Darkstar Ripclaw Presents... VENUS SENKI Based on the Translation by J2e Translations http://b-rock.netfirms.com/ TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1. Basics 2. The "Generic" Strategy 3. Walkthrough Introduction ------------ Perhaps I should clear something up here. Back in Summer 2006, I had made the decision to do game FAQing as a part-time career, instead of a couple of loose works done purely out of dedication to favorite games of mine. Following that, I then put that effort to somewhere where it would be appreciated, namely the NES FAQ Completion Project. A few FAQs later, a small dent was made in the big pile of FAQ-less games, but a dent nevertheless. Fast-forward a few months later, full of work, school, and football. Having done football, I finally managed to get a free day off of work and school (November 4th, 2006). As I wanted to write for what would likely be an ambitious project, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, I decided to do a warm-up for the game. This was the first of three such games, completed in one day. Use it well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Controls -------- A - Confirm a choice, Continue Dialogue, Shoot B - Back Up in a Menu, Back Up Movement, Launch Missile D-Pad (Overworld) - Choose where you want to go D-Pad (Tank) - Move around Up (Battle) - Aims your beam cannon upwards Down (Battle) - Aims your beam cannon downwards Left, Right (Battle) - Move left and right while on the battlefield Start - Pause ---------- Transports ---------- Along with your biker gang, you also obtain two transport units. What these transports can do is resupply the amount of energy a unit has (required for crossing the terrains), missiles (up to five per turn), and the unit's health. The transport itself has infinite energy. However, the transports CANNOT fight, and as such, they should also not be left alone and vulnerable to enemy attack (read the Generic Strategy to see how to tie into this). Instead, make sure they are protected at all stages of the game. ---------------- Regular Fighting ---------------- In this mode of battle, you are given an over-the-shoulder view as the battlefield scrolls. Enemies will start coming in from the front - on the radar, regular enemies will show up as yellow blips, while the specialists will show up as purple blips (and later as blue and white). The purpose here is to destroy ten of the 'specialist' units. This means that they are characteristic of that particular type of unit. Destroying ten of the specialists (represented on the battle screen by the counter 'AEN') will cause that unit to be destroyed. Other things that need to be kept an eye on are GMI (the total number of missiles that you have remaining), and your VP (in other words, your life bar). In the latter case, once you run out of VP, that unit is gone for the rest of the mission. All battles will terminate either when ten specialists have been destroyed, or the default time of sixty seconds runs out. ------------- Tank Fighting ------------- Later on in the game (Mission 4), you will run into bigger units - tanks. These guys will initiate a different battle mode. Instead of being over- the-shoulder, a bird's-eye view shall be presented. The tank itself will be somewhat blocky, with multiple turrets that can shoot bullets. The tank will bob left and right, up and down, depending on where your own Biker Unit goes, so use this to your advantage as you first shoot down and eliminate the cannons. Once they go, there are weak spots on the tank (described in each unit's information blurb) to attack. Once it's own (green) life bar hits zero range, it'll be destroyed. ---------------------- Level EXP Requirements ---------------------- The amount of Points that you need to obtain to hit a certain level. Level 2: 150 Points Level 3: 300 Points Level 4: 600 Points Level 5: 1200 Points Level 6: 2400 Points Level 7: 4800 Points Level 8: 9600 Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE "GENERIC" STRATEGY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For many of the missions posted in the walkthrough section, I have listed as a strategy "Generic". Because of the way the game is designed (thus so that you do not really have any weakness systems, and instead rely on your own skill in the action system), many of the missions can be done under the same general strategy. As such, here it is; Instead of actively pursuing the enemies, gather your bikers and transports into two groups, consisting of four bikers and a transport each. If B represents a Biker and T represents a transport, this is how they should be arranged; B BTB B As such, without letting the Transport be open to attack, each Biker gets resupplied every turn while leaving the enemy to come to them. Then, when you feel one Biker is getting overpowered, you can take him off for a turn, switch around Bikers to bring somebody new up front (leaving only the back side where no enemy can strike from exposed), and get him some Experience Points. Afterwards, if the objective isn't to destroy all enemies, then once you have whittled down the strike force, you can go and fulfill the regular objective. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Mission 1 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies REGULARS The regular guys here are bikers whom will try to shoot up close. Shoot at them from afar; however, do not let up on your ammo barrage, as they can be difficult to destroy from a distance thanks to being really small and missiles not being plentiful enough to waste on them. 1 Point ALCATRAL The enemy specialist here is a giant purple copter that floats in the sky towards you. Wait for it to come to you, and press Up to bring your barrel upwards. Once it begins to shift dramatically from moving forward to rising straight up into the sky, wait about a half a second more, then shoot, and the bullet will likely hit it. 5 Points BATTLER These guys are in quick-moving tanks that can fire large teal cannonballs. At the sametime, however, they are grounded, so treat them as you would treat the regular enemies, and fire at them from afar. Alternatively, however, if you are low on health, stick to shooting missiles, as they can sometimes be annoying to sharpshoot, and can devastate your life meter very quickly. 4 Points Strategy -------- Generic --------- Mission 2 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies PARCH Q Ground tanks that zig zag back and forth very quickly across the battlefield. These guys can also be annoying, because the missile will sometimes overshoot itself while autolocking and go past these guys. My recommendation is to double-team up on a Parch Q unit, as usually to damage them with your regular weapons, you will want to get in close, which opens yourself to fire; as thus, take out five specialists with one unit, then eliminate the remaining specialists with the other. 10 Points Strategy -------- Generic --------- Mission 3 --------- OBJECTIVE: Defend the Track, Destroy all enemies Strategy -------- Beat the enemies to the track, and surround it with this position. B = Biker (Regular Unit) R = Transport (Your Suppliers) T = Track BBBBRTRBBBB Next, wait for the enemies to come to you, then repel them off. You *can* bring your three units from the south to attack remaining units when necessary, and exchange them with the front guard when experience points are desirable. Changing the center north and south Bikers with others is also recommended, so that they can resupply with your transports. Eventually, the Ishutar assault (made out of a combination of Parch Qs, Alcatrals, and Battlers - nothing new) will run out of manpower, giving you the win for the day. --------- Mission 4 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies QUEEN The Queen unit consists of a number of purple helicopter units. These will USUALLY fly up towards you, shooting at you all the way, and then suddenly fly back from whence they came. When this happens, use the same strategy as you did with the Alcatrals - aim your cannon up, and shoot as soon as they begin to get close, with the result being that your fire should hit them. However, there are two exceptions to this rule. The first is that sometimes the Queen unit will actually fly right past you completely. When this occurs, just continue shooting at it. However, sometimes the Queens will only get a bit close to you (not sufficient enough to have an easy aim), and then fly back. When they do this, fire off a homing missile at them, and that should put an end to their cowardly streak. 10 Points GAUGE The specialists here bounce around when going forward, as if on a pogo stick, while shooting at you at the same time. However, because they only bounce a short bit up, if you direct a constant and steady stream of fire at whatever position they are moving to, they will get hit either by the attack itself or it's explosion radius. If they do get up close, they can still be easily taken out by bullets, or in the most desperate of cases, a missile. 10 Points GUN Big burly tanks that dash in a straight beeline towards you. There are three things to note here; the first is that they can actually be hittable from afar without super-sniper skills, making them easier pickings. The second is that after you hit them once, they turn a darker purple, indicating that they have indeed been damaged; as such, you can fire at them a few times more with confidence that they will fall. Lastly, if they run right into you, you won't leap over them. Instead, the tanks shall bounce back, with your biker not taking any damage whatsoever. Even if they don't run into you, they shall then retreat, much in the same way as the Queen unit will. 10 Points Admiral A1 This here will be the first time you get into the second battle mode, this time around in a top-down view. Move around and shoot the two cannon turrets to the side, and the one on the tank's front. Next, you'll be pitted into a dogfight for the time that it takes for the tank to move all the way down. When it does this, go around and to the top, and fire as many missiles as you can; they will all auto-target at the turret at the top, which for some reason takes more damage than the rest of the tank, even after the turret itself is destroyed. When you can't use the missile, the two exhaust-pipe-like items at the front of the tank are the next most vulnerale parts on the tank. You _CAN_ shoot the armor to damage it, but it takes a lot more time, and is much slower. Once the tank's HP bar is drained out, it'll explode, destroying it totally. There is no time limit on this, so if you want to make it through without losing a character, you will have to defeat him in a single battle. 90 Points Strategy -------- Generic, then go up and battle the Admiral A1 unit --------- Mission 5 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies Strategy -------- Generic --------- Mission 6 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies, Take over the Radar JUDAS The Judas unit consists of flying helicopters that will zig-zag around much like the original Parch Q from oh so long ago, making them especially annoying to kill off. My recommendations is that you bring in your guys with stronger firepower, as if it takes two hits to kill, it generally won't be effective enough to work short of using misisles. The same strategy for usually hitting flying unit still applies, however; wait until it gets near to aim upwards. 30 Points GAUGE V2 While still on their pogo sticks, the Gauge Version 2s come down the screen at what is an alarmingly much faster pace than before, and can take at least a couple hit from some of your weaker units. They will also turn a light green when hit once and not destroyed, so you can tell that they were actually damaged. 15 Points KYULUU VX A strong improvement on the Parch Q model, the Kyuluu also does a zig- zag, but comes with much, MUCH stronger armor, taking several shots from even the most powerful of your biker cannons. My recommendation is easily to double- team up each unit and destroy all that you can with missiles. 20 Points ADMIRAL A2 A beefed-up blue version of the last tank. Unlike the last one, however, you can destroy all the firing mechanisms on top of the tank (except for the barrel at the front) with the missiles, so make sure you get close to each device, and fire one or two missiles at it (the clipper in the bottom left and the cannon at the back are vulnerable, but they can only be damaged at an extremely difficult angle, so you may want to use missiles on them). Once all all of them have been destroyed, there is only one spot on the tank that is vulnerable to fire; the exhaust parts at the front. Shoot at these spots, and the tank will take damage without being able to fire back (unless you wander in front of the barrel), eventually being destroyed. If you can't get the clipper at the front, then only hit the right side (since then it would be able to fire at you on the left). 150 Points Strategy -------- Generic at first, then go and attack the Admirals after resupplying. Taking over the Radar will also result in a battle with an Admiral. --------- Mission 7 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies REGULARS Some new stuff here with the regular unit. Instead of dashing straight forward, they'll move left and right, often dodging fire. A trick way to kill them is to fire at one spot, then move the way that you want them to move so they get caught in the bullet. They will move with you, and fall straight into the path of fire. 1 Point Strategy -------- Generic --------- Mission 8 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies, protect the refugee camp REGULARS These guys here are a lot tougher than before. Instead of being in jetbikes, they now come at you in tanks that take a lot more damage, and can cause a lot more damage. If you can't defeat one with a single shot, then move out of the way. Much like the last mission, they also move left and right to dodge shots, but will move with you. 1 Point METALLICA These guys are basically WW1-like airplanes, in the form of double wing gliders. However, what they will do is hang back first, shoot at you for awhile, then suddenly glide forward like madmen and try to shoot you up. Stay out of their firing range while they're back, then shoot 'em as they come up. 40 Points CALLOWAY An even bigger improvement, onto the Parch Q - Kyuluu ZX line. This time, instead of being a tank, the Calloway is a hovertank-like vehicle that also does it's zig-zag around the field, but even quicker this time around, and able to take more punishment. Even with some of the stronger characters, it can still take at least two hits regularly to take down. Missiles are definitely recommended for the weaker characters, such as Jeff. 50 Points SOGARA An upgrade on the Gun unit that you have not seen in a while, the Sogara will dash forward pretty quick, dodge your attacks with some ease moving left and right (but not in the annoying manner of the Calloway and it's predecessors), and in general cause havoc. However, you can still hit it from afar by spamming your bullets, so do so and then hit it again up close if it takes more than one hit. 50 Points ADMIRAL G1 Easily the most annoying enemy in the game up to this point. The pre- shootout is still the same as before; eliminate all the cannons on the enemy. This time around, the weapon that is difficult to hit by buster is the turret on the right (and hitting the top one with missiles is still recommended). The reason why this tank is annoying, however, is that it doesn't float around most of the time, but instead follows you. If you move left, it moves left as well. If you go up, then so does it. To add onto that, there is only one vulnerable spot left on the tank; on the small area in between it's two exhaust ports. And remember, since it goes down when you do the same, you can't just shoot straight up into it. As such, there is only one strategy to beat it with a lone unit. When it goes to one side, go to the opposite half, and place yourself as far down as possible and face it. It'll bob up and down as it goes to your side, so shoot like a madman. Some of the shots should hit the front bumper and damage it. Repeat and go to the other side when necessitated, until it finally blows up. 250 Points Strategy -------- Bunch around the refugee camp like this, then go into a generic strategy; B = Biker (Regular Unit) T = Transport (Your Suppliers) R = Refugee Camp BBBBTRTBBBB Exchange bikers around when needed to make sure everybody levels up at an even pace. --------- Mission 9 --------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemies Strategy -------- Generic ---------- Mission 10 ---------- OBJECTIVE: Take over the Command Center SACHOOD Purple butterfly-shaped airships that hover from afar and shoot at you for a while, before dashing forward and moving past you. One of the best things to try and do to eliminate them is to try and shoot them down while they're still far away; unlike other ships, these guys CAN be destroyed with some good aim even while in the distance. Otherwise, use a missile or shoot them when they get up close. 120 Points N-GAUGE An upgrade on the old Gauge units that haven't been seen around in a while. While the N-Gauge doesn't bounce forward quite nearly as quick as the Gauge V2, this version tends to bounce a lot higher, and is thus a lot more difficult to hit and damage. Couple this with it's tendency to still escape missiles, and a painful need to be hit at least twice by some of your weaker units, and you may want to confront this with some of your stronger bikers. 75 Points MAYDEAN A heavily armored tank. It does not move around much, aside from getting out of your way if you face it directly. However, like said before, the tank is heavily armored, requiring a number of hits from even your strongest fighters, and even having to take two missiles before it will go down. Come into this fight fully prepped, and follow one specialist until it finally falls, or else you will waste time and energy. 90 Points ADMIRAL Z3 This guy is actually a bit easier than the Admiral G1, so long as you bring at least five missiles into the fight. Start off by destroying a couple of the turrets (two on each side, and the one on the top still), including the top one. When you feel you are safe enough, go to the top, and fire straight down from there. The Admiral Z3 unit has very little health, so the initial breaker missile and four more hits should take it out. If you do not have enough missiles, then you will have to shoot straight down into where the former top turret was to damage it. 300 Points Strategy -------- Generic, then go up and take out the three Admiral units. Entering the Center Building will result in you fighting another Admiral Z3. ---------- Mission 11 ---------- OBJECTIVE: Take over the Contact Base Strategy -------- Generic, then go up and take out the three Admiral units. Entering the Contact Base will result in you fighting another Admiral Z3. NOTES ----- From now on, on your radar in the lower-left part of the screen, specialist units will begin to be a blue-and-white diamond. ---------- Mission 12 ---------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all Enemies VAGUE Extremely annoying gliders. They will first come in extremely close, do a quick attack while diving left and right and front and back in a circular fashion, and finally fly off screen, all within five seconds or so. I highly recommend you use missiles on them, especially with those units whom can't take out a specialist in one hit. If you are using an emulator (highly likely), use autofire for the aforementioned units to take of them more easily. 150 Points KASARA An upgrade on the Maydean units, the Kasara is somewhat thinner and thus a bit harder to hit, but it moves a LOT slower, barely bothering to dodge. Stronger fighters should be able to take it out with a couple of hits, weaker units can destroy it with save state reload + autofire, and they will fall with one missile (good thing, that). If firing at it, stick with the strategy of staying with one unit until it's finished off, so you don't waste time and energy harming one only to switch to another. 150 Points EDAIGO Taking a cue from some of the earlier flying units, the Edaigo is a tank that will hang back on the battlefield and shoot at you from afar, before eventually moving in closer to you and then past you. Fire as hard as you can while it is from afar, then nail it down when it comes closer (if you haven't already destroyed it). Otherwise, use a missile on it - it does not move very much, only to follow with you, so it likely won't be able to dodge your attack. 