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Fantasy Gamer) fantasy_gamer_x@yahoo.com ============================================================================== O============================================================================O | ++ Table of Contents ++ | O============================================================================O Use quick find (Ctrl+F for MS Word, WordPad, Metapad and Internet Explorer; Ctrl+F/B for Notepad; F5 for TextPad) and copy the brackets and numbers corresponding to the content you want to look at to easily find what you want. [1.0] INTRODUCTION [2.0] ESPER GUIDE [3.0] MAGIC GUIDE [4.0] COMPARING ESPER TO MAGIC [5.0] MISCELLANEOUS [6.0] LEGAL STUFF [7.0] VERSION HISTORY [8.0] CREDITS [9.0] PARTING WORDS O============================================================================O | ++ INTRODUCTION ++ [1.0]| O============================================================================O This is my ninth game guide! It's been 4 years since I first played Final Fantasy VI, FF Anthology Version in the Playstation. Although I was not really hooked in playing it, then, I can say I enjoyed the experience. Now, in accordance with my gaming rule that I MUST finish each and every mainstream Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Tactics, I took the time to give it another chance... This game is not one of my top favorites, but because of my second time through it, I now appreciate this game more than ever. I realized all the innovations it introduced to Final Fantasy. Anyway, one of my most favorite element of the Final Fantasy series is the presence of summon spells. Final Fantasy VI holds the record of having the most number of summons in the whole series with a collection of 27 summons, termed as "Espers". This guide will give you a detailed information about these espers and the corresponding magic spells each of them may teach our FF6 characters. Hope this will be of use, especially to those who have not yet played this great RPG. Happy gaming! FG Baguio City, PHILIPPINES 27 August 2005 O============================================================================O | ++ ESPER GUIDE ++ [2.0]| O============================================================================O I will list the espers according to how they are arranged in the esper list in the game. This will be my format of presentation: -------------- 2.01 - RAMUH <-- Number & name of the esper -------------- How to get : <-- Where to and & Way to get the esper's magicite ------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | ------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Bolt | Black | x10 | | Bolt2 | Black | x 2 | | Poison | Black | x 5 | ------------------------------------------------------- ^ ^ ^ | | | Name of the Just how FF6 Determines how learnable magic classified a fast you can from the esper particular magic learn a specific magic.* Bonus at level up... +1 to STAMINA <-- Special bonus added to your stats upon level up.** Esper ability: Bolt Fist <-- Name of esper's ability MP : 25 <-- Amount of MP needed to cast Effect : Lightning-elemental attack <-- What the esper does * Poison is unique to Ramuh <-- Unique feature a particular esper. Link to a picture: www.ffcompendium.com <-- If you want how do the espers look like. * Just multiply the amount of Magic Points you received to the Learn Rate. ** If the bonus refers to +10%, 30%, or 50% to HP, it does not mean your current base HP will increase by that percentage. It refers to the increase in the HP you will receive other than the normal HP boost you get upon level up. So, if a particular character will get +100 HP upon level up and she has a magicite with a +10% bonus to HP upon level up, she will get an additional 10 HP. In short, the HP bonus pertains to the boost, not the current base HP. The same applies to MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ O============================================================================O | ++ World of Balance ++ | O============================================================================O -------------- 2.01 - RAMUH -------------- How to get : After defeating Dadaluma, enter the door at the top of the Tower of Zozo. A story sequence with Terra and Ramuh will be shown. Ramuh will give you the magicites of his fallen friends, and will give up his life as well to help you save the world... another magicite :) ------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | ------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Bolt | Black | x10 | | Bolt2 | Black | x 2 | | Poison* | Black | x 5 | ------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +1 to STAMINA Esper ability: Bolt Fist MP : 25 Effect : Lightning-elemental attack * Poison is unique to Ramuh Pics Link : -------------- 2.02 - KIRIN -------------- How to get : After defeating Dadaluma, enter the door at the top of the Tower of Zozo. A story sequence with Terra and Ramuh will be shown. Ramuh will give you the magicites of his fallen friends, and will give up his life as well to help you save the world... another magicite :) -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Cure | White | x 5 | | Cure2 | White | x 1 | | Regen | White | x 3 | | Antidote* | White | x 4 | | Scan* | Support | x 5 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Life Guard MP : 18 Effect : Gradually recovers HP * Antidote and Scan are unique to Kirin Link to a picture: *** in progress *** -------------- 2.03 - SIREN -------------- How to get : After defeating Dadaluma, enter the door at the top of the Tower of Zozo. A story sequence with Terra and Ramuh will be shown. Ramuh will give you the magicites of his fallen friends, and will give up his life as well to help you save the world... another magicite :) -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Sleep* | Support | x10 | | Mute* | Support | x 8 | | Slow | Support | x 7 | | Fire | Black | x 6 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +10% to HP Esper ability: Hope Song MP : 16 Effect : Silences enemies * Sleep and Mute are unique to Siren Link to a picture: *** in progress *** -------------- 2.04 - STRAY -------------- How to get : After defeating Dadaluma, enter the door at the top of the Tower of Zozo. A story sequence with Terra and Ramuh will be shown. Ramuh will give you the magicites of his fallen friends, and will give up his life as well to help you save the world... another magicite :) -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Muddle* | Support | x 7 | | Imp* | Support | x 5 | | Float | Support | x 2 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +1 to Magic Power Esper ability: Cat Rain MP : 28 Effect : Confuses enemies * Muddle and Imp are unique to Stray Link to a picture: *** in progress *** -------------- 2.05 - IFRIT -------------- How to get : In the Magitek Facility in Vector (the second town you will visit after getting Setzer and the airship, you will have to fight two Espers that has already been drained off their powers, Ifrit and Shiva. Beat them to get their magicites. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Fire | Black | x10 | | Fire2 | Black | x 5 | | Drain* | Black | x 1 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +1 to Strength Esper ability: Inferno MP : 26 Effect : Fire-elemental attack * Drain is unique to Ifrit Link to a picture: *** in progress *** -------------- 2.06 - SHIVA -------------- How to get : In the Magitek Facility in Vector (the second town you will visit after getting Setzer and the airship, you will have to fight two Espers that has already been drained off their powers, Ifrit and Shiva. Beat them to get their magicites. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Ice | Black | x10 | | Ice2 | Black | x 5 | | Rasp | Support | x 4 | | Osmose | Support | x 4 | | Cure | White | x 3 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Gem Dust MP : 27 Effect : Ice-elemental attack Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.07 - UNICORN ---------------- How to get : After beating Number 024, proceed through the door and press the switch at the top of the room. After that you will receive six new Espers... including this one. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Cure2 | White | x 4 | | Remedy | White | x 3 | | Dispel | Support | x 4 | | Safe | Support | x 1 | | Shell | Support | x 1 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Heal Horn MP : 30 Effect : Casts remedy on the party Link to a picture: *** in progress *** --------------- 2.08 - MADUIN --------------- How to get : After beating Number 024, proceed through the door and press the switch at the top of the room. After that you will receive six new Espers... including this one. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Fire2 | Black | x 2 | | Ice2 | Black | x 2 | | Bolt2 | Black | x 2 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +1 to Magic Power Esper ability: Chaos Wing MP : 44 Effect : Non-elemental attack Link to a picture: *** in progress *** -------------- 2.09 - SHOAT -------------- How to get : After beating Number 024, proceed through the door and press the switch at the top of the room. After that you will receive six new Espers... including this one. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Bio* | Black | x 8 | | Break* | Black | x 5 | | Doom* | Black | x 2 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +10% to HP Esper ability: Demon Eye MP : 45 Effect : Petrifies enemies * Bio, Break and Doom are unique to Shoat Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.10 - PHANTOM ---------------- How to get : After beating Number 024, proceed through the door and press the switch at the top of the room. After that you will receive six new Espers... including this one. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Berserk* | Support | x 3 | | Vanish* | Support | x 3 | | Demi* | Support | x 5 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +10% to MP Esper ability: Fader MP : 38 Effect : Makes the party invisible * Berserk, Vanish and Demi are unique to Phantom Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ----------------- 2.11 - CARBUNKL (aka Carbuncle) ----------------- How to get : After beating Number 024, proceed through the door and press the switch at the top of the room. After that you will receive six new Espers... including this one. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Reflect* | Support | x 5 | | Haste | Support | x 3 | | Shell | Support | x 2 | | Safe | Support | x 2 | | Warp | Support | x 2 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Ruby Power MP : 36 Effect : Casts reflect on party * Reflect is unique to Canbunkl Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.12 - BISMARK ---------------- How to get : After beating Number 024, proceed through the door and press the switch at the top of the room. After that you will receive six new Espers... including this one. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Fire | Black | x20 | | Ice | Black | x20 | | Bolt | Support | x20 | | Cure | White | x 2 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +2 to Strength Esper ability: Sea of Song MP : 50 Effect : Water-elemental attack Link to a picture: *** in progress *** -------------- 2.13 - GOLEM -------------- How to get : After getting the Airship, you may go to Jidoor and participate in the public auction there. Golem may appear randomly. I bought got it for 20000. You may still get it in the World of Ruin. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Safe | Support | x 5 | | Stop | Support | x 5 | | Cure2 | White | x 5 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +2 to Stamina Esper ability: Earth Wall MP : 33 Effect : Protects party Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ----------------- 2.14 - ZONESEEK ----------------- How to get : After getting the Airship, you may go to Jidoor and participate in the public auction there. Zoneseek may appear randomly. I bought got it for 10000. You may still get it in the World of Ruin. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Rasp | Black | x20 | | Osmose | Black | x20 | | Shell | Support | x 5 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +2 to Magic Power Esper ability: Wall MP : 30 Effect : Casts shell Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.15 - SRAPHIM (aka Seraphim) ---------------- How to get : Go to Tzen and search the northeastern part of the town to see a guy hiding behind the trees. Talk to him and agree to buy his glowing stone for 3000 GP to get Srphim. Alex's FAQ /Walkthrough says that if you get it in the World of Ruin, you will have to pay 10 GP only. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Life | White | x 5 | | Cure2 | White | x 8 | | Cure | White | x20 | | Regen | White | x10 | | Remedy | White | x 4 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Reviver MP : 40 Effect : Recovers HP O============================================================================O | ++ World of Ruin ++ | O============================================================================O ---------------- 2.16 - PALIDOR ---------------- How to get : After you get the new airship, Falcon, from Daryl's Tomb, you may return to the deserted island where you first started in the World of Ruin... It's the place where you left Cid (south of Maranda). Go to the beach to find the magicite of the Palidor esper. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Haste | Support | x20 | | Slow | Support | x20 | | Haste2* | Support | x 2 | | Slow2* | Support | x 2 | | Float | Support | x 5 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Sonic Dive MP : 61 Effect : Party members use a jump attack * Haste2 and Slow3 are unique to Palidor Link to a picture: *** in progress *** --------------- 2.17 - FENRIR --------------- How to get : In Mobliz, after beating Phumbaba for the first time, a child will give you the Fenrir magicite which, according to the child, was dropped by Phunbaba. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Warp | Support | x 10 | | X-Zone* | Black | x 5 | | Stop | Support | x 3 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +30% to MP Esper ability: Moon Song MP : 70 Effect : Makes multiple images of the party * X-Zone is unique to Fenrir Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.18 - TRITOCH ---------------- How to get : Beat the boss, Tritoch, on top of the snowfield in Narshe to get the magicite of this frozen esper. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Fire3 | Black | x 1 | | Ice3* | Black | x 1 | | Bolt3* | Black | x 1 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +2 to Magic Power Esper ability: Tri-Dazer MP : 68 Effect : Ice/Fire/Lightning 3-way attack * Ice3 and Bolt3 are unique to Tritoch Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.19 - TERRATO ---------------- How to get : After beating Tritoch, a secret passage will be revealed. Jump into the secret passage and find your way through the dungeon full of traps. Once you've reached the yeti's (Umaro) nest... You'll know if you're there... check the carving that looks like a bone. You'll notice that it's just another magicite. Remove it from the eyes of the bone carving to receive Terrato (Caution: You'll fight a boss once you remove it.) -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Quake* | Black | x 3 | | Quarter* | Black | x 1 | | W Wind* | Black | x 1 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +30% to HP Esper ability: Earth Aura MP : 40 Effect : Earth-elemental attack * Quake, Quarter and W Wind are unique to Terrato Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.20 - STARLET ---------------- How to get : After beating the boss Chadarnook, Owzer will tell you that he bought this stone which caused the monster (Chadarnook) to appear in the paintings. He'll tell you to take it in the bookshelf at the right side of the screen... Actually, it's the magicite of Starlet esper. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Cure | White | x25 | | Cure2 | White | x16 | | Cure3 | White | x 1 | | Regen | White | x20 | | Remedy | White | x20 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +2 to Stamina Esper ability: Group Hug MP : 74 Effect : Recovers HP Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ------------------ 2.21 - ALEXANDER ------------------ How to get : After beating the boss, Wrexsoul, and clearing off Cyan's sufferings, go to Doma Castle's KIng's Room and get the Alexander magicite sitting in the king's throne. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Pearl* | Black | x 2 | | Ice | Black | x10 | | Ice2 | Black | x 5 | | Rasp | Support | x 4 | | Osmose | Support | x 4 | | Cure | White | x 3 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Justice MP : 90 Effect : Mystic Purity * Pearl is unique to Alexander Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.22 - PHOENIX ---------------- How to get : You will get the "legendary relic that can restore life" (aka magicite of the Phoenix esper) once you have reunited with Locke in the World of Ruin. You will find Locke in the Cave of the Phoenix... the mountain range north of Tzen. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Life | White | x10 | | Life2* | White | x 2 | | Life3* | White | x 1 | | Cure3 | White | x 2 | | Fire3 | Black | x 3 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Rebirth MP : 110 Effect : Recovers battle status * Life2 and Life3 are unique to Phoenix Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ------------- 2.23 - ODIN ------------- How to get : Go to Figaro Castle and ask the old man to go to Figaro. When the old man tells you that there is something odd with the stratum, choose to "Stop and explore". Go to the prison cell at the right side of the castle and enter the door at the right side of the cell. Find your way though the dungeon and until you reach the Ancient Ruins. Enter the castle and touch Odin-turned to turn him into a magicite shard. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Meteor | Black | x 1 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +1 Speed* Esper ability: Atom Edge MP : 70 Effect : Slices through enemies * The speed bonus is unique to Odin. If you want to boost the speed of your character, this is your only opportunity! Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ---------------- 2.24 - BAHAMUT ---------------- How to get : Wander around the world, in the World of Ruin, with your airship until you gets into a random boss encounter with Doom Gaze. Beat him and a piece of magicite will pop out of his mouth. You will finally get Bahamut! (NOTE: If you are not quick to beat him in your first encounter, he'll escape according to other FAQs... but I never experienced not killing him in our first encounter. If ever he escapes, just continue wandering with your airship and you will eventually meet him again... and the damage you've dealt before is still there... like the Ultima WEAPON battle in Final Fantasy VII. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Flare* | Black | x 2 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +50% to HP Esper ability: Sun Flare MP : 86 Effect : Cuts through magic defenses * Flare is unique to Bahamut Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ----------------- 2.25 - CRUSADER ----------------- How to get : After beating all eight dragons, the Dragon Seal will be broken and you will receive the magicite of the final esper in Final Fantasy VI... Crusader. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Melt* | Black | x 1 | | Meteor | Black | x10 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Purifier MP : 96 Effect : *Melt is unique to Crusader Link to a picture: *** in progress *** ----------------- 2.26 - RAGNAROK ----------------- How to get : After reuniting with Locke, make him the leader of your party (put him on the top of your active party so he will be the one you are controlling while navigating) and revisit Narshe. Check the locked door of the "Weapons Shop" and he will unlock it. Enter the shop and go inside the room to find an old man. He will offer you The Ragnarok: a sword or a stone. You can only choose either, not both. Of course you should get the stone... or in other words, the magicite. TAKE THE STONE! This esper guide will not be complete if you will take the sword instead. -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Ultima* | Black | x 1 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +0 Esper ability: Metamorph MP : 6 Effect : Turns enemy into an item * Ultima is unique to Ragnarok... Well, at least, for the espers because the Paladin Shield (uncursed Cursed Shield) can also teach Ultima. Link to a picture: *** in progress *** --------------- 2.27 - RAIDEN --------------- How to get : After getting Odin's magicite, go down the ladder at the right side of the throne room. Check the glowing thing in the bookshelf to read a letter. Now, go back to the throne room. Walk five step down from the right throne and press the action button. Return to the queen's room and you'll find out that a secret ladder has been revealed. Go down the newly discovered ladder and check the queen-turned stone, to upgrade Odin's magicite to Raiden (NOTE: You'll lose Odin's magicite forever once you touch the queen.) -------------------------------------------------------- | Magic Name | Magic Type | Learn Rate | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | Quick* | Support | x 1 | -------------------------------------------------------- Bonus at level up... +2 to Strength Esper ability: True Edge MP : 80 Effect : Slices through enemies * Quick is unique to Ragnarok Link to a picture: *** in progress *** O============================================================================O | ++ MAGIC GUIDE ++ [3.0]| O============================================================================O The "magic" referred to here are the ones you can learn from the magicites and does not refer to the spells in general, which includes summon, magic, lores, etc. I will list the magic according to how they are arranged in the magic list. This will be my format of presentation: ------------- 3.01 - Cure <-- Name and number of the magic ------------- Magic Type : White <-- Just how FF6 classified a specific magic MP Cost : 5 <-- Amount of MP needed to cast the magic Effect : Recover HP a little <-- what it does Multi-target: Yes <-- Whether it can target multiple enemies/allies or not Source Esper: Kirin, Shiva, Starlet<-- From whom it can be learned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 3.01 - Cure ------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 5 Effect : Recover HP a little Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Kirin, Shiva, Starlet -------------- 3.02 - Cure2 -------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 25 Effect : Recovers HP moderately Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Kirin, Unicorn, Golem, Srphim, Starlet -------------- 3.03 - Cure3 -------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 40 Effect : Recovers HP a lot Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Starlet, Phoenix ------------- 3.04 - Life ------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 30 Effect : Restores life Multi-target: No Source Esper: Bismark, Srphim, Phoenix -------------- 3.05 - Life2 -------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 60 Effect : Restores life and HP/MP Multi-target: No Source Esper: Phoenix ----------------- 3.06 - Antidote ----------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 3 Effect : Cures poisoning Multi-target: No Source Esper: Kirin --------------- 3.07 - Remedy --------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 15 Effect : Cures status ailments Multi-target: No Source Esper: Unicorn, Alexander -------------- 3.08 - Regen -------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 10 Effect : Recovers HP gradually Multi-target: No Source Esper: Kirin, Starlet -------------- 3.09 - Life3 -------------- Magic Type : White MP Cost : 50 Effect : Protects from wound (Grants auto-life) Multi-target: No Source Esper: Phoenix ------------- 3.10 - Fire ------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 4 Effect : Fire-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Siren, Ifrit, Bismark ------------ 3.11 - Ice ------------ Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 5 Effect : Ice-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Shiva, Bismark ------------- 3.12 - Bolt ------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 6 Effect : Bolt-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Ramuh, Bismark --------------- 3.13 - Poison --------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 3 Effect : Poisons an enemy Multi-target: No Source Esper: Ramuh -------------- 3.14 - Drain -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 15 Effect : Drains HP from an enemy (and transfers it to your HP) Multi-target: No Source Esper: Ifrit -------------- 3.15 - Fire2 -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 20 Effect : Fire-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Ifrit, Maduin ------------- 3.16 - Ice2 ------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 21 Effect : Ice-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Shiva, Maduin -------------- 3.17 - Bolt2 -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 22 Effect : Bolt-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Ramuh, Maduin ------------ 3.18 - Bio ------------ Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 26 Effect : Poison-elemental attack Multi-target: No Source Esper: Shoat -------------- 3.19 - Fire3 -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 51 Effect : Fire-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Tritoch, Phoenix ------------- 3.20 - Ice3 ------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 52 Effect : Ice-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Tritoch -------------- 3.21 - Bolt3 -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 53 Effect : Bolt-elemental attack Multi-target: Yes Source Esper: Tritoch -------------- 3.22 - Break -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 25 Effect : Turns an enemy to stone Multi-target: No Source Esper: Shoat ------------- 3.23 - Doom ------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 35 Effect : Dispatches an enemy Multi-target: No Source Esper: Shoat -------------- 3.24 - Pearl -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 40 Effect : Pearl-elemental attack Multi-target: No Source Esper: Alexander -------------- 3.25 - Flare -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 45 Effect : Barrier-piercing attack Multi-target: No Source Esper: Bahamut ------------- 3.26 - Demi ------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 33 Effect : Cuts an enemy's HP in half Multi-target: No Source Esper: Phantom ---------------- 3.27 - Quarter ---------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 48 Effect : Cuts an enemy's HP by 3/4 Multi-target: No Source Esper: Terrato --------------- 3.28 - X-Zone --------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 53 Effect : Sends an enemy into the X-Zone Multi-target: Automatic Source Esper: Fenrir --------------- 3.29 - Meteor --------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 62 Effect : Damages multiple enemies Multi-target: Automatic Source Esper: Odin, Crusader --------------- 3.30 - Ultima --------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 80 Effect : Damages multiple enemies Multi-target: Automatic Source Esper: Ragnarok -------------- 3.31 - Quake -------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 50 Effect : Unfocused earth-elemental attack Multi-target: Automatic (targets all enemies and allies) Source Esper: Terrato --------------- 3.32 - W Wind --------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : 75 Effect : Unfocused near-fatal attack Multi-target: Automatic (targets all enemies and allies) Source Esper: Terrato ------------- 3.33 - Melt (aka Merton) ------------- Magic Type : Black MP Cost : Effect : Multi-target: Automatic (targets all enemies and allies) Source Esper: Crusader ------------- 3.34 - Scan ------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 3 Effect : Displays an enemy's HP/weak point Multi-target: No Source Esper: Kirin ------------- 3.35 - Slow ------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 5 Effect : Slows battle speed Multi-target: No Source Esper: Siren, Palidor ------------- 3.36 - Rasp ------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 12 Effect : Damages MP Multi-target: No Source Esper: Shiva, Zoneseek ------------- 3.37 - Mute ------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 8 Effect : Silences target Multi-target: No Source Esper: Siren ------------- 3.38 - Safe ------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 12 Effect : Raises defense Multi-target: No Source Esper: Carbunkl, Golem, Alexander -------------- 3.39 - Sleep -------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 5 Effect : Puts target to sleep Multi-target: No Source Esper: Siren --------------- 3.40 - Muddle --------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 8 Effect : Confuses target Multi-target: No Source Esper: Stray -------------- 3.41 - Haste -------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 10 Effect : Raises battle speed Multi-target: No Source Esper: Carbunkl, Palidor ------------- 3.42 - Stop ------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 10 Effect : Stops an enemy Multi-target: No Source Esper: Golem, Fenrir ---------------- 3.43 - Berserk ---------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 17 Effect : Casts berserk on target Multi-target: No Source Esper: Phantom -------------- 3.44 - Float -------------- Magic Type : Support MP Cost : 17
        Effect      : Casts float on target
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Stray, Palidor

