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Walkthrough 6.1...............Stage 1 6.2...............Stage 2 6.3...............Stage 3 6.4...............Stage 4 6.5...............Stage 5 6.6...............Stage 6 6.7...............Stage 7 6.8...............Stage 8 6.9...............Stage 9 6.10..............Stage 10 6.11..............Stage 11 7. Credits 8. Copyright &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1. Introduction &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Vice: project doom is one the of the most overlooked games on the NES, it can easily rival Ninja Gaiden in every aspect and it even has three ways of playing. The three ways of playing are driving, first person shooting, and side scroll levels, all of them play really well and are accompanied by a beautiful soundtrack. At every end of the level you get too see Ninja Gaiden like cut scenes that tell the story and really give the game a good atmosphere. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2. Story &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A small band of alien survivors landed on Earth several centuries ago. In order to survive in this new environment, they produced a neon green gel which provided nourishment. In an effort to blend into human society, they developed clones. As centuries passed, BEDA Corporation came into being. This was a company which manufactured and distributed electronic and technological equipment; however, behind all this the company was also responsible for the maintenance of the alien race. The neon gel had a very different effect on humans. It became a substance that was sought after by some of the world's wealthiest abusers. The gel is mass produced by BEDA Corporation for profit, but the side effects proved to be lethal for human users. Vice officer Quinn Hart, along with his partner Detective Reese, set out on assignment to locate the manufacturers of the mysterious gel. During the investigation, Reese disappears. Since his body has never been found, he is believed dead. Now, Hart must go alone to uncover the source of the gel and the force behind it. His skills, nerves and ultimately fate are at stake in this deadly plot for survival. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3. Controls &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Because there are three modes of play there are also three different control set-ups, these are, Driving controls ---------------- BUTTON ACTION A Shift gears (1 slow, 2 fast, 3 faster) B Fire Start Pause Select No function D-Pad Steering First person view ----------------- BUTTON ACTION A .44 magnum B Grenades Start Pause Select no function D-Pad Aim Platform control ---------------- BUTTON ACTION A Jump B Use selected weapon Start Pause Select Select weapon D-Pad Move &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 4. Characters &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Hart ---- Vice officer Quinn Hart has been on the force for several years. He has an uncanny knack for getting out of tight spots; some of the other officers often joke about him being "super-human". Christy ------- This vice officer is probably one of the sharpest on the force. She often works with Hart and Reese to solve tough crimes. Christy is also Hart's latest and longest flame. Sophia ------ An associate of Christy, Sophia manages to show up in some of the most unusual places. Officers joke at her ability to track anyone, anywhere. Damian Hawke ------------ A successful entrepreneur who has managed to productively operate BEDA Corporation since it was handed over to him. He is ruthless, intelligent, and sharp. Personal records on him are sketchy and scattered throughout the world. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5. Items and weapons &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Coins: Collect a hundred coins to get an extra life. Meat: Meat restores 10 units of your energy. Grenades (G): Picking these up will give you five extra grenades. Bullets (B): Picking these up will give you ten extra bullets. Heal-aid: Restores 2 units of your health. Laser whip: Your main weapon that you can use infinite, good for killing bosses and enemies at close range .44 magnum: A weak weapon with has a short range, it's best to keep the bullets for the first person view levels because you really need them in those levels. Grenade: Has a very nice range, use it to destroy enemies that you can't easily reach. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6. Walkthrough &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& =============================================================================== 6.1 Stage 1-1 =============================================================================== The game starts with a race level, don't worry about the obstacles on the road and keep on going, the level isn't too long so you should be able to survive it without dying once. Once you've destroyed an enemy get the stuff they leave behind. ---- Boss ---- There isn't much tactic needed to defeat this boss, just stay right underneath him and keep on shooting while avoiding the bullets and the big things. =============================================================================== 6.2 Stage 2-1 =============================================================================== Go forward after the long sequence and kill the spiked crawler and the two jumping blue enemies, jump over the gap and kill the enemies that are coming your way, watch out for the crack in the ground before you, it will collapse if you stand on it too long. Now go forward and jump over the gap, kill the four jumping enemies and the bug and jump over another gap, exit the screen after killing the two bugs. There are a lot of broken parts in the road in this screen, the problem is, is that you can only stand on the parts once and then they'll fall down. It's a better idea to avoid the enemies than to kill them, because when they hit you, you'll fall backwards causing you to fall in the pit. Once you've reached the end climb down the ladder. Walk a bit to the right and stand on the broken part, wait until you fall down and immediately go to the right, kill the spiked crawler on the conveyer belt and jump up on the platform above you, kill another crawler and bug and jump towards the ladder and hang onto it, than jump over the gap onto another ladder. Climb up the ladder and kill the bug, crawl to the right so that the guy won't hit you and kill him also, once you've killed him two blue jumping enemies will pop up, get rid of them and than go down onto the conveyer belt and kill the two last enemies, after that go down the ladder to the next screen. Go down again and kill the crawling guy, then wait until the boomerang-ghost stopped shooting and fall down trough the hole in the ground, kill the other enemy, and go down another ladder. ---------------- Stage 2-2 (BOSS) ---------------- The second boss is also pretty easy, the only thing that he does is throwing steel beams at you, he throws them pretty much at random so I can't help you with that. Using your gun or grenade isn't really necessary, the best thing you can do is just to walk up to him and give him a beating with your whip, then wait until he throws another beam, avoiding it and then giving him another beating until he's death. ================================================================================ 6.3 Stage 3-1 ================================================================================ Walk over to the right and jump on the fence, kill the guy who jumps behind you and jump onto the platform before you, than get rid of the ninja who's charging at you and go forward, jump over the flames onto the fence and kill the green guy, be careful for the cheetahs coming from all the sides, especially around gaps. Than walk further and kill all the ninjas that are charging at you and jump over the gap, start crawling to avoid the blasts from the green guy and kill green guy and charging ninja, grab the energy the green guy leaves behind and continue going forward. Jump over the fires while killing the bleu ninja's and the cheetahs, at the end kill the boomerang throwing ghost and jump on another platform, jump of at the other side and kill another boomerang throwing ghost, than get rid of some more cheetahs and one more ghost, exit the level by going up the ladder. Watch out for the electric bolts that go from the left to the right, go to the left and climb up the ladder, than go to the right and jump over the bolt, after that quickly kill the bug and go down. Now kill the guy on the left and go to the right jumping over some more bolts and killing the bugs, jump over the gap and get rid of the green guy, the ghost and another bug. After that climb up the ladder and go to the right. Kill the bug that's coming your way and jump over the bug, at the end kill the ghost and the bug and exit the level by going down the ladder. Alright, one part left before the boss, first get rid of the crawling guy and jump over the fire, go down and jump over another fire, kill the guy and exit the level. ---------------- Stage 3-2 (boss) ---------------- This boss has two attacks, the first one is the fireball attack which you can avoid by just ducking and the second is charging at you with his stick. Once again weapons aren’t necessary at all. The trick here is to stay close to the boss and keep on ducking so that the fireballs won't hit you, meanwhile using your whip to do some serious damage. =============================================================================== 6.4 Stage 4-1 =============================================================================== When the level starts a cheetah will come at you, kill it and go to the right, some ninja's will fall down, kill them too and jump on the container, kill the guy with bazooka with your grenade and jump over the gap onto the platform. Select your grenade again and kill the other guy with it, than jump onto the container, when you get of the container quickly turn around and kill the ninja that fell down behind you, then jump over the gap and onto the fence. Kill the guy on the higher platform and jump onto it, another ninja will fall behind you, kill him and the other bazooka guys and keep going to the right killing all the enemies. Once you've reached the ladder, kill the guy and get the meat, than go down to enter first person mode. =============================================================================== Stage 4-2 =============================================================================== I can only give some tips for this Terminator 2 arcade clone level, 1. Be careful with your ammo, don't go shooting at everything that you see except enemies. 2. Kill the enemies in front first because they do more damage. 3. Use the bomb for bigger groups so you can kill them all at once. 4. Try to pick up a lot of bullets, because when they run out, you're in trouble. =============================================================================== 6.5 Stage 5-1 =============================================================================== Go to the right and jump over the waterfall, kill the purple enemy, bird and blue ninja and go further to the right. Try to kill the birds as soon as possible, (just wait until they come at you) because otherwise they can become a pain. Hit the breakable wall away and keep going to the right, kill the bird and the purple guy and go a bit further, now 2 blue ninjas and a bird will appear, once you've got them out of the way jump over the waterfall. Now red ninja's will start jumping up, they'll throw daggers at you and there pretty hard to avoid, the best thing to do is to just keep going forward. Go trough the wall once you've reached it and kill the two purple guys, than kill the yellow enemy on the ceiling with a grenade. Than jump over the spikes and get rid off all the enemies, once you're done jump over another waterfall and watch out for the red ninja. Break the bricks away beneath you and kill the bird, kill the blue ninja for some meat and then jump on the platforms, go to the