\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ BBBBBB EEEEEE YY YY BBBBBB LL AAAAAA DDDDD EEEEEE BB BBB EE YY YY BB BBB LL AA AA DD DD EE BBBBBB EEEE YY BBBBBB LL AAAAAA DD DD EEEE BB BBB EE YY BB BBB LL AA AA DD DD EE BBBBBB EEEEEE YY BBBBBB LLLLLL AA AA DDDDD EEEEEE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Table of Contents 1. Introduction: Beyblade-What is it? 2. The Tournament 3. Beyblade Parts 4. Beyblade Combinations 5. Tips 6. Information On Real Life Beyblades 1. Introduction \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Beyblade is a toy that started out in Japan made by the company Takara Toy. In this game, you start out as a rookie beyblader. You can start with either a dragoon s with a kid dragoon bit beast or a dranzer s with a knight dranzer bit beast. If you are a beginner, I suggest you start with dranzer s. There are three sections in this game. They are "Tournament", "Free battle" and "Customize". In the "Tournament" option, you can battle beybladers from all around the world to become the champion. Once you win, you will recieve a random beyblade part. In the free battle, you can battle as yourself or another character. You can also battle against a friend that has a saved file in this section. For more information, look in the beyblade booklet that came with this game. The customize section allows you to buy new beyblade parts and change the parts of your current beyblade. 2. Tournament //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The tournament consists of eight back to back matches. The first three will be against blader a, blader b and blader c. The are fairly easy and shouldn't take too long to beat. They are only hard to beat on your first time through, but still I beat it on my first time through. Here are the strategies for beating them. Blader A- try to stay in the middle and use a blade with good endurance because his blade will be hard to knock out the first time through the tournament. Blader B- try to dodge his attacks and stay in the middle. Chances are that his beyblade will be too fast and he will lose control which will result in it going out of the stadium. Blader C- use the same strategy as the one you used for blader a. After these three battles, you will start to face the characters from the show. Here are the strategies to beat them. Tyson- in my opinion Tyson is the worst character in the game. Just stay in the middle and Tyson will lose control of his beyblade which will result in it going out of the stadium. Ray- Use the same strategy as you used with Tyson because their blading style is basically the same. (Watch out for his bit, Driger, it rox) Kai- to beat Kai, use a good defensive beyblade. This is because he will usually set his blade base on flat. That means that his blade is usually in attack mode. He is the third strongest character in the game. Max- Max is really tough to beat. Use and endurance/defense blade against him. Try to stay near the middle to be prevented from getting knocked out. Also, when you use your bit beast, Max will usually dodge it. Max is the strongest character in the game. Lee-use a good defence/endurance type blade against him. His blade is able to switch from attack to defence mode when it is hit. When he is in attack mode, try to parry his attacks. He shouldn't be too tough to beat. Micheal- Micheal uses an attack type blade. Use a defence type against him. He rarely uses his bit beast and rarely dodges bit beast so this should be an easy win. Robert- use a combination type against him. He will dodge your bit beast pretty often. Tala- Tala has a strong defensive/endurance type blade. Use an endurance/defencive type against him. Try to stay near the centre to prevent being knocked out. Tala dodges your bit beast very often, so watch out. Well, that covers the tournament. 3. Beyblade Parts \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Here are the stats for the beyblade parts. Bit beast |Attack | Defence | Endurance | Hp | ------------------------------------------------------ Dragoon- 30 10 10 10 dranzer- 25 10 10 10 driger- 30 5 5 5 draciel- 15 30 30 30 wolborg- 20 20 20 20 trygle- 15 20 15 20 griffon- 30 0 0 0 kid dragoon- 25 5 5 5 knight dranzer- 20 10 10 10 galeon- 25 10 10 10 Attack Ring | Attack |Defence |Endurance | Hp | --------------------------------------------------- dual dragoon- 55 85 55 85 flame wing- 55 85 60 85 cross fang- 40 60 40 60 eight spikes- 35 65 45 65 upperwolf- 40 70 40 70 triple wing- 45 80 60 80 cross griffon- 55 100 70 100 reverse dragon- 35 75 45 75 double wing- 50 65 45 65 roaring lion- 65 70 50 70 Weight Disk |Attack | Defence |Endurance | Hp | ------------------------------------------------------ eight wide- 25 25 10 25 eight heavy- 25 30 15 30 eight balance- 25 35 20 35 Spin Gears |Attack |Defence | Endurance | Hp | --------------------------------------------------------------------- right spin gear- 10 30 20 30 lef spin gear- 10 30 20 30 right spin gear with metal balls- 15 40 30 40 left spin gear with metal balls- 15 40 30 40 Blade Bases |Attack | Defence | Endurance | Hp | -------------------------------------------------------- phantom grip base 110 60 45 60 flame change base 85 65 105 65 full auto clutch 120 70 95 70 fortress base 80 100 125 100 defensegrip base2 90 100 145 100 jumping base 95 60 100 60 griffolyn base 100 50 100 50 storm base 90 60 60 60 spiral base 80 70 115 75 semiflat base 100 70 90 70 Launcher | max spin | min spin | spin | ------------------------------------------------------- normal launcher | 6000 | 3000 | right | reverse launcher| 6500 | 2500 | left | ezgrip launcher | 7000 | 3000 | right | reverse ez lnch.