Apocalypse Walkthrough Platform: Playstation Genre: Action Version: 1.0 19/02/00 Me: King Broccoli E-Mail: KingBroccoli@hotmail.com --------------------------------- ======== CONTENTS ======== 1.0 QUICK TIPS 2.0 WALKTHROUGH 3.0 CHEATS 4.0 UPDATES 5.0 CREDITS 6.0 LEGAL THINGY ============== 1.0 QUICK TIPS ============== - It really does make it easier if you use a dual shock controller, the analogue sticks work wonders. - When there's a lot of jumping to be done take your time, the jumps can be tricky to judge and you can find yourself falling to yoour doom quite often. - When jumping try to use your shadow as a guide to where you will land. - Save some of the more powerful weapons for the end of level bosses - Pickup as many health bonuses as you can. (That's a pretty obvious one) =============== 2.0 WALKTHROUGH =============== *************** LEVEL 1: PRISON *************** The first four rooms are pretty much all the same, rooms 1,3 and 4 all have guard resistance. Kill the guards and activate the door switch. Go into the next room and around the left bend (look out for guards that'll jump out at you from behind the explosives) then activate the door switch. Shoot all the barrels and the guards then pick up the health and the particle beam, activate the switch, kill some more guards and you'll have reached the first checkpoint. Follow the walkway while taking out any guards that you may bump into, watch out for three missing sections in the floor. When you reach the fourth missing section take out all the guards in the glass room before continuing, pick up the health and the particle beam, then move to the next smart bomb whilst looking out for guards on platforms behind the walkway. When you reach the spotlight room watch the patterns of the lights and when it's safe move to the right pillar, wait, then run across the middle to the left pillar and finally onto the next room, where you have to do the same thing, then out onto the next walkway. Kill the guards in the glass room and drop down to the checkpoint and health bonus. Run to the end of the walkway (use your shadow as a guide for the jumps) and pull the lever that's in the next room. The lever will release prisoners and unlock doors, pick up the flamethrower and use it to toast the prisoners. In the next room Bruce will shout out "hit the deck" the next three rooms all have infra-red beams, roll through all of them. Activate the next switch and run through the door. Kill all the guards that you see and collect some homing missiles from the end platform. Continue until you find two raised platforms, each one has a guard and some health on it. Then keep going until you run into another health bonus and jump down to reach another checkpoint. Now run along the walkway and soon you'll reach the second last platform, eliminate the two guards then jump on and follow the platforms, you'll find another smart bomb and an extra life. Jump back onto the walkway, when you reach the end of it jump onto the next walkway, follow it until you reach the Rip Laser. Follow the walkway, jump gaps, then kill the two guards in front of the door. Go through the door and collect the Rip Laser. Kill all the prisoners and shoot the crates for an extra life. The first, second and third main rooms all have prisoners to kill, do so then activate the switch. Go through and collect the homing missiles. Follow the succession of platforms and use your homing missiles to kill all the guards. (You may need to jump and fire.) Drop down one platform away from the checkpoint and use more homing missiles to take out the guards until your path is clear. Continue down until you reach the next door. ++++++++ BOSS ONE ++++++++ As soon as you enter try to stand back as far as you can and fire at the pillar on the right until it crumbles. Pick up the pulse powerup then focus all your attention on the left pillar, once this is knocked down you can concentrate on the boss itself. (That big tank in the background.) This boss shouldn't cause too many problems, just avoid it's flamethrower and missiles whilst running and attacking. Picking up all of the pulse powerups would be a good idea as well. ******************* LEVEL 2: THE SEWERS ******************* Right at the beginning of this level you'll be surrounded by derelict bombers that will need to be taken out. The best way to do this is to simply stay on the run, avoiding their bombs and taking them out at the same time. Once they're all blown up run to the first drop, you should drop to the right. Pick up the flamethrower and continue on. Kill all the derelicts and take the next two drops, (watch out for the bats though) when you land you should be able to find a hole to your left, next to the waterfall, with grenades in it. On the same left wall you should see a tall, rock pillar. Shoot it and enter the newly revealed cave