-------------------------------------------------------------- | StarTropics 2: Zoda's Revenge (NES) FAQ/Walkthrough v1.00 | | By: Psycho Penguin Steve McFadden (penguin_faqs@yahoo.com) | | First Started: November 7, 2005 | | Finished On: November 14, 2005 | | Last Updated: November 14, 2005 | -------------------------------------------------------------- All questions about the game may be sent to me at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com . Questions or additions sent to the wrong address might be lost or deleted. So please choose your destination wisely. I do respond to all emails, so please be patient. If you sent it to the right place, you'll get a reply. Also, please read my guide before asking any questions. Only questions and tips not already in my guide will be posted. All game related emails sent to another of my email addresses will be ignored. I do enjoy receiving instant messages with questions and praise about my guides. If you would like to contact me, my AIM screen name is JuanDixonFor3. If I do not respond immediately, this probably means I am busy. I am always talking with my girl and with friends, so sometimes I don't get to instant messages from people I do not know right away. Be nice and I will talk to you. But if you are rude and abusive either because I don't respond quickly enough or about my guide, I will probably block you. All emails sent to the correct destination will be answered though. Thanks! (Yes, StarTropics is really only one word. Please don't email me about that.) (**************************) / TABLE OF CONTENTS / (*************************) ---- 1.0 ---- INTRODUCTION ---- 2.0 ---- GAME BASICS 2.1 Storyline 2.2 Controls 2.3 Characters 2.4 Helpful Tips ---- 3.0 ---- LISTS 3.1 Items 3.2 Weapons ---- 4.0 ---- WALKTHROUGH ---- 5.0 ---- MISC. INFO 5.1 Frequently Asked Questions 5.2 Boss Guide ---- 6.0 ---- CONCLUSION 6.1 Credits 6.2 Revision History 6.3 Author Information 6.4 Conclusion (*************************) / SONG RECOMMENDATION / (************************) When you are reading my FAQs, I usually like to recommend a song or two for you to check out in the process of reading. Lately, I have been loving the songs "Rock the Casbah" by Solar Twins and "Enter Sandman" by Metallica, and I highly recommend you check them out if you get a chance. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------- [ 1.0 INTRODUCTION ] --------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lately, I have been slowly trying to get back into FAQ writing, since I finally got some sort of motivation back. Trying to figure out a game that I wanted to write for was the major thing holding me back, however, as it took me a while to make a list of three games I wanted to write for: Sweet Home, Soul Blazer, and Silent Hill. Of course, I finally decided on one, and it turned out to be another S-lettered game, StarTropics. I completely randomly decided on this game out of nowhere. I then decided to replay the sequel, as it's a truly fun game that doesn't get the credit it deserves. I noticed that not only does it not get credited well, the FAQs for it, while decent, are a little lacking, and I felt I could do a good job of helping you through this challenging game. So, my 2nd FAQ project in 2 days has started, and this one will be fairly similar to my StarTropics FAQ, but will hopefully help you get through this challenging game. I hope you find this FAQ to be of some use to you. It's neither the most popular game, or the most challenging, but I hope the guide gets a decent amount of hits and provides help to some people out there. I know most of my FAQs get hits and emails, so I am hoping to continue that tradition now. Enjoy the FAQ! - Psycho Penguin =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------- [ 2.0 GAME BASICS ] ---------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Of all the sections of my FAQs, the game basics is always the most annoying for me to write, as it's hard to properly convey exactly what I want to include. This one wasn't so bad, though, I am just going to give some controls and storyline and then some helpful information to help you out. This game is not as complicated as the average game I write for, which definitely helps. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /2.1 STORYLINE /=-=-=-=-=-=-= The storyline is not the most complicated of all time, that's for sure. The first one had that "save the uncle from the evil aliens" storyline, and this time, you take control of Mike Jones again, and this time you have to get tetrads back from different time eras, to stop Zoda or something. I wasn't entirely sure what you needed the tetrads for, but the storyline at least develops better than the 1st one did. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /2.2 CONTROLS /=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Taken directly from the instruction manual: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directional pad - Moves Mike Start Button - Pauses game Select Button - Selects different weapons A Button - Jumps or talks to people. B Button - Use weapons Use magic items by pausing, pushing down, and using left and right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The best news to come out from the controls of this game is the fact that you can now jump diagonally, which will definitely come in handy throughout the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /2.3 CHARACTERS /=-=-=-=-=-=- This section is just where I list all the characters, of course. There are only a few that are relevant to the game, so I included them here. Mike Jones ----------------------------- Who? Mike Jones! He's the main character of the game. He makes his return from the first game in a quest to go back in time to collect magical tetrads before the evil Zoda gets his grubby little paws on them! Dr. Steve Jones ----------------------------- Dr. J makes his return from the first game as well. This time he is trying to decode a strange cipher he found on the escape pod. Too bad it turns into trouble for his poor nephew! Mica ----------------------------- Mica randomly telepaths with you and gives you clues throughout the journey. She also has the worst sense of humor I have ever seen. Cleopatra ----------------------------- The first historical person you meet, she will give you a hint for the tetrad in exchange for bringing her a pizza. Sherlock Holmes ----------------------------- I never expected to find this guy in this game. He will let you know about Zoda Y trying to steal a tetrad from the local museum, and will try his best to help you capture Zoda Y. Leonardo Da Vinci ----------------------------- He will lend you his flying machine, and this leads to a hilarious moment with him where Mike offers a solution for the Mona Lisa. King Arthur ----------------------------- Needs your help in slaying a dragon that has been terrorizing his castle, and will give you an awesome reward in return. Merlin the Magician ----------------------------- He will give you magical weapons throughout the game, as well as help you when you get a game over. The Chief ----------------------------- The big fat chubby guy from the 1st game makes his return as well, helping you put the Tetrads together. Hirocon ----------------------------- He died trying to defend his planet from Zoda, and he is the leader of Argonia. Zoda ----------------------------- The main baddy of this game. Expect to fight him several times! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /2.4 HELPFUL TIPS /=-=-=-=-=- I don't have too many helpful hints to give you, since the game is mostly the type that just takes effort and practice, but there's always room for SOME basic tips. - It takes Mike about half a second to turn when you push the button. It's not a huge deal, but keep that in mind when you have to make those split second turns. - This time, you get to diagonal jump and move. It may seem like a lifesaver, and I definitely appreciated it, but be wary that some jumps will be FAR harder to make now than they normally were, due to the fact you can turn in midair and land in water or somewhere you didn't want to land. - Save the weapons and special items for when you need them. You don't get an unlimited amount of them, so don't waste them on easy enemies or bosses. - Remember that Mike can only jump one space at a time, so don't make those two tile jumps, unless you have the special item that allows you to. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -------------------------------- [ 3.0 LISTS ] ------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This won't be overly complex like I usually would do in my FAQs, because this is a pretty basic game with weapons that don't have statistics. Therefore, I'll just list the basic description of each item and weapon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 3.1 ITEMS /=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The listing here is pretty simple. I list the items in alphabetical order, and I then list the type of item and its description. TYPES ----- Automatic: You use it automatically. Storage: You can save it for later usage. Story: Used to drive the story along. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | BIG HEART | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Automatic | | Desc | Increases your max life level by 1. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | CHISEL | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used with the hammer to get Leonardo out of the statue. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | DOUBLE HEART | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Automatic | | Desc | Restores two hearts to your health. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | DYNAMITE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used to open the mine in chapter 5. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | GOLD NUGGET | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used in the mines in chapter 5. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | HAMMER | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used with the Chisel to help Leonardo out of the statue. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | HEART | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Automatic | | Desc | Restores one heart of health. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | MAGIC WHISTLE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Storage | | Desc | Used in the Pyramid to unlock a secret exit. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | PIZZA | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Give it to Cleopatra in exchange for information. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | POTION | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Storage | | Desc | Restores six health points. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | SIGN | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Automatic | | Desc | Can take away or add lives. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | STAR (BIG) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Storage | | Desc | Makes you temporarily invincible. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | STAR (SMALL) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Automatic | | Desc | Collect five to get your hearts refilled by 1. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD #1 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD #2 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD #3 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD #4 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD #5 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD #6 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD #7 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TETRAD Y | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Story | | Desc | Used at the end of the game. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | VITAMIN | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Automatic | | Desc | Restores all your health. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 3.2 WEAPONS /=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is the section where I list the weapons. I listed them by alphabetical order, followed by their type, and then their description. Just like the items! TYPE ---- Main: These are given to you and have unlimited uses. Magic: These are magic items. They kill some baddies that normal weapons can't, and they help to destroy barriers. To use the most powerful magic weapon you have, you must have half health. Secondary: You only get them for a certain amount of time and uses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | BOLA | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Secondary | | Desc | It has less attack power than the Knife, but has way more range. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | HAMMER | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Main | | Desc | These will last you the first two dungeons, despite the terrible | | | attack power and limited range. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | KATANA | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Main | | Desc | It has a strong attack power and decent range. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | KNIFE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Main | | Desc | Still not a great weapon, but better than the hammer marginally. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | PSYCHIC SHOCK WAVE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Magic | | Desc | Short range and decent attack power. Good on enemies in the pyramid.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | ROCKS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Secondary | | Desc | You only get these for a limited time, and quite frankly that's all | | | you will need them for. They are short ranged and have terrible | | | attack power. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | SPIKE BALL | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Secondary | | Desc | Goes in a straight, short line and damages any enemy in its way. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | SUPER PSYCHIC SHOCK WAVE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Magic | | Desc | The attack power and range are getting better. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | THROWER | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Secondary | | Desc | A much improved version of the rocks. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | TRIPLE SPIKE BALL | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Secondary | | Desc | Shoots out three spike balls, meaning more range and different | | | directions of attack. Works great against multiple enemies! | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Name | ULTRA PSYCHIC SHOCK WAVE | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Type | Magic | | Desc | As you may have guessed, this is the strongest of the shock waves. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------- [ 4.0 WALKTHROUGH ] ---------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here we go, the main portion of this entire guide, and I hope I won't disappoint. I found this game to be significantly harder than StarTropics, but maybe it's just my lack of gaming skills nowadays. Regardless, some of the moving platforms and diagonal jumping them can prove to be a real patience tester, so I will TRY my best to help you with these challenging moments. I will provide you with the best and easiest way to get through this game, but some of it still takes practice and effort, so be patient if things don't go your way right away! You will eventually get it. I am here to make sure you can do all the things that don't require patience and skill... like knowing codes and knowing which way to go through a dungeon. Name your dude and then the quest begins. CHAPTER 1! <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 1 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> This is just an introduction to get you into the game. Nothing really happens here, just Mike being sucked back in time thanks to a super lame plot where he discovers a mystery code by talking to some whore telepathically (complete with super lame jokes). Here's a recap of the storyline: Dr. Jones: I found a new puzzle to solve. Mike: o rly Dr. J: ya rly Mike: 1337 Micah: Pick up the phone you clown! Mike: LOLOL You too funny XD Micah: Read da code backwards! Mike: BOOM BOW WOW BOOM WOW BOW WOOM *WOAH THIS IS TOTALLY RADICAL* <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 2 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> As you can guess, I highly exaggerated the storyline for the opening chapter. It's slightly more interesting than that. Mike ends up in the ice age/stone age mix, and he has to get to a cave or something. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE STONE AGE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Along the path towards the cave, you may occasionally "fall" into an action scene. There's a few different kind of action scenes here, so I can't really give you any specific instructions here. However, I will say to of course pick up the fireball weapons, and remember you can now move and shoot diagonally, which can make killing enemies a lot easier, if you aim right. I seem to suck really badly at aiming. :( Once you are in the cave, go to the lower left hand corner and talk to Tink. He will hook you up with an axe, your first weapon of the game! Fortunately, unlike StarTropics, you do not need to talk to everyone in the village to get the chief to talk. Just walk up to him and talk, he's in the northern area. He will beg you to defeat Yum Yum. Make sure to write down the shape drawings on the wall near the guy who says his friend got eaten by Yum Yum, as they hold the clue to beating the dungeon. Head north out of the cave to get to Yum Yum's Cave, the first dungeon of the game. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: YUM YUM'S CAVE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: As you may expect, the cave is not that challenging at all, although it has been known to give newbies to the game a problem at first, so I wouldn't be too overconfident. I love the new cave music for the game, it sounds pretty awesome. Move up and kill the 4 boars, then in the next room kill all the enemies. You will hear a secret passage opening up in the previous room. Return to that room and enter the secret room to get a medicine, then go back to the latest room. You can avoid the salamanders here if you want. I choose to kill them just to get some practice in. Kill the boars on the next screen if you wish, and the following screen has a bear for you to either avoid or kill as well. Jump across the platforms in order to get to the top ones, then wait and time your jump so you can kill the boar before jumping onto the platform. Jump over to the other side and proceed to the next room. Kill the three bears to open up a passageway, then take it and head to the next room, running straight through it. The next room has three walking men who are on fire and just chase after you. Quickly dodge to the right to avoid the first one, then kill them or run to the next room. Avoid the bear in the next room, then in the following room kill the three bears to unlock a passageway. The music changes, and you have the first puzzle of the game to complete. Remember those shapes on the wall I told you to write down? I hope you did. Each room has three shapes, and only one leads you on the right path. Here's the way to get out of here: circle, circle, triangle, square, circle, square, triangle. Once you are done, you can just speed run through the next two rooms, or try to kill the enemies and hope they don't take away your health. There's an incredibly easy boss coming up in the room after these enemies. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | | YUM YUM | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This might be the easiest boss I have ever faced in this kind of game. He starts off eating a boar, and if you run up to the right side of him and quickly fire axes at him, you should be able to beat him before he even starts his attack! How easy is that? If you don't get to kill him in time, he'll run back and forth, shooting out fire bubbles from his mouth that spread across the screen. There's a divider separating you and him, so don't worry about instant deaths or anything like that. Just avoid his shots and fire at hom when he can. When he is about to die, he'll move faster and stronger, so be careful then. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Proceed to the next screen, and a bunch of kids will be forever indebted to you, as you saved them from a tragic life as food for an evil boar eating boss in a 1994 NES game. You'll find a weird block thing, and then Micah will contact you again. She'll convince you you went back in time (thanks dear!) then says she thinks her father wants you to find the Tetrads. We already found one, so now we have to go back in time even more to find the rest of them. Your life meter will be increased, and Mike will chant that spell to go back in time again.. <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 3 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> This might be my favorite chapter in the entire game. Not only does it have the hilarious inside jokes with Mario and pizza and Cleopatra, but it also has a rare secret, an interesting monkey maze, and a pretty cool pyramid dungeon to boot! And while it is longer than chapters 2 and 4, it's not super long like the insane chapter 3 in the prequel! ::::::::::::::::::::::::: EGYPT ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yep, you are now in ancient Egypt. Go north and go on the ship, then talk to everyone. The guard will now let you pass and talk to the queen. She knows about the tetrad, but she wants a pizza in exchange for her valuable information. Cleopatra's a pizza fan?!? Heh. Now, leave the boat and go north. The guard will let you pass, and it's time to go to the Border Pass. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: BORDER PASS ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Kill the spiders in this room, and the path to the next room will be unlocked. In the following room, kill the mummy and then continue onward to a room with more spiders. Jump on the tile and then walk through the question mark orb to open the chest. The chest contains a slingshot. Use either weapon to kill the enemies in here, then move on to the next room. Kill the spiky enemies, then follow the path and kill more mummies. Kill the scorpions in here, and you will be faced with an unique enemy: the moving tile. Kill all of them, and the path to the next room will be unveiled. Grab the medicine, then move onto the next room. Kill more moving tiles here, then kill the spiky enemies. Jump across the platforms to the other side, then move to the next room. Avoid the enemies in here if you wish, since the next room contains another boss. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | | SCORPION | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This large scorpion is harder than Yum Yum, but that's not really saying much, now is it? ;) He is in a large room, and little scorpions come out of the holes in the room. They are more challenging to avoid than the boss himself, who softly moves around and occasionally shoots out easily avoided bullets. You can even jump over the bullets if you wish. Switch to the slingshot and fire away on the scorpion, avoiding and killing the little ones that get in your way. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ You will now meet up with a guy on the camel, who is the pizza delivery guy. Agree to give the pizza to Cleopatra directly, and you will automatically return to the boat. Cleopatra will be pleased, and she will give you a dagger to help with the journey. Now, we can't go to the pyramid yet, since we need a magical weapon to destroy the barrier that is blocking people from entering it. So, go west and north instead. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: MONKEY PUZZLE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: This is the craziest puzzle I have ever seen. You can occasionally stand up on a wooden platform, where you can see the path you need to take. Memorization is key. I will just give you the easy way to go about this. Go to the left opening and go 3 left, 7 up, 2 left, 3 up, 6 right, 3 down, 6 right, 5 down, 2 right, 4 up, 2 right, 4 down, 2 right, 11 up, 2 left, and 2 up. Yes, I figured this out by myself over time. You'll fall into a battle scene now. This battle scene is pretty simple. Kill the monkeys, then the Croc to open the door. Get the hearts and kill the jellyfish to open the door, which leads to the exit. Told you it was simple. Back to the puzzle. Go through the left and go 4 left, 10 up, 7 right, 5 down, 2 right, and down to get a big heart. Then go 7 up, 3 left, 6 up, 6 left, 4 up, 1 left, 4 up, 4 left, 4 down, 2 left, 5 up, 5 left, 1 down, and you will fall into another battle scene. This one is also pretty simple for the most part. Kill the crocodiles in here, then go to the next room and kill the monkeys and crocodile. Grab the hearts in the next room and kill all the enemies to unlock the door, then follow the path and you'll eventually be out of here. Now, comes the toughest part of the monkey puzzle. This was a BITCH to figure out when I was 14. Go 4 left, 2 down, all the way left, 4 down, 3 left, 1 down, 3 left, all the way down, 1 left, 4 down, 11 left, 3 up, 1 left, 4 up, 5 right, 3 up, 6 left, 8 up, 3 right, 1 down, 5 right, 3 up, right around the bench, 3 right, 3 up, 3 right, and up! He will give you the Psychic Shockwave and leave you off in the pyramid! ::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE PYRAMID ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Now, you can break that damn barrier, so switch to the Psychic weapon and do so! In this room, kill the skeletons, then kill the cobras in the next room and go up the stairs. This room has a bunch of spikes, as well as fire that comes up, as well as hidden holes in the floor! Whew, that's a lot of nasty traps! The switch is in the top left tile, so hit it and then open the door. The enemies here are only weak against the psychic shockwave weapon, so switch to it and fuck them up! Kill the mummy and mini mummy, then hit the switch in the top left tile. Jump on the platform and get the medicine, then wait for the platform to reappear, then jump across it and follow the path across. Kill the enemy here, then fall through the hole in the middle, and quickly push left. Get the hearts, then go to the door. Kill the enemies, then go through the door that was unveiled. Move along the path onto the higher platforms, nothing the fact that you can't actually kill the walking skeletons here. But, you can break them down, so do that! Hit both the switches here, then kill all the enemies and pick up the try your luck sign.. I almost ALWAYS get a +1 anyways. Kill all the enemies in the next room, then the following room as well. The upper left tile has 2 hearts, so make sure to grab it while killing the enemies in here. Kill the enemies in here, and notice the pattern. Looks like a snake, huh? Keep this room in mind. The switch is in the tip of the tail, so push it to go into the next room. In the following room, kill the mummies. You get a small space, so what I like to do is make them follow me around, so I can get better aim and also to ensure that they won't get too close to me and really screw me over. In the next room, kill all the enemies, then hit the right tile of the middle block of tiles to get a medicine. In the next room, kill all the mini mummies and then get the Flute from the switch. Return to that snake room and push the flute. (Pause then down and select the Flute) The snakes will come out of the room. Kill them and it opens a secret passageway. Follow the path along and you will soon get to another boss. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | EGYPTIAN MASK | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ The Egyptian Mask is a little challenging due to the conveyor belt that you have to stand on. This shouldn't prove to be too much of a problem, though. The Egyptian Mask will just move around kind of quickly, shooting bullets out on occasion. Switch to the Shockwave and figure out its simple pattern, then start attacking it easily. Once it takes some decent damage, he will go red and start moving across the screen faster. He starts to shoot out more bullets, and he also has a blue laser beam that occasionally comes out of his mouth. Avoid these attacks and finish him off with a few more well timed hits. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Your life meter will be raised by 1, you'll get a tetrad, and this chapter will be history! <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 4 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> This chapter isn't as good as the last chapter. I like the graphics and designs better, but the overhead stuff is kind of lame. On the plus side, the sewer dungeon is pretty challenging, and the two bosses were real assholes to me until I figured out how to beat them easier. They are still a challenge no matter what. I didn't love this chapter, but it was decent. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: LONDON ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Yes, you're now in London, and adding to the freakiness is the first guy you meet, Sherlock Holmes. He has concluded that a robbery will occur in the museum tonight, and a guy named Zoda-X wants to steal a stone. We've heard that name, of course, and Sherlock offers to help you stop Zoda from stealing the stone. Follow the path along, until you see a police officer. Talk to him, and he will arrest you for simply walking outside at night. I'd love to see that hearing. Talk to the dumb fuck con to the left of you, and escape from the escape route free jail cell by pushing against the right hand wall until you find the path. Follow the path outside, and follow it along to get to the museum. At the museum, Sherlock will make a Watson joke, and Zoda-X will escape with the tetrad. That's not cool. Take the open manhole to the left to get a big heart container, increasing your total life by 1 heart. Whoo hoo. Now, leave this manhole and head down to get to the next manhole, which is the dungeon for this chapter. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: SEWERS ::::::::::::::::::::::::: This is the toughest dungeon in the game so far, in my opinion. First of all, there's a ton of traps in here, like moving platforms, and the two bosses in here gave me a ton of problems for a while. Let's get rolling, though, since at least it's not the longest dungeon in the world. Jump on the raft, then jump on the switch on the top right corner. Run through the question mark and then move to the next room. Go right, watching out for the jellyfish that will occasionally jump in your path and try to impede your progress, and then go through the open doorway to the right. Kill all the enemies in this room, and a door will open up to take you to the next room, like magic! Writing this walkthrough is at least a little more fun than it was in StarTropics, since I don't have to write "jump on the tile to trigger a switch to open the path to the next room" 7,000 times in a row. There are monkeys on the raised areas in here, and a switch on the tile second from top on the left hand side. Take the switch first, then kill the giant rats in the next room (just hit them a few times, run back, hit them some more, etc. They attack with their tail when they're near you.) and collect the medicine. Go back to the previous room with the monkeys on the platforms, then hit the top right tile and go out the doorway to the left. Move along the pathway, killing rats along the way if you must, and then kill the enemies in here to open up the path to the next room. In the next room, there will be flying owls above you, so you need to jump up and hit them or get on an elevated platform and hit them that way. The next room contains the first boss. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA'S CREATURE | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This guy was a real toughie for me until I figured something out. At first, I thought you had to kill him in one go, but you don't. This makes the battle a little easier, but not too much. He is in the middle of the water, and there are four platforms that appear and disappear around him. You have to jump on one, hit him a few times, jump to the next platform, and repeat. Timing is critical, and make sure you can jump to the next platform from the position you are at. When you get to the platform below him, you can jump down to dry ground and repeat the process. You shouldn't have to worry much about his attacks, since he shoots weak shots and I have never been hit by one. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Follow the overworld path along and you will be in a new area of the sewers. Time to find Zoda! Get the hearts here, and in the next room, kill the enemies, trigger the switch third from the right, get the weapon, and move onto the next room. The next room has giant rats. Just follow the strategy I gave you before. They move slow, so just hit them a few times, move back, hit them again, and repeat the process until they are defeated. I rarely ever get hit by them now. Kill all the enemies in the next room, then hit the switch in the middle left tile. Go back to the previous room and hit the switch. Go through the door that opened, and follow the rafts and platforms along. First, jump on the moving raft down to get an item, then go back to the beginning of the room and jump on the moving raft to the right. Stop on the platform here, and wait for the next moving raft. Jump on it, and just jump on moving raft to moving raft to get out of this room. MUSIC CHANGE! By god, I love this song. Easily my favorite song in the entire game, and maybe the entire series. I absolutely adored it when I first heard it. Kill the jumping blue slimes here and move on to the next room. The middle set of tiles has a switch on the left. Get a medicine this way, then step on the right tile to open a doorway containing a medicine. Go up the stairs, then fall down the middle set of tiles. Go down, and kill the giant rats again. Go through the door that opened, kill the green enemies, and move on to the next room. Get the Try Your Luck sign if you wish, grab the hearts, then jump from raft to raft, onto the tiles. Hit the switch in the upper middle tile. Grab the disc and then jump onto the platform when you see the raft near you. The platform disappears when you step on it, so only jump when you can make a clean jump. In the next room, kill the enemies and grab the medicine, then go back to the previous room, kill the enemies again, and hit the switch in the bottom right hand corner. The next room has the toughest boss yet by far. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Oh man, this guy gave me a headache when I played him. Then again, I had less than half of my health and only one medicine, and I still managed to beat him on my third try, so you should be fine if you have THREE medicines. He has two attacks. One is an attack where he shoots four blue flames out from the floor. He does this when you are far away from him. He also has a short range attack where he shoots five skulls out, but you can jump over them. He also teleports around the room a few seconds after he does an attack. The main tricky part here is the flooring, which have little arrows on every tile, so you will constantly be moving around in whatever direction they see fit. That's why I jumped around a LOT during this battle. As soon as Zoda appeared, I jumped near him, jumped over his skeletons, and hit him a few times before he teleported. He takes a fair amount of hits, but with three medicines, you should be fine, I promise. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ You'll get a tetrad! Walk outside and talk to Sherlock Holmes. You will both decide that since there is a Zoda-X, there must be a Zoda-Y and Zoda-Z also. O rly. Geniuses. <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 5 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> I didn't like this chapter much. The overworld music and idea got on my nerves quickly. You're in the wild west this time. At least the dungeon was pretty interesting, I didn't mind that too much. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: WILD WILD WEST ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Go north and enter the town. Talk to everybody, then enter the shop to the north. Talk to the guy and then head out. Go right and around a house. Talk to him, then go to the saloon and talk to everyone in there, while also making sure to listen to the piano player's song. Go into Bob's Store in the lower right hand corner, and he will agree to give you some dynamite, which you can use to find gold nuggets and maybe the entrance to a cave with a tetrad in it. ;) First, let's get a big heart. Go all the way west, then down, and place the dynamite between the two rocks. In here is a Big Heart! Whoo hoo. We're starting to become mighty powerful now! Go back to Bob's Store and get more dynamite, then go to the west side of the mountain. You'll see two golden colored rock passageways to the south of here. Place the dynamite three spots lower than the southern golden colored passageway to unlock the passage to the Gold Cave. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: GOLD CAVE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Kill the scorpions, then head through the door. Destroy the top portion of the wall and go through the passageway you opened up, then go up the stairs. This room has three skinny platforms with boulders that roll across. The boulders are instant death, so be careful. When you see a boulder come near you, jump up or down to the next platform. Get some hearts here if you need them, and the exit is in the middle platform at the end of this room. The next room has my mortal enemy, snakes, so take care of them and jump in the platform in the middle. You'll fall through to another room. Kill the two enemies, then go through the room they opened up. Kill the enemies in here, and hit the switch to progress to the next room. Here, you'll see jumping chests, and when you hurt one, they'll turn into SUPER fast moving coins. The best bet is to just attack them as quickly as you can. Grab the bola in the chest, then kill the enemies in the next room to get a Medicine from the chest. Go back to the previous room and head left for the first boss in here. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | MINER | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This guy is a relief compared to the two previous bosses. The only problem is that there's a skinny platform that you must stay on while aligned with him for the whole battle, but it shouldn't be too much of an issue. He will get a boulder from the wall, and throw it at you occasionally, then inch slowly to the right. You obviously have to kill him before he gets too close to you, since touching him means instant death. Just hit him normally when he holds the rock up, and when he has it down, jump and shoot. Jump over the boulder and you can get in a few more sneaky hits as well, if you wish. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ In the next room, talk to the donkey and you'll get the upgrade to your psychic weapon. Yay. Go to the second part of this cave, and hit the tile switch in the bottom right hand corner to get some much needed hearts. Go to the next room, and use the Super Psychic Shockwave weapon that you just received to hit some scorpions. Go in the next room, and you'll be shot onto a fast moving belt. As soon as you're in the next room, jump to the right to get a medicine, then jump back on and jump off at the third room. Kill the scorpions, and you'll see a wall open up on the other side. Jump up (not onto the belt), and kill the two enemies. Go around and into the wall you just opened. Grab the hearts and then hit the switch next to it, and get the medicine bottle. Go back out and around, then use the Super Psychic Shockwave weapon on the chest enemies. In the next room, hit the crack in the wall to get more medicine. The next room has more boulders, so follow the strategy I gave you before. Hit the switch and get the invincibility star, then kill all the enemies to head through the door. This next room has a boss-like enemy, but he's not. He's a guy on a mine cart that drives by throwing fire and shooting bullets. Follow his pattern and get in some hits when you can. When you defeat him, kill the scorpions and ghosts, hit the switch, and kill the snakes to open another secret room. In this room, hit the crack in the wall to get the medicine. Hit the switch and grab another star. Head out, and you'll be up to the boss! ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | MINER SKELETON | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Yay, a big giant skeleton miner. When the battle starts, he will slam his hammer into the ground. Mike will freeze for a second, boulders will come from the sky, and boulders will come out of his hammer. Yep. The way to prevent this freezing from occurring is by jumping when he throws the hammer down, so jump right away. This guy is pretty challenging, since he also jumps around the room. I hope you saved those medicines and the star, because you can use it now to get in a bunch of hits with the shockwave weapon without taking any damage. Otherwise, just attack him when you can, making sure to jump when he throws the hammer down. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ You get a tetrad, and this chapter is over! Only a few more chapters left to go! Where will the book of Oxford take us now..? <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 6 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> Oh, great, now we're in 15th century Italy. This chapter is pretty interesting in that there's no boss or major dungeon to go through, just a tiny dungeon with no enemies and a maze. I liked the change of pace, as the past few chapters have had an influx of bosses anyways. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ITALY ::::::::::::::::::::::::: No one has a bloody idea as to where the tetrad is, but let's not give up hope yet! That would just be foolish and wrong! Instead, listen to them talk about an old scientist that might be able to help you, and then search this fellow out. First, talk to the guy who says he is out of maps to Leonardo Da Vinci's place because he sold his last one to a big guy, who is probably Zoda! Walk around here and enter the place, and you'll see a disturbing sight. A guy has been trapped in plaster and there are Zoda's tracks here! Go down the stairs now. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: BASEMENT ::::::::::::::::::::::::: There's no enemies, but there's some flying balls here that move in a circle that you need to avoid. Then, watch the pattern of the machines that drop balls, and wait for the balls to go up before running underneath them. The following section has spikes in mid air, so carefully jump from moving platform to moving platform while avoiding these annoyances. Just jump straight forward for your best hope, if you move in mid air you'll definitely run into the spikes and it'll be death for you! You'll get to the next room, where you have to jump over more spikes and moving platforms. Again, just jump in a straight line and don't sway at all, and you should be fine. The next two rooms have balls and holes. The balls go in the direction that you hit them. You need to get all the balls into the holes in order to complete this area. No, I'm not going to make any sex innuendo jokes here. Okay, maybe one. I like putting balls in holes. Okay, there you go. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!? ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ART STUDIO ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Now you're in the ST-ST-STUDIO! Get the hammer and chisel here, and you'll be warped back to where you found that dude trapped in plaster before at the beginning of the basement. This guy was none other than the world famous (although I don't know how famous he was at this time, and this game is not exactly a decent barometer of world history) Leonardo DaVinci, who is grateful and explains that he was asked by a strange man about an old stone he saw in a castle to the east. He will hook you up with the Katana weapon for your troubles, and then he'll also give you a flying machine, which will enable you to get to that castle to get the tetrad. Darn, I thought we were going for some food. I'm hungry! Along the way, Micah will annoy you some more with some great news: the aliens have invaded C-Island again, hypnotized Dr. Jones, and figured out how to time travel. Great! Get the Big Heart to the west before proceeding to the castle. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: CASTLE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: This is just an overworld maze, not really a dungeon. Walk up into the hallway, and soon you will fall into a hole. Kill all the enemies and then leave here. Back in the maze, go down the stairs, then go left, and then fall into another hole before the stairs. Just do the same thing as before, then once back on land, go down the stairs. Go two left, one down, and all the way left, up the stairs. At the intersection, you'll go into another hole. Complete this mini area, then get to the footprints and go one down, two right, one up, two right, one down, and then all the way right. You'll get a tetrad and your life meter will be increased! Zoda-Y will not be pleased about this development, and you'll soon be sent off to yet another time period.. <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 7 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> Now we're in Transylvania, complete with a Dracula's Castle. This chapter is pretty short, as the dungeon isn't too difficult and that's all there really is to it. I absolutely love the scenery though, and despite the fact it's TOTALLY cliche to freaking be in this kind of place, I loved it regardless. Let's get this over with! Walk down the path to get to Dracula's Castle. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: DRACULA'S CASTLE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: There's a pair of hearts here if you need them. Go right and go all the way right and take that doorway to the next room. Defeat the bats, then get the medicine in the next room. Kill the enemies here, then proceed to the next room. This room is completely empty, sort of like my patience for writing for these boring dungeons (it may seem like I'm not writing much, but there's really nothing to describe any more), so go to the next room now. In this room, kill the ghosts as they appear to open up a room, which contains a medicine. Fire randomly comes up around it, so be wary of that as you go to get the item. Back in the other room, then go right through the doorway. Kill the ghosts in here, then go through the passage and kill these enemies with the shockwave weapon. Kill the enemy here by attacking its tombstone, and then proceed into the next room. Jump to the chest, and fall in the hole. Go diagonally left or right and try your luck with the sign (I ALWAYS get +1, is this a glitch or is it just supposed to be this way? Kind of defeats the purpose, in my opinion..). Go right, and then follow the path. Kill the enemies and get the hearts, then hit the switch to the right. Keep going until you get to a room with sleepwalking enemies. Kill the enemies to open up a room with a medicine, then go back and hit the switch in the top right hand corner to proceed. Kill the enemies, then proceed to a room that's shaped like a bat. Kill the bats to open a doorway, then hit the switches in the top left and bottom right corners. The next room contains the boss. No, it's not Dracula. :( It's Zoda- Y. I am questioning the inclusion of a Dracula's Castle to be honest. Hopefully you saved all that damned medicine you got.. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA-Y | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Holy hell, this dude is pretty challenging. First off, as soon as you enter the room, move forward a little bit. This is because a bunch of spikes will come out of the floor right away. He'll then shoot out some bats, which will come flying at you and attack you. Kill the bats and then hit him a few times before he teleports for the first time. Just repeat this pattern for a while. If you kill the bats and only settle for a few hits on him, you shouldn't need to worry about healing right now. After a bunch of hits, he'll change into his next form. This is when it gets rough. First off, he'll shoot out MORE bats, as well as jumping around the place. He'll then flap his wings and shoot out wind that will attempt to push you back to the spikes that came at the start of the battle. Hold up as hard as you can to prevent him from doing this, because you're dead otherwise. I wouldn't worry too much about the bats if you have a few medicines, which you should. Instead, focus on hitting Zoda when you can, by using the mace and hitting him when he is exposed. The bats aren't too much of a concern, and you can't really avoid the feathers he shoots out while doing the wind gust, since you need to stay focused on avoiding the instant death that the spikes would provide. As long as you follow his pattern and time your hits well, you will win. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Not much really happens here, you just get a tetrad, your life meter increases, and it's off to the next area... <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 8 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> Whoo hoo, we're almost done with the game. This is the last "main" chapter of the game, as the next one just has you in the original StarTropics island and facing the same bosses over again. It's not that I want this game to be over with, since I enjoy it, but this guide is starting to become a bit of a drag. This time, we're in medieval times, and we have to help King Arthur out. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: OVERWORLD ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Go into the castle and talk to King Arthur. He will be expecting you, after what Merlin the Magician said. He will want you to clear out this mean, terrible dragon from the cave, since his knights are out on quests. He will thank you for accepting the quest by increasing your life level and bestowing upon you the honor of Knight of the Round Table, which may help you a great deal in Final Fantasy 7, but is utterly meaningless in this game. Go outside and talk to the dude blocking your path. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: DRAGON'S CAVE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Kill all the blobs in here, and when you kill the last one, stand near the middle top of the screen to fall through the floor onto a platform. Get the medicine here, then go up the left passageway and hit the skeletons so they fall to the floor, then jump over them. Nab this medicine as well (can never have too many of them at this point of the game), then go back around the left side. Go around, get yet another medicine, then kill the enemy while standing in the middle of the room. Kill the enemies in here, then proceed to the next room. The conveyor belt in here will move super fast, and spikes will form at the finish line. In the first room, take the shortcut. In the second room, go up, then down. In the third room, go up and down. In the fourth room, go down and then in the middle. Get the hearts and prepare yourself for a boss. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | KNIGHT | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ The toughest part about this boss is the fact that you'll be standing on a ring of conveyor belts that quickly move you around the room. The knight will simply move back and forth, shooting bullets in two directions. Simply jump over the bullets as they come near you, and aim the shockwave diagonally at him, praying the shots connect. It may take you a little while, due to how freaking annoying the conveyor belts happen to be. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ After defeating the boss, an owl will approach you, but of course we know it's Merlin. He is the magician of King Arthur's Court. He will tell you about Hirocon, and how he spread the tetrads across space and time so only a hero could find them. Hirocon asked Merlin to watch over the Tetrads until a hero comes, and Mike is that hero. He asks you to find the last tetrad and put them all together, then gives you the Ultra Psychic Shockwave. Follow the path to enter the cave again. This time the music has changed, and I rather enjoy it! Get the hearts, then kill the enemies to open up a secret passageway containing some hearts and bolas, then hit the switch in the bottom left hand corner. Hit the switch in the right hand corner to get a Medicine, then go back to the previous room, then follow the path, killing enemies, until you get to a room with a music change. Kill the enemies in here, then get the hearts in the bottom left hand corner of the tiles. Go into the next room, then jump on the moving platform and onto the platform. Get the hearts, then hit the switch. Go through the door it opens up, then kill the enemies, and move into the room with the moving balls. Grab the items here, jumping over the balls in the process, then exit the room. Hit the switches while avoiding the boulders that come out of the sky. The tile set in the third row has a switch that leads to the exit from this room. Get the medicine from the left hand path, then go right. Kill the two enemies, then go through the path they opened up to get another medicine. Hey, the more, the merrier, right? Go back to the previous room, kill or avoid the enemies this time, then get the hearts in the bottom left hand corner. Kill all the enemies in the room, then follow the path to eventually get to the dragon boss, and the last traditional boss of this wonderful game. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | DRAGON | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ He's not as challenging as I expected him to be, but don't expect a cakewalk or anything, either. He will slowly move up, firing shots in three different directions. Spikes will slowly start to generate across the room as well. When he gets near you, he will start to fly around in the air and shoot off more bullets. The problem with this battle mainly boils down to the fact that the spikes will slowly consume the area and eventually kill you, so you have to beat him somewhat quickly. This is why I gave you the path through the cave to get you as many medicines as possible. I highly recommend just killing him as quickly as possible, expending as many medicines as you need. If you don't have many medicines for some reason, stay near the bottom right hand corner and jump while using the ultimate shockwave weapon to hit his head, then when he starts to fly, walk in a circle to avoid the bullets. The only way to kill him is by hitting his head, and the shockwave is the preferred weapon of choice for this task. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Hey, you got the final tetrad! Micah will beg you to go back to C-Island, the original island from the first game. <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> <-*-<-* CHAPTER 9 *-<-*-> <-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-<-*-> We're now in the final chapter, finally. This takes place on the original island of the game, with a sweet remix of the original song that was already awesome to begin with. Beating revamped versions of all the previous bosses was a bit of a drag, but overall this is a satisfying conclusion to a solid game. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: OVERWORLD ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Follow the path to the town, talk to the man, then enter the original cave. ::::::::::::::::::::::::: CAVE ::::::::::::::::::::::::: SWEET REMIX! This is one of the best songs I have ever heard, and definitely makes playing through this game a worthwhile experience. Anyways, move up a screen and kill the three snails to unlock a door. The next room has even more enemies to dispose of, so kill all of them and you'll get to move onto the next room. In here, you'll see some blue moving enemies, but they are not that challenging either. They just move faster. Step on the switch that you can find in this room to unlock the door, then proceed to the following room. Here, move right and kill some more blue enemies, then move up and start jumping from tile to tile, eventually hitting a switch that will let you proceed to the following room. This room has two snails and some moving blue enemies, so kill all of them to unlock the door to the next room. This room has switches that allow you to move left or right, but don't go there, as you'll just end up in a room with some flying bat enemies. Instead, jump on the leftmost tile in the upper corner to unlock a secret passage, then go up to the next room. This room has two flying bats and two moving blue enemies. Kill the blue enemies to unlock the door to the next room. In this room, unlock the chest first to get 25 chests, then unlock the door to the next room. Kill the snail and then two snakes, which basically slide towards you as soon as you get in their line of sight. Jump on the tiles to reveal three switches. Jump on them to unlock two doors and a chest. Take the 25 torches from the chest, then go to the right through that skinny passageway to go to a room with a medicine. You can unlock a room which leads to a medicine, but that's as far as you can go. The next room kills you. Trust me. Go back to the previous room with the snakes and kill them again, then go up through the door to the next room. Kill all the enemies in here to get to the first boss in the original game, C-Serpent. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | C-SERPENT | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This is a pretty easy boss fight, as you may expect. The pattern for this boss is really simple. There are three tiles, and you can only stand in the center one and throw weapons in the snake's mouth when it's open. However, he shoots out fire from his mouth 80% or so of the time, so you have to jump left or right to the tiles to avoid this fire. Just repeat this pattern over and over until the serpent is defeated. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Now, the last part of the game is pretty easy. You'll follow a conveyor belt, and take the bottom route to get a bunch of medicines. You'll have to face revamped versions of the previous bosses now. They are the same but faster. Refer to the boss section below if you need help remembering how to defeat a certain boss. After you complete those, it's time for the ultimate test, Zoda- Z! ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA-Z | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ As you can guess, this guy is a pretty significant challenge, maybe even moreso than in the original. The good news here is that you should have a bunch of medicines here, provided you didn't waste them all on the bosses leading up to him. I sure hope not, because you will need all the help you can get to take care of this ultimate alien from hell! He will start off in a simple enough form. There's a bunch of tiny creatures, and one of them is differently colored. Avoid the attacks of the tiny ones that match, and focus on the different colored one. After you hit it a bunch of times, this form will be defeated. So far, so good. Then, all the little tiny creatures will come together and you will see Zoda in his normal form now. He shoots bullets around the room and teleports around. Just attack him with the shockwave weapon over and over while avoiding the weak bullets he shoots out. He has an attack that sends shockwaves out and turns you into a boar. If this happens, you can't really do much but run around and avoid his attacks. Once you take care of that form, he'll turn into a minotaur. This form is a significant increase in challenge over the previous two forms, I'll tell you that much right now. At least this is his final form, so you can afford to go all out now. He has the same attacks as before, including the nasty little attack where he turns you into a boar. I hate that move. In addition, he also has a few new tricks up his sleeves. If he spins around, this makes him invincible for a little bit, so don't try to touch him until the effect wears off. He can also shoot fire off from both sides of the wall, which is a little tricky to avoid, but at least you can see it coming ahead of time in order to prevent some serious damage from it. And finally, he has a charge attack where he'll just come out of nowhere and try to slam into you head first. Okay, now that you know what to avoid, just follow his pattern and prepare for whatever he's going to do. Attack him with the shockwave when you can, and just be patient. Don't be afraid to use any and all items that you have, as you won't need them after this. Good luck, you should do fine since you came this far and he's not the most challenging boss in the game! ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Hey, you beat the game! Congratulation, a winner is you! Sit back and watch the well deserved ending, and cry when you realize this is the last freaking game in the series! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -------------------------- [ 5.0 MISC. INFORMATION ] ------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is a section where I include some answers to questions I know people will have about the game, as well as a section for helpful boss information. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 5.1 FAQ'S /=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You can always email me if you have anything you want to add. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Why hasn't Nintendo made any more StarTropics games? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: They wanted to focus on the several major series they have, as well as develop new ones. StarTropics 2 sold especially disappointing, so they figured keeping the series alive wasn't worth it. That's why we haven't even seen a port of StarTropics for the NES Classics line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Zoda's Creature and Zoda-Y are really pissing me off! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: I know, for chapter 4 bosses they are really hard. It took me FOREVER to figure out that during the Zoda's Creature fight, you have to jump down off the bottom platform back to dry land below. Zoda-Y is hard because of the platforms that move you. Your best bet is to have a few medicines saved, and just throw a few shooting stars at him at a time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. How in the world would Cleopatra like pizza? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: I think it's more of a joke than anything historically significant, since we all know it just isn't possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. So, is this game better, or StarTropics? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: That's a hard question. There's definitely a mix of opinion about the two games, and I personally feel this game is more challenging and has better level designs, although the fun factor and feeling has been diluted somewhat. I do like this one slightly more, but both are incredibly fun and addictive games. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 5.2 BOSS GUIDE /=-=-=-=-=-= This is just a quick section where I repost the boss strategies, in case you need quick help with any specific one. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | | YUM YUM | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This might be the easiest boss I have ever faced in this kind of game. He starts off eating a boar, and if you run up to the right side of him and quickly fire axes at him, you should be able to beat him before he even starts his attack! How easy is that? If you don't get to kill him in time, he'll run back and forth, shooting out fire bubbles from his mouth that spread across the screen. There's a divider separating you and him, so don't worry about instant deaths or anything like that. Just avoid his shots and fire at hom when he can. When he is about to die, he'll move faster and stronger, so be careful then. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | | SCORPION | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This large scorpion is harder than Yum Yum, but that's not really saying much, now is it? ;) He is in a large room, and little scorpions come out of the holes in the room. They are more challenging to avoid than the boss himself, who softly moves around and occasionally shoots out easily avoided bullets. You can even jump over the bullets if you wish. Switch to the slingshot and fire away on the scorpion, avoiding and killing the little ones that get in your way. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | EGYPTIAN MASK | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ The Egyptian Mask is a little challenging due to the conveyor belt that you have to stand on. This shouldn't prove to be too much of a problem, though. The Egyptian Mask will just move around kind of quickly, shooting bullets out on occasion. Switch to the Shockwave and figure out its simple pattern, then start attacking it easily. Once it takes some decent damage, he will go red and start moving across the screen faster. He starts to shoot out more bullets, and he also has a blue laser beam that occasionally comes out of his mouth. Avoid these attacks and finish him off with a few more well timed hits. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA'S CREATURE | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This guy was a real toughie for me until I figured something out. At first, I thought you had to kill him in one go, but you don't. This makes the battle a little easier, but not too much. He is in the middle of the water, and there are four platforms that appear and disappear around him. You have to jump on one, hit him a few times, jump to the next platform, and repeat. Timing is critical, and make sure you can jump to the next platform from the position you are at. When you get to the platform below him, you can jump down to dry ground and repeat the process. You shouldn't have to worry much about his attacks, since he shoots weak shots and I have never been hit by one. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Oh man, this guy gave me a headache when I played him. Then again, I had less than half of my health and only one medicine, and I still managed to beat him on my third try, so you should be fine if you have THREE medicines. He has two attacks. One is an attack where he shoots four blue flames out from the floor. He does this when you are far away from him. He also has a short range attack where he shoots five skulls out, but you can jump over them. He also teleports around the room a few seconds after he does an attack. The main tricky part here is the flooring, which have little arrows on every tile, so you will constantly be moving around in whatever direction they see fit. That's why I jumped around a LOT during this battle. As soon as Zoda appeared, I jumped near him, jumped over his skeletons, and hit him a few times before he teleported. He takes a fair amount of hits, but with three medicines, you should be fine, I promise. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | MINER | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This guy is a relief compared to the two previous bosses. The only problem is that there's a skinny platform that you must stay on while aligned with him for the whole battle, but it shouldn't be too much of an issue. He will get a boulder from the wall, and throw it at you occasionally, then inch slowly to the right. You obviously have to kill him before he gets too close to you, since touching him means instant death. Just hit him normally when he holds the rock up, and when he has it down, jump and shoot. Jump over the boulder and you can get in a few more sneaky hits as well, if you wish. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | MINER SKELETON | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Yay, a big giant skeleton miner. When the battle starts, he will slam his hammer into the ground. Mike will freeze for a second, boulders will come from the sky, and boulders will come out of his hammer. Yep. The way to prevent this freezing from occurring is by jumping when he throws the hammer down, so jump right away. This guy is pretty challenging, since he also jumps around the room. I hope you saved those medicines and the star, because you can use it now to get in a bunch of hits with the shockwave weapon without taking any damage. Otherwise, just attack him when you can, making sure to jump when he throws the hammer down. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA-Y | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Holy hell, this dude is pretty challenging. First off, as soon as you enter the room, move forward a little bit. This is because a bunch of spikes will come out of the floor right away. He'll then shoot out some bats, which will come flying at you and attack you. Kill the bats and then hit him a few times before he teleports for the first time. Just repeat this pattern for a while. If you kill the bats and only settle for a few hits on him, you shouldn't need to worry about healing right now. After a bunch of hits, he'll change into his next form. This is when it gets rough. First off, he'll shoot out MORE bats, as well as jumping around the place. He'll then flap his wings and shoot out wind that will attempt to push you back to the spikes that came at the start of the battle. Hold up as hard as you can to prevent him from doing this, because you're dead otherwise. I wouldn't worry too much about the bats if you have a few medicines, which you should. Instead, focus on hitting Zoda when you can, by using the mace and hitting him when he is exposed. The bats aren't too much of a concern, and you can't really avoid the feathers he shoots out while doing the wind gust, since you need to stay focused on avoiding the instant death that the spikes would provide. As long as you follow his pattern and time your hits well, you will win. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | KNIGHT | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ The toughest part about this boss is the fact that you'll be standing on a ring of conveyor belts that quickly move you around the room. The knight will simply move back and forth, shooting bullets in two directions. Simply jump over the bullets as they come near you, and aim the shockwave diagonally at him, praying the shots connect. It may take you a little while, due to how freaking annoying the conveyor belts happen to be. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | DRAGON | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ He's not as challenging as I expected him to be, but don't expect a cakewalk or anything, either. He will slowly move up, firing shots in three different directions. Spikes will slowly start to generate across the room as well. When he gets near you, he will start to fly around in the air and shoot off more bullets. The problem with this battle mainly boils down to the fact that the spikes will slowly consume the area and eventually kill you, so you have to beat him somewhat quickly. This is why I gave you the path through the cave to get you as many medicines as possible. I highly recommend just killing him as quickly as possible, expending as many medicines as you need. If you don't have many medicines for some reason, stay near the bottom right hand corner and jump while using the ultimate shockwave weapon to hit his head, then when he starts to fly, walk in a circle to avoid the bullets. The only way to kill him is by hitting his head, and the shockwave is the preferred weapon of choice for this task. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | C-SERPENT | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ This is a pretty easy boss fight, as you may expect. The pattern for this boss is really simple. There are three tiles, and you can only stand in the center one and throw weapons in the snake's mouth when it's open. However, he shoots out fire from his mouth 80% or so of the time, so you have to jump left or right to the tiles to avoid this fire. Just repeat this pattern over and over until the serpent is defeated. ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ | BOSS FIGHT! | ZODA-Z | ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ As you can guess, this guy is a pretty significant challenge, maybe even moreso than in the original. The good news here is that you should have a bunch of medicines here, provided you didn't waste them all on the bosses leading up to him. I sure hope not, because you will need all the help you can get to take care of this ultimate alien from hell! He will start off in a simple enough form. There's a bunch of tiny creatures, and one of them is differently colored. Avoid the attacks of the tiny ones that match, and focus on the different colored one. After you hit it a bunch of times, this form will be defeated. So far, so good. Then, all the little tiny creatures will come together and you will see Zoda in his normal form now. He shoots bullets around the room and teleports around. Just attack him with the shockwave weapon over and over while avoiding the weak bullets he shoots out. He has an attack that sends shockwaves out and turns you into a boar. If this happens, you can't really do much but run around and avoid his attacks. Once you take care of that form, he'll turn into a minotaur. This form is a significant increase in challenge over the previous two forms, I'll tell you that much right now. At least this is his final form, so you can afford to go all out now. He has the same attacks as before, including the nasty little attack where he turns you into a boar. I hate that move. In addition, he also has a few new tricks up his sleeves. If he spins around, this makes him invincible for a little bit, so don't try to touch him until the effect wears off. He can also shoot fire off from both sides of the wall, which is a little tricky to avoid, but at least you can see it coming ahead of time in order to prevent some serious damage from it. And finally, he has a charge attack where he'll just come out of nowhere and try to slam into you head first. Okay, now that you know what to avoid, just follow his pattern and prepare for whatever he's going to do. Attack him with the shockwave when you can, and just be patient. Don't be afraid to use any and all items that you have, as you won't need them after this. Good luck, you should do fine since you came this far and he's not the most challenging boss in the game! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -------------------------- [ 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION ] ------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is just the section where I bore you with all the useless other information, like credits, revision history, and contact information. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 6.1 CREDITS /=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RPGclassics.com, the best site on the web for classic RPG information - For helping me out with some item and weapons names. Thanks! Nintendo - For making such an incredible game. Everyone that's supported me in FAQ writing - Thanks for putting up with me and motivating me! I'd never gotten as far as I have without every one of you! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 6.2 REVISION HISTORY /=-=-= v1.00 - November 14, 2004 - 91.3K - Grr, my charger broke over the weekend and I just had it replaced yesterday. 80 damn bucks out the window. The good news is I finished the walkthrough today, so this guide is now done. :) Yay me! v0.03 - November 11, 2005 - 63.8K - Got the walkthrough done through chapter 5. I hope to have the entire thing done by Sunday night, wish me luck there, as I'll probably need it! v0.02 - November 10, 2005 - 49.2K - Now that I am not super busy with school, I decided to get the ball rolling on the walkthrough. It's done through chapter 4's sewer section, I will write that and chapters 5 and 6 tomorrow hopefully, since I have the day off! v0.01 - November 7, 2005 - 32.5K - I am hopefully going to get this and ST done by Sunday at the latest. That should easily be obtainable, especially since I am already done everything except for the walkthrough. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 6.3 AUTHOR INFORMATION /=-= You can check out all of my other guides on GameFAQs, which will hopefully include a very sexy Tales of Symphonia guide soon. I can't wait to finish that thing. I am most proud of this guide and Legend of Legaia, but I did guides for a lot of Final Fantasies, as well as some random Castlevania and wrestling games, and both Tales of Destiny games. Check them out! In addition on my quest to write for all the Final Fantasy games, I will try to finish my Aria of Sorrow and NCAA 2004 guides, as well as some random NES games (Predator, NOES, Jeopardy Jr., and Puss and Boots, anyone?) and guides for the other 2 Castlevania games that employ the new style. Oh, and I might do a Wild Arms 3 guide. And I still have to finish my ToS and FF7 guides.. And there's always Final Fantasy 12, Grandia 3, and Dragon Quest 8 to look forward to... I appreciate any information you can contribute, especially to game basics, and team ratings. Also, feel free to email any questions that would be good for a FAQ section, as I plan to add one to a future update. Any errors and omissions that you may see can be corrected if you inform me of them. I'll also credit you, if your error or omission is actually correct and worth an update for me to fix. I am somewhat busy, you know. That's about it. If anyone would like me to add anything, you can always email me. AIM: JuanDixonFor3 MSN: mcfa4834@bellsouth.net YIM: nicklacheysnightmare If you contact me on one of the instant messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails about the game, however. You can contact me by emailing me at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com One last note: Only email me about the game at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com, all emails about Just Breed sent to my other e-mail addresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it! 1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while before you get a response. 2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails. 3. Please read my guide before asking questions, that's why I have a FAQ section. 4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not been answered in this guide. Also, I have AIM and Yahoo. My AIM name is JuanDixonFor3, but PLEASE do not harass me with annoying questions or I'll block you. I only wish to chat with people. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- / 6.4 CONCLUSION /=-=-=-=-=-= Yay, now I have FAQs up for both StarTropics games! I hope you found it to be useful, helpful, and maybe a little entertaining as well! See you back very soon, I hope! Til next time, Psycho Penguin