Eagle One: Harrier Attack Faq/Guide Written by Matrixlotr (Thomas A.) E-mail Skatedude91@msn.com Version 0.30 Contents------- 1 Intro 2 Controls 3 Weapons 4 Multiplayer 5 Tactics 6 Medals 7 Walkthrough 8 Closing Intro---------- Eagle One: Harrier Attack is a very fun game. However, it can also be a very frustrating game as well. That's what this guide was created for. To help the stuggling gamers get through an exiting dogfight simulator with a story. Good Luck! Controls------- Up: lower nose Down: lift nose Left: turn left (viff left while hovering) Right: turn right (viff right while hovering) x button: fire selected weapon square button: slow down triangle button: speed up circle button: select weapon R1 button: Enter/Exit Hover mode R2/L2: Quick turn Right/Left Weapons-------- 25mm gun: your standard machine gun. Deals good damage and never runs out of ammo Rockets: Rockets are launched in pods and deal significant damage, but have no lock-on, making it nearly impossible to hit anything that flies. Good against Tanks though. Air-to-Ground Missiles: Extremly powerful missiles that lock on to ground- based targets, such as tanks or SAM launchers Air-to-Air Missiles: Same as the Air-to-Ground missiles, except lock-on to air based enemies (planes, helicopters,ect.) Bombs: Powerful bombs released from the planes under carriage devastate all they hit. Line the plane up vertically with the target and realase to use. Air-to-Sea missiles: Missiles that deal INSANE damage to the enemy's sea-bound units, such as Battleships. In short supply, must rearm after 6 shots. Multiplayer---- In the game, there are two multiplayer modes, co-op and vs. These are a few tips for how to win while playing in vs. mode.(note: just use the single player walkthrough for instructions in co-op mode) *Fly High: Try to stay higher in the air than your opponent, but not too far so you know when he is coming. If you see him approaching, swoop down and assault with the 25mm gun. *Turn and tail: When you see your enemy pass you by, turn and follow close behind. This makes aiming and lock-on far easier. *Cover yourself on all fronts: Stay alert of your surroundings, as you are not all alone with your opponent. CPU enemies litter the battleground, so never let your guard down. Tactics--------- These are basically hints made for combatting all cpu characters, such as Tanks and computer controlled aircraft. #Hover-mode chaos: While combating ground opponents, you should be in hover mode. Viff left and right while firing rockets at your opponents #Jet storms: If you find yourself overwhelmed by air-based enemy units, try to mach their speed, and take them out one at a time by using the strategy, "turn and tail" #Lead out: This is an alternative to the "Jet storms" plan. Simply, run away and run far away. one or two of the enemy units might follow you.*note* this does not always work. #Crash and burn: The simplest of all strategies. If you see a helicopter that continues to avoid your missiles, just ram him: he'll take a lot more damage than you will. Medals---------- Throughout the game, you will be able to recieve a number of medals to show to all your friends. Here is a list of some of the ones that are much harder than others: Purple Heart: Commended for surviving a battle despite horrible injuries. To get- finish a level that you spent about the last 2-3 minutes in critical (less than 10) health. Difficulty: ****out of***** Special Ops Patch: Awarded for participating in a Special Ops operation. To get- Comlete mission five without losing. *note* if you do not get this in mission five you can get it in mission eight. (HARD level) Difficulty ***out of***** Congressional Medal of Honor: Commended for going above and beyond the call of duty and doing something knowing of the risk to your life. To get- finish mission 20 without dying OR complete the FINAL stage. Difficulty*****out of ***** Walkthrough----------------------------------------------------------------- **note** this walkthrough, because the game is never EXACTLY the same, mostly just gives you the idea of how you should go about with the mission. Island One: Hawaii Mission One: Scramble The Eagle squadron arrives at the base at Hilo, but is ambushed by some enemy aircraft. One harrier is destroyed. You are the only plane ready for takeoff. Get ready! Takeoff by holding triangle until your speed reaches 100, then lift the nose to begin flight. Once in the air, use the turn and tail strategy and take down the enemy aircraft one by one using either your 25mm gun or your Air-to-Air missiles. If the enemy units on the ground give you any trouble, ignore them and speed up. They can't do more than about 3 damage to you. Notes: You must finish the mission fast because Eagle nest is constantly bombed by the enemies. If it is destroyed, you will lose. Mission Two: Road Rage Your base has been rescued and things have calmed down. However, your reports show that an enemy supply convoy has been spotted approaching an ANM forward base. Your orders are to destroy it _before_ it reaches its goal and aids the enemy. Take off at the start of the stage, and follow the objective beacon to your destination. Press R1 to enter hover mode. Viff left or right, follow- ing the enemy. It is HIGHLY reccomended that you use your rockets because with the air-to-air missiles, lock-on takes a LONG time. You should just TRY to ignore the jeeps pounding you if you can, but destroy them with your rockets if you must, but then continue on until you catch up with the convoy and continue your assault. If, after a while, you did not destroy the convoy, the enemy will reach the base, and you will lose. You must not let that happen. Once the convoy is destroyed, your mission will be completed, congrats! Mission Three: Man Down Just after the convoy assault, Eagle three reports a distress signal: He's going down. You must rescue him before the enemies come and capture him. At first, simply follow your objective beacon to where the pilot crashed. Enter hover mode and slowly descend to the "X" on the ground. The pilot will sprint into the plane. Take off and raise to an altitude of about 300ft. There will be a squadron of enemy Apaches will be in the area. Helicopters are VERY annoying, so they must be dealt with carefully. Here's How: 1.) Enter Hover mode. 2.) Viff away from their slow attacks, but stay away from them, choppers have a bad habit of circling you if you're too close 3.) Always use the 25mm gun: Most other weapons are useless against these enemies. Once they are defeated, Return to the base, and land on the runway. Victory!