---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIGIMON WORLD- ULTIMATE DIGIMON FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyrighted by Chase Conley "Knight of Myth" For more information, see the "legal crap" at the bottom of this page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Game Name: Digimon World Platform: Sony Playstation ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. What you need to know 3. Tips and Strategies 4. Digivolution Conditions 5. Digivolution Items 6. Secrets and Rumors 7. Contact Information 8. Credits 9. Legal Crap -------------------------------------- -------------------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone! This guide is for those of you who want to raise the most powerful level of digimon. The ultimates! It won't be easy raising them though. Just follow everything in this guide, and you will be getting ultimates right and left! In order to raise ultimate digimon, certain conditions must be met exactly. That's why it's so hard to get them. You must know how to train it, how to feed it, how to battle it, etc. That's what this FAQ will tell you. Whether you want to have a super-strong digimon to complete the game with, or want to impress your friends with your digimon raising skills, this FAQ has everything you need to become the ultimate digimon tamer! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you begin raising ultimate digimon, there are a few things you need to know. First being what an ultimate is. Ultimate level digimon are the strongest digimon you can get. However, they're very difficult to raise. In order to raise them, you must meet specific conditions exactly. These conditions are: Care Mistakes: Care mistakes are the most important thing when the computer decides what digimon you get. They are also the most misunderstood. Care mistakes include not feeding your digimon when he's hungry. training him when he's tired, letting him poop on the ground, not letting him sleep, and battling when he's tired, sick, injured, hungry, or has to poop. The computer is very strict when it comes to care mistakes. If you meet a digimon's conditions exactly, but don't have the correct number of care mistakes, you can forget about getting that digimon. The only exception to this is, if the bonus conditions are met. Even then, you probably won't get him. Weight: Weight is the second most important thing to consider about digivolution. Every digimon has a weight that you should try to meet if you are trying to get that digimon. For example, a Mamemon has a weight of 5g, but a Megadramon has a weight of 55g. Even if you don't meet the weight there is still a good chance he will become an ultimate. That is, if the other stats are met. Parameters: Raising your digimon's parameters is the hardest part of raising an ultimate. They must be met exactly to the digimon's specifications. The parameters include hit points, magic points, offense, defense, speed, and brains. An Andromon for example, has requires parameters of hit points 2000, magic points 4000, offense 200, defense 400, speed 200, and brains 400. If these are met he will most likely digivolve. If a digimon reaches it's ultimate form, it's parameters will rise dramatically. Bonus Conditions: These are of little importance to the computer, but do matter. Meeting bonus conditions alone will not get you an ultimate. Only if you meet them as well as all of the other stats will it matter. The only time I suggest trying to get the bonus conditions is if you have already met all of the other conditions and are waiting for him to digivolve. Another good reason to try to get them is if you can't get the parameters high enough in time. Bonus conditions include things like battles 30+, or happiness gauge 95%+. If you meet the bonus conditions and all of the other stats there is almost a 100% chance that you will get an ultimate. Tamer Level: Your tamer level is for your character, not your digimon. It is relatively important when raising digimon, especially ultimates. It will go up after raising several types of digimon, or it goes up every time you raise an ultimate. However, it can go down if your digimon dies in battle too many times, or if you make too many care mistakes. The higher your tamer level is, the better your chances of getting an ultimate are. I don't suggest trying to raise ultimates until your tamer level is at least a 1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- TIPS AND STRATEGIES --- Don't try to raise ultimates with different stats than the champion before them. For example, if a champion has a high defense rating, but little speed, then don't try to get an ultimate with a high speed rating. --- Care mistakes are the most important! The computer will rate you on care mistakes above all. When trying to get ultimates, make sure you meet the care mistakes perfectly! ---Don't try to raise too many ultimates until you have Kabuterimon and Kuwagumon in your gym. The training manual won't hurt either. --- Digivolution items will get you an ultimate, but a horribly weak one. It's life expectancy will stay the same, and it will have low parameters. Don't waste your time or money with these. --- The "bad" digimon (Numemon, Sukamon, Nanimon) will be very difficult to turn into ultimates because they're stats don't go up very much when you train. It's best to just leave them alone until you're an expert on raising digimon. ---Don't try to raise ultimates until your tamer level is at least a 1. Champions are all that you need at the beginning of the game anyway. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ DIGIVOLUTION CONDITIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Andromon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Digivolves From: Meramon, Centarumon, Ogremon, Leomon, Angemon Care Mistakes: no more than 5 Required Parameters: HP:2000, MP:4000, Offense:200, Defense:400, Speed:200, Brains:400 Required Weight: 40g Bonus Conditions: 30 or more battles, 30 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 6- moderately difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Digitamamon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Nanimon Care Mistakes: doesn't affect digivolution Required Weight: 10g Required Parameters: HP:3000, MP:3000, Offense:400, Defense:400, Speed:400, Brains:300 Bonus Conditions: 100 or more battles (don't even bother) 49 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 10- nearly impossible (it is possible, keep trying!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Etemon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Sukamon Care Mistakes: doesn't affect digivolution Required Weight: 15g Required Parameters: HP:2000, MP:1000, Offense:400, Defense:200, Speed:400, Brains:300 Bonus Conditions: 50 or more battles, 49 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 8- very difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Giromon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Centarumon, Ogremon, Bakemon, Unimon Care Mistakes: 15 or more Required Weight: 5g Required Parameters: Offense:400, Speed:300, Brains:400 Bonus Conditions: have a happiness meter of 95% or more, 100 or more battles (don't even bother) 49 or more techniques. Difficulty Of Raising: 6- modrately difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ HerculesKabuterimon -------------------------------- See rumors and secrets. -------------------------------- --------------- Mamemon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Leomon, Ninjamon, Frigimon, Whamon, Mojyamon Care Mistakes: 15 or more Required Weight: 5g Required Parameters: Offense:400, Defense:300, Speed: 300, Brains:400 Bonus Conditions: have a happiness meter of 95% or more, 25 or more techniques. Difficulty Of Raising: 6- moderately difficult. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Megadramon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Tyrannomon, Devimon, Airdramon, Seadramon Care Mistakes: no more than 10 (anything less than 10 is fine) Required Weight: 55g Required Parameters: HP:3000, MP:5000, Offense:500, Defense:300, Speed:400, Brains:400 Bonus Conditions: 30 or more battles, 30 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 7- difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ MegaSeadramon --------------------------------- See rumors and secrets. --------------------------------- --------------------- Metal Greymon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Greymon, Monochromon, Meramon, Tyrannomon, Drimogemon Care Mistakes: No more than 10 Required Weight: 65g Required Parameters: HP:4000, MP:3000, Offense:500, Defense:500, Speed:300, Brains:300 Bonus Conditions: 30 or more battles, 30 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 7-difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Metal Mamemon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Monochromon, Ninjamon, Kabuterimon, Frigimon Care Mistakes: No more than 15 Required Weight: 10g Required Parameters: Offense:500, Defense:400, Speed:400, Brains:400 Bonus Conditions: have a happiness meter of 95% or more, 30 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 6-moderately difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- Monzaemon (Teddymon) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Numemon Care Mistakes: 0 Required Weight: 40g Required Parameters: HP:3000, MP:3000, Offense: 300, Defense:300, Speed:300, Brains:300 Bonus Conditions: 50 or more battles, 49 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 10-nearly impossible (it is possible, keep trying!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Phoenixmon -------------------------------- See rumors and secrets. -------------------------------- ----------- Piximon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Kokatorimon, Vegiemon, Ninjamon, Kuwagon Care Mistakes: 15 or more Required Weight: 5g Required Parameters: Offense:300, Defense:300, Speed:300, Brains:400 Bonus Conditions: have a discipline meter of 95% or more, 25 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 6-moderately difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Skull Greymon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: Greymon, Devimon, Mojyamon, Garurumon, Bakemon Care Mistakes:10 or more Required Weight: 30g Required Parameters: HP:4000, MP:6000, Offense:400, Defense:400, Speed:200, Brains:500 Bonus Conditions: 40 or more battles, 45 or more techniques Difficulty Of Raising: 8-very difficult ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Vademon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digivolves From: every champion Other Requirements: If a champion digimon manages to live for 15 days after becoming a champion, there is a chance that he will digivolve into a Vademon. So, if