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Poison Field (i) Pagoda Stage (ii) Forest Stage (iii) River Stage (iv) Graveyard Stage 4b. Guerilla Warfare (i) Ruined House (ii) Autumn Forest 4c. Dog Fight (i) Purple Goop (ii) Top of the Trees (iii) Mountain Flight (iv) Blue Skies 4d. Blazing Inferno (i) Castle Run (ii) Sacrificial Altar 5. Boss Battles 5a. Hamster Boss 5b. Cyclops Boss 5c. Bear Boss 5d. Evil Eye Boss 5e. Shangri-La Form 1,5 5f. Shangri-La Form 2 5g. Shangri-La Form 3 5h. Shangri-La Form 4 5i. Shangri-La Form 6 5j. Shangri-La Form 7 5k. Shangri-La Form 8 6. Weapons List 7. Item List 8. FAQs 9. Credits ======================================== 1. Revision History ======================================== May 24th 2007: - Version 1.0 ======================================== 2. Copyright ======================================== This walkthrough was created by me, Nephele, and is not to be reproduced or editted in any way without my expressed permission. My guide was intended for use by GameFAQs and no other site or publication may copy it in part or entirety. I'm not affiliated with Bandai nor the team which created Ninja Kid in any way. Any questions regarding my guide or the copyright details may be sent to me at nephfaqs@msn.com. Copyright (c) 2007 Katrina Steplewska, All Rights Reserved. ======================================== 3.Controls ======================================== D-Pad - Moves Ninja Kid around. Holding down + A will drop Ninja Kid below a platform and during Shangri-La battles, holding down near the edge of a screen will summon your friends, if you have flutes. Start - Pause. Select - Toggle Weapons. B - Shoot Weapon. A - Jump. ======================================== 4.Walkthrough ======================================== The point of Ninja Kid is to obtain as high of a HiScore as possible. Your score is displayed in the top left hand corner of the screen (marked "SC"). You start off with 3 lives for your Ninja Kid. You die upon impact with either an enemy or their projectiles. Every 60,000 score points you earn another life. If all your lives are depleted it's game over, there are no continues or save points in this game. The game begins on a map with 3 white temples, a hut and a yellow temple. Your goal is to obtain a challenge scroll from one of the 3 white temples which will allow you to deliver a challenge to Shangri-La in his hut, who then promptly goes to wait for you inside the yellow temple. Gameplay is divided into missions, with each mission starting you on one of 6 randomly generated maps, which have on them an increasing number of randomly placed white temples. Once you enter a temple you will be transported to one of 4 stages - Poison Field, Guerilla Warfare, Blazing Inferno, or Dog Fight. Each stage has 2 or more "levels" you can appear in. (which stage and level you appear in is randomly selected and has no impact on the completion of the Mission). Each stage has a particular goal, usually to collect or kill a certain amount of enemies or objects. Your quota is displayed in the center of your menu at the top of the screen. Once you meet your quota you are given a choice of jumping into one of two possible windows. One window leads you back to the main map, while the other forces you to fight one of four mini-bosses in order to proceed. Which window is which is random and (unless you pick up certain helpful items during the level) you will simply have to guess which window is the safe one. NOTE: you will not be able to exit a level if a scroll keeps dropping from the sky until you acquire the scroll. This is the scroll required to challenge Shangri-La. As you progress through the missions each stage will acquire new enemies, more enemies or the current enemies will become faster and stronger. It always takes one hit to kill both you and your enemies (minus the bosses which may take more). By completing temples you can acquire flutes which summon spirits to aid you in the battle with Shangri-La. Each flute drops in a stage when you only have 1 remaining of your quota (i.e.: One ghost to catch in Poison Field, or one enemy to slay in Dog Fight). You can obtain a total of 3 flutes to aid you in your struggle. Below is a list of all the stages and their levels with a mini bestiary outlining the monsters you will meet in order of appearance. The lower the monster on the list, the higher the mission you have to be on to encounter it. The numbers in the brackets beside the monster names outlines how many points you acquire for defeating it. There is also a