ドラゴンクエスト IV/Dragon Quest IV Remix モンスター図鑑: Monsuta-zukan (Monster Picture Book) Guide Version 1.3 07/14/03 By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) Version 1.3 07/14/03-List of received items complete except for 1 item. Reformatted the layout to make it easier to read the info for each monster. Version 1.2 03/13/02-Received the prize for completing the Monster Picture Book (300,000 Coins), and added more dropped monster items. Version 1.1 03/09/02-List completed; more dropped items added. Version 1.0 12/23/01-Guide started. This Guide is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without the consent of its owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any reproducted form. This walkthrough is not meant for sale and is Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this on your website or page, please e-mail me for permission (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com). To view this text file correctly, please use a Japanese text viewer program or download NJStar at www.njstar.com and download the Japanese word processor and the CJK viewer. By the way, if you have Internet Explorer 5.0 (I think), right click on the text, and choose 'Encoding', then select Japanese (Auto Select) and the kana will come out just right. I strongly recommend doing this to view any of my guides with Japanese in them correctly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, welcome to my Dragon Quest 4 Remix-Monster Picture Book Guide. In this guide are translations of the Monster Picture Book, with all the info I currently have on each monster. I meant to update this the day after the 1.2 version, but I kind've forgot until I just played through this game again. ------New------ As of version 1.2, I have completed the Monster Picture Book (found at least 1 of all 210 monsters that are in the book). If you look at the Book, then exit out, you will hear the 'big win' song as if you were in the Casino. You will be given 300,000 Coins (yeah three-hundred thousand!) to spend at the Casino! Finding all of the monsters is well worth the effort, as it probably would take less time doing that than actually playing the Casino games to get that many coins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- モンスター図鑑: Monsuta-zukan (Monster Picture Book) This item is not found until Chapter 5. It displays all of the monsters so far fought in the game up to the point you are at. It also displays various information about each monster. Here is a sample page and its translations. If you want to fight more of the rarer/past chapter only monsters, return to the cave in the well east of イムル: Imuru/Izmit. You can fight such monsters as Minons, Red Slimes, Well Lures, Hell Beetles, Numbness Swords, and Cannibal Chests. Also the higher-level Slimes that form into the King Slime can be fought here as well. 6: (Monster Number) Total times this monster has been fought. いたずらもぐら: Name of monster How much Experience killing one is worth. Total Exp. gained by killing this monster. How much Gold killing one is worth. Total Gold gained by killing this monster. Monster's Picture # of times this monster dropped an item. Hit the Circle Name of item dropped by monster. or Triangle Lowest Level this monster was killed: Buttons to cycle Level x through their various animations. Once 20 of an enemy has been killed, the name of the item in their treasure chest will be included in their info. Getting a treasure chest from them before killing 20 of them reveals what they have as well. If the item for a monster is a '???' then I have not yet fought 20 of them yet. Page 1 (16 Monsters per Page) #01: スライム: Suraimu (Slime) HP: 8 Exp: 1 Gold: 2 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #02: おおみみず: Oomimizu (Giant Earthworm)/Giant Worm HP: 11 Exp: 3 Gold: 6 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #03: エアラット: Earatto (Air Rat)/Diverat HP: 14 Exp: 3 Gold: 7 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #04: はさみくわがた: Hasamikuwagata (Scissor Bug)/Stag Beetle HP: 9 Exp: 1 Gold: 4 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #05: バブルスライム: Baburusuraimu (Bubble Slime)/Babble HP: 12 Exp: 6 Gold: 8 Item dropped: どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) #06: いたずらもぐら: Itazuramogura (Prank Mole)/Prank Gopher HP: 10 Exp: 2 Gold: 4 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #07: きりかぶおばけ: Kirikabuobake (Stump Monster)/Demon Stump HP: 21 Exp: 7 Gold: 13 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #08: ホイミスライム: Hoimisuraimu (Heal Slime)/Healer HP: 16 Exp: 7 Gold: 11 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #09: キラースコップ: Kira-sukoppu (Killer Scoop)/Lethal Gopher HP: 16 Exp: 9 Gold: 10 Item dropped: ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) #10: みならいあくま: Minaraiakuma (Apprentice Devil)/Sizarmage HP: 17 Exp: 11 Gold: 13 Item dropped: ひのきのぼう: Hinoki no Bou (Cypress Stick) #11: リリパット: Riripatto (Lilypat)/Lilypa HP: 21 Exp: 13 Gold: 15 Item dropped: 布の服: Nuno no Fuku (Cloth) #12: ダックスビル: Dakkusubiru (Ducksbill) HP: 22 Exp: 14 Gold: 10 Item dropped: 皮のたて: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) #13: ベビーマジシャン: Bebi-majishan (Baby Magician)/Ozwarg HP: 33 Exp: 18 Gold: 20 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #14: ピクシー: Pikushi- (Pixie) HP: 29 Exp: 16 Gold: 20 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #15: おおにわとり: Ooniwatori (Big Chicken)/Giant Bantam HP: 31 Exp: 20 Gold: 9 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #16: おおめだま: Oomedama (Big Eyeball)/Giant Eyeball HP: 42 Exp: 27 Gold: 40 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) Page 2 #17: キリキリバッタ: Kirikiribatta (? Grasshopper)/Kaskos Hopper HP: 8 Exp: 1 Gold: 2 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #18: スライムベス: Suraimubesu (Red Slime) HP: 10 Exp: 2 Gold: 5 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #19: つちわらし: Tsuchiwarashi (Earth ?)/Troglodyte HP: 13 Exp: 4 Gold: 10 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #20: みみとびねずみ: Mimitobinezumi (Ear Rat)/Elerat HP: 11 Exp: 3 Gold: 5 Item dropped: 皮のぼうし: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) #21: あばれこまいぬ: Abarekomainu (Raging Lion-Dog)/Rabidhound HP: 23 Exp: 7 Gold: 20 Item dropped: キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) #22: ミノーン: Mino-n (Minon) HP: 16 Exp: 5 Gold: 18 Item dropped: キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) #23: おばけキノコ: Obakekinoko (Demon Mushroom)/Demon Toadstool HP: 19 Exp: 6 Gold: 15 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #24: あばれうしどり: Abareushidori (Raging ?)/Brahmird HP: 20 Exp: 7 Gold: 17 Item dropped: ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) #25: ひとくいそう: Hitokuisou (Cannibal Plant)/Carnivore Plant HP: 17 Exp: 7 Gold: 18 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #26: メラゴースト: Merago-suto (Mera Ghost)/Blazeghost HP: 12 Exp: 6 Gold: 16 Item dropped: せいすい: Seisui (Holy Water) #27: テベロ: Tebero (Thevro) HP: 25 Exp: 15 Gold: 25 Item dropped: 皮のたて: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) #28: サンドマスター: Sandomasuta- (Sand Master) HP: 30 Exp: 22 Gold: 27 Item dropped: 布の服: Nuno no Fuku (Cloth) #29: ラリホービートル: Rariho-bi-toru (Sleep Beetle)/Somnabeetle HP: 23 Exp: 12 Gold: 15 Item dropped: まほうのせいすい: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) #30: コドラ: Kodora (Kordra) HP: 32 Exp: 25 Gold: 39 Item dropped: ホーリーランス: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) #31: おにこぞう: Onikozou (Ogre ?)