 3.45 - Imp

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 10
        Effect      : Changes to/from "Imp"
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Stray

 3.46 - Reflect

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 22
        Effect      : Casts a magic barrier on target
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Carbunkl

 3.47 - Shell

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 15
        Effect      : Raises magic defense
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Carbunkl, Zoneseek, Alexander

 3.48 - Vanish

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 18
        Effect      : Renders target invisible
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Phantom

 3.49 - Haste2

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 38
        Effect      : Speeds up entire party
        Multi-target: Automatic
        Source Esper: Palidor

 3.50 - Slow2

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 26
        Effect      : Slows multiple enemies
        Multi-target: Automatic
        Source Esper: Palidor

 3.51 - Osmose

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 1
        Effect      : Absorbs MP from an enemy
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Shiva, Zoneseek

 3.52 - Warp

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 20
        Effect      : Escape from dungeons/battles
        Multi-target: Automatic
        Source Esper: Carbunkl, Fenrir

 3.53 - Quick

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 99
        Effect      : Allows double commands
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Raiden

 3.54 - Dispel

        Magic Type  : Support
        MP Cost     : 25
        Effect      : Maintains poor status (Nullifies beneficial status)
        Multi-target: No
        Source Esper: Unicorn, Alexander

|                       ++ COMPARING ESPER TO MAGIC ++                  [4.0]|

                           *** NOT YET FINISHED ***

This section compares the effectiveness of the esper's abilities to similar 
magic learned from the esper magicites, except for some espers that have no
magic counterpart, I'll compare it to Strago's lores.

This will be my format of presentation:

 4.01 - Ramuh  <-- Number and name of the esper being compared

Similar magic        - Bolt, Bolt2, Bolt3 <-- To which the esper is compared
MP Cost of the magic - 6   , 22   , 53    <-- MP needed to cast the magic
Final choice         -                    <-- What I think is the better one

  ***This is still a work-in-progress. If you can contribute something, I'll
     be glad to add it up and give you credits. Otherwise, we will just have
     to wait for me to have a spare time test this thing.


 4.01 - Ramuh

Similar magic        - Bolt, Bolt2, Bolt3
MP Cost of the magic - 6   , 22   , 53
Final choice         - 

 4.02 - Kirin

Similar magic        - Regen
MP Cost of the magic - 10
Final choice         - Kirin

 4.03 - Siren

Similar magic        - Mute
MP Cost of the magic - 8
Final choice         - Siren

 4.04 - Stray

Similar magic        - Muddle
MP Cost of the magic - 8
Final choice         - Stray

 4.05 - Ifrit

Similar magic        - Fire, Fire2, Fire3
MP Cost of the magic - 4   , 20,  , 51
Final choice         -

 4.06 - Shiva

Similar magic        - Ice, Ice2, Ice3
MP Cost of the magic - 5  , 21  , 52
Final choice         - 

 4.07 - Unicorn

Similar magic        - Remedy
MP Cost of the magic - 15
Final choice         - 

 4.08 - Maduin

Similar magic        - Ultima
MP Cost of the magic - 80
Final choice         - Ultima

 4.09 - Shoat

Similar magic        - Break
MP Cost of the magic - 25
Final choice         - Break

 4.10 - Phantom

Similar magic        - Vanish
MP Cost of the magic - 18
Final choice         - Phantom

 4.11 - Carbunkl

Similar magic        - Reflect
MP Cost of the magic - 22
Final choice         - Carbunkl

 4.12 - Bismark

Similar magic        - Aqua Rake, Cleensweep
MP Cost of the magic - 22       , 30
Final choice         - Aquarake

 4.13 - Golem

Similar magic        - Safe
MP Cost of the magic - 12
Final choice         - Golem

 4.14 - Zoneseek

Similar magic        - Shell
MP Cost of the magic - 15
Final choice         - Zoneseek

 4.15 - Sraphim

Similar magic        - Cure, Cure2, Cure3
MP Cost of the magic - 5   , 25,  40
Final choice         - Cure3

 4.16 - Palidor

Similar magic        - n/a
MP Cost of the magic - n/a
Final choice         - You may use a Dragoon Boots relic to be able to jump.

 4.17 - Fenrir

Similar magic        - n/a
MP Cost of the magic - n/a
Final choice         -

 4.18 - Tritoch

Similar magic        - Fire-Ice-Bolt, Fire2-Ice2-Bolt2, Fire3-Ice3-Bolt3
MP Cost of the magic - 4+5+6= 15    , 20+21+22= 63    , 51+52+53= 156
Final choice         -

 4.19 - Terrato

Similar magic        - Quake
MP Cost of the magic - 50
Final choice         - Quake

 4.20 - Starlet

Similar magic        - Cure, Cure2, Cure3
MP Cost of the magic - 5   , 25   , 40
Final choice         - Cure3

 4.21 - Alexander

Similar magic        - Pearl
MP Cost of the magic - 40
Final choice         - Pearl

 4.22 - Phoenix

Similar magic        - Life, Life2, Life3
MP Cost of the magic - 30  , 60   , 50
Final choice         - Life3

 4.23 - Odin

Similar magic        - Doom
MP Cost of the magic - 35
Final choice         - Odin

 4.24 - Bahamut

Similar magic        - Ultima
MP Cost of the magic - 80
Final choice         - Ultima

 4.25 - Crusader

Similar magic        - W Wind
MP Cost of the magic - 75
Final choice         -

 4.26 - Ragnarok

Similar magic        - n/a
MP Cost of the magic - n/a
Final choice         - You can morph monsters into items only through Ragnarok

 4.27 - Raiden

Similar magic        - Doom
MP Cost of the magic - 35
Final choice         - Raiden

|                              ++ MISCELLANEOUS ++                      [5.0]|

 5.1 - The Origin of Summons

NOTE: Some parts of this section is an excerpt from the article of Chibitarym
      of FF7 Citadel. Credit goes out to him (I put an "*" to indicate which
      ones are from his work).

      While searching the net, I found a document of a certain Andrew Vestal
      regarding the origin of the espers.  Credit goes out to him (I put an
      "**" to indicate which ones are from his work).

      I ran after this forum where a certain person code named "Overlord"
      posted a small list of mythological creatures.  Credit goes out to him
      (I put an "***" to indicate which ones are from him).



The lightning-based summon Ramuh, like Shiva, has his origin based in Hindu
mysticism. There is an Indian poem about a hero called the Ramayana, a brave
individual who becomes king. When this individual becomes king it is revealed
that he is the god Vishnu in his seventh incarnation, which embodies chivalry
and virtue.*

Rama is  the hero  of an  epic Indian  poem, the Ramayana.  He is handsome,
brave, and a model individual. After many trials and tribulations, he becomes
king,  and it  is revealed  that Rama  is actually  the god  Vishnu in human


A Kirin is an imaginary creature that is part horse and part dragon. The male
is called "Ki", and the female is called "Rin".  It is capable of flying, and
sparks of lightning shoot out from its hooves. Kirin are considered good

Pronounced "Kilin",  this ancient Chinese  unicorn appears  in many different
forms.  It's sometimes considered a dragon/horse hybrid  or a combination of
the male unicorn (Ki)  and female unicorn (Lin).   Its hair consists  of five
different colors to represent the five sacred Chinese colors: 

This creature  is said to  spring from the  earth and is considered to be one
of the four superior animals of good omen.***

The Japanese unicorn,  an animal-god who punishes  the wicked with its single
horn.  It protects  the just and  grants them  good luck.  Seeing a  Kirin is
considered an omen of extreme good luck - if one is a virtuous person.


