------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- [ PARIS-DAKAR RALLY SPECIAL ] ---------------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ---------------------------[ NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM ]------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o INTRODUCTION o---------------------o Yet another game I have FAQed for the NES Completion Project. Paris-Dakar Rally Special is based off the actual event where people race off-road from Paris to Dakar by hook or by crook in stages. o---------------------o DISCLAIMER o---------------------o Paris-Dakar Rally Special and its characters are trademarks of ICSO and all copyrights belong to them. This FAQ is the sole copyright of Andrea "Azul Fria" Castillo aka Ice Queen Zero and cannot be put on other sites or posted without my given permission nor can it be reproduced without proper consent. For my other guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/74803.html o---------------------o OVERVIEW o---------------------o You start off by preparing your car to race then you fly off to Paris, France to race then you go through 7 stages total. From stages 2-6, you are trying to make your to Dakar, Senegal (African country) and then have a final race in Dakar. o---------------------o GAMEPLAY o---------------------o +Preparation+ Go to the lower right building called Kabu Shiki Gaisha R.I. (Foreign stock car R.I.) Inquiry about the Rally (option 1) then about kuruma (car) [option 2]. Next, inquiry about a sponsor (option 3), next inquiry about okane (money) [option 4] Last, inquiry about nakama (partners) [option 5]. Leave. Go left then up at the intersection then take a right. Visit that building called Car Mania Club. Ask about the sponsor. Say hai (yes) [option 1] then leave after he finishes talking Go to the building on the upper right called Kabu Shiki Gaisha Rinku (Foreign stock car Link) which will have Rinku K.K on the top of it and choose sponsor. Choose money. Leave. Chase down the three guys in black and when you catch one, just leave. Do the same for the other two. Now go to the building above the Kabu Shiki Gaisha R.I. called MitsuTomoGinkou (Secret Agent Bank) ask about money and say yes then leave. Go all the way left then on the fifth intersection from the bottom, go right and enter the first building you see. It is called Auto Center. Ask about the car. Say yes, and you'll be given a 4WD Sports Car. Leave. Return to the car mania club and choose partners. You play a minigame. Hansha Shin Kei Sokutei Test (True Light Reflex Measurement Test) A or B will appear in random spots. Press A if you see an A and Press B if you see a B. You will receive a grade based on your progress. Then press yes. Go to the building at the bottom in the middle called Rally Kyougai (Rally Circuit) and choose Rally. Say yes and off you go to race. +Day 1: Racing+ Your goal is to reach the goal line (checkpoint) within the alloted amount of time without crashing a total of three times or running out of fuel. You start off accelerating and moving your car to avoid other ones as well as the barrels that are on the track or being thrown from the sides. Sounds easy on paper but there is also the matter of other drivers driving at 100 miles per hours coming from behind and you must move out of their way to avoid them. Ironically, the other cars don't get hit either as they convientiently dodge out of the way themselves. You'll know when you reach the goal when the gauge on the side hits the G. The bonus round has you bouncing off a "trampoline" to collect the Gs and Ts. +Day 2: The streets+ You are driving down a busy street taking twists and turns to get to the goal line while you avoid other cars. If the going gets tough, lay down a rubber ball that bounces the other cars away from you. Especially in the very left lane where some vehichles barrel down the lane and destroy anything in their path. +Day 3: Adventure+ As you driving down the street, you shoot at sewer creatures coming out of the sewer holes below. You are also trying to avoid the eggs being dropped by the birds above. You will cross some bridges that break away when rode over so you must be fast. Whenever you see a break in the road, where there is a ladder w/ fire next to it and a switch on the other side, exit the vehichle and time your jump the first time around to avoid the fire and land on the switch to allow you to re-enter your vehichle and continue. You also have to deal with falling and rolling boulders. At the roadblock, exit the vehicle and fall down the pit to your left and climb up the ladders while avoiding the boulders. Step on the switch and continue. You got a couple more road breaks followed by more of the boulders and also a helicopter dropping bombs too. You got another road break followed by a series of dirt hills to drive over. At the roadblock, exit the vehichle and climb the big ladder and jump to the button by running left along the platform hidden behind a cloud and run back to make the jump. Drive fast and you will avoid the boulders. There is more dirt road action ahead and more birds and creatures to deal with and the goal is just ahead. +Day 4: Over and under the sea+ You are now driving over a sea. Whenever you see a break in the road, exit the vehicle and get on the platform while avoiding the jumping fish and hitting the switch so you can continue your ride. The second and third breaks have two fish to avoid. Soon you'll drive down a slope and will be driving underwater. Shoot the sharks, starfish, and octopuses that get in your way and avoid the depth charges the helicopter drops. Also watch out for shrimp, torpedos, sea urchins and jellyfish. The school of small fish are harmless. Swim at the top so the volcanic rocks won't get you. Once back on dry land, avoid the bird's eggs and you will reach the goal. +Day 5: The Desert+ You are back to racing overhead. This time you are in the desert. You are just avoiding snakes, scorpions, spiders, camels, silverfish, other cars and crows that drop rocks especially from offscreen. You will eventually drive through a narrow spot in a narrow road. Don't worry much about the water, it's harmless. Next, you will drive through gophers and beetles and deadly tornadoes. Maneuver your way through rafts and try to switch raft to avoid crashing. After a few narrow walls, get through some cars and goal is ahead. +Day 6: World War 3+ This is now a top-down shooter. You shoot your way past tanks, jet fighters, and helicopters and their bullets. Stay away from the holes and that's what the whole level is about. The last part of the level involves driving across some bridges. +Day 7: The Grand Finale+ You did it. You have reached Dakar. It's the same thing you did in Paris only a narrow passages and bridges to pass. You should have enough time to finish this level so take your time finishing the level. Don't worry. There will be no "speeders" here. The ending has you driving past the sunset and both drivers getting out to view it. It then shows the best scores followed by the drivers receiving congratualtions and a parade as they drive away. The letters END appear. Good job. o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o God almighty for he created everything you see before us. CBS/Sony Inc. - publishing the game ICSO - making the game. You for reading. o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. You can also find me at Zophar.net updating the emus on console so you can buzz me there if you have an account. http://www.zophar.net/forums/member.php?u=2683 Here is my Youtube account I share with my sisters. We still haven't added any videos yet but they'll be mostly game-related: http://www.youtube.com/user/PurrfectTrio Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero