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Table of Contents ----------------- {1.0} Introduction {2.0} Basics {3.0} Walkthrough [3.1] Pridelands [3.2] The Mane Event [3.3] Elephant Graveyard [3.4] Stampede [3.5] Exile [3.6] Hakuna Matata {4.0} Extras {5.0} End Version History: ============================================================================== 1.0: Started and finished the FAQ. Enjoy! Disclaimer: ============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and violation of copyright. Sites this FAQ can be posted on: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {1.0} Introduction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I, myself, do not know much about the history of the NES and Lion King. I can remember watching and enjoying it. I picked up this game and started to play it. So, I write something for this FAQless title in hopes that it'll help SOMEBODY out there. After all, The Lion King was awesome. A great oldie for those with nostalgia. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {2.0} Basics XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This game is pretty easy. There are only a few controls. +------------------------------------------+ | Button | Effect | |------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause Game | | Select | Nothing | | D-Pad | Move | | A | Jump | | B | Roar | +------------------------------------------+ Note: Hold A for a higher and longer jump. Most enemies in the game can be defeated by jumping on them. You can also do a roll by pressing down and left/right at the same time. There are six levels in this game. To clear them, you must go past all of the obstacles and reach the end of the level. There is also a bonus level if you've collected all the 1ups in the level.(I think; sorry I'm not sure. Can anyone clarify?) In the bonus level, you must try to eat as many bugs as possible, but not spiders! Don't let one touch the ground! That's pretty much all you need to know to start the game. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {3.0} Walkthrough XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX When you get to the main menu, there are two options. Press Start to start the game, or go to the options menu to set the music, sound, difficulty, and controls. There's really no different in the difficulties other than the number of lives you start with and the number of hits it takes to kill certain enemies. Start your game when you're ready. ============================================================================== {3.1} Pridelands ============================================================================== When you start your game, head to the right. Jump on the lizards and up the rocks. Turn left and jump up those rocks. When you reach the end there, turn right. Watch out for the beetles here. After jumping on them, quickly leave the area or it'll blow up in your face. Keep following the path until you reach the lion symbol. From the symbol, you go jump right which leads to a 1up. However, you'll have to get back up from the beginning. Jump right and up from the lion symbol if you wish to continue. Keep proceeding up until you reach the trees. Watch out for the porcupines here. Roar at them first by pressing B before jumping on them, or you will get hurt. At the top of the trees, make a long leap to the right where you will find another lion symbol. Roll down to the right to fight the hyena. Wait for it to pounce, then wait another second or two and you will see it panting. This is when you jump on it. Hit it twice and you will move on to the next level. ============================================================================== {3.2} The Mane Event ============================================================================== At the start of the level, get boosted by the rhino by swinging from its tail onto its head. Quickly make long jumps across the giraffes' heads until you get on land. Swing up from the rhino to get swung onto an ostrich. Jump over the green rhinos and duck under the nest. After three obstacles, you'll be flung onto an island. Touch the lion symbol here. Swing across the rhinos' tails. Make sure to swing when you're closer to the right. You should land on an island after this. Jump over the gap to get to another rhino. Swing onto its head. You should land on a giraffe. Jump over to the right and keep walking right to go to the next stage. ============================================================================== {3.3} Elephant Graveyard ============================================================================== The first thing you must do in this level is to defeat the hyena. Do this just like in level 1. Wait for him to leap up and attack you. Run under, then stomp on his head when he's tired. When you beat it, go left. The bones should break allowing you passage. Jump down the pit and go right(collecting the bugs along the way might I add) until you see another hyena. Defeat it just like before. After that, jump onto the bones. Swing across to the other side. Make sure to hold right on that last swing or you'll bump on the ceiling and fall. Head right until the pit. Collect the 1up underneath the platform, then return and make that long jump right. Jump on the bat twice to kill it, then swing from one bone to the next. The last two are two that go straight up. To grab onto these, DO NOT make a full swing left or right. Jump in midswing and quickly tap right. Do this to reach the top. At the top, jump right. Fall towards the bottom(but not into the pit!) and walk right. Jump onto the stone ledge and just press A a few times to get to the top. Kill the bat, then fall down. Roll(press down and right at the same time) through the bones. Jump across the ledges, then across the gap to reach a lion symbol. Jump right to the ledges. Press A quickly to get to the top. Sometimes, this blue thing will follow you. I have no clue what it is, but it'll kill you so be sure to avoid it. Kill all the bats that you can, then jump left across the gaps until you reach the hyena. Dodge it and watch it fall into the pit. Silly fool. Keep walking left until you meet another hyena. This one, you have to kill. After defeating it, walk left through the bones. You'll complete the level. ============================================================================== {3.4} Stampede ============================================================================== This is the easiest level in the entire game. Just dodge the little lightbulbs with wings; er, the wildebeasts. Move up or down to avoid getting hit. The level will end when there are no more chasing you. Simple simple. ============================================================================== {3.5} Exile ============================================================================== In this level, you'll meet your old friends the lizards and porcupines. Choose any path you wish to get to the lower level. Jump onto the pieces of land and swing right across quickly so you don't get hit by boulders. Collect you 1up. Go down and right. Dodge the hyena. Jump onto the small platforms to the right. The 1up here is tough to get and depends on the timing of your jump, so I don't go back for it once it's past. Keep walking right afterwards and we'll be finished with this quick level! ============================================================================== {3.6} Hakuna Matata ============================================================================== Jump across the gap and kill the frog. Now drop down(hold right until you reach the floor). Jump up the platforms, then left across until you reach the ledges. Tap A until you reach the top of the platform. Walk right. Grab the ledge, then tap A and hold right to reach the one above it. Swing to the left to grab the piece of land. Swing to the left(I would ignore the 1up here unless you're low on lives) and then right onto the land. Kill the two frogs here and run past the lion symbol. Choose any path you wish from here. They'll all lead downward towards the waterfall. Jump up the waterfall via the logs and platforms. This can be tiresome and difficult. Make sure to not skip any platforms! That can be why you're not getting to the top. ;) At the top of the waterfall, the left side will have a 1up. The right side will allow you to continue. Follow the stream downwards. Try to stay on the right side. Look VERY carefully at the ground as you will notice that some part is actually water that can kill you. Anyway, head right on the floor and kill all the frogs. Grab onto the platform ledge. Keep heading up. You should eventually see a large, gray...thing. It will throw rocks at you. All you do is jump on the rocks it throws(and stay some distance apart from the monkey? itself,) and it'll be defeated shortly. Congratulations, you've completed the game! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {4.0} Extras XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This games doesn't contain the entire story of Lion King. If you think the levels are too hard, you can use this cheat to proceed to the next level. You can beat the entire game this way, believe it or not, but that wouldn't be any fun, would it? Just press START and press B, A, right, and left in order. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX {5.0} End XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Thanks for reading this FAQ. I hope that it helped. If you need extra help or want to tell me something, E-mail me here: plasmad00d13smooth{at}gmail(dot]com Peace throughout the world. Credits: -------- BSulphur Da Hui But most of all, thank you Dave of cheat central for NOT putting this on his site. If you find it there, it is proof that his site is bad and plagarizes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2005 {c} MG(Strawhat) END FAQ #22