ドラゴンクエスト IV/Dragon Quest IV Remix Chapter 6 Translation Guide Version 1.2 12/23/01 By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) -----------------------------N O T E------------------------------ Please note that Chapter 6 is completely new. Stop reading this now if you don't want to read spoilers. If you keep reading *any* of this, I had better not get any e-mails complaining about me spoiling the game; as you decided to keep reading, after the warning. Moving on... -----------------------------N O T E------------------------------ Before I get 11023412341234 emails asking, *Yes* you can choose to manually control the other regular party members in this. Get into a battle, choose the middle option (Sakusen), then choose the bottom option, then finally choose the battle strategy on the bottom-right. Everyone will be under manual control. Also, Torneko/Taloon still does the random things while in fights, no matter what Tactic you give him. I have found a Whip-type weapon in the game; you can get a Gringam Whip from the Medal King after finding 60 Small Medals, but I have only found 52. Pisaro has attacks similar to them though. Version 1.0 12/18/01-Guide started for Chapter 6. Guide/Walkthrough com- plete through the cave created in the town of ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside). Version 1.1 12/19/01-Guide/Walkthrough complete through Reviving Rosaly, having Pisaro join the party, and getting the Makai equipment for Pisaro. Also included a partial spell list for Pisaro. Version 1.2 12/23/01-Guide/Walkthrough complete through all of Chapter 6 (that I know of), getting everything from Eggla and Chickira, completed Pisaro's spells listings, added a Return list, and added how to change characters in fights (when you have the wagon with you). This Guide is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without the consent of its owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any reproducted form. This walkthrough is not meant for sale and is Copyright 2001 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this on your website or page, please e-mail me for permission (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com). To view this text file correctly, please use a Japanese text viewer program or download NJStar at www.njstar.com and download the Japan- ese word processor and the CJK viewer. By the way, if you have Inter- net explorer 5.0 (I think), right click on the text, and choose 'Encoding', then select Japanese (Auto Select) and the kana will come out just right. I strongly recommend doing this to view any of my guides with Japanese in them correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, welcome to my Dragon Quest 4 Remix-Chapter 6 Translation Guide. In this guide are translations of the menu screen, item menus, status menus, spell menus, strategy menus, and battle menus. Also in this guide are translations of all the weapons, armor, items, spells, town shop info, and monsters I have found while playing through Chapter 6. A quick summary of what to do to get through Chapter 6 is also included. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Scheme Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick Move up, down, left, right L1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise. L2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise by 45 degrees. R1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise. R2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise by 45 degrees. Triangle: Picks up pots and barrels; also used to talk to people automatic- ally, and look through dressers. Square: Zooms the camera way out while in a town. Also views the map (once you have it) while on the overworld screen. Circle: Accept button. Also opens the Command Window. X: Cancel button. Gives the いいえ: Iie (No) reply when asked a question and this button is pushed. Goes back 1 page in some menus. Select: Opens the せんれき: Senreki (Combat Experience) screen. Start: If pushed while in a town or cave, the 3-D map will flip around to its default position. Holding L1 and pushing R1 (or vice-versa) does the same effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- House of Healing Translations When you visit a church, these are the options that appear: おいのりをする: Oinori wo Suru (Save Game) おつげをきく: Otsuge wo Kiku (Inform) いきかえらせる: Ikikaeraseru (Revive) どくのちりょう: Doku no Chiryou (Poison Treatment) のろいをとく: Noroi wo Toku (Undo Curse) やめる: Yameru (Cancel) If you choose to save the game, the priest double checks if that is what you want to do. Reply with はい: Hai (Yes) if you want to save, or say いいえ: Iie (No) if you do not want to. If you do say no, the priest asks if you want to still play. If you didn't save, I wouldn't recommend saying you want to take a break; you'd have to redo everything since the last time you did save. Reply to his first question with はい: Hai (Yes), and he asks which memory card slot you want to use. Reply with Slot 1 or Slot 2. Save over whatever empty/current file you have, then he asks if you want to keep playing. What Inform does is simply say how much more experience everyone in the party needs until they reach their next level. Revive will bring dead party members back to life, but for a price. Poison Treatment will cure どく: Doku (Poison) status. Undo Curse will remove a cursed item from a party member. Note that when a cursed item is removed, it is destroyed in the process. Cancel will exit the menu. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- コマンドウィンドウ: Komandouindou (Command Window) Hit the Circle button to open up the command window. The six options that appear are: Note-a ** means there are more options that open when you select that command. はなす: Hanasu (Talk) じゅもん: Jumon (Magic) **どうぐ: Dougu (Item) しらべる: Shiraberu (Search) **つよさ: Tsuyosa (Status) **さくせん: Sakusen (Strategy) どうぐ: Dougu (Item Bag) Translations Choose a character, and then hit the Circle button on the item in question, and another menu pops up. The translations for those are as follows: つかう: Tsukau (Use item) わたす: Watasu (Move item up or down in list) みせる: Miseru (Show: Torneko will appraise the item in question) そうび: Soubi (Equip the item if you can) すてる: Suteru (Throw the item away; once its thrown, its gone!) やめる: Yameru (Cancel) In Chapters 5 and 6, there is a ふくろ: Fukuro (Item Bag) place extra items in there so each character's personal inventory is not clogged up. つよさ: Tsuyosa (Status) Translations When you choose this command, you can choose an individual char- acter, or choose the bottom option, ぜにん: Zenin, which shows a 'quick list' of all party members' current/max hp, current/max mp, their current experience level, and the amount of time the game has been played. Now choose an individual character, and the stats are translat- ed as follows: _______________________________________________________________ | Name | Amount of Gold | |Character Type |--------------------------------------------| | Sex | ちから: Chikara (Power) | | Exp. Level | すばやさ: Subayasa (Agility) | ------------------ たいりょく: Tairyoku (Vitality) | |Weapon equipped | かしこさ: Kashikosa (Intelligence) | |Armor equipped | うんのよさ: Un no Yosa (Luck) | |Shield equipped | こうげき力: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) | |Helmet equipped | しゅび力: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) | |Decoration eqpd | さいだいHP: Saidai HP (Max HP) | -----------------| さいだいMP: Saidai MP (Max MP) | | Ex: Current Experience Points | ---------------------------------------------- Note-こうげき力: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) is figured by the characters' ちから: Chikara (Strength) + the attack power of their equipped weapon, and しゅび力: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) is figur- ed by the defense power of their equipped armor, shield, helmet, decoration (if it applies) plus 50% of their Agility rating. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- さくせん: Sakusen (Strategy) Translations When you open this menu, these options pop up. The translations for these are to the best of my knowledge, so if anyone out there knows what the last option does, please email and I will give you credit for it. もんたん: Montan (Use Heal spells to heal everyone to full HP) そうび: Soubi (Equip weapons and armor) さくせんがえ: Sakusengae (Change Tactics) ならびかえ: Narabikae (Change party order) どうぐせいり: Douguseiri (Item Arrange-puts all unequipped items into the ふくろ: Fukuro/Item Bag) ふくろせいり: Fukuroseiri (Item Bag Arrange) しゅべつじゅん: Shubetsujun (Arrange by type) あいうえおじゅん: Aiueojun (Arrange alphabetically) せんれき: Senreki (Combat Experience) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- せんれき: Senreki (Combat Experience) Translations ぼうけんした時間: Boukenshita Jikan (Adventure time) 時間: Hours 分: Min. 戦闘回数: Sentou Kaisuu (Number of battles) たおした匹数: Taoshitahikisuu (Number of monsters fought) 全獲得ゴールド: Zenkakutoku Go-rudo (Acquired gold) 勝利回数: Shouri Kaisuu (Number of battle victories) 全滅回数: Zenmetsu Kaisuu (Number of times the party has been defeated) 逃走回数: Tousou Kaisuu (Number of times the party has fled) 一撃最大ダメージ: Ichigeki Saidai Dame-ji (Highest single attack damage) 図鑑完成まで: Zukankanseimade (Pictures until completion of Monster Book) If you hit right on the control pad, the menu will switch to the info for when you beat the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Screen Translations When you get into a fight, the battle menu on the bottom left looks like this: たたかう: Tatakau (Fight) さくせん: Sakusen (Tactics) いれかえ: Irekae (Replacement)-Only available if you have the Wagon. にげる: Nigeru (Flee) If you hit Left or Right on the directional pad or the left analog stick, the game asks if you want to change the message speed. Hit the Circle button if you want to, hit Left, Right, or the X button if you don't want to. The default message speed is 4. 1 is the fastest, while 8 is the slowest. If you choose to たたかう: Tatakau (Fight), another window opens up. This is the Fight Command menu. ------------------------------------------| | Character's Name | | |-------------------| Monster name | | こうげき どうぐ | | | じゅもん そうび |---------------------| | ぼうぎょう にげる | --------------------| こうげき: Kougeki (Attack) どうぐ: Dougu (Use item) じゅもん: Jumon (Spell) そうび: Soubi (Equip) ぼうぎょう: Bougyou (Defend) にげる: Nigeru (Flee) さくせん: Sakusen (Tactics) This is the menu used to change the AI tactics of the other characters aside from the hero. The screen displays each characters name in the current battle party on the left, and their current tactic to the right of their name. If you want everyone to have the same tactic, choose the ぜんいん へんこう: Zenin Henkou (All Change) option underneath the names. When you choose either an individual character, or the All Change option, these six tactics will appear: ガンガンいくわよ: Ganganikuwayo バッチリがんばれ: Bacchiriganbare わたしにまかせて: Watashinimakasete じゅもんはやめて: Jumonhayamete いのちだいじに: Inochidaijini めいれいするわよ: Meireisuruwayo ガンガンいくわよ: Ganganikuwayo (All-Out) When this tactic is used, the other party members go all-out in offense. They will use their most powerful spells, and healing is a low priority. This was the 'Offensive' tactic in the NES version. わたしにまかせて: Watashinimakasete (Leave it to Me) When this tactic is used, the other party members will concentrate on making the Hero as strong and healthy as possible. Enemies are rarely (if ever) attacked. いのちだいじに: Inochidaijini (Life is Precious?) Defensive Tactic. Healing and increasing Defense Power is a high priority with this tactic. This was the 'Defensive' tactic in the NES version. バッチリがんばれ: Bacchiriganbare (Do your Best) This was the 'Normal' tactic in the NES version. Balanced offense and defense. じゅもんはやめて: Jumonhayamete (Use no Spells) This was the 'Use no MP' tactic in the NES version. Only regular attacks (and some items) are used. めいれいするわよ: Meireisuruwayo (Follow Orders) This is the tactic that many people have hoped for. Well, here it is. This is the manual control for the character. いれかえ: Irekae (Replacement) This is the option that lets you switch party members in battle. It is only available if you have the wagon with you. If you choose this option, three more options appear. They are: いれかえ: Irekae (Replacement) Choose this option, then choose the name of the character that you want to take out from the party, then choose the name of the character you want to switch them with. そうがえ: Sougae (Switch) Choose this option to change more than one, or all of the party members. Choose おわり: Owari (End) if you want less than 4 members. みる: Miru (Look) Choose this option to go through what spells each character currently has, and what items and equipment are in their possession. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- モンスター図鑑: Monsuta-zukan (Monster Picture Book) This item is not found until Chapter 5. It displays all of the monsters so far fought in the game up to the point you are at. It also displays various information about each monster. Here is a sample page and its translations. 6: (Monster Number) Total times this monster has been fought. いたずらもぐら: Name of monster How much Experience killing one is worth. Total Exp. gained by killing this monster. How much Gold killing one is worth. Total Gold gained by killing this monster. Monster's Picture # of times this monster dropped an item. Hit the Circle Name of item dropped by monster. or Triangle Lowest Level this monster was killed: Buttons to cycle Level x through their various animations. Some new info: it appears that once 20 of an enemy has been killed, the name of the item in their treasure chest will be included in their info. Getting a treasure chest from them before killing 20 of them reveals what they have as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gold Vault Due to her husband's absence, ネネ: Nene had to change Torneko's shop into a Gold Vault. She can keep the party's money safe here. Deposit or Withraw Gold in increments of 1000. If the party is defeated, half of the current Gold is taken away. No gold that is in the vault is deducted from. Talk to Nene, and the three options that you're given are: あずける: Azukeru (Deposit) ひきだす: Hikidasu (Withdraw) やめる: Yameru (Cancel) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return) List This is the list of the towns/places you can visit by casting the ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return). Page 1 ブランカ: Buranka (Branka)/Branca エンドール: Endo-ru (Endor) ボンモール: Bonmo-ru (Bonmoru)/Bonmalmo アネイル: Aneiru/Aneaux コナンベリー: Konanberi- (Konanberi)/Konenber Page 2 メダル王の城: Medaruou no Shiro (Medal King's Castle) ミントス: Mintosu (Mintos) ソレッタ: Soretta キングレオ: Kingureo (King Leo)/Keeleon ハバリア: Habaria (Havaria)/Haville Page 3 モンバーバラ: Monba-bara (Monbaraba)/Monbarba サントハイム: Santohaimu (Santhaim)/Santeem テンペ: Tenpe (Tenpe)/Tempe スタンシアラ: Sutanshiara (Stanciara)/Stancia バトランド: Batorando (Batlando)/Burland Page 4 イムル: Imuru (Imuru)/Izmit ガーデンブルグ: Ga-denburugu (Gardenburg)/Gardenbur ロザリーヒル: Rozari-hiru (Rosaly Hill)/Rosaville リバーサイド: Riba-saido (Riverside)/Riverton デスパレス: Desuparesu (Death Palace)/Dire Palace Page 5 アッテムト: Attemuto/Aktemto ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside) 天空城: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle) きぼうのほこら: Kibou no Hokora (Hope Shrine) なぞの教会: Nazo no Kyoukai (Riddle Church) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: The Road to the Happy End Walkthrough-Part 1: The pit at ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside). 