/Orc HP: 33 Exp: 18 Gold: 36 Item dropped: せいすい: Seisui (Holy Water) #32: とさかへび: Tosakahebi (Crest Snake)/Crested Viper HP: 31 Exp: 18 Gold: 25 Item dropped: はねぼうし: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) Page 3 #33: さそりアーマー: Sasoria-ma- (Scorpion Armor)/Armor Scorpion HP: 40 Exp: 38 Gold: 44 Item dropped: 皮のよろい: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) #34: きゅうけつこうもり: Kyuuketsukoumori (Blood-Sucking Bat)/Vampire Bat HP: 25 Exp: 11 Gold: 23 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #35: かまいたち: Kamaitachi (Cutting Wind)/Razor Wind HP: 41 Exp: 32 Gold: 34 Item dropped: クロスボウ: Kurosubou (Crossbow) #36: ポイズンリザード: Poizunriza-do (Poison Lizard) HP: 34 Exp: 18 Gold: 21 Item dropped: どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) #37: はえおとこ: Haeotoko (Fly Man)/Flythrope HP: 34 Exp: 35 Gold: 47 Item dropped: まほうのせいすい: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) #38: ひとくいサーベル: Hitokuisa-beru (Cannibal Sabre)/Grislysaber HP: 29 Exp: 30 Gold: 46 Item dropped: どうのつるぎ: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) #39: プテラノドン: Puteranodon (Pteranodon) HP: 41 Exp: 36 Gold: 50 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #40: ドラゴンバタフライ: Doragonbatafurai (Dragon Butterfly)/Butterfly Dragon HP: 47 Exp: 38 Gold: 60 Item dropped: キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) #41: スぺクテット: Supekutetto (Spectet) HP: 35 Exp: 31 Gold: 62 Item dropped: 皮のぼうし: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) #42: がいこつけんし: Gaikotsukenshi (Skeleton Fencer)/Skeleton HP: 52 Exp: 53 Gold: 54 Item dropped: 鉄のつめ: Tetsu no Tsume (Iron Claw) #43: さまようよろい: Samayouyoroi (Wandering Armor)/Rogue Knight HP: 54 Exp: 55 Gold: 49 Item dropped: くさりかたびら: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) #44: メタルスライム: Metarusuraimu (Metal Slime) HP: 4 Exp: 1350 Gold: 5 Item dropped: きんのかみかざり: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) #45: エレフローバー: Erefuro-ba- (Elefrover) HP: 28 Exp: 14 Gold: 18 Item dropped: おどりこの服: Odoriko no Fuku (Dancer's Cloth) #46: ももんじゃ: Momonja/Monjar HP: 10 Exp: 3 Gold: 8 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #47: とんがりあたま: Tongariatama (Pointed Head)/Angel Head HP: 14 Exp: 7 Gold: 11 Item dropped: どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) #48: いしにんぎょう: Ishiningyou (Stone Doll)/Lava Doll HP: 15 Exp: 12 Gold: 17 Item dropped: まほうのせいすい: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) Page 4 #49: つかいま: Tsukaima (Messenger)/Xemime HP: 20 Exp: 15 Gold: 28 Item dropped: 木のぼうし: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) #50: メイジももんじゃ: Meijimomonja (Mage Momonja)/MageMonja HP: 25 Exp: 18 Gold: 30 Item dropped: 皮のぼうし: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) #51: ヘルビートル: Herubi-toru (Hell Beetle)/Infurnus Beetle HP: 20 Exp: 16 Gold: 21 Item dropped: こんぼう: Konbou (Club) #52: がったいスライム: Gattaisuraimu (Combine Slime) HP: about 30 Exp: 3 Gold: 1 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #53: キングスライム: Kingusuraimu (King Slime) HP: 150 Exp: 100 Gold: 150 Item dropped: ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) #54: エビルハムスター: Ebiruhamusuta- (Evil Hamster)/Viceter HP: 35 Exp: 43 Gold: 18 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) #55: ベロベロ: Berobero (Licklick)/Liclick HP: 43 Exp: 28 Gold: 61 Item dropped: ひのきのぼう: Hinoki no Bou (Cypress Stick) #56: ダークドリアード: Da-kudoria-do (Dark Doriard) HP: 28 Exp: 25 Gold: 30 Item dropped: 木のぼうし: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) #57: とらおとこ: Toraotoko (Tiger Man)/Weretiger HP: 50 Exp: 30 Gold: 50 Item dropped: たびびとの服: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) #58: ひとつめピエロ: Hitotsumepiero (One-Eyed Clown)/Mad Clown HP: 36 Exp: 27 Gold: 52 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #59: しびれだんびら: Shibiredanbira (Numbness Sword)/Zappersaber HP: 30 Exp: 25 Gold: 18 Item dropped: まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) #60: さまようたましい: Samayoutamashii (Wandering Soul)/Rogue Wisper HP: 40 Exp: 20 Gold: 28 Item dropped: せいすい: Seisui (Holy Water) #61: バンプドック: Banpudokku (Vampdog) HP: 38 Exp: 36 Gold: 24 Item dropped: せいなるナイフ: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) #62: メタルスコーピオン: Metarusuko-pion (Metal Scorpion) HP: 42 Exp: 59 Gold: 38 Item dropped: うろこのたて: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) #63: ドードーどり: Do-do-dori (Dodo Bird/Chicken?)/Garcoil Rooster HP: 52 Exp: 50 Gold: 51 Item dropped: はねぼうし: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) #64: ベビーサラマンダ: Bebi-saramanda (Baby Salamander)/Baby Salamand HP: 40 Exp: 59 Gold: 58 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) Page 5 #65: デビルプラント: Debirupuranto (Devil Plant)/VilePlant HP: 37 Exp: 40 Gold: 34 Item dropped: ラックのたね: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) #66: どくやずきん: Dokuyazukin (Poison Arrow Hood)/Poison Arrop HP: 17 Exp: 18 Gold: 16 Item dropped: どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) #67: マンドレイク: Mandoreiku (Mandrake) HP: 30 Exp: 26 Gold: 17 Item dropped: ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) #68: アローインプ: Aro-inpu (Arrow Imp)/Arrop HP: 27 Exp: 47 Gold: 16 Item dropped: たびびとの服: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) #69: デザートゴースト: Deza-togo-suto (Desert Ghost)/Barrenth HP: 55 Exp: 70 Gold: 68 Item dropped: 毛皮のコート: Kegawa no Ko-to (Fur Coat) #70: ほのおのせんし: Honoo no Senshi (Flame Soldier)/Flamer HP: 75 Exp: 110 Gold: 52 Item dropped: ホーリーランス: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) #71: マージマタンゴ: Ma-jimatango (Magi Mushroom)/Mage Toadstool HP: 43 Exp: 45 Gold: 30 Item dropped: まほうのせいすい: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) #72: ブルホーク: Buruho-ku (Bullhawk)/Bisonhawk HP: 52 Exp: 49 Gold: 39 Item dropped: 鉄のやり: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) #73: ベビーサタン: Bebi-satan (Baby Satan)/Demonite HP: 40 Exp: 80 Gold: 75 Item dropped: ラックのたね: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) #74: コンジャラー: Konjara- (Conjurer) HP: 38 Exp: 70 Gold: 31 Item dropped: ラックのたね: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) #75: じごくのよろい: Jigoku no Yoroi (Hell Armor)/Infurnus Knight HP: 58 Exp: 77 Gold: 76 Item dropped: 鉄のよろい: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) #76: イエティ: Ieti (Yeti)/Iceloth HP: 75 Exp: 85 Gold: 38 Item dropped: 毛皮のコート: Kegawa no Ko-to (Fur Coat) #77: しりょうのきし: Shiryou no Kishi (Phantom Knight) HP: 80 Exp: 106 Gold: 47 Item dropped: はがねのつるぎ: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) #78: ミステリドール: Misuterido-ru (Mystery Doll)/Mystic Doll HP: 40 Exp: 37 Gold: 300 Item dropped: きんのかみかざり: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) #79: オックスベア: Okkusubea (Oxbear)/Bisonbear HP: 80 Exp: 89 Gold: 49 Item dropped: 鉄のまえかけ: Tetsu no Maekake (Iron Apron) #80: ドラゴンパピー: Doragonpapi- (Dragon Puppy)/Dragonpup HP: 67 Exp: 96 Gold: 50 Item dropped: くさりがま: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) Page 6 #81: しりょうつかい: Shiryoutsukai (Phantom Messenger) HP: 100 Exp: 200 Gold: 54 Item dropped: 鉄のつめ: Tetsu no Tsume (Iron Claw) #82: あくまのす: Akuma no Su (Devil Nest)/Ouphnest HP: 25 Exp: 80 Gold: 10 Item dropped: くさりかたびら: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) #83: ベホマスライム: Behomasuraimu (Heal All Slime)/Curer HP: 60 Exp: 68 Gold: 43 Item dropped: ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) #84: サブナック: Sabunakku (Savnuck) HP: 80 Exp: 125 Gold: 81 Item dropped: どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) #85: ベンガル: Bengaru (Bengal) HP: 100 Exp: 115 Gold: 62 Item dropped: 毛皮のコート: Kegawa no Ko-to (Fur Coat) #86: サイおとこ: Saiotoko (Rhinoceros Man)/Rhinothrope HP: 70 Exp: 126 Gold: 39 Item dropped: バトルアックス: Batoruakkusu (Battle Axe) #87: ミニデーモン: Minide-mon (Minidemon) HP: 95 Exp: 193 Gold: 43 Item dropped: じゃしんのめん: Jashin no Men (Evil God Mask) #88: アイスコンドル: Aisukondoru (Ice Condor)/Chillanodon HP: 85 Exp: 104 Gold: 33 Item dropped: ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) #89: キラーアーマー: Kira-a-ma- (Killer Armor)/Lethal Armor HP: 64 Exp: 120 Gold: 58 Item dropped: はがねのよろい: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) #90: ばくだんいわ: Bakudaniwa (Bomb Boulder)/Bomb Crag HP: 300 Exp: 150 Gold: 40 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #91: テラノザース: Teranoza-su (Tyranosaurus)/Tyranosaur HP: 90 