Dance Dance Revolution Extra Mix Playstation FAQ September 20th 2001, Revision 0.9 Written By : Crono E-mail : Real Name : Justin Strauss Home Page : This document is the intellectual property of the author. It is intended to provide help, to fellow gamers, on a title that is both entertaining and difficult at various times. Please do not copy or distribute this file in any format without consent of the author. This means: on other web pages, as part of another FAQ, in any written or electronic publication, etc. And, to be crystal clear, this document is legally copyrighted through two or more means. This is including a publishing firm clause, as well as various websites' legal setups (such as the one found on GameFAQs). If you have any new tips or info you want us to hear, just drop an e-mail. And, just in case this comes up, neither Game Cave nor anyone else may distribute this to those who purchase this title or who are somehow bringing profit to said party. Dance Dance Revolution Extra Mix is a trademark of Konami Computer Entertainment, Inc. Copyright 1998-2001 by Konami Computer Entertainment, Inc. Copyright Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, Inc. All related names fall under the same applicable laws. All rights reserved. You can find the newest version of this FAQ only at the following sites. If you find it anywhere else, please let me know as soon as possible. It should not be posted anywhere else but at the following sites: Game FAQs Videogame Strategies Table of Contents: -------------------------------------- 0.0 Revision History 1.0 Game Mechanics 2.0 Options Menu 3.0 Game Mode 3.1 Solo Mode 3.2 Link Mode 3.3 Diet Mode 4.0 Song List and Info 5.0 Training Mode 5.1 Lesson Mode 5.2 Challenge Mode 6.0 Records List 7.0 Edit Mode 7.1 Arcade Link 7.2 Data Bank 8.0 Nonstop Mode List 8.1 Nonstop Order 8.2 Endless Mode 9.0 Information Screen 10.0 Game Secrets and Hidden Options 11.0 Contributions and Thank-You's 0.0 Revision History -------------------------------------- V0.5 - 05/01/01 - Pre-Release Version of FAQ. V0.8 - 06/10/01 - First Release Version of FAQ. V*.* - Multiple versions in between, details omitted. V0.9 - 09/20/01 - Most Recent Edit of FAQ. Coming Soon: -full listing on challenge mode. -more info on arcade link modes. -whatever might be left out. 1.0 Game Mechanics -------------------------------------- The basic gameplay is very simple to learn, despite the difficulty of the hardest songs. The game is played with four primary buttons, one representing each direction on a control pad (up, down, left, and right). By default, these four directions are represented by a dance floor (and there is a special dance controller which acts as this). Otherwise, you can simply use the directions on your control pad to play (as well as the four face buttons, which also represent these same four directions). On your side of the game screen, you will see these four arrows indicated at the top in gray. During gameplay, flashing arrows (called "steps") will move slowly from the bottom of that "column" up to the top where your arrows are. The basic premise is to hit the correct direction's button whenever the flashing arrows meet with the arrows at the top. You must listen to the rhythm of the song as well, because the simple sight of the arrows can't always tell you exactly when to hit each step. You have a "dance meter" which increases as you do well in the song. It will decrease as you miss steps. If it empties, you lose. The steps of the song will generally follow the bassline that can be heard. In the tougher variants of a song, however, the steps may follow the song's lyrics or other sound effects. Either way, knowing and listening to a song will help you greatly with performing the steps. There are also common patterns of steps that are very important to identify and learn. There will never be more than two arrows to press at the exact same time (since you only have two feet), but the notes can go extremely quickly (to as small as sixteenth notes). -Step Rank. Each time you press a directional button, the game will keep track of how close to the exact step you were. They are listed in order from best to worst. "Perfect" is right on the beat, and "Great" is extremely close. "Good" is close to the beat, and "Boo" is far off. "Miss" is what you get when you totally miss the beat or just don't even input anything at all for it. Each of these five possibilities yields more points than the one before it. At the end of the song, you see how many of each rank you received when executing the song's steps. These are tabulated towards your score. The possible step ranks, along with their associated color, are as follows: Perfect : Yellow Great : Green Good : Blue Boo : Pink Miss : Red -Combo. When you achieve a streak of terrific steps, the game will display the combo counter on your screen. This basically tells you how many "greats" or "perfects" you have gotten in a row. Additionally, getting a higher combo results in higher points for each step you make within it. If you mess up, and get a "good" or worse for any arrow... the combo ends. Getting a combo throughout a full stage will get you the best letter grades and score. Additionally, the arrows on top will indicate whether a step was added as part of a combo (the arrows will disappear after you hit them if they were great or perfect, while they will simply pass above the top of the gray arrows if they were worse than that). -Grade and Score. You receive a score at the end of the level, depending on how well you did. Better step ranks get you more points per step, and longer combos will multiply your score for each step, depending on the length. Along with your score, you receive a letter grade which tells you how well you did. These range from "E" (worst) to "A" (best), and then to "AA" for perfection. You get an "A" now if you did a combo for the entire level, from start to finish. It takes coordination as well as a sense of rhythm to play this game well, especially for the later levels. You can set high scores for each of the game's songs, and for each variant of the song. These are kept (along with your letter grade for each) in the records section. This also gives an incentive to play again, to earn an "A" on every level variant. The possible level grades in this game are as follows: E : Failed D : Poor C : Fair B : Good A : Great AA : Perfect -Song Difficulty. Each song in the game has a difficulty level associated with it. In addition, there are multiple variants of each song (each with more steps and difficulty, see other sections). Each song has a different difficulty for each of its variants. You can see the difficulty level below each song disc that you can select. The difficulty level itself is indicated by how many "feet" markers you will see, as well as a title for that difficulty level (each level of difficulty has a title that indicates how tough it is). These difficulty levels are in relation to the other levels in the particular game, and a specific level's difficulty number can always change if it