1-Warp to ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside) and fall into the giant hole in town. 2-In the cave, make your way through, then head left and down the ladder. Go down the stairs after descending the ladder. The next floor has a raft and 4 chests. Go right, then open the chest. Inside is a ちからのゆびわ: Chikara no Yubiwa (Strength Ring). Float over to the right, and another chest. This chest holds some せかいじゅのしずく: Sekaiju no Shizuku (World Dew). Float up and right to where 2 chests are. The one on the left has a Small Medal inside. The chest on the right is a パンドラボックス: Pandorabokkusu (Pandora Box). After clearing out the floor, head back the way you came, and go back up the big ladder. Find a path going right into the doorway. You should be in a cavern with a lot of plants on the ground. A Small Medal is in a chest on this floor; find it then take the stairs going up. There are 3 chests on the next floor (which is taken from the first floor of the cave in Chapter 2 that had the Golden Bracelet), they contain a すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) and an 命のゆびわ: Inochi no Yubiwa (Life Ring). Take the stairs going up to the right of the Mimic. Now you are at what looks like a floor of the Lighthouse. There are 2 chests on this floor. Go left from the stairs to find one, a ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) is inside. At the southern end of the floor is the other chest, with 1200 gold inside. Make your way around to the stairs going up. No chests on this floor, and it is pretty straightforward to find the next set of stairs going up. The next floor, a cave, has no chests. Make your way around to the ladder going upward to reach the next floor. After going up the ladder, you are in another cave-like area with no treasure chests on the floor. Find your way to the walkway leading to a new area. This new cave-area has small lakes and the path divides into an east- west fork with a cave entrance straight ahead. Go left and cross the bridge to reach the cavern. In the cave, you'll see a merchant and an old man sitting across from one another at a table. The merchant is an Innkeeper, so rest. Search the ground right below the tree to find a Small Medal. Go up the stairs when you are ready again. After going up, you'll be on a watery floor with a waterfall and 2 treasure chests. Walk around to the right, then take the stairwell up and to the left. Make a southern detour at the next stairwell to reach the first chest, with a じゃしんのめん: Jashin no Men (Evil God Mask) inside. Walk up and to the left, passing the stairs going up. Head down first, and open the chest. It is a パンドラボックス: Pandorabokkusu (Pandora Box). After killing it, go back to the stairs going up. Now you'll be underwater. No chests on this floor. There are 2 stairs, one on the left and one on the right. Take the one on the right. Open the chest there and take the しあわせのくつ: Shiawase no Kutsu (Happiness Shoes). Go back up the stairs, then take the stairs going down on the left side of the floor. Nothing on this floor, simply walk past the gateways to the next stair- case. No chests on this floor (which looks like a floor from the Final Cave). Walk through the door then go around to the bottom end of the floor to the next staircase. You can fight Metal Kings on this floor if you want to level up some more quickly. The next floor is an outside area, and no random fights. No chests, though. Go right then you'll see a church and a farmer walking around. This area looks very familiar from Dragon Quest 7. If you walk around the outer part of the area, there is a small cave behind the church. Enter the church first and save the game, then enter the cave. Once you have reached the church, you can now warp to it. It is called the なぞの教会: Nazo no Kyoukai (Riddle Church). The first floor of the small cave is the first floor of the Royal Crypt. No chests here; find the stairs and go down. Now you'll be in a place with a lot of lava. There are 2 chests on this floor as well. Go down, then turn left to reach one of the chests. Inside is the あくまのつめ: Akuma no Tsume (Devil Claw). Go up from the chest, and take a left when you can. Go down after going left. Walk under the bridge to the right, then go down-right under another bridge to the second chest. Inside it is an 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut). After getting the Life Nut, go up through the bridge, then keep going up under another bridge to the big doorway. Inside the next area, there is a cemetary. There are 2 chests on this floor. Go right and search the graveyard area. One pot has $2600, the other has a Small Medal. After getting those, go to the northern end of the floor to the doorway. On this floor, there are 4 chests. If you played Dragon Quest 7, this area looks just like the hideout for those bandits outside of Dharma (the zombie cook was funny in that). Search the barrel to the right of the Slime moving around to find a メガザルのうでわ: Megazaru no Udewa (Mega Revive Bracelet). A pot in the room with the elf woman has the ever-so-useful うまのふん: Uma no Fun (Horse Manure) inside. Search the dresser there for some ステテコパンツ: Sutetekopantsu (Boxer Shorts). Search the dresser above the sleeping Lighthouse Tiger to find a やすらぎのローブ: Yasuragi no Ro-bu (Tranquility Robe). Go through the jail door and go up the stairs. There are 2 chests on this maze-like floor (which once again is taken from part 7). From the stairs, go up then left. One chest is there. It has a まもりのルビー: Mamori no Rubi- (Protection Ruby) inside. Go back up, then to the right. Keep going to the right, and you'll find the other chest on the floor. Inside it is a Small Medal. Go back up the passage, then down at the branch. Go down again when the path forks, then take a right at the next one. Take the stairs going up. Open the chest to find the デーモンスピア: De-monsupia (Demon Spear). Go up past the pillars and climb the large stairway until you see another staircase. This floor is very large and open. The one chest that is on this floor is located at the top-left corner. Open it to find a てんしのレオタード: Tenshi no Reota-do (Angel Leotard). Watch out on this floor, as I have fought multiple Pandora Boxes in the same battle here. The stairs up are in the top-right corner. Enter the warp on the next floor. Walk up to the two guys jumping up and down. Talk to them, and you'll see that they are arguing about the chicken or the egg coming first. Then one will ask you a yes/no question. Answer with no a couple of times, and they'll fight you. The Casino music was playing for me when I did this. Beat them (if you can) and they will make the picture of the World Tree have a flower over it. Having Minea cast Barrier is helpful defense against the guy on the left, and having Cristo cast Increase is somewhat helpful against the guy on the right's powerful attacks. If you have the みなごろしの剣: Minagoroshi no Ken (Massacre Sword), which is found in the town of コナンベリー: Konanberi-, it will be of great use to use as an item against them, as it casts ルカナン: Rukanan (Defense), which will reduce their defense by 50% with each use. Two uses of it against one of them will remove all of their defense for a couple of rounds. They will resume their argument over the eggs again. Fall into the volcano part to leave the cave and land near Gottside. Walkthrough-Part 2: Revival of ロサリー: Rosari (Rosaly) 1-Fly the balloon to the giant World Tree (the 'X' on the world map) and enter. Make your way up to the top of the tree, and you will see a large pink/purple flower. Take the せかいじゅの花: Sekaiju no Hana (World Flower) and leave. 