_____ ___ _____ ____ ___ / | | | | | | |\ | | / | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | / | |___| \_____ |-- |----- | | | | \ | |< |---- | \ \ | | | | | | \ | | \ | | \ ______/ | |_____ |_____ \___/ | \| | \ |____ | \_ FAQ & Walkthrough Created by: Steven Aldrich E-mail: ColoredPlants@netscape.net Version 4.0 Copyright 2002-2004 Steven Aldrich ___________________________________________________________________ | --Table of Contents-- | |___________________________________________________________________| I. Introduction II. Controls, Quotes & Notes, and Your Screen III. Walkthrough IV. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) V. Secrets & Stuff VI. Credits ___________________________________________________________________ |I. --Introduction-- | |___________________________________________________________________| --------------------------------Uses---------------------------------- This Walkthrough has been created by Steven Aldrich for all those who have trouble with the game Spelunker. This guide will provide help for all 4 levels of the game, as well as an FAQ and secrets. All copyright laws apply, and if in any case the reader steals, sells, modifies or even copies word from word from this guide, I will take the law into hands and sue the criminal. "Plagiarism is a serious crime." --------------------------------About Me----------------------------- A lot of FAQ writers for Game FAQ's like to write about themselves a bit. Since you cared to read this guide I'll tell you a bit about me. Well to start it off, I love classic Nintendo games, and always have since was a child. My favorites were Crystalis, Final Fantasy, Lode Runner, Ninja Gaiden II, and Spelunker. You might wonder that since I had been playing Spelunker since I was a child I could've possibly beat it, but I didn't play it all that often. I don't want to tell you too much about myself (I feel as though I have enough stalkers), so tat's about all the information I can give you about myself. --------------------------------Updates------------------------------ Version 4.0 (7-9-04 & ) 1. Added detailed map for level 4. 2. Updated Secrets. 3. Updated Bestiary. 4. Updated Copyright Version 3.0 (7-8-04 1. Updated FAQ section. 2. Updated Secrets. Version 2.0 (11-11-02 & 4-8-03 + 4-9-03) 1. Spelling and Grammar Corrections. 2. Complete detailed maps of every level (Except Level 4). 3. More detailed Secrets & Stuff and FAQ questions. 4. Added "Your Screen." 5. Added "About Me." Version 1.0 (11-8-02) 1. Created the Spelunker FAQ & Walkthrough 2. Created base contents ___________________________________________________________________ |II. --Controls and Quotes & Notes-- | |___________________________________________________________________| Controls: A button: To jump (Use directional pad to jump in such directions) B button: To shoot your gun Select button: Not used Start button: To pause the game Direction pad (D-pad): to move the character Down and B: Use a bomb Up and B: Use a firecracker Quotes & Notes: In the game Spelunker, it is easy to get extremely aggravated because if you jump more than 2 inches, you die. here is a list of basic rules you should follow: 2 Inch rule: Spelunker will not live if he falls more than 2 inches above the ground. Sharp rock rule: Spelunker will sometimes die when he hits rocks that stick out of the side of cliffs, even if you almost clear the jump. Bomb rule: This one makes a little sense, when you set a bomb, run as far away from as you can or else you'll get caught in the explosion. Patience is the key: This game takes a lot of patience, so be ready for this one. Insults for the maggot: Spelunker can be a very annoying little maggot. There are ways to ease this tension that builds up when Spelunker dies from the stupidest things. A list of insults? Why not!? -Maggot -Midget -Doof -Frigget -Little blue-red hatted dufas who is so weak he couldn't pick up a newspaper! (This one came out by accident, but I like it) -Fireman -Blue Boy -Suspenders Your Screen: In the game Spelunker, your screen going horizontal on the top consists of a view things including your score, time remaining, the amount of bombs and firecrackers you have, and your total number of lives remaining 1. First from the top left corner is the amount of bombs your holding. 2. Next to that is the amount of firecrackers. 