right and jump over the gaps while being careful that the red ninjas don't throw you in the gap. Jump on the logs quickly to the right and stand on the platform on the right, than wait for two logs on the right and quickly jump over to the other side. Wait until a leftmost log appears and jump on that one, than go to the right platform again and wait for the rightmost log. Now wait again on a leftmost log and go to the right to exit the screen. =============================================================================== Stage 5-2 =============================================================================== Go forward into the water and jump over the gap while being careful that the fish doesn't hit you, kill the bird and the two purple guys and continue. Kill two more birds and a purple guy and cut the plants away so you can get passed it, the plants will grow back though so you have to be fast, after you passed it jump over the gaps while avoiding the jumping fish, when you're at the other side kill the birds and the purple guy and climb up the ladders to reach the next screen. Jump off the ladder onto solid ground and go to the right, kill the bird and purple guy and start slashing the plant away, when you reach the other side kill another purple guy. Slash the plants a bit to the right away and get rid of all the enemies, after that exit to the right. ---------------- Stage 5-3 (boss) ---------------- The thing to keep in mind with this boss is that you can walk while ducking and when you do that the lasers wont be able to hit you. This boss only has one weak spot and that is the blue thing hanging on it, the boss will move from left to the right while firing missiles at you, the missiles will home in on you so you have to keep moving while keeping ducked of course. Just attack when the lasers have been fired, than you can hit him three times, after that wait until he used the lasers to attack again. =============================================================================== 6.6 Stage 6-1 =============================================================================== The red ninjas are back again in this level, start by walking forward and avoid the ninjas, kill the guys on the crates and kill the other guy on the platform with a grenade. Then jump on the platform and jump again onto the moving ladders while being careful that you don't fall in any of the turbines, than climb up the ladder to reach the next screen. Kill the two green guys (kill the above one with a grenade) and walk to the left, wait until the red ninjas are gone and jump over the gap. Kill the green guy and climb up the ladder. Some more green guys will await you in the beginning of the level, kill them and go forward. Avoid the red ninja and kill the two other green guys, now its time again for the moving ladders, the first one will go down and the second one will go up, the third one will go down again, use them to get to the other side and two ninjas will pop up, avoid them and go further, kill the last few enemies (don't forget the meat) and exit this level. =============================================================================== Stage 6-2 =============================================================================== Watch out for the turbines on the ceiling and the gas, kill the yellow enemy that's crawling on the ceiling and go forward. Kill the blue ninja and avoid the red one, after that kill the blue enemy and climb up the ladder, than kill the green guy and go to the left. Avoid the red ninja by the turbine and than select your grenade, jump over the turbine and kill the green guy with your grenade, after that kill the blue enemy and go up the ladder. Now go to the right and kill the blue guy on the platform, than jump on the platform and walk a bit back so that the red ninja won't be able to hit you. Now jump over the turbine and avoid the other red ninja, jump over the gap and walk to the right, kill the next green guy with your gun and jump over the gas, after that avoid the red ninja and go down the moving ladder while being careful not to fall in the turbine. Kill the green guy and go down another ladder, now kill the last enemy and get the meat, than exit the screen. Hang on to the ladder and kill the two green guys, after that go a bit to the right and wait until the green guy fired one shot, then quickly go down and to the exit. ---------------- Stage 6-3 (boss) ---------------- Wait until he comes your way and until he sits in the corner, than he'll shoot missiles at you, just go slashing him with your whip very fast so that the missiles will be destroyed before they reach you. =============================================================================== 6.7 Stage 7-1 =============================================================================== Be careful when you jump from wagon to wagon because when the lighting strikes the train will be invisible for a few seconds. Start by going to the right and jump over to the other wagon, kill the bleu ninjas and the bird. Walk a bit further and kill the green guy with a grenade, once you've killed him jump to the other wagon. Get rid of the bleu enemies and the bird and go onto the next wagon where more bleu enemies await you, kill them all and than kill the green guy at the end with a grenade. When you walk over to the edge of the wagon a bird will appear, kill it and jump over to the other wagon, now some more blue enemies and a green one will try to kill you, kill them and jump over again. Now you'll get a visit from another bird and a green guy, get rid of them and select your grenade and use that to kill the green guy on the next wagon. Once you've done that jump again and kill the two blue enemies and the bird, go forward and on the next wagon get rid of a green guy (with a grenade) a bleu one and a bird. Kill the green guy on the next wagon with a grenade and jump over to the next wagon, kill the birds and jump again, after that get rid of the last green guy and exit the level. =============================================================================== Stage 