Final Fantasy V Last Minute Blue Magic FAQ (plus some other helpful tips) by Android 247 Table of Contents: 1. Legal Stuff 2. Introduction 3. Special Thanks 4. Blue Magic FAQ 5. Tips on Other Parts of the Game ----- Section 1: Legal Stuff Here is the legal information for this guide: Copyright 2003 Ben Hood All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ----- Section 2: Introduction This is a small FAQ for all you out there that were lazy like me and didn't want to pick up the Blue Magic until the last minute. Well, for once we were all in luck. The Blue Magic is probably easier to get at the tail end of the game than any other time. So I'll list the Magic, the enemies that have it, where they are, and what you have to do to get it. For those that don't know, you have to either have someone in the Blue Mage Job or someone equipped with the Learning ability to learn Blue Magic. A Bare and Mimic have Learning as an innate ability once the Blue Mage class is mastered for that character. A character must be hit with the spell to learn it, and if I'm not mistaken, must also be alive at the end of the battle. One character learning the spell is all you need for it to be distributed among everybody. Now then, I'm playing the Final Fantasy Anthology version of FFV, but I'll try to include the various translations of the spells and enemy names to go along with other translations and more popularly known verisons of the spell names (for example, most Final Fantasy games have Blow Fish translated as 1000 Needles). I'm also including some good, helpful miscellaneous tips about the game at the end as a bit of a bonus to the gaming population. If you don't know what an enemy that I'm talking about looks like, then I suggest checking out the enemy list for Final Fantasy V at It is very helpful and includes pictures. If you have any questions, I suggest visiting the Final Fantasy V message board here at I won't give out my e-mail as that is practically asking for viruses. Keep in mind this guide does contain various levels of SPOILERS. ----- Section 3: Special Thanks When I set out to get this Blue Magic at the last minute, I decided I would write up this FAQ if the venture turned out successfully. And so it did. I forgot where some enemies were that I needed to get some Blue Magic spells and the people on the FFV message board helped me out. A big round of applause for the posters there. ----- Section 4: Blue Magic FAQ 1. ???? Who - Wild Nack. It looks like a wolf. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. Go underwater near where Walz Castle used to be and it is the white dot on the map near you. How - The sunken tower is your friend for last minute Blue Magic gaining. The only bad part is that the enemies are nameless down there. Anyway, the Nack is a wolf so spotting it isn't that hard. You might consider casting Haste on it and wait for it to do what appears to be a critical hit against one of your learners. If you haven't damaged the enemy then this attack does 0 damage. That is how you know it is ????. Win the battle to get it. 2. Aero Who - Defeater. Where - Fire Ship. Access it from the undersea airship hangar that Cid and Mid hang out in. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle to get it. 3. Aero 2 Who - Enemy who looks like the Cycloskull in the N-Zone. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle. 4. Aero 3 Who - Ultragigas / Djinn. Where - The World Map. Wander around anywhere to encounter this enemy. I found it near Surgate Castle if you want a specific place. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle. 5. Aqua Rake / Aqua Breath Who - Dark Chimera. It is a lion with multiple animal heads and bat wings. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. How - You can not control it and make it cast Aqua Rake on your party. Just wait for it to cast it on your party. This is its favorite attack so that should not take long. Win the battle. 6. Black Shock Who - Shadow. Where - The World Map. I found one near Crescent Town. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. You will have to give it an Ether first to give it enough MP to cast it. Even then it may still miss. Keep throwing Ethers and trying until it successfully hits a learner. Then win the battle. 7. Blood Suck Who - Steel Bat. Where - Faris' Pirate Cave. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle. This is its common attack so you may not even have to bother controlling it. 8. Blow Fish / 1000 Needles Who - Bewitchin. Where - Light green plains south of Kelb on the World Map. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle. 9. Burn Ray / Fiery Emission Who - Spider Robot looking enemy. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. How - You can't control it to make it use this spell. Your best bet is to Haste it and wait for it to use Burn Ray against a learner. Hope you still have enough time to win the battle and use Teleport afterwards. 10. Condemned / Death Sentence / Doom Who - Unknown, form of a skeleton hanging from the ceiling Where - Great Sea Trench. How - It likes this attack so it is better to wait for it to cast it on a learner than to accidently wind up with two people who have this cast on them. You can still win the battle and learn this spell while the timer is counting down. You don't have to wait for the learner to die and then revive them before you kill the enemies. 