0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 Star Tropics II: Zoda's Revenge Script By KFHEWUI Started August 16, 2007 All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2007 Timothy Johnson. !Warning! This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you have any questions, have the story from the instruction booklet, or you found a mistake then see the section Final Word on how to contact me. MAJOR WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! THIS FOLLOWING GUIDE IS FOR USE ON AND ONLY ON www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.supercheats.com If you see this guide on any website that is NOT mentioned above then please contact me immediately and tell me. ^~^~^~^~^ |Content| ^~^~^~^~^ 1. Read this first 2. Story 3. Script 4. Final word Updated August 20, 2007 I added script for Chapter 2 & 3. Updated August 21, 2007 I added the first half of Chapter 4. Updated August 28, 2007 I added the script for Chapters 4-5. Updated August 28, 2007 I added the script for chapters 6-9. ^~^~^~^~^~ |2. Story| ^~^~^~^~^~ If you have the story from the instruction booklet then please e-mail me the story. I will mention you in this guide for giving me the story. See final word on information on how to contact me. ^~^~^~^~^~^ |3. Script| ^~^~^~^~^~^ (At the title screen let the game sit for a few seconds.) (A book will appear in the middle of the screen. The book will open and the camera will zoom in on the book.) -The cast- Mike Jones (A picture of Mike is here) A junior in high school and the hero of our story. A short time ago, Mike went on an incredible journey. It began as a vacation to the South Sea... ...And it became a big adventure. Mike managed to save his uncle and seven space children from evil aliens. A few months ha passed. Mike is now in school and everything seems back to normal... -The cast- Dr. Jones (A picture of Dr. Jones is here) Mike's uncle and a famous scientist. Dr. Jones found the escape pod of the seven children while he was exploring some lost ruins in the South Seas. He's now at his stateside lab, trying to decode the strange cipher which he found on the escape pod. Once he does decipher, our hero, Mike, could likely find himself in the midst of another adventure. -The cast- Mica (A picture of Mica is here) The oldest of the space children. Mica is the daughter of Hirocon, the leader of Argonia. Mica and the others were sent away by Hirocon to escape Zoda. She has leadership qualities of her father, as well as some newly discovered powers of a mystical nature. As Mike is sent on his new journey, it is Mica who will send him important information from home... (After starting a new game) (There is an open book on the screen. On the right page, is Chapter 1. The scene changes and shows Mike. On the left side of the screen is a brick wall.) Mike: Hi, I'm Mike. How've been?... That's good. I'm back in Seattle. Do you remember my uncle? (Choice) Yes No (If you choose No) Mike: Maybe you should read the manual. My uncle is Dr. Jones, the tropical archaeologist! We call him "Dr. J" (If you choose yes) Mike: Yeah, Dr. J. The tropical archaeologist! Now he's in Seattle, busy decoding the rest of that cipher from the tropics. He spends all his time reading like crazy, trying to break the code. (On the right side of the screen Mica's head appears.) Mica: Mike, can you hear me? Mike, can you hear me? * You shout... WHOAA?! Mica... Mica? Where are you!? * No answer from Mica Mica: Mike! Pick up the phone! Just kidding... I'm using telepathy! *You shout... Telepathy...?! Wow, too cool! Mica: Remember my father, Hirocon, leader of the lost planet Argonia? He spoke to me in a dream... Was it a cat I saw? Was it a rat I saw? I wonder what it means... I can't talk any more today. That's all for now, Mike.. (Mica's head disappears) Mike: Mica! Wait! Disconnected....?! Was it a cat I saw? Was it a rat I saw? Hmm. I'd better ask Dr. J. (The scene changes, and it shows Dr. Jones sitting at a desk. There are stacks of books on the desk, and there are some questions marks above his head.) Dr. Jones: I'm busy... Very very busy! Tough! Tough! Very tough! This cipher is tough! Hmm... Maybe... Well... Getting warmer...?! Almost...!?! No... I'm busy... Very very busy! *You shout... Dr. J...! Uncle Steve...! Dr. Jones: Oh Mike, it's you! What are you doing here? *You tell him the story... Mica blah blah Hirocon blah said blah cat blah rat I saw. Dr. Jones: Hmm... Hirocon said... Was it a cat I saw? Was it a rat I saw? ?was I tac a ti saw. ?was I tar a ti saw. Get it? (Choice) Yes No (If you say no) Was it a cat I saw? Was it a rat I saw? Wasitacatisaw Wasitaratisaw Wasitacati saw Wasitarati saw Wasitaca ti saw Wasitara ti saw Wasi tac a ti saw Wasi tar a ti saw ?was I tac a ti saw ?was I tar a ti saw Get it? Yes No (If you say yes) Dr. Jones: Reverse! Exactly! Hirocon is telling us to reverse the