appears again in a later DDR title. The difficulty levels, along with how many footmarks each represents, are as follows: 1: Simple 2: Moderate 3: Ordinary 4: Superior 5: Marvelous 6: Genuine 7: Paramount 8: Exorbitant 9: Catastrophic 2.0 Options Menu -------------------------------------- The Options Menu in Dance Dance Revolution is completely in English, and therefore it should be self-explanatory in most any case. However, certain options may be earned through fulfilling certain objectives or might be difficult to understand. Various options will change the way that the gameplay operates, while others will be cosmetic changes. Any option choices that show up in a shade of Green are the "default" setting, while any other choices will show up in White just like the options themselves. The full set of menu options is as follows: -Sound Option -Sound: Stereo/Monaural -Voice: No Booing/All/Off -Timing: -8 to +8 -Exit -Controller Setting -Vibration: Button/Miss/No Use -Double Play: On/Off -Double Mode Setting -Type: A-D -Type: I-III -Exit -Dance Play Setting -Controller 1: On/Off -Controller 2: On/Off -Exit -Exit -Memory Card -Save -Want to Save: Yes/No -Overwrite Old Data: Yes/No -Load -Want to Load: Yes/No -Auto Save: On/Off -Exit -Game Option -Game Level: 1-8 -Max Stage: 1-5 -Max Stage (Nonstop): 1-5 -Game Over: Arcade/End of Music -Event Mode: On/Off -All Music Mode: On/Off -Exit -Graphic Option -BG Effect: On/Off -BG Bright: 25%-100% -Danger Display: Still/Blink/Off -Step Mark Color: Arcade/Note -Character Display: On/Off -Title Screen: Standard/Pretty -Exit -Diet Option -Measurement: Free/Regulation -Calorie Display: On/Off -Exercise Display: Time/Stage/Off -Consecutive Play: On/Off -Exit -Exit 3.0 Game Mode -------------------------------------- This is the primary mode of the game, and it's the place where you will spend most of your time. You must first choose your "play option," which determines how many players will play the game. You can also choose which "variant" of the levels you will play. And finally, you can decide which "effects" you want to take place on the level. The variant can be chosen on the stage select screen, once a song is chosen. You can choose the effects that you wish to use by pressing the "select" button at the screen where you choose the stage to play as well. This takes you to the "Effects Menu" where you input the codes and exit the menu in here by pressing "start." (and of course, when playing a 2-player game, both people can choose different sets of variants and effects for themselves). -Play Option: Three choices "Single," "Versus," or "Double." Single mode is the standard one-player game. Versus mode is where the two players compete to earn the highest score (and become winner through that). Double mode lets one person play with both controllers (yes, so they have to do double duty, worrying about eight arrows). Double mode has its own difficulties and step variants for each song, as well as three more slots in the records table. -Character/Genre: Eight Choices. The songs in the game are separated into eight different genres for ease of use. When beginning a game, you select which genre you will play your three songs in. There is a male and female character for each genre, to represent players one and two respectively. Note, though, some songs will appear in more than one category. The Genres "Group1" and "Group2" will eventually contain all of the game's fifty-four songs within them (split in half, alphabetically). There is also a game option for "all music mode" which will simply put all the songs onto one list and let you choose any character you want. But otherwise, this is how they are separated: -Genre -Player 1 -Player 2 Solo Bass Mix Robo 2000 Maid-Zukin Solo 2000 Konsento:03/2 Devil-Zukin 4th Mix Plus Johnny Jenny Special Selection Rage Emi Calorie Burner Astro Charmy Fun Factor Boldo Tracy Group 1 Izam Ni-Na Group 2 Akira Yuni -Variant: Three choices "Basic," "Trick," or "Maniac." Basic is the default set of steps (arrows) for a level. This is the easiest choice of the bunch. Trick is a bit harder and has more steps in it. Maniac is the hardest and has the most steps of all. Think of those as the easy, medium, and hard variants of each level. In addition, there are these same three variants in use for "Double" mode, and it gets its own three extra spots in the records table (making a total of six scores for each song). -Effects: Nine effects in separate sets "Flat." "Little." "Left," "Right," "Mirror," or "Shuffle." "Hidden," "Sudden," or "Stealth." Little mode and Flat mode are both in their own separate category and can be turned "On or Off." The middle four choices are "turn" choices, and can be used one at a time. The last three are "hidden" choices, and can also be only one at a time. It goes as follows: -Flat: Off/Flat -Little: Off/Little -Turn: Off/Left/Mirror/Right/Shuffle -Hidden: Off/Hidden/Sudden/Stealth For all of the Turn choices, this will change the directions of all the "steps" (flashing arrows that come from the bottom) in the level. The gameplay remains unchanged. In Mirror mode, the steps in the level will be reversed to their opposite. In other words, for the arrows, left and right get switched, and up and down will get reversed as well. Left mode will rotate the position of the arrows 90 Degrees counter-clockwise (for the arrows, left becomes down, down becomes right, up becomes left, and right becomes up). Right mode will rotate the position of the arrows 90 Degrees clockwise (for the arrows, left becomes up, down becomes left, up becomes right, and right becomes down). Shuffle mode will randomly change all the steps in the level to a different direction. Little mode eliminates any steps that make a half-beat or smaller (in other words, the level will only have single-beat steps and therefore be much easier. However, this also obviously lowers the maximum score that you can get). Flat mode changes those multi-colored arrows that you usually see into arrows of all the same color (like they were in the older DDR games). Conversely, the "SSR Mode" in this game uses Flat mode by default. In that case, you can change the option to "Vivid," which will make the half-steps and other arows multiple colors (like in normal mode) which is easier to follow. Hidden options will mask the arrows (make them disappear) for a particular amount of time when shown. Hidden mode will cause the arrows to slowly disappear once they reach the top half of the screen (so you must follow the lower part, as well as the beat, to stay alive) while Sudden causes them to diappear when on the bottom half of the screen (so they seem to appear more suddenly). The Stealth mode causes the arrows to disappear completely (so you must know what they are in advance, as the game does not tell you). Also, as a note, neither the Left, Right, nor Shuffle modes can be used with "Double." 3.1 Solo Mode -------------------------------------- This mode contains "six panel" gameplay, which is the special setup found in the spinoff "DDR Solo2000" (and was later added into 4th Mix as an optional play mode as well). The difference in this mode, is the addition of two "diagonal" buttons, "up-left" and "up-right." They are located to the sides of the "up" button on the special arcade dancefloor, and in the same position on the classic dance mat controller. It will use the "circle" and "X" buttons as the diagonals if you choose to use the dance controller. Otherwise, the diagonals will be set to the "L" and "R" buttons. You must choose which controller you use in the "Play Option" screen that you see first in this mode. The gameplay is set up in the center of the screen, as only one player can play this mode anyhow. The standard arrows will be colored yellow, while half-steps and smaller will be blue (similar to how the normal game mode has the "vivid" colored arrows to help you). There are three variants for each song in this mode, same as usual (Basic, Trick, Maniac). They will get their own segment on the records screen, bringing the total number of records per song to Nine (including Standard, Double, and SixPanel modes... three variants each). The game setup, genres, characters, number of stages, and all other general aspects will remain the same as in Game mode. 3.2 Link Mode -------------------------------------- This is the alternate to the usual "Play Option" screen that comes up when you start a game. When you are given your play options (number of players, or double) hit the "right" button twice rapidly to switch to Link mode. Conversely, hit "left" twice quickly to go back to normal Game mode. This also applies to Solo mode, and the same choices will be available. The purpose of this screen, however, is to access the "specialty" versions and setups for the game's songs. "Nonstop" mode is specific courses of four songs each, which are played straight through. This is explained moreso in its own section later. This, along with the other segment, were normally found elsewhere in previous DDR games (but are now grouped into this Link menu). The other section, "Edit Data," has sets of special edit data for certain songs in the game. This Edit data was created by Konami, for fun and variety for these few songs (this is also a feature that was present in their past few DDR games, just accessed differently). However, by default, this section will simply list the first twenty-seven available songs in the game (alphabetically) but will not actually have edit data for them. You can fill out this section by loading in your own edit data (or that from the data bank). -Nonstop -Official 1 -Official 2 -Official 3 -Official 4 -Official 5 -Official 6 -Edit Data -Alphabetical 01 -Alphabetical 02 -Alphabetical 03 -Alphabetical 04 -Alphabetical 05 -Alphabetical 06 -Alphabetical 07 -Alphabetical 08 -Alphabetical 09 -Alphabetical 10 -Alphabetical 11 -Alphabetical 12 -Alphabetical 13 -Alphabetical 14 -Alphabetical 15 -Alphabetical 16 -Alphabetical 17 -Alphabetical 18 -Alphabetical 19 -Alphabetical 20 -Alphabetical 21 -Alphabetical 22 -Alphabetical 23 -Alphabetical 24 -Alphabetical 25 -Alphabetical 26 -Alphabetical 27 3.3 Diet Mode -------------------------------------- This is one of the very cool new modes in the home release of this game. In here, you play songs as you normally would in arcade mode. However, while you do this, the game will count how many calories you have burned by playing the game. After each stage, your total overall calories will be shown, as well as your average calories burnt per song. By pressing the "select" button, you can see your calorie results in different conversions. Pressing the "circle" button will continue to another song, while pressing "X" button will exit the mode. The listings after each stage are as follows: -Calories Burnt (kcal) -Calories Average (kcal) -Calories Total (kcal) -Songs Played -Conversions -Jogging Equivalent (kilometers) -Jumprope Equivalent (times) -Swimming Equivalent (kilometers) -Diet Diary There are various options to adjust for this mode, and they can be done in the game's option menu. You can restart the calorie counter at any point in there, or adjust how it counts in the first place. "Regulation" means that it only counts the proper steps as calories, while "Free" means that it counts any steps you press down as burnt calories. In the "course difficulty" offerings, the "normal" course uses the steps from the normal game. "Diet" course is slightly easier, while "Rakuraku" is beginner mode. By pressing the "select" button while in the diet menu, you will turn the "program" on or off. When on, the program will constantly loop to the next song in your genre once a song in finished (so you only get to choose the first). It's a sort of Endless mode like in DDR Best Hits for PSX. While within this menu, you are given these settings to adjust before starting: -Weight: 1-500 KG -Menu: Free/KCal/Min -Goal Amount (for menu) -Free: Nashi -KCal: 10-1000 KCal -Mins: 1-120 Minutes -Course Difficulty * Rakuraku Course ** Diet Course *** Normal Course -Date: 6/07/2001+ -Start 4.0 Song List and Info -------------------------------------- Difficulty Song Title Artist 469|469|*** Afronova Primeval 8 Bit 459|469|*** Broken My Heart Naoki feat. Paula Terry 357|368|357 Cafe D.D. Sound 358|348|348 Can't Stop Fallin' In Love Naoki 358|469|468 Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix) E-Rotic 467|467|468 Celebrate Nite N.M.R. 246|***|248 Club Tropicana Cydney D 358|478|468 Conga Feeling Vivian 458|467|*** Dive Be For U 369|358|358 Do Me -H.I.G.E.O. Mix- Mustache Men 246|***|247 Don't Clock Me Popula Demand f/ Get Fresh Girls 267|***|267 Dream a Dream (Miami Booty Mix) Captain Jack 346|***|347 Drill Instructor (C-Jah Happy Mix) Captain Jack 578|579|678 Drop Out NW260 457|***|568 Freaky De Lite & MC Young 456|***|467 Get Off Wizzzard 357|***|357 Get Up 'n Move (In Extra) S & K 467|467|467 Groove 2001 Sho-T feat. Blenda 246|***|246 High Energy (John '00' Fleming Remix) Slip & Shuffle feat. Leoni 468|357|568 Hysteria Naoki 190 347|***|357 I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (Planet Lution) Deja Vu feat. Tasmin 145|***|145 I'm Alive Cut 'N' Move 357|***|357 I'm Alive Uncle 36 Sec feat. MC Taiwan 247|***|357 Kiss Me (KCP Remix) E-Rotic 267|***|378 Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Booty Mix) Bus Stop feat. Carl Douglas 367|357|367 Let the Beat Hit Em! Stone Bros. 367|357|367 Let the Beat Hit Em! (BM IIDX Version) Stone Bros. 356|356|356 Let the Beat Hit Em! ~Classic R&B Style~ Stone Bros. 467|***|478 Love Machine Pony Town Boyz 369|458|459 Lupin the 3rd '78 Ventura 346|***|347 My Baby Mama Anquette 358|358|358 Na-Na Bus Stop 678|579|678 Paranoia Evolution 200 135|135|*** Remember You NM feat. Julie 469|478|469 Rhythm & Police (K.O.G G3 Mix) CJ Crew feat. Christian D 357|***|468 Samba De Janeiro Bass Fist! feat. Boogie Girl 567|457|467 Sexy Planet Crystal Aliens 247|***|247 Sky High DJ Miko 468|468|468 Sky High Lucyfer 467|***|467 Strut Your Funky Stuff Diamond 568|468|678 Super Star DJ Rich feat. Tail Bros. 458|468|469 Synchronized Love (Red Monster Hyper Mix) Joe Rinoie 256|***|256 Temple Of Love E-Rotic 357|***|468 That's the Way '98 DJ Bass feat. MC Dixie 468|368|458 Theme From Enter the Dragon -Revival 2001- B3-Project 358|***|358 Together And Forever Captain Jack 367|***|367 Together And Forever Nineball feat. Atomic Gun & Julia 367|***|367 Typical Tropical Bambee 456|468|457 Wild Rush Factor-X 469|469|469 Wonda (Speed K Mix) MM 5.0 Training Mode -------------------------------------- "Training" mode is the place to sharpen your skills on any level that you have accessed, without fear of losing. At any time during the menu, you may press the "select" button to move the menu to the other side of the screen, or the "X" button to Exit. When choosing to "start" the level, pressing "left" or "right" changes between the chosen segment or the full song. The menu options are as follows: -Music Select -Player: Single/Versus/Double/6Panel -Level: Basic/Trick/Maniac -Assist: Type 1-6/Off -Speed: 1-5 -Controller: 1/2 (6Panel Only) -Bar Start: 001-100 -Bar End: 002-101 -Start: Full/Segment -Sequence Option -Little: On/Off -Turn: Left/Right/Mirror/Shuffle/Off -Hidden: Hidden/Sudden/Stealth/Off -Edit -Exit After each level you play, you get a menu, where you can choose from: "Check/Again/Menu." The "Check" option lets you review the song you just played, bar by bar, and shows you how well you did for each step (arrow-press) in the level. Each arrow will be colored in a specific shade to indicate how each was ranked (yellow=perfect, green=great, blue=good, pink=boo, red=miss). Pressing "select" here changes the arrows to "timing" colors (yellow=just, blue=early, pink=late, red=miss). "Again" lets you repeat the level, and "Menu" takes you back to the main menu. Before this, though, you will be treated to the grading screen (as follows): -Evaluation -Perfect -Great -Good -Boo -Miss -Max Combo -Score -Dance Level -Timing -Just -Early -Late -Miss 5.1 Lesson Mode -------------------------------------- "Lesson" mode is a way to learn how to perform some of the more common or tricky steps that appear in the game. Rather than simple "training," this mode goes through certain types and segments of steps, separately (and not just full songs). To the right of the screen will be an assistant graphic which resembles the dance mats. This graphic indicates what your feet should do (and where they should go) to pull off these types of steps as the song plays. There will also be a "click" played for every step you are supposed to hit, to help with timing. This moving guide is an invaluable resource for beginners on the dance mats. There are Three levels of lessons, each with Eight sections. You will see a crown next to each lesson you have already completed on the main menu. On the eighth and final part of each lesson, you will perform a lesson on a full song; and this will test the skills which you have learned in the previous seven segments. You may not attempt the eighth section of a lesson until you have completed completed the other seven beforehand, however. The lessons, with their final song, are as follows: -Lesson 1: Let Them Move -Lesson 2: Higher -Lesson 3: Baby Baby Gimme Your Love 5.2 Challenge Mode -------------------------------------- This mode is there to add replay value for playing alone. There are different sets of challenges, each harder than the last (with Ten challenges per section). The first is "Practice," and then comes "Basic," and then "Trick," then "Maniac" and finally "Extra." You can not move onto a new section until you've completed all ten trials in the previous segment (which is marked by a crown next to each one). The requirements to complete each challenge are written in Japanese. They list very specific details, sometimes, which must be fulfilled in order to complete the stage. If you screw up completely, you'll be failed out of a stage rather than wasting time completing it. The challenges are as follows: [Practice] [Basic] [Trick] [Maniac] [Extra] In my own FAQ for DDR 4th Mix, I'd listed the exact song, version, and requirements for each of the ten levels from the above segments. It took a long while of translation and play, but I was able to do it. In this game, however, my time and patience has been in short supply lately, so I was unable to get a full Challenge Mode guide typed in time for Extra Mix. But in truth, my good friend Allen Tyner (Sailor Bacon) has created a FAQ for Extra Mix's Challenge Mode, and it reveals each challenge up to the end of the mode. So if you want the challenge mode secrets, I suggest turning there. I will add that challenge mode info to my own FAQ at a later time, once i get in the mood for a long type. But for now... enjoy the rest of what I have here. ^_^;; 6.0 Records List -------------------------------------- This menu keeps a list of your high scores for all of the game's stages (Music High Score). You can view high scores for each variant of each song (six variants per song). It keeps track of your letter and number high score for each one, as well as your maximum combo achieved while earning that score. As a bonus, pressing the "triangle" button while on a song in the records table will "Play" the song (like a sound test, it plays in the background). Pressing the "square" button, while above any one score, will delete that specific score. At any time during the music menu, you may press the "select" button to "change" from "game" mode to "six panel" mode scores. In "Diet" mode, both players' records are shown. Pressing the "square" button will clear the records on either side chosen. In "Diet Diary," pressing "up" or "down" on the directional pad will stretch the bars to different lengths. Pressing the "start" button there will add or remove the measurement bars on the left. The menu options are as follows: -Music High Score -All Game Songs -All Game Songs (Six Panel) -Diet Records -Calories Total (kcal) -Songs Played (number) -Calories Average (kcal) -Jogging Equivalent (kilometers) -Jumprope Equivalent (times) -Swimming Equivalent (meters) -Diet Diary -Dates -Amount Burned (kcal) -Exit 7.0 Edit Mode -------------------------------------- This mode is one of the cooler features of the game, as it lets you create your own sets of steps for any of the game's levels. From here, you create your steps and then save them to a memory card. At any time in the process, if you attempt to start a "new data" or "load" data without having "saved" your current data, the game will ask you "Do you wish to continue without saving: Yes/No." The menu options are as follows: -New Data -Choose Song -Player: Single/Double/6Panel -Load Official Data: Yes/No -Basic/Trick/Maniac -Directionl Pad: move one beat distance up/down -Circle: create/delete right arrow -Triangle: create/delete up arrow -X button: create/delete down arrow -Square: create/delete left arrow -L1: change beat distance (Full/Half/Fourth) -R1: hold down and press up/down to move in full bars -L2: create an area (press once for start, once for end) -R2: Area Menu (effects contents of created area) -Copy -Paste -Cut -Undo -Delete -Reverse -Mirror -Up/Down -Left/Right -Quantize -Quarter -Eighth -Twelfth -Little -Analog L: press up/down to move quickly in full bars -Analog R: press up/down to zoom -Select: Sequence Menu (press again to exit) -Player: Single/Couple/Double -Zoom: X2/X4/Off -Triple: Off/On -Work Area: Normal/Double -Arrow: Type1/Type2/Type3 -Start: Test Play -Memory Card -Save -Load -Rename -Exit -Quick Save -Recording -Play Type: Watch/OverInput/SaveInput/Judge1/Judge2 -Repeat: Off/On -Speed: 1-5 -Input SE: Off/On -Filter Bai: 0-100 (Judge2 Only) -Controller: Type1/Type2 (6Panel Only) -Option -Input Type: Keep/Next -BGM: Off/On -Icon EXP: On/Off -Language: Japanese/English -Status -Music Name -Player -Bar End -Note Number (1P and 2P) -Data Name -Difficulty -BGM Data -Guide -Exit 7.1 Arcade Link -------------------------------------- This home version now has a separate mode for creating arcade link files. Originally, this was done in the "Options" and "Nonstop Order" menus. But now, you can easily manage and update an "arcade link data" file for use with DDR 5th Mix. When created, the link file will take up one block on the memory card. And, as though it wasn't obvious, it's best to go with first- party memory cards from Sony. And for the "DDRT" (Dance Dance Revolution Tool) which allows viewing of the data on the fly, you must use the Pocketstation. The link data file will allow the use of "Edit" data for all supported songs and "Nonstop Orders" you have made for the arcade itself. In 5th Mix, you can even store your music records and Internet Ranking passwords as though it were a home version. And, on either side, you'll have an Information screen to look at. You can create (or update) a link file from your console, although it can not be used until it interfaces with the arcade (in most functions, anyhow). More info coming later (as this author will go fullout on these data modes in the coming future, now that 5th Mix is out for a while). As for now, here are the menus: -5th Mix Link -Music Records -Internet Ranking -Information -Name Entry -Link Data Save -Link Data Load -Link Data Create -Exit -Exit 7.2 Data Bank -------------------------------------- This is the newest feature to be exclusive to the home versions. In the "Data Bank," you'll find a list of many of the songs from the entire DDR series. Within each, there are sets of "Edit Data" which have been created by Konami. You can choose to save any of these data sets to your memory card from the data bank, and use at your leisure at home or at the arcade. Some of these sets are missing data that was found on the arcade but has not been seen on a home release yet. One example is the Maniac Double steps for most of the songs in 2nd Mix. Another is the Three Panel versions of the songs from Solo 2000. There are also the new and more difficult steps that were found in the arcade version of 4th Mix Plus. The rest are just cool data that you may want to use, or that has existed in some other unique version aside from the consoles. This list is fully checked and double-checked by myself (although I have changed capitalization on some title's words that the game itself does not, for consistency with my usual song lists). The bracket idea after each song title is courtesy of my friend Sailor Bacon (although my denotation of them is slightly off from his by a letter or so. See the credits section of the FAQ). The denotation of numbers "1" "2" "3" "4" is equal to that specific mix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th), whereas "C1" and "C2" are for Club Version one and two. "B" is for Best Hits, while "E" is for Extra Mix. The full song and data list is as follows: 20, November [C1] -from VCO12 Afronova Primeval [E] -Challenge Trick-1 -Single Basic (KCET) -Single Trick (KCET) AM-3P [2,3] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Bad Girls [2] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Boom Boom Dollar [2,B] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Boys [1,2] -Double Maniac -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007 -PF-BOYS Brilliant 2U [2,3,B] -Double Maniac -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007 Brilliant 2U (Orchestra Groove) [2,3] -Double Maniac -From VC007.1 -From VC007.2 Butterfly [1,B] -Double Maniac -From VC007 -PF-BUTTE Butterfly (Upswing Mix) [3] -Double Maniac (New) -Single Maniac (New) Can't Stop Fallin' In Love [E] -3Panels Celebrate Nite [E] -3Panels Club Tropicana [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels Dancing All Alone [4] -Single Trick -Single Maniac -Double Trick -Double Maniac Deep In You [C2] -From VC012 Diving Money [C1] -From VC012 Do It All Night [3] -Double Maniac (New) -Single Maniac (New) Don't Clock Me [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels Dr. Love [C1] -From VC012 Dream a Dream (Miami Booty Mix) [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -3Panels Drill Instructor [E] -3Panels Drop Out [E] -Challenge Extra-1 -3Panels Dub-I-Dub [2,B] -Double Maniac -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007 Dynamite Rave [3,B] -Double Maniac (New) El Ritmo Tropical [2] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Flashdance (What a Feeling) [3] -Double Maniac Follow the Sun [4] -Double Maniac -Single Maniac Freaky [E] -3Panels Gentle Stress [C2] -From VC012 Get Off [E] -3Panels Get Up 'N Move [2,B] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Get Up 'N Move (In Extra) [E] -3Panels Gradiusic Cyber [C1] -From VC102 Have You Never Been Mellow [1,B] -Double Maniac -Double Maniac (New) -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007 Hero [2] -Double Maniac High Energy [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels Hysteria [E] -3Panels I Believe In Miracles [1,2,B] -Double Maniac I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (Planet Lution Mix) [E] -3Panels I'm Alive (Cut 'N' Move) [E] -3Panels I'm Alive (Uncle 36 Sec feat. MC Taiwan) [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels If You Were Here [2,B] -Double Maniac -From VC007.1 -From VC007.2 Into the World [C2] -From VC012 Jam Jam Reggae [C1] -From VC012 Kiss Me [E] -3Panels Kung Fu Fighting [1,B] -Double Maniac Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Booty Mix) [E] -3Panels Let the Beat Hit Em! [E] -3Panels Let the Beat Hit Em! (BM II DX version) [E] -3Panels Let the Beat Him Em! (Classic R&B Style) [E] -3Panels Let's Get Down [1,B] -Double Maniac -Double Maniac (New) -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007 Little Bitch [1,B] -Double Maniac -PF-BITCH Love [2] -Double Maniac -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007 Love Machine [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels Love So Groovy [C1] -From VC012 Luv To Me [C1] -From VC012 Make a Jam! [1,2,3] -Double Maniac -From VC007 -OYATU Ver. -URA Ver. Make It Better [1,2,3,B] -Double Maniac Make It Better (So-Real Mix) [2,3] -Double Maniac My Baby Mama [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels My Fire [1,B] -Double Maniac -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007.1 -From VC007.2 -From VC007.3 Operator [3] -Single Maniac (New) Overdoser [C1] -From VC012 Paranoia [1,2,3,B] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Paranoia Evolution [E] -3Panels Paranoia KCET (Clean Mix) [1,2,3] -Double Maniac Paranoia MAX (Dirty Mix) [1,2,3,B] -From VC007 Put Your Faith In Me [2,3,B] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Put Your Faith In Me (Jazzy) [2,3] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Samba De Janeiro [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels Sexy Planet [E] -3Panels Ska a Go Go [C1] -From VC012 Sky High (DJ Miko) [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -Double Maniac (KCET) -3Panels Smoke [2] -Double Maniac -From VC007 SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix) [2,3,B] -Double Maniac Stomp To My Beat [2,B] -Double Maniac -Double Maniac (New) -Single Maniac (New) -From VC007 Strictly Business [1] -From VC007 Strut Your Funky Stuff [E] -3Panels Super Star [E] -3Panels Temple Of Love [E] -3Panels That's the Way '98 [E] -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels That's the Way (I Like It) [1,B] -Double Maniac -From VC007.1 -From VC007.2 The Earth Light [C2] -From VC012 Together & Forever (Captain Jack) [E] -3Panels Together & Forever (Nineball feat. Atomic Gun and Julia) [E] -Challenge Extra-10 -Double Basic (KCET) -Double Trick (KCET) -3Panels Trip Machine [1,2,3] -Double Maniac -From VC007 Tubthumping [2] -Double Maniac Typical Tropical [E] -3Panels Vol. 4 [3] -Double Maniac (New) -Single Maniac (New) Wild Rush [E] -3Panels Xanadu [4] -Double Maniac -Single Maniac 8.0 Nonstop Mode List -------------------------------------- "Nonstop" is the alternate difficulty choice when playing "game" mode. In this mode, you play from a list of "courses" that are set up by Konami. Each course consists of Four stages, which are played straight in a row with no breaks. Playing one course makes up a full game in Nonstop. There are Six default Nonstop courses, and then your own Three custom orders if you switch them on. The default courses are as follows (with difficulty before each stage, abbreviated for "Basic," "Trick," and "Maniac"): -Official 1 -(B) Cafe -(B) Do Me -H.I.G.E.O Mix- -(B) Na-Na -(B) Sky High (Lucyfer) -Official 2 -(B) Let the Beat Hit Em! -(B) Wild Rush -(T) Hysteria -(T) Drop Out -Official 3 -(B) Club Tropicana -(T) Kung Fu Fighting (Miami Booty Mix) -(M) Freaky -(M) Love Machine -Official 4 -(M) That's the Way '98 -(T) Get Up 'n Move -(T) Samba De Janeiro -(T) Don't Clock Me -Official 5 -(T) Wonda (Speed K Mix) -(M) Theme From Enter the Dragon -Revival 2001- -(M) Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix) -(M) Lupin the 3rd '78 -Official 6 -(B) Let the Beat Hit Em! (BM IIDX Version) -(B) Dive -(B) Remember You -(B) Broken My Heart 8.1 Nonstop Order -------------------------------------- You use this mode to create the custom sets of levels for use in the "Nonstop" mode. By pressing the "select" button at any time you are in the main menus, you will bring up the "Guide" menu. You can set up and customize up to Three different sets of Four levels. These levels can be fully customized as well. And better yet, each of the four stages can have a totally different set of difficulty, variant, and effects than the rest. The menu options are as follows: -Order: [1]/[2]/[3] -1st Stage -Edit: Title/NoUse -Music: Select Music -Player 1 -Level: Basic/Trick/Maniac -Little: Little/Off -Turn: Left/Right/Mirror/Shuffle/Off -Hidden: Hidden/Sudden/Stealth/Off -Player 2 -Same options as with Player 1 -2nd Stage -Same options as with 1st Stage -3rd Stage -Same options as with 1st Stage -4th Stage -Same options as with 1st Stage -5th Stage -Same Options as with 1st Stage -Edit Data Check -Order Use: NoUse/Use -Exit 8.2 Endless Mode -------------------------------------- This mode lives up to its name, as it can tend to last forever. You play a constant streak of levels, randomly chosen, until your dance meter empties and you lose (you will not repeat any songs until you have played each song once, and then it starts another random loop). However, you can choose to get a "Break" after every Five levels you play. It will ask you "Take a Break?" and give you choices of: "1 Minute/3 Minutes/5 Minutes/Continue." You have Ten seconds to decide whether you take a Break or you continue playing. You can end a Break at any time by pressing the "start" button. During gameplay, your "combo" can carry over from one stage to another (so your combo can go up to any number, not just up to 999 like usual). Your score and stage can also go on infinitely, only limited by how long you can make yourself play. When beginning, press "circle" to start the game or "X" to exit. The menu options are as follows: -Player: Single/Double/6Panel -Level: Basic/Trick/Maniac/Random -Turn: Off/Left/Mirror/Right/Shuffle/Random -Hidden: Off/Hidden/Sudden/Stealth/Random -Little: Off/On/Random -Character Select 9.0 Information Screen -------------------------------------- This screen keeps track of how far you've progressed in the overall game. The first pieces of info on this screen are of general information or about new features that are present in this version of DDR. Whenever you earn a secret song or mode, you will get some new pieces of information on this screen to let you know (and describe it). Also, you will get info segments for the game's normal modes every-other time you start up your game. In the upper-right corner of the menu, you can see how many total information pages you have earned (you start out with about Four, but will end up with over a dozen; as information pages now hold multiple pieces per page). The information is as follows: -Welcome to DDR Extra Mix! -Be For U : Group -Be For U : Information -Be For U : Member 1 p.1 -Be For U : Member 1 p.2 -Be For U : Member 2 p.1 -Be For U : Member 2 p.2 -Be For U : Member 3 p.1 -Be For U : Member 3 p.2 -Be For U : Member 4 p.1 -Be For U : Member 4 p.2 -Challenge Mode -Endless -Data Bank -New Songs 01-04 01. Afronova Primeval 02. Broken My Heart 03. Dive 04. Groove 2001 -New Songs 05-08 05. I'm Alive 06. Let the Beat Hit Em! (BM IIDX Version) 07. Let the Beat Hit Em! ~Classic R&B Style~ 08. Remember You -New Songs 09-09 09. Together & Forever -Challenge Mode : Practice -Challenge Mode : Basic -Challenge Mode : Trick -Challenge Mode : Maniac -Challenge Mode : Extra -Staff Roll -New Option : Title Screen -Song Sequence 10.0 Game Secrets and Hidden Options -------------------------------------- -Experience. Most of the secrets to be earned in this game are received once you have
completed a certain number of songs (stages) in the standard arcade modes of play. The game 
internally keeps count of how many songs you have played, and there is no way to view that 
total number itself. For the most part, you will earn a new secret for every Five songs you 
complete. Some secrets will also have alternate methods to earn them (this will be shown when 
multiple requirements are listed under a single secret). If so, you only need to fulfill any 
one of those requirements that is listed, not all of them.

