Arthur: Ready to Race FAQ Walkthrough Copyright 2003 RichardB Email: I. Version History: Here's the version history for this darn guide. I will update it in the future, hopefully. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.50: The original version. Eventually I'll go into detail about the jokes, cards, and CDs. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: I. Version History II. Introduction III. Legal Disclaimer IV. Email Rules V. IM Rules VI. Walkthrough VII. Jokes VIII. My Review IX. Outro X. Credits II. Introduction: It's me, Gbness. I'm doing a guide for Arthur: Ready to Race, to get me closer to the profilic authors. Now don't get me wrong about this game, I simply despise this game. I put my review at the end of this game so people can get a clear view of what I feel about the game. But, since there's no walkthrough yet, I guess it's up to me to do this, and I'm going to do it! I suppose that there are spoilers in here, but no one should really care a thing about spoilers in this game. III. Legal Disclaimer: You are NOT permitted to put this FAQ on your site without my permission first. All you have to do is email me or IM me saying you want this FAQ on your site, then you can tell me your site and the chance is high that I'll let you. But if you put this FAQ on your site without my permission I swear you will regret it. If I let you, not ONE word should be changed from this FAQ! NOT ONE! Got it? Good. IV. E-Mail Rules: I love getting good emails, so you're free to email me with a question any time, and I will answer questions already answered in this FAQ. But these are the rules: 1. Don't send me a question for something that this FAQ shouldn't list anyway. 2. If you email me try to make it neat. There's a much higher chance I won't respond to you if the email has ALL CAPS, no caps, and no short talk like i instead of I, ur instead of you're, etc. 3. Don't send me advertisements. They will be ignored and deleted. 4. No silly stuff. If you follow these 4 rules there's a 99% chance I will respond to you within 12 hours. V. IM Rules: I also like getting IMs, but don't send them to me too often, or they may be ignored. I am on often, so feel free to IM me, but keep it light. The same rules apply. VI. Walkthrough: Enjoy my walkthrough. It's the best I can handle. Sorry if it's disappointing, but I hated the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Start: -------------------------------------------------------------------- We start off the game with a scene with Arthur and his friends Francine, Buster, and Brain. They are really bored, and just looking for something to do. Suddenly, a page flies down from the sky. As Buster and Francine are arguing, Arthur realizes he wants to take part in the race. Thanks to Brain's car, Arthur realizes he can do it. He will go to Brain's garage and look at his car. He'll realize it's a bit dusty and rusty. So he goes out to try it! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Brain's Garage, Car Race ------------------------------------------------------------------- Arthur will try the car out. Try to go straight and avoid big turns, and try to pick up the Bionic Bunny cards. I've no idea what they're supposed to be for, but even so, you should pick them up, just in case you're interested. Do a good job, and you'll be done with this part. Arthur will agree to find the car parts for Brain and Francine, and they'll give him a blueprint. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Elwood City ------------------------------------------------------------------- Brain and Francine will tell you to get some parts for the car. So it's up to you. Head to the right, and you'll see the library. If you've ever watched the show, you'll definitely know exactly what this place looks like. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Library, Baby Kate Challenge ------------------------------------------------------------------- (Since Arthur's mom is named Jane, I'll refer to her as that.) Jane and D.W. are here. Baby Kate is gone. Arthur has to find her BEFORE D.W. does it. The bar down below will tell you how close you are to Baby Kate. Once Baby Kate gets to the end of that bar, D.W. will find her. What you need to do is head straight to the left, because that is where Kate is. Ignore D.W., just go that way picking up cards and coins, and then you'll see her crawling around. Jane will thank you and award you with the Rear Wheels for the car. Now, if you wish, don't leave yet. Go outside and enter the library again, and then press X to skip the talk. Head along the whole library ignoring Baby Kate, and you can get all the cards and coins and CDs you need here. This challenge isn't hard at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Elwood City ------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, we've got one part, we need three more, the Steering Wheel, the Car Body, and the Front Wheels. Let's tackle the Car Body first, shall we? You'll see Binky to the left and up ahead, by the cemetery. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cemetery, Binky's Challenge ------------------------------------------------------------------- Binky wants you to find his backpack in the cemetery, and like the coward he is, he won't go himself because he's scared. See the bar with the ghost below? Avoid trees, bats, and ghosts. If you run into them, the ghost will get closer to the end. If it gets to the end of the bar, Arthur will become too frightened to remain in the cemetery and will head out. All you have to do is go straight, avoiding things, picking up the CD, coins, and cards, noticing the backpack on the way, and jumping over logs when needed. Arthur will come to the end eventually, and Binky will give the Car Body if you noticed the backpack. He's a lot nicer than he was in the show, that's for sure. Next stop: Arthur's house. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Elwood City ------------------------------------------------------------------- By now you should have enough coins to go to the toy store and buy something neat for your car. You may want to stop there, and buy any thing you want, or some paint for the car. None of these things are useful by any means, but hey, who cares? Go to Arthur's house, the straight path in the middle of Elwood City next to the houses. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Arthur's House, Pal's Challenge ------------------------------------------------------------------- Because Arthur's dad is called David, I'll refer to him as that. Arthur and David will talk, and then you'll notice that Pal has a bit of turkey in his mouth. Apparently it's for David's cooking career. So now, you'll have to chase Pal. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see a bar. This bar indicates how close you are to catching your dog, Pal. Go straight and avoid the dirt on the ground, watch where Pal is going, ignore the coins and cards, while you may pick up the CD, and you'll get him. After this, David will see that Pal happened to pick up something in his doghouse. It's the Steering Wheel. If you want, torture yourself through that again and you'll get some coins and cards, not to mention the fact that David gives you some coins if you do this... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Elwood City ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that this is done, there's only one thing left, the Front Wheels. Head to the far left of Elwood City, and we'll find everyone's favorite character from the show Arthur, Muffy. She apparently has some business... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Muffy's Apartment, Tomato Challenge ------------------------------------------------------------------- Muffy is picking tomatoes here, no seriously, SHE isn't doing it, it's her butler's job, but of course, her butler isn't here. So it's Arthur's job. You have to pick up 20 tomatoes before Muffy's butler catches you. The circle at the bottom will indicate how much time you have left. To get the tomatoes, stand next to them, and Arthur will automatically grab them. Avoid the things on the ground while picking up cards, coins, and a CD, and then Muffy will reward you with the front wheels. You will automatically be taken to the car race. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Car Race ------------------------------------------------------------------- This one's harder because you have a limited amount of time before this expires. Your car is twice as fast now, and there's a new set of cards and coins to collect, so try not to bump anything, and just pick up the cards and coins while avoiding obstacles, and then you'll come out first. Buster will offer Arthur a sleepover at his house. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Buster's House, Arthur's Dream ------------------------------------------------------------------- Arthur will start to dream that he is way behind in the race. All of a sudden, Bionic Bunny comes down and powers up his car. He comes far ahead of his friends, and wins a first place trophy. Of course, this is just a dream... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Elwood City ------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay. You have to go through the nightmare once again. You just have to do these challenges again, but they're a little harder and come with a set of new stuff to collect. The only real differences are that Muffy's challenge has 25 tomatoes instead of 20, Pal is harder to chase and takes a different route, Binky lost his clarinet instead of his backpack, and Baby Kate is on the right side instead of the left side, is harder to chase, and D.W. is more annoying than ever. All you have to do is do these challenges and you're in here. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Downhill Racers ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a different area with more cards and coins. Just head straight and avoid the things, and you'll eventually get to the end in the small amount of time. Now watch the end where Mr. Ratburn gives Arthur the first place trophy. What a lame ending, huh? Well, at least the game is over. VII. Jack's Jokes: To the left of the cemetery where Binky dropped his stuff, Jack's Joke Shop is there. Jack will tell you a multitude of jokes. Here are the only three ones I've bothered to hear. Jack is J and Arthur is A. ------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hey there, how's about a joke? A: Okay! J: Knock-knock! A: Who's there? J: Luke. A: Luke-who? J: Always be sure to Luke before you leap! A: (giggles) Thank you for the joke! ------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Heard any good jokes lately? I've got a good one! A: Yeah! I love jokes! J: Knock-knock! A: Who's there? J: Underwear. A: Underwear-who? J: Are you wearing polka-dot underwear? A: I love that one! ------------------------------------------------------------------- J: How about a knock-knock joke? A: Yeah! I love jokes! J: Knock-knock! A: Who's there? J: B.C. A: B.C.-who? J: Be seeing you around! A: Thanks, Jack! That was a good one! VIII. My Review: For my very few fans, I've decided to drop by my little review for this game. Here it is. Arthur. I really liked this series when I was a kid, and my brother did as well, so he purchased this game, in which I review now. I am honored to say that this is my 15th review, for a game that sucks. Enough babbling now, I guess I should go on with the real review for this terrible game. This game seriously sucks! I really did want to give this game a 1, but no, there are still a few good points of this game, although all in all, this game is a piece of garbage. I really disliked this mediocre game, so I don't intend on writing a long review. Graphics: 4/10 Yep, totally pixilated. Everything is pixilated beyond belief. There are some good-looking scenes in the game, but not too many. The characters hardly resemble the ones in the series, so the bad beats the good slightly, to learn towards a score of four. Music/Sound: 4/10 Music is good, sound is AWFUL! The music was good, I guess, although it was nothing really legendary. You could set the music in a shop to make it better, so the music gets a good score, and is sat on by the sound. I HATED THE VOICES IN THE GAME. Arthur whines a lot and sounds really terrible, plus there are Buster, Binky, Muffy, DW, Francine, and Brain, who all sound really awful. I'll just make a long story short and say the sound is terrible. Storyline: 3/10 Not like I actually care about it. :) Arthur, Buster, Francine, and Brain are really, really bored to death. An advertisement for a race appears, and Arthur decides to go out into the race. You go around the game collecting the stuff for the car. You like this storyline? Well, I sure didn't. There are some optional things to do in the game, so I give it a 3 instead of a 1. Gameplay/Control: 1/10 One word: Terrible. I'll start off with the controls. They are okay, but you'll spend minute after minutes screaming at the controller to MOVE FASTER. The last time I played this game, I don't remember it being compatible with the analog sticks either. I spend plenty of time working on there trying to do that. Useless. Then, there's the gameplay itself, the fun factor. There is zero. There are Bionic Bunny cards around, in which I have seen no point for, and there's always the CDs and other odds and ends. You can play some music with the CDs, and customize how your car looks, etc. The stuff said in the game is simply stupid, like "Everyone gets scared sometimes", or "Yahoo!" This just makes you sick. The game is also very, very short. You could easily complete it within two hours if you tried, not that you'd want to. The game is also extremely easy to beat. There is absolutely no challenge in the game. It is easier than lifting a finger. There is also no replay value. I was sad... Fair Things: -The graphics and music are almost mediocre. -The cover looks okay. -There's a way to turn it off. Terrible Things: -Terrible story. -Terrible sound. -Terrible optional stuff. -Terrible replay value. -Terrible challenge. -Terrible length. -Terrible control. -Everything is terrible. Overall: 3/10 This is not the worst game ever made, and is not on the Top 100 Worst Games Ever list, but it's similar to Animorph's: Shattered Reality, fair in most points, awful in gameplay. You will really regret buying this game. Just... well, don't buy it. It's okay to rent it I guess, if you can get it under 4 dollars. IX. Outro: I hope you actually managed to enjoy the game. I sure didn't, mind you, although I did write this guide. Look for more guides from me in the future. X. Credits: These are both for inside the guide and outside the guide, as there are many people whom I thank for my living a better life than before. RichardB: If he wasn't around, this guide would not exist, would it? He wrote what you're reading. CJayC: For hopefully posting this guide and giving us the best FAQ site ever. Venom1102: My best IM friend so far, although I don't receive too many IMs from lots of people. Effigia: I started this FFX quiz once, and he's my very best competitor. He's also a great friend, and helps me fight off my enemy :). He's an overall great guy.