****************************************************************************** ********* Fear Effect Walk-through; Sony Playstation; Version 1.5 (2/25/00) * By: Mr. Self Destruct (Eraser015@earthlink.net) ****************************************************************************** ******** Updates: 1.5: I added the rest of the walkthrough for Disk 1. Introduction: I'm sorry, but I'm not going to get too elaborate here. I'm not going to setup the plot for you, or outline the characters. I figure if you want to know that stuff, and you have the game (which you do, or else you wouldn't need help with it) you can just look in the instruction booklet. All I'm doing is a walkthrough as I go, so… here it is. If you have any questions OR comments, feel free to email me anytime. By the way, I posted my review for the game right here at Gamefaqs.com, go check it out. I will update the guide as I go along, as I haven't finished the game yet, so I couldn't possibly write a walkthrough for the entire game. Okay, enough talk, here we go: Walkthrough: When you first get off the helicopter, save. Now that you've done that go over to the wall and pull the switch. You'll view a cutscene, then head down the pathway until you meet two guards. Kill both of them, and continue on until you get to a small building with a ladder. You can climb up the ladder, but don't do that just yet. Look through the glass window. After you view THAT cutscene, shoot out the window and hop inside. Pull the level and ALSO don't forget to pick up a fuse in the very same room. Now, exit back out through the window and climb up the ladder. On the roof you'll notice and hand level that you can turn. Turn it, and watch the guard below die. Hop down the ladder, and take his key. Then proceed to the gate. Continue on, killing any guards you see, and you will come to a room that requires the red key card. You should have gotten this from one of the guards you killed, so cycle through your inventory until you find it. Then open the door. Inside, kill the guard. You will notice you CAN'T open the lockers just yet, but go over to the TV's and witness your friend get his ass kick. Walk out the door by the TV's and continue on, once again killing any guards you might come across. Be sure to look out for the LOCKER key. It's right before a long, narrow pathway. You'll eventually come to a room with pipes and other big machinery (it's right after you come down the narrow-passageway). Well, kill those two guards and head over to the big red pipe on your left. Cycle through your inventory until you get to the fuse (remember from earlier?) Insert the fuse into the box to kill some scum guards. Now, kill the guard on that floor and you will notice a door. Well, you can't go in there yet. So head BACK upstairs to where you kill those guys by inserting the fuse. Needless to say, you need to proceed across the electrified floor with caution. Just watch for the patterns, when one panel stops with the electricity, get onto it and wait for another to go off. Eventually you'll make it to the other side. Kill the guard, and head to the room where you saw your friend on TV. Open the locker to get a new gun and the BLUE keycard. Head BACK towards where the electric floors were, but instead get on the elevator right before it. Go down. Right after getting off, go to your left and get the wire cutters from the yellow panel against the wall. Continue on and you will notice a door. While the "USE" function comes up, you can't get in regardless. So, ignore it for now. Kill the two upcoming guards. Open the door with the blue keycard and watch the cool sequence. Kill the guards and watch another sequence in which they talk in detail about the kidnapping and so on. Oh, and that pesky little bomb strapped to Jin's chest that you have to disarm.... do that and continue o.. oh, you want the disarm code? Okay, you have to cut 2 wires from each section, and here they are: First panel: red, blue Second panel: yellow, red Third panel: blue, yellow After that, the guy who killed your friend will run away, and you have to chase after him. Remember that door at the beginning of this section where I said you didn't have the right stuff to get in? Well guess what, you now have some C4 explosives. So head on over to that door, and plant that baby right on the door. Then get away from there very fast. Go through the burning door, and then say to yourself "Hey, doesn't this place look familiar??" Well, that's because it is. Remember where you entered the "fuse" earlier in the game? Now you're in that same room. Now, go back up that narrow passage (towards where the floors were electrified earlier) and head to the door that had the blue keycard in it (the one where you watched your friend get beat down on TV). Only THIS time, don't go into the room. Right BEFORE the room there should be a ladder heading down. Go down and save your game before going out on the ledge. After you save, go out on the ledge and kill the two guards. Enter the room and prepare for a fight with the guy who killed your friend! Boss strategy: This boss isn't very tough at all. Use the blocks in the room to your advantage. Shoot him a few times (you should be crouching while shooting him), then use your evasive tactics (hold L2 + whichever direction you want to dodge) to dodge his attacks and roll behind the