Super pang walkthrough version 1.1 by rax Contents -Disclaimer -Version history -General notes and history -What's new from Pang! -How to play -Balloons -Something good -Weapons -Fruits -Various -Animals -Game modes -About panic mode -About world tour -General strategy -World tour levels -Ending -Cheats -Credits -Disclaimer This is an original work, and don't represent an official guide of the game. Is forbidden to copy the whole faq or a part of it without permission. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. -Version history v. 1.1 I corrected some errors inside the faq -General notes and history Name: Super Pang! Year: 1990 Genere: shooting game It is the sequel of Pang!, and was published only an year after the first one. Its successor, Pang!3, has been published in 1995 by the same manufacturer. -What's new from Pang! Better graphics The whole graphic elements are totally re-designed New bouncing system for the balloons It is more accurate now. When popping balloons sideways, the start rising 'till they get the regoular height for the balloon type (in Pang! the splitted balloons fell down firstly) Panic mode It's one of the best introductions, kept also in Pang!3 Exagons (not only baloons) Not very different from balloons, the exagons keep the game more difficult and various -How to play Control the game with: lever moves the character button shoot Move your character and destroy all the balloons in the stage. Although it seems quite simple, it isn't. -Balloons So, balloons are your main target. There are different sizes: lv.1 smallest balloons, will disappear with one shot lv.2 will pop in two lv.1 balloons lv.3 will pop in two lv.2 balloons lv.4 will pop in two lv.3 balloons lv.5 will pop in two lv.4 balloons When you hit a balloon with your weapon, you'll pop it in two little ones, and so on until you'll make them disappear. There are also the exagons, which acts like balloons, but they fly in straight line instead of bouncin on the ground. -Something good -Weapons The weapons are the main way to destroy ballons. Here's a list of all weapons with a short descrption. Harpoon This is the standard weapon, you'll start with it. Can hit the balloons with the point and with the rope. The shot disappears as it reaches a target or another obstacle. Double harpoon It's like the harpoon, but you can shoot twice in a row. Machinegun This is the fastest and most powerful weapon, but looses all advantages given by rope-weapons. It is useless when you have to pop only little balloons. It cannot destroy crystal walls. Grapple It works like the harpoon, but it freezes for a short time when reaches a platform edge. Useful in narrow stages. -Fruits There are many types of fruits, take them to increase your score. Also you can pop it with your weapon, but there is a reduction of points earned. -Various Here's a list of items that you'll find playing the game, with its effect. Clock Get this to freeze the balloons and creatures for a bit. Until they move you're invincible. Hour-glass Getting it you'll slower all the balloons for a short time. Dynamite Get it and all the balloons will pop till the smallest size. Don't get it when there are a lot of big balloons! It will be a disaster! Extra life This player-shaped bonus gives you an extra life. Bubble barrier Get it and a barrier will surround you. The barrier will disappear if hit by a balloon (the impact act like a shot, so the balloon will split or pop) or when the stage ends. Star I've seen it only once in the world tour mode, this one will destroy all the balloons in the stage and gives you a lot of points. -Animals Troughout the game you'll see various animals roaming on screen. Although they cannot kill you, some of them will try to harm you. Dragon: this kind of animal is really useful. It can pop balloons by touch, and will release a small explosion if hit & kick by the player. Ball-fish: this animal will fly in the screen, and if hits you prevent you to use your weapon for some seconds. Bird: you can find them alone or in groups. They can harm you as the ball-fish, but the red ones will give you a power-up if killed. -Game modes After pushing the start button, you'll be ask to choose a game mode, between panic mode an world tour mode. -About panic mode This is the non-stop mode of playing. It is important that you learn how to survive in the world tour mode before playing this one. The balloons keep pouring down, and there is no power up or weapon to get (but you'll start with double harpoon). Also, there is always in each balloon a flashing lv.1 balloon that stops time for 2 seconds. It is always the balloon on the left side (example: got a lv.2 balloon. Pop it and it will split in two lv.1. The left one is flashing.)(example #2: got a lv.3 balloon. Pop it and it will split in 2 lv.2 balloons. Pop the one on the left, will split in 2 lv.1 balloons. The one on the left is flashing.). For the exagons repeat the same things but on the opposite side. Destroying balloons and exagons you'll full a bar in the bottom of the screen. When the bar is full you'll change level: changing level means that all the balloons will slow down (in fact the speed always increases). There is also a special balloon that will appear, changing from green to orange. When it's green, it acts like a time stop for some seconds, when it's orange will destroy all balloons and exagons on screen. -About world tour mode Try to get to the end of the game passing 40 different stages. You will pass a stage when you'll pop all the balloons before time runs out. -General strategy This advices are helpful in both modes. 1 Learn how balloons bounce, and also when you can pass under them. 2 Pop balloons with rope sideway shooting before they reach your position and move away as soon as possible. If you have double harpoon, shoot two times quickly. 3 Don't get the machinegun when there are no big balloons. 4 Don't get the dynamite when there are big balloons. 5 Always get the clock waiting a big balloons to get closer, then move under and shoot quickly. 6 Killing the creatures will give you points, but remember that a roaming animals can pop balloons. 7 Don't stay in the corners, because you'll close by yourself a potential exit to a dangerous situation! 8 When you have to use a ladder to reach lower parts of the stage, start going down and move left or right while you're still on the ladder to let you fall down. This way it will be safer. -World tour levels The world levels are divided by geographic regions, a corresponding number is given (it's the same in the game, so you'll find the stage easily). For each stage I'll indicate: Balloons: number of balloons, their level, if there are exagons it will be specified. Notes: general description of the stage with outstanding features So let's go on! ASIA [1-1] Hong Kong Balloons: 16 (lv.1) Notes: a crystal platform in the center of the screen. Destry it to gain double harpoon. [1-2] Java Balloons: 1 (lv.4) Notes: two crystal platforms, one on the left (gives clock) and the other on the right (gives the hourglass). [1-3] Balloons: 20 (lv.1) Notes: two crystal platforms, one on the left (gives double harpoon) and the other on the right (gives the clock). [1-4] Balloons: 2 exagons (lv.3) Notes: there is a secret bonus. Shoot on the right side of the right point-shape platform to let a fruit appear. [1-5] Silk Road Balloons: 2 (lv.4) Notes: the 4 ladders with the two vert platforms are here to limit your movements. Watch out when only lv.1 balloons remains: wait for them in the center or climb a ladder and reach them carefully. [1-6] Balloons: 24 (lv.1) Notes: there are 76 crystal platforms to destroy (remember that each platform destryed gives you 500 pts) with a life bonus hidden in the left side [1-7] Balloons: 2 exagons (lv.3) Notes: two crystal platform, left (gives a fruit) and right (gives grapple) [1-8] Himarayas Balloons: 2 (lv.3), 2 (lv.2), 16 (lv.1) Notes: destroy the lower balloons first, and know that lhe lv.2 balloon on the left gives you always the double harpoon. Then destroy the 24 crystal platforms to release the remaining balloons. [1-9] Balloons: 4 (lv.3), 1 (lv.1) Notes: pop the lower baloons first, then go up with the ladder and destry the remaining, getting the double harpoon in the only crystal platform. [1-10] Balloons: 2 (lv.4) Notes: aim at the biggest balloon in the level, because it's easy to get the machinegun and quickly end the stage. [1-11] Istanbul Balloons: 2 (lv.3), 1 (lv.4) Notes: none [1-12] Balloons: 6(lv.2), 1 exagon (lv.2) Notes: pop the exagon once then go in the lower part of the stage. Free and pop all the balloons one by one, getting the extra life in one of the crystal platforms. [1-13] Baloons:2 (lv.4), 2 (lv.2) Notes: none EUROPE [2-14] Germany Baloons: 2 (lv.4) Notes: watch out for the platforms put in stair-shape, because they will slower you and make the baloons bounce back to the center easily! Do no get the dynamites often given when popping baloons! [2-15] Balloons: 2 (lv.4), 2 (lv.2) Notes: none [2-16] Balloons: 4 (lv.3) Notes: watch out for bounces between the platforms. Can't you see the higest tower of the castle in the background? Aim there to reveal a secret fruit. [2-17] Venice (AH! Finally my dear italy!) Balloons: 2 (lv.2), 2 (lv.4) Notes: shoot to the left side of the short ladder to get a secret bonus. [2-18] Balloons: 22 (lv.1) Notes: the balloons have the highest bounce possible, so try to forsee where they will land and move away! [2-19] Spain Balloons: 2 (lv.4), 2 exagons (lv.3) Notes: pop the ballon and the exagon in the lower part, then move up and finish them all after getting the extra life in the crystal platform on the left. [2-20] Balloons: 4 exagons (lv.3) Notes: do not get the dynamite, or you will know what chaos means.... [2-21] Balloons: 3 (lv.1), 3 (lv.2), 1 (lv.3), 1 exagon (lv.3) Notes: as the game starts, drop yourself in the right hole, pop the lv.1 balloon and get the bubble barrier. Then destroy the remaining balloons. [2-22] France Balloons: 1 (lv.4) Notes: you have no time to lose, so be quick. [2-23] Balloons: 2 (lv.2), 2 (lv.4) Notes: destroy the lv.2 balloons first, then pop the others. [2-24] Balloons: 2 (lv.4), 1 (lv.5) Notes: destroy the crystal platform on the right (only one!) and move to the left: this will avoid the right balloon to get close while you're popping the left one. Do not get the dynamite! [2-25] Tower bridge Balloons: 1 (lv.4), 2 (lv.2), 12 (lv.1) Notes: take care of the lv. 4 balloon first. Don't shoot the small sqare crystal platform! Use the left ladder to go up, move to the left where the lv.2 balloon is trapped, and shoot a rope: the balloon will hit it from below. Then move to the right and aim for the remaining balloons. To pop the ones trapped in the sqares on the left and right, move under the small platform, wait for a dragon, shoot and kick it toward the balloons. [2-26] Balloons: 2 (lv.3) Notes: you must know that the falshing balloons act in a different way... in fact, when you pop them they will split as usual, but release double balloons (for example, a flashing lv.2 balloons will split in 4 lv.1 instead of 2). In the center of the screen there is a frozen platfom, you will slip over it so be careful. [2-27] Balloons: 15 exagons (lv.1), 2 (lv.4) Notes: I've found out only a way to survive in this stage. Walk on the right, quickly shoot on the step to hit the balloon getting too close without stop walking. On the rightest platform first pop the exagons, than the remaining balloons and exagons. AMERICA [3-28] Canada Balloons: 2 (lv.2) Notes: kill the birds to gain the bubble barrier, and try to get any useful item. [3-29] Balloons: 4 (lv.2), 1 (lv.3), 1 exagon (lv.3) Notes: watch out for the flashing balloon. [3-30] Balloons: 2 (lv.5) Notes: destroy the first crystal platform on the left to get the machinegun, then start shooting. Get a clock as fast as you can, but avoid dynamites and grapples. You better know that there is another machinegun on the right. [3-31] Wild west Balloons: 7 exagons (lv.3) Notes: get more power-ups as you can (everything but the dynamite) and watch out for rebounds over platforms. [3-32] Balloons: 12 exagons (lv.1), 2 (lv.4) Notes: the big balloons are trapped, so try to pop all the exagon first. [3-33] Balloons: 2 (lv.4), 2 (lv.3), 1 (lv.2) Notes: the lv.2 balloon is a flashing one. Do not get the dynamite. [3-34] Ruins of maya Balloons: 4 (lv.4) Notes: no particular strategy, just have to be very lucky..... [3-35] Balloons: 2 (lv.4), 2 exagons (lv.3) Notes: don't get the dynamite, and watch out for small platforms in the lower part of the level, will always stop your rope weapons. [3-36] Balloons: 3 (lv.1), 3 (lv.2), 1 (lv.3), 3 exagons (lv.3) Notes: all the balloons are trapped, so pop the exagon first. It's easy to get the bubble barrier, but get also the grapple because it's a narrow level. Watch out for flashing balloons. there is also an extra life, but really hard to reach. [3-37] Balloons: 2 (lv.3), 1 exagon (lv.2) Notes: at the beginning of the level climb the ladder to let the balloons pass under you, then move down the bottom of the stage. Both the balloons are flashing, but I reccomend you to pop them first, without destroying the crystal platforms. [3-38] Balloons: 9 (lv.1), 2 (lv.2), 1 (lv.3), 2 exagons (lv.2) Notes: the first thing is run to the left, pop the little crystal platform and get the grapple. Then pop the lower lv.1 balloons and the exagon coming from the right. Before going up and finish the level, walk left and shoot twice to get te bubble barrier and to hit the other exagon. [3-39] Balloons: 2 (lv.4), 2 exagons (lv.3) Notes: well well well. I think this is the hardest stage you'll meet. While you're falling, move right to fall to the middle platform, then avoid the dynamites and pop them all! try to get a clock and the barrier. [3-40] FINAL STAGE! Balloons: 2 (lv.5) Notes: show everything you've learned troughout the whole game, and you'll make it! -Ending At the end of the game a BIG bonus (1.000.000 points) will be given to player, followed by a staff roll sequence with some little pictures. Also the level selection cheat will be revealed. -Cheats I was not sure to insert this code for level selection, because I know that this will ruin the joy of discover all the game...... I hope you'll use it only if you've found a level that you are not able to pass in the normal way. Hold the lever down when selecting the game mode and press shoot button. -Credits Any kind of help is welcome, and will be credited in this section. If you want to contact me, e-mail at: I will answer as soon as possible.