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Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A - Shoot B - Move cannon D-pad - Moves character Start - Pause game Select - Bomb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Surfer: "Galactus! Why have you summoned me?" Galactus: "I have need of you, Surfer. This universe is threatened from beyond." Silver Surfer: "Beyond?" Galactus: "The evil forces of the Magik Domain are almost upon us. Only by recovering the cosmic device can all be saved!" Silver Surfer: "And if I refuse?" Galactus: "You must not upon this, all life depends." -=-=-=- Reptyl -=-=-=- _________ (Section 1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You will start above some water. Move down to the bottom of the screen and fight off the fish. Keep going until you are past the lizard on a platform in the air. You will have two choices, you can go up or stay below. By staying below you will run into a line of fish. Above will be a line of lizards. At the end of the bottom path will be a hole where lizards come up from. On the other side of the hole are fish. If you took the top path you will spot a green door leading to the outside. Shoot the door out and exit out. On this part are many frogs. You will have to fly over the bridge. While on the below portion you will go through a large room. Then some fish will swim up behind you. Stay to the top until they pass by. Once out of the hall or from above the base you will swim right into another one. On top of it is a lizard. On the bottom path is a line of fish. You will have to go through the bottom. Along the bottom is a hole where fish come up from. Stay high up from this hole. There will be another two halls. The bottom leads to another line of fish while the top leads to some flying lizards. Both types of enemies are outside of the base. A row of ducks will come flying onto the screen along the surface of the water. Two more flying lizards wil fly onto the screen and a long stream of fish will also. You will come to a slant uphill. Go up and you will have the choice of top or bottom paths again. The bottom path is easier. You will come across some lizards. While on the top there are some fish that jump from a pool. Once the two paths merge again some lizards appear from the bottom and top of the screen. NHear the top of the screen is another green door that you will need to shoot out in order to continue. Once out you will be above water with several fish in it and two pick ups at the bottom. A lizard will fly in from the right. Once you fly over the water will be a pole in sticking up in the air. Fly over it. On the other side drop down into the water and avoid the lizard's tounge thats on the bridge. Continue along the bottom fighting any fish that come your way. As soon as you come to a wall go up and above the pole with the lizard on it while avoiding its tounge. Once past the last pole shoot back down into the water. You will be in a long hall. Frogs, lizards and fish will all come down the hall too. At the end lift out of the water and above another pole. Once over the pole are some lizards. You will be above a body of water. There will be a big lizard on a platform and in a hallway below fish swim out. You will have to defeat the lizard. Section completed! _________ (Section 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is a birds eye view level. Several fish will appear on screen. Soon after some mounted turrets and boxes appear. Take out the turrets and weave through the boxes. You will come next to a dock where fish appear. some more fish and mounted turrets will come on screen. You will reach land after passing over a pipe. Some fish and mounted turrets will great you. Continue blasting through the turrets until you pass over water again. Once over water more turrets appear. Continue blasting and weaving until you pass over land once more. Several discs will shot out from a building. Blast through them until you pass over water once more. Waves of lizards will attack. You will eventually come to a giant turtle that spews out lizards. Defeat the turtle. Section completed! _________ (Section 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Some bats will begin to fly on screen, Along with some fish swimming from behind. You'll eventually come to a giant lizard head defeat it and the level is complete. Congratulations! The device piece has been surrendered. -=-=-=-=- Firelord -=-=-=-=- _________ (Section 1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Green orbs will come towards you. Follow the flow the river of lava. When the path narrows a crab will come towards you. Destroy it and continue. Some hands will come up from the lave. Plow through them. Keep going and some more crabs will apprear. When the path becomes narrow hands will emerge from the lava. When the path opens up again some green orbs will appear. Once past them more crabs and some more green orbs appear. When the path grows narrow again hands will once more come up from the lava. At the end of the narrow path more green orbs come. Once past the orbs crabs appear and then after orbs appear with them. Once out in the open hands come up from the lava. Section completed! _________ (Section 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You will be in a cave. Some bats will fly towards you. After the bats are some volcanos the shoot rocks up into the air. Weave in between the rocks to get by. You can also shoot the rocks to destroy them. You will then fly into a narrow path. At the end of the path lava falls down from the ceiling. Next you'll fly over some lava where rocks will shoot into the sky. Fly past the lava. On the other side is a small pool of lava where rocks shoot into the sky and on the other side are some bats. Once past the bats is another mini volcano. In the next room you have the choice of going on the top or bottom path. Go along the top. There are some lava monsters along both paths. Where both paths end some lava falls from the ceiling. At the end of the bottom path is a blue door you can shoot out and pick up a cannon. Go along the top path. At the bottom of the hill are some bats and the path leads into lava. Over the lava are three demon heads that shoot lava rocks down. After the last head is a pole. Fly over it. There will then be a skull head that drops three fiery spikes. In the next room are lava monsters and a skull that spawns lava rocks. You will have the choice of taking the top or bottom path. Along the roof of the bottom path are small skull heads the drop lava. Along the top path are some bats. At the end of both paths they merge. There will be another volcano. Fly past it and over the pole. You will fly past houses. On the first house is a turret that shoots downwards. There are also some bats. Keep destroying the fire droppers and any lava rocks. Eventually fire rocks will come flying onto the screen. There will be small ball of fire. Destroy it. Section completed! _________ (Section 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Keep flying along the narrow path killing any bats and fire balls. You'll eventually come to a halt. Destroy all the flames and fly into the next room. Again destory all of the flames. Congratulations! The device piece has been surrenered. -=-=-=-=- Possessor -=-=-=-=- _________ (Section 1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Instantly some blue orbs will fly onto the screen followed by some green ones. You will then see some turrets above and below an entry way. Destroy them and enter. There will be a turret on the ceiling. There will also be a green droids in this area. Keep shooting your way through the turrets and droids. You will come to another set of turrets below and above an exit. Past the turrets are more droids and then on a column is a turret. There will be three turrets and past the last one a column will lift up from the ground. Destroy it and continue and destroy any green orbs and droids you come across. You will reach three columns each a little bit higher than the last, and each has a turret. At the top of the screen are some droids too. You will come to two waves of green orbs out in the open. After the orbs, three pipes on the bottom and top of the screen will create more green orbs. And some droids will come too. Destroy the green head in the middle. Section completed! _________ (Section 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Another bird's eye view level. Two waves of green orbs will come onto screen. When you reach a blue backgrounds there will be droids coming down the center and green orbs along the sides. Fight through until only droids along the middle appear. They will come in waves. The first three sets will be a space in the middle. Then the space fills in until the droids are side by side. When you come to a hole in the ground an eyeball will appear. At the bottom of and top of stairs after the hole two more eyeballs will appear. You can now go along the middle path or the left path. Along both paths ghosts will attack. When the paths merge again go through the middle or you will crash into a wall. Go along the right path. If you take the left you'll eventually come to a dead end. Along the right path are a few waves of ghosts to deal with. You will go up some stairs with eyeballs guarding them. At the end of the stairs you enter out into open space again. Eyeballs will attack from the sides. You will then enter into a green background area. This area is heavily guarded by turrets. Move through until you enter a red room. Gray and green ghosts will attack. At the end go through the door. On the other side of the door is an eyeball. Section completed! _________ (Section 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Gold gargoyles and gray worms will attack you. Stay near the top of the screen until you reach the boss fight. You will reach a red man. Keep shooting him to defeat him. Congratulations! The device piece has been surrendered. -=-=-=- Emperor -=-=-=- _________ (Section 1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Some missles will fly towards you. Destroy any that are infront of you and pass between the four turrets. In the middle is another turret. Weave in between its shots and blow it up. There will be another set of turrets, one on the left and another on the right. Above these two is another turret in the middle. After the turret tanks begin to appear. Fight through them and any missles until you come to a area where there are many turrets on the right side of the screen. Fight through to reach two turrets moving along a track. on the other side of the track are some more tanks. There are some turrets along the right side of the screen also. After the last turret on the right there will be white orbs going from left to right. Fly or shoot through them. Another set of turrets appear on the right. Then after these will be more missles and turrets on the left and right sides. After the last turret there will be three tracks with moving turrets on them. Fly past them to enter an open space. Destroy the rocket ship abd fly in the door with the arrows pointing into it. Section completed! _________ (Section 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As soon as the level starts go up. Stay up to pass over a green orb dispenser and pipes. You will come to ground again. On the ground is a robot. Continue to fly over each platform that has a robot on it. Stay towards the bottom of the screen. In the next part are green orb dispensers and turrets and a few robots. By staying near the bottom of the screen you can avoid the orbs and turrets and easily shoot out any robots. you will soon come to green springs jumping from the bottom to the top of the screen. Time your movements. Once past them you enter into open space. Green orbs will begin to shoot onto screen. After them some gold gargoyles appear. After the gargoyls drop down to avoid a column sticking out from the ceiling. You will then reach white orbs. On several of the next platforms are robots shooting at you. Fly past until you have to stay towards the bottom of the screen. You'll be in a hall with a green orb dispenser on the roof. At the end of the hall are more platforms with robots on them. After moving past the platforms you will reach ground again where robots and gold gargoyles appear. After this some gold gargoyles will fly in a wave. After them there is a large grey head that appears accompanied by some gold gargoyles. Defeat that head. Section completed! _________ (Section 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fly along the corridor and then destroy the wall with the green man behind it. Congratulations! The device piece has been surrendered. -=-=-=-=- Mephisto -=-=-=-=- _________ (Section 1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fly to the right killing any ghost that appear. Some will emerge from doors. Go beneath the demon head and orange gargoyles will fly towards you. After them are some blue candles and bats. Keep going until you need to go up or down. Go down to avoid some gray bullfrogs. Once out fly underneath some platforms and fight off the blue candles and orage gargoyles. Go along the bottom path. The only thing to deal with down here are blue candles. Once out there are some more blue candles. Keep going until the ceiling slants down. Go through the narrow hall. Some blue candles will come down the hill. At the top are some door where ghosts come out from. Go out into the open space in between the doors. You will reach some platforms with some orange gargoyles on them. Once past the platform some waves of blue candles come. Defeat the ghost that appears. Section completed! _________ (Section 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Avoid the green orbs and move close to the canon in the middle and two on opposite sides behind it. Then behind the cannons are two skull heads and some green bats. Continue on and some eyeballs will begin to attack. Once you pass through a bottleneck there are two skulls. Blast through them. You will fly into an open area. Green hands will emerge from the walls and throw rocks. Fly through into the next area. In the next hall skull heads will move left and right. When you reach the door eyeballs start lifting up from the ground and moving towards you. You will reach two paths. On both paths hands will come from the walls. At the end of both paths are cannons. In the next area are bats and eyeballs. Reach the narrow hall and eyeballs will rise from the ground again. Section completed! _________ (Section 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Follow the path ddestroying the grey droids. When you come to an orange head destory it. Congratulations! The device piece has been surrendered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactus: "You have done well Surfer. Now only one piece of the device is missing. This you will find at the far end of the Magik Domain!" Silver Surfer: "What is inside the Magik Domain?" Galactus: "You will find out very soon. Hurry you have very little time!" -=-=-=-=-=-=- Magik Domain -=-=-=-=-=-=- _________ (Section 1) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Go to the right fighting off any green orbs. You will then have to fight off grey aliens. When you reach the demon statues you'll have to fight purple gargoyles and green orbs. Go through the hall fighing off green orbs and grey aliens. When you exit the hall you'll have to fight green orbs, purple gargoyles and grey aliens while weaving in between platforms. Then the level sort of repeats itself until you fly over a rocky surface. Waves of green orbs will appear and then you will be in open space. Green orbs will shoot up from the bottom. Once you reach ground again waves of grey aliens will attack. When you reach a green alien destroy it. Section completed! _________ (Section 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fight through the two waves of green aliens and then go along the left or right side of the block. Grey aliens will attack. As soon as you get back to the merging point go in between the two spiky columns. Keep going between the columns and avoiding the turrets. Avoid the green block. Green orbs and grey aliens will appear. Pass through open space and fight off the green aliens. When you reach an orange background orange orbs will attack. At the end of the orange background are two turrets on the left and right side. Avoid the spike columns. Once you reach open space a space ship will attack. Destroy it! Section completed! _________ (Section 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is the last section. Not much to do but fight off purple gargoyles and green worms. When you reach a water dropper be careful. You can shoot any falling water thats infront of you. When you reach huge alien heads you will have to speed up below it before you get hit by its fluids. Once past it waves of purple gargoyles attack. When all the enemies stop coming and you stop this is it the final fight. You will have to fight a giant purple alien with a gun. Defeat him. Congratulations! The device piece has been surrendered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactus: "Your quest is at an end, Surfer. The forces of Magik have been defeated. Now, the device is MINE!!" Silver Surfer: "NO! the device is too dangerous. I will take it to a safe place. NEVER, shall it fall into the wrong hands." THE END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Genie Codes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PAOILIIA = 1 life for player 1 PAKSGIIA = 1 life for player 2 IAXSGIPA = Player 1 starts with 5 smart bombs IAVIIIPA = Player 2 starts with 5 smart bombs SXEKSNVK = Infinite lives for both players NYVTLVGO = Infinite smart bombs for both players GXEITSSE = Keep cosmic weapons after losing a life IEESIIPA = Have 5 smart bombs on a new life GXEILSSE + GXKIOUSE Keep orbs after losing a life -=-=- Codes -=-=- B, A, Left, Right, B, A, Start (on title screen) = Stage Select -=-=-=-=- Passwords -=-=-=-=- CKWJT4 = Full Weapons KCHDR4 = Harder Difficulty KJTTJK = Invincibility GDXK4F = Level Skip S4FHFB = Second Quest J8SCL9 = Third Quest SJM333 = Unlimited Continues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2005 to merc for hire. This is the work of merc for hire and International Copyright law protects this FAQ/Walkthrough. You can not sell, change, post on a website as your own. You can post it on your website as long as I receive full credit for it. If you do post it on a website I want an e-mail from you first so I can give you the go ahead. Unless I don't tell you to then you are not allowed to post it on your website. I will only update the FAQ/Walkthroughs I have on http://www.GameFAQs.com