Exp: 116 Gold: 45 Item dropped: せいどうのよろい: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) #92: ベレス: Beresu (Beleth) HP: 125 Exp: 132 Gold: 70 Item dropped: りりょくの杖: Riryoku no Tsue (Force Staff) #93: ボーンナイト: Bo-nnaito (Bone Knight) HP: 180 Exp: 216 Gold: 82 Item dropped: 鉄のやり: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) #94: アークバッファロー: A-kubaffaro- (Arc Buffalo)/Archbison HP: 90 Exp: 121 Gold: 72 Item dropped: ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) #95: マンルースター: Manru-suta- (Man Rooster)/Mantam HP: 85 Exp: 108 Gold: 40 Item dropped: キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) #96: グレートオーラス: Gure-too-rasu (Great Ohrus) HP: 120 Exp: 128 Gold: 54 Item dropped: せいぎのそろばん: Seigi no Soroban (Virtue Abacus) Page 7 #97: はぐれメタル: Haguremetaru (Metal Babble) HP: 5 Exp: 10,050 Gold: 10 Item dropped: しあわせのぼうし: Shiawase no Boushi (Happiness Hat) #98: ハンババ: Hanbaba (Hambalba) HP: 90 Exp: 144 Gold: 76 Item dropped: まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) #99: ドラゴニット: Doragonitto (Dragonit) HP: 105 Exp: 180 Gold: 100 Item dropped: みかわしの服: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) #100: プレシオドン: Pureshiodon (Plesiodon) HP: 380 Exp: 135 Gold: 57 Item dropped: きぬのローブ: Kinu no Ro-bu (Silk Robe) #101: しにがみ: Shinigami (God of Death)/Necrodain HP: 130 Exp: 315 Gold: 50 Item dropped: ゾンビメイル: Zonbimeiru (Zombie Mail) #102: ガオン: Gaon (Maskan) HP: 91 Exp: 290 Gold: 102 Item dropped: キラーピアス: Kira-piasu (Killer Pierce) #103: はしりとかげ: Hashiritokage (First Lizard)/Podokesaur HP: 114 Exp: 270 Gold: 81 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #104: ドラゴンライダー: Doragonraida- (Dragon Rider) HP: 141 Exp: 351 Gold: 108 Item dropped: ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) #105: マヒャドフライ: Mahyadofurai (Mahyado Fly)/Snowjive HP: 90 Exp: 261 Gold: 151 Item dropped: うまのふん: Uma no Fun (Horse Manure) #106: カロン: Karon HP: 110 Exp: 234 Gold: 91 Item dropped: いのりのゆびわ: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring) #107: フェイスボール: Feisubo-ru (Face Ball)/Fury Face HP: 130 Exp: 225 Gold: 186 Item dropped: まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) #108: ブラッドソード: Buraddoso-do (Blood Sword)/Hemasword HP: 114 Exp: 180 Gold: 80 Item dropped: はがねのつるぎ: Hagane no Tsurugi (Steel Sword) #109: テラノバット: Teranobatto (Tyranobat) HP: 98 Exp: 187 Gold: 74 Item dropped: キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) #110: ビビンバー: Bibinba- (Bibinbar)/Bebanbar HP: 100 Exp: 211 Gold: 88 Item dropped: しゃくふくの杖: Shakufuku no Tsue (Restoration Staff) #111: ベホイミスライム: Behoimisuraimu (Healmore Slime)/Mighty Healer HP: 60 Exp: 162 Gold: 55 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #112: ライノソルジャー: Rainosoruja- (Rhino Soldier)/Rhinoband HP: 142 Exp: 245 Gold: 68 Item dropped: まじんのかなづち: Majin no Kanadzuchi (Devil Hammer) Page 8 #113: ジャイアントバット: Jaiantobatto (Giant Bat)/Jumbat HP: 113 Exp: 172 Gold: 84 Item dropped: やすらぎのローブ: Yasuragi no Ro-bu (Tranquility Robe) #114: アームライオン: A-muraion (Arm Lion)/Leonar HP: 150 Exp: 224 Gold: 119 Item dropped: 皮のドレス: Kawa no Doresu (Leather Dress) #115: ブリザードマン: Buriza-doman (Blizzard Man)/Blizag HP: 85 Exp: 286 Gold: 100 Item dropped: ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) #116: ライバーン: Raiba-n (Ryvern) HP: 120 Exp: 393 Gold: 116 Item dropped: どくばり: Dokubari (Poison Needle) #117: メダパニバッタ: Medapanibatta (Medapani Grasshopper)/Chaos Hopper HP: 90 Exp: 261 Gold: 99 Item dropped: においぶくろ: Nioibukuro (Scent Pouch) #118: アンクルホーン: Ankuruho-n (? Horn)/Eigerhorn HP: 250 Exp: 387 Gold: 122 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #119: スライムベホマズン: Suraimubehomazun (Slime Heal Us All)/King Healer HP: 150 Exp: 384 Gold: 300 Item dropped: どうのつるぎ: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) #120: ライノスキング: Rainosukingu (Rhinos King)/Rhinoking HP: 220 Exp: 655 Gold: 150 Item dropped: はがねのよろい: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) #121: ブラックマージ: Burakkuma-ji (Black Magi)/Wilymage HP: 130 Exp: 477 Gold: 146 Item dropped: ふしぎなボレロ: Fushigi na Borero (Mystery Bolero) #122: じごくのもんばん: Jigoku no Monban (Hell's Gate Watcher)/Infurnus Sentinel HP: 250 Exp: 585 Gold: 73 Item dropped: くさりがま: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) #123: オーガー: O-ga- (Ogre) HP: 210 Exp: 391 Gold: 65 Item dropped: 炎のつめ: Honoo no Tsume (Flame Claw) #124: やつざきアニマル: Yatsuzakianimaru (Man-Tearing Animal)/Ferocial HP: 200 Exp: 447 Gold: 92 Item dropped: ぎんのタロット: Gin no Tarotto (Silver Tarot) #125: よるのていおう: Yoru no Teiou (Night Emperor)/Noctabat HP: 220 Exp: 495 Gold: 144 Item dropped: ピンクのレオタード: Pinku no Reota-do (Pink Leotard) #126: メタルキング: Metarukingu (Metal King)/King Metal HP: 7 Exp: 30,010 Gold: 20 Item dropped: はぐれメタルヘルム: Haguremetaruherumu (Metal Babble Helm) #127: グリーンドラゴン: Guri-ndoragon (Green Dragon) HP: 143 Exp: 405 Gold: 132 Item dropped: ドラゴンシールド: Doragonshi-rudo (Dragon Shield) #128: レッドサイクロン: Reddosaikuron (Red Cyclone) HP: 80 Exp: 403 Gold: 128 Item dropped: クロスボウ: Kurosubou (Crossbow) Page 9 #129: しにがみきぞく: Shinigamikizoku (Death God Noble)/Master Necrodain HP: 146 Exp: 543 Gold: 139 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #130: スモールグール: Sumo-rugu-ru (Small Ghoul)/Demighoul HP: 134 Exp: 448 Gold: 63 Item dropped: ゾンビメイル: Zonbimeiru (Zombie Mail) #131: トーテムキラー: To-temukira- (Totem Killer)/Leaping Maskan HP: 150 Exp: 485 Gold: 52 Item dropped: てっかめん: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) #132: バアラック: Baarakku (Baarak)/Bharack HP: 140 Exp: 573 Gold: 172 Item dropped: いのりのゆびわ: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring) #133: ピットバイパー: Pittobaipa- (Pit Viper) HP: 200 Exp: 563 Gold: 95 Item dropped: まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) #134: フェアリードラゴン: Feari-doragon (Fairy Dragon) HP: 123 Exp: 615 Gold: 390 Item dropped: ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) #135: ブルデビル: Burudebiru (Bull Devil)/Bull Basher HP: 250 Exp: 670 Gold: 205 Item dropped: ドラゴンメイル: Doragonmeiru (Dragon Mail) #136: フレイムドッグ: Fureimudoggu (Flame Dog)/Flamadog HP: 165 Exp: 515 Gold: 205 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #137: ベルザブル: Beruzaburu (Bellzabble) HP: 250 Exp: 570 Gold: 123 Item dropped: もろはのつるぎ: Moroha no Tsurugi (Double-Edged Sword) #138: マネマネ: Manemane (Imitator)/Impostor HP: 153 Exp: 582 Gold: 316 Item dropped: ラーのかがみ: Ra- no Kagami (Ra Mirror) #139: どぐうせんし: Doguusenshi (Clay Soldier)/Clay Doll HP: 400 Exp: 693 Gold: 15 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #140: てっきゅまじん: Tekkyumajin (Iron Ball Devil)/Swinger HP: 380 Exp: 1094 Gold: 53 Item dropped: まじんのよろい: Majin no Yoroi (Devil Armor) #141: レッドドラゴン: Reddodoragon (Red Dragon) HP: 167 Exp: 603 Gold: 215 Item dropped: ラックのたね: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) #142: ビッグスロース: Biggusuro-su (Big Sloth) HP: 250 Exp: 589 Gold: 99 Item dropped: ほほえみの杖: Hohoemi no Tsue (Smile Staff) #143: ビースト: Bi-suto (Beast)/Beastan HP: 178 Exp: 480 Gold: 81 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #144: だいまどう: Daimadou (Great Evil)/Master Malice HP: 1023 Exp: 1232 Gold: 112 Item dropped: ひかりのドレス: Hikari no Doresu (Light Dress) Page 10 #145: デビルプリンス: Debirupurinsu (Devil Prince)/Duke Malisto HP: 200 Exp: 684 Gold: 226 Item dropped: まふうじの杖: Mafuuji no Tsue (Mist Staff) #146: ガーディアン: Ga-dian (Guardian) HP: 300 Exp: 740 Gold: 169 Item dropped: ドラゴンキラー: Doragonkira- (Dragon Killer) #147: ライバーンロード: Raiba-nro-do (Ryvern Lord) HP: 400 Exp: 786 Gold: 252 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #148: デーモンスピリット: De-monsupiritto (Demon Spirit)/Spite Spirit HP: 250 Exp: 586 Gold: 247 Item dropped: みかわしの服: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) #149: グレートライドン: Gure-toraidon (Great Ridon) HP: 300 Exp: 1678 Gold: 20 Item dropped: もろはのつるぎ: Moroha no Tsurugi (Double-Edged Sword) #150: おにこんぼう: Onikonbou (Ogre Club)/Ogre Basher HP: about 375 (was 930 on NES poster) Exp: 1023 Gold: 137 