weapons list, items list and a Boss Strategy section as well as an FAQ section for your convienience. ***Bestiary Note: All monsters that can fire projectiles shall have a -P- beside their name*** --------------------------- 4a. Poison Field --------------------------- There are four of the Poison Field levels, the goal of each being to capture 10 ghosts that float around the screen. Once you have captured all 10, two windows will appear allowing you the chance to either continue to the next temple or to fight a Boss battle. ********************** (i) Pagoda Stage ********************** >Bestiary: *Rolling Darumas (100) *Ghost (100) *Snow Ninja (300) -P- This stage features a series of pagodas and pyramid like structures that can be climbed. The rolling Darumas are located at the ground level of the stage, usually rolling singularily or two consecutively. The ghosts usually appear around the middle of the screen and can almost always be reached either via directly jumping from the ground level or using the pyramids as a platform to jump off of. In some cases you might wish to travel to the top of a pagoda and drop down on a desired ghost. This method however is very tedious and I'd advise to simply move across the screen and find another ghost instead. ********************** (ii) Forest Stage ********************** >Bestiary: *Red Rolling Eyes (100) *Ghost (100) *Spear Ninja (300) -P- *Brown Zombie (N/A) The scene for this stage is a pathway through a forest. There isn't many things to stand on making this stage pretty difficult to maneuver when there are multiple enemies. In fact, the only thing to stand on are Jizo statues that appear at fixed intervals along the road. Thankfully ghosts and weapons are abundant in this stage which does help you along quite a bit. The Red Rolling Eyes once again roll on the ground level of the stage coming from either direction in groups of one or two. Beware the Spear Ninja who appears; you may find yourself in a tight spot attempting to avoid the rolling eyes and falling spears. The ghosts themselves are easily accessible from the ground level of the stage, if necessary you may also try using the statues to get an extra boost while attempting to capture a particularly evasive ghost. Beware the Brown Zombie past Mission 3, they show up behind trees and cannot be killed, however if you touch them you will die. ********************** (iii) River Stage ********************** >Bestiary: *Red Octopii (100) *Ghost (100) *Red Fire Ninja (300) -P- *Red Zombie (N/A) This stage features four levels upon which you can stand: The green platforms suspended by wooden poles, the top of the wall, the pathway between the wall and the river, and inside the river itself. Generally, the upper platforms are cumbersome and dont really allow for easy ghost retrieval, they are also a dangerous place to be if the Red Fire Ninja pays you a visit, as he descends from the sky and might land upon you and kill you before you even see him. Conversely, being inside the river itself is almost totally safe...but you wont find many ghosts down there. The Red Octopii move along the two middle levels either singularily or in groups of two. The ghosts and items appear between these two levels as well. Ideally, I would advise alternating between the two central levels to avoid monsters and obtain ghosts while using the river level to evade oncoming danger. Beware the Red Zombie that appears in later stages, he stands there waiting for you to touch him, he cannot be killed.I would not suggest trying the upper platforms...regardless of what's up there.... ************************ (iv) Graveyard Stage ************************ >Bestiary: *Ghost (100) *Brown Rolling Eyes (100) *Snow Ninja (300) -P- *Green Zombie (N/A) This stage has multiple gravestones you can stand on, as well as tree branches. The Rolling Eyes as usual enjoy rolling around on the ground level of the stage, and the ghosts in this stage are primarily located higher above the ground floating in a vertical pattern. For this stage I'd advise trying to stay on the gravestones at all times since it will allow you to avoid the Rolling Eyes altogether AND most of the ghosts can only be captured via jumping off of gravestones due to the height they spawn at. There are a few gravestones that cannot be stood upon so pay mind to which ones you're attempting to land on as there is usually a Rolling Eye just waiting to prey upon you if you happen to fall to the ground level. Also be wary of the Brown Zombie that appears in later levels, he hides behind a tombstone in wait for you to pass. He cannot be killed, but he can kill you. ------------------------------ 4b. Guerilla Warfare ------------------------------ There are two stages for the Guerilla Warfare level. The goal of Guerilla warfare is to take out 10 enemies. Once all 10 enemies are defeated two windows will appear giving you the chance to either progress to the next temple or to fight a Boss. ************************ (i) Ruined Building ************************ >Bestiary: *Yellow Fire Demon (300) -P- *Blue Ninja-Star Ninja (1000) -P- *Flaming Demon Head (100) *Flame Throwing Bear (300) -P- *Blue Eyed Ghost (500) -P- *Musical Ghost (200) -P- This stage has 4 levels -- the roof, the third floor, the second floor and the ground floor. I would not advise trying to travel across the roof as enemies can reach you relatively easily and there's no way for you to attack enemies from this vantage point. Most enemies in this level can fire projectiles at any angle, giving them an advantage over your horizontal attacks. Try not to allow more than one enemy to attack you at once, and if an invincibility item appears acquire it at all costs and be sure to use it to its full potential. ************************ (ii) Autumn Forest ************************ >Bestiary: *Purple Ghost (300) -P- *Blue Ninja-Star Ninja (1000) -P- *Red Haired Snake Woman (200) *Floating Blue Eye (200) *Yellow Sumo Wrestler (200) -P- There are four levels of ground in this stage - 3 green platforms of varying heights and the ground itself. There is no ideal level to stand upon for this one as the enemies are scattered across all the levels. The Purple Ghosts only have horizontal projectiles, but can move between levels. The Blue Ninja Throwing Star Ninjas are stationary, but can throw stars in any direction. My advice is to simply try and keep moving and target each enemy you see. --------------------- 4c. Dog Fight --------------------- The Dog Fight stages of this game are undeniably the most difficult to clear. The goal of these stages is to defeat 10 enemies while atop a kite. Almost all the enemies have some form of multi-directional projectile attack. ************************ (i) Purple Goop ************************ >Bestiary: *Flying Yellow Snakes (100) *Flying Red Head (300) *Flying Yellow Flower Demon (500) -P- The layout of this level is a background of purple goop dripping off the ceiling of the level. There are no multiple floor levels due to the fact that you don't really stand on anything. A difficult level, try to avoid being hit by the multiple projectile enemies if at all possible. Also, if one appears, target it immediately, because the longer it stays alive, the more danger you are in. Sadly, invincibility items are practically essential to pass this difficult stage. ************************ (ii) Top of the Trees ************************ >Bestiary: *Flying Yellow Snakes (100) *Flying Blue Head (300) -P- *Blue Broomstick Witch (300) -P- The layout of this level is a purple sky with some dead, dark green trees in the background. There are no multiple floor levels due to the fact that you don't really stand on anything. Try to avoid encountering more than one multiple projectile enemy at once. Target the snakes for easy pickings, but if a stronger enemy comes along be sure to eliminate it first. Invincibility items help. A lot. ************************ (iii) Mountain Heights ************************ >Bestiary: *Flying Yellow Snakes (100) *Yellow Bear Riding a Bird (500) -P- *Fire Demon (500) -P- This stage has mountains at the bottom of the screen and clouds at the top; it seems to be night time. The regular enemies simply fly across the screen horizontally. There are however tougher enemies that appear every so often who home in on you and attempt to kill you via projectiles and/or collision. Pick off the normal enemies for easy points, but if a tougher enemy appears set your focus upon it in order to survive. Invincibility (as in all the Dog Fight stages) is a great help. ************************ (iv) Blue Skies ************************ >Bestiary: *Flying Yellow Snakes (100) *Blue Bat Demon (500) -P- *Grim Reaper (500) -P- This stage features a green ground below, a few mountains scattered about anda blue sky clouded with white fluffy clouds. As usual there are enemies that simply fly horizontally across the screen, target these to meet your goal number of kills. Tougher enemies that home in on you and fire projectiles sometimes appear. Be sure to eliminate these quickly. Invincibility helps greatly while playing this