=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for SKATE OR DIE =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION ----------------- Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: Nintendo Entertainment System Updated: 18th June, 2008 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Tips 3. Walkthrough 3.1. Freestyle 3.2. High Jump 3.3. Jam 3.4. Joust 3.5. Race 4. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.1: 18th June, 2008 (Format update) 1.0: 7th June, 2004 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Skate or Die is a great extreme sports title on the NES. Though it consists of only five events, the controls are easy to pick up and the game offers enough to be fun long after all events have been completed. Though the two race events in the game (jam and race) are amusing enough to play through, and the joust and high jump are entertaining enough, it is the freestyle event that really makes Skate or Die become an outstanding title. Here players can jump, spin, grind, stall and do various variations on each of these tricks. Overall, Skate or Die is by far the best extreme sports games that the NES has to offer. =============================================================================== 2. Tips =============================================================================== 1. The shop is the starting point on our journey through Skate or Die. Here you can view high scores (by selecting the trophy), practice in a single event and compete in a single event. You must register first (by signing up) before competing in any of the events. 2. Outside the shop, we are greeted to a bird's eye view of the various paths surrounding the area. Hold up to move forward and down to brake. To practice in an event, follow the road with the name of an event on it. =============================================================================== 3. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Freestyle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: This massive half pipe will be the only location in the freestyle event. To start off with, let's just get used to the ramp by dropping into it. Tap A to drop in, and the skater will start riding down the ramp and up the other side. When he gets to the other side, you may notice that you scored 25 points. This was because the skater got air (meaning that his skateboard went above the platform of the ramp) and he landed back on the ramp. 2: Now, to actually get height we need to start pumping. In real life, you would pump about half-way down the slope going down and about half-way up the slope going up. In Skate or Die though, don't worry about being too precise on the pumping as you can repeatedly tap A at all points of the ramp to gain height. Try it now, and you will see the skater jump high into the air. We will still only be getting 25 points though, so now we have to start adding tricks. 3: For the basic tweak, launch high into the air, but this time tap A in the air to see the skater tweak his board slightly. This will rocket our points up to a slightly higher 75 points per air if we keep tweaking, but we can go for higher points than this. 4: Try getting as high as possible in the air as shown, and this time hold left on the d-pad to start spinning. To stop the skater from spinning, tap the opposite direction on the d-pad, in this case right. The points will depend on the amount of spins the skater performed. A half turn (180) is 100 points, a full turn (360) is 250 points, one and a half turns (540) is 550 points while two full turns (720) is a massive 800 points. 5: With these last two points, we can now add spins and grabs into one trick. To do this, start spinning in the air and then tap A. A 540 with one grab is now worth 800 points, while a 540 with two grabs is worth 925 points. No grabs can be performed on the 720 as it requires too much height. 6: Now another way of getting big points is to combine the highest scoring move in the freestyle event (540 with two grabs over the roll-in actually scores lower in this point, so the 720 is used) with an air over the roll-in. Yes, that small roll-in at the left side of the ramp is actually a bonus. By jumping over it we get 50 points. By tweaking over it, 150 points are scored, but by doing a 720 over it, a huge 2300 points are scored. 7: That's really about it for all the big tricks in the event. Some of the extra tricks that can be used are shown below. STALLS : Press toward the platform while moving slowly. STRETCH AIRS : Press toward the platform while moving quickly. FOOT PLANTS : Press away from the platform while moving slowly. HAND PLANTS : Pressing away from the platform while moving quickly. GRINDS : Perform a stall, but hold down or up on the d-pad in the direction you want the skater to move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. High Jump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Though based in the same location as the freestyle event, the control system is different here. Instead of tapping the A button, the d-pad is rotated quickly in order to gain height. One pass counts as one air on the right side of the ramp, and after five passes the run will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Jam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: This event is a race against another skater down a street which consists of a variety of gates, fences, bottles and crates. 