From Greek mythology, the Sirens were  beautiful maiden-birds  that lived on
the rocky shores of the Mediterranean Sea. They lured sailors to their death
on the cliffs with their beautiful songs.**

I'm sure some of you have read, The Odyssey,  by Homer but I'll recap again
anyway. After Odysseus saves his men from Circe's spell. They take off again
with several helpful warnings from the sorceress. 

One of them was to  be wary of the Sirens and their powerful song. They have
been known to drive sailors insane and draw their boats towards the island on
which they reside which is conveniently surrounded by sharp rocks. 

I think I read somewhere that Siren's have a woman's head and the body of a
bird but... I thought those were Harpies o_O 

Here's an excerpt from the Odyssey. This is Circe talking: 

"First you will  come to the Sirens  who enchant all  who come near them. If
any one unwarily draws in too close and hears the singing of the Sirens,  his
wife and children will never welcome him home again,  for they sit in a green
field and warble  him to death with  the sweetness of their song.  There is a
great heap of dead men's bones lying all around, with the flesh still rotting
off them."***

Siren , in Greek mythology, one of three sea nymphs,  usually represented with
the head  of a woman  and the  body of  a  bird.  Daughters of Phorcus  or of
Achelous, the Sirens inhabited an island surrounded by dangerous rocks. They
sang so enchantingly that all who heard were  drawn  near and shipwrecked.
Jason and the Argonauts  were saved from them by the music of Orpheus, whose
songs were lovelier.  Odysseus escaped them by having himself tied securely to
a mast and by stopping the ears of his men.


A stray cat is a non-domesticated cat without a home.**

He certainly look like Cait Sith in Final Fantasy VII :)


The  summon is Ifrit, (also  spelled Efreet), and  this  summon  has  two
possible origins. The first origin can be traced to Arabic, where Ifrit were
considered to be the second most powerful type of Jinn. The Jinn were beings
whose  veins  flowed  with  fire, rather than blood, and were considered
demon-like creatures.  The second origin is hazy,  and has to do with vampire
occult - in which the Efreet were fire wielding gargoyles.*

Originally spelled "Efreet".  Efreeti are fire djinns from the elemental plane
of fire who lived in the City of Brass.**

Ifrit, originally spelled Efreet, are part of the second most powerful class
of Jinn. The Jinn were demon like beings whose veins flowed with fire instead
of blood. When mortally wounded, fire would spew out of them until they were
turned into ash.  The Jinn took  in different forms  but their favorite shape
was that of a muscle-bound youth. 

The Efreet  were part of the  Gargoyle Bloodline  and are  essentially,  fire
wielding gargoyles.  They came into existence after the  Gargoyles revolted
against Tremere  and hid  away into  the mountains.  Efreeti skin  reddens as
they  continues  to  age  and  they  tend  to  dwell in  caves or abandoned


The summon  we find  is that of Shiva, a  powerful Ice-based summon. The
name Shiva finds  its origins in  Hindu mysticism.  Shiva is the Hindu god of
Transformation, often called  "The Destroyer",  although  the  figure  has a
strong creative element as well.  The figure  is often  depicted carrying an
axe,  which is used to sever  the ties  between the material and spiritual

Shiva is  one of  the three  principal  Hindu deities.  Shiva  is a god of
complementary actions.  He is portrayed  as both destroyer and  restorer of
worlds;  as a both  a giver  and a  taker. He  is  part of the  triad that
also includes Brahma and Vishnu.**

Shiva in Hindu Mythology is actually a god(as in... male) and has nothing to
do with ice o_O but I'll include it in here anyways. He was very uninterested
in the matters of the world and materialistic things, such as jewels, gold or
whatnot.  He doesn't flow  with the norm,  hanging out  with ghosts, gnomes,
goblins, serpents... etc. 

He prefers isolation and often sits atop Mount Kailas, meditating.  Sometimes
so intense that he  becomes a pillar of fire. The gods wanted his wisdom and
wanted him to marry  so that they'd  have warriors  to protect the world. To
accomplish this they asked for the help of goddess Shakti. She succeeded in
becoming his consort and they had two sons. Ganesh and Karitkeya. 

The god Shiva had blue skin because he drank poison. Shiva is also a duality
(life/death etc) that includes male/female.***


A mythical horse with a single spiral horn protruding from its forehead, the
unicorn is often symbolic of purity and virginity.**

Mythological Side ::  The modern Unicorn  is normally  portrayed  as a beast
ridden by a Virgin (the only one who can tame the creature).  They're usually
used as a  symbol  of purity,  and nobility. Unicorns were  hunted for their
horns which  held the power to purify water, neutralize poison, and bring
good health. 

Another POV ::  Many believe that the word,  'Unicorn',  doesn't always refer
to  the  horse like creature  with a horn on  its forehead. Unicorns, in
actuality, are often natural healers, curing ailments through physical senses
or contact with the  afflicted's essence. That's the  reason these 'beasts'
were so valuable to hunters was for their healing magic.***


Originally spelled "Mael Duin". Mael Duin is a major hero of Irish Mythology.
Son of Ailill,  he was raised by nuns after his father was killed by raiders.
When told his  father's story,  Mael Duin sets  out with sixteen warriors to
avenge his death, and his subsequent voyages have  been called the "Irish

Originally spelled, Mael Duin, was son of a nun whose husband died during a
raid of the city they inhabited. The nun gave her son to her sister, who just
happened to be a queen. And so Mael Duin was raised as a prince and assumed
he was exactly  what he appeared  to be. One day he discovered that he was
in fact,  not son of  the queen and learns about  the death of  his father,
Ailill Ochair Aga. He then sets off on  a  journey to  find his father's
murderer and carry out revenge for his death. 

His journey  sounds very much like that of, Odysseus. Mael Duin and his men
encounter various  strange  being/monsters and  experience a multitude  of
adventures. In the end he forgives his father's killer and returns home.***

Some website says Maduin and Madeen of Final Fantasy IX are the same, but
they don't have any similarity except their names.


A young pig just after weaning.**


A ghost or apparition.  This illusion is sometimes believed to be the soul of
a recently departed individual.**


A carbuncle is a deep-red, almost blood-colored, unfaceted stone.**

In Final Fantasy IX, Carbuncle has two other hidden effects: Shell and Vanish
(Depending on the precious stone Garnet equips)

If you look closely at the monkeys scattered in Final Fantasy X and X-2, they
look like small Carbuncles :)


The Bismark  was a World War II  German battleship  that was sunk on May 27,
1941.  It was one of the most powerful battleships ever built,  and had eight
15-inch guns.**

The first time I  summoned Bismark, the first thing that  came to my mind is
the ever-famous great white whale, Moby Dick, or The Whale by Herman Muller


The original  Golem was  a stone  creature that  was brought  to life  by the
sacred word of a holy man. The Golem was a sort of primitive robot.**


The name  might mean  that he helps  you find another  dimension or  a higher
plane of existence.**


A seraph is a holy angel with three pairs of wings. Seraphim are often paired
with cherubim.**

Divine creatures from  the Old Testament, associated with the Cherubim, and
later taken to be angels.  The root of Seraphim comes  either from the Hebrew
verb saraph ('to burn') or the Hebrew noun saraph  (a fiery, flying serpent).
Because the  term appears  several  times  with  reference  to  the  serpents
encountered in the wilderness  (Num. 21.8, Deut. 8.15; Isa. 14.29; 30.6), it
has often been understood to refer to "fiery serpents." From this it has also
often been proposed  that the  seraphim  were serpentine in  form and in some
sense "fiery" creatures or associated with fire.

It  is  said that whoever lays  eyes  on  a  Seraph,  he would  instantly  be
incinerated due to the  immense brightness of the Seraph.  They are described
as  very  tall,  with  six  wings and  four heads,  one for of the cardinal
directions. One pair of wings is for flying, one for  covering their  eyes
(for even they may not look directly at God), and one for covering their feet
(this is almost certainly a euphemism for genitalia). They are in the direct
presence of God.

In Isaiah's  call-vision in  the Temple, he sees  Seraphim surrounding the
throne of God, singing praise to God; the "Thrice Holy" hymn (ch 6).  In this
instance they  are angelic beings but  in the Book of Numbers, seraph-snakes
 are sent to punish the Israelites.


A paladin is a virtuous  knight who represents the pinnacle of chivalry and
knightly ideals.**

The name  Palidor was likely based on  the medieval  legend of a Paladin, a
knight representing perfect ideals.  In the Japanese version,  Palidor's name
was Quetzali, a South American tropical bird.


Fenrir is a gigantic wolf, offspring of Loki and Angerboda, who is the enemy
of all  the gods.  He was banished  and bound in Hel,  but will break free at
Ragnarok and slay Odin.**

Fenrir is  a huge monster  in Norse mythology  that takes on  the shape  of a
wolf. Through a prophecy,  the gods learned that Fenrir  and his family would
one day be responsible for the destruction  of the world (Ragnarok), so they
took the wolf and  locked him in a cage. Only Tyr, the god of war, had the
courage to feed and take care of him. 

As time passed, Fenrir grew to be  a ferocious beast.  Seeing this, the gods
decided to render him harmless. However, the only way to do this was to trick
him. So the gods challenged Fenrir to a test of strength,  which he accepted.
They bound  him with chains,  but Fenrir was  so strong that  the chains gave
easily under his power. 

The gods then realized only a magic chain would work,  and ordered dwarves to
make something strong  enough to  hold the wolf. What they came  up with was
Gleipnir which was made of the footstep of a cat, the roots of a mountain, a
woman's beard,  the breath  of  fishes, the sinews  of a bear, and a bird's

With this new thin  ribbon of Gleipnir, the gods challenged Fenrir again, a
challenge which he  reluctantly agreed to face.  Sensing treachery,  he asked
the gods to put a hand between his jaws, which the gods  were not very eager
to follow through with. Only Tyr agreed. 

So the wolf was  tied with the material and no matter how hard he struggled,
he could not  break free.  In revenge, he bit  off Tyr's hand.  They chained
Fenrir to a rock one mile beneath  the  earth's surface  and placed a sword
between his jaws to prevent him from biting. 

On the day of Ragnarok,  Fenrir will break his chains and join the giants in
their battle against the gods.***

Fenrir (or Fenris) is a gigantic and terrible monster in the shape of a wolf.
He is the eldest child of Loki and the giantess Angrboda. The gods learned of
a prophecy  which stated  that  the wolf  and  his family  would one  day  be
responsible for the destruction of the world. They caught the wolf and locked
him in a cage.  Only the god of war, Tyr, dared to feed and take care of the

When he was still a pup they  had nothing to fear,  but when the gods saw one
day how he had grown,  they decided to render him harmless. However, none of
the gods had enough  courage to face   the gigantic wolf. Instead, they tried
to trick him.  They said the wolf was weak and could never break free when he
was chained.  Fenrir accepted  the challenge  and  let  the gods  chain  him.
Unfortunately,  he was so  immensely strong that  he managed  to  break the
strongest fetters as if they were cobwebs. 

After that,  the gods saw  only one  alternative  left:  a magic chain.  They
ordered the dwarves to make something so  strong that it could hold the wolf.
The result was a soft,  thin ribbon:  Gleipnir. It  was  incredibly  strong,
despite what its size and appearance might suggest. The ribbon was fashioned
of six strange elements:  the footstep of a cat;  the roots of a mountain;  a
woman's beard;  the breath of fishes;  the sinews of a bear; and a bird's

The gods tried to trick the wolf again, only this time Fenrir was less eager
to show his strength. He saw how thin the  chain was, and said that was no
pride in breaking such a weak chain. Eventually, though, he agreed, thinking
that  otherwise  his  strength and courage would be doubted. Suspecting
treachery however, he in turn asked the gods for a token of good will: one
of them had  to put a hand  between his jaws. The gods were not overly eager
to do this,  knowing what they could expect. Finally, only Tyr agreed, and
the  gods chained  the wolf  with  Gleipnir. No  matter how  hard Fenrir
struggled, he could not break free from this thin ribbon. In revenge, he bit
off Tyr's hand. 

Being very pleased with themselves,  the gods carried Fenrir  off and chained
him to a rock  (called Gioll)  a mile down  into the earth. They put a sword
between his jaws to prevent him from biting.  On the day of Ragnarok, Fenrir
will break his chains and join  the giants  in their battle against the gods.
He will seek out  Odin and devour him.  Vidar,  Odin's son,   will avenge his
father by killing the wolf.

In Final Fantasy IX, Fenrir has two elements: earth and wind (Depending on the
accessory Eiko equips.


The prefix  "tri-" means "three".  Thus it is fitting  that the  three-headed
Tritoch teaches you three spells, Fire3, Bolt3, and Ice3.**


Derived from the Midgard Zolom, a creature in  Norse mythology. The Midgard
Zolom  was a huge  snake  so long,  it stretched around the entire world and
could nearly swallow its own tail.*

The original name of this Esper was "Midgard's Serpent". Midgard's Serpent is
a gigantic serpent,  offspring of Loki and Angerboda, which lay at the bottom
of the ocean.  The Serpent was destined to consume the earth at Ragnarok.**

Terrato,  the serpent esper,  is also  known as  the Midgard  Serpent.  Sound
familiar?  Jormungand  (the current name of this creature in Norse mythology)
is one of the children of Loki.  The gods noticed that Jormungand was growing
incredibly fast and would eventually become something of evil nature. Fearing
this,  the gods threw him into the ocean surrounding the earth  (aka Midgard,
which was basically the equivalent of earth). 

At Ragnarok,  the Midgard Serpent  will be  defeated by Thor,  the lightening

Terrato was known as "Midgarsorm" in the Japanese Version of FF6.


A diminutive star, or a young aspiring movie actress.**


Next summon  is  Alexander, which  most  likely  references  to  the  Greek
"Alexander the Great".  Alexander  is  often depicted in the  Final Fantasy
series as a giant robot, or a machine. Common theory is that this is because
at the time of Alexander the Great, his army was the  biggest war machine of
the ancient time.*

Alexander  the Great,  King of Macedonia, conquered  Asia  Minor, Syria,
Babylonia, Egypt, and Persia, in short, the entire known world, during his
reign (336 BC - 323 BC).**

Most of you know Alexander as the great conqueror, Alexander the Great. In
the Final Fantasy series his form is usually that of a large robot-machine.
This is because Alexander's army was the greatest war machine of the ancient


The myth of the Phoenix, our twelfth summon, can be traced  to many ancient
myths, but in the end it falls to Egyptian mythology. It was a splendid bird,
with fire-red feathers (often depicted as actual fire) which was sacrificed
to the  sun god, Ra. In Arabic mythology, the Phoenix was not sacrificed,
but  builds  its  nest  before it dies,  and sets it on fire,  dying in the
flames.  From the ashes, a  new  Phoenix is born. This cycle  of death and
rebirth is shown in Final Fantasy with Phoenix's reviving abilities.*

This bird would consume  itself in flames every 500 years and then be reborn
from the ashes. Thus it is fitting that the Esper Phoenix teaches you the
Life spells.**

The Phoenix doesn't  live on typical  fruit and flowers,  but on frankincense
and gums. When it reaches  the age of 500,  it builds a nest and  collects
cinnamon,  spikenard,  and myrrh.  With its dying breath, it gives life to a
young Phoenix which emerges from its parent's body. 

When the young Phoenix has gained  enough strength, it'll pick  up its nest,
carry it to the city of Heliopolis(in Egypt. helio meaning sun, polis meaning
city?) and deposits it in the temple of the Sun.***


Odin, and his horse, Sleipnir, have their origins in Norse Mythology. Odin is
best known as the Norse god of War,  although is also referred to as a god of
Wisdom and also of Death. His horse, Sleipnir, is depicted as having eight
legs,  although it is  difficult to see  if these are  shown in Final Fantasy
VII, or if there are six (as commonly claimed).*

Odin  is one of  the three  original  Aesir  gods who  created the  world and
mankind.  He is the God of war,  storms, wisdom,  and honor.  He had only one
eye, but had inner sight, and nine of his children became gods as well.**

Odin,  the Norse Being was leader of the Aesir. He was known  as the god of
war,  poetry,  wisdom,  and death.  His spear was  named Grungir  which never
missed its mark, and his bow unleashed ten arrows with every pull. 

As you've  probably noticed  in every FF that has Odin,  he has a  wonderful
eight legged  horsie ^_^  named Sleipnir (I think in  FFVII and  FFVIII they
only show 6).  Destined to  die at Ragnarok,  and knowing it, he chose to do
battle. Not many people worshipped him,  but he was known  as a great warrior
who would strike down anyone at his whim(Zantetsuken!).***


Bahamut, our great dragon,  has its roots in Arabic mythology - but not as a
dragon - as a fish!  Bahamut, in Arabic mysticism, was a giant fish, floating
in a never-ending sea. Bahamut indirectly supports the Earth, having Kjata on
his back, who  is supporting the Earth on his. It is also commonly considered
that Bahamut is "The King of Dragons".*

Bahamut is the mythical king of the dragons.**

Apparently, in Moslem traditions, Bahamut is not the mega energy ball blowing
dragon we've come to know. Instead, it's a monstrous fish that floats in a
vast sea. A giant bull rides on its back and on the bull is a ruby mountain.
This is said to be Kujara (Kjata).***


Originally  spelled  "Raijin".  Raijin is  the  god of thunder,  and is often
portrayed  as a  red demon  beating a drum. In Japanese, the word "raiden"
means "thunder".**

The Japanese  god of thunder (rai) and lightning (den). He prevented  the
Mongols from  invading Japan in 1274.  Sitting on a cloud he  sent forth a
shower of lighting  arrows upon the invading fleet. Only three  men escaped.
Raiden is portrayed as a  red demon with sharp claws, carrying a large drum.
He is fond of eating human navels. The only protection against him is to hide
under a mosquito net. 


The original  name of  this  Esper  was "Jihad".  A jihad  is a holy war or
crusade fought for religious ideals and beliefs.**

I don't know if this is related,  but NANA (Aries) in Hawaiian mythology, is
depicted by  a  Crusader  with  a  headstrong  force  like  the  Ram in Greek

Those born under the  ancient sign of  NANA are gifted  with a driving  force 
bent on achieving their life's ambition. Positive and enterprising, NANAS set
the highest standards for themselves. The NANA Crusader is garbed in a gourd 
helmet that is a ritual mask signifying, not war, but the ability to fight 
mightily. However, theirs is not with weapons, but with their heads; that is 
to say,  in the field  of thought. In  ancient Hawaii, crusaders willingly 
assumed seemingly impossible tasks required of them.  To succeed,  they would 
call upon  one  of  their Aumakuas  (family gods) asking  for the  wisdom and 
strategy to  overcome  their adversaries.  Inherent  in  the NANA are  such 
characteristics. They have the  resourcefulness to channel  their energies, 
and if need be,  ram through their  ideas with an optimism and vitality that 
attributes  to  their  leadership qualities.  The NANA  persons  demand of 
themselves a  strict  adherence to work  and steadfastness  that's  ready to 
challenge the  opposition with  a strength of conviction  and brilliance that 
disarm criticism. Yet, NANA males and females are warm-hearted, displaying 
such refreshing,  lively attributes  and generous  show of  affection, it is 
clear why they are life's greatest reformers and crusaders.


Ragnarok is the Judgment of the Gods. (From Norse RAGNA,  the general plural
of REGIN  (God)+ROK  (judgment or reason) RAGNAROEKER, on the  other hand,
means the day of reckoning,  when every god meets his final destiny. The two
terms are often used interchangeably.**

Ragnarok,  probably more  widely known as the end of the world. So what
happens?  First,  there will be  three years  of winter and  during this time
Midgard will be at war.  Families will battle  against each  other and incest
will take place >_< 

The sun and moon will be swallowed by Skoll  and Hati Hrodvitnisson, bringing
total darkness  upon the world.  The heavens will fall,  earth will tremble,
mountains and trees will crumble to the ground. 

The Fenrir wolf will run  loose killing  people and the  Midgard Serpent will
spew venom on the world.  Odin and his  warriors will  fight against all this
mayhem,  but Odin will  eventually be  slain by the Fenrir wolf.  Thor, the
lightening god, will successfully defeat the Midgard Serpent. 

The nine worlds under the Yggdrasil tree will burn. The sky will fall into a
flaming pit and the earth into the sea. 

After the old world has been destroyed, the new world will emerge from the

Ragnarok ("Doom of the Gods"), also called Gotterdammerung, means the end of
the cosmos in Norse mythology. It will be preceded by Fimbulvetr, the winter
of winters.  Three such winters will follow each  other with  no summers in
between.  Conflicts and feuds will break out, even between families, and all
morality will disappear. This is the beginning of the end. 

The wolf Skoll will finally devour the sun, and his brother Hati will eat the
moon, plunging the earth [into] darkness. The stars will vanish from the sky.
The cock Fjalar will crow to the giants and the golden cock Gullinkambi will
crow to the gods. A third cock will raise the dead. 

The earth  will shudder  with earthquakes,  and every  bond and  fetter will
burst,  freeing the  terrible  wolf Fenrir. The sea will  rear up because
Jormungand,  the Midgard Serpent,  is twisting  and  writhing  in  fury as he
makes his way toward the land.  With every breath, Jormungand will stain the
soil and the sky with his poison.  The waves caused by the serpent's emerging
will set free the ship Naglfar,  and with the giant Hymir as their commander,
the giants will sail  towards the battlefield.  From the realm  of the dead a
second ship will set sail, and this  ship carries  the inhabitants  of hell,
with Loki as  their helmsman.  The fire giants, led by the giant Surt, will
leave Muspell in the  south to join against the gods.  Surt, carrying a sword
that blazes like the sun itself, will scorch the earth. 