cipher! Hmm... Hmm... Umm... Hmm! Aha! Let's see if this works. Mike, get the Oxford Wonder World.. That's it there... (The scene changes, and show a closed book in the middle of the screen.) Dr. Jones: Ah, here it is... Now to read the strange words of the cipher! Umm... Hmm... Umm... Hmm... "Paapaapaaoompapamowmow" *You shout... Is it Paa Paa Paa Oom Papa Mow Mow? ......?? Paa Paa Paa Oom Papa Mow Mow Dr. Jones: Mike, wait! Stop... Stop!!! (The book opens, and started flipping through pages.) (The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows an open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 2 (The scene changes and show an open field between two mountains. Mike appears in the middle of the field.) *You appear... Mike: Huh? What happened? Where am I? Wow! It's like being in a sci-fi movie! Brr... Brr... Acchoo! I've got to keep moving! * You decide to look around. (Go north from where you appear) Man: The ground has many holes a head. They're hidden by snow. Watch your step. (Inside the cave) (Right at the entrance) Many: I yam a cave man. A cave man I yam! Woman: Oh my... You look so much like my son! Sob sob... Sob sob... Oh my poor Shorty sob sob... Sob sob... Sob... Some day a reliever shall come from south. Our village awaits him! (To the left of the entrance) Girl: You came from the south? That's cool... And Mike is a hot name too! But you're sorta weird. You know. Woman: Oh my.. You look to be about my daughter's age! Sob sob.. Oh my poor, Pudgy sob sob.. Sob sob.. Sob... Some day a reliever shall come from the south. Our village awaits him! Man: I built a fire by rubbing these 2 sticks together. Warm yourself, boy. Tink: I'm Tink. I make tools from bones and stones. Mike, try using my axe! You've got an axe! Tink: You say you have no money? I don't know what money is. We cavemen just say thank you! (Middle of the cave) Girl: I'm gonna roast a boar for dinner. How do you like it? Rare roast...? What a barbarian... Guy: The hunting was good today. Boar: Oink! Oink! Snort! Guy: The hunting was good today. (Far north of the entrance) Guy: He's Pikazo, a great artist and I'm his buddy. We tried to fight Yum- Yum... It was terrible! Pikazo's not said a word since... Sob sob... Poor Pikazo... See his paintings on the wall...? I wonder if he's trying too tell us something? Pikazo: ... (North west of the entrance) Leader: Aww... Mike, you've come from the south. You must be the one from my prophecy. It says a south paw reliever would come one day! Are you the one? Yes No (If you say no) Leader: Oh? You're right-handed and a starting pitcher...? It's okay we can change our line up. A month ago... A man munching monster Yum-Yum gulped down our children. Our best cavemen tried to stop Yum-Yum... No more victims! I ask you to drive Yum-Yum from our land. Only you can do Mike the south paw reliever, can save us... (If you say yes) A month ago... A man munching monster Yum-Yum gulped down our children. Our best cavemen tried to stop Yum-Yum... No more victims! I ask you to drive Yum- Yum from our land. Only you can do Mike the south paw reliever, can save us... (Outside the cave) Man: No luck hunting today. Did you hear the story of Pikazo and his son Shorty in the cave? Sob sob... It's too sad to tell... Sob sob... Sniffle! Man: Yum-Yum lives to the north. Better not go there. So you're really going? Hope you have Tink's axe. (After beating Yum-Yum, go east then north) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning power off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go north) Shorty: Thank you! I'm Shorty. You really showed him, Mike! We would've been gulped for sure. Yum-Yum was trying to fatten us up... *You speak to him... You're Pikazo's son! I'm sure he'll talk again! Now hurry back and surprise your parents! Go on, hurry! (Continue forward) You've got a block! ... ...? ... ...?? (Outside the cave) (The screen shows Mike. Mica's head appears on the right side of the screen.) Mica: Mike, can you hear me? Whew... I found you! Mike, I been looking for you everywhere! Dr. J told me what happened. Mike, listen! You've traveled back in time. My father Hirocon... Must have known something might happen. I'm sure Hirocon wanted you to find the mystic tetrads. The tetrads were hidden on Earth, some where in time... They're the legacy of the Argonians... Mike, please help us find the tetrads. Yes No (If you choose no) Mike you've got to travel thru time and collect the mystic tetrads! I can't talk any more today. That's all for now, Mike... (Mica's head disappears) Mike: Mica! Wait! Disconnected....?! Tetrads? What's a tetrad? Wait! Look at the block! Mike: That's it I already have a tetrad! You've got a tetrad! Your life level is increased! (If you say yes) I can't talk any more today. That's all for now, Mike... (Mica's head disappears) Mike: Mica! Wait! Disconnected....?! Tetrads? What's a tetrad? Wait! Look at the block! Mike: That's it I already have a tetrad! You've got a tetrad! Your life level is increased! (The scene changes and shows the closed Oxford World Wonders in the middle of the screen.) *You decide to use the *Oxford World Wonders again *You turn to the next page *and say the magic words... Paa Paa Paa Oom Maw Maw (The book opens and starts flipping through the pages) Mike: Whooaaa! This is radical! (The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows an open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 3 (The scene changes and shows a desert. There is a river running through the middle of the land. There is a sphinx and pyramid on the upper left side of the screen. There are also palm trees.) *You appear... Huh? Where am I? Wow! Pyramids! A sphinx! This has got to be Egypt! * You decide to look around. (Go north from where you appear. Watch the right side of the screen for two palm trees. Walk in between them to find a path.) (Jack of all Trades) Jack: I'm Jack. Jack of all trades. I'll trade you for my bronze dagger. OK? Yes No (If you say no) Have your own way! (If you say yes) You've got a dagger! Jack: Don't mention it! (If you talk to him again) Jack: Sorry, we're closed. (If you talk to him with the dagger) Jack: I'm Jack. Jack of all trades. I'll trade you for my axe. OK? Yes No (If you say yes) You've got an axe! Jack: Don't mention it! (North of the barge) Guard: Halt! Stay away from here. (East of the Queen's barge) Man: Welcome to the lad of Egypt. Shirtless man: This is our Queen's barge, you know. Woman: Egypt is the Nile's gift. (On the barge) Cat: Grrrrrrrrr... Rrrrrr... Meow. Woman: Hooray for our Queen! She has incredible beauty. Shirtless man: Long live our beautiful Queen! Woman: The Queen's cat is hungry. Don't get to close! Man with a fan" I keep the Queen cool. You might say I'm one of her biggest fans. Ha ha ha. Hee hee hee... I'm so funny! Ho ho ho. Fat man: You wanna know if the Queen is beautiful? She's a knockout! (Inside the barge) (If you do not talk to every one on the barge) Guard: Halt! Stay away from here. (After talking to every one on the barge) Guard: Please enter the Queen expects you! Woman: Bow down in the presence of the Queen! Snake: Don't asp me anything. I'm just a sssssnake. Cleopatra: I am Cleopatra. Queen of the Nile. What brings you to my barge? *You tell the story... Blah blah seeking tetrads blah traveling blah blah... Cleopatra Hmmmmmmm... I may be able to help you. I know of this tetrad and I could take you to it for a price. Do you like pizza? I love pizza. It's my favorite! I ordered a large pepperoni and it has taken way too long... It's been 3 days already! Why must they keep their Queen waiting? It makes me soooooo angry!! Bring me my pizza and I will take you to the tetrad and hold the anchovies, OK? (If you talk to her again) Cleopatra: Bring me my pizza and I will take you to the tetrad. Good luck on your journey. (North of the barge) Guard: Going for pizza, huh? Cross the boarder here and you'll find it. (After passing through cave) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning power off or resetting!! Good luck! (East of the exit) Guy: Hey buddy, where ya headin'? *You tell the story... Blah blah seeking pizza blah traveling blah blah... Guy: Pizza? That's the hot cheesy pie from Rome, right? Try Rent-A-Camel for a smooth ride. Yes No (If you choose no) Man: Have your own way! (If you choose yes) Man: Have a nice drive! (The scene changes and shows Mike riding a camel.) *You hop on board the camel. ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...And ride ...For a very long time. Look! Someone's coming! (A man riding a Red Koopa Troopa slowly enters the screen from the right. The man stops at Mike.) ??? Guy: Hey! You know the way to the Nile? I've got a special delivery. A large pizza with extra pepperoni for our best customers. *You tell the story... Blah blah seeking pizza blah Cleopatra blah blah... Guy: OK, I'll leave it up to you. Thanks a lot pal! You've got the pizza. Guy: Bye now! (The guy turns around and runs off.) *No time to waste! (Mike turns around and rides forward.) Run, run! Hurry, hurry! Run, Run! Hurry, hurry! *You arrive at the barge. *The pizza's still warm! (Right of the barge) Guy: Oh, you have the pizza! You've done it! Woman: Oh, pizza! Good for you! (On the barge) Man: Oh, you have the pizza! Good for you! (Inside the barge) Woman: You've returned! And you have the pizza! Quick give it to me before it cools! *You hand her the pizza. (Woman walks over to Cleopatra and gives her the pizza. The scene changes and shows the open pizza box. A piece disappears.) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... (Another piece disappears) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... (Another piece disappears) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... (Another piece disappears) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... (Another piece disappears) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... (Another piece disappears) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... (Another piece disappears) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... (Another piece disappears) Chomp chomp... Chew chew... MMMMMM... Delicious! I'm so happy! Come closer, Mike! (Mike walks over to Cleopatra. The scene changes and shows Cleopatra.) *She is a knockout! Cleopatra: Let me take you to the tetrad, OK? (The barge sails across the Nile.) Cleopatra: To the south, you'll find a great pyramid. The tetrad is rumored to be within its walls. Bravely face the danger of the pyramid and you'll reach the tetrad. Good luck on your journey! (If you don't have the bronze dagger) Cleopatra: To the south, you'll find a great pyramid. The tetrad is rumored to be within its walls. Bravely face the danger of the pyramid and you'll reach the tetrad. I will trade you for my bronze dagger. You've got a dagger! Cleopatra: Good luck on your journey! (The barge sails off) (Enter then exit the pyramid) Man: You need something special to cross the pyramids magic field. Guy: I cam from the north. Some strange magic goin' on up there. (North of the pyramid) Man: There's a mad magician in a field beyond the reeds to the north! I was up there. He was driving me bananas! (At the end of the maze) (There is a mountain. A monkey appears on the mountain then jumps down to the ground.) *You shout... I'll be a monkey's uncle! Monkey: Listen well. There is a special ability that I must give to you. It is the power of the mind. You've got the Psychic Shock Wave. Monkey: With this force, you will be able to break barriers and strike down your enemies. Now, begone with you. (Outside the pyramid) Snake: Psst... Psst... Let me tell you about the pyramid. I snaked into there once and was changed by a very catchy tune. (At the end of the pyramid) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go north) You've got a Tetrad! Your life level increased! (The scene changes and shows the closed Oxford World Wonders in the middle of the screen.) *You decide to use the *Oxford World Wonders again. *You turn to the next page *and say the magic words... Paa Paa Paa Oom Maw Maw (The book opens and starts flipping through the pages) Mike: Whoooaaa! This is radical! (The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows an open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 4 (Mike appears in a village.) *You appear... Mike: Huh? Where am I? Oh! Here's an address... 221B Baker Street... London! Hmm... Sounds familiar. *You decide to look around. (Go south from where you appear) (The scene changes, showing Sherlock Holmes) Sherlock Holmes: Ah... Good evening. Allow me to introduce myself... The name is Holmes. *You shout... Mike: You mean Sherlock Holmes... The great detective? Sherlock Holmes: Well... Yes... I do like a good mystery. In fact, I have concluded that a robbery will occur in the museum tonight. A rascal by the name of Zoda-X intends to steal a most curious stone. *You shout... Mike: Zoda-X...? Zoda! I've heard that name before... Sherlock Holmes: Oh? Well then you shall help me catch him red-handed. Meet me at the museum at the stroke of midnight. And... Don't be late! (Along the way to the museum) Dog: Woof! Bow bow! Woof woof! (Inside a man's house) Man: Huh? What? Do you have any idea what time it is? Let a person get some sleep! (South of the police station) Dog: Woof! Bow bow! Woof woof! Cop: A little late to be going to the museum, isn't it? Hmm... Suspicious. Come with me! (In jail cell) Prisoner: What are you in for, pal? Don't even try to get out. This place is escape-proof! Cop: Zzz... Zzz... Zzz... (While heading to the museum) Sleepwalking man: Zzz... Zzz... Zzz... Dog: Woof! Bow bow! Woof woof! (At the museum) Sherlock Holmes: Aha! Just in time, Wats... Er... Mike. Come, I will show you the stone. (The screen changes and shows the tetrad on a podium) *A tetrad! *Quickly, you reach for it * But, suddenly... (Zoda appears on the right side of the screen) Zoda-X: Ha! Ha! I've got the tetrad now, Mike! *You shout... Mike: Zoda! That alien scum... Zoda-X: Weak human! You'll never survive the power of the mighty Zoda-X. (Zoda-X and the tetrad disappear) *Zoda-X has escaped with *the tetrad! (The scene changes, showing Sherlock Holmes) Sherlock Holmes: The game's afoot Mike! You give chase and I will cut him off! (At the end of the first dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (After beating the second dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Follow the path) You've got the Tetrad! Your life level is increased! (Exit sewers then go north) (The scene changes showing Sherlock Holmes) Sherlock Holmes: Well done Mike! You are a very clever sleuth! Do you know of this stone? *You tell the story... Mike: Blah blah Tetrads blah blah aliens blah Zoda-X blah blah. Sherlock Holmes: Of course! From Zoda-X, I deuce that there must be a Zoda-Y and Z! Hurry Mike! You are not alone in the chase for the Tetrads! Make haste! *You shout... Mike: Thanks, Sherlock! I'll take it from here. (The scene changes and shows the closed Oxford World Wonders in the middle of the screen.) *You decide to use the *Oxford World Wonders again *You turn to the next page *and say the magic words... Paa Paa Paa Oom Maw Maw (The book opens and starts flipping through the pages) Mike: Whoooaaa! This is radical! (The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows an open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 5 (Shows a desert and Mike appears on a cliff by two cactuses.) *You appear... Mike: Huh? Where am I? * You decide to look around. (Go north until you hit a town) Man #1: Howdy pardner! There's gold in thar hills! Yippee! (Bob's store) Bob: Sorry, we're closed. Man #2: I struck it rich! I struck it rich! Meet me at the saloon. The Ginger Ale is on me! Man #3: I struck it rich! I struck it rich! Man #4: Howdy pardner. When you walk up to a cactus, approach it from the south. That way you won't get pricked by the needles. Tombstone #1: Here lies Daring Dave. A landslide sent him to an early grave, 1849. Tombstone #2: Here lies Lucky Larry. His luck ran out and now he's buried, 1849. Man #5: You came west to seek your fortune, huh? Good luck! (Store house) Man: Howdy! Looks like you've been thru a lot! What brings you to these parts? *You tell the story... Mike: Blah blah seeking Tetrads blah traveling blah blah... Man: Hmm... You know I seen to recall a strange rock like your tet tot rad. It is in the mine that has since been buried by a landslide. If you blast in the right place, you'll open the way to your tet tod rad. Wish I could remember exactly where that was but, it's been a while. Good luck, Mike! (Silver Dollar Saloon) Man #1: Howdy pardner. Bartender: Howdy pardner! Welcome to the Silver Dollar Saloon! Have a shot of sarsaparilla. *You drink the shot... Mmmmmm... Delicious! Man #2: Howdy pardner. Man #3: Have a shot of my Red Eye Ginger Ale. *You drink the shot... (The screen flashes) Mmmmmm... Dynamite! Fighting men: Get outta here kid, we're brawlin'. Piano player: Want me to play my greatest hit? Yes No (If you choose no) Piano player: OK. Fine by me. (If you choose yes) Piano player: Eureka! I've done it. I've hit pay dirt. Rich is what I am and the town I will alert. There's gold in them thar hills. And it's brought me many thrills. Now it's gold that you can earn. But there's a step you must learn... It's the... Cactus dance, do the cactus dance. Everybody in the desert, do the cactus dance. Steep light and don't you stick. Seek a special cactus and make it quick. Face the cactus if you might. Then take 2 steps to the left and 3 steps to the right. Turn left again. OK, that's all. Then keep on walkin' 'til you hit the wall. Cactus dance, do the cactus dance. Shake up the shack with the cactus dance. The lost mine is yours if you want that too, just blast the wall and you'll get thru. (The dancers stop dancing) Piano player: Yeah, boyee. (Bob's store) Bob: Welcome to Bob's store! You came here for supplies to blast thru rock walls, huh? This should get you started. You've got a load of dynamite. Bob: If you strike gold, I'll buy it all. Good luck! (Desert) (When you use dynamite) *Fire in the hole! Run! (In one of the caves, you can find by using the dynamite) You've got a gold nugget. You strike it rich! * ??????... *Wow! It's a chicken nugget * You try it... Mmmmmm... Delicious! *But nothing happens. (In one of the caves, you can find by using the dynamite) You've got a gold nugget. You strike it rich! (Back in town at Bob's store) Bob: Welcome to Bob's store! Back for more, huh? You've got a load of dynamite. Bob: I'll buy your gold, OK? Yes No (If you choose no) OK. Fine by me. (If you choose yes) Well, it's a deal. (Store house) Man: Howdy pardner. No luck yet, huh? If you blast in the right place, you'll open the way to your tet tod rad. Wish I could remember exactly where that was but, it's been a while. Good luck, Mike! (After beating first dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go north) Donkey: Welcome, Mike. I am glad that you have come so far. Listen well. I will give you added strength so that you may overcome dangers ahead. You've got the Super Psychic Shock Wave. Donkey: Remember, Mike. My powerful magic will guide you on your journey. (Donkey disappears) (After beating second dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go North) You've got a Tetrad! Your life level is increased! (The scene changes and shows the closed Oxford World Wonders in the middle of the screen.) *You decide to use the *Oxford World Wonders again *You turn the page *and say the magic words... Paa Paa Paa Oom Maw Maw (The book opens and