    -Secret Songs. Some of the game's songs will not be accessible from the start of the game. 
For every five songs you complete in any normal game mode, you will earn a new secret song. Two 
secret songs are brand-new Konami originals, while the main three are the secret songs from the 
arcade version of DDR Solo 2000. The other four are "Bonus Tracks" which come from DDR 5th Mix. 
The songs are as follows:

        -Dive (Be For U)
            -clear 05 songs

        -I'm Alive
            -clear 20 songs

        -Together & Forever
            -clear 30 songs

        -Remember You
            -clear 40 songs

        -Let the Beat Hit Em! (BM IIDX Version)
            -clear 50 songs

        -Broken My Heart
            -clear 60 songs

        -Let the Beat Hit Em! ~Classic R&B Style~
            -clear 70 songs

        -Groove 2001
            -clear 80 songs

        -Afronova Primeval
            -clear 95 songs

    -Bonus Track. In this title, the four bonus tracks get mixed into the normal song list. 
However, one should know the background on these four songs. "Afronova Primeval," "Broken My 
Heart," "Dive," and "Remember You" are preview songs from "DDR 5th Mix." They are on the 
arcade, and will obviously be on the Playstation version. And, unlike with previous games' 
bonus tracks, these can all be played on every available variant from Single or Double modes.

