Aconcagua, PSX, Sony 2000 SLPS 10131~2 Disc text message trans- Aconcagua, the white sentinel. On the cruel slopes the ice and the wind are sovereign. Frequently the end unites the beginning. The end is escape or failure, life or death. Game Over screen quote- one person could not survive either. bitman16 disc 2 notes- This FAQ picks up where Bwah's Aconcagua FAQ ends. So please read his first. Mine starts on Disc 2 after you crashed the coal car into the mine entrance. The fire on the bridge is dying and soldiers will cross soon. This is what to do next to finish the game. 01 -Blow up the Bridge Move Steve to a corner Set Lopez up by the dynamite loaded car. Katoh to the broken truck that had the rusty winch on it. Keep Julia in her default position. OK the crux of this problem is you need to send the laden car to the fire on the bridge. There is a switch but it is too frozen to move. So... Katoh gets gas into can. Pachamama yells out. The 60 second clock is on. Katoh, run to frozen switch. Douse with gas. Change to Julia use lighter on switch. Then as quickly as possible move the switch. Then change to Lopez and use him to push the dynamite car. Cutscene and save sequence. Good job! 02 -Rope Bridge. Katoh is trapped on one side and the other survivors on the other. Katoh, go to building. Get gas can. Climb ladder and use cable car to send gas can to other side. Other side- Root about other building. Then have Lopez push over middle pipe on the left of the building. Climb, remove roof grate and jump down. Open locked door. Get key. With key open locked cage over mine entrance. Julia goes into mine. Use lighter. Go to cable car and get gas. Put Steve in generator room. Gas up generator have, have Steve start it (left panel). Lights go on in mine. Go to mine. It is flooded and pump is unresponsive. Send Steve to fix it. Cutscene, save. 03- Cave in! Julia has dynamite (right?check.) Julia walks to far end of tunnel. Steve looks about and finds a conveyer, a pulley and a climbing/hand axe. Use cable car basket to put axe in. Katoh brings basket over. With axe, cross over vertical ice sheet by collapsed rope bridge. Rescue Julia. Steve hands pulley to Lopez. It is too heavy for Steve to place in dark well on the far right of the scenario. Lopez installs pulley. Use Katoh (gloves) to climb down.Julia is saved. 04- Leaving the Mine Katoh gets dynamite and lighter from Julia. Cross over ice sheet with hand axe. Dynamite blocked passage on the far left. The one with the end of the conveyer belt sticking out. Steve must walking into mine from his side and start the conveyer in person. (cutscene & save) 05- Going to Save the Village Sneak up to first soldier with Julia, kill with knife. Katoh must climb cliff. Walk all the way around. Note crumbling beam with 2 soldiers under it. Climb down other side and get oxygen tank from tent. Climb back up and get over soldier by fire. Toss the O2 tank in fire. Soldier dies. Climb down near rest of party. Send Julia ahead. See soldier by 3 tents. Sneak behind and kill. Tents (left to right)1= no item 2= health pack 3=hammer Run back and give hammer to Katoh. He must climb back up and go over to weak beam. Use hammer. (cutscene) Go back to party and go ahead to fallen stone. Katoh gives hammer to Lopez ,he knocks down the blocking stone. Go ahead. (cutscene & save) 06- Outnumbered! Katoh climbs new cliff. Note nifty statues. Climb down on other side. See soldier and tent. Sneak past soldier to tent. Get small military uniform. Sneak back and climb. Go to party. The uniform will only fit a woman. Chose Julia and she will die. So pick Pachamama and transfer uniform. Use uniform on tent where the O2 tank was. Change clothes. Walk into enemy camp (Pachamama). Talk to all soldiers. By the 2 trucks a soldier should give you a flare. Take flare further into camp, past the barricade and to a mortar. Use flare, other soldiers run in. (save) 07- Macgyver Bomb Switch to Pachamama. Go to soldier by the trucks and talk. He will want to switch. Say yes. Move in Steve. Have him check truck with boxes in the back. Steve starts work in truck. Julia checks work. Go find gas. Knock on drums. Send over Lopez. Talk and switch. Lopez carries drum to Steve. Switch to Pachamama. Check Steve's work. Need a light bulb. Go back into mortar area. Ask around and then check tent. Find bulb. Go back to Steve. Steve leaves back of truck. Choose Steve and go to drivers side door of truck. Use tools. (cutscene & save) 08- Flight to Freedom?! Katoh. Check cell. No catsup in toilet. Can't hide under bed. No crazed cyber-ninja to bust you out. So climb cell wall by door. (cutscene) Check on team in other cells.Check around corner. Go to first room amd climb wall into the vent. Search rooms. Find knife and lighter in one. Find Steve's tools in girlie picture room. Read any documents for luck. Find the room with the cardboard boxes that say Leon and the fire alarm wiring by the wooden crates. Use lighter on the wires. The coast is clear for a while so go to previously guarded areas. Around the corner from the cells there should be a Card Key in the room. Sneak back to cells. Free team and talk. Return their items. Change to Julia. Go in quietly and use knife on returned guard. Change to Steve. Use tools on locked control room door and take over. He can open a door at a hall end for 5 seconds. Find that door and get Julia and Katoh inside. Both go in elevator. Push button. (cutscene and save) 9- Save Pachamama Get off elevator, run past video cam. Go to first door left. Enter dark room. Julia uses lighter. Talk to Katoh then switch to Steve. Use Steve to push 2 "!" buttons. Lights should go on. Check machine in corner with the lever. Katoh goes to check walls of room. Find climable section. Use gloves. (cutscene) Climb into duct. Enter room. Leave. Go to next room. Take health pack if needed and read the 3 books highlighted on the shelves. Exit. Go right til you see the electrified flooring. Switch to Julia. Julia flips lever. Switch, walk Katoh across. Go to next "hot" floor around corner. Back to Julia, switch lever. Walk Katoh across. Go to door with red button beside it. Go to open it. (cutscene) The general is out for blood. Stay moving but stay close. General should be saying "Wait" a lot if this is working and he will try to pistol whip you. Lure him to deactivated floor panel. When he is on it have Katoh run off and switch to Julia. Throw lever to charge flooring. (cutscene) Rescue Pachamama and end up in dead elevator. So everyone pushes button. Talk among yourselves. Julia uses lighter near panel. Talk to Pachamama. The button stuff is over. Move Julia to left corner by the door. Switch to Katoh. If he isn't too close to the wall you can light a "!" cursor on a roof panel. Voila! Move in and use gloves to climb. (cutscene) Go to firefighting station on the wall. Get a hose. Use it in open shaft. (cutscene) Time to leave room (cutscene and save) 10 The General Strikes Back (cutscene) OK. You at home draw a map. 1- Katoh goes left to edge of his cover. 2-Use Pachamama to break out into the open on the far right. She must get shot! 3-Race Katoh over to the next set of crates on the left. Go forward till you see an electrical panel. You need Julia. So break cover and bait fire. Get shot. 4-Julia runs across to crates where Katoh started. Move to edge of crates and get ready to cross. 5-Use Pachamama to bait in the right. 6-Run Julia ahead to meet Katoh. 7-Use Julia and her knife on the wiring. (cutscene- lights out) 8-Staying the dark you are safe. Send Pachamama right to crate near crane. There is a net there. Katoh must go get it. 9-By the panel there is the other building with the spraying water and climbing section, Climb the section and walk to roof edge nearest General. Use net. (cutscene) Julia must shoot General but needs light. Katoh is being beaten to death. Take over Steve. Send him to panel Julia slashed and fix with tools before Katoh dies. Lights on. (cutscene) The old self destruct trick! 3:00 clock. You need to get to the copter but it on another platform. Katoh runs to the crane. Climb and then push panel button. Beam lowers (cutscene). Fire engulfs beam. Try crossing but the heat is too much. Go to water flow and soak at the"!" point. Now race to beam and cross. Charge to ladder (cutscene and End Movie) THE END