3. Below this is your total amount of lives remaining. 4. Next to this is your time remaining, MIN meaning minimum amount of time left before you die, and MAX meaning full of time remaining. This can also be defined as an energy grid, but both seem to fit together, but you can chose between what you prefer. Note: Time can be restored by either collecting circle things, or getting a Gas Pump. 5. Below the time is your current High Score. The high score to be broken by default is 50,000 points. ___________________________________________________________________ |III. --Walkthrough-- | |___________________________________________________________________| It all starts here: ------------------------------Level 1--------------------------------- Level 1 Map: ___________________________________________________________________ | E | | | __________________== !___________I 8 I 8 I | | | ==____________________! | | | | | _______________ _________+_______^_______________________! | | | | I! | | ___I__I _8 I__%| | ! | | | |*--I_I=| |I8! | | __I_ =| | H!___ | | |I_ \___I_____ !__I__ =| | H___* | | |_I______B_________! ______ | | | | | | 8_I|________________________________________________________| | |__C_______________^___^_____^___^___^__^______________ - | | | #####################################################\* -- | | | |_I_ ! _I_| | | _I__ __:_______ | ! | | | | \_____________________!_______:__:____(*=*)____| |_________I___|_____________________________________________ = ____| Legend: | (Border) = (Escalator) 8 (Volcano) + (Rock Pile) I (Item) ! (Rope) E (Elevator) ^ (Volcano with white stuff) % (S-Item) C (Mine Cart) * (Key) B (Bat) (*=*) {End of Level} : (Door) # (Bottom of Mine Cart area) - (Stairs) First of all, all games start somewhere. You begin in an elevator which will only bring you up and down. Begin at moving down to the first tunnel of the cave. Walk across the cavern and jump onto the first escalator, which will bring you down to the bottom. Proceed through this little tunnel until you reach the rope, then climb up the rope. Jump over to the floor and collect the items, then proceed back. Now get on the elevator and go down to the next floor. Proceed across and jump across the little pit. Then when you come across the rocks, place a bomb that you picked up and run back near the pit, but not in it. After it explodes, go back through the area, but when you jump across the little volcano, do not jump it when the white smoke stuff is coming out. Then jump on the rope and proceed all the way down, you can pick up the items if you wish, but the risk isn't too much worth it. When you reach the bottom, collect the items and proceed down the ladder to pick up the key, then return all the way back to the elevator. Proceed downwards to the next two levels, but if you want, you can go into the bottom portion of that cavern and collect some goodies. When you reach the next two levels proceed down the slope, but don't get killed by the white spray coming from the volcano. At the end of the slope, proceed up the escalator, then climb to platform on the right side of the cavern. When there, proceed up the rope and collect the items, but be careful because the floor opens up when you are going for the key, and will instantly kill you. Optionally you can go to the bottom of this cavern and collect those items as well. Now proceed back to the elavator and to the next cavern. Here climb down the rope and take a ride in the mine cart. ---Mine Cart Controls--- Use the directional buttons right and left to move the cart CAVERN MAP NUMBER 1: __________________________________________ | | KEY: ^ (Falling white stuff) | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # | # (Tricky falling white |__________________________________ == | stuff) | \*_=__| * (Key) ------------------------------------------ = (Platforms) Proceed through the obstacle, but don't let the white stuff that falls from the roof of the cavern hit you. Collect the key, but be sure to walk down every last stair or the two-inch rule comes into play. Proceed back and ride the elevator to the 2nd to bottom level. Bomb the rock pile and run back onto the elevator, and optionally afterwards collect the items at the very last bottom cavern. Proceed through the doors (the key will automatically open the colored doors) and navigate to the golden statue. Take a small ride downwards on the escalator to proceed to level 2. (Note: You will earn an extra life every time you complete a level) ------------------------------Level 2--------------------------------- Level 2 Map: _____________________________________________________ | ! ! | == = | | ! ! | == = | | ! ! _I| == = | |________ ! ! _I_8/ |I __ == __________| | | ! ____ ! |_______|_| |__|==|__________| |________| ! |____\! == | | ! I\____+_____^___8___ == ______I___| |K________8__________/ _____________|==|__________| | ! ! == | | ! ! _I_I_ __ __ ________| | ! ! _______I___^I_8/_____|_|___|__|________| |_I___ ! ! | _________________________| |_____| ! ! |_____________/ ! | | ! ! ! | | ! ! _____ ____ ....______.... __ ! ___I%| | ! ! | \/ | |_____| |__| ! |_____| | ! ! | - - ___K_| |_ | B H ! ! | | ! __| - |_____| !__I_| H ! ! | | ! |__| - ! H ! ! | |_I__ ! ! |__-_-_ - ___!__I___^___H I__I ! | |____| ! ! |______| - / |____| ! | | ! ! |______|__-_/ | ! | |_I_____!_ ! | ! | |_________|! _______ |K_+____!__| | H !|____ | | H ! |__ | | H \__________________(*=*) | | H | | H | ----------------------------------------------------- Legend: | (Border) = (Escalator) 8 (Volcano) + (Rock Pile) - (Stairs) I (Item) ! (Rope) ^ (Volcano with white stuff) : (Door) * (Key) B (Bat) (*=*) {End of Level} .... (Bridge) % (Special Item) "With new levels, comes new difficulties!" Proceed to the right and go down the escalator to the middle-right cavern. Proceed through the short walkway, bomb the rocks and climb down the rope to collect the key and the goody. Once again, you can optionally collect any items you wish beforehand, just don't proceed to the bottom right cavern without collecting the key. Now navigate through that bottom-right cavern. Continue moving and proceed down through the long ropes. Proceed down to first the bottom right cavern, cross over the blue bridge, collect the goodies, but after you climb down the short rope, proceed immediately to the right! (Somehow I died from this when I decided to just go to the right...just a precaution) Climb down the short rope, place bomb next to the rocks and climb to the top of the rope, there is no reason for jumping to the top platform to get away from the blast. After the explosion, collect the key, the proceed to the top platform. Climb down and use a firecracker (Up & B) to destroy the bat, but time it right so you won't die from the white stuff. Now proceed to the next area, where you will see something like this: CAVERN MAP NUMBER 2: ____________________ | = = * | | KEY: * (KEY) | = |___| | = (Platform) | = | | | (Rocks above you) | = = = = | |___| | = = | --------------------- NOTE: It's okay to hit the bottom of the "rocks of above" when your jumping to the next platform. Now proceed up the platforms and collect the key, then proceed all the way back to the ropes at the beginning. Now proceed downwards to the next bottom-right cavern, and open up the door. This one is special because it's like a Tarzan type thing swinging from rope to rope, or better yet jumping. It will look something like this: CAVERN MAP NUMBER 3: __________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | KEY: | (Ropes) | | | | | | | | | --- \ (Platforms) | | | | | | | | | * (Key) |--- | | -----\ | | | | \___* | | |---------\ | | | \--------- | | | | ------------------------------------------ Proceed through this challenge, collect the key, and proceed back. Now after you collect the key, proceed all the way to the bottom of the level, bomb the pile of rocks when you reach it, and quickly "Jump" back up to the top of the slopes. Now proceed up the rope so you can reach the platform that will allow you to open up the doors. Proceed through this and find the Golden Statue, and proceed down the Escalator to Level 3! ------------------------------Level 3--------------------------------- _____________________________________________________ | | = | | *__+___ ! _I| = | | ! H ____~~~~~~ ______= | | ! ! H| | | ! _I _B_ _^_______H| | | ! H ______I_ ______III _I | | _I_ ! H / | | ! H _I__^_+_I___/ | | ! H | | ! __H____: _~~~~~_I_ ! | | ! | ! | | ! |___________________!___________________ | | ! I|*_ ! | | | | ! - ! |Cavern Map 4 | | |___ ! - !____! |_____________| | | ! - - ! | | ! - - ___! | |I___!______! _____I_ H | | ! / H !| | __I_______!______/ H () _+__ !