Mag. Pwr +2
Features:  Swdtech, Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra

Thunder Rod
Price:     3,000 GP
Effects:   Casts "Bolt 2" when used as an item, then breaks.
Bat. Pwr:  79
Stats:     none
Features:  2-hand
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Tiger Fangs
Price:     N/A
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  215
Stats:     Vigor +3, Speed +2, Stamina +2, Mag.Pwr +3
Features:  none
Users:     Sabin

Price:     1,700 GP
Effects:   none
Bat. Pwr:  93
Stats:     none
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Mog, Edgar

Price:     13,000 GP
Effects:   Randomly casts "Doom"
Bat. Pwr:  133
Stats:     none
Features:  none
Users:     Setzer

Valiant Knife
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Gains power as HP increases
Bat. Pwr:  145
Stats:     Evade% +10
Features:  Runic, 2-hand
Users:     Locke

Wing Edge
Price:     N/A
Effects:   Same damage from back row as front row
Bat. Pwr:  198
Stats:     Vigor +7, Speed +7, Stamina +1, Mag. Pwr +2
Features:  none
Users:     Locke

6g. Armour

- Special thanks goes out to Steve McFadden for letting me use his weapons, 
armour and relic info. -

Not only can your characters equip weapons to attack enemies you meet in the 
course of the game, but they equip armour to help defend themselves. There's 
a dazzing array of armour to choose from. Similar to weapons, some pieces of 
armour can be equipped only by certain people, others can be equipped by 

What follows is a list of all the different armour in the game, with 
information on each of them.

Aegis Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 46, Evade% +20, Mag. Def 52, M.Block% +40
Features:  none
Effects:   Randomly evades magic attack
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Price:     800 GP
Stats:     Defense 16, Mag.Def 10
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Bard's Hat
Price:     3000 GP
Stats:     Defense 19, Mag.Def 21, M.Block% +10
Features:  none
Effects:   Raises MP a little
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Behemoth Suit
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +6, Speed +6, Stamina +6, Mag.Pwr +6, Defense 94, Mag.Def 73
Features:  none
Effects:   Made of behemoth hide
Users:     Relm, Strago

Price:     3500 GP
Stats:     Mag Pwr +3, Defense 21, Mag.Def 21
Features:  none
Effects:   Raises success rate of "Sketch"
Users:     Relm

Price:     200 GP
Stats:     Defense 16, Evade% +10, Mag. Def 10
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Cat Hood
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Speed +2, Mag.Pwr +4, Defense 33, Evade% +10, Mag.Def 33, M.Block% 
Features:  50% Damage (Earth, Holy, Wind, Thunder, Ice, Fire)
Effects:   Doubles GP earned in battle
Users:     Relm

Chocobo Suit
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +3, Speed +6, Stamina +2, Defense 56, Mag.Def 38
Features:  No Effect (Poison)
Effects:   Feel like a chocobo!
Users:     Relm, Strago

Price:     7000 GP
Stats:     Vigor +2, Speed +1, Stamina +3, Mag.Pwr +4, Defense 25, Mag.Def 19
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Price:     N/A
Stats:     Speed +2, Mag.Pwr +4, Defense 23, Mag.Def 23
Features:  none
Effects:   Raises success rate of "Control"
Users:     Relm

Cotton Robe
Price:     200 GP
Stats:     Defense 32, Mag.Def 21
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago, Terra

Crystal Helm
Price:     10,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 29, Mag.Def 19
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Terra

Crystal Mail
Price:     17,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 72, Mag.Def 49
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra

Crystal Shield
Price:     7,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 50, Evade% +10, Mag.Def 34
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Cursed Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor -7, Speed -7, Stamina -7, Mag. Pwr -7
Features:  Weak Pt (Water, Earth, Poison, Thunder, Ice, Fire)
Effects:   Causes several abnormal status effects.
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Czarina Gown
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +1, Speed +2, Stamina +2, Mag.Pwr +3, Defense 70, Mag.Def 64
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Relm

Dark Gear
Price:     13,000 GP
Stats:     Speed +6, Defense 68, Mag.Def 46
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Gau, Setzer, Sabin, Shadow, Locke

Dark Hood
Price:     7,500 GP
Stats:     Speed +6, Defense 168, Mag.Def 46
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Gau, Mog, Sabin, Shadow, Locke

Diamond Armor
Price:     15,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 70, Mag.Def 47
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Diamond Helm
Price:     8,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 27, Mag.Def 18
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Diamond Shield
Price:     3,500 GP
Stats:     Defense 40, Evade% +10, Mag.Def 27
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Diamond Vest
Price:     12,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 65, Mag.Def 44
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Shadow, 

Flame Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 41, Evade% +20, Mag. Def 28, M.Block% +10
Features:  Teaches Fire 2 x5, Absorb HP (Fire), No Effect (Ice), Weak Pt 
Effects:   Absorbs fire elemental attacks
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Relm, Shadow, Gau

Force Armor
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 69, Mag.Def 68, M.Block 30%
Features:  50% Damage (Earth, Wind, Thunder, Ice, Fire)
Effects:   Magic defense up
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra

Force Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Mag. Def 70, M. Block% +50
Features:  Teaches Shell x5. 50% Damage (Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Ice,  
Effects:   Protects against magic attacks
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Gaia Gear
Price:     6000 GP
Stats:     Defense 53, Mag.Def 43
Features:  Absorb HP (Earth)
Effects:   Absorbs earth elemental attacks
Users:     Sabin, Terra, Locke, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, Shadow, Relm,

Genji Armor
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +5, Speed +3, Stamina +2, Mag.Pwr +3, Defense 90, Mag.Def 80
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Celes, Setzer, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra, Shadow

Genji Helmet
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 36, Mag.Def 38
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Genji Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 54, Evade% +20, Mag.Def 50, M.Block% +20
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Gold Armor
Price:     10,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 55, Mag.Def 37
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Mog, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Gold Helmet
Price:     4,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 22, Mag.Def 15
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Mog, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Gold Shield
Price:     2,500 GP
Stats:     Defense 34, Evade% +10, Mag.Def 23
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Mog, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Terra

Green Beret
Price:     3,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 19, Evade% +10, Mag.Def 13
Features:  none
Effects:   Raises HP a little
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Hair Band
Price:     150 GP
Stats:     Defense 12, Mag.Def 8
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Relm, Celes, Terra

Head Band
Price:     16,000 GP
Stats:     Vigor +3, Speed +1, Stamina +2, Defense 16, Mag.Def +10
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gau, Mog, Sabin, Shadow, Cyan, Locke

Heavy Shield
Price:     400 GP
Stats:     Defense 22, Evade% +10, Mag.Def 14
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra

Ice Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 42, Evade% +20, Mag.Def 28, M.Block% +10
Features:  Teaches Ice 2 x5, Absorb HP (Ice), No Effect (Fire), Weak Pt (Wind)
Effects:   Absorbs ice elemental attacks
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Imp's Armor
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 100, Mag.Def 100
Features:  Teaches Imp x1, Absorb HP (Water)
Effects:   ?? if equipped while an Imp
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Iron Armor
Price:     700 GP
Stats:     Speed -2, Defense 40, Mag.Def 27
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra

Iron Helmet
Price:     1,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 18, Mag.Def 12
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gau, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra

Kung Fu Suit
Price:     250 GP
Stats:     Defense 34, Mag.Def 23
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gau, Sabin, Shadow, Locke

Leather Armor
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 28, Mag.Def 19
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Leather Hat
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 11, Mag.Def 7
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Light Robe
Price:     11,000 GP
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +2, Defense 60, Mag.Def 43
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Magus Hat
Price:     600 GP
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +5, Defense 15, Mag.Def 16
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Mog, Relm, Strago, Setzer, Terra

Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +1, Speed +2, Stamina +1, Mag.Pwr +4, Defense 88, Mag.Def 70,
           M.Block% +10
Features:  50% Damage (Water, Earth, Holy, Poison), No Effect (Wind, Thunder,
           Ice, Fire)
Effects:   Raises MP by 1/4th
Users:     Celes, Terra

Mirage Vest
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Speed +6, Defense 48, Mag.Def 36, M.Block% +10
Features:  none
Effects:   Creates an illusion
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Moogle Suit
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +5, Defense 58, Mag,Def 52
Features:  No Effect (Poison)
Effects:   Be a moogle! Kupo!!
Users:     Relm, Strago

Mystery Veil
Price:     5,500 GP
Stats:     Speed +1, Mag,Pwr +3, Defense 24, Mag.Def 25, M.Block% +10
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Relm, Celes, Terra

Mythril Helm
Price:     2,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 20, Mag.Def 13
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Gau, Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Shadow, Cyan, Locke, Terra

Mythril Mail
Price:     3,500 GP
Stats:     Defense 51, Mag.Def 34
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Setzer, Celes, Edgar, Cyan, Locke, Terra

Mythril Shield
Price:     1,200 GP
Stats:     Defense 27, Evade% +10, Mag. Def 18
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Mythril Vest
Price:     1,200 GP
Stats:     Defense 45, Mag.Def 30
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Ninja Gear
Price:     1,100 GP
Stats:     Speed +2, Defense 47, Mag.Def 32
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Gau, Setzer, Sabin, Shadow, Locke

Nutkin Suit
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Speed +7, Mag.Pwr +3, Defense 86, Mag.Def 67
Features:  none
Effects:   A squirrel costume
Users:     Relm, Strago

Oath Veil
Price:     9,000 GP
Stats:     Defense 32, Mag.Def 31
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Relm, Celes, Terra

Paladin Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 59, Evade% +40, Mag.Def 59, M.Block% +40
Features:  Absorb HP (Holy, Thunder, Ice, Fire), No Effect (Water, Earth,
           Wind, Poison), Teaches Ultima x1
Effects:   Cursed Shield after "curse" is broken
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Plumed Hat
Price:     250 GP
Stats:     Defense 14, Mag.Def 9
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Power Sash
Price:     5,000 GP
Stats:     Vigor +5, Speed +1, Stamina +5, Defense 52, Mag.Def 35
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gau, Sabin, Shadow, Cyan, Locke

Red Cap
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +4, Speed +3, Stamina +2, Defense 24, Mag.Def 17
Features:  none
Effects:   Raises HP by 1/4
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Red Jacket
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +5, Speed +2, Stamina +4, Mag.Pwr +1, Defense 78, Mag.Def 55
Features:  No Effect (Fire)
Effects:   Houses legendary grappler's spirit
Users:     Sabin, Edgar

Regal Crown
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +1, Speed +1, Stamina +1, Mag.Pwr +1, Defense 28, Mag.Def 23
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Sabin, Edgar

Silk Robe
Price:     600 GP
Stats:     Mag. Pwr +1, Defense 39, Mag.Def 29
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Mog, Relm, Strago, Celes, Terra

Snow Muffler
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 128, Evade% +10, Mag.Def 90, M.Block% +10
Features:  50% Damage (Fire), Absorb HP (Ice)
Effects:   none
Users:     Gau, Mog

Tabby Suit
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Vigor +2, Speed +2, Stamina +2, Mag.Pwr +2, Defense 54, Mag.Def 36
Features:  No Effect (Poison)
Effects:   Resembles a tabby cat
Users:     Relm, Strago

Tao Robe
Price:     13,000 GP
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +5, Defense 68, Mag.Def 50, M.Block% +10
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gogo, Relm, Strago

Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 38
Features:  none
Effects:   Slowly drains HP from wearer
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Thunder Armor
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 43, Evade% +20, Mag.Def 28, M.Block% +10
Features:  50% Damage (Ice, Fire), Absorb HP (Thunder), No Effect (Wind)
Effects:   Randomly casts Bolt 2, cats Bolt 3 when used as an item, and then
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Thunder Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 43, Evade% +20, Mag.Def 28, M.Block +10
Features:  Teaches Bolt 2 x5, 50% Damage (Ice, Fire), Absorb HP (Thunder), 
           No Effect (Wind)
Effects:   Absorbs thunder elemental attacks
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago, 
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Price:     3,000 GP
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +2, Defense 22, Mag.Def 20
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Relm, Celes, Terra

Tiger Mask
Price:     2,500 GP
Stats:     Vigor +3, Speed +2, Stamina +10, Defense 21, Mag.Def 13
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Gau, Sabin, Shadow, Locke

Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 42, Mag.Def 42
Features:  Absorb HP (Water)
Effects:   Cures "Imp" Status
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

Tortoise Shield
Price:     N/A
Stats:     Defense 66, Evade% +30, Mag.Def 66, M.Block% +30
Features:  Absorb HP (Water), Teaches Imp x1
Effects:   ?? if equipped while an Imp
Users:     Terra, Locke, Edgar, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Celes, Setzer, Mog, Strago,
           Shadow, Relm, Gogo

White Dress
Price:     2,200 GP
Stats:     Mag.Pwr +5, Defense 47, Mag.Def 35
Features:  none
Effects:   none
Users:     Relm, Celes, Terra

6h. Relics

- Special thanks goes out to Steve McFadden for letting me use his weapons, 
armour and relic info. -

Relics are interesting things - special items that when equipped, can change 
a characters stats, their abilities, can give a character immunities, 
basically can change a lot of things. 

There are a lot of different Relics to choose from, and they vary from the 
weak (Hyper Wrist) to the downright unreal (Offering, Genji Glove, Gem Box). 
Each character can equip up to two different Relics.

Below is a list of all the Relics, and info about them.

Price:   5000 GP
Effect:  Protects against "Poison", "Dark", and "Zombie".

Atlas Armlet
Price:   5000 GP
Effect:  Increases attack power

Back Guard
Price:   7000 GP
Effect:  Protects against "Back Attacks" and "Pincer Attacks".

Barrier Ring
Price:   500 GP
Effect:  Casts "Shell" on a character when his/her HP runs low.

Price:   4000 GP
Effect:  Increases wearers "Evade" rate.

Black Belt
Price:   5000 GP
Effect:  Allows character to counterattack enemies.

Blizzard Orb
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Allows Umaro to cast Blizzard spells.

Charm Bangle
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Lowers random encounter rate.

Cherub Down
Price:   6300 GP
Effect:  Causes character to float during battle.

Coin Toss
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Changes Setzer's "Slot" command to "GP Rain".

Crystal Orb
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Increases wearer's MP by 50 percent.

Cure Ring
Price:   8000 GP
Effect:  Character slowly regains HP during battle (like Regen)

Cursed Ring
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Bears a terrible curse, but increases defense.

Czarina Ring
Price:   3000 GP
Effect:  Casts "Safe" and "Shell" on a character when his/her HP is low.

Dragon Horn
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Makes character "Jump" every turn.

Dragoon Boots
Price:   9000 GP
Effect:  Changes a character's "Fight" command to "Jump".

Price:   5000 GP
Effect:  Increases wearer's magic power. Effect can be doubled by equipping a

Price:   N/A
Effect:  Cuts spell casting cost down to one magic point.

Experience Egg
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Doubles the amount of experience points earned after battle for
         character equipped.

Fairy Ring
Price:   1500 GP
Effect:  Protects wearer from "Poison" and "Dark" spells.

Fake Mustache
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Changes Relm's "Sketch" command into "Control".

Gale Hairpin
Price:   8000 GP
Effect:  Increases party's chances for a preemptive attack.

Price:   N/A
Effect:  Allows wearer to hold a weapon with both hands increasing attack

Gem Box
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Changes wearer's "Magic" command to "X-Magic" allowing wearer to cast
         two spells each turn.

Genji Glove
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Allows wearer to equip and attack with two weapons.

Price:   500 GP
Effect:  Protects against "Dark".

Gold Hairpin
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Cuts spell costing cost in half.

Guard Ring
Price:   5000 GP
Effect:  Casts "Safe".

Hero Ring
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Increases character's physical and magical attacking power.

Hyper Wrist
Price:   8000 GP
Effect:  Increases a character's "Vigor".

Jewel Ring
Price:   1000 GP
Effect:  Protects against "Petrify".

Marvel Shoes
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Causes a variety of positive status effects when a character wears

Memento Ring
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Protects the wearer from mortal attacks.

Merit Award
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Allows wearer to equip heavy armor.

Mythril Glove
Price:   700 GP
Effect:  Casts "Safe" on a character when his/her HP is low.

Moogle Charm
Price:   N/A
Effect:  No random enemy encounters.

Muscle Belt
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Increases a character's max HP by 50 percent.

Price:   N/A
Effect:  Changes wearer's "Fight" command into "X-Fight" allowing him or her 
         to attack four times each turn.

Peace Ring
Price:   3000 GP
Effect:  Protects wearer from "Berserk" or "Muddle" spells.

Pod Bracelet
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Allows a character to cast Safe and Shell spells.

Rage Ring
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Strengthens Umaro's Rage attack (Umaro Only)

Relic Ring
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Makes wearer's body cold.

Price:   N/A
Effect:  Protects wearer from all abnormal status effects.

Running Shoes
Price:   7000 GP
Effect:  Casts "Haste" in battle.

Safety Bit
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Protects wearer from mortal magic attacks.

Safety Ring
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Protects wearer from mortal magic attacks.

Sneak Ring
Price:   3000 GP
Effect:  Increases Locke's chances of stealing items during battle.

Sniper Sight
Price:   3000 GP
Effect:  Increases wearer's hit ratio to 100 percent.

Sprint Shoes
Price:   1500 GP
Effect:  Walk faster in towns and dungeons by pressing the "Circle" button.

Star Pendant
Price:   500 GP
Effect:  Protects wearer from "Poison" spells.

Thief Glove
Price:   N/A
Effect:  Changes Locke's "Steal" command to the "Capture" command.

Price:   N/A
Effect:  Wearer recovers HP slowly while walking.

True Knight
Price:   1000 GP
Effect:  Allows character to protect other characters low on HP during 

Wall Ring
Price:   600 GP
Effect:  Casts "Reflect" on wearer.

White Cape
Price:   5000 GP
Effect:  Protects wearer from "Imp" and "Mute" spells.

Zephyr Cape
Price:   7000 GP
Effect:  Increases wearer's "Evade" rate.

           7. BESTIARY

I know I always said I wasn't going to include something like a Bestiary. For 
the simple reason of, a lot of the stuff you will find in one is unnecessary. 
Do I really need to know the Evade % of a Lobo? Or the M-Def of a Templar? Not
really. So I'm just going to include the bare-bones of a Bestiary, with the 
stuff you really need to know, like level, HP, MP, Steal and Drop items, 
weaknesses, along with a short description. So there ya go. 

Note - all this info is taken directly from the game itself, including 


Lvl:       11
HP:        180
MP:        25
EXP:       117
GP:        112
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Narshe Mines (WoB)
These are the highest-ranking maintenance troops in the Empire. They attack by
throwing Ore Wrenches.


Lvl:       24
HP:        860
MP:        82
EXP:       485
GP:        525
Steal:     Antidote
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Esper's Gathering Place (WoB)
Attacks with a poison Duster followed by a Pearl Wind to recover.

Lvl:       12
HP:        230
MP:        98
EXP:       57
GP:        125
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder
Found:     Serpent Trench (WoB)
Clamps enemies that touch its sensitive tentacles.

Lvl:       24
HP:        1305
MP:        50
EXP:       1450
GP:        189
Steal:     GoldShld
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Esper's Gathering Place (WoB)
This creature's defenses are strong, but it is weak vs. magic. Make sure not 
to get blown out of the party by it's Sneeze.

Air Force
Lvl:       25
HP:        8000
MP:        750
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      Czarina Ring
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
When MissileBay or the LaserGun is destroyed, Air Force sends out Speck. At 
the same time a countdown begins, ending with a WaveCannon. Watch out for Tek 

Allo Ver
Lvl:       19
HP:        8000
MP:        8000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Tiger Fang
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Cave on the Veldt (WoR)
A deity of death, attacks with Condemned. When he goes, he'll try to take you 
with him by using Doom.

Lvl:       38
HP:        3000
MP:        300
EXP:       953
GP:        731
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
Though normally a human, this enemy changes to dragon form during battle, 
spewing poisonous breath.

Lvl:       33
HP:        2000
MP:        100
EXP:       1000
GP:        550
Steal:     None
Drop:      Green Cherry
Element:   Thunder, Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
Uses a MegaVolt on itself to recover HP.

Lvl:       13
HP:        315
MP:        150
EXP:       96
GP:        358
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Serpent Trench (WoB)
A long sinuous fish. Attacks with Aqua Rake.

Lvl:       26
HP:        1900
MP:        195
EXP:       1200
GP:        525
Steal:     Cure Ring
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water, Holy
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Stops magic with Silencer and counterattacks with L.3 Muddle.

Lvl:       20
HP:        781
MP:        60
EXP:       415
GP:        300
Steal:     Potion, Revivify
Drop:      Revivify
Element:   Fire, Poison
Weakness:  Ice, Holy
Found:     Cave to the Sealed Gate (WoB)
Gradually wears down HP with Slip Touch.

Lvl:       49
HP:        6013
MP:        820
EXP:       2781
GP:        906
Steal:     Phoenix Down, Economizer
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
This giant bird attacks with Shimsham and Flap.

Lvl:       6
HP:        87
MP:        15
EXP:       37
GP:        94
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Figaro Castle (WoB)
A species of desert scorpion that can bring victims to a halt with it's Numb 

Lvl:       12
HP:        220
MP:        330
EXP:       48
GP:        115
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      X-Potion
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Serpent Trench (WoB)
A species of jellyfish. Attacks with NumbSpines and Giga Volt.

Lvl:       67
HP:        55000
MP:        19000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Drainer, Crystal Orb
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with fire and ice. Also uses Quake. It has no weaknesses, so you might
as well fight it out hand-to-hand.

Lvl:       37
HP:        24000
MP:        5000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir, Ribbon
Drop:      Elixir
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Uses Flare, Quake and Blaze. Is Wounded once MP reaches 0. Attack with Rasp 
and Osmose to lower it's MP. Also try to steal its Ribbon relic that removes 
all status changes.


Lvl:       22
HP:        555
MP:        80
EXP:       369
GP:        300
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Thamasa (WoB)
Attacks with Flare Up, and with Exploder when it dies. Kill it in one shot 
using Aqua Rake or Ice2.

Lvl:       39
HP:        3062
MP:        198
EXP:       1410
GP:        631
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
A high level sorceress. She controls her opponents at will with Love Token.

Lvl:       22
HP:        750
MP:        100
EXP:       465
GP:        458
Steal:     GaiaGear
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Triangle Island (WoB)
An armoured beast. Attacks with the Claws on his front legs and occasionally

Lvl:       11
HP:        290
MP:        30
EXP:       108
GP:        135
Steal:     Eye Drop, Potion
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Doma (WoB)
The Beakor's Wing Duster poisons its target.

Lvl:       28
HP:        5800
MP:        180
EXP:       2055
GP:        0
Steal:     RunningShoes
Drop:      X-Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
If you attack Behemoth with phyiscal attacks he will counter with TakeDown.

Lvl:       26
HP:        4000
MP:        600
EXP:       780
GP:        502
Steal:     Revivify
Drop:      Tent
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
Uses Bone POwder to turn enemies into zombies. Also attacks the entire party 
with Sand Storm.

Lvl:       7
HP:        119
MP:        10
EXP:       53
GP:        80
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Figaro Cave 1 (WoB)
Watch this one-eyed foe too long and you might drop off into Slumber.

Lvl:       26
HP:        12
MP:        400
EXP:       510
GP:        896
Steal:     Echo Screen
Drop:      Smoke Bomb
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Serpent Trench 2 (WoR)
This enemy has low HP, but high defense. Attacks with Bio and Energy Sap, 
which can turn its victim into a zombie.

Lvl:       65
HP:        26900
MP:        3800
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Scimitar
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
Mainly uses mass-effect water attacks like Acid Rain, CleanSweep, and Flash 
Rain. Strike it's weak spot with lightning-elemental attacks such as Bolt 3.

Lvl:       29
HP:        1318
MP:        100
EXP:       532
GP:        1200
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kohlingen 2 (WoR)
There's nothing meaner than a junkyard Bogy, but he'll only come at you with 
direct physical attacks.

Lvl:       8
HP:        160
MP:        50
EXP:       35
GP:        80
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Potion
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
First it attacks with a Blaze, then it damages its enemy with Exploder.

Lvl:       35
HP:        4771
MP:        590
EXP:       2953
GP:        2500
Steal:     Potion, Muscle Belt
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Mt Zozo (WoR)
You'll feel his powerful Uppercut tomorrow morning, if you live that long.

Lvl:       13
HP:        285
MP:        50
EXP:       115
GP:        55
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe Tundra (WoB)
A guard dog trained to attack human intruders. Will flee if left alone.

Lvl:       45
HP:        4020
MP:        105
EXP:       1504
GP:        465
Steal:     Antidote
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
Attacks with Meteo and Cold Dust.

Lvl:       77
HP:        46050
MP:        51420
EXP:       14396
GP:        0
Steal:     Ribbon
Drop:      Economizer
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
Disaster will wreck havoc on the party's status, and Ultima could wipe you out
entirely. Knocks out foes with Sneeze. A tough enemy, but it drops great 

Lvl:       25
HP:        1300
MP:        1000
EXP:       550
GP:        600
Steal:     Earrings
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder, Holy
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Beginning with a Smirk, it will then deal 1000 with a Blow Fish attack. One 
Revivify will kill it.

Lvl:       9
HP:        137
MP:        100
EXP:       79
GP:        84
Steal:     Bandana
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Mt Koltz (WoB)
These martial artists joined groups of mountain bandits, where they use their
combat skills for personal gain.

Lvl:       50
HP:        10050
MP:        12850
EXP:       3000
GP:        1200
Steal:     Dried Meat
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with Wail and Atomic Ray.

Lvl:       26
HP:        2252
MP:        218
EXP:       562
GP:        458
Steal:     Tincture, Diamond Vest
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Water
Found:     Serpent Trench 2 (WoR)
In addition to normal attacks, this unsightly beast is prone to Riot.

Lvl:       18
HP:        310
MP:        20
EXP:       165
GP:        210
Steal:     Soft, Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Vector (WoB)
A giant hornet. They have no special attack, but attack in large numbers.