blocks for cover. I found that my fear meter was very low during the fight, so you can't make too many mistakes. It's a little tricky to pull off, but it shouldn't be TOO hard. After you beat him, grab his items. He gives you a key, and notice a place over on the wall where you can use it. You have to input 4 symbols. Hmm…. Now how could anyone POSSIBLY know what to do here, right? Well, just walk outside (onto the ledge where you killed those 2 guards) and notice the flashing, huge letter symbols. There is your code! Watch a short cutscene and prepare to take control of Glas. Once the scene ends, run over to the wall with Glas and push the button. ANOTHER scene will play out and a helicopter is firing on you! After the cutscene ends, run to your left, but be very careful not to touch the flames, because if you do you'll burn. Run over to the ladder and climb up. Follow the path (just as you did with Hana in the beginning of the game) taking out the two guards. You'll finally come up to the building where you can climb up a ladder. Now comes the tricky part. Tricky because the helicopter is back, and you have to be QUICK once you get up the ladder or you'll be dead. The method I used was to hold L2 before I ever got my feet on the ground, and then once I did, just rolled forward. That way you can evade the helicopters gunshots. After THAT is over with, climb down the other ladder and head over to the left (or right, depending on which angle you're at). Pick up the pipe and put it into the switch on your left. After that is through, shoot the same switch you just put the pipe in. It will explode and you'll watch a cutscene. Time to control Hana again. Watch as Hana knocks the knife out of the guards hand. Now comes the tricky part. He's going to chase you around the room, you have to get in the middle and pick up the knife. So, make him run in circles until you have a second to spare, and pick up the knife. Then position yourself in a crouch position, and when he rounds the corner start stabbing! After you've killed him, take his gun and head out to the ledge. Take out any guards you might find, and watch yet another cutscene in which Hana is held hostage. Now you will take control of Glas yet again. When you start out, you are on a series of pipes. The only problem is the pipes will go off (light up) every couple seconds, so be careful. Listen for the sound, you'll hear it building up to when the pipes go off. Make your way straight ahead, and turn the pipe handle. Then you're going to make your way back down and head to Glas' left. It's kind of tricky getting there before the pipes go off, but it shouldn't be a problem. Once you've done that, head out of that area and prepare for another boss fight. Boss Strategy: The helicopter boss isn't hard at all. The one thing to remember is ALWAYS keep moving. Use the evasive roll (Hold L2 + direction) while he is shooting to avoid his shots. When he stops, you're going to shoot the banner (or poster, or towel, whatever it is) and it will fall into his wing and cause damage to him. After you've shot two of the banners into his wings, roll left until you reach another screen, then shoot the third banner into his wing and defeat him. Now you're back to another familiar area. I found my ammo to be very low in this portion. I kept dying until I figured out a way to get more ammo. I don't know if this is a glitch or if I just had to exchange the ammo. But what I did was I switched to my double guns, and loaded the ammo. Then I switched BACK to my single gun and I had about 10 more rounds. After you do that (unless you have plenty of ammo) take out the two guards and pick up their rifle ammunition. Head down the corridor until you get to the burning door (remember the one you blasted with some C4 as Hana?) But don't go into the door just yet. Head LEFT to find two guards out on the ledge. Take both of them out (I ran out of ammo and had to beat the other guard with my club stick). Take their Rifles and then head through the burning door. Get ready for a semi-difficult fight. There are a lot of guards that are going to come at you, around seven or eight. Take all of them out and collect their ammo. Head up the corridor and take out the other guard. Don't forget to save here! Then proceed past where the floors were electrified, and take out the guard in the next section. Keep following the path, and take out two more guards. FINALLY, head towards the red keycard door. Of course you don't have the red keycard, so head down the ladder. Watch the sequence as Hana is about to be killed. After the clip is over (and Glas has killed most of the guards) get ready for another boss fight with Mr. Helicopter and some of his goons. Boss Strategy: This fight is probably the toughest one yet, simply because there are people firing at you from behind as well as the helicopter. When the helicopter STOPS shooting, the people behind you START shooting. So, when the people behind you are shooting, stand in the middle and shoot the helicopter, when the helicopter is shooting, take cover behind the wall. It's as simple as that…. Well, it's not that simple, seeing as I died a few million times on this boss. Now watch as Hana takes care of business, and get ready to run towards the helicopter with Glas. Now watch as you are first introduced to Deke. Watch the final cutscene of disk 1.