7-2 =============================================================================== Start by walking to the right so that the rat above you will follow you and hopefully fall into the gap, than jump over the gap and kill the rat, walk forward and a fish will jump up, walk a bit back to avoid it and jump over the gap, kill the rat and the bats and jump over another gap, than go down and get rid of the last few enemies before going down the ladder. Go to the left and stand on the platform, kill the rat and go to the right, kill the rats and the bat and jump on the platform, now it gets a bit busy, kill all the bats and rats and jump from platform to platform and exit the screen. First wait until the rat falls into the water and than kill the rat before you with your gun or grenade, once you've done that jump form platform to platform and kill the other rats until you reach the exit. This is already the last part before the boss, jump down onto the platform below you and quickly kill the rat before it pushes you in, than jump forward and keep on walking to avoid the fish, than kill the rat and bat and keep on walking until you reach the end. Definitely kill the last rat to get most of your health back. ---------- 7-3 (Boss) ---------- This is another boss you can easily kill without getting hit, just like the other bosses this boss goes from one end of the screen to the other one. The way to kill it is to keep ducking and staying in the left corner, like that you will have an easy time avoiding the shots he's firing and you'll be able to kill him easily. =============================================================================== 6.8 Stage 8-1 =============================================================================== Go forward and destroy the flying ball, watch out that you don't stand on the electricity below you and jump on the first platform, another flying ball will appear, destroy it and jump over to the next platform. Than two bleu enemies will come from both sides, get rid of them and select your grenade, use it to kill the guy who's throwing big bolts at you. Quickly destroy the big thing behind him by attacking its head, than turn around and kill the blue ninja, after that destroy some more flying balls and another big robot. Than jump onto the next platform and two blue ninjas will attack, kill them and get your grenade ready, throw it at the guy who is throwing bolts at you and get the energy he leaves behind. Then kill the other guy with a grenade and go forward again, get rid of all the enemies and get the health the last guy leaves behind, after that go down the ladder to the next screen. Quickly fall down from the ladder and destroy the flying ball, after that go to the left and jump over the gap, be careful for the electricity though, when you reached the other platform, blue ninjas will come from all over the place, kill them and the bolt throwing guy. After you've done that get your grenade and use it to kill the bolt throwing guy on the next platform, once you've done that go down the ladder. Destroy the flying ball and kill the guy with a grenade, then get the health the guy leaves behind and walk forward, destroy another ball and jump over the gap onto the conveyer belt while being careful that the electricity doesn't hurt you. After that jump on the next belt where there are more electricity thingies, while your on it blue ninjas and flying balls will attack, kill them and then just time your jumps and movement so that you won't get hit, after that walk to the right to exit this screen. =============================================================================== Stage 8-2 =============================================================================== Destroy the flying ball and use your grenade to get the other guy out of the way, jump on the platform and jump onto another, now you can go two ways and we'll take the upper one. So go up and avoid the bolts, go to the right and destroy the flying balls when they come close, when you reach the first ladder jump onto the conveyer belt when the electricity stops for a second, after you're of the conveyer belt go down the ladder. Go past the bolt and kill the guy, get the chicken and destroy the two balls coming from behind, then go down the ladder. Not much to do here, just kill the two guys and go down the ladder. ---------- 8-3 (boss) ---------- This boss has two attacks, the first one is shooting electric bolts in the air which is easily avoidable and the other is shooting green stuff down at you which is a lot harder to avoid. Stay on the platform in the middle the whole time and attack when he shoots the electric bolts, get out of the way when he's shooting the green stuff. =============================================================================== 6.9 Stage 9-1 =============================================================================== Walk forward and kill the brown beast, than walk a bit further and a blue beast will pop up, wait for it to come close and kill it. After that another brown one comes up again, kill it and quickly turn around to kill the big beast that comes from behind. Walk a bit further and a blue one will come from behind, just keep on walking and it will fall into the gap. Select your grenade and kill the guy who is throwing the bolts at you, otherwise it can be pretty hard to get over the gap, keep the grenade selected and kill the guy a who's standing a bit higher. Then get the other brown beast out of the way and continue, once you're up kill the bolt throwing guy and two blue beasts will pop up, kill them as well and kill the brown beast with a grenade. Once you've done that go down when the electricity stopped and kill the guy down there, then crawl underneath the lower wall to the other side and kill the two blue beasts. Jump up once the electricity stopped and kill the guy, after that a brown beast will pop up kill it and jump over the gap and get rid of all the enemies (be careful for the big beast), once you've done that climb up the ladder. Be