stage. --------------------------- 4d. Blazing Inferno --------------------------- The point of Blazing Inferno is to guide a small fire spirit to a series of candles (10 in total) in order to light them all (Note: My guide gives a step-by-step guide to finding all the candles but they CAN be lit in any order). Once all the candles are lit the windows open and you clear the stage. Lighting the candle can sometimes be tricky since the little spirit might be too high or too low to light the candle when you just stand next to it. If the spirit is too high, crouch down so it flies lower. If it is too low then jump over the candle in a diagonal line and the spirit should float up high enough to light it. ************************ (i) Castle Run ************************ >Bestiary: *Blue Zombies (200) *Flying Red Head (200) *White Vampire (6000) *Green Zombie (300) -P- *Blue Bird (200) -P- This stage has the look of a castle, with a green background and purple brick platforms. Most of your enemies can move between platforms with some enemies being able to descend from the sky and move straight down on the screen, many of these offer a large amount of points, so do try and shoot them if they appear. ~Candle 1 is directly left of you when you start. ~Candle 2 is on the purple platform to the right. ~Candle 3 is directly above 2 on the wooden platform. ~Candle 4 is to the right on a purple block over a pitfall. ~Stand in front of the brown pillar to the right of 4 and drop down to light Candle 5. ~Jump to the right and light Candle 6 beneath the pillar. ~Jump to the right onto a single purple block over a pitfall to find Candle 7. ~Jump up to the brown platform on the left and continue left to find candle 8. ~Run to the right and drop down to a purple platform at the bottom of the screen for candle 9. (Be ready to catch the flute after lighting this candle) ~Jump over the pit to the right and pass the wooden structure to find Candle 10 on a small brown platform. ************************ (ii) Sacrificial Altar ************************ >Bestiary: *Skeletons(200) *White and Red Spider (300) *White Vampire (6000) *Blue Thunder Ball (200) -P- *Green Beast (200) -P- This stage has platforms and pillars made of skulls. The enemies can move between platforms, so be wary. Once again, there are also enemies that descendfrom the sky moving straight down, shoot them for a nice point boost. ~Candle 1 is right where you start the level, you may have to move Ninja Kid to see it. ~Candle 2 is on the ground level right where where you start. ~Candle 3 is two platforms above Candle 1 slightly to the left. ~Move left to the other side of the platform you are on to locate Candle 4. ~Drop down to the ground platform, Candle 5 is directly below Candle 4 on this level. ~Jump onto the single skull block to the left and use it to reach the platform to the left, you should be able to see Candle 6. ~Drop back down to the ground level and look left to find Candle 7. ~Use the single skull block platform to get back to where you found Candle 6. Jump on the platform to the left to find Candle 8. ~Continue left from this point and drop down a few platforms until you pass under a red skull decoration, drop down to the ground level and continue left ot light Candle 9. (Be ready to catch the flute after lighting this candle.) ~Jump back up to the platform above you and up onto the platform to the left to locate the final candle. ======================================== 5. Boss Battles ======================================== ************************ 5a. Hamster Boss ************************ >Bestiary: *Flying Skull (100) *Bone Lady (300) -P- The background of this battle ia a bright green colour; the blocks leading up are yellow. Climb up the set of vertical blocks third from the right until you reach cloud-type blocks and a skull travelling horizontally from one side of the screen to the other. Shoot the skull when it's safe to do so, then continue up towards the top of the arena. Be careful of Bone Ladies in later missions, they home in on you position and have projectile attacks. At the top of the arena is a red hamster boss who breathes fire. Avoid the fire projectiles until you are at the uppermost blocks. You defeat the boss by firing a kunai into each of his spinning eyes. You earn 5000 points for this battle. ************************ 5b. Cyclops Boss ************************ >Bestiary: *Demon Cat (100) * One Eyed Businessman (300) -P- The background for this boss fight starts off green then quickly changes to yellow. There are purple blocks in