ドラゴンクエストIV/Dragon Quest IV Small Medal Locations Guide Version 1.4 01/03/02 By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) Version 1.0 12/05/01-Guide started. Version 1.1 12/14/01-Up to 21 Small Medals, and through to the 25 Small Medal prize. Version 1.2 12/16/01-Up to 34 Small Medals, and through to the 38 Small Medal prize. Version 1.3 12/18/01-Up to 47 Small Medals, and through to the 52 Small Medal prize. Version 1.4 01/03/02-Up to 61 Small Medals (including some found in Chapter 6 and the Immigrant Town), and through to the 60 (and final) Small Medal prize. This FAQ is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without the consent of the FAQ's owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any reproducted form. This FAQ is not meant for sale and is copyright 2001, 2002 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this FAQ on your Website or page, please email me for permission (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com). Go to www.njstar.com to get the Japanese text to display how it would on a television or monitor (or use some other kind of Japanese text viewing program). Hi everyone, just recently, Enix rereleased Dragon Quest 4 (Dragon Warrior 4 over in the US) for the Sony Playstation. This guide will state where all of the Small Medals I have personally found while playing the game. I hope it helps anyone out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ちいさなメダル: Chiisananmdaru (Small Medal) Locations Small Medals are hidden all over the world. These are the ones I personally have found, so their order might be a bit off. You might want to look ahead to see if there are others where you are. #1: テンペ: Tenpe Village (Chapter 2)-Go down the well, then search the ground to the left of the water. #2: アネイル: Aneiru Town-Inside the dresser at the hot spring. #3: コナンベリー: Konanberi- Town-In a barrel to the right of the church. #4: コナンベリー: Konanberi- Town-In a barrel in the dock area. #5: コナンベリー: Konanberi- Town-In a dresser in the ship with the woman in orange at the helm. #6: Lighthouse east of Konanberi-: 2F-Chest. #7: ミントス: Mintosu Town-Go down the well, then walk down until you hit the wall, then search. #8: ミントス: Mintosu Town-In a pot on the east side of town. #9: リバーサイド: Riba-saido Town-In a barrel on the small island in town. #10: リバーサイド: Riba-saido Town-In a pot inside the house south of the Inn. #11: Shrine east of Mintos-Walk around to the back of the shrine and search the ground at the dead end of grass. #12: バトランド: Batorando (Batlando) Castle-Top-center chest in treasure room. Need the とうぞくのカギ: Touzoku no Kagi (Thief Key) to reach it. #13: Cave west of Gormizu/Kievs-In a pot in the secret floor with the Magic Key. #14: エンドール: Endor Town-Enter the castle, and go through a side door. Rotate the screen before taking the stairs down, and go through the Magic Key door there. Follow the passage to a treasure room, where the chest on the right has the Small Medal. #15: Endor Castle-Enter the castle at night, and enter the royal bedroom. The maid will not be guarding the treasure room, and search the dresser on the right to find the Small Medal. #16: スタンシアラ: Stanshiara Town-In a pot to the right of the well in town. #17: Stanshiara Town-In a dresser in the house by Small Medal #16. #18: Stanshiara Castle-Center dresser in the room on the left. #19: Cave north of the Medal King's Castle-Chest. #20: Cave north of the Medal King's Castle-Chest. #21: Cave north of the Medal King's Castle-Chest next to the chest with the Tenkuu Armor inside. #22: ロザリーヒル: Rosary Hill)/Rosaville town-Enter the large tower and search the dresser downstairs. #23: ガーデンブルグ: Gardenburg Castle-In a pot in the lower-left area of the castle's main floor. #24: Cave southeast of Gardenburg B1-Chest. #25: Cave southeast of Gardenburg B3-Pot. #26: ブランカ: Branca-Chest in the room locked by a Final Key door. #27: ボンモール: Bonmoru Castle-Enter the jail and search the pot in the cell in the southwest corner. #28: ハバリア: Havaria-Go to the jail and search the pot in the cell on the left. #29: ハバリア: Havaria-Go to the jail and search the pot in the cell on the right. #30: イムル: Imuru/Izmit-Search the pot in the jail where Alex was in Chapter 1. #31: 海辺の村: Umibe no Mura (Seashore Village)-Go down the well, then search the dresser on the right. #32: Waterfall Cave (east of Rosaly Hill)B2-Chest. #33: Royal Crypt-Chest. #34: Colossus Statue 1F-Chest. #35: デスパレス: Desuparesu (Death Palace)-Pot near the Impostor (green flame). #36: デスパレス: Desuparesu (Death Palace)-Treasure room at the back of the Castle; in the upper-left chest where the 4 chests are. #37: アッテムト: Attemuto (Atemto) Mine-1st chest in the room with 8 chests. #38: アッテムト: Attemuto (Atemto) Mine-Chest on the left next to the Mimic. #39: ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside)-Dresser in the house on the top-right part of town. #40: ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside)-Pot in the house on the top-left part of town. #41: Tenkuu