| 7500 | 2500 | left | sniper grip | 7000 | 3000 | right | catapult | 9000 | 4000 | right | dragoon elec. | 10000 | 3000 | left | dranzer elec. | 10000 | 3000 | right | driger elec. | 10000 | 3000 | right | ------------------------------------------------------- There you have it, the stats for all the parts in the game. Inform me if I have an error and I will look into it. 4. Beyblade Combinations ///////////////////////////////////////////// Before I start, the combinations in the game are very much like the ones in real life. This game is really realistic except for the bit beasts. If the combination works well in the game, chances are that it will work well in real life. Now without further ado, here are the combinations. 1. Dragoon bit Cross Fang Eight Balance Left spin gear with metal balls storm grip base Comments- a good attack combination, but only recommended for experts 2. Dranzer/Dragoon bit double wing eight balance left spin gear with metal balls semi-flat base comments- an okay attack/defence combo, not the best endurance 3. Dranzer bit cross griffon eight balance right spin gear with metal balls phantom grip base comments- a good attack combo, if you want an attack type, this is pretty much the best way to go... 4.Draciel bit cross griffon eight balance fortress base comments- a really good defence/endurance combo, one of the best 5.Dragoon bit Roaring lion eight balance griffolyn's base comments- an okay attack/defence combo 6.Draciel bit eight spikes eight heavy fortress base comments- good for defence 7.Dranzer bit twin flame eight balance semi defence2 comments- a really, really good combo, second best in the game 8. After playing this game and have collected all the parts, I have found the three best combo. However, I shall not tell you. You must play the game and collect all the parts to find out, just as I did. =D (One combo is good for attack, one good for defence/endurance and one has really high hp) 5. Tips \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Here are some tips for this game. 1. Pressing the x button when the two blades collide will reduce the damage you recieve and increase the damage you do. You will also gain legend power(lp). Once you have 25 lp, you can summon your bit beast. 2. Attack type blades are hard to control because they are too fast. The solution is to press the directional button in the opposite direction that the blade is going. This will slow it down. 3. To dodge a bit beast, press the square, triangle or circle button before the screen fades to black. 4. With the dragoon, dranzer, kid dragoon, and knight dranzer bit, you can do a bit beast launch. To do this, you must launch your blade with a lp of 20. You must also press the square button instead of the x button. 5. Your bit beast's experience will only increase when you use it in battle. 6. The higher the level you're at, the better the stats of your blade will be. 7. If your hp is below 100, then you should repair your blade, but do not repair it if is is above 100 because it will screw up the balance of your blade. 8. Allways have a back up beyblade in case your current one gets destroyed. That way, you will not have to forfeit the match if it does break. 9. If your bit beast is at a high level, it will do more hp damage when you summon it. 6. Information On Real Beyblades ////////////////////////////////// This is my beyblade ranking for the top ten beyblades. 10. Galman- Its attack ring has very good defence. The blade base is capable of doing the crazy monkey if you know how to do it. 9. Dranzer s- it has a good blade base that can change from attack mode to endurance mode. I usually keep mine in endurance mode as it can spin for a really long time. 8. Driger s- it has really good speed and will rarely fall into the pockets. It also has pretty good defence. If you mix defence and speed, you get a smash attack type blade. 7. Driger v- it has good attack and defence on the attack ring. The blade base has good attack at first, then slows down for better endurance. The spin gear is magnetic which is really cool. 6. Galeon- its attack ring can change from attack to defence mode. Its base is low so it has good attack. The endurance and defence or this blade is pretty good too. 5. Master Draciel- its attack ring has awesome defence. It has the biggest attack ring I can think of. The endurance of the blade base is truly awesome. 4. Dranzer f- The best part about this blade the the attack ring and base. The attack ring is well rounded and has high attack, defence and endurance. The base is really good because it can change from attack, defence or endurance mode. 5. Master Kid Dragoon- It has an awesome attack ring paired with a really fast base. The attack ring is designed to lift its opponents. This makes the other blade lose balance. 4. Griffolyn- It has a really well rounded attack ring. When the dragon model is connected to it, it can dish out some real damage. 3. Master Driger- It has a METAL blade base and a HUGE weight disk. The biggest official weight disk there is. What else can I say. 2. Wolborg- It has an awesome base and attack ring. The base spins freely from the tip which gives it better endurance. The base also has very good defence. 1. WOLBORG2- Its base is basically the same as the first one, but it is slightly better in defence and attack. The attack ring has the best attack in my opinion. If you launch this blade on an angle, when it hits the other blade, it will even out and cause the other blade to lose balance. aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD BBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BB BB LL EEEEE TTTTTT II TTTTTT RRRRR II PPPPP !! LL EE TT II TT RR RR II PP PP !! LL EEE TT II TT RRRRR II PPPPP !! LL EE TT II TT RR RR II PP LLLLL EEEEE TT II TT RR RR II PP !! Copyright 2003 hellfirediamonddust