180 Points Strategy -------- Generic ---------- Mission 13 ---------- OBJECTIVE: Destroy all Enemies Strategy -------- Generic ---------- Mission 14 ---------- OBJECTIVE: Capture the Dressmaker REGULARS The regular units take a drastic change for the more annoying. Instead of being armored tanks that can persistently hunt you down, you will now face off against small purple enemies (I cannot stress enough the word 'small), whom dart left and right very quickly and shoot fast. The only upside to them, more points if you shoot one down, is brought down by the sheer insignificance of 5 points to taking down Specialists, and besides which, every last unit should be at least at Level 7 by now. 5 Points ARMAN R A large upgrade on the Sachood units, with their butterfly-shape intact. However, instead of staying behind on the battlefield to circle around and fire at you, the Arman units will instead choose to dive-bomb you while dashing past. For those units whom can take them out with autofire, do so. Otherwise, use missiles, as these guys can be more than reasonably difficult to pick out from afar. 210 Points CLAW D5 Another M.S. unit that is an upgrade to the Edaigo, the Claw D5 unit won't bother to circle around on the backfield. Instead, it'll zoom straight at you and go past, and can take a whole missile and then some, much like the Maydean unit. Use a Missile unit on one, then shoot it down until it falls; doing it the other way can just waste your time and HP as you open yourself to fire. 270 Points HAL BOO A second ground tank unit, these guys are actually more like the Calloway units that you haven't fought in a long time, in their ability to zig- zag and dodge attacks. However, unlike their predecessors, they ARE slow (much slower), and thus easier to hit. On the other hand, they are, of course, more heavily armored, and like the Claw D5 unit, it needs more than just a single missile to take down a specialist. Strategy -------- Generic, then go up andcapture the Dressmaker. Inside, you'll face off against an Admiral G1 ---------- Mission 15 ---------- OBJECTIVE: Defeat Donar DONAR The last tank unit, and the only tank that lacks a generic shape to it. Watch the front of Donar for the first little while; he has two cannons on either side of the middle that can shoot if you are not looking. Meanwhile, this guy will basically always follow you in the direction you go; so if you need to hit him from the left, go right, he'll follow, and then you can do a reverse and hit him from the left. For this fight, I recommend somebody with good firepower and preferably at least six missiles (so Hiro or Chris would fit that). Start off by blasting off the two turrets on the left side, as they will causethe biggest problems. Next, take the easy-to-get cannon on the right side. Between the upper turret and the one placed in the middle of the tank, use your missiles to destroy them (three each); don't bother saving up your missiles for this battle, as they are useless with damaging Donar. Once all the parts on Donar have been destroyed, he will be open to attack. In the bottom middle part of the tank, he has a super-charged laser beam. If you fly in front of it, it will open, wait for a few seconds, and then shoot out a bunch of energy. When it opens, shoot at it for about a full second, then get out of the way; getting in the energy beam's way will cause you to lose instantly. DO NOT GO BEHIND THE TANK when it is doing this as well; if on the top side in the middle, it'll hit you there, even if you won't see it. You'll have to repeat shooting at the beam cannon for a good number of times before the Donar tank finally falls. Strategy -------- Put up a strong group on the right side with the standard cross formation, then bring the second half of the team up the left side. Knock out any strays from the left side while making your way up. The right side should be able to fend for themselves against the main onslaught. Once the left gets up to the top of the screen, take out Donar's guard, then defeat Donar himself to win the mission and the game. Need help with something that's not in this FAQ? Got a comment to make? Find something wrong in this FAQ, or else just want to contribute something extra? Email me at darkstar.ripclaw AT gmail DOT com if you need any of these things. Just a warning note; if I recognize a question as something being asked in this FAQ, it's not getting answered. _______________________________________________________________________________ ;;ff LLKK.. ..WW##ii tt####LL DD####DD ii########ii LL########LL ..WW########EE ff############;; ..KK############ff ii##############DD GG################;; ;;WW################jj LLKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKWW####################KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKLL.. ,,GG################################################################ii ..EE############################################################EEttttii,, ttKK######################################################WWLL;;,,;;jjffjj; ..ttKK################################################KKtt::::::::ttjjjjf ..ttKK##########################################LL::::::::::::::::::L ;;LLKK####################################jj ::ii;;;;;;..;;ii; ii;; ;ttGGKK##############################GG::::::::;;,,;;;;.. ..iiii iiii .ii############################KKtt iiii ;;;;;; .tt##########################WWtt tttt ;;, ::DD########################WWii ;; ,;;;; .;;;;WW############EE##########WW.. ;i;; ii;;jj############ff..GG##########;; .. ;;ii....LL##########GG.. ;;KK########;; ii.. 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