you have a 20 year old champion he may digivolve into this form. This is extremely difficult to do, and even if you do manage to have a digimon that is this old, it will only digivolve about half of the time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- DIGIVOLUTION ITEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you start thinking, "Oh, I'll just use digivolution items to get ultimates. It's too hard to raise them anyway." Well, it's even harder to find digivolution items. If you use one of these items, sure, you'll get an ultimate, but they will be horribly weak. Their stats won't go up any. Neither will their life expectancy. But if you still insist on getting these, then here they are. At least the ones I have found anyway. Cyber Parts- This will get you an Andromon. You will get this if you win the Metric Cup at the arena. Red Ruby- This will get you a Phoenixmon. You will get this if you win the Version 4 cup at the arena. Metal Parts, Fatal,Bone, Mega Hand- These will get you a Metal Greymon, a Skull Greymon, and a Megadramon- You will get either one of these if you win the Grade S cup at the arena. Metal Armor- This will get you a Metal Mamemon. There is a chance of getting this if you beat Metal Mamemon at digimon curling. Silver Ball- This will get you a Mamemon. There is a chance of getting this if you beat Metal Mamemon at digimon curling. Gold Banana- This will get you an Etemon. You can buy this from Etemon for 50,000 bits. Probably not worth it. Choral Charm- This will get you a Mega Seadramon. There is an astronomically small chance of fishing this out of Dragon Eye Lake. We're talking about a 1 out of 1,000,000 chance here. Beetle Pearl- This will get you a Hercules Kabuterimon. You will get this if you can somehow, by a miracle win the Tournament at Beetle Land. This is held on the 22nd of each month. May god have mercy on your soul if you plan on competing. Misty Egg- This will get you a Digitamamon. It is found in the back of Whamon's cave after you have beaten it once. Ray Gun- This will get you a Vademon. You will find it in the first room on the right in the Back Dimension. Monzaemon Costume- This isn't like the others. This one WILL raise your stats and life expectancy. To get this all you have to do is bring a Numemon to Toy Town and go to the costume house. You can't miss it. I guess it's a freebie from the game makers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- SECRETS AND RUMORS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "secret ultimates": These are Hercules Kabuterimon, Mega Seadramon, and Phoenixmon. These digimon ARE IN THE GAME. The reason I put them here is because I have no idea how to get them. These digimon you will just try to experiment with. They're not super strong or anything. I just don't know how to get them. Here's what I did to get a Phoenixmon. First I raised a Birdramon. Then it went to sleep and turned into an Airdramon. For this to occur, you must have a happiness and discipline meter of 100%, and a tiredness of zero. Then I was like, "Cool! An Airdramon!" But before I could even move, he immediately digivolved into Phoenixmon. I didn't make many care mistakes, and his weight was around 30g. Just try different things. If anyone KNOWS FOR SURE how to get these digimon, please e-mail me. The megas: These truly are rumors. These digimon are Metal Etemon, Saber Leomon, and Gigadramon. These are entirely rumored. Although I have heard of people getting them with a game shark, and by doing stuff like: Raise an Etemon, have him fight 300,000,000,000 battles against ultimates and win every single time. You know, stuff that you will never be able to do. I seriously doubt these digimon exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- CONTACT INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you see something wrong with this FAQ, please e-mail me at Knight_of_Myth@world-of-nintendo.com. Also, if you think there is something I can add to make this FAQ better, please let me know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- CREDITS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I would like to thank Jeff Veasey (CJayC) for making the best gaming site ever! As well as the following people: Bandai, for making this great game! Prima Games, for giving me some of the Digivolution Conditions. Metal Greymon, for being the coolest digimon ever. And last but not least. Andy Cummings, for helping me out with this game, as well as many other games! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- LEGAL CRAP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyrighted by Chase Conley (Knight of Myth.) I am currently only giving GameFAQs.com permission to use this FAQ. If you would like to use this on your site, e-mail me at Knight_of_Myth@world-of-nintendo.com asking my permission. 99 times out of 100 I will let you. The only reason I definitely won't let you is if your site is a pay-site. This FAQ can not be used to make any kind of profit. And if I give you permission to use this FAQ on your site, you must five me full credit. Something like; this FAQ was written by Chase Conley (Knight of Myth.) And that's about it. So in short, just e-mail me if you would like to use this on your site. I will be more than happy to let you. Just don't use it without my permission. That's illegal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------