2-Warp to ロザリーヒル: Rozari-hiru (Rosaly Hill) and use the せかいじゅの花: Sekaiju no Hana (World Flower) at her grave. She will be brought back to life and join the party. She will then ask the party to take her to where デスピサロ: Desupisaro (Death Pisaro) is. Leave the town and ドラン: Doran will leave the party and return to 天空城: Tenkuushiro (Sky Castle). Walkthrough-Part 3: デスピサロ: Desupisaro (Death Pisaro) 1-Warp to きぼうのほこら: Kibou no Hokora (Hope Shrine) then go up to Death Pisaro's Castle. Work your way through the castle then enter the lair of Death Pisaro. Walk up to him, and when he is about to attack, Rosaly speaks up and walks right in front of him. She then tells him who she is and tries to help him remember who he was. She cries her Ruby Tears and he remembers her and who he used to be and how they met. Her Ruby Tears turn him back to normal again. She then tells him how you found the World Flower, and brought her back to life once more. He'll see that she was revived by humans...and they might not all be as bad as he thought they were. He thanks you for bringing her back to him, and then joins the party. His starting equipment is: Weapon: はやぶさの剣: Hayabusa no Ken (Falcon Sword) Armor: ゾンビメイル: Zonbimeiru (Zombie Mail) Shield: 鉄のたて: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) Please note that Pisaro has the Zombie Mail equipped, and he is NOT cursed. This brings up an interesting thing; I have given him several cursed pieces of equipment, and he is not cursed by them. Unfortunately, he cannot equip the じゃしんのめん: Jashin no Men (Evil God Mask). Equip him with whatever you think he should have. I gave him the following equipment: Weapon: はぐれメタルの剣: Haguremetaru no Ken (Metal Babble Sword) Armor: はぐれメタルよろい: Haguremetaruyoroi (Metal Babble Armor) Shield: ドラゴンシールド: Doragonshi-rudo (Dragon Shield) Helmet: てっかめん: Tekkamen (Iron Mask) Decoration: ほしふるうでわ: Hoshifuruudewa (Falling Star Bracelet) You can now go and fight the new final boss if you wish, but most likely you will be destroyed. If you want to try it out, warp to デスパレス: Desuparesu (Death Palace). The monsters will be in shock to see Pisaro with humans, and some will attack. Walk up to the throne and you'll see the エビルプリースト: Ebirupuri-suto (Evil Priest), who was the one that had Rosaly killed. He'll transform into a silver-looking Death Pisaro, and attack. If you die (most likely you will), you can get better equipment for Pisaro, and level up, then try again. To get Pisaro's まかい: Makai (Hell) equipment, you'll have to make your way back to エッグラ: Eggura (Eggla) and チキーラ: Chiki-ra (Chickira) again and beat them. The picture behind them should have a knight on it. When you beat them a second time, they will take the knight's shield out from the picture and give it to you. You will receive the まかいのたて: Makai no Tate (Hell Shield). Only Pisaro can equip it. Fight them again (I would save the game first then come back) and you will receive the まかいのつるぎ: Makai no Tsurugi (Hell Sword) for Pisaro. Beat them a fourth time to receive the まかいのよろい: Makai no Yoroi (Hell Armor) for Pisaro. If you look at the picture of the knight, it's kind've funny how it loses its clothing more and more each time you get something new from Eggla and Chickira. Beat them a fifth time, and you get the almighty ステテコパンツ: Sutetekopantsu (Boxer Shorts). Wow...what a waste. Once you beat them the sixth time, they keep track of how many rounds it took for you to win. My first time took 18 turns, and I got nothing. I tried again and they removed the leaf from the picture and I received a せかいじゅの葉: Sekaiju no Ha (World Leaf). I probably beat them both within 15 rounds (I'm not sure as I didn't keep count). Beat them within 15 rounds again to receive the まかいのかぶと: Makai no Kabuto (Hell Helmet). The next time I fought them I beat them in 13 turns and got nothing, so it might have to be within 10 to get anything else. If you do beat them within 10 rounds, they will turn around and see there is no more equipment from the picture to take, so they will take the now nude (yet covering itself) demon out of the picture. You can talk to it if you like. It doesn't seem to do much. The picture will then be of a blue sky, and can no longer fight エッグラ: Eggura (Eggla) and チキーラ: Chiki-ra (Chickira). If you want to level up, IMO the two best places would be either walk north of Gottside, and you can sometimes fight one or even two Metal Kings in a battle. They yield 30,010 experience points each. Another place to fight would be in the back of the Final Cave. Walk around the floor where you got the Mirror Shield (about 3 floors up from the back of the dungeon) and you can fight Metal Kings along with Metal Babbles (and sometimes Slimes with them) in the same battle. One sneaky strategy would be to give the 時の砂: Toki no Suna (Time Sand) to a party member with a lot of Agility. If you are fighting the Metal King, 3 Metal Babbles, and 4 Slimes, have Alena in the party and have her attack the Metal King. If it runs away in the round or it is not killed, have someone use the Time Sand the next round to bring the Metal King back. Simply use the Time Sand until you kill the Metal King on the first round...cheap but effective. When you are ready, return to デスパレス: Desuparesu (Death Palace) and speak to the エビルプリースト: Ebirupuri-suto (Evil Priest) and fight. I beat him when my Hero was at Level 51, but it can be done earlier probably as well. ベホマズン: Behomazun (Heal Us All) is very effective here. If you win, sit back and enjoy the 'real' ending of the game, which is almost the exact same as the original one... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 魔物のリスト: Mamono no Risuto (Monster List) This list was created in the order I fought monsters in (Chapter 6 monsters only), and go by the same formula as everything else in the guide (kana/romaji/translation), but also includes the US version of Dragonquest 4's name. The HP totals are taken from my foldout poster that came with the US version of the game on the NES. There are new monsters in this Chapter, and I did the best I could at figuring out their HP values. ガーディアン: Ga-dian (Guardian)/HP: 300 ゲリュオン: Geryuon (?)/HP: about 280 サンダーサタン: Sanda-satan (Thunder Satan)/HP: about 200 ブラッドハンド: Buraddohando (Blood Hand)/HP: about 150 キルゲータ: Kiruge-ta (Kill Gator)/HP: about 150 うずしおキング: Uzushiokingu (Whirling Tides King)/Maelstrom/HP: 100 あんこくつむり: Ankokutsumuri (Dark Snail)/HP: about 150 パンドラボックス: Pandorabokkusu (Pandora Box)/HP: about 950 ダゴン: Dagon (Tentagor)/HP: 300 バラクーダ: Baraku-da (Barracuda)/Balakooda/HP: 120 じごくの番犬: Jigoku no Banken (Hell's Watchdog)/HP: about 300 デーモンスピリット: De-monsupiritto (Demon Spirit)/Spite Spirit/HP: 250 だいまどう: Daimadou (Great Evil)/Master Malice/HP: 1023 ダークアーマー: Da-kua-ma- (Dark Armor)/HP: about 150 ブルデビル: Burudebiru (Bull Devil)/Bull Basher/HP: 250 ミミック: Mimikku (Mimic)/HP: 190 マネマネ: Manemane (Imitator)/Impostor/HP: 153 バアラック: Baarakku (Baarak)/Bharack/HP: 140 スモールグール: Sumo-rugu-ru (Small Ghoul)/Demighoul/HP: 134 ヌーデビル: Nu-debiru (New Devil?)/HP: about 350 ゾンビソルジャー: Zonbisoruja- (Zombie Soldier)/HP: about 300 ランガー: Ranga- (Rangar)/HP: about 380 オーガキング: O-gakingu (Ogre King)/HP: about 320 にじくじゃく: Nijikujaku (Rainbow Peacock)/HP: about 400 ギャオース: Gyao-su (?)/HP: about 450 レイギガース: Reigiga-su (Ray Gigas)/Raygarth/HP: 98 プレシオドン: Pureshiodon (Plesiodon)/HP: 380 フロッグキング: Furoggukingu (Frog King)/HP: about 380 ギガントドラゴン: Gigantodoragon (Giganto Dragon)/HP: about 500 デーモンレスラー: De-monresura- (Demon Wrestler)/HP: about 350 デビルプリンス: Debirupurinsu (Devil Prince)/Duke Malisto/HP: 200 ランプのまおう: Ranpu no Maou (Lamp Devil)/HP: about 300 ネクロバルサ: Nekurobarusa (Necro ?)