Tower-Chest. #42: Tenkuu Tower-Pot. #43: 天空城: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle)-Dresser on the right in the room next to the Minidemon that gives you World Dew. #44: 天空城: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle)-Far bottom-right corner of the monster area with Lucia. #45: Final Cave-Chest near the entrance. #46: Death Pisaro's Castle-The chest on the floor full of marshland has it. Chapter 6 #47: ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside) Cave (raft area)-Chest. #48: ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside) Cave (plant area)-Chest. #49: ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside) Cave-On the floor with the old man and merchant, search the ground below the tree near the up stairs. #50: ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside) Cave (graveyard area)-Pot. #51: ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside) Cave-on the floor after the room with the Slime, Elf woman, Lighthouse Tiger, and zombie; in a chest on the far right. To find enough Small Medals for the final prizes, you will have to develop the Immigrant Town. So far, these are the Small Medals I have received while adding people to the town. #?: 移民の町: Imin no Machi (Immigrant Town)-After finding the first Immigrant, a field and garden were made, and a Small Medal was found in a barrel. #?: Immigrant Town-After finding the first merchant to travel to the new town, a shop was built and a Small Medal was in a barrel by the shop. #?: Immigrant Town-After getting 20 people, a new shop was created. The Small Medal was in a barrel in the shop. #?: Immigrant Town-After getting 20 people, search the drawers in the house on the upper-right corner of town. #?: Immigrant Town-After getting 25 people, search the barrels in the shop north of the Inn. #?: Immigrant Town-After getting 30 people, explore the basement area on the far right. Check the barrels. #?: Immigrant Town-After getting 30 people, go deeper into the basement area, and search in the swampy area of the bottom floor. #?: Immigrant Town-After getting 30 people, look on the far left side of town. Inside a pot is the Medal. #?: Immigrant Town-After getting over 10 Merchants, a Small Medal was found in the weapon shop. Search the barrels. #?-Immigrant Town-After getting 7 Monsters, their area will expand. On the bottom floor there is a dining area, kitchen, and jail. It looks just like Endor Castle's kitchen if I remember right. Search the pots on the right side to find the Small Medal. Unlike the original version of the game, the Medal King now gives the party a prize once a certain number of medals are in your possession. Here is the list of prizes, and how many Small Medals you have to have in order to get them. 15 Small Medals: ちからのゆびわ: Chikara no Yubiwa (Strength Ring) Buy/Sell: -/660. Equip: All ちから: Chikara (Strength) +8. 20 Small Medals: まもりのルビー: Mamori no Rubi- (Protection Ruby) Buy/Sell: -/2025. Equip: All しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15. 25 Small Medals: マジカルスカート: Majikarusuka-to (Magical Skirt) Buy/Sell: -/7350. Equip: HR(F), MI, MA, AR しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +45. Magic damage is reduced. 30 Small Medals: てんばつの杖: Tenbatsu no Tsue (Divine Punishment Staff) Buy/Sell: -/3225. Equip: KR, MI こうげきりょく: Kougekiryoku (Attack Power) +35. Casts バギマ: Bagima (Infermore) when used as an item in battle. 34 Small Medals: メガザルのうでわ: Megazaru no Udewa (Mega Revive Bracelet) Buy/Sell: -/1000. Equip: All しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15. When the wearer dies, the bracelet casts the メガザル: Megazaru (MegaViv/Farewell) spell, then the Bracelet breaks. 38 Small Medals: きせきのつるぎ: Kiseki no Tsurugi (Miracle Sword) Buy/Sell: -/3100. Equip: HR, KR, TO, RA こうげきりょく: Kougekiryoku (Attack Power) +100. Heals the wearer of the item when they attack with it in battle (about as much as a ホイミ: Hoimi spell). 43 Small Medals: しあわせのぼうし: Shiawase no Boushi (Happiness Hat) Buy/Sell: -/11. Equip: KR, MI, MA, BR しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15. Restores 1MP about every 4 steps walked. 47 Small Medals: ごうけつのうでわ: Gouketsu no Udewa (Hero Bracelet) Buy/Sell: -/3700. Equip: All ちから: Chikara (Strength) +25. 52 Small Medals: はぐれメタルのたて: Haguremetaru no Tate (Metal Babble Shield) Buy/Sell: -/-. Equip: KR, MI, MA, BR, RA, PI しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +60. Casts マホステ: Mahosute (Fendspell) when used as an item in battle. 60 Small Medals: グリンガムのムチ: Guringamu no Muchi (Gringam Whip) Buy/Sell: -/-. Equip: HR(F), MI, MA, AR こうげきりょく: Kougekiryoku (Attack Power) +135. Hits all enemies in a single group. Each successive hit is weaker than the last. After finding 60 Small Medals, there are no more prizes. The King will give the party the Gringam Whip, and then congratulate you on a job well done. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of the Dragonquest games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for. Copyright Red Scarlet 2001, 2002.