------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ [PORTER FAQ/WALKTHROUGH]------------------------ ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- --------------------------[ Nintendo Entertainment System ]-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o This is a clone of Boxxle but at least it still has its own puzzles. It is part of Caltron/Myriad 6-in-1 compilation game as well. This was recently added to the NES database so I'm splitting the guide up into 5 parts (Magic Carpet was done by Da Hui and he allowed me to use it in the 6-in-1 guide). o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Porter and its characters are trademarks of Mega Soft and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ/Walkthrough is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero (or the Zophar Queen if you prefer) and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced w/o proper consent. For more guides by myself visit this link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o STORY o---------------------o Your goal is to guide the boxes towards the red stars in each puzzle. There are 25 puzzles to complete. o---------------------o CONTROLS o---------------------o D-pad: move in any direction A button: move boxes B button: reset Start: pause o---------------------o GENERAL INFO o---------------------o Be aware that you can only push not pull the boxes so if you screw up just once then you'll have to restart the level at the cost of a life. Unlike the other games, you do have the priviledge of having five continues if you run out of lives. Boxes are numbered from left to right and up to down in this guide. o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o Level 01: No brainer here. Just push them all to the right. Time: 1:00 ----------- Level 02: You start above box 2, go down to box 4 and push it all the way to the left then up to spaces, go around to the other side and push it down. The other boxes follow the same procedure. Time: 2:00 ----------- Level 03: Box 3 is already in the stars, Push box 1 down, push down box 5, box 4 goes to the left and immediately push down box 8, you are now free to go over to the boxes on the far right. Line them up around the edges. When you get all of the edges covered, carefully place the remaining boxes in place. Time: 4:00 ----------- Level 04: Push Box 6 to the right and then push box 9 down, go around and put box for in the upper right of the stars. Go around to the left of box 6 and you know what to do here. Now go to box 2 and push it up, go to the part on top of it and push it back down. Push box 1 into place. Go down and around back to box 2 and you can push it into position on the far right star. I trust you can take it from here. Just be sure to know that when filling in the rest of the boxes on the bottom, put one in position, go around and push it to the far right. Time: 4:00 ----------- Level 05: Push box 4 right and go around the upper right and push down box 2. These three boxes you can figure out on your own but be sure to position 2 on the lower left stars and one on the lower right. Go to the lower left and push this box left and go up and around the loop and push it back. Go down through the path to another box and push it up and to the right side. Go back to the box in the lower area and put fill it into the upper right star. Now hit up the lower right and push the top box left and the middle box out in the open a box past the gap below, go around and put it into position. The other two of the boxes you can put into position easily to the 3rd quadrant. Now finish it and by going to the upper left and push the 3rd block from the top to the left and push the bottom box to the very right then to the bottommost star. The other three follow almost the same pattern but you can finish it from here. Time: 4:00 ----------- Level 06: I'll avoid numbering boxes from here on out, from the start, push the above box up, then go to the right and push the box blocking your path to the right two spaces. Go around the right and push up the box on the far right and go out of the opening to the right and come and go to the block in the center of the top and push it into the upper right area. Go back around to the opening to the right and remember the box I told you to push two spaces, go over there and push the box that is above it first and push it in postion in the upper right star available and then go back to box and position it below the previous box. Go to the lower left and push that block up and get it to the lower left star but don't move it further yet, you are going to go around to the left opening and push it to the right. Go back to the left. You will see three boxes The one on the bottom you'll push down twice, go around to the left of it and push it right to the wall then push the block up and position it in position in the uppermost position. Go to the upper left and push down the box on the right and push the left box to the left one space, the lower one you will push to the bottom then come around and push it to the right and deal with it the same way you positioned that other box before it. The final box is almost the same way to. While it is sticking out, push it to the other opening and do your business Time: 5:00 ----------- Level 07: Go right then push the box over there to the right. Ignore it and go to the box above it and push it up one space, go around to the box at the top and push it left one box and the one box you passed on the way, you will push that one down. Right now there are two boxes to your right, go to the right one and push it up and into postion all the way to the left. Now go to the other box and push it to the left. Go to the box on the lower right and use it to fill in the space. Go back the the lower left and push it to the left. Now you will see two boxes next to each other, push up the left one and then push the right one all the way right. Push the other one back then put it in position next to the previous box. The upper two boxes you can push them to the right. The other two boxes you can finish however you like. Time: 3:00 ----------- Level 08: At the start, push down the box below you the go out and around the top and push the box there all the way left. Go to the bottom, and push down the bvox on the left once, and the go around and push it up as far possible and push it down five spaces. Now you may notice that on the right side of the area, you can move all the boxes into position one at a time by getting one to the left, pushing it up to the opening and pushing it down to the other box. Once all six boxes are taken care of, move to the left area but first push the left box down and move around it and push it to the top last left star. Now before you take care of the left side, go to the box that's in position and push it to the top right star. Now you can easily finish off this level in a similar fashion on what you did with the right side. Time: 4:00 ----------- Level 09: It's spiraling time. No help is really needed but to start things off for you, go around the level and to the block in the upper left and push it to the red star. I say spiraling time because that is the pattern this level will follow for an easy finish. Time: 3:00 ----------- Level 10: Go to the top right box near the start and push it down then in the middle area, push the 2nd box from the top to the right and the box above you upward. Now go down and push the box you see until you can move around to the other side and put it back. Now for the lower right, push the lower box to the right and then push the upper box to the right three spaces. Go around and push the box out of the way and go over to the box go the very right and push it to the very top and the very left. Repeat for the other box in the lower right. Return to the middle of the screen and the 2nd box from the top you see will go to the upper right star. To get it and other stars there, avoid the red stars near the right wall as you stack them together. Now go to the boxes on the left and push it to the right and do things the exact same way as the previous boxes. Now for the tricky part. Go back to the boxes and get in that space between them. Push the upper box up and the lower box down. Push the upper box left and go around it. The rest of the level is easy to figure out from here. Time: 04:00 ----------- Level 11: At the start, push the left box all the way to the left then go to the lower block and push it over to the star. Go back to space to the right of the star behind you and push the box above it up one space. Go into the opening on the right and push the right box into place. Go to the top and push the upper box to the left to the star. Go back to the bottom and push up on the box that is there one space then to the right you will push that box into position. You should now be between an two already positioned boxes. Push the upper one to the top. Go down and around to the box that was in the next column and push it to the right. Go to the top and left. Push down the box below you one space and push the left box into position and now you can do the rest. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 12: At the start, do not touch any boxes yet, just go up and around to the upper box above the stars and push it to the right and push the lower box down to the bottom and all the way left. You notice that you can put a lot of boxes into position from this standpoint, so as soon as you come out from the top, take the box to the left and put it into postion next to the previous box. Push a few boxes out of the way as you make your way around the room to the box on the lower right and push it to the bottom and to the left on one star for the time being.As far as how you line the boxes up, a few you will put into position from the top and some you will put into position from the left. The last few boxes will be on the lower right star after you get through putting that one temporary box all the way to the left. I'll make a video on this for youtube in the future. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 13: From the start of the level, do through the bottommost path of the level to the end and push up the box two stars past the gap on the right. This will only serve as a temporary spot. Go back down to the middle path and push the box just over the gap and go around and push it to the bottom then push it right past the next star. You need that star space free to insert the next two boxes in position. Go to the outside and push inside a block until it is under the opening go around and push it to the bottom. Remember when I said leave the other star space open? Go inside that area and push the box into the lower left corner. Repeat the pattern of the previous box with your next box and position it next to the previous box. Now you can go to that box I said to overshoot the star earlier and push it back now that there is no need for the space anymore. Go to the box in the upper right of the inside and push it all the way to the bottom. Now the bottom stars are done. See that box at the top of the inside? Push it to the right one space to give you room to maneuver. You will be taking boxes from the outside and bring most of them in from them the left side. But before you do, there is one more box to take care of. Bring in a box from the right side and push it over the opening then go around and push it down into the star. Now wheteher you push any box in from the left or the right, push it inside to where it is underneath the left opening. Try to fill in the right side first but don't push a box to the inside top yet, be sure to have enough room to move around position the box in the lower star in the upper right. Before finish the upper ride side, leave a space in the lower section so you can manuever through the top and position the leftmost and upper star. When you are down to two stars in the outside, push the lower box into position and you can finish this level by pushing the two remaining boxes into place on the left side easily. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 14: This is going to take some very very careful planning. The part that is going to be crucial is setting up where the last four blocks are going to be placed. Push down the block a couple steps so you can go around to the right of it push it left all the way then all the way up as far as possible. Push it to just one block away from the wall then push it down until it is one block away from the floor. Go back and this time enter the jumble of boxes from the inside and retrieve the only loose block and push it down all the way until you can do the same to it as what you did to the last block except you will push it up to the point before the grey block. Now go along the top and push the top block down to the point where you are going to stash the block to the side as well and just leave it a block away from the wall. These are going to be the final boxes you will put into place. Fill in the left side of the stars then retrieve a box and place it above them. This is going to be the box you will put in place before the last three. Now take a box and places on the bottom next to the three boxes and take another box and place it just down the middle to the middle star and push it right then push it down. Go back and place a box next to block I labeled as forth to last just above the stars. Go back to the top and this time you will place a box in the right middle. The final box on the top will be place just above the starts. Go to the left and push down the box next to the previously used box into place then go back to the other box and it into place all the way right. Now we have that fourth to last box to put in place. Go down to the left of it, push it right once then push it down into the place. Now you are able to finish out this level with the final three boxes that were stashed earlier. Push one into place and shove it all the way to the very right and then go around and push it all the way down. Rinse and repeat and you are done. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 15: At the start, push up the block to the right just once then go right and pushthe right box into the gray block. Now push the above block up just once and go right to the box at the far right and push it as far down as you can. Make a quick turn to the left then a quick turn down and push the right block into place to the very right. Notice the other red box to the lower left? I want you to push that down to the bottom. Now enter the bottom space on the left and go down to the bottom and push that bottom box upwards then to the right to the wall and push it up to the bottom star. Go left among the top passage and push down the left box and leave the one to the right of it by itself because that is going to be crucial to completing the top stars. Now with the box I want you to push down, you are going to push it down just a block away from the floor then go around and push it to the right until you are above the star that's left on the bottom then push it into place. Take the lone box in that area and push it beneath the top right red box. Go out and make your way towards the top and the first box you see on the right (On the way up, you will hit a wall and see the box just to the lower- right of you. Go to the left of it and push it left then down to opening one block from the bottom. Go around and push it up and to right before the wall, and push it down then to the right. Go near the spot where you began the level and you will see that block that you pushed to the right (2nd block you touched at the start) and you will move that box up and to the right, and you will move it into position in similar fashion as the last box and while it is in the middle before the wall and push it to the bottom. Now you are going to the very beginning of the level and the left box to the right and move the box into the same area as before and push it down into place. The next box is just above you already in the red. I want you to push that down and that once then go around and finally put that other box into position at the top. Time to wrap things up. Go back to the stage beginning and push the box down and take it around to the main area like you have done most others and you will have it one star inside then go around and push it down. Go to one box near the beginning and push it into the left hole and go around and push it into place which I assume you will know. Then do the same for the other box. Now there is one more block to put in place. Go around the left and push it to the right then up. Go around and push it right and down until you are position to finish the level. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 16: This may take a few tries but thanks to me, you can complete this in less than a minute. Start by pushing the box right of you to the right then go down push the two lower boxes into the corners. Go out and around to the top right and push the box there into its corner. Go left until you reach the 2nd star on the top. Push it down to just before the bottom star. Push the left box into place on the left. Push up the block up and to the left into place. Go down to the lower left box and push it up before the star and go to the lower right box and push it up once. To the left push that box there to the left once then go around to the top and around to the third star and push down that box to before the star. Go around to the right of the top right box and push it to the left and you know what to do here. Finish the level. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 17: Start by going to the right by pushing that box next to you into the wall. Go up one space and then push that box on the right to the right until it touches the wall. Go down to the lower box and push that in place as well. Now go up and on the way, you will push an unplaced box up on space then push the other box down into the lower star. Go back to the other box and push it down to a space before the floor. Go around and push it up once then put it and the other box in that region in their places respectively. Next go up and the first box you see, push it to the left once then go up and push the next box to the right. Go to the top and push that box to the very right. Now we'll work on the lower left hand side. Go down and to the bottom left and push that box to the left then go down and push it to the very left. Go around and push another box in that region (the only one that you can push to the left) all the way to the left wall. Go up and push up that box then go around and push it just one space before the floor then go around and push it up once then push the other box down a star. Now place the previous box and the other box in that region into place respectively. To finish this off, go to the upper right and leave the boxes alone. I merely wanted you to go around to the upper left and push the box you come across to the left in the block then go up and push that upper box all the way to the wall. Go back and go down to the other box you are capable of pushing left all the way to the wall then push it up. Go back and push the next box up and to the left once into the star. Now push the remaining box in that region until it is parallel with an opening so you can push it left once. Now push it into its place when it is parallel with the star. Go back the very upper right and push up the box. Now the two remaining boxes, push them to the right once then you can finish things from here. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 18: This level is not so tough at all. This is merely a test of patience and timing. As you can see from the stars below, you are just shoving one box out of the side then going around and pushing it into place. Be sure to not let a box touch a wall. When placing a box to the outside, make sure the side stays free. It takes a long time to clear the middle. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 19: Start off by pushing the right box about four stars. Go around to the other side and push the lower box to the left once then push the upper box down into place. Go up and take the box you see down to the lower star. Go up to the next box and push it to the left two spaces then push it down to the just above the upper star and go up. Just before you get to the top box, push the box on the left to the left until you are free to go out through the top. Go down the left side and push the lower box to the right side. Go out the left hole and return to the previous box and push it onto the upper star and go out and then around to push it to next to the other box. Go out the left and push up the lower box once and then push it to the leftmost star and keep it there. Go to the very top of the room and push the upper box to the very bottom. Go back to near the top and push any box down to the lower box. Next go to the upper right and push down the box into the final star at the bottom. Now to fill in the left side. Go to the upper left and push the box over to the right until it's underneath the top opening. Push it down until it is about parallel with the lower set of three stars and go around and push it left once then to the very left. Go up around the upper right and push up the star on the right and then push the star on the left into the block and go around and do to it what you did to one previous block and put it into place. Do the same thing with any other random box. The level can be finished anyway you like since you are home free from here. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 20: The trick to beating this level is to fill out the top stars first then take care of the bottom stars. This level gave me lots of hell until I figured a strategy that paid off. Start off by moving the box on your right to the right once. Then go to the top and push the box positoned in the lower right of the 10-star set and push it left once then go back to the star that is positioned on the lower right of the four-star set. Take the leftmost box and push it right once. Go to the very right then down and I want you to push a box alone in that reigon to the very top then into place on the leftmost star. Shift the bottom boxes (except the left one) to the right once then go to the right one and push it down until you got some breathing room then push it to the top then to the very left into place. Repeat the pattern once again and put this box on the next available star. Repeat the pattern just one more time but do not place the box in the next star. Place it in the star to the right of it. Go to the now empty spot and push the box in the gap to the left once, then push another box down and then go around and push it back up. Loop around the bottom and push the box in the way to the right. Make it back to the top and you will come across that same box you pushed to the right at the beginning. You will push this one up once. Remember that space I said to leave open, push that box beneath it into that spot. Go down and push the next box below to the right until you are just before the wall. Go around and push it up and to the left. One more top star to go. Make your way to the only lower box positioned in the lower stars and push it all the way to the rightmost star and then go around underneath it and push it up. The lower stars are easy to put into place. No matter what box you put up there you can go around to the very left side and place it into position. I suggest pushing on of them into the very right area first then go around place it on the very right. The next two you can push it through the gap and then push it to the right from around the left side. The last four you can push it through the very left side through careful planning. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 21: This level is not as hard as it looks. The trick to completing this level is lining up all the boxes in vertical lines. This may seem tedious and time consuming but once everything is in place, you can finish this level in no time. The key do lining things up vertical is not to touch any boxes on the end to the left or right. Work your way up from the bottom as you constantly shift each box to the left or right depending on where the upper boxes are positioned and each time you go up a row. There is enough breathing room to line all the boxes vertically. Once successful, you can push everything into place starting from the inside first. The upcoming video will give more detail. Time: 9:00 ----------- Level 22: Push the box on the right of you to the right. As for the box that was below you at the start, go around and push it up once. Also go up and push the red box to the right. Push up another box so you can temporarily clear a path that you can use to move between the upper and lower region. Go to the lower left region and push up the box that is there and push the right box all the way to the right as possible and go back to the lower left reigon and push the upper box to the right once then go around to the box on the lower left over the gap then push it down. Go around through other gap and push the lower box into the area where the previous box used to be. Go around to the top box in that same region then push it down and to the left into that star. This will free up two spot for two of the three boxes in the middle of the level. Before messing with any of them just yet, go back to inside the lower-right region and push the left box up just once. Retrieve the lower middle box and push it all the way to the right as possible then maneuver through the right region to get around to the above the box and push it down until it is three spaces above the floor. Go around the top and push it into another box and get underneath it and push it up into place. The next middle box you choose will follow the same type of method as the previous one. Go ahead and push the upper-left box into place to the left. Go back to the lower-right and push up the box on the inside up until it is lined with the other box in that area. Go back around and push the other box into the star below. Go to the last middle box and get it to the right as possible. Push it up about three space before the ceiling and go inside the right region and push the box that is lower left within the inside down until there is a gap before the other box below then go back up to the higher box and push it down twice then up once and push it to the right into place. Push the upper-left inside block down just twice (should be above the star). Go out and push the box wedge in the upper right opening to the right then down a little bit then return to that middle box I told you to hold off on. Push it up once then go around the top-right and push it to the left into place. The rest is easy to finish here. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 23: Go to the upper-rightmost box and push it up once then go down and go to the third box from the top on the very right side of the area and push it to the left then push up the box that was above it just once. There should be one more box below you. Push that up once and start filling in the spaces. No further help is even necessary. Just do your thing. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 24: Start off by pushing up the box that blocks your path. Ignore the other box in this part of the area and go up. See the gap in the boxes in the upper-left? Go through that gap and shove at least one of the boxes into that narrow passageway you went up earlier. Go to the area above the upper-leftmost box and push it down once then push left the other upper box. This frees up room for pushing up the box blocking the right passageway without any further precussions.As for the block in the passageway already, push it all the way to the right then push it down into place. Don't go to the lower-right just yet. There are some other blocks in the upper-left region you can take care of. For the block that was previously blocking access to the passageway, you can place it in the very upper-right of the level. Put two more boxes into the other two stars. By now, you should have one box left in the upper-left reigon. Ignore that box and go to the upper-right region then push down the box to gain access to the lower-right. Ignore the boxes in this reigon for now since these will be the final three boxes you'll put in. Go into the lower-left area and push all the boxes into the upper-left so you can push them into place. When doing so, don't push any boxes in the middle stars. Those will be the for the final three boxes in the lower-right. Time: 6:00 ----------- Level 25: For a last level, this is not too hard to complete at all. It follows a very simple pattern. Fill in the stars from the bottom. Start by going down the gap and work your way to the middle right. Push down the box blocking the passageway and start inserting the boxes in that region into place. If you got a box in at the top of the lower region that you want to push to the bottom of the star area, you can go out the middle right and around to the upper-left side and work from there. Once you got the lower-right reigon taken care of, any other box can be completed by pushing it into a solid block on the far right in the upper region then pushing it down until you are even with the gap and do your duty. It's all downhill from here. Go forth and win the game. Time: 6:00 Once you complete this level, the screen will say Level W and reset. Good job you have completed the game. As said before, I will be making an accompanying video of Porter for Youtube to make stuff easier to understand. o--------------------o CREDITS o--------------------o God almighty for he created everything you see before us. MegaSoft for originally creating the game. NTDEC for Publishing it. You for reading. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. You can also find me at Zophar.net updating the emus on console so you can buzz me there if you have an account. http://www.zophar.net/forums/member.php?u=2683 Here is my Youtube account I share with my sisters. http://www.youtube.com/user/PurrfectTrio Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero