Digimon World Techniques Guide Ver. 0.7 December 2, 2000 Adam Cochran dartanel@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This guide is copywright (c) 2000 Adam Cochran. I wrote this solely to ficilitate the distribution of this information, so I give permission to copy, print, or post this faq in its unaltered form freely. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 0. Version History 1. Learning Techs 2. Reference Chart 3. a. Fire Techs b. Battle Techs c. Air Techs d. Earth Techs e. Water Techs f. Mech Techs g. Filth Techs 4. Area by area guide 5. Things to do. 6. Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Version History Ver 0.1 First Draft. I loaded up my gameshark and plopped in the code for all techs, copied down the tech chart and am filling in the blanks from personal observation. Ver 0.2 Finally saw Pulse Laser in action, and added info for meltdown. Ver 0.3 Got info for infinity burn and Delete Program. Started area-by-area guide. Ver 0.4 Minor revisions, added more sections to Area Guide. Ver 0.5 More minor revisions. Ver 0.6 More than halfway done. But I think I'm a lot closer than that, ne? :) Fixed a glaring error and completed the list of where to find what monsters. Added the how to learn techs section. Ver 0.7 Finally got a virus ultimate so I could play through Grey Lord's Manor. Filled out a bunch of info there, plus someone let me in on some dirty little secrets that let me fill out my filth tech section. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Learning Techs Learning techs is fairly straightforward, but not exactly easy. Learning techs is a function of the mon's brains stat. When the digimon's brains stat reaches the high x40s, it becomes eligible to learn a tech. Your mon can only learn techs that are blue squares in its tach selection grid. It can learn a tech in one of two ways: Training in either the green gym classroom, or training with Cherrymon in misty trees. The chances with cherrymon are higher than with the green gym classroom, but they are not high in either case. Also, the tech you learn is random, but if you only have one left to learn, that really doesn't become an issue. Having the tech used against you in battle. This is the most reliable way of learning techs, but still not guarunteed. With your brains stat at the requisite level, enter battle with a monster that uses that tech. If the monster uses the tech on you that you are eligible to learn, you have a chance to learn it. There are other ways to learn some techs. You can be taught a tech by the kabuterimon in beetle land if you take a monster with high stats to him. Seadramon in dragon lake gives you the option to learn an ice tech when you catch him by fishing (this can be repeated so long as you do not ask to be friends) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Reference Chart 1 2 3 4 Fire Fire Prominence Spit Red Tower Beam Fire Inferno Battle Tremar Muscle War Sonic Charge Cry Jab Air Thunder Spinning Electric Megalo Justice Shot Cloud Spark Earth Poison Bug Mass Insect Powder Morph Plague Water Giga Ice Winter Ice Freeze Statue Blast Needle Mech Power All-Range Metal Pulse Crane Beam Sprinter Laser Filth Odor Poop Spd Big Poop Big Rnd Spray Toss Toss Toss ***************** 5 6 7 8 Fire Magma Heat Infinity Meltdown Bomb Laser Burn Battle Dynamite Counter Megaton Buster Kick Punch Dive Air Static Wind Confused Hurricane Elect Cutter Storm Earth Charm Poison Danger Green Perfume Claw Sting Trap Water Water Aqua Aurora Tear Blit Magic Freeze Drop Mech Delete DG Full Reverse Program Dimension Potential Program Filth Poop Rnd Rnd Spd Horizont- Ult Poop Toss Toss al Kick Hell ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Tech Writeups a. Fire Techs 1 Name: Fire Tower Power: 155 MP Cost: 81 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: Digimon raises up and a pillar of flame shoots up from under the target. Can be knocked out of it easy in mob battles or by enemies with fast techs, but never misses, and is rarely blocked. How to get it: Most varieties of Agumon, except the Snow Agumon, use it frequently 2 Name: Prominence Beam Power: 444 MP Cost: 183 Range: Long Special: Flat Comments: Humanoid Digimon fire this searing beam kamehameha style, others breathe it out after a strong inhale. Somewhat long charge-up time gives medium and fast techs plenty of time to interrupt the attack, but if they're not on the ball, prominence beam toasts them. How to get it: Blue Meramon in the Ice Sanctuary use this almost exclusively. Other strong fire digimon like Vermilimon and Saber- dramon use this attack occasionally. 3 Name: Spit Fire Power: 66 MP Cost: 30 Range: Long Special: Comments: The basic fire tech is a quick spit of a relatively slow fireball. Near-impossible to interrupt, but easy to dodge at range. How to get it: Comes free with most fire digimon. 4 Name: Red Inferno Power: 210 MP Cost: 171 Range: Wide-area Special: Comments: Digimon rears back and breathes a spray of fire. Can be interrupted by a quick attack. The Initial stream is concentrated on one target, but once it hits it fans out to hit other digimon behind the enemy. How to get it: Most mid-level fire digimon use this. Vermilimon, tankmon, more powerful agumon types, and boss digimon like greymon and tyrannomon. 5 Name: Magma Bomb Power: 279 MP Cost: 132 Range: Long Special: Confusion Comments: Digimon rears back and tosses a ball of magma which homes in on the target and explodes. Enough time spent charging to interrupt the attack, but once it's in the air, there's no escape but to block it. How to get it: Any one of the multitudes of Goburimon that infest the central areas of file island. 6 Name: Heat Laser Power: 84 MP Cost: 105 Range: Wide-area Special: Flat Comments: Digimon rears back and a red zone grows around him, which bursts to cover the screen, damaging all nearby enemies. There's a significant time in which the attack can be inter- rupted, but otherwise faster than most wide-area attacks. How to get it: Vermillimon in the Dino Region use this rarely, as do the Darkrizamon in Overdell. 7 Name: Infinity Burn Power: 488 MP Cost: 264 Range: Wide-area Special: Stun Comments: An extreme version of Fire Tower. A bit slower to start, but area-effect and more powerful. How to get it: Only powerful boss fire digimon like metal greymon use this in battle, so your best bet will be by training brains. 8 Name: Meltdown Power: 400 MP Cost: 318 Range: Wide-Area Special: Stun Comments: The digimon surrounds itself in a pool of lava, then jumps up and nearby enemies get hit. A bit slow on the startup, but effective nonetheless. How to get it: Vermillimon in Mt. Infinity prefer this attack. Other vermilimon use this rarely. ***************** b. Battle Techs 1 Name: Tremar Power: 178 MP Cost: 168 Range: Wide-Area Special: Comments: Digimon hits the ground and boulders go in all dir- ections. Quick but avoidable. How to get it: In your multiple battles with Ogremon. Nise drimogemon in gear savannah and vermilimon both use this attack rarely. 2 Name: Muscle Charge Power: 0 MP Cost: 66 Range: User Special: Increases Attack power by large amount. Comments: You are vulnerable while using this tech, but the attack can't be stopped. How to get it: Mud Frigimon on Mt. Panorama, Rockmon in Mt. Infinity, or all varieties of Agumon. 