Updated 4/26/01 System: Psx Bugs bunny and Taz TimeBusters Writer:Wallywest80 Version 1.0 Contact information: Any help or comments e-mail me at Wallywest80@hotmail.com and if i use your tip in the FAQ you will get full credit for it. ======================================================================= Copyright ======================================================================= This document is Copyright© 2001, Johnny mayo. All Rights Reserved. THIS MAY NOT BE USED ON ANY OTHER SITE OTHER THEN WWW.GAME FAQS.COM IF YOU SEE THIS ON ANY OTHER SITE E-MAIL ME. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS TO MAKE MONEY IN ANY WAY. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE RETRANSMITTED, EDITED, ALTERED, PUBLISHED, IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. IF I FIND YOU HAVE I WILL SEEK LEGAL ACTION . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok as i start this FAQ i just want you to know why I'm doing it at all, See i really love this game and the message board for it i dead most times and people need answers and well dang it if others won't do it I will. So enjoy this FAQ and if you can help me with it by adding stuff just E- mail me and i will be glad to add stuff and you will get full credit for it, And together we can make this the best FAQ for this game around. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0: The bosses are in here now and well i don't know how much more i will add. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| -CONTENTS- 1.Control 2.Story 3.Sam 4.Elmer 5.Bubba chop 6.Count Blood Count 7.Q&A 8.Thanks To. ======================================================================= Controls ======================================================================= Ok here i will give you a list of the buttons and actions you use because whats a game without buttons?:P Ok bad jokes over this move on. Bugs Bunny controls. Jump: X button Ear Copter: O button Action: Triangle button Kick: ￾ button Switch Camera: R1 Call Taz: L1 Rotate Camera left: R2 Rotate Camera right: L2 Taz controls. Pull a face: O button Jump: X button Spin: ￾ button Action: Triangle button Switch Camera: R1 Call Bugs: L1 Rotate Camera left: R2 Rotate Camera right: L2 ======================================================================= Story ======================================================================= While on duty as the top pest controller for "Jet age pest control" , Daffy Duck™ Accidentally breaks Granny's time regulator and is thrown back in time with the core of this machine, a precious Time Gem. It's up to Bugs Bunny™ and the Tasmanian Devil™ to bring back this timee gem and restore order to time. To do so this unlikely pair will have to travelthrough 4 different eras in time and will come up aginist some of the toughest advesaires around such as Yosemite Sam™, Elmer Fudd™, Bubba Chop™ and Count Bloodcount™. ======================================================================= Sam Tips ======================================================================= OK when you start out here go to your right and have Taz push the pill all the way to the right and a cut scene will come up with Yosemite SAM running around, Now go to the pillar in the middle of the room and push it forward and another cut scene with SAM will be shown. Now head to the last one and it should be on your left and have Taz push it into the wall the same as the rest of them. SAM will grab a torch and run into the room now, Just run around until he gets tired and have bugs just kick him so he drops the torch. Now jump onto a pillar and use the torch with the square button and burn that rope, Then SAM runs back into the room with a new torch so you just run around and he gets tired again so you have bugs go up and kick him again so he drops the torch, Grab it with Triangle button and then go over to a pillar and jump up on it and use it with the square button and burn the rope , And then SAM runs out one last time and all you have to do is repeat what you done before and you have beat the boss. ======================================================================= Elmer tips ======================================================================= First thing you do is use bugs and run over to the place where Elmer is at and jump on the three switches to lower Elmer down, Once he is down run over and kick him and make him drop his hammer, Once you have the hammer grab it with the Triangle button and run over to the center of this stage and use it on the little triangle things by pressing the Square button. Elmer will now run to the next Platform so use bugs to jump on the two yellow switches then change to Taz and have him spin on the green switch, This will lower Elmer down so just run up to him and kick him or spin on him to make him drop the hammer then grab it and run over and use it to smash one of the triangles in the center of this stage. And Elmer will run once again, So have Taz run over and spin on the green switch then change to bugs so he can jump on the yellow switch, Now have Taz open the rabbit hole near the start of this boss stage (You will have seen it on your way in) And then have Bugs hop in the hole and then move over there and bump the switches from below to lower Elmer down so you can hit him and get the hammer, Once you have it just repeat what you did before and hit the triangles in the center of the stage. Elmer will run once again to the next platform, SO have Bugs jump in the rabbit hole and move over under the brown switch and bump it from below, Next have bug get out of the hole and stand on the blue switch and this one is triggered by lightning so wait till the last second to move so the lightning hits the switch, Then have Taz spin on the green one to lower Elmer down and then all you have to do is run at Elmer and kick him to get the hammer and use the hammer to yet again hit the blue triangle switch in the center of this stage. Elmer will move onto the last platform so have bugs stand on the first blue switch the one triggered by lightning and wait till the last second to move so it's switched, then run to the next one and do the same on that blue switch, Now have Taz come in and spin on the green one to lower Elmer down and get the hammer as before and use it to smash the last blue triangle in the center of the room to defeat Elmer once and for all. ====================================================================== Bubba Chop Tips ====================================================================== To beat Bubba chop first have Bugs Hop on the switch in the top left and without moving bugs change ot taz, Now have Taz run around till you can get bubba chop under the chest that falls (Look for the little shadow at each side of the room) Just have bubba run under it and when it hits him have taz pick him up with the Triangle button and carry him to the corner where bugs is, You will notice a gong has lowered (thanks to bugs standing on the switch) Just move into the corner and throw bubba into it with the Square button. Now change to bugs again and have him stand on the switch in the upper right hand corner, now change back to taz and run from bubba and get him under the chest again as before and then have taz pick him up and walk to the corner where bugs is and throw him into the gong. Now change to bugs and go to the bottom left corner and repeat the above steps. Then one last time change to bugs and go to the bottom right corner and repeat the above steps to beat bubba chop. ======================================================================= Count Blood Count Tips ======================================================================= This may be one of the hardest parts in the game because it's hard ot figure out how to beat the count but here is how. OK the count will be throwing the floor at you from four corners of the room so when the count pops up have bugs jump on top while the count is still holding the tile over his head to crash it down on him Then the count will fly out the window breaking it, Then Have Taz go over and get under the broke window and change to bugs and have Bugs jump on Taz so you can reach the ledge, Then change to Taz and get behind the gargoyle and push it forward off the ledge then jump down and push it forward again till it clicks into place. The count will fly back in breaking another window, Have bugs or Taz attack the count when he stops to laugh, You are now clear to go to the new broke window and just repeat what you done on the last one. Now the count will fly in breaking the third window, To hit the count this time let him fall down and jump up on the little thing he is on (it's hooked to a chain) and kick him with bugs, This lets you get to the third ledge safely and just push that gargoyle forward off the ledge and then into place like the other times. And once again the count will fly in but this is the last time, All you need to do is avoid him till he stands still and then run up and kick him, Then go over repeat the steps for the final ledge like you did with all the others and once you click the last one into place you will have won the game! I hope this helps you .i know this is the hardest to figure out. ======================================================================== Q & A ======================================================================== Q:Can i help with the FAQ? A:Yeah you can, if you have any ideas for this FAQ or want to add something then drop me a E-mail and I'll check it out and if i use it then you will get full credit for it. Q:Are there any codes for this game? A:There are none that i know of right now. Q:Can i e-mail you and ask for help? A:Sure but I'm not always the best at checking my E-mail so i don't know how long it will take, And i can't answer ever thing about the game but i will try to help. ======================================================================= Thanks To ======================================================================= Well thanks to CjayC for having this site and posting this my second FAQ. Thanks to my Father for well having rasied me up well :) And to many other people from GameFAQs who are great friends like Wroth, Bekah strife, C_A even if he does hit me with signposts! And well just thanks to many people but i have no room for all i wish to say so thanks to all! ======================================================================= End of the FAQ =======================================================================