the form of an X with the top left arm missing. Use these blocks to jump up to the top of the level while avoiding or killing Demon Cats (later One Eyed Businessmen) that home in on your position. At the top will be the Cyclops boss, who blows fatal gusts of air at you, time your jumps to avoid the projectiles until you are at the uppermost blocks. Fire a kunai into his eye to defeat him and obtain 5000 points. ************************ 5c. Bear Boss ************************ >Bestiary: *Pisces Girl (100) *Toga Man (300) -P- The background of this battle is purple with bronze pipes crossing it. The blocks are cogs that lead upward. Pisces Girls (and later Toga Man) descend and home in on you as you ascend the blocks, so be wary of them. Once you reach the top you will encounter a Bear Boss. The Bear boss blows gusts of wind at you that must be avoided. Carefully make your way to the top of the level avoiding the gusts of wind. In order to defeat the boss you must fire a kunai into both his eyes and his moving nose. Defeating this boss earns you 5000 points and allows you to proceed onwards. ************************ 5d. Evil Eye Boss ************************ >Bestiary: *Frankenstein Monster(100) *Igor (200) This level's layout shows a blue brick wall and purple blocks leading upwards. Frankenstein Monsters (or Igors) descend down upon you as you make your way up the blocks. Eliminate them then proceed to the top of the arena. The boss itself is an eye that opens and shuts. When the eye opens it releases a red and blue bolt at you. Dodge the bolt and fire a kunai into the eye in order to obtain 5000 points and continue onwards. ************************ 5e. Shangri-La Form 1,5 ************************ >Bestiary: *White Bat (B.M.#) The Shangri-La battles take place in a scorched battlefield with a white pagoda in the background. Shangri-La is in the form of a blue (or green) boy playing a banjo who fires musical notes at you. Four white bats fly over head in a square formation while Shangri-La approaches you from the right side of the screen. The simplest way to kill him is to rapidly fire your kunai in his direction, even before you see him emerge from the side of the screen. He should die within a few shots and you'll earn 5000 points and progress to the next mission. ************************ 5f. Shangri-La Form 2 ************************ Only the boss appears for this fight. Shangri-La's second form is a stone with fire shields surrounding it. The boss shoots flame projectiles at you which you have to dodge. In an ideal circumstance, I'd suggest having the Pegasus flute and fireball weapon equipped. At the start of the fight, run to the left side of the screen and summon Pegasus to shield you from the projectiles. Once this is done, time your jumps while firing the flame balls to defeat Shangri-La. If you do not have Pegasus or the fireballs, then try to dodge the fireballs while running under the stone and firing off a few kunai's while the boss is on the other side. Repeat this until Shagri-La is defeated. You recieve 5000 points and passage to the next mission. ************************ 5g. Shangri-La Form 3 ************************ This incarnation of Shangri-La takes the form of a blue boy who fires ice at you. He bounces up and down the screen while homing in on you. It's preferable to have the fireball weapon to defeat this form since it is the only weapon that will significantly damage him. He goes down fairly quickly if you do have the fireballs equipped. Time your jumps to avoid his ice attacks and fire off a few rounds of fireballs. If this does not kill him, move away from him and repeat the process. After taking some damage the boy changes into a demon and both moves faster and fires his projectiles more frequently. Defeating Shangri-La earns you 5000 points and passage to the next mission. ************************ 5h. Shangri-La Form 4 ************************ This Shangri-La takes the form of an old man that walks towards you throwing balls at you. Just fire away at him with any weapon until he dies. BE CAREFUL because after he dies he seperates into 4 monsters that move in opposite directions until they are off the screen. Jump between these monsters in order to survive. You obtain 5000 points for defeating Shangri-La and move on to the next mission. ************************ 5i. Shangri-La Form 6 ************************ This form of Shangri-La is manifest as a flaming wheel surrounded by flames satellites. Naturally the fireball weapon has no effect upon him. He attacks fast and his fireballs are difficult to dodge. Equip your shurikens and jump or duck to avoid his projectiles while firing off a few of your own when it is safe to do so. Defeating this form of Shangri-La earns you 5000 points and passage to the next mission. ************************ 5j. Shangri-La Form 7 ************************ This time Shangri-La takes 2 forms. Both forms are immune to fire so be sure to equip something else. If you can spare them, shurikens seem to be the best choice. The first form is that of a fire based one eyed monkey who shoots fireballs at you. He jumps fairly slowly and his fireballs are easy to dodge. Once you deplete this first form's life bar, the second form appears. The second form is a being made of fire, who jumps a lot faster and shoots a lot more often at you. Be prepared for some serious dodging in order to succeed here. Defeating him earns you 5000 points and passage to the next mission. ************************ 5k. Shangri-La Form 8 ************************ This time Shangri-La faces you in the form of a pink old man with a green beard. He fires little cups at you while moving towards you, this isn't very difficult to dodge. Once his life bar is depleted he'll turn into a blue version of himself, this version doesn't have a lot of life and is easily dispatched of. Beware that he bursts into 4 demons again once he is defeated as he did in Form 4. ***The rest of the Shangri-Las are simply clones of these 8, they may be a little tougher or have a little more defense but the basic strategy for them remains the same*** ======================================== 6. Weapon List ======================================== There are four weapons aside from the starting weapon that can be obtained throughout the Ninja Kid world. Only the starting weapon is unlimited with the other four being collected in certain numbers to a maximum of 99. ~ Shuriken * Versatile, powerful weapon best saved for Shangri-La encounters or tight spots. * Increased speed and power. * Obtain 20 at a time. ~ Feather * flies horizontally back and foth across the screen killing enemies in its path. Lasts for about 60 seconds. * You recieve a 20 second invincibility period when picking up this weapon. * Obtain 3 at a time. ~ Boomerang * Flies diagonally across the screen killing enemies in its path. Lasts about 60 seconds. * You recieve a 20 second invincibility period when picking up this weapon. * Obtain 5 at a time. ~ Fireballs * Fly horizontally behind your kunai, spinning in circles. * Increase range of projectile and are especially useful against some forms of Shangri-La. * Obtain 20 at a time. ======================================== 7. Item List ======================================== There are multiple items you can acquire throughout the stages, some give you points, while others enhance your character or aid you in your journey. ~ Birdhouse: 500 points. ~ Black Bird: Shows you which window you exit from to avoid the boss, 1000 points. ~ Symbol Box: Gives anywhere from 500 to 3000 points. ~ Pumpkin Head: 5000 points. ~ Red Panda: Shows you which window you exit from to avoid the boss, 5000 points. ~ White Haired Doll: Run Faster for 30 seconds. ~White Bear: 1000 points. ~Super Sunglasses: Allow you to see a hidden ghost you can touch for 5000 points. ~Brown Scroll: Allows you to challenge Shangri-La. ~Yellow Flute: Allows you to call one of 3 spirits during the Shangri-La battles. ======================================== 8. Frequently Asked Questions: ======================================== Q: Why can't I exit a stage? I've filled my quota... A: Did you check to see if a scroll is falling down? Be sure to collect the falling brown scroll, then the windows should appear. Q:How can I get more lives? A: Every 60,000 points you earn you get one more life. Q: I haven't gotten a scroll yet and I'm on the last temple...what happens if I cant get one there? A: You have to. In the last temple you cannot leave until you get a scroll. The doors will not open until you recieve a scroll. ======================================== 9. Credits ======================================== And that's my guide, everyone. Thank you to Bandai for creating this game. Thank you to GameFAQs for giving me the opportunity to share my guide with other players. Thanks to Kain Stryder for helping me get started. And a special thank you to you, the reader. You reading my walkthrough has made the time I spent making it worthwhile :) I hope you found this guide informative and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me at: nephfaqs@msn.com