Item dropped: こんぼう: Konbou (Club) #151: ダークアーマー: Da-kua-ma- (Dark Armor) HP: about 150 Exp: 450 Gold: 92 Item dropped: はじゃのつるぎ: Haja no Tsurugi (Evil Crushing Sword) #152: ゾンビソルジャー: Zonbisoruja- (Zombie Soldier) HP: about 300 Exp: 563 Gold: 72 Item dropped: ゾンビメイル: Zonbimeiru (Zombie Mail) #153: ブラッドハンド: Buraddohando (Blood Hand) HP: about 150 Exp: 347 Gold: 50 Item dropped: きんのブレスレット: Kin no Buresuretto (Gold Bracelet) #154: サンダーサタン: Sanda-satan (Thunder Satan) HP: about 200 Exp: 480 Gold: 95 Item dropped: ラックのたね: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) #155: ゲリュオン: Geryuon (Gerion) HP: about 280 Exp: 543 Gold: 102 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #156: デーモンレスラー: De-monresura- (Demon Wrestler) HP: about 350 Exp: 680 Gold: 142 Item dropped: ごうけつのうでわ: Gouketsu no Udewa (Hero Armlet) #157: じごくの番犬: Jigoku no Banken (Hell's Watchdog) HP: about 300 Exp: 435 Gold: 95 Item dropped: においぶくろ: Nioibukuro (Scent Pouch) #158: ヌーデビル: Nu-debiru (Gnu Devil) HP: about 350 Exp: 685 Gold: 121 Item dropped: じゃしんのめん: Jashin no Men (Evil God Mask) #159: ランガー: Ranga- (Rangar) HP: about 380 Exp: 712 Gold: 160 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #160: にじくじゃく: Nijikujaku (Rainbow Peacock) HP: about 400 Exp: 885 Gold: 155 Item dropped: ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) Page 11 #161: オーガキング: O-gakingu (Ogre King) HP: about 320 Exp: 750 Gold: 200 Item dropped: まじんのよろい: Majin no Yoroi (Devil Armor) #162: ギガントドラゴン: Gigantodoragon (Gigant Dragon) HP: about 500 Exp: 935 Gold: 130 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #163: ネクロバルサ: Nekurobarusa (Necro ?) HP: about 300 Exp: 525 Gold: 142 Item dropped: やいばのよろい: Yaiba no Yoroi (Blade Armor) #164: ランプのまおう: Ranpu no Maou (Lamp Devil) HP: about 300 Exp: 710 Gold: 117 Item dropped: ステテコパンツ: Sutetekopantsu (Boxer Shorts) #165: あんこくつむり: Ankokutsumuri (Dark Snail) HP: about 150 Exp: 356 Gold: 83 Item dropped: かしこさのたね: Kashikosa no Tane (Intelligence Seed) #166: キルゲータ: Kiruge-ta (Kill Gator) HP: about 150 Exp: 415 Gold: 77 Item dropped: デーモンスピア: De-monsupia (Demon Spear) #167: フロッグキング: Furoggukingu (Frog King) HP: about 380 Exp: 740 Gold: 110 Item dropped: いのりのゆびわ: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring) #168: ギャオース: Gyao-su (?) HP: about 450 Exp: 640 Gold: 150 Item dropped: ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) #169: プラチナキング: Purachinakingu (Platina King)/Platinum King HP: about 200 Exp: 65,000 Gold: 700 Item dropped: メガザルのうでわ: Megazaru no Udewa (Megazaru Armlet) #170: ひとくいばこ: Hitokuibako (Cannibal Chest)/Man-Eater Chest HP: 100 Exp: 150 Gold: 25 Item dropped: くさりかたびら: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) #171: ミミック: Mimikku (Mimic) HP: 190 Exp: 350 Gold: 48 Item dropped: おどりこの服: Odoriko no Fuku (Dancer's Cloth) #172: パンドラボックス: Pandorabokkusu (Pandora Box) HP: about 950 Exp: 1250 Gold: 280 Item dropped: ピンクのレオタード: Pinku no Reota-do (Pink Leotard) #173: いどまねき: Idomaneki (Well Lure) HP: about 100 Exp: 350 Gold: 100 Item dropped: まもりのルビー: Mamori no Rubi- (Protect Ruby) #174: いどまじん: Idomajin (Well Devil) HP: about 200 Exp: 574 Gold: 67 Item dropped: ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) #175: しびれくらげ: Shibirekurage (Numbing Jellyfish)/Man O' War HP: 40 Exp: 35 Gold: 12 Item dropped: まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) #176: マリンワーム: Marinwa-mu (Marine Worm) HP: about 70 Exp: 94 Gold: 29 Item dropped: やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) Page 12 #177: ピラニアン: Piranian HP: 55 Exp: 80 Gold: 43 Item dropped: くさりがま: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) #178: マッドルーパー: Maddoru-pa- (Mud Looper) HP: about 70 Exp: 113 Gold: 60 Item dropped: ひのきのぼう: Hinoki no Bou (Cypress Stick) #179: さつじんえい: Satsujinei (Murder Ray)/Guzzle Ray HP: 40 Exp: 70 Gold: 24 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #180: とつげきおう: Totsugekiuo (Assault Fish)/Runamok Albacore HP: 47 Exp: 75 Gold: 