/HP: about 300 いどまじん: Idomajin (Well Devil)/HP: about 200 エッグラ: Eggura (Eggla)/HP: about 2850 チキーラ: Chiki-ra (Chickira)/HP: about 3250 グリーンドラゴン: Guri-ndoragon (Green Dragon)/HP: 143 アンクルホーン: Ankuruho-n (Uncle? Horn)/Eigerhorn/HP: 250 レッドサイクロン: Reddosaikuron (Red Cyclone)/HP: 80 メダパニバッタ: Medapanibatta (Chaos Grasshopper)/Chaos Hopper/HP: 90 マヒャドフライ: Mahyadofurai (Icebolt Fly)/Snowjive/HP: 90 オーガー: O-ga- (Ogre)/HP: 210 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- じゅもんのリスト: Jumon no Risuto (Spell List) The order for the spells are in the order that I received them while playing the game. A * before the spell signifies a 'Battle Only' spell. Lv 13: Level I personally learned the spell while playing; it might be able to be learned at a level slightly lower or higher as well. Single: One target. Group: One group of enemies. All: All enemies onscreen. All Allies: All party members that are currently fighting. Caster: The caster of the spell only. ゆうしゃ: Yuusha (Hero) *ニフラム: Nifuramu (Expel: 3MP/Group) Lv 1-Vaporizes weak enemies; no experience points or gold is gained though. ホイミ: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP/Single) Lv 3-Recover about 30 HP. *メラ: Mera (Blaze: 2MP/Single) Lv 5-Shoot a fireball that inflicts about 10 damage to one enemy. ベホイミ: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP/Single) Lv 6-Recover about 75 HP. ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Lv 8-Warp to a town you've been to before. Not all towns/villages will appear on the list. *ギラ: Gira (Fireball: 4MP/Group) Lv 11-Hits one group of enemies for about 15-20 points of damage. トヘロス: Toherosu (Repel: 4MP) Lv 15-Keeps weaker enemies away for a limited amount of time, but does not keep stronger ones away, nor does it work in dungeons. リレミト: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Lv 15-Leave a dungeon immdediately. *ラリホーマ: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP/Single) Lv 16-Put one enemy to sleep. Has a higher chance of working than the regular Sleep spell. *ザメハ: Zameha (Awake: 2MP/All allies) Lv 17-Wakes up all party members at the same time. *マホステ: Mahosute (Fendspell: 2MP/Single) Lv 21-A protective shield envelops the Hero, and no magic can pass through except his/her own spells. Spells from both monster and ally alike will fizzle out and not affect the target. If the target themself casts a spell on themself, it will still work. *アストロン: Asutoron (Ironize: 2MP/All) Lv 21-Turns the party into iron. Monsters cannot damage you, but you can't do anything either. Use this when confronted with new monsters if you want to see what their attacks are, then strategize. *イオラ: Iora (Boom: 8MP/All) Lv 23-Hits all monsters for about 60 points of damage. *ライデイン: Raidein (Zap: 4MP/Single) Lv 25-Hits one monster for about 75 points of damage. ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP/Single) Lv 27-Fully restore one character's HP. ザオラル: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP/Single) Lv 29-Has a 50% chance of reviving a dead party member. *ベホマズン: Behomazun (Heal Us All: 20MP/All) Lv 32-Casts Healall on all 4 party members in the party at the same time. *ギガデイン: Gigadein (Lightning: 15MP/All) Lv 34-Hits all enemies for about 200 points of damage. *ミナデイン: Minadein (Thordain: 15MP/All) Lv 37-Hits one enemy for about 350 points of damage. In order for it to work, all four people in the battle party must have 15MP to spend. *パルプンテ: Parupunte (Chance: 20MP/Random) Lv 39-Random effects in battle. Can be good or bad. Use with caution. *ギガソード: Gigaso-do (Giga Sword: 15MP/Single) Lv 50-Hits one enemy for about 300 damage. Battle Order Page 1 ニフラム: Nifuramu (Expel: 3MP) ホイミ: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP) メラ: Mera (Blaze: 2MP) ベホイミ: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP) ラリホーマ: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP) ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP) Page 2 ギラ: Gira (Fireball: 4MP) ザメハ: Zameha (Awake: 2MP) イオラ: Iora (Boom: 8MP) アストロン: Asutoron (Ironize: 2MP) ライデイン: Raidein (Zap: 4MP) マホステ: Mahosute (Fendspell: 2MP) Page 3 ギガデイン: Gigadein (Lightning: 15MP) ベホマズン: Behomazun (HealUsAll:20MP) ミナデイン: Minadein (Thordain: 15MP) ザオラル: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP) ギガソード: Gigaso-do (Giga Sword:15MP)パルプンテ: Parupunte (Chance: 20MP) ---------------------------------- クリフト: Kurifuto (Cristo) ホイミ: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Recover about 30 HP. *スカラ: Sukara (Upper: 3MP/Single) Lv 6-Increases a party member's Defense Power by their regular DP rating. (If the target has 90 DP and Upper is cast, they will gain 90 more Defense Power; making them have 180 in the battle. If Upper is cast again, they will gain 90 more, not 180 more). *マヌーサ: Manu-sa (Surround: 4MP/Group) Lv 7-If successful, monsters will miss with their attacks more frequently. キアリー: Kiari- (Antidote: 2MP/Single) Lv 9-Cures どく: Doku (poison). *マホトーン: Mahoto-n (Stopspell: 3MP/Group) Lv 12-Prevents bad guys from using spells; if it works. *スクルト: Sukuruto (Increase: 4MP/All Allies) Lv 16-Increases all party member's Defense Power at the same time, but not as much as the Upper spell. ベホイミ: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP/Single) Lv 16-Recover about 75 HP. *ザキ: Zaki (Beat: 4MP/Single) Lv 20-Tries to kill an enemy instantly. ザオラル: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP/Single) Lv 21-Has a 50% chance of reviving a dead party member. *ザラキ: Zaraki (Defeat: 7MP/Group) Lv 25-Attempts to wipe out an enemy group instantly. Has a lower chance of working than Beat. ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP/Single) Lv 28-Fully restore one character's HP. ベホマラー: Behomara- (Healus: 10MP/All) Lv 30-Heals about 80 HP for all party members. ザオリク: Zaoriku (Revive: 15MP/Single) Lv 33-100% chance of reviving, and to max HP. Battle Order Page 1 スカラ: Sukara (Upper: 3MP) ホイミ: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP) マヌーサ: Manu-sa (Surround: 4MP) ベホイミ: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP) マホトーン: Mahoto-n (Stopspell: 3MP) ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP) Page 2 スクルト: Sukuruto (Increase: 4MP) ベホマラー: Behomara- (Healus: 10MP) ザキ: Zaki (Beat: 4MP) ザオラル: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP) ザラキ: Zaraki (Defeat: 7MP) ザオリク: Zaoriku (Revive: 15MP) ---------------------------------- ミネア: Minea (Minea)/Nara ホイミ: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Recover about 30 HP. キアリー: Kiari- (Antidote: 2MP/Single) Lv 4-Cures どく: Doku (poison). *ラリホー: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP/Group) Lv 6-Incapacitate a group of enemies. *バギ: Bagi (Infernos: 2MP/Group) Lv 9-Hits one group of enemies for about 15 points of damage. *キアリク: Kiariku (Numboff: 2MP/One Ally) Lv 10-Same effect as a まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb); it cures paralysis. ベホイミ: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP/One Ally) Lv 14-Recover about 75 HP. *ラリホーマ: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP/Single) Lv 16-Put one enemy to sleep. Has a higher chance of working than the regular Sleep spell. ザオラル: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP/Single) Lv 20-Has a 50% chance of reviving a dead party member. *バギマ: Bagima (Infermore: 4MP/Group) Lv 23-Hits a group of monsters for about 35 damage. ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP/Single) Lv 26-Fully restore one character's HP. *フバーハ: Fuba-ha (Barrier: 6MP/All) Lv 29-Damage done to the party by breath attacks is reduced when this spell is active. *バギクロス: Bagikurosu (Infermost: 8MP/Group) Lv 32-Hits a group of enemies for about 60-130 damage. *メガザル: Megazaru (Mega Revive: AllMP/All) Lv 36-Fully heals and revives all party members, but the cost is all of Minea's MP and she dies. Battle Order Page 1 バギ: Bagi (Infernos: 2MP) ホイミ: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP) ラリホー: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP) ベホイミ: Behoimi (Healmore: 4MP) キアリク: Kiariku (Numboff: 2MP) ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP) Page 2 バギマ: Bagima (Infermore: 4MP) フバーハ: Fuba-ha (Barrier: 6MP) ラリホーマ: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP) ザオラル: Zaoraru (Vivify: 8MP) バギクロス: Bagikurosu (Infermost: 8MP)メガザル: Megazaru (MegaRevive: MaxMP) ---------------------------------- マーニャ: Ma-nya (Ma-nya)/Mara *メラ: Mera (Blaze: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Shoot a fireball that inflicts about 10 damage to one enemy. *ルカニ: Rukani (Sap: 3MP/Single) Lv 4-Removes all of one enemy's Defense. Very useful on some high defense enemies. *ギラ: Gira (Fireball: 4MP/Group) Lv 8-Hits one group of enemies for about 15-20 points of damage. ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Lv 8-Warp to a town you've been to before. Not all towns/villages will appear on the list. リレミト: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Lv 9-Leave a dungeon immdediately. *イオ: Io (Bang: 5MP) Lv 12-Hits all enemies for about 20 damage points. *ベギラマ: Begirama (Firebane: 6MP) Lv 14-Hits one group of enemies for about 30-40 points of damage. *マホトラ: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP/Single) Lv 16-Steal some MP from an enemy. *メラミ: Merami (Blazemore: 4MP/Single) Lv 19-Hits one enemy for about 80 points of damage. トラマナ: Toramana (Stepguard: 2MP/All) Lv 21-Floor areas that would normally damage the party if they walked on them will do no damage if this spell is cast before walking across them. *イオラ: Iora (Boom: 8MP/All) Lv 25-Hits all monsters for about 60 points of damage. *ベギラゴン: Begiragon (Firevolt: 10MP/Group) Lv 27-Hits one group of enemies for about 100 damage. *ドラゴラム: Doragoramu (Bedragon: 18MP/Caster) Lv 31-Turns Ma-nya into a fire-breathing dragon. The flames rarely (if ever) damage Metal Slimes, Metal Babbles, and Metal Kings. *メラゾーマ: Merazo-ma (Blazemost: 10MP/Single) Lv 33-Burns one enemy for about 200 points of damage. *イオナズン: Ionazun (Explodet: 15MP/All) Lv 36-Hits all enemies for about 150 damage each. Battle Order Page 1 メラ: Mera (Blaze: 2MP) ルカニ: Rukani (Sap: 3MP) ギラ: Gira (Fireball: 4MP) マホトラ: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP) イオ: Io (Bang: 5MP) ドラゴラム: Doragoramu (Bedragon:18MP) Page 2 メラミ: Merami (Blazemore: 4MP) メラゾーマ: Merazo-ma (Blazemost:10MP) ベギラマ: Begirama (Firebane: 6MP) ベギラゴン: Begiragon (Firevolt: 10MP) イオラ: Iora (Boom: 8MP) イオナズン: Ionazun (Explodet: 15MP) ---------------------------------- ブライ: Burai (Brey) *ヒャド: Hyado (Icebolt: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Shoot an iceball that does around 12 damage to a single monster. *ルカニ: Rukani (Sap: 3MP/Single) Lv 5-Removes all of one enemy's Defense. Very useful on some high defense enemies. *ラリホー: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP/Group) Lv 6-Incapacitate a group of enemies. リレミト: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Lv 9-Leave a dungeon immdediately. ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Lv 10-Warp to a town you've been to before. Not all towns/villages will appear on the list. *マホカンタ: Mahokanta (Magic Counter: 4MP) Lv 11-Spells cast at Brey by ene- mies are reflected back at the caster. *ヒャダルコ: Hyadaruko (Snowstorm: 5MP) Lv 11-Damages a group of enemies with ice for about 40 points. *ピオリム: Piorimu (Speed Up: 3MP/All allies) Lv 14-Doubles all party members' Agility; 255 is maximum. インパス: Inpasu (X-Ray: 2MP) Lv 15-Use on treasure chests. If there is an 青: Ao (Blue) light, the chest is safe to open. If there is an 赤: Aka (Red) light, a monster is inside the chest. ラナルータ: Ranaru-ta (Day/Night: 4MP) Lv 17-Turn day into night and night into day. *バイキルト: Baikiruto (Bikill: 6MP/Single) Lv 19-Double one ally's Attack Power for the rest of the battle. *ルカナン: Rukanan (Defense: 4MP/Group) Lv 21-Lowers the Defense Power of an enemy group, but not as much as the Sap spell does to one enemy. レミラーマ: Remira-ma (Seek Out: 2MP) Lv 23-Chests/buried items sparkle if they are onscreen. Use this spell in conjunction with Torneko's 'Treasure Scent' spell to find Small Medals easily. *マホトラ: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP/Single) Lv 25-Steal some MP from an enemy. *ヒャダイン: Hyadain (Icespears: 8MP/All) Lv 27-Attacks all enemies with ice that does around 70 points of damage. *メダパニ: Medapani (Chaos: 5MP/Single) Lv 31-If successful, this spell will confuse an enemy and then they will attack other enemies. *マヒャド: Mahyado (Blizzard: 11MP/Group) Lv 32-Hits a group of enemies for about 100+ HP of damage. Battle Order Page 1 ヒャド: Hyado (Icebolt: 2MP) ルカニ: Rukani (Sap: 3MP) ヒャダルコ: Hyadaruko (Snowstorm: 5MP) ルカナン: Rukanan (Defense: 4MP) ヒャダイン: Hyadain (Icespears: 8MP) ラリホー: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP) Page 2 マホトラ: Mahotora (Robmagic: 0MP) マホカンタ: Mahokanta (Magcounter:4MP) メダパニ: Medapani (Chaos: 5MP) ピオリム: Piorimu (Speed Up: 3MP) マヒャド: Mahyado (Blizzard: 11MP) バイキルト: Baikiruto (Bikill: 6MP) ---------------------------------- トルネコ: Toruneko (Torneko)/Taloon しのびあし: Shinobi no Ashi (Shinobi Feet-0MP) Lv 3-Lower random battle rate, and works in dungeons too. タカのめ: Taka no Me (Hawk Eye: 0MP) Lv 6-Displays how far the nearest town/dungeon is (I think). 北-Kita (North), 南-Minami (South), 東-Higashi (East), 西-Nishi (West). たからのにおい: Takara no Nioi (Treasure Scent: 0MP) Lv 9-Same effect as the Thief Nose spell from part 3; it detects how many treasure chests and buried items are on the current floor. くちぶえ: Kuchibue (Whistle: 0MP) Lv 13-Whistle, and get into a fight instantly. ピサロ: Pisaro ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP/Single) Fully restore one character's HP. ベホマラー: Behomara- (Healus: 10MP/All) Heals about 80 HP for all party members. ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Warp to a town you've been to before. Not all towns/villages will appear on the list. リレミト: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Leave a dungeon immdediately. トラマナ: Toramana (Stepguard: 2MP/All) Floor areas that would normally damage the party if they walked on them will do no damage if this spell is cast before walking across them. トヘロス: Toherosu (Repel: 4MP) Keeps weaker enemies away for a limited amount of time, but does not keep stronger ones away, nor does it work in dungeons. *マヒャド: Mahyado (Blizzard: 11MP/Group) Hits a group of enemies for about 100+ HP of damage. *イオラ: Iora (Boom: 8MP/All) Hits all monsters for about 60 points of damage. *ドラゴン斬り: Doragonkiri (Dragon Slash: 0MP/Single) Cuts off dragon scales. High damage to dragon-type monsters. *ルカナン: Rukanan (Defense: 4MP/Group) Lowers the Defense Power of an enemy group by 50%. Two successful castings of this spell will reduce an enemy group's Defense Power to 0.
*まじん斬り: Majinkiri (Devil Slash: 0MP/Single) Either land a critical
             blow to an enemy, or miss them.
*ムーンサルト: Mu-nsaruto (Moonsault: 0MP/All) Hits all enemies.
*ラリホーマ: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP/Single) Put one enemy to sleep.
             Has a higher chance of working than the regular Sleep spell.
*バイキルト: Baikiruto (Bikill: 6MP/Single)  Lv 19-Double one ally's Attack
             Power for the rest of the battle.
ザオリク: Zaoriku (Revive: 15MP/Single) Lv 38-100% chance of reviving, and to
          max HP.
*メタル斬り: Metarukiri (Metal Slash: 0MP/Single) Lv 40-Damages Metal          
          monsters (Metal Slime, Metal Babble, King Metal) for 1 or 2          
       points of damage; similar to attacking with the Metal Babble            
*ザラキーマ: Zaraki-ma (Defeatmore: 15MP/All) Lv 42-Attempts to kill all       
*しんくう波: Shinkuuha (Vacuum Wave: 0MP/All) Lv 44-Hits all enemies.
*いてつき波動: Itetsukihadou (Freeze Surge: 0MP/All) Lv 49-Removes status      
            effects to all enemies (same thing Esturk, Death Pisaro,           
         Eggla, and the Evil Priest use).
*ドラゴラム: Doragoramu (Bedragon: 18MP/Caster) Lv 51-Turns Pisaro into a
             fire-breathing dragon.  The flames rarely (if ever) damage
             Metal Slimes, Metal Babbles, and Metal Kings.
*ジゴスパーク: Jigosupa-ku (Hell Spark: 25MP/All) Lv 53-Hits all enemies
               for over 250 damage each.
*マダンテ: Madante (Madante: AllMP/All) Lv 61-Uses all of Pisaro's MP to
           create a gigantic explosion.  For each 1 MP used, it will do 3      
        points of physical damage that hits all enemies.

