------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- [ Dead In The Water ] ------------------------------ ----------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]-------------------------------- ------------------------------ [Playstation] ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o Of all systems that I've FAQ'd a game for, I have never done one for the first Playstation. I've done 2, 3, PSP, and Vita but never the original. Well there is a first time for everything. If you've played any game in the Twisted Metal series then you will know what to expect here except you are travelling on water in boats instead of using motor vehicles. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Dead In The Water and its characters are trademarks of Player 1 and all the copyrights belong to them. This FAQ/Movelist is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced w/o proper consent. o--------------------o STORY o--------------------o Your invation arrived today... To a mysterious tournament that takes place once a year... Those who competed before have never been seen again... Now it's your turn... The rules are simple... Destroy Everything. o--------------------o CONTROLS o--------------------o There are four different configurations: Rage, Insane, Racer and Deviant. Rage is the default control which is listed below. D-pad Up: Forwards D-pad Down: Backwards D-pad Left: Turn Left D-pad Right: Turn Right Select Button: View Start Button: Pause [] Button: Tight Turn /\ Button: Fire Guns/Go Back () Button: Fire Weapon >< Button: Fire Special/Make Selection L1 Button: Turbo L2 Button: Rear View R1 Button: Previous Weapon R2 Button: Next Weapon o--------------------o MEET THE CAST o--------------------o Dr. Graves Accel: 4 Armor: 5 Speed: 6 Guns: 3 Mortician Henry Graves was killed in last year's competition. This year a creature calling itself "Dr. Graves" has appeared at the tournament. Coincidence? Probably not. He created personalized coffins for wach of this year's drivers. With the fires of hell burning in his eyes, Dr. Graves intends to make those who wronged him rest in peaces. ----- Sergeant Steel Accel: 6 Armor: 6 Speed: 5 Guns: 3 Sergeant Steel was discharged after nearly starting World War III. As a disgruntled civilian, he took a job as an instructor at Stone Academy. Given a year, Satge turned his students into a well-organized regiment. He built a hovercraft and is eager to verbally and physically abuse some live targets. ----- Didjeri Dave Accel: 6 Armor: 4 Speed: 5 Guns: 3 Hide your wallabies -- Didjeri Dave is on the prowl. Bored of bagging crocs, Dave is looking for bigger game. This tournament is just what he needs to prove to the aborigines that he ain't no shiela. Don't let Dave take you out back for a walkabout. ----- Barry and Brad Buft Accel: 4 Armor: 4 Speed: 5 Guns: 3 Right on, dude! Barry and Brad are two world class bodybuilding brothers who can out-flex a whole gym of Mr. Olympias. With egos larger than Arnold's biceps, the brothers were born looking for trouble. They despise all the other wimps at the beach. Barry and Brad are gonna kick sand in everybody's faces. ----- The Crotchet Family Accel: 3 Armor: 6 Speed: 6 Guns: 3 The Crotchet family is crazier than a bunch of swamp rats drunk on whiskey. They won the state lottery, so Pa, Sissy, and Cleetus were bona-fide millonaires. They bought a fancy boat with a de-lux wood outhouse. Then they added sheet metal and a clothesline, dirty underwear included. Now it's time for a country whoopin' ----- Captain Flintlock Accel: 3 Armor: 6 Speed: 5 Guns: 3 Arrr! Batten down the hatches, ye lubbers! The Captain's here to plunder and sink all the bilgerats who claim the sea as their home. A powder explosion blew off his leg and cost him last year's prize. He's readied the cannons and wants the booty for himself! ----- Marvin Meddler Accel: 5 Armor: 4 Speed: 7 Guns: 3 Insane by the age of three, Marvin spent his youth devising ways to use his mice to run a police state. For his science project this year he built a state-of-the are hydropoil and intends to use it to prove his mental superiority. On the side he wants to rule the world by the age of 10. ----- Number 7 Accel: 5 Armor: 4 Speed: 6 Guns: 3 In secret underground labs the experimental, high-tech, macrobrain prototype team was hard at work. They chose Number 7 (of 42) to pilot their new craft because of his perfect test results. Based on calculation the square root of pi and addidng it to the time of day, the team derived there is a 98.62% probabil- ity Number 7 will win. ----- Ebony Justice Accel: 3 Armor: 5 Speed: 5 Guns: 3 Step off, fool! Ebony Justice is large. Trained by karate master Tyrone "too sweet: Ju Sai Po, Ebony learned the art of bashing in a face without leaving a mark. Fly, he doesn't let the man sweat off. He's developed his own move, the "death touch disco fever ray." Better get the hell back 'cause Justice is gonna smoke them crazy mothers. ----- Agent X Accel: 4 Armor: 3 Speed: 7 Guns: 3 The man with a license to not have a proper name. Facing the twin dangers of being hit in the face or served cold tea, he is well prepared for the other ruthless competitors. He is so top secret even God doesn't know what Agent X is doing. The British government entered Agent X into the tournament to find out who runs the race. ----- Officer J.B. Nightstick Accel: 3 Armor: 5 Speed: 5 Guns: 3 Head law enforcement