2: The other skater is very easy to beat, but he can still be knocked off his board. To do this, move up to him and tap A to kick him off. 3: About quarter of the way down the course, a gate swings open occasionally. Ride through the gate if you can to enter a small shortcut through a garden. 4: After passing the first fence half-way down the course, stay left to pass through a tunnel in the building. ______________________________ | | | | | | S T A R T | | | | |______| | | | | |______| | | | |__ | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | ___| | | | | |______| | | __ _______| | | | | | | | |___ | | | | | | | '. '. | | | | | | | | |__ | .' .' | | | | |__| |_______| | |__| | | | | | | | | __| | | | _| | | | _| | | |______| |___| | | | | | | | |_________| | | | | | |__ | | | | | | | |---------------| | | |---------------|____| |_________| | | | | | | | | | | | | ___________________| | | |____|____|____|____|___| |__ | | | | |__| | |______________ ______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__ | | |_____ | | | | | | |__| | | | |________| |______| | |_| |___ ______ _________| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____| | | | | | | | | |____| | | | | ______| |_________ _________| | |____|____| |____|____| | | | | |______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______| | |----------------| | |______|----------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__ | | | | | | | | |__| | | |______|________________|______| | | | F I N I S H | |______________________________| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4. Joust ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Start off by selecting any of the three characters that are available to battle against: Poseur Pete, Aggro' Eddie or Lester. 2: After selecting a character, the event will start and a pool is shown. Our skater starts on the left, with the opponent starting on the right. To win this event, drop into the bowl by tapping A and press A again to make the stick that our skater is holding glow orange. When this happens, it means that the skater is currently attacking. Move toward the other skater when the stick is glowing orange to knock him off his board. 3: You only get five chances to attack the other skater with the stick. When all chances have run out, it's his turn to attack with the stick five times. 4: Avoid the other skater when he has the stick by performing tricks out of the bowl. Grinds, stalls and spins can be done in exactly the same way as they were done on the freestyle event. Grinds are especially useful here, as when the other skater tries to attack you can slide out of the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5. Race ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: This event is similar to the jam event, but much longer, faster and more difficult to complete without falling. 2: At the first path split, the left path will lead to a big jump. Jump at the end of the big jump for the 'Be a Gluefoot' gap. 3: Jump over the hurdles (which are found by riding right at the second path split) for the 'Killer Move' gap. 4: Crouch and ride through the pipe (which is found at the left side of the course shortly after the hurdles) for the 'Hang Loose' gap. 5: Ride up the slope to the platform after the pipe for the 'On the Edge' gap. 6: Jump off the end of the platform for the 'Radical' gap. 7: Jump over any of the drains in the lever for the 'Rad!' gap. ___________ | | | | | S T A R T | | | |___________| '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. | | .' | .' .' .' _ ...' / / | .' / / | | / | | | / / | '. / / '. '. / | '. '. | | | | | | .' .' | | / | | | / .' |______| | .' | | - Take the left path here for a big jump. ____ '. '. | | '. '. | | '. '. | | | | | | .' | | | / / '. '. .' / | '.' _ | | .' | | | .' |____| | .' | | .' .' | | - Make sure to jump the hurdles if you take this path. | .' |____| | | | | | | .' .' | | .' .' | | .' .' | '.__.' .' '. / | | | | '. '. '. '. '. '. .''. '. '. | | '. '. | | '. | | | | | | | | | - Make sure to crouch down (A button) if you ride | | | | through the pipe. | | | | | | .' | | | .' / '..' .' .' .' | .' ____| .' .' .' | .''. - Jump over the arch at the start of this path. | .' | | | .' | | | .' | | '. | | | | | | | | | | | '. '. | | | '. | | | '. | | | '.' | | __ | _|__|_. '. - The platform on the left can be skated over for | |'. '. a small shortcut. | | '. | | | '. .' | | | | | | | | | | / / | __ | / / |_|__|_| / / __/ __/ ,' .' .' .' .' .' | | | | | | \ '. \ '. \ '. \ '. | | .' .' .' .' .' .' | | | |_ '. '.__________ '. | | | '. | '. | | | '. | '. | '.____ | | | .' | _____________ .' | | \\ | | \\ | | F I N I S H \\ | | \\ | |________________\\_________| =============================================================================== 4. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This file is Copyright 2004-2008 Tom Hayes. As it can be difficult to keep track of websites that haven't posted the latest version of this file, please do not distribute it without my permission. Send an e-mail to me if you would like to post this file on your website and you will likely receive a positive response. If you do post the file, please keep it in its original form with all of the sections intact and credit the author (Tom Hayes) as the writer of the file. The latest version of this file can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.