=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Final Fantasy III (SNES) FAQ/Walkthrough Time I Started This Guide: 10/7/06 Version: 1.4 Author: KoritheMan E-Mail: verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------ | Table of Contents | ------------------------------------ | 1. Introduction | | 2. Version History | | 3. Characters | | 4. Storyline | | 5. Controls | | 6. Game Basics | | 7. Walkthrough | | 8. Bosses | | 9. Enemies | | 10. Items | | 11. Weapons | | 12. Shields | | 13. Headgear | | 14. Armors | | 15. Relics | | 16. Colosseum | | 17. Rages | | 18. Shops | | 19. Espers | | 20. Spells | | 21. FAQs | | 22. Codes n' Secrets | | 23. Copyright | | 24. Contact Info | | 25. Credits | |__________________________________| |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 1. Introduction | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Final Fantasy III is the SNES's masterpiece game, in my opinion. Even more fun than Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Lufia, all of those legendary games. Final Fantasy III really is a true masterpiece. I can't really see anything wrong with this game, but this is all just my opinion, remember? Anyway, this game has some GREAT music, seriously the best music I've seen in any video game. It has pretty good sounds too, especially considering the music usually outclasses the sound in games, but the sound is good in this game, too. This game has some great graphics for a SNES game, seriously one of the best graphics you'll see in a SNES game, and this game has some great replay value, especially if you aim to get every single item in the game after completing it one time. Basically, this game has loads of side quests, and lots and lots of hours of gameplay to it, as well as everything you'd want in a SNES RPG, so you should definitely check this game out, but it might be rare to find since it's very old. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 2. Version History | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Version 1.4 / Added a rather nifty method that can be utilized with Locke when uncursing the Cursed Shield. Thanks to Byron Campon for pointing out to me the aforementioned method. Version 1.3 / Fixed Locke's biography a bit. Made a significant error. Version 1.2 / Fixed the Imperial Banquet part of my FAQ regarding what you have to tell Gestahl in order to get everything good after the banquet. If anyone was having trouble because of my directions on that part, I apologize. Version 1.1 / Made a small update. Version 1.0 / Completed the guide. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 3. Characters | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Terra Branford Game Description: "A mysterious young woman, controlled by the Empire, and born with the gift of magic......" Biography: Terra is a young girl who is a half human and a half Esper. Her father was the Esper Maduin. One day, Maduin found Madonna, a girl who is not an Esper, but a human, lying on the ground of the Esper World unconscious. Maduin nurses her back to health, then he falls in love with her and Maduin and Madonna eventually have a baby, whom they name Terra. One day, Emperor Gestahl, leader of the evil Empire, finds out about the Espers' magical powers, and so he and some soldiers that are working for the Empire, come into the Esper World and attempt to drain the Espers' powers for their own evil schemes. They do succeed, and Maduin, Madonna, and Terra, get dragged into the human world. After that, Gestahl takes Terra as his own, and forces her to work for the Empire. Terra eventually has the Slave Crown put on her head, which robs her of all conscious thought, meaning she'll do whatever the Empire wants her to do, regardless if it's evil or not. The Slave Crown is eventually removed from Terra, and she joins the Returners, an organization opposed to the Empire, later on in the game. When the world is destroyed by Kefka, Terra ends up in the town of Mobliz with some children who have lost their parents. Since they need Terra so much, she doesn't join your group until a little while after you first meet her after the world is destroyed. Terra rejoins your group to give the world hope for a good future. Combat Information: Terra is a very good character to have on your team. She has very high magic power, but she has low physical attack power, which can be expected since she is a magic user (how often do mages have high physical attack power?). Terra can use her special ability, Morph (more on that below), to transform into an Esper, thus doubling her physical and magical attack power. Basically, Terra is a magic user and not at all a physical attacker, unless you give her the proper equipment. You'll definitely want to have her on your team a lot, especially because of her powerful Morph ability. Terra's Special Abilities ------------------------- Morph Description: Morph allows Terra to turn into an Esper, thus doubling both her physical and magical attack power (as I stated above). Morph doesn't last forever, though, as you'll notice a meter that goes down gradually while Terra is in her Esper form. When that meter goes down all the way, Terra reverts back into her human self, thus her physical and magical attack power decreases back to what it was before you used Morph. Morph is only gained after you get her back into your group once you complete the Magitek Factory and come back to Zozo. The more often you use Morph with Terra, the less time she can stay morphed, so you should only use Morph in the really tough boss battles in the game, so that you make sure that you are able to use it before a particularly hard boss battle. After you defeat Phunbaba the second time in the World of Ruin (when you recruit Terra into your group again), Terra will be able to stay in Morph longer each time she gains Magic Points after every battle (more on Magic Points in the Game Basics section of this FAQ). Morph alone is what makes Terra as good as she is. Natural Magic Learning Description: This isn't really an ability per se, but I didn't know where else to put it. Basically, Terra is one of the only two characters in the game (next to Celes) that can learn magic without the use of an Esper. Below is a list of what level Terra learns certain magic spells at. Take note that Terra won't learn (nor will Celes) learn every magic spell in the game just by gaining levels; she has to gain a majority of spells through the use of Espers. What Level Terra Learns Magic Spells At --------------------------------------- Level 1 - Cure Level 3 - Fire Level 6 - Antdot Level 12 - Drain Level 18 - Life Level 22 - Fire 2 Level 26 - Warp Level 33 - Cure 2 Level 37 - Dispel Level 43 - Fire 3 Level 49 - Life 2 Level 57 - Pearl Level 68 - Break Level 75 - Quartr Level 86 - Merton Level 99 - Ultima Locke Cole Game Description: "Treasure hunter and trail-worn traveller, searching the world over for relics of the past..." Biography: Locke Cole is a treasure hunter according to his logic, although it's safe to call him a thief, since that's basically what he is. Locke had a girlfriend that was named Rachel. Locke used to take her on expeditions with him to find some treasure, but one day, he took her into a cave to find treasure. The floor collapsed beneath Locke and he almost fell to his death, but Rachel pushed him out of the way and fell in his stead. Rachel wasn't killed, however, but remained with her parents in Kohlingen. Rachel's parents, naturally, blamed Locke for her loss of memory, caused by her fall. Rachel tells Locke to leave Kohlingen because her parents seem to be unhappy when he is around. Locke leaves, and eventually, he comes back to Kohlingen to find out that Rachel has been killed in an imperial attack. Locke blames himself for her death after that. He also vows to protect anyone that he is able to from that point on. Locke eventually joins the Returners in an effort to take down the Empire, since the Empire ordered the attack that killed Rachel. Combat Information: While Locke isn't an inherently useful character in terms of overall power or any other stat for that matter, Locke excels in Speed. Locke has the highest Speed of any party member in the game, thus he will be able to take turns a lot faster, especially when he has Haste cast on him or has the RunningShoes relic,much faster than any other party member can. Locke's excelling in the speed category allows him to steal both common items and rare items from enemies in battle, and that's where Locke becomes useful. I'll explain more about Steal below. Locke is an overall average character in every stat, with an exception in Speed. Locke's Special Abilities ------------------------- Steal Description: By using Steal, Locke will be able to steal either common or rare items from a certain enemy. At first, Locke's success rate to steal something is very low, but as he gains level, the success rate of his Steal command will increase greatly. Locke has a 1/8 of stealing a rare item from an enemy. Also, if Locke is equipped with the Thief Glove relic, Steal will be turned into Capture. Capture is the same thing as Steal, except Locke attacks the enemy and uses Steal after the attack. Capture does not increase the success rate of you stealing an item. The Sneak Relic relic, however, doubles Locke's chance of stealing an item from an enemy. Also, not only Locke's level, but the level of the enemy you are trying to steal from, determines Locke's success rate. Also, one thing I haven't mentioned yet is that a lot of enemies in the game hold two slots in which they have items: a common slot, and a rare slot. The common slot is where you'll steal the more useless item of the two items that the enemy has. The rare slot, on the other hand, is where you'll be stealing the more useful, and, obviously, more rare item that the enemy has. There is approximately an 87.5% chance of you stealing the common item from the enemy, and a 12.5% chance of stealing the rare item from the enemy (the Sneak Ring does double the chances of you stealing both the common and rare items, though, and the above rule about how much of a chance you have to steal an item only apply if Locke successfully steals; meaning the game doesn't say "Couldn't steal!!"). Some enemies don't have both a common and a rare steal slot, but just one, so take note of that. Edgar Rene Figaro Game Description: "The young king of Figaro Castle, ally to the Empire, and a master designer of machinery..." Biography: Edgar is the young king of Figaro Castle, and he also happens to be the twin brother of Sabin Rene Figaro, who left Figaro Castle because he was disgusted with the war-filled realm (the castle). Edgar is not actually allied with the Empire, but is pretending to be. The truth is, Edgar is collaborating with the Returners. In short, the Returners are a rebellion against the Empire who hope to take it down. Eventually, Figaro is attacked by Kefka, since Edgar lied to him and told him Terra was not at the castle, when in truth she was (the Empire wanted her back, so they sent Kefka to retrieve her). Edgar then ventures to Mt. Kolts, where he meets Sabin, his twin brother. When the two meet, Sabin joins Edgar. Edgar and the group journey onward to the Returner's Hideout, where the group spoke with Banon and the Returners. One of the Returners is killed by an Imperial Soldier, which means the Empire is on the way to the Returner's Hideout. The Returners then journey through the Lete River, and continue their effort to stop the Empire from there. In the World of Ruin, Edgar rejoins your group in Figaro Castle, after Celes and Sabin help him destroy four tentacles in the castle. Combat Information: Edgar excels in Strength, basically. Edgar is a powerhouse, but he isn't quite as strong as his twin brother Sabin, who has the strongest power in the game. Edgar is best in Strength and Strength alone; that's what I'm trying to say, basically. When you make Edgar a dragoon, he is inherently useful, and will always be a valuable asset to your group. Edgar also has low magic power, so don't expect too much from him in that category. Edgar's Special Abilities ------------------------- Tools Description: Edgar has a total of 8 Tools that he can obtain in the game. When used, a Tool will always do something against the enemy/enemies you are fighting. Each Tool has a different effect on the enemy. Below is a list of which Tools Edgar will have access to in the game, as well as where to find them. Edgar's Tools ------------- Air Anchor Location: Found in a chest in Fanatics' Tower, bet the Cursed Ring or Genji Armor in the Colosseum to fight an enemy for this. Description: When used, may instantly kill the selected target. AutoCrossbow Location: Edgar has this Tool when you first recruit him, buy in Figaro Castle (WoB) for 250G (125G with a discount), buy in Figaro Castle (WoR) for $250 (125G with a discount), steal from Hitman or Trapper. Description: When used, Edgar will launch an uncountable amount of arrows at all of the enemies onscreen to cause damage. Bio Blaster Location: Buy at Figaro Castle (WoB) for 750G (375G with a discount, buy at South Figaro (WoB) for 500G (250G with a discount) buy at Figaro Castle (WoR) for 750G (375G with a discount), steal from Chaser, Innoc, or TunnelArmr, get it from a ProtoArmor. Description: Edgar fires a beam of poison that hits all enemies onscreen and poisons them, just as long as they aren't resistant to poison. It also causes slight damage to the enemies. Chain Saw Location: By resetting the clock in Zozo, you can get this, also steal from Dueller. Description: This Tool allows Edgar to use a chain saw (obviously) on the selected target. If Edgar attacks the enemy without a mask on, he will inflict a lot of damage on the target. If he attacks with a mask on, then he has a chance to instantly kill the selected target, just as long as the target isn't resistant to instant death. Debilitator Location: Buy at Figaro Castle (WoR) for 5000G (2500G with a discount). Description: This Tool gives the selected target a random elemental weakness, meaning it makes the target weak to something that it wasn't weak against before you used Debilitator. Drill Location: Buy at Figaro Castle (WoB) for 3000G (1500G with a discount), buy at Figaro Castle (WoR) for 3000G (1500G with a discount), steal from Fortis. Description: When used, Edgar will attack the selected target by drilling the target. Flash Location: Buy at Figaro Castle (WoB) for 1000G (500G with a discount), buy at Figaro Castle (WoR) for 1000G (500G with a discount), steal from Rhynox or Sky Base. Description: Damages all enemies, as well as causes the Blind status aliment on them. NoiseBlaster Location: Buy at Figaro Castle (WoB) for 500G (250G with a discount), buy at South Figaro (WoB) for 500G (250G with a discount), buy at Figaro Castle (WoR) for 500G (250G with a discount), steal from Crane or Junk. Description: When used, this Tool emits a very loud noise, which can cause the Confuse status aliment on all enemies, just as long as they are not resistant to it. Sabin Rene Figaro Game Description: "Edgar's twin brother, who traded the throne for his own freedom..." Biography: Sabin is Edgar's twin brother, as the game implies. Sabin, at a young age, lost his mother and father at the hands of the Empire. Sabin claimed that the people in Figaro Castle didn't care when either of his parents died; all that was on their minds was who was going to be the next person to take over the throne. Sabin left Figaro Castle after a coin toss he did with Edgar decided his fate. Edgar took over the throne, while Sabin trained under his master, Duncan, to gain some skills in martial arts to take down the Empire. Sabin is eventually reunited with his brother in Mt. Kolts, and he and Edgar try and stop the Empire. Combat Information: Sabin excels in the Stength category. He is also a fairly decent magic user, but only when paired with Earrings or some Earrings and a Hero Ring. Sabin's AuraBolt Blitz (more on Blitz below), as well as his Fire Dance Blitz, his Air Blade Blitz, and lastly, his Bum Rush Blitz, all rely on magic power for their damage. Giving Sabin dual Earrings to boost his magic, or a Hero Ring and an Earring to boost both physical and magical attack power is a good idea. Sabin's Special Abilities ------------------------- Blitz Description: Sabin has a total of 8 Blitzes. Each Blitz has a certain effect on an enemy. I'll list all of Sabin's Blitzes below. Also, each Blitz has a button input that needs to be implemented in order to preform a specific Blitz. Most people seem to have trouble with this for some unknown reason, but it isn't hard. At all. For example, to preform Pummel, Sabin's very first Blitz, you have to press A when you highlight the Blitz icon in battle, then after that, press (not hold) Left, Right, Left on the D-Pad, and then press A again to preform Pummel. It's simple. Air Blade Command: Up, up-right, Right, Down-right, Down, Down-left, Left Alternate Command: Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left Learnt At Level: 30 Description: This allows Sabin to deal wind-elemental damage to all enemies. AuraBolt Command: Down, Down-left, Left Alternate Command: Down, Down, Left Learnt At Level: 6 Description: Sabin fires a beam of magical energy at the selected target for magic damage. Bum Rush Command: Left, Up-left, Up, Up-right, Right, Down-right, Down, Down-left, Left Alternate Command: Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left Learnt At Level: 70 Learnt Otherwise: Duncan teaches Bum Rush to Sabin in the World of Ruin if you visit his house. Description: Sabin damages the selected target with a strong magic attack. Fire Dance Command; Left, Down-left, Down, Down-right, Right Alternate Command: Left, Left, Down, Down, Right Learnt At Level: 15 Description: Sabin does a fire-elemental attack to all enemies. Mantra Command: R, L, R, L, X, Y Alternate Command: N/A Learnt At Level: 23 Description: Fully restores HP to all party members in the battle, except for Sabin. Pummel Command: Left, Right, Left Alternate Command: N/A Learnt At Level: 1 Description: Sabin attacks the selected target with rapid punches for physical damage. Spiraler Command: R, L, X, Y, Right, Left Alternate Command: N/A Learnt At Level: 42 Description: Fully restores HP to all party members, but Sabin is forced out of the battle. Suplex Command: X, Y, Down, Up Alternate Command: N/A Learnt At Level: 10 Description: Sabin picks up the selected target and throws it, just as long as the target isn't immune to being Suplex'd. Shadow Game Description: "He owes allegiance to no one, and will do anything for money. He comes and goes like the wind..." Biography: Shadow's real name is Clyde. Shadow had a best friend named Baram. One day, Clyde and Baram robbed a train of 1,000,000 G. The two were caught, and Baram was severely wounded.by the authorities. Baram wants Clyde to kill him with a knife, since he doesn't want to have to suffer again when he is found. Clyde refuses to do that, and so he leaves Baram. Clyde eventually becomes the ninja you see him as in the game, and eventually goes to the town of Thamasa, where he finds a girl whom he falls in love with. Shadow and the girl have a baby girl, whom they name Relm. After Relm's birth, Shadow leaves Thamasa, and his dog, Interceptor, follows him. Shadow is eventually hired by the Empire to search for the Espers, because the Empire supposedly wants to talk "peace" with the Espers. Shadow is eventually betrayed by the Empire once the Empire has no use for him anymore. Shadow then joins your group when they find him on the Floating Continent, and he is never seen again until the World of Ruin, where he joins your group for good. Combat Information: While Shadow alone may not be able to deal any serious damage (he can deal good damage, but nothing compared to what his dog, Interceptor, can do), he can deal good damage. However, his dog, Interceptor, can deal even more damage than Shadow can, even if Shadow is equipped with a Genji Glove, two weapons, and an Atlas Armlet. When Shadow is attacked, Interceptor will randomly counterattack and hit an enemy in the current battle for tons of damage. Interceptor can do 2x the damage Shadow can do. Interceptor will be hurting 1000 or more, while Shadow will be hurting 300-400 in the beginning of the game. Shadow's Special Abilities -------------------------- Throw Description: Shadow's special ability, Throw, is quite a useful one. Shadow can throw weapons that are in your inventory at an enemy to deal damage. Depending on what you throw, Shadow can deal up to 9999 damage, the maximum amount of damage you can deal in this game! Also, if Shadow throws a ThunderBlade at an enemy that is weak to lightning (Inferno is one of them), it'll probably hurt about 5000-9999 damage, depending on Shadow's level and magic power. Don't ever underestimate Throw, because it is a very good ability to have, especially in particularly tough boss battles where a weakness can be exploited (even if the current boss doesn't have a weakness, Edgar can use the Debilitator to give the boss an elemental weakness, which Shadow can exploit by throwing something). Basically, Throw is inherently useful. Cyan Garamonde Game Description: "Faithful reatiner to his family's liege, with the courage and strength of a hundred men..." Biography: Cyan Garamonde, as the game implies, is the faithful retainer to the king of Doma. Cyan has defended Doma Castle since the days of the king's father. Cyan is the strongest warrior in Doma, but he is a very old warrior. Cyan's wife, Elayne, and son, Owain, died in Doma Castle thanks to the Empire poisoning everyone in the castle. Cyan then seeks vengeance against the Empire for the death of his wife and child, and so he goes to the Imperial Camp. Sabin meets up with Cyan in the Imperial Camp, then the two join each other in the fight against the Empire. In the World of Ruin, Cyan writes letters to a girl named Lola. Lola thinks her boyfriend is still alive, but the truth is, he died in Mobliz. As Cyan writes to Lola, he realizes he is very much like her. He eventually tells Lola the truth about her boyfriend. Cyan also implores Lola not to let the past destroy her. Cyan joins your group once again when they find him in Mt. Zozo. Combat Information: Cyan has some decent Strength, but nothing super impressive. Cyan is good in the early parts of the game with Dispatch and Quadra Slice, but he becomes more and more useless as the game goes on (believe me, you'll be able to tell this as you go through the game). Cyan can be good if equipped properly, but so many other party members are already better than him anyway. Cyan's Special Abilities ------------------------ SwdTech Description: Cyan is able to preform techniques with his sword. He can do a total of 8 techinques with his sword in all. SwdTechs are gained by Cyan gaining levels, but he learns all SwdTechs after you beat WrexSoul in the World of Ruin, even if he is not at the level that is required to learn them. Below is a list of all of Cyan's SwdTech's. Dispatch Learned At Level: 1 Description: When used, Cyan attacks an enemy with a physical attack. Retort Learned At Level: 6 Description: After you use this, Cyan will attack the enemy with a very strong physical attack. Slash Learned At Level: 12 Description: This allows Cyan to halve the HP of the selected target. Quadra Slam Learned At Level: 15 Description: When used, Cyan attacks any enemies he wants to with his sword four times. Empowerer Learned At Level: 24 Description: The amount of HP and MP that the selected target takes after you use this ability, and Cyan's HP and MP are restored by that amount. Stunner Learned At Level: 1 Description: Damages all enemies onscreen, and has a chance to cast Stop. Quadra Slice Learned At Level: 44 Description: When used, Cyan attacks any enemies he wants to with his sword four times. This is a more powerful version of Quadra Slam. Cleave Learned At Level: 70 Description: This attack instantly kills all enemies onscreen when used. Gau Game Description: "Draped in monster hides, eyes shining with intelligence, a youth surviving against all odds..." Biography: Gau is a young boy who has learned the ways of the monsters on the Veldt (that's why he can use his Rage ability in battle). Gau's mother died after she gave birth to Gau, so then Gau's father left Gau on the Veldt all alone and crying, because he thought Gau was a monster. Gau was never reunited with his father until very late in the game, where he finally gets to meet him again. Gau's father denies that he ever had a son though when they finally get to meet each other again, but Gau is still happy to see his father is alive. Gau joins Sabin and Cyan when they stumble upon him in the Veldt and give him some meat to eat. Combat Information: Gau can't use a weapon, unless he is equipped with the Merit Award Relic, but weapons are not where he's useful, unless you do the wind-god Gau setup, that is. Gau's real advantage comes in his Rage ability, which I will explain below. Gau may seem very weak and very useless at first, but believe me when I say he can be one of the most useful party members in the game. For example, you can learn the Templar Rage when you first recruit Gau, meaning he can use Fire 2, which, when paired with Earrings, will do around 2000 or more damage, depending on which enemy you use Fire 2 on. So you see, Gau is a very useful party member, and will always be throughout the game. Gau's Special Abilities ----------------------- Rage Description: You will notice that in battle on the Veldt, Gau has the Leap command. When you use Leap in a battle on the Veldt, Gau will learn an attack of each enemy you are fighting in the current battle. After you have leaped Gau off, keep fighting until you re-recruit him into your party. When you get him back, he'll have learned some Rages, which is the result of using Leap. It has been said that Gau will, if you have four party members in your group (in other words, if you put another party member in after you leap Gau off and only have three party members left after you leap him off), learn the Rages of every single monster you encountered on the Veldt after you leaped him off when you decide to re-recruit him into your group. I have tried this, and have not found that it is true, but rather false. Either that, or there is a glitch in my game. Now, note that every single time you encounter a new enemy, that enemy goes to the Veldt, ready for you to encounter it when you get there. There are only a few enemies that you can't encounter on the Veldt after fighting them (e.g. Siegfried or Chupon). Due to you not being able to encounter every enemy on the Veldt (there are only very few enemies you can't encounter on the Veldt), you won't be able to get some Rages unless you use game genie. There are a total of 255 Rages in total, but there are three you cannot get unless you a game genie. These are: Allo Ver, Siegfried, and Chupon. If you want to know all of the Rages, see the Rages section. Celes Chere Game Description: "Product of genetic engineering, battle-hardened Magitek Knight with a spirit as pure as snow..." Biography: Celes Chere was a girl who was artifically infused with magic when she was a baby. Since then, she has had the ability to cast magic, and learn natural magic (the only character other than Terra who can do this). Celes is a general working for the Empire. Celes torches the town of Maranda, and then later she is rescued by Locke in South Figaro. The reason for Celes being imprisoned in South Figaro was because she betrayed the Empire, realizing how rotten they were. After she is rescued by Locke, Celes joins the Returners. When she ventures into the Magitek Factory, the Empire's secret base, she is accused of betraying the Returners by Locke. She stops Kefka from killing her friends to prove that she hasn't turned away from her friends. Celes then rejoins your group again after the incident in Thamasa. Celes and Cid, whom she calls grandfather, are the only ones left (as far as Cid knows; there are quite a number of people left, though) after Kefka destroyed the world. They are stranded on an island, well away from any civilization. After Celes gets off the island, she finds her missing friends and takes down the Empire. Battle Information: Like Terra, Celes is a magic user. Period. She is a pure magic user. Celes excels in magic power, but lacks in physical attack power, which is typical of any type of magic user on any video game, Final Fantasy or otherwise. Basically, Celes is a magic user, and all her other stats are average or below average. Celes' Special Abilities ------------------------ Runic Description: Runic allows Celes to absorb a magic attack sent your party's way (even if you use something, she'll absorb it). When she absorbs a magic attack, she gains the MP it cost to cast the spell. In order for Celes to be able to use Runic, she needs to have a sword that has the Runic ability. Note that the effect of Runic wears off after one turn (it had to have a flaw). Also, when you select a command with Celes when her next turn comes along, Runic will wear off then, even if you haven't fully completed your turn with Celes. Runic is a good ability, but it had to have some downsides to it; everything has a downside. What Level Celes Learns Magic Spells At --------------------------------------- Level 1 - Ice Level 4 - Cure Level 8 - Antdot Level 13 - Imp Level 18 - Scan Level 22 - Safe Level 26 - Ice 2 Level 32 - Haste and Muddle Level 40 - Bserk Level 42 - Ice 3 Level 48 - Vanish Level 52 - Haste2 Level 72 - Pearl Level 81 - Flare Level 98 - Meteor Setzer Gabbiani Game Description: "A blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino-dwelling free spirit..." Biography: Setzer is a gambler. Daryl, Setzer's love, used to race each other with their airships, the Blackjack (the Blackjack being Setzer's), and the Falcon. Daryl and Setzer kept racing until eventually, when Daryl was supposed to meet Setzer at their usual spot, crashed with the Falcon. The Falcon was found one year later, but Daryl died in the crash. Setzer, filled with grief, stored the Falcon in Daryl's Tomb, so that he would not be reminded of her death. Setzer eventually meets up with Celes and the group, where he joins them. In the World of Ruin, he rejoins them, takes the Falcon out of storage, and helps the group stop Kefka. Battle Information: Setzer may not have strong physical attack power, but he can be one of the most powerful characters in the game, if equipped right. For example, if you equip Setzer with a Fixed Dice, an Offering relic, as well as a Black Belt relic, he will be able to deal out massive amounts of damage. I'm talking about 40000+ damage to one enemy. So while Setzer may not be good in the beginning of the game, he excels in the World of Ruin as one of the most valuable party members you can get. Setzer's Special Abilities -------------------------- Slot Description: Setzer's first special ability, Slot, is a rather useless one, unless you want to get some items thanks to you summoning the Ragnarok Esper, and that takes a ton of luck. Anyway, Setzer has quite a few things he can do with his Slot command. Like in real slot games, if you get, for example, let's say, three diamonds, Setzer will preform his 7-Flush ability. Below is a list of each of the abilities Setzer can do with his Slot command (look below GP Rain to see his Slots). GP Rain Description: When you equip Setzer with the Coin Toss relic, his Slot ability becomes GP Rain. When you use GP Rain, Setzer takes some of your money and throws it at the selected target to cause damage. This is a very useless attack, which deals pitiful damage. Setzer's Slot Abilities ----------------------- 7-Flush Combo: Diamond, Diamond, Diamond Description: Damages all enemies onscreen. Chocobop Combo: Chocobo, Chocobo, Chocobo Description: Damages all enemies onscreen. Esper Attack Combo: Bar, Bar, Bar Description: Summons a random Esper, even if you don't have it in your possession yet. Flash Combo: 7, 7, 7 Description: Instantly kills every single enemy onscreen. H-Bomb Combo: Airship, Airship, Airship Description: Damages all enemies onscreen. Joker Doom Combo: 7, 7, Bar Description: Makes you get a game over. Lagomorph Combo: Anything that doesn't match up (e.g. if you get two diamonds and a chocobo, rather than three diamonds, this will happen) Description: A rabbit comes out and heals all party members onscreen for a terribly low amount of HP. Sun Flare Combo: Bird, Bird, Bird Description: When used, this attack summons the Esper Bahamut. Bahamut will then use his fire breath to damage all enemies onscreen. Mog Game Description: "Human-loving, fast-talking, street-smart, SLAM-dancing Moogle..." Biography: Mog is a Moogle who lives in the Mines of Narshe. He and his Moogle friends aided Locke when he was in the Mines of Narshe (the Moogles aided him because there were guards after Terra, and the guards had outnumbered Locke). Mog is the only Moogle who can talk with something other than "Kupo!". Mog also knows a sasquatch named Umaro, who lives somewhere deep inside the Mines of Narshe. Mog convinces Umaro to join your group when your group finds him. Battle Information: Mog can be both a good physical and magical attacker. Mog excels in both attacking with weapons, as well as magic power (if given the right Esper bonuses and equipped right, that is). He can also make a great dragoon, even better than Edgar can. Overall, Mog is definitely a party member you'll want to have on your team. Trust me on this. Mog's Special Abilities ----------------------- Dance Description: Mog can learn what are called "Dances", by fighting and winning a battle in a certain terrain of the world. For example, if you win a battle with him in your group in Jidoor or Zozo, Mog will learn a Dance, which can be used in the terrain that Mog learnt it in. Dances can be used outside of the original terrain that Mog learnt the Dance from, but Mog has a chance to stumble and not preform the Dance if you use one outside the original terrain. If you use a Dance in the terrain that Mog learnt it in, then he will succeed no matter what. The downside to this is that, while Mog can do powerful attacks, you have no control over him until he dies and you revive him, or until you win a battle, so be careful. There are a total of eight types of terrain in which Mog can learn Dances from. They are: Town, Forest, Mountain, Water, Snow, Desert, Cave, and Grass. The moment you use a Dance in a battle, you can't use another Dance for the rest of the fight, so choose your Dance wisely, and be sure to use a Dance in the right terrains, though you can try one in the terrain that Mog didn't learn it from if you want to. Below is a list of all of Mog's Dances. Mog's Dances ------------ Desert Aria Terrain Learnt: Desert Attacks The Dance Does: Antlion: Gets rid of an enemy in battle. Kitty: Damages one enemy. Sand Storm: Damages all enemies with wind-based damage. Wind Slash: Damages all enemies with wind-based damage. Dusk Requium Terrain Learnt: Cave Attacks The Dance Does: Cave In: Takes away 75% an enemy's HP. Elf Fire: Damages an enemy with fire-based damage. Pois. Frog: Damages an enemy and has a chance to cast the Poison status aliment. Snare: Gets rid of an enemy in battle. Earth Blues Terrain Learnt: Mountain Attacks The Dance Does: Land Slide: Damages an enemy. Sonic Boom: Takes away 62.5% of an enemy's HP. Sun Bath: Recovers all allies' HP. Whump: Damages an enemy. Forest Suite Terrain Learnt: Forest Attacks The Dance Does: Elf Fire: Damages an enemy with fire-based damage. Harvester: Cures all negative status aliments on all your party members. Rage: Damages all enemies. Wombat: Damages an enemy. Love Sonata Terrain Learnt: Town Attacks The Dance Does: Elf Fire: Damages an enemy with fire-based damage. Snare: Gets rid of an enemy in battle. Specter: Casts Muddle on an enemy. Tapir: Cures all negative status aliments on all your party members. Snowman Jazz Terrain Learnt: Snow Attacks The Dance Does: Ice Rabbit: Restores all allies' HP. Snare: Gets rid of an enemy in battle. Snowball: Halves the current HP of an enemy. Surge: Damages all enemies. Water Rondo Terrain Learnt: Water (This Dance is only obtainable in the World of Balance) Attacks The Dance Does: El Nino: Damages all enemies with water-based damage. Plasma: Damages an enemy with lightning-based damage. Specter: Casts Muddle on an enemy. Wild Bear: Restores all allies' HP, as well as removes any negative status aliments from your group. Wind Song Terrain Learnt: Grass Attacks The Dance Does: Cockatrice: Damages an enemy and has a chance to petrify the target. Plasma: Damages an enemy with lightning-based damage. Sun Bath: Restores all allies' HP. Wind Slash: Damages all enemies with wind-based damage. Strago Magus Game Description: "An elderly gentleman, pure of heart, and learned in the ways of monsters..." Biography: Strago is an old man who is 70 years old, and lives in the town of Thamasa, a village that houses the last remaining Mage Warriors of Yore (the Mage Warriors can use magic). Although the power of the Mage Warriors has weakened over time, some of it still remains, as is evident when everyone in the village tries to put out a fire on a house a few minutes after you meet Strago. Strago's granddaughter is Relm, who is a 10 year old girl who is cocky, but pure of heart. One day, a fire engulfs a house in Thamasa. Relm is inside the house, and, after the futile efforts of the townspeople trying to put out the blaze, Strago accompanies Locke and Terra inside the house to get Relm back. Strago then joins your group to help take down the Empire and defeat Kefka. Strago also spent his youth hunting the monster Hidon, but gave up on it until his friend Gungho was supposedly "injured" at the hands of Hidon; this gave Strago the motivation needed to finally confront and defeat Hidon. Battle Information: Strago excels in magic, but lacks physical attack power. Strago's real advantage comes with his Lore ability (more on that below). Basically, Strago is a mage and nothing but a mage. Since his Lores rely on magic power for their damage (most of them, anyway), it's a wise decision to give Strago magic-boosting Espers to boost his magic. Strago's Special Abilities -------------------------- Lore Description: Since Strago was learned in the ways of monsters, he can learn one attack that a monster you encounter does (similar to Rage, but there are VERY few Lores Strago can obtain, compared to Gau's huge plethora of over 250 Rages). For example, when you fight Hidon, if you last long enough for him to do GrandTrain, after you win the battle, Strago will learn the Lore GrandTrain. Only a few enemies can give Strago Lores. I'll list all of the Lores you can obtain below. Obtainable Lores ---------------- Aero Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Harpiai, Harpy, Rhyos, Sprinter, Tyranosaur MP Cost: 41 Description: Aero is an attack that deals wind-based damage to all enemies. Aqua Rake Learned From Monsters: Strago already has this Lore when you first recruit him MP Cost: 22 Description: Deals water-based damage to all enemies onscreen. Big Guard Learned From Monsters: EarthGuard, Mover MP Cost: 80 Description: Casts Safe and Shell on all allies when used. Blow Fish Learned From Monsters: Brainpan, Cactrot, Dark Force, Phase MP Cost: 50 Description: Deals 1000 damage to a single enemy. CleanSweep Learned From Monsters: Blue Dragon, Dark Force, Enuo MP Cost: 30 Description: Deals water-based damage to all enemies onscreen. Condemned Learned From Monsters: Critic, Dark Force, Still Life, Veteran, Zombie MP Cost: 20
 Description: Casts the Condemned status aliment on an enemy.

 Learned From Monsters: Chaser, Dark Force, Figaliz, IronHitman, Lizard
 MP Cost: 68
 Description: Halves the level of an enemy.

 Learned From Monsters: Balloon, Bomb, Dark Force, Junk, Wart Puck
 MP Cost: 1
 Description: Strago uses an exploding attack that kills himself and damages
              the selected target for the exact amount of HP Strago has. For
              example, if he has 9999 HP, Exploder will do 9999 damage. Not a
              good move at all.

 Learned From Monsters: Doom
 MP Cost: 24
 Description: Makes you immune to a single element.

 Learned From Monsters: Hidon
 MP Cost: 64
 Description: Damages all enemies onscreen for massive damage.

 L.3 Muddle
 Learned From Monsters: Apokryphos, Dante, Dark Force, Goblin
 MP Cost: 28
 Description: Any enemy whos level is a multiple of 3 has Muddle inflicted on

 L.4 Flare
 Learned From Monsters: Apokryphos, Dark Force, Dueller, Goblin, Trapper
 MP Cost: 42
 Description: Any enemy whos level is a multiple of 4 has Flare cast on them.

 L.5 Doom
 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Didalos, Goblin, Trapper
 MP Cost: 22
 Description: Any enemy whos level is a multiple of 5 is instantly killed when
              you use this.

 L.? Pearl
 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Innoc
 MP Cost: 50
 Description: Any enemy whos level is a multiple of the number in the last
              digit of your GP gets hit by Pearl.

 Pearl Wind
 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Ogor, Peepers, Sprinter, Vectuar
 MP Cost: 45
 Description: All allies' HP is restored by the amount of HP Strago has when he
              cast it.

 Pep Up
 Learned From Monsters: Intangir, Junk, Muus
 MP Cost: 1
 Description: Fully restores one party member's HP/MP, but Strago is cast out
              of the battle in the process.

 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force
 MP Cost: 0
 Description: Gives every enemy that has Reflected cast on them several
              negative status aliments.

 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Dragon, Gigantos, Pan Dora, Red Wolf
 MP Cost: 31
 Description: Damages an enemy equal to Strago's current HP.

 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Reach Frog
 MP Cost: 66
 Description: Exchanges status aliments with an enemy.

 Sour Mouth
 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Evil Oscar, Mad Oscar
 MP Cost: 32
 Description: Inflicts several negative status aliments on all enemies that are

 Step Mine
 Learned From Monsters: Brachosaur, Crawler, Dark Force, Dark Force,
                        GreaseMonk, Pug
 MP Cost: MP cost is determined by the maximum amount of minutes you played /
 Description: Damages an enemy, but damage is based on the number of steps you
              have taken / 32.

 Learned From Monsters: Strago already has this Lore when you first recruit him
 MP Cost: 22
 Description: Damages all enemies onscreen, or damages only one, it just
              depends. Also, damage is increased if an enemy's HP is the same
              as Strago's. Also has a chance to cast Muddle.

 Learned From Monsters: Dark Force, Goddess
 MP Cost: 50
 Description: Damages all enemies onscreen.

 Relm Arrowny

 Game Description: "In her pictures she captures everything: forests, water,
                    light, the very essence of life..."

 Biography: Relm is Strago's granddaughter. Her father is actually Shadow, but
            Shadow left Relm and his wife behind in Thamasa. Strago has been
            taking care of Relm ever since, as her grandfather, and he has
            raised her to the best of his abilities, and she has become a fine
            girl. Relm is a 10 year old, who is also very cocky. Relm joins
            your group after you defeat Ultros in the Esper Cave.

 Battle Information: Relm has very weak physical attack, physical defense, but
                     she excels in magic power. She has the best magic power in
                     the game; even more better than Terra or Celes. Because of
                     her excessively high magic power, you'll want to give her
                     Espers that boost her magic, as well as equip things on
                     her that will boost her magic power even more.

 Relm's Special Abilities

 Description: When you use Sketch, Relm will use an attack that the selected
              target has. For example, if you use Sketch on Ultros, Relm will
              use Tentacle. Not an inherently useful ability, even if she does
              a very powerful attack like Ultimam because the damage it will do
              is very minimal. However, the Sketch bug has one good use to it,
              and that's the Sketch bug.

              I'm saying a bug is useful, because this "bug" can you give you
              200 of every item in the game. To see what the Sketch bug is all
              about, read the Codes n' Secrets section of the FAQ.

 Description: By equipping the FakeMustache Relic on Relm, her Sketch ability
              will be turned into Capture. Capture allows you to choose which
              skill of the selected target's you want to use on them, rather
              than automatically using one for you like Sketch does, so Control
              is a little bit better, at least. However, like Sketch before it,
              Control is utterly useless, because of severely minimal damage.


 Game Description: "Admirer of bone-carvings, as strong as a gigas, a sasquatch
                    pal with muscle!"

 Biography: Umaro is a yeti who lives in the Mines of Narshe. Mog is his boss,
            and Mog commands Umaro to join your group after you give him a good

 Battle Information: Umaro is a very strong physical attacker. The bad thing
                     is, you have no control over Umaro at all. Umaro will
                     attack at will, but when he does attack, he does a pretty
                     hefty amount of damage to an enemy. When equipped with the
                     Rage Ring and Blizzard Orb Relics, Umaro can be a very
                     strong physical attacker.

                     Nevertheless, I don't recommend him on your team ever.

 Umaro's Special Abilities

 Umaro has no special abilities.


 Game Description: "Shrouded in odd clothing, ...is this a man...? ...a
                    woman...? ...or should we ask...?"

 Biography: Gogo is a person dressed in clothing of various colors. You can't
            see his face, so there are speculations as to who Gogo actually is.
            Some say Gogo is Adlai Stevenson, some say he is Daryl, it just
            depends on the person. However, Gogo is Gogo, no matter how you
            look at it. It would ruin the story if Gogo was Daryl, and it would
            not make sense for Gogo to be a long-dead politican, would it? No.

            Simply put, Gogo is Gogo, and will remain that way forever.
            Speculation cannot change, nor will it change, who Gogo is. If this
            makes you feel better, Gogo was a mime in Final Fantasy V, so that
            may be why he is in this game, since FF3 is FF6 in Japan, and FF5
            came out before it. Quit worrying about who Gogo is and play the
            game for what it is: a game.

 Battle Information: Gogo dies very easily by everything thrown at him. In
                     other words, his defense for physical and magical attacks
                     is severely lacking. It sucks. However, Gogo can not only
                     use Mimic to mimic the last attack that was used, he can
                     use any other character's special abilities.

                     Gogo cannot be equipped with an Esper, just like Umaro.

 Gogo's Special Abilities

 Description: When you use this, Gogo will do the attack that was used last
              turn. For example, if Terra uses Cure 3 and you use Mimic after
              that, Gogo will do Cure 3. An okay ability, but nothing of
              significant use. Gogo has more abilities than just Mimic, though.
              By going on the Status screen, you can give Gogo up to three more

              You can give him anything from SwdTech, to Blitz, to Magic, to
              Dance; anything you want to, almost. This is what makes Gogo
              useful. If Gogo were to use Bum Rush, while it may not be quite
              as potent as Sabin's is when uses it, it'll still hurt an enemy a
              hefty amount of damage.

 | 4. Storyline                                                         |

 Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland, and
 magic simply ceased to exist.

 1000 years have passed... Iron, gunpowder, and steam engines have been
 rediscovered, and high technology reigns...

 But there are some who would enslave the world by reviving the dread
 destructive force known as "magic".

 Can it be that those in power are on the verge of repeating a senseless and
 deadly mistake?

 | 5. Controls                                                          |

 Out of Battle Controls

 A Button: Examines things, confirms selected actions, scrolls through
           sentences, opens chests, talks to people

 B Button: Cancels selected actions, exits shop

 Y Button: Does nothing

 X Button: Brings up the menu screen

 L Button: Switches to a different party member in the menu screen, depending
           on which screen you are on, in the menu screen, press L after you
           select a Cure spell to be able to heal all party members

 R Button: Switches to a different party member in the menu screen, depending
           on which screen you are on

 Start: Does nothing

 Select: Does nothing

 D-Pad: Moves cursor, moves character

 In Battle Controls

 A Button: Confirms selected actions

 B Button: Cancels selected actions

 Y Button: Skips to another party member's turn, if you don't want to take the
           current party member's turn (only works if more than one party
           member is able to take his or her turn)

 X Button: Skips to another party member's turn, if you don't want to take the
           current party member's turn (only works if more than one party
           member is able to take his or her turn)

 L Button: If held with R simultaneously, you'll run away (some battles you
           cannot run away from such as boss battles, so remember that), press
           L in battle when you select a Cure spell or a Fire spell or anything
           like that to hit all enemies, rather than just one

 R Button: If held with L simultaneously, you'll run away (some battles you
           cannot run away from such as boss battles, so remember that)

 Start: Pauses the game

 Select: Does nothing

 D-Pad: Moves cursor

 | 6. Game Basics                                                       |

 There are a lot of game basics in the game, which I will explain within this

 Menu Screen

 First off, I'll explain the very important menu screen in this game. The menu
 screen is pulled up by pressing X when outside of battle. The menu screen will
 serve as a significantly important thing throughout the game for you. I'll
 list all of the menu screen's many functions below.


 The first option on the menu screen is "Item". When selected, you will be
 brought to a screen where all your items are displayed. If you haven't sorted
 out your items, your items will appear in the same order you collected them
 in. There are three options in this menu. They are: Use, Sort, and Rare. By
 selecting the Use option, you'll be able to use items such as Tonics, Potions,
 Elixirs, Ethers, and more.

 Those type of items heal your HP and MP. It's good to use those items when you
 really need to, to ensure that you are not half dead when entering a boss
 fight. The items that are in gray you cannot use by using the Use option, but
 the ones in white are the ones you can use. By selecting the Sort option, you
 will be able to sort out your entire item list to where the items are listed

 If you don't use the Sort option, your items will be listed in the order that
 you collected them in throughout the game. I like to use Sort, because it
 makes it easier for me to scroll through my item list. Finally, the final
 option on the Item screen is Rare. By selecting it, you'll be able to view the
 key items that you have collected throughout the game. such as the Lump of


 The second option in the menu screen is the "Skills" option. When you select
 this option, you'll be able to view each of your party members' special
 abilities (e.g. Strago's Lore ability), view the magic spells you have in your
 arsenal, as well as equip/unequip Espers on your party members. The first
 option of this menu, Espers, is where you can unequip and equip Espers on a
 party member of your choice.

 To equip an Esper on a party member, move the cursor to the Esper you want to
 select, then press A once the cursor is over the Esper. Then, simply press A
 again and the Esper is equipped on a party member. To determine which party
 member you want to equip an Esper on, you'll be forced to select a party
 member after selecting the Skills option (not the Esper option).

 The second option in the Skills menu is Magic. By selecting that option, you
 will be able to view all of the magic spells that a certain party member has.
 You can also use magic spells in this menu. The spells that are in white are
 the ones that you can use, and the spells that are in gray are the ones you
 can't use. You can use curative spells, such as Cure 3 in this menu.

 The next options in the menu screen are simply options where you can view your 
 party members' special skills, such as Lore, Blitz, etc. You can also see the
 moves that Strago has learnt if you highlight Lore. You can also see what kind
 of Blitzes Sabin has learnt. Basically, anytime you select one of the special
 skill options, you can see a list of the attacks of that special skill.

 But you can't view every special skill that you have access to, however. You
 can only view a select few of them.


 The next option in the menu screen is the "Equip" option. By selecting this
 option, you can equip a party member of your choice with weapons, shields,
 headgear, and armors. The Equip menu has several functions, which I will tell
 you about here. By selecting Equip, the first option in this menu, you'll be
 able to equip a party member with weapons, shields, headgear, and armors. To
 start equipping a party member, press A when your cursor is over the Equip

 Once the cursor is over either Right-Hand, L-Hand, Head, or Body option, press
 A and then you'll be brought to a list of weapons, shields, headgear, and
 armors, depending on which equipment area you choose to select. Put the cursor
 over something you want to equip, then press A to equip it. Nifty, eh? Your
 left hand will always have a shield equipped, unless you have a Genji Glove or
 a Gauntlet Relic equipped.

 The next option is Optimum. When used, Optimum will equip the best possible
 equipment on a party member, so that you won't have to equip that party member
 manually. Not inherently useful, but hey, it's there, right? The next option
 is Rmove, which, when used, will allow you to unequip anything you want to on
 a party member. Finally, the last option in this menu is Empty, which will
 allow you to unequip everything off a party member in an instant.


 The next option on the menu screen is the "Relic" option. By selecting it, you
 will be able to use two options. The first one is Equip. By selecting Equip,
 you'll be brought to an area where you can select two slots that you can equip
 Relics in. When the cursor is over either the first or second slot, press A to
 be brought to a list of available Relics you have to equip. Move the cursor
 over the Relic you want to equip, then press A to equip it.

 You can equip another Relic in the next slot the same way you did in the first
 slot. The final option in the Relic menu is Empty, which unequips all Relics
 from a party member.


 The next option in the menu screen is the "Status" option. Upon selecting it,
 you'll be able to a party member's current experience points, how much it is
 till that party member gains his or her next level. You can also view many
 other things, such as a party member's current Vigor, etc. You can basically
 view all kinds of things here. There is another thing you can do here, which
 is give Gogo one of your other party member's special ability.

 There's no reason for me to explain how to give Gogo a character's special
 ability, as it is very easy to figure out.


 The next option in the menu screen is the "Config" option. When you select
 this option, you'll be able to change several things. The first thing you can
 change is the Battle Mode from Active to Wait. Active is where enemies attack
 you even if you aren't ready, and are trying to use an item or anything like
 that. Wait is where enemies don't attack you until after you have taken your

 The next thing you can change on this menu is Battle Speed. You can change the
 Battle Speed from 1 to 6. The lower the number, the slower the battle speed
 will be in battle, and vise versa. The next thing you can change in this menu
 is Message Speed. You can change it from 1 to 6, just like you can the battle
 speed. The lower the number, the slower the message speed will be in the game,
 and vise versa.

 Another thing you can change in this menu is the Cmd. Set. You can change it
 from Window to Short. The next option you can change in this menu is the Gauge
 from On and Off. I'm guessing this means the gauge in battle that indicates
 which party member's turn you are currently taking. Another option you can
 change in this menu is Sound. You can change it from Stereo to Mono, as you
 can in every game.

 Yet another thing you can change here is Cursor. You can change it from Reset
 to Memory. Yet another thing that can be changed in this menu is Reequip. It
 can be changed from Optimum to Empty. The other option you can change on the
 menu is Controller. You can change it from Single to Multiple. Another option
 you can change by scrolling down after you highlight Controller is Mag. Order
 from 1 to 5.

 Another option available to you is altering is Window. You can change the
 numbers from 1 to 8. The next option that you can change is the Color. You can
 change it from Font to Window. You can alter something here, though I'm not
 sure what. I wouldn't fool with it if I were you.


 The final option on the menu screen is the Save option. You can only select it
 when you are at Save Points, or when you are on the World Map. By selecting
 this option, you can save your game, which means if you die, you'll start from
 where you last saved. If you die, your levels that you've gained are saved
 automatically, but any GP you've gained, spells you learned, items you gained,
 or anything like that is gone, so be careful.

 You can use Tents at Save Points and on the World Map to fully restore all of
 your party members' HP/MP. You can also use Sleeping Bags, the counterparts to
 Tents, at Save Points and on the World Map.

 Save Points

 Throughout the game, you'll find what are called "Save Points". Save Points
 look like shining stars on the ground, basically. By stepping on one, you'll
 be able to save your game, as well as use Tents and Sleeping Bags to restore
 your HP/MP fully. Tents restore all HP and MP to all characters, whereas
 Sleeping Bags only restore HP/MP fully to one character. Save Points do not
 appear on the World Map, since you will be able to save your game there at all
 times, anyway.

 Experience Points

 Experience points are the key to leveling up a party member. If a party member
 needs 60 experience points to level up, then when you gain 60 or more
 experience points by winning a battle (bosses don't give you experience in the
 game that much, though; only very few of them actually do), that party member
 will level up.

 The maximum level in this game is 99. With each level up, a party members'
 stats grow stronger and stronger, making that party member become stronger.


 Stats are what I call things like Vigor. Each party members have the same
 stats, but how good those starts are varies widely among the different party
 members in this game. The stats each character has, I will list below.


 Vigor determines how much a party member will hurt with physical attacks. The
 higher Vigor you have, the more damage enemies will take from you when you use
 physical attacks. Even though they have the Hyper Wrist Reilc in this game,
 which boosts Vigor, it won't make much of a difference even if you do equip
 it or not, though, because you'll notice litte difference in your physical
 attack damage.


 Speed determines how fast the ATB Gauge goes up in battle for a specific party
 member. The higher a party member's Speed is, the faster the ATB Gauge will go
 up, and that party member will take his or her turn faster than any of the
 other party members in the battle will, unless of course another party member
 in the battle outweighs that party member in Speed.


 Stamina determines how much HP a party member gains by the use of Regen. It
 also determines how much HP a party member will lose by Poison and Seizure.
 In other words, Stamina determines how much HP a party member will gain or
 lose. Stamina also determines how much HP a party member will gain when they
 are equipped with a Tintinabar Relic. I should note that Stamina gained by
 weapons does not effect how much HP a party member will gain with a
 Tintinabar Relic.

 Finally, Stamina also protects you from Instant Death attacks. The higher your
 Stamina is, the more that Instant Death attacks won't effect you.

 Magic Power

 Magic Power determines how much a character will hurt with magic attacks. It
 also determines how much you'll heal a party member or an enemy if you use a
 curative spell.

 Battle Power

 Battle Power is a stat that determines how much damage you will do when you
 use the Fight command in battle. The more Battle Power you have, the more
 damage you will do when you use the Fight command. Battle Power also controls
 how much Umaro's charge attack and throw attack will hurt. Finally, Battle
 Power does NOT determine how much Desperation Attacks will hurt, so keep that
 in mind.


 Defense determines a party member's ability to take hits. In other words, the
 higher the Defense stat of a party member is, the more damage they will be
 able to absorb from physical attacks. Defense is only raised by equipment and
 by Relics.

 Magic Defense

 Magic Defense determines a party member's ability to take hits from magical
 attacks. In other words, the higher the Magic Defense stat of a party member
 is, the more damagea they will be able to absorb from magical attacks. Magic
 Defense is only raised by equipment and by Relics.


 Evade was supposed to be able to enable you to avoid physical attacks. Due to
 a bug, however, that effect was never put into action in this game, so Evade
 does absolutely nothing. Magic Block basically took over Evade.

 Magic Block

 Magic Block was never supposed to determine you avoiding physical attacks
 (that was Evade's job), but due to the silly bug in the Evade status, it does.
 In other words, this wonderful stat acts as Evade, and acts with its original
 purpose, as well. Magic Block determines both physical evasion and evasion of
 magical attacks. A character with 128% M.Block will be able to avoid basically
 _any_ attack thrown at them, be it magical or physical.

 Magic Block is definitely a stat you'll want to raise as much as you can, due
 to its extreme superiority.


 HP stands for Hit Points, and it determines how much HP a party member has.
 If you get damaged, your HP goes down. If your HP reaches 0, you get a game
 over. The first set of numbers in your HP represent a party member's current
 HP, whereas the second set of numbers in your HP represent a party member's
 maximum HP. To recover your HP if it gets depleted, simply use any item that
 heals your HP, such as a Tonic, or use curative spells, such as Cure 3.

 If a party member dies, they can be brought back to life via the use of a
 Fenix Down item, a Life spell, or a Life 2 spell. If you use Life 3 and the
 party member you used it on dies, that party member will be instantly brought
 back to life with their maximum HP. That makes Life 3 a pretty nifty spell,
 wouldn't you agree?


 MP stands for Magic Points, and it determines how much MP a party member has.
 If your MP gets depleted via the use of spells, or be it by an enemy using
 Rasp on you, you can restore your lost MP via the use of an item that restores
 your MP, such as a Tincture. The first set of numbers in your MP represent a
 party member's current MP, whereas the second set of numbers in your MP
 represent a party member's maximum MP.

 Elixirs can fully restore both HP and MP, so those are always good to have.
 There are no spells you can use to restore your MP. Wouldn't make much sense
 for you to consume your MP via the use of spells, then use one to recover your
 MP, now would it? ;)

 Status Aliments

 There are several status aliments in the game, which can be inflicted on your
 party members. They are:


 When a party member is berserked (you can't tell if an enemy is berserked),
 the party member will turn red and steam or something like that will be coming
 out of their heads. When a party member is berserked, you cannot control what
 they do. A party member will attack with physical attacks when berserked, and
 never do anything else. Muddle is different than Berserk, because your party
 member attacks both you and the enemy, and uses magic attacks and not just
 physical attacks.

 Berserk doesn't last outside of battle. To cure it, use Dispel.


 Clear is a status aliment, that when inflicted on either an enemy or one of
 your party members, will make the one whom had it casted on them invisible.
 During the time when Clear is inflicted on an enemy or a party member, that
 party member or enemy will be immune to physical attacks. A magic attack will
 reveal the party member and/or enemy, though (it had to have its drawbacks,
 didn't it?).

 Also, if an enemy has Clear on it, you can use Doom or X-Zone to instantly
 kill that enemy. It even works on bosses! However, that makes the game way too
 easy (I know some of you would argue with me that the game is already broken
 and easy, but this isn't Atom Edge's FAQ; I'm not here to preach about how
 easy it is like he does every boss battle >_>). X-Zone isn't always guaranteed
 to work, though, so be aware of that.

 Even if a spell misses on a target that has Clear on it, the target will still
 become visible. Any party member that has Clear on them will never use the
 Desperation Attack they have, nor will they use a True Knight Relic if you
 give it to a party member. Clear lasts outside of battle, so use a Remedy item
 or a Remedy spell to counter it. Dispel works, too.


 When a target has Condemned on it, a timer will appear above the target's
 head. When the timer reaches 0, a Doom spell will be inflicted on the target
 (take note that this Doom spell is unblockable). After that, the target is
 killed. If the target that has Condemned on it is immune to Instant Death-type
 attacks, then the inevitable Doom that follows the countdown (that scare you?)
 will not kill the target.

 If the Doom spell that comes from the countdown hits a target that is undead,
 then it will heal the target. Condemned can be healed in combat by the use of
 the following abilities: Pep Up, Spiraler, Tapir, and Wild Bear. Do not worry
 about Condemned being on you outside of battle, because it won't be. If you
 equip the Cursed Shld, the Condemned status aliment will automatically be on
 the party member that has it equipped.

 The Condemned effect will wear off of that party member after he or she gains
 the Paladin Shld.


 When Dark is inflicted on your party members (it can't be inflicted on an
 enemy), the party member that it is inflicted on will have sunglasses over
 their eyes (at least that's what it looks like to me). Due to a bug in the
 game, however, Dark does nothing. It was originally supposed to blind a party
 member, giving you a chance to miss the target with your physical attacks.
 Enjoy the cool shades that Dark supplies you, because that's its only use.

 Dark stays on a party member after combat, by the way. To heal it, simply use
 a Remedy item, a Remedy spell, an Eyedrop item, or a Tent. This status aliment
 DOES prevent Strago from learning Lores, however, so cure it if you want to
 learn a Lore with him.


 Float is a status aliment that causes the target that has it inflicted on it
 to float (who couldn't figure that one out?). When the target is floating, it
 is immune to the following attacks that enemies can do to you, or that you can
 do to them: Chocobop, Earth Aura, Magnitude8, Quake, Slide, Takedown, Whump,
 Wild Fang, and Wombat.

 The target that has Float inflicted on it is also more susceptible to the air
 attacks that the Hawk Eye and Sniper weapons do. To remove Float, since it
 stays on a party member after battle, then simply use Dispel.


 Freeze is inflicted on a party member when a party member's color changes to
 blue, and they look like they are frozen solid. When a party member is frozen,
 he/she won't be able to take any turns until the effect wears off. To cure it,
 simply use the Fire spell on the party member that has it on, and the target
 will become unfrozen, and able to take turns once again.

 Strago can't learn Lores if he's frozen, Celes or Gogo can't use Runic, and
 the party member that is frozen won't be picked up when you use Sonic Dive.
 Also, any attack that the enemy does to a frozen party member is sure to hit.
 Freeze also prevents a party member from counterattacking the enemy if he/she
 has the Black Belt Relic on. Finally, a party member that is frozen cannot
 protect someone from death if the frozen party member has a True Knight Relic.

 Freeze doesn't last outside of battle, by the way. Freeze will also wear off
 manually eventually anyway, but it takes about 68 seconds, so it's better to
 just use the Fire spell to cure it.


 Haste is not really a negative status aliment, but a beneficial one. When
 Haste is inflicted on a party member, the target becomes red (this does not
 apply to enemies who have Haste on them, by the way) and glows that color.
 Haste allows a party member's speed to increase drastically, meaning that the
 party member who has Haste will likely, unless another party member has very
 high Speed, take a turn first.

 A party member who has Haste on he/she will have a better chance of succeeding
 when you try and run. Also, when Haste is on a party member, the countdown
 from Condemned goes faster, Freeze wears off faster, Sleep wears off faster,
 and Stop wears off faster. Also, the time it takes for Regen to heal you is
 slower, as well.

 Finally, the damage done by Poison and Seizure becomes slower, too. Haste that
 is inflicted on a target that has Slow on it will replace the Slow status
 aliment. If Haste is inflicted on a target that has a permanent Slow status
 aliment on it, then Haste will have no effect. Haste doesn't stay on a party
 member after battle, and you can remove it by using Dispel.


 This status aliment is inflicted on a party member when you use Sonic Dive,
 when you run away, when you have been taken out of battle by Engulf or Sneeze.
 When a party member has Hide on them, you won't be able to take a turn with
 that party member at all. In other words, a party member that has Hide on him
 or her cannot take turns no matter what, and is cast out of the battle (Sonic
 Dive doesn't cast you out of battle, though, but you won't be able to do
 anything for a short period of time).

 Also, a character with Hide on him/her won't be able to counterattack if you
 have the Black Belt Relic on, Strago can't learn Lores, and you won't be able
 to protect someone from death if you have True Knight on. If a party member
 has ran away from battle, then he/she won't gain any experience points or
 magic points after the battle.

 If everyone in the battle you are currently in is dead but some have the Hide
 status aliment on them, you won't gain any experience points or magic points
 with any character, since the battle will be treated as a battle where
 everyone has ran away from the battle. Hide doesn't linger outside battle, and
 cannot be cured.


 When Image is inflicted on a party member, the party member will create after
 images of him/herself. Any physical attack that isn't unblockable, or that
 comes from behind, is blocked when you have the Image status aliment on you.
 Each attack you avoid when you have Image on, has a 25% chance to remove the
 Image status aliment from you (*gasp*). If Cyan or Gogo is waiting for them to
 be able to use Retort when he/she is hit by a phyiscal attack, Image won't do

 If the party member has Freeze, Sleep, Sleep, or Stop on he/she, then Image
 will not replace any of the aforementioned status aliments. Any party member
 that has Image on them will not use his/her Desperation Attack. Image lingers
 after battle, and can be cured by the use of Dispel.


 When a party member has Imp inflicted on them, then they will become small,
 green weird looking people. When a party member has Imp on them, Imp will
 block out everything except for the following commands: Fight, Item, Jump,
 Magic, and X-Magic. The only spells you can select for magic is the Imp spell.
 The Imp spell will stay on a party member after a battle. To cure it, use an
 Imp spell, a Green Cherry item, a Remedy item, or a Tent.

 Remedy spells won't work to cure Imp, for some reason.

 Life 3

 This is another positive status aliment, rather than a negative one. When you
 use the spell Life 3 on a party member, that party member will become revived
 once they die, because you casted Life 3. I'll consider this a status aliment.
 Also, when the said party member gets revived, they will have full HP.


 The Muddle status aliment will be on you when birds appear over a party
 member's head and you see a green circle appear above the party member's head
 that starts spinning along with the party member. When a party member has
 Muddle on him/her, then that party member won't be able to be controlled, but
 will rather attack either another party member, attack him/herself, or attack
 the enemy.

 A Muddled character will sometimes use magic to attack with, too. To cure
 Muddle, use a Remedy item, Remedy spell, or simply attack the party member
 that is Muddled with a phyiscal attack. Dispel works, too. Muddle doesn't last
 outside of battle.


 When a party member has Mute inflicted on them, then the target won't be able
 to use magic at all; magic will be greyed out for you, and the enemy that has
 been Muted will not be able to use magic spells, unless the enemy is immune to
 Mute. To cure Mute, simply use a Remedy item or a Remedy spell. Dispel will
 also cure it.

 Mute doesn't last outside of battle.

 Near Fatal

 When a party member is in "Near Fatal" mode, the said party member will be
 crouching down with very little HP. When a party member reaches 1/8 of his/
 her maximum HP, the party member will crouch down on the ground. The party
 member will have a 1/16 chance to use his/her Desperation Attack (more on that
 below the status aliments part of the Game Basics section, which you're
 reading now).

 To get a party member back up to good HP again and out of the Near Fatal mode,
 simply heal that party member with a Tonic, a Potion, or a curative spell,
 such as Cure 2 or Cure 3. When a party member gains enough HP, that party
 member will stand up again. Near Fatal lasts outside of battle, by the way.
 Using a Tent is also a good way to cure Near Fatal.


 When a party member is Petrified, the party member will become a stone color
 and be turned to stone. When a party member is Petrified, he/she won't be able
 to do anything but stand there like a stone all day until you cure them. To
 cure Petrify, use a Remedy item, a Remedy spell, or a Soft item. When a party
 member that is Petrified gets attacked, he/she won't take any damage.

 Petrify lasts outside of battle, and can be cured the same way as in a battle,
 but you can use a Tent to cure it, too.


 You'll be able to tell when Poison is inflicted on a party member, because a
 few green bubbles will appear above the party member's head, indicating that
 he/she has been poisoned. When a party member is poisoned, their HP will
 gradually deplete after his/her turn. To cure Poison, use a Remedy item, a
 Remedy spell, the Antdot spell, or an Antidote item.

 Poison will last outside of battle, and you'll lose HP FAST each time you
 walk, so it's a good idea to cure it. Believe me, you can get down to 1 HP in
 a matter of 20 seconds. To cure it, do it the same way you would in a battle,
 or use a Tent.


 Reflect is a status aliment that causes the target (be it friend or foe) to
 have any magic spell (almost any, anyway) that is cast at them thrown back at
 the enemy or the party member, depending on who has Reflect on. For example,
 if you use Reflect on a party member, then if the enemy uses Fire 3 on that
 party member that is Reflected, then the Fire 3 will bounce off of the party
 member and hit the enemy instead.

 Not inherently useful if you happen to reflect a cure spell back at the enemy,
 or heal them up with a Fire spell since the enemy is a fire-type enemy, but
 Reflect is still cool to save you from certain death in certain situations.
 Just be careful that you don't use Cure on all your party members if one of
 them is reflected, or you will heal the enemy.

 To cure Reflect, use Dispel, since that won't be bounced off. Reflect won't
 linger after battle, by the way.


 When a party member has this inflicted on them, their HP will gradually go up.
 This status aliment works the same way for enemies as it does for party
 members. To cure Regen, use the Dispel spell. Regen doesn't linger after


 When Safe is inflicted on a party member or an enemy, the target will have an
 increase in physical attack defense. The damage taken from physical attacks
 will be reduced by 1/3. To remove Safe, use Dispel. Safe doesn't stay on after
 a battle.


 Seizure is a stauts aliment that hurts the target the same way Poison does; by
 gradually depleting your HP. Unlike Poison, Seizure damage doesn't increase
 each time it hurts you. Other than that, it's the same thing basically. To
 cure Seizure, use a Remedy item, a Remedy spell, or an Antdot item.

 Seizure doesn't linger after battle, by the way.


 Shell is a status aliment that protects the target from magical attack damage.
 The damage done by magical attacks is decreased by 1/3. Any barrier-piercing
 magic attacks will ignore Shell, however, meaning they will do full damage.
 Shell doesn't linger outside of battle. To cure it, use Dispel.


 You'll be able to tell when this is inflicted on you, because the party member
 whom it is inflicted on will fall to the ground. You'll also see some Z's
 above the party member's head, indicating he/she is sleeping. When a party
 member is asleep, he/she cannot do anything but sit there. Sleep will wear off
 over time, but it's better to cure it when it first happens. To do that, use a
 Remedy item, a Remedy spell, or by hitting the target with a physical attack.

 Anyone who has Sleep inflicted on them will automatically be waken up when hit
 with a physical attack. This prevents Strago from learning Lores, too, so be
 sure he's awake at the end of a fight. Sleep doesn't linger outside of battle.


 When Slow is inflicted on a party member or an enemy, the said target will not
 be able to take turns as fast as they would normally. To cure Slow, use
 Dispel. Slow doesn't stay outside of battle, either.


 When Stop is inflicted on a party member or an enemy, the said target will not
 be able to move at all until Stop is worn off. To cure Stop, use Dispel. Stop
 doesn't stay outside of battle, either.


 When a party member has Wound on them, they will die. In other words, their HP
 will reach 0, and you'll lose all control over them. All they'll do is lie on
 the ground unconscious for the rest of the battle and then even outside of the
 battle, until you revive them. To revive a wounded ally, use Life, Life 2, a
 Fenix Down item, or a Tent (outside of battle).

 Wound lasts outside of battle, as I mentioned above. It can be cured by using
 a Fenix Down, a Tent, a Life spell, and a Life 2 spell.


 When a party member is inflicted with the Zombie status aliment, the target
 will become green, and unable to do anything you want them to do. A party
 member that is a Zombie will attack your other party members with physical
 attacks, but never magical attacks. A Zombie-inflicted party member will never
 attack the enemy, just other party members. A Zombie-inflicted party member
 will also attack him/herself.

 Zombie lasts outside of battle. To cure it, use a Tent or a Revivify item.

 Desperation Attacks

 Most party members have a Desperation Attack. When a party members enters Near
 Fatal mode (lose one-eighth of their maximum HP, to be exact), he/she has a
 chance to perform what is called a Desperation Attack. Not all party members
 can preform a Desperation Attack, though most can. Below is a list of the
 party members' Desperation Attacks:

 Terra: Riot Blade
 Locke: Mirager
 Edgar: Royal Shock
 Sabin: Tiger Break
 Celes: Spin Edge
 Shadow: Shadow Fang
 Cyan: Back Blade
 Setzer: Red Card
 Mog: MoogleRush
 Strago: Sabre Soul
 Relm: Star Prism
 Gogo: X-Meteo

 Battle System

 The battle system in this game is a very important thing to know about. I will
 explain to the best of my abilities about the battle system in this game down
 below, so I suggest you who are new to the game (not likely anyone is new to
 it, but whatever) read on.

 Random Encounters

 When you walk around in any place that has monsters (all towns except for
 Jidoor in the World of Ruin and Zozo in the World of Balance have no monsters
 in them) in it, be it the World Map or a cave, when you walk around, you'll
 eventually encounter either a lone enemy, or an enemy pack. These are called
 "Random Encounters". When you encounter an enemy or some enemies, you have to
 fight them and win the battle.

 When you win a battle, you gain experience points, and later on in the game,
 magic points. Experience points are vital to leveling up a character, whereas
 magic points are vital to learning new spells via the use of Espers (more on
 this in the Espers section of this FAQ). A boss doesn't usually give you any
 experience points, except for in the World of Balance. They do, however, give
 you some magic points.

 You can run away from a battle, but you can't run away from bosses. If you run
 away, however, you won't be able to get any experience points or magic points.
 Also, when you win a random encounter, you get GP, which is your money in this
 game. The more money you have, the more you can buy items and weapons, as well
 as other things to help you in your quest, so the more money you have, then
 the better off you are.

 Be sure not to run away from EVERY battle in this game, so that you can stay
 at a decent level and have some money throughout the game. Wouldn't want to
 get to the end of the game at Level 20, then go back and have to build up to
 Level 45 and get some money, would you? Didn't think so. When you enter a
 battle, you can do a few things. I'll list them below. By the way, boss fights
 are not considered random encounters.

 This is available only thrice in the game ever. This command replaces Fight
 when you have it in your arsenal. You only have this command available when you
 are in Magitek Armor. There are several attacks that you have at your disposal
 when you select this command. I'll list them all below, from the order they
 appear in from left to right.

 Fire Beam: Damages an enemy with fire-based damage.
 Bolt Beam: Damages an enemy with lightning-based damage.
 Ice Beam: Damages an enemy with ice-based damage.
 Bio Blast: Damages all enemies onscreen with poison-based damage.
 Heal Force: Heals an ally.
 Confuser: Has a chance to confuse all enemies onscreen.
 X-Fer: Has a chance to remove an enemy from battle.
 TekMissile: Missiles hit an enemy for good damage.

 Everything except for Fire Beam, Bolt Beam, Ice Beam, and Heal Force are Terra
 exclusives, meaning any other character can't use those attacks when they are
 in Magitek Armor.


 The first command when you enter a battle is "Fight". By using it, you'll be
 able to use a physical attack on the enemy or on your party (though I do not
 know why you'd want to hit one of your party members, unless they are under
 Muddle or something). Fight will be turned into X-Fight if you equip the
 Offering Relic.


 X-Fight is a better version of Fight. X-Fight allows a character to attack
 four times in a row! If equipped with a Black Belt Relic, a party member will
 be able to attack four more times if counterattacked! A bit broken, eh? That's
 what I thought. X-Fight is only available to you if you equip a party member
 with the almighty Offering Relic, found in the Ancient Castle.

 X-Fight replaces Fight, by the way.

 Special Ability

 The next option when you get into a random encounter is the Special Ability
 command. Anything from Blitz to SwdTech to Rage will be listed here. In other
 words, you can use a party member's special ability by selecting this option.


 Magic is the next command when you get into a random encounter. By selecting
 it, you will be able to use magic spells that you have learned thus far. You
 will only be able to attack once with a magic spell, and magic spells consume
 MP. Magic is replaced with X-Magic if you equip the Gem Box Relic.


 X-Magic is the better version of the Magic command. By equipping a party
 member with the Gem Box Relic, found in Fanatics' Tower, Magic will be
 replaced with X-Magic. X-Magic allows a party member to use two magic spells
 in one turn. Nifty, eh? Yet another broken aspect of the game, but I'm not
 here to preach how easy it is am I? I'm here to help, right?

 By using a Quick spell on the party member that has the Gem Box equipped, you
 will be able to use FOUR magic spells in two turns (Quick allows a party
 member to take two turns)!


 The final command you'll see in the battle is Item command. By selecting it,
 you'll be brought to your item list where you can use items or equip new
 weapons. To equip a new weapon, simply scroll all the way up on your list (to
 the very top item), then scroll up one more and you'll be brought to the menu
 where your weapon and shield is. Move the cursor over the weapon, then press

 Now, scroll down through the list again and select a weapon that you want to
 equip. A weapon in yellow is the one you can equip, but the ones in gray are
 the ones you can't equip. After moving the cursor over the weapon you want to
 equip, press A, scroll back up to the menu with your weapon and shield, then
 press A on the weapon when the cursor is over it. And there you go!

 You can also equip new shields the same way you can equip weapons.

 Preemptive Attack

 This is the standard battle that you can run into. The enemies are on the
 left, while your party members are on the right. Damage that you do with
 physical attacks isn't reduced. You can run away and rows are also enabled.

 Side Attack

 Side Attack is where two of your party members are on the left, and two more
 on the right. The enemies are in the middle of the screen. When you attack an
 enemy that's in the back with a physical attack, you'll deal 1.5 as much
 damage as you would normally. Also, you can run away in a Side Attack battle,
 and rows are enabled.

 Pincer Attack

 In this battle formation, your party members are in the middle, with the
 enemies on both sides. Basically, the enemy has ambushed you and you can't
 run. Your party members that are attacked from behind take 1.5 as much damage
 as they would normally. You cannot run away from the battle until you kill the
 enemies on at least one side. Also, Row is enabled but you start in the Front
 Row, but you can switch to the Back Row, though you can't see your party
 members going to the Back Row.

 Physical attacks that are inflicted on your group from behind will become
 unblockable, even with M.Block and Image. The Clear status, Earth Wall, and
 Interceptor can block those attacks, though.

 Back Attack

 In this battle formation, your party is on the left, and the enemies are on
 the right. Rows are enabled in this battle formation. However, every party
 member that was in the Front Row before the battle started are now treated
 like they are in the Back Row, and vise versa. Party members take longer to
 take their first turns in this battle formation, and running is enabled.


 GP is your money in this game, basically. The more money you have, then the
 better off you will be in the longrun. Without GP, you can't buy any items,
 and therefore you can't buy weapons, shields, headgear, armors, or relics. You
 won't get very far in the game without any GP, so it is important to fight as
 many random encounters as you can, rather than running away from them. Setzer
 will take some of your GP and throw it at the enemy if you use his GP Rain


 Each time you take a step in the game, it is calculated and added to how many
 steps you have taken in total in this game. By bringing up the menu, you can
 view how much steps you have taken throughout the game. Your steps determine
 how much Step Mine will hurt enemies when you use it. Step Mine damages the
 enemy / 32 what your steps are. Other than determining how much damage Step
 Mine will do, steps don't do anything but let you know how much you've walked.

 ATB Gauge

 The ATB Gauge determines when a party member is able to take a turn. At the
 start of each battle, you'll see a gauge for each of your party members that
 are currently alive. When the gauge fills up all the way, you get to take a
 turn with the party member whos gauge just filled up. After taking a turn, the
 gauge resets itself and gradually fills up again until you get to take another

 When a party member dies, their ATB Gauge is gone until you revive the dead
 party member.


 This command appears in battle when you press left on the D-Pad when your
 cursor is over one of the commands. Press A to use this command after your
 cursor is over it. Once you select it, the party member whom you selected it
 for will move to the Back Row or Front Row, depending on which row they were
 in before you used Row. If you use Row again, that party member can go back
 to either the Back Row or Front Row, depending on which row he/she is in.

 If a party member is in the Back Row, then he/she will take less damage from
 physical attacks, but will also hurt less with physical attacks. This row is
 good for magic users. If a party member is in the Front Row, then he/she will
 take more damage from physical attacks, but will also hurt more with physical
 attacks. Rows don't effect magic power. To put a party member in the Back Row
 or Front Row before a battle, press left on the D-Pad after you bring up the

 Then, press A when the cursor is over the party member you want it to be on.
 Press A another time after that to move a character to a different row.


 This command is the command after Row. To get to it, press right on the D-Pad
 when your cursor is over a command, such as Fight. Then, press A when your
 cursor is over the "Def." command to use it. By using this command, you'll use
 up your turn, but you'll also be able to reduce the damage you take from
 physical attacks. This is a useless command.


 Chocobos are yellow creatures, whom you can ride in this game. Chocobos are
 found in Chocobo Stables, which are hidden inside forests (some are in towns,
 though). When you find a Chocobo Stable, talk to the owner of the stable and
 pay him a small fee to ride a Chocobo. Press B to dismount a Chocobo, and use
 the D-Pad and the A button to move the Chocobo. Chocobo's can't enter caves or
 any place with you for that matter.

 They move very fast, though, so they are good to get from one place to another
 if you don't feel like fighting random encounters along the way to your
 destination. When you dismount a Chocobo, it goes back to the Chocobo Stable
 that you got it from, and can be rented again whenever you like.


 There is a map each time you are on the World Map that appears at the bottom-
 right corner of the screen. The white dots on the map indicate that a town, a
 Chocobo Stable, or any other place you can go into is there. On the map, you
 can see not only white dots, but continents. Also, the red dot on the map
 marks your current position on the World Map. As you move, so does the red

 | 7. Walkthrough                                                       |

 Here is a complete walkthrough for this game from beginning to end.

 World of Balance Walkthrough

 When you start a new game, the game will tell you about the story of the game.
 After that is done, you'll see three Magitek Knights, which are Vicks, Wedge,
 and ????, who is Terra, standing on top of the mountain above the town of
 Narshe. Vicks and Wedge talk about the Esper that's supposed to be down in
 Narshe, and they talk about Terra having the Slave Crown on, too.

 After the talking, you'll see the introduction to the game. Press A to skip it
 if you want to, as it is just Vicks, Wedge, and Terra walking towards Narshe.
 Once the introduction is done, you'll arrive in Narshe and finally gain
 control of Terra in the town of Narshe.


 Just keep heading north in both areas of the town that you come to. You'll
 encounter some enemies that you have to fight, but they are not a problem for
 three Magitek Knights. Your attacks will do tons of damage to them. Once you
 reach the end of the second area of town, go inside the mines.

 Mines of Narshe

 When you get inside of the Mines of Narshe, head northwest to a Save Point.
 After you learn about what Save Points are, save your game. Now, use Terra's
 Cure spell to heal up your party, then go north of the entrance to the mines.
 You'll come across a gate when you do, which will be opened by Vicks. After
 the gate is opened, go north and try and enter the next area beyond the gate,
 only to have a Narshe guard send Whelk, the first boss of the game, after you.

 Check the Bosses section of this guide to see how to defeat Whelk. Once you
 defeat Whelk, go north into the next room. In the next room, go north and try
 and go up the stairs where the Esper is. A cutscene will then occur, as the
 Esper, who is named Tritoch, kills Vicks and Wedge, but spares Terra, since
 she has some kind of connection to Espers. After the cutscene, the scene will
 switch to Arvis' House.

 Arvis' House

 You'll see Terra in a bed as the screen fades back in. When Arvis enters the
 room and stops walking, you'll have control of Terra again, so step out of bed
 and talk to Arvis. Arvis will explain to Terra that she had a Slave Crown on
 her head, and that allowed her to be controlled, so that's why she can't
 remember anything. The only thing Terra seems to remember is her name. When
 you get to name Terra, go ahead and do so, since you have to anyway.

 Eventually, some Empire soldiers will come knocking on the door of Arvis'
 home, requesting that Terra come back to the Empire (the Empire was the one
 controlling Terra with the Slave Crown, so that's why they want her back).
 Arvis refuses to open the door, and tells Terra to follow him to a door to
 which she can escape the house. Once you regain control of Terra, don't go
 through the door Arvis showed you just yet.

 Instead, examine the clock in the house to find an Elixir. After that, go
 through the door Arvis showed you, and you'll be back outside.


 Back outside, head west across the bridge and into the Mines of Narshe.

 Mines of Narshe

 Once inside the Mines of Narshe, I sauggest you do some leveling up. I suggest
 training until you are at least Level 7 or Level 8. After you've trained as
 much as you want, follow the path from the entrance of the place (also, if you
 need to heal, use Cure outside of battle or inside battle if you get too low
 on HP) until you reach a Save Point. Save your game when you reach that Save

 Now, keep going until you reach the northeastern corner of the room, but along
 the way, deequip Terra of her weapon and armor. Now, you'll probably notice
 two treasure chests, right? The one on the left contains a Sleeping Bag, and
 the one on the right contains a Fenix Down. If you leave these chests for the
 World of Ruin, they will house better items.

 Since the leftmost chest only houses an Elixir in the World of Ruin, feel free
 to open the leftmost chest and claim the Sleeping Bag as your own. At any
 rate, when you reach the northeastern corner of the room, two guards will
 surround Terra, and she'll fall down a hole and fall unconscious. After that,
 you'll see Terra dreaming about her past when she was with the Empire.

 The scene will then switch to Locke, who enters Arvis' House, sent Arvis sent
 for him. Name Locke, then watch the dialogue between him and Arvis. After the
 dialogue is over, Locke will arrive in the Moogle Cave, where Terra is. Locke
 is outnumbered, and so the Moogles of the cave offer to help Locke defeat the
 guards and save Terra. You'll now fight your first ever multi-party battle.

 Here's how it works: you can control three parties, the first party being the
 party Locke and three Moogles are in, the second party being the one with Mog
 in it (Mog will become a very good asset to your team later when you can
 actually recruit him), and the third party being one with four random Moogles
 in it. Choose which party you want to use to fight with by pressing Y to
 switch between parties.

 I suggest you take Mog's group to fight off all of the enemies in the area,
 except for the stationary guard at the bottom of the cave (be sure to put all
 of the party members in the Back Row, by the way). After clearing out the
 enemies with Mog's group, switch to Locke's group and equip Locke with Terra's
 MithrilKnife and Buckler. Now, switch back to Mog's group yet again, then go
 ahead and remove Mog of his Mithril Pike and Mithril Shld.

 After that, switch back to Locke's group, approach the stationary boss to the
 south, then put everyone in the Back Row except for Locke. Then press A to
 engage in combat with him. Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat
 Marshal. Upon defeating Marshal, Locke and Terra escape the Mines of Narshe.
 You have now both Locke and Terra in your group.


 Place Locke in the Front Row, since he is a phyiscal attacker, and place Terra
 in the Back Row and keep her there, since she is a magic user, and the Back
 Row is very good for magic users. Anyway, once you regain control, talk to the
 man standing by the building there. He'll let you go inside, so do so. This
 building is known as the Classroom; it's basically a place for beginners to go
 and learn about the game.

 You won't need to learn anything there since you have this FAQ, but we'll go
 inside just for a few items.


 When you arrive in the Classroom, enter the rightmost door, then open the
 chest in the room you come across to fight your first Monster-in-a-box battle.
 Inside the chest is a single Lobo, so just attack it to defeat it. After doing
 that, examine the yellow pot to the east to get a Tincture. Now, exit this
 room, then enter the middlemost room. Once inside, open the chest to get a
 Sleeping Bag, but ignore the pot, since there's nothing in it. Exit the room.

 Now, feel free to enter the leftmost door. In the room you come to, open the
 chest to get a Tonic. Now, go ahead and exit this room, as well as the whole
 Classroom. By the way, the bucket that the guy is standing beside just north
 of the entrance to this place fully restores your HP/MP when you press A in
 front of it, just to let you know.


 Go ahead and exit Narshe to be on the World Map for the first time.

 World Map

 When you arrive on the World Map for the first time, make sure Locke is in the
 Front Row, and Terra in the Back Row. Now, equip the Mithril Shld you got from
 Mog on Locke, then equip Terra with her MithrilKnife and Buckler that she had
 before you stripped her of them. Then, give Locke the spare Dirk you have. It
 doesn't have a lot of power, but what else can he use? His fists? At any rate,
 head south and you'll eventually come to a desert.

 Save your game when you reach the castle in the middle of the desert, then go
 inside the castle, which is Figaro Castle.

 Figaro Castle

 When you arrive in Figaro Castle, the guard will try to stop you from coming
 in, but quickly realizes who you are. When you regain control, head all the
 way north through each room until you reach the throne room, where a man is
 sitting on a throne. Talk to him, and you'll be introduced to Edgar, the king
 of Figaro. Some dialogue will commence, as Edgar tries to hit on Terra after
 Locke leaves, albeit unsuccessfully.

 Terra thinks she isn't normal for not finding him "dashing" after Edgar leaves
 the room, then you regain control. Now, go south and out of the throne room.
 In the room you come to, head to the southwest corner of the room, then go
 through the door there. In the room you come to, ignore the chest for a moment
 and talk to the old man standing in here. You can buy some items from him. I
 suggest buying a few Tonics, a few Softs, a Fenix Down, and a Tent.

 After buying all that, exit the shop and open the chest in here to get a Soft.
 Exit this room and head to the room to the east of you. Once inside here, talk
 to the old man standing around and buy a Bio Blaster, as well as a
 NoiseBlaster from him. Then, open the two chests in here to get a Tonic and an
 Antidote. Now, exit this shop and head through either of the two doors above
 the main door leading to the throne room.

 By doing this, you'll come to a room with a chest containing a Fenix Down, so
 open it, then exit this room and head to the outside part of the castle, where
 the entrances to both the left and the right wing are. Once there, enter the
 left wing. Then, keep going until you emerge outside in the desert. At that
 point, go west and then north and through the door into the next room.

 Once inside, go up the stairs and talk to the old lady to the west, who is
 Matron. She'll tell you about Sabin and Edgar's past. You'll be introduced to
 Sabin here, by the way (obviously). After Matron is done talking to you, go
 back to the throne room and talk to Edgar. Someone from the Empire wants to
 see Edgar after you talk to him. Edgar says that it is probably Kefka, and lo
 and behold, it is.

 Kefka arrives with two soldiers from the Empire to take back Terra. When you
 finally gain control of Edgar, equip him with the MithrilPike you got from Mog
 earlier. Now, go south and talk to the two troopers, and then talk to Kefka.
 Kefka will tell Edgar that he heard that Terra found refuge here, and so he
 wants to take her back.

 Edgar refuses to let Kefka take Terra back, lying to Kefka about knowing the
 whereabouts of Terra. Kefka threatens Edgar, then leaves with his two soldiers
 following him. When you regain control of Edgar again, go north and talk to
 Locke. Edgar will then leave your group and you'll regain control of Terra, so
 follow Locke into your room, which is located in the right wing of the castle.
 When you get inside your room, Terra and Locke will talk for a minute.

 When they are done, the scene switches to Edgar in the bed. He gets up because
 he smells fire, I guess. Edgar rushes outside to find Figaro Castle burning up
 with flames. Kefka meant what he said when he threatened Edgar. Kefka and his
 two soldiers come back with him, demanding Edgar give them back Terra. Talk to
 the guard blocking the door to the north, then three Chocobos will come, and
 Edgar will jump on one of them, with Locke and Terra being on the other two.

 Figaro Castle will enter submerge mode, and Kefka will send his two soldiers,
 who are now Magitek Knights, to attack you. I won't bother listing this fight
 in the Bosses section, since these foes are very easy to defeat. Have Terra
 use an MT Fire spell to see some dialogue, as Edgar and Locke get shocked at
 Terra's ability to use magic, and use the Fire spell as an MT spell to cause
 damage, not just see the dialogue.

 Have Edgar use his AutoCrossbow Tool, and have Locke attack. They will go down
 in no time. If you want to see the dialogue between Locke, Terra, and Edgar
 later, then you have until the very last tile in Figaro Cave to see it. Once
 you step on that tile, you can't see it anymore. After the battle, Terra,
 Locke, and Edgar will talk about their next course of action. Your next
 destination is the Returner's Hideout, but you still have a ways to go before
 you get there.

 World Map

 When you gain control of Edgar on the World Map, you should notice that you
 are on a Chocobo. Go north (it looks like you are going north, but you are
 really going to a southern point on the map) until you reach a cave. At that
 point, get off the Chocobo, use a Tent and save your game, then enter the
 cave there, known as Figaro Cave.

 Figaro Cave

 Once here, talk to the guard with the Chocobo beside him. He'll let you
 through to the actual cave, as he heads back to Figaro Castle to let the other
 people there know you are safe. Enter the cave when the guard moves. When you
 get inside the cave, I suggest you train until you are about Level 10 or 11.
 It may be a bit high, but you'll need it for the hard area coming up. If you
 get low on HP, simply press A in front of the pool of water with the turtle in
 it to fully restore your HP/MP.

 After you train, enter the next room. Now, head all the way east, southwest,
 and then north. Go up the stairs you come to at that point. From there, simply
 make your way to the exit of the cave. It shouldn't be too hard to find. If
 you can't find it, you seriously need an eye examination. Also, DO NOT open
 the chests in here; they house much better items in the World of Ruin.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, head southeast, save your game, then enter the town
 there, known as South Figaro.

 South Figaro

 Once you get here, you'll see a man dressed in black walking away from you. We
 will worry about him in a minute. For now, there are some shops for you to go
 to better your equipment. Starting off, look around town until you find the
 weapon and armor shop. Once inside there, go to the weapon shop first and buy
 Terra a RegalCutlass. Give Edgar's MithrilBlade to Locke, then go ahead and
 head over to the armor shop, to the east.

 There, buy two Heavy Shlds, three Plumed Hats, a Cotton Robe, and a Kung Fu
 Suit. Pull up the menu after that, then equip each of your party members with
 your newly bought stuff by selecting the "Optimum" command. Now, exit this
 shop and head over to the item shop and restock on anything you may need. Once
 that is done, go over to the Relic Shop (it has a weird symbol on the
 building; like a stone-shaped symbol or something).

 Once there, buy three Star Pendants, a Jewel Ring, and some Sprint Shoes if
 you can. Equip the three Star Pendants on your party members. Now, it's time
 to get a couple of items around town. Starting off, examine the crate behind
 the Chocobo Stable to get a Green Cherry. It turns into a Tent in the World of
 Ruin, but you don't need to wait just to get a measly Tent, do you? No, you
 don't, so grab it.

 Now, head into the house behind the crate that you got the Green Cherry in.
 Once inside, head east and exit this house through the eastern exit. Outside,
 examine the bottom barrel to get a Fenix Down. After that, go east, then
 northwest, then take one step south and you'll be in another part of the
 house, but you'll be behind the house. Once in this room, examine the clock to
 get an Elixir.

 Here's a hint: from now on, most clocks will have Elixirs in them. For the
 sake of calling this part of the FAQ a "walkthrough" though, I'll tell you
 when a clock contains an Elixir. Anyway, after grabbing the Elixir, exit the
 room and go back inside the house the way you came in. Once inside the house
 again, go up the stairs in the northwestern part of the house. In the next
 room that you come to, head east and enter the first door you come across.

 In this room, go behind the bookshelf in here to get into another area. In
 this area, simply go down the set of stairs to the south to get into yet
 another new area. In this new area, go east, then southeast. You'll come to
 three doors which you can enter. The first one is empty, the second one has a
 Save Point in it, which I suggest you use, and finally, the last room has four
 chests in it.

 Open them all to get 500GP, 1000GP, 1500GP, and nothing! Yes, the last chest
 is empty. None of the clocks in here contains Elixirs either, so don't bother
 with them. Now, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head pretty far
 west. So far west that you are past the first door in the room. At that point,
 walk around the bottom part of the screen, where the black is. Eventually, you
 will find a staircase leading to another room.

 In this next room, open the two chests in here to get a Hyper Wrist Reilc, and
 the RunningShoes Relic. Give the Hyper Wrist to Edgar, and the RunningShoes to
 Locke. After you've equipped yourself with these new found Relics, exit this
 hidden room. Now, in the house of the old servant of the richest man in town,
 you'll find a Tonic in the lower floor of the house, to the east, located in a
 bucket to the east of a yellow jar.

 Now, the house is located, if you are wondering, just southwest of the item
 shop. There are plenty of other items in South Figaro to get, but they all
 turn into something better in the World of Ruin (most of them, anyway), so I
 won't tell you where to get them. Now, about that guy dressed in black that we
 saw when we first got into the town: I told you we'd deal with him, right? We
 will, right now.

 Head over to the pub, which is located to the east of the Relic Shop. Once you
 get inside the pub, go up the stairs and head all the way east, and you'll see
 the guy dressed in black at the counter with his dog, Interceptor. This guy is
 none other than Shadow, as you'll find out by talking to him. After talking to
 Shadow, go ahead and exit South Figaro.

 World Map

 Ah, we're back on the World Map yet again, are we? This time, head northeast
 of South Figaro, then enter the small house there, which is Sabin's House.

 Sabin's House

 Go through the door into the house. Inside, Edgar recognizes the smell in the
 house. Examine the bucket in the northwes corner of the room to get a Tonic.
 Now, you can use Sabin's bed to fully restore your HP/MP, so feel free to do
 so if you need to. At any rate, when you're done here, exit this place

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, head south, east, and north, then save your game and
 enter the mountain there, known as Mt. Kolts.

 Mt. Kolts

 When you arrive here (this is the hard dungeon I was talking about in Figaro
 Cave, by the way), simply go up the stairs and follow the path out of this
 first room into the next area. In this outside area, simply head east into the
 next area. In this next area, head south, then east, past the huge rock that
 looks like it's blocking your path (it's really not), then go southwest into
 another outside area. Out here, grab the chest you see for a Guardian weapon.

 Give that weapon to Locke since it's much better than the MithrilBlade. Now,
 go back inside the previous room. Back in the previous room, head to the
 northeastern corner of the room. When you are there, you'll see a wall that
 looks to be blocking your path. Like the rock, it really isn't. Go east as far
 as you can, then take one step north. Then, take two steps east, one step
 south, then go north up the stairway into a hidden room.

 In this room, open the chest to get an Atlas Armlet. This is a Relic, which
 boosts your physical fight damage by quite a bit. I suggest you equip this on
 Edgar, since it will boost the power of his AutoCrossbow Tool, which is a very
 good thing. Now, exit this hidden room, and continue onward through the
 mountain until you come across two cave entrances. Take the first one you come
 across (the rightmost one), then open the chest you come to for a Tent.

 Now, take the leftmost cave this time, then keep following the path up the
 mountain, following the shadowy figure until you come across a bridge. Cross
 the bridge when you come to it, then go through the cave entrance into the
 next room. In this small room, get on the Save Point, use a Tent, and save
 your game. Now, go ahead and go east and exit this area. In the outside area
 you come to, simply follow the _VERY_ long slopes until you reach the shadowy
 figure who has been near you throughout your journey up this mountain.

 It turns out that the shadowy figure is none other than Vargas, one of
 Duncan's students (Duncan also trained Sabin in the ways of martial arts, so
 Vargas and Sabin are connected somehow, wouldn't you agree?), who has trained
 in the ways of martial arts. Don't talk to Vargas just yet, but instead give
 Locke the Atlas Armlet, and give Edgar the Hyper Wrist, I guess. Keep the
 RunningShoes on Locke, though.

 After that, talk to Vargas, who will enter combat against you. Read the Bosses
 section of this FAQ to see how to defeat Vargas. After Vargas is defeated,
 Sabin and your group will talk for a minute, then Sabin will join your group
 after the dialogue. Once you regain control, go through the cave entrance that
 Vargas was blocking. In this next room, simply open the chest to get a Tent,
 then continue out of the mountain completely.

 World Map

 Head all the way north and you'll eventually come to a cave. Enter it, then go
 north into the Returner's Hideout.

 Returner's Hideout

 When you arrive here, talk to the nearby guard, then he'll tell you to follow
 him. He'll escort you to a door, where you'll regain control. Before you go
 inside the door, let's collect as many items as we can, shall we? Starting
 off, go to the jar by the nearby golden armor (it's just east of the stairs
 that you have to go up to get to the door the guard escorted you to) and check
 it out go get a Green Cherry.

 After that, head through the door northeast of where the guard at the start
 was. Inside the room you come to, open the chest to get a Fenix Down. Now, go
 ahead and enter the door that the guard escorted you to when you first got
 here. Inside the room you arrive in, you'll see Banon, who wants to speak with
 Terra. Before talking to him though, go ahead and open the chest in here to
 get a Potion.

 Now, save your game at the Save Point in here, then talk to Banon. Banon will
 tell you how you are the last ray of hope that this world has, and that you
 now confront terrible evils. He'll then go rest in bed, because he is very
 tired, or so he says. The next morning, you'll wake up as Terra, right next to
 Locke. Talk to Locke, then exit this room. Now, go and talk to Sabin, who is
 by the golden armor that the jar containing the Green Cherry is.

 Note that there is also a shop in the main room, so stock up some items there
 if you need any (this shop sells Potions, by the way, so get those for sure).
 Also, there is an Inn in the room just below the one with the shop, just to
 let you know.

 Once you do that, go into the room where Banon was. There, you'll find Edgar.
 Talk to him. Now that you've talken to your party members, let's go and get
 the remaining items in here, shall we? Starting off, head just north of the
 entrance and you'll come across a bridge. Cross it, then continue north into
 the next room. In this room, go north and open the three chests to get a Fenix
 Down, an Air Anchor, and a True Knight Relic.

 Now, examine the pot and jar beside the chests to get an Antidote and a
 Tincture. After getting those, search around the wall east of the brown crates
 in this room, then you'll find a secret passage, which you can go through.
 Follow that secret passage to a chest containing a White Cape Relic. These
 boost your M.Block by 10%, so they're pretty handy to have. At any rate, exit
 the room once you acquire the White Cape.

 Back in the main room, talk to the guard blocking the entrance to the hideout.
 He'll let you outside to see Banon. Once outside, talk to Banon. If you tell
 him you'll become their hope, then he'll give you a Gauntlet Relic, which
 allows you to hold a weapon with both hands for more damage. If you tell Banon
 that you won't be his ray of hope three times in a row, then you'll receive
 the Genji Glove Relic from a guard a few minutes later.

 It's up to you. The Genji Glove allows you to equip two weapons at one time.
 The downside to this is that you won't have a shield, but the Gauntlet
 restricts shields, too, so oh well. I personally think you should go for the
 Genji Glove, since it's far superior to the Gauntlet Relic. You can only have
 one of the two Relics, so choose carefully. The only other thing saying no
 three times or yes changes is the plot. If you say you'll be their ray of
 hope, then you'll see a cutscene where Banon and everybody else talk.

 If you say no to Banon three times, then that meeting between Banon and the
 rest of the Returners won't happen. Anyway, whether or not you say yes to
 Banon or not (which I don't think you should), eventually a guard will come in
 the main room of the hideout and collapse, because the Empire beat him up. The
 Empire is coming from South Figaro to the hideout, so your group has to work
 very quickly.

 Locke goes to South Figaro to stymie the efforts of the Empire (in other
 words, hold them off), while the rest of your group (including Banon) goes to
 the Lete River to escape to Narshe. Once you finally regain control, it's time
 to reequip yourself with some better things. I suggest that you give Sabin the
 Mithril Shld that you have now that Locke is gone. Give Sabin Locke's Plumed
 Hat, too. Give Terra the White Cape (replace it with the Star Pendant, since
 you no longer need them).

 Give Edgar the Atlas Armlet (replacing the Star Pendant), then give Edgar the
 RunningShoes Relic. Give Terra anything for her second Relic. Finally, give
 Sabin a Hyper Wrist and a True Knight Relic. Now that you've equipped yourself
 once more, exit this area and you'll arrive in the room Banon was originally
 in. Save your game here, then go the southern part of the room and exit back
 to the area you were in when you reequipped yourself.

 Back in that room, head all the way south into the Lete River, but be sure
 your group is in the Back Row. No one needs to be in the Front Row, since you
 won't really be using physical attacks here.

 Lete River

 When you get here, approach the edge of the cliff, then choose to get on the
 raft. If Banon dies, then you'll get a game over, which is why I told you to
 put him in the Back Row. Banon's physical attack is TERRIBLE but thankfully,
 he has a special ability called Health, which doesn't cost any MP, and heals
 your party members' HP quite a bit. Anyway, you'll have to fight enemies while
 you are riding the raft.

 Shortly after getting on the raft, you'll come to a point where you have to
 choose either to straight, left, or right. Go left. Eventually, you'll come to
 a cave. Inside of that cave, save your game when you get off the raft. There
 are no random encounters here. Now, get back on the raft. Eventually, you'll
 come to a point where you have to choose to either go straight or left. Go
 left again.

 You'll come to a cave eventually again, so use a Tent and save your game at
 the Save Point. Now, get back on the raft and you'll eventually come across an
 octopus. Reed the Bosses section to see how to beat him. Upon defeating the
 purple octopus Ultros, Sabin falls into the water, and is carried away by the
 currents away from your group. Your group continues to ride the raft towards

 After the cutscene, you'll be in control of Mog. Save your game at the nearby
 Save Point, then press A in front of any of the party members there to start
 their scenario. I suggest doing Terra, Banon, and Edgar's scenario first,
 since it is the easiest and shortest one, so this walkthrough will be assuming
 you are doing the scenarios in the order I did them in.

 Terra, Banon, and Edgar's Scenario

 You'll arrive on the World Map with Terra, Banon, and Edgar in your party when
 you finish the rest of your journey through the Lete River. Keep them in the
 Back Row, and keep their equipment the same.

 World Map

 Here, simply head west and north and enter Narshe.


 When you get inside Narshe, head all the way west, past the Classroom, until
 you are up against the wall. At that point, head all the way north as far as
 you can, then press A when you are facing the wall. A secret passage should
 open up that will lead you inside the mines. Once it opens up, go inside.

 Mines of Narshe

 When you get into the mines, simply follow the path into the next area. In
 this outside area, go south, west, and north and up the stairs, then continue
 into the next area. In this next area, simply follow the path out of this area
 and into the next one. When you reach the next room, go north a bit and you'll
 see a ray of light move around the many rocks in the room. Your group thinks
 that you should follow that light in order to get out of the room.

 They are right. That is what you have to do. Simply memorize the pattern of
 the light, and follow it into the next room. If you fail to follow the path of
 where the light goes, then you might have to fight a random encounter (you
 won't always, be you usually do). You might want to fight that random
 encounter for the sake of a complete Rage list later on. At any rate, once you
 follow the light's path, you'll be by the door to the exit of the room. Exit.

 In this next area (boy, this looks familiar, doesn't it?), simply make your
 way to the southeast part of the room until you find the exit. At that point,
 exit the area. Note that the chest on the right has changed into a slightly
 better item since your last visit, and you can get a Rune Edge by going into
 the Moogle Lair, but I don't recommend opening either chest. When you exit the
 room, you'll be outside again.

 Head east as far as you can go, until you can't go east any further. At that
 point, go south into Arvis' House. Once inside though, unequip Edgar and Terra
 of their Relics. Then, head south through the door and a cutscene will occur,
 as Arvis and Banon talk. Edgar says a few things too. After the cutscene, you
 will regain control of Mog, and have to choose another scenario. Save your
 game, and choose Sabin's.

 Sabin's Scenario

 You'll arrive on the World Map, by a lone shack as Sabin.

 World Map

 First off, equip Sabin with a White Cape and a Star Pendant. Then, enter the
 nearby shack that you see.


 Here, you'll see Shadow, as well as a merchant selling some goods. Talk to the
 merchant and buy 99 Shurikens from him. It won't cost you but 2970 GP, so go
 ahead and do that. Shurikens are also pretty powerful throughout the game, so
 buy them. After that, I suggest you buy some Tonics, Fenix Downs, and a couple
 of Tents, if you have the money. When you're done shopping, talk to Shadow,
 and invite him to your group.

 Then, exit this place.

 World Map

 Now that you're back on the World Map, equip Shadow with a Plumed Hat, if you
 have one. If you don't have one, go back into the shack and buy one for him.
 Also, equip Shadow with the Atlas Armlet and the Genji Glove Relics. Put
 Shadow in the Front Row, but keep Sabin in the Back Row, since he can just use
 AuraBolt to kill every enemy you encounter. At any rate, head east until you
 see a forest.

 At that point, head all the way south until you see a small patch of desert.
 Save your game and enter into the desert patch, and you'll arrive in the
 Imperial Camp.

 Imperial Camp

 Once you get here, you'll see two soldiers talking about how bad Kefka is.
 Ironically, Kefka comes to where they are to make sure they are keeping a
 sharp lookout. Kefka then leaves, then the two soldiers are forced to join the
 assault team that is about to attack Doma Castle. The scene then switches to
 Doma Castle, where an army of Imperial soldiers attack Doma Castle.

 Doma Castle

 Here, you'll see two soldiers talking like it is too late for Doma, and that
 it is the end of their kingdom. Cyan, the best of Doma's swordsmen, comes in
 the room to try and fight off the Imperials. When you gain control of Cyan
 outside, talk to the commander, who is the one dressed in black (as if you
 couldn't figure that out already without my help). You'll then enter combat
 against him.

 To defeat him, simply have Cyan use his Retort SwdTech, which is the second
 SwdTech. It is sure to kill him. After you defeat the commander, the other
 soldiers will run away in fear. The scene then switches back to the Imperial
 Camp, where you finally have control of Sabin again.

 Imperial Camp

 Enter the easternmost tent, then once inside, press A in front of the chest.
 It's locked, so select the "Kick it" option to unlock it. You'll then attract
 the attention of the dog outside the tent, and you'll have to fight it. It is
 easy to defeat, so don't worry about dying. Once you defeat the Doberman, open
 the chest to get a Star Pendant. Now, exit this tent.

 Now go ahead and continue through the Imperial Camp (the leftmost tent, by the
 way, contains nothing) and you'll come across General Leo and a soldier having
 a conversation very shortly. After the dialogue, General Leo is summoned by
 Emperor Gestahl. Leo leaves Doma in the soldier's hands. You'll then regain
 control briefly, so head south and your group will hide again.

 Then Kefka and Leo talk for a minute, then Leo leaves. Kefka then goes to
 poison the river of Doma to kill all the inhabitants of Doma. Your group then
 goes and attacks Kefka. He's easy to beat, just attack him once and the fight
 will be over. After you attack Kefka, he'll run away. Talk to Kefka, then he
 will run away again. Don't talk to him just yet, but instead, go inside the
 tent to the northwest of where Kefka is standing.

 Once inside, open the eastern chest to get a MithrilGlove. Then, open the left
 chest to fight another Monster-in-a-box battle. You'll fight the Telstar
 enemy. To defeat it, have Sabin use AuraBolt (Telstar will use Magizerk after
 you use AuraBolt, which means only one AuraBolt throughout the battle, but oh
 well, at least you get to use one AuraBolt), and have Shadow throw Shurikens.
 He shouldn't take very long to defeat.

 After you defeat Telstar, you'll get a Green Beret for defeating him. Give it
 to Sabin. Now, exit this tent and go behind the tent (you have to be standing
 in the gap between the crates for this to work) and press Up on the D-Pad to
 jump over to the tent to the north. Go inside the tent once you reach it, and
 inside, open the chest to get a Barrier Ring. Replace the Star Pendant Sabin
 has on with this Relic, the Barrier Ring.

 Since it'll boost Sabin's Magic Power by 2, you should give it to him, since
 that'll give his AuraBolt an increase in damage. Now that you have the Barrier
 Ring, go back and talk to Kefka. You'll have to fight him again, so just hit
 him once to beat him. He'll run away again, like usual. Talk to him again,
 then he'll send some enemies after you. Beat them by using AuraBolt/Shurikens.
 After you defeat the enemies, the scene switch to Kefka poisoning the river.

 After the river gets poisoned, the scene switches to Doma Castle again.

 Doma Castle

 Cyan and one of the soldiers of Doma will witness the entire people of Doma,
 except for themselves, die because of the poison. Eventually, you'll regain
 control of Cyan. When you do, head through the door to the north, then go down
 the stairs in the following room to reach the main room of the castle. When
 you reach the main room, head south through the door. Cyan will then go to the
 king's room, only to see the king die shortly after he enters the room.

 After the king dies, you'll regain control, so head to the southeastern corner
 of the room and enter the door there after you exit the king's room. Inside
 this next room, examine the jar to find a Remedy. Now, exit this room and head
 through the door to the east of the king's room. Inside, you'll find Cyan's
 wife, Elayne, and his son, Owain, killed by the poison. Cyan, filled with
 anger, goes to the Imperial Camp to seek vengeance.

 Imperial Camp

 Here, you'll see Cyan fighting two Imperial soldiers by himself. If you step
 in front of Cyan and talk to him, he'll hit you out of the way. Talk to Cyan
 from the side to help him fight the Imperial soldiers. After you defeat them,
 you'll have to fight two more battles like that, so talk to Cyan from the side
 each time to help him fight them. If you step in front of him and talk to him,
 he'll hit you out of the way again.

 Once you defeat the three battles you have to fight, your group will get into
 some Magitek suits. Once you regain control, head east as far as you can and
 fight the two battles along the way. Then, at the split, head north. You'll
 eventually have to fight another battle, so fight it. After that, continue
 north and your group will get out of the Magitek suits. Your group will then
 exit the Imperial Camp completely.

 World Map

 Now that we're out of that dreadful place, equip Cyan with the Black Belt
 Relic if you managed to get it from fighting the commander in Doma Castle. For
 the second Relic, give him whatever you want (perhaps the MithrilGlove?). At
 any rate, whenever you're ready, head west, south, and east and you'll come
 across a bridge. Cross it, then save your game and head east and south into
 the forest there, known as Phantom Forest.

 Phantom Forest

 When you arrive here, head east into the next area. In the following area, use
 the recovery spring to recover your HP/MP if you need it. At any rate, go east
 and then south into the next area. In this next area, head east into the next
 area. In this next new area, go east once more into the next area when you
 come to it. In this next area, go north and a cutscene will occur, as your
 group enters the train there, known as Phantom Train.

 Once inside, the train starts to move. Your group then realizes they need to
 get off, but it is already too late.

 Phantom Train

 Try and exit the train, but you won't be able to. You'll then regain control
 after Cyan tells you about the Phantom Train, so head east into the next car.
 In this car, you'll see a ghost. Talk to it, then allow it join your party.
 Even though it is only a temporary party member, it'll help you defeat a hard
 enemy in here, so take him. Just don't use Possess with him, or you'll kill
 him off.

 After recruiting Mr. Creepy, enter the door in here. Inside, you'll find the
 Impresario, as well as a switch on the wall. The Impresario can answer your
 questions, whereas pressing the switch will activate a cutscene with Cyan and
 Sabin. Go to the northwest corner of the room and face the wall. Then, head
 two steps south, then one step north and press A on the ground to get a hidden
 Tent. Now, rest/save at the Save Point, then exit the room.

 Head back to the starting car, then head west and out of the car. In the
 outside area you coem to, head west into the next car. In this car, like the
 previous car, you'll find a few of ghosts walking around. One ghost will sell
 you some items, so buy some if you need some, but either way, head west and
 out of this car, into the next area. In this outside area, go west and enter
 the door leading into the next car.

 In this next car, walk around a bit and a ghost will block the exit out of the
 car. Talk to it to engage in a battle with it. Defeat it, then exit this car.
 Outside, tons of ghosts will surround you, blocking your escape routes. Go up
 the ladder and then they will follow you. Go left and Sabin will jump to the
 other side with the rest of your group, but that still is not enough. Head
 into the nearby car and flip the switch on the wall.

 This will cause the ghosts that were following you to follow you no more! Now,
 go back inside the car you were just in and press the switch again to clear
 the way into the rest of the car. Rest/save at the Save Point, then head all
 the way west and out of this car. In the outside area you come to, as usual,
 go west into the next car. In this restauraunt car, you can sit at one of the
 tables and order some food, which will fully restore your HP/MP.

 After you do that (if you do it), exit this car and go behind the car and then
 enter it from behind. Back in the restauraunt car, open the chest to get an
 Earring Relic. Earrings boost your Magic Power. Don't bother equipping it, but
 instead, go ahead and exit this car. Back in the outside area again, head west
 into the next car. In this car, enter the first door you come to and open the
 chest and you'll fight Siegfried.

 Siegfried here is not the real Siegfried, who is very skilled with a sword.
 This one is a phoney. Let's beat him up, shall we (not like we have much of a
 choice)? To defeat him, just attack him once. His attack that he does does
 maybe 8 damage each hit, so don't worry. After defeating Siegfried, he takes
 the treasure that was in the chest and runs. Exit this room and continue going
 west and enter the next door when you come to it.

 Inside, you should notice two empty tiles to the left of the bench. The left
 tile has a Tent, so press A to get it. exit the car. Now, head west again into
 the next car. In this car, head west, past the first door you come to, then
 enter the second door you come across. In this room, open all the chests to
 fight a Monster-in-a-box, get a Fenix Down, a Sniper Sight Relic, and another
 Fenix Down.

 To defeat the Monster-in-a-box, namely Specter, just have the ghost use his
 Possess ability. It doesn't always work, but it usually does. Possess will
 slay Specter in one hit. For your victory, you get another Hyper Wrist. How
 worthless. Exit this room and continue west out of this car. When you get
 outside again, head west and go through the door into a small room with a Save
 Point. Rest/save your game, then exit the room.

 Back outside yet again, go west and go through the door you come across. You
 will arrive in a small room with three switches. Press the ones on the left
 and right, leaving the middle one alone. Then, exit the room and head west
 again when you get outside and approach the steam pipe and press A. You'll
 fight the GhostTrain, so read the Bosses section to see how to win here. After
 you win, Cyan will see his wife and child going to the other side since they
 are dead.

 Cyan will try and go after them, but they get inside the train and it's too
 late to stop them. When you regain control of Sabin, head east and south and
 exit this creepy place.

 World Map

 Finally back on the World Map, deequip Shadow his entire set of equipment; his
 weapons, armors, relics, everything. After you do that, head south, east, and
 north, towards a cave entrance. Give Sabin Shadow's Ninja Gear, then give
 Cyan the Black Belt Relic if he doesn't already got it, then give him the
 Genji Glove Relic. Replace the Star Pendant Sabin has with the Atlas Armlet
 Relic, then give Sabin a filler Relic (the Barrier Ring, perhaps?).

 Then, enter the cave.

 Baron Falls

 Go north through the first two areas. You'll come to a cliff overlooking the
 Veldt, as well as a huge river. Approach the cliff and Shadow will leave your
 group. Walk way from the cliff and approach it again, then choose to jump off.
 You'll then fight tons of Piranha enemies. They only have 10 HP each, so just
 attack them to defeat them. After you defeat a lot of Piranhas, the monster
 Piranha, Rizopas, will appear.

 I won't classify him as a boss, but he can be one tough customer, especially
 if you are playing an LLG. To defeat him, have Cyan use Dispatch and Sabin use
 AuraBolt. Simple, isn't it? Rizopas attacks with El Nino sometimes, which can
 deal upwards of 250 damage to both Sabin and Cyan, so watch out. After you
 beat Rizopas, you'll float up to the surface of a place called "The Veldt",
 where a boy named Gau, checks you to make sure you are okay.

 The Veldt

 Here, you'll be introduced to Gau. After Sabin asks who he is, Gau runs away
 and you regain control, so go south and exit this small area to be on the real
 part of The Veldt. Once you get on The Veldt for the first time, there are
 some things that you should know. First off, any enemy you encounter in the
 game (well, almost any enemy) will appear here for you to fight later, which
 is why The Veldt is a prime spot to get money in an LLG (enemies don't give
 you experience here either, just money, so that's why I said that.

 The enemies that appear here, Gau can learn Rages from by using his Leap
 command (the game explains it, so I won't go into too much detail about it
 here). Anyway, after you arrive on The Veldt, simply head to the notheastern
 corner of The Veldt and enter the town there, known as Mobliz. Also note that
 you have a random chance of encountering Gau on The Veldt after you win a

 Since you don't have the Dried Meat to recruit him yet, just hit him if you
 see him.


 In here, head over to the item shop. Once there, buy some Dried Meat, and
 stock up on anything you may need. Also, buy Sabin a MithrilClaw if you don't
 have it yet, and be sure to buy Cyan a Kotetsu, or buy two for him if you have
 the Genji Glove Relic on him and the Black Belt, which you should if you have
 been using my FAQ. Now, buy two Magus Hats, two Heavy Shlds, a Plumed Hat, and
 finally two Iron Armors.

 If you don't have the money, get it by fighting in the Veldt. After you're
 done shopping, exit this shop and know that there is a side quest you can do
 here. It's a long and repetitive one, and the item you get from doing it isn't
 really worth the time, effort, and money that it takes, but if you want to do
 it, I'll tell you how.

 There is a wounded lad in this town. To get to his location, enter the house
 behind the Weapon/Armor shop. Once inside, you'll find the wounded lad I spoke
 of in the northeastern part of the room, along with a letter on the desk. The
 letter is from his love, Lola. Talk to the wounded lad, then go over to the
 desk and pick up the letter. Then, exit this house and go the one directly to
 the east. Inside, examine the clock to get an Elixir.

 Then, talk to the old man by the clock and tell him you will send the letter
 for 500 GP. After you do that, go to the Relic Shop and talk to the owner (you
 can also use the bed in the back of the shop to rest for free). After talking
 to the Relic Shop owner, go back to the wounded lad's house and pick up the
 letter that has just arrived. Then, exit this house and visit the house to the

 Talk to the old man in there, then send the letter for 500 GP. Then, go back
 to the Relic Shop, talk to the owner, then go back into the wounded lad's
 house and read the next letter. Send it off for 500 more GP. Repeat this two
 more times, then talk to the wounded lad and he'll give you the Tintinabar
 Relic, since he knows now that you have been sending letters to Lola in his
 stead. The Tintinabar Relic gradually recovers your HP with each step.

 Not an inherently useful Relic, but hey, at least you helped someone, right?
 Now that the side quest in this over, exit this town.

 The Veldt

 Back on The Veldt, keep fighting enemies until you encounter Gau again. Give
 him the Dried Meat item you just bought from Mobliz and then a very long scene
 with Gau, Cyan, and Sabin will commence, as Gau joins your group to give you a
 treasure in thanks for giving him Dried Meat. After Gau joins your group, you
 will get an explanation of how to use his Rage command, as well as learn new
 Rages. After that, you'll regain control, so head to the southern part of The

 Once there, you should find a cave entrance. It leads to Crescent Mountain,
 the place where Gau's treasure that he wants to give you is. Before you enter
 there, though, save your game and fight some random encounters to gain Gau
 some new Rages, as well as get some money. Fight till you get at least 30000
 to 40000 GP. It takes a good bit, but it's worth it.

 Some noteworthy Rages to get right now are: Stray Cat (Catscratch), Hazer
 (Bolt 2), Templar (Fire 2), Pterodon (Fire Ball), Over-Mind (Elf Fire),
 Marshal (Wind Slash), Dark Wind (Break), Telstar (Sonic Boom), Vaporite
 (Blaze), and Trilium (Bio). You should try and collect as many Rages as you
 can, but those are the most important ones that you can get right now.

 After you're done collecting money and getting new Rages, use a Tent and save
 your game, then enter Crescent Mountain.

 Crescent Mountain

 When you arrive here, a short scene will occur. After it's over, head north
 from the entrance seven steps, then head west three steps, then head north one
 step, west two steps, then north one step, then finally west one more step and
 a scene will activate, as Gau finds your group a Tonic, which is added to your
 inventory. Now, keep going through this area and you'll come to a ramp shortly
 (it's hard to see, but it's there; it's in the northern part of the area).

 Go up that ramp, then go north one step, then go west and another scene will
 activate, as Gau takes 500 GP from your money. Now, keep going through the
 place until you come across a helmet that allows you to breathe underwater.
 This is Gau's treasure which he spoke of. After your group takes the treasure,
 they hop into the current. This is your next destination, namely the Serpent

 Serpent Trench

 Once you get here, you'll ride the current and encounter random encounters as
 you ride the current. When given the option of which direction you want to
 take, either left or right, take the right path. You'll eventually come to a
 cave-like area with a chest to the east. Open it to get an X-Potion. Then, go
 ahead and exit this area via the northern exit. You'll now continue to ride
 the current, encountering monsters as you do so.

 Eventually, you'll have to choose between the left and the right path, so
 choose the right path again and you'll come to another cave-like area. Here,
 head west and north and go through the exit into the next cave-like area. In
 this area, head to the southeastern corner and step on the switch to drain the
 water in the room. After that, go down the stairs where the pool of water used
 to be, then step on the hole to reach the next area.

 In this next cave-like area, open the chest to get a Green Beret. Give this to
 Gau or Cyan, if you didn't already give them both one by fighting Telstars on
 The Veldt. At any rate, after opening the chest, make your way out of the room
 by following the path out of it. After that, you'll ride the currents for a
 few more seconds before you get washed up on the shores of Nikeah.


 When you arrive here, don't board the ferry leading to South Figaro just yet.
 Instead, head into the town itself. Once there, head over to the armor shop
 and buy two Silk Robes, since you'll need them soon. Now, go to the Item Shop
 and buy some Fenix Downs and Potions if you are low on them. Then, go ahead
 and enter the Inn and examine the clock there to get another Elixir. Now, the
 one last thing for you to do here is check out the Cafe.

 Inside, you'll find a blonde-headed girl. If you talk to her, she'll want Cyan
 to dance with her. Cyan gets mad about it, and even insults her. After the
 scene, unequip all your party members of their Relics, as well as uneqip Sabin
 of his Ninja Gear. Now, go back to the boat area, talk to the old man running
 it, and tell him to take you to South Figaro.

 Your group will say a few words, and this long and boring scenario is now
 over. Only one more to go.

 Locke's Scenario

 You'll arrive in South Figaro, and you'll be in control of Locke (obviously).

 South Figaro

 Once you gain control of Locke, equip him the following: Air Lancet, Green
 Beret, Ninja Gear, and for the Relics, give him the Atlas Armlet and the Genji
 Glove. Put him in the Front Row, too. Now that you're prepared, start off by
 going to the Item Shop. Once inside, speak with the merchant, who will enter
 combat against you. Use the Steal command until you manage to strip him of his
 clothing. After you get his clothing, exit the Item Shop.

 Now, head south of the Item Shop and enter the building there. Once there, go
 downstairs and talk to the little boy. Since you are a merchant, he'll let you
 pass. Now, go through the door leading out of the house. Back outside, go to
 the Weapon/Armor shop, and east of it, you'll find some stairs. Go up them.
 After that, follow the path west, then when it splits, go south and talk to
 the Imperial soldier dressed in green and steal his clothes, too when you
 fight him.

 After that, head back down the stairs that led you to this high area. Then, go
 south, then west, then north, and then finally west again when you emerge from
 the stairs. Eventually, you'll come across an Imperial solider dressed in
 brown just south of the Magitek Knight. Talk to him, and he'll move out of the
 way. Now, go into the Cafe. Once there, go downstairs. You'll find another
 merchant here. Talk to him, and then steal his clothes, as well as his cider.

 When that is done, exit this room. Back outside, head south of the stairs that
 led you to the area with the Imperial soldier dressed in green, then go behind
 the house of the servant of the richest man in town. Once you get inside, talk
 to the boy and he'll let you through again. Go upstairs and talk to the old man
 and you'll give him the cider you stole earlier automatically. He'll drink it,
 and tell you to go downstairs and give his grandson the password.

 Once downstairs, talk to the boy and he'll ask you what the password is. Tell
 him it's "Courage", then he'll open the secret passage out of the house for
 you, so go through it when you regain control. In the room you come to, go
 down the stairs and you'll appear in a room with many objects and a clock. Go
 up the stairs and through the door out of the room. Now, head to the northwest
 part of the room and go up the stairs into the next room.

 In this previously visited room, head through the first door you come to then
 go behind the bookshelf in the following room to appear in the next room. Once
 there, go down the stairs to appear in yet another new room. In this room, go
 east and south and you'll have the option to change clothes. If you stay in
 your merchant oufit, you'll slightly change the upcoming dialogue with Celes.
 I suggest you don't change, since you can see some Star Wars wannabe dialogue.

 If you change your clothes back to normal Locke's clothes, then you'll get the
 dialogue you were intended to get. At any rate, whether or not you change your
 clothes, head south, then east and you'll see a scene with Celes and two of
 the Empire's soldiers. One of the soldiers attacks Celes for betraying the
 Empire. When you finally regain control of Locke, go inside the room and talk
 to Celes. Untie her.

 She'll then join your group after some dialogue. When you finally regain
 control, talk to the sleeping soldier and take the Clock Key from him. Then,
 go ahead and exit the room. Now, head into the next door you come across and
 save your game. Then, continue into the next room you come to. In this room,
 examine the second clock you come across, then use the Clock Key on it to open
 up a secret door. Go through it.

 In this room, put Celes in the Back Row, then equip her with the following:
 MithrilBlade, Heavy Shld, Magus Hat, Silk Robe, and for Relics, give her an
 Earring, and a White Cape (you'll get another Earring in just a minute). Now,
 head east and southwest to a chest containing an Iron Armor. Don't equip it,
 but instead continue along the maze until you come across a split to the

 It's hard to see, but if you look carefully, there will be an end to the black
 to the south, so that's why I called it a split, because it is. Take that
 split south and then west to a chest containing some Earrings. Give the
 Earrings to Celes, replacing her White Cape. Now, head back east and then go
 north, but not all the way. Instead, keep trying to move west until you can.
 At that point, follow the path and go down the stairs to the next room.

 In this room, head south and open the chest to get an Ether. The bucket has
 nothing in it, so head back north and then open the remaining chests in the
 room to get the following items: X-Potion, Ribbon. The Ribbon is located in a
 chest just south of the one with the X-Potion in it. You can't see it, cause
 it is in the black, but you can feel it as you walk. After pillaging the place
 of its items, exit this area via the stairs.

 Back in the maze area, go north of the split that went south, then go east
 when the path splits, then go south and west to two chests containing a Heavy
 Shld and a RegalCutlass. Give Celes the RegalCutlass and head just east of the
 chest that contained the Earrings Relic, then go up the stairs out of this
 maze. Try and go through the door and Celes and Locke will say a few things,
 then you'll regain control, so go through it and exit the town by going east.

 World Map

 Sabin's house still has the bed in it where you can rest, so do that if you
 need to (which you probably do). After that, go west and north of South Figaro
 and enter Figaro Cave. Save before entering.

 Figaro Cave

 Upon your arrival in Figaro Cave, you should know that new and tougher enemies
 inhabit the place. They shouldn't be too much of a problem, however. I suggest
 you do train until you are Level 15-16 with Celes and Locke. After that, make
 your way to the area with the recovery spring and use it to recover your
 HP/MP (leave the chests unopened, though, since they house much better in the
 World of Ruin). Then, head south and you'll encounter TunnelArmr, your next
 boss fight.

 Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat TunnelArmr. Once you defeat him,
 the scene will switch back to Narshe, where a decisive battle with the Empire
 is about to take place.


 You'll see a very long scene with all of your party members, as well as Banon,
 Arvis, and the Narshe elder. They talk about defending the Esper from the
 Empire, and how an attack from the Empire is imminent. Eventually, you'll go
 out to battle the Empire in the snowy hills of Narshe. You'll now face your
 second multi-party battle. Since there are only seven party members, you'll
 have to divide them a certain way.

 I suggest you put your four strongest party members in one group, then the
 second group should contain two of your second strongest party members. Then
 finally, the last group should contain your weakest party member. Here's the
 party members I had in each group:

 Group 1 - Celes, Gau, Cyan, Edgar
 Group 2 - Sabin, Locke
 Group 3 - Terra

 Put who you want in each group, but that's how I did it. Also, be sure that
 each magic user is placed in the Back Row (this would include Gau, too, since
 he's a magic user with his Rages). After your party is configured, talk to
 Banon (Be sure to equip the stuff you've obtained throughout your journey on
 your party members by standing in front of them and pressing A to gain control
 of them. This would include giving Celes Earrings, etc.) and tell him that you
 are ready, but save your game first.

 Your group will then be ready to fight. I suggest placing each group beside
 Banon. Group one should just fight any enemies they can, to ensure that the
 other parties don't have to fight quite as much (your weaker parties could
 fall very easily here, so fight as many enemies as possible with your best
 group, which should be group one), while group two is positioned RIGHT beside
 Banon to the south of him.

 Finally, group three should be positioned to the right of Banon (and I mean
 right beside him). Heal up after every battle, so that you won't die. When all
 enemy groups are defeated (both green and brown-colored soldiers), go all the
 way south towards Kefka and fight the patrolling soldier dressed in brown that
 is guarding him. After that, heal up your HP/MP and talk to Kefka to fight
 him. Read the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to defeat him.

 Once you defeat Kefka, he'll escape and your group will go see the Esper that
 at the very top of the mountains. Terra will go ballistic again, then she'll
 turn into her Esper form and fly off towards Zozo, which we'll get to go to
 later on in the game. After Terra flies off, the scene will switch ot Arvis'

 Arvis' House

 When you wake up as Locke, some dialogue will commence, as your group decides
 who is to go find Terra. The party members whom you decide not to take with
 you to find Terra will stay behind in Narshe. You can only have a maximum of
 four party members with you. Here's the party I took, so this FAQ will be
 under the assumption that you took them too: Celes, Locke, Edgar, and Gau. If
 you take only three party members with you, you can recruit Shadow into your
 group again when you reach Kohlingen, which you'll get to shortly.

 He charges you 3000 GP before he joins you. I don't suggest inviting him to
 your group though, since it is most certainly not needed, and he is just a
 waste of space in your group if you ask me, since he hasn't really improved
 much since the last time you recruited him. It's your call, though, but I took
 four party members, so this FAQ will be assuming that you did the same thing I

 Anyway, after your party is configured, exit this house.


 Back outside, head over to the Weapon Shop. Once inside, I suggest that you
 buy Locke a Full Moon weapon, and then leave. Now, exit this shop and head
 over to the Armor Shop, which is located behind the Item Shop up some stairs.
 Once inside the Armor Shop, buy four Mithril Shlds, then leave. Now, head over
 to the Item Shop and restock on some more items that you might need. Then, do
 not go into the Relic Shop.

 But instead, head into the Elder's house, which is located just west of the
 Relic Shop. Go up the stairs west of that shop to get there. Once inside, the
 clock has an Elixir in it, so check it out to get it. Now, exit this house and
 head to the south of Arvis' house and enter the small shack you come to. Once
 inside, open up all of the many chests in the room to get the following items:
 5000 GP, Earrings, ThiefKnife, Wall Ring, Sneak Ring, and a Hyper Wrist.

 The chest that is locked in this house will stay locked, so get out after you
 collect those items. Now, since there's nothing better to do, leave Narshe.

 World Map

 Once on the World Map, save your game and head all the way south into the
 desert, then enter Figaro Castle.

 Figaro Castle

 If you have Sabin in your group and Edgar in your group with him, then a scene
 will trigger when you go into the castle with them. By resting in the left
 wing of the castle when Sabin leaves your group, you'll be able to see Sabin
 and Edgar talking about their past. This is a part of the game where you can
 see Sabin leaving Figaro. I suggest you do see it, since it's very cool. If
 you do or do not, go to the Tool shop and buy Edgar some new Tools.

 If Edgar is the leading party member in your group (if you are walking around
 as him), then you'll get a discount on both the items and the Tools in the
 castle. Buy Edgar a Flash Tool and a Drill Tool, then exit the shop. Now, go
 ahead and head to the entrance of the castle (not the outside entrance, but
 the room you come into after you enter the castle) and enter the room on the
 left by going the down stairs.

 In this area, talk to the old man and tell him to carry you to Kohlingen. When
 the castle unburrows and you regain control, exit the castle completely (Sabin
 will join you when you try to leave).

 World Map

 Head to the north of Figaro Castle (I mean a long ways north) and you'll reach
 a shack. Enter it. This is the Future Colosseum.

 Future Colosseum

 Here, examine the jar to get a Hero Ring. These boost physical attack and
 magic attacks, so they are nice to have. Very nice. Exit. Now, head to the
 northwest of Figaro Castle and enter the town there, known as Kohlingen.


 Enter the northwesternmost house if you want to see a scene about Locke and
 Rachel's tragic past (only if you have Locke in your group, does this become
 available). Either way though, enter that house, since the clock there houses
 an Elixir, so examine it. After that, you can go to the Cafe to recruit Shadow
 for 3000 GP if you have three party members instead of four, but I don't
 suggest you do it.

 Regardless of what you do, head to the northeasternmost house next and go
 behind it. Once inside, open the chest behind the golden armor to get a Green
 Beret. Now, exit the house and go through the door if you want to see a crazy
 old man who is watching over Rachel's dead body (go downstairs to get there).
 If you want to see more of Locke's past, talk to Rachel's dead body.

 Note that if you recruit Shadow into your group and keep resting at the Inn,
 you can see three of his four dreams right now (the last one is not viewable
 until the World of Ruin). Other than that, there's nothing of interest in
 Kohlingen, so feel free to exit.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, head all the way south and you'll eventually come to a
 town known as Jidoor. Enter it.


 When you arrive here, head into the northernmost building (the huge building)
 and enter it. Inside, go up the stairs to the right, then go north and examine
 the jar to get a Tincture. Go to the Weapon Shop and buy two Kaisers for
 Sabin. Buy Cyan two Forged weapons. Go over to the Armor Shop and buy two
 White Dresses, and two Mithril Vests for Edgar and Cyan. Buy some Ninja Gears
 for the rest of your group who could use them but doesn't have one.

 Exit the building and rent a Chocobo in the Chocobo Stable in the southeastern
 part of town.

 World Map

 Ride the Chocobo you just bought in Jidoor across the path and you'll come to
 Zozo shortly after that, so dismount the Chocobo, save your game, and enter.


 Once here, you should know that Zozo is more of a dungeon than a town, since
 you have random encounters in this town. The random encounters here are fairly
 difficult, too. The HadesGigas enemy can take away about 300 HP from all party
 members with his Magnitude8 attack, and SlamDancers can use an MT Ice 2 spell,
 as well as an MT Fire 2 and Bolt 2 spell, so have Wall Rings on your party
 members (you might only have one at this point, though) to reflect it back.

 Anyway, when you arrive here, equip any new equipment you have on your party
 (give Locke the ThiefKnife and the Sneak Ring Relic for sure), then go west
 and enter the Cafe. Go up the stairways here, then exit through the exit to
 the east after you quit going up the stairs. Outside, follow the path up the
 stairs and then enter the easternmost door out of the two doors, since the one
 on the left is locked for now, and will stay that way for a long while.

 In the room you come to, open the chest to get a Tincture. Then, exit the room
 and exit the Cafe completely, as well. Back outside, head west and north and
 enter the building that is supposed to be an Inn. You can't rest here, so why
 is it called an Inn? Hmm, weird. Anyway, once inside the Inn, examine the
 nearby clock not to get an Elixir, but to reset its time. The correct time is
 6:10:50, so set it to that to open up a hidden passage to the east.

 Go up the secret passage and open the chest to get a Chain Saw, Edgar's newest
 Tool. This baby has 253 Battle Power to boot. Only downside is Edgar will
 usually wear a mask and use the Chain Saw, which means instant death. This is
 good, but if you do it against a boss, it's bad, so stick with Drill for boss
 fights unless I say not to. Now, head out of the Inn and to the southwest part
 of town and enter the building there, which is the Reilc Shop supposedly.

 Once there, simply keep going up and up until you come across a wooden door.
 Enter the door and open the chest inside to get a Thief Glove Relic. Equip
 that on Locke too in place of the Genji Glove, which he should have on. With
 the Thief Glove and Sneak Ring, as well as the ThiefKnife, Locke is now a
 stealing machine! Exit this room. Now, instead of going up, go back down two
 sets of stairs, since that is your only option at this point.

 After descending the stairs, go north one step, west one step, north one step
 again, then finally two steps west. You'll jump across the window to the other
 building to the left. Nifty, eh? Now, go west and jump to the next building.
 Then, enter the leftmost area (you'll emerge by the rightmost one after you
 jump to the other side) and you'll be inside the building. Once inside, head
 north and west and go up the stairs.

 Then, examine all the pots/jars in the area to get a Potion and a Tincture. Go
 south after getting those two items and exit this building. Back outside, head
 up the obvious path, jumping from building to building when you have to. When
 you come across a second wooden door (you'll come across a first one along the
 way), enter it and open the chest to get a Fire Knuckle for Sabin. Give it to
 him if he's in your group, but either way exit the room.

 Keep going up the remainder of the building until you encounter what appears
 to be a Vargas lookalike. Talk to him and he'll say he'll let you pass. He,
 like the rest of the population of Zozo, lies, so you'll have to fight him.
 Check the Bosses section to see how to win against Dadaluma. Once you defeat
 Dadaluma, the evil martial artist, continue on up the remainder of the tower
 and enter the door you come across.

 In this room, go north, then west and east and open the two chests to get an
 X-Potion and some RunningShoes. Then, continue north and a cutscene will occur
 between your group, and the Esper Ramuh. Ramuh says that he has brought Terra
 here. Terra is in bed and she will not join you. She's not really aware of
 anything that's going on at the moment, unfortunately, so we'll have to wait
 until later to recruit her into our party again.

 After the cutscene is over, Ramuh will turn into Magicite, which is what is
 left of Espers after they pass away. Press A on Ramuh's remains, and grab the
 three other Magicite shards to. You now have your first Espers. Congrats! The
 Esper names are: Ramuh, Stray, Kirin, and Siren. Each have their own different
 attacks they do when you summon them, as well as their own spells they teach
 you, not to mention their level up bonuses.

 Go south after getting the Espers and talk to one of your party members, who
 are waiting for you at the entrance to the room. The group will then talk on
 their way down the building. When the group reaches the entrance to Zozo, they
 will talk about their next course of action. You'll then have to choose two
 party members to put in your group (Locke and Celes are mandatory). I chose to
 put Gau and Edgar in my group, but it's up to you.

 Once again, this FAQ will be assuming you used the party members I did for
 this segment of the game. After you choose your party, exit Zozo.

 World Map

 Head back to Jidoor. You know the way; it's to the southwest.


 When you arrive here, go into the building you went into last time (the huge
 building). Once inside there, talk to the Impresario, who is the man dancing
 around like an idiot. After talking to him, he'll say that Celes looks just
 like "Maria", who is the girl who is supposed to act in the Opera House. Once
 the Impresario runs off and drops the letter, examine it and the person in the
 top right will come and tell you who Setzer is.

 After that, exit this house, as well as the town.

 World Map

 Time to equip your party members with Espers. Give Locke Siren, give Gau
 Stray, and give Edgar Ramuh. Don't bother giving Celes an Esper, since she is 
 about to leave your group for a short time. Also, this is something that a lot
 of people seem to have trouble with; unequipping Espers. To unequip an Esper,
 go to the Espers option in the menu, then select an Esper by pressing A when
 your cursor is over it.

 Then, simply go to a blank space in the Esper and press A. There you go. Now,
 let's go and get some Rages, shall we? To get back to The Veldt from where we
 are now, go back to Figaro Castle, talk to the old man and tell him to take
 you to Narshe, then exit the castle and enter Figaro Cave. Go through the
 cave, then go through Mt. Kolts, then go into the Returner's Hideout, travel
 through the Lete River (the path to the Lete River is located in Banon's room,
 all the way south of the Save Point on the southern part of the wall).

 Once you do that, head east and southwest and cross the bridge by the Imperial
 Camp (there is no Imperial Camp this time), then go into the Phantom Forest
 and journey through it. From there, enter Baron Falls, then you'll end up on
 The Veldt (you won't have to fight before ending up on The Veldt this time).
 Once you are on The Veldt, go ahead and get as many new Rages as you want.
 Some noteworthy Rages are:

 Aspik (Giga Volt), HadesGigas (Magnitude8), SlamDancer (Ice 2), Anguiform
 (Aqua Rake), Mind Candy (SleepSting), Gabbledegak (Vanish). After you get the
 Rages you want, go through the Serpent Trench, then you'll end up in Nikeah.
 Ride the ferry to South Figaro, then make your way back to the continent with
 Jidoor from there.

 From Jidoor, head all the way south, then east to the building you see there,
 which is the Opera House, your next desintation.

 Opera House

 Some lengthy dialogue will commence, as Celes gets to act as Maria in the
 opera scenes. I'll just skip on ahead to the part that you need to really be
 concerned with, which is when you regain control of Locke. When you regain
 control of Locke, head all the way east till you can't anymore, then go south
 and exit this room. Now, head into the room that Celes went into earlier. Once
 inside, talk to Celes.

 Once you gain control of Celes, you can check the book to see what lines you
 have to say on the upcoming part. Since you have this FAQ, you won't need to
 do that, so just go ahead and go through the door in the room, then go north
 and west through the curtain and of this room. You'll now be outside as Celes.
 Here are the lines you have to say, incase you didn't check the score:

 "Oh my hero..."
 "I'm the darkness..."
 "Must I..."

 If you say all those lines when prompted to, then you'll be successful in the
 acting. After you regain control of Celes, talk to Draco. He'll tell you to
 dance with him, so follow everywhere he goes and then talk to him after he
 stops dancing, and he'll turn into some flowers. Press A to pick up the
 flowers. After that, head north, then east, then north, then finally west to
 the edge of the stage.

 Celes will then throw the flowers off the cliff, as the Chancellor comes to
 Celes, telling her to forget about the past. NOTE: If you don't move around
 fast enough (e.g. bring the flowers to the cliff fast enough), or get the
 lines wrong, then you'll fail the acting and be escorted outside the Opera
 House. You have a total of four tries to get the acting right. If you fail all
 four of those times, then you get a game over.

 At any rate, after the acting is done, the scene will switch back to Locke.
 Read the letter in the room that Ultros dropped, then Locke will say that he
 better go and tell the Impresario, so go and do so. Once you talk to the
 Impresario about Ultros's plan, then you'll see Ultros above the stage on the
 beams, planning to drop 4 tons of weight onto Maria.

 Once you regain control of your entire party, be sure to equip the Sprint
 Shoes Relic on a party member, then head to the top right corner of the room.
 Once there, enter the door. In the room you come to, go up the stairs, talk to
 the guy blocking you, then press the lone switch that is away from the other
 three switches, then exit the room and head to the opposite corner of the room
 (the northwest corner), then enter the door.

 In this room, go up the stairs and go through the door and you'll arrive above
 the stage onto the beams where Ultros is. On the beams, you'll have to fight
 some enemies along the way which you can't avoid (you can see them moving
 arouund very clearly, so that's how you know when you'll fight an enemy).
 Fight those enemies along the way to Ultros. When you reach Ultros, talk to
 him and he'll fall down onto the stage below, as will your group.

 Your group will then enter combat against Ultros, as the Impresario plays some
 awesome music for the fight (the title of the soundtrack is called Grand
 Finale, and it is one of my favorite soundtracks in this game). Read the
 Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to defeat Ultros once again. After you
 defeat Ultros, Setzer comes in and kidnaps Celes, whom he thinks is Maria. The
 scene then switches to The Blackjack, Setzer's airship.

 The Blackjack

 Celes will be locked in by Setzer. Eventually, Setzer finds out that Celes is
 not Maria, and wants her off his ship. Eventually, you'll regain control. At
 that point, talk to Setzer. After that, Celes convince Setzer to join them and
 take them to the Empire's base. Celes tricks Setzer by flipping a coin that
 has identical sides on it.

 If you have both Sabin and Edgar in your group, then they'll notice that the
 coin is the same coin they used to decide their fates ten years ago. When you
 finally get Setzer to join you, he'll fly you to the continent that has the
 Empire's base, Vector, on it.

 World Map

 You appear right near a town, namely Albrook. Let's go check it out, shall we?


 When you arrive here, go to the Weapon Shop and buy two Poison Claws for
 Sabin (they'll come in handy in the World of Ruin). Then, go over to the Relic
 Shop and buy four Wall Rings, and buy several pairs of Earrings, too. The
 Armor Shop contains nothing of significant importance, so don't bother going
 there. Now, let's go look for some hidden items, shall we?

 Examine the clock in the hallway connecting the Armor Shop and the Cafe to get
 an Elixir (like you'd expect to get anything else?). Now, examine the barrel
 next to the Inn to get a Potion. After you get that, examine the jar in the
 Weapon Shop to get a Tincture. That's all for hidden items. Now, exit this

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, let's visit some other towns on this continent, shall
 we? Starting off, reequip Celes with the equipment she had before (give her
 an Earring and a Wall Ring). Then, head all the way to the southwestern corner
 of the World Map, then enter the town there, known as Maranda.


 When you arrive in Maranda, head over to the Weapon Shop and buy a Trident. Go
 ahead and exit the Weapon Shop after that, then head over to the Armor Shop.
 Once inside there, you might wanna buy a couple of Mithril Vests. Do not give
 them to Celes though, since the White Dress she already has on is a much
 better armor for her.

 After your business in the Armor Shop is done, exit it. Now, examine the
 bottom crate in the southwestern corner of town to get a Revivify. After you
 get that, there's one more item to get. To get it, examine the bottom crate to
 the east of the Weapon Shop (it's where the girl and the Imperial soldier are
 chasing each other) to get a Remedy. Now, exit town.

 World Map

 After exiting Maranda, rent a Chocobo in the Chocobo Stable in the forest to
 the southeast (to find the Chocobo Stable, go to the only other white dot on
 the southwestern part of the continent that you are on by looking at the map
 in the bottom right corner of the screen). After renting the Chocobo, ride it
 to the center of the continent.

 When you reach a place that looks similar to Figaro Castle, don't dismount
 your Chocobo and enter that place just yet. Instead, travel due north of there
 and you'll come across a town by a forest and a mountain behind it. Get off
 the Chocobo and enter the town.


 Upon entering Tzen, you should head over to the Weapon Shop and buy Locke a
 Boomerang weapon only if you have been using the Full Moon, since the
 Boomerang weapon is infinitely better than the Full Moon weapon. At any rate,
 when you are done in the Weapon Shop, head over to the Armor Shop. There, buy
 some Mithril equipment if you don't have much, though you should.

 After you are done there, know that the Relic Shop has some decent Relics, so
 buy some over there if you need them. If you need to stock up on some items,
 go to the Item Shop and do so. After you're done in Tzen, exit town.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, go ahead and rent a Chocobo. The Chocobo Stable is to
 the east of Tzen in the forest. After renting a Chocobo from there, ride it
 southward to the Empire's base of Vector. Dismount your Chocobo when you get
 there, then enter Vector.


 Upon arrival in Vector, you should know that if you sleep at an Inn in the
 Empire's evil town, you'll get your money stolen from you, so don't bother.
 Anyway, head into the small building to the west of the Inn. Once inside, talk
 to the old lady and tell her you don't pledge your allegiance to the Empire.
 Two guards will then attack you and you'll have to beat them. They are easy.

 After you do that, you can talk to the girl anytime and she'll fully restore
 your HP/MP. Nice! Exit the building and go to the Weapon Shop and buy Shadow a
 Blossom weapon, then exit it. After that, head northeast of the Inn and talk
 to the old man behind the crates. He'll tell you that he is a sympathizer of
 the Returners, and that he has heard of you. Tell him you are ready to get
 into the Imperial Magitek Research Facility, then he'll approach the guards to
 the east and act sick, distracting them while you enter the facility.

 To get on the crates, simply walk into the one on the left (you have to be
 behind it, on its left side for it to work, so remember that) and you'll climb
 atop the crates, then you'll make your way up the beams to the other side,
 away from the attention of the soldiers. Once you regain control, follow the
 path north and then take the split to an even more northerly direction when
 you come to it.

 Welcome to the Imperial Magitek Research Facility.

 Imperial Magitek Research Facility

 When you arrive here, there is something you should know. Physical attacks do
 not really harm the enemies here, so use magical attacks to harm the enemies
 here. Anyway, after going down the first two sets of stairs, head south down
 the next set of stairs, then take the easternmost pipe to a chest containing a
 Tincture. After getting that, go back through the rightmost pipe, then head
 all the left of the set of stairs to the north (not the one that led you down
 to the pipes that led you to the Tincture, but the other one).

 By heading left, you'll see a pipe, so go all the way left through it, and you
 will slide down a conveyor belt to a chest containing a Flame Sabre. Equip it
 on Celes or Edgar (I gave it to Edgar), then get in front of the hook when it
 moves to you and press A to ride it across to the other side. After that, head
 east and go through the first pipe you come across and then you'll ride a
 conveyor belt down to another chest containing an X-Potion.

 Now, ride the conveyor belt to the east to another chest containing a
 ThunderBlade. Give it to either Celes or Edgar, whoever doesn't have one of
 the elemental weapons (Celes or Edgar should already have the ThunderBlade).
 Now, go south and open the chest to get a Remedy. After that, go down the
 conveyor belt to the left. In this next area, head to the southwest corner of
 the room and open the chest to get some DragoonBoots.

 After you get that, head up the nearby set of stairs. Then, head up the path
 and go through the door you come across and open the chest in the room you
 come to to get a Gold Shld. Equip that on whomever you wish, then exit this
 room via the way you came in. Now, head south, then go down the stairs that
 you went up to get to the room with the Gold Shld when you come to them. Once
 that is done, head all the way east, past the hook you see, then south into
 the next room.

 In this room, just south of where you enter, look closely and you should see a
 door, so go through it and open the chest you see for a Gold Helmet. Give that
 to whomever has the Gold Shld, preferably, then exit this room and head all
 the way right, looking along the southern part of the wall as you walk. When
 you spot a door that's barely visible, go through it, then go left and open
 the invisible chest for a Gold Armor.

 Give that to whomever has the other Gold equipment. After that, exit this room
 and head up the stairs to the east. Then, open the chest for a Tent. Now, head
 back out of this area completely, and head into the area with the chest that
 had the DragoonBoots is. Once there, head to the northern part of the area,
 then go up the stairs to the north of the conveyor belt that the robots ride.
 After going up the stairs, you'll be in an area with a bunch of crates.

 Look at the wall to the east, then try and go through each crate until you can
 go through the pipe that you can barely sticking out of the wall. In the pipe,
 go all the way south, then east at the split and open the two chests for a
 Blizzard sword, the last of the elemental swords, as well as a Zephyr Cape
 Relic. You've obtained all the items you possibly can right now, so head back
 into the pipe.

 Once there, go all the way south of the pipe, and you'll emerge back into the
 room with the DragoonBoots chest, right near the stairs you went up to get to
 the crate area. This time, head down the conveyor belt the robots always ride.
 When you emerge from the conveyor belt, head south and you'll see Kefka throw
 two Espers, Ifrit and Shiva, down the conveyor belt and into a pit below. When
 Kefka gets done talking and you regain control, head south and down the
 conveyor belt the Espers were sent down.

 In the room you come to, ignore Ifrit and Shiva for now, and enter the door
 that isn't blocked. Inside, rest/save your game, then exit the room. Back in
 the room with the Espers, give your party members each a Wall Ring (you should
 have 4, but if you don't, give them as much as you can), then talk to Ifrit to
 engage in combat against Ifrit and Shiva. Check the Bosses section to see how
 to defeat Ifrit and Shiva.

 After you defeat them, talk to them both again and collect their Magicite
 remains. Then, rest/save in the Save Point room again, then exit. This time,
 enter the easternmost door that Shiva was blocking before you defeated her. In
 the room you come to, go up the many sets of stairs, then exit through the
 exit you come to. In this next room, head all the way west until you come to
 the very last tube in this room. From there, head all the way south, then west
 into a hidden area with a chest containing a Break Blade.

 You will tell you have found that chest, because you won't be able to move in
 that direction; trust me, you'll find it. After getting the Break Blade, go
 back up to the last tube, then go west and north and through the door into the
 next room. Here, go north and talk to the weird looking guy to engage in a
 fight. This is the next boss of the game, Number 024. Read the Bosses section
 to see how to defeat him.

 After he's beaten, go through the door he was blocking. In the room you come
 to, remove Celes of all her equipment, then go all the way north and press the
 switch on the wall. Doing so will cause all of the Espers to go back to their
 Magicite forms.

 Cid will then enter the room, so watch the scene. Celes seems to be a traitor
 to the Returners now, but she stops Kefka and the Magitek Soldiers from
 killing her friends. Once the scene is over and you regain control, get into
 the elevator with Cid and ride it down to the floor below. Once you regain
 control, save your game at the nearby Save Point, then talk to Cid. He'll say
 a few things about Celes, then you'll hear Kefka's maniacal laugh that we all
 love so much.

 Cid will send your group into the minecart (he won't be coming with you, the
 coward), so that you can escape the facility. While you are riding the
 minecart, you'll have to fight several enemy fights, each time against some
 purple Mag Roader enemies. Eventually, you'll reach a boss, namely Number 128.
 Once you reach Number 128, read the Bosses section if you like to see how to
 defeat this boss.

 After you defeat Number 128, you'll appear outside the Imperial Magitek
 Research Facility, right by a Save Point. Rest/save there, then head all the
 way south and you'll eventually come across Setzer, who rejoins with your
 group. Setzer and your group escape Vector, only to be ambushed by two Crane
 bosses sent by Kefka to prevent you from escaping. Read the Bosses section yet
 again to see how to win here. Once you win against the Cranes, your group will
 automatically head back to Zozo.


 When you arrive in Zozo again, Terra remembers that she was born in the Esper
 Realm, after Locke shows her a piece of Magicite. You then gain control of the
 Esper Maduin, who is in the Esper Realm. Get ready to have fun controlling an

 Esper Realm

 When you gain control of Maduin, exit the house. Outside, head south, east,
 and north and you'll come across an unconscious human girl named Madonna. Talk
 to her and then choose to take her home with you. The scene will then switch
 to Madonna lying in bed in an Esper's house. Talk to Madonna, and she and
 Maduin will have a conversation for a short time, then the scene switches back
 to you having control of Maduin in his house.

 Exit the house, then head back to where you first found Madonna unconscious.
 There, talk to Yura and he'll move. Then, continue on into the cave. Once in
 the cave, head north and you'll spot Madonna, who is trying to return to the
 human world. Talk to her, and Maduin will tell her that she can stay in the
 Esper Realm if she doesn't want to return to her world. She says that humans
 and Espers can never coexist, but Maduin is willing to try to see if humans
 and Espres can coexist, and so they both marry and have a child.

 That child is Terra. Once you regain control of Maduin, talk to the elder, who
 is sitting at the table by the beast-like Esper. Then, talk to the fairy-like
 Esper at the entrance to the house. The beast-like Esper will blame the Empire
 invading the Esper Realm on Madonna, since she is a human, so she runs out of
 the house, and Maduin is angry. Exit the house and head into the cave that you
 saw Madonna in earlier.

 Once inside, Gestahl and the two Imperial soldiers with him will be blown away
 into the human world by the tempest caused by the elder Esper. Madonna will
 try and get back into the Esper Realm, but is sucked into the human world, as
 is Terra. Maduin goes after Madonna and Terra. Gestahl finds out that Terra is
 a half human and half Esper hybrid, and so he quickly kills Madonna, and
 Maduin is left in the hands of the Empire, to be used by them.

 The scene then switches back to Zozo.


 Terra will say that she feels like she can finally control the power that she
 has been born with, since she now knows where her power came from. Your group
 decides to head back to Narshe, and so you exit Zozo automatically, and appear
 on the Blackjack.

 The Blackjack

 On the Blackjack, Setzer will tell you how to drive the airship. Once you gain
 control of your group again, fly to the southernmost continent, which is where
 Vector is. Once there, fly to the northernmost point on the continent, and
 land your airship by the town there when you see it. Enter that town. If you
 went there when you first landed on this continent, you'll recognize it as


 Once here, the only thing to do is head to the top right part of the town,
 where you'll find a guy hiding behind some trees. Talk to him and he'll offer
 to you sell you the stone that he has, which is actually a piece of Magicite!
 Accept his generous offer and buy it for 3000 GP. This Esper is known as the
 Sraphim Esper. Alternatively, you could've waited until the World of Ruin to
 buy the Esper for a mere 10 GP, but it's better to get it now, and 3000 GP is
 not really much to spend.

 Also, Sraphim doesn't teach you any new spells that any other Esper can't
 teach you already, but you can learn the spells from Sraphim a lot faster than
 with an Esper like Kirin. The only downside to Sraphim is that it doesn't have
 a level-up bonus. After getting Sraphim, restock on items if you need to, then

 World Map

 Board the Blackjack, then fly to the continent with Zozo and Jidoor on it. Go
 ahead and land the Blackjack by Jidoor, then enter it.


 Once you are in Jidoor, head to the Auction House, which is located to the
 southeast of the huge mansion that you got the hidden Tincture in during your
 first visit here. Once you are inside the Auction House, there are a few
 things that you should know. First off, talk to the old man in the corner to
 participate in the auction and bid on the featured item. The odds to get what
 item to appear are as follows:

 If you haven't bought any piece of Magicite yet (Golem or ZoneSeek):

 Cherub Down: 50%
 Chocobo: 25%
 Cure Ring: 6.25%
 Golem: 12.5%
 ZoneSeek: 6.25%

 If you bought Golem:

 Cherub Down: 50%
 Chocobo: 25%
 Cure Ring: 12.5%
 ZoneSeek: 12.5%

 If you bought ZoneSeek:

 Cherub Down: 50%
 Chocobo: 25%
 Cure Ring: 12.5%
 Golem: 12.5%

 If you bought Golem and ZoneSeek:

 Cherub Down: 50%
 Chocobo: 25%
 Cure Ring: 25%

 Alright, with that said, you should also know that you have to be willing to
 go higher than what the bidding price is twice in each auction if you wish to
 win. Also, you CANNOT get the Chocobo, incase you are wondering. In the same
 sense, you can't get the Blackjack airship in the World of Ruin in here, so do
 not waste your time trying that, either. If you don't go over the bidding
 price the last time it is offered, you'll lose the auction, so keep that in

 In other words, you can skip going higher on the first bidding price if you
 want to, but the second one ultimately determines whether or not you'll get
 the auction. Talk to the old man in the corner, and tell him that you want to
 bid. Let's hope the item is Golem or ZoneSeek. Keep going in and out of the
 Auction House after each auction until you find both Golem and ZoneSeek. After
 you get both Golem and ZoneSeek, you're done here.

 Keep in mind that Golem and ZoneSeek are very expensive, costing a total of
 30000 GP. Here are the prices for the items that are available in the Auction

 Cherub Down: 10000 GP
 Chocobo: 500000 GP
 Cure Ring: 20000 GP
 Golem: 20000 GP
 ZoneSeek: 10000 GP

 Also, if someone else manages to buy Golem or ZoneSeek and you don't, you can
 always get them to reappear until you buy them, so don't worry. Remember, once
 you get Golem and ZoneSeek, there's nothing else to do in Jidoor, so exit.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Blackjack, then fly all the way back to
 Narshe. It is located on the northernmost continent. You should be able to
 easily spot it, because you'll be able to tell where you are by the familiar


 When you arrive here, head north and a guard will say that they have been
 expecting you, then your group will be carried inside the elder's house. Once
 there, a long cutscene takes place, where your group says they need Terra to
 go to the Sealed Gate and ask the Espers to help them in their struggle
 against the Empire. Since Terra is the only one who can do this, and since she
 wants to help your group fight against the Empire, she agrees.

 Once you regain control, enter the Weapon Shop. There, buy Locke two Hawk Eye
 weapons, and equip them on him. If you don't have a Genji Glove on him, give
 him one, so that he can have two Hawk Eye weapons. The Hawk Eye has a 50%
 chance to deal 1.5 damage to the target, and deal 3x more damage than normal
 to enemies that are floating (e.g. Joker). Exit the Weapon Shop and let's head
 over to the Armor Shop.

 Once inside the Armor Shop, buy a Tiara for Terra, buy some Gold Shlds and
 Gold Helmets for the party members that might use them (e.g. Edgar or Cyan).
 Finally, buy some Power Sash armors for Locke, Gau, Shadow and Sabin. After
 your business is done in the Armor Shop, exit it. Now, since the Relic Shop
 has nothing new, there's only one thing left to do, which is get Mog.

 To start this off, head over to the house where you opened all of the many
 chests during your much earlier visit here. Incase you're wondering, it is
 south of Arvis' house. Once inside the house, you'll see Lone Wolf, who will
 quickly leave the house, since you caught him trying to steal the locked chest
 in this house. Follow him outside. Outside, Lone Wolf will run away again, so
 keep advancing through Narshe and you'll come across him again before long.

 After that, simply continue north into the second area of the town. In this
 area, head all the way north and you'll encounter Lone Wolf right when you get
 to the entrance to the mines. He'll retreat further, so enter the mines. Once
 inside the mines, head north, then east into the next area, then simply make
 your way through the next couple rooms until you arrive outside the mines.
 Outside, head west across the bridge, then go west, north, and then east, out
 of this outside area, and back into the mines.

 Back in the mines, simply head east back into the outside area. Now, go north
 into the snowy mountains of Narshe, where you battled Kefka. Once there, head
 north and advance into the next area when you come to it (also, saving at the
 Save Point in the snowy mountains doesn't hurt either, so rest/save there if
 you'd like). In this next area, head across the bridge to the west, then go
 ahead and approach Mog, and Lone Wolf will tell you not to move or Mog's dust.

 Do as Lone Wolf says and just sit there without pressing a button; Mog will
 free himself of Lone Wolf's clutches, and the two of them will go flying, each
 in opposite directions. If you talk to Lone Wolf, you'll get the Gold Hairpin
 item, which halves the amount of MP you need to cast spells, but if you do
 that, then you won't be able to get Mog until the World of Ruin, which isn't
 good. I'd recommend talking to Mog, so this FAQ will assume you did.

 After rescuing Mog from the cliff and Lone Wolf, he'll join your group and
 wait for you on an airship, after calling Ramuh a psycho. Once you regain
 control, exit Narshe.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map yet again, board the Blackjack and fly to the very edge
 of the continent that is all the way south of the small island about the size
 of Bermuda on the northeastern part of the World Map. Once there, land your
 airship by the town there known as Thamasa. Don't enter it, but instead walk
 around the continent until you find a Baskervor enemy. When you do, note that
 you can steal a rare Gaia Gear from that enemy, so keep stealing until you get
 four of them.

 Since you can only steal the Gaia Gear once from each Baskervor, you'll need
 to find four of them and steal four Gaia Gears from them in total. It may take
 a while, but it will make the next area MUCH, and I mean MUCH easier, so I
 suggest you do it. After getting the four Gaia Gears, rest/save, then board
 the Blackjack. Now, fly back to the continent with Vector. Once there, head
 east of Vector and you'll see a town in front of a bridge. Land there, then
 enter the town, known as the Imperial Base.

 Imperial Base

 Note that you must have Terra in your group for this, so be sure to have her.
 When you arrive here, your group will find it odd that there are no Imperial
 soldiers around. Terra wants to get it over with, so let's do that. Head over
 to the eastern part of town, then exit.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, save your game and head east into the cave there, known
 as the Cave to the Sealed Gate.

 Cave to the Sealed Gate

 When you arrive here, equip the four Gaia Gears you got on the four party
 members you have (not every party member can use them, mind you, so put as
 many on as you can). After that, head east and open the chest to get an
 Assassin weapon for Shadow. After that, go south and exit this room. In this
 new area that you arrive in, head south and check the leftmost alcove out of
 the two to get a Tempest. Now, head to the eastern alcove and go down the
 stairs to exit this room.

 In this next new area, you'll notice how the bridges acquire different
 positions every few seconds. This means you have to exit this room by crossing
 moving bridges. If you are standing on a wrong tile on a bridge when the
 bridge you are standing on moves, you'll fall in the lava and be taken back to
 the very start of the room, which sucks if you're close to the end of the
 bridge maze. Study the pattern of the bridges carefully, so that you'll be
 able to distinguish which bridge tile to step on to advance through the room.

 There are also two chests in this room. The easternmost one contains an
 X-Potion, and the westernmost one contains the Coin Toss Relic for Setzer,
 which turns Slot into GP Rain. Not useful at all, but get it anyway if you
 want to be a completionist. When you reach the end of the room, exit into a
 new area of the cave. In this new area, head east instead of south, then
 follow the path to a chest containing an Ether.

 After you get that, head south of the entrance to this room, then head east,
 then just keep advancing through the area until you come across a bridge that
 has a switch above it. Press that switch. The bridge will collapse and you'll
 fall to your doom, getting yourself a game over. Muahaha! Just joking, but you
 will fall and I don't see how you won't suffer a concussion after that. At any
 rate, head west, then northwest to a chest containing a Genji Glove.

 After you get that, head back to where you fell off the bridge at, then go up
 the stairs to the east. Then, go north and you'll spot two switches. The one
 on the left, when pressed, will open up a door in the stone wall with the
 switches on them, and pressing the right switch will cause a Ninja enemy to
 come down and attack you. You can fight this enemy an unlimited amount of
 times, but you don't want to fight it right now, since it has the chance to
 kill you if you aren't careful.

 Press the leftmost switch, then go through the newly revealed door into the
 next room. In this room, open the chest you see to get a Tent. Rest/save at
 the Save Point in here, then exit the room. Now, back in the previous room,
 keep advancing through the cave and you'll eventually come across another
 switch above a bridge. Press this, then a staircase is revealed to the east.
 Go down the staircase. There is something you should know about this small
 area, and that is the hidden items in the area.

 Although not inherently useful items by any means, you can collect a few items
 in this area. They are found in the floor. Examine a floor tile by pressing A.
 If you examine the right floor tile, you'll get an item. Keep examining the
 floor tiles in this area until you find them all. The items you can get from
 the floor are: 2000 GP, Inviz Edge, Remedy, and Water Skean. Note that the
 2000 GP here is really only 293 GP, and the Remedy item is a Soft item. Also,
 Water Skean is called Water Edge when you buy it, not Water Skean

 After getting the hidden items from the floor, open the chest in the area to
 get an Ether. Now, head to the eastern part of the area, then follow the path
 out of the room. You'll come to a chest that is nearby, which contains an
 Elixir, so be sure to open it. After getting the Elixir from the chest, head
 east and down the nearby set of stairs, then head west and step on the next
 switch. This will reveal a secret doorway leading to another room, so go
 through it.

 In this room, open the three chests to get two Magicites, an Ether, and the
 Atma Weapon item. This item isn't powerful right now, even though it has 255
 Bat Pwr, but it will become your most damaging weapon later on in the game.
 For now, forget about equipping it, unless you want to deal pathetic damage.
 The Atma Weapon's damage is determined by your HP. The higher your HP
 currently is, then the more damage it'll do, and the lower your current HP is,
 then the less damage it will do. The more HP you get as you level up in the
 game, the more damage the Atma Weapon will do.

 Since you may not have more than 1200 HP at this point, it's stupid to equip
 the Atma Weapon right now. Wait until the World of Ruin when you are much
 higher, and therefore have much more HP. At any rate, exit this room after you
 loot it. Back in the previous room, head east and north, then press the switch
 you come across to move the bridge to where you can get across. Cross the
 bridge, then press the next switch you come across.

 Now, open the chest you come across to get a Magicite item. From there, simply
 make your way through the remainder of the cave, and you'll come across the
 Sealed Gate very shortly. Once you come into the outside area with it, Kefka
 will attack your group. You'll have to hold him off while Terra opens the
 gate. Simply attack Kefka once like you did in the Imperial Camp to finish him
 off. After you hit Kefka, Terra opens the Sealed Gate.

 The Espers come swarming out of the Sealed Gate; it seems they are headed
 towards Vector (after all the Empire's done to them, if you were them, I bet
 you would do the same thing). The Sealed Gate will have rocks in front of it,
 denying anyone access back into the Esper Realm. Terra says to return to the
 ship, so do just that. Once you regain control, to the southwest corner of the
 room, where a new path awaits. Take that path.

 You'll be back in the starting room of the cave, so simply exit back to the
 World Map.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, head west into the Imperial Base again.

 Imperial Base

 When you get back into the Imperial Base, head to the western part of it and
 try to exit, only to be stopped by the rest of your group. Your group will say
 that the Espers went toward Vector, and so your group gets on the Blackjack to
 go to Vector to make sure.

 The Blackjack

 Once on the Blackjack, a cutscene will occur, as the Espers attack the ship
 and cause Edgar to lose control. The ship crashlands on the World Map near
 Maranda. Exit the airship.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map yet again, head to the forest to the east of Maranda and
 find the hidden Chocobo Stable in it. You'll be able to tell when you are near
 it by the dot on the map.

 Chocobo Stable

 Go inside and rent a chocobo for 100 GP. Then, ride it all the way to Vector,
 then get off. Now, go inside Vector.


 When you arrive here, you'll notice how the entire area is nothing but ruins,
 thanks to what the Espers did to the Empire when they released from the Sealed
 Gate. I can't say I blame them though, since I would've done the same thing if
 I were the Espers. Anyway, all of the Returners, Banon and Arvis included, are
 in Vector, for no apparent reason. Head to the Imperial Castle, which is
 located in the northernmost part of the area, where Banon is.

 Imperial Castle

 NOTE: The moment you arrive here, put Sprint Shoes on one party member. You'll
       see why in a minute.

 Once you arrive in the Imperial Castle, head up the nearby set of stairs, then
 a guard of the Empire will come in and tell you to follow him, since Gestahl
 is expecting you, apparently. This seems odd, but what choice do we have? Do
 as the guard says and follow him to the door leading to the throne room. Go
 through that door into the throne room. In the throne room, head north and you
 will see a short bit of dialogue, as Emperor Gestahl has apparently had a
 change of heart, and has lost his will to fight.

 He wants to have the war stopped, apparently. Is he truly repentant? Only time
 will tell. Once Gestahl leaves the room to prepare a feast for your group, Cid
 asks you to talk to as many of the Imperial soldiers in the castle as you can
 in the 4 minutes before dinner, since some of them would prefer to keep
 fighting, rather than to end the war like Gestahl wants. Since we have nothing
 better to do to past time, we'll do as Cid asks and talk to the soldiers.

 There are a total of 24 soldiers that you must talk to before the four minutes
 are up. You don't HAVE to talk to all of them, but it really helps if you do,
 since you get some pretty nice things happen if you manage to do it. Anyway,
 once you regain control, head south into the previous room. Once there, talk
 to the four soldiers in the room, then head to the entrance of the room (the
 southern entrance, not the northern one).

 Once there, take the right path, ignoring the first door you come across. The
 reason why you should ignore it is because Kefka is in there, and it isn't
 worth your time to talk to him, since time is of the essence. Instead, enter
 the second door you come across, then in the following room, go through the
 door into an actual room. In that room, talk to the soldiers, but don't open
 the chest or any of the other chests you encounter here, since you can later.

 After talking to the two soldiers, go south of the chest and enter the next
 room. In that room, talk to the Imperial soldier wandering around, again
 ignoring the chest. After talking to the Imperial soldier, exit this room, and
 head out of this area completely. Back in the room where you started following
 the right path, continue following the right path and enter the next door you
 come across to appear in a new area. In this area, head up the two sets of
 stairs. From there, simply exit the room.

 Once you get outside, talk to the nearby soldier, then head west and north,
 speaking with two more soldiers. Now, head up the stairs in the central part
 of the area, then head north and talk to two more soldiers that you encounter.
 After that, go through the nearby door into a new room. In this room, speak
 with the wandering Imperial soldier and he'll start a fight with you. You can
 defeat him pretty easily with a level 2 elemental spell.

 After talking to that soldier, exit the room. Back outside, head down the set
 of stairs, then go through the door to the left. In the room you appear in,
 talk to the nearby Imperial soldier, then follow the path out of the room from
 there. Now, you are in the same room as the one where you took the right path,
 but this time you are at the left path instead of the right path. Follow the
 left path via the stairs, and enter the first door you come across.

 In this room, talk to the MANY Imperial soldiers wandering around the place.
 You'll have to fight one of them, so just beat it the same way you did the
 previous one and you should be okay. Ignore the chest in the room. Once you
 talk to all of the Imperial soldiers, go through the door in the northwestern
 corner of the room. In the room you appear in, talk to the Imperial soldier to
 start a battle with him.

 Defeat him the same way you have all of the other Imperial soldiers up to this
 point. After defeating him, exit the room, as well as the room with the many
 Imperial soldiers. Back in the room with the left and right path, continue to
 go down the stairs on the left path, ignoring the next door you come across.
 After you exit the left path completely, exit this entire room via the south
 exit, and you'll appear outside, where the final three soldiers await.

 Talk to the three soldiers in here. One of them initiates a battle with you.
 This time, you'll fight an Imperial soldier in Magitek Armor, so be careful.
 A level 2 elemental spell or your strongest physical attack (e.g. Pummel or
 Drill) should be able to dispose of him rather quickly. Once the time runs
 out, whether or not you talked to all 24 soldiers, the banquet with Gestahl
 and your group will take place.

 At the banquet, Gestahl will ask you several questions. Depending on how you
 answer, you get a lot of points, or hardly any points. The more points you get
 here, the better things happen after the banquet. Here's what you answer when
 Gestahl asks you a question:

 1. Choose "To our hometowns..."
 2. Choose "Leave him in jail."
 3. Choose "That was inexcusable."
 4. Choose "Celes is one of us!"

 After this, Gestahl will allow you to ask him several questions. Ask him each
 question down the list; never, and I repeat, NEVER, ask him the same question
 twice, as doing this will cause you to lose 10 points, which is bad news for
 you. Tsk tsk. Once you ask Gestahl the third question, you'll be prompted to
 ask another question or move on. Choose to move on. Gestahl will ask you some
 more questions, the answers being listed below on what you should say:

 5. Choose "Yes, the Espers have gone too far."
 6. Choose the first answer when Gestahl asked you which question you asked him
    first; it should be the first answer.

 At this point, choose to take a rest break, since here is your opportunity to
 get 5 more points. After you choose to take a break, talk to and defeat the Sp
 Forces enemies in this room (the robed guys sitting beside Gestahl). If you
 lose to the Sp Forces, you get 0 points, but you get 5 points if you beat
 them. They aren't hard; just use level 2 elemental spells or your strongest
 physical attacks and they'll go down quickly.

 Now, talk to the Sp Forces and go back to your seat and sit back down after
 defeating the Sp Forces, and choose to begin talking again. At this point, you
 will be asked two more questions by Gestahl. The answers are:

 7. Tell him that you want to hear him say that the war is over.
 8. Tell him yes when asked if you'll accompany him.

 After all this, General Leo will come in the room. He's going to accompany you
 (sadly, he won't join your party, but he will accompany you) to Albrook. Terra
 decides to go to alone to Albrook, but Locke accompanies her, refusing to let
 her go alone (he needs to forget about failing Rachel one of these days, don't
 you agree?). The rest of your group stays behind in Vector, since they have a
 hard time trusting Emperor Gestahl just like that (who wouldn't?).

 Once you regain control, on your way out of the Imperial Castle, a guard will
 come and tell you what the Emperor has done for you, depending on how many
 points you have earned. Below is a list of what happens, depending on how many
 points you have:

 No Matter How Many Points You Have: South Figaro is liberated, though you do
                                     not get anything for it.

 50-66: South Figaro is liberated.  You don't get anything for it. Doma Castle
        is also liberated. You also gain a few items.

 67-76: South Figaro is liberated. You don't get anything for it. Doma Castle
        is also liberated. You also gain a few items. The house that was locked
        in the Imperial Base by the Cave to the Sealed Gate previously is now
        opened, and offers a lot of chests that contain items!

 77-90: South Figaro is liberated. You don't get anything for it. Doma Castle
        is also liberated. You also gain a few items. The house that was locked
        in the Imperial Base by the Cave to the Sealed Gate previously is now
        opened, and offers a lot of chests that contain items! Gestahl gives
        you a Tintinabar Relic.

 90-93: South Figaro is liberated. You don't get anything for it. Doma Castle
        is also liberated. You also gain a few items. The house that was locked
        in the Imperial Base by the Cave to the Sealed Gate previously is now
        opened, and offers a lot of chests that contain items! Gestahl gives
        you a Tintinabar Relic. The guard talking to you gives you a Charm
        Bangle Relic.

 I don't recommend exiting the Imperial Castle just yet. Instead, go through
 the left and right paths and open all of the chests that you missed earlier.
 They are located ONLY in the left and right paths and nowhere else, so don't 
 waste your time going anywhere else. The items you can get are: Revivify,
 Tincture, Gale Hairpin, and an X-Potion. You can also talk to Kefka now and
 not worry about whether you have time or not.

 He's located in the first door you come across in the right path. He's in
 jail, as you learned from Gestahl at the banquet. He says nothing important.
 After getting the chests you missed earlier, exit the Imperial Castle, as well
 as Vector.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Blackjack that is beside Maranda. It's along
 walk, but by doing it, you can see a cool scene. This FAQ will be assuming you
 did it before you did anything else.

 The Blackjack

 Once you board the Blackjack, enter the main room and take the westernmost
 door once there. You'll find Setzer and Cid talking about repairing the
 airship. Setzer mentions his friend, Daryl, whom died when the Falcon, the
 airship she used to pilot, crashed. After that, the dialogue ends. Once you
 regain control, exit the Blackjack, since there's nothing else to do here.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, enter the Chocobo Stable in the forest to the east of
 Maranda. There, rent a chocobo. Ride the Chocobo to the Imperial Base, which
 is located to the east of Vector, and is in front of the bridge leading to the
 Cave to the Sealed Gate. Once there, dismount your Chocobo and enter the small
 Imperial Base.

 Imperial Base

 When you arrive here, enter the house. Once inside, go downstairs. In this
 room, there are TONS of chests that you can open. They contain the following:
 Cherub Down, X-Potion, Ether, Wall Ring, Elixir, Cure Ring, RunningShoes, Back
 Guard, 8000 GP, 13000 GP, and 20000 GP. There is one more item you can get,
 which is a Flame Sabre. Get it by examining the stove (why a sword is kept in
 a stove is beyond me).

 To get the Elixir I spoke of above, search the south wall for a hidden chest
 that contains the Elixir. After pillaging the place, exit it, as well as the
 entire Imperial Base.

 World Map

 Head over to Albrook. There's no way you can miss it; it's the first town you
 will come across on your way back to Vector.


 When you finally arrive in Albrook, head east and go south when the path goes
 south to enter the port. Once there, examine the southernmost crate out of the
 two wooden crates that are nearby to get a Warp Stone. Now, head south and get
 on the ferry. Once there, talk to General Leo. He'll introduce you to Celes
 and Shadow. Celes leaves as soon as Locke tries to talk to her, then you gain
 control once again of your group, so exit the port.

 Back in the main part of town, stock up on any items you may need. The shops
 here offer nothing more than they offered the first time you went here. If you
 think you could see some of the equipment they have for sale here, knock
 yourself out. After your errands are done, go over to the Inn and talk to the
 Innkeeper. He'll let you rest for free, since General Leo told him about you.
 In the middle of the night, Locke wakes up and heads outside.

 He finds Celes, and a short cutscene occurs, where Locke tries to convince
 Celes that he's still her friend, even though he doubted her by a small
 fraction. After the cutscene, you regain control. Head to the port. Talk to
 Leo, and choose to depart. The ferry won't arrive until tommorow morning, and
 Leo advises you rest until then. When you regain control, talk to Leo. He and
 Terra will talk for a bit.

 After that, Shadow comes in and talks to Terra for a bit as well, then Terra
 leaves and Locke comes and throws up because of seasickness. When morning
 comes, talk to Leo, then talk to Locke. A few more things will be said, then
 Terra, Shadow, and Locke are all in your party. You won't keep Shadow for very
 long, unfortunately.

 World Map

 Once on the World Map, head all the way northeast to Thamasa.


 Once you arrive in Thamasa, enter the Weapon and Armor Shop. Once there, buy a
 few Ice Rods from the Weapon Shop. They will be useful very shortly. Also, buy
 a Stout Spear for Mog and Edgar, as well as some Darts for Setzer. After that,
 head over to the Armor Shop and buy the following: some Gaia Gears, IF you did
 not already steal them from the Baskervor enemies earlier. Also, a few Gold
 Armors are good to have, but I don't recommend buying them.

 I DO suggest, however, buying two Mystery Veil helmets for Terra and Celes,
 since they are very good. After that, exit this building. Now, head over to
 the barrels by the mayor's house (it's above the Inn) and examine the top one
 to get an Echo Screen. After that, head to the house to the east and examine
 the barrel to get a Green Cherry. Also, a scene will occur here, as you see a
 boy playing around with his Fire spell.

 A magic-user? Odd. Very odd. This town is unfriendly enough already, but to
 have someone use magic at such a young age? This is very odd. To see another
 scene, head behind the house that you got the Green Cherry from. A little girl
 apparently wants his mother to use Cure on her. This IS odd, isn't it? Two
 magic-users, and we've only been here a couple minutes. I'm not so sure we can
 trust this town, are you?

 Anyway, after the scene, head over to the Relic Shop. It doesn't really have
 anything you don't already have, but pick up on a few more Relics in there if
 you want, since it has some nice Relics to offer. But that's not why I brought
 you to the Relic Shop. Go around the flowers and examine the barrel to get a
 Soft. Now, head over to the Item Shop. Once there, examine the middlemost
 barrel to get an Eyedrop.

 After you get that, head over to the Inn and examine the uppermost barrel by
 the Inn to get a Fenix Down. Now that we're done pillaging the place, let's
 head over to the house to the east of the mayor's house (where we got the
 Green Cherry), shall we? Once inside, talk to the old man standing by the door
 to be introduced to Strago Magus, a party member that you will get soon (no-
 brainer, right?).

 After your group talks to Strago, a young girl enters the room, and you are
 then introduced to Relm Arrowny, Strago's granddaughter. After the dialogue is
 over and you regain control, exit this house and head over to the Inn and rest
 for 1 GP. In the middle of the night, Strago wakes your group up and says that
 Relm is in danger. When you regain control, head into Strago's house. Why he
 left it unlocked in the middle of the night is beyond me, but whatever.

 Once inside, go upstairs. Then, examine the western wall until you find a
 Memento Ring Relic hidden inside the western wall. Now, exit this house and
 head over to the fiery house to the south. Once there, talk to Strago. He'll
 try and use magic to put out the fire. Also, the mayor as well as another
 villager, tries to use magic to put out the fire, but to no avail; the fire
 only gets worse.

 Strago goes inside the house, as do Locke and Terra. Once you get inside the
 house and regain control, head north through the first two rooms, defeating
 any flame enemies you come across. In the third room of the house, advance
 through the room, defeating all the enemies you come across. When you come to
 a choice between two doors, take the right one, since the left one allows you
 to fight flame enemies over and over again.

 In the next room, you'll come to another set of doors. The one on the right
 takes you to a room with a chest containing a Fire Rod, so open that chest.
 Then, go through the left door into the next room. In this next new room, go
 through the easternmost door out of the two doors and open the chest to get an
 Ice Rod. Now, go through the leftmost door to continue on. Now, in the hallway
 you appear in, equip Strago with an Ice Rod, as well as two Earrings if you
 have them.

 Then, go through the door into the next room. In this room, your group finds
 the source of the blaze, FlameEater. You'll engage in a boss battle with our
 friend FlameEater, so read the Bosses section to see how to win. When you win,
 your group finds Relm, but they up falling asleep just like Relm. Shadow comes
 into the house miraculously and saves your group and Relm from the flames. He
 says he only wanted Interceptor back, but I think that's a pretty lame excuse,
 don't you?

 The scene switches to your group talking inside of Strago's house. After the
 dialogue ends and you regain control, exit the house. Outside, Shadow will
 leave you, stating that he only wanted his dog back. Exit town.

 World Map

 Outside, head southwest, then north and enter the cave there known as Crescent

 Crescent Island

 NOTE: It is strongly recommended you equip Gaia Gears on all your party
       members here, including Relm when you recruit her. It works well for
       this particular area.

 When you arrive here, open the nearby chest to get a Heal Rod. Don't throw
 this rod, since you can use it in the World of Ruin to get a Magus Rod, which
 is the best rod in the game. After getting the Heal Rod from the chest, head
 through the easternmost path, ignoring the northern and western paths, since
 they lead to the same place anyway. After taking the east path, you'll appear
 outside. Advance into the next part of the island.

 When you reach a cave-like area again, head east and exit room. In the room
 you come to, head to where the three golden statues are, and a cutscene will
 commence once you do. You learn about the statues. Yippy! After you regain
 control, head south and Ultros will fall down from the ceiling and knock your
 group down. You'll have to fight him, as usual, so read the Bosses section to
 see how to defeat him.

 After you defeat Ultros, Relm joins your group and you regain control. Give
 Relm an Esper, as well as any Earrings you might have left over. Her defense
 SUCKS, I'll tell you that much, but she has the highest magic power out of any
 party member in the game, making her a very good party member to have. You
 should also know that you can examine the back of each of the three statues to
 learn a little bit more about them.

 At any rate, after you regain control, head west and north and exit this area
 via the exit. In this room, rest/save at the Save Point. Then, go down the
 nearby set of stairs and step on the northernmost tile out of the three tiles
 on the floor that look weird. Doing so will cause the tile to collapse and
 bring you to a room below. In this room, head through the northern exit, then
 open the chest you come to to get a Chocobo Suit.

 Now, head back into the previous room and this time, take the western exit.
 Open the next chest to get a Tabby Suit. Equip these on Strago and Relm. Now,
 exit to the previous room. Back in the previous room, jump off the bridge just
 to the south of the western exit in this room. Jump off by pressing A when you
 approach the bridge. After jumping off, make your way back to the room with
 the three unstable tiles.

 This time, take the easternmost tile and it'll drop you back into the room
 below, but to a different part of it. This time, take the eastern exit and
 open the chest to get an X-Potion. Now, jump off the bridge to the south, make
 your way back to the tile room, and take the southernmost tile to fall to the
 room below. Once there, follow the path out of this room. You'll be outside
 once again, so simply advance onward into the next area when you get outside.

 In this next cave-like area, head south and the Espers will come out and a
 long scene will occur, as Yura, the rest of the Espers, and your group, all go
 back to Thamasa to talk peace with the Empire. The war is now over... or is


 Back in Thamasa, a cutscene will occur, as the Espers try and talk peace with
 the Empire, appearing as if they succeeded at first. That is, until Kefka
 comes in and ruins the peace talk. Kefka knocks out everyone, but Leo wakes up
 and you have control of him. Talk to Kefka to initiate a battle with him. Just
 attack or use the Shock command with Leo until the battle is over. Kefka then
 disappears and supposedly calls Emperor Gestahl (it's actually Kefka himself
 disguised as Gestahl).

 At the end of the scene, Leo is killed by Kefka. Once the VERY long and very
 good scene is over, the scene switches to your group by General Leo's grave.
 The scene then switches to the rest of your group, who have returned safely
 from Vector. After the scene, you appear on the World Map once again.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Blackjack.

 The Blackjack

 On the Blackjack, a scene will occur, as you see the world start to fall apart
 because of the immense power of the statues being unleashed. Eventually, you
 regain control. Don't fly to the Floating Continent just yet. Instead, I would
 recommend getting Mog's Water Rondo Dance, as well as any other Dance he has
 not learned yet. The Water Rondo is a World of Balance exclusive, meaning you
 can't get it in the World of Ruin.

 If you want it, you only have a couple hours at most to get it. If you don't
 get it now, you can get it after you get on the Floating Continent, but that's
 it. After you fight the boss in the Floating Continent and continue on, that's
 it; you can't get Water Rondo anymore, so this FAQ will be assuming you are
 getting the Water Rondo now. Note that Mog must be in your party for this (but
 that is obvious, right?).

 To start this off, fly over to Baren Falls. Land there. Save your game and
 enter it.

 Baren Falls

 Once inside Baren Falls, jump down into the water like you did when you first
 got here. After that, you'll be on the Veldt.

 The Veldt

 Once here, head over to Crescent Mountain and go inside.

 Crescent Mountain

 Once here, simply make your way through the Serpent Trench. You'll appear in


 Here, rent a Chocobo via the Chocobo Stable in town to the north. Ride that
 Chocobo all the way back to Baren Falls, where your airship awaits. Get back
 in the airship.

 The Blackjack

 Back in the Blackjack, it's time to build Strago's Lores up. So, go get him if
 you don't have him in your group. When you're ready, choose to lift off. Now,
 fly to	Thamasa and talk to Gungho, the old man near the Inn, if you want to
 see a short scene. Our main goal is to fly around getting Strago some new
 Lores. To see how to get them, although it isn't very specific (sorry about
 that), see the Characters section.

 If you wish to get some better information on how to get them, I suggest you
 take a look at Djibriel's godly FAQ. After you get as many Lores as you can at
 this point, then it's time to get Gau some Rages. Just go around and get some
 Rages that you don't have. Simple. After that, you should head over to
 Triangle Island, that small island in the northeastern corner of the map, of
 which I have dubbed "The Bermuda Continent".

 Once you are there, walk around to fight an Intangir enemy. The enemy is
 invisible, but it's not a bug. Oh, no, my friend, it's anything but a bug. The
 Intangir enemy has Vanish automatically on it at the start of the battle. To
 nullify this, use any elemental spell. Of course, you could just use Doom, so
 if a character doesn't have Doom yet, go to the Veldt and learn it. You can't
 kill Intangir using anything but Doom at this point, since he has way too much

 He'll counter with Meteo on the party member who hit him when you attack him
 with a spell, but that's why you should use Doom, since you only have to worry
 about Meteo one time. It does a good bit of damage, though, say around 1000,
 so be careful. The reason I told you to fight Intangirs on this island is
 because they give you 10 Magic Points each time you defeat them, and you need
 all the magic spells you can get before the Floating Continent.

 After you're done building up spells (Intangir gives you no experience, which
 sucks, and by the way, don't build up spells with people who will never use
 them, like Cyan), let's get as many of Mog's Dances as we can, shall we? The
 Dances we can get now are:

 Wind Song
 Where: Land near Narshe, then walk around in the grass and fight and win a
        battle to get the Wind Song Dance.

 Forest Suite
 Where: Go to any forest and fight and win a battle to get this Dance.

 Desert Aria
 Where: Go to any desert and fight and win a battle to get this Dance.

 Earth Blues
 Where: Go to Mt. Kolts. Once there, fight on the slopes to get this Dance.

 Love Sonata
 Where: Go to Zozo and fight and win a battle to get this Dance.

 Dusk Requium
 Where: If you didn't get this in the very beginning of the game, then you can
        get this by fighting in Figaro Cave.

 Water Rondo
 Where: See above to see how to get this Dance. Of course, you should already
        have this Dance by now, if you've been following my FAQ up until now,
        you silly person.

 After getting all the Dances with Mog, it's time to head to Doma Castle for a
 few items. So, find it via the Blackjack, then land there and enter.

 Doma Castle

 Since the Empire was kind enough to free this area of Imperial troops, you can
 now enter it, so do so. Once inside the throne room, head to the room where
 Cyan found Owain and Elayne dead and open the chest in there to get an X-
 Potion. You can find an Ether in the castle in the bedroom with the alarm
 clock, an Elixir in the clock in the bedroom (it's in an alarm clock, not a
 regular clock). You can also find a Remedy in a pot if you didn't get it

 Now, go through the door to the south of the one Owain and Elayne died in, and
 you'll be outside. Outside, follow the path to the east and you'll be able to
 find a door eventually that leads to a room. Inside that room is a Fenix Down,
 as well as the Beads Relic. Now, exit Doma Castle since you've done everything
 there is to do in it.

 World Map

 Board the Blackjack. Then, buy any items you may need, any weapons, armors,
 etc., encounter any enemy you want that you haven't encountered yet, because
 we are able to go to the Floating Continent shortly, and therefore the World
 of Ruin, at which point all things you could do in the World of Balance will
 not be available anymore.

 The Blackjack

 On the Blackjack, get on the wheel and choose to find the Floating Continent.
 You'll then have to choose only three party members, since you get Shadow in
 your group on the Floating Continent (he doesn't leave in two seconds this
 time, by the way, the sucker), which makes 4 party members. After choosing
 your three party members, you get attacked by several waves of Imperial Air
 Force enemies (IAF).

 Level 2 elemental spells work well against them, as does your strongest
 physical attacks. After you defeat several waves of enemies, Ultros will pop
 his ugly head on the east side of your ship, so approach him when he gets
 close enough to initiate a battle. Read the Bosses section to see how to beat
 Ultros this fourth and final time. Yes, I said final time, believe it or not,
 the lamer will give up after this.

 After defeating Ultros, you'll fight another boss. Read the Bosses section to
 see how to defeat the next boss, Air Force. After you defeat it, you lan don
 the Floating Continent.

 Floating Continent

 NOTE: I STRONGLY suggest giving one of your party members the Phantom Esper,
       even if they have learned the spells from it, since it really helps for
       an upcoming battle.

 When you arrive on the Floating Continent, rest/save at the nearby Save Point.
 Then, talk to Shadow to recruit him into your group. Now, to advance through
 the continent. You should know that when you approach walls, they will open up
 to new areas of the continent. Not all walls will open though, but when you
 think you have come across a dead end, you should know that you haven't, since
 you can usually advance through to a new area when you think you see a dead

 Starting off, head east and approach the wall to open up a new path. After the
 wall opens, follow the path and you'll come across another wall, which opens
 up to a new path when you approach it. Take the path. Eventually, you'll come
 across a blue orb, which is the Floating Continent's version of a chest, for
 all of you who are ignorant out there (:P). Open it to get the Murasame sword
 for Cyan. If you have Cyan, don't give this worthless garbage to him, since it
 sucks even worse than Dispatch, which is bad.

 After getting the Murasame, keep following the path, ignoring going to the
 north. Instead, approach the south wall and a path will open up. Follow it and
 open the blue orb to fight a monster-in-a-box, Gigantos. In battle, use
 Phantom, since all of his attacks are physical, thus you'll be impervious to
 physical attacks. He has some powerful ones too, so this is a wise course of
 action. After defeating Gigantos, you get the Hardened Knife.

 After you get that, go back to the north path I told you to ignore earlier. As
 you approach the wall, a new path will open up. Step on the weird circular
 area to be carried to a new area. Once you emerge from the circular area, keep
 following the path and you'll eventually come to a switch on the ground. Step
 on it. Doing that results in a new path being opened up to the east. Follow
 that path until you come across another weird circular area (I'll call these
 transporters from now on).

 Step on the transporter to be transported to another area. Now, you'll appear
 next to three transporters; the one you just came out of, and one to the left
 and right. Which one should you take, you ask? You want to advance to Kefka
 and Gestahl so bad, it hurts, doesn't it? So, let's take the left transporter.
 You emerge by a switch on the ground, so go ahead and step on it, since doing
 so will result in a path being lowered below us, which is just what we want.

 Now, go north and step on another switch to create a shortcut to where we need
 to go. Take that shortcut, then follow the familiar path. This time, instead
 of going all the way east, take the long ladder. After doing that, head east
 across the now lowered path (it's a very long path, so be aware) and you'll
 eventually come across, after a long walk, a switch on the ground. Ignore it,
 at least for now. Head to the south of the closed transporter area to the
 north, to another transporter.

 Step inside that one. You'll appear in a room with a Save Point. Rest/save
 your game, then exit via the light. Now, head to the east and open the chest
 to get a Beret. After that, step on the switch I told you to ignore earlier
 to open up a new transporter. Step inside. You'll emerge in a new area of the
 continent. This is where you can choose to go back to the world below.
 IMPORTANT NOTE: If you haven't encountered every enemy you can in the World of
 Balance, gotten every item, Water Rondo, etc., then this is your FINAL CHANCE
 to do it.

 If you don't do it now, then you'll never get another chance to get everything
 you can possibly get in the World of Balance, so keep that in mind. Don't say
 that I didn't warn you, because I just gave you a friendly warning. Anyway,
 when you emerge from the transporter, follow the path and approach the wall
 when you come to what looks like a dead end. After the wall opens up, follow
 the path to the next boss of the game, Atma. Before fighting it, equip your
 party members with Gaia Gear armor and Wall Rings.

 Approach it and press A to initiate a battle with this huge beast. Check the
 Bosses section to see how to defeat Atma. After you defeat Atma, Shadow leaves
 your group (who didn't see that coming?) again. Don't bother going back to the
 Save Point and saving. Instead, go up the stairs to where Kefka and Gestahl
 area. Enjoy the LONG and very good cutscene. I won't spoil it for you. After
 watching the scene and finally regaining control, reequip Celes.

 You are timed 6 minutes to get off the Floating Continent, so equip Sprint
 Shoes and hurry your butt up. Follow the path that collapses as you walk. You
 will eventually come across a platform with a blue orb on it. To get it, you
 have to go around the huge hole to the south of the platform. The orb houses
 an Elixir. After getting that, head east and examine the star to start a fight
 with Nerapa. This isn't a boss, so don't worry.

 To defeat Nerapa, simply unload with your strongest physical attacks (Chain
 Saw or Drill, Dispatch, Stray Cat, etc.). Or, simply use Rflect on a party
 member, then bounce off a Bolt 2 or an Ice 2 spell. You'll win in no time.
 After defeating Nerapa, head east and you'll have the option to jump off or
 wait when you reach the end of the continent. Choose to wait, then stand there
 and wait until the timer reaches 0:04 seconds. When it does, Shadow comes.

 Now, you can escape the continent, resting assured that Shadow is coming with
 you. The Blackjack is destroyed, and all your party members are scattered
 through what's left of the destroyed world. The scene will eventually switch,
 after you see the destruction of the world, to the World of Ruin, where you
 appear in the Solitary Island as Celes.

 World of Ruin Walkthrough

 Solitary Island

 When the scene switches to the Solitary Island, you'll see Cid walking around
 the room, while Celes is in bed. She eventually wakes up. Seems she has been
 in dreamland for a year. It's about time she woke up, wouldn't you agree? Cid
 appears to be sick, and so Celes decides that she'll go and get some fish for
 him to eat. Once you gain control of Celes, there's something you should know.
 There is a counter set in the game for this particular part of saving Cid.

 The counter's default number is 120. Every single second you spend in any
 location except for the World Map, Cid's health meter goes down by 1. In other
 words, if you spend 30 seconds on the beach, Cid's health meter goes from 120
 to 90. When his health meter gets 30 or below, he dies, whereas if it gets to
 256 or higher, he lives. When you go to the beach to give Cid fish, there are
 some more things that you should know about.

 First of all, there are four different types of fish for you to catch. To
 catch a fish, walk up to one and press A when you are as close as you can be
 to one. The four different types of fish are:

 Fish - Slow Moving
 Effect: Decreases Cid's health meter by 16 when you feed it to him.

 Fish - Medium Moving
 Effect: Increases Cid's health meter by 16 when you feed it to him.

 Fish - Fast Moving
 Effect: Increases Cid's health meter by 32 when you feed it to him.

 Rotten Fish - Medium Moving
 Effect: Decreases Cid's health meter by 4 when you feed it to him.

 You can only feed Cid one fish at a time. To feed him one, go back and see him
 and talk to him each time you catch a fish. To reset the fish, talk to Cid. As
 I said above, if you can manage to get Cid's counter to 256 or higher, then he
 will live. If you manage to let it drop to 30 or below, he will die, the poor

 It doesn't matter if Cid lives or dies, as this won't change anything, other
 than the fact that (*GASP* SPOILERS!) Celes won't try to commit suicide like
 she does if he dies. I prefer just to let the poor soul die, since it takes
 far too much effort and time to get the moron to live. This FAQ is assuming
 you let Cid die. If you didn't, you can easily figure out what to do on your
 own, since it's not that hard.

 After Cid dies, Celes will go up to the mountain on the island, and you'll
 regain control of her. Go north and examine the bird she'll try to commit
 suicide by jumping off the mountain. It appears that Celes has given up all
 hope. She's all alone in a dark world full of despair, with no hope of finding
 her friends or any sign of civilization for that matter. Just when you think
 Celes dies, though, she lands on the beach below and a bird comes and nurses
 her back to health.

 The bird has a familiar bandana, and so Celes finally realizes that she is not
 alone; Locke is alive, and there is hope that she may yet find her lost
 friends. Celes regains her courage. Once you regain control of Celes again,
 head into the house. Cid is deceased, but seems to have left a note. How did
 he leave a note when he is dead, you ask? I do not know the answer to that
 question myself, but my guess would be that he is a zombie and he kept that
 secret from everyone. Haha. Not really.

 Anyway, examine the letter to find that Cid has a raft here for you to get off
 the island with. Go downstairs in the room to find the raft. Celes will then
 get on the raft, saying that she'll make Cid (or "Granddad") proud of her, and
 so she sets sail towards what she hopes will be civilization. Eventually, you
 will appear washed up on the shore, on the World Map.

 World Map

 Been a long time since we were on the World Map, huh? Enter the nearby town.


 Once you arrive here, there's nothing new that you can buy, so don't bother
 going to the shops. Go to the item shop and restock on anything you may need.
 There are some hidden items located throughout the city, if you didn't get
 them in the World of Balance. You can find a Potion next to the Inn in a
 barrel, an Elixir in the clock in the Cafe (the Relic Shop connects with the
 Cafe, by the way).

 Also, you'll find a Tincture in the pot in the weapon shop. There's also a
 Warp Stone in the bottom crate in the port area, if you didn't get it in the
 World of Balance. Now that you've got the items here, exit town.

 World Map

 Okay, head all the way north, past the tower you come across (that's Kefka's
 Tower, which remains inaccesible right now), then enter the town by the desert
 there, known as Tzen (we went there in the World of Balance, remember?).


 When you arrive in Tzen, you'll be relieved to find signs of civilization. To
 start off, head north and Kefka will bring the Light of Judgment on Tzen,
 apparently for defying him. Once you regain control of Celes, head north some
 more to find Sabin, who is somehow holding up a HOUSE with his muscles. See
 what steroids can do to you? Once you get inside the house, equip Celes with a
 Ribbon or Jewel Ring.

 After equipping yourself, advance through the house, opening all of the chests
 in the room. One chest by the stairs leading to the room with the kid contains
 a monster-in-a-box, so avoid opening that one. The items you can get in here
 are: Heal Rod, Pearl Rod, Hyper Wrist, Tincture, Drainer, and Magicite (the
 Drainer and Magicite are in the room with the kid, just so you know). When you
 come across the kid that is trapped in this house, approach him.

 He'll come with you, and you'll regain control. The chest to the left of where
 you can find the kid is another monster-in-a-box chest, so avoid opening that
 one as well. After getting the kid, hurry out of here (I recommend equipping
 Sprint Shoes), since you ARE timed, after all. If you can manage to make it
 out of the house before the time runs out (which you should), then hurray for
 you, you escape the collapsing house with the child unharmed.

 But if not, game over for you. Let's hope that doesn't happen. After you get
 out of the house, the house collapses and Sabin and Celes talk for a minute,
 then you regain control; this time with Sabin in your group! Now that you have
 Sabin, go to the shops and buy anything you may need. I definitely recommend
 stocking up on some items if you need them, as well as buying some Relics that
 you might not have.

 Be sure to buy Sabin two Poison Claws if you don't have them already, as well
 as another Fire Knuckle (if you didn't get the one in Zozo, buy him two). Do
 not bother with the Kaiser weapons, since they suck. After you're done with
 your shopping, exit town.

 World Map

 Now that we're back on the World Map, let's advance the story, shall we? Head
 to the easternmost part of the World Map (look at the map in the bottom right
 to see what I mean), then you should notice a long strip of land that sort of
 reminds me of Cuba. When you see that, cross the bridge that leads to Cuba
 (>_>). Once you are on that strip of land, head to the northwestern part of
 the continent, and enter the town there (use your map to get there), which is


 When you reach Nikeah, go to the Weapon Shop. Once there, buy two Enhancer
 weapons for Celes, then exit the shop. Equip Celes with a Genji Glove and two
 Enhancers, to boost her magic power by 14. After that, head over to the Armor
 Shop. Once inside, buy a Diamond Shld, but give it someone besides Celes. Now
 go and buy a Diamond Vest and equip it on Sabin. Now, exit and head over to
 the Relic Shop and buy anything you may need there, though the Relics there
 are generally not too good.

 Now, head over to the Cafe and talk to all four of the bandits there. After
 you talk to the leftmost one after talking to three other stupid ones, the one
 on the left will leave the Cafe, so you should too. After leaving the Cafe,
 you'll witness the four bandits going to the port to board the ferry leading
 to Figaro Castle. Instead of following them, head back into the area with the
 Weapon Shop and Armor Shop, and you'll spot an Edgar lookalike in the crowd.

 When you talk to him, he doesn't say anything important. After you talk to him
 once, he'll walk away, so follow him and talk to him again when he stops. He
 will then run away to the entrance to the port, so talk to him there to, and
 he will say that he been Gerad all his life, and he'll also use the words "My
 lady", which, of course, only Edgar would say. This points to one thing: Gerad
 is Edgar, don't you think? I sure do.

 Gerad will retreat into the port, so go into the port yourself. Once there, go
 ahead and sneak onto the ferry. You'll arrive in South Figaro shortly.

 South Figaro

 NOTE: There are some hidden items in here that you should've left for the
       World of Ruin. See the walkthrough for this town on your first visit to
       it during the World of Balance to see the location of those items.

 Whoa, it's been a WHILE since we've even came remotely close this town, huh?
 Ah, home sweet home. Exit the port and head into town. Once inside town, head
 to the Weapon Shop and buy two Gold Lances (one for Edgar, and one for Mog),
 then leave. Now, head over to the Armor Shop. Once there, buy two DiamondArmor
 items. Give one to Celes, and just hold onto the other one for now. Now, exit
 this shop and head over to the Relic Shop and buy four Amulets.

 You'll need these Amulet Relics later, so be SURE to buy them. After that, go
 ahead and restock on any items you may need in the Item Shop. When you're
 ready, head to the Inn and enter one of the rooms until you find Gerad. Talk
 to him. Before long, the four bandits come in and he leaves with them. So, go
 ahead and exit South Figaro.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, head southwest and north and enter Figaro Cave. Rest/
 save before you do, though.

 Figaro Cave

 As you enter, talk to Siegfried, who is blocking the entrance to the next room
 of the cave. He'll say that he is going to clear the monsters out of the cave,
 and to wait there. This is false; you can wait for one week while you go and
 vacation in Grand Bahama, but the monsters won't clear out. Go into the room
 that Siegfried went into, then when you get in there, exit it to be in the
 actual part of the cave. In this room, head west and go up the stairs, then
 continue west and open the chest to get an X-Potion.

 After you get that, head back to the entrance of this room, then head east and
 open the chest to get an Ether. Once you get that, head to the northwestern
 corner of the room, then enter the leftmost door out of the two doors there.
 In the room you come to, cross the bridge and open the chest to get a Hero
 Ring. Now, exit this room and go through the door to the east. In this room,
 you'll see Gerad and the four bandits talking.

 They give food to the turtle, and then they jump across the turtle into the
 next room of the cave. You'll also spot Siegfried and his suspicious self in
 here. Now, approach the water where the turtle is, which is no longer a spring
 that recovers your HP/MP, sadly, and once there, stand in front of the turtle.
 When the turtle comes toward you, press Up on the D-Pad then hold A to jump
 across to the next room.

 In this next new room, follow the path to the west out of this room. In the
 next room, you can head to the northern part of the room if you want to see
 what Siegfried was truly trying to accomplish here by telling you to wait, the
 deceiving cheapskate bum. The main path you should take in this room is a
 western path. After going all the way west from the entrance, head south into
 Figaro Castle.

 Figaro Castle

 Once inside Figaro Castle, head out of this prison room. Then, head down the
 set of stairs to the west. In the room you appear in, ignore the old man and
 head to the west and go down the stairs. Previously, the old man would stop
 you and not let you go down there no matter how hard you tried, but this time
 you can go down there for some odd reason. Let's check this place out, shall

 In the room you appear in after going down the stairs, head through this room
 and the next room; they are straight-foward. In the third room, you'll see
 four chests; two in each room in the bottom part of the room. Open them to get
 a Gravity Rod, Crystal Helm, Ether, and X-Potion. After pillaging the place,
 go through the door to the left. Eventually, you'll end up in a room with a
 chest containing a Regal Crown.

 Exit the room and go back to the room with the four chests. Once there, go
 through the northernmost door, into a hallway. The Hallway to Hell, to be
 exact. Go through the hallway, into the next room. In this room, before you
 take ONE STEP, take the time to properly equip Celes and Sabin. Here is the
 equipment you should have on each:


 Diamond Shld
 Mystery Veil
 Wall Ring
 Golem Esper


 Fire Knuckle
 Mithril Shld
 Regal Crown
 Diamond Vest
 Wall Ring
 Siren Esper

 After equipping yourself properly, head north a bit talk to Gerad. A cutscene
 will occur, as the four bandits go into the room straight ahead of you. Gerad
 (or Edgar) stays behind to get rid of the monster in the room. Be prepared for
 a boss battle. A rather tough one at that, if you aren't properly equipped.
 Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat this next boss. Once you win,
 Edgar will join your group. Things are definitely looking up!

 Once you regain control, go into the room that the four bandits went into and
 then examine the armor in the middle of the room to get a Soul Sabre. After
 that, exit this entire area, and head into the room before the throne room,
 with Edgar as the leader of your group. Once inside that room, buy any items
 that you need to stock up on. There are new Tools for sale, so buy those for
 sure. Once you're done with your errands, talk to the old man by going down
 the stairs west of the entrance to the castle.

 Tell him to take to Kohlingen. When he does, exit the castle.

 World Map

 Reequip Celes with a Genji Glove and the two Enhancers. Then, equip the Genji
 Glove and two Poison Claws or Fire Knuckles on Sabin. Then, equip Edgar with
 the Gold Lance for sure, followed by the spare DiamondArmor you have. He
 should use the Gold Shld for a shield, and the Crystal Helm for a helmet. Now
 that you're fully equipped, head northwest and enter Kohlingen.


 When you arrive in Kohlingen, head to the Cafe. Inside, talk to Setzer, who is
 sitting at the table. After a few words between Celes and Setzer, he joins
 your group. He says that he and your group will go to Daryl's Tomb to get a
 new airship, since the Blackjack got destroyed. Yay! Once you regain control,
 exit the Cafe and head to the Item Shop. Once there, stock up on some items,
 and buy a few Revivifies, just in case you didn't buy the Amulets I told you
 to buy earlier.

 After your business in the Item Shop is done, head over to the Weapon Shop.
 Once there, buy another Diamond Shld, or two if you don't have a spare one,
 then give them to Edgar and Setzer. After that, buy a DiamondArmor and give it
 to Setzer. Also, if you want to, buy Setzer a Diamond Helm (Edgar too if you
 want), but it's inferior to the Green Beret, and you should have lots of them
 by now.

 Head over to the Weapon Shop. Once there, buy two Trump weapons, then equip
 one on Setzer (equip two if you want to, but it's not recommended just yet),
 then exit the shop, as well as the town.

 World Map

 On the World Map, before we go visit Daryl's Tomb, let's get a couple of good
 items, shall we? Head to the northernmost point on this continent (as always,
 use your map) and you'll come across what looks similar to the Opera House.
 This isn't the Opera House incase your curious self is wondering; this is the
 Colosseum, which was in the World of Balance, a mere shack. Enter it.


 In the Colosseum, you can talk to the guy standing against the wall to the
 north to choose an item that you want to bet. After highlighting an item, you
 have to press A (OMG, NO-BRAINER!). This will bring out an opponent, which you
 must defeat in order to get an even better or worse item than the one you
 wagered, depending on what you wager. In a lot of cases, this opponent will be
 Chupon, and you'll win a mere Elixir if you win an almost impossible fight
 against the mammoth Chupon.

 You have to use only one party member against the opponent, so if you have a
 party of four like you do now, then you'll have to only use one of those party
 members in order to fight the opponent, so choose carefully. Here are the
 items that I recommend you wager right now:

 Wager: Murasame
 For: Aura

 Wager: Tintinabar
 For: Exp. Egg

 Wager: Gold Hairpin
 For: Dragon Horn

 You can bet a Ribbon for a Gold Hairpin, but that's not really wise. You can
 get Gold Hairpins an alternate way by opening a chest in Mt. Zozo, which we
 are not even close to yet, or a chest in the Ancient Castle that also contains
 it. Once you are done betting in the Colosseum, exit.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, go to the dot JUST west of the dot that is actually
 Kohlingen on your map. This is Daryl's Tomb. Enter.

 Daryl's Tomb

 NOTE: The moment you enter here, equip all four of your party members with
       Amulets. If you don't have them, you'll have to rely on Revivifies to
       cure the Zombie status that can be inflicted upon you here.

 When you arrive here, approach the tomb and Setzer will open it up for you,
 but also to say that there could be anything lurking down here, and to keep
 your eyes peeled. Go inside the tomb when you regain control. Once inside,
 head south into the main room. Once inside the main room, there are several
 different doors to take: one to the top left, one to the top right, one to the
 bottom right, one to the bottom left, and one to the south-central part of the

 So many doors to take? Which one should our curious selves enter next? Hmm,
 let's see here... I'd say take the one on the bottom right. Inside, open the
 chest to get a Genji Helmet. Equip it on Edgar, then exit the room and this
 time, take the southwest room. Once inside, open the chest to get a Crystal
 Mail. Give it to Setzer or Edgar (I gave it to Setzer), then go down the set
 of stairs to the east and go into the next room.

 In this room, open the chest to get a Czarina Gown. You can't equip this, so
 don't bother trying. Now, before you venture into the next room, you should
 know that there is a hidden Relic in this room, namely the Exp. Egg. You may
 have gotten some at the Dragon's Neck Colosseum a few minutes ago, but even if
 you did or didn't, you should still get this one. To get it, head to the
 EXTREME southeastern corner of the wall in the room, and search around for a
 hidden passage.

 When you find it, go through the passage which will lead you to a chest that
 contains an Exp. Egg. After you get that, go back out of the passage and exit
 the room. In this next room, go north and press the switch on the wall, then
 exit the room, as well as the next couple rooms until you get back in the main
 room of the tomb. When you reach the main room, take the northeast room. Once
 inside, examine the tombstone to reveal a door behind it. Go through it.

 In this next new room, head north and press the switch on the wall to raise
 the water level in this room. Now, exit back to the main room and take the
 southern room once there. In the room you come to, ride the turtle to the next
 room. In this room, press the nearby switch on the wall to raise the water
 level even more. After that, you can go in the southern room instead of going
 across the turtle, but all it takes you to is a room with four graves.

 In that room, you can examine all four graves, starting from the bottom-right
 one to get these words: The World is Square. This is what Square put in the
 game, since their company name is Square, and the map on the World Map is also
 square, so it could be representing that as well. Anyway, you can go to the
 top-left room in the main room and put these letters in to get the secret of
 the hidden Exp. Egg revealed to you: THEW, ORLD, ISSQ, UARE.

 You have to examine the grave to do this, by the way. Since you already got
 the Exp Egg., you won't need to do this. Anyway, back to where we were. If you
 are confused, then you are in the room with a turtle, high water, and a switch
 on the wall by the door. There is a south entrance in this room, too. Hop
 across the turtle, then go through the door you come to. In this next room, go
 all the way north, ignoring the area with the Save Point for now.

 Eventually, you'll come across a chest containing a Man Eater. Equip this on
 Setzer, then go and rest/save at the Save Point I told you to ignore earlier.
 After that, open the chest you haven't opened in this room to fight a monster-
 in-a-box, who is known as Presenter. I won't classify it as a boss. Just use
 fire attacks against it, but don't attack the shell, since it's like Whelk,
 and will counterattack with the Giga Volt attack, a more powerful version of
 Mega Volt.

 You win a Dragon Claw for defeating Presenter. However, you can get two Dragon
 Claw weapons by eliminating the head AND shell at the SAME exact time. In
 other words, if both the head and the shell have 300 HP left, and you use an
 MT Fire 2 spell and hurt 300 or more on both parts, you get two Dragon Claws,
 rather than one, which GREATLY increases Sabin's Bat Pwr. Anyway, after you
 defeat Presenter, whether or not you get two Dragon Claws or not, go back to
 the Save Point and rest/save.

 Now, go through the northern exit in this room to appear in the semifinal room
 of the tomb. In that room, go north and examine the tomb in the center of the
 area to cause Dullahan, which I'm guessing is Daryl's spirit, to appear. Read
 the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to defeat Dullahan. After you defeat
 Dullahan, go into the room behind the tomb. You'll see scenes from Setzer's
 past here as you walk down the stairs with Setzer.

 Eventually, after a long scene showing Setzer and Daryl, you'll find the
 Falcon, the airship that the deceased Daryl had piloted. Eventually, you'll
 regain control of your group on the Falcon, and you'll be on the World Map.

 World Map

 You're "supposed" to be following that bird that Celes mentioned to Setzer,
 since it is technically your next destination. There are a few things you can
 do, though, before you do to make your life easier. Let's do them, shall we?
 Skip ahead in the walkthrough to Maranda if you don't want to do it. Our first
 destination is the continent with Narshe on it. So, fly the Falcon to the
 northernmost continent on the map, where you should find Narshe.

 Don't land when you see it, but keep flying around in the vicinity of Narshe
 and you'll eventually spot trees the shape of a cross. Land and enter there.

 Duncan's Hideout

 When you arrive here, try and enter the house and Duncan will come out before
 you can. Sabin and Duncan talk for a minute, then Sabin and Duncan start to
 spar with each other, which allows Sabin to learn the Bum Rush Blitz, his
 ultimate Blitz. You COULD'VE waited until Sabin was Level 70 to learn this,
 but that would've taken too long, don't you agree? Yeah, I thought so. You can
 thank me for Bum Rush later. ;)

 After getting Bum Rush and regaining control, exit this hideout, since Duncan
 doesn't say anything important, and there are no items to collect in his

 World Map

 Head back to the Colosseum. Once there, bet the Czarina Gown you got in
 Daryl's Tomb. You'll fight a Sky Base enemy for the Minerva, which is the best
 armor in the game for girls. Once you win against Sky Base, you get the
 Minerva, so give it to Celes, then exit. Now, board the Falcon and fly to the
 small continent on the southwestern part of the map and land there.

 Incase you are wondering, this is the continent where Cid and Celes were in
 the beginning of the World of Ruin. Enter the house, then go to the beach.
 Once there, grab the Esper sitting by the water, known as Palidor. Now, exit
 the house completely. Back on the World Map again, board the Falcon again.
 This time, fly back to the continent with Narshe on it. Once there, land when
 you get near Narshe and then enter Narshe.


 When you arrive in Narshe, you'll find that the town is a ghost town. Anyway,
 when you enter town, go north and a wolf will come to greet you. He'll say
 that there is only a single Moogle left anyway, and lets you pass. Head to the
 west of the Classroom, then examine the wall there that Locke and Terra
 escaped through in the beginning of the game to open up the entrance to the
 mines. Go inside.

 Mines of Narshe

 When you get inside the Mines of Narshe, make your way to the room where you
 had to follow the exact patterns of the light that moved around the rocks. In
 that room, simply exit through the northern door, since you don't have to move
 a certain way this time. In this room, follow the path and you'll come across
 the entrance to a new room very shortly. Go inside. In this room, head north
 and exit into the Moogle Lair via the northern exit.

 Once inside the Moogle Lair, head north and talk to the Moogle standing by the
 wall, which happens to be Mog. After he joins your group and you regain
 control, press A directly behind where Mog was standing to get the Moogle 
 Charm Relic. The Moogle Charm Relic allows you to avoid any random encounters,
 which is nice (you'll see why soon). You can't avoid boss battles though, so
 keep that in mind.

 Now, search the entire Moogle Lair's western and southwestern side to find a
 chest in the southwest corner of the lair that contains a Ribbon. Open it, and
 then go ahead and exit the Moogle Lair, as well as the Mines of Narshe
 completely. Make your way back to the entrance of town. IMPORTANT NOTE: Put
 Mog in your group first before you go back into Narshe; he is waiting for you
 on the Falcon.


 When you get back to the entrance of Narshe, head north through the first two
 areas and then enter the mines when you come to them.

 Mines of Narshe

 Once inside the mines again, head north, then east into the next room. After
 that, simply advance through the next few areas until you reach the snowy
 field where you battled Kefka in the World of Balance. Once there, you should
 see a dragon moving about the place. If you bump into it, you'll have to fight
 it, which is exactly what I want you to do, but NOT before you rest/save with
 the Save Point in the area.

 After saving, run into the dragon. Read the Bosses section to see how to win
 against the Ice Dragon. The Ice Dragon, by the way, is one of the 8 dragons
 scattered throughout the World of Ruin. By defeating all 8 dragons, you get
 the Crusader Esper, since you break the "dragon seal". We're still a long ways
 to go before we get the Crusader Esper, so don't worry about that for now, you
 hear? Good.

 Upon defeating the Ice Dragon, go back and rest/save at the Save Point. Once
 you do that, exit this snowy field via the northern exit. In the area you come
 to, cross the bridge, then approach the frozen Esper there. You'll engage in a
 battle with it, so read the Bosses section again to see how to defeat Tritoch.
 Once you defeat Tritoch, he realizes that you are trying to stop the war, and
 so he becomes an available Esper by turning himself into Magicite. Nifty.

 Once you get Tritoch and regain control, approach the edge of the cliff that
 Tritoch was guarding, then choose to jump off. You'll appear in a cave, which
 I will refer to as "Cave of Umaro".

 Cave of Umaro

 When you arrive in the Cave of Umaro (what a name, huh?), you should know that
 if you step on the certain tiles in the cave, that you'll fall down a hole
 because the tile will collapse (similar to how they did in Crescent Island in
 the World of Balance, if you remember right). Anyway, upon your arrival here,
 head through the nearby door into the next room. In this room, follow the path
 to a chest containing an X-Ether.

 There are no collapsing tiles to worry about right now, so don't worry. After
 opening the chest, exit back to the main room of the cave. Once there, take
 the westernmost door out of the three doors in this room, but don't step on
 the two dark tiles by the door, since they will collapse on you if you do. In
 the room that you come to after taking the western door, equip someone with
 the Phantom Esper.

 Now, get yourself into a random encounter, then use the Phantom Esper to make
 your group become invisible. After doing that, open the nearby chest to fight
 a monster-in-a-box battle, this time against 3 Pug enemies. They have 30000
 HP, which is a lot for just a regular enemy, and they can hurt a LOT with
 their constant barrage of phyiscal attacks.

 To defeat the three Pugs, cast an MT Bio spell on them, then cast Haste or
 Haste2, depending on which you have to speed up the poisoning. This will do
 some damage, as will Tri-Dazer, the ability that Tritoch uses when you summon
 him in battle, so be sure to use that, since the Pugs do have a weakness to

 After doing Tri-Dazer, use Fire 2 Celes, Bum Rush with Sabin, attack with
 Setzer or use Fire 2 if he has it, have Edgar use Chain Saw, and have Mog use
 Fire 2 or just attack (Mog should be in your group). Keep your HP high, and
 you will win. After defeating the three Pugs, there is a chance you could have
 won a Minerva from them, but not likely. If you did, that's great, but if not,
 it's not surprising.

 At any rate, upon defeating them, exit this room and step on one of the dark
 tiles by the entrance to the room you just exited to fall down to a room
 below. Once down there, make your way to the southwestern corner of the room,
 via the bridges, and open the chest you come across to get a Gauntlet Relic.
 Now, head to the extreme eastern part of hte room. Once there, cross the
 bridge, then enter the door you come across (it won't take long to come across

 In this next room, follow the path and you'll reach a switch west of a bridge.
 Ignore it and continue on, since it'll cause you to fall down to your doom.
 Not really. Eventually, you'll reach another switch. Press it. You'll drop
 down to a room with a bone in the middle of the room. Examine it, and your
 group will realize that it is Magicite, and you'll gain the Terrato Esper.

 Just as soon as you do, a sasquatch comes from out of nowhere and attacks your
 group. This sasquatch is Umaro, whom you are about to get as a party member
 after you beat him up. See the Bosses section to see how to defeat Umaro. Once
 you beat Umaro, talk to him and he'll join your group since you have Mog with
 you. If you don't have Mog, go back and get him and go back to the area where
 Umaro is, then talk to him.

 After Umaro joins you, exit Narshe completely.

 World Map

 Get in the Falcon and fly to the strip of land where Nikeah is. This is known
 as the Serpent Trench, by the way. Once you are on the Serpent Trench, fly
 south of Nikeah to find a tower in the middle of a circular-shaped mountain.
 Land there, then equip Mog with the Moogle Charm Relic, and go inside. This
 tower is known as the Fanatics' Tower.

 Fanatics' Tower

 When you arrive here, you'll probably notice Strago is walking around with a
 bunch of weird guys who have souled their souls to Kefka. Strago is in a
 complete trance, so you can't recruit him before you start "oohing and aahing"
 about it. We'll come back later and recruit him. For now, let's head up the
 tower, shall we? Go up the tower and enter the first door you come across.
 Open the chest in that room to get a Safety Bit Relic. Exit the room and
 continue up the tower.

 Enter the next door you come across. Inside, open the chest to get a Genji
 Shld, then exit. Continue up the tower and enter the next door you come to.
 Inside, open the chest to get a Stunner, but ignore the dragon in the room.
 Exit the room after opening the chest with the Stunner. Now, head up the tower
 even more and enter the next door you come across. Inside, open the chest to
 get a Force Armor. Exit the room and go back down the tower until you come
 across the very first door you entered.

 Go inside and once inside, one tile to the east of the chest is an invisible
 switch that you can press to open a new room below this one. So, stand one
 tile south of the tile to the east of the chest, and press A. Presto! Switch
 pressed (Wind Waker pun intended)! Exit and enter the room below. Inside, open
 the chest to get the Air Anchor Tool for Edgar. It sometimes causes instant
 death to enemies, which is decent, I guess.

 Now, we've got what we came for, so let's exit this stupid tower and continue
 our Moogle Raid.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Falcon again. Then, fly to the southernmost
 continent on the World Map. Once there, fly around until you find Kefka's
 Tower. Since you have an airship, you can enter it. Technically, if you wanted
 to, you COULD finish the game with the limited amount of party members that
 you have, but I DO NOT recommend it AT ALL. This FAQ will not be giving you a
 walkthrough for Kefka's Tower for a long while, so just wait before you jump
 right into it, my little impatient buddy. :P

 Anyway, land your airship directly over Kefka's Tower and press A. Then, a
 short scene will take place on the airship. After it's over, you'll have to
 set up three groups to go into Kefka's Tower. Put Mog in Group 1, and just put
 two other random party members in Group 2 and Group 3. After you set up your
 group, press B and you're in Kefka's Tower. Congrats. It helps if you take a
 party member that has Warp, so do that.

 Kefka's Tower

 Once here, make sure the Moogle Charm is still on Mog. Descend the conveyor
 and advance through the tower until you come across a pipe, which is basically
 a door, leading to the next room. When you come to that, ignore the pipe and
 head north and open the chest you come across to get a Coronet. After you get
 that, go through the pipe I told you to ignore earlier, into the next room. In
 this room, head down the conveyor, then go east and through the door into the
 next room.

 In this Magitek Factory-type room, simply follow the path out of the room, but
 be sure to open the chest you come across to get the Fixed Dice weapon for
 Setzer. Once you exit that room, you are done with Kefka's Tower, so warp out
 of here with Warp or a Warp Stone, or simply go back to the very beginning and
 use the crane. Your choice. Once you exit, go back in with Mog in Group 2.

 Once you are back in the tower, switch to Group 2. With Mog in Group 2, head
 through the tower and you'll eventually come across a room with conveyors that
 don't work. In that room is a chest containing a Minerva, so definitely open
 that. After that, continue south and you'll come across a choice between two
 doors; one to the south, and one to the north of that one. Enter the one to
 the north of the southern exit, then open the chest in the room to get a Tack
 Star. Shadow can Throw this when you get him.

 Exit the room and head south through the southern exit. In this room, exit
 through the door to the south, then continue out of the room, ignoring the
 other two doors in this Vector lookalike room. Once you exit that room, keep
 going through the tower. Eventually, you'll come across a room with two pipes.
 Take the leftmost one, since the right one leads you back to where you were.
 After taking the left path, open the nearby chest to get a Force Shld.

 Once you get that, go down the nearby conveyor, then head all the way west to
 a chest containing a Force Armor. After you get that, head east and go through
 the pipe to the next room. In this room, open the chest to get a Ribbon. Now,
 exit this room, as well as the tower completely. Now, put Mog in Group 3 and
 reenter the tower. This will be our final visit to Kefka's Tower for quite
 some time, so enjoy it while it lasts. ;)

 With Mog in Group 3, advance through the tower and you'll come across a chest
 very shortly that contains a Red Cap, so open it. Now, go through the nearby
 door, into the next room. In this room, simply go through the door to the
 north to be in another room. In this room, follow the path and open the two
 chests you come across to get a Nutkin Suit and a Gauntlet. Now, exit this
 room, as well as the hallway room you come across.

 Back in the main room, head south and you'll come across another door. Go
 through it. In the room you come to, simply go west through the pipe into a
 new room. In that room, open the nearby chest to get a Hero Ring. After you
 get that, there is an EXTREMELY well hidden Aegis Shld to get. If you are
 playing on an emulator, simply press 2 on your keyboard to disable layer 2.
 With that disabled, the path is easily discernable.

 If, on the other hand, you are playing on a console, do the following: Go down
 as much as you can, then go east as much as you can. After that, go down as
 far as you can go. Then, go north one step, then go left as far as you can go,
 then go down as far as you can go. After doing that, go right a few steps,
 then open up the chest when you come to to get the Aegis Shld. After getting
 the Aegis Shld, go back into the black area, then go east as far as you can.

 After that, go north and then east until you can't go any further. Once that
 is done, simply go left as much as you can, then go north a bit and you'll be
 able to see yourself again. Phew, that was tough! I don't see how you are
 supposed to find the Aegis Shld if you are playing on a console. Now,  exit
 this room, as well as the tower.

 World Map

 Once you are on the World Map, gather the rest of your party members, and I
 recommend taking Setzer out of your group. Once your party is ready, get back
 on the wheel and choose to lift off. If none of your party members have Vanish
 and Doom, then I suggest you go learn it. After learning Vanish/Doom (this FAQ
 is assuming you have it), then fly around the World Map until you come across
 a battle on the Falcon.

 This battle will be against Doom Gaze, a monster unleashed by Kefka. Doom Gaze
 occupies a certain tile on the World Map when you are flying around (incase
 you are wondering, Doom Gaze only appears when you are in the air). When you
 reach that tile, a battle against Doom Gaze ensues. Doom Gaze has 55555 HP,
 and before you can even take very much HP off, he runs away with the move
 called Escape.

 After he runs away, he occupies a different tile than he did before. Once you
 land on that tile, you'll fight Doom Gaze again. This repeats until he is
 finally dead. Each time you fight him, despite him running away, he doesn't
 regain his HP, so if you take of 9999 HP before he runs away, the next time
 you fight him, he'll have 45556 HP, instead of 55555. Got it? Good. Now, if
 Mog has the Moogle Charm on, you won't encounter Doom Gaze, so be sure to take
 that off if you wish to fight Doom Gaze (this FAQ will be assuming you did).

 Get what I'm trying to say here? We're gonna fight Doom Gaze. Fly around the
 World Map until you come across him. Before long, you should encounter him.
 Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat Doom Gaze. After Doom Gaze has
 been beaten, receive the Bahamut Esper he left behind. Hurray for us, we have
 another Esper in our grasp! After getting the Bahamut Esper, fly to the
 Serpent Trench.

 Once there, fly to the east end of it, then land by the town there. Enter it.
 It is Mobliz, a town we haven't visited since Sabin's Scenario in the World of


 Once here, you'll find that the town is more or less a picture of New Orleans
 after Katrina. The Big Easy doesn't seem so big anymore, does it? Mobliz is a
 clear picture of what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans. We HAVE to do
 something about this! Starting off, head west and a kid will see that you are
 coming, and so he goes inside the house to warn the others. Once you regain
 control, head to the western end of New Orleans (I gotta stop calling it that,
 don't I?) and examine the uppermost barrel out of the 3 barrels next to the
 house to get a Fenix Down.

 After you get that, enter the house that the kid went into. Once inside, check
 the nearby clock to get an Elixir. Then, go downstairs in this room to reach a
 new room. In that room, simply go through the door to appear in a cave, which
 seems to be where all the people of this town are. Inside that cave, the kid
 we saw earlier tries to stop you (look what Katrina did to this place) from
 entering the room, but Terra insists he let you through.

 Once you regain control, go through the door to the north, then talk to Terra,
 who is inside the room. She'll tell you that she felt needed the moment she
 arrived here, since almost all of the adults died trying to save their kids
 after Kefka used the Light of Judgment on the town. Once Terra is done with
 her touching speech and you regain control, exit this room, then head south
 and exit the cave.

 As soon as you do, Phunbaba, an ancient demon released by Kefka when the world
 was destroyed, comes to attack the people of Mobliz. This is why the kid was
 so scared of you when you first arrived here. Terra goes to fight Phunbaba by
 herself, even though she has lost her will to fight. Just let Phunbaba kill
 you when you enter combat with him as Terra, since anything you do will hurt 0

 After Terra gets knocked out, your group comes to the rescue. You'll enter
 combat against Phunbaba, so check the Bosses section to see how to defeat this
 evil beast. After you hurt Phunbaba and he runs away, you'll appear back in
 the cave. Terra will refuse to accompany you, saying she needs more time. Once
 you regain control, try and exit the cave. As you do, a kid stops you and
 gives you the Fenrir Esper that Phunbaba dropped in his haste.

 After you get that, leave town.

 World Map

 Since we have the Falcon, we can make it where we can fight Phunbaba again and
 kill him for good right now. So, board the Falcon, land it again, then reenter


 Back in New Orleans, head inside the westernmost house. Once inside, you'll
 spot a dog move behind the bookcase in the room. Go behind the bookcase and
 walk around until you find the path to the next room. When you reach the cave
 room with Terra and Katarin inside, talk to Terra. After you find out that
 Duane and Katarin are having a baby, a kid will run in and say that Phunbaba
 is coming back again.

 When you regain control, exit the cave room, and the scene will switch to the
 outside area of Mobliz. Your group will engage in battle with Phunbaba. See
 the Bosses section to see how to defeat him. There is another chart with
 information on this second fight of Phunbaba, but the strategy remains the
 same. Just know that after you damage him a bit this time, he'll use
 BabaBreath, which knocks out a couple of your party members.

 After Phunbaba uses BabaBreath, the battle will end. In a desperate attempt to
 save Mobliz from even more destruction, Terra attacks Phunbaba like she did
 last time, but this time in her Esper form (meaning she's Morphed). You don't
 even have to see the Bosses section this time if you don't want to, since the
 battle strategy is exactly the same as it has been since fight number 1. Do
 not worry about Phunbaba using BabaBreath, because he won't this time.

 After you defeat Phunbaba for the FOURTH time, he dies (persistent little
 bugger!). After that, a cutscene occurs, and the kids of the town think that
 Terra is a monster, since she is in her Esper form. One of the kids eventually
 realizes that the Morphed Terra really is their "mama", so they all calm down.
 Once the scene ends, Terra joins your group! Now that you've regained control,
 equip Terra with some equipment other than what she has on if you want to (but
 keep the Minerva on), then leave town.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Falcon and make sure you have both Terra and
 Celes in your group, since they will be the party members that can survive the
 most, due to their godly Minerva armors. The other two party members that I
 recommend having are Mog and Sabin, or Edgar and Sabin (preferably Edgar,
 since you probably don't have a Dragon Horn yet, and therefore Mog can't make
 a fantastic dragoon like he otherwise could with the Dragon Horn).

 After configuring your party, take the wheel of the Falcon and fly to the
 continent to the north of the Solitary Island (the Solitary Island is located
 in the extreme southwestern corner of the map, incase you don't remember). On
 that continent, fly to the southernmost point of it (the part that looks like
 it has a tail sticking out to the right), then land there when you see a town.
 This is Maranda, where we were supposed to go long ago. Enter it.


 Once inside Maranda, head to the Armor Shop. Once there, buy two Tao Robes,
 and buy Dark Gears for Shadow, Sabin, Gau, Locke, and Setzer. Then, exit the
 shop and head over to the Weapon Shop. Once inside the Weapon Shop, buy four
 Falchion swords, not because of their immense Bat Pwr, but because of their
 worthiness in the Colosseum. You can bet Falchions for Flame Shlds in the
 Colosseum, so definitely buy 4 Falchions so you can get 4 Flame Shlds soon.

 Ignore everything else in this Weapon Shop, so exit after buying the Falchion
 swords. Once you exit the Weapon Shop, head to the house to the east of the
 Weapon Shop. Inside, talk to the girl by the desk, known as Lola. Lola will
 tell you that her boyfriend in Mobliz sent her these flowers. Since Mobliz was
 no doubt demolished by Kefka's Light of Judgment, someone else must have gave
 her these flowers, as well as wrote the letters. But who?

 Examine the letter on the desk to find that it has Cyan's handwriting on it.
 Ah, so Cyan's the culprit, eh? After examining the letter, Lola will ask you
 if you will attach a reply to the carrier pigeon outside. Tell her yes, then
 exit this house. Outside, press A in front of the carrier pigeon to the left
 of the house where Lola was to attach the reply. After doing that, the pigeon
 flies off to Zozo.

 Once you regain control, exit Maranda.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Falcon and fly over to Zozo. Enter it after
 you land by it.


 Back in this lame excuse of a town, talk to the carrier pigeon that's nearby,
 and you'll see it fly to the tall building that's nearby, indicating that we
 need to go there. Don't go climbing up the stairs on that building just yet.
 Instead, head west and north, and behind the Cafe you'll find a guy who looks
 remarkably like the merchant you could steal clothes from in South Figaro in
 Locke's Scenario way back in the World of Balance.

 Talk to that merchant lookalike and buy the Rust-Rid from him for 1000 GP. Now
 that we have the Rust-Rid, we can go up to that tall building that the carrier
 pigeon flew to. Hurray for us! Now that you've regained control, head to the
 building by the entrance of the town, then enter it (this building is actually
 the Cafe, incase you are wondering; I don't know why I keep calling it

 Once inside, make your way up to the very top of the Cafe. Once you reach the
 top, press A in front of the leftmost door out of the two wooden doors. After
 you do, the Rust-Rid will dissolve the rust on the door, thus unlocking it. Go
 through the door after the rust dissolves, then simply go north into Mt. Zozo
 after you enter the door.

 Mt. Zozo

 When you arrive here, head west and open the chest you come across to get an
 Ice Shld. After you get that, go east, then south down the stairs and open the
 next chest you come across to get a Red Cap. Now, go down the nearby set of
 stairs, into the next area. In this area, follow the path and you'll come to a
 chest containing a Thunder Shld very shortly. After opening the chest, keep on
 following the path and you'll come across a chest eventually.

 This chest contains an Aegis Shld. After getting the Aegis Shld from the
 chest, go through the nearby exit that has light coming from it, and you'll be
 in a small outside area with a chest. Open it to get a Gold Hairpin. After
 that, exit back to the previous room. Back in the previous room, go through
 the light exit to the north of the chest that contained the Aegis Shld, and
 you'll appear outside.

 Once outside, cross the nearby bridge, then go through the door into the next
 room. In this room, head west across the bridge. Then, rest/save at the Save
 Point that's nearby. After doing that, go east and step on the switch on the
 ground. This will cause a dragon, namely the Storm Dragon, to come out of the
 chest above you. Simply stand here and wait until the Storm Dragon touches you
 to start a battle with it.

 Read the Bosses section to see how to defeat Storm Dragon. Once you defeat
 that tough dragon, go back and rest/save at the Save Point. After that, head
 to the southeastern corner of the room, where you'll find a light exit. Go
 through it to be outside. Outside, simply head east and go through the door to
 be inside a cave. Inside the cave, examine the letter on the desk to find out
 that it has been Cyan that was writing those letters to Lola.

 There is a chest in here that you can't open just yet, but we'll get to do
 that in a minute. After examining the letter, go through the light exit to the
 east and you'll appear on a high cliff at the peak of the mountain outside.
 Once outside, you'll see Cyan on the edge of the cliff, as well as a carrier
 pigeon with him. A long cutscene will commence as soon as you enter the area,
 as Cyan and your group talk for a bit.

 Cyan says he realized that as he wrote to Lola, he was very much like her.
 When you finally regain control, go back into the area where you first found
 Cyan, then examine the shimmering dot in the northwest corner of the area to
 get the key to the locked chest in the room where Cyan had all those flowers.
 After getting the key, go back to the previous room and open the chest. You
 get no items, but instead a supposed "Machinery Manual".

 This doesn't do anything at all; it was just for nothing that we opened the
 chest, I guess. What a shame. Oh well, that's life. After opening up the chest
 in this room, exit this room, as well as Mount Zozo and Zozo itself completely
 (I, for one, have had enough of Mt. Zozo AND Zozo, haven't you?).

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Falcon, as always. Then, fly to the Veldt and
 land there, but before you do, make sure you only have 3 party members in your
 group, since Gau can't join if you have four.

 The Veldt

 When you arrive on the Veldt, walk around until you get a random encounter. If
 you are lucky, on your first random encounter, Gau will appear and join you.
 If not, keep battling until you find him. Once Gau joins you, there a ton of
 new Rages to get. Get as many as you can or think you need. After getting our
 friend Gau some new Rages, enter the cave on the Veldt that was known as
 Crescent Mountain in the World of Balance.

 It is now known as Cave in the Veldt.

 Cave in the Veldt

 Once you get inside the Cave in the Veldt, walk a few steps and you'll see
 Interceptor. He leaves and you regain control. Go through the northern door,
 since the one on the right leads to a dead end. After going through the north
 door, you'll be in a new room (obviously). In this room, follow the path and
 open the chest you come across to get a Rage Ring. This Relic is for Umaro, by
 the way. After getting the Rage Ring, ignore the four guys standing by the
 fire, since they just tell you about Gau, and you already have him.

 Instead of talking to them, head through the nearby wooden door, then simply
 follow the path until you come across a path where you can't see your leading
 party member, since he/she is in the black. When you come to that, go due west
 and open the chest you come across to fight a monster-in-a-box, namely Allo
 Ver. After defeating Allo Ver, you get the Tiger Fangs weapon for Sabin. Give
 it to him, since it raises his magic power, and therefore it powers up Bum

 Now, go east a bit, then go south. Keep following the VERY long path, and you
 will eventually end up in a room with a switch on the wall to the east of a
 wooden door. Press it, as doing so will cause the rocks in the room to move
 out of your way, thus allowing you to progress further into this cave. After
 pressing the switch, head south and open the chest you come across to get the
 Striker weapon. This weapon will allow us to recruit Shadow shortly (assuming
 you didn't kill him at the Floating Continent).

 After opening the chest, go back to where the rocks moved at, then advance
 onward through the cave. Eventually, you'll come across a room with a Save
 Point. Rest/save, and continue on into the next room. In this final room of
 this short cave, you'll come across either Shadow or Relm, along with our
 friend Interceptor, depending on whether or not you saved Shadow or let him
 die in the Floating Continent.

 This FAQ will be assuming that you see Shadow instead of Relm, since I even
 told you to save Shadow in the Floating Continent. The moment you enter this
 room, you notice the unconscious Shadow on the ground. Your leading party
 member rushes over to the unconscious Shadow, only to be attacked by a beast;
 also known as SrBehemoth. Read the Bosses section to see how to win here. Upon
 winning, your group will carry Shadow to Thamasa.


 Once you arrive here, you'll see Shadow in bed, as well as Shadow dreaming
 about his past. Once you regain control, exit Thamasa.

 World Map

 Board the Falcon. Then, fly to Jidoor, then land there and enter it.


 When you get in Jidoor, go to the Weapon Shop. There, buy two Partians and
 give them to Edgar and Mog. Then, exit the Weapon Shop and head over to the
 Armor Shop. When you get in there, buy one Circlet, then equip it on whoever
 is still using a Green Beret. After that, exit the Armor Shop, since there is
 nothing else that we need to buy in it. Now, head over to the Auction House
 (if you wanted to go to the Relic Shop, then go, but it doesn't have anything
 new aside from a Guard Ring Relic, which you don't need at this point).

 Once inside the Auction House, there are new items you can win here. If you
 did not get Golem and ZoneSeek in the World of Balance, you can get them here.
 Here is what you can bid on:

 If You Have Not Bought Golem and ZoneSeek:

 1/1200 of an airship: 25%
 Golem: 12.5%
 Hero Ring: 50%
 Imp Robot: 3.125%
 Zephyr Cape: 3.125%
 ZoneSeek: 6.25%

 If You Bought Golem and ZoneSeek, But No Hero Ring:

 1/1200 of an airship: 25%
 Hero Ring: 50%
 Imp Robot: 12.5%
 Zephyr Cape: 12.5%

 If You Bought Golem and ZoneSeek, As Well As The Hero Ring:

 1/1200 of an airship: 50%
 Imp Robot: 25%
 Zephyr Cape: 25%

 Like last time, if someone buys the Hero Ring, Golem, or ZoneSeek, that item
 can appear the next time you enter the Auction House. Below is a list of the
 prices for each item:

 1/1200 of an airship: 1000000 GP
 Golem: 20000 GP
 Hero Ring: 50000 GP
 Zephyr Cape: 10000 GP
 ZoneSeek: 10000 GP

 Like in the World of Balance with the Chocobo, you CANNOT buy the Imp Robot
 or the 1/1200 of an airship, so don't even bother trying. The rich father will
 always steal it from you. It seems Bill Gates is drowning in a pool of money,
 even in the Auction House. I want you to try and get the Hero Ring here, if
 you have enough money. If not, just come back later. After you are done in the
 Auction House, head into the huge mansion in the northern part of town. This
 mansion is actually known as Owzer's House.

 Owzer's House

 When you arrive here, head north and examine the two lamps on the wall to turn
 on the lights in the room. This will allow you to go up the stairs to the west
 without being forced back by a voice. After turning on the lights, go up the
 stairs to the west, then examine the flower picture in the room to fight three
 Nightshade enemies. If you let Shadow die in the Floating Continent, then the
 flowers won't attack you, which means you can't fight Nightshade enemies, and
 that means that you can't get one of Gau's best Rages.

 Anyway, after fighting the Nightshade enemies, head to the southwest corner of
 the room and examine the picture of the lady there to start a battle against
 three Dahling enemies. Beat them, then go through the door that is revealed.
 Boy, this is a picture of what a haunted house is like. After going through
 the door, simply go down the stairs into the next room. In this room, advance
 through the room until you come across a picture of a chair.

 Approach that picture when you come to it and you'll be picked up by an old
 lady, and have to fight a battle. Win the fight, then the picture returns to
 normal. Now, keep going and you'll come to a choice between two doors. The one
 on the left allows us to come across a chest containing a Moogle Suit, so go
 through the left one first, then open the chest to get the Moogle Suit. Now,
 exit this room and go through the eastern door this time.

 In the room you come to, go north and go behind the three doors that open and
 close automatically. When you go behind those doors, go as far west as you can
 and then press A to open up a chest containing a Relic Ring. After getting
 that, go through the westernmost door out of the three doors when it opens up.
 The other two lead back to the previous room, so don't take them. Anyway, in
 this next new room, simply go west through the door into the next room.

 Here, you'll see four chests floating in the air high above your reach. Stand
 under each of the four chests to start four battles in total (one for each
 chest). After you win the battles, you can open the chest you were standing
 under. The chests contain the following items: 2000 GP, Potion, Ether, and
 Remedy. Not the best of items, but hey, we'll take what we can get. After you
 get those four items, examine the picture of the armor in the room to fight a
 battle with a Still Life enemy. Beat it and go through the new door.

 In the room you come to, rest/save at the Save Point, then go through the
 northern door (the other one leads back to where you came) into the next room.
 In this small room, simply go through the door into the final room of this
 creepy haunted house. In that final room, you'll find Relm (assuming you saved
 Shadow in the Floating Continent), as well as Owzer. Talk to Owzer.

 Owzer says there is a monster in the painting, and it's very hard to get it to
 show itself. The monster attacks you, so you enter a boss fight. As always,
 check the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to win here. Once you defeat
 the evil monster in the painting known as Chadarnook (which, somehow it looks
 as if the monster is still in the painting after you defeat it o_O), Relm will
 join your group, but only after you examine the eastern part of the bookshelf
 to get the Starlet Esper that Owzer brought to his house.

 If you didn't rescue Shadow in the Floating Continent, Relm won't even be
 here. After you get the Starlet Esper, Relm joins your group and you exit this
 haunted house automatically, and appear back in Jidoor. Exit Jidoor completely
 once you appear back in it.

 World Map

 Once you get back on the World Map yet again, board the Falcon, put Relm in
 your group, and fly to the Serpent Trench. Once there, fly south of Nikeah and
 land the Falcon by the Fanatics' Tower. Enter it.

 Fanatics' Tower

 When you get in here, Relm will break Strago of his trance, and he'll join
 your group after Relm and he talk. Once he joins your group and you regain
 control, exit the Fanatics' Tower.

 World Map

 Board the Falcon. It's time that we give Strago and Relm some good equipment,
 as well as get Strago some good Lores. Otherwise, they'll be useless in our
 fight against Kefka, wouldn't you agree? Starting off, let's get Strago
 prepped up first before Relm, shall we? Put Strago in your group, then fly to
 the continent with Thamasa on it. Once there, walk around until you find a
 Harpy enemy.

 When you find that, let it use Aero. When it does, finish it off and Strago
 will learn the Aero Lore if he didn't die during the fight, which I don't see
 why he would've. Now that you've gotten Aero, it's time to get some more good
 Lores (I'm not listing the meaningless Lores, such as Rippler, just the very
 good and noteworthy ones, such as Aero and Big Guard). I'll list all of the
 Lores that I recommend that you get below. Here's the list:

 Found: Fight a Harpy enemy on the continent with Thamasa. Make sure it uses
        Aero, or you can always have Relm use Control to make it do Aero. The
        Harpy enemy is located in the grass or forest on the continent, not the
        gray patches of land. By the way, the continent with Thamasa is in the
        extreme southeastern corner of the map.

 Big Guard
 Found: I always go to Solitary Island for this one. Fly there, then wander
        around in the desert there until you encounter an EarthGuard enemy.
        If you use Sketch with Relm, there's a 75% chance she'll use Big Guard,
        and Strago will learn it after the battle. If you want to avoid the
        Sketch bug, make sure you are Level 16 or Level 23 or higher, and have
        a Beret equipped on Relm as well.

        You can also cast Stop on EarthGuard in order to use Sketch without him
        selfdestructing himself on you, but you'd have to be very fast at doing
        it, and the party member who gets the first turn would have to do it,
        most likely. RunningShoes also  helps you get to use Stop faster.

        Finally, you can simply win the battle against an EarthGuard, go to the
        Veldt, let Gau learn the Rage EarthGuard, and then use that Rage in a
        battle with Strago, and he'll learn the Lore that way.

 Sour Mouth
 Found: Go to Daryl's Tomb, encounter a Mad Oscar. Let it use Sour Mouth (it
        uses it when alone) then after the battle, Strago will learn the Lore.
        Alternatively, you can use Sketch to get a 75% chance of using Sour

 After getting those three Lores, head to Thamasa, and make sure you have both
 Strago AND Relm in your group.


 Once here, head north a bit and Relm and Strago will go and relax, since it
 has been awhile since they were here in Thamasa. Relm tells Strago that his
 friend, Gungho, is hurt. Apparently, Gungho has been hurt by Hidon, the beast
 Strago spent his youth hunting, but to no avail. Strago says he will avenge
 Hidon for Gungho. Despite what Strago says about him going to fight Hidon by
 himself, you can take three other party members with you if you want.

 You don't have to have Relm either. Once you regain control, exit Thamasa.

 World Map

 Board the Falcon, then fly to the very small island in the area with the cave-
 like structure on it. Land there, then enter the cave there, known as Ebot's

 Ebot's Rock

 NOTE: You HAVE to have Strago in your group here. Otherwise, you won't be able
       to reach Hidon.

 When you get inside here, go north and step on the tile. I can't give you a
 specific walkthrough for Ebot's Rock. Each time you step on a tile like the
 one in the beginning of Ebot's Rock, you'll warp to a new location. There are
 four different locations you can warp to. You'll come across MANY chests
 throughout your stay here in Ebot's Rock. Each chest, except for the one chest
 blocking your path to Hidon, contains either 1-5 pieces of coral.

 Coral is what the chest blocking your path to Hidon needs you to feed him. He
 needs 22 pieces of coral, and you can't just give him 10, then 10 more later,
 then 2 more later. You have to give him 22 pieces of coral all in one go,
 otherwise, the coral will just reset and you'll have to go hunt for 22 more
 pieces of coral each time. After you get 22 pieces of coral (I recommend that
 you get a sheet of paper and write down how much coral pieces you have), keep
 warping until you find the chest blocking your path to Hidon.

 Approach that chest and give it the 22 pieces of coral you have. He'll let you
 pass to Hidon after you do that. If you don't have Strago in your group and
 give him the 22 pieces of coral, he won't let you pass, which is why I told
 you above that Strago is mandatory here. Anyway, after feeding the hungry
 chest, head north onto the platform where Hidon awaits. BEFORE FIGHTING HIM,
 give someone the Bahamut Esper. You'll see why in battle.

 Now, Press A in front of him to engage in a battle with him. Check the Bosses
 section to see how to defeat Hidon. Once you defeat Hidon, the Strago will go
 to Thamasa to tell Gungho the news.


 Back in Thamasa, Strago tells Gungho that he defeated Hidon. Gungho doesn't
 believe him at first, but Relm convinces him that Strago really did defeat
 Gungho. We also find out that Gungho, being the pathetic actor that he is, was
 faking being hurt by Hidon in order to motivate Strago to kill Hidon. Once the
 talking is over and you finally regain control, exit Thamasa.

 World Map

 Get back on the Falcon, and let's head over to the Veldt. Once there, walk
 around until you have fought and killed to SrBehemoth enemies. Once you have,
 you'll get two BehemothSuits (one for each). Give both of them to Strago and
 Relm. After that, board the Falcon again and fly to the continent with Maranda
 on it. Once there, fly due west of Maranda and you should see the Opera House.
 When you spot it, land there, then enter it.

 Opera House

 NOTE: Upon entering here, cast Float on all your party members, since you'll
       need it for the boss battle in here.

 When you enter the Opera House, go into the area with all the stairs, where
 you can watch the opera singers (the area where you watched Draco's opera
 preformance in the World of Balance). Once there, you'll see the Impresario
 going crazy, because a dragon appears to be sitting in the middle of his
 stage. So, let's head over to the room in the top right corner of this room.
 Once inside that room, talk to the guy that is by the stairs, and he'll let
 you through.