3 Name: War Cry Power: 0 MP Cost: 42 Range: User Special: All stats go up by a small amount (still more than an Omni Disk gives you) Comments: Like muscle charge, you can be hit while using this, but it still goes off. How to get it: Safest way is from the Psychemon that roam Gear Savannah. Many other digimon with battle techs use this. 4 Name: Sonic Jab Power: 52 MP Cost: 18 Range: Short Special: Comments: Quick, very quick. If you're close, you can stop most attacks with this. How to get it: Comes free with most fighting digimon. 5 Name: Dynamite Kick Power: 193 MP Cost: 99 Range: Short Special: Stun Comments: Digimon Kicks with both legs. Medium speed. How to get it: Safest place if from the J-Moyjamon or Tsukaimon in Tropical Jungle. 6 Name: Counter Power: 285 MP Cost: 165 Range: Short Special: Confusion Comments: You can't really attack with this, but if your digimon has it and blocks a short-range attack, he will sometimes grab the attacker and hit them with this. How to get it: Got mine by training brains, so can't say for sure. 7 Name: Megaton Punch Power: 320 MP Cost: 186 Range: Short Special: Stun Comments: The wind-up... and the smash! A bit slow to charge but davastating, even damaging blocking opponents. How to get it: The Gatsumon at Great Canyon use this almost exclusively. 8 Name: Buster Dive Power: 500 MP Cost: 258 Range: Long Special: Confusion Comments: Digimon Charges up and dashes forward, exploding into their foe. Totally devastating attack, but difficult to hit with between inaccuracy and charge time. How to get it: Most people recommend the Hyogamon in Freezeland. Also, Gotsumon in Great canyon use this attack on occasion, but I've had little success in learning it from them. ***************** c. Air Techs 1 Name: Thunder Justice Power: 586 MP Cost: 330 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: Digimon Sends a bolt skyward, which comes down of the foe, hard. Short time to inturrupt the attack, and cannot dodge. Most foes can at least trade hits while waiting for the lightning to strike, however. How to get it: Digitamamon, Machinedramon, and Waruseadramon use it. Soulmon in Grey Lord's manor use it as well. 2 Name: Spinning Shot Power: 389 MP Cost: 150 Range: Long Special: Comments: Digimon spins for a vulnerable moment, then three wind blades come out. Strong attack and can hit two and sometimes three enemies, but that vulnerable moment is my only objection to it. How to get it: The best bet is the Sand Yanmon in Great Canyon. 3 Name: Electric Cloud Power: 120 MP Cost: 69 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: After a short charge up, a charged cloud floats onto the enemy. Can't be dodged, but otherwise weak. How to get it: The Modoki Betamon use this enough that you should have no trouble learning it. 4 Name: Megalo Spark Power: 382 MP Cost: 174 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: Digimon quickly charges up a ball of electricity which flies straight at the enemy great for stand-up fights, but if the opponent is on the move it misses often. But for a stand-up fight, it's hard to beat. How to get it: Safest place if from the Soulmon in Overdell Cemetary. 5 Name: Static Elect Power: 85 MP Cost: 45 Range: Short Special: Stun Comments: Digimon charges up for half a second and tazers his foe. The charge up gives most digimon a chance to walk out of range. How to get it: Comes with most air-type digimon. 6 Name: Wind Cutter Power: 178 MP Cost: 93 Range: Long Special: Comments: Digimon Quickly flies up and sends a razor disk at the foe. Quick but mid-power. How to get it: Most low-level air-type digimon use this often. 7 Name: Confused Storm Power: 225 MP Cost: 216 Range: Wide-area Special: Confusion Comments: A colorful swirl fills the screen, then rainbow waves emanate from the digimon and hit the foes. The time before the rainbow waves is ample opportunity to interrupt the attack. How to get it: The Piddomon in Mt. Infinity are the only non-boss to use this attack with any frequency (good luck) 8 Name: Hurricane Power: 366 MP Cost: 255 Range: Wide-area Special: Confusion Comments: The digimon flies into the air, forms a tornado around intself, begs the opponent to interrupt the attack for a couple seconds, then punishes them for their ineptitude by hitting them with a powerful wave of air. How to get it: The Sand Yanmon in Great Canyon use this along with spinning shot often. ***************** d. Earth Techs 1 Name: Poison Powder Power: 117 MP Cost: 171 Range: Wide-Area Special: Poison Comments: Digimon sprays a bunch of little pink balls into the air, which come down and hit all other digimon. Hard to defend against. How to get it: Most low level plant digimon use this often. Especially the Arurumon and Red Vegimon in native forest. 2 Name: Bug Power: 500 MP Cost: 354 Range: Long Special: Flat Comments: Digimon realeases several bugs, one of which crawls up target's back and explodes. How to get it: Bring a digimon with at least 500 speed and defense to Bettle Land, talk to one of the Kabuterimon there and he will teach this to you (may also need 500 brains and offense, but I didn't have to train those up while I was there, so I can't say for sure.) Also the tentomon in beetle land use this attack. 3 Name: Mass Morph Power: 0 MP Cost: 30 Range: User Special: Raises all stats by a small amount, defense by a large amount. Comments: Like all stat boosters, you are vulnerable while the ani- mation goes on, but the stat boost can't be stopped. How to get it: The Weedmon in Great Canyon use this a good deal. 4 Name: Insect Plague Power: 58 MP Cost: 96 Range: Long Special: Poison Comments: A pink cloud slowly floats toward the enemy. When they touch it, they pause, then take damage. How to get it: Higher level insect digimon use this. Like the yanmon in geko swamp, and the tentomon in Bettle Land. 5 Name: Charm Perfume Power: 180 MP Cost: 210 Range: Wide-Area Special: Confusion Comments: A pink cloud slowly spreads out and damages all nearby digmon. How to get it: Red Vegiemon use this often enough. 6 Name: Poison Claw Power: 62 MP Cost: 51 Range: Short Special: Poison Comments: Digimon walks up, hits the opponent, and they sometimes get poisoned. Fast attack. How to get it: Basic attack for most plant-type digimon. 7 Name: Danger Sting Power: 157 MP Cost: 102 Range: Short Special: Flat Comments: Digimon hits foe. Fast attack. You can tell this attack from poison claw by a high-pitched noise preceding the strike. How to get it: Used by most low level insect digimon. 8 Name: Green Trap Power: 310 MP Cost: 147 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: A trail of roots sprouts between attacker and target. When it reaches target, a mass of brambles sprouts around him. Tough to dodge, and stuns often. How to get it: Weedmon in Great Canyon uses this. ***************** e. Water Techs 1 Name: Giga Freeze Power: 264 MP Cost: 120 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: Ice breath with enough of an inhale to break the attack during. How to get it: The Gururumon of Ice Sanctuary and Mt. Infinity favor this attack. Also Ice devimon like this attack. 2 Name: Ice Statue Power: 424 MP Cost: 186 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: The digimon points at their enemy and it's quickly encased in ice. How to get it: Ice Devimon in Freezeland uses this a lot. As do most powerful ice digimon. 