**************************************** *Bust-A-Move: Dance & Rhythm Action FAQ* * by * * Joel Alambra * * ver. 1.01 * **************************************** ----------- FAQ History ----------- ver. 1.01 - Changed contact info. Added this FAQ history. ver. 1.00 - This FAQ ----------- How to Play ----------- The game play is very simple. On every fourth beat you are required to press a specific button either X or O. Before the fourth beat you have to input a series of arrow commands. The arrow commands do not have to be with the beat. The only thing that has to be with the beat is the button command. If you look in the upper left or right corner of the screen, you'll notice a little face. The face sticks it's tongue out and then it goes back in. When the tongue is in the mouth that is the fourth beat. This may help some who have lost the rhythm during the game. --------- Dance Bar --------- At the bottom of the screen is your character's dance bar. The bar has 7 levels to it. The higher the bar's level, the more branching dance paths you will be given. The better you dance, the higher the bar. The more you screw up, the lower the bar. ----- Solos ----- At some point during the match you will be required to do a solo. Just follow the command as you normally would during the game. The bottom path is worth more, but harder than the top path. ------------------ High Scoring Moves ------------------ Refer to Henry LaPierre FAQ for each character's high scoring move. --------- Attacking --------- To attack press the Triangle button on the fourth beat, instead of the usual X or O command. You do not need to input any of the arrow commands prior to pressing the Triangle. If the attack connects the opponent will be unable to dance for the next 2 measures and his/her dance bar will go down. In addition some of his/her dance bar is transferred to you. You can only attack twice during each match and cannot attack during a solo. The little face in the upper left or right corner (depending on which side you're on) shows you how many attacks you have left. When it's lit you can attack, when it's not you can't attack. ------- Dodging ------- To dodge an attack press the Square button on the fourth beat, instead of the usual X or O command. Again, you do not need to input any of the arrow commands prior to pressing the Square. --------------------- Branching Dance Paths --------------------- As your power bar increases you'll be given the option to input either the top commands or the bottom commands. The bottom route is harder and earns you more points. Here are all the branching paths possible in the game and the level the power bar has to be at in order to perform these moves. |--22--29 | |--16-- | | |--11-- |--23--30 | | | |--07-- |--17-- | | | | |--04-- |--12-- |--24--31 | | | | | |--02-- |--08-- |--18-- | | | | | | 01-- |--05-- |--13-- |--25--32 | | | | | | |--03-- |--09-- |--19-- | | | | | |--06-- |--14-- |--26--33 | | | | |--10-- |--20-- | | | |--15-- |--27--34 | | |--21-- | |--28--35 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= 01 - O 01 - O 01 - O 01 - O 01 - O 02 - X 03 - R,O 03 - R,O 03 - R, O 03 - R,O 04 - R,X 05 - L,O 06 - U,U,O 06 - U, U, O 06 - U,U,O 07 - D,X 08 - D,O 09 - U,U,X 10 - U, R, O 10 - U,R,O 11 - U,X 12 - D,D,X 13 - L,R,X 14 - L, R, O 15 - U,U,U,O 16 - R,R,X 17 - R,R,O 18 - D,R,X 19 - D, D, D, O 20 - L,L,L,O 22 - D,D,X 23 - L,L,O 24 - D,D,D,X 25 - D, U, D, O 26 - R,U,R,O 29 - U,R,X 30 - R,R,R,O 31 - U,D,U,X 32 - L, R, L, O 33 - U,D,U,D,O ======= ======= ---------------- LEVEL 6 LEVEL 7 | KEY | ======= ======= | --- | 01 - O 01 - O | U - UP | 03 - R, O 03 - R, O | D - DOWN | 06 - U, U, O 06 - U, U, O | L - LEFT | 10 - U, R, O 10 - U, R, O | R - RIGHT | 15 - U, U, U, O 15 - U, U, U, O | X - X BUTTON | 21 - D, U, L, R, O 21 - D, U, L, R, O | O - O BUTTON | 27 - D, U, D, U, O 28 - D, D, R, L, L, O ---------------- 34 - L, L, U, R, R, O 35 - D, L, R, U, L, X ----------------- Secret Characters ----------------- Capoeira - beat the game with any character on Normal Robo-Z - beat the game with any character on Hard Columbo - beat the game with Shorty after getting Robo-Z Burger Dog - beat the game with Hamm after getting Robo-Z ----- Other ----- There are no second attacks despite what you see in Dance View. ------- Credits ------- Joel Alambra - author (jalamb01@longisland.poly.edu) Special thanks to Henry LaPierre for the High Scoring Moves list