Battle Order

Page 1

マヒャド: Mahyado (Blizzard: 11MP)     ベホマ: Behoma (Healall: 6MP)
イオナズン: Ionazun (Boom: 8MP)        ベホマラー: Behomara- (Healus: 10MP)
ジゴスパーク: Jigosupa-ku (Hell Spark: ザオリク: Zaoriku (Revive: 15MP)

Page 2

ドラゴン斬り: Doragonkiri(DrgnSlsh:0MP)ルカナン: Rukanan (Defense: 4MP)
まじん斬り: Majinkiri (Devil Slash:0MP)バイキルト: Baikiruto (Bikill: 6MP)
メタル斬り: Metarukiri (MetalSlash:0MP)ドラゴラム: Doragoramu (Bedragon:18MP)

Page 3

ムーンサルト: Mu-nsaruto(Moonsault:0MP)ラリホーマ: Rariho-ma (Sleepmore: 3MP)
しんくう波: Shinkuuha (Vacuum Wave:0MP)ザラキーマ: Zaraki-ma(Defeatmore:15MP)
マダンテ: Madante (Madante: AllMP)     いてつき波動: Itetsukihadou (Freeze     
                                                             Surge: 0MP)


           武器のリスト: Buki no Risuto (Weapon List)

This is the order I found weapons in, and only ones found in Chapter 6.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000:  cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero,       KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara,   MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena
PI: Pisaro/Saro

あくまのつめ: Akuma no Tsume (Devil Claw) -/1350. +80            MA, AR, PI
              Can put an enemy to sleep or poison them (I think).
デーモンスピア: De-monsupia (Demon Spear) -/18,750. +90              RA, PI
                Randomly kills a monster in 1 hit by piercing vital organs.
はやぶさの剣: Hayabusa no Ken (Falcon Sword) 65,000C/$18,750 +67 HR, RA, PI
              Attack the same monster 2 times per round.  Pisaro starts with
              this weapon equipped.
まかいのつるぎ: Makai no Tsurugi (Hell Sword) -/-. +150               PI
                Most powerful weapon in the game.  Recovers some HP (like
                the Miracle Sword does) when attacking an enemy with it


           鎧のリスト: Yoroi no Risuto (Armor List)

This is the order I found armor in, and only ones found in Chapter 6.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000:  cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero,       KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara,   MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena
PI: Pisaro/Saro

ステテコパンツ: Sutetekopantsu (Boxer Shorts) -/75. +8          TO, BR, RA
やすらぎのローブ: Yasuragi no Ro-bu (Tranquility Robe) -/4500. +33 KR, MI,
                                                           MA, BR, TO, AR
                  If the person wearing this gets put to sleep or paralyzed,
                  they will receive less damage than normal.
てんしのレオタード: Tenshi no Reota-do (Angel Leotard) -/9750. +60  HR(F),     
                                                           MI, MA, AR
                    Damage from spells, fire breath, and ice breath is
ゾンビメイル: Zonbimeiru (Zombie Mail) -/652. +49               HR, RA, PI
              Cursed.  HP goes down while it is equipped.  Pisaro starts with
              this armor equipped.
まかいのよろい: Makai no Yoroi (Hell Armor) -/-. +100                PI
                Damage from spells is reduced when equipped.


             盾のリスト: Tate no Risuto (Shield List)

This is the order I found shields in, and only ones found in Chapter 6.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000:  cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero,       KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara,   MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena
PI: Pisaro/Saro

鉄のたて: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) 650/487. +12 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA, PI
          Fire and Ice breath damage is reduced when this shield is equipped.
          Pisaro starts with this shield equipped.
まかいのたて: Makai no Tate (Hell Shield) -/-. +55                   PI
              Fire and Ice breath damage is reduced.
はぐれメタルのたて: Haguremetaru no Tate (Metal Babble Shield) -/-. +60
                                                    KR, MI, MA, BR, RA, PI
                    Casts マホステ: Mahosute (Fendspell) when used as an
                    item in battle.


            兜のリスト: Kabuto no Risuto (Helmet List)

This is the order I found helmets in, and only ones found in Chapter 6.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000:  cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero,       KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara,   MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena
PI: Pisaro/Saro

じゃしんのめん: Jashin no Men (Evil God Mask) -/6. +200        All but PI
                Cursed. Puts the wearer in a state of permanent Confusion      
             status until it is removed.
まかいのかぶと: Makai no Kabuto (Hell Helmet) -/-. +40               PI
                Protects against Sleep, Paralyze, and Instant Death.
はぐれメタルヘルム: Haguremetaruherumu (Metal Babble Helm)


                 そしょくひん: Soshokuhin (Decorations)

This is the order I found decorations in, and only ones found in Chapter 6.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000:  cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero,       KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara,   MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena
PI: Pisaro/Saro

ちからのゆびわ: Chikara no Yubiwa (Strength Ring) -/660.              All
                ちから: Chikara (Strength) +8.
命のゆびわ: Inochi no Yubiwa (Life Ring) -/-
            Equip: All
            しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15.
             Restores 1HP per 1 step walked.
しあわせのくつ: Shiawase no Kutsu (Happiness Shoes) -/-
                Equip: All
                うんのよさ: Unnoyosa (Luck) +50.
                Gain 1 Experience Point per 1 step walked (only in areas
                with monsters).
メガザルのうでわ: Megazaru no Udewa (Mega Revive Bracelet) -/1000. All but PI
                  しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15.
                  When the wearer dies, the bracelet casts the メガザル:
                  Megazaru (Mega Revive/Farewell) spell, then the Bracelet     
まもりのルビー: Mamori no Rubi- (Protection Ruby) -/2025.             All
                しゅびりょく: Shubiryoku (Defense Power) +15.



     This is the order I found these in (Chapter 6 only). The numbers after the
name are Buy price, Sell price, followed by effect.

せかいじゅのしずく: Sekaiju no Shizuku (World Dew) -/-
                    Heals about 80 HP of damage to all party members simul-
                    taneously.  Same effect as the ベホマラー: Behomara-       
                 (Healus) spell.  After 1 use, it is gone.
すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) -/67
                Increases the user's すばやさ: Subayasa (Agility).
ふしぎなきのみ: Fushigi na Kinomi (Mystery Nut) -/412
                Increases the user's さいだいMP: Saidai MP (Maximum MP).
においぶくろ: Nioibukuro (Scent Pouch) 150/112
              Fight rate is increased when the scent is active.
命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) -/187
            Increases the user's さいだいHP: Saidai HP (Maximum HP).
うまのふん: Uma no Fun (Horse Manure) -/1
            No real use.
せかいじゅの葉: Sekaiju no Ha (World Leaf) -/-
                Revives a dead party member.


                     Event (Special) Items

ちいさなメダル: Chiisanamedaru (Small Medal)  Found all over the world.
                Trade them to the Medal King for special items.
せかいじゅの花: Sekaiju no Hana (World Flower)  Found at the top of the
                giant World Tree.  Use it on Rosaly's grave in Rosaly Hill
                to revive her.


                            Town Shops List

ゴットサイド: Gottosaido (Gottside)

Inn: $10 per person.  House of Healing: yes

Armor Shop

てっかめん: Tekkamen (Iron Mask)                           $3500
ドラゴンシールド: Doragonshi-rudo (Dragon Shield)          $7100
まほうの法衣: Mahou no Houi (Magic Priest's Robe)          $4400
ドラオンメイル: Doragonmeiru (Dragon Mail)                 $5200
やいばのよろい: Yaiba no Yoroi (Blade Armor)               $9800

エルフの里: Erufu no Ri (Elf Village)

Inn: $5 per person.  House of Healing: no

Armor Shop

ちからのたて: Chikara no Tate (Strength Shield)            $13,000
みずのはごろも: Mizu no Hagoromo (Water Angel's Cloth)     $15,000


             ぎんのタロット: Gin no Tarotto (Silver Tarot)

     When Minea uses the Silver Tarots, she will randomly draw one of 9 (that
I've drawn) different cards.  Please note that the same card can now be drawn
multiple times in each battle, and I have not drawn that card that summons a
しにがみ: Shinigami (God of Death)/Necrodain yet.  I have drawn 13 cards before
a fight has ended, and never got that card.  It might not be in this version of
the game; I have yet to see it.
     Also note that if the Star Card is drawn more than once, you will only
gain the 2x Exp and Gold bonus one time.  When I finally am able to, I'll
update the Card List.   This is what each card does.  The text shown is the
as what appears onscreen.

     ミネアは とうの カードを ひいた!: Minea drew the Tower Card!

     So, just look for what the second word is in the text window, and that
is where the name of the card that was drawn will appear.  Here are the 9
Cards' names, and their effects:

とうの カード: Tou no Ka-do (Tower Card) Lightning bolts strike all
               enemies for about 15 points of damage.
ちからの カード: Chikara no Ka-do (Strength Card) One allies' Attack Power
                 becomes doubled for the duration of the fight.
月の カード: Tsuki no Ka-do (Moon Card) Same effect as casting the
             マヌーサ: Manu-sa (Surround) spell.  If successful, all           
          monsters will miss with their attacks more frequently.
せいぎの カード: Seigi no Ka-do (Justice Card) Same effect as casting the
                 ニフラム: Nifuramu (Expel) spell.  It vaporizes weak          
              enemies.  If it works, you get nothing for killing them          
           with this spell.
ひいては いけない カード: Hiiteha Ikenai Ka-do (Wrong/Bad Card) Attempts to    
                       kill every party member.  Watch out.
星の カード: Hoshi no Ka-do (Star Card) Gain double the experience points
             and Gold if the battle is won.
あくまの カード: Akuma no Ka-do (Devil Card) All enemies lose half of their
                 Defense Power.
太陽の カード: Taiyou no Ka-do (Sun Card) All party members are healed by
               the sun's light.
しにがみの カード: Shinigami no Ka-do (God of Death Card) Attempts to kill
                   all enemies.


     That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any
additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions
(akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of
the Dragonquest games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for.

Copyright Red Scarlet, 2001.