3 Name: Winter Blast. Power: 120 MP Cost: 169 Range: Wide-Area Special: Stun Comments: The digimon twirls in the air and a blizzard covers the screen, which hits all other digimon a second later. Near- impossible to inturrupt, impossible to dodge. How to get it: Most Ice digimon use this. 4 Name: Ice Needle Power: 126 MP Cost: 78 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: A quick but weak attack with a dagger of ice. How to get it: Most weaker ice digimon use this. 5 Name: Water Blit Power: 211 MP Cost: 102 Range: Long Special: Comments: A strong, but slow attack where the digimon charges up and spit a ball of water. How to get it: Easiest place if from the J-Moyjamon of Tropical Jungle. 6 Name: Aqua Magic Power: 0 MP Cost: 36 Range: User Special: Raises all stats. Comments: This attack is easily mistaken for war cry. The difference is that droplets of water rise up around the digimon instead of balls of light. How to get it: Gururumon use this attack a lot, as do the Mori shellmon in Misty Trees. 7 Name: Aurora Freeze Power: 430 MP Cost: 258 Range: Wide area Special: Flat Comments: Digimon charges up for way too long, during which sparkles of light are drawn toward him and then are shot up into the sky. Then an aurora appears and all other digimon are struck down. How to get it: Rockmon in Mt. Infinity try to use this alot, if you can keep your digimon from attacking him long enough. Also waruseadramon in the second battle with ogremon loves this attack. 8 Name: Tear Drop Power: 60 MP Cost: 42 Range: Long Special: Flat Comments: Digimon summons up a drop of water above your head, which then falls on you. Can be dodged, but is tough. Tough also to interrupt. How to get it: Arugamon in tropical jungle like this one. It also comes with most water digimon. ***************** f. Mech Techs 1 Name: Power Crane Power: 226 MP Cost: 126 Range: Long Special: Comments: Digimon rears back and sends a huge mechanical arm at foe. If enemy moves while charging up, they will likely avoid it, but otherwise accurate enough. How to get it: Guardromon in Factorial Town. 2 Name: All Range Beam Power: 573 MP Cost: 330 Range: Wide-Area Special: Comments: This attack is a true room-clearer. Impossible to iterrupt (though you are vulnerable while the attack is happening), wide area, and horribly powerful. There are safe spots at longer ranges, but most digimon will suffer for being there to see this one. How to get it: The guardromon inside Factorial town factory use this one. 3 Name: Metal Sprinter Power: 150 MP Cost: 165 Range: Wide-Area Special: Comments: Digmon summons a pile of junk and sends it in all directions. Quick enough, but can be interrupted and dodged. How to get it: Comes with most Mech digimon. 4 Name: Pulse Laser Power: 389 MP Cost: 168 Range: Long Special: Comments: A swarm of little blue pulses fan out and converge on the target. The attack can be broken while the digimon is charging up, but this is difficult. The attack can hit nearby bystanders as it fans out to home in on the target. An excellent attack. How to get it: Metal Mammemon is the only digimon to use this out- side of a tournament, but he uses it enough that if you can, you will most likely learn it. 5 Name: Delete Program Power: 430 MP Cost: 219 Range: Long Special: Flat Comments: A stream of data wraps around the target and they take damage. Quick to come out, but a good window to break the attack exists while the data is circling around. How to get it: Giromon uses this attack, and is the only digimon to use it with any frequency out of tournaments. 6 Name: DG Dimension Power: 722 MP Cost: 420 Range: Wide Area Special: Comments: Attacker summons all digimon into a wireframe world where floating cubes redefine pain. Can be interrupted if other digimon are fast, but otherwise they're in for a whole new world of suffering. How to get it: Giromon and Machinedramon use this one. Otherwise you have to learn it by training your brains stat and praying. 