ドラゴンクエスト IV/Dragon Quest IV Remix Chapter 2 Translation Guide Version 1.0 12/05/01 By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) Version 1.0 12/05/01-Guide created, and complete for Chapter 2. Moved the Quick Summary to above the monster list. This Guide is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without the consent of its owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any reproducted form. This walkthrough is not meant for sale and is Copyright 2000, 2001 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this on your website or page, please e-mail me for permission (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com). To view this text file correctly, please use a Japanese text viewer program or download NJStar at www.njstar.com and download the Japan- ese word processor and the CJK viewer. By the way, if you have Inter- net explorer 5.0 (I think), right click on the text, and choose 'Encoding', then select Japanese (Auto Select) and the kana will come out just right. I strongly recommend doing this to view any of my guides with Japanese in them correctly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, welcome to my Dragon Quest 4 Remix-Chapter 2 Translation Guide. In this guide are translations of the menu screen, item menus, status menus, spell menus, strategy menus, and battle menus. Also in this guide are translations of all the weapons, armor, items, spells, town shop info, and monsters I have found while playing through Chapter 2. A quick summary of what to do to get through Chapter 2 is also included. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Scheme Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick Move up, down, left, right L1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise. L2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise by 45 degrees. R1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise. R2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise by 45 degrees. Triangle: Picks up pots and barrels; also used to talk to people automatic- ally, and look through dressers. Square: Zooms the camera way out while in a town. Also views the map (once you have it) while on the overworld screen. Circle: Accept button. Also opens the Command Window. X: Cancel button. Gives the いいえ: Iie (No) reply when asked a question and this button is pushed. Goes back 1 page in some menus. Select: Opens the せんれき: Senreki (Combat Experience) screen. Start: If pushed while in a town or cave, the 3-D map will flip around to its default position. Holding L1 and pushing R1 (or vice-versa) does the same effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- House of Healing Translations When you visit a church, these are the options that appear: おいのりをする: Oinori wo Suru (Save Game) おつげをきく: Otsuge wo Kiku (Inform) いきかえらせる: Ikikaeraseru (Revive) どくのちりょう: Doku no Chiryou (Poison Treatment) のろいをとく: Noroi wo Toku (Undo Curse) やめる: Yameru (Cancel) If you choose to save the game, the priest double checks if that is what you want to do. Reply with はい: Hai (Yes) if you want to save, or say いいえ: Iie (No) if you do not want to. If you do say no, the priest asks if you want to still play. If you didn't save, I wouldn't recommend saying you want to take a break; you'd have to redo everything since the last time you did save. Reply to his first question with はい: Hai (Yes), and he asks which memory card slot you want to use. Reply with Slot 1 or Slot 2. Save over whatever empty/current file you have, then he asks if you want to keep playing. What Inform does is simply say how much more experience everyone in the party needs until they reach their next level. Revive will bring dead party members back to life, but for a price. Poison Treatment will cure どく: Doku (Poison) status. Undo Curse will remove a cursed item from a party member. Note that when a cursed item is removed, it is destroyed in the process. Cancel will exit the menu. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- コマンドウィンドウ: Komandouindou (Command Window) Hit the Circle button to open up the command window. The six options that appear are: Note-a ** means there are more options that open when you select that command. はなす: Hanasu (Talk) じゅもん: Jumon (Magic) **どうぐ: Dougu (Item) しらべる: Shiraberu (Search) **つよさ: Tsuyosa (Status) **さくせん: Sakusen (Strategy) どうぐ: Dougu (Item Bag) Translations Choose a character, and then hit the A button on the item in question, and another menu pops up. The translations for those are as follows: つかう: Tsukau (Use item) わたす: Watasu (Move item up or down in list) そうび: Soubi (Equip the item if you can) すてる: Suteru (Throw the item away; once its thrown, its gone!) やめる: Yameru (Cancel) つよさ: Tsuyosa (Status) Translations When you choose this command, you can choose an individual char- acter, or choose the bottom option, ぜにん: Zenin, which shows a 'quick list' of all party members' current/max hp, current/max mp, their current experience level, and the amount of time the game has been played. Now choose an individual character, and the stats are translat- ed as follows: _______________________________________________________________ | Name | Amount of Gold | |Character Type |--------------------------------------------| | Sex | ちから: Chikara (Power) | | Exp. Level | すばやさ: Subayasa (Agility) | ------------------ たいりょく: Tairyoku (Vitality) | |Weapon equipped | かしこさ: Kashikosa (Intelligence) | |Armor equipped | うんのよさ: Un no Yosa (Luck) | |Shield equipped | こうげき力: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) | |Helmet equipped | しゅび力: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) | |Decoration eqpd | さいだいHP: Saidai HP (Max HP) | -----------------| さいだいMP: Saidai MP (Max MP) | | Ex: Current Experience Points | ---------------------------------------------- Note-こうげき力: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) is figured by the characters' ちから: Chikara (Strength) + the attack power of their equipped weapon, and しゅび力: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) is figur- ed by the defense power of their equipped armor, shield, helmet, decoration (if it applies) plus 50% of their Agility rating. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- さくせん: Sakusen (Strategy) Translations When you open this menu, these options pop up. The translations for these are to the best of my knowledge, so if anyone out there knows what the last option does, please email and I will give you credit for it. もんたん: Montan (Use the strongest heal spells to heal everyone) そうび: Soubi (Equip weapons and armor) ならびかえ: Narabikae (Change party order) せんれき: Senreki (Combat Experience) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- せんれき: Senreki (Combat Experience) Translations ぼうけんした時間: Boukenshita Jikan (Adventure time) 時間: Hours 分: Min. 戦闘回数: Sentou Kaisuu (Number of battles) たおした匹数: Taoshitahikisuu (Number of monsters fought) 全獲得ゴールド: Zenkakutoku Go-rudo (Acquired gold) 勝利回数: Shouri Kaisuu (Number of battle victories) 全滅回数: Zenmetsu Kaisuu (Number of times the party has been defeated) 逃走回数: Tousou Kaisuu (Number of times the party has fled) 一撃最大ダメージ: Ichigeki Saidai Dame-ji (Highest single attack damage) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Screen Translations When you get into a fight, the battle menu on the bottom left looks like this: たたかう: Tatakau (Fight) にげる: Nigeru (Flee) If you hit Left or Right on the directional pad or the left analog stick, the game asks if you want to change the message speed. Hit the Circle button if you want to, hit Left, Right, or the X button if you don't want to. The default message speed is 4. 1 is the fastest, while 8 is the slowest. If you choose to たたかう: Tatakau (Fight), another window opens up. This is the Fight Command menu. ------------------------------------------| | Character's Name | | |-------------------| Monster name | | こうげき どうぐ | | | じゅもん そうび |---------------------| | ぼうぎょう にげる | --------------------| こうげき: Kougeki (Attack) どうぐ: Dougu (Use item) じゅもん: Jumon (Spell) そうび: Soubi (Equip) ぼうぎょう: Bougyou (Defend) にげる: Nigeru (Flee) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2-おてんば王女: Otenba Oujo (Tomboy Princess) Quick Summary 1-Start in サントハイム: Santohaimu (Santhaim)/Santeem Castle. 2-Speak to everyone in the castle (except the old man in a secluded room). 3-Return to アリーナ: Ari-na (Alena)'s room and kick the boarded-up wall to escape the castle. 4-After escaping, ブライ: Burai (Brey) and クリフト: Kurifuto (Cristo) will join the Princess. 5-Tell the Chief of Tenpe (man in purple outfit) that you will be the next sacrifice. 6-Walk up to the priest in the church, and enter the sacrificial box. 7-Kill the boss that appears, the Chameleon Man. 8-Enter フレノール: Fureno-ru (Frenor) and witness the kidnapping of the fake Princess. 9-Talk to the boy in the lower-right area of town to learn of the kidnappers' ransom. 10-Enter the cave south of Frenor and find the 黄金のうでわ: Ougon no Udewa (Golden Bracelet). 11-Enter フレノール: Fureno-ru (Frenor) at night, and make the trade with the kidnappers at the graveyard. 12-Receive the とうぞくのカギ: Touzoku no Kagi (Thief Key) from メイ: Mei (May), the fake Princess. 13-Travel southwest of Frenor and enter the バザー: Baza- (Bazaar). 14-At the Bazaar, talk to the guard by the lake. 15-Return to Santhaim Castle and learn of the King's affliction. 16-Find the さえずりのみつ: Saezuri no Mitsu (Birdsong Nectar) at the top of the tower southwest of the Bazaar. 17-Use the Birdsong Nectar on the King of Santhaim, and gain permission to travel to エンドール: Endo-ru (Endor). 18-Enter the shrine east of the Bazaar to get to Endor. 19-Play casino games at the casino in Endor (optional). 20-Agree to enter the tournament to save the Princess of Endor from getting married. 21-Win the tournament at Endor. 22-Meet with the guard from Santhaim in the town of Endor. 23-Warp back to Santhaim. 24-Leap out of the hole in Alena's room, then exit the castle to end the chapter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 魔物のリスト: Mamono no Risuto (Monster List) This list was created in the order I fought monsters in (Chapter 2 monsters only), and go by the same formula as everything else in the guide (kana/romaji/translation), but also includes the US version of Dragonquest 4's name. The HP totals are taken from my foldout poster that came with the US version of the game on the NES. スライムベス: Suraimubesu (Red Slime)/HP: 10 キリキリバッタ: Kirikiribatta (?)/Kaskos Hopper/HP: 8 おおみみず: Oomimizu (Giant Earthworm)/Giant Worm/HP: 11 みみとびねずみ: Mimitobinezumi (Ear Rat)/Elerat/HP: 11 いたずらもぐら: Itazuramogura (Prank Mole)/Prank Gopher/HP: 10 つちわらし: Tsuchiwarashi (?)/Troglodyte/HP: 13 あばれこまいぬ: Abarekomainu (Rampaging Lion-Dog)/Rabidhound/HP: 23 ミノーン: Mino-n (Minon)/HP: 16 カメレオンマン: Kamereonman (Chameleon Man)/Chameleon Humanoid/HP: 40 おばけキノコ: Obakekinoko (Monster Mushroom)/Demon Toadstool/HP: 19 ひとくいそう: Hitokuisou (Cannibal Plant)/Carnivore Plant/HP: 17 ホイミスライム: Hoimisuraimu (Heal Slime)/Healer/HP: 16 あばれうしどり: Abareushidori (Rampaging ?)/Brahmird/HP: 20 メラゴースト: Merago-suto (Mera Ghost)/Blazeghost/HP: 12 とさかへび: Tosakahebi (Crest Snake)/Crested Viper/HP: 31 テベロ: Tebero (Thevro)/HP: 25 ラリホービートル: Rariho-bi-toru (Sleep Beetle)/Somnabeetle/HP: 23 きゅうけつこうもり: Kyuuketsukoumori (Blood-Sucking Bat)/Vampire Bat/HP: 25 おにこぞう: Onikozou (Ogre)/Orc/HP: 33 コドラ: Kodora (Kordra)/HP: 32 サンドマスター: Sandomasuta- (Sand Master)/HP: 30 プテラノドン: Puteranodon (Pteranodon)/HP: 41 ひとくいサーベル: Hitokuisa-beru (Cannibal Sabre)/Grislysaber/HP: 29 はえおとこ: Haeotoko (Fly Man)/Flythrope/HP: 34 ポイズンリザード: Poizunriza-do (Poison Lizard)/HP: 34 かまいたち: Kamaitachi (Cutting Wind)/Razor Wind/HP: 41 スパクテット: Supakutetto (Spectet)/HP: 35 ドラゴンバタフライ: Doragonbatafurai (Dragon Butterfly)/Butterfly Dragon/HP: 47 さそりアーマー: Sasoria-ma- (Scorpion Armor)/Armor Scorpion/HP: 40 さまようよろい: Samayouyoroi (Wandering Armor)/Rogue Knight/HP: 54 メタルスライム: Metarusuraimu (Metal Slime)/HP: 4 がいこつけんし: Gaikotsukenshi (Skeleton Fencer)/Skeleton/HP: 52 マスター ハン: Masuta- Han (Master Hun)/Hun/HP: 70 ラゴス: Ragosu (Ragos)/Roric/HP: 90 ビビアン: Bibian (Vivian)/HP: 90 サイモン: Saimon (Simon)/Sampson/HP: 90 ベロリンマン: Beroninman (? Man)/Linguar/HP: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- じゅもんのリスト: Jumon no Risuto (Spell List) The order for the spells are in the order that I received them while playing the game. A * before the spell signifies a 'Battle Only' spell. Lv 13: Level I personally learned the spell while playing; it might be able to be learned at a level slightly lower or higher as well. Single: One target. Group: One group of enemies. All: All enemies onscreen. All Allies: All party members that are currently fighting. Caster: The caster of the spell only. This is not a complete list; my list is only up to whatever spells were learned while playing Chapter 2. For a complete list, my Chapter 5 Translation Guide will have one. クリフト: Kurifuto (Cristo) ホイミ: Hoimi (Heal: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Recover about 30 HP. *スカラ: Sukara (Upper: 3MP/Single) Lv 6-Increases a party member's Defense Power by their regular DP rating. (If the target has 90 DP and Upper is cast, they will gain 90 more Defense Power; making them have 180 in the battle. If Upper is cast again, they will gain 90 more, not 180 more). *マヌーサ: Manu-sa (Surround: 4MP/Group) Lv 7-If successful, monsters will miss with their attacks more frequently. キアリー: Kiari- (Antidote: 2MP/Single) Lv 9-Cures どく: Doku (poison). *マホトーン: Mahoto-n (Stopspell: 3MP/Group) Lv 12-Prevents bad guys from using spells; if it works. ---------------------------------- ブライ: Burai (Brey) *ヒャド: Hyado (Icebolt: 2MP/Single) Lv 1-Shoot an iceball that does around 12 damage to a single monster. *ルカニ: Rukani (Sap: 3MP/Single) Lv 5-Removes all of one enemy's Defense. Very useful on some high defense enemies. *ラリホー: Rariho- (Sleep: 3MP/Group) Lv 6-Incapacitate a group of enemies. リレミト: Riremito (Outside: 4MP) Lv 9-Leave a dungeon immdediately. ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return: 4MP) Lv 10-Warp to a town you've been to before. Time always becomes morning when this spell is used. マホカンタ: Mahokanta (Magic Counter: 4MP) Lv 11-Spells cast at Brey by ene- mies are reflected back at the caster. ヒャダルコ: Hyadaruko (Snowstorm: 5MP) Lv 11-Damages a group of enemies with ice for about 40 points. *ピオリム: Piorimu (Speed Up: 3MP/All allies) Lv 14-Doubles all party members' Agility; 255 is maximum. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 武器のリスト: Buki no Risuto (Weapon List) This is the order I found weapons in, and for Chapter 2 only. What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip. HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara, BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena こんぼう: Konbou (Club) 30/22. +7 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA, AR ひのきのぼう: Hinoki no Bou (Cypress Stick) -/7. +2 All but AR どうのつるぎ: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) 100/75. +12 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA せいなるナイフ: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) 200/150 +14 KR, RA, AR クロスボウ: Kurosubou (Crossbow) 350/262. +18 KR, BR, RA, AR くさりがま: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) 550/412. +20 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA, AR 鉄のやり: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) 880/660 +28. HR, KR, TO, RA どくがのナイフ: Dokuga no Naifu (Poisoned Knife) 750/562. +24 MI, MA, BR, TO ホーリーランス: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) 1250/937. +33 KR, MI, RA せいぎのそろばん: Seigi no Soroban (Virtue Abacus) 1600/1200. +35 TO はやぶさの剣: Hayabusa no Ken (Falcon Sword) 65,000C/? +5? Equip: ? I Have not gotten this item yet to see what it does, but if it like the Falcon Sword in other games, it gives the person only a +5 Attack Power bonus, but they have two attacks per round. 鉄のつめ: Tetsu no Tsume (Iron Claw) 1500/1125. +38 AR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鎧のリスト: Yoroi no Risuto (Armor List) This is the order I found armor in, and for Chapter 2 only. What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip. HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara, BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena きぬのローブ: Kinu no Ro-bu (Silk Robe) 110/82. +10 HR(F), MI, MA, AR たびびとの服: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) 70/52. +7 All 布の服: Nuno no Fuku (Cloth) 10/7. +4 All 皮のよろい: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) 180/135. +12 HR, KR, BR, TO, RA, AR くさりかたびら: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) 350/262. +18 HR, KR, TO, RA, AR せいどうのよろい: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) 700/525. +25 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA 鉄のよろい: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) 1200/900. +30 HR, KR, MI, RA 鉄のまえかけ: Tetsu no Maekake (Iron Apron) 1500/1125. +32 TO スパンコールドレス: Supanko-rudoresu (Spankor? Dress) 2500C/? +? Equip: ? I Have not gotten this item yet to see what it does. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 盾のリスト: Tate no Risuto (Shield List) This is the order I found shields in, and for Chapter 2 only. What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip. HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara, BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena 皮のたて: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) 90/67. +4 HR, KR, MI, BR, TO, RA うろこのたて: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) 180/135 +7 HR, KR, MI, BR, TO, RA 鉄のたて: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) 650/487. +12 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 兜のリスト: Kabuto no Risuto (Helmet List) This is the order I found helmets in, and for Chapter 2 only. What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip. HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara, BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena はねぼうし: Haneboushi (Feather Hat) 280/210. +8 MI, MA, AR 皮のぼうし: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) 65/48. +2 All 木のぼうし: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) 120/90 +6 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- そしょくひん: Soshokuhin (Decorations) This is the order I found Decorations in, and for Chapter 2 only. What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip. HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara, BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena きんのブレスレット: Kin no Buresuretto (Gold Bracelet) 1000C/? +? Equip: ? I Have not gotten this item yet to see what it does. ほしふるうでわ: Hoshifuruudewa (Falling Star Bracelet) 10,000C/- All Doubles the wearer's すばやさ: Subayasa (Agility). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items This is the order I found these in (Chapter 2 only). The numbers after the name are Buy price, Sell price, followed by effect. C=Casino Coins. やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) 8/6 Heal some HP. せいすい: Seisui (Holy Water) 20/15 Keeps weak enemies away for a period of time. すばやさのたね: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) -/67 Increaes the user's すばやさ: Subayasa (Agility). どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) 10/7 Cures どく: Doku (Poison). 命のきのみ: Inochi no Kinomi (Life Nut) -/187 Increses the user's さいだいHP: Saidai HP (Maximum HP). キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) 25/18 Warp to a town you've visited. Same effect as the ルーラ: Ru-ra (Return) spell. まほうのせいすい: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) 30C/22 ちからのたね: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) -/90 Increases the user's ちから: Chikara (Strength). うまのふん: Uma no Fun (Horse Manure) -/1 No real use. ラックのたね: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) -/52 Increases the user's うんのよさ: Unnoyosa (Luck). いのりのゆびわ: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring) 500C/- Restores the user's MP, but can break after any number of uses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event (Special) Items ちいさなメダル: Chiisanamedaru (Small Medal) Found all over the world. Trade them to the Medal King for special items. 黄金のうでわ: Ougon no Udewa (Golden Bracelet) Found in the cave south of Frenor. Used to pay the ransom for the fake Princess in Frenor. とうぞくのカギ: Touzoku no Kagi (Thief Key) Received from May after she is exchanged for the Golden Bracelet. Unlocks blue doors. さえずりのみつ: Saezuri no Mitsu (Birdsong Nectar) Found at the top of the tower southwest from the Bazaar. Used on the King of Santhaim after he loses his voice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town Shops List サラン: Saran (Saran)/Surene Inn: $2 per person. House of Healing: yes Weapon Shop こんぼう: Konbou (Club) $30 どうのつるぎ: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100 せいなるナイフ: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200 Armor Shop 布の服: Nuno no Fuku (Cloth) $10 たびびとの服: Tabibito no Fuku (Traveller Cloth) $70 皮のよろい: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180 皮のたて: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90 皮のぼうし: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) $65 やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8 テンペ: Tenpe (Tenpe)/Tempe Inn: $3 per person. House of Healing: yes (cannot save here) Item Shop (not open until after the Chameleon Man is killed.) やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8 どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10 キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25 せいなるナイフ: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200 クロスボウ: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350 皮のよろい: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180 フレノール: Fureno-ru (Frenor) Inn: $4 per person. House of Healing: yes Weapon Shop (Opens after rescuing the fake Princess) どうのつるぎ: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100 せいなるナイフ: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200 クロスボウ: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350 くさりがま: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550 鉄のやり: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880 Item Shop やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8 どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10 キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25 くさりかたびら: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350 木のぼうし: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120 せいどうのよろい: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700 バザー: Baza- (Bazaar) Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: no Weapon Shop クロスボウ: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350 くさりがま: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550 どくがのナイフ: Dokuga no Naifu (Poison Knife) $750 鉄のやり: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880 ホーリーランス: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) $1250 Armor Shop 皮のよろい: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180 くさりかたびら: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350 せいどうのよろい: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700 皮のたて: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90 うろこのたて: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180 木のぼうし: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120 Item Shop やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8 どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10 せいすい: Seisui (Holy Water) $20 キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25 まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30 エンドール: Endo-ru (Endor) Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: yes Weapon Shop くさりがま: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550 どくがのナイフ: Dokuga no Naifu (Poison Knife) $750 鉄のやり: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880 ホーリーランス: Ho-ri-ransu (Holy Lance) $1250 せいぎのそろばん: Seigi no Soroban (Virtue Abacus) $1600 Armor Shop くさりかたびら: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350 せいどうのよろい: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700 鉄のよろい: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200 鉄のまえかけ: Tetsu no Maekake (Iron Apron) $1500 うろこのたて: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180 鉄のたて: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650 Item Shop やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8 どくけし草: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10 せいすい: Seisui (Holy Water) $20 キメラのつばさ: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) $25 まんげつ草: Mangetsusou (Full Moon Herb) $30 木のぼうし: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Helmet) $120 Casino Shop (Uses Coins won at the Casino) まほうのせいすい: Mahou no Seisui (Magic Holy Water) 30 Coins いのりのゆびわ: Inori no Yubiwa (Prayer Ring) 500 Coins きんのブレスレット: Kin no Buresuretto (Gold Bracelet) 1000 Coins スパンコールドレス: Supanko-rudoresu (Spankor? Dress) 2500 Coins ほしふるうでわ: Hoshifuruudewa (Falling Star Bracelet) 10,000 Coins はやぶさの剣: Hayabusa no Ken (Falcon Sword) 65,000 Coins Item Shop at the Coliseum やくそう: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8 鉄のつめ: Tetsu no Tsume (Iron Claw) $1500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of the Dragonquest games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for. Copyright Red Scarlet, 2001.