Lvl:       27
HP:        3
MP:        60000
EXP:       0
GP:        10000
Steal:     Soft
Drop:      Soft
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
Only 3 HP, but incredibly good defenses. Attacks with a needly Blow Fish.

Lvl:       13
HP:        380
MP:        48
EXP:       0
GP:        144
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Imperial Camp (WoB)
A soldier in the elite guard commanding a small squadron. They attack with 

Lvl:       21
HP:        420
MP:        100
EXP:       214
GP:        280
Steal:     Potion, Remedy
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Triangle Island (WoB)
Will sometimes attack the entire party with Tentacle.

Lvl:       33
HP:        2000
MP:        100
EXP:       1000
GP:        850
Steal:     None
Drop:      Green Cherry, White Cape
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
Uses Pal Maker to make Imps out of enemies.

Lvl:       41
HP:        30000
MP:        7600
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
Counter attacks in goddess form with Lullaby, Phantasm, Charm, and Doom Kiss,
so wait until it's an evil spirit. Attacks with Flash Rain, Bolt 2 and Bolt 3.

Lvl:       44
HP:        9013
MP:        1300
EXP:       4881
GP:        1000
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
This has no magic, but makes up for it with powerful physical attacks. Absorbs
all fire-elemental damage.

Lvl:       19
HP:        1202
MP:        140
EXP:       691
GP:        380
Steal:     BioBlstr
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Vector (WoB)
Chaser uses Dischord on itself to create the same effect as Shell. It will 
sometimes summon Pipsqueak to attack it's enemies.

Lvl:       18
HP:        545
MP:        155
EXP:       190
GP:        279
Steal:     Tonic, Sleeping Bag
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Vector (WoB)
Attacks with Lash and Quake, so watch your status.

Lvl:       22
HP:        2237
MP:        100
EXP:       1144
GP:        760
Steal:     HyprWrst
Drop:      G. Armour
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Triangle Island (WoB)
Attacks with Fire Ball, Blizzard, and Cyclonic.

Lvl:       26
HP:        1111
MP:        60
EXP:       321
GP:        356
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Remedy
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
Attacks with the Carapace on its back.

Lvl:       26
HP:        10000
MP:        40000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Dirk
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
Appears at Ultros' call. Unlike Ultros, it's weakness is cold, so use Ice 2.
At the battle's end he uses Sneeze, and the scene shifts to the battle vs. the
Air Force.

Lvl:       10
HP:        134
MP:        100
EXP:       82
GP:        102
Steal:     Antidote, Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Mt Koltz (WoB)
Its Beak turns all that it touches to stone.

Lvl:       38
HP:        2366
MP:        185
EXP:       770
GP:        422
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Like the cockatrice of legend, the Cluck uses its Luck to turn opponents into

Lvl:       20
HP:        480
MP:        15
EXP:       290
GP:        270
Steal:     Antidote, Potion
Drop:      Antidote
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Cave to the Sealed Gate (WoB)
A scorpion with sickle-shaped mandibles. Puts target to sleep with it's Hypno

Lvl:       18
HP:        580
MP:        35
EXP:       252
GP:        273
Steal:     Tent, M. Vest
Drop:      Tent
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Magitek Factory (WoB)
Soldiers protecting the Magitek Research Facility. Their HP and defenses are 
high, so you better use magic and tools to defeat them quickly.

Lvl:       10
HP:        102
MP:        50
EXP:       85
GP:        153
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Under South Figaro (WoB)
An Imperial soldier. Watch out for the double Grudge attack.

Lvl:       44
HP:        4530
MP:        240
EXP:       1757
GP:        1768
Steal:     Shuriken, TackStar
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
A ninja specializing in Wind Slash. Also a master of the arts of Water Edge, 
Bolt Edge, and Fire Skean. Uses Disappear when close to dying.

Crane (left)
Lvl:       23
HP:        1800
MP:        447
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     NoiseBlstr
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Vector (WoB)
Responds to any lightning-elemental attacks with Bolt 3, so use physical 
attacks instead. It sometimes sends a Magnitude8 through the deck panels.

Crane (right)
Lvl:       24
HP:        2300
MP:        447
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Potion, Debilitator
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Vector (WoB)
Responds to any fire-elemental attacks with Fire 3, so use physical attacks 
instead. It sometimes sends a Magnitude8 through the deck panels.

Lvl:       11
HP:        243
MP:        80
EXP:       89
GP:        145
Steal:     Antidote
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Wind
Found:     Doma (WoB)
Those that hear the CrassHoppr's Wing Snap go into a Berserk rage.

Lvl:       51
HP:        3200
MP:        620
EXP:       1456
GP:        1224
Steal:     Remedy
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
These may look small, but they hit hard with Raid and Dischord.

Lvl:       7
HP:        122
MP:        0
EXP:       71
GP:        120
Steal:     Tonic, Remedy
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Figaro Cave 1 (WoB)
A species of caterpillar what gives you Heart Burn whether you eat it or not!

Lvl:       40
HP:        1200
MP:        330
EXP:       1323
GP:        531
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
Employs a variety of attacks including Condemned and L? Pearl.

Lvl:       28
HP:        1334
MP:        100
EXP:       419
GP:        797
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
This bizarre monstrosity Muddles with its Brainstorm.

Lvl:       36
HP:        2095
MP:        340
EXP:       788
GP:        577
Steal:     Super Ball
Drop:      Super Ball
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
This spherical creature is good at jumping and bouncing right into you.

Lvl:       47
HP:        15000
MP:        2000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
Curley uses Life 2, so take him out first. He's weak vs. Ice, so Ice 3 is 
sure to bring victory.


Lvl:       22
HP:        3270
MP:        1005
EXP:       0
GP:        1210
Steal:     JewelRing, SneakRing
Drop:      Headband, ThiefKnife
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Zozo (WoB)
Dadaluma attacks with Shockwave and uses Potions. If the battle drags on, 
he'll call allies, so focus your attacks on him first.

Lvl:       37
HP:        3580
MP:        500
EXP:       1151
GP:        1260
Steal:     Moogle Suit
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
Casts Dark with Sightless, and attacks magically with Ice 3 and the like.

Lvl:       28
HP:        1945
MP:        200
EXP:       1150
GP:        712
Steal:     Diamond Helm
Drop:      Gold Shield
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
Attacks with QuartzPike and L.3 Muddle.

Lvl:       13
HP:        255
MP:        85
EXP:       165
GP:        138
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Potion
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Narshe Mines (WoB)
The Slip Touch attack will slowly reduce your HP.

Lvl:       5
HP:        34
MP:        0
EXP:       28
GP:        41
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Figaro Castle (WoB)
A species of crow with a Dive attack.

Deep Eye
Lvl:       28
HP:        1334
MP:        100
EXP:       385
GP:        485
Steal:     Eye Drop
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Kohlingen 2 (WoR)
A foe with an immense eye. Sends you to sleep with Dreamland. Wait a while and
it'll run away.

Lvl:       26
HP:        612
MP:        80
EXP:       288
GP:        211
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Sleeping Bag
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Serpent Trench 2 (WoR)
Attacks with Rush and MegaVolt.

DethGaze (DoomGaze)
Lvl:       68
HP:        55555
MP:        38000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice, Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Airship (WoR)
You'll meet this foe while flying in the airship. Uses Doom and Aero, then 
escapes. However, damage dealt remains, so you will eventually kill it.

Lvl:       59
HP:        12280
MP:        100
EXP:       3500
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
The Didalos' attacks include Fire Wall, L.5 Doom, Poison Tusk, and Demi.

Lvl:       38
HP:        3826
MP:        1327
EXP:       1510
GP:        393
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
This skeletal beast uses its bones to do a 2x damage Rib attack.

Lvl:       53
HP:        28500
MP:        16500
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      Magus Rod
Element:   None
Weakness:  Water, Wind
Found:     Opera House 2 (WoR)
If everyone is equipped with Cherub Down, you can avoid this enemy's Quake, 
Slide and 50 Gs attacks. Defend against Honed Tusk with Golem.

Lvl:       12
HP:        465
MP:        10
EXP:       0
GP:        83
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Imperial Camp (WoB)
Am Imperial guard dog. They attack with a Bite, but will run away if left 

Lvl:       73
HP:        63000
MP:        4800
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Safety Bit
Drop:      Sky Render
Element:   Ice, Poison
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with Absolute 0, N.Cross, and Ice 3. Counters physical attacks with 
Demon Rage. Sometimes blocks elemental attacks by using Forcefield.

Lvl:       54
HP:        18008
MP:        10000
EXP:       8500
GP:        2700
Steal:     Pod Bracelet
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
As its name suggests, a powerful foe. Reduces HP to 1 with Fallen One, or 
attacks with S.Cross, then vanishes wth Melt. Just hope two dont appear at 

Lvl:       29
HP:        7000
MP:        850
EXP:       2931
GP:        0
Steal:     Potion, GenjiGlove
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Freezes foes with Cold Dust and counterattacks with Revenge and Sneeze. He has
a Genji Glove, so you might win big if you try stealing it.

Lvl:       55
HP:        8940
MP:        700
EXP:       2950
GP:        600
Steal:     Crystal
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
A blue mage with a full repertoire of spells Roulette, CleanSweep, Big Guard, 
Pearl Wind, L.5 Doom, L.3 Muddle, Reflect????, Quasar, L.? Pearl, Rippler.

Lvl:       27
HP:        1000
MP:        80
EXP:       398
GP:        427
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
A scout droid for the Empire. Muddles targets with Mad Signal.

Lvl:       53
HP:        7200
MP:        1600
EXP:       2500
GP:        800
Steal:     Chain Saw
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Uses L.4 Flare and Shrapnel to attack.

Lvl:       37
HP:        23450
MP:        1721
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     X-Potion, Genji Glove
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Daryl's Tomb (WoR)
Attacks with Ice2, N.Cross, and L? Pearl, but is weak vs. fire attacks.


Lvl:       37
HP:        2470
MP:        145
EXP:       775
GP:        550
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
This bizarre monstrosity Muddles with its Stench.

Lvl:       46
HP:        4635
MP:        280
EXP:       1429
GP:        968
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
An unstable mollusk-like creature. Uses the mucous coating its body to Slime 

Lvl:       23
HP:        1
MP:        18
EXP:       1
GP:        0
Steal:     Megalixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
Its PoisonTail is, well, poisonous. This enemy only has 1 HP, but it carries 
the Megalixir, which heals your entire party. Try to steal it!

Lvl:       56
HP:        7000
MP:        500
EXP:       2800
GP:        1320
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice, Thunder, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Its Sour Mouth can cause Imp, Dark, and Poison status in a victim. Avoid 
elemental attacks against this well-defended enemy.

Lvl:       11
HP:        196
MP:        100
EXP:       162
GP:        153
Steal:     Tonic, M. Claw
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder
Found:     Lete River (WoB)
This species of crab attacks with it's giant Scissors.

Lvl:       29
HP:        1200
MP:        112
EXP:       449
GP:        370
Steal:     None
Drop:      Revivify
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Daryl's Tomb (WoR)
Spreads the Doom Pollen to turn the party into Zombies.


Face (F.B. #1)
Lvl:       74
HP:        30000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Petrifies with Dread. Gradually wears down HP with Slip Hit, and changes the 
party's row order with R.Polarity. Also uses Magnitude8, so watch out!

Lvl:       13
HP:        355
MP:        80
EXP:       160
GP:        180
Steal:     Phoenix Down, Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe Tundra (WoB)
A heavily-armoured Imperial guard dog. Pounces in to attack the party.

Lvl:       45
HP:        4220
MP:        140
EXP:       1219
GP:        554
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
Carries poison thorns all over its body, which it uses for a venomous Gunk 

Lvl:       26
HP:        8400
MP:        480
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Flame Sabre
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Thamasa (WoB)
Uses Bomblet to summon four Balloons. Attack it with Aqua Rake and Ice2, or 
have Locke attack it with his Blizzard attack.

Lvl:       19
HP:        255
MP:        110
EXP:       160
GP:        120
Steal:     Tonic, Magicite
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Magitek Research Facility (WoB)
Flan splits in two when attacking, stopping you in your tracks with Slimer and
reducing HP with Slip Gunk.

Lvl:       54
HP:        9800
MP:        700
EXP:       3500
GP:        250
Steal:     Drill
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with Missile, firing off two in a row when attacked.

Lvl:       20
HP:        1399
MP:        219
EXP:       380
GP:        1870
Steal:     Revivify, Remedy
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Ice, Water, Holy
Found:     Kohlingen (WoB)
A desert dragon zombie. Attacks with a powerful Sand Storm. Don't go into the
desert until you've levelled-up enough times.


G. Train
Lvl:       14
HP:        1900
MP:        350
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Tent
Element:   Wind
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder, Holy
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
The GhostTrain will attack with Acid Rain, Evil Toot, and its Wheels for 
starters. Sabin's Aurabolt and Suplex are effective. Stop it dead in its 
tracks with Revivify.

Lvl:       15
HP:        350
MP:        20
EXP:       104
GP:        126
Steal:     Eyedrop, Phoenix Down
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Zozo (WoB)
Uses Vanish to make his allies disappear. Uses Magic against invisible foes.

