C T R: C R A S H T E A M R A C I N G for the Sony PlayStation Moises Baez mbaez@lausd.k12.ca.us Version 2.8 08/08/01 ============================================================================= 1. C O N T E N T S ============================================================================= 1. Contents 2. Revisions 3. Control 4. Characters 5. Modes of Play 6. Adventure Walkthrough 7. Time Trial 8. Shortcuts 9. F.A.Q. 10. Items 11. Codes 12. Copyrights ============================================================================= 2. R E V I S I O N S ============================================================================= Date Versions 11/12/99 1.0 - First Release! 11/17/99 1.2 - Added Adventure Walkthrough - Added N. Sanity Beach Walkthrough - Added more info for Bowling Bombs - Added more info for N. Brio's Beakers - Added Codes section 11/18/99 1.4 - Added Time Trial section - Added Characters section - Removed N. Tropy and Nitros Oxide codes - Fixed text errors 11/29/99 1.6 - Added The Lost Ruins Walkthrough - Added a hidden character - Fixed some other errors 12/03/99 1.8 - Added Glacier Park Walkthrough - Added Time Trial Times 12/10/99 2.0 - Added Citadel City Walkthrough - Added N. Tropy unlock code - Added more Time Trial Times 12/27/99 2.2 - Finished Walkthrough section - Added more Time Trial Times - Added Penta Penguin unlock Code 01/14/00 2.4 - Added Character use on Time Trial section - Added my best times to Time Trial - Added Shortcut section - Added the actual F.A.Q section - Fixed an error on the Penta Penguin code 07/20/00 2.6 - Changed my email address 08/08/01 2.8 - Another change of email - Deleted a portion of the Time Trial Section ============================================================================= 3. C O N T R O L ============================================================================= ---------------- Racing Controls ---------------- Steering Left or Right (Analog or Directional Pad) Accelerate X button Decelerate Square button Reverse Down (Analog or Directional Pad) Jump L1 or R1 buttons Launch Weapon O button --------------- Other Controls --------------- Hard Turn Left or Right + Square Power Slide Left or Right + R1 Change View L2 button Rear View Hold the R2 button Map/Speedometer Triangle Button ============================================================================= 4. C H A R A C T E R S ============================================================================= ---------------------- Selectable Characters ---------------------- Crash Bandicoot (Intermediate) Speed = Good Acceleration = Good Turn = Good Info: Crash is a good racer with best of all 3 worlds in racing. He is good to start off with since he has just about everything you need to win the game. Dr. Neo Cortex (Intermediate) Speed = Good Acceleration = Good Turn = Good Info: Cortex is just like Crash. He is a well balanced racer and one of the better characters to start off with. Tiny Tiger (Advanced) Speed = Great Acceleration = Weak Turn = Poor Info: Tiny Tiger is one of the biggest racers on the track and shows it off with his top speed. But he lacks both Acceleration and Turning power. Tiny may get a good lead but the slow turns he makes kills him. Coco Bandicoot (Intermediate) Speed = Good Acceleration = Great Turn = Weak Info: Coco is the sister of Crash. She has a very high amount of acceleration but lacks some turning power. Still she is a tough character. N. Gin (Intermediate) Speed = Good Acceleration = Great Turn = Weak Info: Just like Coco, N. Gin has great acceleration which helps you out right off the bat. Dingodile (Advanced) Speed = Great Acceleration = Weak Turn = Poor Info: Tiny Tiger's counterpart, Dingodile has a high amount of speed. But with high speed you may lose it on close turns. Polar (Beginner) Speed = Weak Acceleration = Good Turn = Great Info: Polar is not the fastest racer but makes it up with good Acceleration and excellent turning. On very tight turns Polar really shines. Pura (Beginner) Speed = Weak Acceleration = Good Turn = Great Info: Pura may not be the best sprinter or a fast racer but he can take tight corners with ease. ------------------------- Boss Characters (Hidden) ------------------------- Ripper Roo Komodo Joe Papu Papu Pinstripe ------------------ Hidden Characters ------------------ Fake Crash N. Tropy Penta Penguin ============================================================================= 5. M O D E S O F P L A Y ============================================================================= ---------- Adventure ---------- Adventure is a single player game in which you race on all courses in the game in order to collect Trophies, Relics, Keys, CTR Tokens and Gems. After getting all of the 16 trophies and beating all 4 bosses you can face Nitros Oxide to save the world. You can save your progress for later play. ----------- Time Trial ----------- Time Trial is a single player game in which you race against the clock. There are no power-ups or other computer controlled opponents. After completing a stage you can save your ghost and race against it later to try and go faster. ------- Arcade ------- Arcade is 1-2 player game where you can quickly race on any track you want. You must select between 3, 5 or 7 laps, Difficulty of Easy, Medium or Hard and a track to race on. There are two modes in Arcade: Single and Cup Races Single Race is a 1 or 2 player game where you race other drivers. Cup Race is a 1 or 2 player game in which you can race on 4 different cup races each having 4 tracks against other drivers. The one with the most points in the end wins the cup race. ------------- Versus (Vs.) ------------- Versus is a 2-4 player game where you race against your opponents with no computer controlled opponents. The 2 modes are just like Arcade but there always must be 2 or more players. ------- Battle ------- Battle is a 2-4 player game where you fight against your opponents throwing weapons and such. ============================================================================= 6. A D V E N T U R E W A L K T H R O U G H ============================================================================= ---------------- N. Sanity Beach ---------------- - Your quest to beat Nitros Oxide Starts here. You have a choice of going to Crash Cove or Roo's Tubes first. - But before we begin we must know something about competing in Adventure. 1. To race against the boss you must get all the trophies of that level. 2. In order to compete for Relics and Tokens in a level you must beat the boss of that level. Each time you beat a boss you get a Key. 3. A stage is not complete until you get at least 1 relic and the CTR Token. - With that said lets head out for some trophies. Lets head to Crash Cove first since it is really simple. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Crash Cove Prerequisite: None Time Crates: 32 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:17:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:05:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:52:00 CTR Token Color Red Order of letters CTR: R-T-C CTR Token Walkthrough: R: Right when you start you have a choice of taking the left path and right path. Take the right path. After taking the path to the right you will have to turn back onto the track. At the end turn hard to the left. R will be right there almost touching the stone block T: This letter can be pretty tough to get. This is what you should do. Jump the ramp right after the first turn to get a speed boost and go into the water that is there. Yes it sounds stupid but do it. Now turn left and face the elevated grass area. Before you leave the water you will dip down submerging your character. From here jump to the grass area. It may take a few tries to jump onto the grass but its not really difficult. Keep riding until you see a bridge on the right side. The T is right there. C: The C is next to the 2nd pirate ship, right before the last turn into the finish line. Get on the ship since its stuck on the dirt. Go all the way up to where the crate is. The C can be seen from here. Jump off the ship to get C. ***************************************************************************** - Now that you have acquired the Crash Cove trophy we can go to Mystery Caves, instead lets go to Roo's Tubes to get a trophy. Analyze the Roo's Tubes course since this is where we need to beat the boss Ripper Roo. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Roo's Tubes Prerequisite: None Time Crates: 32 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:15:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:05:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:55:00 CTR Token Color Green Order of letters CTR: C-R-T CTR Token Walkthrough: C: Right off the bat you will enter the first tube. After exiting the tube there will be a hill to jump. On the left side of the hill C is waiting. To get C jump before the peak of the hill. R: When you get C you will enter another tube. After hitting 2 green speed pads, and passing some crates, R will be seen floating a little above the track. To get it, jump off the track. A really big jump is not needed. T: After exiting the last tube, a skeleton arch can be seen. Instead jump on the stone path on the left to reach T. It is right before the finish line. A word of caution since this stone path slows you down. ***************************************************************************** - Now lets go to Mystery Caves to get our third trophy. This trophy is needed to race at Sewer Speedway. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Mystery Caves Prerequisite: 1 Trophy Time Crates: 40 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:55:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:44:00 Platinum Relic Time: 1:32:00 CTR Token Color Red Order of letters CTR: R-C-T CTR Token Walkthrough: R: After beginning, and after 2 green speed pads, there will be a lake with 2 turtles alternating coming out of the water. R is right above them. Jump off either turtle while one is pointing up to reach R. C: Soon you will encounter some speed pads and lava balls jumping behind them. Use the pads and jump to the 2nd set of pads. On the 2nd set hug the right side of the pad and jump to C which is floating on the right side. Make sure you get a good jump. T: Now that you have passed the 3rd speed pad, you will have to go back into the caves. Pass 2 puddles of water each with 2 turtles. After the 2nd puddle of water there will be some crates. Hit the one on the far left and you will get T at the same time. ***************************************************************************** - Since we have 3 trophies now we can race at Sewer Speedway. Head over there to get the last trophy. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Sewer Speedway Prerequisite: 3 Trophies Time Crates: 65 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:33:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:05:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:37:00 CTR Token Color: Blue Order of letters CTR: T-R-C CTR Token Walkthrough: T: When you start the race you will have a choice of taking the left or right tunnel. Lets take the right one. When you take this tunnel, there will be some green speed pads waiting for you. Now jump to the right, not left inside another tunnel, jump right. Get a good jump and you will be able to get T which is hovering in the air. R: When you enter the actual sewer system there will be two platforms. One on the left and one on the right. Get on the platform on your left. Keep following this path and you will eventually see R. C: After getting R jump down and go pass the rolling barrel. Keep going on this path and you will see some speed pads. Use the pads to jump into the next tunnel. Right near the middle C is in the air. The pads and a jump should give you enough power to reach it. ***************************************************************************** - Now that we have acquired all 4 trophies at N. Sanity Beach. We can race against Ripper Roo. Face Ripper Roo to get a Key to open up all the Relic and Tokens at N. Sanity Beach. Also to open up the path to Gem Stone Valley. ***************************************************************************** Boss: Ripper Roo Track Name: Roo's Tubes Prerequisite: ALL 4 N. Sanity Beach Trophies Boss Hints: Ripper Roo is not difficult to beat. He lays down TNT Crates to slow you down. This is just like a regular race with Fruit and Power-Up crates. Use missiles to take him out to get in the lead. But sometimes the missiles will hit the TNT crates he lays behind, so you better race this track at your best. Be careful, Ripper Roo just like all the bosses are faster than everyone. Use your weapons wisely. ***************************************************************************** - Hopefully you should beaten Ripper Roo by now. You have a choice now. You can race for Relics and Tokens or move on to the next level now that you have a Key. - This is what to do to get to the next level. Go to the door that leads to the Gem Stone Valley. It needs one key to open. We can't do anything here so keep riding to the next door. This door leads to The Lost Ruins. --------------- The Lost Ruins --------------- - Now that we have arrived at The Lost Ruins we can race at more tracks. Only 2 are open at the moment, Coco Park and Tiger Temple. Head to Coco Park since it is a flat and quick course ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Coco Park Prerequisite: None Time Crates: 40 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:35:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:12:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:49:00 CTR Token Color Green Order of letters CTR: C-T-R CTR Token Walkthrough: C: Right when you start head off to the left side of the track, right at the track limit. Keep riding for a short time and C is right before a stone block before the first turn. Once you get it turn to the right hard so you don't hit the block. T: Once you enter the first and only tunnel in the course, hug the right side of the track. Right about when you are about to exit T should be in your sights. R: On the turn after the tunnel, stay on the left side of the track. R will be off the track hovering above some grass on a hill. This grass will slow you down and may impede your jump to get the letter. Try using the hill to jump. ***************************************************************************** - Now that we have acquired the trophy lets go race at Tiger Temple to get another one. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Tiger Temple Prerequisite: None Time Crates: 52 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:20:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:02:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:43:00 CTR Token Color Blue Order of letters CTR: T-C-R CTR Token Walkthrough: T: When you start you will go downhill. Head to the left part of the track. On the left part there will be some grass. T will be right there on the grass. C: To get C jump off the second ramp of the course. Make sure you approach the ramp properly or else you will miss the letter completely. R: Right after exiting the first tunnel of the course and pass the 2 fruit crates, there will be a stone face with its teeth showing. You can open the teeth with a weapon. These weapons can open the passage: N. Brio Beaker, Tracking Missile, Bowling Bomb, Power Shield, Uka Uka/Aku Aku Mask. Now that we have opened the passage, keep riding to the end when you have to jump to get R. ***************************************************************************** - We have 6 trophies now so lets head off to Papu's Pyramid. This is the course where we must beat Papu Papu so look at it very carefully. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Papu's Pyramid Prerequisite: 6 Trophies Time Crates: 48 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:34:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:09:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:42:00 CTR Token Color Red Order of letters CTR: C-T-R CTR Token Walkthrough: C: After the first speed pad you will encounter some overgrown Fly Traps. After the 3rd one there will be 2 stone blocks telling you which way to go. In between there is a stone pillar and C. You must jump to get it. Here is the way to get it. Try getting close to the block on the right, close enough but not touching it. Now once you are about to go off the track get a good jump. You should be able to make it. If you try approaching it right in the middle you will fall almost all the time. T: Instead of hitting the second speed pad, hug the left side of the course. There will be another course to the far left of the regular track. Jump off the end of the track on the other. Keep riding for a short time, jump off to the right at the end to get T. R: After passing the 4th and 5th Fly Traps there will be a steep hill. After jumping off this turn tightly to the right to get R. ***************************************************************************** - Now we have 7 trophies. The right amount needed to race at Dingo Canyon. With the last trophy here we can race against Papu Papu. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Dingo Canyon Prerequisite: 7 Trophies Time Crates: 38 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:25:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:09:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:53:00 CTR Token Color Yellow Order of letters CTR: C-T-R CTR Token Walkthrough: C: Right off the start there will be a turn to the right. On the desert next to the Cactus, C is there waiting for you. T: On the first and only junction take the path on the right. Keep riding until the track merges again. Right before this happens turn hard to the left to get T. R: After getting T, farther up ahead are some speed pads. Stay on the right side of the course. Use the pad farthest to the right to jump and get R. Make sure you get a good jump or you will end up falling short. Once you get R turn hard to the left to get back on the track so you don't fall off. ***************************************************************************** - We have completed all four levels at the Lost Ruins, now we can face off against Papu Papu. ***************************************************************************** Boss: Papu Papu Track Name: Papu's Pyramid Prerequisite: ALL 4 Lost Ruins Trophies Boss Hints: Papu Papu is one fat boss. He is pretty fast too. He lays down both green and red beakers. The red ones really cause damage since they spin you out and slow you down for a period of time. Try not to stay behind him too long. Also, power slide and boost to get better speed on the turns or else he will cream you every time. ***************************************************************************** ------------- Glacier Park ------------- - We should be at Glacier Park now. Only 1 track is open at the moment and that is Blizzard Bluff. Lets go and compete. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Blizzard Bluff Prerequisite: None Time Crates: 40 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:30:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:08:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:45:00 CTR Token Color Red Order of letters CTR: T-R-C CTR Token Walkthrough: T: After rounding the first turn from the starting line, head to the right part of the track. Right before you reach the crates get on the snow to the right and jump off the ledge to get T. R: After passing the 1st ice portion of the track there will be a left turn. Take the turn tightly. Right before you hit the speed pad you should get R. C: Right before the 2nd ice portion of the track, there is the 3rd speed pad of the game. Hit the speed pad and jump to the right to get C which is on the ice. Be cautioned, turning on ice is painfully difficult. ***************************************************************************** - After getting a trophy here we should have a total of 9. The exact amount to compete at Dragon Mines ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Dragon Mines Prerequisite: 9 Trophies Time Crates: 39 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:28:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:11:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:54:00 CTR Token Color Blue Order of letters CTR: C-T-R CTR Token Walkthrough: C: At the first and only lake of water C is waiting. One of the easiest token letters to acquire. T: When you pass the train tracks on the ground, there will be a severe turn upwards. At the end of the turn, T is hanging off the track in the air on the right side. You may want to slow down a little so you don't jump to the side of it. Then quickly race back up the turn. R: After going pass the severe turn, stay on the left side of the track. You should be approaching a set of crates. Hit the second crate and you will get which is right behind it. ***************************************************************************** - We can now compete at Polar Pass. The hardest of the snow tracks. Its pretty long also. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Polar Pass Prerequisite: 10 Trophies Time Crates: 38 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 3:00:00 Gold Relic Time: 2:33:00 Platinum Relic Time: 2:05:00 CTR Token Color Green Order of letters CTR: C-R-T CTR Token Walkthrough: C: After beginning the course you will encounter a junction. Go either way it doesn't matter. After negotiating the turn there will a junction right behind it. C is right in the middle before the next junction. R: After passing the 2nd seal there will be some sets of speed pads. On the 3rd one jump to the right to get R. T: Near the end of the track there will be 3 frozen lakes one after another. After the 3rd one there will be a set of speed pads and a ramp made of ice. Jump off the ramp and to the right to get T. You must jump or else you will never reach it. ***************************************************************************** - One more track to go and its the one I hate the most...Tiny Arena. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Tiny Arena Prerequisite: 11 Trophies Time Crates: 60 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 3:45:00 Gold Relic Time: 3:22:00 Platinum Relic Time: 2:58:00 CTR Token Color Yellow Order of letters CTR: T-C-R CTR Token Walkthrough: T: Coming after the first turn after passing the set of power-up crates. T can be acquired by jumping off either hill. C: On the first long straight away, the one with the second speed pad, there will be tight turn right at te end. C can be acquired after the turn. R: After C, on the first tight turn, R can be acquired by jumping off the hill. Get a good jump or else you will miss it completely. ***************************************************************************** - Hopefully the mud did not slow you down much at Tiny Arena. Now we can face Komodo Joe for a key. ***************************************************************************** Boss: Komodo Joe Track Name: Dragon Mines Prerequisite: ALL 4 Glacier Park Trophies Boss Hints: Racing against Komodo Joe is not very easy. He drops TNT and Nitros to impede you but don't get too scared. Launching missiles is ineffective since sometimes they will hit the boxes instead of Komodo Joe. Try to hurt him anyway you can, and be sure to take the turns with a power slide with boosts. ***************************************************************************** - Now that we have beaten Komodo Joe you can stick around and do the Relic races of CTR Challenge. - Lets move on to the next part. Go through the door that needs 3 keys to open and open it. This is the passage to the next part. ------------- Citadel City ------------- - Now that we have completed Glacier Park we should go to Citadel City. 2 tracks are open, Cortex Castle and N. Gin Labs. Lets go to N. Gin Labs first. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: N. Gin Labs Prerequisite: None Time Crates: 70 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 2:15:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:34:00 Platinum Relic Time: 0:53:00 CTR Token Color Blue Order of letters CTR: C-R-T CTR Token Walkthrough: C: When you start off there will be a set of speed pads. On the second one C will be in the air on the left. Use the speed pad on the left to reach it. Its pretty hard because you need a very good jump or you will miss it. R: On the next speed pad right after C, R will be waiting in the middle of the jump. T: After passing the rolling barrels part, there will be some of tight turns. After passing them there is a speed pad. Jump off the speed pad downwards. T will be on the ground. Watch out you don't fall into the pit when you jump to it. ***************************************************************************** - Now we need one more trophy to compete at Hot Air Skyway. So head over to Cortex Castle. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Cortex Castle Prerequisite: None Time Crates: 62 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 2:35:00 Gold Relic Time: 2:04:00 Platinum Relic Time: 1:32:00 CTR Token Color Green Order of letters CTR: R-C-T CTR Token Walkthrough: R: When you begin racing, turn left. There will be some speed pads. Jump off the speed pads and to the right to acquire R. C: After getting R, avoid the spider and take the path to the left. Since the path on the right shaves off some of your time. You will soon encounter some crates then a left turn. C will be on the right. To get it jump off the edge of the road over to C and back onto the road. Its not really difficult. T: Right before the end there will be some tight right turns going up. After passing this there will be some speed pads. Use the one on the right and jump to the right to get T. You will need a good jump and once you get it, turn back onto the road or you will fall down. ***************************************************************************** - You should now have a total of 14 trophies. With these trophies Hot Air Skyway opens. Lets head over there to compete for another trophy. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Hot Air Skyway Prerequisite: 14 Trophies Time Crates: 56 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 3:05:00 Gold Relic Time: 2:34:00 Platinum Relic Time: 2:02:00 CTR Token Color Yellow Order of letters CTR: C-R-T CTR Token Walkthrough: C: Right off the start you will need to make a right then a left turn. After these turns you will soon approach a blimp and a really tight turn. Take the turn as tight as you can on the right side. You should acquire C with no problem if you do this. R: After C there will be a speed pad then another set of speed pads with a jump. Jump off the right one to the right where R is. You will need a good jump to reach it or you will fall. T: Soon you will encounter some speed pads with a jump. Its one jump where a blimp is right in front of the jump. Jump off the right one an get T. You will again need a good jump or you will fall short. ***************************************************************************** - Now that we have 15 trophies its time we race for our last trophy. Oxide Station is the track of Nitros Oxide so take a good look at the track ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Oxide Station Prerequisite: 15 Trophies Time Crates: 49 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 3:17:00 Gold Relic Time: 2:56:00 Platinum Relic Time: 2:34:00 CTR Token Color Yellow Order of letters CTR: C-T-R CTR Token Walkthrough: C: On the first speed pad jump, get a good jump and get C which is right in the middle. T: After getting C, you will soon encounter some speed pad jumps that take you out in space. Jump to the second one thereafter. You need to get a really good jump here or you will fall short. T is very high above the middle going inside. R: Right after getting T there will be a long speed pad jump. Right here you need to make the best jump of your life to reach R which is hanging ahead in the air. ***************************************************************************** - Now we have all the trophies we need. Now we need all 4 keys to open up Nitros Oxide. Pinstripe is holding the last key. Lets race him. ***************************************************************************** Boss: Pinstripe Track Name: Hot Air Skyway Prerequisite: ALL 4 Citadel City Trophies Boss Hints: All Pinstripe does is throw Bowling Bombs back to you. It should be easy to take him out. Just race really hard and power slide boost into turns. You should walk away with a Key. ***************************************************************************** - We have 4 keys now, which permits us to race Nitros Oxide. If you want to go ahead. Or you can race for gems at Gem Stone Valley. Or try to get any Relics or CTR tokens if you don't have all of them. I would race at Gem Stone Valley. ----------------- Gem Stone Valley ----------------- - Now we arrive at Gem Stone Valley. If you want to race at the Gem Cups you must have all the CTR tokens of a certain color. I'll just list the cups here to help you out. - But before we start racing Gem Cups you must know some stuff. The opponents here are much tougher than before. It isn't like racing for trophies anymore. Also you get points for finishing in 1st-4th place. Here is the scoring. 1st Place = 9 Points 2nd Place = 6 Points 3rd Place = 3 Points 4th Place = 1 Point 5th Place = 0 Points 6th Place = 0 Points 7th Place = 0 Points 8th Place = 0 Points - The way to win is to get the most points. You don't necessarily need to finish in 1st all the time. Just make sure you finish and get points to win the Cup. With that said lets go... - Some words of wisdom. Remember to power slide on turns. It also helps doing boosts while power sliding to help you go faster. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Red Gem Cup Prerequisite: 4 Red CTR Tokens Track 1: Crash Cove Track 2: Mystery Caves Track 3: Blizzard Bluff Track 4: Papu's Pyramid ***************************************************************************** - More words of wisdom. If you haven't already done so, read the Items section for help on what some Weapons do and some hints for using them. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Green Gem Cup Prerequisite: 4 Green CTR Tokens Track 1: Roo's Tubes Track 2: Coco Park Track 3: Polar Pass Track 4: Cortex Castle ***************************************************************************** - Look hard at tracks to find shortcuts. Sometimes shortcuts are in plain view. But some others are not. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Blue Gem Cup Prerequisite: 4 Blue CTR Tokens Track 1: Tiger Temple Track 2: Sewer Speedway Track 3: Dragon Mines Track 4: N. Gin Labs ***************************************************************************** To get maximum air jump right before the peak of a jump. It helps when you land since it gives you a boost and speed. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Yellow Gem Cup Prerequisite: 4 Yellow CTR Tokens Track 1: Dingo Canyon Track 2: Tiny Arena Track 3: Hot Air Skyway Track 4: Oxide Station ***************************************************************************** - Be careful at the Purple Gem Cup. You are racing the bosses now at their levels. You need to be racing your best now! ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Purple Gem Cup Prerequisite: 4 Purple CTR Tokens Track 1: Roo's Tubes Track 2: Papu's Pyramid Track 3: Dragon Mines Track 4: Hot Air Skyway ***************************************************************************** - Now you have all 5 Gem. You can now race at Turbo Track. You can race at Slide Coliseum if you have 10 relics. Go get them now! ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Slide Coliseum Prerequisite: 10 Relics Time Crates: 45 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:55:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:45:00 Platinum Relic Time: 1:40:00 ***************************************************************************** - If you didn't get a gold here there is something wrong with you. Just kidding! Turbo Track is different. There is no way you cannot get Platinum. ***************************************************************************** Track Name: Turbo Track Prerequisite: 5 Gems Time Crates: 52 Time Crates Sapphire Relic Time: 1:45:00 Gold Relic Time: 1:32:00 Platinum Relic Time: 1:19:00 ***************************************************************************** - To get the 100% ending you need at least 18 Relics, 20 CTR Tokens, 16 Trophies, 5 Gems, 4 Keys. - To get 101%, you need at least 18 Gold or Platinum Relics, 20 CTR Tokens, 16 Trophies, 5 Gems, 4 Keys. - The 101% ending is the same as the 100% ending so it doesn't matter what ending you get. - If you gather all the items in every level, N. Oxide will come out and get angry since you collected all his relics. This means you can see the best ending. - If you beat N. Oxide but did not gather everything from each stage, you will not see the best ending. ***************************************************************************** Boss: Nitros Oxide Track Name: Oxide Station Prerequisite: 4 Boss Keys Boss Hints: Nitros Oxide throws just about everything in this level. Bowling Bombs, TNT Crates that explode, Nitro Crates, Beakers. The one thing to do is not stay directly behind him. If you get a lead try to keep it by hitting all the speed pads you can. Try throwing all the weapons you can also. He is not that hard but I play harder than some of you. If you get a really good lead and you can race really well. Chances are you are going to win. ***************************************************************************** - Whew! We just beat this Adventure mode game. Now we can see the ending. - If you got less than 100% you will not see the best ending. N. Oxide says you did not gather all the relics, and he is still the fastest racer. The credits roll and the characters are shown doing their victory celebration. The scrapbook appears after the credits. - If you gathered 100% or more, you will see the best ending. N. Oxide leaves the planet hurt and does not turn Earth into a parking lot. The credits roll and text is shown underneath the character showing what happened to them. The scrapbook appears after the credits. - Hopefully you had a good time beating the game. There is a lot to do just like beating the ghosts in Time Trial and unlocking more battle arenas. What are you waiting for?!?! Go play some more!!!!!! ============================================================================= 7. T I M E T R I A L ============================================================================= Since there is nothing out there that can really describe how to get the ghosts of N. Tropy and N. Oxide I will tell you the times you must achieve. Well sort of. You must come under a certain time limit to unlock them. First you need to unlock N. Tropy. Then you must beat N. Tropy to race N. Oxide. Sounds easy? Yeah right! Since they look like ghosts when you race against them you cannot use weapons. You can't use weapons in Time Trial mode anyway! They also have ridiculous times to beat. Especially N. Oxide who takes all the shortcuts he can! On screen it does not list their times. You race against them just like Versus mode and you must come in 1st place to win. All the times are estimated for N. Tropy and N. Oxide. But my times to unlock N. Tropy are EXACT. Try to match my time or beat it to unlock N. Tropy. I have unlocked N. Tropy and N. Oxide on ALL the tracks. Yes that is right ALL the tracks. Also, I have beaten N. Tropy and N. Oxide myself. Yes, N. Tropy does become a selectable character, not on Adventure mode though. Now go unlock him!!!!!!!! But there is some bad news. After beating N. Oxide all you get is a really dumb scrapbook. Why put a scrapbook for beating some hard times when you can see the scrapbook after an Adventure mode game? This is one of the dumbest mistakes in the game made by Naughty Dog. I suggest no one unlock N. Oxide unless you repeatedly want to see the scrapbook over and over again. This is how to read the times I have below: "Track" is the track the times are on. "My Time" is the time I unlocked N. Tropy with. "N. Tropy" is the estimated time N. Tropy finishes. "N. Oxide" is the estimated time N. Oxide finishes. REMEMBER!!!!!! ALL TIMES EXCEPT MINE ARE ESTIMATED!!!!!! Here are the times: ------------------------------------------------------------- Track My Time N. Tropy N. Oxide ------------------------------------------------------------- Sewer Speedway 2:21:77 2:22:00 1:59:00 N. Gin Labs 2:56:59 2:57:00 2:40:00 Blizzard Bluff 1:50:56 1:47:00 1:30:00 Slide Coliseum 2:22:46 2:17:00 2:00:00 Mystery Caves 2:28:98 2:28:00 2:16:00 Dragon Mines 1:52:98 1:49:00 1:40:00 Papu's Pyramid 2:07:44 2:05:00 1:45:00 Dingo Canyon 1:51:11 1:48:00 1:38:00 Tiger Temple 2:07:98 2:07:00 1:56:00 Coco Park 1:40:60 1:40:00 1:30:00 Crash Cove 1:37:22 1:40:00 1:30:00 Tiny Arena 3:59:97 3:55:00 3:44:00 Cortex Castle 2:43:52 2:50:00 2:34:00 Hot Air Skyway 3:25:97 3:29:00 3:10:00 Oxide Station 3:21:40 3:51:00 3:33:00 Turbo Track 2:12:38 2:22:00 2:05:00 Roo's Tubes 1:38:05 1:42:00 1:26:00 Polar Pass 3:11:45 3:08:00 2:49:00 I have recieved tons of e-mail regarding which character to use on each location. Well I will tell you which ones "I" think are the best to use. This is just a personal observation of mine. This is how to read chart I have below: "Track" is the track you are racing. "Character" is the character to use on the track. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Track Character ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sewer Speedway Coco Bandicoot N. Gin Labs N. Tropy Blizzard Bluff Coco Bandicoot Slide Coliseum Coco Bandicoot Mystery Caves Coco Bandicoot Dragon Mines N. Tropy Papu's Pyramid Crash Bandicoot Dingo Canyon Coco Bandicoot Tiger Temple Coco Bandicoot Coco Park N. Tropy Crash Cove N. Tropy Tiny Arena Coco Bandicoot Cortex Castle N. Tropy Hot Air Skyway Coco Bandicoot Oxide Station Polar Turbo Track Komodo Joe Roo's Tubes Coco Bandicoot Polar Pass N. Tropy ============================================================================= 8. S H O R T C U T S ============================================================================= Coming Soon! Sort Of... ============================================================================= 9. F. A. Q. ============================================================================= Q: Who is the fastest racer in CTR? A: It all depends on how you race and how hard you race. Certain characters and CTR players have different skills and perform differently so I cannot say there is a fast character to play with. Q: How do you race with hidden characters on Adventure mode? A: From what I have seen, you can't. Sorry. Q: Did you get anything special for beating Adventure with 101%? A: No. All you get is the satisfaction you raced really hard to win. You should be proud of yourself if you got 101%, that is a really good feat to accomplish. Q: How do you jump really high on jumps? A: To jump high on jumps, jump right before the peak. If you jump right on the peak you will get no air time. You know you did a good jump since the character will tilt to the side or stretch. Q: Is there a certain character/track combination to use to win on a track? A: Maybe. I use different characters on different tracks and have found that on some tracks characters perform better than on other tracks. But you have to factor in how you play as well... ============================================================================= 10. I T E M S ============================================================================= ------------------------- Power-Up Crates ------------------------- These crates contain weapons and power-ups to use during a race. You can use them by pressing the O button. A few seconds after hitting a box, it reappears. ------------- Fruit Crates ------------- These fruit crates are scattered around races. Each crate can give you a different amount of fruit. You can have 10 max. When you have 10 you are juiced up which gives weapons and power-ups more boost. These boxes also reappear after a few seconds. ----------------- Tracking Missiles ----------------- Normal: The missiles can track you for a long period of time. You know when one is locked on you since a cross-hair will appear on your driver. When one hits you, you are sent into the air and crashing down Juiced: The missiles track better and move faster than before. Dodging: One way of dodging them is taking a tight turn. Sometimes it will hit the wall you turned. If you have a TNT Crate or Nitro Crate, drop it before it hits you and it will hit the crate instead. Hints: Try using them when you see the opponent you want to hit in front of you. Launch it and it will hit more times than not. -------------- Bowling Bombs -------------- Normal: Unlike the missiles that can track, these are a little more clumsy. You can detonate a bomb before it hits a target by pressing the O button again. Sometimes if you time the blast right, the blast could take out more than 1 opponent. You can throw the bombs forward or backward. To throw them back hold down while pressing the O button Juiced: The bombs have a bigger blast radius which makes you take out more opponents. Dodging: Its pretty simple dodging them, just keep moving around the track. Don't stay in one position too long. Hints: Only use them when a opponent is right in front of you. You can also throw it in front of them and hope the opponent crosses the path of the bomb. Or you can throw it behind you to slow down some of your opponents. -------------- Power Shields -------------- Normal: It is a green shield that protects you from weapons or obstacles that are on the road. The shield only lasts for a while. If a opponent gets to close to you when you have the shield on, they will get blasted. You can also throw it by pressing the O button another time. Juiced: The shield turns blue and stays on you until you are hit by weapon or by an opponent. You can fire it by pressing the O button again. Dodging: Stay away from opponents who have this on. Hints: When you have it on, look for opponents to crash into. They will get thrown up in the air and you will take their position in the race. ----------------- Explosive Crates ----------------- Normal: Normally this is a TNT box. Lay it down on the road so a opponent can hit them. When hit, it lands on their head. It takes a few seconds to explode. Once it explodes they are sent hurling in the air. Juiced:juiced, it turns into a Nitro box. It explodes on impact unlike TNT boxes Dodging: Always look ahead to see if any are out there and make sure you maneuver away ahead of time. If you hit one, rapidly tap L1 or R1 to jump to make it get off you. You can use missiles or bombs to set them off before you reach the location also. Hints: Lay them behind crates to hide them from your opponents. It will surprise them once they get hit. ------------------ N. Brio's Beakers ------------------ Normal:is a green potion that you can launch either forward or backward. To launch it forward, hold up while hitting the O button. To make it go backward, just hit the O button. When someone hits it, they go in a spin. Juiced: When juiced, the potion turns red. Not only will you spin, but a cloud starts raining on you slowing you down. This only lasts a few seconds. Also what this does is mess up whatever weapon your opponent has. Lets say he has a Aku Aku/Uka Uka Mask. He loses it and gets another random weapon! Dodging: Look at the road ahead or use missiles or bombs. Hints: Try laying these behind crates to catch your opponents off guard. You can try launching them forward in front of your opponents. A accurate hit sends them out of control ---------------------- Aku Aku/Uka Uka Masks ---------------------- Normal: Aku Aku is for the good characters. Uka Uka is for the evil characters. The masks protect you from opponents as well as their attacks. The mask also gives you a boost of speed. If you get off the race track and must be brought back onto it, you will lose the mask if you had used it. Juiced: The masks give you extra time of use and a little more speed. Dodging: Get away from any racer using this. You don't want to get flung into the air do you? Hints: Use the mask before hitting a green speed pad and get a extra speed boost. Also try using it before a big jump. ------------- Turbo Charge ------------- Normal: The Turbo gives you a speed burst just like hitting a green speed pad on the road. Juiced: The turbo gives you even more speed than before. Hints: Use before a green speed pad and get tons of speed!! ---------- Warp Orbs ---------- Normal: The warp orb targets the helpless victim in first place. It makes them crash and burn. Juiced: This version of the Warp Orb targets ALL the opponents in front of you. Dodging: Just hope you are not in first place or in front of somebody using one. Hints: If it is juiced up, use it to get ahead in the race. Use it also if you are approaching the finish line and are in second place. --------------------------------- Super Engines (Battle Mode ONLY) --------------------------------- Normal: Constant turbo speed for a few seconds Juiced: Turbo speed for a longer period of time -------------------------------- Invisibility (Battle Mode ONLY) -------------------------------- Normal: Makes you invisible from your opponents. You can still be hit even though you cannot be traced. Juiced: Lasts for a longer period of time ============================================================================= 11. C O D E S ============================================================================= These codes were taken from Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com) ------ Codes ------ UNLOCK N. TROPY! To unlock N. Tropy, unlock his ghost on all the time trial tracks. After unlocking them beat ALL of them. After you beat the last one N. Tropy will tell you that he is now a selectable character!!! UNLOCK PENTA PENGUIN!?!?! Yeah Penta Penguin, a hidden character! Here is what to do. At the Title Screen: Hold L1 and R1, press Down, Right, Triangle, Down, Left, Triangle, Up. You will know you did it right since a bell will ring. (Thanx to YCrAsH13@aol.com for the Code!) Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! Demo: At the title screen, hold L1 + R1 and press Down, Circle, Triangle, Right. Unlock Fake Crash: To unlock this hidden character, beat the Purple Gem Cup at Gem Stone Valley. Unlock Ripper Roo: To unlock this boss, beat the Red Gem Cup at Gem Stone Valley. Unlock Papu Papu: To unlock this boss, beat the Green Gem Cup at Gem Stone Valley. Unlock Komodo Joe: To unlock this boss, beat the Blue Gem Cup at Gem Stone Valley. Unlock Pinstripe: To unlock this boss, beat the Yellow Gem Cup at Gem Stone Valley. Bonus Battle Arenas:
Beat all 4 cups on Arcade mode on each difficulty setting to unlock 3 hidden 
battle arena tracks.

Game Shark Codes
 | Unlock Everything                  | 50000302 0000 |
 | (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)          | 8008E6EC FFFF |
 |                                    |               |
 | Complete Adventure Mode Quickly    | 50000A02 0000 |
 | (GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)          | 8008FBA2 FFFF |

12. C O P Y R I G H T S

CTR: Crash Team Racing Game is Copyright 1999 Sony Computer Entertainment 
America, Characters and CTR: Crash Team Racing Copyright 1999 Universal 
Interactive Studios, Developed by Naughty Dog, Inc. This FAQ was written 
entirely by Moises Baez. This FAQ is Copyright Moises Baez 1999-2000. Use of 
this FAQ without written consent is prohibited and punishable by law.