11. Doom Claw / Death Claw Who - Death Claw Where - Dimension Castle in the N-Zone. How - The monster uses this attack and practically no other. Just wait for it to happen to a learner then win the battle. 12. Exploder Who - Bomb, a fireball looking enemy. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. How - You can not control this character and make it cast Exploder on a party member. Put a learner in the top slot as it seems to always use it against the party member at the top. Now kill all other enemies and use Doom Claw plus Esuna or something to reduce its HP down significantly. Then it should use the spell against your top slot party member and you win the battle. The spell should cause negligible damage. 13. Flash Who - Cool Dust / Neon. Where - Fire Ship. How - Like with the Bomb, you must have the Cool Dust as the only enemy left on the screen. Don't worry about reducing its HP, though. It will constantly use Flash. Wait until you see a learner in Dark status before killing it and winning the battle. 14. Guardian / Big Guard / Mighty Guard Who - Stingray Where - World Map. Underwater, move one square at a time from the Sunken Tower until you can surface. This is the area you should encounter it in (on the surface, that is). You will encounter this monster or sea monsters from early in the game. That is how you know you are in the right area. The monster can not be encountered on land, stay in your ship. The other areas in this part of the world map do not have the early sea monsters, but updated monsters for this point in the game. Stay as close to where you came up from the Tower as you can. This creature is an extremely rare encounter. Bring a rather heavy hitter as well as your Trainer with !Cntrl, the monster is at Level 97 and has 20,000 HP though it can't really do you much damage if you are in the late 30's level-wise. How - Control it and make it use Guardian on your party. Then win the battle. Note that a captured Crystelle from the Void in the N-Zone also casts Guardian when released. However, you can't learn it from a released Crystelle. Don't waste your time trying to capture one. ***** SPECIAL RANT: Yes, trying to encounter the Stingray is frustrating. Don't give up though as this is easily the best Blue Magic spell. Probably the only reason to use !Blue at all. You're not the only one crying out for the blood of the designer who thought up how to acquire this spell. Final Fantasy games are usually fun but they have some pesky designer that always inserts a mini-game or way to acquire a spell or item that demands hours of time and tons of mental anguish. That sadist designer apparently equates fun with the words "boring", "repetitive", and "chocobo mini-game". ***** 15. Guard Off Who - Shadow. Where - World Map near Crescent Town. How - Control it and make it use this on a learner. You may have to give it an Ether first to give it enough MP to cast the spell. Win the battle. 16. Goblin Punch Who - Black Goblin Where - Wind Shrine How - Control it and make it use it on a learner. Win the battle. 17. Level 2 Old Who - Level Check, a robot that looks like a ball on a pole. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower How - Kill off the annoying spider robot first. Then Control this guy and cast Haste both on him and on the Trainer controlling him. Cast Reflect / Wall on the monster so it can bounce the attack back on a random party member. Keep going until you see the effect happen on a learner who, of course, must be at a level that is a multiple of 2. Then win the battle. 18. Level 3 Flare Who - Red Dragon Where - Dimension Castle in the N-Zone, the area before the warp to the Void. How - Only the Red Dragons here can cast Level 3 Flare when you control them. So Control the Dragon, cast Haste on him and the controller, and then cast Reflect / Wall on the Dragon. He will bounce the attack back on some random party member. The learner must be at a level that is a multiple of 3 for this to affect them. Win the battle after the learner gets hit. 19. Level 4 Gravi / Level 4 Gravija Who - Level Check, a robot that looks like a ball on a pole. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower How - Kill off the annoying spider robot first. Then Control this guy and cast Haste both on him and on the Trainer controlling him. Cast Reflect / Wall on the monster so it can bounce the attack back on a random party member. Keep going until you see the effect happen on a learner who, of course, must be at a level that is a multiple of 4. Then win the battle. 20. Level 5 Doom / Level 5 Death Who - Level Check, a robot that looks like a ball on a pole. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower How - Kill off the annoying spider robot first. Then Control this guy and cast Haste both on him and on the Trainer controlling him. Cast Reflect / Wall on the monster so it can bounce the attack back on a random party member. Keep going until you see the effect happen on a learner who, of course, must be at a level that is a multiple of 5. I shouldn't have to say this, but make sure you don't have a party who all have levels that are multiples of 5. It could use this spell before you can control it and take your party out. Revive the knocked out learner and then win the battle. 