Meanwhile,  Heimdall will sound his horn, calling the  sons of Odin and the
heroes to the battlefield.  From all the corners of the world,  gods, giants,
dwarves, demons and elves will ride towards the huge plain of Vigrid ("battle
shaker")  where the last battle will  be fought.  Odin will engage Fenrir in
battle,  and Thor will attack  Jormungand. Thor  will  victorious, but the
serpent's poison will gradually kill the  god of thunder.  Surt will seek out
the swordless Freyr, who will quickly  succumb to the giant.  The one-handed
Tyr will fight the  monstrous hound Garm and they will kill each other.  Loki
and Heimdall, age-old enemies,  will meet for a final time, and neither will
survive their encounter.  The fight between Odin  and Fenrir will  rage for a
long time, but finally  Fenrir will  seize Odin  and swallow him.  Odin's son
Vidar will at  once leap towards  the wolf and  kill him with his bare hands,
ripping the wolf's jaws apart. 

Then Surt will fling fire in every direction. The nine worlds will burn, and
friends and foes alike will perish. The earth will sink into the sea. 

After the destruction,  a new and idyllic world will arise  from the sea and
will be filled with abundant supplies. Some of the gods will survive,  others
will be reborn. Wickedness  and misery will no  longer exist and gods and men
will live  happily together. The descendants  of  Lif  and  Lifthrasir  will
inhabit this earth. 

Ragnarok does not mean "Twilight of the Gods"; that phrase is the result of a
famous mistranslation. "Ragnarokr" or "Ragnar©ªkr" means "doom of the powers"
or "destruction of the powers" (where "powers" means "gods"). 

 5.2 - The Author

Real Name      : Anthony Lawrence M. Morales
Gender         : Male
B-day          : February 24
Country        : Philippines
Public E-mail  : fantasy_gamer_x@yahoo.com

--> GameSpot

GameSpot User Name             : Fantasy_Gamer
First Visited GameSpot.com     : 1999
Joined GameSpot Message Board  : xx May 2005
Joined Final Fantasy Experience: xx May 2005
Became an Officer of FFE       : 08 July 2005
Became the administrator of FFE: 10 September 2005

URL    : http://unions.gamespot.com/FFEXP 

--> GameFAQs.com

GameFAQs User Name           : Fantasy Gamer (Elite)
First Visited GameFAQs.com   : ?? June   2000
Joined GameFAQs Message Board: 27 August 2002, 1:48:35 AM (GFAQs time)

Regular @ Board : Final Fantasy VII - General
                  RPG's - Everything Else
                  RPG's - Square Enix
                  FAQ Contributor - General
                  GameFAQs World Asia (GameFAQs World: PHILIPPINES series)

Message Board  : http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/gentopic.php?board=37842

 Contributor Recognition Page

-+- www.GameFAQs.com : 

    Final Fantasy VII - Solo Character Initial Equipment No Materia Challenge
                        Wall Market - Don Corneo Attraction Mechanics
    Final Fantasy X-2 - Angra Mainyu Killing
                        Cactuar Searching

    Final Fantasy V   - Boss
    Final Fantasy VI  - Esper & Magic

    Final fantasy III - Job Evaluation

-+- www.NeoSeeker.com: 

    Final Fantasy VII - Solo Character Initial Equipment No Materia Challenge
                        Wall Market - Don Corneo Attraction Mechanics
                        Best Places for EXP, AP & GIL
    Final Fantasy X-2 - Angra Mainyu Killing
                        Cactuar Searching

    Final Fantasy V   - Boss
    Final Fantasy VI  - Esper & Magic

    Final Fantasy III - Job Evaluation

-+- www.IGN.com

|                               ++ LEGAL STUFF ++                       [6.0]|

This guide is solely intended for the  public use in the World Wide Web.  All
information  and  work  in  this  document  is  copyright  © 2005 by  Anthony
Lawrence M. Morales. Without my permission, no other site may host this guide
nor is  anyone  allowed to reproduce this guide,  in any way,  for commercial


For those who are interested to use this guide in their websites or as 
reference for their own guide, E-MAIL ME:



Please  do not  take the credit for someone's work.  We authors spent lots of
sleepless nights just to be able to present guides for you gaming enthusiasts
... we deserve the credit for all our hard work. 

|                             ++ VERSION HISTORY ++                     [7.0]|

I checked the FAQs and Guides section of Final Fantasy III SNES  (FF6) and me
noticed that an important aspect of FF6,  the Espers,  was not covered by any
of the in-depth FAQs at GameFAQs and it just so happened that I was replaying
FF6 so, I decided to make one.


(Version 0.99)
21 August    2005 - started the Esper & Magic Guide.
27 August    2005 - finished.

(Version 1.0)
02 September 2005 - started the first update.
                  - added the miscellaneous section for the origin of summons
02 September 2005 - finished.
   03 September 2005 - submitted to GameFAQs... My 3rd year in GameFAQs.
   xx September 2005 - was not accepted because they said I modified my
                       paragrahs when in fact I did not. I only used spaces
                       to make the paragraphs look better :(

25 September 2005  - started second update.
                   - removed the extra spaces I put that made my paragraphs
                   - finished.

11 February  2006  - very little corrections made.
                   - my maternal gradmother's 79th birthday ^_^
                   - finished.
   03 April  2006  - submitted to GameFAQs.
   xx April  2006  -


As of 11 February 2006, the following sites are the only ones allowed to use
this guide:


|                                 ++ CREDITS ++                         [8.0]|

I would like to express my gratitude to  the following who, in any way, helped
me make this guide:

-+- Squaresoft (now Square-Enix)
    For making this great SNES RPG.

-+- www.GameFAQS.com/ Jeff "CJayC" Veasey/ Sailor Bacon
    For hosting this guide (my 9th guide)... in this great site.

-+- www.NeoSeeker.com/ Peter Judson
    For hosting, too, this guide.

-+- Final Fantasy VII Citadel/ Chibitaryn
    (www.ff7citadel.com)... The best FF7 website in the whole world wide web.
    For the "The Origins of Summons"  where I got the  miscellaneous  info for
    some of the espers.

-+- Final Fantasy Compendium
    For the pictures of the summons.

-+- Andrew Vestal
    For his Final Fantasy III (SNES) Origins and Explanations of Esper Names.

-+- Overlord... Whoever he is
    For his helpful posts at the www.the-magicbox.com forums.

-+- Other websites where I got more information:
    - www.pantheon.org
    - www.infoplease.com
    - www.e-hawaii.com
    - http://en.wikipedia.org
    - http://38.1911encyclopedia.org
    - http://everything.blockstackers.com
    This guide is made for you!

    --> My avid readers
        Thanks for the continuous support!

    --> My e-mailers
        Thanks for the Support!

Special Thanks to:

-+- Fantasy Gamer
    For encoding, editing and testing this guide.

|                              ++ PARTING WORDS ++                      [9.0]|


Tell  me  what  you  think  about  this  guide... comments, suggestions, added
info, corrections, and constructive criticisms are all welcome.

[Subject: FF6 Espers/Magic] --> or anything that will give me an idea that you
want to talk about this guide or anything FF6.

USER NAME (if you have).

If you  think you  should be  given credit  but was  not included in the list,
mail/contact me and I'll make the appropriate actions.

Don't hesitate  to e-mail  me if you  have anything  in  your  mind  regarding
gaming.  I am  one of  the most  hospitable  FAQ Contributors  here.  You  are
guaranteed to get a  reply as soon as  I read your mail  :)  If after one week
you did  not receive any reply,  it's either:  (1) I did not receive your mail
for some reasons,  (2) I'm sick,  (3) I'm VERY busy,  (4) I'm on a vacation or
(5) I'm already dead :(

I will be more than willing to help in any way I can. God bless!

Fantasy Gamer
"Let's mosey!"

                   Final Fantasy VI - Esper & Magic Guide
                        Date Started : 21 August 2005
                        Date Finished: 27 August 2005

                                by Fantasy Gamer