CRASH TEAM RACING for PlayStation Course Tips and Shortcuts Version 1.1 (6/8/2000) by Andrew Afan [] ======= UPDATES ======= Version 1.1 (6/8/2000) - Added info to Cortex Castle (shortcut) - Fixed error in Sewer Speedway (shortcut) Version 1.0 (4/8/2000) - First version ================== GENERAL STRATEGIES ================== CTR is a fast-paced arcade racing game that requires skill to beat. Here are a couple of things you should know to help you win in any track: POWERSLIDING: To make those tight turns, press and hold the jump button (R1) while turning. To make really tight turns, use the brake button (square) in conjunction with left and right on the D-pad. The brake button can be used to turn sharply in mid-air, which should be noted because it can be useful sometimes. TURBO BOOST: To get short bursts of speed on the track, jump off the tops of bumps, ramps, and inclines. The longer you're in the air, the bigger your boost will be when you land. There are hundreds of things to jump off of, so don't be afraid to use the L1 or R1 button constantly. If you hold the jump button while powersliding, you can score a triple turbo boost. To do this, hold the button and look at the turbo meter at the bottom right of the screen. When the meter turns red, press the L1 button while holding R1 and you'll hear a pop which means you scored the boost. Do this two more times in a row and the third boost will be really juiced. Be careful: if you don't time it right, your kart will backfire and you'll spin out in a cloud of black smoke. WEAPONS: Learn to use your weapons effectively. When you're in the lead, crates will usually yield drop weapons like N. Brio beakers or TNT crates. Drop these in places where your victims will most likely hit them, like onto a speed pad or at the edge of jumps and gaps. Try not to lay them down when your opponent is directly behing you; a Nitro crate will take out anyone within proximity of a foot. The best power-ups are the Aku-Aku mask which makes you temporarily invincible, and the Turbo Boost which can be used to help you make those big jumps. Collecting 10 Wampa fruits will juice up your power-ups. The best juiced up power-ups include the Power Shield which will protect you until you are hit (or you can fire it as a missile), and the Warp Orb, which takes out every racer that's ahead of you. Very useful when you're trailing. Remember: if you run into a TNT crate, keep hopping to shake it off your head. ================== TIPS AND SHORTCUTS ================== A lot of these shortcuts are useful to know not only to get 1st place, but some are also hidden places where most CTR tokens and Time Crates (in Relic Races) are found. ---------- CRASH COVE ---------- This is the easiest of all the courses in CTR. Use the wooden ramp in the beginning to your advantage, as well as the pirate ship near the end. Getting lots of air is the secret to getting speed boosts. Shortcut: When you get to the puddle of water near the beginning of the stage, drive straight into it and turn slightly left towards the grassy ridge. When you get to the edge of the puddle, you should hit a bump and that's when you should press R1 or L1 to jump. If you timed it right, you'll jump onto the ridge and blow by everyone once you jump off onto the long bridge on the other side (don't head right to the pirate ship; it's a dead end). ----------- ROO'S TUBES ----------- Shortcut: Near the end of the track there's a sort of tunnel made of bones on a dirt path. There's a bump before the tunnel, so jump off it and land to the left of the bones and keep hopping on the dirt (a la Mario Kart) to get ahead. ------------- MYSTERY CAVES ------------- Look ahead to see which catapault will be active before you reach the set; don't press the jump button to catapault, just drive into them and you'll get the speed boost. When you reach the spewing lava balls, take the side of the track where the lava ball just went down. Shortcut: Right after the first set of catapaults, you should jump sharply to the left to get to a secret sandy track. Keep hopping as in the shortcut in Roo's Tubes, and eventually you'll come out the other side. I don't really recommend taking this shortcut, but if you have a speed power-up go ahead and give it a try. --------- COCO PARK --------- This is a pretty straightforward track. With extra-wide lanes, stay on the corners and use powerslides. Watch out for speed pads, too; they're easy to miss. ------------ TIGER TEMPLE ------------ Shortcut: When you exit the first tunnel with the flaming statues, head downhill and you'll see a stone wall on the left that's bluish-gray and has a face on it. Using the following power-ups will allow you to open the door: - Aku-Aku/Uka Uka mask: drive with it through the door - Bowling Bomb: shoot it at the door - N. Brio beaker: shoot it straight at the door by pressing Up+Circle - Power Shield: shoot it or simply run into the door with it After opening the door, you'll ride up a tunnel and jump off a ledge with a huge lead. -------------- SEWER SPEEDWAY -------------- Shortcut: This one's really tough, but you'll need to get to this shortcut in order to get all the time crates in the Relic Races. In the tunnel before the first rolling barrel, there's a ledge high on the right wall. It's hard to see, so you'll have to practise this track a few times before getting it. Speed ahead of it and make a sharp turn left up the transition. Now pretend you're a skateboader; jump off the top of the pipe and brake turn sharply 180 degrees. When you land, you should get a turbo boost and be facing the ledge. If you're fast enough, you can drive up the quarterpipe and jump off the top to make it up onto the ledge. Alternately, you can use a speed power-up to get to the ledge in one shot. From then on, you'll cruise along a second-floor tunnel and bridge, hitting speed pads until you come out off a ledge into the main tunnel. -------------- PAPU'S PYRAMID -------------- Shortcuts: Near the end of the winding track with the man-eating plants, there's a small pillar on the left side of the track. You'll need a boost to get to it, so come equipped with either an Aku Aku mask or a Turbo Boost. Fire up the power-up and jump off the edge of the track to hit the middle of the pillar and immediately jump off to the other side. Another shortcut is right after the pillar where there's a gap leading to the narrow ledge on the left. By taking this route, you will have foregone the straight path down the large steps with the carnivorous plants. ------------ DINGO CANYON ------------ The only thing that might give you trouble in this course is the blue tumbleweed things that go back and forth across the track. They're just like the seals in Polar Pass, so just avoid them and everything else is pretty easy. When you get to the water part in the course, though, try to hop somewhere before the narrow strip of land; sometimes you'll get catapaulted and be rewarded with a speed boost. -------------- BLIZZARD BLUFF -------------- The slippery lakes are no problem in this course. Keep on hopping and powersliding around corners. Shortcut: After the rolling rock, be sure you have an Aku Aku mask or a Turbo Boost power-up equipped, otherwise you will be unable to make the jump. Drive across the first frozen lake and turn left on the ice. There will be a snowy ramp that leads to a large gap over the river. By now you should have activated your speed power-up. Jump at the top of the ramp and with luck you'll make it to the other side ahead of the covered bridge with a large lead ahead of your opponents. ------------ DRAGON MINES ------------ Make sure to make all the speed pads. At the wooden corkscrew, keep powersliding by hopping and turning at the same time. Try to anticipate when the mine carts are coming across your path. If you get hit by one, keep hopping to get back on your wheels. ---------- POLAR PASS ---------- When you get to the part of the course where there's two paths to take, choose the left path. Instead of criss-crossing to the other side, take a sharp turn left at the junction so you'll end up on the path you would have taken if you chose the right-hand path. Shortcut: In the snowy tunnel with the two seals, there's a bump that leads straight into a wall. Normally, you'd drive around the right and make a sharp turn around the wall, but you can save a lot of time by going over the wall. It's not necessary to use a Turbo Boost or mask, but it helps. Build up some speed and remember to jump right at the top of the bump; it's necessary to jump right at that point to get at least on top of the wall and over. ---------- TINY ARENA ---------- This is the longest and most tedious track. Keep jumping at every bump to get speed boosts. If you get trapped in the mud, keep hopping. Use the brake powerslide to get around the really tight corners. Remember: you can use the brake in mid-air. ----------- N. GIN LABS ----------- At the long stretch with the rolling barrels, stay either on the left or right edge of the track. If you time it right, you can quickly turn into the speed pad at the end before another barrel comes crashing down. If you're not sure, there's no reason to risk it. Near the end where there's a really big speed pad jump, turn right of the square gap and go around it. Jump over corners if you think you might hit the sides. ------------- CORTEX CASTLE ------------- This is a large course with plenty of turns, but once you get used to it, it's a piece of cake. The shadows on the ground tell you where the spiders will drop, so avoid those areas. Near the beginning where's there's a fork in the road, I recommend you take the left path and jump at the top of the incline to get a speed boost and head right. Follow the arrows. Shortcut: During the course you will reach a part where you're on the roof and then drop down three large steps with Wampa crates on them. I recommend a speed power-up (Turbo Boost, Aku-Aku Mask) to make this jump. It's not necessary, but it makes it a lot easier; you can make the jump with a speedy racer and jumping at the perfect time (right at the very edge). After the steps, head right and you'll see a speed pad. Ahead there's a room with blue walls; activate the power-up and drive up the ramp that leads into the room. Immediately jump left off the top of the incline and with your speed you should land on a steep platform that leads to the upper part of the track. Turn left at the top and continue on the big speed pad jump. If you make this shortcut, you'll cut about 5 or more seconds off your time. -------------- HOT AIR SKYWAY -------------- When you reach the first big jump (you'll know because of the big speed pad), step on the gas and jump at the top of the ramp. Turn right so you'll land on the right-hand platform. Make sure you get a good jump or else you'll be reminded that you have no parachute. :) ------------- OXIDE STATION ------------- Oxide Station is the final level in the game, and it's pretty tough because of all the sharp turns. There are, however, lots of speed pads to help you out. Remember the key strategies in beating a course and you'll do fine. ============== COPYRIGHT INFO ============== CTR: Crash Team Racing Game is Copyright 1999 Sony Computer Entertainment America, Characters and CTR: Crash Team Racing Copyright 1999 Universal Interactive Studios, Developed by Naughty Dog, Inc. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Copyright 2000 Andrew Afan, any reproduction of its content will result in severe guilt and displeasure. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, as stated in the GameFAQs guidlines.