21. Little Song / Lil Song / Small Melody Who - Bewitchin. Where - Light green plains south of Kelb on the World Map. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle. 22. Magic Hammer Who - Drippy. Where - Valley of the Dragons north of Kelb. It is in the caves, not outside. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle. 23. Mind Blast Who - Mind Flare / Mind Flayer. Where - Void segment of the N-Zone where the save point is. How - You can't Control this monster but it is just as well as it uses this attack almost religiously. Wait for it to strike a learner and then win the battle. 24. Missile Who - Motor Trap. It sometimes pops out after you kill a Defeater. Where - Fire Ship. How - Control it and make it cast this on a learner. Though it seems to do a great deal of damage, I actually think this is a gravity related attack which reduce HP but never kill. Anyway, get hit with it and then win the battle. 25. Moon Flute / Moon's Promotion Who - Imp, a monster with bat wings and his back facing you. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. How - Don't worry about Control, just hit this creature (if you can) and he'll use this on your party to Berzerk all of them. Then if you are strong enough you'll wipe the opposition out and learn the spell. 26. Pep Up / Fusion Who - Kornago. Where - Light green plains around Jachol Village. How - Control it and make it cast this on a learner. Then win the battle. Also see my note at the end of the FAQ. 27. Roulette / Death Roulette Who - Death Dealer Where - Ronka / Lonka Ruins segment of the N-Zone. How - Kill all but one of these creatures as this attack can wipe your party out quick. Then wait for it to cast it and for it to actually work against one of your learners. Revive the learner and then win the battle. 28. Toad Song / Frog Song Who - Kornago. Where - Light green plains around Jachol Village. How - Control it and make it cast this on a learner. Then win the battle. Also see my note at the end of the FAQ. 29. Time Slip Who - Enemy that looks like the Bewitchin, a witch riding a crescent moon Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. How - Control it and make it cast this on a learner or simply wait for it to cast it on a learner. Then win the battle. 30. White Wind Who - Enemy who looks like the Cycloskull in the N-Zone. Where - Sunken Walz / Worus Tower. How - Control it and make it cast it on a learner. Win the battle. ----- Section 5: Tips on Other Parts of the Game 1. Genji Gear This powerful armor is stolen from Gilgamesh. You can only steal it from him on four occassions as there are only four pieces of armor. The first is at Zeza's fleet. The second is in the X-Death's castle (wait for him to transform first). The third is the first fight with him in the N-Zone. The last is when he shows up at the boss with the four barriers at the very end of the N-Zone. You've gotta steal quick to get the last two. You can't get any Genji gear from him in your first two encounters with him. 2. Mirage Vest In Mirage Village there is a guy that says he'll give you a prize if you go around the world on a yellow chocobo. So you have to do this with Boco and it is indeed possible. The airship is really useful to plot out a route with. Doing this makes the guy give you a powerful Mirage Vest. Here's an important bit of information: I think you need to do this before going to the frozen Mirage Village in the N-Zone as the guy wasn't there anymore when I left the N-Zone before the final showdown with X-Death. 3. Kornago Gourd You might not remember this but there was an old man in a well in Kelb who asked for a frog. Well, at the end of the game there are Kornago monsters (big frogs) wandering around Jachol's light green plains. Simple reduce the HP on one with an attack like Doom Claw and then have a Trainer Catch it. Go back to Kelb and trade the frog and 10,000 GP for a Kornago Gourd, an accessory that allows you to capture monsters with their HP reduced only by at least half. This is useful if you're a big fan of the Trainer class. 4. A Word on Shinryu and Omega Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be level 60-99 to beat them. In fact, I was only at level 40 when I beat both. The trick is to exploit their weaknesses. Shinryu is weak against the Dragon Lance that does critical damage on dragons. Omega is weak against the thunder element because he is a robot. This information plus the right Job abilities means victory in 2 rounds for both of them. At least that's the way it was with me. 5. Improve your Stats without Raising your (regular) Levels! When you master a Job, the Bare and Mime classes get stat bonuses. Thus by mastering the right Jobs you could nearly double your base stats without raising a single regular level. Take note that the stat bonuses do not get applied to all Jobs upon mastery, just Bare and Mime. By the end of the game this is far more useful than any actual leveling up. Quick Job mastery can be done thanks to Movers in the Void area of the N-Zone where the save spot is. Just run around and flee until you run into them. You must defeat them within two rounds or you get nothing. Defeat them, though, and you get 199 ABP. ----- The End