-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience! My personal site : kolardamir.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of game: Fear Effect (for formats: PAL) Type of guide: Failure Guide / FAQ Platform: Playstation Version: Hana, released on 16th February 2008 Author: Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar - All rights reserved Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 01.) LEGAL INFORMATION - G0100 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE* use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Permission will *not be granted* to fan based websites. *ONLY* following sites can host this guide: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://www.neoseeker.com - http://faqs.ign.com ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 02.) TABLE OF CONTENTS - G0200 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you need to find something quickly, press and hold CTRL (Control), then press F button. This will bring up 'Find and Replace' box. In it type the word you're looking for and you should be taken to it immediately. This is much faster than scrolling thru entire guide. For your convenience I've inserted special search codes near every section to help you easily hop on to that section by using search code provided. Each search code will appear only twice in whole guide - thus getting stray hits will be impossible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION NUMBER AND NAME | CODE | WHAT IS IT ABOUT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01.) Legal information | G0100 | Copyright protection and legal info. 02.) Table of Contents | G0200 | Sections of this guide. 03.) Latest Updates | G0300 | Read what was added in last update. 04.) Introduction | G0400 | Just some small rambling from me... 05.) Failure Guide | G0500 | Your objective is to get killed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.) Past Revisions | G0600 | History of this guide resides here... 07.) Credits | G0700 | All who contributed... Thank you. 08.) Contact Info | G0800 | Find out how to reach me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 03.) LATEST UPDATES - G0300 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version Hana (16th February 2008) # Any user submitted contributions will no longer be added to this guide. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 04.) INTRODUCTION - G0400 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Hello! I am Damir Kolar and I welcome you to my Fear Effect guide. Why did I decide to write something like this? Well, I already created a similar guide like this one for Perfect Dark (Mission Failure FAQ) - and since you can screw up in this game at many different places (you just don't know where all such places are), I decided to write a document containing info on where such sequences can be viewed. Well, enough babbling. Take a look at where are all the places that grant you a special sequence if you die. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 05.) FAILURE GUIDE - G0500 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= NOTE 1: Instant death sequnce will be referred to as failure sequence. NOTE 2: I'll be listing them in exact order as you find them thru the game. I will NOT split them up in separate sections for each character. Let's start. NOTE 3: Failure sequence will be abbreviated as FS. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DISC 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HANA FS1 - Before killing the third guard by turning the valve on steam pipe, try climbing down the ladder on guard's side. He'll shoot you and Hana will fall off ladder screaming to her death. FS2 - Once you turn on the electricity, walk on electric floor to speed up your heart bypass. FS3 - During the shootout shoot Jin for Kabooom! FS3 (alternative) - Let the 6 minute bomb timer run and see if you can make it back to the helicopter. FS4 - Keep fiddling with the bomb until timer runs out and Kabooom! Hmm, room will suddenly have rough sketches of Jin and Hana. GLAS FS5 - Fail to run away on the ladder / Fail to climb the ladder fast enough and an explosion from heli's greeting rocket will send you to meet your maker. FS6 - When climbing over the big container, some paparazzi will try to photograph you. As you take position, you'll be shredded apart by the big mean machine gun. So much for the fans... FS7 - Once the second heli is defeated, don't run away. Instead face your pursuers who will change your face description. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DISC 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GLAS FS8 - There'll be a bridge that zombies will continually ignite on fire. When walking over the bridge, set yourself on fire. DEKE FS9 - When you get in the train, you'll have to face a big bastard, who's hiding himself behind some explosives. Cool! So shoot the explosives to instantly kill the guy. FS10 - Once you gain access to the railings after releasing the ladder, try to be Tarzan and jump... down, that is. FS11 - While fighting two goons on top of the train walk near... ummm, I mean over the edge of the train to fall down. Sploootch! FS12 - Clear the top of the train. Once train approaches broken bridge, there'll be a beatiful scenery, which will make you want to fly. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DISC 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DEKE FS13 - When crossing glass tiles, step on one of many fake ones to take a shortcut to the lower basement. GLAS FS14 - When going through kitchen, be seen, shoot your weapon or stand up to be swiss cheesed. FS15 - While fighting around the woman (there's an enemy under the bed), shoot her to give yourself more fighting space. HANA FS16 - Once you engage in battle against the madam, allow Wee Ming to engage in one-on-one with one of many enemies. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DISC 4 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HANA FS17 - After changing clothes about five times already, I think it'd be a good time for Hana to take a bath. Just walk casually into the water from one of the sinking stones. GLAS FS18 - Hmmm, Indiana Jones puzzle... Just walk whenever you're ready. Oh look, a holy grail is *under* here... FS19 - When you obtain Stone Sword (dang, I thought I'd obtain holy grail), you'll see that the true path is now revealed. Hmm, I wonder what's down there. Go and take a look. FS20 - I knew that over half my body contains water, but I never figured this would mean *that* many (get killed in boss battle against Deke). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DISC 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HANA FS21 - (When given option, select Glas) You're the man, Glas... shooting an innocent woman... FS22 - Oh no! King of Hell got me. Nooo! It's time to go berserk... maybe when this is over, we'll have a chance to create a better world. GLAS FS23 - (When given option, select Hana) Haha, got ya there... nyah nyah... I pull the trigger faster than you...? Glas...? Glas! Nooooo! FS24 - Get killed by last boss to see a sequence with Wee Ming. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 06.) PAST REVISIONS - G0600 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version 1.01 (August 30th, 2002) # Just an addendum of two more sites that host this guide. - Version 1.0 (June 23rd, 2001) # Initial release. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 07.) CREDITS - G0700 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1. Companies - Eidos: they created this game - Sony: for making PSX 2. Internet sites - GameFAQs [www.gamefaqs.com]: for hosting my FAQ - IGN [faqs.ign.com]: for hosting my FAQ - Neoseeker [www.neoseeker.com]: for hosting my FAQ 3. People Emptiness. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 08.) CONTACT INFO - G0800 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at: lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com I need to put down a few guidelines. - as a subject of e-mail please include Fear Effect - please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are written badly or in some strange gibberish - don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't - *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages; I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide - I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language - I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted, therefore I will answer such e-mails in English - when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails - finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you 2. Damir Kolar's Contributor page http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/6434.html 3. Damir Kolar's homepage http://kolardamir.com http://splitinfinity.50megs.com Yours truly, Damir Kolar End of Document