careful for the drops coming from the ceiling and kill the brown beast, than go to the left. First two blue beasts will appear, kill them and continue, than two big beasts will appear kill them also and exit this screen. Jump up when the electricity stops and kill the guy, wait until the other electricity stops and go up further up, kill the other guy with your whip and continue going up, than kill the last guy and exit the screen. =============================================================================== Stage 9-2 =============================================================================== Kill the brown beast with a well thrown grenade and go up the platform (while being careful not to get hit by drops coming from the ceiling). Stand on the breakable brick and wait until it breaks, once you're dropped down go to the right and kill the blue beast, bat and medusa, after that jump down and slash the wall away. It's another regenerating wall so you'll have to be quick, after you got through jump over the fire and kill the large beast, walk slowly past the drops and kill another medusa, than go trough another wall. Jump over the gap and kill the brown beast, than turn around and kill the blue one, jump up to another platform and kill the medusa, go trough the wall and jump down. Kill the medusa on that platform and be careful that you don't fall down trough the breakable blocks. Jump onto the other platform and go trough another wall, when you're at the other side kill the big beast that comes your way, now walk over the breakable blocks and stand on the last one, wait for it to go away and go further to the right, kill the medusa and get the meat, now exit the screen. ---------------- Stage 9-3 (Boss) ---------------- You can deal with this boss in two ways, if you have lots of grenades then you can kill him by standing on the opposite platform of him and start throwing grenades at him and repeating that until he's death. Or the quickest way is to stand on the edge of the platform where he is standing on and than just starting whipping him. =============================================================================== 6.10 Stage 10-1 =============================================================================== Not much new here except now there are some more obstacles on the way. To hurt the boss you'll have to shoot it's head but you can also use the flame that's coming out the back of your car. =============================================================================== 6.11 Stage 11-1 =============================================================================== I can only give some tips for this Terminator 2 arcade clone level, 1. Be careful with your ammo, don't go shooting at everything that you see except enemies. 2. Kill the enemies in front first, because they do more damage. 3. Use the bomb for bigger groups so you can kill them all at once. 4. Try to pick up a lot of bullets, because when they run out, you're in trouble. =============================================================================== Stage 11-2 =============================================================================== Walk forward over the broken brick in the floor and kill the yellow enemy on the ceiling, than go further and walk over some more broken bricks, kill the purple enemies and the yellow one on the ceiling. Watch out for the red ninjas and kill the clowns, the rest of this screen is pretty straightforward, just kill all the enemies in your path and watch out for the broken parts in the floor, when you're at the end of the level climb up the ladder to reach the next screen. Get rid of the big robot, flying ball and the yellow guy on the ceiling, than quickly walk to the left over the bricks, when you're at the other side avoid the red ninja and destroy the flying ball and the yellow guy on the ceiling. After that two more red ninjas will pop up, try to avoid and get rid of the big robot before you, than go up the ladder. Kill the two yellow guys on the ceiling and the purple enemy that attacks from behind, after that go forward and jump from platform to platform very fast so that the ninja's won't be able to hit you. Once you're at the other side get rid of all the purple enemies and the yellow one that's hanging on the ceiling, now you'll have to jump over one more gap to reach the boss, jump on the middle brick and jump again when the two ninja's have thrown there stars, after that quickly jump to the side and exit the level. ----------------- Stage 11-3 (boss) ----------------- Now you have to fight a copy of yourself, luckily for you he isn't that smart. Here you must use your ducking abilities again, when the fight begins he will jump towards you, now if you stand close to him he will use his whip but you have to make him use his gun. So stay a bit out of his way and wait until he starts shooting, than duck and crawl towards him and give him a beating, keep on doing this until he's death. ----------------- Stage 11-4 (boss) ----------------- The weak spot for this boss is his head, to reach his head you'll have to get between his legs, so wait until he jumps and stand on the spot where he's about to land. Then he fires some lasers and puts his head down to hurt you, duck and start hitting him with your whip, after a few hits he will jump away, now wait until he lands again and stand on the spot where he's about to land, then beat him again and repeat that until you've killed him. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 7. Credits &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -Sammy for making this game. -Nintendo for making the NES/Famicom. -CJayC for Gamefaqs. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 8. Copyright &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This file is Copyright (c) 2005 Pietjepuk. All rights reserved. This file was entirely written by me. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way. Vice: project doom (R) is copyright (C) 1991 Sammy, inc. NES(R) is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America inc.