to find the smart bomb. Jump over the next gap and to your left you will find a blue wall. Jump the wall to find a health bonus. On the wall with torches and a door there is a series of platforms rising to the right. Follow the platforms (jump carefully and watch out for bats) and you will come across an extra life, smart bomb, homing missiles and rockets. Follow through the door and jump down to find a checkpoint. Be sure to get the health bonus before taking on more derelicts, then shoot the barrels and wood leaning on the gate to make it drop. The same rule applies when you reach the next gate, killing dero's along the way and getting the flamethrower. Kill more dero's and pick up the health bonus. Continue on until you reach the mines, these can be blown up with grenades, but if you dont have any then your gun will do nicely. Drop down the hole to the next checkpoint. Next up you'll have to kill more of those pesky dero's, but watch out for the caps on the sewer outlets, if you shoot them fire will come out. Exit and pick up another health bonus, carefully jump the flames in the passageway, then drop down and run towards the screen to find a smart bomb. Follow the next tunnel while avoiding the flames and eventually you'll make it to the next checkpoint. There are now two paths in front of you, the left one leads to a smart bomb and an extra life whilst the right one will take you to a Rip Laser. Whichever way you choose, be sure to stop at the second platform down and eliminate the dero's that are on the ledge. When you reach the place that the two paths meet wait until the rocks have passed before continuing on. Take out more dero's on the ledge, and follow the platforms until you reach a checkpoint. Watch for falling rocks on the few next platforms, when you reach the second, jump towards the screen and follow these platforms to an extra life. When you hit the pipeline, follow it back towards the screen to the health bonus. Now follow the platforms down to yet another checkpoint. Shoot all the pillars and crystals until the rockets are revealed. Now watch the bats. Follow to a pit where you will have to fight bats and giant rats. Once this is done shoot the rock at the north end of the pit, get the health and kill the rats. At the pentagram you have a choice of going left or right again, both ways are pretty much the same. Once you arrive at the lava shoot the blue crystal and the platforms will lower. The next platforms you reach will fall as you use them so be careful until you reach the next checkpoint. Watch out for rocks and mines in the next sewer until you come to another CHECKPOINT (gasp). Head north avoiding the flames until you arrive at the next pit. ++++++++ BOSS TWO ++++++++ This boss is a crocodile. He attacks by lunging out of the water at you. Before he strikes watch out for the air bubbles. Once he pops up in the air fire away at him. Don't bother shooting at it when it's underwater, it's just a waste of ammo. The more damage you do to it, the more dero's and mines will show up in the arena. Also look out for health bonuses and pulse powerups during the course of the fight. ********************* LEVEL THREE: THE CITY ********************* ---During this level avoid helicopter spotlights--- In the first room there is a flamethrower and a health bonus. If you've got any grenades left try dropping them off the edge to get the guards. Blow up the smoking stacks and get the particle beam. Jump the fire, shoot the smoke stack and get the Pulse Laser. Get the health bonus and kill the guards behind the barriers, you can find a health bonus at the blown out store front then kill more guards and grab yet another health bonus. Jump down to the Rip Laser and checkpoint and watch out for bombs being dropped from above (to avoid them move all the way left or right) Get ANOTHER health bonus from the store front then kill the guards and mini tanks. Shoot the flashing wall in front of you, kill more guards and tanks in the store front and grab the health. Shoot the next wall, get the grenades and drop one off the edge to the guards waiting down below then jump down to the next checkpoint. At the movie screen you can go left or right. To the left there are mini tanks and guards, followed by Particle Beam power ups, whilst if you go to the right you will be ambushed by guards and get flamethrowers. Shoot the wall at the end, pick up the health, and continue to the checkpoint. A big tank with a flamethrower will then attack you, just keep on the move while firing at it and it shouldn't give you too much trouble. Jump down the next ledge and you will find some rockets, here two tanks will block your path, stand back to avoid their flames and to avoid the missiles hide behind the pillars and attack the tanks as you weave. The next ledge down has another two tanks, just stand back and let loose at them. Drop a grenade off the next ledge to kill the guards then proceed to the left to find a health bonus and a checkpoint. Kill the guards you see and get the health behind the pillar on the right. Jump the gaps in the road and kill all the guards that you come across (don't forget to pick up the health after the second gap. Continue, killing guards and grabbing any bonuses that you can find behind the pillars, then pick up the health bonus and proceed to another checkpoint. Pick up the particle beam, and jump onto the hover craft. Follow the craft along, taking out guards until you reach the next checkpoint (also beware of the ship behind you). Get the homing missiles, climb up the ledge and grab the particle beam. Enter the second door on the top ledge for a flamethrower. Pickup the health, check all the doorways for powerups then jump down and fight the tank just as you did before. Pickup more health and continue on to the checkpoint. Look out for exploding ground as you proceed, killing all the guards that you can see. As you turn the corner you'll have to be careful as the ground wil keep exploding. Once you reach the end follow the platforms, make your way to the left and jump to the ground at the left for an extra life. Then move to the next 100% health and checkpoint. ++++++++++ BOSS THREE ++++++++++ This boss room will have two tanks that keep flaming and launching, two flight craft launching and a continuous wave of guards. Always stay on the move. The pillars hold a Rip Laser, rockets, and some health. Keep the number of guards down as you focus on one of the tanks, move to the next tank while keeping guards down and then take out the flight craft using the Rip Laser. Once all this is done you can proceed to the colourful door and Level Four. ***************** LEVEL FOUR: DEATH ***************** Stay at the back of the screen firing at Death. Watch the spots on the ground that his lightning makes, little green men will come out of them and chase after you. After these have been taken care of return your fire to Death straight away. Pick up all the powerups that you find along the way. Soon the roof should start to explode, when this happens move forward because the ground is going to start collapsing. Death will back off into a new room complete with fresh powerups. Death will then start shooting purple stuff at you from his sword, avoid it by running left to right and keep shooting at him with all the powerups you find. Just keep on doing this and Death will soon lose all his energy and you can go on to the next level ******************** LEVEL FIVE: ROOFTOPS ******************** Start off by killing the guards, then shoot the "furniture" on the roof to find a particle beam. Skip rooves, kill the guards and mini tanks, then collect the health and smart bomb. Next cross the bridge, be careful as it crumbles at your feet. Jump down, kill the turret and the guards, shoot the furniture to reveal a health bonus then flip the lever. On the next roof kill the guards and get the flamethrower, then use your normal gun to wipe out the flying guards. Jump down to the checkpoint, kill the guards and get all of the bonuses. Get the health from the flying fox wires and kill the guards. Keep going to the next roof where you'll have to destroy mines and guards. Collect the rip laser and use it to destroy the flying craft. Jump up, get the health and cross the bridge. Jump to the ledge on your right as you come off the bridge and get the homing missiles and the life. Finish off the guards and jump to the next roof to find a checkpoint. You'll have to fight a flying craft that drops guards and mines whilst shooting missiles. Pick up the pulse laser then destroy the guards, mines and finally the ship to obtain another checkpoint. Pick up the health then jump and follow the bridge until you reach the next rooftop where you will have to fight guards, avoid spotlights and grab the pulse laser. Kill all the guards on the next roof and follow until you reach the 4 way junction at the blue bridge. To the left, are homing missiles, to the right is a 100% health bonus (you should get both), meanwhile kill the guards and minitanks and take the next bridge over to the left. Kill all the flying guards then jump over the gap and kill the next group of guards that you run into and destroy the crates to find a smart bomb. Flip the lever and jump onto the lift. Kill the guards and take the health. Follow the bridge along, take out the flying guards. Kill the guards on the next roof and collect the homing missiles. Follow the next bridge taking out more of those pesky flying guards and the guards on the platforms behind the bridge. As you come off, kill the flying guards, destroy the flight craft and collect the health and extra life bonuses. Follow yet another bridge and kill the guards, destroy the crates and wipe out all the flying guards. Once you make it to the checkpoint you'll have to kill the rest of the flying guards from the bridge plus a swarm of guards on the roof. Once this is done take the homing missiles and health bonus from the crate. Jump onto the highwire and run straight to the other side without stopping (it should stop you from falling to a certain doom). Now drop down, kill the guards and collect more health bonuses. Next climb up the middle, destroy crates, take the particle beam and kill the guards on the bridge. You can now go left or right, it makes no difference which way you choose. Kill the guards and jump onto the highwire. Destroy the flying craft and the guard on the next roof. Jump onto the next highwire and down onto the next roof. Kill the guards and collect more health. Take ANOTHER highwire to ANOTHER roof and climb up the structure to the upper roof. There is an extra life ripe for the picking. Kill all the lower guards before jumping down and following the highwire that you see to the next roof. Just destroy EVERYTHING on this roof. Make sure to grab the flamethrower and the health bonuses. Now kill the flying guards before crossing the highwire to the next checkpoint. Destror the crates, grab the smart bomb and cross the bridge. Follow this, watch the flying guards and guards on platforms. One of the guards will leave behind a health bonus. The bridge will collapse at one stage, of you keep running you should be fine. You'll soon reach a set of yellow platforms that drop when you land on them, so cross them as quickly and carefully as you can and soon you'll come across a checkpoint. The next section is hard because the bridge will blow up as you run along it and jump to the next. Continue, killing guards and flying guards. Jump some more of those tricky yellow platforms and only take the next health bonus if you really need it, as it can be quite tricky to get. Watch out for guards and flying guards until you make it to the next checkpoint. Kill all the enemies you come across and collect the health bonus. Use the highwire, kill the guards then move to the next highwire. Take out the guards and turrets then collect the smart bomb and some more health before throwing the lever. Take the lift to the boss. +++++++++ BOSS FIVE +++++++++ You'll be running bakwards along a bridge, wait until you know you're hitting the craft, keep running and you shouldn't be hit. The boss will start to destroy the bridge, but with a little bit more punishment he should die. ******************** LEVEL SIX: GRAVEYARD ******************** Start off by obliterating all of the zombies, proceed to the opening where you'll have to kill more zombies plus some bats and grenadiers. Shoot the tall pillar in the middle of the opening, when it falls jump up and collect the flamethrower. Continue to the next two platforms, kill all the zombies and grenadiers that you see. Proceed onto the next platform, kill zombies and grenadiers, then shoot the green doorways on both buildings to recieve a health bonus and a smart bomb. Jump and collect the health bonus from the left roof. Jump onto the wooden platform and shoot the blocked doorway for Homing Missiles. Continue on, kill grenadiers and shoot the middle of the waterfall to reveal an extra life. Keep going, kill the zombie then follow the walkway and kill the hell hounds and grenadiers until you reach the first checkpoint. Shoot the blocked doorway for another health bonus, but be careful as it's a tricky spot to get out of. Grab another health bonus from under the walkway, kill the hell hounds then drop down to the next platform and a rip laser. Back on the walkway you'll have to work your way past the revolving platforms. Once you reach the top kill the hell hounds and look out for the bombs from above. Shoot the pillar on the other side and cross. Kill the hellhound you come across and get the health bonus. Jump into the water and dispose of the alligators whilst avoiding the whirl pools. Proceed up the platforms, kill the grenadier and follow more of those revolving platforms to a wooden walkway. Under this walkway to the right you should be able to find a health bonus. Then keep following the walkway, jump up for another health bonus and keep going. Jump to the top and onto the crane. Jump over to the other side and kill the hounds that are in the pit. Jump onto the platform and kill the clown, follow over to the smart bomb. From here jump to the left to collect an extra life and proceed to the next walkway. Kill the bats and proceed to the checkpoint. Shoot coffins, zombies and bats, then kill the hell hound and jump to the platform. Follow the platform and kill a stack of bats and grenaduers. Keep going and you will be assaulted by a LOT of grenadiers. Kill them with a smart bomb and proceed to the doorway. ++++++++ BOSS SIX ++++++++ Throw the green switch. It will bring down zombies and grenadiers which you must dispose of. You should see the door open a little bit, but close after a certain amount of time. Just keep throwing the switch and shooting the baddies until the door is open enough for you to roll through. ******************* LEVEL SEVEN: PLAGUE ******************* Plague will jump down onto the speakers. Attack her while dodging the green stuff she throws at you. It's easiest to avoid it by jumping. The next attack will be a series of green rings coming out from random platforms, dodge them by jumping and hopping from platform to platform whilst picking up any powerups that you can. Attack whenever possible. A disco ball will soon drop down onto the middle platform and shoot a fire ray. Hide behind the fencing where it can't hit you. The ray will some become three, just avoid it the same way. But don't stop attacking. The two side platforms will shake, when you see this move to the middle platform. The sides will drop off and the middle platform will rise. As soon as you can jump to her stage do so as the middle will be dropping quite soon. Plague will be on her hands and knees now, run away shooting at her at the same time and avoiding the green sludge that she leaves behind. Soon you will be VICTORIOUS. Onto level eight. ************************ LEVEL EIGHT: WAR FACTORY ************************ Go along the first passageway, killing all the mini-mechs and taking power-ups from the crates until you get to the first checkpoint. Look out for the blue electricity whilst jumping over the obstacles. Kill the mini-mechs and proceed to the sliding doors. Be careful about the timing, just as the wall passes jump through. Follow this to the end whilst killing the mini-mechs that are between each door. Don't go down the pit yet, jump diagonally to the right to get a health bonus. Now jump to the platforms at the pits side without touching the green electricity. Follow them down to the Rip Laser, then to the bottom right hand corner. You will fall to the checkpoint, there you will be ambushed by some mini-mechs. As you kill them the glass tube hanging from the ceiling will replenish them. Keep killing the mechs as you get the health and the pulse laser. Kill more mini-mechs, take the grenades and go through to the next room. You will be attacked by more damn mini-mechs, kill them then take the health, particle beam and smart bomb from the cage. Jump onto the crates, and onto the lowering platform. Kill the guards at the top. Now find your way across the other lowering platforms, killing the mini-mechs at the end. This will activate a lift, you will be ambushed a couple of times before you come to the checkpoint. Kill mini- mechs and get the extra life. Follow the corridor, killing hidden mechs, until you make it to a sliding door. Watch the timing and move to the platform, as the platform rises jump to the right platform at the top to get a Smart Bomb. Bet back on the platform and jump the electricity as it moves. In the next room, you will need to kill a mech and a flying droid, then jump to the left to get Homing Missiles and the Rip Laser. Move quickly as the platform will drop. The next room requires you to kill more mechs and flying droids then get a health bonus. Do the same in the next room but get the Rip Laser which is to your left. Jump off at the end to the next checkpoint then take care of the mechs. Kill the rest of the mechs and get the extra life and homing missiles. Follow the moving platforms, kill the mechs and take the pulse laser. Find your way to the next platforms and onto another moving platform. Grab onto the highwire and make your way across, killing as many enemies as you can without stopping until you reach the next chexkpoint. Jump across the platforms to the next wire, stand on top of the very next platform and take out the lower mechs. Take another high wire across to a health bonus and more homing missiles. The next moving platforms will take you through a field of mechs and other various obstacles. Use the homing missiles wisely and try to pick up the smart bomb and some more homing missiles. Use the vacated platforms to cross the lavam getting the smart bomb and missiles at the end. Get onto the new platform and kill the flying droids before the next checkpoint. You will now come across a room with a moving floor and some mini-mechs. The mechs will rejuvenate by the way. Try to get to higher ground and take them out whilst getting all the pickups you can. The middle will soon fall out, drop to the next checkpoint and take out the mech there. Jump to the next platform and get a health bonus, Rip Laser and smart bomb, move quickly though as the platform will drop. This platform will take you through a whole lot of flying droids, kill as many as you can then use a smart bomb to get rid of the rest. Jump to the platform to get a smart bomb then jump back to the one you were on. Kill more flying droids then jump to the next platform and you will move to the exit (finally). *************** LEVEL NINE: WAR *************** As soon as you start take ou the turrets on the ship wreck from a distance. War will then come from the explosion, keep attacking him and then dodge his homing missiles as best you can (practice is the only way to be any good at this). After wearing his life down he will start chasing you with a laser beam from his hat. Jumping and attacking will have War morphing into a huge version. Keep shooting and following the arrows towards the screen. Get the pulse laser, health bonus and smart bomb. As you run towards the screen you should see glowing piles of waste. Use a smart bomb to ignite them which will then hit War. Keep detonating each pile with a rocket or smart bomb all the while attacking War whenever you get the chance. Once you come to the fourth pile of waste swerve left to avoid the fall, then right, then left again. You must be ready to jump gaps and detonate waste piles at the same time. Keep attacking War until he smashes into the ground. You now have to jump from platform to platform, collecting rockets and attacking whenever you get the chance. By now War should be dead. If not, when you reach the signs 3, 2, 1, jump to the nearest side, attacking until you win. ********************** LEVEL TEN: WHITE HOUSE ********************** At the start you will be attacked by two soldiers and turrets. Take them out and pick up the pulse laser. Now move to the second turrets, take them out and kill the soldiers. Now destroy the gate, and either shoot or jump the mines to get past. Beware, as the ship will keep dropping them. Collect the health bonus and take out the next two sets of turrets, soldiers and ship at the gate. Blow up the gate and get a health bonus and some grenades. There will be soldiers posted along the bunkers, the easiest way to get rid of them is a sweeping motion with the grenades over the bunker. Continue until you get to the next gate, destroy and proceed, killing the dogs. You will now have to avoid the spotlights, and take out the turrets from a distance along the way. Get to the checkpoint and collect the homing missiles. Move to the edge of the pit. Jump to the left platform and get a smart bomb, further to the left is another platform, this one has an extra life. Go get it! Move back to the staircase and proceed. Kill the guards at the top and follow the balcony to a health bonus and some grenades on the stairs. Follow the ledge where the health was and jump to the upper ledge at the end. There is a turret at the other ledge. Take it out and jump on over. Take out the next turret and continue on. Around the next corner you'll have to deal with some soldiers, the ledge will then be shot out by passing helicopters. Jump over the gap and wait for the next ledge to be shot out. Then take out the soldiers on the ledge and jump across before hiding behind the wall. On the next ledge there is another turret, stealthily take care of it. Take out the next turret, jump over, and there will be yet another turret where the wall turns. Take care of it then proceed to the corner, where you can jump to the second level balcony of the White House. Take out the turret on this balcony and proceed, jumping to the next platform at the end, then up to the roof. Get the health bonus around the corner and kill the guards. Around the next corner you will be attacked by soldiers, helicopters and a turret. Take 'em all out. Continue to the front of the next balcony and destroy the room that resembles a cathedral before jumping down to the checkpoint. The indoor hallway will be blown open by an outer helicopter at the first desk. Body guards will then attack you using the next desk as cover. Take them out whilst avoiding fire from the helicopter. Round the first corner and take out the furniture (including the desk) to get some rockets and a health bonus. At the next corner, blue shields will pop up and body guards will use them as they attack you. Don't forget you can also use them for cover. After killing them, towards the end of the hall, the wall will be blown out by a helicopter. Jump over it's missiles, take it out, amd jump down the hole it leaves as it crashes. Follow this hall, beware as you approach the pillars on either side. These will fall, position yourself safely and wait for them to fall before jumping over the wreck. A body guard will emerge from behind the first desk. Take him out and get the health bonus from the desk. The hall will then appear neglected and decrepit. The floor will begin to explode into lava pools. Navigate your way over the narrow ledges avoiding the ball of molten spitting from the lava. Jump out