starts flipping through the pages) Mike: Whoooaaa! This is radical! (The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows an open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 6 (The scene changes and shows a town. Mike appears in an alley in between two buildings.) *You appear... Mike: Huh? Where am I? * You decide to look around. Man: You'ra justa visitor to Italy, yes? Hava nice time, CIAO! Man #2: Tetrad? I hava no Tetrad. Howa 'bout some nice Tetrazzini or Tortellini. Man #3: Hey kid! Need a map to the artists' homes? Wha d'ya say? I got Raphael, Donatello, Michaelangelo... Yes No (If you choose no) OK. Fine by me. (If you choose yes) Leonardo? Sorry, I'ma out. I solda the last one to some big weird guy. Pizza Man: Hmm... You looka familiar. You ever eat at Caesar's Hut Pizza? I'ma the pizza man. Man #4: An old scientist lives in our villa. If he can't help you, no one can... Woman: The old scientist in our villa is very inventive. I h ear his cellar is full of gadgets, lika big toy box. Woman #2: You look so thin! Here, have a big plate of pasta. *You eat the pasta *Mmmmmm... Delicious! (Inside the villa) Statue: Help! I can't mo... Get me outta here... *Someone's in the statue. (Cellar) You've got the chisel You've got the hammer (The screen changes, and on the left side of the screen is a statue, while on the right side of the screen is an easel) Statue: Get me outta here... *You chip away with the *hammer and chisel Leonardo: Ow... Get me outta here... (A piece of the statue breaks off) Ouch. Ow... Careful... Ow... (Another piece breaks off) Ow... Careful... Ow... (The rest of the statue breaks apart. The screen changes to show a close up of Leonardo and the easel. On the easel is the Mona Lisa.) *It's the famous artist, *Leonardo Da Vinci! Leonardo: Graci! Graci! Thank you for releasing me, friend. I was just putting my finishing touches on my new masterpiece when... ...A monster blasted me with liquid plaster. His name was... Uh... Soda?! *You shout... Mike: Zoda-Y! Sherlock was right! Leonardo: He asked about a curious artifact I saw a while in an old castle to the east. *You shout... Mike: The Tetrad! Leo, you've got to help me get there! Leonardo: I have justa the thing... But, first, tell me what you think of my new masterpiece. *You say... Mike: I'm no art critic... But the hair style is a little... Old. Leonardo: How about this? (Leonardo paints Mike's hair style on the Mona Lisa) *You shout... Mike: Wow! That's... Radical! Leonardo: Now, hurry, an invention of mine will take you to where I saw the artifact. Take this weapon, too. It's a souvenir of Marco Polo's from the far East. You've got a Katana. Leonardo: Be careful and don't let Soda... Er... Zoda-Y breathe on you. It's a petrifying experience. (The scene changes, and it shows Mike riding a flying machine over water) *Leonardo's invention is *...A flying machine! Sputter sputter, cough cough Sputter sputter, cough cough *It's not first class, but *it flies! Sputter sputter, cough cough Sputter sputter, cough cough (The scene changes and shows a close up of Mike. Mica's head appears on the right side of the screen.) Mica: Mike, can you hear me? Mike, can you hear me? Whew... I found you! I can sense that you're... flying! *You shout... Mike: Mica! You wouldn't believe what's been going on. *You tell the story... Blah blah flying machine blah Zoda blah Leonardo... Mica: Things have been crazy here, too! Aliens came to C-Island... ...Hypnotized Dr. J and found out how to time slip. They're after the Tetrad's and they may be setting a trap for you! Be careful, Mike. We don't know what these evil beings are capable of... (Mica's head disappears) Mike: Mica! Wait! Disconnected?! (The scene changes, and shows the flying machine again) Sputter sputter, cough cough Sputter sputter, cough cough Sputter sputter, cough cough Get ready for landing! (After start flying again) Sputter sputter, cough cough Sputter sputter, cough cough Sputter sputter, cough cough Get ready for landing! (At the end of the mansion) You've got a Tetrad! Your life level is increased! *Wait! You hear an evil *voice bellowing from *beyond! (The screen flashes a few times then Zoda-Y appears. Mike turns around and faces Zoda-Y. The scene changes and shows Zoda-Y) Zoda-Y: Not so fast, human. *It's... Zoda-Y! Zoda-Y: I've learned now not to send a henchman on an errand that requires my own touch. You'll not get away so easily where I'm about to send you. Go! Go to the land where a count stalks his victims by the light of the moon... ...Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha... ...Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha... Mike: Whoooaaa! This is radical! (The screen flashes a few times. The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows an open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 7 (Shows a forest and it is nighttime. Mike appears in the forest.) *You appear... Mike: Huh? Where am I? * You decide to look around. (At the end of the dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go north) You've got a Tetrad! Your life level is increased! (The scene changes and shows the closed Oxford World Wonders in the middle of the screen.) *You decide to use the *Oxford World Wonders again *You turn the page *and say the magic words... Paa Paa Paa Oom Maw Maw (The book opens and starts flipping through the pages) Mike: Whoooaaa! This is radical! (The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows and open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 8 (Shows a forest and it is day time. Mike appears in the forest.) *You appear... Mike: Huh? Where am I? * You decide to look around. Knight: Ods Bodkins! A stranger! Methinks you should see the king! Knight #2: The shadow of a dragon looms over Camelot! The king seeks a hero to save us. Sir Lancelot: I am Sir Lancelot. No doubt you have heard of my great and wondrous adventures. I would fight the dragon in the northern cave, but my schedule is quite full. So many quests, so little time. Guard: The king forbids citizens to travel beyond this point. Woman: Arthur, our king, is a very strong and important man. You should see him at once. (Inside the castle) Green Knight: Get outta here kid, we're trainin'. Red Knight: Get outta here kid, we're trainin'. Sir Spineless: Hail, hail young man! I am Sir Spineless the cowardly. I'm glad that you showed. I certainly wasn't going to battle the dragon. Servant: I serve the king. Can I get you a nice bowl of gruel? Swill? Mutton? Knight #1: We've been standing still all day long and I could really go for a coffee break. ...A doughnut ...A sandwich ...Anything! Knight #2: We've been standing still all day long and I've got an itch on my nose. It's driving me crazy! (The scene changes and shows a close up of Arthur) Arthur: Welcome! Welcome to Camelot, Mike! I am Arthur, King of the Britons. Wise old Merlin the magician told us to expect you. And you are just in time, too! There's this awful, mean terrible dragon you see and he's making a mess of things. I'd call on my brave and powerful knights but they all seem to be out on quests. Would you, brave Mike, smite down the terrible dragon? Yes No (If you choose no) Arthur: Very well, then, out with you. We have enough cowards here all ready. (Talk to Arthur again) Arthur: We have enough cowards already. Get outta here. (If you choose yes) You are indeed very brave! I hereby christen you, Sir Mike! (Arthur raises his sword. The sword flashes then he swings it to the right then back to the left.) Your life level is increased! Arthur: You are now a knight of the round table. Good luck on your journey! (East of the castle) Guard: You may pass Sir Mike. Fight bravely for our kingdom. (After beating the first dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go north) (An owl flies onto the screen and lands in front of Mike) Owl: Hoot... Hoooot... Hello, Mike, I am glad that you have come so far... I'm sure that you remember my other disguises. (The owl turns into a monkey then turns into a donkey. The donkey then turns into Merlin then the scene changes to show a close up of Merlin.) Merlin: Call me Merlin. I am the magician in King Arthur's court. Long ago I had a good friend from a faraway planet. His name was Hirocon. He spread the Tetrads across time and space so that only a hero could find them. When we last spoke, he asked me to watch over such a hero in his journey someday. That hero was you, Sir Mike, and that day has come. You must now collect the last Tetrad and put them all together. The fate of Hirocon's race rests on you. I will now give you the last and most powerful magic. You got the Ultra Psychic Shock Wave. Merlin: Now continue your journey along this path and fight for the final Tetrad. (At the end of the second dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go north) You've got a Tetrad! Your life level is increased! *You try to put all of the *Tetrads together... *But nothing happens!? (Outside cave) (The scene changes and shows a close up of Mike. Mica's head appears on the right side of the screen.) Mica: Mike, can you hear me? Mike, can you hear me? Mike, we need your help... Come back to C-Island... Hurry! (Mica's head disappears.) Mike: Mica! Wait! Disconnected?! (The scene changes and shows the closed Oxford World Wonders in the middle of the screen.) *You decide to use the *Oxford World Wonders again. *You turn to the last page *and say the magic words... Paa Paa Paa Oom Maw Maw (The book opens and starts flipping through the pages) Mike: Whoooaaa! Here we go again! (The screen changes and shows a blue hall. Mike falls down the hall.) (The screen shows and open book.) Left Page: ............... You slip to another time and space... Right Page: Chapter 9 (The screen shows an island. Mike appears on the island.) Mike: Hmm... Palm trees... A beach... I'm on C-Island! *You've got to help Mica! *Hurry to Coralcola! (Coralcola) (All the villagers are turned to boars except for a boy. So all the villagers say the same thing except for the boy) Boar: Oink! Oink! Snort! Boy: Mike! Welcome back to Coralcola! The strangest thing has happened. I came back from fishing and found all the villagers have changed to wild boars! And if that isn't weird enough... Odd sounds have been coming from this tunnel. Please help us Mike! (At the end of the dungeon) Wow! You've done it! Now saving refrain from turning off or resetting!! Good luck! (Go north) (The scene changes to show a close up of Mica) Mica: Thanks for saving us Mike! I have many things to tell you... ...But now we've got to make sure that the Coralcolans are OK! I'll meet you at the chief's hut! (Coralcola) Boy: Thanks for saving us Mike! I hear you went thru time and space! Woman: I'm gonna roast a pig for your victory. I hear you like rare roast, what a barbarian! Pig: Oink! Oink! Boy: Thank you Mike! Though, I did enjoy being a wild boar, too! Man: Thanks for saving us Mike! Man #2: H, Mike you've done it! What a great boy! Woman: Mica has already returned. She's waiting for you! Miss Coral: Mike! I'm Miss Coral. Remember me? You look totally cool! Girl: I still feel a little strange... Oink! Oink! Snort! ...?! Old Man: Boy, where do you come from? Americola...?? Man #3: Thanks for saving us Mike! Boy: Wow! You zapped the Zodas! Too cool! Show me how to use the Ultra Psychic Shock Wave sometime. (Inside the Chief's hut) Kid #1: Thank you Mike! Kid #2 Thanks for saving us Mike! Kid #3: Thanks for saving us Mike! Kid #4: Thank you Mike! Kid #5: Thanks for saving us Mike! Kid #6: Thank you Mike! (The screen changes and shows a close up of Mica) Mica: Mike! The village is back to normal! You have saved us all once again! We will be forever indebted to you. Now, let's put the Tetrads together and see what happens! (The screen changes and shows a close up of the Chief) Chief: The hero returns! Welcome back Mike! You are a power player indeed! Perhaps I can help you with those Tetrads. After all, "Tetris" is my middle name. *The chief puts the Tetrads *together. (The screen shows the Tetrads getting put together until they form a scepter. The screen flashes then Hirocon appears on the screen.) *It's Hirocon! Hirocon: Hello, Mike! Thank you so much for saving me! (Shows a close up of Mica) Mica: Father! You're alive! (Shows a close up of Hirocon) Hirocon: Mica! I'm so glad that you arrived here safely! When trouble began on Argonia, I sent you away in the escape pod... ... And then had my essence transferred to those Tetrads. Now thanks to Mike, we are all safe... (Shows a close up of Mica) Mica: ...And together we can go back to Argonia and rebuild our society! Goodby, Mike! !uoy tuoba gnikniht eb ll'I Ha! Ha! (Shows a close up of Hirocon) Hirocon: Thanks again, Mike. You will always hold a place as the hero of Argonia! (Hirocon starts flashing. The scene changes to show the inside of the chief's hut. Hirocon, Mica, and the kids are all flashing. Then they disappear. The scene changes to show a cliff. In the distance is water. Several balls of light shoot off. Mike runs to the edge of the cliff.) (The credits start playing. After the credits) (The screen shows an open book. On the left page is a picture of Mike standing at the cliff.) Right page: What a wild adventure! If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't believe it! (The book closes) Front Cover: StarTropics II The End Nintendo ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ |4. Final word| ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ !Warning! This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you have any questions, have the story from the instruction booklet, or you found a mistake then look below to see the information on how to contact me. MAJOR WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! THIS FOLLOWING GUIDE IS FOR USE ON AND ONLY ON www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com If you see this guide on any website that is NOT mentioned above then please contact me immediately and tell me. If you decide to e-mail then please do not e-mail any of the follow things listed below. 1. Chain letters 2. Porn 3. A virus 4. Any thing about a new diet pill or body enhancing pills (viagra for example) 5. A new appliance that is a must have E-mails you can send me 1. Ask a question about the guide 2. You found an error in my guide 3. YOU FIND THIS GUIDE ON ANOTHER SITE that is not listed at the list at the beginning of this guide 4. You have the story from the instruction booklet. Credits I would like to thank Nintendo, for making the NES and this game My friends And a big thanks to CJayC for creating Gamefaqs. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2007 Timothy Johnson.