Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland (GBA) Kirby's Adventure (NES) Changes Guide Written by: Wolf4knowledge COPYWRITE 2002 Wolf4knowledge Version 1.4 08/24/03 - Content - 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Game Info 4. Game Changes - Gameplay Changes 5. Contact Information 6. Credits 7. Copywrite Info 1. - Introduction - After playing both games and beaten it both I decided to make a "Changes FAQ" for this game. Also I just wanted to make a FAQ for a game for the first time. Anyways this FAQ with cover the changes made in the GBA version compared to the orinigal NES version. Now that I played the english version I will compare Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland for GBA with the original Kirby Adventure for NES (both in US of course) 2. - Version History - 1.4 - 08/24/03 - Removed my E-mail Address 1.3a - 06/11/03 - Took out the Proven Wrong Section 1.3 - 06/11/03 - Added some stuff 1.2 - 01/02/03 - Changed something in the Contact Information Added some stuff 1.1 - 01/01/03 - Added some stuff thanks to other people HAPPY NEW YEAR! 1.0 - 12/20/02 - Added some stuff Took out Slight level/music/enemy/etc. changes 0.9a - 11/29/02 - Corrected a few errors 0.9 - 11/27/02 - Added a lot of stuff 0.8 - 11/26/02 - Got USA version now Added some stuff 0.7 - 11/15/02 - Fixed some errors Added a few things 0.6 - 11/09/02 - Added a few things Updated the Contact information and credits 0.5a - 11/09/02 - Added one extra thing Fixed an error I made on 0.5 0.5 - 11/08/02 - Added a few more things Fixed some spelling/grammer errors 0.4 - 10/31/02 - Added a few more things HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 0.3 - 10/29/02 - Added a few more things Added a Proven Wrong section (things I wrote that was proved wrong) 0.2a - 10/28/02 - Added a few more things 0.2 - 10/26/02 - Added a few more things - Changed the very noticeable changes to Gameplay changes - Fixed a few things (thanks to Scizor CT) 0.1a - 10/26/02 - Added a few more things 0.1 - 10/25/02 - My first FAQ. First Release 3. - Game Info - What is Kirby's Adventure? Kirby adventure was Kirby second game and was introduce to his new copy powers. It also showed what amazing graphics a NES can hold. For Kirby's first game with abilities it has the most abilities compare to his other games. This game has about 30 different abilities. This game consist of seven stages and each with about 4-6 levels each. What is Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland? Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland is the remake of the popular NES game Kirby's Adventure. With enhanced graphics and new mini-games this remake turns out to be one of the best so far on GBA. The story and gameplay is the same compared to Kirby's Adventure and they didn't add any new levels or ability. 4. - Game Changes- - Gameplay Changes The title screen is different and the game title has been changed (DUH) Now if you wait at the title screen it shows the story to the game immediatly without showing the demonstration on how to play from the NES version. Now they have added multi-player function. Now up to four players can play Kirby's Adventure or compete in one of the 3 new mini-games The graphics has been totally revamped. Everything you see looks a lot better compared to the NES version. The screen is smaller than the T.V. so they had to take out the small menu at the bottom of the screen while you are playing. All the bosses and mini-bosses looks slightly different and each boss has been made bigger (HUGE) They took out the three original mini-games and added 3 new mini-games. Quick-draw, Kirby's Air grind and Bomb rally All the secret doors (not visible in the NES version) has been adjusted so you can slighty see each secret door. Now you can TAP A repeatedly you will fly and you can also hold the UP control pad as usual. The intro to each world has been slightly changed. Kirby now wears a hat to show which ability he currently has. All the music has been totally remixed Kirby now says somethings if he gets hurt or if he uses the mike ability When Kirby runs uphill he doesn't craw up no more. You can save in extra mode now. They've added stars around almost every door. When you get to the highest level on the cloud jumping game only one Kirby shows up now instead of three The Ending to the game has been changed slightly. Getting 100% on extra mode allows you to play the game as Meta-Knight (thanks to Scizor CT. Can't believe I forgot to put this) Most backgrounds has been totally revamped When Kirby swims he wear goggles now No more OUCH icon Each abitity icon looks different. Kirby's underwater attack now shoots farther than before When playing Boss Mode (vs. boss (NES) Boss Endurence (GBA) ) You no longer have to retrive the star rod once you defeated a boss. The description of each the ability has been changed The door that goes back one world no longers says back It says previous now When Kirby runs it looks different now The door that goes forward one world no longers says go it says next now. The text in the menu is different. It says Leave through Door now. The ending text has been altered The ending in extra mode has been changed You can use the high-jump ability after you jump The fireball ability has been changed to burning ability The crash ability looks a little different now. Backdrop requires you to grab the enemy now instead of inhaling it (Plas Durock pointed this one out) On the needle ability you can hold it forever in the gba version. In the nes one, they retracted after a few seconds or so. (sadman pointed this out) When using the stone ability Kirby can slighty move before hitting the floor. Kirby slides normally now while having the hammer ability When using the BALL ability use can bounce now even it there is no ceiling (Screens counts as a wall) When you slide into something an you bounce back while in the NES version you slide through enemies (sadman pointed this out) The wall climbing enemy has been changed into a pig The needle enemy has been changed into a needle worm. After winning an arena match the music doesn't stop. Cannon does a flip before it fires (sadman pointed this out) The background music for King Dedede battle has been changed The background music while fighting Meta Knight's warriors has been changed In some levels Meta-Knight no longers throw the invincible lolli-pop at you To get the fuse lit underwater on 6-3 has been changed. (or slightly adjusted?) The old turtle (corrected by Scizor CT) looking boss has been replaced with an elephant Meta-Knight is now blue and you can see his eyes. Meta-Knight doesn't do that stab move in the air on the NES version (Plas Durock pointed this one out) The strange block (ice and hammer block in orinigal version) has been changed so it can be destroyed by fire/fireball and hammer and stone (it can be destroyed by U.F.O. too by charging to the max) In the NES version getting an ability that changes Kirby's color also shows on the Jump game and Kirby's Victory dance. GBA it don't show that anymore. (Plas Durock pointed this one out) On the demonstration of an ability you just got doesn't hurt anything until the screen is bright again. The charged up shot for the UFO now shoot a beam instead of a star (HydroKirby pointed this out) Kirby doesn't get larger while inhaling in the GBA version (HydroKirby pointed this out) The Fire and Ice ability now has a slight charging time before the attack can be exucuted (HydroKirby pointed this out) In 1-3 the last enemy (Bronto Burt) has been changed into the fire enemy They added an extra bomb block in 2-5 second room In 2-2 the fourth and fifth room has been changed (Plas Durock pointed this out) In 2-5 the third room has been totally changed In world 3 all of the rotating towers rooms has been took out. (Appears on several levels) In 4-5 the first room has been changed In 4-5 the fifth room has been changed In 5-5 the secret area only has one column of of star block instead of 2 In 5-5 when you go on the warp star in room 2 the animation is different On 7-2 the background music has been changed On 7-3 the fourth room has been changed On 7-4 they've added an extra room near the end of the level On 7-6 all the enemies are now colored instead of black and white. On the world 8 intro Kirby no longer makes a mad face 5. - Contact Information - I removed my contact information because people like to be stupid. 6. - Credits - I would like to thank YOU! for reading my FAQ Gamefaqs - For posting my FAQ and allowed to be on the website Nintendo and HAL - For making this game and Kirby possible And me! Wolf4knowledge - for writing the FAQ and all the other people who helped out with the FAQ (Scizor CT, THE FROZEN, Plas Durock , HydroKirby and sadman) 7. - Copywrite Info - This FAQ is copyrighted 2002 to Kennth Yeung A.K.A. Wolf4knowledge This is for personal use only, you may not put this in your site or use it to make a profit. If you wish to use this FAQ, contact me at me e-mail or IM me and I will consider it. Do not distribute this document, or alter it in any way shape or form. It can be printed out for personal use only. You can NOT use this document without my permission. If you find the FAQ on a site other than and then please contact me.