7 Name: Full potential Power: 0 MP Cost: 99 Range: User Special: All stats rise by a large amount. Comments: Several gears swirl out from underneath the digimon. Digimon is vulnerable while this is happening, but it's already too late to stop the stat boost. How to get it: Machinedramon uses this in the rematch in back dimension. If you miss it, you will most likely have to get it from training. 8 Name: Reverse Prog Power: 256 MP Cost: 297 Range: Long Special: Flat Comments: Two meters and various other data surround attacker and target. When meter counts off around target, they take damage. Easy to interrupt, can't dodge, and almost impossible to block. How to get it: Giromon uses this as his primary attack. Tekkamon in Grey Lord's Manor also uses this. Both mons, however, are bosses, so if you miss it then, you'll likely have to get it by training brains. ***************** g. Filth Techs 1 Name: Odor Spray Power: 88 MP Cost: 75 Range: Long Special: Stun Comments: Digimon breathes brown clouds at target. How to get it: Used often by the Geremon. 2 Name: Poop Spd Toss Power: 122 MP Cost: 96 Range: Long Special: Poison Comments: Digimon tosses a small pile of poop at target. How to get it: Geremon and Platinum Sukamon use this. 3 Name: Big Poop Toss Power: 211 MP Cost: 192 Range: Long Special: Confusion Comments: Digimon creates a large pile of poop and tosses it on the target's head. How to get it: Geremon and Platinum Sukamon use this. 4 Name: Big Rnd Toss Power: 211 MP Cost: 282 Range: Wide area Special: Confusion Comments: Digimon creates a large pile of poop and tosses it on the target, the pile then explodes into several smaller piles which fan out in all directions. How to get it: Geremon and Platinum Sukamon use this. 5 Name: Poop Rnd Toss Power: 75 MP Cost: 120 Range: Wide-Area Special: Poison Comments: Digimon creates a small pile of poop and tosses it in the air. It spreads out and hits digimon in the area. How to get it: One of the Geremon inside factorial town factory use this. 6 Name: Rnd Spd Toss Power: 122 MP Cost: 216 Range: Wide Area Special: Poison Comments: Digimon creates a small pile of poop and tosses it at the target. The pile of poop explodes into several other piles which spray in all directions. How to get it: Geremon and Platinum Sukamon use this. 7 Name: Horizontal Kick Power: 53 MP Cost: 24 Range: Short Special: Comments: Digimon turns sideways and kicks foe with a spray of odor. (Should this be renamed gas attack? :) How to get it: Basic attack for filth digimon. 8 Name: Ult Poop Hell Power: 333 MP Cost: 333 Range: Wide Area Special: Flat Comments: Several large piles of poop fall from the sky around the target. Then a giant pile lands right on them. Relatively easy to interrupt, as the target can break the attack while the smaller poops are falling. How to get it: One of the platinum sukamon inside factorial town factory uses this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Area by Area Guide File City Day (Digimon Bridge area, not always there) Aruramon: Tear Drop, Poison Powder, Poison Sting Night Tsukaimon: Sonic Jab, Dynamite Kick, Static Elect, Wind cutter Boss Greymon: Red Inferno, Spit Fire, Airdramon: ***************** Native Forest Day Modoki Betamon: Static Elect, Electric Cloud, Water Blit (rare) Red Vegiemon: Poison Claw, Poison Powder, Danger Sting Aruramon: Tear Drop, Poison Powder, Poison Claw Goburimon: Sonic Jab, Magma Bomb, Megaton Punch Night Dokunemon: Poison Claw, Danger Sting Goburimon: Sonic Jab, Magma Bomb, Megaton Punch Boss Agumon: Spit Fire, Sonic Jab Kunemon: Static Elect, Electric Cloud Palmon: Poison Powder, Tear Drop, Poison Claw ***************** Tropical Jungle Day Aruramon: Tear Drop, Poison Claw, Poison Powder Muchomon: Dynamite Kick, Ice Needle, Poison Claw Yanmon: Wind Cutter, Static Elect, Electric Cloud, Danger Sting Red Vegiemon: Poison