Lvl:       19
HP:        615
MP:        45
EXP:       228
GP:        343
Steal:     Tonic, Phoenix Down
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Magitek Factory (WoB)
A guard dog at the Magitek Research Facility. Like the Commandos, these are
tough to kill. You'll have to resort to magic and tools.

Lvl:       54
HP:        5000
MP:        1020
EXP:       2400
GP:        1120
Steal:     Tortoise Shield
Drop:      Tortoise Shield
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
Petriglare turns its enemies into Stone.

Lvl:       19
HP:        650
MP:        30
EXP:       232
GP:        308
Steal:     Tonic, M. Shield
Drop:      G. Cherry
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Magitek Research Facility (WoB)
Heavily-armoured Imperial soldier. They will use recovery magic, so try to 
take them out in one blow.

Lvl:       10
HP:        226
MP:        70
EXP:       48
GP:        75
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Phantom Forest (WoB)
The Ghost's attacks include Fire, Fire Wall, and Pause.

Lvl:       25
HP:        6000
MP:        1120
EXP:       7550
GP:        0
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      Hardened
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Its Throat Jab attack is to be feared. There is a great chance of being 
Wounded with one hit.

Lvl:       26
HP:        458
MP:        20
EXP:       235
GP:        340
Steal:     None
Drop:      Sleeping Bag
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
Attacks with Croak and stops the party with Slimer. Also uses Rippler, so 
watch your status.

Lvl:       26
HP:        1412
MP:        110
EXP:       559
GP:        756
Steal:     Poison Claw
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
Comes in for the attack wielding a big sickle. Its attack is powerful, so be 

Girl (F.B #3)
Lvl:       58
HP:        9999
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Ragnarok
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire, Ice, Thunder, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
She can revive allies, so take her out first. Absorbs all elemental magic, 
so use physical attacks. She carries Ragnarok, so try to steal it from her.

Lvl:       41
HP:        2905
MP:        175
EXP:       1096
GP:        421
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
Stops opponents in their tracks with Net.

Lvl:       19
HP:        470
MP:        63
EXP:       438
GP:        250
Steal:     G. Cherry, Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Magitek Research Facility (WoB)
Attacks from the air with Shimsham, halving the HP of it's target.

Lvl:       46
HP:        5555
MP:        1150
EXP:       2189
GP:        960
Steal:     Mythril Glove
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
These evil beings crawled up from subterranean depths long ago. Their Zap is 
four times normal power.

Lvl:       68
HP:        44000
MP:        19000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Minerva
Drop:      Excalibur
Element:   Thunder, Holy
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
In addition to Bolt and the like attacks, causes in-fighting in the party 
with Charm and Love Token. You can block the Overcast attack if you have the 
Relic Ring.

Lvl:       13
HP:        275
MP:        0
EXP:       160
GP:        185
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Figaro Cave 2 (WoB)
A cave-dwelling bear. Its powerful arms can gouge with devastating results.

Lvl:       62
HP:        32400
MP:        4000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Crystal Orb
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Mainly attacks with Giga Volt, Bolt, and Bolt 2. He's weak vs. water, so Aqua
Rake and CleanSweep are good attacks to use.

Lvl:       17
HP:        3000
MP:        500
EXP:       190
GP:        500
Steal:     FireSkean
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Vector (WoB)
Grenades explode for damage equal to their current HP. If the Grenade's HP is 
high, it could put Wound status on a player with one hit.

Lvl:       8
HP:        132
MP:        100
EXP:       53
GP:        256
Steal:     Tonic, Buckler
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     South Figaro (WoB)
If you haven't had to duck a few LodeWrenches, you haven't met one of these 
Imperial maintenance troops.

Lvl:       12
HP:        100
MP:        10
EXP:       0
GP:        48
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Imperial Camp (WoB)
A stronger version of the Soldier. More-or-less the same thing.

Lvl:       58
HP:        11000
MP:        700
EXP:       4100
GP:        2900
Steal:     Tiger Fang
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Counter attacks with a powerful Gore, followed by a Meteo attack.

Lvl:       5
HP:        40
MP:        15
EXP:       48
GP:        48
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
Guards sworn to protect the coal mines of Narshe. Watch out for the occasional
Critical attack.

Lvl:       67
HP:        60000
MP:        5200
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Force Armour, Ribbon
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
In basic program mode, uses Tek Laser to attack. After switching to battle 
mode, uses the attack patterns of Ultros, Air Force, and Dadaluma.


Lvl:       16
HP:        1200
MP:        60
EXP:       550
GP:        600
Steal:     AtlasArm
Drop:      None
Element:   Earth
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Zozo (WoB)
A giant roaming the town of Zozo. He puts all his strength into a mean 
Headbutt. Sometimes he'll also send a Magnitude8 quake at you.

Lvl:       29
HP:        1418
MP:        100
EXP:       449
GP:        909
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Wind
Found:     Kohlingen 2 (WoR)
Attacks with the wind spell Aero, and revives with Pearl Wind.

Lvl:       42
HP:        3615
MP:        233
EXP:       1994
GP:        1221
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
A gint bird. Creates a Cyclonic with its huge wings. Also attacks with Aero.

Lvl:       16
HP:        428
MP:        85
EXP:       291
GP:        314
Steal:     Goggles, DrgnBoot
Drop:      BarrRing
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Zozo (WoB)
Attacks with Sickle and Mythril Knife. Sometimes he'll steal your GP, too.

Lvl:       12
HP:        120
MP:        100
EXP:       35
GP:        101
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
Attacks include Invizap and Drain.

Lvl:       13
HP:        495
MP:        150
EXP:       80
GP:        195
Steal:     Tonic, IronHelm
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     South Figaro (WoB)
This powered-up version of M-TekArmour uses Tek Laser and TekBarrier to 
attack.  It's safer not to fight this tough opponent while your level is still

Lvl:       56
HP:        6800
MP:        1600
EXP:       3090
GP:        200
Steal:     TackStar
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with CursedGaze and Shock Wave

Lvl:       43
HP:        25000
MP:        12500
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Warp Stone, Thornlet
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Earth, Holy
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Uses Grandtrain attack when it's Elbonites are killed. Hold Strago back until 
he's learned Grandtrain. Use Pearl and Fire 3 for a quick victory.

Hidonite (1)
Lvl:       43
HP:        3500
MP:        1000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Water, Earth, Holy
Weakness:  None
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Magic definitely doesn't affect this permanently Rflected enemy. Attacks with 
Mega Claw and Muddles targets with Confuclaw.

Hidonite (2)
Lvl:       43
HP:        3500
MP:        1000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Wind
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Get off two Quakes, Ultimas, or Meteos, and you can kiss these Elbonites 

Hidonite (3)
Lvl:       43
HP:        3500
MP:        1000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Ice, Thunder, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Any elemental attack will do against this enemy. You can win easily with Pearl
or Flare.

Hidonite (4)
Lvl:       43
HP:        3500
MP:        1000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
This is the only undead of the Elbonites. It's immune to fatal damage spells, 
but one Pearl can blow it away.

Lvl:       37
HP:        2444
MP:        82
EXP:       981
GP:        669
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Damages the entire party with Acid Rain.

Hit (F.B. #2)
Lvl:       73
HP:        28000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Put Safe on all your party members to avoid the Hit's dying 10-Hits attack. 
Either that, or equip shields with good evasion.

Lvl:       49
HP:        12018
MP:        10500
EXP:       7524
GP:        10000
Steal:     Remedy
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
After a rolling Crush, these will blow characters out of the party with 

Lvl:       6
HP:        92
MP:        0
EXP:       48
GP:        64
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Figaro Cave 1 (WoB)
A wasp with a big stinger. It's IronNeedle looks bad, but it's not poisonous.

Lvl:       26
HP:        305
MP:        35
EXP:       267
GP:        400
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   None
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Tzen (WoR)
These appear in threes but are easy opponents.

Lvl:       27
HP:        800
MP:        100
EXP:       421
GP:        326
Steal:     Green Cherry
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
Prepare to be Muddled by this chubby guy's Grab.


Ice Drgn
Lvl:       74
HP:        24400
MP:        9000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Force Shield
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
As its name would imply, this dragon uses ice-elemental attacks like N.Cross, 
Absolute 0, and Surge. Weak vs. fire, so use Fire 2 and Fire 3.

Lvl:       21
HP:        3300
MP:        600
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Magitek Factory (WoB)
A Fire Esper. Attacks with Fire and Fire 2 but is vulnerable to cold. Use Ice 
to defeat him easily.

Lvl:       67
HP:        30800
MP:        9700
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Ice Shield
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with lightning-elemental attacks. If it has both arms, it can deliver 
a Delta Hit.

Lvl:       21
HP:        1100
MP:        50
EXP:       740
GP:        442
Steal:     Amulet
Drop:      Revivify
Element:   Fire, Poison
Weakness:  Water, Holy
Found:     Cave to the Sealed Gate (WoB)
A skeletal being that floats through the air, sucks HP with Lifeshaver, and 
casts Dark with Glare. Recovers from any Poison or Fire attacks. Use Revivify.

Lvl:       52
HP:        6600
MP:        390
EXP:       2400
GP:        1950
Steal:     Bio Blaster
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Halts the party's movement with Cold Dust, then attacks with Plasma.

Lvl:       23
HP:        977
MP:        80
EXP:       292
GP:        410
Steal:     Echo Screen
Drop:      Smoke Bomb
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Wind
Found:     Esper's Gathering Place (WoB)
This insect resembles a flying stag beetle. Muddles enemies with Wing Snap.

Lvl:       26
HP:        32000
MP:        16000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Magicite
Drop:      Antidote
Element:   Fire, Ice, Thunder, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weakness:  None
Found:     Lesser Triangle Island (WoB)
This will appear and fire a Meteo once it is hit by magic. Then it will use 
Sleep to vanish again. Absorbs all elemental magic. +10 magic ABP if you win!

Lvl:       39
HP:        7863
MP:        1550
EXP:       3253
GP:        1995
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water, Holy
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
A high-tech Magitek killing machine. Attacks with a variety of methods.

Lvl:       11
HP:        360
MP:        60
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Mt Koltz (WoB)
If you don't beat Ipooh, you can't attack Vargas. Get it over with fast by 
using Edgar's AutoCrossbow and Bio Blast.

Lvl:       15
HP:        333
MP:        65
EXP:       144
GP:        249
Steal:     Tonic, Headband
Drop:      M. Knife
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kohlingen (WoB)
A defeated soldier with no sense of dignity. Muddles enemies by throwing 

Lvl:       52
HP:        2000
MP:        800
EXP:       2000
GP:        700
Steal:     AutoCrossbow
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder, Water
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Often appears in groups. Uses Dischord to halve an opponents' level.


Lvl:       17
HP:        467
MP:        90
EXP:       194
GP:        320
Steal:     Tonic, G. Beret
Drop:      M. Rod
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Poison
Found:     Vector (WoB)
These fly down from the sky with their umbrellas, firing Acid Rain at the 

Lvl:       53
HP:        2000
MP:        200
EXP:       2200
GP:        1100
Steal:     Noise Blaster
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Peps Up with an ally when it takes damage, then launches at the party with 


Lvl:       43
HP:        3850
MP:        185
EXP:       1399
GP:        826
Steal:     Mythril Blade, Soul Sabre
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
This undead uses Figaro Tea and Flare.

Lvl:       61
HP:        37620
MP:        7400
EXP:       0
GP:        30000
Steal:     Murasame, Strato
Drop:      Offering
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
The mightiest of Samurai. Attacks include SlayerEdge and Gale Cut. Also a 
master of ninja arts such as Water Edge.

Kefka (Narshe)
Lvl:       18
HP:        3000
MP:        3000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tincture, Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Narshe Tundra (WoB)
Kefka uses a variety of Magic, so he is relatively easy to beat using Celes'
Runic ability.

Kefka (F.B. #4)
Lvl:       71
HP:        62000
MP:        38000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Megalixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Launches a powerful attack with Fallen One, Ultima, and Havoc Wing. Revenger 
stops all magical effects. His Train attack causes Silence and Dark. Good 

Lvl:       33
HP:        2000
MP:        100
EXP:       1000
GP:        750
Steal:     None
Drop:      Green Cherry, White Cape
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
This leader of the little monsters turns enemies into Imps with its Pick 


L. Blade
Lvl:       21
HP:        400
MP:        150
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  None
Found:     MRF Mining Cart (WoB)
The blade to the left side of Number 128. This will regenerate if destroyed, 
so it's best just to attack Number 128 instead.

L10 Magic
Lvl:       48
HP:        1000
MP:        300
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Uses the low level spells Fire and Ice.

L20 Magic
Lvl:       51
HP:        2000
MP:        500
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  None
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Uses indirect magic such as Muddle to aid its attack.

L30 Magic
Lvl:       54
HP:        3000
MP:        700
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Holy
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Attacks with mid level spells such as Fire 2 and Ice 2.

L40 Magic
Lvl:       55
HP:        4000
MP:        1000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Uses magic like Vanish and Osmose.

L50 Magic
Lvl:       57
HP:        5000
MP:        2000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Ether
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Expect Poison magic and indirect magic like Berserk.

L60 Magic
Lvl:       58
HP:        6000
MP:        5000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Ether
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Uses mass-effect spells like W.Wind and Quake.

L70 Magic
Lvl:       56
HP:        7000
MP:        3000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Ether
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Casts Fire 3 and Ice 3 spells while strengthening defense with Rflect.

L80 Magic
Lvl:       53
HP:        8000
MP:        2800
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Ether
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Uses recovery spells like Cure 2 and Remedy.

L90 Magic
Lvl:       55
HP:        9000
MP:        9000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Ether
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   Wind
Weakness:  None
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
A powerful mage that attacks using spells like Meteo, Flare, and Melton.

Lvl:       59
HP:        12000
MP:        1300
EXP:       4600
GP:        0
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   Earth
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Uses Lode Stone and Magnitude 8 to attack.

Lvl:       47
HP:        10000
MP:        2000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice, Wind
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
When three of these get together, they launch a Delta Hit which can be avoided
if you have Ribbon. Larrys are weak vs. fire, so use Fire 3 to attack.

Lvl:       24
HP:        3300
MP:        335
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     X-Ether
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
On Air Force's right side. Primarily uses Laser. Also uses Atomic Ray.

Lvl:       27
HP:        1700
MP:        100
EXP:       612
GP:        971
Steal:     Gaia Gear
Drop:      Antidote
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Figaro Castle 2 (WoR)
Sends out a Magnitude 8 when you least expect it.

Lvl:       12
HP:        458
MP:        20
EXP:       0
GP:        50
Steal:     None
Drop:      Phoenix Down, Black Belt
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Imperial Camp (WoB)
The leader of a crack squad of troops, he fights Cyan one-on-one, throwing an 
Axe when he's near death. Use Cyan's Swordtech "Retort" to end the fight 

Lvl:       5
HP:        33
MP:        0
EXP:       24
GP:        45
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire, Water
Found:     Figaro Castle (WoB)
A giant, leafy, meat-eating bunny rabbit. His Incisors should cure you of any 
urge to pet and cuddle him.

Lvl:       47
HP:        9200
MP:        1956
EXP:       5848
GP:        1189
Steal:     Debilitator
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
Launcher affects the whole party.

Lvl:       20
HP:        590
MP:        90
EXP:       374
GP:        350
Steal:     G. Cherry, PoisonRod
Drop:      G. Cherry
Element:   Fire, Poison
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Cave to the Sealed Gate (WoB)
Specializes in Fire attacks. Uses Mad Touch to Muddle target.

Lvl:       26
HP:        1280
MP:        70
EXP:       297
GP:        356
Steal:     Drainer
Drop:      Soft
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Serpent Trench 2 (WoR)
If you don't want to lose a few feet and become very Impish, watch out for
this guy's Imp Glare.

Lvl:       5
HP:        27
MP:        5
EXP:       37
GP:        30
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
Wolves trained for battle, they attack with keen tusks.

Long Arm (F.B. #1)
Lvl:       73
HP:        33000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Normally attacks with Shock Wave, sending out a triple burst when it dies.

Lvl:       26
HP:        582
MP:        25
EXP:       308
GP:        247
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
A monstrous hound. Launches itself at enemies to attack with Face Bite.

Lvl:       34
HP:        2079
MP:        122
EXP:       707
GP:        1000
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Wind
Found:     Mt Zozo (WoR)
Attacks with its sharp horn, and revives with Harvester.


Lvl:       53
HP:        8150
MP:        900
EXP:       2200
GP:        700
Steal:     Goggles
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
A master of all forms of magic, using any aggressive, indirect, or 
regenerative spell.

Lvl:       30
HP:        2900
MP:        980
EXP:       780
GP:        2292
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      Remedy, Revivify
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Daryl's Tomb (WoR)
A familiar foe for many FF players, the Mad Oscar can screw up your status 
with his Sour Mouth.

Magic (F.B. #2)
Lvl:       72
HP:        30000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Earth
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
A powerful enemy with many spells Haste, Haste 2, Life 3, Dispel, Muddle, 
Imp, Slow 2, Rasp, Quartr, Fire 3, Bolt 3, Ice 3, Drain, Bio, and Poison.

Lvl:       68
HP:        50000
MP:        50000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir, Crystal Orb
Drop:      Megalixir
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Switches defense with WallChange, so use Flare and Ultima. He'll use his own 
Ultima at the end, so have at least one person ready with Life 3. Dies at 0 

Lvl:       31
HP:        100
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tonic, Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire, Ice, Thunder, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind, Holy
Weakness:  None
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
The Magic Urn uses a variety of healing-type spells on the party, so there is 
no need to attack it. After a while it will leave.

Lvl:       19
HP:        420
MP:        100
EXP:       232
GP:        277
Steal:     Bolt Edge, Shuriken
Drop:      Water Edge
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     MRF Mining Cart (WoB)
Attacks with the spell Fire and a giant spinning Wheel.

Lvl:       18
HP:        250
MP:        100
EXP:       198
GP:        300
Steal:     Bolt Edge, Shuriken
Drop:      FireSkean
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     MRF Mining Cart (WoB)
Attacks with Ice and Rush.

Lvl:       32
HP:        1777
MP:        100
EXP:       621
GP:        352
Steal:     Bolt Edge, Shuriken
Drop:      Water Edge
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
This species of MagRoader attacks with ice-elemental magic.

Lvl:       32
HP:        1380
MP:        70
EXP:       647
GP:        284
Steal:     Bolt Edge, Shuriken
Drop:      Fire Skean
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
This MagRoader uses fire-elemental magic. 

Lvl:       26
HP:        952
MP:        100
EXP:       360
GP:        576
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Thunder, Water
Found:     Figaro Castle 2 (WoR)
This crab-like foe has no magic, but uses his Scissors to great effect.

Lvl:       23
HP:        1150
MP:        104
EXP:       378
GP:        450
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Remedy
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Esper's Gathering Place (WoB)
Uses Raid to suck away HP when it attacks and when it is about to die.

Lvl:       54
HP:        4500
MP:        420
EXP:       4612
GP:        501
Steal:     Imp Halberd
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
This fellow's double sickle attack is one of the worst. Can easily Wound a 
character with one hit. Sucks MP with MindReaper.

Lvl:       8
HP:        420
MP:        150
EXP:       0
GP:        350
Steal:     M. Knife
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
Mog can easily win here with his Dusk Requiem dance. Make sure he's in the 
party you use to attack the Marshal.

Lvl:       73
HP:        22000
MP:        12000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir, Megalixir
Drop:      Graedus
Element:   Water
Weakness:  None
Found:     Ancient Castle (WoR)
The mightiest of Tonberries. Attacks with a mighty Cleaver and changes 
defenses with WallChange. Fight as vs. Tonberry. Defend with Golem, Vanish 
and Safe.

Lvl:       21
HP:        1000
MP:        50
EXP:       350
GP:        0
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Imperial Castle (WoB)
Magitek armour entrusted with the protection of the Imperial castle. Attacks 
with Metal Punch. Counters magical attacks with a Missile volley.

Lvl:       5
HP:        119
MP:        20
EXP:       26
GP:        60
Steal:     PlumedHat, Guardian
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     South Figaro (WoB)
You're here to steal his clothes, so grab 'em quick. He'll run away once you

Lvl:       26
HP:        1112
MP:        130
EXP:       459
GP:        456
Steal:     Antidote
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
Slowly reduces HP with T. Lash. If threatened it will try to escape.

Lvl:       15
HP:        290
MP:        100
EXP:       128
GP:        168
Steal:     Soft, Tonic
Drop:      Soft
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Wind
Found:     Kohlingen (WoB)
A violent, aggressive hornet. Puts foes to bed with it's Sleepsting.

Lvl:       26
HP:        1750
MP:        140
EXP:       750
GP:        786
Steal:     BackGuard
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
A flying skeleton. Sucks HP with Lifeshaver, and casts Dark with Glare. One 
Revivify will kill it.

Lvl:       25
HP:        3000
MP:        7000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Debilitator
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
On Air Force's left side. Primarily uses Missile.

Lvl:       47
HP:        12500
MP:        2000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  None
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
Moes dont have any weak points. Just dont attack them with lightning magic, 
which they absorb.

Lvl:       51
HP:        120
MP:        10500
EXP:       1500
GP:        0
Steal:     Super Ball
Drop:      Magicite
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Appears in sets of three. Its HP are low, but it has strong regenerative 
powers. Attacks with Silencer, Blow Fish, and Delta Hit.

Lvl:       8
HP:        210
MP:        250
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Figaro Castle (WoB)
These attack with Tek Lasers and Metal Kicks. Stick with Edgar's AutoCrossbow
and you'll do fine.

Lvl:       28
HP:        900
MP:        100
EXP:       189
GP:        287
Steal:     Magicite
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kohlingen 2 (WoR)
Slows down adversaries with Gunk, and revies allies with Pep Up.


Lvl:       32
HP:        1877
MP:        100
EXP:       697
GP:        298
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
A species of Mammoth. Its giant body can deliver a powerful Grab attack.

Lvl:       24
HP:        3000
MP:        195
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder, Holy
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Attacks with Ice, Mute, and Hit, but is otherwise weak. You'll win easily if 
you have the Thunder Blade equipped.

Lvl:       11
HP:        236
MP:        100
EXP:       216
GP:        173
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Eye Drop
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder
Found:     Lete River (WoB)
The Nautiloid's Ink attack can be a nuisance. Buy plenty of Eye Drops to avoid
the resulting Dark.

Lvl:       48
HP:        3525
MP:        900
EXP:       1510
GP:        791
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      Revivify
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
Somebody hit this guy with a ZombiStick, and you're next. Also casts X-Zone.

Lvl:       28
HP:        1334
MP:        150
EXP:       588
GP:        1330
Steal:     Dark Hood
Drop:      Peace Ring
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
Careful or the ferocious Mad Sickle attack will leave you Muddled.

Lvl:       28
HP:        2800
MP:        280
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Thunder, Holy
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Casts Condemned on the party at the beginning of battle,but isn't a tough 

Lvl:       37
HP:        2200
MP:        305
EXP:       872
GP:        767
Steal:     Nutkin Suit
Drop:      None
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
Holds back on attacks, preferring to Muddle foes with Charm and let them do 
the work.

Lvl:       27
HP:        1650
MP:        130
EXP:       694
GP:        520
Steal:     Cherub Down
Drop:      NinjaStar
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Thunder, Holy
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
An assassin from the East. Uses Water Edge, Bolt Edge and Fire Skean, then he 
vanishes with Inviz.

No. 024
Lvl:       24
HP:        4777
MP:        777
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     RuneEdge, Drainer
Drop:      Blizzard, Flame Sabre
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Magitek Research Facility (WoB)
This boss Muddles foes with Overflow, and changes it's defense with Wall
Change. Use physical attacks with weapons that don't have an elemental 

No. 128
Lvl:       23
HP:        3276
MP:        810
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tempest
Drop:      Tent
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  None
Found:     MRF Mining Cart (WoB)
When the two blades it holds are destroyed, it attacks the entire party with
Gale Cut. Since the blades always regenerate, don't bother attacking them.

Lvl:       26
HP:        75
MP:        200
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Remedy
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Figaro Castle 2 (WoR)
Don't expect big rewards for butchering this sweet little bunny that attacks 
with Carrots! Ooooooh!


Lvl:       7
HP:        102
MP:        25
EXP:       33
GP:        66
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     South Figaro (WoB)
Like with the Merchant, your goal here is to steal his clothes, causing him to
run away.

Lvl:       44
HP:        4211
MP:        219
EXP:       1583
GP:        869
Steal:     Ashura, Murasame
Drop:      Revivify
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Poison
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
A 4-armed warrior. Uses a multi-armed double Zombite attack.

Lvl:       38
HP:        3210
MP:        514
EXP:       1270
GP:        519
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Attacks the party with Wind Slash. This opponent's HP mysteriously decreases 
over time.

Lvl:       30
HP:        1584
MP:        250
EXP:       510
GP:        716
Steal:     Amulet
Drop:      Revivify, Amulet
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Daryl's Tomb (WoR)
A fierce, 4-armed warrior. Zombifies enemies with Zombite.

Lvl:       26
HP:        850
MP:        100
EXP:       249
GP:        596
Steal:     None
Drop:      EchoScreen
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
Attacks using Shimsham.

Lvl:       30
HP:        1584
MP:        143
EXP:       770
GP:        542
Steal:     Remedy
Drop:      Revivify
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Daryl's Tomb (WoR)
Turns enemies into zombies with Fossil.

Lvl:       18
HP:        8050
MP:        400
EXP:       2600
GP:        2800
Steal:     Break Blade
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
The Outside attacks by throwing Imperials, Kodachi, and Shuriken. The more 
time passes, the stronger the weapons it throws.

Lvl:       15
HP:        492
MP:        100
EXP:       219
GP:        365
Steal:     Potion, Remedy
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Kohlingen (WoB)
A mutated meat-eating plant. Its Bane Touch is poisonous.