    -Be For U Profiles. When you complete five songs, and earn the secret song "Dive," you will 
also open up special profiles for the members of "Be For U" in the "information" screen. From 
this point on, you will earn a new set of data for secondary info pages in an interchanging 
pattern with the secret songs. For example, instead of earning a secret song for every five 
songs you clear, you will now earn one of these data sets for every tenth song (taking twice as 
long to end up earning both songs and info). These new infos are labeled on the second info 
pages as letters "A" through "J" and are just for their fans I guess. The order is as follows:

        -B4U Infos #1
            -clear 5 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 A
            -clear 15 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 B
            -clear 25 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 C
            -clear 35 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 D
            -clear 45 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 E
            -clear 55 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 F
            -clear 65 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 G
            -clear 75 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 H
            -clear 85 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 I
            -clear 90 songs

        -B4U Infos #2 J
            -clear 105 songs

    -Challenge Mode. This mode is not accessible from the start of the game. To open it up, you 
must meet the requirement below. Basically, it is earned in place of a second secret song, then 
the songs continue. Once you have done this, it will appear as a choice in the main menu, below 
"Training" mode. The song amount is as follows:

        -clear 10 songs

    -Endless Mode. This mode is not accessible from the start of the game. To open it up, you 
must meet the requirement below. It is basically there in place of yet another secret song when 
playing five songs at a time. Once you have done this, it will appear as a choice on the title 
screen. In this game, strangely, Endless mode does not have any kind of records kept for it. It 
is just for play value now. The song amount is as follows:

        -clear 100 songs

    -Link Version. When you save your data to the memory card, you can then use your memory 
card for the Arcade versions of DDR. This compatible machine, the "Link Version," has a slot 
for the Playstation memory card on it. For one, you can port your "Edit" data to the arcade 
version. Additionally, the custom "NonStop Order" data is compatible with DDR Arcade. However, 
in this game title, the arcade link has its own mode. No secrets involved.

11.0 Contributions and Thank-You's

    An extra special thanks to Allen Tyner (Sailor Bacon), because his own "Data Bank" FAQ for 
Extra Mix was a great resource to triple-check my own Data Bank info. Him and I are both 
sticklers for detail, and we both put each data file's name in the exact capitalization and 
spacing that matches that found in the game. However, for you sticklers out there, our data 
bank lists differ from each other about a dozen times in minor spelling squabbles, mainly 
because I conformed my data bank titles to the song lists in my countless DDR FAQs (such as how 
I capitalize the words "of" or "in" ALL the time, even though in some English philosophies it 
is incorrect). Anyhow, as for the data bank, I really owe the thanks for the idea of putting 
the game versions in brackets after each song title (to have the utmost in precise detail). 
Speaking of Sailor Bacon, be sure to check out his Extra Mix "Challenge Mode" FAQ at gamefaqs, 
it's an invaluable resource. ^_^

    GameFAQs ( for hosting this FAQ, along with more great gaming info than 
most any site out there. Keep up the good work, man. Without GameFAQs... where would we all go 
for detailed game help? Sure, lotsa places have great code archives, and some TRY to keep all 
the best FAQs. But who succeeds? Only one, my friend ^_^ Jeff "CJayC" Veasey does an 
astounding, daily job of organizing these entries (and he writes his own wonderful FAQs). I 
must also give a hearty thanks to Al Amaloo, the maintainer of Videogame Strategies 
( He has completed perhaps the best and most extensive archive of codes 
and tricks ( and written extensive guides for games that would go otherwise 
un-covered. And what makes these two men (Jeff Veasey and Al Amaloo) so special... is that they 
provide an invaluable service to the gaming community out of the goodness of their heart. They 
work hard, every day, without the help of any major affiliate. Bravo to both of you!

    The wonderful patrons of my own message board, the OtherWorlds Shrine ( which 
is sometimes the only refuge for the true gamer. Along with my friend SineSwiper, we keep the 
shrine alive as a place for gamers to respectfully speak and get together while online. The 
friends that I have made there have meant the world to me, despite how my "real life" sometimes 
drags me offline for days at a time. Either way, here's to ya'll... and I won't mention any 
names (as there are too many of you to possibly remember them all now. And you'll kill me if I 
miss any, hehe). The place has been around for years, and I guarantee that it will always exist 
as long as there is an Internet.

    The select few of my OFF-line friends who love gaming almost as much as myself, and keep me 
inspired to keep on playing. Tacchi, you're as obsessed over games as me. We've been gaming for 
well near two decades. We're getting old, dude. And Crystal, well you can kick most of our 
sorry arses ^_^ Steffannee... you introduced me to Will in Rival Schools! Scott, you've been a 
pal through it all, despite how you suck at games ^_^ Kathryn, your love and understanding will 
always be cherished (yes, call me sappy). And Alex, you've been there since we were infants, 
when the NES was only a dream in the semi-near future. Chris, you're one of my dearest friends 
(as well as one of the most eerily unique). Your love for the Butterfly song and the goofy 
dance you do... will always bring a smile to my face.

    And of course, thanks go out to Lynn and Donna! You two are a few of the only people who 
love Pop 'n Music (and Bust a Move of course) as much as I do. Every time we meet is a 
cherished moment. And, speaking of music games, I owe a world of thanks to Malcolm. His 
friendship has meant a ton to me, and he's one of those few folks who plays and works hard at 
ALL the music game series just like I do (Beatmania, Dance Dance Revolution, Pop 'n Music, Bust 
a Move, and the countless other Bemani titles as well). And to the fans of music games, 
worldwide, i offer the greatest thanks of all. Our demand is what keeps this amazing genre of 
games coming back to us every month.

    Konami, Sony, Sega, and all the great companies and people who made the game possible. 
Without them, we'd never have been introduced to this wonderous world, beautiful characters, 
and a style of gaming that changed our lives. These Bemani games, like Dance Dance Revolution, 
are perhaps my favorite genre out there right now. It gives those folks with a "rhythmical 
sense" a way to convey that sense through gaming. And besides, it beats having another cookie-
cutter RPG or fighter to deal with.

~End of File~