 Once he does, you'll have to press a certain switch to get on the stage with
 the dragon. See the one on the right that is away from the other three
 switches? Press the one just to the left of that one to drop onto the stage
 where the dragon is. The moment you get down there, you engage in battle with
 the dragon. This dragon is known as the Dirt Dragon. Read the Bosses section
 to see how to defeat Dirt Dragon.

 Upon beating the Dirt Dragon, you get Strago's AWESOME Magus Rod, as well as
 the death of another dragon, which leads us one step closer to the Crusader
 Esper. Exit the Opera House after beating the Dirt Dragon.

 World Map

 Equip Strago with the Magus Rod you just won from the Dirt Dragon, then board
 the Falcon and fly over the Colosseum. Enter it when you reach it.


 When you get inside the Dragon's Neck Colosseum, bet your Heal Rod to fight a
 Pug for a Magus Rod. This can be a tough fight to win, though, so save your
 game before you bet, so if you lose, you can reset it and try again. After you
 get the Magus Rod, bet the Gold Hairpin you got in Mt. Zozo for a Dragon Horn.
 After winning that, you can give it to Mog or Edgar later (preferably Mog,
 cause in my opinion, he makes a better dragoon than Edgar, because of his
 higher magic power).

 After you win those two items, go back to the Veldt and win two more legendary
 BehemothSuits from the SrBehemoth enemies, then come back and bet them at the
 Colosseum for two Snow Mufflers (one for each suit). Give those two Snow
 Mufflers to Mog and Gau, since it is their best armor. After that, exit the
 Colosseum, since you are ready to do so.

 NOTE: If you are having too much trouble with the Pug enemy, I suggest you
       look at the Colosseum section of this FAQ for a strategy. Also, a good
       way to beat the Outsider enemy that has the Snow Muffler is to equip
       Setzer with two Trump weapons, via the use of a Genji Glove.

 World Map

 Now, board the Falcon and fly to the continent to the east of the one with
 Narshe on it. Once there, search around for a huge forest area west of a
 mountainous area. Land there and walk around and fight the Tyranosaur enemies
 until one of them drops an Imp Halberd weapon. If you run into the Brachosaur
 enemy, the strongest enemy that you can run into in a random encounter, RUN
 AWAY AND DO NOT FIGHT IT OR YOU WILL DIE. There's no doubt about that.

 After getting the Imp Halberd, head back to the Colosseum and bet it for a Cat
 Hood. The battle is very simple. After getting the Cat Hood, give it to Relm
 as her helmet. Now, exit the Colosseum and board the Falcon. We're done giving
 Strago and Relm some decent power. So, fly over to the island in the northeast
 corner of the map and land there. That's Triangle Island.

 Once on Triangle Island, walk around until you run into a Zone Eater enemy.
 That enemy will use Engulf on all your party members, thus sucking you up into
 his belly. This is where you can get Gogo, a new party member, so just let the
 Zone Eater use Engulf on you. I will refer to this dungeon as "Zone Eater

 Zone Eater Dungeon

 NOTE: Equip as many Ribbons as you can, or Amulets. Also, equip Thunder Shlds
       on your party members (equip as many as you have on your group).

 Upon arrival here, there are two exits for you to take. The light to the north
 allows you to exit this place, whereas the southern exit allows us to go
 deeper into this creature, so take the southern exit. In the room you come to,
 go west and get on the bridge. You'll notice people dressed in green walking
 around on it. If they touch you, you fall off and plummet to the room below.
 To jump to another bridge, stand in front of the bridge you want to jump to
 and press A.

 Your objective here is to jump across each bridge to make it to the other side
 of the room without being knocked off by the people dressed in green. It may
 sound hard (and it is a bit frustrating at times, but all you emulator users
 will have no problem with this, due to the abusing of Save States), but all it
 takes is good timing to do it. Anyway, jump from bridge to bridge until you
 reach the other side of the room, doing your best not to get knocked off by
 the people.

 Be sure that you open all of the chests that are on the bridges though, since
 they are fairly decent items. The chests containing the following items: Genji
 Armor, Magical Brsh, and FakeMustache. The FakeMustache Relic is something
 that only Relm can equip. It allows Sketch to be turned into Control, meaning
 instead of a random attack of the enemy being used, you can pick which attack
 of the enemy's that you want to use.

 It's not as useful as it sounds, so don't get your hopes up. Don't believe me?
 Go try it in a battle and see for yourself. Anyway, once you are at the other
 side of the room, go down the nearby set of stairs into the next room. In this
 room, rest/save at the Save Point, equip a pair of Sprint Shoes on a party
 member, then go through the door west of the Save Point into the next room. In
 this room, the ceiling will fall down every few seconds.

 If it falls on top of you, you get a game over, which sucks. With Sprint Shoes
 equipped, you aren't invulnerable to the ceiling falling, mind you, but you
 won't get a game over nearly as easily. Sprint Shoes aren't enough to merit
 protection if you rush through the room with your fists flying like Bruce Lee
 would. Anyway, when you get in this room, advance through to the first chest
 you come across.

 Open it to get a Zephyr Cape. DO NOT ADVANCE through the room some more after
 opening the chest. Instead, stand directly in front of the chest and wait for
 the ceiling to fall. When it falls, it won't squash you, since the there is a
 hole in the ceiling above the chest. In other words, the chest offers you some
 protection. Nifty. After the ceiling falls, advance through the room some more
 and when you come to another chest, open it to get a Hero Ring.

 Like the last chest, stand in front of it and wait for the ceiling to fall.
 Since you are standing in front of it, it won't hurt you. Once the ceiling
 falls, advance through the room some more and you'll come across one final
 chest, which contains a Tack Star. Shadow can Throw this. However, this final
 chest DOES NOT offer protection from the ceiling like the last two did. What
 do you do, you ask?

 Well, run in front of the chest, open it, and then run south and exit the room
 because of the southern exit. If you time it right, you'll exit the room
 without dying. When you exit the room with the falling ceiling, you'll appear
 in a small room. In that room, simply go south and into the next room. In this
 next new room full of bridges (thankfully these don't have people on them) and
 empty chests (with the exception of one chest that contains a Thunder Shld),
 you have to make your way to the door in the northern part of the room.

 Inside that door is Gogo, the party member that we're after. Instead of going
 to the door, let's try and open up the only chest that isn't opened in here,
 shall we? To do that, go west across the first bridge and jump across the
 empty chest to the other side. After doing that, jump the two chests to the
 north. Then, head to the southern edge of the bridge (where you are facing the
 platform with the switch on it that you probably see).

 Once there, jump to the platform with the switch on it. On that platform,
 press the switch, as doing so will cause the very small broken pieces of what
 were once bridges to become slightly extended. So, with the small pieces of
 bridge extended, jump back to the entrance of the room via the piece of a
 bridge to your east that just got extended. Once you do that, jump the chest
 to the west, then go west and jump yet another chest.

 After you've done that, jump the chest to the north and then open the chest
 you come across to get a Thunder Shld. We went through a lot of trouble just
 for one Thunder Shld, didn't we? After getting the Thunder Shld, make your
 way to the door in the northern part of the room. It should be obvious how to
 get there. Once you get there, go through the door into the next room. In this
 very small room, simply go up the stairs and speak with the weird looking

 This is Gogo, the party member I was talking about. Incase you are wondering,
 he appeared in Final Fantasy V as an optional boss fight. After you recruit
 Gogo into your party, use Warp to get out of here. But, we're not done here
 yet, for there are a few more chests for us to get. Don't worry, they aren't
 at all hard to get, and don't take long. So, after warping out, reenter a
 fight with Zone Eater and let it use Engulf again to your group.

 Once you are back inside the Zone Eater Dungeon, go south into the first room.
 Once there, get on the bridges with the people on them, and let one of them
 knock you off to the room below. In that room, open the two chests in here to
 get an Ether and a Red Jacket. After opening the chests, step on the switch to
 lower a piece of the floor in the room. Now, use Warp and get out of here;
 this time for good.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, fly to the continent where Albrook, Kefka's Tower, and
 Tzen are. On that continent, fly behind the mountainous area that lies near
 Tzen, and you should see a circular-shaped mountainous area, with a hole the
 shape of a star in the middle. When you see that, fly above the star and press
 A. You'll then have to set up two groups that will go into the cave. After you
 set up your groups, enter the nearby cave, known as Phoenix Cave.

 If you ever want to exit the Phoenix Cave, simply use Warp or use the crane in
 the outside area near the entrance of the cave.

 Phoenix Cave

 NOTE: It would be wise to have Mog as one of your party members. If he is in
       one of your parties, give him the Moogle Charm, since the enemies here
       are tough. Also, when you step on a spike in this cave, each party
       member will lose 200 HP. If you step on a total of three tiles, each
       party member will lose 600 HP. You have to step on spikes though in this
       cave, so be prepared to heal.

       Finally, almost all of the chests in this cave are empty, because a
       certain someone opened them all. I won't tell you who, since I'm sure
       you don't want me giving you spoilers, do you? 'Tis what I thought.

 When you arrive in the Phoenix Cave, make sure you have Group 1. Step on the
 switch that's nearby to open up the path to the next room. After stepping on
 the switch, switch to Group 2, since if you get off the switch then the door
 that you just opened will automatically close back. Anyway, after stepping on
 the first switch, have Group 2 enter the room you just opened up. In the room
 you come to, go up the stairs, then go east and south and step on the switch
 above where Group 1 is.

 After stepping on the switch, switch to Group 2 and go through the newly
 opened door into the next room of the cave. In this new room, make sure you
 stay with Group 2, even though technically you can use Group 1 too. With Group
 2, head across the spikes to the east, then go east and southeast to a chest
 that is sort of hidden. It contains a Warp Stone. After getting that, switch
 to Group 1 and head west to a chest.

 Get in front of the chest and you'll fall down a hole into a below room. In
 that room (you took 400 damage because of the spikes, by the way), head up the
 set of stairs to the south, which will lead you back to the room where you
 fell down to this room at. When you reach that previous room, step on the
 nearby switch to extend a bridge to the chest that sent you to your doom
 earlier. Open that chest when the bridge extends to get a Wing Edge.

 After getting that, switch to Group 2. With Group 2, backtrack a bit (this is
 assuming you are at the chest I told you to open that contained the Warp Stone
 but if you aren't, then you should already be near it) and step on the switch
 you see on the floor (it's basically just to the west of the spikes, and
 should be located to the east of where Group 1 should be). After stepping on
 that switch, this will lower the spikes blocking Group 1's passage further
 into the cave. Switch back to Group 1.

 With Group 1, go across the now lowered spikes, then go down the set of stairs
 to the west leading to the next room. In this room, you can't do anything yet,
 so switch back to Group 2. With Group 2, head back to the chest containing the
 Warp Stone. Once there, backtrack to the west and go down the stairs you see,
 which lead you in the room where Group 1 should be, just on the other side of
 the room.

 When you reach that room (as Group 2), follow the path to the west of the
 entrance across the bridges and you'll come across another floor switch. As is
 always the case with these switches, step on it. Doing this will cause three
 more rocks below the other three rocks to appear in the lava. This is just
 what we need; now Group 1 can progress further into the cave.

 Switch back to Group 1, then go east to where the rocks are. Once there, hop
 across the rocks that you just caused to appear thanks to the interference of
 Group 2. After hopping across the rocks, hop across another set of rocks to
 the west, to reach the other side. Once you reach the other side, follow the
 path and you'll come to another floor switch very shortly, as well as a path
 leading to the north.

 Step on the floor switch, as doing so will cause the huge platform to the east
 of you to move to the west a bit, thus closing off Group 1's passage to the
 north, but enabling Group 2 passage to the north. Nifty. Now, switch back to
 Group 2 and follow the path to the east in this room, since it is the only
 available path for you to follow. When you reach the end of the path, you'll
 come to that huge platform that we moved with Group 1 earlier.

 At that point, go north into the next room. In this next new room, go down the
 set of stairs to the west, then you'll appear in the previous room with the
 huge platform. In that room, you'll be on top of the huge platform. Simply go
 south and step on another floor switch to allow Group 1 to go north into the
 room that Group 2 used to get onto this platform. After stepping on the floor
 switch, switch back to Group 1.

 With Group 1, head north into the next room. In this room, go north and step
 on the next floor switch that is located on a small platform overlooking an
 area of water. After stepping on that switch, switch back to Group 2 and head
 across the spikes that you just lowered by stepping on the switch. After you
 go across the spikes with Group 2, continue west down the stairs into the next
 room of the cave.

 In this next room, you should see a TON of rocks inside a lava-filled area. Go
 across the set of rocks to the west, then when you do that, go across some
 more rocks to the south, then after that, go across some more rocks to the
 east. After that, go east and north, ignoring the first small bridge that you
 come across. When you reach a second small piece of bridge, jump across the
 rocks to the north of that small piece of bridge (the first small piece of
 bridge leads to an empty chest, so that's why you should ignore it).

 You should end up on a platform with a set of stairs carrying you to another
 room. Go up those stairs, into the next room. When you reach this new room,
 press the switch on the wall to drain the water in this room, as well as drain
 out all the lava in the rock-filled chamber (aka, the previous room). When you
 you drain the water/lava and regain control, switch back to Group 1.

 With Group 1, go west and you'll see a Save Point to the south. Rest/save
 there, then continue heading to the west. Eventually, you'll come across an
 area of rocks that was previously filled with water. When you come to that,
 step on the floor switch to the north of the stairs leading down into the rock
 area. Stepping on it will cause some rocks in the nearby rock area to move,
 allowing Group 2 to progress further.

 So, switch back to Group 2. With Group 2, head south and down the stairs into
 the area of rocks that was filled with water earlier (this is the area of
 rocks where a few rocks just got switched around because of you stepping on
 the floor switch with Group 1 a minute ago). Once there, head all the way
 south (previously, you couldn't have headed south, because the rocks would be
 blocking your path) and you'll eventually come to an area with a chest and yet
 another dragon.

 Open the chest to get a Dragon Horn, then go and fight the dragon. Read the
 Bosses section to see how to defeat the Red Dragon. After defeating the Red
 Dragon, you get the Strato weapon for Cyan. Now, backtrack until you come to
 some stairs that you can go up to, which lead to a higher platform with three
 floor switches. When you come to that, go up those stairs, then step on the
 uppermost floor switch. Now, switch back to Group 1.

 With Group 1, head south and go into the rock-filled area. Then, continue to
 go to the west, then go up the set of stairs you come across, then simply
 continue into the next room. You'll appear in the rock-filled chamber that was
 previously filled with lava. In that room, simply make your way to the
 northwest corner of the room and go up the stairs there into the next room.

 Since you drained all the lava out, you won't have to do anymore rock hopping;
 you can just walk across the floor freely. Anyway, when you reach the next
 room, go as far as south as you can go, until you are overlooking an area
 below you that should have two rocks below it. Jump down to the rocks and you
 will automatically cross them and appear on the platform where Group 2 is. On
 that platform, go south and step on one of the two switches.

 Then, switch to Group 2. With Group 2, step on the remaining switch where
 Group 1 is. When both groups are on both switches, a path opens up, allowing
 us to progress even further into the cave. Now, with either group, follow the
 path south and go down the stairs into the final room of the cave. In this
 room, you'll probably notice a red sparkling star to the north of you that's
 out of your reach.

 It is supposedly supposed to carry you back to the entrance of the cave, but I
 have no idea how to reach it. Anyway, follow the short path in this room and
 you'll come across Locke in a few seconds (literally). Locke says that he has
 the Phoenix Esper, which can revive people. Apparently, Locke wants to bring
 Rachel, his former love that lost her memory because of him, then later on
 died in an Imperial attack, back to life using the Phoenix Esper.

 Locke says that the Esper may have lost its power over time, though. Your
 group, as well as Locke, end up heading to Kohlingen to bring back Rachel.


 In Kohlingen, Locke and your group will enter a house where the dead Rachel
 remains in a bed, guarded by a VERY weird old man. I won't spoil the scene for
 you, since it is so cool, and the music is god-like. Once the scene is over,
 Locke and Celes will eventually head outside into the actual town, and Locke
 will give to your group the items that he found in the Phoenix Cave (that's
 why the chests were all empty; it's because Locke opened them).

 Once you regain control, you should know that you only have Locke and Celes
 in your group. Exit town.

 World Map

 Board the Falcon, which miraculously, has appeared right beside Kohlingen,
 even though we were far away from Kohlingen when we entered the Phoenix Cave.
 Once on the Falcon, I recommend setting up a better party, besides just Locke
 and Celes, don't you agree? This isn't Locke's Scenario revisited, after all.
 Once you set up your party, get on the wheel and fly to the continent with
 Narshe on it.

 Land by Narshe, then enter it. Make sure that you have Locke in your group
 before entering here, though.


 Once inside Narshe, know that only a buildings remain unlocked. Our objective
 here is to unlock all of the buildings. That won't do anything, but let's do
 it anyway. To unlock a door, stand in front of it and press A. Locke will
 unlock it, since treasure hunters are obviously good at picking locks. After
 unlocking all the buildings, enter the Weapon Shop.

 Inside, go downstairs and talk to the old man, who will give you either the
 Ragnarok Sword or the Ragnarok Esper. I STRONGLY suggest you choose the sword,
 because you can bet the Ragnarok in the Colosseum to get the Illumina sword,
 which is the ultimate sword in the game, equippable by almost everyone. If you
 choose the Ragnarok Esper instead of the sword, you'll gain an Esper that will
 teach you Ultima, the ultimate MT spell, at an x1 learn rate.

 Not only that, but Ragnarok's summon uses a move called Metamorph. You can use
 Metamorph on enemies or bosses, and sometimes get some items from them. While
 this is good, it doesn't compare to the awesomeness of the Illumina, so again,
 you chose the sword, but if you want the Esper, choose it. You can learn
 Ultima at an x1 rate with the Paladin Shld, a shield I'll tell you about very
 shortly, so I don't recommend the Esper.

 After talking to the old man, exit the house and head over to the house above
 the Relic Shop. Inside, go downstairs to find a guy in a bed. Talk to him and
 he'll give you the Cursed Shld. The Cursed Shld makes whoever has it equipped
 be weak to each element, and also gives an inherent Berserk, Condemned,
 Muddle, Mute, and Seizure to the wearer, which is definitely not good. To
 counter this, simply equip a Ribbon on whoever has the Cursed Shld equipped.

 Also, equip the party member with a Relic Ring to go along with that Ribbon.
 That way, all the status aliments put on you by the Cursed Shld will be gone
 because of the Ribbon, and when and if the timer set on you by Condemned
 reaches 0, you'll automatically be revived, thanks to the Relic Ring.

 Alternatively, and perhaps more worthwhile, you can go with Locke to the
 Solitary Island to uncurse the shield. Make sure he's equipped with the
 ThiefKnife, along with the RunningShoes and a Ribbon. This way, you will not
 only be protected from everything the shield inflicts sans Condemned, you'll
 also be able to steal a boatload of Elixirs from the Peepers on the island.
 Obviously, the choice is yours. Both methods work.

 After you're prepared to uncurse the shield, leave Narshe.

 World Map

 On the World Map, fly to the Solitary Island. Once there, walk around and win
 256 battles with the Cursed Shld equipped, but make sure that the wearer of it
 isn't Gogo, since it won't work on Gogo, and also make sure that the wearer is
 alive after each battle. It doesn't matter if the wearer dies in battle, just
 as long as he/she is alive after each battle. You can't go and battle on the
 Veldt with the Cursed Shld on if you're wondering.

 You don't HAVE to do this if you don't want to, since it'll probably take 2
 hours or more, but I recommend it, since the Paladin Shld, which you get after
 you fight 256 battles with the Cursed Shld equipped, makes you immune to all
 elements in the game, and gives you 40% M.Block, the second best Defense stat
 boost in the game, as well as the third best Magic Defense stat boost in the
 game. Not only that, but the Paladin Shld teaches Ultima to the wearer at an
 x1 rate, meaning almost all your party members can learn Ultima.

 If you don't want to get the Paladin Shld, skip ahead some on the walkthrough.
 After getting the Paladin Shld, board the Falcon again, and fly over to the


 Once here, bet the Ragnarok for the Illumina. The fight against the Didalos
 enemy that you have to fight in order to get the Illumina isn't that hard; but
 avoid putting Relm into battle, since she'll most likely use Sketch, and in
 turn that means that she might use Quake, which will not only Didalos, but her
 own self as well, which isn't good. After winning the Illumina (I'd save my
 game before you bet, just incase), congratulations! You've got the ultimate
 sword in the game!

 NOTE: If you are having trouble with Didalos (be sure to SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE
       YOU BET THE RAGNAROK), then equip a Wall Ring/Safety Bit on one of the
       Minerva-wearers (Terra or Celes). You should have no trouble at all
       after that. Also, an Ice Shld or a Flame Shld helps, too.

 Now, bet the Striker to fight Shadow. He is very easy, and you can't lose,
 even with someone like Relm. Seriously, if you lose, quit this game, since you
 are WAY under-leveled, and can't even HOPE to even HURT Kefka even 100. After
 you beat Shadow, he'll join your group, and you'll get the Striker you wagered
 back. If you bet the Striker again, you'll fight Chupon. Now, bet the four
 Falchions I told you to buy earlier in the walkthrough.

 Win each of the four battles (one battle for each Falchion bet) to get a total
 of four Flame Shlds. After getting those, bet the Strato you have for a Pearl
 Lance. The battle is very easy. The Pearl Lance is the second best lance for
 Edgar and Mog (the Aura Lance being the best). How do we get another one?
 Simple. Bet the Aura you have for a Strato weapon. After winning the Strato,
 bet it for another Pearl Lance.

 After getting two Pearl Lances, leave the Colosseum.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map, board the Falcon. After that, put Cyan in your group,
 since it's time to finish his side quest. With Cyan in your group, fly to Doma
 Castle. Incase you're wondering, it's located on a small island to the east of
 the northern part of the Serpent Trench. Land there, then enter the castle.

 Doma Castle

 Once here, head inside the castle (duh). Once inside, head into the room just
 to the east of the bedroom where you got the Elixir out of the alarm clock in
 your visit here during the World of Balance, right before we went to the
 Floating Continent. Once there, choose to take a rest. In the middle of the
 night, Cyan's soul gets invaded by the three Dream Stooges. Apparently, since
 Cyan's soul is in such anguish because of his past, they want to tortue him.

 We have to do something! Even if you didn't want to, you are forced into
 Cyan's Soul.

 Cyan's Soul (Dream Stooges Area)

 When you arrive here, you'll only have one party member in your party for now,
 so be careful not to die by the random encounters here. Also, if you want a
 complete Rage list, encounter every possible enemy here, since you won't be
 able to come back later. The enemies you can encounter are: Pan Dora, Critic,
 Allosaurus, Parasite, and Barb-e. Anyway. once you arrive here, save at the
 nearby Save Point. Now, your first priority is to rescue all your unconscious
 party members.

 Each party member is guarded by a Dream Stooge, meaning you have to rescue
 two more party members, since the first party member guarded by a Dream Stooge
 was the party member you're in control of now. Since it's VERY hard for me to
 explain where each door leads in this maze, my best advice, which always works
 for me, is to go through each door until you find your party members. When you
 reach a Dream Stooge guarding one of your party members, the said Stooge runs
 away, since his other Stooges aren't there to assist him in defeating you.

 Once you find your two other party members, make your way to a room that is
 separated from the main room. In that room, head south to a door. Go through
 the door, only to be stopped by the three Dream Stooges. You'll enter combat
 against them all this time, so read the Bosses section to see how to triumph.
 After you win, go through the door and you'll appear in what looks just like
 the Phantom Train from way back in Sabin's Scenario in the World of Balance.

 Cyan's Soul (Phantom Train)

 When you arrive here, head west into the first car. Inside, rest/save at the
 Save Point. After that, simply head all the way west and exit the car when you
 can. After exiting the first car, head west into the next car. In that car,
 you'll have to solve a switch puzzle. To solve it, press the nearby switch on
 the wall twice, then open the chest by the crates to get a Genji Glove. After
 you get that, head all the way to the western end of the room.

 There, you should find a chest that hasn't been opened yet. Open that chest to
 get a Lump of Metal. After getting that, go back east and put the Lump of
 Metal inside the empty chest that's in front of the chest that hasn't been
 opened yet. After doing that, the empty chest won't move around anymore (if
 you had tried to get to the closed chest without the Lump of Metal inside the
 empty chest, the empty chest would've just moved around and blocked you), so
 go ahead and open the chest to get a Flame Shld.

 Once that is done, head west and exit this car. Now, head west and go through
 the door into the next car. In this car, you'll have to solve a very confusing
 switch puzzle. Luckily, I've got the solution for you, before you go and cry
 in a corner. Anyway, when you get in here, open the two chests that are nearby
 (you don't have to flick any switches to get to them, but they are a bit
  hidden, so they may be hard to notice, so look carefully) to get an X-Potion
 and a Ice Shld.

 After you do that, it's time for the switch puzzle. The fourth switch should
 be ignored for now, so you only have to flick three switches around. The order
 to press the switches in is this:

 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1

 The switches start from left to right, meaning switch number 1 is the western
 switch, 2 is the middle switch, and 3 is the rightmost switch. Once you solve
 the puzzle, make your way to the western end of the room, where you'll find
 six empty chests, much like the six chests we saw in the previous car (I did
 not bother to mention those chests, since you can't do anything with them in
 that car).

 You have to make it to where some chests are open, and others remain empty.
 Here is what you have to do:

 O O X
 X X O

 O = Open
 X = Closed

 So, do as I showed you above, then press the switch. If you did the chests the
 right way, the switch will open up the path leading out of this car, so take
 it. Once you exit the car, head west and enter the door you come across. You
 appear in a small room with a Save Point. Rest/save, then exit the room and
 continue west, into the next room when you come across another door. In that
 room, pressing the switches does nothing, so simply exit the room right after
 you get in it.

 After exiting the room, you'll appear in a cave that looks somewhat similar to

 Cyan's Soul (Narshe Cave)

 Once here, you should know that this is the only time in the game other than
 the very beginning and the Imperial Camp, that you'll be in Magitek Armor. Go
 south into the first room when you gain control again. Now, if you keep going
 to the east, you'll figure out very shortly that you are just going around in
 circles. So, after exiting the first room, go back in it and the room will

 In that room, simply follow the path south and exit the room. You'll come to
 an outside area where you see Cyan, as well as a bridge. Go west and get on
 the bridge. When you reach the center of the bridge, you fall down into Doma

 Cyan's Soul (Doma Castle)

 When you arrive here, you'll see Elayne and Owain tell you to stop WrexSoul, a
 demon that's inside Cyan's soul, from tormenting him any longer. Once Elayne
 and Owain disappear, they spawn a Save Point, so rest/save. After that, go out
 of this room and head into the main room of the castle. There, head to the
 northeastern room (where Cyan's wife and child died at) to see a scene of
 Cyan's past, where he admits that he loves Elayne.

 After you see that, there are two more scenes of Cyan's past to see, so let's
 go and see them, shall we? Exit the northeastern room, then head south and
 exit the main room of the castle. Once you appear outside, follow the path
 west and you'll see another scene of Cyan's past, where he and Owain spar with
 each other. After you see that, let's see the final scene, shall we? To see
 it, head to the opposite of where you saw the last one at.

 This final scene shows Cyan and Owain fishing. Now, head to the throne room of
 the castle.  Once there, you'll see Cyan, as well as WrexSoul, the demon
 that's been tormenting Cyan ever since Kefka poisoned Doma's waterway. You'll
 engage into combat with WrexSoul, so read the Bosses section to see how to
 defeat him.

 Once you defeat WrexSoul, some dialogue will commence, as Cyan talks to the
 spirits of Elayne and Owain. Once they disappear, you'll appear in the real
 Doma Castle.

 NOTE: If you wanted to get all the items in here that you may have missed, you
       still can.

 Doma Castle

 Head to the throne room. On the throne is the Alexandr Esper, so pick it up.
 Also, Cyan has learned all of his SwdTechs by completing this side quest. Once
 you get the Alexandr Esper, leave the castle.

 World Map

 As usual, board the Falcon. Then, fly to Figaro Castle (it should be on the
 continent with Kohlingen).

 Figaro Castle

 I suggest that you put Edgar as your leading party member and restock on some
 items. After that, go to the entrance of the castle and go down the stairs to
 the left. In the room you come to, talk to the old man and tell him move the
 castle. He'll say that there is something odd about this stratum, and you'll
 get the option to keep moving the castle, or to stop and investigate. So,
 being the nosy fellas that we are, we're going to stop and investigate.
 Exit this room and head down the staircase to the east. In the prison room
 that you come to, head into the open cell to the far east, then go through the
 open door in the cell to reach a cave, which I will refer to as Ancient Cave.

 Ancient Cave

 When you arrive here, open the two chests in the room to get a Wing Edge and
 an Ether. The leftmost chest has the Wing Edge, and the rightmost chest has
 the Ether. After opening the two chests, exit this room via the easternmost
 exit, located in the southeastern part of the room. After doing that, you'll
 come to a room with a chest that's nearby. Open it to fight a monster-in-a-box
 named Master Pug. This is the hardest monster-in-a-box battle in the game, by
 the way, but we can take it down fairly easily.

 Master Pug attacks with Step Mine, which is very painful. It's an unblockable,
 ST attack, whose damage is determined by the amount of steps you have taken in
 the game. Master Pug also uses WallChange, meaning he can change his elemental
 weakness to anything. If Master Pug is weak against fire, he'll use Ice 3 (for
 example; he doesn't just change back and forth between ice and fire for an
 elemental weakness), so that's how you'll be able to tell what he's weak to.

 Everytime Master Pug takes a step closer to your group, he'll use WallChange,
 which can get very annoying after awhile. Here's what spells he'll use when he
 uses WallChange, and this is how you determine what he's weak against after he
 uses WallChange:

 Weakness: Earth - Attack: CleanSweep
 Weakness: Fire - Attack: Ice 3
 Weakness: Ice - Attack: Fire 3
 Weakness: Lightning - Attack: W Wind
 Weakness: Pearl - Attack: Bio
 Weakness: Poison - Attack: Pearl
 Weakness: Water - Attack: Quake
 Weakness: Wind - Attack: Bolt 3

 Once you defeat Master Pug, you'll win the Graedus weapon. Now, head directly
 to the west of the chest and you'll enter the next room via a secret passage.
 When you reach the next room, you'll probably notice a chest to the south.
 Make your way to that chest and then open it to get the Doom Darts weapon for
 Setzer. They are inferior to the Fixed Dice weapon, so don't bother equipping
 them unless you didn't do the Moogle Raid I told you to do earlier.

 After getting the Doom Darts, head to the northwest corner of the room and go
 through the entrance leading to the next room there (it's sort of hidden, but
 just keep going west to enter it). In this room, head to the western side of
 the room and open the chest you see to get an X-Potion. Further south is
 another chest containing some Magicite. After opening the two chests, go down
 the stairs in this room to reach the final room of the Ancient Cave.

 In this room, rest/save at the Save Point, then go up the stairs on the west
 side of the room to reach the Ancient Castle (that's its official name; not
 just some made up crappy name of mine). Also, I should tell you that the room
 you just exited in the Ancient Cave offers no random encounters.

 Ancient Castle

 Once you arrive here, head north a bit and you'll see a scene that shows a
 past battle that ruined this city (yes, this was once a city) during the War
 of the Magi. Once the scene ends and you regain control, advance through the
 castle grounds and you'll eventually come across a door leading inside the
 castle. Ignore it for now, and go through either of the two entrances to the
 left of the castle door.

 In the room you appear in, open the chest to fight another monster-in-a-box,
 namely KatanaSoul. KatanaSoul is a bit tough, but you should easily come out
 on top, considering all of the good equipment you have at this point in the
 game. KatanaSoul is weak to poison, so use Bio on him to cause lots of damage.
 After defeating KatanaSoul, you get the almighty, godly, rigged, and broken
 Offering (like my nicknames? :P).

 The Offering turns Fight into X-Fight. X-Fight allows a party member to attack
 4 times in a row, which is pretty broken, depending on which weapon you are
 using, and whether or not you have Genji Glove on. If you have a Genji Glove
 on to go along with the Offering, you can attack 8 times, because each weapon
 gets 4 attacks. It's not as powerful as you think though to get 8 attacks in a
 row. You'd probably only do about 8000 damage, and Bum Rush, a Morphed Terra
 hitting an elemental weakness, or a DragoonBoots/Dragon Horn jump could do it,
 without sacrificing a shield.

 I don't recommend doing the Genji Glove/Offering combo, because you'll have no
 shield. Also, something I didn't mention was that you can run away from
 KatanaSoul; he is unique since he's the only monster-in-a-box you can run away
 from. Anyway, after getting the Offering, exit this room and then head to the
 east of the castle door and you should spot another door (it can be hard to
 see if your TV's brightness isn't up too high).

 Go through it. In this room, open the chest to get the Punisher weapon. After
 getting that, exit this room and go through the door leading inside the
 castle. Once inside the castle, go north through the first room and you'll be
 in the room. In the throne room, examine Odin's statue remains to cause him to
 turn into a Magicite shard. Congrats! You've just got the Odin Esper! After
 getting the Odin Esper, head through the entrance leading to a new room,
 located just to the east of the throne.

 Once in that room, open the two chests in the room to get a Blizzard Orb for
 Umaro, and a Gold Hairpin. After getting that, head south, then slightly east
 into a new room. In that room, head east and examine the pot for an X-Ether.
 After getting that, examine the sparkle on the bookshelf to read the queen's
 diary. Apparently, she is a human in love with an Esper. That Esper happens to
 be Odin. How sweet. Will they sex it up and have another kid with remarkable
 magical powers like Terra? Who knows.

 After reading the queen's diary, head back into the throne room. Once there,
 sit on the eastern part of the throne (the very eastern edge of it; I mean so
 far east on it that if you take one step east, you'll be off it). From there,
 take exactly five steps down, then press A. Doing so will create a staircase
 in the room with the queen's diary, so head back in there. Once there, go down
 the newly formed staircase to be in a new room.

 In this room, you'll see a dragon walking around the place. Initiate a battle
 with the beast, then read the Bosses section if you want to see how to win.
 Once you defeat the Blue Dragon, you can examine the statue that looks like
 Celes did when she was dressed up as Maria in the Opera House in the World of
 Balance. If you do examine the statue though, you'll get the Raiden Esper,
 since the queen's emotions will turn Odin into Raiden.

 While Raiden is the ONLY way to get the Quick spell, which enables you to take
 two turns with one party member, Odin is the only Esper that gives a +1 bonus
 to Speed. If you do get Raiden, you can always learn Meteor (Odin teaches it)
 via the use of the Crusader Esper, but at a much faster learn rate. However,
 most players prefer Odin over Raiden until all the party members get the Speed

 I would personally choose to get Raiden now, since Speed isn't really all that
 important when you're this powerful this late in the game, but it's up to you.
 This FAQ will assume you took Raiden instead of staying with Odin. After you
 get Raiden, exit the entire castle, as well as the entire Ancient Cave. After
 exiting the Ancient Cave, you'll be back in Figaro Castle.

 Figaro Castle

 Back in Figaro Castle, go down the stairs to the left and talk to the old man.
 Tell him to keep going when he says there's something odd about this stratum.
 After he moves the castle, make sure it's moved back to where the Falcon is.
 When it is, exit the castle.

 World Map

 Once on the World Map, board the Falcon, then fly to the Serpent Trench. Once
 there, fly south of Nikeah, then land by the Fanatics' Tower, then enter it.
 Make sure you have a party member with Life 3 before you enter here, since you
 basically need it for the boss in here (there are other methods to beating the
 boss, but Life 3 is the most easy and efficient method). Also, I recommend you
 equip Mog with the Moogle Charm, since the enemies here are among the toughest
 in the entire game. Don't say I didn't warn you.

 Fanatics' Tower

 NOTE: This is the only dungeon in the entire game in which you can't use the
       Fight command. So, I suggest you bring only your strongest magic users
       to this tower, since you can only use the Magic and Item commands in
       battle. The enemies here are among the toughest in the game, and you
       can't run away from any battle in here, so be VERY CAREFUL. I STRONGLY
       suggest you bring Mog and equip him with the Moogle Charm.

       Technically, you CAN attack with physical by using Bserk on one of your
       party members, but don't do it, since your physicals don't do but maybe
       300 damage to the enemies here, and you can't control a party member
       that's Berserked. Finally, Terra's Morph command is not available in the
       Fanatics' Tower. The ONLY time that your physical attacks will hurt more
       than 300 is if you have barrier-piercing weapons.

 This will be our final visit to this dreadful tower. As I said above, I want
 you to give Mog the Moogle Charm, to make things A LOT easier. Nevertheless,
 for the sake of a complete Rage list, it might be wise to encounter every
 possible enemy here, even though they are VERY hard to defeat. Anyway, once
 you arrive here, start advancing up the tower. Since we did a Moogle Raid here
 earlier, I will be assuming you have opened up all the chests I told you to
 open during the Moogle Raid.

 If you didn't, then see the walkthrough for this tower above (use CTRL + F for
 a quick way to find it; just search for Fanatics' Tower over and over until
 you find it). Go through every door you come across though, as one of them
 contains a dragon I told you to ignore during our Moogle Raid. Assuming you
 didn't already fight and win against him, fight the bugger. Read the Bosses
 section to see how to defeat the White Dragon.

 After you defeat the White Dragon, continue your trek up the tower. Eventually
 you'll come across the very top of the tower. When you reach the top, go
 through the door into a small room with a chest containing a Gem Box. The Gem
 Box is a beauty. It turns Magic into X-Magic, which means you can use two
 magic spells in one turn. VERY NICE. If you use the Quick spell when you have
 the Gem Box equipped, you can use FOUR magic spells in one turn, which is very

 After getting the broken Gem Box, exit this room. Back outside, try to climb
 down the tower and you are attacked by the boss known as MagiMaster, one of
 Kefka's strongest warriors. This could very well be the hardest boss in the
 game, quite honestly. Make sure you have Life 3 with one party member, or you
 are not prepared. Reset your game and learn Life 3 if you don't have it, since
 at this point it's impossible to get off the tower unless you beat MagiMaster.

 See the Bosses section to see how to defeat MagiMaster. After you defeat the
 very hard to defeat MagiMaster, heal up and climb back down this tower and
 then exit when you reach the bottom.

 World Map

 There's one small side quest we can do before we go to Kefka's Tower, and that
 is what I will call "Gau's Father Side Quest". To start this side quest, put
 Sabin, Locke, Edgar, and Gau (obviously Gau) in your group, since having those
 party members will allow you to see the most cutscenes that this side quest
 has to offer. Incase you're wondering, you get nothing out of this, other than
 a cutscene that's funny on some parts.

 After setting up your party, fly to the west of the forest with the Tyranosaur
 and Brachosaur enemies (incase you're wondering, that forest is located on the
 continent to the east of the one with Narshe on it), and you should come to a
 small shack. Land there, then enter it. This is Gau's father's house.

 Gau's Father's House

 When you arrive here, go through the door into the house. Inside, speak with
 the old man there, who is Gau's father. After speaking with him, Sabin will
 tell Gau that that must be his father, and so the group goes over to Jidoor to
 give Gau a more appropriate look so that he can show himself to his father
 without looking like crap.


 When the group arrives in Jidoor, you'll see a funny scene, and depending on
 how many party members you've rescued up to this point, the scene's even
 better! After the scene's over, you appear back in Gau's father's house.

 Gau's Father's House

 Back here, Sabin will try to tell the old man that Gau is his son, but the old
 man denies ever having a son. How sad. :( Once the scene is over, the side
 quest ends. Even though Gau's father denied he ever had a son, Gau is happy
 that his father is alive.

 World Map

 Back on the World Map again, board the Falcon, then fly to the continent with
 Albrook, Kefka's Tower, and Tzen. Once there, fly the Falcon directly above
 Kefka's Tower, then press B. It's time to enter the final dungeon of the game.
 If you need items, go restock. If you want to get the ultimate set ups for
 each party member, look at MeepleLardicle's Character Guide, which can be
 found at GameFAQs.

 Now, set up the three groups with four of your strongest party members in each
 group. After setting up the three groups, we're off to Kefka's Tower!

 Kefka's Tower

 NOTE: The walkthrough for this level will be assuming you opened as many
       chests as possible during our Moogle Raid earlier. If you didn't do the
       Moogle Raid, I won't tell you which chests contain which items, because,
       again, I'm assuming you opened them during the Moogle Raid. I do list a
       few chests in here though (when you reach the point in the walkthrough
       that goes beyond where the Moogle Raid carried you, I'll list all of the
       chests, since we never went that far during our last visit).

       If you wish to see what the chests contain, or how to get them, see the
       above walkthrough for this place during our first visit (use CTRL + F
       and search for Kefka's Tower until you find it).

 When you arrive here, make sure you have Group 1. Now, go down the nearby
 conveyor, then follow the path until you come across a pipe-like thing, which
 is basically a door in this dungeon, leading to the next room. Go through it.
 In this room, go down the conveyor to the west, then follow the path out of
 this room. When you reach the next new room, simply follow the path to the
 other side of the room, then exit to the next area once you reach the exit of
 the room.

 In this outside area, head south until you come across a door leading to the
 next room. Go through it. In this room is a dead end, so switch to Group 2.
 With Group 2, go down the broken conveyor, then go through the door into a new
 room. In this room, simply make your way to the southern exit and go through
 it to reach a new area of the tower (the northern exit contains a chest, but
 you should've gotten that earlier on our Moogle Raid).

 In this area, go into the westernmost room out of the three rooms in this
 room. This room looks like the Imperial Castle where Gestahl was supposedly
 talking "peace", doesn't it? Hmm, sure does. Anyway, once in the western room,
 you'll see a more powerful version of the Atma you encountered in the Floating
 Continent. Approach it, then press A to start a battle. Read the Bosses
 section to see how to win.

 Once you win, rest/save at the Save Point that Atma spawned. Then, exit this
 small room and go south into the next room. In this Vector lookalike room,
 simply follow the path and you'll eventually come across a door leading you
 out of the room. Go through it. When you exit the Vector lookalike room, go
 through the pipe to the left, as the eastern pipe carries you back to where
 you came.

 After taking the left pipe, you'll appear outside. Outside, there's a good
 chance you got the chest that's right in front of you (it had a Force Shld),
 but you may not have gotten the chest in the extreme southwest corner of this
 room. So travel to the southwest corner to be sure that you got it or not. It
 contains a Force Armor. I'm assuming you went and opened the chest with the
 Force Armor, so after you've done that, backtrack a bit and go through the
 leftmost door (there is a door further east, but don't go in yet).

 You'll end up in the room where Group 1 is, just opposite the group. Step on
 the switch on the floor in here to move a square platform on the other side of
 you, where Group 1 is, to the west. This will allow Group 1 to progress
 further into Kefka's Tower. Yay! However, don't switch to Group 1; we still
 have some things to do with Group 2 and 3 first. After stepping on the switch,
 open the chest in the room to get a Ribbon, assuming you didn't get it on your 
 Moogle Raid.

 After that, exit the room. Back outside, take the eastern door I told you to
 ignore earlier. After going through that door, you'll appear in a short
 hallway; simply go north through the door into the next room. In this room, go
 north and press A in front of the dragon. You'll enter combat against the Gold
 Dragon after that, so read the Bosses section if you want a strategy for this

 Once you defeat the Gold Dragon, go through the next two rooms of the tower,
 and you'll come to a huge Magitek Factory-like room. In that room, go all the
 way north and step on the switch. After that, switch to Group 1. With Group 1,
 go through the exit to the south to reach the next room. In this room, head
 all the way east, then go through the door into the next room when you come to
 it. In this next new room, simply follow the path and go through the door when
 you come to it.

 After that, you'll be outside. Outside, you'll come to a conveyor belt that's
 broken in half, so we can't pass for now. We'll have to switch to another
 group. That group is Group 3. With Group 3, advance through the first area,
 and you'll come across a door shortly. The door you come to leads you to two
 chests, which you should've got during our Moogle Raid. The southern one
 allows you to continue, so take the door to the south of this one.

 In the room you appear in, you'll be in a room that looks similiar to the
 Magitek Factory. In that room (there's a chest in here, by the way, so see the
 above walkthrough to see how to get it), there is a hidden Aegis Shld, which,
 if you haven't gotten it yet, look at the above walkthrough for this tower,
 since it is EXTREMELY well hidden, and near impossible to get to if you aren't
 playing on an emulator.

 Whether or not you got the Aegis Shld or not, get on the conveyor belt on the
 north side of the room to reach a new room. In that room, head west and you
 will encounter a Save Point. Rest/save at it, then go west and a boss will
 come down from the ceiling and attack you. This is Inferno, so read the, yep,
 you guessed it, Bosses section to see how to defeat him if you need a strategy
 on beating him. After defeating Inferno, go back and rest/save at the nearby
 Save Point.

 Now, advance through the room until you come across the exit in this room. Go
 through it. In the hallway you come to, simply go south through the door and
 into the next area. In this area, follow the path to a chest containing a
 Megalixir. After getting that, head west and press A in front of the chest
 with the red sparkle on it. Doing that will cause the conveyor belt that was
 broken in half to become whole again, thus allowing Group 1 to continue.

 Instead of switching to Group 1, stick with Group 3 for now. Head up the
 nearby conveyor belt, then open the chest you come across to get a Rainbow
 Brsh weapon for Relm. Keep the Magus Rod on her, since it's better. Now, go
 back around to the door to the east of the sparkling chest, then go through
 that door, and you'll appear in a hallway. In that hallway, go north through
 the door into the next room.

 In this room, press A in front of the final dragon here to engage in combat
 with it. Read the Bosses section if you want a strategy on defeating this
 final dragon. Once you beat the Skull Dragon, the Dragon Seal breaks and you
 get the Crusader Esper, which teaches Meteor at an x10 learn rate, and Merton,
 a barrier-piercing MT attack that hurts your entire group and all enemies
 onscreen, at an x1 learn rate.

 Anyway, after getting the Merton Esper, go through the door to the east, then
 go through the following room which contains nothing of importance. After
 going through the unimportant room, you'll end up at the other side of where
 Group 2 is, in the Magitek Factory lookalike room. There, head north and step
 on the switch to open the door in this room. You can't reach the door yet, so
 switch back to Group 1.

 With Group 1, go up the conveyor belt that you restored into one piece earlier
 thanks to you examining the sparkling chest. Oddly enough, the sparkle on the
 chest is gone now. After crossing the conveyor belt, follow the path until you
 reach a chest containing a Tack Star. After getting that, head east, then
 north to another door. Go through that door, into the next room. In this room,
 head all the way north through the opened door in this room.

 In the room you appear in, go north, then west and south into the previous
 room, but in a different location. You should be above Group 2 now. So, move
 Group 2 off the switch, then switch back to Group 1 and move the ton onto the
 switch below. After you do that, switch to Group 2. With Group 2, go up the
 set of stairs that you just opened up with Group 1 a moment ago, then continue
 north through the door into the next room.

 In this previously visited room, head north, east, and south and go through
 the exit leading to the previous room, but in a different location. You should
 be overlooking the switch that Group 3 should be on. Move Group 3 off the
 switch below Group 2, then push the ton down onto the switch. After you do
 that, switch to Group 3, then go up the stairs to the south, then continue
 north through the door into the previously visited room.

 Once in that room, go north and step on the switch, then step on the other two
 switches with the other two groups. After you step on all three switches,
 switch back to Group 3, then go north through the door into the next room. In
 that room, approach the machine there, known as Guardian, an enemy we have not
 seen since Vector in the World of Balance. Read the Bosses section to see how
 to defeat the once (not now) unbeatable Guardian.

 After you defeat Guardian, rest/save at the Save Point spawned by him, then
 go north through the door into the next room. In this small cave-like room,
 head west and go through the door to the next area. In this outside area, go
 east, then north across the not working conveyor belt, then approach the
 statue you see there. This is one of the three statues Kefka revived. Check
 the Bosses section to see how to defeat this statue called Poltrgeist.

 Once you defeat Poltrgeist, you get the Aura Lance weapon for Mog or Edgar.
 Advance through to a room with a Save Point. Rest/save there, then go back
 to the Magitek Factory lookalike room. There, go south of the entrance to the
 room that led you to Guardian, then go through the exit you come to (you'll
 come to it after going south, incase you're confused). In the area you end up
 in, step on the switch twice to reveal two doors in the room; one on each

 After doing, go back to where you defeated Poltrgeist. Then, go through the
 door that leads to where the Save Point you rest/saved at a minute ago is. In
 that room again, save again, then drop down the hole and you'll reach a cave-
 like area with three switches. You are close to the middle one and can't step
 on any other one, so step on the middle switch. Now, switch back to Group 1.
 With Group 1, go south and exit this room, and you'll be in the room where you
 had to push the tons onto the switches.

 In that room, go through the door that got revealed when Group 3 stepped on
 the switch to the east of you just a minute ago. After going through that
 door, head north and go through the door into another new room. In that room,
 simply go north and through the door into another room. In that room you'll
 come across one of the three statues. Check the Bosses section to see how to
 defeat him.

 After you beat Doom, you get a Sky Render weapon. Rest/save at the Save Point
 that Doom spawned, then go through the pipe to the north. In the room that you
 appear in,  step on the switch, then switch to Group 2. We're almost there!
 Kefka will soon meet us face to face again, and we'll confront him! Doesn't
 that send chills down to your spine? With Group 2, head south and exit this
 room. In the Magitek Factory lookalike room, simply head through the door to
 the east that's very near your current locale.

 In the room you come to, go north through the door into the next room. In this
 room, simply go north through the door you come across to get into the next
 room. Here, you'll encounter Goddess, the last of the three statues. Check the
 Bosses section out if you want a strategy for winning here. After you have
 defeated Goddess, the last of the three statues Kefka revived, you get the
 Excalibur sword, which is inferior to the Illumina in every way, but equip it
 on whoever doesn't have the Illumina on.

 After that, rest/save at the Save Point spawned by Goddess, then go north and
 through the door into the room with the three switches. Step on the third and
 final switch and you'll appear in the final room of the tower, where Kefka
 waits for you. Watch the scene for yourself, since I am not going to spoil it
 for you like I have everything else up to this point. Eventually, you'll be
 given the choice of which party members you want to use for Kefka.

 You can choose a total of 12 party members (two party members will always stay
 behind on the Falcon) to fight Kefka. Choose your party wisely. I suggest that
 you take at least one Minerva-wearer (Terra or Celes) to the battle, and at
 least one dragoon. Note that once one party member dies, if you don't revive
 him/her and you finish a battle with one of the three tiers, when you get to
 the next tier, that party member will be dead, replaced with whoever you chose
 to fight Kefka after that party member (for example, If Mog was number 4, and
 died, and Edgar was number 5, Edgar would take his place).

 After choosing the party members that will fight Kefka (keep in mind you do
 not have to take all 12 party members, but it's common sense to do so), you
 fight his three tiers. Each tier gets harder. When you finally reach Kefka,
 you fight him, obviously. After he's dead, you beat the game, so enjoy the
 ending to this magnificent masterpiece of a game! Oh yeah, read the Bosses
 section to see how to defeat the three tiers and Kefka himself (I suggest you
 do so, since these fights can get hard).

 After the ending has been watched, congratulations on beating such an awesome
 masterpiece of a game!

 | 8. Bosses                                                            |

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |             Whelk                                              |
 |          HP: (Head) 1600                                       |
 |          HP: (Shell) 50000                                     |
 |          MP: (Head) 1000                                       |
 |          MP: (Shell) 120                                       |
 |          Level: (Head) 6                                       |
 |          Level: (Shell) 4                                      |
 |          Steal: (Head) N/A                                     |
 |          Steal: (Shell) N/A                                    |
 |          Item Won: (Head) Potion                               |
 |          Item Won: (Shell) Tincture                            |
 |          Strengths: (Head) N/A                                 |
 |          Strengths: (Shell) Lightning                          |
 |          Weaknesses: (Head) N/A                                |
 |          Weaknesses: (Shell) N/A                               |
 |          Experience Points: (Head) N/A, (Shell) N/A            |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: (Head) N/A, (Shell) N/A                 |
 |          Location: Narshe                                      |

 Strategy: Whelk is the first boss of the game, and he's actually pretty easy.
           At the start of the battle, you'll probably notice how Vicks and
           Wedge were talking about how you don't attack Whelk's shell. There
           is the key to beating him, right there. If you attack his shell at
           all, you'll damage it, but he'll use Mega Volt on one party member
           or all party members in return for that damage you dealt. Since
           Whelk has 50000 HP on his shell, don't waste your time attacking it.

           You will get a Tincture from the fight if you do kill Whelk's HP
           off, but it isn't worth it at all. After a few Mega Volts, Whelk
           will run out of MP, which means you can attack his shell then, but I
           do not suggest you kill him like that. Anyway, to beat Whelk, have
           Vicks and Wedge use Fire Beam on the head, then have Terra use her
           TekMissile attack on his head to cause some good damage.

           Attack the head twice only, as after two hits, the head will hide
           inside the shell. Don't attack Whelk during this time, but instead
           wait until he comes out of his shell, then resume the attacking. If
           you use Bolt Beam on Whelk's head, you'll heal him, so avoid that.
           Even if you use it on the head, you'll heal him, so don't do that,
           either. Repeat this process until Whelk is dead.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Lobo/Lobo/Marshal                                     |
 |          HP: (Lobo) 27 (each)                                  |
 |          HP: (Marshal) 420                                     |
 |          MP: (Lobo) 5                                          |
 |          MP: (Marshal) 150                                     |
 |          Level: (Lobo) 5                                       |
 |          Level: (Marshal) 8                                    |
 |          Steal: (Lobo) Tonic (rare), Tonic (common)            |
 |          Steal: (Marshal) MithrilKnife (common)                |
 |          Item Won: (Lobo) Tonic                                |
 |          Item Won: (Marshal) Potion                            |
 |          Strengths: (Lobo) N/A                                 |
 |          Strengths: (Marshal) N/A                              |
 |          Weaknesses: (Lobo) Fire                               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Marshal) Poison                          |
 |          Experience Points: (Lobo) 37 (each), (Marshal) N/A    |
 |          Money: 410GP                                          |
 |          Magic Points: (Lobo) N/A, (Marshal) N/A               |
 |          Location: Mines of Narshe                             |

 Strategy: The fight against Marshal is very easy. If you have Mog's group
           fighting him, and if Mog learnt his first Dance, Dusk Requium, then
           you can use that Dance and kick Marshal's butt very easily. If Mog
           does Elf Fire, it will literally deal 1000 damage or so. If you have
           Locke's group, on the other hand, then you should have everyone in
           the Back Row before you enter this fight, except for Locke. Now, for
           the attack pattern, simply kill off one Lobo that is guarding

           Don't kill the second Lobo off, since if you do, Marshal will use
           his Charge attack, which hurts a party member about 100, and can be
           deadly after awhile. Keep attacking Marshal with your best attacks
           until you kill him. Then, simply finish off the last Lobo to win the
           battle. Not at all a hard fight if you play it right. Marshal can
           attack with Net, which paralyzes a party member for quite a number
           of turns.

           There's not really any way around this, since Marshal's done it to
           me virtually almost everytime I've fought him. The attacks that the
           two Lobo enemies do don't pose a threat, so don't worry about them.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Ipooh/Ipooh/Vargas                                    |
 |          HP: (Ipooh) 360 (each)                                |
 |          HP: (Vargas) 11600                                    |
 |          MP: (Ipooh) 60                                        |
 |          MP: (Vargas) 220                                      |
 |          Level: (Ipooh) 11                                     |
 |          Level: (Vargas) 12                                    |
 |          Steal: (Ipooh) Potion (common), Potion (rare)         |
 |          Steal: (Vargas) Tonic (common), MithrilClaw (rare)    |
 |          Item Won: (Ipooh) N/A                                 |
 |          Item Won: (Vargas) N/A                                |
 |          Strengths: (Ipooh) N/A                                |
 |          Strengths: (Vargas) N/A                               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Ipooh) Fire                              |
 |          Weaknesses: (Vargas) Poison                           |
 |          Experience Points: (Ipooh) N/A (each), (Vargas) N/A   |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: (Ipooh) N/A, (Vargas) N/A               |
 |          Location: Mt. Kolts                                   |

 Strategy: The fight against Vargas and his two Ipooh's can be your first hard
           battle, but if you play your cards right, it's just as easy as the
           previous battles you've faced thus far. Starting off, have Terra use
           an MT Fire spell on the two Ipooh's to cause some good damage, then
           have Edgar use his AutoCrossbow Tool to cause some good damage to
           the two Ipooh's. Finally, try and have Locke use Steal to try and
           steal the Potions from the two Ipooh's before you finish them off.
           When the two Ipooh's are finished off, you can start attacking

           You only have to take 720 HP off of Vargas, so do that, just have
           Terra use Fire on him, have Edgar use his AutoCrossbow Tool, and
           have Locke attack. Be sure to try and steal the MithrilClaw from
           Vargas, because you can give it to Sabin after the battle, and it is
           better than his default weapon, the MetalKnuckle. After you take 720
           HP off Vargas, he'll use his ultimate attack, the Mortal Attack
           Blizzard Fist to knock all three of your party members out of the

           Sabin then comes in to save the day. After some dialogue, Vargas
           tries to use Mortal Attack Blizzard Fist to Sabin, but he fails,
           since Sabin is too strong to be defeated so easily. You'll then have
           to fight Vargas with Sabin alone. Vargas uses Doom Fist on Sabin,
           which means you have about one minute or so to defeat Vargas before
           you get a game over. To do this, simply move the cursor over the
           Blitz command, press A, then press Left, Right, Left, and A on the

           By doing this, Sabin will preform Pummel, thus defeating Vargas. The
           two Ipooh enemies have some pretty potent attacks, but you should
           just be sure to keep your HP up, and you'll be fine. Vargas, on the
           other hand, does pose a threat. If you aren't careful, you could get
           a game over very easily against Vargas. Vargas uses Gale Cut a lot,
           which is an MT wind-elemental attack that hits all party members. It
           hurts about 60-100, depending on your level and equipment.

           Be sure to use an MT Cure with Terra after Vargas does it, to ensure
           yourself that you don't die.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Ultros                                              |
 |          HP: 3000                                              |
 |          MP: 640                                               |
 |          Level: 13                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A                                            |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: N/A                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning                           |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Lete River                                  |

 Strategy: Ultros may be the first boss to give you trouble, which is one of
           the reasons I told you to put all your characters in the Back Row.
           Ultros attacks with Tentacle a lot, which can either hit all party
           members, or only one party member. Better hope if it hits just one
           party member that it doesn't hit a party member you really need,
           such as Banon (*gasp*). If it hits all party members, you are better
           off, since you can survive it much easier like that in the Back Row.

           Unless Terra and Banon are in the Back Row, they'll likely be killed
           off by Tentacle in one hit if it hits one of them (the MT Tentacle
           won't kill them in one hit, regardless). Ultros's only other attack
           that has a name is Ink, which will put the Blind status aliment on
           you. Since Blind doesn't do anything, don't worry about it, since it
           does very little damage. Anyway, to defeat Ultros, have Sabin use
           his AuraBolt Blitz, have Edgar use AutoCrossbow, have Terra use an
           ST Fire attack, and have Banon use Health every turn, even if you do
           not need it.

           When Ultros says "Delicious morsel, let me get my bib!", then he is
           about to do an ST Tentacle to Terra, so watch out. If he says
           "Muscle-heads? Hate 'em!", then he'll do an ST Tentacle to Sabin. If
           he says "Y... you frighten me!", then he'll do an ST Tentacle to
           Banon. I don't know if there is a way to tell if he's going to do an
           ST Tentacle to Edgar, so just be on your guard. Repeat the attack
           pattern I told you about, and Ultros should go down rather fast.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          GhostTrain                                            |
 |          HP: 1900                                              |
 |          MP: 350                                               |
 |          Level: 14                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A                                            |
 |          Item Won: Tent                                        |
 |          Strengths: Poison                                     |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: Fire, Lightning, Pearl             |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Phantom Train                               |

 Strategy: GhostTrain may be a bit tough if you fight him regularly. There is a
           trick to beating him though, which will make this fight much easier.
           Since GhostTrain is undead, just use a Fenix Down on him to kill him
           in one hit. Nifty, eh? ;) To fight him normally, have Sabin use his
           AuraBolt Blitz, have Cyan use the Dispatch SwdTech, and have Shadow
           throw Shurikens. Keep doing this until you defeat him. GhostTrain
           attacks with Evil Toot, which can cause status aliments to your
           group, which is never good. He also attacks with Wheel, which hurts
           a little bit, so be careful. With 1900 HP, GhostTrain should fall
           really quickly.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          TunnelArmr                                            |
 |          HP: 1300                                              |
 |          MP: 900                                               |
 |          Level: 16                                             |
 |          Steal: Bio Blaster (rare), Air Lancet (common)        |
 |          Item Won: Elixir                                      |
 |          Strengths: N/A                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Lightning, Water                          |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 250GP                                          |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Figaro Cave                                 |

 Strategy: TunnelArmr is very easy. If you got the Thunder Rod from the chest
           in here (I don't recommend it), then you can throw it at him and
           eliminate him in one hit. It will do around 2000 damage; possibly
           even more! The normal way to run is to have Celes use Runic at all
           times, unless you need healing, and have Locke attack. Have Locke
           steal the Air Anchor from TunnelArmr, then equip it in the place of
           his Guardian weapon. After that, have Locke attack every round,
           while Celes uses Runic and heals when necessary until you win.

           TunnelArmr attacks with Drill, Poison, and a few other attacks that
           are potent. With Runic, Celes can absorb any magic attack sent your
           way. Drill cannot be absorbed, since it is physical. Just don't let
           your HP go below 100 and you should be fine.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Kefka                                               |
 |          HP: 3000                                              |
 |          MP: 3000                                              |
 |          Level: 18                                             |
 |          Steal: Elixir (rare), Ether (common)                  |
 |          Item Won: Peace Ring                                  |
 |          Strengths: N/A                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Narshe                                      |

 Strategy: This fight is very easy, despite Kefka having very powerful magic
           spells, such as Ice, Ice 2, Poison, Bolt, Muddle, and Drain. To win
           against him, I recommend you have Celes in your group, since she
           will make things a whole lot easier. This FAQ will assume you have
           her in your group, but if not, just keep your HP up, since you'll
           have to without Celes. Anyway, have Celes just use Runic the whole
           battle unless someone's HP gets low because of Kefka's physical
           attack (not likely), while Cyan uses Quadra Slam or Dispatch, have
           Sabin use Pummel or AuraBolt, have Edgar use AutoCrossbow, have Gau
           use his Stray Cat Rage, or the Templar Rage also works good (with
           dual Earrings, of course).

           Have Terra use an ST Fire on Kefka if you have her in your group,
           and have Locke just attack. Repeat this while keeping your HP up IF
           you don't have Celes, and you'll win quickly (or you should). With
           Runic, none of Kefka's spells, including Muddle, will even touch

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |           Dadaluma                                             |
 |          HP: 3270                                              |
 |          MP: 1005                                              |
 |          Level: 22                                             |
 |          Steal: Sneak Ring (rare), Jewel Ring (common)         |
 |          Item Won: ThiefKnife, Head Band                       |
 |          Strengths: N/A                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Poison                                    |
 |          Experience Points: (Dadaluma) N/A, (Iron Fist) 144    |
 |                             (each)                             |
 |          Money: 1210GP (can be more depending on if you fight  |
 |                         the Iron Fists)                        |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Zozo                                        |

 Strategy: Dadaluma is a very easy boss. To defeat him, have Gau use his Stray
           Cat Rage or his Trilium Rage if you have it (use that over Stray
           Cat; I just mentioned Stray Cat incase you didn't have Trilium),
           since a dual-Earringed Gau can deal upwards of 2000-3000 damage to
           Dadaluma by using Trilium, since Dadaluma has a weakness to Poison.
           Have Edgar use his Chain Saw Tool, have Celes use an ST Ice, and
           have Locke try and steal the Sneak Ring from Dadaluma, then have him
           attack after he steals.

           If you have Cyan, have him use Dispatch. Have Sabin use Pummel. If
           you have Shadow, have him throw Shurikens. When Dadaluma gets low on
           HP, he'll heal himself up a lot with Potions and Tonics, then he'll
           cast Safe on himself. Don't worry, though, just keep attacking him
           and he'll go down easily. Dadaluma can send out two Iron Fists to
           aid him in battle, but they aren't much of a problem. Use Edgar's
           AutoCrossbow to make quick work of them.

           Dadaluma has weak attacks, so don't worry about dying. He CAN,
           however, throw MithrilKnives and Dirks at you, so watch out for
           that, since it does insane ST damage to a party member.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Ultros                                              |
 |          HP: 2550                                              |
 |          MP: 500                                               |
 |          Level: 19                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A                                            |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Water                                      |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning                           |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 2GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Opera House                                 |

 Strategy: The second fight against Ultros is relatively easy. To defeat him,
           have Edgar use his Drill Tool (Chain Saw is too risky for you to use
           it effectively), have Gau use the Aspik Rage (if he has dual
           Earrings, the damage will be even more amazing) to deal out some
           VERY serious damage to Ultros. I'm talking about like 4000 damage to
           him. Have Locke just attack. If you have Cyan, have him use his
           useless Dispatch SwdTech, since that's basically all he can do at
           this point. Have Sabin use his Fire Dance Blitz on Ultros to cause
           some good damage to him.
           Ultros can turn you into an Imp, so watch out for that. If you end
           the battle quickly enough, Ultros won't be able to use Imp Song, so
           try to end it as soon as possible. Ultros still has his Tentacle
           attack, which will deal some heavy damage to a party member. If he
           uses an ST Tentacle attack, it could deal up to 400 damage or more,
           depending on your level and whether or not you are in the Front Row
           or the Back Row. Overall though, Ultros is easier this time than he
           was the first time. He can be harder if you don't play your cards
           right, though.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Ifrit/Shiva                                           |
 |          HP: (Ifrit) 3300                                      |
 |          HP: (Shiva) 3000                                      |
 |          MP: (Ifrit) 600                                       |
 |          MP: (Shiva) 500                                       |
 |          Level: (Ifrit) 21                                     |
 |          Level: (Shiva) 21                                     |
 |          Steal: (Ifrit) N/A                                    |
 |          Steal: (Shiva) N/A                                    |
 |          Item Won: (Ifrit) N/A                                 |
 |          Item Won: (Shiva) N/A                                 |
 |          Strengths: (Ifrit) Fire                               |
 |          Strengths: (Shiva) Ice                                |
 |          Weaknesses: (Ifrit) Ice                               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Shiva) Fire                              |
 |          Experience Points: (Ifrit) N/A, (Shiva) N/A           |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: (Ifrit) N/A, (Shiva) N/A                |
 |          Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility          |

 Strategy: This fight is extremely easy. If Celes has Ice 2, this can be over
           in one turn, literally. If she doesn't, it'll take a little longer,
           but it'll still be easy, especially if you have four Wall Rings on
           your party members (which you should). To win, have Celes use Ice or
           Ice 2 on Ifrit, have Locke attack, have Gau use the Stray Cat Rage,
           have Edgar use Chain Saw or Drill (preferably Drill, since Chain Saw
           is way too risky), have Cyan use Dispatch, and have Sabin use his
           Pummel Blitz.

           If Shiva happens to appear in the battle, then have Celes use Fire
           or Fire 2 if she has it, and have everyone else attack the same way
           as they did for Ifrit until you win.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Number 024                                            |
 |          HP: 4777                                              |
 |          MP: 777                                               |
 |          Level: 24                                             |
 |          Steal: Rune Edge (common), Drainer (rare)             |
 |          Item Won: Blizzard (common), Flame Sabre (rare)       |
 |          Strengths: Varies                                     |
 |          Weaknesses: Varies                                    |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 4                                       |
 |          Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility          |

 Strategy: This is another easy fight, sadly. To win, have Celes attack, have
           Locke attack, have Edgar use Chain Saw, have Gau use Stray Cat, have
           Sabin use Pummel, and have Cyan use Quadra Slice. After 30 seconds
           of attacking you with physical attacks, Number 024 will use his
           WallChange ability, which makes it where he is immune to one
           element, and weak against another. If you use Scan to see his new
           weakness, he'll merely use WallChange again, so don't bother doing

           Just repeat this battle tactic, healing whenver necessary (If you
           didn't keep those Wall Rings on after Ifrit and Shiva, that is. If
           you did, use Potions to heal) and you'll win quite easily and quite
           swiftly, I might add.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Number 128                                            |
 |          HP: (Number 128) 3276                                 |
 |          HP: (Left Blade) 700                                  |
 |          HP: (Right Blade) 400                                 |
 |          MP: (Number 128) 810                                  |
 |          MP: (Left Blade) 470                                  |
 |          MP: (Right Blade) 150                                 |
 |          Level: (Number 128) 23                                |
 |          Level: (Left Blade) 22                                |
 |          Level: (Right Blade) 21                               |
 |          Steal: (Number 128) N/A (common), Tempest (rare)      |
 |          Steal: (Left Blade) N/A (common), Tincture (rare)     |
 |          Steal: (Right Blade) N/A (common), Tincture (rare)    |
 |          Item Won: (Number 128) Tent                           |
 |          Item Won: (Left Blade) Fenix Down                     |
 |          Item Won: (Right Blade) Fenix Down                    |
 |          Strengths: Ice                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 5                                       |
 |          Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility          |

 Strategy: Now this boss battle could be a quite a hard one. It helps if you
           have all of your party members in the Back Row, but if you don't,
           you can still win, though it'll definitely be a lot harder. Anyway,
           this boss comes with three body parts: the main body, and a left and
           right arm. If you destroy the arms, they regenerate in 15 seconds,
           so attacking them is useless and a waste of your time. Instead, what
           you should do is concentrate all of your attacks on the main body of
           Number 128. Have Edgar use his Chain Saw Tool, have Gau use the
           Stray Cat, Aspik, or Marshal Rages (preferably Marshal if you have

           Have Locke attack, but ONLY after he steals the rare Tempest sword
           from the main body of the creature. Have Cyan use Dispatch, since he
           really can't do anything else, being as useless as he is. Finally,
           having Sabin do Pummel or Fire Dance isn't a bad idea (I'd prefer to
           use Fire Dance, but use whichever one you want). Since this boss has
           a whole plethora of powerful attacks, you should be very careful,
           being sure to keep your HP as high as possible throughout the fight.

           When both arms are destroyed, Number 128 will use Haste on itself,
           which greatly increases its speed, meaning it can take turns faster.
           After both arms destroyed is when the creature REALLY starts to use
           strong attacks. He can use the following when the arms are killed:
           Atomic Ray, Gale Cut, Shock Wave, Blaster, and Net. Blaster is the
           most dangerous attack this guy can do, since it can kill a party
           member in one hit if it connects. Repeat the strategy I listed above
           and keep your HP high throughout the fight to avoid death, and you
           should come out on top.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Crane/Crane                                           |
 |          HP: (Right Crane) 2300                                |
 |          HP: (Left Crane) 1800                                 |
 |          MP: (Right Crane) 447                                 |
 |          MP: (Left Crane) 447                                  |
 |          Level: (Right Crane) 24                               |
 |          Level: (Left Crane) 23                                |
 |          Steal: (Right Crane) Potion (common), Debilitator     |
 |                               (rare)                           |
 |          Steal: (Left Crane) N/A (common), NoiseBlaster (rare) |
 |          Item Won: (Right Crane) N/A                           |
 |          Item Won: (Left Crane) N/A                            |
 |          Strengths: (Right Crane) Fire                         |
 |          Strengths: (Left Crane) Lightning                     |
 |          Weaknesses: (Right Crane) Lightning, Water            |
 |          Weaknesses: (Left Crane) Water                        |
 |          Experience Points: (Right Crane) N/A, (Left Crane) N/A|
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: (Right Crane) 2, (Left Crane) 2         |
 |          Location: Blackjack                                   |

 Strategy: The left Crane is lightning-based, meaning DO NOT use lightning
           spells on it under ANY circumstances, because if you do, you'll see
           a message appear onscreen saying "Electrified LV 1!". After it gets
           electrified three times by lightning, it'll unleash all of the
           electrical energy that you hit it with to cause massive damage to
           your group. The right Crane is a fire-based crane, so don't use fire
           spells on that one, or a message will appear saying "Heat source LV
           1!". After three fire spells on it, it'll unleash the fire energy it
           has stored to cause massive damage to your group.

           To win, simply use your strongest physical attacks on each Crane,
           just avoid using magic at all costs, even ones that don't assist the
           cranes, since they are so easy magic isn't necessary anyway. The
           Stray Cat Rage works well if you need Gau to use a physical. This
           battle will be over in no time if you just hack away with your best
           physical attacks.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          FlameEater                                            |
 |          HP: 8400                                              |
 |          MP: 840                                               |
 |          Level: 26                                             |
 |          Steal: Flame Sabre (common), N/A (rare)               |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Fire                                       |
 |          Weaknesses: Ice, Water                                |
 |          Experience Points: 492                                |
 |          Money: 1200GP                                         |
 |          Magic Points: 4                                       |
 |          Location: Thamasa                                     |

 Strategy: Defeating FlameEater should take very little effort. As a matter of
           fact, you can probably beat him by just throwing an Ice Rod at him
           with a Morphed Terra. So, have Terra use Morph and throw the Ice Rod
           at FlameEater (not the Bomblets). Instant win. If you want to know
           what to do with the other characters, have Strago use his Aqua Rake
           Lore to destroy all the Bomblets, then have Locke attack. Have
           Strago attack after the Bomblets are gone, then use Aqua Rake to
           kill them once FlameEater regenerates them.

           If the battle lasts long enough, FlameEater will cast powerful
           spells like Fire 2 and Fire 3, which can be nullified via the use of
           Wall Rings. The battle shouldn't last long enough for FlameEater to
           do any of his powerful attacks, though, so breathe easy; this is one
           VERY easy fight.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Ultros                                              |
 |          HP: 22000                                             |
 |          MP: 750                                               |
 |          Level: 25                                             |
 |          Steal: White Cape (common), N/A (rare)                |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Water                                      |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning                           |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Crescent Island                             |

 Strategy: Ultros is VERY easy this time around. He has a lot of HP, but you
           will easily be able to knock it off with a Morphed Terra casting
           Fire 2. Also, having Strago throw any Fire Rods you have is a good
           idea, too. If Strago knows Fire 2, have him use that instead. Have
           Locke simply attack, or use Fire 2 if he knows it. After you take
           off enough HP, Relm will enter the battle and some dialogue will
           commence, as Relm wants to take Ultros's portrait.

           Relm threatens to commit suicide since Ultros doesn't want her to
           paint his portrait. Ultros reluctantly agrees and you regain control
           of your group, this time with Relm in it. Simply have Relm use her
           Sketch ability to end the battle. You can kill Ultros before or
           after you get Relm to join you, but Sketch is how you're supposed to
           do it. Ultros does have some powerful attacks, such as Fire 3, but
           they're nothing to worry about. The battle should be over long
           before Ultros gets to do any real damage to you.

           I forgot to mention that you can use Bolt 2 on Ultros to cause good
           damage too, but Fire 2 is more powerful overall.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Chupon/Ultros                                         |
 |          HP: (Chupon) 10000                                    |
 |          HP: (Ultros) 17000                                    |
 |          MP: (Chupon) 40000                                    |
 |          MP: (Ultros) 8000                                     |
 |          Level: (Chupon) 26                                    |
 |          Level: (Ultros) 26                                    |
 |          Steal: (Chupon) Dirk (common), N/A (rare)             |
 |          Steal: (Ultros) Dried Meat (common), N/A (rare)       |
 |          Item Won: (Chupon) N/A                                |
 |          Item Won: (Ultros) N/A                                |
 |          Strengths: (Chupon) Fire                              |
 |          Strengths: (Ultros) Water                             |
 |          Weaknesses: (Chupon) Ice, Water                       |
 |          Weaknesses: (Ultros) Fire, Poison                     |
 |          Experience Points: (Chupon) N/A, (Ultros) N/A         |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 4                                       |
 |          Location: Blackjack                                   |

 Strategy: This fight is so very easy, you'll wet your pants. I sure hope not,
           though. Starting off, just have everyone use Fire 2 or their best
           attacks and Ultros will go down fast. Before you can kill Ultros, he
           sends his friend Chupon to attack you. Oh noes! What are we going to
           do now? Like Ultros, Chupon is also ridiculously easy. Just use Ice
           2 on him. Fire is ineffective, so don't use that. Eventually, Chupon
           will use Sneeze on your group, thus blowing you off the Blackjack
           (that must have been one heck of a sneeze to get out).

           Also, you can kill Ultros after he summons Chupon, but you don't
           have to.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |     Air Force/Laser Gun/MissileBay/Speck                       |
 |          HP: (Air Force) 8000                                  |
 |          HP: (Laser Gun) 3300                                  |
 |          HP: (MissileBay) 40                                   |
 |          HP: (Speck) 420                                       |
 |          MP: (Air Force) 750                                   |
 |          MP: (Laser Gun) 335                                   |
 |          MP: (MissileBay) 15                                   |
 |          MP: (Speck) 285                                       |
 |          Level: (Air Force) 25                                 |
 |          Level: (Laser Gun) 24                                 |
 |          Level: (MissileBay) 25                                |
 |          Level: (Speck) 25                                     |
 |          Steal: (Air Force) Elixir (common), N/A (rare)        |
 |          Steal: (Laser Gun) X-Ether (common), N/A (rare)       |
 |          Steal: (MissileBay) N/A (common), Debilitator (rare)  |
 |          Steal: (Speck) N/A (common), Amulet (rare)            |
 |          Item Won: (Air Force) Czarina Ring                    |
 |          Item Won: (Laser Gun) N/A                             |
 |          Item Won: (MissileBay) N/A                            |
 |          Item Won: (Speck) N/A                                 |
 |          Strengths: (Air Force) N/A                            |
 |          Strengths: (Laser Gun) N/A                            |
 |          Strengths: (MissileBay) N/A                           |
 |          Strengths: (Speck) N/A                                |
 |          Weaknesses: (Air Force) Lightning, Water              |
 |          Weaknesses: (Laser Gun) Lightning, Water              |
 |          Weaknesses: (MissileBay) Lightning, Water             |
 |          Weaknesses: (Speck) Lightning, Water                  |
 |          Experience Points: (Air Force) N/A, (Laser Gun) N/A,  |
 |                             (MissileBay) N/A, (Speck) N/A      |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Blackjack                                   |

 Strategy: This fight is one heck of an easy fight. Any character with Bolt 2
           should use it. If you don't have Bolt spells, Aspik works well, as
           does summoning Ramuh. Strago's Aqua Rake Lore works wonders, as
           well. If you don't have any Bolt spells whatsoever (if you don't, I
           feel sorry for you, you poor soul), then just unload with your most
           powerful attacks, but focus all your attacks on Air Force and NO ONE
           ELSE, do you hear me? Good. This boss should go down very quickly.
           If you have a spare Thunder Rod, throw it at the enemy with the best
           magic-user you have in your party to deal massive damage.

           This boss has some very powerful attacks, which can really wear you
           down after awhile. Two attacks I can name that are strong that this
           boss uses are WaveCannon and Atomic Ray. Also, summoning ZoneSeek in
           this battle can really help out, because of the Shell that it puts
           on your group. If you are having too tough a time, go after
           MissileBay first. An important note: Speck absorbs all magic attacks
           sent your way if he is sent out into battle, so annihilate Speck if
           he is sent out, using physical attacks. He has very little HP to get
           rid of, so don't worry about that.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Atma (1st fight)                                      |
 |          HP: 24000                                             |
 |          MP: 5000                                              |
 |          Level: 37                                             |
 |          Steal: Elixir (common), Ribbon (rare)                 |
 |          Item Won: Elixir                                      |
 |          Strengths: N/A                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Floating Continent                          |

 Strategy: The battle against Atma can either be easy or hard, depending on how
           you play your cards. It is advised that you have Wall Rings equipped
           on all your characters before you enter this fight, to nullify the
           Flare attack that Atma does. Flare is an ST attack that does severe
           damage to a single party member (say around 800-1200). You won't be
           able to use an MT Cure or Cure 2 spell with Wall Rings on, but you
           can heal using X-Potions and Elixirs. As far as attacking goes, have
           your physical attackers (e.g. Cyan and Edgar) unload with their most
           powerful physical attacks, whereas your magic users use their best
           magic attacks.

           You can't exploit a weakness on Atma, since he has no weaknesses, so
           just use any of your strongest spells (e.g. Bio and the level 2
           elemental spells). Have Shadow throw Shurikens, and have Gau Rage a
           powerful Rage, such as Aspik, Chimera, Ninja, Ing, or Bomb. Keep
           attacking Atma with your strongest attacks, being sure to keep your
           HP above 500, and you'll win. Atma has some very powerful attacks,
           though, such as Flare Star, W Wind, Quartr, Meteo, and Flare. He has
           even more attacks than these, so watch out.

           You can use Celes to Runic once Atma starts using W Wind and Quartr,
           so keep that in mind, too.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |     Tentacle/Tentacle/Tentacle/Tentacle                        |
 |          HP: (Top Left Tentacle) 4000                          |
 |          HP: (Top Right Tentacle) 5000                         |
 |          HP: (Bottom Left Tentacle) 6000                       |
 |          HP: (Bottom Right Tentacle) 7000                      |
 |          MP: (Top Left Tentacle) 500                           |
 |          MP: (Top Right Tentacle) 600                          |
 |          MP: (Bottom Left Tentacle) 700                        |
 |          MP: (Bottom Right Tentacle) 800                       |
 |          Level: (Top Left Tentacle) 34                         |
 |          Level: (Top Right Tentacle) 33                        |
 |          Level: (Bottom Left Tentacle) 32                      |
 |          Level: (Bottom Right Tentacle) 31                     |
 |          Steal: (Top Left Tentacle) N/A (common), N/A (rare)   |
 |          Steal: (Top Right Tentacle) N/A (common), N/A (rare)  |
 |          Steal: (Bottom Left Tentacle) N/A (common), N/A (rare)|
 |          Steal: (Bottom Right Tentacle) N/A (common), N/A      |
 |                 (rare)                                         |
 |          Item Won: (Top Left Tentacle) N/A                     |
 |          Item Won: (Top Right Tentacle) N/A                    |
 |          Item Won: (Bottom Left Tentacle) N/A                  |
 |          Item Won: (Bottom Right Tentacle) N/A                 |
 |          Strengths: (Top Left Tentacle) Earth, Water           |
 |          Strengths: (Top Right Tentacle) Lightning, Water      |
 |          Strengths: (Bottom Left Tentacle) Ice, Water          |
 |          Strengths: (Bottom Right Tentacle) Fire               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Top Left Tentacle) N/A                   |
 |          Weaknesses: (Top Right Tentacle) N/A                  |
 |          Weaknesses: (Bottom Left Tentacle) Fire               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Bottom Right Tentacle) Ice, Water        |
 |          Experience Points: (Top Left Tentacle) N/A, (Top Right|
 |                             Tentacle) N/A, (Bottom Left        |
 |                             Tentacle) N/A, (Bottom Right       |
 |                             Tentacle) N/A                      |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 5                                       |
 |          Location: Figaro Castle                               |

 Strategy: This fight can easily be the hardest fight you've done thus far in
           the game if you aren't properly equipped. You should be though,
           since I told you everything you should equip before the start of the
           fight. Have Sabin and Celes use their Espers when they get their
           first turn, then just use your strongest attacks on the tentacles,
           being sure not to heal them (they each have a different elemental
           weakness and strength, so see the chart above to see what you should
           use on each one), and you'll win. Be sure to keep your HP high, too.

           They have some annoying attacks, like Seize, Entwine, and Bio, but
           with Wall Rings and RunningShoes on both Sabin and Celes, you should
           have no problem with this boss. Edgar is the only one who can be
           seized. Have Edgar use his Chain Saw or Drill to cause damage, since
           he most likely doesn't have any spells.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |           Dullahan                                             |
 |          HP: 23450                                             |
 |          MP: 1721                                              |
 |          Level: 37                                             |
 |          Steal: X-Potion (common), Genji Glove (rare)          |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Ice                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire                                      |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 5                                       |
 |          Location: Daryl's Tomb                                |

 Strategy: Now this boss is HARD, any way you look at it. Unless you are a PL
           person, and have built up insanely high, say Level 40+, you will
           have a hard time with this boss. Dullahan attacks fast and hard with
           L? Pearl, Ice 2, Ice 3, Pearl, N. Cross, Absolute 0, and more. If
           you  have not figured it out by now, Dullahan is imprevious to ice,
           so avoid using that on him. He is weak against fire spells, so have
           Celes use Fire 2, have Sabin use Fire 2 if he has it, or just have
           him attack otherwise. Have Setzer attack or use Fire 2 if he knows
           it (his Slots suck), and have Edgar use Chain Saw, since it'll be
           inherently more powerful than Fire 2.

           Repeat this battle tactic, while healing a LOT, and having Celes
           take the time to Runic sometimes instead of just attack, and you
           will hopefully come out on top. Alternately, you can use Rasp on
           Dullahan until you take away his 1721 MP to kill him. You will more
           than likely come close to getting a game over here at the very
           LEAST, since Dullahan has some STRONG attacks that can easily kill
           you if you aren't careful.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Ice Dragon                                            |
 |          HP: 24400                                             |
 |          MP: 9000                                              |
 |          Level: 74                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: Force Shld                                  |
 |          Strengths: Ice                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire                                      |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Narshe                                      |

 Strategy: Now even if you do have a Minerva-equipped Celes, this battle is
           still hard. This is one of the hardest boss battles in the game, if
           you ask me. The Ice Dragon attacks with some powerful attacks, such
           as N. Cross and Absolute 0. N. Cross can get especially annoying, as
           it can freeze your party members, as you probably know from fighting
           Dullahan. Anyway, to win, have Celes use Fire 2, Sabin use Bum Rush,
           Setzer attack or use Fire 2 if he knows it, and have Edgar use Chain
           Saw. This boss will fall rather quickly if you keep this up.

           Be sure that you keep everyone's HP high at all times though, and
           revive anyone that dies. If anyone gets frozen (very likely), use an
           MT Fire (not Fire 2) spell on your group to unfreeze the frozen

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |           Tritoch                                              |
 |          HP: 30000                                             |
 |          MP: 50000                                             |
 |          Level: 62                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Earth, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison,      |
 |                     Water, Wind                                |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire                                      |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Narshe                                      |

 Strategy: The battle against Tritoch is EXTREMELY easy, so don't worry about
           his many strengths to elemental attacks. Aside from ice, those
           strengths simply means that he nullifies those elements. Since he is
           an ice creature though, he absorbs ice attacks, meaning they heal
           him, so avoid using those at all costs. The strategy is basically
           the same as the one was for Ice Dragon, but you don't have to use as
           much caution, since Tritoch is a pushover. Have Celes use Fire 2,
           Edgar use Chain Saw, Setzer use Fire 2 if he has it, otherwise have
           him attack, and have Sabin use Bum Rush.

           This battle should be over VERY quickly, since all Tritoch does is
           use Rasp the entire battle. Well, he can attack with Ice 3, which is
           painful, but he rarely does it, and a Minerva-wearing Celes should
           not have to worry about dying.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Umaro                                               |
 |          HP: 17200                                             |
 |          MP: 6990                                              |
 |          Level: 33                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Ice                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Poison                              |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 10GP                                           |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Narshe                                      |

 Strategy: Umaro is even easier than Tritoch. To defeat him, have Celes use
           Fire 2, Edgar use Chain Saw, Sabin use Bum Rush, Setzer use Fire 2
           or attack, and have Mog use Fire 2 or just attack. If anyone has
           Tritoch (preferably Celes), then summon him, as Tri-Dazer will do a
           ton of damage. Repeat this battle tactic and you'll win VERY, very
           shortly. Umaro will eventually use a Green Cherry which powers him
           up on his power and defense, as well as magic defense, but it's
           nothing at all to worry about. Just continue the attacking.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Doom Gaze                                             |
 |          HP: 55555                                             |
 |          MP: 38000                                             |
 |          Level: 68                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Ice, Poison                                |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl                               |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: World Map                                   |

 Strategy: This fight is actually one of the hardest fights in the game if you
           don't have Vanish/Doom. That's how I like to fight this battle,
           however, since Vanish/Doom is so cheap it isn't even funny. But if
           you are a cheater, then Vanish/Doom is for you. To beat Doom Gaze,
           simply have the party member who has Vanish and Doom use Vanish.
           Then, next turn, have that party member use Doom. Instant victory.
           If you use Vanish/X-Zone, then you'll kill Doom Gaze, but won't get
           the Bahamut Esper, which isn't good, so I don't recommend doing it.
           You CAN, however, go back and beat Doom Gaze with Vanish/Doom or the
           normal way, EVEN IF you use X-Zone on it. X-Zone doesn't actually
           "kill" Doom Gaze, but rather makes him vanish out of the battle.

           The way a man fights Doom Gaze is the way that I prefer doing it.
           Since Doom Gaze is weak against fire, have any character use Fire 2
           or Fire 3 on him. Tri-Dazer also works well. You may want to wait
           until later in the game to fight him, since you might not can win
           right now, even with a Minerva-wearing Celes. Doom Gaze will run
           away after you take a certain amount of HP off, but just keep on
           chasing him, hacking away at him with Fire 2 or 3, and keeping your
           HP high, until you win.

           Anyone who isn't a magic-user should use their strongest physical
           attacks. Sabin should use Bum Rush, and Gau's SrBehemoth Rage is
           AWESOME here, so definitely use that. He can do tons of damage with
           a Hero Ring and an Earring, two Hero Rings, or two Earrings. Doom
           Gaze has some very powerful attacks, such as Aero, an MT wind-
           elemental attack that does serious damage to you. At the start of
           the battle, Doom Gaze will cast L.5 Doom, which kills any party
           member whose level ends or begins with 5.

           Doom Gaze can also attack with a VERY STRONG physical attack, as
           well as Ice 3. You can also throw Pearl Rods at Doom Gaze for a TON
           of damage, as well as Fire Rods at him for some good damage as well.
           Once you win, you get the Bahamut Esper, which teaches Flare.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Phunbaba (1st fight)                                  |
 |          HP: 28000                                             |
 |          MP: 10000                                             |
 |          Level: 28                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Lightning                                  |
 |          Weaknesses: Poison                                    |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Mobliz                                      |

 NOTE: If Sabin has two Poison Claws on, it really helps if you just want to
       attack with him.

 Strategy: The fight against Phunbaba shouldn't be hard at all, considering he
           will run away after you take a very low amount of HP off him. To win
           against Phunbaba, have any party member that is good with magic or
           even half-decent, use Bio on Phunbaba. This will do considerable
           damage to him, since he has a weakness to poison. If you already got
           Gau in your party at this point in the game, Trilium works well
           here, especially if he has Earrings on, or a Hero Ring.

           Have Sabin use Bum Rush, and Edgar use Chain Saw. Phunbaba will fall
           rather fast, just be sure to keep your HP up. Phunbaba attacks with
           Solar Plex, Blow Fish, Bolt 2, and Bolt 3, so watch out. Celes will
           not die though, since she has the Minerva on, which nullifies his
           lightning attacks.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Phunbaba (2nd fight)                                  |
 |          HP: 26000                                             |
 |          MP: 10000                                             |
 |          Level: 31                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Lightning                                  |
 |          Weaknesses: Poison                                    |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Mobliz                                      |

 IMPORTANT NOTE: The same strategy as above applies to this second fight, so I
                 simply copy/pasted the above strategy. Also, if Sabin has two
                 Poison Claws on, it really helps if you just want to attack
                 with him.

 Strategy: The fight against Phunbaba shouldn't be hard at all, considering he
           will run away after you take a very low amount of HP off him. To win
           against Phunbaba, have any party member that is good with magic or
           even half-decent, use Bio on Phunbaba. This will do considerable
           damage to him, since he has a weakness to poison. If you already got
           Gau in your party at this point in the game, Trilium works well
           here, especially if he has Earrings on, or a Hero Ring.

           Have Sabin use Bum Rush, and Edgar use Chain Saw. Phunbaba will fall
           rather fast, just be sure to keep your HP up. Phunbaba attacks with
           Solar Plex, Blow Fish, Bolt 2, and Bolt 3, so watch out. Celes will
           not die though, since she has the Minerva on, which nullifies his
           lightning attacks. The only difference in this fight is the fact
           that he does BabaBreath after you damage him enough, which knocks
           out two of your party members.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Phunbaba (3rd fight)                                  |
 |          HP: 26000                                             |
 |          MP: 10000                                             |
 |          Level: 31                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Lightning                                  |
 |          Weaknesses: Poison                                    |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Mobliz                                      |

 IMPORTANT NOTE: The same strategy as above applies to this third fight, so I
                 simply copy/pasted the above strategy. Also, if Sabin has two
                 Poison Claws on, it really helps if you just want to attack
                 with him.

 Strategy: The fight against Phunbaba shouldn't be hard at all, considering he
           will run away after you take a very low amount of HP off him. To win
           against Phunbaba, have any party member that is good with magic or
           even half-decent, use Bio on Phunbaba. This will do considerable
           damage to him, since he has a weakness to poison. If you already got
           Gau in your party at this point in the game, Trilium works well
           here, especially if he has Earrings on, or a Hero Ring.

           Have Sabin use Bum Rush, and Edgar use Chain Saw. Phunbaba will fall
           rather fast, just be sure to keep your HP up. Phunbaba attacks with
           Solar Plex, Blow Fish, Bolt 2, and Bolt 3, so watch out. Celes will
           not die though, since she has the Minerva on, which nullifies his
           lightning attacks. Since you have Terra in your group this time, she
           should use Bio or Ice 2 or Fire 2, if she doesn't have Bio.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Storm Dragon                                          |
 |          HP: 42000                                             |
 |          MP: 1250                                              |
 |          Level: 74                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: Force Armor                                 |
 |          Strengths: Wind                                       |
 |          Weaknesses: Lightning                                 |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Mt. Zozo                                    |

 Strategy: The fight against Storm Dragon is actually pretty hard. To be honest
           here, I thought he was the hardest dragon next to the Ice Dragon. To
           win, have Celes use Bolt 2 or Bolt 3, have Terra use Bolt 2 or Bolt
           3, have Sabin use Bum Rush, have Edgar use Chain Saw, have Mog use
           Bolt 2 or attack if he doesn't know Bolt 2, have Setzer attack or
           use Bolt 2 (noticing a pattern here?), and Umaro automatically will
           attack if you have him in this battle. The Storm Dragon has some
           pretty potent attacks, such as Aero, and Rage, which is an MT attack
           that is unblockable.

           If you have a Minerva on, or a Thunder Shld, you can nullify Storm
           Dragon's wind-elemental attacks (e.g. Rage). Storm Dragon also has a
           fairly powerful physical attack that he uses. Storm Dragon also can
           use Wind Slash, so watch out for that as well. If you have Fenrir or
           Golem equipped, summon them. Just keep your HP high and unload with
           Bolt 2 or Bolt 3, and you will hopefully win. It won't be a surprise
           if you get a game over or come close, since Storm Dragon is hard.

           However, DEFINITELY be sure to keep your HP high throughout this
           tough battle, to ensure that you don't die. Casting Haste2 on your
           group also helps.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          SrBehemoth                                            |
 |          HP: 19000                                             |
 |          MP: 1600                                              |
 |          Level: 43                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), Murasame (rare)                  |
 |          Item Won: ThunderBlade (common), Jewel Ring (rare)    |
 |          Strengths: Ice                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Poison                              |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Cave in the Veldt                           |

 Strategy: This fight shouldn't be too hard at this point in the game. Have all
           your party members that have Fire 2 or Fire 3 use it (Celes and
           Terra should already have Fire 3, Bolt 3, and Ice 3). Sabin should
           use Bum Rush, Edgar should use Chain Saw, etc. You get the picture;
           strongest physical attacks with physical attackers, and Fire 2 or
           Fire 3 with your magic users. This battle should be over shortly.
           SrBehemoth's attacks are quite strong though, with attacks like Ice
           3, Pearl, and Meteo, so be careful.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          SrBehemoth                                            |
 |          HP: 19000                                             |
 |          MP: 9999                                              |
 |          Level: 49                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: BehemothSuit                                |
 |          Strengths: Poison                                     |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl                               |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 5                                       |
 |          Location: Cave in the Veldt                           |

 Strategy: This fight is the easiest in the game, next to GhostTrain. Just use
           a Fenix Down on SrBehemoth. Since he is undead, instant victory. If
           you wish to fight this boss normally, just use Fire 3 spells and
           your strongest physical attacks, and keep your HP high. Simple.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Chadarnook/Girl                                       |
 |          HP: (Chadarnook) 30000                                |
 |          HP: (Girl) 56000                                      |
 |          MP: (Chadarnook) 7600                                 |
 |          MP: (Girl) 9400                                       |
 |          Level: (Chadarnook) 41                                |
 |          Level: (Girl) 37                                      |
 |          Steal: (Chadarnook) N/A (common), N/A (rare)          |
 |          Steal: (Girl) N/A (common), N/A (rare)                |
 |          Item Won: (Chadarnook) N/A                            |
 |          Item Won: (Girl) N/A                                  |
 |          Strengths: (Chadarnook) Lightning                     |
 |          Strengths: (Girl) Pearl, Water                        |
 |          Weaknesses: (Chadarnook) Fire, Pearl                  |
 |          Weaknesses: (Girl) Fire                               |
 |          Experience Points: (Chadarnook) N/A, (Girl) N/A       |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 6                                       |
 |          Location: Jidoor                                      |

 Strategy: The fight against Chadarnook can be either hard or easy, depending
           on what point in the game you decide to fight him at. If you've been
           following my FAQ up until now, then you should have little to no
           trouble with Chadarnook. But if not, you may have quite a bit of
           difficulties with Chadarnook. Anyway, the strategy to defeating
           Chadarnook is to not attack the woman. Everytime you attack her, she
           counterattacks you and can put negative status aliments on your
           group, which we don't want. Got it? Avoid attacking the woman at all
           times, if you want to survive.

           If you haven't noticed by now, what I'm trying to say is your main
           target is the demon, not the woman. The attack pattern in this fight
           is simple; attack with fire spells. Use Fire 3 with Terra and Celes
           (you should have brought at least one of them with you), and anyone
           else should use their strongest attacks (e.g. Edgar uses Chain Saw,
           Sabin uses Bum Rush, etc.). Keep your HP high while attacking when
           you can, and be sure to cure ANY AND ALL status aliments inflicted
           on you during this fight, because otherwise you could get a game
           over fairly easily.

           Chadarnook has some fairly strong attacks, so watch out. He uses
           attacks such as Bolt 2, Bolt 3, and Flash Rain. The woman uses the
           move called Charm, which can be an annoying move. She also uses
           Phantasm, which is an MT attack that you can't protect yourself from
           no matter what you have equipped, and it drains all party members HP
           slowly, so DEFINITELY watch your HP if Phantasm is used on you. She
           has two other attacks, like Lullaby, an MT Sleep-setting attack, as
           well as Doom Kiss.

           By the way, even if you are strong enough to take of the 56000 HP of
           the woman, she will just come back to life after you kill her, so
           there's no point to try and kill her even if you are physically able

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Hidon/Hidonite/Hidonite/Hidonite/Hidonite             |
 |          HP: (Hidon) 25000                                     |
 |          HP: (Hidonite) 3500 (each)                            |
 |          MP: (Hidon) 12500                                     |
 |          MP: (Hidonite) 1000 (each)                            |
 |          Level: (Hidon) 43                                     |
 |          Level: (Hidonite) 43                                  |
 |          Steal: (Hidon) Warp Stone (common), Thronlet (rare)   |
 |          Steal: (Hidonite) N/A (common), N/A (rare)            |
 |          Item Won: (Hidon) Warp Stone                          |
 |          Item Won: (Hidonite) N/A                              |
 |          Strengths: (Hidon) Poison                             |
 |          Strengths: (Hidonite) N/A                             |
 |          Weaknesses: (Hidon) Earth, Fire, Pearl                |
 |          Weaknesses: (Hidonite) N/A                            |
 |          Experience Points: (Hidon) N/A, (Hidonite) N/A        |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 6                                       |
 |          Location: Ebot's Rock                                 |

 IMPORTANT NOTE: Strago can learn his ultimate Lore here, the GrandTrain. So,
                 don't kill Hidon until Hidon uses GrandTrain, so that you can
                 learn the Lore. Also, be sure that Strago is alive after the
                 battle, otherwise he won't learn GrandTrain even if Hidon did
                 use it.

 Strategy: First off, it helps A LOT if you come into this battle equipped with
           Wall Rings on each party member. That way, when you get hit by an MT
           Bio spell, then it'll bounce off your group and hit Hidon and his
           Hidonites. Sure, it'll heal them some, but it's better than you
           being hurt and poisoned. The Hidonites are particularly annoying,
           and they alone make this battle a tough one. Still, with Wall Rings
           and the right battle plan, you should come on top fairly easily. To
           kill the Hidonites, simply use your strongest physical attacks (e.g.
           Chain Saw or Drill; Bum Rush, while not physical, still hurts).

           After killing the Hidonites, attack Hidon with Fire 3, Quake (be
           sure to cast Float on all your party members if you decide to use
           Quake, though), or throw Gravity Rods at him. If you have Pearl, use
           it. Keep attacking like this while keeping your HP high throughout
           this fight, and you'll win. NOTE: The best way to deal with the
           Hidonites accompanying Hidon is to summon Bahamut. His Sun Flare
           could kill them all in one hit.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Dirt Dragon                                           |
 |          HP: 28500                                             |
 |          MP: 16500                                             |
 |          Level: 53                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), X-Potion (rare)                  |
 |          Item Won: Magus Rod                                   |
 |          Strengths: N/A                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Water, Wind                               |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Opera House                                 |

 Strategy: This boss can actually be pretty tough if you aren't careful. I hope
           you did as I said and went into this battle with Float on all your
           party members, otherwise you might have a few dead party members (I
           hope that if that is the case, you are ready for their funerals). To
           win, use your strongest magic attacks with Terra and Celes, use Bum
           Rush with Sabin, GrandTrain with Strago (Aqua Rake is much weaker
           than GrandTrain, even though this boss has a weakness to water),
           Chain Saw with Edgar, Quadra Slice with Cyan, and strong magic with
           Relm. Basically, use your strongest attacks.

           Since this boss has no strengths, you don't have to worry about
           using the wrong element and healing the boss. Dirt Dragon attacks
           with some extremely powerful attacks, such as Honed Tusk, Quake,
           Magnitude8, 50 Gs (that attack takes Float off your party members,
           so watch out), and Slide. Keep your HP high and if Float wears off
           because of his 50 Gs attack, don't bother putting it back on, just
           keep on attacking.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Red Dragon                                            |
 |          HP: 30000                                             |
 |          MP: 1780                                              |
 |          Level: 67                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: Strato                                      |
 |          Strengths: Fire                                       |
 |          Weaknesses: Ice, Water                                |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Phoenix Cave                                |

 Strategy: At this point in the game, you shouldn't have too much difficulty
           fighting the Red Dragon. Since this dragon is a fire dragon, he is
           impervious to fire spells, so you should use ice spells. Have your
           strongest magic-users use Ice 2 and Ice 3, have Edgar use Chain Saw,
           have Sabin use Bum Rush, have Strago use Aqua Rake or GrandTrain,
           have Gau use Woolly if he has it (it uses Ice 3), and have your
           strongest physical attackers simply use their strongest physicals.
           Keep repeating this battle tactic, while keeping your HP high, and
           you'll win.

           Red Dragon attacks with attacks such as Flare, L.4 Flare, Fire 2,
           Fire 3, Fire Ball, S. Cross, and Flare Star. Potent attacks, but
           with Minerva-wearers, as well as other party members who have good
           equipment, those attacks shouldn't net you a game over. If you have
           Fire Shlds equipped, that also helps to nullify the Red Dragon's
           fire attacks.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Curley/Larry/Moe                                      |
 |          HP: (Curley) 15000                                    |
 |          HP: (Larry) 10000                                     |
 |          HP: (Moe) 12500                                       |
 |          MP: (Curley) 2000                                     |
 |          MP: (Larry) 2000                                      |
 |          MP: (Moe) 2000                                        |
 |          Level: (Curley) 47                                    |
 |          Level: (Larry) 47                                     |
 |          Level: (Moe) 47                                       |
 |          Steal: (Curley) N/A (common), N/A (rare)              |
 |          Steal: (Larry) N/A (common), N/A (rare)               |
 |          Steal: (Moe) N/A (common), N/A (rare)                 |
 |          Item Won: (Curley) N/A                                |
 |          Item Won: (Larry) N/A                                 |
 |          Item Won: (Moe) N/A                                   |
 |          Strengths: (Curley) Fire                              |
 |          Strengths: (Larry) Ice, Wind                          |
 |          Strengths: (Moe) Lightning                            |
 |          Weaknesses: (Curley) Ice, Water                       |
 |          Weaknesses: (Larry) Fire                              |
 |          Weaknesses: (Moe) N/A                                 |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 6                                       |
 |          Location: Cyan's Soul (Dream Stooge Area)             |

 Strategy: The fight against the three Dream Stooges shouldn't be too hard at
           this very late stage in the game, but just don't use the wrong
           spells on them. Your first target should be the top Stooge, also
           known as Curley. To win against Curley, just use Ice 2 or Ice 3 to
           cause lots of damage to him. If Strago is present, have him use
           GrandTrain to cause massive MT damage to the Dream Stooges. Sabin
           should use Bum Rush, Edgar use Chain Saw, etc. All your characters
           should use their strongest physical and magical attacks, just don't
           heal them. The one on the top is Curley, the one on the right is
           Moe, and the remaining one is obviously Larry, incase you are having
           difficulties determining which one is weak against what.

           After Curley is beaten (he was your first target, since if you kill
           another Stooge first, he'll use Life 2 and revive them, and he can
           also cast Pearl Wind, which heals the three Dream Stooges a lot), go
           after Moe. Use Bserk on Moe, then use Mute on Larry. After that, go
           ahead and unleash all your strongest physical/magical attacks on Moe
           until he's dead. After that, finish off Larry with your strongest
           physical and magical attacks. Since you casted Mute on Larry, he
           will not be able to use Rflect on himself like he would if you did
           not set Mute.

           Overall, this battle is a fairly easy one, and aside from the Delta
           Hit, there really isn't much to worry about. They do, however, use
           spells such as Ice 3, so watch out. You should be more than fine,
           though, with all the good equipment you have at this point in the
           game. One thing I forgot to mention earlier was that when all three
           of the Stooges are alive, they'll use Delta Hit, which sets Petrify
           on a party member, so put Ribbons or Jewel Rings on before the
           battle, or simply use a Soft to cure the petrification.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          SoulSaver/SoulSaver/WrexSoul                          |
 |          HP: (SoulSaver) 3066 (each)                           |
 |          HP: (WrexSoul) 23066                                  |
 |          MP: (SoulSaver) 566 (each)                            |
 |          MP: (WrexSoul) 5066                                   |
 |          Level: (SoulSaver) 41                                 |
 |          Level: (WrexSoul) 53                                  |
 |          Steal: (SoulSaver) N/A (common), N/A (rare)           |
 |          Steal: (WrexSoul) N/A (common), Memento Ring (rare)   |
 |          Item Won: (SoulSaver) N/A                             |
 |          Item Won: (WrexSoul) Pod Bracelet                     |
 |          Strengths: (SoulSaver) Fire, Pearl                    |
 |          Strengths: (WrexSoul) Fire, Pearl                     |
 |          Weaknesses: (SoulSaver) Ice                           |
 |          Weaknesses: (WrexSoul) Ice                            |
 |          Experience Points: (SoulSaver) N/A, (WrexSoul) N/A    |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 7                                       |
 |          Location: Cyan's Soul (Doma Castle)                   |

 Strategy: Now even at this late stage in the game, WrexSoul is actually hard.
           First off, you can't just go out and fight him like you can any
           other boss. WrexSoul will possess one of your party members in the
           beginning of the battle (you'll still have control of that party
           member, but WrexSoul, the one you need to defeat, will disappear).
           To get WrexSoul to appear to where you can fight him, kill the party
           member who has been possessed. When WrexSoul appears again, use Ice
           3 or Ice 2 on him, but don't expect to do much damage, since
           WrexSoul has 220 Magic Defense, but that's the only way to really do
           any damage.

           You can also throw Ice Rods at WrexSoul to damage him. If ever
           WrexSoul disappears again, do the same thing again to make him come
           back out. Keep your HP high, and you should win. WrexSoul attacks
           with Bolt 3, but you shouldn't have to worry about that. If you want
           a VERY easy way to defeat WrexSoul, simply cast X-Zone after he
           possesses you. It may take more than one try to be successful, but
           eventually you'll eliminate the two SoulSavers, and since WrexSoul
           is inside you, the battle is over.

           If you attack the SoulSavers normally, they will just regenerate, so
           don't even bother with that. If you use the X-Zone method, be warned
           that you won't get the Pod Bracelet that WrexSoul has.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Blue Dragon                                           |
 |          HP: 26900                                             |
 |          MP: 3800                                              |
 |          Level: 65                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: Scimitar                                    |
 |          Strengths: Water                                      |
 |          Weaknesses: Lightning                                 |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Ancient Castle                              |

 Strategy: The fight against the Blue Dragon is very easy. Normally, he would
           be a very challenging opponent, but we have so much good equipment,
           can we honestly say that the Blue Dragon is a worthy opponent? No,
           we can't. To win, simply use Bolt 3 spells and unload with your
           strongest physical and magical attacks, while keeping your HP high
           and you'll win VERY quickly and almost effortlessly. The Blue Dragon
           does have some pretty potent attacks though, such as CleanSweep,
           Acid Rain, Flash Rain, and Aqua Rake (that's not all he does, but
           those are the deadliest ones), so watch out if you don't have Ice
           Shlds, the Paladin Shld, or Minervas.

           Overall though, this boss should fall rather quickly. For winning,
           you get the Scimitar weapon for Cyan.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          White Dragon                                          |
 |          HP: 18500                                             |
 |          MP: 12000                                             |
 |          Level: 71                                             |
 |          Steal: X-Potion (common), N/A (rare)                  |
 |          Item Won: Pearl Lance                                 |
 |          Strengths: Pearl                                      |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Fanatics' Tower                             |

 Strategy: The fight against the White Dragon will be very easy at this point
           in the game. Since this boss absorbs Pearl (and also attacks with
           Pearl), using it is out of the question, obviously. Just use your
           strongest magic attacks, while keeping your HP up high if you ever
           get hurt pretty badly (not likely, considering the amount of good
           equipment you should have by now), and you'll win in a very, VERY
           short time. This dragon has the lowest HP count out of all the 8
           dragons in this game, by the way, if that makes you feel even better
           than you do now.

           The White Dragon attacks with Pearl and Dispel, and nothing more.
           That's right, this wimpy dragon just has two attacks, and one of
           them isn't even one that damages. Dispel does however, remove all
           status aliments on your group, such as Rflect, Safe, or Shell, so do
           watch out for that. This boss should fall very quickly.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          MagiMaster                                            |
 |          HP: 50000                                             |
 |          MP: 50000                                             |
 |          Level: 68                                             |
 |          Steal: Elixir (common), Crystal Orb (rare)            |
 |          Item Won: Megalixir                                   |
 |          Strengths: Varies                                     |
 |          Weaknesses: Varies                                    |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Fanatics' Tower                             |

 NOTE: At the start of the battle, cast Life 3 on at least one party member.
       You HAVE to do it, so don't ask questions, just do it!

 Strategy: Now THIS is ONE heck of a fight. This could easily be classified as
           the hardest boss battle in the entire game. I'm not lying; it's that
           hard. Well, if it wasn't for a trick that you can do to make the
           fight so much easier. Simply cast Bserk on MagiMaster, and instead
           of him using WallChange like he does so very many times throughout
           this battle, he'll stick with one elemental weakness throughout the
           fight, making it very easy for you to pick him off. And since he
           does nothing but physical attacks the entire time he is Berserked
           (which will be for the entire battle, by the way), and he won't use
           any magic attacks.

           When MagiMaster hits 0 HP, he will use Ultima, which will no doubt
           kill all your party members in one hit, since it hurts 5400+, and is
           unblockable no matter what you do. This is why I told you you needed
           Life 3 for this boss, because it brings you back to life when you
           use it on a party member. If you don't have Life 3, there are a few
           more methods you can use to survive Ultima. One is to keep track of
           MagiMaster's HP with the Scan spell. Make sure that you know when
           you can kill him. If you know for sure that he'll die by the next
           attack, then you can use Palidor on your group.

           Make sure that not all of your party members are carried up into the
           heavens by Palidor, though. Make sure that the party member
           delivering the finishing blow to MagiMaster is on the ground and not
           in the air. That way, after you kill MagiMaster, he'll use Ultima,
           but won't kill your other party members, since they were in the air.
           The next method to defeating MagiMaster is to cast Bserk on him.
           Once you do that, use Phantom to cast Vanish on all your party
           members, that way you'll be imprevious to MagiMaster's, after a
           while, annoying physical attacks.

           Now, after Vanish is set, use Rasp over and over (you might want to
           use Haste on all party members or use Haste2 if you have it to speed
           the process up) until you drain all his 50000 MP. When you get his
           MP to less than 80, you can kill him, because he won't have the MP
           needed to use Ultima. This method could take AWHILE, so I do NOT
           recommend doing it, but if you have to or you want to, then do it,
           but don't say I didn't warn you. If you wish to fight MagiMaster
           normally, note that he will use WallChange everytime you attack him,
           which makes him very difficult to beat.

           Not only that, but he'll use level 2 and level 3 elemental spells,
           and he has a high 50 Magic Power, so those spells are VERY PAINFUL.
           If you choose to fight him this way, there's a very likely chance
           that you won't win, but instead will die a slow, painful death cause
           of your stubbornness and not listening to my advice. You'll have to
           guess his elemental weakness when he uses WallChange, since if you
           Scan, he'll just do it again, which sucks very bad. I don't suggest
           you fight him this way, since it's very hard and time-consuming. In
           fact, it may be easier to just use the Rasp method if you are going
           to fight him this way. Seriously.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Atma (2nd fight)                                      |
 |          HP: 55000                                             |
 |          MP: 19000                                             |
 |          Level: 67                                             |
 |          Steal: Drainer (common), Crystal Orb (rare)           |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Earth, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind          |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 8                                       |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: This creature absorbs a LOT of elemental attacks, and is weak to
           none. How nice. If you have Edgar in your group, you can use him to
           give Atma an elemental weakness with his Debilitator Tool, which is
           nice. Also, if Edgar and Mog are in your group and have Pearl Lances
           on, give them Partisan weapons or the strongest lance aside from the
           Pearl Lance that you have, since Atma will just be healed by the
           damage from the Pearl Lances, since he of course, absorbs Pearl. To
           defeat Atma, unload with your strongest physical and magical
           attacks, but don't do anything that'll heal him (see the chart for
           more information).

           Keep attacking him while making sure your HP is above 2500 (assuming
           you even have that much for maximum HP; if not, well you're screwed,
           my friend, most likely), and you should win after a while. Atma does
           have some powerful attacks, such as level 3 elemental spells, S.
           Cross, Flare Star, N. Cross, CleanSweep, Quake, Meteor, and Ultima.
           Ultima will damage all your party members at least 2500 or more
           (probably more), so I hope you either have a lot of HP, or have Life
           3, or you might die. If you don't have Life 3, use Palidor when Atma
           flashes yellow (when he flashes yellow, that signifies he is about
           to use Ultima), so that when he uses Ultima, your group will be in
           the air, therefore it'll miss.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Gold Dragon                                           |
 |          HP: 32400                                             |
 |          MP: 4000                                              |
 |          Level: 62                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: Crystal Orb                                 |
 |          Strengths: Lightning                                  |
 |          Weaknesses: Water                                     |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: To defeat Gold Dragon, use your strongest magic attacks. It is a
           likely chance you don't have Strago in your group, but if you do,
           have him use Aqua Rake since this boss is weak to it (GrandTrain
           also works). I told you above to use your strongest attacks, but do
           not use lightning spells, since this boss will absorb those spells.
           Your strongest physical attacks also work on this boss rather well.
           A dragoon Mog and a dragoon Edgar are awesome for this fight,
           especially with the Dragon Horn equipped on them.

           Just keep unloading with your strongest attacks, while keeping your
           HP up, and you'll win. This boss attacks with Bolt, Bolt 2, Bolt 3.
           and Giga Volt. He can also use Rflect.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Inferno/Rough/Striker                                 |
 |          HP: (Inferno) 30800                                   |
 |          HP: (Rough) 8000                                      |
 |          HP: (Striker) 11000                                   |
 |          MP: (Inferno) 9700                                    |
 |          MP: (Rough) 770                                       |
 |          MP: (Striker) 2600                                    |
 |          Level: (Inferno) 67                                   |
 |          Level: (Rough) 69                                     |
 |          Level: (Striker) 67                                   |
 |          Steal: (Inferno) N/A (common), Ice Shld (rare)        |
 |          Steal: (Rough) N/A (common), Flame Shld (rare)        |
 |          Steal: (Striker) N/A (common), Flame Shld (rare)      |
 |          Item Won: (Inferno) N/A                               |
 |          Item Won: (Rough) N/A                                 |
 |          Item Won: (Striker) N/A                               |
 |          Strengths: (Inferno) Fire                             |
 |          Strengths: (Rough) Lightning                          |
 |          Strengths: (Striker) Ice                              |
 |          Weaknesses: (Inferno) Lightning                       |
 |          Weaknesses: (Rough) Ice                               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Striker) Fire                            |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 8                                       |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: The fight against Inferno should be relatively easy. If you do not
           have any equipment that can nullify Petrify, then equipping some
           Ribbons or Jewel Rings is wise. This boss is a carbon copy of the
           boss Number 128 that you fought in the Magitek Factory ages ago. He
           is much harder than his weaker counterpart, however. Your main
           target is obviously the middle creature, Inferno, since if you kill
           Striker or Rough (his arms), they'll just regenerate themselves,
           rendering your efforts to kill them useless. Basically, ignore the
           arms the entire battle, though it may be wise to dispose of one arm
           every once in a while, in order to get rid of their annoying Delta
           Hit attack.

           Attack Inferno with Bolt 3, as well as your strongest physical
           attacks (Bum Rush isn't wise, since it could kill one of Inferno's
           arms, instead of hitting Inferno himself) or magical attacks. Be
           sure not to use fire attacks on Inferno, since he absorbs that. Keep
           up the attacking, while keeping your HP high, and doing your best to
           make sure that you cure the petrification inflicted on you because
           of Inferno's Delta Hit attack, and you'll win. Inferno has some very
           painful attacks, such as Sobat, Shrapnel, Meteor, Atomic Ray, Giga
           Volt, TekMissile, Bolt 2, Bolt 3, Shock Wave, and Rapier.

           When I say Inferno has those attacks, I don't mean Inferno himself;
           I'm referring to the entire boss. For some reason, I always have
           considered all three parts of the boss to be called Inferno, incase
           you are confused.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Skull Dragon                                          |
 |          HP: 32800                                             |
 |          MP: 1999                                              |
 |          Level: 62                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), N/A (rare)                       |
 |          Item Won: Muscle Belt                                 |
 |          Strengths: Poison                                     |
 |          Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl                               |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: The final dragon is actually pretty easy, though no dragon can be as
           easy as the White Dragon. Dang, that thing was a pushover. Anyway,
           to win, simply unload with your strongest physical and magic attacks
           (except for poison spells; don't use those, since he absorbs them),
           while keeping your HP high and curing any status aliments inflicted
           on you (I say that because he can use Disaster, which sets Imp,
           Dark, Condemned, Muddle, Mute, and Float), and you'll win quickly.
           Skull Dragon attacks with Elf Fire, Specter, Disaster, and
           Condemned. Not a huge plethora of attacks, and they aren't that
           strong, either, though do watch out for the Disaster attack, since
           it can be either ST or MT, and you DON'T want it to be MT.

           You can easily nullify the effects of Disaster by equipping Ribbons.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |           Guardian                                             |
 |          HP: 60000                                             |
 |          MP: 5200                                              |
 |          Level: 67                                             |
 |          Steal: Force Armor (common), Ribbon (rare)            |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: N/A                                        |
 |          Weaknesses: Lightning, Water                          |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 7                                       |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: The fight against the once unbeatable Guardian is actually easy.
           Since this machine is weak against water and lightning, if Strago
           is in your group, have him use Aqua Rake. Any other party member
           should use Bolt 3 or their strongest physical or magical attack.
           Repeat this pattern tactic while making sure your HP stays high
           throughout the fight, and, as always, you'll triumph.

           Guardian has some powerful attacks, such as Meteo, Flare Star, Tek
           Laser, Launcher, Tentacle, Missile, and Shock Wave. Those aren't all
           of his attacks, by the way. I said earlire it was an easy fight, but
           it can actually be hard if you're unprepared. Guardian changes
           battle programs throughout the fight. When he changes programs, he
           will attack with different attacks out of his many attacks at his
           disposal. Just keep your HP high as I said above, and be sure that
           you don't let more than one person die, and you should win.

           This machine has a TON of HP though, so it could take a while to
           win. His HP is one of the main reasons (in my opinion, anyway) that
           this boss can be hard.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Poltrgeist                                            |
 |          HP: 58000                                             |
 |          MP: 18900                                             |
 |          Level: 67                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), Red Jacket (rare)                |
 |          Item Won: Aura Lance                                  |
 |          Strengths: Fire, Wind                                 |
 |          Weaknesses: Poison                                    |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: For being one of the three statues, Poltrgeist doesn't have hardly
           any interesting attacks to show us, unfortunately. He CAN be hard,
           though, so be on your guard. To win, use Bio and your strongest
           physical and magical attacks, as always. Keep attacking and heal
           when necessary and you'll win, as always. This boss has a weakness
           to poison, so definitely make sure to use Bio, as well as throw any
           Poison Rods you may have at the boss to cause massive damage.

           Poltrgeist attacks with these attacks: Flare Star, Fire 3, Psygrip,
           Stop, Aero, Blaster, WaveCannon, Shrapnel, S. Cross, and Meteo.
           Quite potent attacks, if I do say so myself, so watch your HP.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |             Doom                                               |
 |          HP: 63000                                             |
 |          MP: 4800                                              |
 |          Level: 73                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), Safety Bit (rare)                |
 |          Item Won: Sky Render                                  |
 |          Strengths: Ice, Poison                                |
 |          Weaknesses: Pearl                                     |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: Doom is another of the three statues that Kefka revived. He has some
           VERY strong physical attacks, so watch out. This boss is weak
           against pearl attacks, so use those. Anyone who has Pearl should use
           it, and if you have the Aura Lance equipped on Edgar or Mog, remove
           it and put on the Pearl Lance, since Doom is weak to that. Edgar and
           Mog will be able to (if they are in your party) deal out some VERY
           serious damage to Doom by jumping with Pearl Lances on. If anyone
           doesn't have Pearl or would be better of using one of their other
           attacks, then your best attack with that party member, just as long
           as it isn't an ice attack or a poison attack, as those heal Doom.

           Keep attacking Doom and he'll fall in a couple of minutes at most.
           Doom attacks with a power physical known as Demon Rush, which can
           deal upwards of 6000 damage to one party member. Thankfully, since
           it is an ST attack, it isn't too much to worry about. Just be sure
           that you revive anyone who falls victim to Demon Rush. Doom also has
           these other attacks: Ice 3, ForceField, N. Cross, Absolute 0,
           Targetting, and R. Polarity.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Goddess                                             |
 |          HP: 44000                                             |
 |          MP: 19000                                             |
 |          Level: 68                                             |
 |          Steal: N/A (common), Minerva (rare)                   |
 |          Item Won: Excalibur                                   |
 |          Strengths: Lightning, Pearl                           |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: 10                                      |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: The battle against Goddess, the last of the three statues that were
           brought to life by Kefka, can actually be a hard one if you aren't
           careful and don't keep your HP high throughout the fight. Since
           Goddess has no weaknesses, and absorbs ice and pearl spells, you
           might be frustrated that you can't exploit a weakness. Well, just
           use Edgar's Debilitator to exploit an elemental weakness. Bingo! To
           attack, just unload on her with your strongest physical and magic
           attacks (except for ice and pearl, obviously), and be sure to
           DEFINITELY keep your HP high throughout this fight and you will
           hopefully triumph relatively shortly.

           Goddess attacks with Love Token and Charm, the former being an
           attack that we've already seen from Chadarnook, and the latter being
           an attack that causes one party member to attack YOU, rather than
           attack Goddess. In other words, she induces a love potion on a party
           member, more or less. Nasty. Not good at all. She also Quasar, a
           powerful MT attack that Strago can also learn a Lore of if he is in
           this battle. She other attacks too, such as Lullaby and Flash Rain,
           both of which we saw Chadarnook use, so be careful. Goddess is the
           hardest of the three statues, and the most annoying.

           She has more attacks than what I mentioned, so be on your guard.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Face/Long Arm/Short Arm                               |
 |          HP: (Face) 30000                                      |
 |          HP: (Long Arm) 33000                                  |
 |          HP: (Short Arm) 27000                                 |
 |          MP: (Face) 10000                                      |
 |          MP: (Long Arm) 10000                                  |
 |          MP: (Short Arm) 10000                                 |
 |          Level: (Face) 74                                      |
 |          Level: (Long Arm) 73                                  |
 |          Level: (Short Arm) 73                                 |
 |          Steal: (Face) Elixir (common), N/A (rare)             |
 |          Steal: (Long Arm) Elixir (common), N/A (rare)         |
 |          Steal: (Short Arm) Elixir (common), N/A (rare)        |
 |          Item Won: (Face) N/A                                  |
 |          Item Won: (Long Arm) N/A                              |
 |          Item Won: (Short Arm) N/A                             |
 |          Strengths: (Face) N/A                                 |
 |          Strengths: (Long Arm) N/A                             |
 |          Strengths: (Short Arm) N/A                            |
 |          Weaknesses: (Face) Fire                               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Long Arm) Wind                           |
 |          Weaknesses: (Short Arm) Water                         |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: The fight against the first of Kefka's three tiers is actually a bit
           hard. If you don't have Ultima, or other powerful MT attacks, such
           as Quake, Merton, or Meteor, then you'll have to take advantage of
           the bosses weaknesses, by using an ST Fire 3 on the Face, a wind
           attack such as Wind Slash or Aero (they are both MT, but, and even
           if you were to use W Wind, that's still MT) on the Long Arm.
           Finally, you can use Strago's (if you have him) Aqua Rake Lore to
           cause lots of damage to the Short Arm. Overall, if you have some
           strong MT attacks, such as GrandTrain, Meteor, Merton, or Ultima,
           then by all means you use them. Eve though you don't exploit a
           weakness with any of those attacks, you'll triumph much faster.

           Be warned though, that you should keep your HP up HIGH throughout
           this fight, since this boss uses some strong attacks. The boss (I am
           including the Face, the Long Arm, and the Short Arm) uses the
           following attacks: Shock Wave, Dread, Quake, VacuumWave, Slip Hit,
           Safe, R.Polarity, Haste, and Magnitude8. Quite a plethora of strong
           attacks, eh? With a Paladin Shld wearer, as well as the Minerva-
           wearing Terra and Celes, you shouldn't get a game over from this
           boss, though do be careful. After you beat tier 1, it's time for
           tier 2.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Hit/Magic/Tiger/Tools                                 |
 |          HP: (Hit) 28000                                       |
 |          HP: (Magic) 41000                                     |
 |          HP: (Tiger) 30000                                     |
 |          HP: (Tools) 24000                                     |
 |          MP: (Hit) 10000                                       |
 |          MP: (Magic) 10000                                     |
 |          MP: (Tiger) 10000                                     |
 |          MP: (Tools) 10000                                     |
 |          Level: (Hit) 73                                       |
 |          Level: (Magic) 72                                     |
 |          Level: (Tiger) 70                                     |
 |          Level: (Tools) 73                                     |
 |          Steal: (Hit) Elixir (common), N/A (rare)              |
 |          Steal: (Magic) Elixir (common), N/A (rare)            |
 |          Steal: (Tiger) Elixir (common), N/A (rare)            |
 |          Steal: (Tools) Elixir (common), N/A                   |
 |                 (rare)                                         |
 |          Item Won: (Hit) N/A                                   |
 |          Item Won: (Magic) N/A                                 |
 |          Item Won: (Tiger) N/A                                 |
 |          Item Won: (Tools) N/A                                 |
 |          Strengths: (Hit) N/A                                  |
 |          Strengths: (Magic) N/A                                |
 |          Strengths: (Tiger) Earth                              |
 |          Strengths: (Tools) N/A                                |
 |          Weaknesses: (Hit) Poison                              |
 |          Weaknesses: (Magic) Earth                             |
 |          Weaknesses: (Tiger) Ice                               |
 |          Weaknesses: (Tools) Lightning                         |
 |          Experience Points: (Hit) N/A, (Magic) N/A, (Tiger)    |
 |                             N/A, (Tools) N/A                   |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: The second tier of the three tiers that guard Kefka is harder than
           the first one, to be honest, so be very careful. Since there are
           four targets, you're in for one heck of a ride. This boss attacks
           fast and hard with powerful attacks, so be on your guard, and be
           sure to definitely keep your HP up to at least 1500 on every party
           member, and also cure any status aliments inflicted on you by the
           boss, since this boss can inflict status aliments. Also, the target
           on the far left uses Dispel, which can negate Rflect, Safe, or Shell
           (as well as any other positive status aliment), so be careful. Now,
           the attack pattern for this boss remains the same as it was for the
           previous tier.

           Attack with your strongest MT attacks, as well as your strongest ST
           magic attacks (be sure to exploit their weaknesses when you hit them
           with an ST magic spell), and your strongest physical attacks. Magic
           is the only one with an elemental strength, which is earth, so avoid
           using earth-elemental attacks on Magic, or you will heal him. A good
           way to kill Tools is to use the Air Anchor Tool, or use the Doom
           spell. Your first target should be Tools, then Magic. To beat Magic
           easily, use Mute on him. After that, he becomes an easy target. If
           he used Haste on Hit before you used Mute, use Slow to negate that

           Your next target should be Hit. To make Hit be less of a threat, use
           Slow on him. After that, you can kill Hit pretty easily. After Hit,
           Magic, and Tools are gone, the only one left is Tiger, so attack him
           with ice spells and your strongest physical/magical attacks to win.
           Note that using your strongest MT/ST/phyiscal attacks on this boss
           that I told you about above does actually work, since you don't HAVE
           to cast all those status aliments on the boss if you don't want to, 
           though it sure does help. If you are confused of which enemy is
           called what, then I'll tell you what attacks each enemy does. They

           Hit: 10 Hits
           Magic: Quartr, Rasp, Poison, Bio, Fire 3, Ice 3, Bolt 3, Muddle,
                  Mute, Sleep, Flare, Pearl, Drain, Ice 2, Haste2, Slow 2, Imp,
                  Rflect, Life 3, Dispel, Stop, Haste
           Tiger: Flare Star, N. Cross, S. Cross, Doom Tusk
           Tools: Grav Bomb, Atomic Ray, Tek Laster, Diffuser, Delta Hit,
                  Missile, Absolute 0

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |          Girl/Sleep                                            |
 |          HP: (Girl) 9999                                       |
 |          HP: (Sleep) 40000                                     |
 |          MP: (Girl) 10000                                      |
 |          MP: (Sleep) 10000                                     |
 |          Level: (Girl) 58                                      |
 |          Level: (Sleep) 71                                     |
 |          Steal: (Girl) Ragnarok (common), N/A (rare)           |
 |          Steal: (Sleep) Atma Weapon (common), N/A (rare)       |
 |          Item Won: (Girl) N/A                                  |
 |          Item Won: (Sleep) N/A                                 |
 |          Strengths: (Girl) Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, |
 |                            Poison, Water, Wind                 |
 |          Strengths: (Sleep) N/A                                |
 |          Weaknesses: (Girl) N/A                                |
 |          Weaknesses: (Sleep) N/A                               |
 |          Experience Points: (Girl) N/A, (Sleep) N/A            |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: Yes, you can steal a Ragnarok sword from Girl, but you can't get out
           of Kefka's Tower now, since the game's about to end, so you can't go
           to the Colosseum and bet the Ragnarok for the Illumina, if you want
           two Illuminas, or you didn't get the Ragnarok sword in Narshe.
           Anyway, this boss is HARD. Simply put, it's the hardest of the three
           tier battles that you have to face before fighting Kefka himself.
           Girl only has 9999 HP, which is very low for a boss this late in the
           game, but Sleep has 40000 HP, and some NASTY attacks. If you kill
           Sleep before you kill Girl, Girl will use Life 2 to revive Sleep.
           Thankfully, she doesn't start back with her 40000 HP once she gets
           revived, but rather 9999.

           That still doesn't mean you should kill Sleep before Girl, because
           YOU SHOULDN'T. Trust me, you just shouldn't. Once Sleep dies, you
           want her to STAY dead. So, focus all your attacks on Girl first.
           Since she absorbs every element, if you are planning to use an MT
           attack (which I think you should if you can, since hitting both Girl
           AND Sleep in one attack is a good thing), use GrandTrain or Ultima.
           Keep in mind that Meteor and Merton are also available options. For
           ST magic attacks, use Flare, and nothing more. It would probably be
           best, if you don't have GrandTrain, Ultima, Meteor, or Merton (keep
           in mind that Merton hurts you unless you're properly equipped), use
           your strongest physical attacks on Girl.

           This would include Chain Saw, Drill, Bum Rush (that's not phyiscal,
           but hey, she can't absorb it, even though it is magical), etc. I'd
           recommend using physical attacks period, actually, but it never does
           hurt to use those MT spells I listed. Once Girl is dead, go after
           Sleep, since she's the only one left. Sleep doesn't absorb any
           elements (oh, something I forgot to mention earlier was that if you
           have Edgar or Mog in your group, and they have an elemental lance
           on, then DON'T attack with them until you've equipped them with a
           non-elemental lance), so just unload with your strongest physical
           and magical attacks until you win.

           Since this boss has VERY powerful attacks, as is always the case
           with any boss, keep your HP up very high. I'd say about 1800+. The
           Girl enemy attacks with the following attacks: Life 2, Calmness (it
           causes instant death to a party member if it isn't blocked, which is
           very bad), and Pearl Wind. That's another reason you want to kill
           off Girl first; her Pearl Wind heals up both her and Sleep 9999.
           Sleep attacks with the following attacks: W Wind, Merton, Calmness,
           Meteo, Train, and Condemned. Train sets Mute and Dark on all party
           members, and while Dark doesn't do anything, Mute does, so if you
           don't have any Relics (say White Capes or Ribbons) to nullify those
           effects, you better use a Remedy on each of your party members asap.

 |          Boss Battle :                                         |
 |            Kefka                                               |
 |          HP: 62000                                             |
 |          MP: 38000                                             |
 |          Level: 71                                             |
 |          Steal: Megalixir (common), N/A (rare)                 |
 |          Item Won: N/A                                         |
 |          Strengths: Poison                                     |
 |          Weaknesses: N/A                                       |
 |          Experience Points: N/A                                |
 |          Money: 0GP                                            |
 |          Magic Points: N/A                                     |
 |          Location: Kefka's Tower                               |

 Strategy: The final battle in the game against the evil and maniacal Kefka is
           actually terribly easy. There are two attacks that pose the greatest
           threat to you, and those are Goner and Ultima. His Ultima hurts
           5000+ on all party members, so you won't survive that unless you use
           Life 3 on at least one party member, so definitely do that.
           Alternately, you could be in the air when he does Ultima, via the
           use of the Palidor Esper or via jumping as a dragoon with Edgar or
           Mog. To win, just unload with your strongest physical and magical
           attacks until you win. Also, keep your HP to its maximum throughout
           this fight, otherwise you aren't guaranteed survival.

           While Kefka does have some extremely powerful attacks, he is quite
           easy, which is sad, considering I expect final bosses to be hard. It
           would seem final bosses are cursed to be easy, I guess. I can tell
           you that a LOT of final bosses are ridiculously easy to defeat, and
           Kefka is no exception. Anyway, Kefka's attacks are: Havoc Wing, a
           VERY powerful ST attack, which will likely kill one party member if
           he uses it. Also, he uses Goner, a very powerful MT attack that
           hurts all party members about 3000+ damage, Ultima, which will hurt
           5000+ on all party members (Ultima and Goner are both unblockable,
           by the way, which sucks), Ice 3, Bolt 3, Fire 3, Meteor, Revenger,
           Train, HyperDrive, and Fallen One.

           HyperDrive is a powerful ST attack that will likely kill whoever is
           hit with it. Train, which we saw in the previous battle against Girl
           and Sleep, sets Dark and Mute on all party members, and, while Dark
           itself doesn't do anything because of a bug in the game, Mute DOES
           do something; it makes it where all your party members can't use
           magic spells (including Lore), so DEFINITELY use Remedies on your
           group if you don't have protective Relics on when Kefka does Train.
           Without magic spells, you are doomed to fail. Also, his Fallen One
           attack is a VERY dangerous attack (I didn't list it with Goner and
           Ultima as his two most destructive attacks, since it's fairly easy
           to recover from Fallen One).

           When Kefka uses it, it will put all your party members' HP down to
           1. That ISN'T good, because any attack that he does to a party
           member will kill them after that, unless he uses a blockable attack
           like Fire 3. To recover from Fallen One, just use an MT Cure 3 or
           use the Megalixir you got from MagiMaster. Overall, you should just
           keep your HP to its maximum throughout this fight, and use your most
           powerful attacks (except for poison spells, since Kefka nullifies
           that element), and you will hopefully win. It is not a bad idea to
           use Golem, Fenrir, the Big Guard Lore, or the EarthGuard Rage after
           Kefka does Fallen One at the start of the battle.

           You should also use Life 3 on at least one party member, since you
           will more than likely get a game over from Goner, and you WILL get a
           game over from Ultima. When Kefka says "The end comes beyond chaos!"
           you are about to die, simply put. That signifies that he is going to
           use Goner. You might not die, but it's likely, so have Life 3 ready
           for when he uses this or Ultima.

 | 9. Enemies                                                           |

 NOTE: Since there over 300 enemies in this game, I am NOT going to be listing
       the enemies in alphabetical order. These enemies are listed in the order
       that the Final Fantasy III ROM Editor "FF3USME62" lists them in. Also
       note that on undead enemies, you can kill them with a Fenix Down, an
       Elixir (if they don't have more than 9999 HP), and a Megalixir. You can
       also damage them with Cure, Cure 2, Cure 3, Tonic, Potion, and an
       X-Potion can kill them if they don't have more than 9999 HP.

       Also, each time you encounter an enemy, that enemy will be able to
       appear on the Veldt, so if you encounter a Lobo in the Classroom in
       Narshe, Lobo enemies will always be able to appear on the Veldt. Bosses
       can't appear on the Veldt though, except for a couple of them, such as
       White Dragon and SrBehemoth. Also, all credit goes to Master ZED's
       Monster Statistics Guide, which can be found on GameFAQs. Without it, I
       would've had to spend weeks upon weeks upon weeks trying to figure out
       each enemy's stats.

       I already knew some enemies' weaknesses and everything, but not all of
       the well over 300 enemies in this game, so thanks be to Master ZED's
       awesome FAQ, since that's where most of this information came from. Now,
       you should know that rare steals are listed first, and common steals are
       listed second (the same is true about the item drops).

       If I mess up anywhere on the steals or on the data of an enemy, please
       drop me an e-mail and I'll correct it as soon as possible! Be warned that
       there is a 90% chance that I've missed some information, or have given
       incorrect information, simply because this is a very long list. I also
       don't list all of the enemies that activate cutscenes, or the ones you
       can't fight unless you use Game Genie (e.g. CzarDragon), so keep that in

 This section will list each enemy in the game and their stats, HP, etc.

 Level: 5
 Location: Narshe (beginning of the game where you have Vicks and Wedge),
 HP: 40
 MP: 15
 Experience Points: 48
 GP: 48
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Battle, Battle
 Control: Battle
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Attack: Critical
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 11
 Location: Imperial Camp
 HP: 100
 MP: 15
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 48
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Fire
 Sketch: Scan, Battle
 Control: Battle, Scan
 Immune To: Blind, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Potion
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Counter
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 11
 Location: Imperial Camp
 HP: 205
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 96
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Fire 2
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Axe
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 27
 Location: Cave to the Sealed Gate, Floating Continent
 HP: 1650
 MP: 130
 Experience Points: 694
 GP: 520
 Bat.Pwr: 22
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 50
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Water Edge
 Sketch: Fire Skean, Water Edge
 Control: Battle, Fire Skean, Water Edge, Bolt Edge
 Immune To: Blind, Confuse, Near Fatal, Petrify, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: Cherub Down
 Item Won: Ninja Star
 Special Attack: Inviz
 Metamorph: Assassin, Striker, Trump, Trump
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 40
 Location: Ancient Castle, Cyan's Soul
 HP: 3000
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: 1545
 GP: 791
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 10
 Speed: 20
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 20
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Lullaby
 Sketch: Flare, Doom
 Control: Battle, Flare, Doom, Haste2
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Fatal
 Metamorph: Genji Glove, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 30
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 1584
 MP: 250
 Experience Points: 510
 GP: 716
 Bat.Pwr: 45
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Pearl
 Sketch: Bio, Pearl
 Control: Battle, Bio, Pearl
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Amulet
 Item Won: Amulet, Revivify
 Special Attack: Zombite
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Human. Undead

 Mag Roader (Purple)
 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 420
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 232
 GP: 277
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 25
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 1
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Bio
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
 Item Won: Water Edge
 Special Attack: Wheel
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run

 Level: 59
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 7050
 MP: 2600
 Experience Points: 2300
 GP: 2000
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 40
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 180
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Shock
 Sketch: Special, Wind Slash
 Control: Battle, Special, Wind Slash, Condemned
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Aura
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Tradeoff
 Metamorph: Genji Glove, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 12
 Location: Phantom Train
 HP: 120
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 35
 GP: 101
 Bat.Pwr: 5
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Bolt 2
 Sketch: Drain, Battle
 Control: Battle, Drain, Fire
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Invizap
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Hazer dies

 Level: 37
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 3580
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: 1151
 GP: 1260
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Cure 2
 Sketch: Mute, Cure 2
 Control: Battle, Mute, Cure 2
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Moogle Suit
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Sightless
 Metamorph: Ribbon, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, Dahling dies

 Rain Man
 Level: 39
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 2722
 MP: 180
 Experience Points: 890
 GP: 485
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 34
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 30
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Pearl, Water
 Rage: Battle, Bolt 3
 Sketch: Special, Bolt 3
 Control: Battle, Special, Bolt 3, Flash Rain
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Imp, Magitek, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep,
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Umbrawler
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human, If MP reaches 0, Rain Man dies

 Level: 9
 Location: Mt. Kolts
 HP: 137
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 79
 GP: 84
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 70
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Stone
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Poison
 Status: Berserk
 Steal: Bandana
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Punch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 26
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 1900
 MP: 195
 Experience Points: 1200
 GP: 525
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Pearl, Water
 Rage: Battle, L.3 Muddle
 Sketch: Special, L.3 Muddle
 Control: Battle, Special, L.3 Muddle, L.4 Flare
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Poison, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Cure Ring
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Silencer
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Apokryphos dies

 Dark Force
 Level: 26
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 8940
 MP: 700
 Experience Points: 2950
 GP: 600
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, CleanSweep
 Sketch: L.5 Doom, CleanSweep
 Control: Battle, L.5 Doom, CleanSweep, Pearl Wind
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Sleep, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Crystal
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Dark Force dies

 Level: 12
 Location: Phantom Train
 HP: 230
 MP: 90
 Experience Points: 42
 GP: 125
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 95
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Demi
 Sketch: Quartr, Demi
 Control: Battle, Fire, Demi
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float, Seizure
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Soft
 Special Attack: Impmare
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 13
 Location: Phantom Train
 HP: 390
 MP: 190
 Experience Points: 65
 GP: 228
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 55
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Elf Fire
 Sketch: Dread, Battle
 Control: Battle, Dread
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Green Cherry, Revivify
 Special Attack: Wild Touch
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Undead

 Level: 30
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 1584
 MP: 143
 Experience Points: 770
 GP: 542
 Bat.Pwr: 45
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, X-Zone
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Remedy
 Item Won: Revivify
 Special Attack: Fossil
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Osteosaur dies, Undead

 Level: 10
 Location: South Figaro
 HP: 102
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: 85
 GP: 153
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Break
 Sketch: Fire, Battle
 Control: Battle, Fire
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Grudge
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 7
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains near South Figaro and
           Returner's Hideout
 HP: 119
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 59
 GP: 80
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Snare
 Sketch: Special, Snare
 Control: Battle
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Mute
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Antidote
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Near Fatal
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 4
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoB)
 HP: 24
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 21
 GP: 22
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Bite
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 34
 Location: Mt. Zozo
 HP: 2409
 MP: 74
 Experience Points: 882
 GP: 2000
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 165
 Speed: 34
 Evade: 110
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Net
 Sketch: Special, Fire 2
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Clear, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Poison, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Sneak Ring
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Scratch
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 8
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains near South Figaro and
           Returner's Hideout
 HP: 232
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 246
 GP: 186
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Mega Volt
 Sketch: Mega Volt, Giga Volt
 Control: Battle, Mega Volt
 Immune To: Petrify, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Mithril Claw
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Redline
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 54
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 25000
 MP: 350
 Experience Points: 4200
 GP: 100
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 5
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 70
 Mag.Pwr: 15
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Blizzard
 Sketch: Special, Slide
 Control: Battle, Special, Blizzard, Blaster
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Thunder Shld
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Rush
 Metamorph: Ogre Nix, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 5
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains around Narshe, Triangle
 HP: 33
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 24
 GP: 45
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 60
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Water
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Incisor
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Stray Cat
 Level: 10
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains around Doma Castle and
           Imperial Camp
 HP: 156
 MP: 30
 Experience Points: 42
 GP: 90
 Bat.Pwr: 9
 Defense: 10
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Blaster
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Catscratch
 Metamorph: Tintinabar, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 5
 Location: Narshe (beginning of the game where you have Vicks and Wedge),
           Narshe Classroom
 HP: 27
 MP: 5
 Experience Points: 37
 GP: 30
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Tusk
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run

 Level: 12
 Location: Imperial Camp
 HP: 465
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 83
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Bite
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 1
 Location: Narshe (beginning of the game where you have Vicks and Wedge), Mines
           of Narshe during your first multi-party battle with the Moogles and
 HP: 115
 MP: 30
 Experience Points: 50
 GP: 90
 Bat.Pwr: 110
 Defense: 75
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 0
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Blizzard
 Sketch: Special, Blizzard
 Control: Battle, Special, Blizzard
 Immune To: Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Bear Claw
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Run

 Level: 13
 Location: Narshe (in the snowy hill area where you Kefka in the World of
 HP: 355
 MP: 80
 Experience Points: 160
 GP: 180
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 55
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 170
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Fenix Down
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Pounce
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 22
 Location: Continent with Thamasa (WoB)
 HP: 750
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 465
 GP: 458
 Bat.Pwr: 17
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Cyclonic
 Sketch: Special, Absolute 0
 Control: Battle, Special, Blizzard
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Gaia Gear
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Claw
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 40
 Location: Ancient Castle, Cyan's Soul
 HP: 2912
 MP: 228
 Experience Points: 1150
 GP: 435
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Aqua Rake
 Sketch: Special, Aqua Rake
 Control: Battle, Special, Aqua Rake
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Slow, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Yawn
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 22
 Location: Forest on the continent with Thamasa (WoB)
 HP: 2237
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 1144
 GP: 760
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Aqua Rake
 Sketch: Special, Aqua Rake
 Control: Battle, Special, Aqua Rake, Blizzard
 Immune To: Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute,
            Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Hyper Wrist
 Item Won: Gold Armor
 Special Attack: Frisky
 Metamorph: Flame Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 28
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 5800
 MP: 180
 Experience Points: 2055
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 50
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Meteor
 Sketch: Special, Meteor
 Control: Battle, Special, Meteor, Fire 3
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: RunningShoes
 Item Won: X-Potion
 Special Attack: Take Down
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 26
 Location: On the southernmost continent in the plains (WoR)
 HP: 1112
 MP: 130
 Experience Points: 459
 GP: 456
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Step Mine
 Sketch: Special, Step Mine
 Control: Battle, Special, Step Mine
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Antidote
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: T. Lash
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 12
 Location: Lete River
 HP: 380
 MP: 70
 Experience Points: 464
 GP: 325
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 65
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 180
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Fire Ball
 Sketch: Special, Fire Ball
 Control: Battle, Special, Fire Ball
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Float
 Steal: MithrilKnife, Guardian
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Wing
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 20
 Location: Deserts near Kohlingen, southernmost continent on the World Map in
           deserts (WoB)
 HP: 1399
 MP: 219
 Experience Points: 380
 GP: 1870
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 165
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Pearl, Water
 Rage: Battle, Sand Storm
 Sketch: Special, Sand Storm
 Control: Battle, Special, Sand Storm, X-Zone
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Remedy, Revivify
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bone
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 White Drgn
 Level: 71
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 18500
 MP: 12000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Pearl
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Pearl
 Sketch: Flare. Pearl
 Control: Battle, Pearl, Pearl, Pearl
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Seizure, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Pearl Lance, X-Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Cure Ring, Cure Ring, Pod Bracelet, Safety Bit
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Doom Drgn
 Level: 54
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 18008
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: 8500
 GP: 2700
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 48
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 90
 Mag.Pwr: 13
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, N. Cross
 Sketch: Fallen One, N. Cross
 Control: Battle, Fallen One, N. Cross, S. Cross
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: Pod Bracelet
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Melt
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Doom Drgn dies

 Level: 77
 Location: Huge area of forest on the continent to the east of Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 46050
 MP: 51420
 Experience Points: 14396
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 55
 Defense: 190
 Speed: 95
 Evade: 70
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 25
 M.Block: 50
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Disaster
 Sketch: Special, Step Mine
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ribbon
 Item Won: Economizer
 Special Attack: Swing
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 57
 Location: Huge area of forest on the continent to the east of Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 12770
 MP: 420
 Experience Points: 8800
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 33
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 16
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Meteo
 Sketch: Special, Aero
 Control: Battle, Special, Slow, Haste
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Imp's Armor
 Item Won: Imp Halberd
 Special Attack: Bite
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Dark Wind
 Level: 5
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains around Narshe, Triangle
 HP: 34
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 28
 GP: 41
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 55
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Break
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp            
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Dive
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 11
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains around Imperial Camp,
           around Doma Castle, and Gau's father's house
 HP: 290
 MP: 30
 Experience Points: 108
 GP: 135
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp            
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Eyedrop
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Duster
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 15
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains around Zozo and Jidoor
 HP: 412
 MP: 60
 Experience Points: 160
 GP: 485
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Wind
 Rage: Battle, Shimsham
 Sketch: Special, Shimsham
 Control: Battle, Special, Shimsham
 Immune To: Imp            
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down, Potion
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Blinder
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 42
 Location: On the continent where Thamasa is (WoR)
 HP: 3615
 MP: 233
 Experience Points: 1994
 GP: 1221
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Cyclonic
 Sketch: Special, Cyclonic
 Control: Battle, Special, Cyclonic, Aero
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Petrify, Sleep      
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Grip
 Metamorph: Exp. Egg, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 26
 Location: Tzen (WoR)
 HP: 305
 MP: 35
 Experience Points: 267
 GP: 400
 Bat.Pwr: 5
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 10
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 80
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Rage: Battle, Net
 Sketch: Special, Net
 Control: Battle, Special, Net
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep      
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Rock
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility, Vector
 HP: 555
 MP: 80
 Experience Points: 235
 GP: 200
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 180
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, L.3 Muddle
 Sketch: L.5 Doom, L.3 Muddle
 Control: Battle, L.5 Doom, L.3 Muddle, L.4 Flare
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie  
 Status: Float
 Steal: AutoCrossbow
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Program 18
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 6
 Location: Figaro Cave, before the three scenarios (WoB)
 HP: 92
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 48
 GP: 64
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: IronNeedle
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 11
 Location: World of Balance, inside forests and plains around Imperial Camp and
           around Doma Castle
 HP: 243
 MP: 80
 Experience Points: 89
 GP: 145
 Bat.Pwr: 0
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Bserk
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Antidote, Antidote
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Wing Snap
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Delta Bug
 Level: 26
 Location: In the plains on the Serpent Trench (WoR)
 HP: 612
 MP: 80
 Experience Points: 288
 GP: 211
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 220
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 5
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Mega Volt
 Sketch: Special, Mega Volt
 Control: Battle, Special, Mega Volt
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: Sleeping Bag
 Special Attack: Rush
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 26
 Location: In plains and forests on the southernmost continent with Albrook,
           Tzen, and Kefka's Tower (WoR)
 HP: 1412
 MP: 110
 Experience Points: 559
 GP: 756
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Shrapnel
 Sketch: Special, Lode Stone
 Control: Battle, Special, Shrapnel
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Poison Claw
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Sickle
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 9
 Location: Mt. Kolts
 HP: 147
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 97
 GP: 134
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 170
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Bio
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Remedy, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bane Touch
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 37
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 2200
 MP: 305
 Experience Points: 872
 GP: 767
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Charm
 Sketch: Special, Charm
 Control: Battle, Special, Charm
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow,
            Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Nutkin Suit
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Poison Pod
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 55
 Location: In the plains on the continent with the Dinosaur Forest that houses
           the Tyranosaur and Brachosaur enemies, and also in the plains on the
           continent with Doma Castle (WoR)
 HP: 6200
 MP: 600
 Experience Points: 2554
 GP: 1333
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 90
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Lifeshaver
 Sketch: Special, Lifeshaver
 Control: Battle, Special, Lifeshaver
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Titanium
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Blinder
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 26
 Location: Serpent Trench Area (WoR)
 HP: 12
 MP: 400
 Experience Points: 510
 GP: 896
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 254
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 254
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Bio
 Sketch: Special, Bio
 Control: Battle, Special, Bio, Doom
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Sleep,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Echo Screen
 Item Won: Smoke Bomb
 Special Attack: Energy Sap
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Bloompire dies, Undead

 Level: 12
 Location: Figaro Cave during and after Locke's Scenario (WoB)
 HP: 150
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 105
 GP: 135
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 90
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Poison
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Tonic, Antidote
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: PoisonBarb
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 53
 Location: Colosseum (bet a Megalixir to fight him)
 HP: 32760
 MP: 6000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 53
 Defense: 160
 Speed: 90
 Evade: 25
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 25
 M.Block: 25
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Flare
 Sketch: Battle, Battle
 Control: Battle, HyperDrive, Shrapnel, Battle
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Petrify
 Status: Safe
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Knuckles
 Metamorph: Cursed Ring, Cursed Ring, Thronlet, Relic Ring
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits
 NOTE: This is one Rage that you can't get in the game without the use of some
       form of cheat device, such as Game Genie, so keep that in mind.

 Level: 11
 Location: Lete River
 HP: 236
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 216
 GP: 173
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Eyedrop
 Special Attack: Ink
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 11
 Location: Lete River
 HP: 196
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 162
 GP: 153
 Bat.Pwr: 19
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Imp
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Mithril Claw, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Scissors
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 13
 Location: Serpent Trench (WoB)
 HP: 315
 MP: 150
 Experience Points: 96
 GP: 358
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Aqua Rake
 Sketch: Special, Aqua Rake
 Control: Battle, Special, Aqua Rake
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Blind
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Garrote
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Reach Frog
 Level: 52
 Location: In the forests/plains around Narshe, Maranda
 HP: 3511
 MP: 220
 Experience Points: 1550
 GP: 2600
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Slimer
 Sketch: Special, Slimer
 Control: Battle, Special, Slimer
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tack Star, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Tongue
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 26
 Location: Serpent Trench Area (WoR)
 HP: 1280
 MP: 70
 Experience Points: 297
 GP: 356
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Break
 Sketch: Imp, Remedy
 Control: Battle, Break, Dischord
 Immune To: Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Drainer
 Item Won: Soft
 Special Attack: Imp Glare
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 18
 Location: In the forests/plains on the southernmost continent, where Vector is
 HP: 545
 MP: 155
 Experience Points: 190
 GP: 279
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Quake
 Sketch: Special, Quake
 Control: Battle, Special, Quake
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Sleeping Bag, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Lash
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 49
 Location: Desert to the south of Maranda (WoR)
 HP: 12018
 MP: 10500
 Experience Points: 7524
 GP: 10000
 Bat.Pwr: 54
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 54
 Evade: 30
 Hit Rate: 180
 Mag.Def: 60
 Mag.Pwr: 22
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Sand Storm
 Sketch: Special, Sand Storm
 Control: Battle, Special, Sand Storm, Quake
 Immune To: Imp, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Remedy
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Crush
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 14
 Location: The snowy field area where you fight Kefka in Narshe (WoB)
 HP: 1300
 MP: 170
 Experience Points: 400
 GP: 1290
 Bat.Pwr: 48
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Poison
 Rage: Battle, Virite
 Sketch: Special, Virite
 Control: Battle, Special, Virite
 Immune To: Imp, Muddle, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir, Mithril Vest
 Item Won: Remedy, Remedy
 Special Attack: Trident
 Metamorph: Gold Armor, Gold Helmet, Gold Lance, Gold Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 53
 Location: Colosseum (bet worthless items, such as Dirks and Potions)
 HP: 50305
 MP: 55530
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 190
 Speed: 99
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 190
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, W Wind
 Sketch: Battle, Battle
 Control: Battle, Sneeze, Sneeze, Sneeze
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Imp Goo
 Metamorph: Cure Ring, Cure Ring, Safety Bit, Pod Bracelet
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex
 NOTE: This is one Rage that you can't get in the game without the use of some
       form of cheat device, such as Game Genie, so keep that in mind.

 Level: 18
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 250
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: 115
 GP: 100
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Imp
 Sketch: Imp, Roulette
 Control: Battle, Demi, Quartr
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Program 55
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 8
 Location: Figaro Castle (WoB), Imperial Camp, South Figaro (WoB)
 HP: 210
 MP: 250
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 30
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Tek Laser
 Sketch: Tek Laser, Battle
 Control: Battle, Tek Laser
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Metal Kick
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Sky Armor
 Level: 24
 Location: The Blackjack, on your way to the Floating Continent
 HP: 900
 MP: 170
 Experience Points: 350
 GP: 400
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Tek Laser
 Sketch: Special, Tek Laser
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Backlash
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 14
 Location: Imperial Camp
 HP: 1800
 MP: 250
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 13
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Sonic Boom
 Sketch: Launcher, Tek Laser
 Control: Battle, Tek Laser, Fire Ball
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: X-Potion
 Item Won: Green Beret, Green Beret
 Special Attack: SonicBlast
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Lethal Wpn
 Level: 47
 Location: Ancient Castle
 HP: 9200
 MP: 1956
 Experience Points: 5848
 GP: 1189
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 190
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 15
 M.Block: 10
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Grav Bomb
 Sketch: Special, Megazerk
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser, Absolute 0
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Reflect
 Steal: Debilitator
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Metal Arm
 Metamorph: Gold Armor, Gold Helmet, Gold Lance, Gold Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 5
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoB), Mt. Kolts
 HP: 15
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 23
 GP: 29
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 95
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Blaze
 Sketch: Slow, Battle
 Control: Battle, Slow
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Cling
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 255
 MP: 110
 Experience Points: 160
 GP: 120
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 13
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: Earth, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Slimer
 Sketch: Special, Slimer
 Control: Battle, Special, Slimer
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Petrify, Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Magicite, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slip Gunk
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 21
 Location: Cave to the Sealed Gate
 HP: 1100
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: 740
 GP: 442
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire, Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl, Water
 Rage: Battle, Lifeshaver
 Sketch: Special, Lifeshaver
 Control: Battle, Special, Lifeshaver
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Amulet
 Item Won: Revivify
 Special Attack: Glare
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 27
 Location: Figaro Cave (WoR), Figaro Castle (WoR)
 HP: 800
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 421
 GP: 326
 Bat.Pwr: 8
 Defense: 145
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Poison
 Sketch: Special, Poison
 Control: Battle, Special, Poison
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Green Cherry
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hug
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Humpty dies, If turned into an Imp, will
                      use critical hits, Undead

 Level: 25
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 1300
 MP: 1000
 Experience Points: 550
 GP: 600
 Bat.Pwr: 24
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Blow Fish
 Sketch: Special, Blow Fish
 Control: Battle, Special, Blow Fish
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Earrings
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Smirk
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Brainpan dies

 Level: 28
 Location: Figaro Cave (WoR), Figaro Castle (WoR)
 HP: 1334
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 419
 GP: 797
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 70
 Mag.Pwr: 4
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Slimer
 Sketch: Special, Slimer
 Control: Battle, Special, Slimer
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: Blind, Poison
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: BrainStorm
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Cruller dies, Undead

 Level: 27
 Location: Desert to the south of Maranda (WoR)
 HP: 3
 MP: 60000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 10000
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 255
 Speed: 39
 Evade: 250
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 255
 Mag.Pwr: 50
 M.Block: 250
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Blow Fish
 Sketch: Special, Blow Fish
 Control: Battle, Special, Blow Fish
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Image, Imp, Magitek, Mute,
            Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Soft
 Item Won: Soft
 Special Attack: Mind Sting
 Metamorph: Imp's Armor, Imp Halberd, Titanium, TortoiseShield
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Repo Man
 Level: 5
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoB)
 HP: 35
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 25
 GP: 25
 Bat.Pwr: 19
 Defense: 90
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Exploder
 Sketch: Special, Flare
 Control: Battle, Special, Special, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Wrench
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 16
 Location: Zozo
 HP: 428
 MP: 85
 Experience Points: 291
 GP: 314
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 50
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Haste
 Sketch: Special, Fire Wall
 Control: Battle, Special, Drain
 Immune To: Imp, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float, Haste
 Steal: DragoonBoots, Goggles
 Item Won: Barrier Ring
 Special Attack: Wrench
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.60%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 8
 Location: Phantom Train, also in the forest located immediately to the west of
           the Veldt and river of Baren Falls
 HP: 160
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: 35
 GP: 80
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 90
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 1
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Blaze
 Sketch: Exploder, Blaze
 Control: Battle, Exploder, Blaze
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Petrify, Poison, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Flame Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Still Life
 Level: 37
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 4889
 MP: 390
 Experience Points: 2331
 GP: 1574
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Lullaby
 Sketch: Special, Lullaby
 Control: Battle, Special, Lullaby, Condemned
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp. Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow,
            Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: FakeMustache
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bane Kiss
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Still Life dies

 Boxed Set
 Level: 45
 Location: Ancient Castle
 HP: 4020
 MP: 105
 Experience Points: 1504
 GP: 465
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 90
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 250
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Meteor
 Sketch: Special, Meteor
 Control: Battle, Special, Meteor, Lode Stone
 Immune To: Imp, Near Fatal, Poison
 Status: Float, Reflect
 Steal: Antidote
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Mirror Orb
 Metamorph: Safety Bit, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Boxed Set dies

 Level: 15
 Location: Zozo
 HP: 392
 MP: 120
 Experience Points: 224
 GP: 296
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Ice 2
 Sketch: Fire 2, Ice 2
 Control: Battle, Fire 2, Ice 2, Bolt 2
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Muddle, Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: ThiefKnife, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Daze Dance
 Metamorph: Marvel Shoes, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 16
 Location: Zozo
 HP: 1200
 MP: 60
 Experience Points: 550
 GP: 600
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 115
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Magnitude8
 Sketch: Special, Magnitude8
 Control: Battle, Special, Magnitude8
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Atlas Arlmet
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Head Butt
 Metamorph: Ogre Nix, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If turned an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 27
 Location: Cave of Umaro
 HP: 8000
 MP: 15500
 Experience Points: 1200
 GP: 3333
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 50
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 180
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 50
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Break
 Sketch: Special, Break
 Control: Battle, Special, Break
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Muddle, Mute, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Tintinabar
 Special Attack: Cleaver
 Metamorph: Imp's Armor, Imp Halberd, Titanium, TortoiseShield
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: If turned an Imp, will use critical hits

 Magic Urn
 Level: 31
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 100
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 5
 Defense: 220
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 190
 Mag.Pwr: 35
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Cure 3
 Sketch: Remedy, Cure 3
 Control: Battle, Remedy, Cure 3, W Wind
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow,
            Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Megalixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 71.4%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Magic Urn dies

 Level: 51
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 120
 MP: 10500
 Experience Points: 1500
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 85
 Evade: 225
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 254
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Merton
 Sketch: Battle, Disaster
 Control: Battle, Big Guard
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Seizure, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Super Ball
 Item Won: Magicite
 Special Attack: Silencer
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Mover dies

 Level: 45
 Location: Ancient Cave
 HP: 4220
 MP: 140
 Experience Points: 1219
 GP: 554
 Bat.Pwr: 29
 Defense: 90
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 250
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Dischord
 Sketch: Special, Dischord
 Control: Battle, Special, Dischord, Raid
 Immune To: Poison, Sleep
 Status: Reflect
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Gunk
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 26
 Location: In the plains on the Serpent Trench (WoR)
 HP: 2252
 MP: 218
 Experience Points: 562
 GP: 458
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Water
 Rage: Battle, Slow 2
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Surge
 Immune To: Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Poison
 Steal: Diamond Vest, Tincture
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Riot
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 12
 Location: Serpent Trench (WoB)
 HP: 220
 MP: 330
 Experience Points: 48
 GP: 115
 Bat.Pwr: 2
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 2
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Giga Volt
 Sketch: Special, Giga Volt
 Control: Battle, Special, Giga Volt
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Sleep
 Status: Blind, Float
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: X-Potion
 Special Attack: NumbSpines
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 10
 Location: Phantom Forest, Phantom Train
 HP: 226
 MP: 70
 Experience Points: 48
 GP: 75
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 1
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Bolt 2
 Sketch: Fire, X-Zone
 Control: Battle, Fire
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Pause
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 51
 Location: In the plains around the northeastern continent on the map, around
           Maranda, Jidoor, and Doma
 HP: 3200
 MP: 620
 Experience Points: 1456
 GP: 1224
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Step Mine
 Sketch: Special, Step Mine
 Control: Battle, Special, Step Mine
 Immune To: Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Remedy
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Feeler
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Sand Ray
 Level: 6
 Location: Desert near Figaro Castle, desert near Imperial Camp, desert near
           Kohlingen (WoB)
 HP: 67
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: 41
 GP: 54
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Antidote, Antidote
 Item Won: Antidote
 Special Attack: Tail
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 6
 Location: Desert near Figaro Castle, desert near Imperial Camp, desert near
           Kohlingen (WoB)
 HP: 87
 MP: 15
 Experience Points: 37
 GP: 94
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Numb
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 12
 Location: Serpent Trench (WoB)
 HP: 230
 MP: 98
 Experience Points: 57
 GP: 125
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Aqua Rake
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Blind
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Clamp
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Sand Horse
 Level: 27
 Location: Desert near Figaro Castle, desert near Kohlingen (WoR)
 HP: 1025
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 475
 GP: 726
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Sand Storm
 Sketch: Special, Sand Storm
 Control: Battle, Special, Sand Storm
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Clamp
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Sand Horse dies

 Dark Side
 Level: 13
 Location: Mines of Narshe, in the room where you have to follow the light, if
           you miss the dull trigger when the light surrounds you, you'll fight
           this enemy (WoB)
 HP: 255
 MP: 85
 Experience Points: 165
 GP: 138
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Ice 2
 Sketch: Special, Fire 3
 Control: Battle, Special, Fire
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float, Seizure
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Slip Touch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Mad Oscar
 Level: 30
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 2900
 MP: 980
 Experience Points: 780
 GP: 2292
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 95
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 80
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison, Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Sour Mouth
 Sketch: Special, Sour Mouth
 Control: Battle, Special, Sour Mouth
 Immune To: Condemned, Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: X-Potion
 Item Won: Remedy, Revivify
 Special Attack: Drool
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 7
 Location: Figaro Cave, before the three scenarios (WoB)
 HP: 122
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 71
 GP: 120
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 45
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Magnitude8
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Remedy, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Burn
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 7
 Location: Figaro Cave, before Locke's Scenario (WoB)
 HP: 119
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: 53
 GP: 80
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Doom
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Dread
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Slumber
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 8
 Location: Narshe (when the Moogles help Locke escape with Terra) (WoB)
 HP: 420
 MP: 150
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 350
 Bat.Pwr: 60
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Wind Slash
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Bolt 2
 Immune To: Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: MithrilKnife
 Item Won: Potion, Potion
 Special Attack: Charge
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 13
 Location: Narshe (in the snowy field where you fight Kefka) (WoB)
 HP: 255
 MP: 60
 Experience Points: 90
 GP: 96
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: MithrilBlade, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Swing
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 650
 MP: 30
 Experience Points: 232
 GP: 308
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 155
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 105
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Cure 2
 Sketch: Special, Cure 2
 Control: Battle, Special, Cure 2
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Mithril Shld, Tonic
 Item Won: Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Bio Attack
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 44
 Location: Zone Eater Dungeon
 HP: 4530
 MP: 240
 Experience Points: 1757
 GP: 1768
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 50
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Wind Slash
 Sketch: Special, Wind Slash
 Control: Battle, Special, Wind Slash, Rage
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tack Star, Shuriken
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Disappear
 Metamorph: Trump, Trump, Assassin, Striker
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Level: 44
 Location: Zone Eater Dungeon
 HP: 4211
 MP: 219
 Experience Points: 1583
 GP: 869
 Bat.Pwr: 19
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 32
 Evade: 30
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 30
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Poison
 Rage: Battle, Storm
 Sketch: Battle, Meteor
 Control: Battle, Cold Dust, Pearl Wind
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Murasame, Ashura
 Item Won: Revivify
 Special Attack: Zombite
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 38
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 1300
 MP: 1250
 Experience Points: 970
 GP: 333
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 180
 Speed: 39
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 225
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Poison
 Rage: Battle, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Pearl
 Control: Battle, Special, Pearl
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: MagicDrain
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Warlock dies

 Level: 53
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 8150
 MP: 900
 Experience Points: 2200
 GP: 700
 Bat.Pwr: 8
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Pearl
 Sketch: Flare, Pearl
 Control: Battle, Flare, Pearl, Ice 3
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Goggles
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Sightless
 Metamorph: Ribbon, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Madam dies

 Level: 17
 Location: In the forests/plains on the southernmost contient where Vector is
 HP: 467
 MP: 90
 Experience Points: 194
 GP: 320
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Poison
 Rage: Battle, Bolt 2
 Sketch: Special, Bolt 2
 Control: Battle, Special, Bolt 2, Acid Rain
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Float
 Steal: Green Beret, Tonic
 Item Won: Mithril Rod
 Special Attack: Parasol
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human

 Iron Fist
 Level: 15
 Location: In the forests/plains near Jidoor and Zozo
 HP: 333
 MP: 65
 Experience Points: 144
 GP: 249
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 75
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Stone
 Sketch: Special, Stone
 Control: Battle, Special, Stone
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Head Band, Tonic
 Item Won: MithrilKnife
 Special Attack: Knee Kick
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 46
 Location: Ancient Cave
 HP: 5555
 MP: 1150
 Experience Points: 2189
 GP: 960
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 70
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 250
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Bolt 3
 Sketch: Fire 3, Bolt 3
 Control: Battle, Fire 3, Bolt 3, Ice 3
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Imp, Mute, Sleep
 Status: Reflect
 Steal: MithrilGlove
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Zap
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Goblin dies

 Level: 20
 Location: Cave to the Sealed Gate
 HP: 781
 MP: 60
 Experience Points: 415
 GP: 300
 Bat.Pwr: 17
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire, Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Imp
 Sketch: Special, Special
 Control: Battle, Special, Imp
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: Float, Seizure
 Steal: Potion, Revivify
 Item Won: Revivify
 Special Attack: Slip Touch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 29
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 2058
 MP: 360
 Experience Points: 485
 GP: 385
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 145
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Flare
 Sketch: Special, Flare
 Control: Battle, Special, Flare
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Diamond Vest, Potion
 Item Won: Amulet, Revivify
 Special Attack: Daze Dance
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, PowerDemon dies, Undead

 Level: 38
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 3826
 MP: 1327
 Experience Points: 1510
 GP: 393
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 44
 Evade: 30
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Doom
 Sketch: Special, Doom
 Control: Battle, Special, Doom, X-Zone
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Rib
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Displayer dies, Undead

 Vector Pup
 Level: 11
 Location: South Figaro
 HP: 166
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: 128
 GP: 83
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bite
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 23
 Location: In the plains on Solitary Island, in the desert on Solitary Island,
           in the deserts near Tzen (WoR)
 HP: 1
 MP: 19
 Experience Points: 2
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 7
 Defense: 5
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 5
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Pearl Wind
 Sketch: Special, Pearl Wind
 Control: Battle, Special, Pearl Wind
 Immune To: Poison
 Status: Seizure
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Tail
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Sewer Rat
 Level: 16
 Location: Opera House (WoB)
 HP: 299
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 108
 GP: 156
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Incisor
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run

 Level: 37
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 2600
 MP: 97
 Experience Points: 830
 GP: 415
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 10
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Cave In
 Sketch: Special, Shimsham
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Choke
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 800
 MP: 35
 Experience Points: 592
 GP: 400
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Life 3
 Sketch: Special, Life 3
 Control: Battle, Special, Life 3
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Petrify
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Flash
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: BaneStrike
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 10
 Location: In the forests/plains near the Imperial Camp, Doma Castle, and Gau's
           father's house (WoB)
 HP: 135
 MP: 40
 Experience Points: 53
 GP: 110
 Bat.Pwr: 9
 Defense: 70
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Rage: Battle, Life
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Potion
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Incisor
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Wild Cat
 Level: 36
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 1115
 MP: 78
 Experience Points: 701
 GP: 416
 Bat.Pwr: 17
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Water
 Rage: Battle, Blaster
 Sketch: Special, Blaster
 Control: Battle, Special, Blaster
 Immune To: Mute
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tabby Suit
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Pounce
 Metamorph: Tintinabar, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Red Fang
 Level: 14
 Location: In the plains near Kohlingen (WoB)
 HP: 325
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 135
 GP: 185
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 95
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Drain
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Dried Meat
 Special Attack: Rabies
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Bounty Man
 Level: 13
 Location: Narshe (in the snowy field where you fought Kefka) (WoB)
 HP: 285
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: 115
 GP: 55
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 75
 Speed: 32
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bite
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run

 Level: 10
 Location: Mt. Kolts
 HP: 270
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 163
 GP: 102
 Bat.Pwr: 28
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Blizzard
 Sketch: Special, Blizzard
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Soft
 Special Attack: Gore
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, uses critical hits

 Level: 17
 Location: In the forests/plains on the southermnost continent where Vector is
 HP: 620
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: 255
 GP: 345
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tiger Mask, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Tackle
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, uses critical hits

 Level: 26
 Location: In the plains on the southernmost continent (WoR)
 HP: 1111
 MP: 60
 Experience Points: 321
 GP: 356
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 80
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Stop
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Petrify
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Remedy
 Special Attack: Carapace
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, uses critical hits

 Wart Puck
 Level: 44
 Location: Zone Eater Dungeon
 HP: 3559
 MP: 330
 Experience Points: 1595
 GP: 1169
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Rasp
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Exploder
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Poison, Slow,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Dried Meat, Flail
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Yawn
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 36
 Location: Cave in the Veldt
 HP: 7191
 MP: 354
 Experience Points: 4928
 GP: 1889
 Bat.Pwr: 40
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 60
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 15
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Surge
 Sketch: El Nino, Surge
 Control: Battle, Flare Star, Surge, Aero
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Gold Lance
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Trident
 Metamorph: Ice Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%

 Level: 49
 Location: Cave in the Veldt
 HP: 19000
 MP: 9999
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 27
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 39
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Fire 3
 Sketch: Special, Fire 3
 Control: Battle, Battle, Battle, Battle
 Immune To: Berserk, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep,
            Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: BehemothSuit, BehemothSuit
 Special Attack: Hypno Gas
 Metamorph: Cursed Ring, Cursed Ring, Relic Ring, Thornlet
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Undead

 Level: 59
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 2800
 MP: 180
 Experience Points: 1400
 GP: 350
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Pearl Wind
 Sketch: Special, Pearl Wind
 Control: Battle, Special, Pearl Wind
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Muddle, Near Fatal, Poison,
            Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ninja Star
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Tusk
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 18
 Location: In the forests/plains on the southernmost continent where Vector is
 HP: 892
 MP: 95
 Experience Points: 484
 GP: 434
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Cyclonic
 Sketch: Special, Cyclonic
 Control: Battle, Special, Cyclonic
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: N/A
 Steal: DragoonBoots, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slip Wing
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 21
 Location: Cave to the Sealed Gate
 HP: 1991
 MP: 160
 Experience Points: 1072
 GP: 309
 Bat.Pwr: 29
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Condemned
 Sketch: Special, Bolt 3
 Control: Battle, Special, Poison, Bio
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Bone
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 29
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 7000
 MP: 850
 Experience Points: 2931
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 45
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 40
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Revenge
 Sketch: Special, Revenge
 Control: Battle, Special, Revenge, Blizzard
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Genji Glove, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Tail
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 50
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 10050
 MP: 12850
 Experience Points: 3000
 GP: 1200
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Fire 3
 Sketch: Special, Fire 3
 Control: Battle, Special, Fire 3, Meteor
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Muddle
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Dried Meat
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Wail
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 38
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 3000
 MP: 300
 Experience Points: 953
 GP: 731
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 15
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 50
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Doom
 Sketch: Special, Doom
 Control: Battle, Special, Doom
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Poison
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: PoisonClaw
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 10
 Location: Mt. Kolts
 HP: 134
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 82
 GP: 102
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Haste2
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Break
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tonic, Antidote
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Beak
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 53
 Location: In the plains on the northeastern, in the plains near Doma Castle
 HP: 4500
 MP: 350
 Experience Points: 2293
 GP: 1420
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Aero
 Sketch: Special, Aero
 Control: Battle, Special, Cyclonic
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Imp's Armor
 Special Attack: Drainbeak
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 470
 MP: 63
 Experience Points: 438
 GP: 250
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 170
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Shimsham
 Sketch: Special, Shimsham
 Control: Battle, Special, Shimsham
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Float
 Steal: Potion, Green Cherry
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Silence
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 29
 Location: In the forests/plains near Kohlingen (WoR)
 HP: 1418
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 449
 GP: 909
 Bat.Pwr: 19
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Wind
 Rage: Battle, Aero
 Sketch: Special, Aero
 Control: Battle, Special, Aero
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep, Slow,
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Nail
 Metamorph: Exp. Egg, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 41
 Location: On the continent with Thamasa (WoR)
 HP: 2905
 MP: 175
 Experience Points: 1096
 GP: 421
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Net
 Sketch: Special, Net
 Control: Battle, Special, Net
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Petrify, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Rock
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 27
 Location: Figaro Castle (WoR) (in the room with the four Tentacles)
 HP: 1000
 MP: 80
 Experience Points: 398
 GP: 427
 Bat.Pwr: 6
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Muddle
 Sketch: Special, Muddle
 Control: Battle, Special, Muddle
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Seizure
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Mad Signal
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Drop dies

 Mind Candy
 Level: 15
 Location: In the forests/plains near Jidoor and Zozo (WoB)
 HP: 290
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 128
 GP: 168
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 165
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Sleep
 Immune To: Imp, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tonic, Soft
 Item Won: Soft
 Special Attack: SleepSting
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 17
 Location: In the forests/plains on the southernmost continent with Vector on
           it (WoB)
 HP: 480
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 278
 GP: 234
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Bserk
 Sketch: Special, Lifeshaver
 Control: Battle, Special, Bserk
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Mute, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Antidote, Antidote
 Item Won: Echo Screen
 Special Attack: Flap
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 34
 Location: Mt. Zozo
 HP: 2079
 MP: 122
 Experience Points: 707
 GP: 1000
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 210
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 25
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Land Slide
 Sketch: Special, Land Slide
 Control: Battle, Special, Land Slide, Cave In
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Horn
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Toe Cutter
 Level: 36
 Location: Cave in the Veldt
 HP: 2500
 MP: 187
 Experience Points: 1753
 GP: 726
 Bat.Pwr: 21
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Shrapnel
 Sketch: Special, Shrapnel
 Control: Battle, Special, Shrapnel
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Poison Rod
 Item Won: Poison Rod
 Special Attack: Doomsickle
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Over Grunk
 Level: 15
 Location: In the forests near Jidoor (WoB)
 HP: 492
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 219
 GP: 365
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Poison
 Control: Battle, Special, Muddle
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Remedy, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bane Touch
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 29
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 1200
 MP: 112
 Experience Points: 449
 GP: 370
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 105
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Virite
 Sketch: Special, Virite
 Control: Battle, Special, Virite
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Shell
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Revivify
 Special Attack: DoomPollen
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Undead

 Level: 36
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 2095
 MP: 40
 Experience Points: 788
 GP: 577
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 105
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Lifeshaver
 Sketch: Special, Lifeshaver
 Control: Battle, Special, Lifeshaver
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Super Ball
 Item Won: Super Ball
 Special Attack: Blow
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 48
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 50
 MP: 760
 Experience Points: 1780
 GP: 390
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 252
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 252
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Quake
 Sketch: Bio, Quake
 Control: Battle, Bio, Quake
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Doom Touch
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 11
 Location: Figaro Cave, during Locke's scenario and after it
 HP: 145
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: 90
 GP: 115
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Eyedrop
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Numblade
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Sky Cap
 Level: 40
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 3262
 MP: 200
 Experience Points: 1253
 GP: 441
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Megazerk
 Sketch: Special, Atomic Ray
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: SlipAnchor
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 21
 Location: On the continent with Thamasa (WoB)
 HP: 420
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 214
 GP: 280
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Stop
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Seizure
 Status: Float
 Steal: Remedy, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Husk
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 26
 Location: Desert where Figaro Castle is, desert near Kohlingen (WoR)
 HP: 952
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 360
 GP: 576
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Remedy
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Remedy
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Seizure, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Scissors
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Gigan Toad
 Level: 26
 Location: In the plains on the southernmost continent (WoR)
 HP: 458
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 235
 GP: 340
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Slimer
 Sketch: Special, Slimer
 Control: Battle, Special, Slimer
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Sleeping Bag
 Special Attack: Croak
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 54
 Location: In the plains near Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 5000
 MP: 1020
 Experience Points: 2400
 GP: 1120
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 10
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Break
 Sketch: Special, Break
 Control: Battle, Special, Break, Dread
 Immune To: Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: TortoiseShld
 Item Won: TortoiseShld
 Special Attack: Petriglare
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 38
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 2366
 MP: 186
 Experience Points: 770
 GP: 422
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Quake
 Sketch: Special, Quake
 Control: Battle, Special, Quake
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Lick
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Land Worm
 Level: 59
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 12000
 MP: 1300
 Experience Points: 4600
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Magnitude8
 Sketch: Special, Magnitude8
 Control: Battle, Special, Magnitude8, Lode Stone
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: N/A
 Steal: X-Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Compress
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Test Rider
 Level: 32
 Location: Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 3100
 MP: 220
 Experience Points: 1947
 GP: 520
 Bat.Pwr: 27
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Flash Rain
 Sketch: Special, Flash Rain
 Control: Battle, Special, Flash Rain
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Partisan
 Item Won: Stout Spear
 Special Attack: Gold Lance
 Metamorph: Ice Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Test Rider dies, If turned into
                      an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 39
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 2850
 MP: 220
 Experience Points: 853
 GP: 629
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Tek Laser
 Sketch: Special, Tek Laser
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser, Shrapnel
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Crash
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Tomb Thumb
 Level: 33
 Location: Cave of Umaro
 HP: 2000
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 500
 GP: 150
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 32
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Step Mine
 Sketch: Special, Step Mine
 Control: Battle, Special, Step Mine
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Dash
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 13
 Location: South Figaro (Locke's Scenario), in the snowy field in the sequence
           where you fight Kefka (WoB)
 HP: 495
 MP: 150
 Experience Points: 80
 GP: 195
 Bat.Pwr: 53
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Tek Laser
 Sketch: Special, Tek Laser
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Iron Helmet, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Metal Hand
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 19
 Location: Vector
 HP: 1202
 MP: 140
 Experience Points: 691
 GP: 380
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Plasma
 Sketch: Special, Plasma
 Control: Battle, Special, Plasma, Dischord
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Bio Blaster
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Program 17
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 57
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 27000
 MP: 9000
 Experience Points: 9000
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 175
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 15
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Dischord
 Sketch: Special, Exploder
 Control: Battle, Special, Special, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Air Anchor
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Gamma Rays
 Metamorph: Gold Armor, Gold Helmet, Gold Lance, Gold Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 11
 Location: Phantom Forest
 HP: 145
 MP: 25
 Experience Points: 55
 GP: 55
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 55
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Slow, Battle
 Control: Battle, Slow
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Cling
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 26
 Location: Triangle Island (WoB)
 HP: 32000
 MP: 16000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 50
 Evade: 50
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Pep Up
 Sketch: Special, Step Mine
 Control: Battle, Special, Pep Up
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Clear, Float, Haste, Safe, Shell
 Steal: Magicite
 Item Won: Antidote
 Special Attack: Sleep
 Metamorph: Megalixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Intangir dies, If turned into an Imp,
                      will use critical hits

 Level: 26
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 1750
 MP: 140
 Experience Points: 750
 GP: 786
 Bat.Pwr: 26
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Lifeshaver
 Sketch: Special, Lifeshaver
 Control: Battle, Special, Lifeshaver
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Back Guard
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Enmity
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Misfit dies

 Level: 37
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 2740
 MP: 145
 Experience Points: 775
 GP: 550
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 32
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Bio
 Sketch: Special, Bio
 Control: Battle, Special, Bio, Poison
 Immune To: Imp, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Stench
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 46
 Location: Ancient Cave
 HP: 4635
 MP: 280
 Experience Points: 1429
 GP: 968
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 250
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, CleanSweep
 Sketch: Special, CleanSweep
 Control: Battle, Special, CleanSweep, Aqua Rake
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Reflect, Seizure
 Steal: X-Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slime
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Deep Eye
 Level: 28
 Location: In the forests/plains near Kohlingen (WoR)
 HP: 1334
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 385
 GP: 485
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Dread
 Sketch: Special, Dread
 Control: Battle, Special, Dread
 Immune To: Imp, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Eyedrop
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Dreamland
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 8
 Location: In the forests/plains near South Figaro and Returner's Hideout (WoB)
 HP: 132
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 53
 GP: 256
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Shell
 Sketch: Special, Shell
 Control: Battle, Special, Step Mine
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Buckler, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Dreamland
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 28
 Location: Figaro Cave (WoR), Figaro Castle (WoR)
 HP: 1334
 MP: 150
 Experience Points: 588
 GP: 1330
 Bat.Pwr: 5
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Imp
 Sketch: Special, Imp
 Control: Battle, Special, Imp
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Dark Hood
 Item Won: Peace Ring
 Special Attack: Mad Sickle
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 17
 Location: In the forest west of the Veldt (WoB)
 HP: 3000
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: 190
 GP: 500
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Blaze
 Sketch: Special, Blaze
 Control: Battle, Special, Blaze, Fire Ball
 Immune To: Imp, Petrify
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fire Skean
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Mezmerize
 Metamorph: Flame Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 40
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 1200
 MP: 330
 Experience Points: 1323
 GP: 531
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Condemned
 Sketch: Special, Condemned
 Control: Battle, Special, Condemned
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slip Seed
 Metamorph: Cure Ring, Cure Ring, Pod Bracelet, Safety Bit
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Critic dies

 Pan Dora
 Level: 39
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 1522
 MP: 350
 Experience Points: 622
 GP: 461
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 80
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Revenge
 Sketch: Special, Revenge
 Control: Battle, Special, Revenge
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hypno Gas
 Metamorph: Ribbon, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Pan Dora dies, Undead

 Level: 22
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 2539
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 1531
 GP: 769
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 60
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 170
 Mag.Pwr: 30
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Osmose
 Sketch: Drain, Osmose
 Control: Battle, Drain, Osmose, Fire 2
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Moogle Suit
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Red Dance
 Metamorph: Marvel Shoes, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, SoulDancer dies

 Level: 25
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 6000
 MP: 1120
 Experience Points: 7550
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 1
 Speed: 50
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 1
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Magnitude8
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Revenge
 Immune To: Muddle, Sleep
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Elixir, X-Potion
 Item Won: Hardened, Hardened
 Special Attack: Throat Jab
 Metamorph: Ogre Nix, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Mag Roader (Red)
 Level: 18
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility (rare enemy in the mine cart
 HP: 250
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 198
 GP: 300
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 20
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 1
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Mute
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
 Item Won: Fire Skean
 Special Attack: Rush
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Run

 Spek Tor
 Level: 50
 Location: In the plains on the northeasternmost continent, in the plains near
           Doma Castle (WoR)
 HP: 250
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 1356
 GP: 1254
 Bat.Pwr: 30
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 70
 Evade: 50
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 200
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Rage: Battle, Blaster
 Sketch: Special, Blaster
 Control: Battle, Special, Acid Rain
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Mute
 Status: N/A
 Steal: X-Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Scratch
 Metamorph: Tintinabar, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 39
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 1000
 MP: 230
 Experience Points: 455
 GP: 461
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 20
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 5
 Mag.Pwr: 1
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Giga Volt
 Sketch: Special, Giga Volt
 Control: Battle, Special, Giga Volt
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Scratch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Parasite dies

 Level: 23
 Location: Desert on Solitary Island, desert near Tzen (WoR)
 HP: 1
 MP: 18
 Experience Points: 1
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 6
 Defense: 5
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 5
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Rage: Battle, Big Guard
 Sketch: Special, Big Guard
 Control: Battle, Special, Big Guard
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Imp, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Safe, Seizure
 Steal: Megalixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: PoisonTail
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 20
 Location: Cave to the Sealed Gate
 HP: 480
 MP: 15
 Experience Points: 290
 GP: 270
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Magnitude8
 Sketch: Special, Magnitude8
 Control: Battle, Special, Magnitude8
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Antidote
 Item Won: Antidote
 Special Attack: HypnoSting
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 33
 Location: Cave of Umaro
 HP: 2000
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 1000
 GP: 550
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning, Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Giga Volt
 Sketch: Imp, Giga Volt
 Control: Battle, Bolt 3, Giga Volt
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Imp Touch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 37
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 2444
 MP: 82
 Experience Points: 981
 GP: 669
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Flash Rain
 Sketch: Acid Rain, Flash Rain
 Control: Battle, Acid Rain, Flash Rain
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: Float
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Clamp
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Hipocampus dies, Undead

 Level: 13
 Location: Mines of Narshe, in the room where you have to follow the light, if
           you miss the dull trigger when the light surrounds you, you'll fight
           this enemy (WoB)
 HP: 235
 MP: 120
 Experience Points: 220
 GP: 138
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Fire
 Sketch: Bolt, Fire
 Control: Battle, Bolt, Fire, Ice
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ice Rod, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Rod
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human, Undead

 Evil Oscar
 Level: 56
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 7000
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: 2800
 GP: 1320
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 105
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Bio
 Sketch: Poison, Sour Mouth
 Control: Battle, Poison, Sneeze, Sour Mouth
 Immune To: Blind, Mute
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Demon Kiss
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 23
 Location: Crescent Mountain
 HP: 505
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 232
 GP: 270
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 50
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Slimer
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Magnitude8, Quake
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Seizure, Sleep,
            Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Dijestive
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 23
 Location: Crescent Mountain
 HP: 505
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 232
 GP: 270
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 50
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Slimer
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Magnitude8, Quake
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Seizure, Sleep,
            Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Dijestive
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 27
 Location: In the forests near South Figaro (WoR)
 HP: 1700
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 612
 GP: 971
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Magnitude8
 Sketch: Special, Magnitude8
 Control: Battle, Special, Magnitude8
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Death, Imp, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Gaia Gear
 Item Won: Antidote
 Special Attack: Wind-up
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 12
 Location: Phantom Train
 HP: 200
 MP: 84
 Experience Points: 54
 GP: 135
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Osmose
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Slip Touch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human, Undead

 Allo Ver
 Level: 19
 Location: Cave in the Veldt
 HP: 8000
 MP: 8000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 55
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Quake
 Sketch: Special, Special
 Control: Battle, Special, Special, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Mute, Poison, Sleep, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Tiger Fangs, Tiger Fangs
 Special Attack: Dead End
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, Undead
 NOTE: This Rage is inaccesible in the game, due to bad programming.

 Level: 47
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 4550
 MP: 1700
 Experience Points: 2600
 GP: 890
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Blow Fish
 Sketch: Special, Blow Fish
 Control: Battle, Special, Blow Fish
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Smirk
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, Phase dies

 Level: 18
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 8050
 MP: 400
 Experience Points: 2600
 GP: 2800
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 4
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, X-Zone, Flare
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Poison, Sleep
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Break Blade
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Ruin
 Metamorph: Assassin, Striker, Trump, Trump
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human

 Level: 39
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 3062
 MP: 198
 Experience Points: 1410
 GP: 631
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Love Token
 Sketch: Special, Love Token
 Control: Battle, Special, Muddle, Dispel
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slap
 Metamorph: Ribbon, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Barb-e dies

 Level: 47
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 2077
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: 1620
 GP: 674
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Flash Rain
 Sketch: Special, Flash Rain
 Control: Battle, Special, Flash Rain, El Nino
 Immune To: Imp, Mute, Petrify, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Spin Slice
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human, If MP reaches 0, Parasoul dies

 Pm Stalker
 Level: 26
 Location: Tzen (WoR)
 HP: 265
 MP: 190
 Experience Points: 258
 GP: 491
 Bat.Pwr: 9
 Defense: 40
 Speed: 20
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 115
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Drain
 Sketch: Poison, Drain
 Control: Battle, Poison, Drain, Bio
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float, Seizure
 Steal: X-Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slip Touch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Pm Stalker dies, Undead

 Level: 56
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 6800
 MP: 1600
 Experience Points: 3090
 GP: 200
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 14
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Shock Wave
 Sketch: Special, Shock Wave
 Control: Battle, Special, Shock Wave, Pearl
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tack Star
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: CursedGaze
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Human

 Sp Forces
 Level: 21
 Location: Imperial Castle (choose to take a break during the banquet with
           Gestahl, then talk to one of the four guards by Gestahl and choose
           to fight with them)
 HP: 700
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 200
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Safe
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Safe
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: Magicite
 Special Attack: Blow
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Level: 26
 Location: In the forests/plains around South Figaro (WoR)
 HP: 75
 MP: 200
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 7
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 30
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Rage: Battle, Cure 2
 Sketch: Cure, Cure 2
 Control: Battle, Cure, Cure 2, Remedy
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Mute, Near Fatal
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Remedy
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Carrot
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 32
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoR), snowy field where you fought Kefka in the
           World Balance (WoR)
 HP: 1677
 MP: 200
 Experience Points: 587
 GP: 388
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Poison
 Rage: Battle, Demi
 Sketch: Rasp, Demi
 Control: Battle, Rasp, Demi, Stop
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ice Rod, Thunder Rod
 Item Won: Fire Rod
 Special Attack: Doom Step
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 34
 Location: Mt. Zozo
 HP: 1759
 MP: 68
 Experience Points: 797
 GP: 2000
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 120
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Elf Fire
 Sketch: Special, Elf Fire
 Control: Battle, Special, Elf Fire
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Muddle, Petrify
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Thief Glove
 Item Won: Air Lancet
 Special Attack: Knife
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 33
 Location: Cave of Umaro
 HP: 200
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 1000
 GP: 850
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 34
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Giga Volt
 Sketch: Imp, Giga Volt
 Control: Battle, Bolt 3, Giga Volt
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison
 Status: Safe
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: White Cape, Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Pal Maker
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Ceritops dies, If turned into an Imp,
                      will use critical hits

 Level: 18
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 580
 MP: 35
 Experience Points: 252
 GP: 273
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 210
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Rflect
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Shell
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Mithril Vest, Tent
 Item Won: Tent
 Special Attack: Program 65
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 38
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 3210
 MP: 514
 Experience Points: 1270
 GP: 519
 Bat.Pwr: 22
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 38
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 20
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Slide
 Sketch: Special, Slide
 Control: Battle, Special, Slide, Surge
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Seizure
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Riot
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits, Undead

 Level: 33
 Location: Cave of Umaro
 HP: 1000
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 800
 GP: 350
 Bat.Pwr: 5
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 34
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Stone
 Sketch: Imp, Stone
 Control: Battle, Break, Stone
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Safe
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Tail
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 26
 Location: In the plains on the southernmost continent (WoR)
 HP: 582
 MP: 25
 Experience Points: 308
 GP: 247
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 155
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Mute, Near Fatal, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Face Bite
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 615
 MP: 45
 Experience Points: 228
 GP: 343
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 220
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Demi
 Sketch: Special, Ice 3
 Control: Battle, Special, Fire 2
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Fenix Down, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Program 95
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 36
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 885
 MP: 87
 Experience Points: 653
 GP: 497
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 90
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Acid Rain
 Sketch: Special, Acid Rain
 Control: Battle, Special, Acid Rain
 Immune To: Imp, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Chocobo Suit
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Beak
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 33
 Location: Cave of Umaro
 HP: 2000
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 1000
 GP: 750
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Imp
 Sketch: Imp, Cyclonic
 Control: Battle, Remedy
 Immune To: Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: White Cape, Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Pick
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 32
 Location: Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 1877
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 697
 GP: 298
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 145
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 105
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Blizzard
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Grab
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 11
 Location: Mines of Narshe, in the room where you have to follow the light, if
           you miss the dull trigger when the light surrounds you, you'll fight
           this enemy (WoB)
 HP: 110
 MP: 35
 Experience Points: 95
 GP: 100
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 55
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Fire
 Sketch: Slow, Battle
 Control: Battle, Slow
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Cling
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 23
 Location: Crescent Mountain
 HP: 977
 MP: 80
 Experience Points: 292
 GP: 410
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Echo Screen
 Item Won: Smoke Bomb
 Special Attack: Wing Whisp
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 16
 Location: Opera House (WoB)
 HP: 499
 MP: 40
 Experience Points: 145
 GP: 235
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 190
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Scan
 Sketch: Special, Bio
 Control: Battle, Special, Bio
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Antidote, Potion
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Bacteria
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 54
 Location: In the plains on the northeastern continent, in the forests/plain
           near Maranda, near Doma
 HP: 4500
 MP: 420
 Experience Points: 4612
 GP: 501
 Bat.Pwr: 180
 Defense: 145
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Wind Slash
 Sketch: Special, Wind Slash
 Control: Battle, Special, Wind Slash
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Near Fatal, Petrify, Seizure, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Imp Halberd
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: MindReaper
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%

 Level: 29
 Location: In the plains around Kohlingen (WoR)
 HP: 1318
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 532
 GP: 1200
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Petrify
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Oogyboog
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 41
 Location: On the continent with Thamasa (WoR)
 HP: 3300
 MP: 188
 Experience Points: 1396
 GP: 773
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Land Slide
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special, Stone
 Immune To: Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Full Moon
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bear Hug
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Black Drgn
 Level: 26
 Location: Desert near Solitary Island, desert near Tzen, desert in the Serpent
           Trench area (WoR)
 HP: 4000
 MP: 600
 Experience Points: 780
 GP: 502
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 20
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Storm
 Sketch: Sand Storm, Fallen One
 Control: Battle, Sand Storm, Doom, Bolt 2
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Seizure
 Steal: Revivify
 Item Won: Tent
 Special Attack: BonePowder
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Undead

 Level: 24
 Location: Crescent Mountain
 HP: 1305
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: 1450
 GP: 189
 Bat.Pwr: 22
 Defense: 225
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 45
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Acid Rain
 Sketch: Special, Blaster
 Control: Battle, Special, Acid Rain
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Gold Shld
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Nail
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 28
 Location: Figaro Cave (WoR), Figaro Castle (WoR)
 HP: 1945
 MP: 200
 Experience Points: 1150
 GP: 712
 Bat.Pwr: 17
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, L.3 Muddle
 Sketch: Special, L.3 Muddle
 Control: Battle, Special, L.3 Muddle, Ice 2
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Diamond Helm
 Item Won: Gold Shld
 Special Attack: Nail
 Metamorph: Thunder Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Dante dies, Undead

 Wirey Drgn
 Level: 26
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 2802
 MP: 200
 Experience Points: 895
 GP: 1300
 Bat.Pwr: 35
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 31
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 115
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Cyclonic
 Sketch: Special, Cyclonic
 Control: Battle, Special, Cyclonic
 Immune To: Imp
 Status: Float, Safe
 Steal: DragoonBoots
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Wing
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 53
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 7200
 MP: 1600
 Experience Points: 2500
 GP: 800
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 185
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Mega Volt
 Sketch: Special, Giga Volt
 Control: Battle, Special, Mega Volt, Giga Volt
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Chain Saw
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Megashock
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 32
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 900
 MP: 55
 Experience Points: 347
 GP: 275
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 165
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Lifeshaver
 Sketch: Special, Lifeshaver
 Control: Battle, Special, Lifeshaver
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Petrify, Poison, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Mindshock
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 28
 Location: In the forests/plains near Kohlingen (WoR)
 HP: 900
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 189
 GP: 287
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 105
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: Earth, Pearl, Poison, Wind, Water
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Pep Up
 Sketch: Special, Pep Up
 Control: Battle, Special, Pep Up
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Shell
 Steal: Magicite
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Gunk
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Muus dies

 Level: 43
 Location: Zone Eater Dungeon
 HP: 3850
 MP: 185
 Experience Points: 1399
 GP: 826
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: Earth, Pearl, Poison, Wind, Water
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Bolt 3
 Sketch: Break, Bolt 3
 Control: Battle, Break, Bolt 3, Flare
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Soul Sabre, MithrilBlade
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Figaro Tea
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Karkass dies, Undead

 Level: 35
 Location: Mt. Zozo
 HP: 2191
 MP: 136
 Experience Points: 1242
 GP: 3000
 Bat.Pwr: 28
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 115
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Bolt 3
 Sketch: Battle, Battle
 Control: Battle
 Immune To: Imp, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Bone Club, Rising Sun
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Pummel
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 22
 Location: Thamasa (burning house) (WoB)
 HP: 555
 MP: 80
 Experience Points: 369
 GP: 309
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 20
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Exploder
 Sketch: Special, Exploder
 Control: Battle, Special, Exploder
 Immune To: Imp, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Flare Up
 Metamorph: Flame Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 15
 Location: Zozo
 HP: 350
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 104
 GP: 126
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 85
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Vanish
 Sketch: Special, Vanish
 Control: Battle, Special, Vanish
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Fenix Down, Eyedrop
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: GoldWrench
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Human

 Level: 58
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 11000
 MP: 700
 Experience Points: 4100
 GP: 2900
 Bat.Pwr: 7
 Defense: 90
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 105
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Meteor
 Sketch: Special, Meteor
 Control: Battle, Special, Meteor, Fire 3
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tiger Fangs
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hay Maker
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run

 Level: 26
 Location: Tzen (WoR)
 HP: 290
 MP: 19
 Experience Points: 199
 GP: 336
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 5
 Speed: 20
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 215
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Doom Sting
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Chaos Drgn
 Level: 44
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 9013
 MP: 1300
 Experience Points: 4881
 GP: 1000
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 5
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 85
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Disaster
 Sketch: Special, Disaster
 Control: Battle, Special, Disaster, Meteor
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Cinderizer
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Spit Fire
 Level: 25
 Location: The Blackjack, on your way to the Floating Continent
 HP: 1400
 MP: 180
 Experience Points: 550
 GP: 300
 Bat.Pwr: 17
 Defense: 155
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 4
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Wind
 Rage: Battle, Tek Laser
 Sketch: Special, Tek Laser
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser, Schiller
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir, Tincture
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Propeller
 Metamorph: Gold Armor, Gold Helmet, Gold Lance, Gold Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 57
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 7500
 MP: 880
 Experience Points: 2900
 GP: 900
 Bat.Pwr: 22
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 30
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Aqua Rake
 Sketch: Giga Volt, Aqua Rake
 Control: Battle, Giga Volt, Aqua Rake, Blaze
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: SwordBreaker
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Counter
 Metamorph: Thunder Shld, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 20
 Location: Cave to the Sealed Gate
 HP: 590
 MP: 90
 Experience Points: 374
 GP: 350
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 190
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire, Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Fire 2
 Sketch: Fire, Fire 2
 Control: Battle, Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: Float
 Steal: Poison Rod, Green Cherry
 Item Won: Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Mad Touch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Lich dies, Undead

 Level: 26
 Location: In the plains on the southernmost continent (WoR)
 HP: 850
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 249
 GP: 596
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Shimsham
 Sketch: Special, Shimsham
 Control: Battle, Special, Shimsham
 Immune To: Condemned, Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Echo Screen
 Special Attack: Beak
 Metamorph: Fenix Down, Revivify, Tent, Warp Stone
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Mag Roader (Yellow)
 Level: 32
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 1777
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 621
 GP: 352
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Haste
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
 Item Won: Water Edge
 Special Attack: Wheel
 Metamorph: Gold Armor, Gold Helmet, Gold Lance, Gold Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Mag Roader dies

 Level: 16
 Location: In the deserts on the southernmost continent (WoB)
 HP: 310
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 165
 GP: 210
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Rage: Battle, Stop
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Mute, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Potion, Soft
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: StoneSpine
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Sea Flower
 Level: 47
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 4200
 MP: 200
 Experience Points: 1315
 GP: 670
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire, Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Lightning
 Rage: Battle, Sleep
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Feeler
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 54
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 9800
 MP: 700
 Experience Points: 3550
 GP: 250
 Bat.Pwr: 5
 Defense: 160
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Fire Ball
 Sketch: Special, Shrapnel
 Control: Battle, Special, Fire Ball, Snowball
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Drill
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Double Arm
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 24
 Location: Crescent Mountain (grassy hilly areas)
 HP: 860
 MP: 82
 Experience Points: 485
 GP: 525
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Poison
 Sketch: Special, Poison
 Control: Battle, Special, Poison
 Immune To: Imp, Mute, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Antidote
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Down Dust
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 49
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 6013
 MP: 820
 Experience Points: 2781
 GP: 906
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 30
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Rage: Battle, Cyclonic
 Sketch: Special, Cyclonic
 Control: Battle, Special, Cyclonic, Shimsham
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Float
 Steal: Economizer, Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Flap
 Metamorph: Exp. Egg, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 Level: 53
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 2000
 MP: 200
 Experience Points: 2200
 GP: 1100
 Bat.Pwr: 2
 Defense: 190
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 170
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Pep Up
 Sketch: Special, Bolt 3
 Control: Battle, Special, Pep Up, Exploder
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: NoiseBlaster
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Parallout
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 23
 Location: Crescent Mountain
 HP: 1150
 MP: 104
 Experience Points: 378
 GP: 450
 Bat.Pwr: 16
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Raid
 Sketch: Special, Raid
 Control: Battle, Special, Raid
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute,
            Petrify, Poison, Sleep
 Status: Confuse
 Steal: Potion, Potion
 Item Won: Remedy
 Special Attack: StoneTouch
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex

 1st Class
 Level: 11
 Location: Mines of Narshe (after the Lete River) (WoB)
 HP: 180
 MP: 25
 Experience Points: 117
 GP: 112
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 55
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Stone
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Ore Wrench
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Human

 Tap Dancer
 Level: 43
 Location: Zone Eater Dungeon
 HP: 4452
 MP: 270
 Experience Points: 1727
 GP: 526
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 39
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Slow 2
 Sketch: Special, Slow 2
 Control: Battle, Special, Slow 2, Haste2
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: SwordBreaker, Dirk
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: WaistShake
 Metamorph: Marvel Shoes, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If MP reaches 0, Tap Dancer dies

 Level: 48
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 3525
 MP: 900
 Experience Points: 1510
 GP: 791
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Doom
 Sketch: X-Zone, Doom
 Control: Battle, X-Zone, Doom, Flare
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: Revivify
 Special Attack: ZombiStick
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human, If MP reaches 0, Necromancr dies,

 Level: 35
 Location: Mt. Zozo
 HP: 4771
 MP: 590
 Experience Points: 2953
 GP: 2500
 Bat.Pwr: 23
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 43
 Evade: 105
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 10
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Rage: Battle, Revenge
 Sketch: Special, Special
 Control: Battle, Special, Special, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Mute
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Muscle Belt, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Uppercut
 Metamorph: Ogre Nix, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Human, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Mag Roader (Brown)
 Level: 32
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 1380
 MP: 70
 Experience Points: 647
 GP: 284
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 10
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, L.4 Flare
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Mute, Poison
 Status: Haste
 Steal: Shuriken, Bolt Edge
 Item Won: Fire Skean
 Special Attack: Rush
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Mag Roader dies

 Wild Rat
 Level: 12
 Location: Mines of Narshe (after the Lete River) (WoB)
 HP: 160
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: 135
 GP: 135
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 85
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Scratch
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: N/A

 Gold Bear
 Level: 13
 Location: Figaro Cave, during and after Locke's Scenario (WoB)
 HP: 275
 MP: 0
 Experience Points: 160
 GP: 185
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 40
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: Potion
 Special Attack: Gouge
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 52
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 6600
 MP: 390
 Experience Points: 2400
 GP: 1950
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 155
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Virite
 Sketch: L.? Pearl, Battle
 Control: Battle, L.? Pearl
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Bio Blaster
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: BrainBlast
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 49
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 3815
 MP: 9900
 Experience Points: 1698
 GP: 826
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 165
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Fire 2
 Sketch: Fire, Fire 2
 Control: Battle, Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3
 Immune To: Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Sleep, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: Fenix Down
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Safety Bit, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human, If MP reaches 0, Trixter dies

 Red Wolf
 Level: 32
 Location: Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 1510
 MP: 110
 Experience Points: 687
 GP: 412
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 155
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Special, Revenge
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic, Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Rush
 Metamorph: Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat, Dried Meat
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 59
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 12280
 MP: 100
 Experience Points: 3500
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Rage: Battle, Merton
 Sketch: Special, Quake
 Control: Battle, Flare, Flare Star, Blaster
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: PoisonTusk
 Metamorph: Cursed Ring, Cursed Ring, Relic Ring, Thornlet
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Undead

 Level: 43
 Location: Zone Eater Dungeon
 HP: 3609
 MP: 300
 Experience Points: 1385
 GP: 826
 Bat.Pwr: 17
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 32
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Water, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Ice 3
 Sketch: Special, W Wind
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Slow,
 Status: Float
 Steal: Hardened, Imperial
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Frenzy
 Metamorph: Safety Bit, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human, If MP reaches 0, Woolly dies

 Level: 51
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 10000
 MP: 300
 Experience Points: 2820
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 17
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Rage: Battle, Roulette
 Sketch: Roulette, Condemned
 Control: Battle, Doom, X-Zone, Roulette
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Near Fatal, Petrify
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Earrings
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Critical
 Metamorph: Cursed Ring, Cursed Ring, Relic Ring, Thornlet
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Suplex, Human

 Sky Base
 Level: 52
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 6000
 MP: 550
 Experience Points: 2300
 GP: 670
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Doom
 Sketch: Doom, Giga Volt
 Control: Battle, Doom, Doom, Doom
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Flash
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Mind Slap
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 52
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 2000
 MP: 800
 Experience Points: 2000
 GP: 700
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 20
 Speed: 31
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 165
 Mag.Pwr: 25
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Rage: Battle, Dischord
 Sketch: Special, Dischord
 Control: Battle, Special, Dischord, Tek Laser
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: AutoCrossbow
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Destroy
 Metamorph: Heavy Shld, MithrilBlade, Mithril Helm, Mithril Mail
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 39
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 7862
 MP: 1550
 Experience Points: 3253
 GP: 1995
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 60
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: Earth, Poison, Wind
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Pearl, Water
 Rage: Battle, Flare Star
 Sketch: Special, Plasma
 Control: Battle, Special, Plasma, Blaster
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Crush
 Metamorph: Gold Armor, Gold Helmet, Gold Lance, Gold Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 99
 Location: Cave of Umaro, inside a monster-in-a-box chest
 HP: 14001
 MP: 11000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 5
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 70
 Evade: 150
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 1
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Rage: Battle, Special
 Sketch: Battle, Battle
 Control: Battle
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Minerva
 Item Won: Minerva
 Special Attack: Knife
 Metamorph: Imp's Armor, Imp Halberd, Titanium, TortoiseShld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Whelk (shell)
 Level: 4
 Location: Mines of Narshe (WoB)
 HP: 50000
 MP: 120
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow,
            Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Tincture, Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Level: 19
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 9230
 MP: 1600
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 1000
 Bat.Pwr: 53
 Defense: 160
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 195
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice, Lightning, Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Dragon Claw, Dragon Claw
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Presenter

 Mega Armor
 Level: 21
 Location: Imperial Castle
 HP: 1000
 MP: 50
 Experience Points: 350
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 19
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Tek Laser
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: MetalPunch
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 12
 Location: Mt. Koltz
 HP: 11600
 MP: 220
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 85
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Mithril Claw, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Doom Fist
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex, Human

 Level: 16
 Location: Figaro Cave (during Locke's Scenario) (WoB)
 HP: 1300
 MP: 900
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 250
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 29
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 15
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow,
            Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Bio Blaster, Air Lancet
 Item Won: Elixir, Elixir
 Special Attack: Drill
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 56
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 14500
 MP: 2050
 Experience Points: 5200
 GP: 1300
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 170
 Speed: 47
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, S. Cross
 Control: Battle, Special, S. Cross, N. Cross
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Debilitator
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Drill
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 14
 Location: Phantom Train
 HP: 1900
 MP: 350
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 30
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 210
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep,
            Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Tent, Tent
 Special Attack: Wheel
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Undead

 Level: 22
 Location: Zozo
 HP: 3270
 MP: 1005
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 1210
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 85
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 143
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 10
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Death, Muddle, Near Fatal, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Sneak Ring, Jewel Ring
 Item Won: ThiefKnife, Head Band
 Special Attack: Sweep
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Level: 21
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 3000
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 150
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: Earth, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Level: 21
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 3300
 MP: 600
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 215
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 150
 Mag.Def: 115
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: Earth, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Number 024
 Level: 24
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 4777
 MP: 777
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 170
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Drainer, Rune Edge
 Item Won: Flame Sabre, Blizzard
 Special Attack: Overflow
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, Number
                      024 dies, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Number 128
 Level: 23
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 3276
 MP: 810
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tempest
 Item Won: Tent, Tent
 Special Attack: Red Feast
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 67
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 30800
 MP: 9700
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ice Shld
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Sobat
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 23
 Location: Blackjack (after escaping Vector)
 HP: 1800
 MP: 447
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 145
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 4
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: NoiseBlaster
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Iron Ball
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Level: 24
 Location: Blackjack (after escaping Vector)
 HP: 2300
 MP: 447
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 125
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 4
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Debilitator, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Iron Ball
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Level: 33
 Location: Cave of Umaro
 HP: 17200
 MP: 6990
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 10
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Clear, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Seizure, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Tackle
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Human

 Level: 67
 Location:  Kefka's Tower
 HP: 60000
 MP: 5200
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 80
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 25
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Big Guard
 Control: Battle, Special, Plasma
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ribbon, Force Armor
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Ink
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Air Force
 Level: 25
 Location: On the way to Floating Continent, right after you fall off the
           Blackjack after the fight with Ultros
 HP: 8000
 MP: 760
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow,
            Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: Czarina Ring, Czarina Ring
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 26
 Location: Thamasa (WoB)
 HP: 8400
 MP: 480
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 34
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 130
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: Earth, Lightning, Pearl, Poison
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Flame Sabre
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0,
                      FlameEater dies

 Level: 37
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 24000
 MP: 5000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 45
 Defense: 142
 Speed: 67
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 97
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 10
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Clear, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Seizure, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Ribbon, Elixir
 Item Won: Elixir, Elixir
 Special Attack: Full Power
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0,
                      Atma dies

 Level: 26
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 2800
 MP: 280
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 48
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: Earth, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weaknesses: Ice, Lightning, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Magitek, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Seizure. Sleep, Slow, Zombie
 Status: Float, Reflect
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, Nerapa

 Level: 43
 Location: Cave in the Veldt
 HP: 19000
 MP: 1600
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 60
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Death, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison,
            Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Murasame
 Item Won: BehemothSuit, BehemothSuit
 Special Attack: Evil Claw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Level: 31
 Location: Figaro Castle (WoR)
 HP: 7000
 MP: 800
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Near Fatal,
            Seizure, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Seize
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 37
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 23450
 MP: 1721
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 55
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 150
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Near Fatal,
            Seizure, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float, Haste
 Steal: Genji Glove, X-Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Morn Star
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, Dullahan dies

 Doom Gaze
 Level: 68
 Location: World Map (fly around in Falcon) (WoR)
 HP: 55555
 MP: 38000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 35
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 95
 Evade: 30
 Hit Rate: 150
 Mag.Def: 170
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 30
 Absorbs: Ice, Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float, Safe, Shell
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Bane Claw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Doom Gaze

 Chadarnook (Woman)
 Level: 37
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 56000
 MP: 9400
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 50
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Pearl, Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Doom Kiss
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 47
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 15000
 MP: 2000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Poison, Seizure, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, Curley

 Level: 47
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 10000
 MP: 2000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 2
 Defense: 90
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Magitek, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep,
            Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Human

 Level: 47
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 12500
 MP: 2000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 4
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 25
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Zombie            
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, Moe
                      dies, If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 53
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 23066
 MP: 5066
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 27
 Defense: 70
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 220
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire, Pearl
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Memento Ring
 Item Won: Pod Bracelet, Pod Bracelet
 Special Attack: KarmicBlow
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Level: 43
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 25000
 MP: 12500
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Earth, Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify,
            Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Thornlet, Warp Stone
 Item Won: Warp Stone, Warp Stone
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Undead

 Level: 61
 Location: Ancient Castle, in a monster-in-a-box chest
 HP: 37620
 MP: 7400
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 30000
 Bat.Pwr: 25
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 75
 Evade: 20
 Hit Rate: 130
 Mag.Def: 175
 Mag.Pwr: 11
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Strato, Murasame
 Item Won: Offering, Offering
 Special Attack: SlayerEdge
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Human

 L.30 Magic
 Level: 54
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 3000
 MP: 700
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 36
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 20
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Pearl
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Bolt 2, Osmose
 Control: Battle, Bolt 2, Osmose, Rflect
 Immune To: Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, L.30 Magic dies

 Level: 43
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 3500
 MP: 1000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 85
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Earth
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Muddle, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: PoisonClaw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 73
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 63000
 MP: 4800
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 60
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 61
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice, Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Safety Bit
 Item Won: Sky Render, Sky Render
 Special Attack: Demon Rage
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 73
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 63000
 MP: 4800
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 60
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 61
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice, Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Safety Bit
 Item Won: Sky Render, Sky Render
 Special Attack: Demon Rage
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 68
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 44000
 MP: 19000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 85
 Speed: 50
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 14
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning, Pearl
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Haste, Shell
 Steal: Minerva
 Item Won: Excalibur, Excalibur
 Special Attack: Demon Rage
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 67
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 58000
 MP: 18900
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 180
 Speed: 53
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 13
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float, Haste, Image, Safe
 Steal: Red Jacket
 Item Won: Aura Lance, Aura Lance
 Special Attack: Demon Rage
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 71
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 62000
 MP: 38000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 80
 Defense: 117
 Speed: 72
 Evade: 45
 Hit Rate: 190
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: Poison
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Ultima
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Haste, Image, Imp,
            Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Reflect,
            Seizure, Shell, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Megalixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Havoc Wing
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex, Human

 L.40 Magic
 Level: 55
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 4000
 MP: 1000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 38
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 135
 Mag.Pwr: 19
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Drain, Mute
 Control: Battle, Drain, Mute, Vanish
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, L.40 Magic dies

 Level: 13
 Location: Lete River
 HP: 3000
 MP: 640
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 40
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Ink
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Level: 19
 Location: Opera House
 HP: 2550
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 2
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 4
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Ink
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Level: 25
 Location: Crescent Mountain
 HP: 22000
 MP: 750
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 3
 Bat.Pwr: 22
 Defense: 95
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning
 Sketch: Tentacle, Tentacle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: White Cape
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Ink
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Level: 26
 Location: Blackjack (on your way to Floating Continent)
 HP: 10000
 MP: 40000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: M/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 10
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 55
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Dirk
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 L.20 Magic
 Level: 51
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 2000
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 21
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Quartr, Rasp
 Control: Battle, Quartr, Rasp, Safe
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Sleep, Stop
 Status: Reflect
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, L.20 Magic dies

 Level: 7
 Location: Phantom Train
 HP: 100
 MP: 5
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 1
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Green Cherry, Green Cherry
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 L.10 Magic
 Level: 48
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 1000
 MP: 300
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 22
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Bolt, Slow
 Control: Battle, Bolt, Slow, Haste
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Near Fatal, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 0%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex, Human, If MP reaches 0, L.10
                      Magic dies, Undead

 L.50 Magic
 Level: 57
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 5000
 MP: 2000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 18
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Bio, Bserk
 Control: Battle, Bio, Bserk, Haste2
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ether
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Remedy, Remedy, Remedy, Remedy
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 28.6%
 Special Information: Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, L.50 Magic dies, Undead

 Whelk (Head)
 Level: 6
 Location: Narshe (WoB)
 HP: 1600
 MP: 1000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 22
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Potion, Potion
 Special Attack: Slime
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Presenter (Head)
 Level: 31
 Location: Daryl's Tomb
 HP: 9845
 MP: 1600
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 1000
 Bat.Pwr: 75
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice, Lightning, Water
 Nullifies: Poison
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Near Fatal, Poison,
            Seizure, Zombie         
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Dragon Claw, Dragon Claw
 Special Attack: PetriBlast
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Suplex

 Master Pug
 Level: 73
 Location: Ancient Cave, in a monster-in-a-box chest
 HP: 22000
 MP: 1200
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 165
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Seizure, Stop, Zombie    
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Megalixir, Elixir
 Item Won: Graedus, Graedus
 Special Attack: Cleaver
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 L.60 Magic
 Level: 58
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 6000
 MP: 5000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 17
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Quake, Slow 2
 Control: Battle, Quake, Slow 2, Regen
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Poison, Stop  
 Status: Float
 Steal: Ether
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Safety Bit, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, Human, If MP
                      reaches 0, L.60 Magic dies

 Level: 5
 Location: South Figaro (Locke's Scenario) (WoB)
 HP: 119
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: 26
 GP: 40
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify. Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Guardian, Plumed Hat
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Human

 Level: 34
 Location: Figaro Castle (WoR)
 HP: 4000
 MP: 500
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death. Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Seize
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Right Blade
 Level: 21
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 400
 MP: 150
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Poison,
            Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Rapier
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Left Blade
 Level: 22
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 700
 MP: 470
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 5
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Poison,
            Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: Fenix Down
 Special Attack: Slash
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 69
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 8000
 MP: 770
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 190
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Poison,
            Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Flame Shld
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Rapier
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 67
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 11000
 MP: 2600
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 75
 Speed: 26
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 185
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Poison,
            Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Flame Shld
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slash
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 L.70 Magic
 Level: 56
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 7000
 MP: 3000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 16
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Sketch: Fire 3, Ice 3
 Control: Battle, Fire 3, Ice 3, Bolt 3
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Muddle, Near Fatal, Poison, Sleep
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ether
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Elixir, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 42.9%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, L.70 Magic dies

 Level: 62
 Location: Narshe (WoR)
 HP: 30000
 MP: 50000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 19
 Defense: 254
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 70
 Mag.Pwr: 4
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: Earth, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Laser Gun
 Level: 24
 Location: On the way to Floating Continent, right after you fall off the
           Blackjack after the fight with Ultros
 HP: 3300
 MP: 335
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 130
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: X-Ether
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 25
 Location: On the way to Floating Continent, right after you fall off the
           Blackjack after the fight with Ultros
 HP: 420
 MP: 285
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 230
 Speed: 15
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Runic
 Steal: Amulet
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 25
 Location: On the way to Floating Continent, right after you fall off the
           Blackjack after the fight with Ultros
 HP: 3000
 MP: 7000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 20
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning, Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Debilitator
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Chadarnook (Demon)
 Level: 41
 Location: Owzer's House
 HP: 30000
 MP: 7600
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 135
 Speed: 61
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify, Poison,
            Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0,
                      Chadarnook dies

 Ice Dragon
 Level: 74
 Location: Snowfield in Narshe where you fought Kefka in the World of Balance
 HP: 24400
 MP: 9000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 60
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Fire 3, Ice 3
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Death, Imp, Magitek, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Force Shld, Force Shld
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, Ice Dragon

 Level: 18
 Location: Snowfield in Narshe (WoB)
 HP: 3000
 MP: 3000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 22
 Defense: 55
 Speed: 45
 Evade: 30
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 160
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 30
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir, Ether
 Item Won: Peace Ring, Peace Ring
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Storm Dragon
 Level: 74
 Location: Mt. Zozo
 HP: 42000
 MP: 1250
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 65
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Pearl Wind, Aero
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Force Armor, Force Armor
 Special Attack: Wing Saber
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Dirt Dragon
 Level: 53
 Location: Opera House (WoR)
 HP: 28500
 MP: 16500
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 23
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 55
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water, Wind
 Sketch: Magnitude8, Bolt 3
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Seizure, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: X-Potion
 Item Won: Magus Rod, Magus Rod
 Special Attack: Honed Tusk
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Level: 11
 Location: Mt. Koltz
 HP: 360
 MP: 60
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Magitek, Muddle, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Potion
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Claw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: If turned into an Imp, will use critical hits

 Level: 12
 Location: Doma Castle, during Sabin's Scenario (WoB)
 HP: 456
 MP: 20
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 50
 Bat.Pwr: 18
 Defense: 5
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Fenix Down, Black Belt
 Special Attack: Axe
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Level: 12
 Location: Imperial Camp
 HP: 100
 MP: 10
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 48
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 50
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Gold Dragon
 Level: 62
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 32400
 MP: 4000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 75
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Sketch: Ice 3, Bolt 3
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Crystal Orb, Crystal Orb
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, Gold Dragon

 Skull Dragon
 Level: 62
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 32800
 MP: 1999
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 57
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Rasp, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Muscle Belt, Muscle Belt
 Special Attack: Hit (doesn't damage)
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0,
                      Skull Dragon dies

 Blue Dragon
 Level: 65
 Location: Ancient Castle
 HP: 26900
 MP: 3800
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 75
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Blaster, Ice 3
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Scimitar, Scimitar
 Special Attack: Hit (Osmose)
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Red Dragon
 Level: 67
 Location: Phoenix Cave
 HP: 30000
 MP: 1780
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 75
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice, Water
 Sketch: L.? Pearl, Fire 3
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Strato, Strato
 Special Attack: Eraser
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run

 Level: 9
 Location: Baren Falls
 HP: 10
 MP: 60
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 13
 Location: Baren Falls
 HP: 775
 MP: 39
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 14
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 175
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Remedy, Remedy
 Special Attack: Bite
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex

 Level: 19
 Location: Phantom Train, in a monster-in-a-box chest
 HP: 1500
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 40
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 180
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: Hyper Wrist, Hyper Wrist
 Special Attack: Lightning
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If MP reaches 0, Specter dies,

 Short Arm
 Level: 73
 Location: Kefka's Tower (1st tier)
 HP: 27000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 50
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Water
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Near
            Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Stop, Zombie 
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: VacuumWave
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't

 Long Arm
 Level: 73
 Location: Kefka's Tower (1st tier)
 HP: 33000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 35
 Defense: 110
 Speed: 39
 Evade: 5
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 30
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Wind
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute,
            Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Red Claw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't

 Level: 73
 Location: Kefka's Tower (1st tier)
 HP: 30000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 63
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 44
 Evade: 10
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 12
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: Earth
 Weaknesses: Fire
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Slip Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't

 Level: 70
 Location: Kefka's Tower (2nd tier)
 HP: 30000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 21
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Doom Tusk
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't

 Level: 73
 Location: Kefka's Tower (2nd tier)
 HP: 24000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 29
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Float, Haste, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Reflect, Regen, Safe, Seizure,
            Shell, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't

 Level: 72
 Location: Kefka's Tower (2nd tier)
 HP: 41000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 145
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 125
 Mag.Pwr: 8
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Earth
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death. Float, Haste, Image, Imp,
            Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Reflect, Regen,
            Safe, Seizure, Shell, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't
                      Suplex, Human

 Level: 73
 Location: Kefka's Tower (2nd tier)
 HP: 28000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 6
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 33
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death. Float, Haste, Image, Imp, Magitek,
            Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Reflect, Regen, Safe,
            Seizure, Shell, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Elixir
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: 10 Hits
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't
                      Suplex, Human

 Level: 58
 Location: Kefka's Tower (3rd tier)
 HP: 9999
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 73
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 41
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 155
 Mag.Pwr: 9
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Float, Haste, Image, Imp,
            Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Reflect, Regen,
            Safe, Seizure, Shell, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float, Regen
 Steal: Raganarok
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Calmness
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't

 Level: 71
 Location: Kefka's Tower (3rd tier)
 HP: 40000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 63
 Defense: 140
 Speed: 46
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Haste, Image, Imp,
            Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Safe, Seizure,
            Shell, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: Float
 Steal: Atma Weapon
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Calmness
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Sketch, Can't
                      Suplex, Human

 Level: 43
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 3500
 MP: 1000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 120
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: Reflect
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Confuclaw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: If MP reaches 0, Hidonite dies

 Level: 43
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 3500
 MP: 1000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Poison
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Sleep, Zombie
 Status: Reflect
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Zombi Claw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Undead

 Level: 43
 Location: Ebot's Rock
 HP: 3500
 MP: 1000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 95
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Zombie
 Status: Safe
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Mega Claw
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 L.80 Magic
 Level: 53
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 8000
 MP: 2800
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 37
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 115
 Mag.Pwr: 15
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Rflect, Cure 3
 Control: Battle, Rflect, Cure 3, Remedy
 Immune To: Berserk, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Ether
 Item Won: Tincture
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Ribbon, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human, If MP reaches 0, L.80 Magic

 L.90 Magic
 Level: 55
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 9000
 MP: 9000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 200
 Speed: 38
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 14
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Wind
 Nullifies: Earth, Pearl, Water
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Meteor, Merton
 Control: Battle, Meteor, Merton, W Wind
 Immune To: Condemned, Death, Imp, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Sleep
 Status: Reflect
 Steal: Tincture
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Safety Bit, Tonic, Tonic, Tonic
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Can't Suplex, Human, If MP reaches 0, L.90
                      Magic dies

 Level: 19
 Location: Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 HP: 670
 MP: 125
 Experience Points: 499
 GP: 296
 Bat.Pwr: 12
 Defense: 230
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 110
 Mag.Pwr: 7
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Lightning
 Sketch: Special, Tek Laser
 Control: Battle, Special, Tek Laser, Schiller
 Immune To: Imp, Magitek, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Mithril Mail, Potion
 Item Won: Bio Blaster
 Special Attack: Program 35
 Metamorph: Crystal, Crystal Helm, Crystal Mail, Crystal Shld
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 57.1%
 Special Information: N/A

 Level: 68
 Location: Fanatics' Tower
 HP: 50000
 MP: 50000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 1
 Defense: 250
 Speed: 90
 Evade: 100
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 100
 Mag.Pwr: 25
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Battle, Battle
 Control: Battle, Ultima
 Immune To: Blind, Clear, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute,
            Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Crystal Orb, Elixir
 Item Won: Megalixir, Megalixir
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, Human, If MP
                      reaches 0, MagiMaster dies

 Level: 41
 Location: Cyan's Soul
 HP: 3066
 MP: 566
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 50
 Defense: 150
 Speed: 15
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 175
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Fire, Pearl
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Ice
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Imp, Mute, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Human

 Level: 26
 Location: Blackjack (on your way to Floating Continent)
 HP: 17000
 MP: 8000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 10
 Defense: 20
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 10
 Mag.Pwr: 3
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Water
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Fire, Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Dried Meat
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: OctopusInk
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Scan, Can't Suplex

 Level: 24
 Location: Floating Continent
 HP: 3000
 MP: 195
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 11
 Defense: 115
 Speed: 48
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 145
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: Earth, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weaknesses: Fire, Lighting, Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Image, Muddle, Near Fatal, Seizure,
            Slow, Stop
 Status: Float, Safe
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, Human, If MP
                      reaches 0, Naughty dies, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Phunbaba (1st fight)
 Level: 26
 Location: Mobliz (WoR)
 HP: 60000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 53
 Defense: 102
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 153
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Solar Plex
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Phunbaba (2nd fight)
 Level: 31
 Location: Mobliz (WoR)
 HP: 28000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Solar Plex
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Phunbaba (3rd fight)
 Level: 31
 Location: Mobliz (WoR)
 HP: 26000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 105
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Solar Plex
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Phunbaba (4th fight)
 Level: 31
 Location: Mobliz (WoR)
 HP: 26000
 MP: 10000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 15
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 35
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 130
 Mag.Pwr: 6
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Lightning
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Magitek, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal,
            Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Slow, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: N/A
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Solar Plex
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, If turned into an Imp, will use
                      critical hits

 Zone Eater
 Level: 61
 Location: Triangle Island (WoR)
 HP: 7700
 MP: 57000
 Experience Points: 2000
 GP: 2000
 Bat.Pwr: 23
 Defense: 120
 Speed: 60
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Ice
 Nullifies: Earth, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weaknesses: Pearl
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Blind, Condemned, Death, Image, Imp, Magitek, Muddle,
            Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify, Poison, Seizure, Sleep, Slow, Stop,
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Warp Stone
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0, Zone Eater

 Level: 7
 Location: South Figaro, in Locke's Scenario (WoB)
 HP: 7700
 MP: 57000
 Experience Points: 33
 GP: 66
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 100
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 150
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Petrify, Poison, Seizure,
            Sleep, Slow, Stop
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Potion, Tonic
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 13
 Location: Imperial Camp
 HP: 380
 MP: 48
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: 144
 Bat.Pwr: 13
 Defense: 80
 Speed: 30
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 140
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: N/A
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: Poison
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: N/A
 Status: Safe
 Steal: Tonic
 Item Won: Tonic
 Special Attack: Axe
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Run, Human

 Level: 67
 Location: Kefka's Tower
 HP: 55000
 MP: 19000
 Experience Points: N/A
 GP: N/A
 Bat.Pwr: 20
 Defense: 75
 Speed: 63
 Evade: 0
 Hit Rate: 100
 Mag.Def: 70
 Mag.Pwr: 10
 M.Block: 0
 Absorbs: Earth, Pearl, Poison, Water, Wind
 Nullifies: N/A
 Weaknesses: N/A
 Sketch: Special, Battle
 Control: Battle, Special
 Immune To: Berserk, Condemned, Death, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Near Fatal, Petrify,
            Poison, Sleep, Stop, Zombie
 Status: N/A
 Steal: Crystal Orb, Drainer
 Item Won: N/A
 Special Attack: Hit
 Metamorph: Antidote, Eyedrop, Green Cherry, Soft
 Metamorph % chance to miss: 100%
 Special Information: Can't Control, Can't Run, Can't Suplex, If MP reaches 0,
                      Atma dies

 | 10. Items                                                            |

 In this section, I will list every item in the game, as well as what each one
 does, etc. Thanks to Atom Edge for information about the Morph stuff. Without
 his FAQ, I never would have figured out any of the Morph crap. All credit goes
 to him. I also list the enemies in the same order that he does, just so you
 know. Also, Super Slash let me put the enemies in the order he put them in.

 You try and tell me you can make the locations of every items and where you
 can Morph them, etc. without parapharsing. You can't. Impossible.

 NOTE: To find the item you are looking for easily, hold CTRL and press F to
       bring up a search engine. In that search engine, type the name of the
       item you're looking for, then press Enter.

 Description: Cures the Poison status aliment.
 Game Description: Cures the "Poison" status
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, From one of the ghosts on the Phantom
                       Train, South Figaro, Kohlingen, Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): Figaro Castle, Kohlingen
 Steal From: Rhodox, Mesosaur, CrassHoppr, Trilobiter, Boxed Set, Sand Ray,
             Cirpius, WeedFeeder, Coelecite, Vermin, Abolisher
 Win From: Sand Ray, Intangir, Coelecite, Latimeria
 Colosseum: Bet an Antidote to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone, Abolisher, Bug,
        Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr, ChickenLip, Cluck,
        Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius, Coelecite, Crawly, Deep
        Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind, Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan,
        GiganToad, Geckorex, Grease Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell, Ghost,
        Harvester, HermitCrab, Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron Fist,
        Insecare, Joker, Lich, Luridan, Muus, Marshal, Mesosaur, Mind Candy,
        Maliga, Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm Stalker, Parasoul,
        Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot, Punisher, Rain Man, Rinn,
        Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper, Slurm, StillGoing, Scorpion, Sand Ray, Sea
        Flower, Trooper, Vaporite, Vectuar, Vindr, Wyvern, Wizard

 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 25 GP.

 Dried Meat
 Description: Restores 150 HP.
 Game Description: Eat when hungry
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Wart Puck, Brontaur, Ultros (4th fight)
 Win From: Red Fang
 Colosseum: Bet a Dried Meat to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Allosaurus, Adamanchyt, Brachosaur, Bounty Man, Brontaur, Baskervor,
        Bogy, Chaos Drgn, Chitonid, Ceritops, Doberman, Fidor, Gold Bear, Lobo,
        Leafer, Nohrabbit, Nastidon, Poppers, Prussian, Peepers, Red Wolf,
        Rhodox, Rhinox, Rhobite, Red Fang, Ralph, Tusker, Tyranosaur, Vector
        Pup, Vomammoth, Vermin

 Useable In Battle; Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 75 GP.

 Echo Screen
 Description: Cures the Mute status aliment.
 Game Description: Cure "Mute" status
 Purchasable At (WoB): South Figaro, Returners' Hideout, Nikeah, Jidoor, Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Tzen
 Steal From: Bloompire, Insecare
 Win From: WeedFeeder, Osprey
 Colosseum: Bet an Echo Screen to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 60 GP.

 Description: Fully restores HP/MP.
 Game Description: Recovers HP/MP to 100%
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Rider, Magic Urn, Peepers, Gigantos, Spit Fire, Air Force, Atma
             (Floating Continent), Master Pug, Kefka (when you fight him in
             Narshe), Short Arm, Long Arm, Face, Tiger, Tools, Magic, Hit,
 Win From: TunnelArmr, Atma (Floating Continent)
 Colosseum: Bet an Elixir to fight Cactrot for a Rename Card
 Morph: Apokryphos, Behemoth, Cruller, Doom Drgn, Dragon, Enuo, GtBehemoth,
        Goblin, Hoover, Land Worm, L.70 Magic, Phase, Still Life
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP, Locke gives this to you after beat the Phoenix Cave.

 Description: Restores 150 MP.
 Game Description: Recovers 150 MP
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: L.50 Magic, L.60 Magic, L.70 Magic, L.80 Magic, L.90 Magic, Kefka
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Ether to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Description: Cures the Blind status aliment.
 Game Description: Cures "Dark" Status
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Returners' Hideout,
                       Albrook, Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): Figaro Castle, South Figaro
 Steal From: Beakor, Deep Eye, Gabbledegak
 Win From: Nautiloid, Primordite
 Colosseum: Bet an Eyedrop to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone, Abolisher, Bug,
        Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr, ChickenLip, Cluck,
        Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius, Coelecite, Crawly, Deep
        Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind, Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan,
        Figaliz, GiganToad, Geckorex, Grease Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell,
        Ghost, Harvester, Hermit Crab, Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron
        Fist, Insecare, Joker, Kiwok, Lich, Luridan, Lizard, Muus, Marshal,
        Mesosaur, Mind Candy, Maliga, Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm
        Stalker, Parasoul, Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot, Punisher,
        Rain Man, Rinn, Repo Man, Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper, Slurm, Still
        Going, Scorpion, Sand Ray, Sea Flower, Trooper, Vaporite, Vectuar,
        Vindr, Wyvern, Wizard
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 25 GP.

 Fenix Down
 Description: Revives a dead party member, but doesn't restore full health,
              just a little bit.
 Game Description: Recovers the wounded
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Merchant who rides on the
                       Chocobo outside of Gau's father's house, one of the
                       ghosts on the Phantom Train sells you this, Mobliz,
                       Nikeah, Narshe (before and after you get the Blackjack),
                       Kohlingen, Jidoor, Blackjack, Albrook, Tzen, Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Figaro Castle,
                       Kohlingen, Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From: Aquila, Balloon, Chaos Drgn, Fidor, Garm, Gabbledegak, Harpy,
             Harpiai, Necromancr, Phase, Parasoul, Sea Flower, Trixter,
             Uroburos, Vulture, Zombone
 Win From: Anguiform, Aquila, Abolisher, Chaos Drgn, LeftBlade, Leader, Phase,
           Parasoul, RightBlade, Sea Flower, Trixter, Uroburos, Vulture,
 Colosseum: Bet a Fenix Down to fight Cactrot for a Magicite
 Morph: Anguiform, Brainpan, Buffalax, General, Gilomantis, Gobbler, Hemophyte,
        Latimeria, Mantodea, Misfit, Ogor, Opinicus, Orog, Osprey, Sand Horse,
        Sp Forces, Suriander, Templar, Toe Cutter, Vulture, Wart Puck
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP, after you beat the Phoenix Cave, Locke gives this to

 Green Cherry
 Description: Removes the Imp status aliment.
 Game Description: Cures "Imp" status
 Purchasable At (WoB): One of the ghosts sells this to you on the Phantom
                       Train, Mobliz, Nikeah, Kohlingen, Narshe (after getting
                       the Blackjack), Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: Gobbler, Humpty, Lich
 Win From: Anemone, Ceritops, General, Kiwok, Lich, Over-Mind, Siegfried, Tomb
 Colosseum: Bet a Green Cherry to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone, Abolisher, Bug,
        Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr, ChickenLip, Cluck,
        Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius, Coelecite, Crawly, Deep
        Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind, Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan,
        Figaliz, GiganToad, Geckorex, Grease Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell,
        Ghost, Harvester, HermitCrab, Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron
        Fist, Insecare, Joker, Kiwok, Lich, Luridan, Lizard, Muus, Marshal,
        Mesosaur, Mind Candy, Maliga, Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm
        Stalker, Parasoul, Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot, Punisher,
        Rain Man, Rinn, Repo Man, Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper, Slurm, Still
        Going, Scorpion, Sand Ray, Sea Flower, Trooper, Vaporite, Vectuar,
        Vindr, Wyvern, Wizard
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 75 GP.

 Description: When used, this item summons random Espers, even if you haven't
              acquired them yet. Also, it doesn't take MP to summon an Esper
              using Magicite, and you can summon the same one twice if you luck
 Game Description: Summons random Espers
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Flan, Intangir, Muus
 Win From: Mover, Sp Forces
 Colosseum: Bet a Magicite to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: No
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Description: Fully restores HP/MP to all party members.
 Game Description: Recovers party's HP/MP to 100%
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: EarthGuard, Kefka (Final Battle), Master Pug
 Win From: MagiMaster
 Colosseum: Bet a Megalixir to fight Siegfried for a Tintinabar
 Morph: Intangir, Magic Urn
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: No
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Description: Recovers 250 HP.
 Game Description: Recovers 250 HP
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, Returners' Hideout, one of the ghosts on
                       the Phantom Train sells this to you, Mobliz, Nikeah,
                       Narshe (before and after you get the Blackjack),
                       Kohlingen, Jidoor, Blackjack, Albrook, Tzen, Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Figaro Castle,
                       Kohlingen, Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From: Anguiform, Actaneon, Apparite, Allo Ver, Beakor, Bomb, Bounty Man,
             Borras, Bogy, Bug, Chitonid, Cephaler, Crane, Coelecite, Doberman,
             Dragon, Fidor, Gold Bear, Guard, GloomShell, Gobbler, Hazer,
             HermitCrab, Ipooh, Lunaris, M-TekArmor, Mandrake, Mega Armor,
             Nautiloid, Nastidon, Over-Mind, Over Grunk, Officer, ProtoArmor,
             Poplium, Reach Frog, Rhobite, Stray Cat, Soldier, Sand Horse,
             Sewer Rat, Slurm, Tusker, Vermin, Vomammoth, Whisper, Zombone
 Win From: Bomb, Baskervor, Beakor, CrassHoppr, Doberman, Dark Side, Head of
           Whelk, Marshal, M-TekArmor, Nastidon, Nohrabbit, Pterodon, Ralph,
           Rhinotaur, StillGoing, Templar, Vermin, Vomammoth
 Colosseum: Bet a Potion to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: No
 NOTE: Sells for 150 GP.

 Description: Removes any negative status aliments except for Zombie.
 Game Description: Cures status aliments except "Zombie"
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Blackjack, Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Nikeah, South Figaro, Figaro Castle, Kohlingen,
                       Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From; Cephaler, Chitonid, Crawly, Crawler, Hoover, Nohrabbit, Over
             Grunk, Osteosaur, Trilium
 Win From: Chitonid, Mandrake, Mad Oscar, Rider, Rizopas
 Colosseum: Bet a Remedy to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Allo Ver, Bloompire, Black Drgn, Crusher, Displayer, Evil Oscar,
        Exoray, FossilFang, Ing, Karkass, L.50 Magic, Mandrake, Mover, Mad
        Oscar, Nightshade, Over Grunk, Over-Mind, Osteosaur, PowerDemon,
        Trilium, TumbleWeed, Uroburos
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 500 GP.

 Rename Card
 Description: Allows you to rename any of your party members. Disappears after
              one use.
 Game Description: Secret item
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Rename Card to fight Doom Drgn for some Marvel Shoes, bet the
            Merit Award for this
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: No
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Description: Cures the Zombie status aliment.
 Game Description: Cures "Zombie" status
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, Kohlingen, Jidoor, Albrook, Blackjack,
                       Tzen, Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Kohlingen, Jidoor,
 Steal From: Apparite, Black Drgn, FossilFang
 Win From: Apparite, Exoray, Ing, Mad Oscar, Necromancr, Ogor, Orog, Osteosaur,
 Colosseum: Bet a Revivify to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Anguiform, Buffalax, Brain Pan, General, Gilomantis, Gobbler,
        Hemophyte, Latimeria, Misfit, Mantodea, Orog, Ogor, Opinicus, Osprey,
        Suriander, Sand Horse, Sp Forces, Toe Cutter, Templar, Vulture, Wart
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 150 GP.

 Sleeping Bag
 Description: Fully restores HP/MP to a party member when at Save Points or on
              the World Map.
 Game Description: Recovers HP/MP to 100%
 Purchasable At (WoB): South Figaro, Returners' Hideout, one of the ghosts on
                       the Phantom Train sells you this, Mobliz, Nikeah, Narshe
                       (only before getting the Blackjack), Kohlingen
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah, Kohlingen, Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From: ChickenLip
 Win From: Delta Bug, Gigan Toad
 Colosseum: Bet a Sleeping Bag to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: No
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP.

 Smoke Bomb
 Description: Allows you to escape from battles (though not from boss battles).
 Game Description: Let's party escape from battle
 Purchasable At (WoB): Nikeah, Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack),
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Bloompire, Insecare
 Colosseum: Bet a Smoke Bomb to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: No
 NOTE: Sells for 150 GP.

 Description: Removes the Petrify status aliment.
 Game Description: Cures "Petrify" status
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Narshe (only before getting
                       the Blackjack), Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: Bug, Cactrot, Mind Candy
 Win From: Cactrot, Lizard, Mind Candy, Tusker, Whisper
 Colosseum: Bet a Soft to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Actaneon, Apparite, Anemone, Abolisher, Bug,
        Bleary, Brawly, Beakor, Commander, CrassHoppr, ChickenLip, Cluck,
        Cephaler, Crawler, Candy, Commando, Cirpius, Coelecite, Crawly, Deep
        Eye, Dark Side, Delta Bug, Dark Wind, Exocite, Eland, EarthGuard, Flan,
        Figaliz, GiganToad, Geckorex, Grease Monk, Gabbledegak, GloomShell,
        Ghost, Harvester, HermitCrab, Hornet, Hipcampus, Humpty, Hazer, Iron
        Fist, Insecare, Joker, Kiwok, Lich, Luridan, Lizard, Muus, Marshal,
        Mesosaur, Mind Candy, Maliga, Nautiloid, NeckHunter, Necromancr, Pm
        Stalker, Parasoul, Primordite, Poplium, Parasite, Psychot, Punisher,
        Rain Man, Rinn, Repo Man, Soldier, Spectre, Scrapper, Slurm, Still
        Going, Scorpion, Sand Ray, Sea Flower, Trooper, Vaporite, Vectuar,
        Vindr, Wyvern, Wizard
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 100 GP.

 Super Ball
 Description: Inflicts damage to all enemies, though it's hardly ever a lot.
 Game Description: Bouncing damage
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: Crusher, Mover
 Win From: Crusher
 Colosseum: Bet a Super Ball to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: No
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP.

 Description: Fully restores HP/MP to all party members, but can only be used
              at Save Points or on the World Map.
 Game Description: Recovers party's HP/MP to 100%
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Returners' Hideout,
                       Merchant that rides on the Chocobo outside of Gau's
                       father's house, Mobliz, Nikeah, Narshe (before and after
                       you get the Blackjack), Kohlingen, Jidoor, Albrook,
                       Blackjack, Tzen, Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah, South Figaro, Figaro Castle, Kohlingen, Jidoor,
 Steal From: Commando
 Win From: Black Drgn, Commando, GhostTrain, Number 128
 Colosseum: Bet a Tent to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Anguiform, Brain Pan, Buffalax, Gilomantis, General, Gobbler,
        Hemophyte, Latimeria, Mantodea, Misfit, Osprey, Opinicus, Ogor, Orog,
        Sp Forces, Sand Horse, Suriander, Toe Cutter, Templar, Vulture, Wart
 Useable In Battle: No
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 600 GP.

 Description: Restores 50 MP.
 Game Description: Recovers 50 MP
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, Returners' Hideout, Narshe (before and
                       after getting the Blackjack), Kohlingen, Jidoor,
                       Albrook, Blackjack, Tzen, Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah, South Figaro, Figaro Castle,
                       Kohlingen, Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From: Buffalax, Drop, L.10 Magic, L.20 Magic, L.30 Magic, L.40 Magic,
             Left Blade, Right Blade, Sky Armor, Spit Fire
 Win From: Drop, L.30 Magic, L.40 Magic, L.50 Magic, L.60 Magic, L.70 Magic,
           L.80 Magic, L.90 Magic, Spit Fire, Shell (Whelk)
 Colosseum: Bet a Tincture to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 750 GP.

 Description: Restores 50 HP.
 Game Description: Recovers 50 HP
 Purchasable At (WoB): Figaro Castle, South Figaro, Returners' Hideout,
                       Merchant that rides on the Chocobo outside of Gau's
                       father's house, one of the ghosts on the Phantom Train
                       sells you this, Mobliz, Nikeah, Narshe (only before
                       getting the Blackjack), Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: 1st Class, Aspik, Areneid, Allo Ver, Bomb, Bleary, Cadet, Cruller,
             Crawly, Cirpius, ChickenLip, Commander. Dark Wind, Delta Bug, Dark
             Side, Dark Wind, Doberman, Exocite, Flan, GreaseMonk, Garm, Grunt,
             Gold Bear, Guard, Ghost, General, HeavyArmor, Hornet, Iron Fist,
             Joker, Leafer, Lobo, Magic Urn, M-TekArmor, Mind Candy, Maliga,
             Nautiloid, Nastidon, Psychot, Pipsqueak, Primordite, Red Wolf,
             Rinn, Repo Man, Ralph, Red Fang, Rhodox, Spectre, Scorpion, Sp
             Forces, Soldier, Trilium, Trilobiter, Trooper, Tusker, Vomammoth,
             Vector Pup, Vargas, Vaporite, Were-rat, Wyvern, Wild Rat
 Win From: Areneid, Bleary, Brawler, Cadet, Exocite, Grunt, Ghost, Guard,
           Hazer, Leafer, Lobo, Psychot, Poplium, Piranha, Repo Man, Rhobite,
           Red Wolf, Scorpion, Stray Cat, Spectre
 Colosseum: Bet a Tonic to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Apokryphos, Aquila, Barb-e, Balloon, Behemoth, Bomb, Borras, Boxed Set,
        Chimera, Cruller, Dahling, Dragon, Dark Force, Doom Drgn, Dante, Enuo,
        Goblin, Grenade, Gigantos, GtBehemoth, Harpy, HadesGigas, Hoover,
        Harpiai, Intagir, Land Worm, L.60 Magic, L.70 Magic, L.80 Magic, L.90
        Magic, Madam, Magic Urn, Pan Dora, Phase, Rhyos, Retainer, SlamDancer,
        Stray Cat, Still Life, Samurai, Spek Tor, SoulDancer, Trixter, Test
        Rider, Tap Dancer, Vectagoyle, Woolly
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 25 GP, you can also get this in Crescent Island if you let Gau
       dig it up for you (see walkthrough).

 Warp Stone
 Description: Same effect as Smoke Bomb in battle, but it can also allow you to
              warp out of places like Narshe if you don't have the Warp spell.
 Game Description: Same effect as "Warp"
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Blackjack, Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Jidoor
 Steal From: Cluck, Displayer, Eland, Evil Oscar, Hipocampus, Hidon, Hermit
             Crab, Opinicus, Warlock, Zone Eater
 Win From: Cluck, Displayer, Eland, HermitCrab, Hipocampus, Hidon, Opinicus,
           Slatter, Warlock
 Colossuem: Bet a Warp Stone to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Anguiform, Brain Pan, Buffalax, General, Gobbler, Gilomantis,
        Hemophyte, Latimeria, Mantodea, Misfit, Orog, Ogor, Osprey, Sp Forces,
        Suriander, Sand Horse, Toe Cutter, Templar, Vulture, Wart Puck
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 350 GP.

 Description: Fully restores MP to a party member.
 Game Description: Recovers MP to 100%
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Laser Gun
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an X-Ether to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE; Sells for 1 GP, also, Locke will give this to you after you beat the
       Phoenix Cave.

 Description: Fully restores HP to a party member.
 Game Description: Recovers HP to 100%
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Dirt Dragon, Dullahan, Enuo, Gigantos, Land Worm, Mad Oscar, Pm
             Stalker, Spek Tor, Telstar, White Dragon
 Win From: Aspik, Behemoth
 Colosseum: Bet an X-Potion to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 Useable In Battle: Yes
 Useable Outside Battle: Yes
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 | 11. Weapons                                                          |

 This section will list every weapon in this game, as well as who can equip
 them, what they do, etc. Credit goes to Atom Edge's awesome Item FAQ for most
 of the information you'll find here, which would've taken me weeks, months
 even, to find out normally.

 NOTE: To find the weapon you are looking for easily, hold CTRL and press F to
       bring up a search engine. In that search engine, type the name of the
       weapon you're looking for, then press Enter.


 Air Lancet
 Game Description: Wind-elemental
 Bat.Pow: 76
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Locke, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Returners' Hideout
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Kohlingen, Narshe, Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Scrapper
 Win From: TunnelArmr
 Colosseum: Bet an Air Lancet to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 475 GP. A wind-elemental weapon, meaning that wind-based
       damage is added to the weapon's attack.

 Game Description: Randomly dispatches an enemy
 Bat.Pow: 106
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +3
 Evade %: 10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke, Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Cave to the Sealed Gate
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Assassin to fight Test Rider for a SwordBreaker
 Morph: Covert, Ninja, Outsider
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This weapon has a chance to instantly kill an enemy each
       time you attack with it. If you attack an enemy that's undead with it,
       that enemy will die each time you attack it, but be revived with full

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 112
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Narshe, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Blossom to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1600 GP. A wind-elemental weapon, meaning that wind-based
       damage is added to the weapon's attack.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 26
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Gogo, Locke, Mog, Relm, Setzer, Shadow, Strago,
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Chupon (fight with Ultros on your way to Floating Continent),
             Tap Dancer
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Dirk to fight Chupon for an Elixir, bet the Gradeus and the
            Thief Glove to get this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: 75 GP.

 Game Description: Pearl-elemental
 Bat.Pow: 204
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Gogo, Locke, Mog, Relm, Setzer, Shadow, Strago,
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Master Pug
 Colosseum: Bet a Graedus to fight Karkass for a Dirk
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. A pearl-elemental weapon, meaning that pearl-based
       damage is added to the weapon's attack.

 Game Description: Randomly evades an enemy's attack
 Bat.Pow: 59
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +4
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Mt. Koltz
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Merchant, Pterodon
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Guardian to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 121
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Woolly
 Win From: Gigantos
 Colosseum: Bet a Hardened to fight Phase for a Murasame
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 82
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Shadow has this when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Woolly
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Imperial to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 300 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 93
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Kodachi to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 600 GP.

 Man Eater
 Game Description: Doubles damage done to human target
 Bat.Pow: 146
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Gogo, Locke, Relm, Setzer, Shadow, Strago, Terra
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Daryl's Tomb
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Man Eater to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5500 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 59
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Gogo, Locke, Mog, Relm, Setzer, Shadow, Strago,
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Terra has this equipped when you first recruit her
 Location (WoR): Gogo has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Marshal, Pterodon
 Win From: Iron Fist
 Colosseum: Bet a MithrilKnife to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 150 GP.

 Game Description: Randomly dispatches an enemy
 Bat.Pow: 190
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Cave in the Veldt
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Striker to fight Shadow to recruit him for good. After that,
            bet a Striker to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Covert, Ninja, Outsider
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This weapon has a chance to instantly kill an enemy each
       time you attack with it. If you attack an enemy that's undead with it,
       that enemy will die each time you attack it, but be revived with full

 Game Description: Randomly casts "Stop"
 Bat.Pow: 220
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Fanatics' Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Stunner to fight Test Rider for a Strato
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: Randomly evades an enemy's attack
 Bat.Pow: 164
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +30%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Locke, Relm, Shadow, Strago
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: Vectagoyle, Tap Dancer
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a SwordBreaker to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 8000 GP.

 Game Description: Randomly steals an enemy's item
 Bat.Pow: 88
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +3
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 Equippable By: Locke, Shadow
 SwdTech: N/A
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Narshe
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: SlamDancer
 Win From: Dadaluma
 Colosseum: Bet a ThiefKnife to fight Wart Puck for a Thief Glove
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Also, each time you attack, Locke or Gogo have a chance
       to use Capture instead of Fight.

 Game Description: Gains power as HP decreases
 Bat.Pow: 145
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: N/A
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Kohlingen (after beating Phoenix Cave)
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a ValiantKnife to get fight Woolly for an Assassin
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Since this weapon ignores defense, its power is doubled
       and also if you get low on HP, this weapon's damage increases.


 Atma Weapon
 Game Description: Transforms at Level Up, grows stronger as HP increases
 Bat.Pow: 255
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: N/A
 Runic: N/A
 Two-Handed Weapon: N/A
 Location (WoB): Cave to the Sealed Gate
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Sleep (the older girl in the final battle with Kefka)
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Atma Weapon to fight GtBehemoth for a Graedus
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Since this weapon ignores defense, its power is doubled
       and also the higher your HP gets (for example, if you get 5000 HP), the
       more damage this weapon will do. If you have low current HP even if you
       have high max HP, this weapon's power will be noticably weaker.

 Game Description: Randomly casts "Ice"
 Bat.Pow: 108
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Number 024
 Colosseum: Bet a Blizzard to fight Scullion for an Ogre Nix
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP. This weapon is ice-elemental, which means that ice
       damage is added to the weapon's attack, though only sometimes, since it
       doesn't always cast Ice after you hit with it.

 Break Blade
 Game Description: Randomly casts "Break"
 Bat.Pow: 117
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Outsider
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Break Blade to fight Lethal Wpn for a Break Blade
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 6000 GP. This weapon has a chance to cast Break each time you
       attack with it.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 167
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor
 Steal From: Dark Force
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Crystal to fight Borras for an Enhancer
 Morph: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor, Red
        Dragon, Wirey Dragon
 NOTE: Sells for 7500 GP.

 Game Description: Absorbs damage as HP
 Bat.Pow: 121
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Atma, Lizard, Number 024
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Drainer to fight Enuo for a Drainer
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Also, when you use this weapon on undead enemies or
       enemies that have Zombie on them, the attacker will take damage and the
       enemy will be healed; the reverse effect of what this weapon is supposed
       to do.

 Game Description: Mag Pwr up
 Bat.Pow: 135
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +7
 MEvade%: +20%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Enhancer to fight Chupon for an Elixir, bet a Crystal for
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 98
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Maranda, Tzen, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Epee to fight to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP.

 Game Description: Pearl-elemental sword
 Bat.Pow: 217
 Vigor: +2
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 20%
 Stamina: 1
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Goddess
 Colosseum: Bet an Excalibur to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 176
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Falchion to fight Outsider for a Flame Shld
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 8500 GP.

 Flame Sabre
 Game Description: Randomly casts "Fire"
 Bat.Pow: 108
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility, Imperial Base
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah
 Steal From: FlameEater
 Win From: Number 024
 Colosseum: Bet a Flame Sabre to fight Evil Oscar for an Ogre Nix
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP. This weapon is fire-elemental, which means that fire
       damage is added to the weapon's attack, though only sometimes, since it
       doesn't always cast Fire after you hit with it.

 Game Description: A legendary sword
 Bat.Pow: 255
 Vigor: +7
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +7
 Evade %: 50%
 Stamina: +7
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +7
 MEvade%: +50%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Colosseum
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Illumina to fight Scullion for a Scimitar, bet a Ragnarok to
            fight Didalos for this weapon
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This weapon never misses, uses MP of the attacker to
       inflict critical hits on the selected target, has a chance to cast Pearl
       when you attack with it, and if you have no MP, it'll act like a normal
       weapon and critical hit at random, damage is not affected by Back Row or
       Front Row.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 38
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Edgar has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): South Figaro, Mobliz
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Trooper, Karkass
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a MithrilBlade to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Chaser, Drop, Dueller, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc, Iron Hitman,
        Junk, Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader (Red), Mag Roader (Brown),
        M-TekArmor Pipsqueak, PlutoArmor, Sky Base, Sky Armor, Sky Cap,
        Telstar, Trapper, Tomb Thumb
 NOTE: Sells for 275 GP.

 Ogre Nix
 Game Description: Uses MP to inflict mortal blow, May break if luck is bad.
 Bat.Pow: 182
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Ogre Nix to fight SrBehemoth for a Soul Sabre, bet a
            Blizzard to get this, bet a Flame Sabre to get this, bet a
            ThunderBlade to get this
 Morph: Borras, Gigantos, HadesGigas, Steroidite
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Each time you attack with this weapon, it uses the
       attacker's MP to cause critical hits, if you have no MP, this weapon
       acts like a normal weapon, and inflicts critical hits at random, has a
       chance to break each time you attack with it.

 Game Description: Randomly casts "Flare"
 Bat.Pow: 255
 Vigor: +7
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +3
 Evade %: 30%
 Stamina: +7
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +7
 MEvade%: +30%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Narshe
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Girl (final battle, the younger girl out of the two girls at the
                   third tier)
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Ragnarok to fight Didalos for an Illumina
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Each time you attack with this weapon, it uses the
       attacker's MP to cause critical hits, if you have no MP, this weapon
       acts like a normal weapon, and inflicts critical hits at random, has a
       chance to cast Flare when you attack with it.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 54
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): South Figaro (Locke's Scenario)
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (after getting the Blackjack), South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a RegalCutlass to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 400 GP.

 Rune Edge
 Game Description: Consumes MP to inflict mortal blow
 Bat.Pow: 55
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Mines of Narshe, in Moogle Lair
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: Number 024
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Rune Edge to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3750 GP.

 Game Description: Randomly dices up enemy
 Bat.Pow: 208
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Blue Dragon
 Colosseum: Bet a Scimitar to fight Covert for an Ogre Nix
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Each time you attack with this weapon, it has a chance
       to instantly kill an enemy.

 Soul Sabre
 Game Description: Absorbs damage as MP Randomly casts "Doom"
 Bat.Pow: 125
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Figaro Castle (in armor in the room where the thieves went
                                before you fought the four Tentacles)
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Karkass
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Soul Sabre to fight Opinicus for a Falchion, bet an Ogre Nix
            to get this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If you attack an undead enemy or an enemy that has
       Zombie on, as the attacker's MP will be drained, and the enemy's MP will
       be healed, each time you attack, this weapon has a chance to cast Doom.

 Game Description: Randomly casts "Bolt"
 Bat.Pow: 108
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Locke, Terra
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen, Nikeah
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a ThunderBlade to fight Steroidite for an Ogre Nix
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP. This weapon is lightning-elemental, which means that
       lightning damage is added to the weapon's attack, though only sometimes,
       doesn't always cast Bolt after you hit with it.


 Aura Lance
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 227
 Vigor: +3
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +1
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +3
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Poltrgeist
 Colosseum: Bet an Aura Lance to fight Land Worm for a Sky Render, bet the Sky
            Render for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Gold Lance
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 139
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen, South Figaro, Thamasa
 Steal From: Rhyos
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gold Lance to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader (Yellow), Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
 NOTE: Sells for 6000 GP.

 Imp Halberd
 Game Description: ??? if equipped as an Imp
 Bat.Pow: 253
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone except Umaro
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Mantodea
 Win From: Tyranosaur
 Colosseum: Bet an Imp Halberd to fight Allosaurus for a Cat Hood
 Morph: Cactrot, Pug, Pugs
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If you attack with this weapon normally, you'll hurt
       extremely little. However, if you attack with this weapon while you're
       an Imp, the damage is of this weapon is awesome.

 Mithril Pike
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 70
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Mog has this equipped when you get him for the multi-party
                 battle in the Mines of Narshe in the beginning of the game
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Maranda, Narshe, Nikeah
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mithril Pike to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 400 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 150
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor
 Steal From: Test Rider
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Partisan to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 6500 GP.

 Pearl Lance
 Game Description: Randomly casts "Pearl"
 Bat.Pow: 194
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +3
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Pearl Lance to fight Sky Base for a Strato
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Each time you attack with this weapon, it has a chance
       to cast Pearl on the target. This weapon is pearl-elemental, so don't
       use it on enemies that are resistant to it (like Atma in Kefka's Tower).

 Stout Spear
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 112
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Test Rider
 Colosseum: Bet a Stout Spear to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 93
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Edgar, Mog
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Maranda, Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Trident to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 850 GP. This weapon is also water-elemental, meaning that
       water-based damage is added to the weapon's attack.


 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 57
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Cyan has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Ogor
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Ashura to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 162
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Retainer
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Aura to fight Rhyos for a Strato, bet the Murasame to get
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 81
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Forged to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 600 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 66
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack),
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Kotetsu to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 400 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 110
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Floating Continent
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Ogor, SrBehemoth, KatanaSoul
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Murasame to fight Borras for an Aura, bet the Hardened for
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 4500 GP.

 Sky Render
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 215
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +20%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Doom
 Colosseum: Bet a Sky Render to fight Scullion for an Aura Lance, bet the Aura
            Lance for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 199
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: KatanaSoul
 Win From: Red Dragon
 Colosseum: Bet a Strato to fight Aquila for a Pearl Lance, bet a Pearl Lance
            for this, bet a Stunner for this, bet a Magus Rod for this, bet an
            Aura for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: Randomly casts "Wind Slash"
 Bat.Pow: 101
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Cyan
 SwdTech: Yes
 Runic: Yes
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Cave to the Sealed Gate
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Number 128
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Tempest to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 4000 GP. Each time you attack with this weapon, it has a
       chance to cast Wind Slash. This weapon is essential for getting a wind-
       god Gau set-up (see the FAQs section).


 Fire Rod
 Game Description: Casts "Fire 2" when used as an item, and breaks
 Bat.Pow: 79
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Thamasa
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Wizard
 Colosseum: Bet a Fire Rod to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP. If you throw this rod at an enemy in battle (you do
       not need the Throw command to do it; simply go to the Item option in
       battle and throw it from there), the rod breaks and can never be used
       again (it also casts Fire 2). Also, each time you attack with this
       weapon, it has a chance to cast Fire 2 on the target. Also, this weapon
       is firel-elemental, meaning that fire-based damage is added to the
       weapon's attack.

 Gravity Rod
 Game Description: Casts "Quartr" when used as an item, and breaks
 Bat.Pow: 120
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Figaro Castle
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gravity Rod to fight Chupon for an Elixir, bet the Punisher
            for this, bet the Rainbow Brsh for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 6500 GP. If you throw this rod at an enemy in battle (you do
       not need the Throw command to do it; simply go to the Item option in
       battle and throw it from there), the rod breaks and can never be used
       again (it also casts Quartr). Also, each time you attack with this
       weapon, it has a chance to cast Quartr on the target. Also, this weapon
       is earth-elemental, meaning that earth-based damage is added to the
       weapon's attack.

 Heal Rod
 Game Description: Recover target's HP
 Bat.Pow: 200
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Crescent Island
 Location (WoR): Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Heal Rod to fight Pug for a Magus Rod
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When you attack with this weapon, it heals the target
       instead of damages them, meaning you can heal your allies with it, or
       attack undead enemies with it to hurt them, or even heal enemies, for
       whatever reason you might want to do that for, ignores defense.

 Ice Rod
 Game Description: Casts "Ice 2" when used as an item, and breaks
 Bat.Pow: 79
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Thamasa
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Spectre, Wizard
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Ice Rod to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP. If you throw this rod at an enemy in battle (you do
       not need the Throw command to do it; simply go to the Item option in
       battle and throw it from there), the rod breaks and can never be used
       again (it also casts Ice 2). Also, each time you attack with this
       weapon, it has a chance to cast Ice 2 on the target. Also, this weapon
       is ice-elemental, meaning that ice-based damage is added to the weapon's

 Magus Rod
 Game Description: Mag Pwr Up
 Bat.Pow: 168
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +7
 MEvade%: +30%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Dirt Dragon
 Colosseum: Bet a Magus Rod to fight Allosaurus for a Strato, bet the Heal Rod
            to get this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Mithril Rod
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 60
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Strago has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Joker
 Colosseum: Bet a Mithril Rod to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP.

 Pearl Rod
 Game Description: Casts "Pearl" when used as an item, and breaks
 Bat.Pow: 124
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Pearl Rod to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 6000 GP. If you throw this rod at an enemy in battle (you do
       not need the Throw command to do it; simply go to the Item option in
       battle and throw it from there), the rod breaks and can never be used
       again (it also casts Pearl). Also, each time you attack with this
       weapon, it has a chance to cast Pearl on the target. Also, this weapon
       is pearl-elemental, meaning that pearl-based damage is added to the
       weapon's attack.

 Poison Rod
 Game Description: Casts "Poison" when used as an item, and breaks
 Bat.Pow: 86
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Toe Cutter, Lich
 Win From: Toe Cutter
 Colosseum: Bet a Poison Rod to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 750 GP. If you throw this rod at an enemy in battle (you do
       not need the Throw command to do it; simply go to the Item option in
       battle and throw it from there), the rod breaks and can never be used
       again (it also casts Poison). Also, each time you attack with this
       weapon, it has a chance to cast Poison on the target. Also, this weapon
       is poison-elemental, meaning that poison-based damage is added to the
       weapon's attack.

 Game Description: Uses MP to inflict mortal blow
 Bat.Pow: 111
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Ancient Castle
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Punisher to fight Opinicus for a Gravity Rod
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Consumer's the attacker's MP to cause critical hits. If
       you have no MP, then the weapon will function like any other weapon, and
       critical hits will be dealt at random.

 Thunder Rod
 Game Description: Casts "Bolt 2" when used as an item, and breaks
 Bat.Pow: 79
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Figaro Cave (during and after Locke's Scenario)
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Wizard
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Thunder Rod to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP. If you throw this rod at an enemy in battle (you do
       not need the Throw command to do it; simply go to the Item option in
       battle and throw it from there), the rod breaks and can never be used
       again (it also casts Bolt 2). Also, each time you attack with this
       weapon, it has a chance to cast Bolt 2 on the target. Also, this weapon
       is lightning-elemental, meaning that lightning-based damage is added to
       the weapon's attack.


 Chocobo Brsh
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 60
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Relm
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Relm has this equipped when you first recruit her
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Chocobo Brsh to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 300 GP. Cannot be thrown.

 DaVinci Brsh
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 100
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +1
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Relm
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a DaVinci Brsh to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP. Cannot be thrown.

 Magical Brsh
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 130
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +1
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +1
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Relm
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Triangle Island
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Magical Brsh to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP. Cannot be thrown.

 Rainbow Brsh
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 146
 Vigor: +1
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +1
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Relm
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Rainbow Brsh to fight Test Rider for a Gravity Rod
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Cannot be thrown.

 Ninja Stars

 Ninja Star
 Game Description: Use with "Throw" command
 Bat.Pow: 132
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; this is an item used with the Throw command with Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Thamasa
 Steal From: Vectaur
 Win From: Ninja
 Colosseum: Bet a Ninja Star to fight Chaos Drgn for a Tack Star
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 500 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, ignores

 Game Description: Use with "Throw" command
 Bat.Pow: 86
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; this is an item used with the Throw command with Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Kohlingen, Merchant that rides on the Chocobo
                       outside Gau's father's house, one of the ghosts on the
                       Phantom Train sells you this
 Purchasable At (WoR): Thamasa
 Steal From: Covert, Mag Roader (Yellow), Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader
             (Red), Mag Roader (Brown)
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Shuriken to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 15 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, ignores

 Tack Star
 Game Description: Use with "Throw" command
 Bat.Pow: 190
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; this is an item used with the Throw command with Shadow
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Triangle Island, Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Covert, Hemophyte, Reach Frog
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Tack Star to fight Opinicus for a Rising Sun, bet a Ninja
            Star to get this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, ignores

 Special Weapons

 Bone Club
 Game Description: Intricately carved
 Bat.Pow: 151
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Umaro (automatically has this equipped)
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Umaro has this equipped when you first recruit him, and it
                 cannot be removed
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Punisher
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Bone Club to fight Test Rider for a Red Jacket, bet the Doom
            Darts to get this, bet a Sniper to get this, bet a Rising Sun to
            get this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 10000 GP. Cannot be thrown.

 Game Description: Same damage from back row
 Bat.Pow: 102
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Maranda, Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack), Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Boomerang to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2750 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row.

 Game Description: Same damage from back row
 Bat.Pow: 86
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Gogo, Relm, Strago, Terra
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Kohlingen, Narshe (before you get the Blackjack only)
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Wart Puck
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Flail to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1000 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row,
       cannot be thrown.

 Full Moon
 Game Description: Same damage from back row
 Bat.Pow: 95
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe (before you get the Blackjack
                       only), Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Prussian
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Full Moon to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1250 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row.

 Hawk Eye
 Game Description: Same damage from back row
 Bat.Pow: 111
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (after getting the Blackjack only), Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Hawk Eye to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3000 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row. If
       you use this weapon on floating targets, the damage has a chance to be
       doubled (you'll be able to tell if it is because Locke will throw the
       weapon, instead of just attack with it like he does on non-Float

 Morning Star
 Game Description: Same damage from back row
 Bat.Pow: 109
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Gogo, Relm, Strago, Terra
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (after getting the Blackjack only), Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Morning Star to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row,
       cannot be thrown.

 Rising Sun
 Game Description: Same damage from back row
 Bat.Pow: 117
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Punisher
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Rising Sun to fight Allosaurus for a Bone Club, bet a Tack
            Star for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row.

 Game Description: Same damage from back row
 Bat.Pow: 172
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Sniper to fight Borras for a Bone Club, bet the Dragon Claw
            for this, bet the Wing Edge for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 7500 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row.

 Wing Edge
 Game Description: Same damage from back row, Randomly strikes mortal blow
 Bat.Pow: 198
 Vigor: +7
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +7
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +1
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Locke
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Ancient Cave, Phoenix Cave
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Wing Edge to fight Rhyos for a Sniper
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, each
       time you attack with this weapon, you have a chance to instantly kill
       the target, if the target is undead, this weapon will always kill that
       enemy in one hit, and the enemy will be revived with full HP.


 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 104
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Setzer
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): Setzer has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Cards to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 500 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 115
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Setzer
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Darts to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 1
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Setzer
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Dice to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row,
       ignores defense, damage is determined by your level, and the roll of the
       dice (see the FAQs section for a more detailed explanation). Cannot be

 Doom Darts
 Game Description: Randomly casts "Doom"
 Bat.Pow: 187
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Setzer
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Ancient Cave
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Doom Darts to fight Opinicus for a Bone Club
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, and
       this weapon has a chance of casting Doom each time you attack with it.

 Fixed Dice
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 1
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Setzer
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Fixed Dice to fight Trixter for a Fire Knuckle
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, ignores
       defense, damage is determined by your level, and the roll of the dice
       (see the FAQs section for a more detailed explanation). Cannot be

 Game Description: Randomly dispatches an enemy
 Bat.Pow: 133
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Setzer
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Trump to fight Allosaurus for a Trump
 Morph: Ninja, Covert, Outsider
 NOTE: Sells for 6500 GP. Damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, also
       has a chance to kill an enemy in one hit, if used on undead enemies, it
       will automatically kill them and they will be revived to full HP.


 Dragon Claw
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 188
 Vigor: +2
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Sabin
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Presenter (Head), Presenter (Shell)
 Colosseum: Bet a Dragon Claw to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Since this weapon is pearl-elemental, pearl-based damage
       will be added to the weapon's attack.

 Fire Knuckle
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 122
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Sabin
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Zozo
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Fire Knuckle to fight TumbleWeed for a Fire Knuckle, bet the
            Tiger Fangs for this, bet the Fixed Dice for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP. Has a chance to cast Fire each time you attack with
       it, cannot be thrown.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 83
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Sabin
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Kaiser to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 50 GP. Cannot be thrown, since this weapon is pearl-elemental,
       pearl-based damage is added to the weapon's attack.

 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 55
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Sabin
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): Sabin has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a MetalKnuckle to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP. Cannot be thrown.

 Mithril Claw
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 65
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Sabin
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Narshe (before getting the Blackjack only),
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Rhinotaur, Exocite, Vargas
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mithril Claw to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 400 GP. Cannot be thrown.

 Poison Claw
 Game Description: Randomly poisons an enemy
 Bat.Pow: 95
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Sabin
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Maranda, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: Gilomantis
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Poison Claw to fight Test Rider for a Sniper
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1250 GP. Has a chance to cast Poison each time you attack with
       it, cannot be thrown. Since this weapon is poison-elemental, poison-
       based damage will be added to the weapon's attack.

 Tiger Fangs
 Game Description: N/A
 Bat.Pow: 215
 Vigor: +3
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +2
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +3
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Sabin
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: Yes
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Maranda, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: GtBehemoth
 Win From: Allo Ver
 Colosseum: Bet the Tiger Fangs to fight Mantodea for a Fire Knuckle
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Cannot be thrown.


 Bolt Edge
 Game Description: Multiple Thunder-element attack, use with "Throw' command
 Bat.Pow: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; it's a throwable item by Shadow by using the Throw
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe (only after getting
                       the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Bolt Edge to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, this
       Skean hits all enemies onscreen with lightning-based damage.

 Fire Skean
 Game Description: Multiple Fire-element attack, use with "Throw' command
 Bat.Pow: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; it's a throwable item by Shadow by using the Throw
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe (only after getting
                       the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: Grenade
 Win From: Mag Roader (Red), Mag Roader (Brown)
 Colosseum: Bet a Fire Skean to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, this
       Skean hits all enemies onscreen with fire-based damage.

 Inviz Edge
 Game Description: Make thrower transparent, use with "Throw' command
 Bat.Pow: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; it's a throwable item by Shadow by using the Throw
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): Cave to the Sealed Gate (hidden in a tile on the floor; se
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Merchant that rides on the Chocobo outside Gau's
                       father's house
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Inviz Edge to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 100 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, this
       Skean can only be used on Shadow, and it makes him invisible (in other
       words, he has the Clear status inflicted upon him).

 Shadow Edge
 Game Description: Creates thrower's illusion, use with "Throw' command
 Bat.Pow: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; it's a throwable item by Shadow by using the Throw
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Merchant that rides on the Chocobo outside Gau's
                       father's house, Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Shadow Edge to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 200 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, this
       Skean can only be used on Shadow, and it makes him have higher Evade (in
       other words, he has the Image status inflicted upon him).

 Water Edge
 Game Description: Multiple Water-element, use with "Throw' command
 Bat.Pow: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: No one; it's a throwable item by Shadow by using the Throw
 SwdTech: No
 Runic: No
 Two-Handed Weapon: No
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe (only after you get
                       the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Shadow Edge to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP. Can be thrown with Shadow by using the Throw command,
       damage is not affected by Back Row or Front Row, never misses, this
       Skean hits all enemies onscreen with water-based damage.

 | 12. Shields                                                          |

 This section will list every shield in this game, as well as who can equip
 them, what they do, etc. Credit goes to Atom Edge's awesome Item FAQ for most
 of the information you'll find here, which would've taken me weeks, months
 even, to find out normally.

 NOTE: To find the shield you are looking for easily, hold CTRL and press F to
       bring up a search engine. In that search engine, type the name of the
       shield you're looking for, then press Enter.

 Aegis Shld
 Game Description: Randomly evades magic attack
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +46
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +20%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +52
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +40%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Mt. Zozo, Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Aegis Shld to fight Borras for a TortoiseShld
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: Randomly evades magic attack
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +16
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +10
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Cyan, Edgar, and Terra have this equipped when you first
                 recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: GreaseMonk
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Buckler to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 100 GP.

 Crystal Shld
 Game Description: Randomly evades magic attack
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +50
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +34
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: GreaseMonk
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Crystal Shld to fight Didalos for a Cursed Ring
 Morph: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor, Red
        Dragon, Storm Dragon, Skull Dragon, Wirey Dragon
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP.

 Cursed Shld
 Game Description: Is Cursed
 Vigor: -7
 Defense: -7
 Speed: -7
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: -7
 Mag.Def: -7
 Mag.Pow: -7
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Water
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Narshe (see walkthrough, and also use CTRL + F and search for
                         "Cursed Shld" to find it easier)
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Cursed Shld to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When you equip this on a party member, that party member
       has the following negative status aliments inflicted on him/her:
       Berserk, Condemned, Mute, Muddle, and Seizure. If the wearer is alive
       after each battle with the shield equipped, it becomes the Paladin Shld
       after you fight and win 256 battles. For more information, see the
       walkthrough section of this FAQ. Note that Gogo cannot uncurse the
       Cursed Shld. Also, with the Cursed Shld on, you become weak to every
       element in this game.

 Diamond Shld
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +40
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +27
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Diamond Shld to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1750 GP.

 Flame Shld
 Game Description: Absorbs Fire-elemental attack
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +41
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +20%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +28
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: Fire
 No Effect: Ice
 Weak Point: Water
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Cyan's Soul
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Rough, Striker
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Flame Shld to fight IronHitman for an Ice Shld, bet a
            Falchion to get this, bet an Ice Shld to get this
 Morph: Bomb, Balloon, Chimera, Grenade
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Locke gives this to you after you beat the Phoenix Cave.
       If used as an item in battle, will cast Fire 3, then disappear from your
       inventory, teaches Fire 2 at an x5 learn rate.

 Force Shld
 Game Description: Protects against magic attacks
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +70
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +50%
 50% Dmg: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, Water
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Ice Dragon
 Colosseum: Bet a Force Shld to fight Dark Force for a Thornlet, bet the
            Paladin Shld to get this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Teaches Shell at an x5 learn rate.

 Genji Shld
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +54
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +20%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +50
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +20%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Fanatics' Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Genji Shld to fight Retainer for a Thunder Shld, bet a
            Thunder Shld for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Gold Shld
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +34
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +23
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Mog, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack), Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen
 Steal From: Adamanchyt
 Win From: Dante
 Colosseum: Bet a Gold Shld to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader, Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
 NOTE: Sells for 1250 GP.

 Heavy Shld
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +22
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +14
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): South Figaro (basement)
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Heavy Shld to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Chaser, Drop, Dueller, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc, Iron Hitman,
        Junk, Mag Roader (red), Mag Roader (brown), M-TekArmor, Pipsqueak,
        PlutoArmor, Sky Armor, Sky Cap, Tomb Thumb, Trapper, Telstar
 NOTE: Sells for 200 GP.

 Ice Shld
 Game Description: Absorbs Ice-elemental attack
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +42
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +20%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +28
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: Ice
 No Effect: Fire
 Weak Point: Wind
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Mt. Zozo, Cyan's Soul
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Inferno
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Ice Shld to fight Innoc for a Flame Shld, bet the Flame Shld
            to get this, bet the Crystal Mail to get this
 Morph: Rhyos, Test Rider
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If used as an item in battle, will cast Ice 3, then
       disappear from your inventory, teaches Ice 2 at an x5 learn rate.

 Mithril Shld
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +27
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +18
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Mog, Relm, Setzer, and Strago have this equipped when you
                 first recruit them
 Location (WoR): Gogo has this equipped when you first recruit it
 Purchasable At (WoB): Jidoor, Kohlingen, Narshe (before getting the Blackjack
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: General
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mithril Shld to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Rhyos, Test Rider
 NOTE: Sells for 600 GP.

 Paladin Shld
 Game Description: Houses a hero's soul
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +59
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +40%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +59
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 40%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl
 No Effect: Earth, Poison, Water, Wind
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): After fighting 256 battles with the Cursed Shld equipped (if
                 the wearer of the Cursed Shld survives those battle, and Gogo,
                 by the way, cannot uncurse the Cursed Shld), you get this
                 ultimate shield.
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Paladin Shld to fight Hemophyte for a Forc Shld
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Teaches Ultima at an x1 learn rate.

 Thunder Shld
 Game Description: Absorbs Thunder-elemental attack
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +43
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +20%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +28
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 10%
 50% Dmg: Fire, Ice
 Absorb: Lightning
 No Effect: Wind
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Mt. Zozo, Zone Eater Dungeon
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Steroidite
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Thunder Shld to fght Outsider for a Genji Shld, bet a Genji
            Shld to get this, bet a Genji Glove to get this, bet a Gauntlet to
            get this
 Morph: Dante, Vectagoyle
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If used as an item in battle, will cast Bolt 3, then
       disappear from your inventory, teaches Bolt 2 at an x5 learn rate.

 Game Description: ??? if equipped while an Imp
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +66
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +30%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +66
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 30%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: Water
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Geckorex
 Win From: Geckorex
 Colosseum: Bet a TortoiseShld to fight Steroidite for a Titanium, bet an Imp's
            Armor to get this, bet an Aegis Shld to get this
 Morph: Cactrot, Pug, Pugs
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If equipped without being Imp, the shield is very weak,
       but if equipped as an Imp, the shield can produce the highest Defense
       rating in the game when combined with the Imp's Armor, teaches Imp at an
       x1 learn rate.

 | 13. Headgear                                                         |

 This section will list every headgear in this game, as well as who can equip
 them, what they do, etc. Credit goes to Atom Edge's awesome Item FAQ for most
 of the information you'll find here, which would've taken me weeks, months
 even, to find out normally.

 NOTE: To find the headgear you are looking for easily, hold CTRL and press F
       to bring up a search engine. In that search engine, type the name of the
       headgear you're looking for, then press Enter.

 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +16
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +10
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Gau, Locke, Relm, Sabin, Terra
 Location (WoB): Setzer has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Kohlingen, Mobliz, Narshe (only before getting the
                       Blackjack), Nikeah
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Brawler
 Win From: Colossus (left out enemy; cannot fight)
 Colosseum: Bet a Bandana to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 400 GP.

 Bard's Hat
 Game Description: Raises MP a little
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +19
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +21
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Maranda, Narshe (after getting the Blackjack),
                       Tzen, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Bard's Hat to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP. Raises maximum MP by 12.5%.

 Game Description: Raises the success rate of "Sketch"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +21
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +21
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm
 Location (WoB): Floating Continent
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Beret to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1750 GP.

 Cat Hood
 Game Description: Raises the success rate of "Sketch"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +33
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +33
 Mag.Pow: +4
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Pearl, Wind
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Cat Hood to fight Hoover for a Merit Award, bet the Titanium
            for this, bet the Imp Halberd for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. You gain double the amount of gold that you normally
       would each time you win a fight with this helmet on.

 Game Description: Raises the success rate of "Control"
 Vigor: +2
 Defense: +25
 Speed: +1
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +3
 Mag.Def: +19
 Mag.Pow: +4
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor, Thamasa
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Circlet to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +23
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +23
 Mag.Pow: +4
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Cornet to fight Evil Oscar for a Regal Crown, bet a Red Cap
            for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Crystal Helm
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +29
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +19
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Figaro Castle
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor, Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Crystal Helm to fight Dueller for a Diamond Helm, bet a Genji
            Helmet for this
 Morph: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor, Red
        Dragon, Storm Dragon, Skull Dragon, Wirey Dragon
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP.

 Dark Hood
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +26
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +17
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gau, Gogo, Locke, Mog, Sabin, Shadow
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From: NeckHunter
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Dark Hood to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3750 GP.

 Diamond Helm
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +27
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +18
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Steal From: Dante
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Diamond Helm to fight Chupon for an Elixir, bet a Crystal
            Helm for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 4000 GP.

 Genji Helmet
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +36
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +38
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Daryl's Tomb
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Genji Helmet to fight Fortis for a Crystal Helm, bet a Regal
            Crown for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Gold Helmet
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +22
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +15
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Edgar, Mog, Terra
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack), Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gold Helmet to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader (Yellow), Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
 NOTE: Sells for 2000 GP.

 Green Beret
 Game Description: Raises HP a little
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +19
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +13
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Serpent Trench, Kohlingen
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Maranda, Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Kohlingen, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Steal From: Joker
 Win From: Telstar
 Colosseum: Bet a Green Beret to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP. Raises maximum HP by 12.5%.

 Hair Band
 Game Description: Raises HP a little
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +12
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +8
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Relm, Terra
 Location (WoB): Celes has this equipped when you first recruit her
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Hair Band to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 75 GP.

 Head Band
 Game Description: Raises HP a little
 Vigor: +3
 Defense: +16
 Speed: +1
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +2
 Mag.Def: +10
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Cyan, Gau, Locke, Mog, Sabin, Shadow
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Kohlingen, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Iron Fist
 Win From: Dadaluma
 Colosseum: Bet a Head Band to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 800 GP.

 Iron Helmet
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +18
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +12
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Gau, Locke, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Nikeah, Narshe (before getting the Blackjack
                       only), Kohlingen
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: HeavyArmor
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Iron Helmet to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 500 GP.

 Leather Hat
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +11
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +7
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Sabin, and Terra have this equipped when
                 you first recruit them
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Leather Hat to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 25 GP.

 Magus Hat
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +15
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +16
 Mag.Pow: +5
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Gogo, Mog, Relm, Strago, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack), Nikeah,
                       Mobliz, Kohlingen
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Magus Hat to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 300 GP.

 Mithril Helm
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +20
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +13
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Gau, Gogo, Locke, Setzer, Shadow, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Maranda, Tzen, Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mithril Helm to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Chaser, Drop, Dueller, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc, Iron Hitman,
        Junk, M-TekArmor, Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader (Red), Mag Roader
        (Brown), PlutoArmor, Pipsqueak, Sky Cap, Sky Base, Sky Armor, Telstar,
        Tomb Thumb, Trapper
 NOTE: Sells for 1000 GP.

 Mystery Veil
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +24
 Speed: +1
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +25
 Mag.Pow: +3
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Relm, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mystery Veil to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2750 GP.

 Oath Veil
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +32
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +31
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Relm, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Oath Veil to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 4500 GP.

 Plumed Hat
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +14
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +9
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Relm and Strago have this equipped when you first recruit them
 Location (WoR): Gogo has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Purchasable At (WoB): Merchant that rides on the Chocobo outside Gau's
                       father's house, Mobliz, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Merchant
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Plumed Hat to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 125 GP.

 Red Cap
 Game Description: Raises HP by 1/4
 Vigor: +4
 Defense: +24
 Speed: +3
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +2
 Mag.Def: +17
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Mt. Zozo, Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Red Cap to fight Rhyos for a Coronet
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Raises max HP by 25%.

 Regal Crown
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: +1
 Defense: +28
 Speed: +1
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +1
 Mag.Def: +23
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Edgar, Sabin
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Figaro Castle
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Regal Crown to fight Opinicus for a Genji Helmet, bet a
            Coronet for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: Thorns inflict pain
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +38
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Hidon
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Thornlet to fight Opinicus for a Mirage Vest, bet the Force
            Shld for this
 Morph: Didalos, Siegfried, SrBehemoth, Veteran
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Whoever wears this helmet will have the Seizure status
       aliment inflicted on him/her.

 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +22
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +20
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Relm, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack), Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Tiara to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP.

 Tiger Mask
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: +3
 Defense: +21
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +1
 Mag.Def: +13
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gau, Sabin
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: Ralph
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Tiger Mask to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1250 GP.

 Game Description: ??? if equipped while an Imp
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +42
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +42
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: Water
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: TumbleWeed
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Titanium to fight Brachosaur for a Cat Hood, bet the
            TortoiseShld for this
 Morph: Cactrot, Pugs, Pug
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This helmet is weak when you equip it normally, but if
       you are turned into an Imp, this helmet's defense increases by a wide
       margin, teaches Imp at an x1 learn rate.

 | 14. Armors                                                           |

 This section will list every armor in this game, as well as who can equip
 them, what they do, etc. Credit goes to Atom Edge's awesome Item FAQ for most
 of the information you'll find here, which would've taken me weeks, months
 even, to find out normally.

 NOTE: To find the armor you are looking for easily, hold CTRL and press F to
       bring up a search engine. In that search engine, type the name of the
       armor you're looking for, then press Enter.

 Game Description: Made of Behemoth hide
 Vigor: +6
 Defense: +94
 Speed: +6
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +6
 Mag.Def: +73
 Mag.Pow: +6
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm, Strago
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: SrBehemoth
 Colosseum: Bet a BehemothSuit to fight Outsider for a Snow Muffler
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Chocobo Suit
 Game Description: Feel like a chocobo!
 Vigor: +3
 Defense: +56
 Speed: +6
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +2
 Mag.Def: +38
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: Poison
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm, Strago
 Location (WoB): Crescent Mountain
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Vindr
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Chocobo Suit to fight Veteran for a Moogle Suit, bet a Tabby
            Suit for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Cotton Robe
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +32
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +21
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago, Terra
 Location (WoB): Strago has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Cotton Robe to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 100 GP.

 Crystal Mail
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +72
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +49
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Daryl's Tomb
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Crystal Mail to fight Covert for an Ice Shld
 Morph: Blue Dragon, Dirt Dragon, Gold Dragon, Ice Dragon, ProtoArmor, Red
        Dragon, Skull Dragon, Wirey Dragon
 NOTE: Sells for 8500 GP.

 Czarina Gown
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: +1
 Defense: +70
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +2
 Mag.Def: +64
 Mag.Pow: +3
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Daryl's Tomb
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Czarina Gown to fight Sky Base for a Minerva, bet the Minerva
            for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Dark Gear
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +68
 Speed: +6
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +46
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gau, Gogo, Locke, Sabin, Setzer, Shadow
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor, Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Dark Gear to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 6500 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +70
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +47
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Kohlingen, South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a DiamondArmor to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 7500 GP.

 Diamond Vest
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +65
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +44
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Gau, Gogo, Locke, Mog, Sabin, Setzer,
                Shadow, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Thamasa, South Figaro, Kohlingen, Nikeah
 Steal From: Buffalax, PowerDemon
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Diamond Vest to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 6000 GP.

 Force Armor
 Game Description: Mag Def up
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +69
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +68
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +30%
 50% Dmg: Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Fanatics' Tower, Kefka's Tower
 Steal From: Guardian (Kefka's Tower)
 Win From: Storm Dragon
 Colosseum: Bet a Force Armor to fight SrBehemoth for a Force Armor
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Gaia Gear
 Game Description: Absorbs Earth-elemental attack
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +53
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +43
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: Absorb
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Gau, Gogo, Locke, Mog, Relm, Sabin, Setzer, Shadow,
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah, South Figaro
 Steal From: Baskervor, Latimeria
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gaia Gear to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3000 GP.

 Genji Armor
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: +5
 Defense: +90
 Speed: +3
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +2
 Mag.Def: +80
 Mag.Pow: +3
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Zone Eater Dungeon
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Genji Armor to fight Borras for an Air Anchor, bet the Nutkin
            Suit for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Gold Armor
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +55
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +37
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Mog, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Chimera
 Colosseum: Bet a Gold Armor to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Io, Leathal Wpn, Mag Roader, Rider, Scullion, Spit Fire
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP.

 Imp's Armor
 Game Description: ??? if equipped while an Imp
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +100
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +100
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: Water
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Tyranosaur
 Win From: Sprinter
 Colosseum: Bet an Imp's Armor to fight Rhyos for a TortoiseShld
 Morph: Cactrot, Pug, Pugs
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If this armor is equipped normally, it's weak, but when
       you are turned into an Imp, the Defense and Magic Defense is raised by a
       wide margin, teaches Imp at an x1 learn rate.

 Iron Armor
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +40
 Speed: -2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +27
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): South Figaro (basement)
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Nikeah, Kohlingen, Narshe (only before getting
                       the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Iron Armor to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 350 GP.

 Kung Fu Suit
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +34
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +23
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gau, Locke, Sabin, Shadow
 Location (WoB): Sabin has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Kung Fu Suit to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 125 GP.

 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +28
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +19
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Gau, Gogo, Locke, Mog, Relm, Setzer,
                Shadow, Strago, Terra
 Location (WoB): Cyan, Edgar, Locke, and Terra have this equipped when you
                 first recruit them
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a LeatherArmor to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 75 GP.

 Light Robe
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +60
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +43
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Light Robe to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5500 GP.

 Game Description: Raises MP by 1/4
 Vigor: +1
 Defense: +88
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +1
 Mag.Def: +70
 Mag.Pow: +4
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: Earth, Pearl, Poison, Water
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Pugs, Goddess
 Win From: Pugs
 Colosseum: Bet a Minerva to fight Pug for a Czarina Gown, bet a Czarina Gown
            for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Raises maximum MP by 25%.

 Mirage Vest
 Game Description: Creates illusion of wearer
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +48
 Speed: +6
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +36
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mirage Vest to fight Vectagoyle for a Red Jacket, bet a
            Thornlet for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When you equip this on a party member, that party member
       has Image inflicted on him/her.

 Mithril Mail
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +51
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +34
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Cyan, Edgar, Locke, Setzer, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Maranda, Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: ProtoArmor
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mithril Mail to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Chaser, Dueller, Drop, Fortis, Garm, HeavyArmor, Innoc, IronHitman,
        Junk, Mag Roader (Purple), Mag Roader (Brown). Mag Roader (Red), M-
        TekArmor, PlutoArmor, Pipsqueak, Sky Armor, Sky Base, Sky Cap, Trapper,
        Tomb Thumb, Telstar
 NOTE: Sells for 1750 GP.

 Mithril Vest
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +45
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +30
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Setzer has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): Gogo has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Tzen, Maranda, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Commando, Rider
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Mithril Vest to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 600 GP.

 Moogle Suit
 Game Description: Be a moogle! Kupo!!
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +58
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +52
 Mag.Pow: +5
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: Poison
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm, Strago
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Owzer's House
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Dahling, SoulDancer
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Moogle Suit to fight Madam for a Nutkin Suit, bet a Chocobo
            Suit for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Ninja Gear
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +47
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +32
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gau, Gogo, Locke, Sabin, Setzer, Shadow
 Location (WoB): Shadow has this equipped when you first recruit him
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Tzen, Vector
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Ninja Gear to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 550 GP.

 Nutkin Suit
 Game Description: A squirrel costume
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +86
 Speed: +7
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +67
 Mag.Pow: +3
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm, Strago
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Nightshade
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Nutkin Suit to fight Opinicus for a Genji Armor
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Power Sash
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: +5
 Defense: +52
 Speed: +1
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +5
 Mag.Def: +35
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Cyan, Gau, Locke, Sabin, Shadow
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack), Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah, Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Power Sash to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 5000 GP.

 Red Jacket
 Game Description: Houses a legendary grappler's spirit
 Vigor: +5
 Defense: +78
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +4
 Mag.Def: +55
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: Fire
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Edgar, Sabin
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Zone Eater Dungeon
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Poltrgeist
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Red Jacket to fight Vectagoyle for a Red Jacket, bet the
            Mirage Vest for this, bet the Bone Club for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Silk Robe
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +39
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +29
 Mag.Pow: +1
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Gogo, Mog, Relm, Strago, Terra
 Location (WoB): Relm has this equipped when you first recruit her
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Kohlingen, Nikeah, Narshe (only before getting the
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Silk Robe to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 300 GP.

 Snow Muffler
 Game Description: How cozy!
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +128
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +90
 Mag.Pow: N/A
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: Fire
 Absorb: Ice
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gau, Mog, Umaro (Umaro has this automatically equipped, and it
                is unremovable)
 Location (WoB): Umaro has this equipped when you first recruit him, though it
                 is unremovable
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Snow Muffler to fight Retainer for a Charm Bangle, bet the
            BehemouthSuit for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Tabby Suit
 Game Description: Resembles a tabby cat
 Vigor: +2
 Defense: +54
 Speed: +2
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: +2
 Mag.Def: +36
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: Poison
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Relm, Strago
 Location (WoB): Crescent Mountain
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Wild Cat
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Tabby Suit to fight Vectaur for a Chocobo Suit
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Tao Robe
 Game Description: Resembles a tabby cat
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +68
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +50
 Mag.Pow: +5
 MEvade%: +10%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm, Strago
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Maranda
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Tao Robe to fight Test Rider for a Tao Robe
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 6500 GP.

 White Dress
 Game Description: N/A
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +47
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: +35
 Mag.Pow: +5
 MEvade%: 0%
 50% Dmg: N/A
 Absorb: N/A
 No Effect: N/A
 Weak Point: N/A
 Equippable By: Celes, Relm, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Vector, Tzen, Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a White Dress to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1100 GP.

 | 15. Relics                                                           |

 This section will list every armor in this game, as well as who can equip
 them, what they do, etc. Credit goes to Atom Edge's awesome Item FAQ for most
 of the information you'll find here, which would've taken me weeks, months
 even, to find out normally.

 NOTE: To find the relic you are looking for easily, hold CTRL and press F to
       bring up a search engine. In that search engine, type the name of the
       relic you're looking for, then press Enter.

 Game Description: Protects against "Poison", "Dark", "Zombie"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Steal From: Ing, Orog, Speck
 Win From: Orog, PowerDemon
 Colosseum: Bet an Amulet to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP.

 Atlas Armlet
 Game Description: Raises fight damage
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Mt. Koltz
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Jidoor
 Steal From: HadesGigas
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Atlas Armlet to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP.

 Back Guard
 Game Description: Evades "Back attack" and "Pincer attack"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Castle, Imperial Base
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: Misfit
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Back Guard to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP.

 Barrier Ring
 Game Description: Casts "Shell" when HP is low
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +2
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Camp (behind tent that contains MithrilGlove and the
                 monster-in-a-box chest that houses Telstar)
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Jidoor, Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Harvester
 Colosseum: Bet a Barrier Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP.

 Game Description: Randomly evades enemies' attacks
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +20%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Doma Castle
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Beads to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2000 GP.

 Black Belt
 Game Description: Randomly counterattacks when attacked
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack), Thamasa, Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Leader
 Colosseum: Bet a Black Belt to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP.

 Blizzard Orb
 Game Description: Equip on sasquatch, and...
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: +5
 MEvade%: 0%
 Absorb: Ice
 No Effect: Fire
 Equippable By: Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Ancient Castle
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Blizzard Orb to fight Allosaurus for a Rage Ring, bet the
            Rage Ring for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, this allows Umaro use the attack 'Storm',
       which is an MT attack.

 Charm Bangle
 Game Description: Encounter fewer random enemies
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Castle
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Charm Bangle to fight Retainer for a Dragon Horn, bet the
            Snow Muffler for this, bet the Relic Ring for this, bet the Moogle
            Charm for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If you get enough points by doing the rights things at
       the Imperial Banquet, this is one of the items you'll receive from one
       of Gestahl's men before you leave.

 Cherub Down
 Game Description: Casts "Float"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Base
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor
 Steal From: Ninja
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Cherub Down to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3150 GP. You can also buy this at the Auction House in Jidoor
       (WoB only) for 10000 GP. Also, this Relic inflicts Float on the wearer.

 Coin Toss
 Game Description: Changes "Slot" into "GP Rain"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Setzer
 Location (WoB): Cave to the Sealed Gate
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Coin Toss to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, Setzer's (or Gogo's) Slot becomes GP Rain
       in battle. GP Rain uses your GP to attack a target, though it does very
       low damage.

 Crystal Orb
 Game Description: Raises MP by 1/2
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Atma (Kefka's Tower), MagiMaster
 Win From: Gold Dragon
 Colosseum: Bet the Crystal Orb to fight Borras for a Gold Hairpin, bet the
            Muscle Belt for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Raises maximum MP by 50%.

 Cure Ring
 Game Description: Casts "Regen"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Base
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah, South Figaro, Thamasa
 Steal From: Apokryphos
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Cure Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: Chupon, Critic, White Dragon
 NOTE: Sells for 4000 GP. This Relic inflicts Regen on the wearer.

 Cursed Ring
 Game Description: Is cursed
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Cursed Ring to fight Steroidite for an Air Anchor
 Morph: Didalos, SrBehemoth, Siegfried, Veteran
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This Relic inflicts Condemned on the wearer. By the way,
       regardless of what _anybody_ says, you CAN'T uncurse the Cursed Ring and
       make into the all-powerful, omnipotent, awesome, ever so godly, Paladin
       Ring, teaches X-Zone at an x5 learn rate.

 Czarina Ring
 Game Description: Casts "Safe", "Shell"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Celes, Relm, Terra
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): South Figaro, Thamasa, Nikeah, Jidoor
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Air Force
 Colosseum: Bet a Czarina Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP.

 Dragon Horn
 Game Description: Makes "Jump" continuous
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Phoenix Cave
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Dragon Horn to fight Rhyos for a Gold Hairpin, bet the Charm
            Bangle for this, bet the Safety Bit for this, bet the Economizer
            for this, bet the Gold Hairpin for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: Changes "Fight" into "Jump"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: Harvester, Wirey Drgn, Wyvern
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the DragoonBoots to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 4500 GP. When equipped, Fight becomes Jump in battle. When
       used, Jump allows a party member to jump in the air, temporarily being
       removed out of battle, thus unable to take in any damage, physical or
       magical. When the party member comes down from the air, it'll hit an
       enemy (you can't choose the enemy it hits) for damage. Damage is more
       powerful with spears equipped.

 Game Description: Raises magic damage, More powerful if paired
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): South Figaro (Locke's Scenario), Phantom Train, Narshe
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack), Tzen,
                       Thamasa, Albrook, Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook
 Steal From: Brainpan, Veteran
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Earrings to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP.

 Game Description: Cuts MP consumed to 1
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Aquila
 Win From: Brachosaur
 Colosseum: Bet an Economizer to fight Vectagoyle for a Dragon Horn, bet the
            Gem Box for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Exp. Egg
 Game Description: Doubles obtained exp.
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone 
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Daryl's Tomb
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet an Exp. Egg to fight Steroidite for a Tintinabar, bet a
            Tintinarbar for this
 Morph: Aquila, Harpy, Harpiai
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Fairy Ring
 Game Description: Protects against "Poison, "Dark"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone 
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack), Nikeah
 Purchasable At (WoR): South Figaro, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Fairy Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 750 GP.

 Game Description: Changes "Sketch" to "Control"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Relm
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Zone Eater Dungeon
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Still Life
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a FakeMustache to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, this Relic changes Sketch into Control in
       battle. Control allows you to choose which attack of the selected target
       that you want to use, rather than having the game make that decision for
       you, like it does with Sketch.

 Gale Hairpin
 Game Description: Raises "Preemptive attack" rate
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Castle
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gale Hairpin to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 4000 GP.

 Game Description: One weapon can be held in 2 hands to increase damage
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: +5
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Returners' Hideout (tell Banon that you will become their last
                 ray of hope to get this)
 Location (WoR): Cave of Umaro, Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gauntlet to fight Vectagoyle for a Thunder Shld
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Gem Box
 Game Description: Changes "Magic" into "X-Magic"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Fanatics' Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gem Box to fight SrBehemoth for an Economizer
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, Magic turns into X-Magic in battle. When
       used X-Magic allows you to use two spells in one turn. If you use Quick
       on the party member that has X-Magic, you can use up to 4 magic spells
       in one turn!

 Genji Glove
 Game Description: Possible to equip each hand with a weapon
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone except for Umaro
 Location (WoB): Returners' Hideout (tell Banon that you won't become their ray
                 of hope three times, and a guard will give you this later on,
                 but take note that you can also talk to one of the guards in
                 the hideout if you decline Banon's offer only once to get this
                 Relic),  Cave to the Sealed Gate
 Location (WoR): Cyan's Soul
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Dragon, Dullahan
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Genji Glove to fight Hemophyte for a Thunder Shld
 Morph: Retainer, Samurai
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Game Description: Protects against "Dark"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Nikeah, South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: Harvester, Madam
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Goggles to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 250 GP.

 Gold Hairpin
 Game Description: Halves MP consumed
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Mt. Zozo. Ancient Castle
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Gold Hairpin to fight Evil Oscar for a Dragon Horn, bet the
            Ribbon for this, bet the Dragon Horn for this, bet the Crystal Orb
            for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If you save Lone Wolf instead of Mog in Narshe in the
       World of Balance, you'll get this.

 Guard Ring
 Game Description: Casts "Safe"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Jidoor, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Guard Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP. When equipped, this Relic inflicts Safe on the

 Hero Ring
 Game Description: Raises fight and magic damage
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Future Colosseum
 Location (WoR): Figaro Cave (if you didn't open the chest that contained the
                 Thunder Rod in the World of Balance), Zone Eater Dungeon,
                 Kefka's Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Hero Ring to fight Rhyos for a Pod Bracelet, bet the Pod
            Bracelet for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This is also auctioned off in the Auction House in
       Jidoor (WoR) only for 50000 GP.

 Hyper Wrist
 Game Description: Raises fight and magic damage
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): South Figaro (secret room south of where Celes is imprisoned),
                 Narshe (when you come back on your second visit)
 Location (WoR): Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: Chimera
 Win From: Specter
 Colosseum: Bet a Hyper Wrist to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 4000 GP. Raises Vigor by 50%. If you equip two Hyper Wrists,
       nothing happens to your Vigor, you nosy kid you.

 Jewel Ring
 Game Description: Protects against "Dark", "Petrify"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack), South Figaro
 Location (WoR): Albrook, Thamasa, Tzen
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Dadaluma
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Jewel Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 500 GP.

 Marvel Shoes
 Game Description: Creates various effects
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Marvel Shoes to fight Tyranosaur for a Tintinabar, bet a
            Rename Card for this
 Morph: SoulDancer, SlamDancer, Tap Dancer
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, this Relic inflicts Shell, Safe, Regen,
       and Haste on the wearer.

 Memento Ring
 Game Description: Departed mom's love protects against fatal magic attacks
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Relm, Shadow
 Location (WoB): Thamasa (Strago's house, upstairs on left side of wall), Relm
                 has this equipped when you first recruit her
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Wrexsoul
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Memento Ring to fight Chupon for a Memento Ring
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. The wearer is protected from Zombie, Petrify, and Death
       when this Relic is equipped.

 Merit Award
 Game Description: Allows heavy armor, etc. to be equipped
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Merit Award to fight Covert for a Rename Card, bet a Cat Hood
            for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This Relic is unique in that it allows party members to
       equip certain things they normally couldn't. You can't equip EVERY item,
       but you can equip a lot. For example, Gau can equip a Tempest, which
       means he can wield a weapon, if he has this equipped.

 Game Description: Casts "Safe" when HP is low
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Camp
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Jidoor, Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook
 Steal From: Goblin
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a MithrilGlove to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 350 GP. If the wearer's current HP is 12.5% of his/her max HP,
       the Safe status aliment is inflicted on the wearer.

 Moogle Charm
 Game Description: No random enemy encounters
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Mog
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Moogle Lair (after Mog joins your group, examine the wall
                 directly behind where he was standing to get this)
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Moogle Charm to fight Outsider for a Charm Bangle
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP.

 Muscle Belt
 Game Description: Raises HP by 1/2
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Borras
 Win From: Skull Dragon
 Colosseum: Bet a Musle Belt to fight Allosaurus for a Crytsal Orb
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Raises maximum HP by 50%.

 Game Description: Changes "Fight" into "X-Fight"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: KatanaSoul
 Colosseum: Bet an Offering to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. This Relic changes Fight into X-Fight in battle. X-Fight
       allows you to attack four times in a row. Each hit is twice as weak as
       they are normally. Also, even if you select one target out of say, four
       targets in the battle, the party member that has the Offering will
       attack any of the targets that he/she chooses to, rather than the one
       that you targeted. All critical hits and randomly casted magic (e.g.
       from the Illumina) is disabled.

       If you have the DragoonBoots Relic equipped with the Offering, Fight
       will be Jump. Never misses.

 Peace Ring
 Game Description: Protects against "Berserk", "Muddle"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Kefka (Narshe), NeckHunter
 Colosseum: Bet a Peace Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP.

 Pod Bracelet
 Game Description: Casts "Safe", "Shell"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Mines of Narshe (in the easternmost chest in the room with the
                 Save Point, assuming you didn't open the chest in the World of
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Doom Drgn
 Win From: WrexSoul
 Colosseum: Bet a Pod Bracelet to fight Hemophyte for a Hero Ring, bet the Hero
            Ring for this
 Morph: Chupon, Critic, White Dragon
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. The wearer of this Relic automatically has Safe and
       Shell inflicted on them.

 Rage Ring
 Game Description: Equip on sasquatch, and...
 Vigor: +5
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Absorb: Fire
 No Effect: Lightning
 Equippable By: Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Cave in the Veldt
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Rage Ring to fight Allosaurus for a Blizzard Orb, bet the
            Blizzard Orb for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, Umaro will sometimes throw one of your
       party members at enemy to cause good phyiscal damage. He can also jump
       to the enemy to cause damage.

 Relic Ring
 Game Description: Makes body cold
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Umaro
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Owzer's House
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Relic Ring to fight Sky Base for a Charm Bangle
 Morph: Didalos, Siegfried, SrBehemoth, Veteran
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, Umaro will have the same characteristics
       as an undead enemy would have.

 Game Description: Protects from status aliments
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): South Figaro (basement)
 Location (WoR): Phoenix Cave, Moogle Lair (if you didn't open the chest that
                 contained the Rune Edge in the World of Balance), Kefka's
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Atma (Floating Continent), Brachosaur, Guardian (Kefka's Tower)
 Win From: Barb-e, Dahling, L. 80 Magic, Madam, Pan Dora
 Colosseum: Bet a Ribbon to fight Dark Force for a Gold Hairpin
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. Protects the wearer from the following negative status
       aliments: Berserk, Blind, Imp, Muddle, Mute, Petrify, Poison, Seizure,
       Sleep, and Zombie, even if they are put on automatically (e.g. by the
       Cursed Shld).

 Game Description: Casts "Haste"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): South Figaro (basement), Imperial Base, Zozo
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Tzen, Thamasa, Narshe (only after getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the RunningShoes to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP. The wearer has the Haste status aliment set on them
       by this Relic.

 Safety Bit
 Game Description: Protects against mortal magic attacks
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): Fanatics' Tower
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Doom
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Safety Bit to fight Pug for a Dragon Horn
 Morph: Boxed Set, Critic, Chupon, L.60 Magic, L.90 Magic, Trixter, Woolly,
        White Dragon
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. The wearer is protected from Death, Petrify, and Zombie.

 Sneak Ring
 Game Description: Raises success rate of "Steal"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: +5
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Locke
 Location (WoB): Narshe (in house with the many chests, southeast part of town)
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: Dadaluma, Ursus
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Sneak Ring to fight Tap Dancer for a Thief Glove
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP. The success rate of Steal is doubled when you equip
       this Relic.

 Sniper Sight
 Game Description: Ensures 100% "Fight" hit rate
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Phantom Train
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Albrook, Jidoor, Thamasa, Narshe (only before getting
                       the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Tzen
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Sniper Sight to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1500 GP. Allows you to never miss with a physical attack.

 Sprint Shoes
 Game Description: Allows person to sprint
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Merchant that rides on the Chocobo outside Gau's
                       father's house, South Figaro, Thamasa, Returners'
                       Hideout, Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack)
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet the Sprint Shoes to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 750 GP. When equipped, this Relic allows you to walk 2x faster
       than you normally would in every area except for towns. This doesn't let
       you go faster on the World Map, and you only need to equip one to make
       all the party members currently in your party walk faster.

 Star Pendant
 Game Description: Protects against "Poison"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Camp
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): South Figaro, Nikeah
 Purchasable At (WoR): South Figaro
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Star Pendant to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 500 GP.

 Thief Glove
 Game Description: Changes "Steal" to "Capture"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Gogo, Locke
 Location (WoB): Zozo
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: Scrapper
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Thief Glove to fight Harpy for a Dirk, bet a Sneak Ring for
            this, bet a ThiefKnife for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. When equipped, Steal turns into Capture in battle.
       Capture allows you to attack with a phyiscal attack, and use Steal at
       the same time. Also, this Relic negates most weapons' special

 Game Description: Recovers HP with each step
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): N/A
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): N/A
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: Pug
 Colosseum: Bet a Tintinabar to fight Dark Force for an Exp. Egg, bet an Exp.
            Egg for this, bet a Megalixir for this, bet the Marvel Shoes for
 Morph: Spek Tor, Stray Cat, Wild Cat
 NOTE: Sells for 1 GP. If you send letters for Lola's boyfriend in Mobliz (WoB 
       only), then eventually, after he realizes you've been sending letters
       for him, will give this to you, if you do good at the banquet with
       Gestahl, you get this as a reward.

 True Knight
 Game Description: Protects party members who are low on HP
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Returners' Hideout
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Jidoor, Narshe (only before getting the Blackjack),
                       South Figaro
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a True Knight to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 500 GP. When a party members gets down to 12.5% of his/her max
       HP, whoever has this Relic on will stand in front of that party member
       and take damage for them whenever the wounded party member is about to
       be attacked.

 Wall Ring
 Game Description: Casts "Rflect"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: 0%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Narshe (house with many chests, southeast part of town),
                 Imperial Base
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Thamasa, Albrook, Narshe (only after getting the
 Purchasable At (WoR): Albrook, South Figaro, Thamasa
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Wall Ring to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3000 GP. The wearer automatically has Reflect on them with
       this Relic equipped.

 White Cape
 Game Description: Protects against "Imp", "Mute"
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: 0%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Returners' Hideout (see walkthrough, since it is very well
 Location (WoR): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoB): Mobliz, Nikeah
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: Ultros (Crescent Mountain)
 Win From: Ceritops, Kiwok
 Colosseum: Bet a White Cape to fight Chupon for an Elixir
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 2500 GP.

 Zephyr Cape
 Game Description: Dodges attacks more easily
 Vigor: 0
 Defense: 0
 Speed: 0
 Evade %: +10%
 Stamina: 0
 Mag.Def: 0
 Mag.Pow: 0
 MEvade%: +10%
 Equippable By: Everyone
 Location (WoB): Imperial Magitek Research Facility
 Location (WoR): Zone Eater Dungeon
 Purchasable At (WoB): N/A
 Purchasable At (WoR): Nikeah
 Steal From: N/A
 Win From: N/A
 Colosseum: Bet a Zephyr Cape to fight Chupon for an Elixir, bet an Air Anchor
            for this
 Morph: N/A
 NOTE: Sells for 3500 GP. Also, this is up for auction in the Auction House in
       Jidoor (WoR only) for 10000 GP.

 | 16. Colosseum                                                        |

 This section will list each item that you can bet in the Colosseum, and what
 you get for betting them, as well as who you fight when you do bet an item.
 This will also include strategies for the enemies here, bet ONLY for the very
 difficult ones (e.g. Chupon). Also, in the Colosseum, you have NO control over
 your party member whatsoever; they attack automatically, as if they are in
 Berserk mode.

 The only difference is, they can use magic or physical attacks, whereas
 Berserk is limited to physicals. Also, if Relm or Cyan wanted to use Sketch
 and SwdTech, they could without you controlling it (this applies to every
 other party member with a special ability, too). Also, if you wager an item
 and have to fight Chupon, if you lose (very likely), you'll keep the item you
 wagered, but you won't win the Elixir from Chupon, either.

 Take note that out of the 255 items in the game, approximately 150 can be
 wagered for an Elixir. In other words, over half the time, you'll be fighting
 Chupon if you don't know what to wager. That's where this list comes in. If
 you lose to an opponent aside from Chupon, you lose the item you wagered, so
 ALWAYS, and I repeat, ALWAYS save your game before betting. That way, if you
 lose your item, you can always reset and try again.

 Items You Can Bet


 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Antidote                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Dried Meat                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Echo Screen                Elixir                              Chupon
 Elixir                     Rename Card                         Cactrot
 Ether                      Elixir                              Chupon
 Eyedrop                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Fenix Down                 Magicite                            Cactrot
 Green Cherry               Elixir                              Chupon
 Magicite                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Megalixir                  Tintinabar                          Siegfried
 Potion                     Elixir                              Chupon
 Remedy                     Elixir                              Chupon
 Rename Card                Marvel Shoes                        Doom Drgn
 Revivify                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Sleeping Bag               Elixir                              Chupon
 Smoke Bomb                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Soft                       Elixir                              Chupon
 Super Ball                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Tent                       Elixir                              Chupon
 Tincture                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Tonic                      Elixir                              Chupon
 X-Ether                    Elixir                              Chupon
 X-Potion                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Warp Stone                 Elixir                              Chupon

 Weapons (Dirks)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Air Lancet                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Assassin                   SwordBreaker                        Test Rider
 Blossom                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Dirk                       Elixir                              Chupon
 Graedus                    Dirk                                Karkass
 Guardian                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Hardened                   Murasame                            Phase
 Imperial                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Kodachi                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Man Eater                  Elixir                              Chupon
 MithrilKnife               Elixir                              Chupon
 Striker                    Striker                             Chupon/Shadow
 Stunner                    Strato                              Test Rider
 SwordBreaker               Elixir                              Chupon
 ThiefKnife                 Thief Glove                         Wart Puck
 ValiantKnife               Assassin                            Woolly

 Weapons (Swords)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Atma Weapon                Graedus                             SrBehemoth
 Blizzard                   Ogre Nix                            Scullion
 Break Blade                Break Blade                         Lethal Wpn
 Crystal                    Enhancer                            Borras
 Drainer                    Drainer                             Enuo
 Enhancer                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Epee                       Elixir                              Chupon
 Excalibur                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Falchion                   Flame Shld                          Outsider
 Flame Sabre                Ogre Nix                            Evil Oscar
 Illumina                   Scimitar                            Scullion
 MithrilBlade               Elixir                              Chupon
 Ogre Nix                   Soul Sabre                          SrBehemoth
 Ragnarok                   Illumina                            Didalos
 RegalCutlass               Elixir                              Chupon
 Rune Edge                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Scimitar                   Ogre Nix                            Covert
 Soul Sabre                 Falchion                            Opinicus
 ThunderBlade               Ogre Nix                            Steroidite

 Weapons (Lances)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Aura Lance                 Sky Render                          Land Worm
 Gold Lance                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Imp Halberd                Cat Hood                            Allosaurus
 Mithril Pike               Elixir                              Chupon
 Partisan                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Pearl Lance                Strato                              Sky Base
 Stout Spear                Elixir                              Chupon
 Trident                    Elixir                              Chupon

 Weapons (Knives)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Ashura                     Elixir                              Chupon
 Aura                       Strato                              Rhyos
 Forged                     Elixir                              Chupon
 Kotetsu                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Murasame                   Aura                                Borras
 Strato                     Pearl Lance                         Aquila
 Sky Render                 Aura Lance                          Scullion
 Tempest                    Elixir                              Chupon

 Weapons (Rods)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Fire Rod                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Gravity Rod                Elixir                              Chupon
 Heal Rod                   Magus Rod                           Pug
 Ice Rod                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Magus Rod                  Strato                              Allosaurus
 Mithril Rod                Elixir                              Chupon
 Pearl Rod                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Poison Rod                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Punisher                   Gravity Rod                         Opinicus
 Thunder Rod                Elixir                              Chupon

 Weapons (Brushes)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Chocobo Brsh               Elixir                              Chupon
 DaVinci Brsh               Elixir                              Chupon
 Magical Brsh               Elixir                              Chupon
 Rainbow Brsh               Gravity Rod                         Test Rider

 Weapons (Ninja Stars)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Ninja Star                 Tack Star                           Chaos Drgn
 Shuriken                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Tack Star                  Rising Star                         Opinicus

 Weapons (Special Weapons)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Bone Club                  Red Jacket                          Test Rider
 Boomerang                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Flail                      Elixir                              Chupon
 Full Moon                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Hawk Eye                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Morning Star               Elixir                              Chupon
 Rising Star                Bone Club                           Allosaurus
 Sniper                     Bone Club                           Borras
 Wing Edge                  Sniper                              Rhyos

 Weapons (Gambler)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Cards                      Elixir                              Chupon
 Darts                      Elixir                              Chupon
 Dice                       Elixir                              Chupon
 Doom Darts                 Bone Club                           Opinicus
 Fixed Dice                 Fire Knuckle                        Trixter
 Trump                      Trump                               Allosaurus

 Weapons (Claws)

 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Dragon Claw                Sniper                              Test Rider
 Fire Knuckle               Fire Knuckle                        TumbleWeed
 Kaiser                     Elixir                              Chupon
 MetalKnuckle               Elixir                              Chupon
 Mithril Claw               Elixir                              Chupon
 Poison Claw                Elixir                              Chupon
 Tiger Fangs                Fire Knuckle                        Mantodea


 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Aegis Shld                 TortoiseShld                        Borras
 Buckler                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Crystal Shld               Elixir                              Chupon
 Cursed Shld                Cursed Ring                         Didalos
 Diamond Shld               Elixir                              Chupon
 Flame Shld                 Ice Shld                            IronHitman
 Force Shld                 Thornlet                            Dark Force
 Genji Shld                 Thunder Shld                        Retainer
 Gold Shld                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Heavy Shld                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Ice Shld                   Flame Shld                          Innoc
 Mithril Shld               Elixir                              Chupon
 Paladin Shld               Force Shld                          Hemophyte
 Thunder Shld               Genji Shld                          Outsider
 TortoiseShld               Titanium                            Steroidite


 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Bandana                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Bard's Hat                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Beret                      Elixir                              Chupon
 Cat Hood                   Merit Award                         Hoover
 Circlet                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Coronet                    Regal Crown                         Evil Oscar
 Crystal Helm               Diamond Helm                        Dueller
 Dark Hood                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Diamond Helm               Elixir                              Chupon
 Genji Helmet               Crystal Helm                        Fortis
 Gold Helmet                Elixir                              Chupon
 Green Beret                Elixir                              Chupon
 Hair Band                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Head Band                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Iron Helmet                Elixir                              Chupon
 Leather Hat                Elixir                              Chupon
 Magus Hat                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Mithril Helm               Elixir                              Chupon
 Mystery Veil               Elixir                              Chupon
 Oath Veil                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Plumed Hat                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Red Cap                    Coronet                             Rhyos
 Regal Crown                Genji Helmet                        Opinicus
 Thornlet                   Mirage Vest                         Opinicus
 Tiara                      Elixir                              Chupon
 Tiger Mask                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Titanium                   Cat Hood                            Brachosaur


 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 BehemothSuit               Snow Muffler                        Outsider
 Chocobo Suit               Moogle Suit                         Veteran
 Cotton Robe                Elixir                              Chupon
 Crystal Mail               Ice Shld                            Covert
 Czarina Gown               Minerva                             Sky Base
 Dark Gear                  Elixir                              Chupon
 DiamondArmor               Elixir                              Chupon
 Diamond Vest               Elixir                              Chupon
 Force Armor                Force Armor                         SrBehemoth
 Gaia Gear                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Genji Armor                Air Anchor                          Borras
 Gold Armor                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Imp's Armor                TortoiseShld                        Rhyos
 Iron Armor                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Kung Fu Suit               Elixir                              Chupon
 LeatherArmor               Elixir                              Chupon
 Light Robe                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Minerva                    Czarina Gown                        Pug
 Mirage Vest                Red Jacket                          Vectagoyle
 Mithril Mail               Elixir                              Chupon
 Mithril Vest               Elixir                              Chupon
 Moogle Suit                Nutkin Suit                         Madam
 Ninja Gear                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Nutkin Suit                Genji Armor                         Opinicus
 Power Sash                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Red Jacket                 Red Jacket                          Vectagoyle
 Silk Robe                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Snow Muffler               Charm Bangle                        Retainer
 Tabby Suit                 Chocobo Suit                        Vectaur
 Tao Robe                   Tao Robe                            Test Rider
 White Dress                Elixir                              Chupon


 BET ITEM                   ITEM YOU CAN WIN                    ENEMY YOU FIGHT
 Amulet                     Elixir                              Chupon
 Atlas Armlet               Elixir                              Chupon
 Back Guard                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Barrier Ring               Elixir                              Chupon
 Beads                      Elixir                              Chupon
 Black Belt                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Blizzard Orb               Rage Ring                           Allosaurus
 Charm Bangle               Dragon Horn                         Retainer
 Cherub Down                Elixir                              Chupon
 Coin Toss                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Crystal Orb                Gold Hairpin                        Borras
 Cure Ring                  Elixir                              Chupon
 Cursed Ring                Air Anchor                          Steroidite
 Czarina Ring               Elixir                              Chupon
 Dragon Horn                Gold Hairpin                        Rhyos
 DragoonBoots               Elixir                              Chupon
 Earrings                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Economizer                 Dragon Horn                         Vectagoyle
 Exp. Egg                   Tintinabar                          Steroidite
 Fairy Ring                 Elixir                              Chupon
 FakeMustache               Elixir                              Chupon
 Gale Hairpin               Elixir                              Chupon
 Gauntlet                   Thunder Shld                        Vectagoyle
 Gem Box                    Economizer                          SrBehemoth
 Genji Glove                Thunder Shld                        Hemophyte
 Goggles                    Elixir                              Chupon
 Gold Hairpin               Dragon Horn                         Evil Oscar
 Guard Ring                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Hero Ring                  Pod Bracelet                        Rhyos
 Hyper Wrist                Elixir                              Chupon
 Jewel Ring                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Marvel Shoes               Tintinabar                          Tyranosaur
 Memento Ring               Memento Ring                        Chupon
 Merit Award                Rename Card                         Covert
 MithrilGlove               Elixir                              Chupon
 Moogle Charm               Charm Bangle                        Outsider
 Muscle Belt                Crystal Orb                         Allosaurus
 Offering                   Elixir                              Chupon
 Peace Ring                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Pod Bracelet               Hero Ring                           Hemophyte
 Rage Ring                  Blizzard Orb                        Allosaurus
 Relic Ring                 Charm Bangle                        Sky Base
 Ribbon                     Gold Hairpin                        Dark Force
 RunningShoes               Elixir                              Chupon
 Safety Bit                 Dragon Horn                         Pug
 Sneak Ring                 Thief Glove                         Tap Dancer
 Sniper Sight               Elixir                              Chupon
 Sprint Shoes               Elixir                              Chupon
 Star Pendant               Elixir                              Chupon
 Thief Glove                Dirk                                Harpy
 Tintinabar                 Exp. Egg                            Dark Force
 True Knight                Elixir                              Chupon
 Wall Ring                  Elixir                              Chupon
 White Cape                 Elixir                              Chupon
 Zephyr Cape                Elixir                              Chupon


 Here is a list of strategies for some of the toughest enemies in the Colosseum
 that you will face. If you think there should be an enemy here that isn't
 listed, e-mail me and we'll see about getting into this FAQ. ;)

 Also, if you feel like some of the strategies are lacking (in other words, if
 you have a suggestion), feel free to e-mail me. I don't ignore anyone, by the
 way, I just forget to check my e-mail a lot, so be patient.

 Strategy: Chupon is ONE tough customer, to be honest. Not only does he have a
           whole plethora of HP (50305), but well over half the time, he will
           use Sneeze and knock you of battle. You don't lose the item you
           wagered before you fought Chupon if you lose, but you don't get
           anything for losing, either. Chupon is vulnerable to one thing
           (aside from Ice, of course), and that's Stop.

           Since there is a VERY low possibility that one of your party members
           will use Stop on Chupon when you fight him, much less Ice 3, the
           best way to defeat Chupon is to equip Shadow with the Stunner, as
           well as the RunningShoes Relic. With Haste on, Shadow stands a
           chance of getting to attack Chupon before Chupon can Sneeze. It may
           also help to equip Shadow with an Atlas Armlet or a Black Belt (I
           would prefer the Black Belt, but that's just me).

           The only thing you really can do is fight Chupon with Shadow at a
           very high level, and pray that Shadow keeps using Fight to stun
           Chupon, and that he doesn't do anything foolish to cause you to
           lose, although you'll most likely lose against Chupon. I'm afraid
           that's just a fact of life my friend. Tsk tsk. 'Tis a shame, but I
           am afraid it's true. :(

           One more thing you COULD do to win is equip Shadow with an Offering
           Relic to go along with the RunningShoes Relic.

 Strategy: The fight against Outsider can be quite hard, especially in the very
           beginning of the World of Ruin. The first thing you should do is
           give Setzer a Genji Glove and a Black Belt, and give him two Trump
           weapons. This is the best way to beat him, and the way that I
           recommend to you. Now, when you fight him, hope Setzer attacks with
           his phyiscal attacks.  If he does, the Trump weapons have a chance
           to instantly kill Outsider.

           Since he is not immune to ID (Instant-death) attacks, he will die if
           you happen to connect with an instant-death attack from the Trump
           weapons. Not only does Outsider use Ruin (an ID attack that is
           guaranteed to kill you if it connets), he uses X-Zone, which is also
           guaranteed to kill you if it hits. You can't protect yourself from
           these two attacks, so you'll just have to pray that the Trumps
           connect with an ID attack.

           Outsider attacks with Ninja Stars and Tack Stars, so be prepared to
           take some very hefty damage. Overall, this is one hard fight.

 Strategy: Siegfried could possibly be the hardest enemy you face in the
           Colosseum. He has extremely high HP, has a 1 in 4 chance of using
           HyperDrive, an unblockable attack that also ignores defense (it is
           so powerful that it deals about 7000 damage), and he also knows the
           deadly Shrapnel attack. What I recommend is coming in with a high
           level party member equipped with any of these items: DragoonBoots,
           Dragon Horn, Marvel Shoes, Stunner, Merit Award (if the character is
           not Shadow), and some speed-boosting equipment.

           What you want to do is jump on Siegfried with the Stunner on to try
           and cast Stop on him. If you succeed, he will be stopped, and you
           could potentially kill him while he is in Stop.

           NOTE: This startegy came from mnrogar's Colosseum FAQ, found on

 Pug: Pug is an extremely hard enemy to defeat, especially at low levels. He
      attacks with Step Mine most of the time, which could deal anywhere
      between 1000-2000, depending on how many steps you have taken (it usually
      hurts me around 1700), and it's unblockable to boot. So, what to do, you
      ask? Worry not, for I shall tell you. An easy way to win against Pug,
      even at a low level, is to come in with a party member with 255 Defense,
      and either a Ribbon equipped, or a Jewel Ring equipped.

      The reason why is because those Relics prevent Pug from casting Break on
      you. If you can't survive Step Mine because of lack of high HP (Pug will
      counterattack with it everytime you kill him), equip a Green Beret, Red
      Cap, or a Muscle Belt, as those will help. If you have just like 1000 HP,
      even with those equipped, you better not have taken but 3000 steps or you
      are dead. Pug won't use Step Mine with his MP depleted, however.

      Oh, looks like we're onto something here, now doesn't it? You wanna know
      how to drain his MP, hmm? Well, you have to make him waste it by making
      him cast Break over and over. To do this, you have to hold down the L and
      R buttons to make your character try and run away (even though you are
      unable to run from battles in the Colosseum), so that your character will
      not attack Pug, but instead will trigger a counter.

      It'll take a pretty long time for Pug's MP to deplete, so a good idea is
      to use tape on the L and R buttons, and go play another video game, go
      online, look at some pr0n (XD, just joking), anything, while you are

      NOTE: This stragety came from mnrogar's Colosseum FAQ, found on

 | 17. Rages                                                            |

 This section will list all of the Rages that Gau can obtain in this game. Not
 only that, but this section will go into explicit detail about the Veldt, the
 Rages Gau can learn, the ones that can and can't be used because they aren't
 stored in the game, etc. Basically, this is the place you come to if you want
 to learn about Rages and the Veldt. There are a total of 255 Rages in this
 game, but 3 of them can't be learned except with the use of a cheat device,
 such as Game Genie.

 These three Rages are Chupon, Siegfried, and Allo Ver. Gau can't learn those 3
 Rages without some sort of cheat device. Since this is such a large section,
 it is advised that you use CTRL + F, and type in what you are looking for.

 IMPORTANT NOTE: Some Rages cause Gau to obtain special properties of an enemy.
                 For example, if you use the Brawler Rage, even if you have an
                 Ice Shld on, which causes you to absorb Ice-elemental attacks,
                 since Brawler absorbs Poison, you'll absorb Poison, but not
                 Ice. In other words, the prevailing factor is always the
                 properties of the enemy's Rage you are going to use.

                 Note also that Gogo can use Rages, too, though he can't Leap
                 on the Veldt. Finally, Strago can learn some Lores if Gau uses
                 a Rage that contains one of the Lores (for example, if you use
                 the EarthGuard Rage in battle with Strago with you, he will
                 learn the Big Guard Lore, assuming that Gau uses Big Guard,
                 rather than Battle). In order for Strago to learn a Lore from
                 a Rage, he has to witness the attack, and be alive after the

                 Also, each Rage has two things going for it, aside from
                 elemental properties, etc., of the enemy whos Rage you are
                 using. They are: Battle, which is just a regular physical
                 attack that Gau will sometimes use (more often than not, to be
                 specific). The other is the special move that comes with the
                 Rage (e.g. if Gau doesn't use Battle when you select Trilium,
                 he'll use Bio instead, which is that Rage's special ability).

                 Get it now? It's not that complicated, by any means, and you
                 should be able to get used to it fairly quickly. Also, when
                 either Gau or Gogo use a Rage, you cannot control them until
                 they either die, become petrified, or win a battle, so keep
                 that in mind before you spaz out. Note also that the attacks
                 called "Special" are merely that enemy's special attack.

                 For instance, Stray Cat's attack is listed as Special, but in
                 the game, that attack is not called Special, but Catscratch.
                 If you want to know which Lores Strago can learn from Rages,
                 simply look at the list of his 24 Lores in the Characters
                 section of this FAQ.

 Rage List

 This Rage list lists the enemies in the order that they appear in the game
 data (e.g. with the FF3USME62 editor).

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Fire
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Fire 2
 Special Properties: Safe

 Attack: Water Skean
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Lullaby
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Pearl
 Special Properties: Undead

 Mag Roader
 Attack: Bio
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Attack: Shock
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Bolt 2
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Cure 2
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Rain Man
 Attack: Bolt 3
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Stone
 Special Properties: Berserk

 Attack: L.3 Muddle
 Special Properties: N/A

 Dark Force
 Attack: CleanSweep
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Demi
 Special Properties: Float, Seizure, Undead

 Attack: Elf Fire
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: X-Zone
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Break
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Snare
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Poison
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Net
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Mega Volt
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Blizzard
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Stray Cat
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Blizzard
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Cyclonic
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Aqua Rake
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Aqua Rake
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Meteor
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Step Mine
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Fire Ball
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Sand Storm
 Special Properties: Undead

 White Drgn
 Attack: Pearl
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Doom Drgn
 Attack: N. Cross
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Attack: Disaster
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Meteo
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Dark Wind
 Attack: Break
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Shimsham
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Cyclonic
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Attack: Net
 Special Properties: Safe

 Attack: L.3 Muddle
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Bserk
 Special Properties: Float

 Delta Bug
 Attack: Mega Volt
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Shrapnel
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Bio
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Charm
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Lifeshaver
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Bio
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Safe

 Attack: Flare
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Safe

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Aqua Rake
 Special Properties: Dark

 Reach Frog
 Attack: Slimer
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Break
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Quake
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Sand Storm
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Virite
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: W Wind
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Imp
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Tek Laser
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Sky Armor
 Attack: Tek Laser
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Sonic Boom
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Lethal Wpn
 Attack: Grav Bomb
 Special Properties: Reflect

 Attack: Blaze
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Slimer
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Lifeshaver
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Poison
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Blow Fish
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Slimer
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Blow Fish
 Special Properties: N/A

 Repo Man
 Attack: Exploder
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Haste
 Special Properties: Float, Haste

 Attack: Blaze
 Special Properties: Float

 Still Life
 Attack: Lullaby
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Boxed Set
 Attack: Meteor
 Special Properties: Float, Reflect

 Attack: Ice 2
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Magnitude8
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Break
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Magic Urn
 Attack: Cure 3
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Merton
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Dischord
 Special Properties: Reflect

 Attack: Slow 2
 Special Properties: Seizure

 Attack: Giga Volt
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Bolt 2
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Step Mine
 Special Properties: N/A

 Sand Ray
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Dark

 Sand Horse
 Attack: Sand Storm
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Dark Side
 Attack: Ice 2
 Special Properties: Float, Seizure, Undead

 Mad Oscar
 Attack: Sour Mouth
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Doom
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Wind Slash
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Cure 2
 Special Properties: Safe

 Attack: Wind Slash
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Storm
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Pearl
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Pearl
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Bolt 2
 Special Properties: Float

 Iron Fist
 Attack: Stone
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Bolt 3
 Special Properties: Reflect

 Attack: Imp
 Special Properties: Float, Seizure, Undead

 Attack: Flare
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Doom
 Special Properties: Undead

 Vector Pup
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Haste

 Attack: Pearl Wind
 Special Properties: Seizure

 Sewer Rat
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Cave In
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Life 3
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Attack: Life
 Special Properties: N/A

 Wild Cat
 Attack: Blaster
 Special Properties: N/A

 Red Fang
 Attack: Drain
 Special Properties: N/A

 Bounty Man
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Blizzard
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Stop
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Wart Puck
 Attack: Rasp
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Surge
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Fire 3
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Pearl Wind
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Cyclonic
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Condemned
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Revenge
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Fire 3
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Doom
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Haste2
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Aero
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Shimsham
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Aero
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Attack: Net
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Muddle
 Special Properties: Seizure, Death Protection

 Mind Candy
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Bserk
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Land Slide
 Special Properties: Float

 Toe Cutter
 Attack: Shrapnel
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Over Grunk
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Virite
 Special Properties: Shell, Undead

 Attack: Lifeshaver
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Quake
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Sky Cap
 Attack: Megazerk
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Attack: Remedy
 Special Properties: N/A

 Gigan Toad
 Attack: Slimer
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Break
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Quake
 Special Properties: N/A

 Land Worm
 Attack: Magnitude8
 Special Properties: N/A

 Test Rider
 Attack: Flash Rain
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Tek Laser
 Special Properties: N/A

 Tomb Thumb
 Attack: Step Mine
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Tek Laser
 Special Properties: Safe

 Attack: Plasma
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Dischord
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Pep Up
 Special Properties: Clear, Death Protection, Float, Haste, Shell, Safe

 Attack: Lifeshaver
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Bio
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: CleanSweep
 Special Properties: Seizure, Reflect

 Deep Eye
 Attack: Dread
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Shell
 Special Properties: Haste

 Attack: Imp
 Special Properties: Haste

 Attack: Blaze
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Condemned
 Special Properties: N/A

 Pan Dora
 Attack: Revenge
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Osmose
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Magnitude8
 Special Properties: Safe

 Mag Roader
 Attack: Mute
 Special Properties: Haste, Death Protection

 Spek Tor
 Attack: Blaster
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Giga Volt
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Big Guard
 Special Properties: Seizure

 Attack: Magnitude8
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Giga Volt
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Flash Rain
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Fire
 Special Properties: Undead

 Evil Oscar
 Attack: Bio
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Slimer
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Magnitude8
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Osmose
 Special Properties: Undead

 Allo Ver
 Attack: Quake
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Blow Fish
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Attack: Pearl
 Special Properties: Haste

 Attack: Love Token
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Flash Rain
 Special Properties: Float

 Pm Stalker
 Attack: Drain
 Special Properties: Float, Seizure, Undead

 Attack: Shock Wave
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Sp Forces
 Attack: Safe
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Cure 2
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Demi
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Elf Fire
 Special Properties: Haste, Death Protection

 Attack: Giga Volt
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Attack: Rflect
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Slide
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Stone
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Demi
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Acid Rain
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Imp
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Blizzard
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Attack: Fire
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Scan
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Wind Slash
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Safe

 Attack: Land Slide
 Special Properties: N/A

 Black Drgn
 Attack: Storm
 Special Properties: Seizure, Undead

 Attack: Acid Rain
 Special Properties: Safe, Death Protection

 Attack: L.3 Muddle
 Special Properties: Undead

 Wirey Drgn
 Attack: Cyclonic
 Special Properties: Float, Safe

 Attack: Mega Volt
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Lifeshaver
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Attack: Pep Up
 Special Properties: Shell, Death Protection

 Attack: Bolt 3
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection, Undead

 Attack: Bolt 3
 Special Properties: Haste

 Attack: Exploder
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Vanish
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Meteor
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Poison
 Special Properties: N/A

 Chaos Drgn
 Attack: Disaster
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Spit Fire
 Attack: Tek Laser
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Aqua Rake
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Fire 2
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Shimsham
 Special Properties: Float

 Mag Roader
 Attack: Haste
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Stop
 Special Properties: Float

 Sea Flower
 Attack: Sleep
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Fire Ball
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Poison
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Cyclonic
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Attack: Pep Up
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Raid
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 1st Class
 Attack: Stone
 Special Properties: N/A

 Tap Dancer
 Attack: Slow 2
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Doom
 Special Properties: Float, Undead

 Attack: Revenge
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Mag Roader
 Attack: L.4 Flare
 Special Properties: Haste

 Wild Rat
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Gold Bear
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Virite
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Fire 2
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Red Wolf
 Attack: Special
 Special Properties: Death Protection

 Attack: Merton
 Special Properties: Undead

 Attack: Ice 3
 Special Properties: Float

 Attack: Condemned
 Special Properties: Float, Death Protection

 Sky Base
 Attack: Doom
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Dischord
 Special Properties: N/A

 Attack: Flare Star
 Special Properties: N/A

 Phew, that's all of the 255 Rages in this game my friend. Incase you didn't
 bother to read above, allow me to reiterate; the only three Rages in this game
 that you must use a cheat device (e.g. Game Genie) to get are Chupon, Allo
 Ver, and Siegfried. Also, each Rage comes with an elemental property. For
 example, the Guard Rage makes Gau weak to Poison, even if you have equipment
 that can absorb Poison, or absorb everything (e.g. Paladin Shld).

 For a complete list of all of these elemental properties, see Djibriel's Rage
 FAQ, found at GameFAQs.com at this URL:


 You are probably wondering, why, say, you can't get the L.70 Magic Rage, even
 though you know you've encountered the enemy. For some reason, the data for
 the Rages on the Fanatics' Tower (except for Magic Urn), and quite a number of
 other Rages, weren't included in the data of this game. If you are wondering
 why you can't get a specific Rage, even though you have already encountered
 the enemy, CTRL + F that enemy until you find it in the Enemies section.

 When you find that enemy, if where Control and Sketch is, there isn't a Rage
 option, you can't Rage this enemy. Same goes for Control; if there is no
 Control by Rage and Sketch in the Enemies section, you can't Control that

 Getting New Rages

 When you first recruit Gau, he has only a few Rages, none of which are really
 noteworthy. These Rages are: Exocite, Hornet, Lobo, M-TekArmor, Rhinotaur,
 Trilobiter, Were-Rat and Whisper. You are probably wondering how can you get
 Gau to get some more useful Rages, or just get any new Rages at all, right?
 Well, that's easy. There is a tutorial telling you how to get new Rages once
 Gau is recruited into your group, but incase it didn't help you enough, or
 incase you weren't paying attention to the Imp, I'll explain it to you.

 First off, in order to even hope to get a new Rage, Gau has to be in your
 party (obvious, isn't it? >_>). Once he is in your party, go to the Veldt. On
 the Veldt, walk around until you enter into a random encounter. In that random
 encounter, you will find an enemy that you have encountered so far in the
 game. For example, if you've encountered the Stray Cat enemy, Stray Cat will
 sometimes appear in one of the random encounters on the Veldt, waiting to be
 Leaped by Gau, since you encountered him.

 If you run away, get Sneezed out of battle, use a Warp Stone, or use Warp, you
 will still be able to find the enemy you encountered later on in the Veldt.
 Not all enemies in this game are Rageable, as I said above (read above to see
 what I mean). Also note that no matter how long it takes to fight an enemy, be
 it 1 minute or 2 hours, the enemies you encounter follow a pattern. I have
 noticed that as I play the game and try and get new Rages, I'll encounter the
 same monster formations in succession quite a number of times.

 This is because the random encounters are not random in this game, be it on
 the Veldt or in any other place you get into random encounters. They are, as a
 matter of fact, not random at all; they are set. Set, meaning there is, for
 example, a 1/6 chance of such and such formation appearing in such and such
 place. If you want to know the odds of finding a monster formation (there are
 no odds of finding Veldt formations, since they are already set because you
 encounter the same monster formations back to back and over and over), see
 Djibriel's WoB and WoR Walkthrough and Battle Tactics guide, at GameFAQs.

 Anyway, back to my first point. Once you are in a random encounter with Gau in
 your party (on the Veldt, obviously), choose the Leap command. If Gau doesn't
 have this command, simply put, your game is screwed up, heh. After you have
 your cursor over Leap, press A on one of the enemies in the current random
 encounter you are in to have Gau jump into the enemy, and end the battle. If
 you encounter a Stray Cat, as well as different enemies, if you Leaped just
 the Stray Cat, don't worry.

 Even if you did that, you can still get the Rages of the other monsters that
 were in that random encounter, even if you just Leaped the Stray Cat. After
 Gau is Leaped off, you're probably wondering how to get him, right? Well, that
 is easy; walk around until you get into another random encounter. After you
 win that random encounter, Gau has a random chance of appearing.

 If he doesn't appear after one random encounter, keep trying other random
 encounters until he does. Once he appears, don't attack him. Instead, just
 wait until he says that he is your friend, and he'll rejoin your group. If you
 do attack him, though, he will run away, saying that you scare animals, and
 you will have to win more random encounters until that reappearance magic
 happens and he reappears to join your group.

 If you have four party members in your group and Gau is Leaped off into the
 Veldt, you can't get him back unless you thin your numbers to three party
 members or less. Also, I've heard countless times that you can Leap Gau off
 at the Veldt, get in your airship, put four party members in your group, then
 keep fighting battles on the Veldt, attacking Gau when he reappears, allowing
 him to "supposedly" gain more Rages.

 After Gau has learned the Rages you wanted him to, go back into the airship,
 put your party to three or less, and get him back into your group, with all
 the new Rages he has learnt. This would be nifty, if it actually worked. I
 have tested this in the game countless times before, and it doesn't work. Mark
 my words: IT DOES NOT WORK!

 The only enemies, aside from the ones that weren't encrypted into the data, or
 the three Rages you can't get without the use of a cheat device (Chupon,
 Siegfried, and Allo Ver), that don't appear, are bosses. While the White
 Dragon appears as a Rage, that's about it as far as Bosses come. If you're
 wondering why bosses don't appear on the Veldt, that is why.

 Also, Gau can learn spells from Espers, but there's really no real reason to
 give Gau magic, because the Rages take care of that. However, for the sake of
 targeting the enemies YOU want to target, rather than Gau doing it, you may
 want to teach him some magic. The magic I recommend teaching to him, however,
 is restorative magic. As a supporter, Gau can do really well, especially with
 dual Earrings.

 Wind God Gau

 There's one more thing Gau can do that's special; become what is called a Wind
 God. What is a Wind God, you ask? I'll tell you. A Wind God Gau is created by
 equipping Gau with the Merit Award Relic, which allows him to equip weapons.
 With the Merit Award on, he can the Tempest weapon. With the use of a Tempest,
 you have a good chance of a Wind Slash hitting all enemies onscreen, because
 that's the Tempest does; it has a 50% chance of ignoring the weapon's actual
 attack to cast Wind Slash.

 Naturally, Wind Slash doesn't deal very much damage, due to its 48 Base Power
 when it is unleashed. If you are wondering how Wind Slash works when you use a
 Tempest in battle, here's how: The Tempest weapon has a 50% chance to cast
 Wind Slash, although the weapon's actual attack is negated for this effect. If
 the weapon's attack misses, Wind Slash still has a chance to hit. Now, how is
 this useful, you ask? Well, normally, it isn't.

 However, when combined with a Special, Wind Slash's Base Power significantly
 increases. To be exact, it goes from a Base Power of 48, to a Base Power of
 192, but ONLY IF you use the Stray Cat Rage, since Catscratch is the strongest
 physical Rage can use. In other words, if you use Stray Cat with a Tempest
 on (you should also put the Offering on Gau, for up to FOUR hits), you can
 deal out some very serious damage, using the second strongest attack in the

 Very nice, huh? As I said above, equipping the Offering on Gau also helps with
 this (it helps significantly). If somehow lady luck is on your side that much,
 you could potentially get up to 4 consecutive hits from Wind Slash after you
 use Stray Cat, each hit with a Base Power of 192, hitting all enemies onscreen
 for insane amounts of damage. Avoid being a Wind God Gau (didn't want me to
 say that, did you? :P) on enemies that are resistant to wind-elemental

 Rage and Run

 This tactic is especially useful in an SCC (Single Character Challenge). How
 do you do this weird sounding tactic? Pick a Rage and hold L & R after that to
 start running. Some of the bosses in this game cast spells on you that you can
 protect against, but if they begin to become low on HP, let's just say that
 you're screwed (XD). Why? Because, incase you haven't noticed, in this game,
 when bosses reach low HP, they began to use their more powerful attacks.

 Some of these attacks, such as Meteor are unblockable, which is very bad,
 since in an SCC or an LLG (Low-Level Game), Gau or Gogo can die really fast,
 because of lack of being able to block the attack, and with such low HP. I
 recommend picking a Rage that gives you a lot of good protection from status
 aliments, elements, etc. (Magic Urn is a good one), since while you are
 protected from elements and such, you won't have to worry about dying as
 easily, and while you are running, the boss runs out of MP.

 Incase you are wondering, this tactic is only for battles you can't run away
 from. When the boss runs out of MP, it won't be able to use those deadly
 spells it could before, thus allowing you to stop your useless running like
 the coward you are, and get to attacking.


 Nightshade is, without a doubt, one of Gau's best Rages. Why? Because when you
 use it, Nightshade sets what is called "Charm" on the target. Charm confuses
 the target, similiar to how Muddle does. However, unlike Muddle, Charm doesn't
 wear off, and since it is not a status aliment, it can work on ANY enemy,
 normal or boss. This isn't all that makes it rigged, either. Charm has an 80%
 chance of hitting the target (to translate, that's a 4/5 chance, which is a
 very common chance), meaning it will almost _always_ work.

 Finally, if either Gau, Gogo, or the target that you Charmed dies, the effect
 of Charm wears off. If you've Charmed one target, you can't Charm another one
 until the target that you Charmed is dead. If Gau Charms an enemy that Gogo
 also Charmed, then Gogo gets the target's "bond" shared with him, and that
 means that Gau can Charm another target (he also has a chance to steal the
 target that Gogo just Charmed).

 One final note is that Charm can interact with Muddle, meaning that your party
 and the enemies in the battle that you are currently in can use random moves
 they have out of their arsenal against the proper party, since spells are
 redirected twice.

 NOTE: This information came from Djibriel's Rage Guide, found at GameFAQs.com,
       so all credit goes to his FAQ, meaning it goes to him.


 The Io Rage is actually a useful Rage, believe it or not. It doesn't come in
 handy on normal battles, but it DOES come in handy during boss battles. Below
 is a list of the boss battles that you can use the Io Rage on to make quick
 work of those bosses, via the use of the almighty Flare Star:

 NOTE: The + on the list indicates that the target has a weakness to Fire, thus
       the damage done by Flare Star is doubled. If you want to double the
       damage of Flare Star on enemies that aren't weak to Fire, then try and
       get a Fire weakness on them with the use of the Debilitator Tool.

 Damage: 9920+

 Ice Dragon
 Damage: 9999+

 Storm Drgn
 Damage: 5920

 Damage: 5280+

 Gold Drgn
 Damage: 4960

 Master Pug
 Damage: 5840

 Atma (Floating Continent)
 Damage: 5360

 Skull Dragon
 Damage: 9920+

 Chadarnook (Demon)
 Damage: 6560+

 Chadarnook (Woman)
 Damage: 5920+

 Doom Gaze
 Damage: 9999+

 Damage: 5680

 Damage: 5360

 Damage: 5440

 Damage: 4880

 SrBehemoth (Undead)
 Damage: 7840+

 SrBehemoth (Alive)
 Damage: 6880+

 NOTE: This info also came from Djibriel's Rage Guide, found at GameFAQs.com.
       Again, I'd like to thank HIM, NOT myself, for this information.

 Magic Urn

 The Magic Urn Rage is a beauty. If you equip Gau with a Snow Muffler (Gogo
 can't use one, otherwise I'd include him, too) and use this Rage, you will
 be invincible, basically. Magic Urn makes you immune to all elements, and it
 also offers a protection from Instant Death. While there is no "attack" that
 this Rage has to offer that actually damages, it DOES enable you to use Cure
 3 aside from the typical Battle command.

 What does this mean? Well, it'll be extremely hard to take Gau down like this.
 Not only does he have tremendously high Defense because of the Snow Muffler,
 he also has Death Protection, and absorbs all elements in this game. If you
 are worried about getting a Game Over, you shouldn't if you use this Rage.

 Stray Cat

 The Stray Cat Rage is one of my favorites throughout this game, and I always
 use it, even during the World of Ruin when so many Rages are available. While
 this Rage doesn't offer Death Protection, immunity from any elements, no
 positive status protection, no nothing. The reason I like it is because the
 attack it uses; Catscratch. When used, Catscratch is the strongest normal
 attack that Gau can dish out.

 It can deal upwards of 1500 damage to Kefka in the fight with him at Narshe in
 the World of Balance, making Gau a powerhouse capable of defeating pretty much
 anything early on. In the World of Ruin, its usefulness becomes less and less
 apparent, though it is still VERY useful for a Wind God Gau setup (read above
 for that information).

 Dark Wind

 Dark Wind in itself isn't a very good Rage later on in the game, but for a few
 hours during the World of Balance, it can come in handy, simply because of the
 Break attack it has a chance to unleash. This isn't inherently useful, per se,
 but it CAN help if you are in desperate situations, especially in an LLG,
 where desperate situations are quite common, due to low HP and low stats. An
 LLG, by the way, is a Low-Level Game, trying to beat the game at the lowest
 levels possible.

 Deep Eye

 The Deep Eye Rage in itself isn't very special. However, the move it uses,
 Dread, can come in handy in certain situations. If you use Shoat's Demon Eye
 summon, or use Break, those two moves check if the enemies have a protection
 against death (Instant Death Protection, in other words). If they do, those
 two attacks will not work, thus not petrifying the target. If you guessed that
 Dread induces Petrify on a target, you were right, although the hit rate of
 Dread is inferior to that of Break.

 Dread, on the other hand, DOESN'T check for Instant Death Protection, meaning
 you CAN use it to Petrify monsters that can't be Petrified normally. If you
 want to know which enemies Dread works on that Break or Demon Eye, doesn't,
 e-mail me.


 The Intangir Rage by itself isn't very useful. However, since you absorb all
 elements in the game, have an Instant Death Protection on you, as well as
 being immune to all status aliments, and finally, have Float, Safe, Shell, and
 Haste on you, it's good. Unfortuantely, the Intangir Rage half the time uses
 Pep Up, which will not only kill Gau or Gogo, but remove them from battle. The
 Rage is useful though, if you use Mute on Gau BEFORE using the Rage.

 Intangir is immune to Mute normally, but by using Mute on Gau before you do
 the Rage, you'll be Muted when you use the Rage, thus preventing Pep Up. If,
 however, Gau uses Pep Up for the first attack of the Rage after you select it
 (as opposed to the typical Battle command), you won't have all the status
 aliments and all that good crap on you. If Gau uses Battle after you select
 the Rage for his first attack, you get all those good things happen to you.

 Neat, huh? This Rage is definitely a useful one, especially if equipped with a
 Snow Muffler.

 Doom Drgn

 Because of N. Cross, the Doom Drgn Rage can be useful sometimes, but not near
 about as useful as Nightshade. Not only that, but even if you manage to Freeze
 the target with N. Cross from this Rage, Freeze wears off after 34 intervals
 (the same ones used for Condemned, by the way). Also, if you use a fire-type
 move, the effect of N. Cross wears off. While N. Cross has a hit rate of 90,
 which is better than Charm's hit rate, since it has 0% M.Block, it has a 10%
 chance to miss.

 Even if the attack does land, there remains a 50% chance that it will not work
 for you. Also, since Freeze has no visual effect on an enemy like it does your
 party, you can't tell when Freeze is set, unless you see the target not do
 anything at all but sit there and stare at space like he's mentally retarded
 (no offense intended). To be blunt, Nightshade has an 80% chance of working,
 whereas Doom Drgn has a 45% chance of working.

 Useful Rages (WoB):

 Dark Wind, Aspik, ChickenLip, SlamDancer, HadesGigas, Gabbledegak, Marshal,
 Over-Mind, Pterodon, Cirpius, Baskervor, Anguiform, Brawler, Behemoth,
 Chimera, Gigantos, General, Stray Cat, Rhodox, Trilium, Vector Pup, Telstar,
 Templar, Hazer, Ninja, Ing, Rhinox, Mag Roader (Purple), Mandrake, and

 Useful Rages (WoR):

 White Drgn, Mover, Woolly, Punisher, SrBehemoth, Magic Urn, Veteran, Doom
 Drgn, Tyranosaur, Brontaur, Evil Oscar, Mesosaur, Harpiai, Toe Cutter, Rhyos,
 Outsider, Prussian, Nightshade, Retainer, and Vectaur.

 To see how these Rages are useful, check out Djibriel's Rage Guide, found at

 Note that Gogo can uses Rages too, but I won't go into detail about that,
 since there isn't really a point to. Just know that Gogo has weaker Vigor than
 Gau, and weaker stats overall.

 IMPORTANT NOTE: As I dismiss this section, I leave behind an important note. I
                 do not list what elemental properties you get for what enemies
                 in this section, since it would be too tedious for me. If you
                 want to know that information, visit Djibriel's Rage Guide (I
                 have linked you to it over and over again; it should be
                 drilled into your head by now).

 | 18. Shops                                                            |

 This section will list all of the shops in this game, and what is sold in


 World of Balance Shops

 Albrook Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Head Band
 Price: 1600GP

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Mithril Vest
 Price: 1200GP

 Ninja Gear
 Price: 1100GP

 White Dress
 Price: 2200GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Price: 300GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP

 Warp Stone
 Price: 700GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Price: 500GP

 Peace Ring
 Price: 3000GP

 Price; 5000GP

 Sniper Sight
 Price: 3000GP

 Wall Ring
 Price: 6000GP

 Price: 5000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Price: 1200GP

 Poison Claw
 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 3000GP

 Price: 3200GP

 Price: 30GP

 Fire Skean
 Price: 500GP

 Water Edge
 Price: 500GP

 Bolt Edge
 Price: 400GP


 Blackjack Shop


 Item Shop
 Location: Blackjack

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Smoke Bomb
 Price: 300GP

 Warp Stone
 Price: 700GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Figaro Castle Shops


 Item Shop (Without Edgar as party leader)
 Location: Figaro Castle

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 200GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Item Shop (With Edgar as party leader)
 Location: Figaro Castle

 Price: 150GP

 Price: 750GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 250GP

 Price: 150GP

 Price: 25GP

 Price: 25GP

 Price: 100GP

 Price: 600GP


 Weapon Shop (Without Edgar as party leader)
 Location: Figaro Castle

 Price: 250GP

 Price: 500GP

 Bio Blaster
 Price: 750GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Price: 3000GP


 Weapon Shop (With Edgar as party leader)

 Price: 125GP

 Price: 250GP

 Bio Blaster
 Price: 375GP

 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1500GP


 Jidoor Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Mithril Shld
 Price: 1200GP

 Head Band
 Price: 1600GP

 Mithril Vest
 Price: 1200GP

 Ninja Gear
 Price: 1100GP

 White Dress
 Price: 2200GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 200GP

 Price: 300GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 120GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Peace Ring
 Price: 3000GP

 Barrier Ring
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 700GP

 Price: 5000GP

 True Knight
 Price: 1000GP

 Sniper Sight
 Price: 3000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Price: 1200GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Price: 1200GP

 Full Moon
 Price: 2500GP

 Fire Skean
 Price: 500GP

 Water Edge
 Price: 500GP

 Bolt Edge
 Price: 500GP

 Shadow Edge
 Price: 400GP


 Kohlingen Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Kohlingen

 Mithril Shld
 Price: 1200GP

 Magus Hat
 Price: 600GP

 Price: 800GP

 Head Band
 Price: 1600GP

 Iron Helmet
 Price: 1000GP
 Silk Robe
 Price: 600GP

 Iron Armor
 Price: 700GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Kohlingen

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 50GP

 Green Cherry
 Price: 150GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Air Lancet
 Price: 950GP

 Price: 2000GP

 Full Moon
 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 30GP

 Fire Skean
 Price: 500GP

 Water Edge
 Price: 500GP

 Bolt Edge
 Price: 500GP

 Inviz Edge
 Price: 200GP


 Maranda Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Maranda

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Green Beret
 Price: 3000GP

 Mithril Helm
 Price: 2000GP

 Mithril Vest
 Price; 1200GP

 Mithril Mail
 Price: 3500GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Maranda

 Mithril Pike
 Price: 800GP

 Price: 1700GP

 Poison Claw
 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 3000GP

 Price: 4500GP


 Merchant Outside Gau's Father's House


 Item Shop
 Location: Outside Gau's Father's House, talk to merchant on Chocobo

 Price: 50GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP

 Plumed Hat
 Price: 250GP

 Price: 30GP

 Inviz Edge
 Price: 200GP

 Shadow Edge
 Price: 400GP

 Sprint Shoes
 Price: 1500GP


 Merchant on Phantom Train


 Item Shop
 Location: Phantom Train, talk to one of the ghosts in each car to sometimes
           find one that is willing to sell you things

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 50GP

 Green Cherry
 Price: 150GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 30GP




 Armor Shop
 Location: Mobliz

 Price: 200GP

 Heavy Shld
 Price: 400GP

 Plumed Hat
 Price: 250GP

 Magus Hat
 Price: 600GP

 Price: 800GP

 Iron Helmet
 Price: 1000GP

 Kung Fu Suit
 Price: 250GP

 Iron Armor
 Price: 700GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Mobliz

 Dried Meat
 Price: 150GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price; 50GP

 Green Cherry
 Price: 150GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Reilc Shop
 Location: Mobliz

 Sprint Shoes
 Price: 1500GP

 White Cape
 Price: 5000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Mobliz

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 450GP

 Mithril Claw
 Price: 800GP

 Price: 800GP


 Narshe Shops (Before getting the Blackjack)


 Armor Shop
 Location: Narshe (before getting Blackjack)

 Mithril Shld
 Price: 1200GP

 Magus Hat
 Price: 600GP

 Price: 800GP

 Iron Helmet
 Price: 1000GP

 Silk Robe
 Price: 600GP

 Iron Armor
 Price: 700GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Narshe (before getting Blackjack)

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 200GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Smoke Bomb
 Price: 300GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Narshe (before getting Blackjack)

 Sprint Shoes
 Price: 1500GP

 Jewel Ring
 Price: 1000GP

 Fairy Ring
 Price: 1500GP

 Barrier Ring
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 700GP

 True Knight
 Price: 1000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Narshe (before getting Blackjack)

 Price: 800GP

 Mithril Claw
 Price: 800GP

 Price: 800GP

 Mithril Pike
 Price: 800GP

 Air Lancet
 Price: 950GP

 Price: 2000GP

 Full Moon
 Price: 2500GP


 Narshe Shops (After getting the Blackjack)


 Armor Shop
 Location: Narshe (after getting Blackjack)

 Gold Shld
 Price: 2500GP

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Green Beret
 Price: 3000GP

 Mithril Helm
 Price: 2000GP

 Price: 3000GP

 Gold Helmet
 Price: 4000GP

 Mithril Mail
 Price: 3500GP

 Power Sash
 Price: 5000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Narshe (after getting Blackjack)

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Green Cherry
 Price: 150GP

 Price: 1200GP

 Fire Skean
 Price: 500GP

 Water Edge
 Price: 500GP

 Bolt Edge
 Price: 500GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Narshe (after getting Blackjack)

 Price: 5000GP

 Sniper Sight
 Price: 3000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Wall Ring
 Price: 6000GP

 Black Belt
 Price: 5000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Narshe (after getting Blackjack)

 Poison Rod
 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 1700GP

 Price: 4500GP

 Morning Star
 Price: 5000GP

 Hawk Eye
 Price: 6000GP

 Price: 3200GP


 Nikeah Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Nikeah

 Heavy Shld
 Price: 400GP

 Plumed Hat
 Price: 250GP

 Magus Hat
 Price: 600GP

 Price: 800GP

 Iron Helmet
 Price: 1000GP

 Kung Fu Suit
 Price: 250GP

 Silk Robe
 Price: 600GP

 Iron Armor
 Price: 700GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Nikeah

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 300GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 120GP

 Smoke Bomb
 Price: 300GP

 Green Cherry
 Price: 150GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Nikeah (talk to little boy wandering around near the Cafe)

 Price: 500GP

 Star Pendant
 Price: 500GP

 White Cape
 Price: 5000GP

 Fairy Ring
 Price: 1500GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Nikeah

 Mithril Claw
 Price: 800GP

 Price: 800GP

 Mithril Pike
 Price: 800GP


 Returners' Hideout Shops


 Item Shop
 Location: Returners' Hideout

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 120GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP

 Sprint Shoes
 Price: 1500GP


 South Figaro Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: South Figaro

 Price: 200GP

 Heavy Shld
 Price: 400GP

 Hair Band
 Price: 150GP

 Plumed Hat
 Price: 250GP

 Cotton Robe
 Price: 200GP

 Kung Fu Suit
 Price: 250GP


 Item Shop
 Location: South Figaro

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 200GP

 Price: 50GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 120GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: South Figaro

 Sprint Shoes
 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 500GP

 Star Pendant
 Price: 500GP

 Jewel Ring
 Price: 1000GP

 True Knight
 Price: 1000GP


 Weapon Shop (Without Edgar as party leader)
 Location: South Figaro

 Price: 150GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 450GP

 Price: 800GP

 Price: 500GP

 Bio Blaster
 Price: 750GP


 Weapon Shop (With Edgar as party leader)
 Location: South Figaro

 Price: 150GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 450GP

 Price: 800GP

 Price: 250GP

 Bio Blaster
 Price: 375GP


 Thamasa Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 Gold Shld
 Price: 2500GP

 Tiger Mask
 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 3000GP

 Gold Helmet
 Price: 4000GP

 Mystery Veil
 Price: 5500GP

 Power Sash
 Price: 5000GP

 Gaia Gear
 Price: 6000GP

 Gold Armor
 Price: 10000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Warp Stone
 Price: 700GP

 Price: 300GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 Price: 5000GP

 Sniper Sight
 Price: 3000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Wall Ring
 Price: 6000GP

 Black Belt
 Price: 5000GP

 Price: 9000GP

 Sprint Shoes
 Price: 1500GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 Mithril Rod
 Price: 500GP

 Fire Rod
 Price: 3000GP

 Ice Rod
 Price: 3000GP

 Thunder Rod
 Price: 3000GP

 Morning Star
 Price: 5000GP

 Hawk Eye
 Price: 6000GP

 Stout Spear
 Price: 10000GP

 Price: 10000GP


 Tzen Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Mithril Helm
 Price: 2000GP

 Mithril Vest
 Price: 1200GP

 Ninja Gear
 Price: 1100GP

 White Dress
 Price: 2200GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Warp Stone
 Price: 700GP

 Price: 300GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Price: 5000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Black Belt
 Price: 5000GP

 Price: 5000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Air Lancet
 Price: 950GP

 Full Moon
 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 3000GP

 Price: 4500GP


 Vector Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Vector

 Head Band
 Price: 1600GP

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Mithril Vest
 Price: 1200GP

 Ninja Gear
 Price: 1100GP

 White Dress
 Price: 2200GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Vector

 Price: 1200GP

 Poison Claw
 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 3000GP

 Price: 3200GP

 World of Ruin Shops

 Albrook Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Gold Shld
 Price: 2500GP

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Green Beret
 Price: 3000GP

 Gold Helmet
 Price: 4000GP

 Gold Armor
 Price: 10000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Smoke Bomb
 Price: 300GP

 Warp Stone
 Price: 700GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Sprint Shoes
 Price: 1500GP

 Atlas Armlet
 Price: 5000GP

 Price: 5000GP

 Barrier Ring
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 700GP

 True Knight
 Price: 1000GP

 Wall Ring
 Price: 6000GP

 Jewel Ring
 Price: 1000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Albrook

 Flame Sabre
 Price: 7000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Price: 7000GP


 Figaro Castle Shops


 Item Shop (Without Edgar as party leader)
 Location: Figaro Castle

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 50GP

 Price: 50GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 120GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Item Shop (With Edgar as party leader)
 Location: Figaro Castle

 Price: 150GP

 Price: 750GP

 Price: 25GP

 Price: 25GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 60GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 250GP

 Price: 500GP

 Price: 600GP


 Weapon Shop (Without Edgar as party leader)
 Location: Figaro Castle

 Price: 250GP

 Price: 500GP

 Bio Blaster
 Price: 750GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Price: 5000GP

 Price: 3000GP


 Weapon Shop (With Edgar as party leader)
 Location: Figaro Castle

 Price: 125GP

 Price: 250GP

 Bio Blaster
 Price: 375GP

 Price: 500GP

 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 1500GP


 Jidoor Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Price: 7000GP

 Dark Hood
 Price: 7500GP

 Crystal Helm
 Price: 10000GP

 Dark Gear
 Price: 13000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Warp Stone
 Price: 700GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Czarina Ring
 Price: 3000GP

 Guard Ring
 Price: 5000GP

 Atlas Armlet
 Price: 5000GP

 Cherub Down
 Price: 6300GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Jidoor

 Man Eater
 Price: 11000

 Price: 13000GP

 Price: 15000GP

 Price: 15000GP


 Kohlingen Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Kohlingen

 Diamond Shld
 Price: 3500GP

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Green Beret
 Price: 3000GP

 Diamond Helm
 Price: 8000GP

 Diamond Vest
 Price: 12000GP

 Price: 15000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Kohlingen

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 50GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Kohlingen

 Price: 10000GP

 Price: 5000GP

 Price: 13000GP

 Price: 10000GP

 Gold Lance
 Price: 12000GP


 Nikeah Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Nikeah

 Diamond Shld
 Price: 3500GP

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Green Beret
 Price: 3000GP

 Diamond Helm
 Price: 8000GP

 Gaia Gear
 Price: 6000GP

 Power Sash
 Price: 5000GP

 Diamond Vest
 Price: 12000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Nikeah

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 200GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Nikeah (talk to little boy wandering around near the Cafe)

 White Cape
 Price: 5000GP

 Cure Ring
 Price: 8000GP

 Zephyr Cape
 Price: 7000GP

 Gale Hairpin
 Price: 8000GP

 Hyper Wrist
 Price: 8000GP

 Price: 4000GP

 Price: 5000GP

 Czarina Ring
 Price: 3000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Nikeah

 Rune Edge
 Price: 7500GP

 Flame Sabre
 Price: 7000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Price: 10000GP


 South Figaro Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: South Figaro

 Diamond Shld
 Price: 3500GP

 Bard's Hat
 Price: 3000GP

 Green Beret
 Price: 3000GP

 Diamond Helm
 Price: 8000GP

 Gaia Gear
 Price: 6000GP

 Diamond Vest
 Price: 12000GP

 Price: 15000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: South Figaro

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 50GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 120GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Price: 1200GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: South Figaro

 Price: 500GP

 Star Pendant
 Price: 500GP

 Fairy Ring
 Price: 1500GP

 Price: 5000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Wall Ring
 Price: 6000GP

 Cure Ring
 Price: 8000GP

 Czarina Ring
 Price: 3000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: South Figaro

 Price: 1700GP

 Stout Spear
 Price: 10000GP

 Price: 10000GP

 Gold Lance
 Price: 12000GP


 Thamasa Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 Mystery Veil
 Price: 5500GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Dark Hood
 Price: 7500GP

 Light Robe
 Price: 11000GP

 Diamond Vest
 Price: 12000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1000GP

 Smoke Bomb
 Price: 300GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Price: 1000GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 Barrier Ring
 Price: 500GP

 Fairy Ring
 Price: 1500GP

 Wall Ring
 Price: 6000GP

 Jewel Ring
 Price: 1000GP

 Czarina Ring
 Price: 3000GP

 Guard Ring
 Price: 5000GP

 Peace Ring
 Price: 3000GP

 Cure Ring
 Price: 8000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Thamasa

 DaVinci Brsh
 Price: 7000GP

 Gravity Rod
 Price: 13000GP

 Pearl Rod
 Price: 12000GP

 Price: 13000GP

 Gold Lance
 Price: 12000

 Man Eater
 Price: 11000GP

 Price: 30GP

 Ninja Star
 Price: 500GP


 Tzen Shops


 Armor Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Gold Shld
 Price: 2500GP

 Price: 3500GP

 Tiger Mask
 Price: 2500GP

 Gold Helmet
 Price: 4000GP

 Power Sash
 Price: 5000GP

 Gold Armor
 Price: 10000GP


 Item Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Price: 300GP

 Price: 1500GP

 Green Cherry
 Price: 150GP

 Fenix Down
 Price: 500GP

 Echo Screen
 Price: 120GP

 Price: 300GP

 Sleeping Bag
 Price: 500GP

 Super Ball
 Price: 10000GP


 Relic Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Price: 9000GP

 Sneak Ring
 Price: 3000GP

 Black Belt
 Price: 5000GP

 Back Guard
 Price: 7000GP

 Sniper Sight
 Price: 3000GP

 Peace Ring
 Price: 3000GP

 Jewel Ring
 Price: 1000GP

 Price: 5000GP


 Weapon Shop
 Location: Tzen

 Price: 1000GP

 Poison Claw
 Price: 2500GP

 Flame Sabre
 Price: 7000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Price: 7000GP

 Fire Knuckle
 Price: 10000GP

 | 19. Espers                                                           |

 This section lists all of the Espers you can obtain in this game, as well as 
 their attributes, what you can learn from them, etc.

 Alright, before I begin, I would like to tell you a few things about Espers.
 First of all, every party member except for Gogo and Umaro can use an Esper to
 gain magic spells; even Gau. Most Espers give you "stat bonuses" at level up,
 meaning that your stats increase (for example, the Tritoch Esper gives you a
 +2 to Magic Power when you level up) if you have an Esper that gives you a
 stat bonus at level up, and you manage to level up with the Esper equipped.

 To bring up the Espers menu, press X to bring up the menu. There, go to Skills
 and then select Espers (it'll only be selectable after you've obtained your
 first four Espers in Zozo; namely Ramuh, Siren, Stray, and Kirin). After you
 do that, you'll be on the Espers menu. Congratulations, mate. That was the
 hard part... ya ready for an even HARDER thing, that most people find so
 insanely difficult to do, yet it is so very easy anyone can figure it out (do
 not take this as an insult btw >_>)?

 Anyway, the "hard" thing to do is equip an Esper. To equip an Esper, select
 an Esper after your cursor is over it by pressing A. After that, simply press
 A again to equip that Esper on the party member of your choice. I didn't
 mention this earlier, so incase you're confused, I'll let you know. If you
 have one party member in your group only, then only one party member will have
 the option to equip an Esper. If two, then two will have the option to equip
 an Esper also, and so on.

 Note that once a party member has an Esper equipped, another party member will
 not be able to equip that Esper until it is removed from the other party
 member (for example, if Sabin has Starlet, and Relm needs it, she won't be
 able to equip it unless it is removed from Sabin). Get it now? Good. Each
 Esper has a special attack that it does when you summon it. For example, Shoat
 has an attack called "Demon Eye" when you summon him in battle, which sets
 Petrification on enemies that it can set it on.

 To remove an Esper, simply go to the Esper menu and select a party member that
 has an Esper equipped. After you do that, press A on a blank space in the
 Esper list to remove the Esper. After you select an Esper, you should know
 that you'll be able to see which spells the Esper teaches you, and what attack
 that the Espers uses when you summon it. Finally, you can see the learn rates
 for each spells that you can learn.

 Learn rates, by the way, determine how fast you learn a spell from an Esper.
 Some Espers teach the same spells, though the learn rates are different for
 each Esper. For instance, Ramuh teaches Bolt 2 at an x2 learn rate, whereas
 Maduin teaches Bolt 2 an an x3 learn rate, which is slightly faster, though
 not by much. I'll tell you a littel bit more about learn rates. If you equip
 the Siren Esper, you can learn Sleep at an x10 learn rate.

 That means that if you gain 1 Magic Point (Magic Points are what up the
 percentages of the spells on the Esper you have equipped, thus enabling you to
 learn those spells once the learn rate reaches 100%), you have learned Sleep
 10% already. Nifty, eh (too bad not all Espers teach you spells this fast; all
 of the better ones take quite long, I must admit)? Now, to see how much you've
 learned of a spell, go to Magic in the menu screen of the party member you
 want to check on.

 When you get in the Magic menu, look around the list until you see, for
 example, Fire: 10%. It'll be in gray if you haven't learned it, even if it is
 a healing spell (such as Cure 3), indicating that you cannot use it. If you
 haven't learned it and are in battle, then the spells won't even show up on
 the list. Finally, to use an Esper in battle, go to your Magic list and then
 go all the way up to the top and press Up (just like how you equip different
 weapons and shields in battle).

 If you don't have an Esper equipped, you can't use one, obviously. After you
 press Up, press A when your cursor gets on the Esper name to use the summon
 the Esper has to offer. Summons cost MP, so beware. Note also that you can
 only summon an Esper ONE time with each party member (assuming all party
 members have an Esper equipped) in each battle, and the summons in this game
 aren't too terribly impressive, although a few are quite nice.

 Whew, that about covers it, I think. Let's get onto the actual fun part, shall
 we? Note that the Espers are listed in the order of the game.

 Description: Lightning-elemental attack.
 Summon Attack: Bolt Fist
 MP Cost: 25
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: Stamina +1
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x10

 Bolt 2
 Learn Rate: x2

 Learn Rate: x5

 Description: Gradually recovers HP.
 Summon Attack: Life Guard
 MP Cost: 18
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x5

 Cure 2
 Learn Rate: x1

 Learn Rate: x3

 Learn Rate: x4

 Learn Rate: x5

 Description: Silences enemies.
 Summon Attack: Hope Song
 MP Cost: 16
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: HP + 10%
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x10

 Learn Rate: x8

 Learn Rate: x7

 Learn Rate: x6

 Description: Confuses enemies.
 Summon Attack: Cat Rain
 MP Cost: 28
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: MagPow +1
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x7

 Learn Rate: x5

 Learn Rate: x2

 Description: Fire-elemental attack.
 Summon Attack: Inferno
 MP Cost: 26
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: Vigor +1
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x10

 Fire 2
 Learn Rate: x5

 Learn Rate: x1

 Description: Ice-elemental attack.
 Summon Attack: Gem Dust
 MP Cost: 27
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x10

 Ice 2
 Learn Rate: x5

 Learn Rate: x4

 Learn Rate: x4

 Learn Rate: x3

 Description: Casts Remedy on the party.
 Summon Attack: Heal Horn
 MP Cost: 30
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Cure 2
 Learn Rate: x4

 Learn Rate: x3

 Learn Rate: x2

 Learn Rate: x1

 Learn Rate: x1

 Description: Non-elemental attack.
 Summon Attack: Chaos Wing
 MP Cost: 44
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: MagPow +1
 Spells Taught:

 Fire 2
 Learn Rate: x3

 Ice 2
 Learn Rate: x3

 Bolt 2
 Learn Rate: x3

 Description: Petrifies enemies.
 Summon Attack: Demon Eye
 MP Cost: 45
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: HP + 10%
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x8

 Learn Rate: x5

 Learn Rate: x2

 Description: Makes party visible.
 Summon Attack: Fader
 MP Cost: 38
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x3

 Learn Rate: x3

 Learn Rate: x5

 Description: Casts Rflect on the entire party.
 Summon Attack: Ruby Power
 MP Cost: 36
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x5

 Learn Rate: x3

 Learn Rate: x2

 Learn Rate: x2

 Learn Rate: x2

 Description: Water-elemental attack.
 Summon Attack: Sea Song
 MP Cost: 50
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: Vigor +2
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate: x2

 Description: Protects the party (protects the party from physical attacks by
              the amount of HP equal to that of the summoner)
 Summon Attack: Earth Wall
 MP Cost: 33
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: Stamina +2
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x5

 Learn Rate: x5

 Cure 2
 Learn Rate: x5

 Description: Casts Shell on the party.
 Summon Attack: Wall
 MP Cost: 30
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: MagPow +2
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate: x15

 Learn Rate: x5

 Description: Recovers HP.
 Summon Attack: Reviver
 MP Cost: 40
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x5

 Cure 2
 Learn Rate: x8

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate: x10

 Learn Rate: x4

 Description: Causes party members to use a Jump attack.
 Summon Attack: Sonic Dive
 MP Cost: 61
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate: x2

 Slow 2
 Learn Rate: x2

 Learn Rate: x5

 Description: Makes multiple images of the party.
 Summon Attack: Moon Song
 MP Cost: 70
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: MP + 30%
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x10

 Learn Rate: x5

 Learn Rate: x3

 Description: Attacks with Fire/Ice/Lightning-based damage.
 Summon Attack: Tri-Dazer
 MP Cost: 68
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: MagPow +2
 Spells Taught:

 Fire 3
 Learn Rate: x1

 Ice 3
 Learn Rate: x1

 Bolt 3
 Learn Rate: x1
 IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use Tri-Dazer on an enemy that is weak to Fire (say,
                 Umaro), if that enemy is also resistant to Ice (Umaro is
                 resistant to Ice), you'll heal that enemy as opposed to hurt
                 it, because that enemy drains another element, just like it is
                 weak to one. Weird I know, but this is how Tri-Dazer works.

 Description: Earth-elemental attack.
 Summon Attack: Earth Aura
 MP Cost: 40
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: HP + 30%
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x3

 Learn Rate: x1

 W Wind
 Learn Rate: x1

 Description: Recovers all of the party's HP.
 Summon Attack: Group Hug
 MP Cost: 74
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: Stamina +2
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x25

 Cure 2
 Learn Rate: x16

 Cure 3
 Learn Rate: x1

 Learn Rate: x20

 Learn Rate; x20

 Description: Mystic purity attack.
 Summon Attack: Justice
 MP Cost: 90
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x2

 Learn Rate: x10

 Learn Rate: x10

 Learn Rate: x10

 Learn Rate: x15

 Description: Recovers battle status.
 Summon Attack: Rebirth
 MP Cost: 110
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x10

 Life 2
 Learn Rate: x2

 Life 3
 Learn Rate: x1

 Cure 3
 Learn Rate: x2

 Fire 3
 Learn Rate: x3

 Description: Slices through enemies.
 Summon Attack: Atom Edge
 MP Cost: 70
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: Speed +1
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x1

 Description: Attacks all enemies for non-elemental damage which ignores enemy
 Summon Attack: Sun Flare
 MP Cost: 86
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: HP + 50%
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x2

 Description: Turns an enemy into an item.
 Summon Attack: Metamorph
 MP Cost: 6
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: N/A
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x1

 Description: Attack harms you and the enemy.
 Summon Attack: Purifier
 MP Cost: 96
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: MP + 50%
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x1

 Learn Rate: x10

 Description: Slices through enemies.
 Summon Attack: True Edge
 MP Cost: 80
 Level Up Bonus: At level up...: Vigor +2
 Spells Taught:

 Learn Rate: x1

 | 20. Spells                                                           |

 This section will list all the spells that you can learn in this game, and
 some in-depth information about them.. For more information on how you learn
 spells, see the Espers section of this FAQ. Also note that Terra and Celes are
 the only party members in the game who are able to learn magic spells
 naturally (called "natural magic"). See the Characters section of the FAQ for
 that information.

 A note about HP-restoring spells (Cure, Regen, etc.): if you use them on an
 undead enemy, then that enemy will be healed, rather than damaged, because
 since the enemy is undead, it cannot stand the power of good (White Magic
 would be considered "good" magic, I guess), and therefore becomes damaged by
 the attack. If you haven't learned that in each and every Final Fantasy game
 you can do that in by now, you've been in a coma.

 Super Slash allowed for me to use his descriptions for the spells that are in
 his FAQ, so all thanks go to him for that. His FAQ can be found at GameFAQs,
 as usual.

 Description: Restores HP.
 MP Cost: 5
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Kirin, Shiva, Sraphim, Starlet
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Cure 2
 Description: Restores HP.
 MP Cost: 25
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Golem, Kirin, Sraphim, Starlet, Unicorn
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Cure 3
 Description: Restores HP.
 MP Cost: 40
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Phoenix, Starlet
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Revives wounded ally.
 MP Cost: 30
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Bismark, Phoenix, Sraphim
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Life 2
 Description: Revives wounded ally and restores to full HP.
 MP Cost: 60
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Phoenix
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Life 3
 Description: Inflicts "Reraise" status on alive ally.
 MP Cost: 50
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Phoenix
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Description: Removes Poison and Seizure status effects.
 MP Cost: 3
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Kirin
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Description: Removes all negative status effects.
 MP Cost: 15
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Alexandr, Sraphim, Starlet, Unicorn
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Description: Inflicts Regen status on ally.
 MP Cost: 10
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Kirin, Sraphim, Starlet
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Deals Fire-based damage.
 MP Cost: 4
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Bismark, Ifrit, Siren
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Deals Ice-based damage.
 MP Cost: 5
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Bismark, Shiva
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Deals Lightning-based damage.
 MP Cost: 6
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Bismark, Ramuh
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Deals Poison-based damage. May inflict Poison status.
 MP Cost: 3
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Ramuh
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Damages target and heals caster by that same amount. If casted on
              an undead foe, the foe gets healed and the caster takes damage.
 MP Cost: 15
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Ifrit
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Fire 2
 Description: Deals Fire-based damage.
 MP Cost: 20
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Ifrit, Maduin
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic
 NOTE: The Flame Shld teaches this to you at an x5 learn rate.

 Ice 2
 Description: Deals Ice-based damage.
 MP Cost: 21
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Maduin, Shiva
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic
 NOTE: The Ice Shld teaches this to you at an x5 learn rate.

 Bolt 2
 Description: Deals Lightning-based damage.
 MP Cost: 22
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Maduin, Ramuh
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic
 NOTE: The Thunder Shld teaches this to you at an x5 learn rate.

 Description: Deals Poison-based damage. May inflict Poison status.
 MP Cost: 26
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Shoat
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Fire 3
 Description: Deals Fire-based damage.
 MP Cost: 51
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Phoenix, Tritoch
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Ice 3
 Description: Deals Ice-based damage.
 MP Cost: 52
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Tritoch
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Bolt 3
 Description: Deals Lightning-based damage.
 MP Cost: 53
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Tritoch
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Petrify status on target.
 MP Cost: 25
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Shoat
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Instantly dispatches opponent.
 MP Cost: 35
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Shoat
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic
 NOTE: If you Vanish an enemy or boss, and use Doom while that enemy/boss is
       Vanished, you can instantly kill them and win the battle. This doesn't
       work on all bosses, but well over half of them can be defeated this way.

 Description: Deals Pearl-based damage.
 MP Cost: 40
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Alexandr
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Deals non-elemental damage.
 MP Cost: 45
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Bahamut
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Lowers an enemy's HP by 50%.
 MP Cost: 33
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Phantom
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Description: Lowers all enemies' HP by 25%.
 MP Cost: 48
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Terrato
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Description: Instantly dispatches all enemies.
 MP Cost: 53
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Fenrir
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Runic
 NOTE: The Cursed Shld teaches this to you at an x5 learn rate.

 Description: Deals non-elemental damage.
 MP Cost: 62
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Crusader, Odin
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: N/A

 Description: Deals non-elemental damage.
 MP Cost: 80
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Ragnarok
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Runic
 NOTE: The Paladin Shld teaches this to you at an x1 learn rate.

 Description: Deals Earth-based damage. Hurts you and enemies.
 MP Cost: 62
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Terrato
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Enemies resistant to Earth-elemental attacks.

 W Wind
 Description: Lowers all characters' HP to 6.25% of current HP. Hurts you and
 MP Cost: 75
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Terrato
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: N/A

 Description: Deals Fire and Wind-based damage. Hurts you and enemies.
 MP Cost: 85
 Magic Type: Black
 Learned From Espers: Crusader
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: N/A

 Description: Scans an enemy's HP, MP, weakness, and level.
 MP Cost: 3
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Kirin
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Slow status on target.t
 MP Cost: 5
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Palidor, Siren
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Deals direct damage to MP.
 MP Cost: 12
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Shiva, ZoneSeek
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Mute status on target.
 MP Cost: 8
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Siren
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Safe status on target.
 MP Cost: 12
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Alexandr, Carbunkl, Golem, Unicorn
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Sleep status on target.
 MP Cost: 5
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Siren
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Muddle status on target.
 MP Cost: 8
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Stray
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Haste status on target.
 MP Cost: 10
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Carbunkl, Palidor
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Stop status on target.
 MP Cost: 10
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Fenrir, Golem
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Berserk status on target.
 MP Cost: 16
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Phantom
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Float status on target.
 MP Cost: 17
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Palidor, Stray
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: N/A

 Description: Inflicts/removes the Imp status from target.
 MP Cost: 10
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Stray
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic
 NOTE: The Imp's Armor teaches this to you at an x1 learn rate.
       The Titanium teaches this to you at an x1 learn rate.
       The TortoiseShld teaches this to you at an x1 learn rate.

 Description: Inflicts the Reflect status on target.
 MP Cost: 22
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Carbunkl
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Shell status on target.
 MP Cost: 15
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Alexandr, Carbunkl, Unicorn, ZoneSeek
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic
 NOTE: The Force Shld teaches this to you at an x5 learn rate.

 Description: Inflicts/removes the Clear status from target.
 MP Cost: 18
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Phantom
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Description: Inflicts the Haste status on target. Targets all allies.
 MP Cost: 38
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Palidor
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Slow 2
 Description: Inflicts the Slow status on target. Targets all enemies.
 MP Cost: 26
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Palidor
 Multi-Target: Yes
 Absorbed By: Reflect, Runic

 Description: Absorbs MP. If target is undead, caster takes damage and enemy
              gets healed.
 MP Cost: 1
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Shiva, ZoneSeek
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 Description: Warps party out of battle. If outside of battle, warps to
              entrance of level.
 MP Cost: 20
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Carbunkl, Fenrir
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: N/A

 Description: Casters receives two turns immediately.
 MP Cost: 99
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Raiden
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: N/A

 Description: Removes all positive status effects.
 MP Cost: 25
 Magic Type: White
 Learned From Espers: Alexandr, Unicorn
 Multi-Target: No
 Absorbed By: Runic

 | 21. FAQs                                                             |

 This section will be quite long for a FAQs section, simply because there are
 SO very many questions asked in this game. I will try and cover all of the
 questions that are most frequently asked, that are asked both on GameFAQs, and
 elsewhere as well. Note that some of these questions are made up questions
 (still meant to help the gamer), but some are questions that have actually
 been asked.

 Q: Should I take the Ragnarok Esper, or the Ragnarok sword?

 A: A lot of people prefer to take the Ragnarok sword, rather than Esper. Even
    though the Esper is the only way to gain access to the ability Metamorph,
    which transforms enemies into items, it's not always guaranteed to work,
    and when it does, you never get anything really good from it. This is the
    only way to get the Cursed Ring though, but no, you CANNOT uncurse the
    Cursed Ring and make it become the Paladin Ring. That's a myth.

    Also, there is another way to learn Ultima, which Ragnarok teaches if you
    choose the Esper, and that's by the Paladin Shld. Paladin Shld teaches it
    to any party member who has it equipped at an x1 learn rate. Now, if you
    choose the sword on the other hand, you can wager it in the Colosseum to
    get the Illumina, the ultimate sword. There is absolutely no reason for you
    to keep the Ragnarok sword, since the Illumina is inherently better.

    You can also steal a Ragnarok sword from Girl in the third tier of the
    final battle with Kefka in the World of Ruin, and, even though it's at the
    very end of the game where you can steal it, that's still another way to
    gain access to it. Sadly, since there is no way to escape the final battle,
    there is absolutely no way for you to achieve two Illumina swords. Dang,
    wouldn't a Genji Glove/Offering/Illumina/Illumina combo OWN? ;)

 Q: What is the diffrerence between the Ragnarok and the Illumina? What makes
    the Illumina stand out?

 A: See the Weapons section for that information. You'll see what I mean if you
    read the note on the Illumina, and then on the Ragnarok.

 Q: Help! I didn't get the Bahamut Esper after defeating Doom Gaze!

 A: This is because Doom Gaze won't drop it if you use Vanish/X-Zone to defeat
    him. How in the world CAN Doom Gaze drop the Bahamut Esper if you use
    X-Zone? You sent him to another dimension, along with the Esper. To be
    serious, however, there IS still hope, should you use X-Zone on Doom Gaze.
    You can still get the Bahamut Esper back by encountering Doom Gaze again,
    because when you use X-Zone, you don't kill the boss, just make it vanish.

    So if you do that, encounter it again, then defeat it normally, or with
    Vanish/Doom to get the Bahamut Esper.

 Q; How does this Vanish/Doom combination I always hear about work?

 A: Most enemies and bosses in this game are vulnerable to what is called the
    "Clear" status. When you use Vanish on an enemy or boss, they become
    invisible under the Clear status, thus becoming impervious to physical
    attacks. However, if you use any form of magic attack on them, or if they
    have magic used on them by another enemy (e.g. Pep Up), they'll reappear
    back to their initial state.

    Once an enemy/boss is Vanished, you can use Doom on that enemy/boss to
    instantly kill it, thus giving you an _EXTREMELY_ easy win, as well as a
    very cheap win. Not ALL enemies/bosses are weak to this, but over half of
    them (well over half) are.

 Q: How does this Vanish/X-Zone combination I always hear about work?

 A: The same exact as way as Vanish/Doom (see above). However, since you do not
    actually kill the enemy with X-Zone (you send them to another dimension),
    you cannot obtain their item drops (e.g. WrexSoul's Pod Bracelet drop).
    Doom Gaze is the ONLY boss in the game you can fight again if you use
    X-Zone. Also, X-Zone isn't guaranteed to work like Doom is; it may take
    multiple tries before you actually succeed with this combination.

 Q: How do I unequip Espers? Help!

 A: This is a problem many gamers seem to have. However, removing Espers is
    quite easy. To do it, go to the Esper menu with the party member whos Esper
    you want to remove. On that menu, move your cursor over a blank spot in the
    Esper list and press A. Voila!

 Q: How do I uncurse the Cursed Shld?

 A: Fight 256 battles with the Cursed Shld equipped, but you have to be alive
    after each of those 256 battles. You can't battle on the Veldt to uncurse
    it, either. The way I recommend doing it is going to the Solitary Island
    (the island where Celes and Cid were stranded in the beginning of the World
    of Ruin). After 256 battles (you being alive those 256 battles, obviously),
    you get the Paladin Shld.

    You CANNOT uncurse the Cursed Shld with Gogo, by the way, nor with Umaro,
    since he can't equip shields. Since Cursed Shld sets inherent Berserk,
    Muddle, Seizure, Condemned, and Mute. Not only that, but it makes you weak
    to every elemental attack in the game, and lowers all stats by 7. To negate
    these effects, equip a Ribbon and a Relic Ring (Ribbon gets rid o fall
    negative status aliments, and Relic Ring gets rid of Condemned).

    It is worth it, believe me, to get the Paladin Shld. It is the best shield
    in the game, making you resistant to all 8 elements in the game, among
    other very good things. See the Weapons section or the Walkthrough section
    of the FAQ for more information on this.

 Q: Can I uncurse the Cursed Ring?

 A: No. The Cursed Ring, despite what anyone tells you, is merely a useless
    item that does nothing but sit in your inventory until you sell it or equip
    it. Since you can't uncurse it, there's no real reason for you to equip it.
    Just sell it, or, if you are one of those completions who just HAVE to have
    every item for no apparent reason. Personally, I couldn't give a crap if I
    have every item or every Rage; I merely play the game for fun.

    Anyway, to further clarify: the Cursed Ring CANNOT become the Paladin Ring.
    If you don't believe me, waste your time battling 256 battles with this
    thing equipped, and you'll find out for yourself. Don't say I didn't warn
    you. ;)

 Q: How can I get the Gamma Sword?

 A: You can't. Rumor has it that you can fly around Kefka's Tower with the
    Falcon for a very long time to get it, but the Gamma Sword isn't going to
    be yours. Don't believe this rumor, since, not only is it false, but it has
    no grounds for basis, either.

 Q: How can I get the Revival Potion?

 A: You can't. This, like the Gamma Sword before it, is a rumor. Supposedly,
    you could fight 4000 battles in the Dinosaur Forest (the forest where the
    Tyranosaur and Brachosaur enemies appear), then the Gold Dragon would
    appear and give you the Revival Potion after you defeated it. Not only do I
    not recommend wasting your time, there is a Gold Drgn enemy in Kefka's
    Tower, giving us evidence that there IS no Gold Dragon.

 Q: Help! I think I'm missing two Relics! What are they?

 A: Most people let the old man on the airship unequip them (you can do that on
    both the Blackjack and the Falcon; you'll be able to find the man easily,
    since there are so few people aside from party members in the airship) of
    their equipment. After that, they find that they have two Relics missing.
    Most likely, these two Relics are on Umaro and since the man can't remove
    Relics from Umaro, you'll have to remove them manually.

 Q: Is there any possible way to delete saved games?

 A: No. The only way to remove one is to save over one. After you start a file
    and save in one of the three slots, you can say goodbye to a gorgeous blank
    slot with no save game on it. :(

 Q: Who is Gogo?

 A: There has been a debate as to who Gogo is. Some say he is Adlai Stevenson,
    a politican who has been dead for a long time. Others say he is Daryl.
    Others don't care. I am one of those that don't care. I don't care at all
    who Gogo is. To me, it's just a mime that I can use as a party member (and
    a quite useful one at that). Gogo was originally a mime that you had to
    fight in Final Fantasy V as an optional boss, in order to get a new job

    Since Final Fantasy III (SNES) is really Final Fantasy VI in Japan, we can
    safely say that Gogo is that mime from Final Fantasy V. Quit debating over
    who Gogo is, since you are only hurting your brain in the process. I forgot
    to say that some people say that he is Gilgamesh from FFV, FFVIII, and
    FFIX. Again, that argument is not true.

 Q: Help! I can't preform a Blitz with Sabin! Is something wrong here?

 A: For some reason, many people are under the assumption that Blitzing is hard
    but that is, in reality, not true. It's very easy to Blitz. To Blitz, move
    your cursor over to the Blitz icon in battle when it is Sabin's turn. After
    your cursor is over Blitz, press A. Since you have a short amount of time
    to preform a Blitz, you have to work quickly. After pressing A on Blitz,
    you have to press different buttons of the D-Pad in a fairly fast amount of
    time to preform a Blitz.

    For example, to preform Pummel, you have to press Left, Right, and Left on
    the D-Pad, and then press A. Pressing A after you do the fancy D-Pad stuff
    applies to every Blitz; not just Pummel. Each time you are done inputting
    the Blitz code, press A to preform the Blitz. If you still don't get how to
    do it after this, here's a link to a Blitz FAQ written by Yoshi6400, that
    most people find very useful:


    If that doesn't help you, I don't know what to tell you. It shouldn't even
    be HARD to Blitz, but for some reason, to a lot of people, it is.

 Q: How do I see Shadow's dreams?

 A: You can see three of Shadow's four dreams in the World of Balance. When you
    reach the continent with Kohlingen on it after Figaro Castle burrows on
    your trip to Zozo mid-way through the World of Balance, In Kohlingen, if
    you have three party members or less, you can hire Shadow for 3000GP. Once
    you hire Shadow, you can talk to the Innkeeper over and over until you see
    one of Shadow's dreams. You can see up to a total of 3 dreams this way. If
    you get low on money, go outside and build it back up.

    In the World of Ruin, simply recruit Shadow into your group and then go to
    sleep at the Inn in Kohlingen until you see Shadow's fourth and final

 Q: Is Shadow Relm's father, or brother?

 A: Father. Shadow's dreams should prove that to you. Even though the Memento
    Ring says "Departed "mom's" love protects against fatal magic attacks",
    that doesn't mean anything. Shadow, simply put, is Relm's father. The
    Memento Ring is talking about RELM's mother, not anyone elses. Just cause
    Shadow can equip the Memento Ring doesn't mean anything, either.

 Q: Why does Interceptor like Relm, but no one else?

 A: This is more than likely due to the fact that Shadow is Relm's father, and
    thus with Relm being his daughter, and Interceptor being his partner, the
    dog is nice to only Shadow and Relm.

 Q: How do I get the Crusader Esper?

 A: Defeat all 8 dragons. You don't have to beat them in order, just beat them.
    Even if you are in Kefka's Tower, Fanatics' Tower, or Narshe (wherever you
    killed the final dragon at), you'll get the Crusader Esper after you break
    the Dragon Seal. The dragons, by the way, only appear in the World of Ruin
    and have their names appear "Drgn", instead of "Dragon" like some enemies
    may cause you to become confused because of.

    Another way to distinguish whether or not you are fighting a legendary
    dragon is if you see a dragon walking around in the same area you're in.
    That, my friend, is one of the legendary dragons of this game.

 Q: I've heard that there is a dragon in the Dinosaur Forest. Is there?

 A: No. I remember calling Nintendo one time and they said there was one. There
    isn't, believe me, I know. If you still think there is, you're gonna be
    disappointed. There's no Gold Dragon that gives you the Revival Potion in
    the Dinosaur Forest. The Nintendo guy was likely talking to me about the
    Tyranosaur or Brachosaur enemies, not the Gold Dragon or a legendary

    Honestly, if there WAS a legendary dragon in the forest, wouldn't you see
    it walking around like you do every other dragon? Thought so.

 Q: Is Shadow a girl? The game sure seems to think so!

 A: Even though the game calls Shadow a "she" after you take him back to
    Thamasa to recover from his wounds in the Cave in the Veldt. If Shadow is
    Relm's father, how can be a "she"? That's a bit scary, don't you think?
    Shadow the Lesbian sounds JUST a bit freaky, don't you agree? o_O

    To be perfectly serious, this was just a mistranslation in the game, as the
    programmers never did bother to fix the "she" line. The reason why this
    happens is because the game assumes you rescued Relm in the Cave in the
    Veldt, rather than Shadow (in other words,  you left Shadow dead in the
    Floating Continent).

 Q: What happens if I kill Shadow in the Floating Continent?

 A: What do you think happens silly? He dies. You can't get him back, either.
    If you kill him, shame on you, you murderer! >_>

 Q: I saved Shadow in the Floating Continent, but instead of Relm at the Cave
    in the Veldt, it's Shadow. What is going on here?

 A: This just means that Shadow will appear in the Veldt, and Relm will appear
    at Jidoor. If you didn't rescue Shadow at the Floating Continent, Relm will
    appear in the Cave in the Veldt for to rescue, and no one will appear in

 Q: How do I recruit Shadow for good?

 A: In the World of Ruin, bet the Striker weapon, found from a chest in the
    Cave in the Veldt, at the Colosseum to fight Shadow. Beat Shadow to get him
    as a party member. Note that after winning against Shadow, you get the
    Striker weapon back, and if you bet the Striker again, your opponent will
    be Chupon, rather than Shadow.

 Q: Can Umaro use magic, via the use of Espers?

 A: No. Umaro attacks automatically, and is a rather useless character.

 Q: Can Umaro equip anything?

 A: Relics. Other than that, he stays the naked yeti that he is.

 Q: Is there a such thing as the Paladin Ring?

 A: No. This, like many other things in this game, is a rumor. Don't waste your
    time trying to get it.

 Q: What is Psycho Cyan, and how do I preform it?

 A: See the Codes n' Secrets section to see how to preform this.
 Q: Can I still get the Gold Hairpin from Lone Wolf if I rescue Mog instead?

 A: No, but you can get Gold Hairpins later in the game. Besides, Mog is much
    more valuable than a Gold Hairpin at that point in the game.

 Q: What are Gau's best Rages for the World of Balance and the World of Ruin?

 A: See either Djibriel's Rage Guide, found at GameFAQs.com, for that info,
    or see the Rages section of this FAQ. They both tell you the best Rages for
    the World of Balance and the World of Ruin.

 Q: I have yet to see a Desperation Attack, and I've been playing this game for
    a long time. Help!

 A: Elaborate on "long time". Regardless of what you want to believe, there is
    a 1/16 chance for almost all of your party members (see Game Basics section
    of the FAQ for this information) to use a Desperation Attack, once they
    reach less than one-eighth of their maximum HP. A party member cannot use a
    Desperation Attack the first 25 seconds of the battle, or if they have used
    one already, or if they have Muddle, Zombie, Image, or Clear on, so keep
    that in mind.

 Q: I lost my airship after getting the Wondo Rondo Dance. Help! What do I do

 A: Relax, my friend, relax. It'll be okay; your airship isn't lost. It's in
    the same place you left it. If you got the Water Rondo by falling off of
    Barren Falls, you'll end up on the Veldt. Go to Crescent Island after that,
    then take the left path both times, since you don't need the right path
    anymore, since you should already have opened the chests on your first
    visit here.

    After crossing the Serpent Trench at Crescent Island, you'll end up in
    Nikeah. Rent a Chocobo in Nikeah, then ride it all the way back to Barren
    Falls, where your airship awaits. Alternately, you can walk back to Barren
    Falls from Nikeah, but it's easier just to use a Chocobo. If you jumped in
    the Lete River to get the Water Rondo Dance (you have to go through the
    secret area in the room with the Save Point and the Fenix Down chest to get
    to the Lete River after the fight with Ultros), walk through the same areas
    I listed above.

    When you reach Nikeah, board the ferry that sails to South Figaro. Once in
    South Figaro, exit it, then go through Mt. Koltz, then go to the entrance
    of the Returners' Hideout, where the Blackjack awaits.

 Q: Why doesn't the Blind status aliment work?

 A: This is because of a glitch in the game. If you haven't heard that this
    game has more bugs than the Earth has insects, you must've been in a coma.
    Blind doesn't work because the game programmers overlooked a bug that
    caused Blind not to work. It doesn't work on you, or the enemies. Enjoy the
    cool shades Blind has to offer, since that's all it does.

 Q: Why doesn't the Evade stat work?

 A: Like Blind before it, Evade has a bug in it that was overlooked by the game
    programmers. Evade instead is transferred to M.Block%, which can make a
    party member practically invincible, protecting both from physical attacks
    (something Evade was supposed to do), and from magical attacks (M.Block was
    already supposed to do this, so no bug there).

 Q: What does M.Block% do? What's so important about it?

 A: M.Block% originally was only supposed to enable you to block magic attacks.
    However, due to a bug, M.Block% not only causes you to block magic attacks,
    but it enables you to block physical attacks as well. The higher your
    M.Block% is, the more attacks you can block. This is why a party member
    with 128% M.Block is practically invincible, and why so many people on the
    GameFAQs Message Boards talk about it a lot.

 Q: Help! There are blank slots on my Esper list! What's wrong?

 A: There are a total of 27 Espers in this game. Because of the way the Esper
    list is layed out, there will always be blank spots in the list. Also of
    note, you'll always have at least one empty slot that an Esper could fit
    into, simply because if you have Odin, you can't have Raiden, and if you
    have Raiden, you can't have Odin. If you instead choose the Ragnarok sword
    over the Ragnarok Esper (something I strongly recommend), you'll have one
    empty slot that the Ragnarok Esper could fit into.

 Q: What's the difference between Odin and Raiden?

 A: Odin teaches you Meteor at an x1 learn rate, and is the ONLY Esper to give
    you a Speed +1 bonus at level up. Raiden, on the other hand, teaches Quick
    (it is also the only Esper to do so) at an x1 learn rate, and gives you a
    Stamina +2 bonus at level up. Because of the Speed +1 bonus, most people
    prefer to level up the party members they want with Odin on before turning
    it into Raiden. More information on what I think you should choose below.

 Q: What should I choose? Odin or Raiden?

 A: Odin is the only Esper that gives you a Speed +1 bonus at level up. There
    is another way aside from Odin to learn Meteor, and at a much faster learn
    rate at that, and that's the Crusader Esper. Raiden, on the other hand, is
    the only Esper that teaches you the Quick spell, which allows you to take
    two turns in one battle. A lot of people prefer to pick Odin instead of
    Raiden, but I recommend Raiden, since Speed shouldn't make that much of a
    difference at all.

    To turn Odin into Raiden, talk to the stone of the queen in the room with
    the Blue Drgn. Once you have done this, if you save it, you CANNOT undo it,
    so think carefully.

 Q: Does saving Cid change the story in any way?

 A: Not really. If Cid dies, Celes will examine a letter left behind by Cid
    (somehow, even as a dead person, he managed to write that letter o_O), but
    if you save him, Cid will personally show Celes the raft that he used to
    get by for a year. If you come and visit him while he's alive, it won't do

 Q: How do I get the Palidor Esper?

 A: After getting the Falcon, fly back to the Solitary Island. On the beach,
    you'll find the Palidor Esper.

 Q: I'm running low on GP; what is the best place to earn GP quickly?

 A: The best place would have to be the desert south of Maranda, where you can
    fight Hoovers for 10000GP, and Cactrots for 10000GP.

 Q: What is the fastest way to gain Magic Points?

 A: In the World of Balance, Intangir, found on Triangle Island (the small
    continent about the size of Bermuda in the extreme northeastern corner of
    the map), gives you 10 Magic Points if you kill him. Since Intangir will no
    doubt kill you if you fight it normally, simply use Doom to kill it. Since
    it is automatically Vanished, you won't need to use Vanish on it.

    In the World of Ruin, the fastest way to gain Magic Points is the desert
    south of Maranda. There, you can fight Hoovers for 5 Magic Points, and you
    can also fight Cactrots for 10 Magic Points.

 Q: What is the best place to level up?

 A: In the World of Balance, Floating Continent is easily the best place to
    level up. The enemies there are very strong though, so be careful. In the
    World of Ruin, the best place to level up is the Dinosaur Forest. To find
    it, fly to the continent east of Narshe, or north of the Veldt. You will be
    able to tell when you have it, since the forest looks remarkably like the
    head of a dinosaur.

    In that forest, you'll fight either Tyranosaur enemies (most common), or a
    Brachosaur enemy (most rare). The Brachosaur enemies are the hardest random
    encounter enemy in the game. However, you can steal a Ribbon from them, as
    well as a win an Economizer, though it is rare. Alternately, you can fight
    enemies in the grass around the Dinosaur Forest, as well as the continent
    with Doma Castle on it.

    An easy way to gain experience with those enemies is to use Vanish on
    yourself, or summon Phantom. You should only come with one party member
    alive, however, and with an Exp. Egg, since that's the fastest way to level
    up. The enemies outside the Dinosaur Forest or on the Doma continent are
    also considerably easier to defeat at a much lower level, and give about
    the same amount of experience points as the dinosaurs do, if not a bit

 Q: Why aren't any of my stats increasing, even though I keep leveling up?

 A: Because stats don't increase at level ups; only HP/MP do. This is why it is
    very important to level up with an Esper that gives a stat-boosting bonus
    equipped. This is the only way to raise your stats, other than HP/MP.

 Q: How many endings does this game have?

 A: Just one. There can be minor variations in the ending if you don't get all
    of the party members (technically, you only need Celes, Edgar, and Setzer
    to beat the game). If you don't get all the party members, the party
    members that you didn't get will simply have their portrait shown in the
    background, and then you'll be shown the location where you could've got

 Q: Is there a Masamune in this game?

 A: Yes, though it is called the Aura. For some reason, it wasn't called the
    Masamune in this game, even though it really is. Also, it's considerably
    weak for a Masamune weapon, since Masamune weapons are usually strong. Take
    a look at the upgraded Masamune on Chrono Trigger, for example.

 Q: Can I get more than one Offering?

 A: No.

 Q: Can I get more than one Gem Box?

 A: No.

 Q: Can I get unlimited Economizers?

 A: You sure can. Brachosaurs have a rare Economizer drop, and therefore you
    have a chacne to find an unlimited amount of them. This will be very time-
    consuming though, and it really isn't necessary, since you are well able to
    beat the game without the use of Economizers.

 Q: Can Relm equip the Minerva?

 A: No. The Minerva is exclusively for Terra and Celes.

 Q: Can I steal an Atma Weapon sword from the Atma monster on the Floating

 A: No. I don't know who told you that, but you can't. There are two Atma
    Weapons in this game; one in the Cave to the Sealed Gate, and the other at
    the final battle with the third tier, since you can steal it from Sleep.

 Q: What determines the damage that the Atma Weapon will do? And what also
    determines its length?

 A: This has been a question asked by many people, so I'll answer it. The Atma
    Weapon's power is determined by your Vigor, the weapon's Battle Power, and
    your level. Your maximum HP, as well as current HP, determines the damage
    as well. The lower your HP, the lower the damage. Even if you have high
    maximum HP, if you are low on HP currently, the damage will be considerably

    What determines the length of the Atma Weapon is how much damage it does.
    The more damage you deal out with the Atma Weapon, the longer it will be.
    Finally, Atma Weapon ignores defense, meaning it's much more powerful than
    a weapon that doesn't ignore defense.

 Q: How do I do the Sketch Bug with Relm?

 A: See the Codes n' Secrets section for that information.

 Q: If I name Cyan Leo, will that make him start with four SwdTechs?

 A: No. That does nothing. In order to start with four SwdTechs, Cyan needs to
    be Level 15.

 Q: If I don't get Mog in the World of Balance, can I get him in the World of

 A: Yes. I recommend that even though you CAN get Mog in the World of Ruin, you
    don't ignore him. He's actually a very good party member. Also, Mog can
    learn the Water Rondo Dance ONLY in the World of Balance, since it is the
    only part of the game with water terrain (Lete River and Serpent Trench).

 Q: Does leveling up really matter all that much?

 A: Not really. While leveling up certainly helps, you can beat this game with
    Terra at Level 6 in a Low-Level Game. Also, you don't even need the stat
    bonuses that the Esper gives you. Like I said about leveling up, however,
    it certainly helps.

 | 22. Codes n' Secrets                                                 |

 In this section, I'll list all of the Codes n' Secrets I know in this game,
 as well as how to do them, etc.

 Code n' Secret #1 - Psycho Cyan
 Location: In battle with Cyan in your group
 How To Do It: Psycho Cyan is a glitch where Cyan goes crazy in battle,
               basically. To preform it, you need Cyan in your group (duh).
               With Cyan in your group, enter into a battle. In battle, have
               Cyan SwdTech 2, which is Retort. After that, cast Imp on him.
               Now, quickly kill him before he triggers retort, either with
               something that kills in one hit, or use several magic spells. If
               you are high enough, you can kill him with one magic spell.

               Once he is dead, revive him. and then use the Fight command with
               anyone else in your party aside from Cyan. Cyan, still an Imp,
               will attack all enemies in the battle until they are dead, and
               he'll never stop either.

 Code n' Secret #2 - Sketch Bug
 Location: In battle with Relm in your group
 How To Do It: Put Relm in your group, and go into a battle on the Veldt (make
               sure Gau is leaped off first). After winning the battle on the
               Veldt, when Gau appears, Sketch him (you have to have 3 party
               members or less to do this, by the way) before he has the chance
               to rejoin your group (RunningShoes HELPS for this). If done
               right, you'll have preformed what is known as the "Sketch Bug".
               Alternately, you can Sketch Intangir, which is much easier.

               The Sketch Bug can give you a ton of every item, even Atma
               Weapons, Illuminas, Paladin Shlds, etc. I don't recommend doing
               it because for one, it can freeze your game, swap party members,
               or erase your saved files. Not only that, but it kills the
               challenge of this game. Sure, some of you would argue that this
               game has no challenge as it is, but that isn't my point, and I
               do not preach about the challenge. This is a FAQ, not a sermon.

               IMPORTANT NOTE: For this glitch to work, you must version 1.0 of
                               this game. If you have a version above that, go
                               to Super Slash's FF3 FAQ, found at GameFAQs, and
                               check his Game Genie Codes section.

 Code n' Secret #3 - Save Anywhere In Some Dungeons
 Location: Only works in certain dungeons
 How To Do It: To preform this, you have to be in a dungeon where you can have
               different groups (e.g. Phoenix Cave). Stand on a Save Point in
               a dungeon like that, to enable the Save option on the menu. Once
               you step on the Save Point, switch to another group. With that
               group (be sure the group that's on the Save Point stays on the
               Save Point), go to the menu, to see that the Save option is
               still in white. You can save your game like this, and even use a
               Tent. This is pretty useful, actually, especially in Kefka's
               Tower, where you can get yourself into some pretty dangerous
               situations, since the enemies there are tough,

               NOTE: This information was referenced from Super Slash's FAQ,
                     found at GameFAQs.com, so all credit goes to him.

 Alternately, you can Google search Game Genie codes, or use Super Slash's FAQ,
 found at this URL:


 | 23. Copyright                                                        |

 This guide is copyrighted © 2006-2008, Kori Winstead. All rights reserved. All
 trademarks and copyrights contained in this guide are owned by their
 respective trademark and copyright holders. This FAQ is NOT to be reproduced
 on ANY website except for the ones I list below:


 If you would like this FAQ or any of my other FAQs to be on your site, then
 e-mail me at verykoolguy2002@yahoo.com. 99.9% of the time I will say yes, so
 go ahead and e-mail me. The one website that CANNOT use my FAQ without my
 permission is www.cheatcc.com. They have ripped me off in the past, and they
 will never EVER be able to post ANY of my work. Also, they never kept up with
 my most recent versions on one of my FAQs, so I will not allow them to use any
 of my FAQs anymore.

 | 24. Contact Info                                                     |

 To contact me, e-mail me at verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com. Keep in mind that
 I will not bother to respond to hate mails, threats, or anything of that sort,
 just so you know (though common sense tells you that anyway, but I will remind
 you, just so that you are 100% sure what not to send me). I will not respond
 to spam, either. Only e-mails pertaining to this FAQ or any other FAQ I may
 have that is not marked version Final will be accepted and responded to. But
 please, read the FAQ before sending in a question.

 It gets very annoying after a while to have to sit here and respond to e-mails
 about things that are already blatantly answered in this FAQ. So the bottom
 line is to read my FAQ first and if it doesn't contain the information you are
 looking for, then go ahead and e-mail me and I'll gladly respond (though I'll
 usually respond to question already answered in this FAQ anyway, just the way
 I am, but that doesn't mean I like those e-mails).

 | 25. Credits                                                          |

 Nintendo: For allowing such a game to be played on their system.

 Squaresoft: For making this.

 Myself: For taking the time to write this guide.

 CJayC: For hosting this FAQ, and for running GameFAQs.

 Djibriel: Used his FAQ/Walkthrough, as well as his Rage Guide for some info in
           this FAQ.

 Atom Edge: His Item FAQ helped me to figure out some things I never knew about
            the items.

 Master ZED: His godly Monster Statistics Guide really helped me a lot for the
             Enemies section.

 Super Slash: Referenced his FAQ for just a couple of very minor things. Also,
              he allowed me to use the descriptions he put for the magic spells
              found in the Spells section of this FAQ.