_ I| | ! _H_I_ && __I_ !__8| | ! _I.._I_ && I|__ !___| | !_.._+_III && | | ! ___ &&_I__ __I_ | | (*=*) ::___I__!_/ H | | B H | | *_I__H | | | ------------------------------------------------------- Legend: | (Border) = (Escalator) 8 (Volcano) + (Rock Pile) - (Stairs) I (Item) ! (Rope) ^ (Volcano with white stuff) : (Door) * (Key) B (Bat) (*=*) {End of Level} B (Bat) ~ (moving rocks) .... (Breakable Bridge) & (Water) () (Pot) H (Ladder) "Yet another Difficulty!" First proceed to the left and jump across the hill things. bomb the rocks and jump back to the start of the right platform, where you first started jumping across, so as not to be hit by the bomb blast. Now proceed through the left cavern, and jump across the pits and climb the rope. Bomb the rocks, climb back down and jump across to the platform on the right so once again not to be hit by the bombs blast. Take the key, and proceed downwards. Optionally once again you can go through the place below the platforms you just proceeded from. If not, proceed below that to the ropes and the floating pot. It should look something like this: CAVERN MAP NUMBER 4: _____________________ | | | \___ | KEY: # (Pot) |_____ | | | __| | (Vines) | | | | | ~ (Water) | | + (Objective point) | __| |+__ #| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | --------------------- -----Floating Pot Controls----- Use the Directional pad to move right or left. Go through this puzzle, and get to the "Objective point." Now go to this next area and climb up these platforms. A good strategy for the bat guy is to either shoot off a firecracker, or just avoid the things he shoots down at you. Be sure to grab the key, and retreat back to the beginning of this cavern. Now go down to an even harder challenge. Go through to the right, and wait till you see a water board being pushed upwards by water. Don't bother with the platform to the right, for you'll kill yourself by the time the bomb explodes. Collect any goodies, but the most important part is the cavern that is located to the 2nd bottom right place that the water board leads you. Easily work down the rope to the bottom of the cavern, then easily shoot off a firecracker and obtain the key. Then proceed back up to the top of this cavern. Now proceed to the bottom of this Water Board thing and proceed to the left of this cavern, climb up the rope and go through the doors. Proceed down the escalator. Now you will be on the final level, or LEVEL 4!!! ------------------------------Level 4--------------------------------- ____________________________________________ | = !! | ! ! ! | | = !! | ! ! ! | | = !! __I |I__! __I_ _:___ ! ! | | = !! | !|____| |__ |! ! | |_8__ !!_^_ _ _I8_|_ ! | | ! ! | |____|!! / \ \ ! |_|I!_ ! | | ! !! / \ |! __^__I |_ _|! | |I_ ! !!_/ _ \_ I_|!|__| |_| | | ! | |__|! !/ _ _ \ |! | | | | ! _I_| | ! /___________\_%|! |_| | | ! |___| | !|_______________|! | | ! ! | | ! ! __| | | | ! ! | | ! ____*|%__ ! _I!__. . .___I| | | ! !| | ! |_____|___|!|______________| | |_I! !| | ! ! | |_____| !| | - ! | | H !I| |___-_I___I______ !__ _I__I_I__ | | H |__| |____________________||_________ | | H | |______________ | I__ !I__*| | H | | \__| |___|!|___|_| H | |___(*+$*+)_____::____ H| |! - | |____________________/ H| |! _I______- _II| |I____ ! I______+__I_____H| |!|_ \/ | |_____|!|_________________| |! \____________| | ! :_~~~__8I_______*|_|!___+__I H B | | !|___________ | H _*__| | ! ! \__ ________| H |____| |I_____!____8_^_I ! | | ! | H | |________________|! ___| | ! | H _I__| | ! !| | | !____*| H |____| | ! __. ._I_ __!| |_____| ! H | |I ! |________||___| | ! H | |_|! |_|I_I_ . _!____I_ H | | ! |_________________|H | | ! H | | ! ! __:_~~~~~~_I_^_ H_____I| |_I!________+__^I___!|_______________________| Legend: | (Border) = (Escalator) 8 (Volcano) + (Rock Pile) - (Stairs) I (Item) ! (Rope) ^ (Volcano with white stuff) : (Door) * (Key) B (Bat) (*+$+*) {Game Completion} B (Bat) .... (Breakable Bridge) % (Special Item) . . . . (Breakable Bridge) ~ (Moving rocks) "The Hardest and the last of them all." This level allows you to break the 2-inch rule, into the 4-inch rule! Start off with collecting any goodies you want, but proceed down the vines. When you climb down the vine that is adjacent to the red key, jump down from it at a high point so you will clear the pit. If you can do this on the first try ...you did better than I did, anyway collect the key and proceed down the rest of this vine and go up the vine and to the right. Climb up, collecting any goodies once again. Go through the red door, and proceed down the vine. Get ready for the final confrontation of caverns. Now you'll enter the area with a slight slope and a few items at the bottom of it, it's a good thing to get these, only because the circle item may give you an extra life. Now over to the left of this climb up the vine and jump to the right to collect the key. then proceed down the vine, and down the ladder. collect the items and the key to the right has a bat flying above it, so you might have to sacrifice a life. If not, the platform below it might allow you to shoot of a firecracker. Either way, collect the key and proceed even more downwards. Now go the left when you reach the bottom and blow up any rocks in your way, but be careful of the blast. When you reach the end of the line, climb up the rope, bomb the rocks, and climb back up the rope, but there is no need to climb up, as long as your on it, you'll be safe. Now proceed to the right, past the rocks you just bombed, unlock the door and collect the key that is waiting for you. ---Then HARD Part--- Now climb up to the top of the rope, where after this there is nothing left, but you must have Good Coordination in order to make this jump. At least be close to the top of the rocks, but Spelunker will be nice and let it go if you jump to high on this one. Try not to hit the rocks above you, but do not underestimate the length of the jump. After you cleared this jump, proceed through the doorway, walk into the temple, and YOU BEAT THE GAME!!! ---Ending--- Well you can either accept this next challenge and go on to the second adventure, or just quit on it. I beat this challenge with much difficulty. ___________________________________________________________________ |IV. --Frequently Asked Questions-- | |___________________________________________________________________| If you yourself have any questions, E-mail me at ColoredPlants@netscape.net 1.) What is Spelunker? Spelunker is a platform game created by Tim Martin. 2.) Why do I die when I fall off of little platforms? Well, Spelunker is unfortunate with this bad rule, but try not to jump off high cliff sides. 3.) Do I need all the keys to complete each level? Yes, usually keys are used to open the last doors of the level, as well as doors to better keys. 4.) What is with the circle item? Sometimes I get a 1-up, and sometimes I get extra points, and more time, and extra items... This "Circle Item" will give you either four of the choices above randomly. 5.) How do I kill bats? To kill bats, when you collect tubes that have a blue strip in the middle of them, shoot them off with up + B to kill the bats. Note: You must be in the cavern where the bats are to make this effective. 6.) How come when I aim for a platform, get there, and then I'll die? Like I said before, jump off at an even point with the platform. It's easier to press the jump button and the directional pad key at the same time. If this isn't easy, keep trying to do it and when you do, keep doing it until you get used to it. It'll grow on you easily. 7.) Why is it my energy/time drops when I shoot my gun? There isn't really an explanation for this, other than if you consider the top bar an energy bar, Spelunker uses up some energy when he fires his weapon. 8.) Where are the keys located in the third level? They are located at the same place, you just have to jump up. 9.) How far have you gotten in the game? Up to the sixth level. ___________________________________________________________________ |V. --Secrets & Stuff-- | |___________________________________________________________________| Special Items: When you come across certain walls, and jump you can collect special items that include invisibility, super speed, and an extra life. What they look like and brief description: X2 or X4 Symbol- Increases point value from item pick-ups and enemy by the the number located (such as X2 will double values and X4 will make them 4 times more). Spelunker Character Icon- Adds an extra life. Shoe- Increases Spelunker speed by 3 (possibly 2.5, but 3 seems to make more sense). A Spinning Circle- Makes you invisble from enemy attcks, firecracker leftovers, and your own