to the next platform and you will notice that the volcano is erupting. Jump to the next platform avoiding the molten balls and run across the stone steo bridge. This bridge will angle and look deceptive, so proceed with caution. Go to the right and collect the item there, then follow towards the screen and jump the volcano to the next platform. Avoiding the molten balls jump to the next platform, then to another platform. Run to the end and jump to ANOTHER PLATFORM. Jump down and make your way over to the cave on your right. Here two bodyguards will attack you, kill them and make your way to the end of the hall and the level. ******************* LEVEL 11: THE BEAST ******************* The main thing to remember against The Beast is never stop moving. Never stop, or you will be punished. You'll have to work through four of his energy bars before he'll lay down and die. He'll start off with a sweeping fire ray, jump it whilst attacking. He will then start throwing fireballs at you. Dodge them and keep attacking until he switches back to the fire ray. Pretty soon he will grow and it will look like he explodes as he jumps through the roof. As The Beast lands it will have an earthquake effect on the floor. Jump the rings whilst attacking whenever you can. As the power ups appear on the pentagrams collect them. Keep sweeping left to right across the field, he will then use his fire breath to attack. Dodging and attacking him, it will soon be time to jump the fire ray again, As he repeats his attacks use the previous patterns to attack him. He will also begin to use his fire balls, and he will jump again. The Beast will now become quite unpredictable, jumping and attacking with variety. Beware, each time he lands the arena will get smaller and smaller, just don't fall off. He will jump to the corners of the arena, then to the center. Eventually he will just start stamping the ground for the tremor effect and attack you within swiping distance. Move carefully to a pentagram and attack The Beast from there, collecting the power ups as they fall. Keep attacking the beast from your "island", and soon he will start jumping from island to island which will then drop (i would suggest moving if he tries jumping on yours). His attacks will continue to be random, so deal with them as best you can as they come, but try not to stop attacking. FINALLY THE BEAST WILL ERUPT INTO A FIERY BALL OF FLAMES! WOOHOO! LET OUT A BIG CHEER! YEEEEHAAAAAAA! YOU"VE JUST FINISHED APOCALYPSE! ========== 3.0 CHEATS ========== All Weapons: During gameplay hit pause and then hold L1 and enter: square circle up down x square Level Select: During gameplay hit pause and then hold L1 and enter: triangle up x down There will then be the level select option at the main menu Debug Mode: During gameplay hitpause, hold L1 and press: down, down, triangle Invincibility: During gamepaly hit pause, hold L1 and press: down, up, left, left, triangle, up, right, down Infinite Lives: During gameplay hit pause, hold L1 and press: triangle, circle, X, square Regain Health: During gameplay hit pause, hold L1 and press: square, X, triangle, circle Thanks to StingRay84 All Weapons & Infinite Ammo: Pause the game, hold L1 and press X, Triangle, Circle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a gunshot. Endless Fall: Pause the game, hold L1 and press X(6). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a gunshot. There will be no end to the fall. Enter the code again to disable it. ==================== 4.0 GAMESHARK CHEATS ==================== All Weapons 80018BD22400 80018be62402 InfiniteAmmo 80022B462400 Infinite Health 8005DF062400 Infinite Lives 800FF8740005 Infinite Smart Bombs 8005D45E2400 =========== 4.0 UPDATES =========== 0.3 - The first version, added levels 1 - 4, added quick tips, added legal thingy, added this bit. 0.6 - The version after the first version, added the next three levels (5-7) added the cheats and the gameshark cheats. I've decided it's ready for submission to the best website on the net. GAMEFAQS!!! 1.0 - The version after the version after the first version. Finished off the walkthrough. This FAQ can now be found at GameFAQS, Cheatcc, Vgstrategies and I think the other one is Games Domain. LUCKY ME! =========== 5.0 CREDITS =========== Australian Playstation - The regain health and Endless fall cheats. My gaming buddies - For help with all those tricky shoot the hell outta everything bits (senseless violence just 'aint my thing) CJayC - For having the kindness to put my work on his site. ================ 6.0 LEGAL THINGY ================ Copyright 2000 "KingBroccoli" This cant be stolen, used for profit, or changed. It can be used for personal PRIVATE uses. If you want to put this FAQ on your site or something like that (although you'd have to be crazy to want to) just e-mail me at Kingbroccoli@hotmail.com