****************************************************************************** Vice: Project Doom Game Script Version 1.0 Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction II. Version History III. Script IV. Credits and Thanks V. Legal ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** In this FAQ I have typed up every piece of dialogue and story related text that appears in Vice: Project Doom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The text is exactly as it appears in the game except it's not all capitals. ****************************************************************************** II. Version History ********************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1.0 - February 25, 2005 ****************************************************************************** III. Script ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ******************************** Prologue ******************************** "Look at this prosperous, ripe world! All of it, an open market at my command!" "Yes,.... The future of these people depends upon me!" "Jacobs....! Update me on the status of 'Project Doom'...." "Yes, sir! Progress is as scheduled, however.... There is one small problem.... one of the subjects has escaped and .... we haven't been able to locate it yet...." "Find it and cancel it! This operation cannot be comprimised." "Yes, sir!" "How is .... 'he' doing?" "He spends most of his time with .... them. Should I bring him to you.... It may be about time...." "No! Leave him alone.... He will come.... just as I did .... 30 years ago......" "It's raining.........." ******************************** Opening ******************************** "Hart! MAniac loose in area 'D' on route 246. Take him down - nice and easy!" "Yeah, I got'em!.... Just what I needed, another nutcase loose in the city.... It's show- time!!!" ******************************** Cut Scene 1 ******************************** ___Oh well, should have surrendered while he had the chance....____ ____Hmm, there's no record of this.... guy.... but, his hands....?____ ____His fingers were twisted.... They weren't human.... More like claws...... And that gun he carried! Talk about the creeps!!____ "Christy, can you run a check on that stuff we found in the vehicle?" "Sure!" "!?" "Who's there?! Show yourself!" "Don't worry, just your guardian angel! Hmph, hmph, hmm ...." ******************************** Cut Scene 2 ******************************** "What's going on around here? Christy!?" "Sorry, it's me - Sophia. Christy asked me to check out that.... 'stuff', and what I've been able to find all leads to Kim Ron...." "Kim ROn!?" "Rumor has it that he practices black magic...." "Hmm......" ******************************** Cut Scene 3 ******************************** "Hart! Guess what I came across! That rogue driver's gun turned out to be military issue - army top secret! Oh, and guess what the boys in forensics found...." "They found out what's in the 'stuff'?" "No, not yet. But, they said that the dirt found on his clothes is native to South Central America......" "South Central America!?" "Well, there's been some newsof trouble coming out of this town called Ricardo. Might be worth checking out." "Well, even though it's a little early in the season, I guess my vacation's going to be spent in Ricardo!!" ******************************** Cut Scene 4 ******************************** "Come on, boys, let's party!" ******************************** Cut Scene 5 ******************************** ____South Central America.... reminds me of my mercenary days....____ ******************************** Cut Scene 6 ******************************** "What......What the ....! An el grande welcoming party! Feels almost like home!" _____Not bad.... Not bad at all......It's amazing what they can do with brick these days....!____ ******************************** Cut Scene 7 ******************************** "Ha....Hart! Go....Danger!" "That voice! Reese?" "................. What the....?! I thought you were...." "Wished....I......Were.... " "What.... What happened to you!?" "I....found source....green slime......" "Who did this to you!?" "Setup.... It's a conspi.. Oooow....Aaaahh" Man with....your face.... he......" BLAM!!! "Aaaaargh......" "Reese!" "Still keeping watch on you Hart! Heh, heh, heh,....Cough ....Cough...." "Where'd he go? Reese?!" "Haaart....!" "Reese, you gotta hang on!" "The girl...... They've got her.... Save her......Before too late......!" "Reese!?" "Uhhhh......" "Reese!" What the .........? ___What does this have to do with anything?____ ******************************** Cut Scene 8 ******************************** "Don't make any sudden moves. Where's the girl? I want answers, now!" ".............." "Don't play games with me, where is the girl?" "Arhuh, huh, huh,........." ******************************** Cut Scene 9 ******************************** "Hart! I've been looking all over for you!" "!?" "Sophia......Oh, it's just you...." "Gee thanks, I've had warmer receptions from an icebox." "Yeah....hey, I'm sorry. It's just that I'm really worried about Christy, I haven't heard from her...." "Listen, I just got word that Christ was seen being abducted by some guys dressed in uniforms from that bio-tech lab.... B - Something or other!" "Bio-Tech....I owe you one - Again. Thanks Sophia!" "Don't mention it." ******************************** Cut Scene 10 ******************************** ".............!?!" "Chr....Christy!!!" "Ha-Hart? Is it really you Hart?" "Christy?! What have I done? No!!!" "I'm sorry....Instructed to...... I......I love you........ So very tired........" "Christy, hold on!!" "B......E......D......A......" "Christy!" ____Beda corporation........ World's largest conglomerate......there's still a piece missing.... I've got to follow this to the end......" ____Talk about seeing yourself face to face. He looks just like me! Who is he? What is he?____ ____Christy.... Stand by me.... Help me to settle this thing once and for all....____ ******************************** Cut Scene 11 ******************************** ____The perfect ending to a lousy day.____ "Time to settle the score!" ******************************** Cut Scene 12 ******************************** "We've been expecting you. You've had a very long journey." "Yeah, I almost missed my date with you." "Yes, well.........." "How about we get straight to business? What's this about?" "It's about survival. I am merely a provider of what is required for existence......" " 'Provider'?! You're nothing but scum in a business suit." "Come now, there really is no need for such hostility. We are a legitimate service which...." "....Lies, cheats, steals, and assassinates. Real Legitimate!" "I had better hopes for you, Mr. Hart. Things did not go quite as we had planned." "................." "So, is this it, Mr. Hart? You disappoint me. I've waited so long for your return." "How do you know my name? What do you mean 'return'?" "What say we call it 'fate'?" "You've got a lot of nerve, mister. Fate? I don't think so." "How can you deny what you've already seen? Do you recall the capsule? Amazing resemblance, wouldn't you say? " "!!?" "Is it beginning to make more sense now?" "Your face....like mine.... and that thing....are all the same!" "Very good. You and I are merely dolls created to maintain this organization. To keep it prosperous....Forever.... After me, you will take over. After you, the one in the capsule will inherit this organization! This is out 'fate', out destiny!" "Yours maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm part of this package!!" "I see,...... You leave me with very little choice, in that case...." "Enough! You're acting above the law - I'm gonna take you down!" "Don't defy me, Hart! You are one of us! This disobedience will not be tolerated!" "Let's do it!" ******************************** Cut Scene 13 ******************************** "Your skills are impressive! What a shame you won't be needing them any longer. I tire of this game - you.... must die!" "Come and get some!" ******************************** Cut Scene 14 (Ending) ******************************** "Nothing has changed, this is bigger than you or me. You cannot end it, you cannot destroy it!" "Every dog has its day...." "Just remember Mr. Hart, in you flows the same blood as mine...." ".............." ******************************** Cut Scene 15 (After credits) ******************************** "Hmph, hmph, hmph......" The End ****************************************************************************** IV. Credits and Thanks ******************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to IGN for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to Neoseeker for hosting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** V. Legal ********************************************************************* ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. There are three sites authorized to host this FAQ, they are: GameFAQs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com