bombs. Does not save you from falling (unfortunately). Locations: First Level- 3rd Cavern down, proceed to the end and jump up to get a special item. Second Level- When approaching the puzzle where you climb down the ladder, go left and you see a bat above dropping stuff, above that area is a bridge you must cross to get on the rope. Instead of jumping on the rope, jump across the gap and at the end of that wall, jump and a special item shall appear. Fourth Level- Proceed downward on the vines and go to the bottom-right of first pyramid seen. jump up at the end of that wall. Fourth Level- when going to the down cavern of the first red key, jump off the vine to the left, which is the wall opposite to that of the red key, jump up and receive that item. Bestiary: The Complete TWO enemies!!! ________________ ________________ |Ghost : | |Bat : | | | | | |Appears randomly| |Appears in | |due to amount of| |caverns and | |time or events. | |attacks with bat| | | |white spray | |Killed- killed | | | |by revolver. | |Killed- killed | | | |by a firecracker| |In level 5 + | | | |speed increased | |Bat white spray | |by 2.5 | |usage increased | ---------------- |in level 4 + | ---------------- Items: Bomb- Looks like it's read: round, black, and has a fuse sticking out. Used to blow up piled rocks. Capsule- light blue capsule with a dark blue stripe through the middle; it gives you the a firecracker. Money Bag- White bag with a $ sign. Gives you a good deal of points! (Ranging from 500 to about 1000) Gold Coin- Round Gold Coin. Gives you a good deal of points. (about 1000) Gas pump- "It's what keeps him going!" (Looks like a bar with colors coming out of the sides) Increases time/energy. (It's not really a gas pump, I don't know what it is, but it look like one, so I named it this to make it easier) Key- Used to unlock doors that matches the color of the key. (Red or Blue) Diamond- Gives you a large amount of points. Second Adventure: To get to the second adventure of the game, which is pretty much the same thing, except whatever points, lives, and items you had from the first quest transfer over. The whole game will be purple like colored marble, but the keys will be invisible! It doesn't make much of a difference as long as you know where they are. One last change to this is the ghost appears more frequently. Bonne Chance! (GOOD LUCK!) Third Adventure: To get to the third adventure of the game, simply beat the second adventure. The screen turns white. The keys are now invisbile, and are hovering in mid-air (you must jump to acquire them). Fourth and Fifth Adventure: To get to the fourth and fifth adventure of the game, simply beat the third adventure, and the fourth for the fifth. Here, the keys are invisible and you must shoot a flare to acquire them. The color of these levels is the same as level one. Sixth Adventure: To get to the sixth adventure of the game, simply beat the fifth adventure. Not much of this is known currently. Throughout the adventure, more secret items appear; there are two in each level. There are also hidden diamonds in the adventure, there is one in the first, second, and third, and there is two in the fourth. Special Thanks to QuenAP for providing the information for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth quests. ___________________________________________________________________ |IV. --Credits-- | |___________________________________________________________________| This guide was created by Steven Aldrich (ColoredPlants@netscape.net) for use of all people. DO NOT: Steal, Sell, Modify, or Plagiarize. Special Thanks: QuenAP (QuenAP@aol.com) for providing information on the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth adventure. Try to beat QuenAP's high score of 1,191,130!!! The People that inspired me: My Brother - For buying me the game. Myself - For being so stubborn as of not to give up on playing the game until I beat it. My Friend - For agreeing that I should make this guide, as well as editing it. My fans (If any) - For looking over and hopefully agreeing with me about my walkthrough. *This guide is one of kind brought to you by Steven through http://www.gamefaqs.com ---Also visit my Website at: http://kopaka.cjb.net--- ---Also visit my other website http://www.angelfire.com/hero/theelvenadventure.html--- My High Score: 301,100 (Good Luck!)