33 Item dropped: 鉄かぶと: Tetsukabuto (Iron Helmet) #181: じごくのざりがに: Jigoku no Zarigani (Hell Crawfish) HP: about 43 Exp: 95 Gold: 25 Item dropped: てっかめん: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) #182: たこまじん: Takomajin (Octopus Devil) HP: about 100 Exp: 120 Gold: 72 Item dropped: クロスボウ: Kurosubou (Crossbow) #183: しびれあんこう: Shibireankou (Numbing Angler) HP: about 75 Exp: 155 Gold: 72 Item dropped: まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) #184: シーライオン: Shi-raion (Sea Lion) HP: about 175 Exp: 140 Gold: 80 Item dropped: こおりのやいば: Koori no Yaiba (Ice Blade) #185: くびながりゅう: Kubinagaryuu (Neck? Dragon)/Plesiosaur HP: 48 Exp: 65 Gold: 38 Item dropped: キラーピアス: Kira-piasu (Killer Pierce) #186: フルスネイカー: Furusuneika- (? Snake)/Doolsnake HP: 130 Exp: 170 Gold: 124 Item dropped: きんのかみかざり: Kin no Kamikazari (Gold Hair Ornament) #187: シャークマンタ: Sha-kumanta (Shark Manta) HP: about 80 Exp: 103 Gold: 48 Item dropped: すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) #188: フライングデス: Furaingudesu (Flying Death) HP: about 92 Exp: 187 Gold: 70 Item dropped: ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) #189: うずしおキング: Uzushiokingu (Whirling Tides King)/Maelstrom HP: 100 Exp: 180 Gold: 84 Item dropped: みかわしの服: Mikawashi no Fuku (Evasion Cloth) #190: バラクーダ: Baraku-da (Barracuda)/Balakooda HP: 120 Exp: 165 Gold: 69 Item dropped: 鉄のおうぎ: Tetsu no Ougi (Iron Fan) #191: エビルアングラー: Ebiruangura- (Evil Angler)/Bangler HP: 35 Exp: 48 Gold: 30 Item dropped: まほうのせいすい: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) #192: ダゴン: Dagon (Tentagor) HP: 300 Exp: 208 Gold: 98 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) Page 13 #193: レイギガース: Reigiga-su (Ray Gigas)/Raygarth HP: 98 Exp: 221 Gold: 100 Item dropped: 鉄のたて: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) #194: トドマン: Todoman (Sea Lion Man)/Sealthrope HP: 150 Exp: 98 Gold: 55 Item dropped: キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) #195: ピサロのてさき: Pisaro no Tesaki (Pisaro's Fingers)/Saro's Shadow HP: 250 Exp: 73 Gold: 60 Item dropped: none #196: カメレオンマン: Kamereonman (Chameleon Man)/Chameleon Humanoid HP: 40 Exp: 136 Gold: 60 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) #197: ベロリンマン: Beroninman (Licking Separating Man)/Linguar HP: about 75 Exp: 0 Gold: 0 Item dropped: none #198: バルザック: Baruzakku (Balzack) HP: about 425 Exp: 500 Gold: 0 Item dropped: none #199: うらぎりこぞう: Uragirikozou (Treacherous Youngster)/Tricksy Urchin HP: 35 Exp: 450 Gold: 20 Item dropped: none #200: とうだいタイガー: Toudaitaiga- (Lighthouse Tiger)/Lighthouse Bengal HP: 70 Exp: 2000 Gold: 350 Item dropped: none #201: キングレオ: Kingureo (King Leo)/Keeleon HP: about 950 Exp: 5100 Gold: 0 Item dropped: はがねのよろい: Hagane no Yoroi (Steel Armor) #202: バルザック+: Baruzakku+ (Balzack+) HP: about 700 Exp: 6500 Gold: 0 Item dropped: none #203: ピサロナイト: Pisaronaito (Pisaro Knight)/Saroknight HP: 800 Exp: 6800 Gold: 0 Item dropped: せいじゃくの玉: Seijaku no Tama (Silence Ball) #204: アンドレアル: Andorearu (Andreal)/Anderoug HP: about 450 Exp: 1020 Gold: 300 Item dropped: ドラゴンシールド: Doragonshi-rudo (Dragon Shield) #205: ギガデーモン: Gigade-mon (Giga Demon) HP: about 2300 Exp: 4100 Gold: 250 Item dropped: こんぼう: Konbou (Club) #206: ヘルバトラー: Herubatora- (Hell Battler)/Infurnus Shadow HP: about 3300 Exp: 5500 Gold: 0 Item dropped: きせきのつるぎ: Kiseki no Tsurugi (Miracle Sword) #207: エビルプリースト: Ebirupuri-suto (Evil Priest)/Radimvice HP: about 1750 Exp: 6300 Gold: 0 Item dropped: none #208: エスターク: Esuta-ku (Esturk) HP: about 2500 Exp: 15,000 Gold: 0 Item dropped: none Page 14 #209: エッグラ: Eggura (Eggla) HP: about 2850 Exp: 12,000 Gold: 850 Item dropped: ??? Probably drops ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) #210: チキーラ: Chiki-ra (Chickira) HP: about 3250 Exp: 9800 Gold: 560 Item dropped: 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of the Dragonquest games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for. Copyright Red Scarlet 2001, 2002, 2003.