Super Real Mahjong Premium Collection FAQ v1.6 by Locklear 1.0 What is Mahjong? 1.1 What is Super Real Mahjong Premium? 1.1.1 Where can I get Super Real Mahjong Premium? 2.0 I can't read these menus! 3.0 Ok... So when do I play? 3.1 Great, I'm playing. Umm... How? 3.2 I think I've got it, so where are the nekkid girls? 4.0 So where do I go from here? 5.0 That's it? 6.0 Girls, Girls, Girls 6.1 Mizuki Tohno 6.2 Aya Fujiwara 6.3 Akira Hayasaka 6.4 Tamami Kayama 6.5 Mari Kurihara 6.6 Yurina Asahina 6.7 Etsuko Toyohara 6.8 Shoko 7.0 I know something you don't know! 8.0 Credits 9.0 Anti-Credits 10.0 Boring stuff 10.1 Translation Notes 10.2 Revision History 10.3 Legalities xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.0 What is Mahjong? Mahjong is a Chinese tile matching game, akin in some ways to the card game Rummy. It's more complex than Rummy, and takes longer to learn, but the intricacies make it more challenging and more enjoyable. Leaving out all of the complex details, it's a 4 player game where players draw tiles, trying to make "hands" of three of a kind (Pon or Pong), four of a kind (Kong), or sequences of three of the same suit (Chow). To win, you need three of these sets, and then another pair. 1.1 What is Super Real Mahjong Premium Collection? Super Real Mahjong Premium Collection (SRMPC) is a game for the NeoGeo Pocket Color handheld system. It allows you to play a variant of Mahjong, pitting you against a female computer opponent. Why female? Because this isn't just any Mahjong, it's STRIP MAHJONG! Games which contain softcore (and often hardcore) sexual content are very popular in Japan, and SRMPC was never meant for export (NOTE: This means it's in JAPANESE!!! It's playable if you can't read it... but harder). Although the game is definitely intended for the 18+ crowd, and shouldn't be played by minors, SRMPC features only extemely softcore pictures and animation: panties stay on at all times, and there are no... "activities." To get a girl to remove an article of clothing, you must come up with a winning hand before she does. When you do, one item of clothing comes off. 1.1.1 Where can I get Super Real Mahjong Premium Collection? Probably from any number of import game retailers, but I got my copy from National Console Supply, at It's also carried by Buyrite, at, but their price is higher, and their checkout system leaves something to be desired... 2.0 I can't read these menus! Well, you should be able to read the title screen. It says hit the A button, so be a good boy/girl/other and do as you're told. Now you get the title menu. Still English. Game Start and Options are your choices. Game Start takes you to the main menu, where you'll start running into problems reading. Like I said, it's in Japanese. The main menu presents the following options: Story Mode Free Battle Gallery Tutorial Please note, these are not translations, I can't read Japanese. They are, however, what each option does. These should be fairly self explanatory, but just in case, here goes. Story Mode is the main portion of the game. Most Japanese hentai games (hentai being Japanese for pervert) aren't just porn, porn, porn, they have a plot. SRMPC is no exception. In story mode, the girls talk to you between matches, and you occaisionally make simple decisions from two item menus which will affect which girls you play against. All decisions are made at the beginning, once you're done (sometimes it's only two decisions, sometimes it's a ton, depending on what you choose...), the game begins. The girls talk between matches, but the order you play them in is set. You play one girl at the beginning, who is usually also the last you play against, followed by several more. The first girl only plays one hand, and removes nothing. The next girls you face play three to four rounds, depending on who they are, and the last plays four to five. Only the last girl will take off her top (with one exception, Tamami. She takes her top off, but leaves her shorts for last), and you only get gallery access to that girl. To get the others, make different decisions. In some unusual situations, the first girl you play may not be the last, although she USUALLY will be. Free Battle lets you play against one of the girls you've beaten in Story Mode without going through Story Mode, or intermediate characters. You MUST beat Story Mode at least once to use this properly, although a stand in character is available in liu of any unbeaten characters, which is everyone at first. Free Battle is the only way to unlock the panel image for each character, but more on that in the next section... Gallery mode allows you to watch any strip scene you've earned in story mode to your ecchi little heart's content. It also features the panel picture, which you unlock in Free Battle. Beat a girl in Free Battle (all the way, just as if she were your last girl in Story Mode), and you get a certain number of squares of the big picture revealed. The number you get depends on your performance. Needless to say, if you're bad, it'll take a LONG LONG time. To use Gallery, select a girl by name (fortunately, their names are in romaji, or Japanese using English characters.), then select which scene you want to see, one through four, five in the case of some. Panel is the last option, after all scenes. Tutorial is the last choice on the main menu. It goes over a ton of rules and things, but is in Japanese, so it's not too helpful. On the other hand, you can look at the pictures of the tiles to figure out what order they go in for sequences. For example, the last option on the left, followed by the last on the right, shows a winning hand made up entirely of character suit cards (more on suits later). The cards go left to right, one through nine. There are duplicates in there (Pong), but they're right next to each other, so it's easy to tell when it goes from one of characters to two of characters. Tutorial can also be accessed at any time during play by pressing Option. The Options menu gives you a number of options (duh). These are as follows: Difficulty [1-8, one being the easiest.] Clothes [Sets if girls get their clothes back when you lose.] Help1 [Help when you declare Richi.] Help2 [Shows warnings, needed tiles during play!] Clean mode [Sets whether or not girls undress.] Exit [Back to the Title Menu] Reset [Warning, warning, Will Robinson!] Reset does nasty nasty things, don't mess with it if you've accomplished anything in the game. In addition to restoring the default options, it erases all of your Gallery/Free Battle accomplishments. Turning on Help1 and Help2 (my names, not translations, as almost always!), will have the game give you help and warnings. If you see pink Japanese characters underneath your opponent's tiles, it means you can finish your hand with a tile from your opponent. If you see those letters over YOUR tiles, it means you just drew the last tile you needed. If you try to declare a winning hand when you're only one tile short, the game will tell you which tiles could finish your hand (your discards disappear briefly, replaced by your needed tiles), but pay attention to the characters that show up above your needed tiles! If you see just a few characters, you're good to go if you get one of those tiles. If you see those charactes followed by more in parentheses, you'll have to remake your hand so you DON'T need those tiles, as you must have discarded one of them, or something else that would prevent you from completing a hand with them. Finally, if you try to declare a winning hand and pink characters show up above your hand, you either don't have a winning hand, or you did something that keeps you from finishing with that hand (see previous sentence). Note, that for reasons I don't yet know, sometimes you'll see only the "good characters" when you declare a win while missing one tile, get the tile you need... and it won't let you go out anyway! Discard the tile you just got (ARGH!), and declare again, and you'll see the "bad characters" (characters in parentheses, as mentioned above). 3.0 Ok... So when do I play? Time to play. The best thing to do first is to hit Story Mode. Free Battle mode will still let you play, but if you're going to play the same game in either place, you may as well be earning goodies, eh? So, get to the main menu, and pick the first option. If this is your first time through Story Mode, you'll go through quite a few screens of text before you get a choice. Hit A once the text stops coming on-screen to advance to the next screen of text, or, since odds are if you're reading this, you can't read THAT, just hold down B to fast forward. This works for all text in the game, except for what the girls actually say during their strip scenes. After all the text, you'll be prompted to make a choice. Pick one or the other, it doesn't really matter, and continue. You may go through quite a few text prompts before you come to a game of mahjong. The choices you pick determine which girls you play against, and which girl will be your last (and therefore, which you get access to in the Gallery). Eventually, a game of mahjong will start. 3.1 Great, I'm playing. Umm... How? Basically, you're trying to make a winning hand, as described in the first section. The controls are simple. If the pointer on your side (easily recognizable by the fact that the tiles are face up) is over blank space, it's time to draw a tile. You can hit A to just draw, or you can hit B, which will bring up a menu that lets you draw your opponent's last discarded tile. You can ONLY draw a tile from your opponent if it either completes a set, or a winning hand. Menu options: Ron (winning hand from a discard) Chow (three in sequence) Pong (three of a kind) Kong (four of a kind) You can only use this menu BEFORE you draw. Also, those are the Chinese names for the sets. Since Mahjong was originally Chinese, that's what I personally use, but for anyone more familiar with the Japanese names, they're: Ron, Chi, Pon, Kan, in the order above. After you draw, there's a seperate menu with only three options. It works like this: Menu options: Richi (only one tile needed to win) Tsu mo (the tile you drew completes your hand, win) Kong (the tile you drew finishes a kong.) The first option allows you to do the same thing the opponent does when you see her eyes on screen, she places a tile on the little box between your hand and hers, and she discards her tile sideways. According to information I just received from Darius (thanks!), when you only have one tile left to get a winning hand, you can declare Richi, which sort of wagers 1000 points. If the opponent declares Richi, she too wagers points. The next person to get a winning hand gets the pot. Note that once you declare Richi, you cannot change your hand other than fishing for your needed tile. Please note that I personally seem to recall situations where some of the above didn't hold true, but I can't remember for certain. The next option allows you to claim a winning hand from a tile YOU DREW NORMALLY. If you take a tile from an opponent as a pong, kong, or chow, and then realize that it finished your winning hand... you're screwed. You'll have to discard a tile and rebuild your hand. A real pain that's lost me MANY MANY games. Last is Kong. This is the only of the three sets that you can claim after drawing a tile normally. Say you draw a tile that you already have three of. You can use this option to set all four aside as a kong. Scoring on a kong taken from your hand is different from one taken from your opponent's discard, and when they're set aside, two of the four tiles go face down. Tiles from a kong where you take a tile from an opponent are all face up. So now you know how to draw. Obviously, there's more to it than that. After you've drawn a tile, either normally or from your opponent's discard, it's time for you to discard. Move your arrow over a tile and hit A to discard it. Of course, you can always use the first option in the B menu, but like I said, I don't know all the rules to that. I do know however, that whichever tile you're over when you use this will be discarded. Naturally, you want to throw away tiles you doubt will help you make a winning hand to make room for those that will. Be careful discarding--it's very easy to ditch the wrong tile if you're moving your pointer too fast and hit A carelessly. Again, a real pain that's lost me MANY MANY games. There is no way to recover a tile you've discarded, but even worse, there's a rule in mahjong that says you can't "go out" (finish a hand) with a tile you've discarded. I'm not 100% sure how THAT rule works either though, sometimes it seems to let you go out on one anyway, and some times it won't. Once you have four sets and a pair, hit B and choose the middle option to declare your hand, unless you took your last tile from your opponent using the first option in the other B menu, in which case it's declared when you claim the tile. For a more detailed description of rules, visit Nanette's Notes on Playing Mahjong at, but be aware that it covers real, four player mahjong, so not everything will apply. SRMPC doesn't use flower or season tiles, for example. Note that if no one has a winning hand before all tiles are drawn, your hand can either be in tenpai or noten status. Noten means you had a ways to go yet, tenpai means you were only one tile away from a win. I've heard tenpai so often it makes me want to scream!! 3.2 I think I've got it, so where are the nekkid girls? Each time you win a hand, the girl you're playing will remove one item of clothing, with a few exceptions (usually the first girl stays clothed, and there are a couple of other such situations). As you continue to win, the girl will continue to undress until she's down to her panties and bra, at which point you move on to the next girl. Only the last girl you play will remove her bra (Tamami is an exception to this, more later, in the Girls, Girls, Girls section). Once you finish Story Mode, you'll get one last little bit of plot and the credits will roll, with a chibi (aka super-deformed) version of your last girl walking along a road. Very kawaii (cute). If, somewhere along the line, you lose completely (lose enough hands to have zero or fewer points), you get a 10 count to continue. You can give up by pressing option, or continue with A. Whether or not you lose progress depends on the settings in your options menu (see above). 4.0 So where do I go from here? Once you finish Story Mode, your last girl will become available in Free Battle mode. You play against her exactly as though she were your last opponent in Story Mode, but without any plot or any other girls in the way. Once you finish her, a screen pops up with some weirdness and a number. That number is, I assume, based on your performance or score or something. Hit a button to advance to the panel picture for that girl, and some squares obscuring it will be removed (the same as number as you saw on the previous screen to be precise). I've had as few as three or as many as fifteen squares removed at once. The panel picture is five by four, for a total of twenty squares, or at worst, seven games (assuming three is the minimum number to go each time). Once you clear it, the screen snaps down and then scrolls up, showing that the panel picture is actually about twice as large as you thought, and shows the girl's whole body--clothed. The panel pictures are of the girls in another costume. Each girl's costume will be revealed in the Girls, Girls, Girls section as I unlock them [NOTE-I sold my copy, so unless people tell me, I can't make good on this!]. Once you finish a girl's panel picture, you've truly finished that girl. Panel pictures are viewable in the Gallery, just like the strip scenes. 5.0 That's it? You mean that's not enough? Well, there's ONE hidden girl. Once you finish ALL girls in Story Mode (you'll know when they're all available in Free Battle), pick story mode again and just choose the top choice over and over until you start playing. You'll play against Akira and Yurina (maybe that depends on the menu choices you make, but you MUST pick the top one the first time, or you'll go into normal Story Mode), one hand each and no stripping. Then, you play the old man you saw in Story Mode for certain girls. Again, there's no stripping (THANK GOD!) and only one hand. Once these three short hands are over, go into Free Battle, and the hidden girl is revealed. Surprise, surprise, it's Showko, the menu girl! She has a lower quality set of strip scenes (but more, 8 to be precise), but that's because they took her straight from an older game in the Super Real Mahjong series without redrawing her the way they did others. She also has a panel picture. 6.0 Girls, Girls, Girls In this section, I'll provide all the details I have on each of the game's girls. I've got partial translations of the girl's bios, but I still need the part in actual paragraphs, at the bottom of each character page. Naturally, you'll be credited for any translation subitted, however partial. In the meantime, I'll include my own descriptions. I've also added instructions on how to reach each of the girls. Etsuko was provided to me by Maxima, and I've played and verified it. Mizuki, Akira, Yurina, Mari, and Tamami were submitted by Nexxus, and I haven't had the chance to confirm them yet. According to the e-mail I received, he's not 100% sure on Akira, Yurina, and Mari, but the others should be good. (PS, I've beaten all of them, and only needed help finding Etsuko, but I wasn't planning on writing this at the time and didn't take notes. :P) All lists of facts about the girls are from the manual, the descriptions beneath are still my own (at least the paragraphs are, the lists of facts are translated by a web translator)... Someone out there must read Japanese!! 6.1 Mizuki Tohno Birthday: June 27 Blood type: A Height: 164cm (roughly 5'4") Measurements: Bust-88cm (34") Waist-58cm (23") Hips-87cm (34") Likes: Vermicelli, the ocean Dislikes: crowds Hobby: competitive sports Turn-ons: intellectuals Plans for the future: First appearance: Super Real Mahjong P5 Mizuki is the game's tomboy, evidently fond of soccer judging from the pictures in the manual. At first, from the head shots on SNK's website, I thought she was a boy. Undressed, it's clear she's not. Mizuki has 4 strip scenes. To finish with Mizuki, keeping her strip scenes for Gallery Mode, choose the top, then bottom (forest background), top again (Mizuki should appear), then you play several girls. Farther down the line, there's one more prompt, choose the bottom one. Submitted to me by Nexxus, I have yet to confirm this. 6.2 Aya Fujiwara Birthday: January 9 Blood type: AB Height: 169cm (roughly 5'6 1/2") Measurements: Bust-79cm (31") Waist-56cm (22") Hips-(33") Likes: Poetry Dislikes: Jewelry Hobbies: Cooking, writing, potpourri (that's more like a thing than a hobby if you ask me...) Plans for the future: Being a novelist or composer First appearance: Super Real Mahjong P5 Aya appears to be a highschool student. That's about all I can guess. She's probably the plainest of the girls in appearance. Aya has 4 strip scenes. To finish with Aya and keep her strip scenes in the Gallery, select the top option in Story Mode twice. This one I found myself, and it's accurate. 6.3 Akira Hayasaka Birthday: October 12 Blood type: O Height: 152cm (roughly 5') Bust-89cm (35") Waist-57cm (22") Hips-88cm (34") Likes: Cats Dislikes: Swimming Hobby: Shopping (?) Plans for the future: Love (?) First appearance: Super Real Mahjong P5 I can't figure out anything about Akira, really... Akira has 4 strip scenes. To finish with Akira and keep her strip scenes in the Gallery, choose the bottom, top, then bottom choices. Not 100% sure of this one, feel free to e-mail me to confirm it. This path was submitted to me by Nexxus. 6.4 Tamami Kayama Birthday: June 28 Blood type: A Height: 153 cm (roughly 5') Bust-76cm (not quite 30") Waist-61cm (24") Hips-82cm (32") Likes: Ice cream, anime (?) Dislikes: Athletics, blackboards (maybe they mean school?) Hobby: Hanging out with friends (?) Turn-ons: Plans for the future: Graduating highschool, growing nice breasts (NOT A JOKE!!! When I put it into a translator, I got: "high-school / / graduate / bosom / breast / chest / heart / pectoral / too / grow / outgrow / handsome") First appearance: Super Real Mahjong P6 Tamami the smallest chest in the game. She's so small that she has no bra, so she winds up topless before her last scene. Tamami seems to be the most embarrassed about stripping of all the girls. She has 5 strip scenes. To finish with Tamami, and keep her strip scenes, choose the bottom choice twice (you'll be in a house), then top, then bottom (you'll be at the beach), then top (Tamami should appear). Not 100% sure of this one either, again feel free to e-mail me to confirm or correct. Again, this path was submitted to me by Nexxus, and I haven't confirmed it yet. 6.5 Mari Kurihawa Birthday: April 11 Blood type: O Height: 168cm (roughly 5'6") Bust-87cm (34") Waist-56cm (22") Hips-89cm (35") Likes: Travelling, puff (puff?? Maybe lacy things?) Dislikes: Thunderstorms Hobbies: Games, movies Turn-ons: Plans for the future: Marrying a handsome man (there was more, but it didn't make sense...) First appearance: Super Real Mahjong P6 Mari seems to be the oldest girl in SRMPC. She's got a very housewifey look. Mari has 5 strip scenes. To get Mari's ending and add her to the gallery, choose bottom twice, then top 5x. You'll play Tamami first, NOT Mari, but she's still the end girl. 6.6 Yurina Asahina Birthday: March 9 Blood type: A Height: 155cm (just barely over 5') Bust-81cm (32") Waist-57cm (22") Hips-86cm (33") Likes: Dislikes: Bugs, worms, asparagus Hobby: Turn-ons: Older brotherly guys Plans for the future: Managing...something... First appearance: Super Real Mahjong P7 Yurina is the game's "cutesy" girl. Most Japanese hentai games have at least one cutesy girl, and Yurina is it. She's also the game's most "girly" girl, shown in the manual in dresses and things. She cheats, delaying removal of her bra by pulling out her hair ribbon and counting that as an item of clothing. Yurina has 5 strip scenes, and her Panel picture is of her in a wedding gown--very beautiful. To finish with Yurina and keep her strip scenes in Gallery mode, choose the bottom option, bottom (you'll be in a house), top (beach background), bottom (store background, Yurina appears). Still not 100% sure, and again submitted by Nexxus, but I think this one's accurate. 6.7 Etsuko Toyohara Birthday: July 7 Blood type: O Height: 164cm (roughly 5'4") Bust-99cm (39") Waist-58cm (23") Hips-89cm (35") Likes: Bread and tea Dislikes: centipedes Hobby: Writing letters (pen-pals?) Turn-ons: Dependable guys Plans for the future: Becoming a teacher First appearance: Super Real Mahjong P7 Etsuko has the largest chest of SRMPC's bevy of beautiful girls. She's the second oldest looking girl, next to Mari. For some reason I can't tell without being able to read Japanese (which I can't), after she removes her bra, she falls to her knees with her hands clasped, imploring something of you. She has 5 strip scenes, and her panel picture is of her in a maid's outfit (another common Japanese fetish). To get Etsuko's storyline and finish with her, choose these menu options: Choose the bottom choice, then the top, then choose either one (you'll play against Akira, don't worry, it's one of those exceptions), then either one again, it doesn't matter, then keep choosing the bottom one until you start playing Etsuko's storyline. 6.8 Showko Birthday: December 9 Blood type: AB Height: 161cm (roughly 5'3") Bust-84cm (33") Waist-62cm (25") Hips-89cm (35") Likes: Travelling Dislikes: Hobby: Writing Turn-ons: Guys who are cool and determined Plans for the future: Leaving Japan First Appearance: Super Real Mahjong P2 Showko came from Super Real Mahjong P2 (originally at least) and has 8 strip scenes, all of which have much worse graphics than the other girls, as they weren't drawn for SRMPC, but taken directly from the older title. She's 17 years old according to the Super Real Mahjong Graffiti manual. We have DDCecil to thank for the bio information and origin. Thanks! She's a secret character. See section 4.0, "That's it?" for how to reach her. I believe her panel pic is of her in a cheerleader outfit (haven't finished it yet, but SNK Japan's website has some concept art, including Showko in a cheerleader outfit labeled "Panel," so there's very little question.), and unlike her strip scenes, it's drawn specifically for SRMPC, not an older SRM game, and doesn't look crappy. 7.0 I know something you don't know! I'm sure you do. Please feel free to send any corrections, additions, tips, etc. to I'm especially interested in translations of character bios, the manual, sections of story mode, etc. 8.0 Credits Thanks to Maxima for posting how to get to Etsuko on the GameFAQs SRMPC message board. Thanks to Seta for producing this and all other Super Real Mahjong games. Thanks to SNK for not restricting this game, and allowing it to be released in its full 18+ form. Thanks to GameFAQs for being THE BEST resource in the world for the stuck gamer, and CJayC for sacrificing so much of his personal life to make it what it is. Thanks to "Nanette" of "Nanette's Notes on Playing Mahjong," whose webpage is what provided me with the information I needed to get going on this game. Thanks to Nexxus for sending me his partial, unposted FAQ to pillage for information. Plenty of good stuff to add! Thanks to Darius, for filling in the last option in the options menu, and some details on declaring Richi. Thanks to DDCecil for the info on Showko! Finally, thanks to me for writing this! 9.0 Anti-credits I hope with all my heart that Aruze goes out of business for buying SNK and pulling it out of all non-Japan markets, and that a half-decent company picks up SNK's properties and staff. 10.0 Boring Stuff This is the section 99% of you won't care about, but here it is anyway. Revision history and Legalities follow. 10.1 Translation Notes So far, all translations are one of two things: Me figuring out what something does and naming it thusly, or me looking it up in a not-so-hot online dictionary. Anyone who can provide REAL translations of the bios is hereby officially BEGGED to do so! 10.2 Revision History 4/27 Version 1.0: First posting on GameFAQs. First revision, containing rudimentary information on everything, and complete information on nothing, except maybe Etsuko. 4/28 Version 1.1: Looked at my FAQ on GameFAQs for the first time, and realized what a terrible job I'd done on formatting... stupid tabs. No, stupid me for using tabs. Anyway, formatting fixed. Divided section 10 into two parts, rather than just legalities. Added guess as to Showko's panel pic. Finally, added a disclaimer to legalities. (Not that I expect to need it, but just in case. Besides, big words are fun.) 4/28 Version 1.2: Received first corrections/additions from Nexxus, providing help on how to get to various girls, Options menu translations, and more. Realized I had Pong/Kong/Chow all mixed up in here. :P Looked 'em up and fixed 'em. Added information on the status of incomplete hands at the end of a game (tenpai, noten). 4/28 Version 1.3: Realized I'd forgotten one menu translation. Fixed it. Also realized that I hadn't been changing the version number at the top of this file, but since versions 1.1 and 1.2 haven't been posted yet, readers may not ever see them anyway... Added bio and origin info on Showko, courtesy DDCecil. 4/29 Version 1.4: Struggled to translate some information on the girls. Most definitely not a complete success, but I think I managed to glean some pretty decent information from the manual! 5/5 Version 1.5: Added info on how to get Aya, and more detailed info on the help system. 5/25 Version 1.6: Various cosmetic fixes (apparently, version 1.1 didn't fix formatting as well as I thought... why didn't someone tell me?!). 20 days since the previous revision, and no new content. 1.6 will probably be the last revision, unless someone sends me translations out of the blue. 10.3 Legalities This FAQ is copyright 2001 Locklear ( Super Real Mahjong Premium Collection is copyright 2001 Seta Corporation and SNK All characters are assumed to be copyright 2001 Seta The author of this FAQ provides the content as is, and is not responsible for any use made of the information contained herein. By using this FAQ, the reader agrees to indemnify the author against any and all damages. All information in this FAQ is believed to be 100% accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, is provided to this effect. This FAQ is a work in progress, and is by no means to be considered complete. This FAQ is published only on, and may be downloaded and printed for personal use only. Publication, either in print or on any website other than GameFAQs is strictly prohibited without the author's explicit consent, which will not be withheld unreasonably.