officer of Crabapple County, J.B. currently holds the world record for doughnut-eating while loading a shotgun. When J.B. heard some law- breakers were on the loose in boats, he forced himself out of his chaor and put his badge on. There are two friends J.B. is going to bring to the fight: Law and Order. ----- Kandy, Brandi, and Mandy Accel: 4 Armor: 4 Speed: 7 Guns: 3 Female lifeguards are tough; it's one of the undeniable facts of reality. Kandy, Brandi and Mandy are the most "gifted" lifeguards on the beach. Each brings special "attributes" and "features" to the team. They don't want to hurt anyone too much, just show off a little. For sure, these girls wanna have fun. ----- Vikki Vein Accel: 5 Armor: 3 Speed: 7 Guns: 3 A child of the night, Vikki enjoys lurking in the darkness and being depressed. Her pale skin hides a morbid heart. She spends time wondering how many flies are swatted a day. Are they content? Is the silky caress of darkness the answer? Who cares? Vikki plans to take her sorrow out on those who choose to have a nice day. o--------------------o GAMEPLAY o--------------------o At the start of the game you are greeted with several options Single Competition - Just a single match where you can choose to have a battle or a race game. A battle game pits four boaters against each other in an attempt to sink the other ships and become the winner. Race game is you against against three other players to get to the finish line. It is not necessary to sink any other ships to win. There are three tracks: The Speedway which is a figure-8 track, The Grand Canyon is full of rocks and has two bridges to cross over, and The Artic is cold place that is broken up and hard to negotiate through. Race and Battle Tournaments - are the same as the single competitions except it takes you across all three tracks and gives a more fleshed out story. The invitations arrived without return addresses. The recipients were 13 of the most ruthless and outrageous boat drivers in the world. You are one of them. On the front of the card was a skull and inside, a message. In red print it said "Te rules are simple: destroy everything," followed by the locations of the first battle. Quickly you prepared your boat: loading the guns, polishing the chrome on the engine. For years rumors have circulated about a mysterious tour- nament that takes place once a year. It is also hinted that the organization holding the contest lies in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. The grand prize, if you survive, is the revelation of an age-old secret. Those who have competed before have never been seen again. Now it is your turn. From this moment on you have only two choices: win and get the prize or end up DEAD IN THE WATER. To Player Competion - Two human players versus each other. Link Game - Connect 2 Playstations together to play a game. Load Tournament and Load Settings - Any saved tournament or setting are loaded into the game. Options - Change how the game is played. Like I mentioned earlier this is basically Twisted Metal on water. But wait, I am not through yet there are more than those three coarses but they are normally accessable during the tournament but to use them, hold [] and () at the main menu and press L2, L2, R1, L1 and a chicken clucks. The other courses you will see are The Amazon, The Bayou, Loch Ness, Hong Kong, The Log Ride, The Bermuda Triangle. o--------------------o OPTIONS o--------------------o Skill: Cabin Boy, Captain, Admiral. Basically the difficulty level from easy to hard. Cabin Boy is default. Map: On/Off. See where you got to go if you want to. Map Rotate: On/Off. The map rotates when you turn so you'll see your forward direction at all times. Arrow: On/Off. Tell you which direction to travel FX Volume: How loud you want the sound effects from 0-11. Default is 5 Music Volume: How loud you want the music from 0-11. Default is 3 Music: Sequential/Random. Sequential plays its music in a certain order and random chooses the next song randomly. Controller config: Self-explanatory. I explained all in the control section. Camera: Loose/Medium/Tight. How you want the camera to follow you. Medium by default. o--------------------o CHEATS o--------------------o At the main menu screen, press and hold the [] and () button at the same time. You should hear a chicken cluck. While holding the [] and () buttons, enter these various button combos for huge cheats. A chicken cluck should be heard after putting in each cheat to confirm it was entered correctly. GOD mode (invincibility) R2,L2,R1,R2 INFINITE MISSLES L1,R1,L1,L2 BIG WAVES R2,L1,R1,R1 UNLIMITED SPECIAL WEAPONS R1,L1,L2,L2 UNLIMITED TURBO L2,R2,L2,R1 MORE MONEY L1,R1,R1,R2 MAXIMUM BOAT UPGRADE L1,R2,L2,L1 RC mode (mini boats) L1,L1,L2,L1 CHICKEN BOATS R1,R1,R2,L2 ACCESS ALL TRACKS L2,L2,R1,L1 Extra Upgrades Buy these items in the upgrade shop for added boat upgrades. Highlight the "funky stuff" icon and buy. INCREASE SPEED - fuzzy dice,padded steering wheel,groovy horn INCREASE ARMOR - drink holder,padded steering wheel,pimp o matic seats,8 track INCREASE DAMAGE - fuzzy dice,drink holder,statue,groovy horn INCREASE ACCELERATION - padded steering wheel,pimp o matic seats,hula girl o--------------------o CREDITS o--------------------o Player 1/ASC Games whom created the game IGN for the cheats GameFAQs for hosting You for reading this FAQ. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero