US Bust a Groove Changes Guide Version v1.2 Compiled by : shidoshi ( Last Updated : December 5th, 1998 Section 1 : WHAT WE EXPECTED TO BE CHANGED *Hiro lost his cigarette. *Strike's flask has been changed to a coke (or, more specifically, a red-canned beverage). *Hamm's lips are not as pronounced as they once were. *The word "Nigga" from Hamm's song has been edited out, but poorly - the initial "N" sound can still be heard. Section 2 : CHANGES FROM THE MANUAL * Kitty-N is now part of the "Litterbox Warriors 5." (I'd LOVE to know what they were thinking on that one) The original name of the group was "Love Love Senshi Miracle 5," a group of CosPlay soldiers from a popular Japanese television show. *Shorty's father was changed from being a diplomat in the Japanese version to being a DJ in the US. Her mother was/is a supermodel in both versions. Section 3 : WEIRD CHANGED / CHANGES FOR THE WORSE * Hamm's song has a strange part at the beginning. The line "Hamburger lovers let me hear you say ho!" is in a place where it shouldn't be, before and ends up being in the song twice. Upon closer inspection, the line was thrown in to cover up the line "McDonalds, Burger King, or any other place." * Strike's song is edited strangely too. The original song had the lines: "Like Arnold Schwartzeneger I'm the only true eraser, Go drink that tequila here comes your cola chaser ... Too Bad..." The song now goes: "Like Arnold Schwartzeneger I'm the only true era ... blank space ... Too Bad..." This edit is odd. If it was a case of copyright, why not take out Arnold's name? Why leave part of "eraser" in? The second line could have been taken out due to the reference to alchohol, but it's hard to hear in the first place. Arg ... stupid American standards. [grumble] * Frida's music NOT translated from Japanese. Very odd. * Menus and menu fonts changed. No idea why. * Hiro lost the "kun" from his name in the loading screen announcement - the cut sounds odd. Would have been better left untouched. (Fans still call out "Hiro-kun!" though) * Stages are easier to "intensify." * Kitty-N's music reverts back to the original Japanese mix if you turn off vocals. (Odd, and a bit dissapointing, as I like the remix and wanted to hear it sans lyrics) * Some songs seem to have a bit of distortion to them, namely Kelly's. The English version of the song sounds like it's being played through a blown-out stereo at it's highest points, which was not the case in the Japanese version. Section 4 : MUSIC CHANGED FOR THE US VERSION * Kelly. Not too bad. Lyrics seem to fit, vocalist fits well. Thumbs up. * Shorty. Lyrics, as far as I know, aren't quite what the original song was about ... didn't it have to due with her being at the amusement park where she dances as well as her argument with her parents? Vocalist is also, IMHO, NOT fitting - the song used to be cute, not so much anymore. Does grow on you a bit with time. Thumbs in the middle. * Kitty-N. This was my favorite song of the Japanese version, so I was eager to hear the changes. Name of song totally changed, lyrics don't seem to really fit anymore - not necessarily Kitty-N's song anymore, more generic. However, the remix is AWESOME - not better than the Japanese version, but just as good in it's own way. Awesome opener, vocalist fits great, definitely a good English job. Thumbs way up. * Capoeira. Ugh. This one doesn't work at all. Lyrics and vocalist's pitch screw the song up. Thumbs way down. Section 5 : THE UNEXPLAINED * wrote me the following: Both the US *and* original Japanese versions of Shorty's theme are on the US version disc. If you've got a CD-XA player, you can toss it through that to listen to it... the Japanese track is the fifth audio track in /XA/DANCEXA2.XA. I really don't know how to play this without either a CD-XA player, or a PAR/Gameshark with Caetla or similar tool... regardless, I was pretty excited to find this. It's cuter than the US version! ^.^ Section 6 : SHIDOSHI'S LAST THOUGHTS So what do I think? I bought the US version for two reason - for the English versions of the songs, and to help support the game. The latter I'll still agree with, but the English songs are a mixed bag. Kitty-N's and Kelly's are awesome, Shorty's is iffy, Capoeira's is bad. The amount of stupid little changes in the game really turn me off, and will probably cause me to keep playing the Japanese version. If the Japanese version had the option to include the English versions of the songs, that would be the best case scenario. As it stands, if you can't get the Japanese version, or can't play imports, certainly pick up the US version. If you have the Japanese version, and would be buying the US version strictly for the English-changed tracks, check the game out first. $35+ is a lot to spend just to hear a few of the songs now in English. --- ^_^ shidoshi "Beware of ideas others come up with for rescuing you from the river, especially if they involve dropping a heavy stone right on you." Mail : www :