Claw, Poison Powder, Danger Sting Night J-Moyjamon: Sonic Jab, Dynamite Kick, Water Blit Tsukaimon: Sonic Jab, Static Elect, Wind Cutter, Dynamite Kick Boss Piximon: Confused Storm, Megalo Spark, Bug ***************** Mangrove Region Day Yanmon: Wind Cutter, Danger Sting, Rolling Cutter Muchomon: Dynamite Kick, Poison Claw, Ice Needle Modoki Betamon: Static Elect, Electric Cloud, Danger Sting Night J-Moyjamon: Dynamite Kick, Water Blit, Sonic Jab ***************** Ancient Dino Region Day Vermilimon: Spit Fire, Magma Bomb, Heat Laser Yanmon: Rolling Cutter, Danger Sting, Wind Cutter Night Vermilimon: Spit Fire, Magma Bomb, Heat Laser Yanmon: Rolling Cutter, Danger Sting, Wind Cutter Boss Tyrannomon: Red inferno, Fire tower, magma bomb ***************** Speedy Time Zone: Day Gotsumon: Megaton Punch, Sonic Jab, Buster Dive Saberdramon: Spinning Shot, Wind Cutter, Prominence Beam Night Gotsumon: Megaton Punch, Buster Dive, Sonic Jab Darkrizamon: Boss Meteormon: Meltdown, ***************** Overdell Day Darkrizamon: Soulmon: Electric Cloud, Static Elect, Megalo Spark Night Darkrizamon: Tsukaimon: Soulmon: Electric Cloud, Static Elect, Megalo Spark ***************** Grey Lord's Manor Day/Night Soulmon: Thunder Justice, Megalo Spark, Electric Cloud Tsukaimon: Rockmon: Darkrizamon: Heat Laser, Magma Bomb Boss Tekkomon: Buster Dive, Full Potential, Reverse Program Skull Greymon: War Cry, Dynamite Kick, Buster Dive ***************** Great Canyon Day Goburimon: Gotsumon: Sonic Jab, Megaton Punch, Buster Dive Weedmon: Mass Morph, Green Trap, Danger Sting Sand Yanmon: Wind Cutter, Spinning Shot, Hurricane Muchomon: Night Gotsumon: Sonic Jab, Megaton Punch, Buster Dive Gururumon: Weedmon: Goburimon: Boss Birdramon: Prominence Beam, Ogremon: Sonic Jab, Megaton Punch, Tremar, Magama Bomb Agumon: ***************** Ogre Fortress Boss Gabumon: War Cry, Sonic Jab, Agumon: Fire Tower, Spit Fire, Muscle Charge Ogremon: Megaton Punch, Tremar, Magma Bomb ***************** Freezeland Day Snow Agumon: Ice Needle, Muscle Charge, Winter Blast Snow Goburimon: Ice Needle, Winter Blast, Megaton Punch Hyogamon: Giga Freeze, Buster Dive, Winter Blast Night Ice Devimon: Ice Statue, War Cry, Sonic Jab, Ice Needle Snow Goburimon: Ice Needle, Winter Blast, Megaton Punch Hyogamon: Giga Freeze, Buster Dive, Winter Blast Boss Garurumon: Giga Freeze, Ice Statue, Aqua Magic, Winter Blast ***************** Ice Sanctuary Day/Night Ice Gotsumon: Ice Needle, Winter Blast, Ice Statue Blue Meramon: Prominence Beam, Ice Statue Hyogamon: Ice Needle, Megaton Punch, Buster Dive, Giga Freeze Gururumon: Aqua Magic, Winter Blast, Ice Statue, Giga Freeze ***************** Secret Cave Boss Ogremon: Tremar, Megaton Punch, Magma Bomb Gabumon: Waruseadramon: Aurora Freeze, Thunder Justice ***************** Misty Trees Day Fugamon: Wind Cutter, Megaton Punch, Static Elect Mori Shellmon: Aqua Magic, Water Blit, Charm perfume, Ice Statue Goburimon: Night Darkrizamon: Tsukaimon: Goburimon: Fugamon: Wind Cutter, Megaton Punch, Static Elect Saberdramon: Boss Gabumon: Kokatorimon: ***************** Toy Town Day/Night Toy Agumon: Red Inferno, Muscle Charge, Spit Fire, Fire Tower Tankmon: Red Inferno, Muscle Charge, Boss WaruMonzaemon: Megalo Spark, ***************** Geko Swamp Day Yanmon: Spinning Shot, Danger Sting, Insect Plague, Wind Cutter Night Gekomon: Boss Otanamon: ***************** Gear Svannah Day Psychemon: War Cry, Sonic Jab, Shima Unimon: Dynamite Kick, War Cry Sharmamon: Magma Bomb, Sonic Jab, Megaton Punch Akatorimon: Night Tsukaimon: Nise Drimogemon: Sonic Jab, Dynamite Kick, Tremar Sharmamon: Magma Bomb, Sonic Jab, Megaton Punch Psychemon: Boss Patamon: Wind Cutter, Sonic Jab, Dynamite Kick ***************** Trash Mountain Day/Night Geremon: Horizontal Kick