Lvl:       13
HP:        390
MP:        190
EXP:       65
GP:        228
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Revivify, G Cherry
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
An undead skeleton born from a coalescence of hatred. Petrified enemies with
it's Dread attack.


Pan Dora
Lvl:       39
HP:        1522
MP:        350
EXP:       622
GP:        461
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
The Evil Toot attack affects status, so be on your guard.

Lvl:       39
HP:        1000
MP:        230
EXP:       455
GP:        461
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
Stops enemies with Mind Stop and attacks with Giga Volt.

Lvl:       47
HP:        2077
MP:        500
EXP:       1620
GP:        674
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
Attacks the entire party with El Nino.

Lvl:       23
HP:        1
MP:        19
EXP:       2
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Albrook (WoR)
This squirrel will die if you simply leave it alone. Sad, isn't it?

Lvl:       47
HP:        4550
MP:        1700
EXP:       2600
GP:        890
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
Don't let his Smirk take you off guard for his follow-up Blow Fish attack.

Phunbaba (1st fight)
Lvl:       31
HP:        28000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Mobliz (WoR)
Attacks with Bolt 2 and Solar Plex. Poison attacks are effective, so use 
Poison and Bio. You'll pick up the Magicite Fenrir if you win.

Phunbaba (2nd fight)
Lvl:       31
HP:        26000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Mobliz 2 (WoR)
This battle is much like the one before. After a while Terra will jump into 
the fray when Phunbaba knocks a character out of battle with BabaBreath.

Lvl:       18
HP:        250
MP:        50
EXP:       115
GP:        100
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Magitek Factory (WoB)
The Pipsqueak's Program 55 turns the target into an Imp. Finish these off 
quick and easy with Edgar's Flash attack.

Lvl:       9
HP:        10
MP:        60
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Baren Falls (WoB)
A fish with sharp tusks. Attacks with its strong jaws.

Lvl:       39
HP:        2850
MP:        220
EXP:       853
GP:        629
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
A model of M-Tek Armour. Its Crash has twice the power of normal physical 

Lvl:       26
HP:        265
MP:        190
EXP:       258
GP:        491
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Tzen (WoR)
Attacks with Slip Touch and Drain.

Lvl:       67
HP:        58000
MP:        18900
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Red Jacket
Drop:      Air Lance
Element:   Fire, Wind
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Preferes fire attacks, so defend with Flame Shield. Safety Bit is your best 
bet against the Blaster, and it is weak vs. poison, so use Bio and Poison to 

Lvl:       11
HP:        145
MP:        25
EXP:       55
GP:        55
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Phantom Forest (WoB)
A greatly enlarged virus. Slows down your ATB gauge with it's Cling attack.

Lvl:       33
HP:        1000
MP:        100
EXP:       800
GP:        350
Steal:     None
Drop:      Green Cherry
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
Muddles by throwing Stones, and turns opponents into Imps with its Tail 

Lvl:       31
HP:        9845
MP:        1600
EXP:       0
GP:        1000
Steal:     None
Drop:      Dragon Claw
Element:   Ice, Thunder, Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Daryl's Tomb (WoR)
This foe's PetriBlast, Blow Fish. amd El Nino attacks will keep you on your 

Lvl:       56
HP:        14500
MP:        2050
EXP:       5200
GP:        1300
Steal:     Debilitator
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Uses powerful Shrapnel and Drill attacks.

Lvl:       11
HP:        145
MP:        10
EXP:       90
GP:        115
Steal:     Eyedrop, Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Figaro Cave 2 (WoB)
The Primordite's Numblade attack can stop you in your tracks for a while.

Lvl:       19
HP:        670
MP:        125
EXP:       499
GP:        296
Steal:     Potion, M. Mail
Drop:      BioBlstr
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Magitek Factory (WoB)
Although this is a test model, don't underestimate it's power. Attacks with 
TekLaser and Schiller.

Lvl:       41
HP:        3300
MP:        188
EXP:       1396
GP:        773
Steal:     Full Moon
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
A wildly violent bear. You'll be lucky if you can still walk after being 

Lvl:       32
HP:        900
MP:        55
EXP:       347
GP:        275
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
A coalescence of psychotic energy. Steals MP with Mindshock.

Lvl:       12
HP:        380
MP:        70
EXP:       464
GP:        325
Steal:     M. Knife, Guardian
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Lete River (WoB)
A species of dragon. It's many attacks include Wing and Fireball.

Lvl:       27
HP:        8000
MP:        15500
EXP:       1200
GP:        3333
Steal:     None
Drop:      Tintinabar
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
Drawing closer, Tonberry attacks with his Cleaver. From a distance he'll 
attack with Step Mine. Defend with Vanish and Golem.

Lvl:       99
HP:        14001
MP:        1100
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Minerva
Drop:      Minerva
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
Three Tonberries attack with multiple Cleavers, which could wipe out the 
party. Prepare your defenses with Vanish, Golem, and Safe.

Lvl:       35
HP:        2191
MP:        136
EXP:       1242
GP:        3000
Steal:     RIsing Sun, Bone Club
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Mt Zozo (WoR)
Focuses his Pummel attack on one unlucky character.

Lvl:       29
HP:        2058
MP:        360
EXP:       485
GP:        385
Steal:     Potion, Diamond Vest
Drop:      Revivify, Amulet
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Daryl's Tomb (WoR)
Uses the zombifying Daze Dance to suck MP.



R. Blade
Lvl:       22
HP:        700
MP:        470
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  None
Found:     MRF Mining Cart (WoB)
The blade to the right side of Number 128. This will regenerate if destroyed, 
so it's best just to attack Number 128 instead.

Rain Man
Lvl:       39
HP:        2722
MP:        180
EXP:       890
GP:        485
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water, Holy
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
He looks funny, but his massive Flash Rain attack is no laughing matter.

Lvl:       17
HP:        620
MP:        10
EXP:       255
GP:        345
Steal:     Tonic, TigrMask
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Vector (WoB)
A hound created as a test of Magitek power. Attacks with Tackle.

Lvl:       52
HP:        3511
MP:        220
EXP:       1550
GP:        2660
Steal:     Potion, TackStar
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
These strange creatures appear in a line, and when the time is right, they 
leap in for a mass attack. They sometimes use Tongue to administer a licking.

Red Dragon
Lvl:       67
HP:        30000
MP:        1780
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Strato
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
Attacks with Fire 3 and Flare Stae. Also uses Flare and L.4 Flare. You can win
relatively easily with cold elemental attacks.

Red Fang
Lvl:       14
HP:        325
MP:        20
EXP:       135
GP:        185
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Dried Meat
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kohlingen (WoB)
A blood-thirsty wolf, faithful to its master's commands.

Red Wolf
Lvl:       32
HP:        1510
MP:        110
EXP:       687
GP:        412
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Nine
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
A wolf trained for battle. Attacks with Rush.

Lvl:       59
HP:        7050
MP:        2600
EXP:       2300
GP:        2000
Steal:     Aura
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with Wind Slash, and Tradeoff when close to death. Tradeoff reduces 
its target to Wound status with one hit.

Repo Man
Lvl:       5
HP:        35
MP:        0
EXP:       25
GP:        25
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
You know you've hit rock bottom when you quit your job as an Imperial guard 
and start throwing wrenches at passers-by.

Lvl:       19
HP:        800
MP:        35
EXP:       592
GP:        400
Steal:     Flash
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  None
Found:     Magitek Research Facility (WoB)
A horned beast with the annoying habit of casting Life 3 on it's allies.

Lvl:       8
HP:        232
MP:        100
EXP:       246
GP:        186
Steal:     Tonic, M. Claw
Drop:      Potion
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  None
Found:     South Figaro (WoB)
Look out for the Rhinotaur's Redline charge attack. Sometimes when these die 
they fire off a Mega Volt.

Lvl:       10
HP:        135
MP:        40
EXP:       53
GP:        110
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Doma (WoB)
A bunny with a violent disposition. Attacks with remarkably well-developed 

Lvl:       7
HP:        119
MP:        100
EXP:       59
GP:        80
Steal:     Antidote, Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     South Figaro (WoB)
These small creatures live in holes dug into the earth. Their sturdy skin can 
be used to make armour.

Lvl:       36
HP:        7191
MP:        354
EXP:       4928
GP:        1889
Steal:     Gold Lance
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Cave on the Veldt (WoR)
Launches wild attacks with Giga Volt and Blizzard.

Lvl:       14
HP:        1300
MP:        170
EXP:       400
GP:        1290
Steal:     M. Vest, Elixir
Drop:      Remedy
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Poison
Found:     Narshe Tundra (WoB)
An executive officer in the Narshe attack forces. Attacks with Virite and
SilverPike. He's weak vs. Fire, so use Terra's Fire magic if she's in the

Lvl:       11
HP:        110
MP:        35
EXP:       95
GP:        100
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Narshe Mines (WoB)
A species of monocellular organism. It's Cling attack slows down target's ATB

Lvl:       13
HP:        775
MP:        39
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Remedy
Element:   Water
Weakness:  None
Found:     Baren Falls (WoB)
Before you fight this foe, several Piranha will appear. El Nino is very 
strong, so make sure you restore your party before you challenge this boss.

Lvl:       69
HP:        8000
MP:        770
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     FlameShield
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Inferno's right arm. Comes back even if you kill it, but you better attack it
to avoid Inferno's Delta Hit.


Lvl:       40
HP:        3000
MP:        500
EXP:       1545
GP:        791
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
These warriors are masters of the sword. Their Fatal attack is everything its 
name would suggest.

Sand Ray
Lvl:       6
HP:        67
MP:        10
EXP:       41
GP:        53
Steal:     Antidote
Drop:      Antidote
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Figaro Castle (WoB)
Usually these things hide under the sand, except when they come up to do a 
Tail attack.

Lvl:       27
HP:        1025
MP:        100
EXP:       475
GP:        726
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Figaro Castle 2 (WoR)
Attacks with repeated Sand Storms. Beat it down quick or things could get even

Lvl:       26
HP:        290
MP:        19
EXP:       199
GP:        336
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Tzen (WoR)
When the countdown on someone with Doom Sting reaches 0, they are Wounded.

Lvl:       34
HP:        1759
MP:        68
EXP:       797
GP:        2000
Steal:     Thief Glove
Drop:      Air Lancet
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  None
Found:     Mt Zozo (WoR)
Only attacks physically, but watch out for his Knife.

Lvl:       57
HP:        27000
MP:        9000
EXP:       9000
GP:        0
Steal:     Air Anchor
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with Scullion, WaveCannon, Missile, and the like.

Lvl:       47
HP:        4200
MP:        200
EXP:       1315
GP:        670
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Fire, Water
Weakness:  Ice, Thunder
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
Attacks with numerous tentacles. Careful, this sucker's poisonous.

Sewr Rat
Lvl:       16
HP:        299
MP:        20
EXP:       108
GP:        156
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Opera House (WoB)
These rats that live in the Opera House have acquired a taste for organs. They
attack with Incisors.
Lvl:       21
HP:        3000
MP:        500
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Magitek Factory (WoB)
An Ice Esper. Attacks with Ice and Ice2 but is vulnerable to heat. Use Fire 
to defeat her easily.

ShortArm (F.B. #1)
Lvl:       73
HP:        27000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Uses a powerful Vaccuum Wave attack. Its physical attacks are strong as well, 
so make sure to use Safe.

Lvl:       62
HP:        32800
MP:        1999
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Muscle Belt
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Mainly uses status-affecting attacks like Condemned, Disaster, Specter, and 
Elf Fire. You can also win by reducing his MP to zero, so try using Rasp and 

Sky Armr
Lvl:       24
HP:        900
MP:        170
EXP:       350
GP:        400
Steal:     Tincture
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Wind
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
The Imperial Airforce flying Magitek Armour 1. Attacks with Backlash and Tek 

Sky Base
Lvl:       52
HP:        6000
MP:        550
EXP:       2300
GP:        670
Steal:     Flash
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Uses one-shot kill attacks L.5 Doom and Blaster. If you're unlucky, this might
be the last enemy your party faces. Ever.

Sky Cap
Lvl:       40
HP:        3262
MP:        200
EXP:       1253
GP:        441
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water, Wind
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
An improved Sky Armour model. Uses R. Polarity to switch characters in the 
back row up to the front.

Lvl:       15
HP:        392
MP:        120
EXP:       224
GP:        296
Steal:     Potion, ThiefKnife
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Zozo (WoB)
A magician with three types of magic at his disposal. Watch your HP level 

Lvl:       37
HP:        2600
MP:        97
EXP:       830
GP:        415
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
A cave dwelling bear. Makes a Choke attack with its powerful arms.

Sleep (F.B. #3)
Lvl:       59
HP:        40000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Atma Weapon
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
As a greeting, expect Melton and W.Wind. Also uses Drain and Meteo. Upon 
dying, uses Calmness to Wound target character, so prepare with Life 3.

Lvl:       23
HP:        505
MP:        20
EXP:       232
GP:        270
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Esper's Gathering Place (WoB)
Five of these appear at once so use Ice 2 to mop 'em up quickly.

Lvl:       11
HP:        100
MP:        15
EXP:       0
GP:        48
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Imperial Camp (WoB)
A rank-and-file soldier of the Empire. Be ready for the occasional Rush 

Lvl:       22
HP:        2539
MP:        100
EXP:       1531
GP:        769
Steal:     Moogle Suit
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
Don't let his dance distract you from the Dirks and Air Lancets coming your 

Lvl:       41
HP:        3066
MP:        566
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire, Holy
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
SoulSavers come back every time they are killed, so it's better to leave them 

Lvl:       25
HP:        420
MP:        285
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Amulat
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
Speck absorbs magic, so it can become a pain if you don't kill it quick. Use 
AtmaWeapon to get past it's defenses.

Lvl:       19
HP:        1500
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      HyprWrist
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
The wandering spirit of a murder victim. Attacks with Lightning. Don't under
estimate this powerful foe.

Lvl:       13
HP:        235
MP:        120
EXP:       220
GP:        138
Steal:     Tonic, Ice Rod
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Narshe Mines (WoB)
The evil spirit of a mage clinging to the magic training of his past life. It
strikes with the Rod in it's hand. 

Spek Tor
Lvl:       50
HP:        250
MP:        20
EXP:       1356
GP:        1524
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Water
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
This looks like a sweet little kitty cat, but its Scratch isnt so cute.

Lvl:       21
HP:        700
MP:        20
EXP:       200
GP:        0
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Magicite
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Imperial Castle (WoB)
Personal guards to the Emperor. Sometimes attacks with a powerful blow.

Lvl:       25
HP:        1400
MP:        180
EXP:       550
GP:        300
Steal:     Tincture, Elixir
Drop:      Tincture
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Wind
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
The Imperial Airforce flying Magitek Armour 2. Paired in a unit with Sky 
Armour. Uses the Absolute 0 attack.

Lvl:       53
HP:        4500
MP:        350
EXP:       2293
GP:        1420
Steal:     None
Drop:      Imp Armour
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
Sucks MP with DrainBeak and recovers MP with Pearl Wind.

SrBemoth (first form)
Lvl:       43
HP:        19000
MP:        1600
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Murasame
Drop:      Valiant Knife, Oath Veil
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire, Poison
Found:     Cave on the Veldt (WoR)
In addition to magic attacks like Fire 3 and Meteo, this boss will Zap.

SrBemoth (second form)
Lvl:       49
HP:        19000
MP:        9999
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Behemoth Suit
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Cave on the Veldt (WoR)
This boss's victims rise as undead and attack from the rear. Attacks with 
Hypno Gas and Meteo. One Revivify will kill him.

Lvl:       54
HP:        25000
MP:        350
EXP:       4200
GP:        100
Steal:     Thunder Shield
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Rushes with its giant body or casts Blizzard.

Lvl:       12
HP:        200
MP:        84
EXP:       54
GP:        135
Steal:     None
Drop:      Potion
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
A warrior possessed by an evil spirit. Wears away HP with it's Slip Touch 

Lvl:       37
HP:        4889
MP:        390
EXP:       2331
GP:        1574
Steal:     Fake Mustache
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
A monster from a painting. Attacks with Condemned.

Lvl:       10
HP:        156
MP:        30
EXP:       42
GP:        90
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Doma (WoB)
A wild cat. Attacks with Catscratch.

Lvl:       67
HP:        11000
MP:        2600
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Flame Shield
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Inferno's left arm. Will regenerate even if killed, but if you leave it alone
Inferno will use Delta Hit.

Lvl:       74
HP:        42000
MP:        1250
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Force Armour
Element:   Wind
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Mt Zozo (WoR)
Uses mainly wind attacks, like Wind Slash, Rage, and Aero. His Wing attack can
kill on the spot, so defend with Golem. Thunder Shield also makes a good 

Lvl:       40
HP:        2912
MP:        228
EXP:       1150
GP:        435
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
Puts enemies to sleep with Yawn, and blows people out of the party with 


Lvl:       43
HP:        4452
MP:        270
EXP:       1727
GP:        526
Steal:     Dirk, Sword Breaker
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
A mysterious dancer. Uses an alluring WaistShake to Muddle opponents.

Lvl:       14
HP:        1800
MP:        250
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      G. Beret
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Imperial Camp (WoB)
When attacked, these will sound an alarm to summon allies. They attack with
Tek Lasers and Schillers.

Tentacle (top-right)
Lvl:       33
HP:        5000
MP:        600
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Thunder, Water
Weakness:  None
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
Uses Seize to grab someone from the party and drain HP. He'll Discard you when
he's done.

Tentacle (bottom-right)
Lvl:       31
HP:        7000
MP:        800
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
Each Tentacle's weaknesses are different,so use Edgar's AutoCrossbow and 
Sabin's Vacuum Wave to be safe when attacking.

Tentacle (top-left)
Lvl:       34
HP:        4000
MP:        500
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Water, Earth
Weakness:  None
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
The lowest HP of all the Tentacles, but it has no weaknesses.

Tentacle (bottom-left)
Lvl:       32
HP:        6000
MP:        700
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice, Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Under Figaro Castle (WoR)
Another way of killing these off is to attack with three different types of 
elemental magic, then deliver the finishing blow physically.

Lvl:       11
HP:        205
MP:        50
EXP:       0
GP:        96
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Imperial Camp (WoB)
An Imperial soldier wearing heavy-duty armour. Watch where he swings that Axe.

Lvl:       32
HP:        3100
MP:        220
EXP:       1947
GP:        520
Steal:     Partisan
Drop:      Spear
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
A knight riding a giant beast. Attacks with Gold Lance.

Tiger (F.B. #2)
Lvl:       70
HP:        30000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   Earth
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Launches a powerful attack with S.Cross, N.Cross, Flare, Star, and Doom Tusk,
so try to defeat this enemy quickly.

Lvl:       36
HP:        2500
MP:        187
EXP:       1753
GP:        726
Steal:     Poison Rod
Drop:      Poison Rod
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire, Wind
Found:     Cave on the Veldt (WoR)
Drains HP with its DoomSickle attack.

Lvl:       33
HP:        2000
MP:        100
EXP:       500
GP:        150
Steal:     None
Drop:      Green Cherry
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
An improved version of the Pipsqueak. Uses its speed for a Dash attack.

Tools (F.B #2)
Lvl:       73
HP:        24000
MP:        10000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Elixir
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Uses Missile, Tek Laser, Grav Bomb, Diffuser, Atomic Ray, and other Magitek 

Lvl:       19
HP:        555
MP:        80
EXP:       235
GP:        200
Steal:     AutoCrossbow
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Water
Found:     Magitek Research Facility (WoB)
These use L.5 Doom, so make sure the party member's levels aren't multiples of
5 or they will be wiped out. Also attacks with L.4 Flare.

Lvl:       12
HP:        150
MP:        20
EXP:       105
GP:        135
Steal:     Antidote, Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Figaro Cave 2 (WoB)
These live in dark places. Their PoisonBarb is quite venomous.

Lvl:       9
HP:        147
MP:        100
EXP:       97
GP:        134
Steal:     Tonic, Remedy
Drop:      None
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Mt Koltz (WoB)
The Bane Touch of this vegetative critter poisons it's victims, so buy lots of
Antidote before you go to Mt Koltz.

Lvl:       62
HP:        30000
MP:        50000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
Attacks with Cold Dust, Rasp, and Ice 3. Its defense is high, so attack its 
weak spot with fire. Or, simply nullifying its defenses using AtmaWeapon.

Lvl:       49
HP:        3815
MP:        9900
EXP:       1698
GP:        826
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   None
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
Attacks with fire-based attacks like Fire 2. Undead are particularly 
vulnerable to holy attacks.

Lvl:       13
HP:        255
MP:        60
EXP:       90
GP:        96
Steal:     Tonic, M. Blade
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Poison
Found:     Narshe Tundra (WoB)
A petty officer in the Imperial army. Attacks with Swing.

Lvl:       55
HP:        6200
MP:        600
EXP:       2554
GP:        1333
Steal:     Titanium
Drop:      None
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
This creature with a tough outer shell attacks with Blinder.

Lvl:       16
HP:        1300
MP:        900
EXP:       0
GP:        250
Steal:     A. Lancet, BioBlstr
Drop:      Elixir
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder
Found:     Figaro Cave 2 (WoB)
Celes should use Runic. Put Locke in charge of direct attacks and equip him
with Genji Glove, if you have it. The TunnelArmr's primary attack is Drill.

Lvl:       10
HP:        270
MP:        100
EXP:       163
GP:        102
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Soft
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Mt Koltz (WoB)
This monster's powerful Gore can take a character out with a single blow.

Lvl:       57
HP:        12770
MP:        420
EXP:       8800
GP:        0
Steal:     Imp Armour
Drop:      Imp Halberd
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Narshe 1 (WoR)
Attacks with Meteo, and goes for the throat with Bite.


Ultros (Lete River)
Lvl:       19
HP:        3000
MP:        640
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Dried Meat
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder
Found:     Lete River (WoB)
Put everyone in the back row out of Tentacle range and go with Banon's Health,
Terra's Fire, Edgar's AutoCrossbow, and Sabin's Pummel.

Ultros (Opera House)
Lvl:       19
HP:        2550
MP:        500
EXP:       0
GP:        2
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder
Found:     Opera House (WoB)
Ultros will attack with Acid Rain, Imp Song, and L. 3 Muddle, so prepare your
defenses with a White Cape and Peace Ring.

Ultros (Esper's Gathering Place)
Lvl:       25
HP:        22000
MP:        750
EXP:       0
GP:        3
Steal:     White Cape
Drop:      None
Element:   Water
Weakness:  Fire, Thunder
Found:     Esper's Gathering Place (WoB)
This is the third encounter with Ultros, but his HP is increased by a whole 
digit. Attacks with Lode Stone. You can win easily if you use Relm's Sketch 

Ultros (Airship)
Lvl:       26
HP:        17000
MP:        8000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Dried Meat
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Poison
Found:     To the Floating Continent! (WoB)
The final battle with Ultros. You can win easily with Fire 2. After taking a 
certain amount of damage, Ultros will summon Chupon.

Lvl:       48
HP:        50
MP:        760
EXP:       1780
GP:        390
Steal:     Phoenix Down
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Fire
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Phoenix Cave (WoR)
Turns foes into zombies with Doom Touch and poisons with Bio.

Lvl:       34
HP:        2409
MP:        74
EXP:       882
GP:        2000
Steal:     Sneak Ring
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Mt Zozo (WoR)
This enemy looks like a bear, but watch out of he'll steal your GP and run 
away, if you aren't careful.


Lvl:       5
HP:        15
MP:        0
EXP:       23
GP:        29
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Thunder
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
Nothing is more annoying than having your combat gauge slowed way down by the 
Vaporite's Cling attack.

Lvl:       12
HP:        11600
MP:        220
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Tonic, M. Claw
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Wind
Found:     Mt Koltz (WoB)
You can beat Vargas in one hit with Sabin's special Pummel attack. Breathe
deeply before trying to enter in the attack command.

Lvl:       59
HP:        2800
MP:        180
EXP:       1400
GP:        350
Steal:     Ninja Star
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice, Water
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Four of these combine to form a single adversary. This foe shouldn't be a 
problem for a strong party.

Lvl:       57
HP:        7500
MP:        880
EXP:       2900
GP:        900
Steal:     Sword Breaker
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Attacks with ice, fire and water elemental magic.

Lvl:       11
HP:        166
MP:        10
EXP:       128
GP:        83
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Under South Figaro (WoB)
An Imperial guard dog with a mean bite. He'll escape if left alone.

Lvl:       16
HP:        499
MP:        40
EXP:       145
GP:        235
Steal:     Potion, Antidote
Drop:      Potion
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Opera House (WoB)
If you get these poisonous Bacteria-wielding rats down to one, a Sewer Rat
will scurry to their aid.

Lvl:       51
HP:        10000
MP:        300
EXP:       2820
GP:        0
Steal:     Earrings
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Kefka's Tower (WoR)
Uses Condemned and Roulette to attack.

Lvl:       36
HP:        885
MP:        87
EXP:       653
GP:        497
Steal:     Chocobo Suit
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
A hawk with a sharp beak.

Lvl:       1
HP:        115
MP:        30
EXP:       50
GP:        90
Steal:     Tonic, Potion
Drop:      Potion
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
A species of mammoth. Watch out for mass Blizzard attacks! You could lose it 
all very quickly. Oh, try to avoid the Bear Claws, too.

Lvl:       15
HP:        412
MP:        60
EXP:       160
GP:        485
Steal:     Potion, Phoenix Down
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   None
Weakness:  Wind
Found:     Kohlingen (WoB)
The Shimsham they generate with their wings halves HP.


Lvl:       38
HP:        1300
MP:        1250
EXP:       970
GP:        333
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      Warp Stone
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Poison
Found:     Ebot's Rock (WoR)
Sucks MP with MagicDrain, then attacks with Pearl.

Lvl:       44
HP:        3359
MP:        330
EXP:       1595
GP:        1169
Steal:     Flail, Dried Meat
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
Puts enemies to sleep with Yawn, and blows people out of the party with 

Lvl:       17
HP:        480
MP:        20
EXP:       278
GP:        234
Steal:     Antidote
Drop:      EchoScrn
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Wind
Found:     Vector (WoB)
These always appear in threes, causing Berserk status with their Wing Snap

Lvl:       4
HP:        24
MP:        0
EXP:       21
GP:        22
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      Tonic
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
Half-man, half-rat. Their sharp teeth bite hard. 

Lvl:       6
HP:        1600
MP:        1000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     None
Drop:      Potion, Tincture
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Narshe (WoB)
It's head is its weak point. Time your attack well -- if you attack when it's 
head is inside it's shell a Mega Volt will shoot back at you! TekMissiles are 

Lvl:       12
HP:        230
MP:        90
EXP:       42
GP:        125
Steal:     Potion
Drop:      Soft
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
An emissary from a magical world. The Whisper moves like a shadow, casts Demi,
and for some reason, this foe's HP gradually decreases during battle.

Lvl:       71
HP:        18500
MP:        12000
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     X-Potion
Drop:      Pearl Lance
Element:   Holy
Weakness:  None
Found:     Tower of Fanatics (WoR)
Because he only attacks with magic, you won't take damage if you have Wall 
Ring. Attack with Flare and Ultima for best results.

Wild Cat
Lvl:       36
HP:        1115
MP:        78
EXP:       701
GP:        416
Steal:     Tabby Suit
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Fire, Water
Found:     Owzer's House (WoR)
A catlike monster that attacks with Fire Ball and Pounce.

Wild Rat
Lvl:       12
HP:        160
MP:        10
EXP:       135
GP:        135
Steal:     Tonic
Drop:      None
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Narshe Mines (WoB)
A mutant rat that attacks by scratching it's enemies.

Lvl:       26
HP:        2802
MP:        200
EXP:       895
GP:        1300
Steal:     Dragon Boots
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Floating Continent (WoB)
Attacks wih Cyclonic and Wing. His defense is high, so the battle is likely to
drag on.

Lvl:       32
HP:        1677
MP:        200
EXP:       587
GP:        388
Steal:     Thunder Rod, Ice Rod
Drop:      Fire Rod
Element:   None
Weakness:  Thunder, Poison
Found:     Narshe 2 (WoR)
Its magic attacks are nothing to worry about, but watch out for the zombifying
Doom Step.

Lvl:       43
HP:        3609
MP:        300
EXP:       1385
GP:        826
Steal:     Imperial
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice, Thunder, Poison, Water, Earth, Wind
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
This enemy might look like a pierrot entertainer, but his lunatic performance 
puts victims into a Frenzy.

Lvl:       53
HP:        23066
MP:        5066
EXP:       0
GP:        0
Steal:     Safety Ring
Drop:      Pod Bracelet
Element:   Fire, Holy
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Dream Castle (WoR)
Uses Zinger to possess one of the party, remaining hiddem until that character
is Wounded. Careful of long battles where he Wounds your party one by one.

Lvl:       18
HP:        892
MP:        95
EXP:       484
GP:        434
Steal:     Tonic, DrgnBoot
Drop:      None
Element:   None
Weakness:  Ice
Found:     Vector (WoB)
A species of flying dragon, their Slip Wing attack gradually wears down the
party's HP.



Lvl:       33
HP:        17200
MP:        6900
EXP:       0
GP:        10
Steal:     None
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Fire
Found:     Umaro's Cave (WoR)
Launches its attack with Tackle and Snowball. Powers-up with Green Cherry 
after taking damage. It's very weak vs. fire.


Lvl:       7
HP:        100
MP:        5
EXP:       0
GP:        1
Steal:     None
Drop:      G. Cherry
Element:   None
Weakness:  None
Found:     Phantom Train (WoB)
Though he will launch many attacks at first, don't let this weak charade fool
you. Just scratch him and he'll run away.

Lvl:       21
HP:        1991
MP:        160
EXP:       1072
GP:        309
Steal:     Phoenix Down, Potion
Drop:      Phoenix Down
Element:   Poison
Weakness:  Fire, Holy
Found:     Cave to the Sealed Gate (WoB)
Uses Bone to turn target into a Zombie. Revivify will kill it with one blow.

Lvl:       61
HP:        7700
MP:        57000
EXP:       2000
GP:        2000
Steal:     Warp Stone
Drop:      None
Element:   Ice
Weakness:  Holy
Found:     Triangle Isle (WoR)
Often attacks with Demi, or it Engulfs enemies inside itself. Don't let it 
suck in the whole party...

           8. COLOSSEUM

The Colosseum is an interesting place that can be found in the World of Ruin, 
north of Kohlingen. You bet items, and select which character you want to 
fight. If you win the fight, you will be rewarded with a different (rarer) 
item. The Colosseum is the place to get rare items like the Illumina. 

Of note: you don't actually control your character in the Colosseum. The 
computer does it all for you.

8a. Weapons

BET            |  ENEMY           |  WIN
Blizzard       |  Scullion        |  Ogre Nix
Assassin       |  TestRider       |  Swd Breaker
Strato         |  Aquila          |  Pearl Lance
Atma Weapon    |  Great Behemoth  |  Graedus
Fixed Dice     |  Trixter         |  Fire Knuckle
Trump          |  Allosaur        |  Trump
Striker        |  Chupon          |  Striker
Magus Rod      |  Allosaur        |  Strato
Wing Edge      |  Rhyos           |  Sniper
Ogre Nix       |  Sir Behemoth    |  Soul Sabre
Stunner        |  TestRider       |  Strato
Graedus        |  Karkass         |  Dirk
Crystal        |  Borras          |  Enhancer
Aura Lance     |  Landworm        |  SkyRender
Imp Halberd    |  Allosaur        |  Cat Hood
Hardened       |  Phase           |  Murasame
Thunder Blade  |  Sterdite        |  Ogre Nix
Scimitar       |  Covert          |  Ogre Nix
DoomDarts      |  Opinicus        |  Bone Club
Sniper         |  Borras          |  Bone Club 
Soul Sabre     |  Opinicus        |  Falchion
Tiger Fangs    |  Montodea        |  Fire Knuckle
Thief          |  WartPuck        |  ThiefGlove
Dragon Claw    |  TestRider       |  Sniper
Fire Knuckle   |  Tumbleweed      |  Fire Knuckle
Punisher       |  Opinicus        |  Gravity Rod
Valiant Knife  |  Woolly          |  Assassin
Heal Rod       |  Pug             |  Magus Rod
Falchion       |  Outsider        |  Flame Shield
Drainer        |  Enuo            |  Drainer
Break Blade    |  LethalWpn       |  Break Blade
Flame Sabre    |  Evil Oscar      |  Ogre Nix
Pearl Lance    |  Sky Base        |  Strato
Bone Club      |  TestRider       |  Red Jacket
Aura           |  Rhyos           |  Strato
SkyRender      |  Scullion        |  Aura Lance
Murasame       |  Borras          |  Aura
Rising Sun     |  Allosaur        |  Bone Club
Illumina       |  Scullion        |  Scimitar
Ragnarok       |  Didalos         |  Illumina
Rainbow Brush  |  TestRider       |  Gravity Rod

8b. Armour

BET              |  ENEMY         |  WIN
Imp Armour       |  Rhyos         |  Tortoise Shield
Ice Shield       |  Innoc         |  Flame Shield
Aegis Shield     |  Borras        |  Tortoise Shield
Thornlet         |  Opinicus      |  Mirage Vest
Paladin Shield   |  Hemophyte     |  Force Shield
Crystal Helm     |  Dueller       |  Diamond Helm 
Crystal Mail     |  Covert        |  Ice Shield
Genji Helm       |  Fortis        |  Crystal Helm
Genji Shield     |  Retainer      |  Thunder Shield
Genji Armour     |  Borras        |  Air Anchor
Tortoise Shield  |  Sterdite      |  Titanium
TabbySuit        |  Vectaur       |  Chocobo Suit
Titanium         |  Bracosaur     |  Cat Hood
Snow Muffler     |  Retainer      |  Charm Bangle
HemaShld (?)     |  Didalos       |  Cursed Ring
Chocobo Suit     |  Veteran       |  Moogle Suit
Tao Robe         |  TestRider     |  Tao Robe
Nutkin Suit      |  Opinicus      |  Genji Armour
Cat Hood         |  Hoover        |  Merit Award
Coronet          |  Evil Oscar    |  Royal Crown
Force Armour     |  Sir Behemoth  |  Force Armour
Force Shield     |  Dark Force    |  Thornlet
Czarina Gown     |  Sky Base      |  Minerva
Flame Shield     |  Iron Hitman   |  Ice Shield
Behemoth Suit    |  Outsider      |  Snow Muffler
Minerva          |  Pug           |  Czarina Gown
Mirage Vest      |  Vectagoyl     |  Red Jacket
Moogle Suit      |  Madam         |  Nutkin Suit
Thunder Shield   |  Outsider      |  Genji Shield
Red Cap          |  Rhyos         |  Coronet
Red Jacket       |  Vectagoyl     |  Red Jacket
Royal Crown      |  Opinicus      |  Genji Helm

8c. Relics

BET           |  ENEMY         |  WIN
Rage Ring     |  Allosaur      |  Blizzard Orb
Safety Ring   |  Chupon        |  Safety Ring
Gauntlet      |  Vectagoyl     |  Thunder Shield
Gold Hairpin  |  Evil Oscar    |  Dragon Horn
Crystal Orb   |  Borras        |  Gold Hairpin
EXP Egg       |  Sterdite      |  Tintinabar
Merit Award   |  Covert        |  Rename Card
Genji Glove   |  Hemophyte     |  Thunder Shield
Relic Ring    |  Sky Base      |  Charm Bangle
Economizer    |  Vectagoyl     |  Dragon Horn
Safety Bit    |  Pug           |  Dragon Horn
Gem Box       |  Sir Behemoth  |  Economizer
Charm Bangle  |  Retainer      |  Dragon Horn
Tintinabar    |  Dark Force    |  EXP Egg
Sneak Ring    |  Tap Dancer    |  Thief Glove
Thief Glove   |  Harpy         |  Dirk
Cursed Ring   |  Sterdite      |  Air Anchor
Dragon Horn   |  Rhyos         |  Gold Hairpin
Blizzard Orb  |  Allosaur      |  Rage Ring
Hero Ring     |  Rhyos         |  Pod Bracelet
Muscle Belt   |  Allosaur      |  Crystal Orb
Pod Bracelet  |  Hemophyte     |  Hero Ring
Marvel Shoes  |  Tyranosaur    |  Tintinabar
Moogle Charm  |  Outsider      |  Charm Bangle
Ribbon        |  Dark Force    |  Gold Hairpin

8d. Items

BET           |  ENEMY        |  WIN
Air Anchor    |  Brontaur     |  Zephyr Cape
Elixir        |  Cactrot      |  Rename Card
Tack Star     |  Opinicus     |  Rising Sun
Ninja Star    |  Chaos Dragn  |  Tack Star
Phoenix Down  |  Cactor       |  Magicite
Megalixir     |  Ziegfried    |  Tintinabar
RenameCard    |  Doom Dragon  |  Marvel Shoes

           9. CLOSING

Well well well, the end of another guide. This Final Fantasy VI guide is a 
(very big) labour of love, and if you steal it, you're in trouble. Refer to 
the copyright section for what you can and can't do with this guide.

Enough of the negative stuff, onto the positive, I have a few people I'd like 
to thank, as they were all instrumental in me creating this (hopefully 
pretty-darn-alright) guide. Shout-outs go to:

- Steve McFadden aka the Psycho Penguin
  For supporting me in everything I've done in the past and everything I will 
  choose to do in the future, for being an inspiration to me, for being a 
  fellow lover of this fine game, for providing me with some of the lists I 
  have used in this guide, for loving me, putting up with me, and being 
  everything I want in a man. I love you, Steve.

- Daniel de Rochefort
  For being my best friend, and supporting me even when times get tough. I 
  know that if you weren't in my life, I wouldn't still be here doing what I 
  love best, playing games and writing for them. And I know you think games 
  are just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and writing guides for them is even more 
  silly, but you support me in my sometimes-pointless endeavours anyways, so 
  thank you.

- The unknown person at my mother's school who sold me this game for a grand 
  total of $2. I can safely say it was the best $2 I have ever spent, as I 
  have had hundreds of hours of entertainment playing this game, and I will 
  probably have hundreds more in the future.

- The 5000 people that e-mailed me about the secret room in the Ancient 
  Castle. No, really.

- Raptor and Robert Valmore Bemis
  For making some kick-ass contributions, forcing me to update this mother of
  a guide to version 1.1 =P

- The FF3 board at GameFAQs
  Especially assassin17 and mnrogar. For correcting my error in the Banquet, 
  to ensure you get the Charm Bangle.

- CJayC
  For creating the best video games site on the internet, bar none. GameFAQs 
  is my home away from home, I swear.

- Squaresoft
  For creating the best video games ever, in both the Final Fantasy series, 
  and the Parasite Eve series. May there be many more in each series to come 

Feel free to check out some of my other guides:

And thats all from me. Peace out!

---  Rebecca Skinner AKA Karpah  ---
---  traybaby@gmail.com          ---