______. _F"4L _QQUA"AAUQ#H) 4. _HAAA) AUAUQQ ) NAAAAAA).(AAUM J)_#Q#_. .HA)(AAAUAAAAAA#NHH#" "_ `. .N HA_ JQQ4)`AAAAH"` 4L ` M NQAAJLN` `N AA` .#M `L ) () `NA#F `NF .H" H) () JL J N` LJQ` `) __JH / (AA 4 " #" 4. . _Q" H (. _A. () M#" N) (FL L `A. M ____ (`4HF ` . `_J""""4_JF""" """"/__. M ) `.F `H` .". _. `"QL.. J"_ _' ( F ) H # "##_ J` `A"" (. JMM N.H `""NMH"" 4N. N NNM (MM) `M 4L 4H` (#N M `M. ` JF (M LUUUAU. (F M UAUUUU#) JF M) 4Q` .F _N` NQUUQNML 4Q" _JH NQUAAAAAUHH) M) MAQAAAAAAAAHL. .F MQQUAAAAAAAAUM) M `MQQQAAAAAAAAAN. (M) ASCII by the pink Kirby `#QQQAAAAAAAAAN JHHM & 4#QQQUUAAAAAAM. ._N#AAN Snow Dragon `N#QQQQQQQUUMML _NHUAAAAH `#NQUQQU#N "QHHHUU#HHHNHQUAAAAAAH """""" 4NUQUAAAAUAM 4#QQUAUAU#N (HUQQUA#F "NNNN" Kirby's Adventure FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright Hal Laboratory 1993 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: briansulpher@hotmail.com Version 1.3 Dates Written: February 1st to February 19th, 2004 I dedicate this one to Trace Jackson for his love of Kirby. You are the master blaster of disaster, and I look forward to future FAQ projects together! You are a good author, so stop pretending the facts say otherwise. Also, for Cougar, Howler, Koonce, and Gracey. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on February 19th, 2004 ----------- Version 1.1 ----------- -Submitted FAQ on June 27th, 2004 -Altered format to make it more user friendly ----------- Version 1.3 ----------- -Submitted guide on July 16th, 2005 -I added in Retronintendo and Honestgamers as sites allowed to use my FAQs -Altered the format to make it easier on the eyes of the reader ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Table Of Contents------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Controls 3) World One 4) World Two 5) World Three 6) World Four 7) World Five 8) World Six 9) World Seven 10)World Eight 11)Powers 12)Items 13)Enemies 14)Bosses 15)Switch Locations 16)Bonus Games 17)Credits 18)Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Introduction------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The following stories are taken directly from the game and instruction manual respectively, and are in no way the property of nor the work of Brian P. Sulpher. o------------o | Game Story | o------------o One day, the peaceful life of Dream Land was shattered by a mysterious crisis! The inhabitants didn't dream! On the edge of Dream Land, dreams and hopes once gushed forth from the Dream Spring, fueled by the Star Rod. Investigating the Dream Spring, Kirby found naughty King Dedede swimming in it's magical waters! Dedede has broken the Star Rod and given the pieces to his friends, who are now hiding in Dream Land! To bring back the lost dreams, Kirby sought the Star Rod! o--------------------------o | Instruction Manual Story | o--------------------------o A crisis in Dream Land! Light years away, ....... ... on a tiny star not visible from Earth, is the magical, peaceful place known as Dream Land. The beings that inhabit this wondrous world live in a blissful existence that centers on eating, sleeping and playing. An example of their care-free customs include the traditional after-lunch feast nap. After they awaken from their nap, the Dream Landers discuss their dreams and fervently hope that each other's fondest wishes come true. One day, a young Dream Lander named Kirby awoke from his after-lunch nap feeling terrible. "What happened?" he wondered to himself. "I didn't have any dreams during my lunch nap!" This lack of dreams left Kirby feeling very uneasy. After talking to some of his friends, he found that the problem was much more serious than he had thought, for they had not experienced any dreams either! "Something must have happened to the Dream Spring!" they exclaimed in unison. The Dream Spring is a magical well that is a reservoir for all the dreams of the inhabitants of Dream Land. Dreams also flow out of the Dream Spring and envelop Dream Land, granting all sleeping beings enjoyable dreams. Legends told that the Dream Spring was created by a magical artifact known as the Star Rod. The sparkling star on the tip of this scepter was an actual fragment of a star that had landed in Dream Land in the distant past. The Star Rod now provided energy to the Dream Spring and served as the very symbol of Dream Land. The lack of dreams made everyone in Dream Land feel restless and irritable. The joyful laughter that had once resounded throughout Dream Land could no longer be heard at all. Things were bleak. Kirby, the roly-poly hero of Dream Land, boldly announced his intention to investigate the Dream Spring and find the cause of all the trouble. Upon reaching the Dream Spring, who did he find but King Dedede, bathing in its magical waters! In the past (see Kirby's Dream Land for Game Boy), King Dedede had caused mischief in Dream Land by stealing all the Dream Landers' food and Sparkling Stars. Now, in the middle of the Dream Spring, in place of the Star Rod, sat Dedede, covered with bubble bath. "So, you're up to your old tricks again, eh, Dedede?!", accused Kirby. "What are you talking about, young pudge ball?", Dedede looked surprised. "I thought I'd do everyone a favor by..." "No, no no!" Kirby shook his head. "I won't listen to your tricks! What have you done with the Star Rod?!" "Oh, that old thing," Dedede said nonchalantly. "I broke it into seven pieces and gave each piece to one of my friends..." "What was Dedede thinking?!", Kirby wondered. Before hearing any more of what Dedede had to say, Kirby set off on the long trek to gather the pieces of the Star Rod and return them to the Dream Spring. Hopefully, he could return the sparkly to the Dream Spring so that the people of Dream Land could again enjoy their happy midday naps. With this opening, you enter into what is perhaps the most grandiose NES game ever made! It is great fun, a wonderful game, and just one of the best examples of NES programming at a time where the SNES was grabbing all the accolades. So, get your favourite Power-up, re-assemble that Star Rod, and go kick Dedede to the curb as Kirby, the protector of Dream Land is on the job! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Controls--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) This section will look at the basic controls as well as advanced techniques. o----------------o | Basic Controls | o----------------o D-Pad : LEFT and RIGHT will move Kirby in the corresponding direction pressed. DOWN will cause Kirby to duck. UP will cause Kirby to take in air, allowing him to fly into the air. SELECT : Drops the current Power that Kirby is in possession of. START : Pauses/unpauses the game. B Button: Kirby will inhale with his hoover like abilities. If Kirby has a Power, then this will execute said Power. A Button: Kirby will hop into the air. o---------------------o | Advanced Techniques | o---------------------o Dashing............: Press to the LEFT or RIGHT twice to send Kirby running at double speed. Diving Attack......: When Kirby enters into a free fall with nothing in his mouth and he passes a distance that is higher than the maximum his jump can reach, he will lower his face downward. If he collides with an enemy, this will kill the enemy instead of damaging him (provided touching said enemy is not harmful to Kirby). Flying Puff Attack.: After taking air by pressing UP, Kirby can spit out an air puff to hurt enemies by pressing the B Button. Slide Attack.......: Hold DOWN and then press either the A Button or the B Button to send Kirby sliding along the ground in the direction he is facing to kill most enemies in one hit. Swallowing An Enemy: Once Kirby has an enemy in his mouth (from the B Button suction maneuver), press DOWN to swallow the enemy. If Kirby has an enemy who has an ability in his mouth to swallow, he will steal their ability to use as his own! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------World One--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Welcome to Vegetable Valley! This section will cover all of the levels, including the Mini-Games and other locations. o-----------o | Level 1-1 | o-----------o Head right to find Waddle Doos (Beam Power), Bronto Burts, and Waddle Dees all waiting to greet Kirby, followed by a hopping Sparky (Spark Power) to test Kirby. Continue right past another Waddle Dee and a Bronto Burt to fly over the high wall to face a Q-Burt (Fire Power) in battle to gain access to a door to the next area. Waddle Dees, Sparky, and Q-Burt stand between Kirby and a gap with stepping stones leading across (just fly across to be safe, but watch out for the Bronto Burt) to fight Sparky to find another door to pass through. Poppy Bros. Jr., Q-Burt, Waddle Dee, and Waddle Doo block the path to a shallow pond where a Maximum Tomato waits to refill Kirby completely. Now continue to the right to face more of the usual suspects for this level to pass through the star door to the Launcher Bonus for the level! o------------------o | Crane Bonus Game | o------------------o With two chances to grab some prizes, hold the A Button to move the crane right till the claw is over the desired Kirby target, release the button, and see if you successfully get your prize. Two chances are yours at a small Kirby (1-Up) or a Large Kirby (2-Up). There seems to be no set pattern to winning, other than luck. o-----------o | Level 1-2 | o-----------o Head right past the Gordo to take on a Cappy, followed by a Waddle Doo located just short of a Shotzo. Go right underneath the Shotzo to find a Sir Kibble (Cutter Power) guarding a Gordo and a Warp Star that takes Kirby to the next area. Fight the three Bronto Burts as you move right to find Poppy Bros. Sr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This baddie will bounce back and forth across the screen, throwing out bombs like they are going out of style. use your ability if you wish, but the quickest way to defeat him is to inhale the bombs he throws and throw them back to hurt him. Three full star hits will knock him out, so inhale him to get his Crash Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some more Bronto Burts await Kirby after the battle, leading into a new door that leads to the next area. Q-Burt, Poppy Bros. Jr., Waddle Doo, and Waddle Dees all await Kirby as he moves right to pass a Gordo. Now choose the lower passage to fight a Sparky for a Maximum Tomato (squirreled away in a hole above some Star Blocks), then head back left to take the passage above past a Poppy Bros. Jr. (balancing on an Apple) to find a new door. A Broom Hatter and a couple Cappies as well as a Blade Knight all stand between Kirby and the star door that leads to the Launcher Bonus! o-----------o | Level 1-3 | o-----------o A Cappy will greet you, followed by a barrage of Shotzos, so fly past them to tangle with a Waddle Dee and a Waddle Doo on a down slope. Next up is a Broom Hatter and a Kabu guarding a door leading to the next area. A couple Blowfires (Fireball Power) greet Kirby, followed by a jaunt to the right through Waddle Dees, Bronto Burts, and a Sparky to find a door to the next area. Take out the Q-Burt, Shelled Kany, and the Squishy to head into the water to face another Squishy, a Sir Slippy, and a Blipper underwater (use your water spewing attack to kill them off). Head through the door to the next area to face a Q-Burt, followed by Poppy Bros. Jr.'s and Waddle Dees as Kirby moves to the right. A Sparky and a Blowfire are next, followed by a couple Waddle Dees, a Poppy Bros. Jr., and a Q-Burt guarding a Maximum Tomato on the lowest level of the structure. Then Kirby just needs to fight one Bronto Burt and he will reach the star door leading to the Launcher Bonus and the end of the level! o--------o | Museum | o--------o A free Power for Kirby is here! Swallow the Blade Knight to gain the use of the Sword Power! o-----------o | Level 1-4 | o-----------o A Poppy Bros. Jr. and a Sparky greet Kirby, so grab the Spark Power if you wish before climbing the ladder and jumping into the room above to face Mr. Frosty! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosty ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Frosty is a large walrus that will shake his ass at Kirby (possibly in an attempt to gross him out), followed by throwing an ice cube into the air so he can knock it at Kirby using his same shaking ass. He will also charge across the room, trying to ram into Kirby with his girth. To win, have Kirby inhale the incoming ice cube and spit it back at him. If Kirby is fast enough on returning the ice cube to Mr. Frosty in star form, Mr. Frosty will not charge across the room like a fool. Two full star hits will take this weird walrus down, making sure to swallow him for his Freeze ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosty ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After passing through the door, head right, freezing all the Cappies, Bronto Burts, Kabus, and a Broom Hatter to face a Waddle Doo before continuing to the right to fight more of the same Powerless enemies to reach a door to pass through. Here a Togezo (Needle Power) will be waiting, followed by a bunch of Waddle Dees and a Waddle Doo as Kirby climbs the platforms to find two Star Blocks blocking the door out of this tree. Head right past a Togezo to see a Meta fellow throw Candy high into the air, so grab it with Kirby to be rendered invincible (Hyper Power) temporarily. Run to the right through all of the enemies, fly up to grab the 1-Up between the two Shotzos, and then continue right while the getting is good with your Hyper Power to pass through the star door to the Launcher Bonus! o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! o--------------------------o | World Boss - Wispy Woods | o--------------------------o Upon entering, head down through the small openings in the branches to fall into the battle area. Upon arriving, you can take on the Boss through one of two main strategies: a) The regular way to win is to duck/jump the air puffs from Wispy (go right up to the side of the tree to remain completely safe), followed by inhaling the Apples that fall from his branches. Then, spit them back at Wispy to cause damage before repeating these steps to finish him off. He requires six regular star hits, but if you can combine two Apples into one star, it will take even less. b) Before entering into battle, get a Power like Spark or Freeze for the best effect, although Beam or Sword will work well too. Upon entering battle, move right up beside Wispy, and proceed to lay into him with your Power, remembering to dodge the Apples if you do not have a Power that generates attacks all around Kirby. This method will take down Wispy in a very fast manner, so it is the one I recommend. Remember that you must switch to the method above if you do lose your Power. You will have gained possession of 1/7th of the Star Rod, so head off to the next area to start after the next portion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------World Two--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Welcome to Ice Cream Island! This section will cover all of the levels, including the Mini-Games and other locations. o-----------o | Level 2-1 | o-----------o Head to the right past the Coconuts to see a door that leads to a Pep Brew that is guarded by a Waddle Dee (Parasol Power), followed by continuing over the hill to pass some more Coconuts to reach a Q-Burt. Jump over the water to reach an island with a Shelled Kany, followed by another body of water between Kirby and a Scarfy (kill him from a distance). Follow that up by passing through the door on the right to reach the next area. Kill the Blade Knight, then head right, fighting the Cappy and the Waddle Dees to encounter a Kaboomba (Crash Power) who should be killed quickly before he can crash into the ground to use it's terrifying Crash abilities. Now all that stands between Kirby and the next area are a Couple Waddle Dees! Head right to find a Whirlwind (Tornado Power) all ready to take on Kirby, which is followed up by Waddle Dees, another Whirlwind, and a Waddle Doo. After passing through all of that crap, Kirby will be at the star door that leads to the end of level Launcher Bonus! o------------------------o | Egg Catcher Bonus Game | o------------------------o Eat the eggs and not the bombs that King Dedede throws out in play, with the more eggs being grabbed the better your reward will be. Here are the following reward values for the amount of eggs captured: 01-06: 500 Points 07-12: 1000 Points 13-18: 3000 Points 19-24: 5000 Points 25-29: 1-Up 30: 3-Up o-----------o | Level 2-2 | o-----------o Take out the Climber Guy and Waddle Dee to pass though the door to blow the Bomb up to find a Togezo guarding the next door. Grab the Warp Star to be taken to the next area where he can choose from the following enemies for Powers: Sparky (Spark), Q-Burt (Fire), or Blade Knight (Sword). Following that, head over the wall to face the Big Wheelie! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Big Wheelie ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive rolling tire will move back and forth across the screen, attempting to run Kirby down. After Kirby has dodged enough times, the Big Wheelie will crash to the ground to release a Wheelie (smaller version) that will roll at Kirby, so suck it in and then return fire at Big Wheelie after he gets up and stops bouncing up and down like a maniac. Three star hits will do him in, but if you enter with a good Power, wait for him to crash and then lay into him with it while he is stunned and vulnerable. Inhale him to grab yourself a cool Power in the Wheel! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Big Wheelie ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use your newfound Wheel Power to blaze a path to the right through the Poppy Bros. Jr.'s, the Blade Knights, and the Sparkies as well as a refreshing Pep Brew to reach the door to the next area. Kirby will find a small area where a Pep Brew is guarded by a Waddle Dee, and the path below has a couple Waddle Doos using their Beam attacks (these attacks can reach the ledge above with the Pep Brew). Once you are done messing around, head through the star door to get your end of level Launcher Bonus! o------------------o | Crane Bonus Game | o------------------o With two chances to grab some prizes, hold the A Button to move the crane right till the claw is over the desired Kirby target, release the button, and see if you successfully get your prize. Two chances are yours at a small Kirby (1-Up) or a Large Kirby (2-Up). There seems to be no set pattern to winning, other than luck. o-----------o | Level 2-3 | o-----------o A Parasol wielding Waddle Dee starts off the festivities, followed by a large pit for Kirby to fly over to find a door to pass through. A Bronto Burt greets Kirby, followed by a Bomb to be hit to open the passage ahead to find a Blade Knight and a mini-puzzle. If you wish to reach the door on the right behind the Bombable wall, read the next paragraph and diagram. If you don't care, then move onto the paragraph after the next one. When you enter the room, use air puffs on the top two Star Blocks of this formation: | | v v __ __ |**|**| __|__|__| |**|**|**| |__|__|__| Now go inhale the Blade Knight and steal his Sword Power, then go down onto the left-most Star Block, jump straight up, and swing the Sword to hit the Bomb. Now drop the Sword Power, pass through the door, and inhale the Mr. UFO (UFO Power) to get the neatest Power in the game! Now grab the Maximum Tomato, then pass through the door to reach the previous area. Now continue onwards by moving to the right to pass through a door to reach a watery area where Blippers patrol so take them out carefully as you progress past them and a Gordo to reach a door to a new area. Upon entering, a Kabu and a Bronto Burt greet Kirby, followed by a Bomb in the roof that can be destroyed by a Sword/UFO Power (leads to a 1-Up), but to advance you need to head right to fight a Waddle Dee to gain access to a Bomb. Continue along the newly opened path to fight a Cappy and a Bronto Burt to get to blow up another Bomb that leads to a door to a new area where the Meta Crew attacks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Meta Knight will appear and swing his sword to lead his Meta Crew into battle. He has the following troops at his command: Meta Axe : He uses his throwing axes like Cutters as they fly out and quickly return. Meta Droid: This guy will use his Spears to attack Kirby unmercifully. He also happens to be the most mobile of the four members. Meta Lance: This rotund fellow throws arcing, electrified forks at Kirby. Meta Mace : This is the most aggressive of the four, swinging his mace around as he tears around his platform. Every time that you kill a Meta Henchman, the life bar of the boss will decrease. Once you have completely destroyed the Meta Crew, a door will appear to allow Kirby through to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want a pep Brew, enter the water to fight the two Blippers for it, then continue to the right to find the star door, which leads to the end of level Launcher Bonus! o--------o | Museum | o--------o Two free Powers for Kirby are here! Swallow the Q-Burt to gain the use of the Fire Power, or swallow the Lazar Ball to get the Laser Power! o-----------o | Level 2-4 | o-----------o Fight your way right through Bronto Burts and a Waddle Dee to happen upon a door that leads to a room with Climber Guys guarding a 1-Up! Now take out the Bronto Burts and a Q-Burt guard the way to a set of Star Blocks holding a Maximum Tomato, followed by heading right past more Bronto Burts, Waddle Dees, and a Sparky to reach the door leading to the next area. Kirby will appear in an area with caged enemies, which is where he can choose from the following enemies for Powers: Waddle Dee (Parasol), Q-Burt (Fire), Rocky (Stone). Following that, head over the wall to face the weird Clock Work! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This alarm clock reject will charge around the small area, coming to a halt to ring his bells in a sonic boom like attack (it gives a small shield of protection and attack), followed by walking around for a little bit more before stopping to throw out four musical notes to alternating sides and at increasingly larger ranges. To win, avoid his sonic attack and inhale his notes to spit back at him, with three star hits taking him down. If you have the Stone Power, it is possible to finish him off in two direct attacks as attacking him from directly above will cause serious damage as Kirby falls through him. Inhale this ugly mug to gain three charges of the Mike Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head through the door on the right, kill the Scarfies (do not inhale them!) as Kirby moves downward to pass through another door, and then inhale the Lazar Ball (Laser Power) to use off the ramped corner of the room to light the Bomb and drop the 1-Up down to where Kirby can grab it! Head through the next door to fight a Lazar Ball before jumping a Shotzo to climb a slope to see a door in a pit, which leads to a Pep Brew guarded by Waddle Doos, a Waddle Dee, and a Squishy (use Laser or Beam Power to get the Squishy out of Kirby's path). Upon returning outside, head right again to face a Lazar Ball, then pass a Shotzo to tangle with a couple Waddle Dees, and then a Sparky. That leaves a sole Waddle Doo between Kirby and the star door, which leads to the Launcher Bonus! o-------o | Arena | o-------o Kirby will enter into a one-on-one battle with Mr. Frosty, fighting to the death! If Kirby loses, he loses a life. If Kirby wins, he will not only win the Freeze Power, but he will also win a Maximum Tomato for his efforts! See the Mini-Boss strategy listed in the Enemies section for specific details on Mr. Frosty. o-----------o | Level 2-5 | o-----------o Head right to face a Waddle Dee (Parasol Power) as well as some Shotzos. After dealing with the parachuting Shotzo (kill the Parasol as it will home in on Kirby after releasing the Shotzo), continue right through the barrage of Shotzo fire to fight another Waddle Dee. Continue right to fight yet another Waddle Dee as well as passing one more Shotzo to see a door, but go under the platform it rests of on to find a Pep Brew first, then go through the door to the next area. Head right to see some Wheelies in a hole, so grab them for a good Power (as well as access to a hard to reach area ahead), followed by moving right (if you have Wheelie, roll through the opponents). Continue along, dealing with the Lazar Balls until you reach a gap in the ground. if you have Wheel Power, head below to roll through the Sleepies and Gordo to bust a wall to reach a door that leads to a Pep Brew guarded by Gordos (the door will put Kirby by the door that the top path leads to). If you take the top path, a couple Waddle Dees are all that you will face. Head right to fight a Bronto Burt, two Kabus, a Waddle Dee (Parasol Power), Jumping Dan (Hi-Jump), and a Cappy. After that barrage, continue moving right to kill a Blade Knight, Sir Kibble, and then a Bronto Burt. Next up is a Kabu and a Blade Knight, then two Gordos and a Waddle Dee (Parasol Power), which are the last line of defense in front of the next door. A couple Jumping Dans greet Kirby, so inhale one for his Hi-Jump Power, then take to the skies with titanium like legs to bust the Star Blocks, If you head up the right side, a Pep Brew awaits for Kirby, but be fast so the Kaboombas will not have time to set Kirby ablaze with their explosive Power! At the beginning of the next section is a Poppy Bros. Jr. rolling along on a Maximum Tomato, so take him out (dump the Hi-Jump Power if needed) to refill your life meter, then continue on to the right to fight more Poppy Bros. Jr.'s as Bronto Burts attack from both the left and the right. Be sure to get through that star door quickly, as the Launcher Bonus can be taken away by the aggressive attacks (as well as you life!). o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! o---------------------------o | World Boss - Paint Roller | o---------------------------o Paint Roller will skate and jump around the room, stopping at the art easels to paint a picture. However, these pictures will quickly jump from the canvas and attempt to ravage Kirby! However, some of these beings can be swallowed to gain Powers, and this is a list: Car (Wheel) Bomb (Crash) Baseball (Ball) Parasol (Parasol) Cloud (Spark) Microphone(Mike) As you can see, some very high quality Powers can be gained, so do not be afraid to cycle through the great Powers as they appear. To win, let the Paint Roller go to a canvas (follow her), inhale the drawing (taking the Power if you wish to or use it to attack her), and then clear out of the way by flying or jumping. Remember that the Crash attack will remove half of the Paint Roller's life meter while three microphone blasts will do the same. If you seek to do it the conventional way, smack her with six star hits to be victorious. You will have gained possession of 1/7th of the Star Rod, so head off to the next area to start after the next portion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------World Three-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) Welcome to Butter Building! This section will cover all of the levels, including the Mini-Games and other locations. o-----------o | Level 3-1 | o-----------o Head right to see a Blade Knight and a couple parasol wielding Waddle Dees, followed by a door near the top of the screen. However, head right first to find and swallow a Kaboomba for a crash ability, then pass through the door to use an air puff on the Bomb. Avoid the falling Waddle Dees and Rockies as you wing up to the door to face Clock Work! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This alarm clock reject will charge around the small area, coming to a halt to ring his bells in a sonic boom like attack (it gives a small shield of protection and attack), followed by walking around for a little bit more before stopping to throw out four musical notes to alternating sides and at increasingly larger ranges. To win, avoid his sonic attack and inhale his notes to spit back at him, with three star hits taking him down. If you have the Crash Power as I indicated, it is possible to finish him off in one big attack! Inhale this ugly mug to gain three charges of the Mike Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head right through the small hallway, taking on the Lazar Ball, the Blowfire, and the Bronto Burts to reach a door. When you reach the next room, jump the first gap, grab the Pep Brew, and then fall down the second gap to find two Star Blocks for Kirby to inhale, revealing a door! Pass through it to inhale another Star Block, which Kirby should used on the now revealed Bomb so it will open the passage up to the next door that will lead to a switch that Kirby can hit to reveal an Arena in the main area of the World! Pass through the door the switch was blocking to end up on the upper hallway (above the one you passed under earlier), so head left fighting off Bronto Burts, a Lazar Ball, and the Blowfire (he can pass through the floor to attack Kirby) to reach the star door that leads to the Launcher Bonus. o-------o | Arena | o-------o Kirby will enter into a one-on-one battle with Big Wheelie, fighting to the death! If Kirby loses, he loses a life. If Kirby wins, he will not only win the Wheel Power, but he will also win a Maximum Tomato for his efforts! See the Mini-Boss strategy listed in the Enemies section for specific details on Big Wheelie. o-----------o | Level 3-2 | o-----------o Take out the Q-Burt before moving to the next level to fight another Q-Burt as well as a bunch of Climber Guys. The next level up has one more Climber Guy and a Poppy Bros. Jr. rolling a Maximum Tomato along for Kirby, followed by the door to the next section. This section is outside a tower, with Kirby walking around it, so the scrolling will be a little strange at first. Fight the Bronto Burts and Lazar Ball off as Kirby moves right, eventually making a door appear for Kirby to pass through. Next up is the tower interior, where Kirby will have to climb up the steps while dodging the Rockies, a Sparky, a Togezo, and a Shiny Knight (Sword Power) to reach a door. After passing through, you will see a Bomb that can only be triggered by a Sword attack, so get the Shiny Knight from the right to enter a room with a Big Wheelie. You would do this if you wished to use the Wheel Power to pass through this large area without worry. If you insist on doing it the conventional way, then head right past the Shiny Knight to go up a level to fight another Shiny Knight and a Glunk before hopping the spikes to take out a couple Star Blocks. Next up is a Wheelie, then climb to a new level, followed by heading right past a couple Gordos to reach a door to the next area. Here you will find a double trouble attack in the form of Sir Pengies (Ice Power), and once they are gone, bust the Bombs to try and fall down to hit the Maximum Tomato and 1-Up before they fall down the hole (do not fall too far or you will lose a life!). Once you are done here, pass through the door to face Bugzey! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bugzey ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bugzey is a massive beetle with two pincers on his head. He also seems to be a big pro wrestling fan as he makes use of some wrestling moves once he grabs a hold of Kirby! Bugzey will jump through the air to try and grab Kirby to perform a Suplex, He will perform a Piledriver if Kirby runs into him while he is stationary, and he will also charge Kirby, performing a multiple Powerbomb attack if he gets him. To beat this Hulk Hogan wannabe, avoid his jumping and charging attacks, waiting for him to release two small bugs, which should be inhaled and then spat back at the terror. If you can inhale both bugs at one time, the resulting attack will really hurt Bugzey. Three star hits will get rid of this annoyance, so swallow him to get his Back Drop Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bugzey ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head on through the star door to get your hard-earned Launcher Bonus! o-----------o | Level 3-3 | o-----------o Head up the ladder to fight a Blade Knight, head down the ladder at full speed to escape the attacking Bronto Burts, take out the Bronto Burt, and then avoid the Waddle Dees as you navigate Kirby up to the door above. Outside a tower once more, rotate the tower as you head right, fighting Bronto Burts and Jumping Dans to make a door appear, through which Kirby must pass. Next up for Kirby is a two-sided set of rooms, where multiple doors exist. The following path will be the one that is most beneficial to Kirby, but almost any route can be taken to reach the top. Head up the ladder to pass through the door on the right, reaching the blue side. Climb past the Kabu and Q-Burt to bust a Bomb to reach a door that leads to the red side where a Maximum Tomato sits. Return to the red side, take out the Shiny Knight, bust the Star Blocks, and pass through the door to gain access to the star door to reach the end of level Launcher Bonus! o--------o | Museum | o--------o A free Power for Kirby is here! Swallow the Jumping Dan to gain the use of the Hi-Jump Power! o-----------o | Level 3-4 | o-----------o Grab the Warp Star to take the easy route up this tower, arriving by a door for Kirby to pass through to run into the Meta Crew once more! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Meta Knight will appear and swing his sword to lead his Meta Crew into battle. He has the following troops at his command: Meta Axe : He uses his throwing axes like Cutters as they fly out and quickly return. Meta Droid: This guy will use his Spears to attack Kirby unmercifully. He also happens to be the most mobile of the four members. Meta Lance: This rotund fellow throws arcing, electrified forks at Kirby. Meta Mace : This is the most aggressive of the four, swinging his mace around as he tears around his platform. Every time that you kill a Meta Henchman, the life bar of the boss will decrease. Once you have completely destroyed the Meta Crew, a door will appear to allow Kirby through to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This small but busy room has a Broom Hatter, a Kabu, a Blade Knight, and a Parasol carrying Waddle Dee protecting the door to the next area. This area has a strong wind current coming from below, so any jump that Kirby makes will be exaggerated somewhat. You will see clouds on the side for Kirby to jump his way upwards, but most will have Shotzos and Gordos patrolling the area. However, you will also have a 1-Up, a Maximum Tomato, and a Pep Brew to keep Kirby moving upwards to reach the star door Launcher Bonus! o------------o | Quick Draw | o------------o Once your opponent draws, draw your weapon and shoot them! Your rewards will increase the more opponents you get rid of. Note that you will have to be under 20 for the third opponent, under 15 for the fourth opponent, and under 10 for the fifth and final opponent. 1 Opponent : 1000 Points 2 Opponents: 3000 Points 3 Opponents: 5000 Points 4 Opponents: 1-Up 5 Opponents: 3-Up o-----------o | Level 3-5 | o-----------o Take on a Sparky and a Shiny Knight before grabbing the Candy and passing through the door above. Dash to the right to rotate around the tower, using your Hyper Power from the Candy to bash through the Scarfies and the Birdies to make a door appear for Kirby to pass on through. Some Waddle Dees, a Chilly (Freeze Power), a Shiny Knight, and a Gordo all block Kirby's progress to the left to find another door to pass through to find Bonkers waiting! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive wall of muscle will be wielding a vicious Hammer. He will charge straight ahead or leap through the air, depending on where Kirby is at the time of his attack's initiation (either way, clear out of the way), When he swings his Hammer, inhale the resulting stars to spit back at him to hurt him, or inhale the Coconuts he throws out and spit them back at him to damage him. Land three hits to put him out of commission, so be sure to swallow him for his Hammer ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you leave through the door, use your new Hammer Power (you did take it, did you not?) to kill the Star Blocks to reach a stake that cries out for Kirby to whack it. Your reward will be a Maximum Tomato and a 1-Up, so collect them before leaving through the star door to get your hard-earned Launcher Bonus! o-----------o | Level 3-6 | o-----------o Deal with the Poppy Bros. Jr. near the door as you head through to a narrow hallway leading right where Kirby should take out the Kaboombas as he goes along. If he still has the Hammer Power when he reaches the Bomb, bust it to reach a Pep Brew, but once you reach the Star Blocks, bust them down to pass through the door to face a Q-Burt. Next up is a Shotzo for Kirby to move by to climb the ladders past a Shiny Knight to grab a Maximum Tomato. Continue climbing to pass a Gordo, a Shotzo, and a Sir Slippy to reach the next area. Take on a Blowfire, Bronto Burts, and a Lazar Ball to make a door appear on the outside of the tower (same old rotation trick you know by now) to find a wide open area. Instead of risking life and limb by using the cloud platforms to climb up, fly up along the wall on the right, breaking the Star Blocks to reveal a hidden door! Go through it to hit a Bomb, followed by flying right as fast as possible to beat the newly forming wall to find a Pep Brew, then enter the next door to find a switch to hit that reveals the Egg Catch Bonus Game! Now you are ready to continue onward in the level, so pass through the door to get back outside, and resume your flight upwards along the building to take on a Shiny Knight for the rights to enter the next door. Here you will be located in a darkened area where a Waddle Dee and a Sir Kibble are blocking the path to the Angel Boo, which will yield Light Power that Kirby can use to light the room up once more! Now start off to the right to fight a Sir Kibble, a Blade Knight, and an Angel Boo to reach yet another door. Here you will find Kabus, Waddle Dees, and Jumping Dans all blocking the path upwards to the star door and the end of level Bonus Launcher. o------------------------o | Egg Catcher Bonus Game | o------------------------o Eat the eggs and not the bombs that King Dedede throws out in play, with the more eggs being grabbed the better your reward will be. Here are the following reward values for the amount of eggs captured: 01-06: 500 Points 07-12: 1000 Points 13-18: 3000 Points 19-24: 5000 Points 25-29: 1-Up 30: 3-Up o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! o-------------------------------------o | World Boss - Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright | o-------------------------------------o This fight will be with two separate entities, Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright, but they will fight as a team against Kirby. While one is on the ground, trying to attack Kirby head on, the other will be in the air, attacking occasionally with Powers from above. Mr. Shine is the moon, he will attack on the ground by throwing a slice of himself at Kirby (jump it), he will jump into the air to try and hit Kirby, and a charge attack across the screen (when he starts to flash, he is going to charge). When he is in the air, he will start to flash briefly before stars will start to streak down from the heavens. Mr. Bright is the sun, he will attack on the ground by throwing a fireball from himself at Kirby (jump it), he will jump into the air to try and hit Kirby, and a charge attack across the screen (when he starts to flash, he is going to charge). When he is in the air, he will move towards Kirby, stop, and then send down concentrated sun beams that will cause stars to be created (two sets of two). Also note that the stars from Mr. Shine can be swallowed to give Kirby the Cutter Power, and the stars Mr. Bright can be swallowed to give Kirby the Fire Power. If Kirby swallows two stars at one time from Mr. Bright, he will be able to get any random Power by pressing the B Button, but if he lets it spin to a finish, he can get a 100% assured Wheel Power! To win, Kirby will have to avoid the thrown attacks by the two celestial bodies, avoid their jumping attacks, and also jump their charging attacks long enough to allow the guy in the sky to start reining down attacks to create stars. Three hits apiece will kill off the two, but remember that the Wheel Power is a superb Power for running through the enemies constantly, not allowing them any time to recover and attack. You will have gained possession of 1/7th of the Star Rod, so head off to the next area to start after the next portion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------World Four-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Welcome to Grape Garden! This section will cover all of the levels, including the Mini-Games and other locations. o-----------o | Level 4-1 | o-----------o Head right to find a Q-Burt and a Gordo, followed by a Sparky, a Lazar Ball, and some Waddle Dees all guarding the way to the door to the next area. Take on the Waddle Dees, the Waddle Doo, the Togezo, and the Shiny Knight as you jump upwards to reach the door above. Now you will be in an outside area, so head right, fighting off Mr. UFO's, so you may wish to swallow one to get their incredible Power as you move to the next area through the nearby door. Here you will find a bouncing Chicky, followed by a Glunk, two Gordos, and then a Birdy. Continue heading right to fight a Chicky and a Sleepy, followed by some Waddle Doos trapped in Star Blocks. Kill them as you move right through the structure, cutting upwards to the one part of the diagonal pattern that is filled in. Remove the Star Block, go into the area that it was lying over, and press Up to pass through the invisible door there to find a switch to trip to reveal the Egg Catching Game in the outer area! Upon leaving the room, head down to the door below to move on to the next portion of the level. This part has a Whirlwind, a Shiny Knight, another Whirlwind, and then a Sleepy. This will just leave the final stretch where a Waddle Doo and a Sir Kibble lie in wait as the last defense of the star door and the Launcher Bonus that lies through the door. o------------------o | Crane Bonus Game | o------------------o With two chances to grab some prizes, hold the A Button to move the crane right till the claw is over the desired Kirby target, release the button, and see if you successfully get your prize. Two chances are yours at a small Kirby (1-Up) or a Large Kirby (2-Up). There seems to be no set pattern to winning, other than luck. o-----------o | Level 4-2 | o-----------o As you all down, head right to start fighting a bunch of Poppy Bros. Jr.'s, with your goal being to get to the right side of the screen to find a Bomb to destroy the wall, allowing Kirby to pass through the door contained within. Take out the three Poppy Bros. Jr.'s as Kirby moves to the door above, where he will an area with Poppy Bros. Jr.'s guarding the passages leading downward to water for Kirby to swim through to the right to surface after busting the Star Blocks. Now climb the slope, bust the stacked Star Blocks to find a hidden door leading to a room with a couple Squishies guarding a Maximum Tomato. Exit the room, continue climbing upwards, and pass through the door above to find a room with choices. Both the top and lower path offer Poppy Bros. Jr.'s, spikes, a Togezo, and a Spark, but the top offers a Pep Brew as well. Head through the door at the end of this hellish hallway to find yourself a double does of Poppy Bros. Sr.'s! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr.'s ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These baddies will bounce back and forth across the screen, throwing out bombs like they are going out of style. use your ability if you wish, but the quickest way to defeat them is to inhale the bombs both throw and throw them back at a single Poppy Bros. Sr., eliminating one of them quickly. Then swallow the downed Poppy Bros. Sr. to gain Crash ability, which should be turned on the remaining Poppy Bros. Sr., reducing his life to almost nothing. Three full star hits each will knock them out, so inhale the last one to get his Crash Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr.'s ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the star door that appears to get your Launcher Bonus! o------------o | Quick Draw | o------------o Once your opponent draws, draw your weapon and shoot them! Your rewards will increase the more opponents you get rid of. Note that you will have to be under 20 for the third opponent, under 15 for the fourth opponent, and under 10 for the fifth and final opponent. 1 Opponent : 1000 Points 2 Opponents: 3000 Points 3 Opponents: 5000 Points 4 Opponents: 1-Up 5 Opponents: 3-Up o-----------o | Level 4-3 | o-----------o If you need the Fire Power from the Q-Burt, get it and light the fuse, followed by positioning Kirby in the cannon to the right. He will be launched to the sky above where a cloud holds a 1-Up, so grab it, pass through the door to end up in the area below again, and head through the door on the right. This area has a high wind velocity, pushing Kirby continually from the left side towards the right side of the screen. Although many paths are possible here, I will choose the one that is most beneficial to Kirby. Start off by dropping down to the bottom of the area, then start flying right to see a Bronto Burt, a Blade Knight, and then a Shotzo guarding a door that Kirby will enter. Inside a Kabu will disappear, so take him out as he reappears, then inhale the Maximum Tomato on the far side of the wall before heading back outside. Continue moving right, fighting Blade Knights and Sir Kibbles to find a second door, but you will fly past it, going to the far right side of the large area, finding a door in the lower right corner. Enter into it to trip a Switch that reveals the Museum in outer area! Now fly left, returning to the door you skipped earlier, and pass through to find the wind is still there. Head right, fighting a Sir Kibble, two Broom Hatters, jump a Shotzo, and then get by a Jumping Dan to kill some Star Blocks that are in your way. Kirby gets to take on a Blade Knight, a Parasol wielding Waddle Dee, and then a Kaboomba before passing through a narrow opening to take on a Sir Kibble, Bronto Burts, and another Broom Hatter that are the last line of defense for the waiting Warp Star. Once Kirby shows his usual flying prowess, you will see Kirby is in a small area that scrolls upward towards the star door. All he has to do is get past the following menagerie of troops to reach the star door and the waiting Launcher Bonus: a Lazar Ball, a couple Waddle Dees, and a Climber Guy. Not too tough, so just fly right for the star door. o--------o | Museum | o--------o Two free Powers for Kirby are here! Swallow the Sleepy to gain the use of the Sleep Power, or swallow the Chicky to get the Ball Power! Not really worth your visit... o-------o | Arena | o-------o Kirby will enter into a one-on-one battle with Bugzey, fighting to the death! If Kirby loses, he loses a life. If Kirby wins, he will not only win the Back Drop Power, but he will also win a Maximum Tomato for his efforts! See the Mini-Boss strategy listed in the Enemies section for specific details on Bugzey. o-----------o | Level 4-4 | o-----------o Head right to tangle with a Broom Hatter, a pair of Parasol Waddle Dees, a Blade Knight, a flock of Bronto Burts, and then three disappearing Kabus (stop and wait for them to reappear so Kirby can dodge them). Deal with the Blade Knight so Kirby can use the door to reach the next area where Birdies, a Scarfy, and a Shelled Kany attempt to knock Kirby into the pit below. The next room has a Wheel contained above in a small compartment, so swallow it and use it to burn down the slopes here, passing through a Bomb to start a race against the clock to reach a small compartment where a 1-Up waits, but only if Kirby beats the fuse leading to the same area to wall it off. Otherwise, you will have to go the conventional path, but both doors lead to the next area, where Kirby should drop his Wheel, and choose between the Sparky (Spark Power) and Waddle Doo (Beam Power) before jumping over the wall to find Shelatoss! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Shelatoss ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy will attack Kirby by trying to spin into him, grabbing a hold of the Pink Puffball, and then throwing him into a wall. To win, almost any Power Kirby can attack with before the guy begins to move (avoid him), then wail on him while he recovers. The other option is to dodge his attacks, followed up by inhaling the small animal he throws, and then return fire. It will take three of the stars hits to knock him dead, and don't forget to swallow this roly poly fellow to gain his Throw ability before leaving. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Shelatoss ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pass through the door to the next room to move past Star Blocks, Waddle Dees, and a Waddle Doo to reach the star door and the Launcher Bonus. o-----------o | Level 4-5 | o-----------o Head right to find a Candy thrown into the air for Kirby by the Meta Knight, so grab it with pleasure and charge to the right to plow through all of the enemies to get as far as you can. You will reach the Chilly (more or less) by the time it runs out, so continue right to find a door that has Gordos and Blade Knights in a narrow hall leading to a Pep Brew, and after that door is a second door (watch our for the Rocky along the way) that takes Kirby to a small area with a Broom Hatter and Blade Knight that guard a door leading to a another go at the Meta Crew! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Meta Knight will appear and swing his sword to lead his Meta Crew into battle. He has the following troops at his command: Meta Axe : He uses his throwing axes like Cutters as they fly out and quickly return. Meta Droid: This guy will use his Spears to attack Kirby unmercifully. He also happens to be the most mobile of the four members. Meta Lance: This rotund fellow throws arcing, electrified forks at Kirby. Meta Mace : This is the most aggressive of the four, swinging his mace around as he tears around his platform. Every time that you kill a Meta Henchman, the life bar of the boss will decrease. Once you have completely destroyed the Meta Crew, a door will appear to allow Kirby through to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bronto Burts, a Blowfire, and a Climber Guy are next, guarding a Bomb that opens the path to more Bronto Burts and a Sparky guarding the path to the next door. This room will lead right, each widening of the hall will see spikes on the floor and Gordos floating through the air. Fly carefully through these blockades, using your Fireball technique f you have it to perform some superb flying attacks between the Gordos to reach the star door that leads to your Launcher Bonus. o-----------o | Level 4-6 | o-----------o Bust the Bombs as you move past a Scarfy and a Sir Slippy to reach the water, moving to the right past the Sir Slippies and a Blipper as you take the higher passage to go right to break a Bomb to get at a Pep Brew. Now take out the Bomb you passed just a few seconds ago, take on the Shiny Knight, deal with the Glunk, and then the Q-Burt before exiting the area by moving through the door to find Clock Work waiting for Kirby. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This alarm clock reject will charge around the small area, coming to a halt to ring his bells in a sonic boom like attack (it gives a small shield of protection and attack), followed by walking around for a little bit more before stopping to throw out four musical notes to alternating sides and at increasingly larger ranges. To win, avoid his sonic attack and inhale his notes to spit back at him, with three star hits taking him down. If you have the Crash Power as I indicated, it is possible to finish him off in one big attack! Inhale this ugly mug to gain three charges of the Mike Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fly through the door above to find three Bronto Burts coming for Kirby! After they are disposed of, jump to the ledge above, drop down to the next level, and then stand right beside the wall to the left of Kirby and press UP to pass through the door hidden in the dark to find a switch that reveals the hidden Warp Star Location! Upon exiting, the Bronto Burts attack again, then jump the gap on the right to find a Blade Knight, a Bronto Burt, and a Waddle Doo waiting to greet Kirby. After jumping over the staircase, swallow the Angel Boo so Kirby can light the area, then continue right to fight a Waddle Doo. Jump the gap to tackle a Blade Knight, followed up by two Sir Kibbles and an Angel Boo that are all that stands between Kirby and the door. Break the Bomb, break the Kabu, pass through the door, and inhale the Rocky if you wish to go after the 1-Up. The following steps will get Kirby the 1-Up: i) Pound the stake at the top of the structure to cause some ground to give way. ii) Pound the stake that is nearest to the bottom of the screen to move the 1-Up a space upwards. iii) Pound the stake that remains to move the 1-Up upwards to the open area where Kirby can grab it. Kirby will pass through the door to find a Sir Kibble, a Jumping Dan, and a Parasol carrying Waddle Dee guarding a pep Brew as well as the star door that lead to the end of level Launcher Bonus! o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! o---------------------o | World Boss - Kracko | o---------------------o This Boss Fight has two main portions to it, so it will be divided thusly. Note that the strategies offered here are likely the best and easiest to use but they are not the only ones. a) You will need to work your way upwards along the cloud platforms, so inhale and swallow the nearby Jumping Dan for his Hi-Jump Power. Continually jump upwards, moving to land on the next set of platforms before continuing the upwards climb. Remember to be careful of Kracko as he anxiously dogs your steps, and if he does indeed catch Kirby, find the nearest Jumping Dan to make your ascent much easier once again. The following map is a representation of the platform locations as Kirby climbs from bottom to top: _________________ Key | | JD - Jumping Dan | __ - ledges | _________________| BOSS FIGHT _____________________ ___ __ JD ___ _ ___ ___ ___ JD ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ JD __ ___ ____ ___ ____ JD ____ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ JD ____ _____ _________ _______ JD _______ _______ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ b) Now that you have reached the top, Kracko will form into his usual cloud self, he will return to tactics that early Kirby veterans may recognize. He will use a sweeping lightning storm attack, so fly over him when he does this. He will also sweep around the screen in a large arc to try and hit Kirby, so dodge that, and he should follow that up by dropping a Jumping Dan for Kirby to inhale so he can do one of two things with it: i)Spit the Jumping Dan back at Kracko in star form, then repeat the dodging procedures to get five more Jumping Dans to turn into stars to make six total hits to send Kracko packing. ii)Swallow the Jumping Dan for the Hi-Jump ability (or use it if you have it from the ascent) to use on Kracko by jumping through his body. It will take eight directs hits to take him down, more if some are just glancing blows that barely pass through Kracko's body. This is the preferred method for most people, but Hi-Jumping can leave Kirby vulnerable as he falls back to the ground, so be aware. You will have gained possession of 1/7th of the Star Rod, so head off to the next area to start after the next portion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------World Five-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) Welcome to Yogurt Yard! This section will cover all of the levels, including the Mini-Games and other locations. o-----------o | Level 5-1 | o-----------o Head right past two Waddle Dees (one with a Parasol), a Kabu (just move right on by and he will never threaten), and then pass three indestructible Shotzos to find a lower area where Kirby can fly carefully past one last Shotzo to enter a door. Inside he will find a 1-Up and two Rockies, both of which he should let wonder around till they near one another, allowing to inhale both of them, causing a random roulette of Power (let it go to receive the mighty UFO Power!). If you chose to remain in the original area, continue right past a Blade Knight and another Shotzo to reach the next area. Both areas appear in a large area where Kirby can free fall, plowing through enemies thanks to his momentum. If you are the UFO, just cautiously fly downwards, using the myriad of attacks it supplies you to rid yourself of the more persistent annoyances. When you reach the bottom, ignore the door you see and instead make your way through the Star Block floor to reach another set of Star Blocks, taking out the stack on the left side to find a door that leads to the secret switch that unlocks the Crane Game! Grab the Pep Brew and exit through the door to find a gap-filled area that leads to the right to fight a Chilly. Following that is a Togezo, a multitude of paths that all contain one Sir Pengy, and then one Bronto Burt that waits by the star door that leads to the Launcher Bonus! o------------------o | Crane Bonus Game | o------------------o With two chances to grab some prizes, hold the A Button to move the crane right till the claw is over the desired Kirby target, release the button, and see if you successfully get your prize. Two chances are yours at a small Kirby (1-Up) or a Large Kirby (2-Up). There seems to be no set pattern to winning, other than luck. o--------o | Museum | o--------o Two free Powers for Kirby are here! Swallow the Rockyy to gain the use of the Stone Power, or swallow the Whirlwind to get the Tornado Power! Two very useful and Powerful techniques are here, so remember this Museum! o-----------o | Level 5-2 | o-----------o Head down the ladder to pass through the door, arriving in an area leading right, bringing Kirby up against Shiny Knights and Blippers. He will then happen across a Shelled Kany and a Kabu, followed by another dip with another Blipper, all of which protect the path leading a Chicky and a door. Kill the Scarfies (don't inhale them), run to the door (avoiding the falling Coconuts), and pass through the door to find an area leading to the left. Kirby will need to move past a Sparky and a Shiny Knight to reach a door, which Kirby goes through to the next area to jump a Shotzo to pass through the other door in the room. Kirby will find a climb awaiting him, passing a Climber Guy and a Sparky, followed by diving down a hole to pass a Blowfire to go through the door to find a small room where another door beckons the Pink Power. Repeat the process of going left and climbing a ladder to enter into a room where the insane Hammer-wielding Bonkers awaits! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive wall of muscle will be wielding a vicious Hammer. He will charge straight ahead or leap through the air, depending on where Kirby is at the time of his attack's initiation (either way, clear out of the way), When he swings his Hammer, inhale the resulting stars to spit back at him to hurt him, or inhale the Coconuts he throws out and spit them back at him to damage him. Land three hits to put him out of commission, so be sure to swallow him for his Hammer ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pass through the door to deal with a couple Climber Guys and a Shelled Kany on the way to the next door, which leads outside to a greeting committee of three Waddle Dees. Head to the left, fighting any more Waddle Dees you find to see the star door, but head down the slope and carefully fly into the cave near the bottom of the cliff for a 1-Up. Now fly through the star door to get your Launcher Bonus. o------------------------o | Egg Catcher Bonus Game | o------------------------o Eat the eggs and not the bombs that King Dedede throws out in play, with the more eggs being grabbed the better your reward will be. Here are the following reward values for the amount of eggs captured: 01-06: 500 Points 07-12: 1000 Points 13-18: 3000 Points 19-24: 5000 Points 25-29: 1-Up 30: 3-Up o-----------o | Level 5-3 | o-----------o Jump up the ledges to find a Jumping Dan, followed up by some high ledges that have Shotzos firing across them (Hi-Jump makes this area a cinch to pass through). The door is at the very top, leading to a chute of air Kirby should ride to the top to find another door to go through. This area starts with multiple Wheelies, so swallow one for their Power, and then use it to plow through the multitudes of Blade Knights, Poppy Bros. Jr.'s (stop your rolling to hop across the platform leading past the spike bed), Q-Burts, and the Sparky to reach the next area. Head right across the Star Blocks, killing the Lazar Balls as needed, reaching the solid ledge on the right. Move the dual stacked Star Blocks to find a room with a Rocky that allows Kirby to pound the stakes to get a Maximum Tomato and a 1-Up, just remembering to be careful with the 1-Up as a deadly pit opens up underneath it. Head right upon exiting to kill a Q-Burt, use the door, and then swallow the Waddle Dee to get his Parasol Power. Now Kirby can float down the chute, maneuvering past the spike beds to reach a Pep Brew and the star door that leads to the Launcher Bonus. o-----------o | Level 5-4 | o-----------o Head right to pass through some Star Blocks and a Blowfire to find three sets of spikes that have a Poppy Bros. Jr. each, followed by a split in the path. The lower path leads to a 1-Up (use the Fireball Power to shoot through the narrow openings in between the spikes), or take the higher route to kill a Blowfire while getting past the Star Blocks. Next up is a Sparky and a bed of spikes, followed by a door leading to yet another meeting with the famed Meta Crew! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Meta Knight will appear and swing his sword to lead his Meta Crew into battle. He has the following troops at his command: Meta Axe : He uses his throwing axes like Cutters as they fly out and quickly return. Meta Droid: This guy will use his Spears to attack Kirby unmercifully. He also happens to be the most mobile of the four members. Meta Lance: This rotund fellow throws arcing, electrified forks at Kirby. Meta Mace : This is the most aggressive of the four, swinging his mace around as he tears around his platform. Every time that you kill a Meta Henchman, the life bar of the boss will decrease. Once you have completely destroyed the Meta Crew, a door will appear to allow Kirby through to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Climb the ladder to head right past a Chicky to find a set of small ledges leading over a massive waterfall, all of which have some sort of guardian to them in Glunks or Squishies. Next up is a Shiny Knight, then some Waddle Dees and Waddle Doos, which are in the way of Kirby reaching a small waterfall. If you look carefully, you will see that it is in fact a door, so pass through it to find another door nearby for Kirby to go through to find a secret switch that unlocks the path to the Arena in the outer area! When you return to the previous room, climb up past the Sparks to inhale the 1-Up through the wall, then pass through the door above to find an area where Kirby will free fall past the Blippers and the Climber Guys to find a star door leading to the Launcher Bonus. o-------o | Arena | o-------o Kirby will enter into a one-on-one battle with Bonkers, fighting to the death! If Kirby loses, he loses a life. If Kirby wins, he will not only win the Hammer Power, but he will also win a Maximum Tomato for his efforts! See the Mini-Boss strategy listed in the Enemies section for specific details on Bonkers. o-----------o | Level 5-5 | o-----------o Head right past the Shotzo, let the Waddle Dee fly past overhead, and then drop through the hole to the left of the Shiny Knight to fly right to pass through a door. Here Kirby will need to swallow the Jumping Dan, destroy the Star Blocks, drop the Power, and then swallow the Q-Burt. Use his Fire Power to light the fuse, fly up over the wall, jump down into the cannon, and get launched into the sky to hit the secret switch that reveals the Quick Draw bonus game in the outer area! Upon returning to the original area, fly right to pass through the small opening you find, take on the Sir Kibbles, deal with the Parasol carrying Waddle Dee, and then slide tackle through the spikes to find a ladder. However, ignore this ladder, go right past a Sir Kibble to find a door, but first Kirby needs to pass it and grab the Maximum Tomato from underneath the platform. Ride the Warp Star to the next area to pass through a door to find a Q-Burt and a Shiny Knight, followed by flying over the pillars to find Flame Mane waiting to play! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Flame Mane ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This pussy cat plays very aggressively, but his attacks are easy enough to deal with. He will charge across the screen at Kirby (jump or fly), jump into the air to dive at Kirby (slide underneath him), and he will occasionally (very rarely) turn into a Fireball, throwing himself across the screen in a fiery rage (jump/fly over him). To win against him, avoid his attacks until he performs the aerial dive, which will produce a star for Kirby to inhale and then spit back at Flame Mane. Three star hits will do him in, so be sure to inhale him for his Fireball Ability! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Flame Mane ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head right to pass through a door to return to the outside of the building, moving right to find another door to go through. Head right past the Climber Guys, Lazar Balls, Poppy Bros. Jr., and the Blowfire to find the star door and the end of level Launcher Bonus. o------------o | Quick Draw | o------------o Once your opponent draws, draw your weapon and shoot them! Your rewards will increase the more opponents you get rid of. Note that you will have to be under 20 for the third opponent, under 15 for the fourth opponent, and under 10 for the fifth and final opponent. 1 Opponent : 1000 Points 2 Opponents: 3000 Points 3 Opponents: 5000 Points 4 Opponents: 1-Up 5 Opponents: 3-Up o-----------o | Level 5-6 | o-----------o To get the secret switch in this level, you will need to have the Hammer Power upon entering. So, seek out bonkers in Level 5-2 or battle him in the Arena to gain possession of the needed Power for the secret switch. Head right through this area, dealing with all the Wheelies, making sure to seek out the Maximum Tomato at the top of the screen along the way. Once you go through the door, Kirby will find a Bomb to destroy, leading to a set of small platforms. Kirby should then get a hold of a Rocky for his Stone Power, and then move past a Shiny Knight to fly a gap to the next door. Kirby will face Waddle Dees as he heads right, so tread carefully as you keep your Stone Power handy. You will fly across some water and a Blipper, entering the first door you encounter to find Star Blocks. If you took care of entering the level with the Hammer Power-Up (available from the nearby Arena) and managed to retain it to this point, use it on the green blocks to shatter them, followed up by destroying the Star Blocks to reveal a hidden door that leads to the secret switch that reveals the Warp Star Location in the outer area! Grab the 1-Up, get the Maximum Tomato, and then exit the areas you passed through to get back into the more open area. Head right by flying over a Blipper to find the star door and the end of level Launcher Bonus! o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! o-------------------------o | World Boss - Heavy Mole | o-------------------------o This beast will continually be moving, plowing his way through the dirt. He will move along, cutting the path with his swinging cutters, keeping a fairly straight path. However, once he starts to spit out his projectiles (called Dyglops), he will start to swerve his path in all directions, so Kirby will be forced to keep up by flying/jumping/etc. as getting scrolled off the screen equals death for Kirby. Kirby has the job of inhaling the Dyglops and spitting them back at the beast to damage it, landing 6 direct hits to finish him off. Also note that their are two types of Dyglops, both of which can be swallowed to give Kirby a Power. The Orange Dyglops will surrender a Hammer Power to Kirby, which will take eight smashes to kill off Heavy Mole (this can also break the dirt around Kirby so be wary of accidentally digging a hole to your own demise). The Red Dyglops will surrender the Sleep Power when swallowed, and it is a VERY BAD IDEA to try and do this because the Power serves no purpose as well as making Kirby rather vulnerable to being scrolled off the screen. You will have gained possession of 1/7th of the Star Rod, so head off to the next area to start after the next portion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------World Six--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) Welcome to Orange Ocean! This section will cover all of the levels, including the Mini-Games and other locations. o-----------o | Level 6-1 | o-----------o Swim past the Blippers, Gordos, and Glunks to find a door with a Shelatoss inside, but only fight him if you wish a chance at getting the 1-Up located a bit later in the level. Head downwards, killing the Sir Slippies, then a Blipper, and then a Shelled Kany as Kirby swims upward past a fast moving Gordo to reach dry land. A couple Glunks wait for Kirby (use your Throw Power from Shelatoss to break the cracked bricks), so pass through the door after they are deceased to find dual sets of enemies that can be used to mix up specific Powers. Your duty here is to find a combo of a Blowfire (Fireball Power) and a Sparky (Spark Power), setting off a mixing of Power. This has a 50/50 chance of coming up Hammer Power (the desired Power) or Needle Power (not useful). Continue right once you have managed to gain your Hammer Power to find a door to enter, leading to an area with a 1-Up and a Maximum Tomato waiting to be grabbed. More importantly however, is that the brick below the door can be crushed by the Hammer, allowing Kirby to reach the door below, where he can go through to find a secret switch to hit to reveal the Museum in the outer area! Go through the door above to appear, heading right past the Blowfires, Q-Burts, and Sparks to pass through the door at the end of the area to find the new challenge. This area has lots of Blippers, Sir Slippies, and Chickies set up along multiple islands, requiring Kirby to work hard to jump and fly past these annoyances to find a Shiny Knight in front of the star door that leads to the Launcher Bonus. o--------o | Museum | o--------o A free Power for Kirby is here! Swallow the Wheelie to gain the use of the Wheel Power! o-----------o | Level 6-2 | o-----------o Work your way to the right past the Glunk, Sir Slippies, and the Shiny Knight to find a Bomb waiting to be destroyed (step forward and inhale to catch the falling Pep Brew upon doing so). Next up is a Kabu, then two Scarfies that come down from above near the door that leads to the next challenge. Climb the clouds past a Parasol Waddle Dee to find a Kaboomba, then jump the Shotzo to head down to the bottom area again, this time fighting a Kabu and a Cappy. Climb up the clouds to the right to take out a Parasol Waddle Dee, then enter the nearby door to bait the two Sparkies together to form a mix Power that will come out as a Hammer when you do not interfere. Use this Hammer on the stake to access the door below the ice, going through it to find a secret switch that will reveal the Arena in the outer area! Take either door to exit, immediately moving upon your appearance as a Sparky will fall from above to try and hurt Kirby, and then exit through the remaining door to return to the level. Drop through the floor on the right to start moving down to fight a Broom hatter, then a Jumping Dan, and then tangle with a trio of Kabus as Kirby moves up the clouds on the right to find the door to the next area. Here you will find Scarfies, Blowfires, Whirlwinds, Togezos, and Gordos all going after Kirby in a very aggressive manner as he attempts to descend downwards along the path. Kirby will find a Mr. UFO waiting for him at the bottom (always a good Power to have), followed by a Poppy Bros. Jr. rolling a Maximum Tomato along (kill the Poppy Bros. Jr. with a direct hit to make the Maximum Tomato accessible).After passing through the door, Kirby will find a plethora of attackers in the next area, but just use his newly gained UFO Powers to slaughter them as he moves to the right to destroy the Bomb so he can get at the star door and the end of level Launcher Bonus. o-------o | Arena | o-------o Kirby will enter into a one-on-one battle with Flame Mane, fighting to the death! If Kirby loses, he loses a life. If Kirby wins, he will not only win the Fireball Power, but he will also win a Maximum Tomato for his efforts! See the Mini-Boss strategy listed in the Enemies section for specific details on Flame Mane. o-----------o | Level 6-3 | o-----------o Move to the right, dealing with a Shotzo and a couple Waddle Dees, grabbing the Pep Brew from the bottom of the ladder, and then cranking the Sparky and two Fireballs to find a door to the next area. Here you will find Bonkers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive wall of muscle will be wielding a vicious Hammer. He will charge straight ahead or leap through the air, depending on where Kirby is at the time of his attack's initiation (either way, clear out of the way), When he swings his Hammer, inhale the resulting stars to spit back at him to hurt him, or inhale the Coconuts he throws out and spit them back at him to damage him. Land three hits to put him out of commission, so be sure to swallow him for his Hammer ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With your newfound Hammer Ability in hand, climb the ladder, break the crate to the right, and head down and left to destroy a Bomb (flooding the lower decks of the ship) as well as a Sir Kibble guarding a Pep Brew. Now stand where the Bomb was, press UP to pass through the invisible door, holding DOWN to get a 1-Up before it falls off the screen, and then kill the Blade Knight. Now shed Kirby of any Power he may have, press UP where the Blade Knight was located, and swallow the Lazar Ball for his Laser Power (also grab the Maximum Tomato). Go through the small opening below in the water to return to the previous room, and then pass through the door on the left to kill a Q-Burt. You are in the Cannon room, but you still have to do one more thing properly, so use the following diagram to position Kirby properly: ___________ KEY | | ~ - Water | C - Cannon | D - Door | F - Fuse | K - Kirby | ___________| ___________ | | |__D________| |/ __ \| | _D_ K_ | |~~~~~C~~~~F| |_____FFFFFF| Have Kirby stand where illustrated, have him jump and fire at the angled wall piece on the right, and then hustle into the cannon before the lit fuse fires the cannon, thus shooting Kirby high off into the sky to find the secret switch that unlocks the Crane Bonus Game in the outer area! Now move Kirby through the door to the right to find yourself back out on the ship masts, so move left to pass through the door on the ladder. Now Kirby must climb upwards while dodging the Bronto Burts, Waddle Dees, and a Broom Hatter to reach the Warp Star to get to the next section of the level. Head right across the ledges, killing the Glunks, Scarfies, Shelled Kanies, and Coconuts to finally reach the star door after all of your adventuring, gaining a well deserved Launcher Bonus. o------------------o | Crane Bonus Game | o------------------o With two chances to grab some prizes, hold the A Button to move the crane right till the claw is over the desired Kirby target, release the button, and see if you successfully get your prize. Two chances are yours at a small Kirby (1-Up) or a Large Kirby (2-Up). There seems to be no set pattern to winning, other than luck. o-----------o | Level 6-4 | o-----------o Head right past the Coconuts, past a couple Shelled Kanies, a Chicky, and then two Kabus to find and inhale a Shiny Knight for his Sword Power. Bust the Star Block to hit a Bomb so Kirby can access the door, which leads to an area where Bombs await your slice as well as Broom Hatters. A Pep Brew is guarded in a small alcove to the right by a Shotzo, but head down the corridor below to break a Bomb to continue the movement through the corridor to fight a Sir Kibble and then a Blade Knight. Continue by breaking the Bomb, enter the water, swim left and climb the platforms if you wish to grab a 1-Up, and then continue through the water to the right past a couple Gordos to find a Broom Hatter waiting on dry land. Go into the water on the right, swim into the cubby hole below the ladders, and press UP while as far left into the crevasse as possible to find a secret switch that uncovers the Egg Catcher Bonus Game in the outer area. Exit the room, climb the ladders, take on the Blade Knight for a Pep Brew, and then continue climbing to find a Cappy. Note that a Kaboomba will likely nail you with a Crash attack here, so deal with it. Go left, wait for the Gordo to bounce off of the wall, and then bust the Bomb to fly up the passage to kill a Cappy and a Waddle Doo so Kirby can pass through the door. Either kill the Waddle Dees with the Parasols before exiting, or just head straight for the door immediately, but Kirby will end up in a space where multiple Coconuts grow on trees in the exact area Kirby must fly through. Slowly and carefully move upwards, changing location to avoid the Coconuts, reaching a door that goes to an area where Coconuts and Birdies are all that stands between Kirby and the star door that goes to the Launcher Bonus. o------------------------o | Egg Catcher Bonus Game | o------------------------o Eat the eggs and not the bombs that King Dedede throws out in play, with the more eggs being grabbed the better your reward will be. Here are the following reward values for the amount of eggs captured: 01-06: 500 Points 07-12: 1000 Points 13-18: 3000 Points 19-24: 5000 Points 25-29: 1-Up 30: 3-Up o-----------o | Level 6-5 | o-----------o Chillies and Sir Pengys greet Kirby in this icy area, leading to a door that has a formidable climb for Kirby, facing Poppy Bros. Jr.'s, a Togezo, a Sparky, and a Lazar Ball as he ascends to the plateau above. He will find a Kaboomba past the door as well as a Maximum Tomato, so take care of these two before going through the door to find a Scarfy guarding the entrance to some water. Go down past the Blipper to bust a Bomb, killing the three Shiny Knights, and then swim upwards to kill one more Shiny Knight (do this the old fashioned way) before passing through the door. Waddle Dees, a Waddle Doo, a Q-Burt, and a Bronto Burt all guard the passage to a Bomb, which will open a path leading down into the ground. Go down to find a 1-Up, then light the fuse you find (swallow a Q-Burt to get the necessary "fire" Power... HAHA!), and then fly upwards again and turn right to find a second Bomb to destroy, followed by quickly diving down the hole to land in the cannon to be shot off the screen! Here Kirby will find a secret switch that will reveal the Quick Draw Bonus Game in the outer area! Now use the door to exit this area, re-appearing in the previous area. Head right past a Waddle Dee to enter the star door to receive the Launcher Bonus. o------------o | Quick Draw | o------------o Once your opponent draws, draw your weapon and shoot them! Your rewards will increase the more opponents you get rid of. Note that you will have to be under 20 for the third opponent, under 15 for the fourth opponent, and under 10 for the fifth and final opponent. 1 Opponent : 1000 Points 2 Opponents: 3000 Points 3 Opponents: 5000 Points 4 Opponents: 1-Up 5 Opponents: 3-Up o-----------o | Level 6-6 | o-----------o Kill all the Waddle Dees, Waddle Doo, Sparkies, Sir Pengy, and a Shiny Knight to reach a door. Upon passing through, swallow a Mr. UFO, backtrack through the door, and then fly down and to the left to find a secret cave below the area you traversed. Charge up your UFO Power attack to the highest Power (the multiple star projectile) to break the ice blocks that guard the door, and then pass through to bust the secret switch that releases the warp star location in the outer area! Now exit this room to appear back outside, so backtrack to the door once more, pass through, and then work to the right past the Scarfies, Mr. UFOs, and Cappies to reach a maximum Tomato in a lower area of the screen. Following that, head through the door to a small area where a Bomb beckons, opening up the path to two different doors. You must now choose from the two paths ahead, as they take Kirby through different areas! =============== Higher Door =============== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr.'s ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These baddies will bounce back and forth across the screen, throwing out bombs like they are going out of style. use your ability if you wish, but the quickest way to defeat them is to inhale the bombs both throw and throw them back at a single Poppy Bros. Sr., eliminating one of them quickly. Then swallow the downed Poppy Bros. Sr. to gain Crash ability, which should be turned on the remaining Poppy Bros. Sr., reducing his life to almost nothing. Three full star hits each will knock them out, so inhale the last one to get his Crash Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr.'s ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the door, grab the Candy thrown out by the Meta Knight, and then pass through the door to sprint right while hopping the gaps. If you do this properly, Kirby will arrive at a battle with the Meta Crew without having to do any fighting since the Poppy Bros. Sr.'s! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Meta Knight will appear and swing his sword to lead his Meta Crew into battle. He has the following troops at his command: Meta Axe : He uses his throwing axes like Cutters as they fly out and quickly return. Meta Droid: This guy will use his Spears to attack Kirby unmercifully. He also happens to be the most mobile of the four members. Meta Lance: This rotund fellow throws arcing, electrified forks at Kirby. Meta Mace : This is the most aggressive of the four, swinging his mace around as he tears around his platform. Every time that you kill a Meta Henchman, the life bar of the boss will decrease. Once you have completely destroyed the Meta Crew, a door will appear to allow Kirby through to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon winning the battle, pass through the star door to reach the end of level Launcher Bonus! =============== Lower Door =============== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosties ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Frosty is a large walrus that will shake his ass at Kirby (possibly in an attempt to gross him out), followed by throwing an ice cube into the air so he can knock it at Kirby using his same shaking ass. He will also charge across the room, trying to ram into Kirby with his girth. To win, have Kirby inhale the incoming ice cubes from the duo and spit them back at one of them to remove one of the threats as quickly as possible. If Kirby is fast enough on returning the ice cube to a Mr. Frosty in star form, Mr. Frosty will not charge across the room like a fool (difficult to keep both from charging however). Two full star hits will take these weird walruses down, making sure to swallow the second for his Freeze ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosties ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now fly across this watery room, ignoring the Blippers, Glunks, and Sir Slippies that accost Kirby, taking out the Shiny Knight guarding the passage through a door to find another door leading to a fight with the Meta Crew! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Meta Knight will appear and swing his sword to lead his Meta Crew into battle. He has the following troops at his command: Meta Axe : He uses his throwing axes like Cutters as they fly out and quickly return. Meta Droid: This guy will use his Spears to attack Kirby unmercifully. He also happens to be the most mobile of the four members. Meta Lance: This rotund fellow throws arcing, electrified forks at Kirby. Meta Mace : This is the most aggressive of the four, swinging his mace around as he tears around his platform. Every time that you kill a Meta Henchman, the life bar of the boss will decrease. Once you have completely destroyed the Meta Crew, a door will appear to allow Kirby through to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon winning the battle, pass through the star door to reach the end of level Launcher Bonus! o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! o--------------------------o | World Boss - Meta Knight | o--------------------------o You will enter the room to see a Sword fall to the ground, so grab a hold of it and then the Meta Knight will FINALLY battle Kirby one on one. He has prepared Kirby for this battle by constantly helping him as well as pitting the Meta Crew against Kirby to sharpen his battle skills. So, get ready to have a wicked sword duel! The Meta Knight will run towards Kirby frequently, jumping into the air. If he jumped into the air and then points his sword downwards, use a slide tackle to move out of the way of the ensuing attack. Your job is to hit the Meta Knight with your sword, followed by moving away from him while he is still invulnerable (no sense in staying in his range of attack when he can not be hurt). Try to go after Meta Knight after he performs a jump as he is at his most vulnerable at this point in the fight. land twelve hits to cut the mask away and prove to the Meta Knight that you are strong enough to achieve your goal of getting King Dedede! You will have gained possession of 1/7th of the Star Rod, so head off to the next area to start after the next portion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------World Seven-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) Welcome to Rainbow Resort! This section will cover all of the levels, including the Mini-Games and other locations. o-----------o | Level 7-1 | o-----------o Swallow the Lazar Ball, using his Laser Power to bounce attacks off the slanted ground to kill off enemies. Continue right till you see a Gordo, move underneath it carefully, and then shoot a Laser to the left, bouncing it up into a Bomb that will drop a 1-Up down for Kirby to grab. Now go through the door ahead to the next area to see a massive pile of Star Blocks clogging the path ahead. Drop your Laser Power, take out the Star Blocks with your slide tackle ability, and then swallow the Sparky when you reach him for his Spark Power. Now use Spark Power to carve away all of the Star Blocks while dealing with the enemies, stopping when you reach the Blowfire. Use your ability to tunnel down to the Waddle Doo, drop the Spark Power, swallow the Waddle Doo for his Beam Power, and then continue moving to the right. When you see the area with the three Waddle Dees, slowly remove the Star Blocks so you open a single space where Kirby can get on top of the Star Blocks, and then jump and beam the bricks in the roof to plow a path that will get Kirby within two small blocks of the door. These two blocks are made of tougher stuff, so drop the Beam Power, run to the left, and inhale through the wall to get the Blowfire so you can swallow him for his Fireball ability. Now return to the tough wall, Fireball through it, and Kirby will smash the secret switch to make the Crane Bonus Game accessible in the outer area! Head through the door, use a slide tackle to break the floor, and pass through the regular door below to find a Rocky falling to your left. Head right past the Sir Pengies, Chillies, Sparkies, Waddle Doos, Togezos, and Shotzos to find a Shiny Knight standing guard over the star door that leads to the Launcher Bonus. o------------------o | Crane Bonus Game | o------------------o With two chances to grab some prizes, hold the A Button to move the crane right till the claw is over the desired Kirby target, release the button, and see if you successfully get your prize. Two chances are yours at a small Kirby (1-Up) or a Large Kirby (2-Up). There seems to be no set pattern to winning, other than luck. o-----------o | Level 7-2 | o-----------o Enter the first door you see to find yourself in battle with Poppy Bros. Sr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This baddie will bounce back and forth across the screen, throwing out bombs like they are going out of style. use your ability if you wish, but the quickest way to defeat him is to inhale the bombs he throws and throw them back to hurt him. Three full star hits will knock him out, so inhale him to get his Crash Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now head up the stairs to find a door, which leads to a battle with Clock Work! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This alarm clock reject will charge around the small area, coming to a halt to ring his bells in a sonic boom like attack (it gives a small shield of protection and attack), followed by walking around for a little bit more before stopping to throw out four musical notes to alternating sides and at increasingly larger ranges. To win, avoid his sonic attack and inhale his notes to spit back at him, with three star hits taking him down. Use your Crash Power to wipe him out, so be sure to inhale this ugly mug to gain three charges of the Mike Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now head up the stairs to find a door, which leads to a battle with Mr. Frosty! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosty ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Frosty is a large walrus that will shake his ass at Kirby (possibly in an attempt to gross him out), followed by throwing an ice cube into the air so he can knock it at Kirby using his same shaking ass. He will also charge across the room, trying to ram into Kirby with his girth. To win, have Kirby inhale the incoming ice cube and spit it back at him. If Kirby is fast enough on returning the ice cube to Mr. Frosty in star form, Mr. Frosty will not charge across the room like a fool. Two full star hits will take this weird walrus down, but you can just use two charges of your Mike Power on him to defeat him. Ignore his Freeze ability as the remaining Mike Blast will be useful for the next room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosty ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now head up the stairs to find a door, which leads to a battle with Bonkers! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive wall of muscle will be wielding a vicious Hammer. He will charge straight ahead or leap through the air, depending on where Kirby is at the time of his attack's initiation (either way, clear out of the way). Start out with a Mike Blast to weaken this beast, then inhale the resulting stars when he swings his Hammer at Kirby to spit back at him to hurt him, or inhale the Coconuts he throws out and spit them back at him to damage him. Land three hits to put him out of commission, so be sure to swallow him for his Hammer ability if you want to use it for the next Mini-Boss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now head up the stairs to find a door, which leads to a battle with Shelatoss! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Shelatoss ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy will attack Kirby by trying to spin into him, grabbing a hold of the Pink Puffball, and then throwing him into a wall. To win, almost any Power Kirby can attack with before the guy begins to move (avoid him), then wail on him while he recovers. The other option is to dodge his attacks, followed up by inhaling the small animal he throws, and then return fire. It will take three of the stars hits to knock him dead, and don't forget to swallow this roly poly fellow to gain his Throw ability before leaving. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Shelatoss ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now with the Throw ability in hand, ANY object thrown at an enemy will a high-Powered star! This means the remaining Mini-Bosses will fall quicker than normal. Now head up the stairs to find a door, which leads to a battle with Bugzey! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bugzey ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bugzey is a massive beetle with two pincers on his head. He also seems to be a big pro wrestling fan as he makes use of some wrestling moves once he grabs a hold of Kirby! Bugzey will jump through the air to try and grab Kirby to perform a Suplex, He will perform a Piledriver if Kirby runs into him while he is stationary, and he will also charge Kirby, performing a multiple Powerbomb attack if he gets him. To beat this Hulk Hogan wannabe, avoid his jumping and charging attacks, waiting for him to release two small bugs, which should be inhaled and then spat back at the terror. If you have the Throw ability still, the resulting attack will really hurt Bugzey. Three star hits (two with Throw ability) will get rid of this annoyance, so swallow him to get his Back Drop Power (only if you do not have Throw Power anymore)! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bugzey ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now head up the stairs to find a door, which leads to a battle with Flame Mane! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Flame Mane ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This pussy cat plays very aggressively, but his attacks are easy enough to deal with. He will charge across the screen at Kirby (jump or fly), jump into the air to dive at Kirby (slide underneath him), and he will occasionally (very rarely) turn into a Fireball, throwing himself across the screen in a fiery rage (jump/fly over him). To win against him, avoid his attacks until he performs the aerial dive, which will produce a star for Kirby to inhale and then spit back at Flame Mane. Three star hits (two with Throw Power) will do him in, so be sure to inhale him for his Fireball Ability (again, only if you have no other Powers)! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Flame Mane ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now fly directly upwards to find a Warp Star, which moves Kirby to the next area to face a Shiny Knight for the rights to a Maximum Tomato as well as access to the star door to reach the end of level Launcher Bonus! o-----------o | Level 7-3 | o-----------o Work to the right, taking out all the Sleepies, finding a Shiny Knight guarding passage to the next area. here you will have to carefully climb up the angled platforms, fighting off Sir Kibbles and Bronto Burts to find a Broom Hatter and a Maximum Tomato waiting on the same level as the door to the next section. The Meta Knight will appear to throw some Candy in the air for Kirby, so grab it and charge through the Bronto Burts, Waddle Doos, and the other enemies to reach the door to head for the next area. A Kabu, a Cappy, and a Broom Hatter greet Kirby when he starts right, but they are not the only ones as Waddle Dees with parasols, Shotzos, and a Blade Knight all guard the path to the star door to reach the Launcher Bonus. o-----------o | Level 7-4 | o-----------o Chickies, Birdies, and Lazar Balls start out the donnybrook here, which are then closely followed by Sleepies and a Whirlwind. Then a Sir Kibble, a Chicky, a Birdie, and a Shiny Knight are next up, blocking the path to the door. Kirby will enter a room with four Chickies, so wreck them, pass through the door, and then knock off the four Climber guys to reach the next door. Four Bronto Burts inhabit this area, so get by them and through the door to the next room to see four fast moving Blowfires to tangle with as Kirby moves through the door to the next area. This area has Gordos patrolling the leaping area between the platforms, so jump past them carefully, destroy the Bombs on each platform, and pass underneath the falling enemies to continue right, eventually reaching the star door to partake in the Launcher Bonus. o-----------o | Level 7-5 | o-----------o The first portion of this level has a ton of Kaboombas, so work to the right slowly, taking them out one at a time. Be sure to save the last one to appear for it's Crash Power, then pass through the door to face Big Wheelie! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Big Wheelie ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive rolling tire will move back and forth across the screen, attempting to run Kirby down. After Kirby has dodged enough times, the Big Wheelie will crash to the ground to release a Wheelie (smaller version) that will roll at Kirby, so suck it in and then return fire at Big Wheelie after he gets up and stops bouncing up and down like a maniac. Three star hits will do him in, but if you enter with a Crash Power, use it immediately to cause Big Wheelie to crash prematurely! Inhale him to grab yourself a cool Power in the Wheel! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Big Wheelie ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This area has gaps that will either push Kirby downwards or upwards, but it is easy to pick which effect it will have as the star decoration on the wall points out the direction for Kirby (star near bottom means it pushes downward, star near top means it pushes upwards). Start off to the right, waiting for a Climber guy to jump down a hole, then take on a Sparky and a Blowfire before tangling with another Climber Guy. Now Kirby will face more Blowfires, Sparkies, and one last Climber guy as Kirby reaches the door so he can head to the next area. Here you will find a Q-Burt and a Lazar Ball, so inhale and swallow the Q-Burt for his Fire Power, collect the Pep Brew, and then light the fuse by standing Kirby on the very edge of the following ledge: ___________ KEY | | C - Cannon | F - Fuse | K - Kirby | ___________| | ____ ___ | | | |_____| _| |___| __ |__| K__| |__ ___F___| |____C__ FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Sprint to the right (use a slide tackle after jumping up the first two ledges and then dropping down one) upon the lighting of the fuse to get into the cannon ahead of the lit fuse to be launched up to an area with FIVE 1-Ups waiting to be grabbed! After glutting yourself, head through the door to appear near the star door, so pass through it to get your Launcher Bonus for finishing the level! o-----------o | Level 7-6 | o-----------o Veterans of Kirby's original Gameboy adventure will be taking a stroll down memory lane here as these worlds are reminiscent of the first adventure, right down to the colour palette! Head right, taking out the Waddle Dees and Birdies until Kirby reaches a wall, which he should fly over to take on even more Waddle Dees and Birdies. Head across the gap, get the Birdies and the Waddle Dees, and pass through the door to the next area. Poppy Bros. Jr.'s and Cappies patrol here, so take them out as Kirby heads right to find a door, which leads to the next area. Here Kirby will head into a castle to find a Waddle Dee, Broom Hatters, Bronto Burts, and a Shotzo all greet Kirby, leading to a door. Here Kirby will head right to find a Waddle Dee and a Shotzo (one set on both levels of the area) guarding the way to a Maximum Tomato and a 1-Up as well as a door to the next area. Kirby will be in a tropical area, heading right past a couple Star Blocks to take on Coconuts, Squishies, and Blippers while Kirby island hops to reach a door that leads into a cavern. Here Kirby will find some Kabus guarding a Pep Brew, then move right to bait the Coconut above into falling before flying up the narrow shaft, and then head right to fight a couple Kabus as Kirby takes the hole leading down. Kirby will then fly right past a Gordo, breaking the Star Block wall in his way to pass through, and then Kirby should grab the Maximum Tomato (after demolishing the Shelled Kany) from the ledge above before moving through the door below. Kirby should fly through this cloudy area, moving to the right slowly, using air puffs to remove the Scarfies from his path (no inhaling them as they get mad if you try). Also watch out for the Shotzo and Birdies, but you should reach the door with little difficulty. Now you are outside in a vertical area, so head down past the Waddle Dees, fly up into the windy path above, and then slide tackle through the Star Blocks to reach the more open area. Now fly upwards carefully, moving past the Sir Kibble and the parachuting, Parasol wielding Waddle Dees to see the star door. HOWEVER, go above the star door to the crescent moon and press UP to enter into a secret area where a Maximum Tomato, a 1-Up, and a secret switch that unlocks the Warp Star Station in the outer area await Kirby! Head through the door, followed by getting your Launcher Bonus from inside the star door! o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! o--------------------------o | World Boss - King Dedede | o--------------------------o here he is, the big trouble maker! He has a myriad of attacks (as you would expect from such a sinister enemy), including: the run and trip (run away from or jump over him), the Hammer Smash (run from him, turning to inhale the star his Hammer produces), the Jumping Hammer Smash (avoid him in mid-air as he swings his Hammer), the Flying attack (slide tackle/move underneath him when he is high enough off the ground), the Jumping Attack (avoid him as he lands, sucking up the stars that are produced), and the Inhale (if he sucks Kirby in, he will spit him across the screen). Other than when he jumps into the air to splat down or he chases Kirby with his hammer, your goal is to avoid him (the aforementioned attacks will produce stars for Kirby to use on the King). Land yourself 10 successful hits to send the King down for the count, but remember that on his Jumping attack, you can suck in two stars at once, creating a more Powerful star attack to do extra damage to the King! You will have gained possession of the final 1/7th of the Star Rod, so head off to the Fountain Of Dreams with the Star Rod in hand to re-start everyone's ability to dream! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------World Eight------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10)Welcome to the Fountain Of Dreams! Here you will face the true evil that Dedede was attempting to contain! o---------------o | Nightmare Orb | o---------------o Kirby will be spit up high into the sky by King Dedede along with the Star Rod, and he will be flying in the air on the left side of the screen to start. The nightmare Orb will be on the right side of the screen, flying up and down while performing attacks. The following are the attacks that the Nightmare Orb utilizes: i) Three quick star shots in a row. ii) A quadruple spread shot of stars (these can move in a myriad of ways). iii) A triple spread shot of stars. iv) A double spread shot of stars. v) Multiple Sonic Booms from varying altitudes. vi) Charging across the screen to ram Kirby. Kirby will need to be alert and ready to dodge these attacks as they will not relent in their intensity through out the battle. Meanwhile, Kirby will have to keep firing off his Star Rod to hit the behemoth and wear him down, and you should know that it requires 60 connecting shots to finish off this terror! To top it all off, you will need to defeat the Nightmare Orb in a set amount of time, as Kirby will crash to the ground and die if he takes too long! An exceptional challenge, but you have been training the whole game for this fight, so lay out this Nightmare Orb with extreme prejudice to get the Warp Star to appear! o-------------------o | Nightmare Vampire | o-------------------o Now his true form is revealed as the Nightmare Vampire makes itself known! Kirby will need to dodge all of the attacks the Vampire uses, including: The swoop (duck underneath him), the Star attacks (just dodge them as best you can, remembering the slide tackle is faster in a pinch than walking), and his slow descent attack (best time to attack him). Whenever he has his cape open and you can see his energy core, hitting him with an attack will damage him. The following is a lit of the attacks that he can be hurt on, and the method that allows Kirby to do so (remember throwing a star does more damage than touching him with the rod if you have a choice): i) Slow Descent (throw a star OR touch the rod to him). ii) Star Attacks (touch the rod to him). Note that he has three or so different Star Attacks, but Kirby can easily get in close enough to damage the beast if he aggressively seeks out the Nightmare Vampire. Also remember that jumping into the air will cause the Star Rod to spin along with Kirby, making him a much more difficult to damage target. Well, you did it! You two against the evil Nightmare, so now Dreams have returned to the people of Dreamland. Now you should enjoy the ending, and be sure to check out any other Kirby games as they cover a wide array of game genres and Nintendo systems! You can even replay this game on EXTRA MODE, which has your life bar halved! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Powers---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11)This section will look at all of the Powers that Kirby can borrow from enemies. It will also include a complete chart of what the "random" Power you receive for eating two Power Possessing enemies at the same time. o--------o | Powers | o--------o Back Drop: Kirby will gain the abilities of a professional wrestler when he has this Power! After using his inhale attack to grab an enemy, he can press a direction on the D-Pad to make Kirby perform an attack on the enemy that he holds as well as any enemies who happen to get in the way of the performing of this attack! Ball.....: A rather sedate Power, Kirby will become a Ball. He can jump around in this form, knocking out most enemies who he makes contact with. Beam.....: Among the most basic of Powers, this Power will send a wave of destructive energy out in front of Kirby in a fan. It is a fairly quick attack that destroys most enemies in one hit. Crash....: The single most Powerful Power in the game, Kirby will destroy all the enemies on screen, and he will even remove half or more of a Mini-Bosses life meter. The only downside to this great Power is that Kirby only gets one charge of it before it is completely used up. Cutter...: A thrown sword, this Power allows Kirby to chuck three of these razor sharp blades at a time. The blades will go out from Kirby, quickly boomeranging back to the thrower. Fire.....: When Kirby gets this Power, he will breathe multiple fireballs from his mouth in continual fashion till he forces himself to stop. Fireball.: When Kirby has this energetic Power, he will be able to turn himself into a charging puff of flaming pain that will shoot along for a short distance in a straight line. If he runs into a solid wall, he will be stunned for half a second. Freeze...: A fun little Power, Kirby will be tinted blue as he radiates arctic temperatures all around his body, freezing any enemies that come into contact with the colder air. Kirby can then butt the formed ice blocks into other enemies to kill them! Hammer...: This is a seriously Powerful mallet! Kirby can use this underwater as well as in regular situations, and it can be used on breakable walls as well as on stakes that appear along Kirby's adventures. Hi-Jump..: When Kirby has this fun Power, he will be able to leap HIGH into the air while being rendered invulnerable as he heads up into the sky. This is useful for covering large vertical distances in a single leap as well as a superb way to attack airbourne enemies from below. Ice......: Another fun little Power, Kirby will be tinted blue as he lets out a continual stream of arctic temperatures in front of himself, freezing any enemies that come into contact with the colder air. Kirby can then butt the formed ice blocks into other enemies to kill them! Laser....: Kirby will have the ability to throw narrow, concentrated beams of energy from his hands with this Power, which can be used to light fuses as well as bounce off of diagonal surfaces to continue moving to attack non-direct targets. Light....: Found in two areas of the game, Kirby can use his sole charge of this Power to light up a darkened area. Mike.....: A Powerful, hit-all attack, this Power will destroy all the enemies on screen as well as damaging big enemies a little bit. Not as strong of an attack as the Crash Power, it make up for this with three blasts of Mike Power. Kirby would not do well on American Idol, but those judges would not be around to critique him anyway! Needle...: Kirby will really prove his "point" with this Power, as he will become a spiky, pink killer. He will stay spiky till you choose to retract his spikes too, so you can sue this Power as a safety device in addition to being a good attack. Parasol..: Kirby will be able to wield a mean umbrella when he this Power, using it as a striking weapon. He can also use it to float slowly and surely from any height as well, using the Parasol on any enemy foolish enough to make contact with it to kill them. Sleep....: By far the most useless Power in the game, it offers NO benefits to Kirby while leaving him completely vulnerable to damage or even death. Do not seek this Power in any situation. Spark....: This Power will electrify the air around Kirby, damaging any being who comes into contact with it. This is also a defensive Power as enemies will have a tough time penetrating the attack radius to land a blow on Kirby. Stone....: This hard hitting but limited range attack must be used on an enemy when they are below Kirby. This Power can also be used to drive stakes into the ground, as these pop up along the adventure for Kirby to encounter. Sword....: Perhaps the best known Power for Kirby, he can find this Power in most of the Levels that he will visit. Kirby will swing the sword in a wide arc on the ground, and he will spin in the air when he jumps and attacks (making him a tough target to hurt). Throw....: This Powerful technique allows Kirby to perform an inhale to grab an enemy, followed by throwing them left, right, or on a diagonal (hold UP to do this in the direction Kirby is facing). Kirby will throw an enemy as a Powered-up star, which will pass through enemies, possibly wiping out multiple targets. The only drawback is Kirby's inability to jump when holding an enemy. Tornado..: This whirling dervish of a Power will turn Kirby into a destructive, twisting force that can destroy most enemies with ease. Kirby can also take to the air by holding down the B Button to gain altitude. Just remember that after the spin dies out, Kirby will be vulnerable for a second or so afterwards. UFO......: Perhaps the most sought after Power, this rarity is found in just a few levels. When Kirby has this, he will be able to fly, hover, and maneuver himself with perfect precision. This Power also boasts 4 different levels of attack power: 1) Tap the B Button to perform a Beam attack, 2) Hold the B Button for a second or two to fire a Laser, 3) Hold the B Button for about three or four seconds to shoot a star, and 4) Hold the B Button for five or more seconds to fire off a multiple star attack that is equal to the most powerful star attack in the game. Just note that this power is NOT transferrable out of the level it is found in. Wheel....: This Power will make Kirby into a rolling, destructive force that has two drawbacks: 1) he can not turn and stop quickly or easily, and 2) he will be vulnerable for a second or so if he crashes into a wall. This Power is a fast way to move, so just be careful to not move too far, too fast. o-----------------------o | Combined Powers Chart | o-----------------------o Normally when you swallow two Power possessing enemies, you will press the B Button to stop the roulette of randomly appearing Powers in the small Power screen to get a Power-Up. However, if you decide to let the roulette wind to a stop, the Power gained is pre-determined! The following list has a set of these, most of them coming from Cyhwux's FAQ on the very subject. Check out his FAQ for a more in-depth look into this phenomena and remember I accept contributions on this subject matter (especially if you can add a new combo to the list)! _________ _________ _________________ | Power 1 | Power 2 | Results | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ball |Ball |Fire | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ball |Beam |Throw | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ball |Cutter |Parasol | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ball |Sleep |Fire | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ball |Tornado |Fire | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Beam |Throw | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Cutter |Parasol | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Light |Throw | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Needle |Tornado | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Parasol |Throw | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Sleep |Throw | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Spark |Hammer | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Sword |Sleep/Throw | |_________|_________|_________________| |Beam |Tornado |Throw | |_________|_________|_________________| |Crash |Crash |Cutter | |_________|_________|_________________| |Crash |Hi-Jump |Cutter | |_________|_________|_________________| |Crash |Parasol |Cutter/Stone | |_________|_________|_________________| |Cutter |Hi-Jump |Back Drop/Parasol| |_________|_________|_________________| |Cutter |Light |Sword | |_________|_________|_________________| |Cutter |Parasol |Stone | |_________|_________|_________________| |Cutter |Tornado |Parasol | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fire |Fire |Wheel | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fire |Fireball |Wheel | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fire |Hi-Jump |Wheel | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fire |Laser |Wheel | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fire |Spark |Wheel | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fire |Sword |Wheel | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fireball |Fireball |Needle | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fireball |Laser |Ice | |_________|_________|_________________| |Fireball |Spark |Hammer/Needle | |_________|_________|_________________| |Freeze |Needle |Light | |_________|_________|_________________| |Freeze |Spark |Hammer | |_________|_________|_________________| |Freeze |Stone |UFO | |_________|_________|_________________| |Hi-Jump |Hi-Jump |Back Drop | |_________|_________|_________________| |Hi-Jump |Light |Sword | |_________|_________|_________________| |Hi-Jump |Parasol |Stone | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ice |Ice |Crash | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ice |Needle |Crash | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ice |Spark |Hammer | |_________|_________|_________________| |Ice |Stone |Ball | |_________|_________|_________________| |Laser |Laser |Ice | |_________|_________|_________________| |Laser |Sleep |Ice | |_________|_________|_________________| |Laser |Spark |Ice | |_________|_________|_________________| |Laser |Wheel |Ice | |_________|_________|_________________| |Light |Sword |Sleep/Sword | |_________|_________|_________________| |Needle |Spark |Tornado | |_________|_________|_________________| |Needle |Stone |UFO | |_________|_________|_________________| |Parasol |Parasol |Stone | |_________|_________|_________________| |Parasol |Sword |Sleep/Stone | |_________|_________|_________________| |Parasol |Tornado |Spark | |_________|_________|_________________| |Sleep |Sleep |Ball | |_________|_________|_________________| |Sleep |Tornado |Spark | |_________|_________|_________________| |Sleep |Sword |Sleep | |_________|_________|_________________| |Spark |Spark |Hammer | |_________|_________|_________________| |Spark |Stone |Hammer/UFO | |_________|_________|_________________| |Spark |Sword |Hammer | |_________|_________|_________________| |Star |Star |Wheel | |_________|_________|_________________| |Stone |Stone |UFO | |_________|_________|_________________| |Sword |Sword |Sleep | |_________|_________|_________________| |Sword |Tornado |Spark | |_________|_________|_________________| |Sword |Wheel |Hi-Jump | |_________|_________|_________________| |Tornado |Tornado |Spark | |_________|_________|_________________| |U.F.O |U.F.O |Mike | |_________|_________|_________________| |Wheel |Wheel |Hi-Jump | |_________|_________|_________________| Note that not all possibilities are listed as not all have been performed. However, some may prove impossible to do as some enemies never mingle with others in the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------Items---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12)This section will look at all of the great Items that Kirby can use to his advantage against King Dedede's troops. Bomb..........: Usually located near a stack of bricks, it will explode upon being attacked and it will remove all of the nearby bricks so Kirby can pass through. Candy.........: A rare find, this Lollipop will give Kirby invulnerability for about thirty seconds. He will be able to kill every enemy in one hit except for unkillable enemies like Gordo or Shotzo. Maximum Tomato: This lovely Item will resort all of your Life Meter, regardless of the status of your Life Meter. Pep Brew......: This small bottle of soda will restore two bars of Kirby's Life Meter, unless he is missing just one (then it just replaces one bar of the Life Meter as one is all that he needs!). Star Blocks...: These objects lie around Dreamland, offering a handy projectile to spit at enemies. They also create structures, allowing Kirby to pick his path past his enemies in some areas. They can also be used to hide doorways and other secrets! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Enemies--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13)This section will list all of the enemies, their behaviour, and their abilities (Powers that Kirby can use) if they have any. Mini-Bosses will be in their own sub-section, involving their names, behaviours, and abilities if they have any. o----------o | Regulars | o----------o Name.....: Angel Boo. Behaviour: Floating through the air, this enemy is easy pickings for Kirby to inhale or hit with a Power. Ability..: Light. Name.....: Birdy. Behaviour: Swooping around in the air, they will usually loop around for a few seconds before making a beeline in Kirby's direction. Either avoid them or take them out with an attack. Ability..: None. Name.....: Blade Knight. Behaviour: He will generally patrol a small area, waiting for Kirby to draw near so he can make use of his sword. Attack from a distance to keep Kirby safe from damage. Ability..: Sword. Name.....: Blipper. Behaviour: A fish that jumps out of it's watery home to try and smash into Kirby. For the most part they are just easier to ignore and avoid, but they can be taken care of with a little effort. Ability..: None. Name.....: Blowfire. Behaviour: He will move around the area normally until he gets into his attack mode, which is to speed to the side as a mighty Fireball. Take him out from a distance, but he starts to attack, avoid until he stops, allowing Kirby to take him out without any further trouble. Ability..: Fireball. Name.....: Bronto Burt. Behaviour: These weirdos fly around the screen, sometimes almost ignoring Kirby to a fault, sometimes they will loop around to fly at Kirby in the most aggressive patterns. Unless they are right in your path, you can generally ignore these guys. Ability..: None. Name.....: Broom Hatter. Behaviour: She will sweep along the floor, back and forth, waiting for Kirby to come into range. Inhale her quickly to get rid of this minor annoyance. Ability..: None. Name.....: Cappy. Behaviour: This small fungi will let his mushroom cap go if you try to inhale him, so just throw his cap back into him to destroy him. Ability..: None. Name.....: Chicky. Behaviour: Bouncing all over the screen, he does not aggressively seek Kirby out. Suck him in to remove the random moving baddie as he can attack at the worst of times. Ability..: Ball. Name.....: Chilly. Behaviour: He can be stationary or on the move, but he will attempt to hit Kirby with his freezing snowflakes. Take him out from a distance for the safety of Kirby's life meter. Ability..: Freeze. Name.....: Climber Guy. Behaviour: This acrobatic fellow clings to walls while throwing projectiles, followed by jumping around to new walls to start their attacks anew. They are best dealt with quickly, or just move past their areas quickly to get through with minimal fuss. Ability..: None. Name.....: Coconut. Behaviour: Sitting in tree branches, waiting for Kirby to draw near so they can try to drop down and explode upon his pinkness. Hit them or inhale them before passing underneath them to keep Kirby safe. Ability..: None. Name.....: Glunk. Behaviour: Located in water, they will fire off projectiles at Kirby as he nears. Hit them with a water spout to rid yourself of these annoyances. Ability..: None. Name.....: Gordo. Behaviour: A spiked ball, he will usually move back and forth over a pre-determined area, waiting for Kirby to try and pass. They can not be hurt, so just avoid them as best you can while moving through the levels. Ability..: None. Name.....: Jumping Dan. Behaviour: He will almost ignore Kirby as he jumps around the area, flying really high into the sky. They can be avoided for the most part, but inhale them if they draw too near to Kirby. Ability..: Hi-Jump. Name.....: Kaboomba. Behaviour: A massive bomb that will drop itself to the ground to explode when it reaches the ledge of it's current ledge. Either inhale it quickly or attack it to avoid the damage it deals. Ability..: Crash. Name.....: Kabu. Behaviour: This Easter Island wannabe will appear and disappear continually, so wait for him to appear so Kirby can dust him to remove his wicked little grinless self from the area. Ability..: None. Name.....: Lazar Ball. Behaviour: A tenacious foe, these will float through the air, line up a shot, and let a Laser fly before repeating the process ad nauseum. Get them quickly as they do tend to appear in big groups, making them even more dangerous. Ability..: Laser. Name.....: Mr. UFO. Behaviour: Flying all around the screen, this highly dangerous enemies will fire one of their three beams at Kirby at any time (Beam, Star, and/or Laser). A very Powerful foe, but it also surrenders the coolest Power in the game (so of course it is incredibly rare)! Ability..: UFO. Name.....: Nimbus. Behaviour: A small cloud, he will shoot out lightning bolts to hit Kirby. They can be ignored for the most part, so only attack them if they are blocking the path forward. Ability..: None. Name.....: Poppy Bros. Jr. Behaviour: A cute enemy who walks around in small hops, it will also roll along on an Apple of Maximum Tomato. Not a dangerous foe, just attack and remove this simpleton from your path with great ease. Ability..: None Name.....: Q-Burt. Behaviour: This foe will patrol an area, stopping to fire off a long reaching fireball at Kirby if he has enough time to line up a shot. Either charge in fast and kill him, or hold back and wait till he fires off a shot before attacking. Ability..: Fire. Name.....: Rocky. Behaviour: This heavy-footed (and heavy everything else!) will slowly move around a ledge, looking for the edge to drop off of to try and attack Kirby. Not really dangerous unless Kirby is attempting to get up to a higher ledge one pf these fellows inhabits. Ability..: Stone. Name.....: Scarfy. Behaviour: A rather tame fellow, he will explode into a rage if Kirby tries to inhale him (chasing Kirby for a few seconds before exploding). He will explode upon dying, so keep your distance when you take one out. Ability..: None. Name.....: Shelled Kany. Behaviour: This small guy will just move around the screen slowly. You can skip this baddie or just use a Power to rid yourself of this annoyance. Ability..: None. Name.....: Shiny Knight. Behaviour: e will generally patrol a small area, waiting for Kirby to draw near so he can make use of his sword. Attack from a distance to keep Kirby safe from damage. Ability..: Sword. Name.....: Shotzo. Behaviour: A small cannon that can have stationary aim or it can adjust it's aim, it will fire off cannonballs in an attempt to peg Kirby. These incredibly evil beings will usually appear in large group settings, requiring Kirby to navigate mazes of flying cannonballs, and they are invulnerable to all attacks so you have to avoid them at all costs. Ability..: None. Name.....: Sir Kibble. Behaviour: A clumsy looking fellow, he will throw out his Cutter blade a short distance to try and peg Kirby. Attack him between his Cutter throws, or just fly past him to totally avoid this nuisance. Ability..: Cutter. Name.....: Sir Pengy. Behaviour: This enemy will actively hunt for Kirby, firing off freeze breath to get him. Take this nemesis out quickly, as they can drain your life meter in short order. Ability..: Ice. Name.....: Sir Slippy. Behaviour: A small frog usually found in areas around water, he will actively seek out Kirby when the pink puff goes swimming. Rather easy to kill, so just be sure to take care of it or you will feel silly if it gets Kirby. Ability..: None. Name.....: Sleepy. Behaviour: Not an active enemy at all, it will wait for Kirby to come along and attack. If Kirby swallows this enemy, he will be rendered defenseless temporarily as he sleeps for a few seconds. Ability..: Sleep. Name.....: Sparky. Behaviour: A bouncing blob that comes in a variety of colours, it will let a pile of electrical charges off as it bounces along. Wait for the sparks to subside before going after this baddie. Ability..: Spark. Name.....: Squishy. Behaviour: Small, octopus-like creatures who swim towards Kirby and try to touch him. Very easy to beat enemies, so they are not a big bother at all to the Pink Eating Machine. Ability..: None. Name.....: Togezo. Behaviour: these small porcupines will attempt to roll into Kirby, so use your inhaling abilities to rid yourself of these small annoyances. Ability..: Needle. Name.....: Waddle Dee. Behaviour: A very basic enemy, he will walk back and forth between walls taller then him, also walking off of ledges without walls. Simple enough to kill, they will soon become nearly invisible to your eye as you get used to the game. He can jump occasionally, but it is a rarity. Ability..: Parasol (only if it is visibly in his hand when swallowed). Name.....: Waddle Doo. Behaviour: A close relative to Waddle Dee, he too walks along, jumping barriers, but he has a beam attack he can use as he goes along. Attack him quickly or attack from a distance if he starts his Beam attack, but this enemy is not a big threat. Ability..: Beam. Name.....: Wheelie. Behaviour: This round enemy will roll directly at Kirby in an attempt to run the Pink Power down. Jump the charging foe or stand your ground to hit this rolling baddie. Ability..: Wheel. Name.....: Whirlwind. Behaviour: This enemy seems rather easy as it just stands there, but it will soon spin rapidly to take flight as whirling dervish of pain. Suck him down before he attacks, but he if he gets that attack off then avoid his movements until he stops (taking him out then). Ability..: Tornado. o-------------o | Mini-Bosses | o-------------o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Big Wheelie ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive rolling tire will move back and forth across the screen, attempting to run Kirby down. After Kirby has dodged enough times, the Big Wheelie will crash to the ground to release a Wheelie (smaller version) that will roll at Kirby, so suck it in and then return fire at Big Wheelie after he gets up and stops bouncing up and down like a maniac. Three star hits will do him in, but if you enter with a good Power, wait for him to crash and then lay into him with it while he is stunned and vulnerable. Inhale him to grab yourself a cool Power in the Wheel! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bonkers ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This massive wall of muscle will be wielding a vicious Hammer. He will charge straight ahead or leap through the air, depending on where Kirby is at the time of his attack's initiation (either way, clear out of the way), When he swings his Hammer, inhale the resulting stars to spit back at him to hurt him, or inhale the Coconuts he throws out and spit them back at him to damage him. Land three hits to put him out of commission, so be sure to swallow him for his Hammer ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Bugzey ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bugzey is a massive beetle with two pincers on his head. He also seems to be a big pro wrestling fan as he makes use of some wrestling moves once he grabs a hold of Kirby! Bugzey will jump through the air to try and grab Kirby to perform a Suplex, He will perform a Piledriver if Kirby runs into him while he is stationary, and he will also charge Kirby, performing a multiple Powerbomb attack if he gets him. To beat this Hulk Hogan wannabe, avoid his jumping and charging attacks, waiting for him to release two small bugs, which should be inhaled and then spat back at the terror. If you can inhale both bugs at one time, the resulting attack will really hurt Bugzey. Three star hits will get rid of this annoyance, so swallow him to get his Back Drop Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Clock Work ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This alarm clock reject will charge around the small area, coming to a halt to ring his bells in a sonic boom like attack (it gives a small shield of protection and attack), followed by walking around for a little bit more before stopping to throw out four musical notes to alternating sides and at increasingly larger ranges. To win, avoid his sonic attack and inhale his notes to spit back at him, with three star hits taking him down. If you have the Stone Power, it is possible to finish him off in two direct attacks as attacking him from directly above will cause serious damage as Kirby falls through him. Inhale this ugly mug to gain three charges of the Mike Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Flame Mane ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This pussy cat plays very aggressively, but his attacks are easy enough to deal with. He will charge across the screen at Kirby (jump or fly), jump into the air to dive at Kirby (slide underneath him), and he will occasionally (very rarely) turn into a Fireball, throwing himself across the screen in a fiery rage (jump/fly over him). To win against him, avoid his attacks until he performs the aerial dive, which will produce a star for Kirby to inhale and then spit back at Flame Mane. Three star hits will do him in, so be sure to inhale him for his Fireball Ability! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Meta Crew ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Meta Knight will appear and swing his sword to lead his Meta Crew into battle. He has the following troops at his command: Meta Axe : He uses his throwing axes like Cutters as they fly out and quickly return. Meta Droid: This guy will use his Spears to attack Kirby unmercifully. He also happens to be the most mobile of the four members. Meta Lance: This rotund fellow throws arcing, electrified forks at Kirby. Meta Mace : This is the most aggressive of the four, swinging his mace around as he tears around his platform. Every time that you kill a Meta Henchman, the life bar of the boss will decrease. Once you have completely destroyed the Meta Crew, a door will appear to allow Kirby through to the next area. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosties ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Frosty is a large walrus that will shake his ass at Kirby (possibly in an attempt to gross him out), followed by throwing an ice cube into the air so he can knock it at Kirby using his same shaking ass. He will also charge across the room, trying to ram into Kirby with his girth. To win, have Kirby inhale the incoming ice cubes from the duo and spit them back at one of them to remove one of the threats as quickly as possible. If Kirby is fast enough on returning the ice cube to a Mr. Frosty in star form, Mr. Frosty will not charge across the room like a fool (difficult to keep both from charging however). Two full star hits will take these weird walruses down, making sure to swallow the second for his Freeze ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Mr. Frosty ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Frosty is a large walrus that will shake his ass at Kirby (possibly in an attempt to gross him out), followed by throwing an ice cube into the air so he can knock it at Kirby using his same shaking ass. He will also charge across the room, trying to ram into Kirby with his girth. To win, have Kirby inhale the incoming ice cube and spit it back at him. If Kirby is fast enough on returning the ice cube to Mr. Frosty in star form, Mr. Frosty will not charge across the room like a fool. Two full star hits will take this weird walrus down, making sure to swallow him for his Freeze ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This baddie will bounce back and forth across the screen, throwing out bombs like they are going out of style. use your ability if you wish, but the quickest way to defeat him is to inhale the bombs he throws and throw them back to hurt him. Three full star hits will knock him out, so inhale him to get his Crash Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Poppy Bros. Sr.'s ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These baddies will bounce back and forth across the screen, throwing out bombs like they are going out of style. use your ability if you wish, but the quickest way to defeat them is to inhale the bombs both throw and throw them back at a single Poppy Bros. Sr., eliminating one of them quickly. Then swallow the downed Poppy Bros. Sr. to gain Crash ability, which should be turned on the remaining Poppy Bros. Sr., reducing his life to almost nothing. Three full star hits each will knock them out, so inhale the last one to get his Crash Power! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Shelatoss ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guy will attack Kirby by trying to spin into him, grabbing a hold of the Pink Puffball, and then throwing him into a wall. To win, almost any Power Kirby can attack with before the guy begins to move (avoid him), then wail on him while he recovers. The other option is to dodge his attacks, followed up by inhaling the small animal he throws, and then return fire. It will take three of the stars hits to knock him dead, and don't forget to swallow this roly poly fellow to gain his Throw ability before leaving. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Bosses----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14)This section will look at the Bosses for the end of every World, covering their movements, attacks, and how to beat them quickly and efficiently. o-------------o | Wispy Woods | o-------------o Upon entering, head down through the small openings in the branches to fall into the battle area. Upon arriving, you can take on the Boss through one of two main strategies: a) The regular way to win is to duck/jump the air puffs from Wispy (go right up to the side of the tree to remain completely safe), followed by inhaling the Apples that fall from his branches. Then, spit them back at Wispy to cause damage before repeating these steps to finish him off. He requires six regular star hits, but if you can combine two Apples into one star, it will take even less. b) Before entering into battle, get a Power like Spark or Freeze for the best effect, although Beam or Sword will work well too. Upon entering battle, move right up beside Wispy, and proceed to lay into him with your Power, remembering to dodge the Apples if you do not have a Power that generates attacks all around Kirby. This method will take down Wispy in a very fast manner, so it is the one I recommend. Remember that you must switch to the method above if you do lose your Power. o--------------o | Paint Roller | o--------------o Paint Roller will skate and jump around the room, stopping at the art easels to paint a picture. However, these pictures will quickly jump from the canvas and attempt to ravage Kirby! However, some of these beings can be swallowed to gain Powers, and this is a list: Car (Wheel) Bomb (Crash) Baseball (Ball) Parasol (Parasol) Cloud (Spark) Microphone(Mike) As you can see, some very high quality Powers can be gained, so do not be afraid to cycle through the great Powers as they appear. To win, let the Paint Roller go to a canvas (follow her), inhale the drawing (taking the Power if you wish to or use it to attack her), and then clear out of the way by flying or jumping. Remember that the Crash attack will remove half of the Paint Roller's life meter while three microphone blasts will do the same. If you seek to do it the conventional way, smack her with six star hits to be victorious. o------------------------o | Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright | o------------------------o This fight will be with two separate entities, Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright, but they will fight as a team against Kirby. While one is on the ground, trying to attack Kirby head on, the other will be in the air, attacking occasionally with Powers from above. Mr. Shine is the moon, he will attack on the ground by throwing a slice of himself at Kirby (jump it), he will jump into the air to try and hit Kirby, and a charge attack across the screen (when he starts to flash, he is going to charge). When he is in the air, he will start to flash briefly before stars will start to streak down from the heavens. Mr. Bright is the sun, he will attack on the ground by throwing a fireball from himself at Kirby (jump it), he will jump into the air to try and hit Kirby, and a charge attack across the screen (when he starts to flash, he is going to charge). When he is in the air, he will move towards Kirby, stop, and then send down concentrated sun beams that will cause stars to be created (two sets of two). Also note that the stars from Mr. Shine can be swallowed to give Kirby the Cutter Power, and the stars Mr. Bright can be swallowed to give Kirby the Fire Power. If Kirby swallows two stars at one time from Mr. Bright, he will be able to get any random Power by pressing the B Button, but if he lets it spin to a finish, he can get a 100% assured Wheel Power! To win, Kirby will have to avoid the thrown attacks by the two celestial bodies, avoid their jumping attacks, and also jump their charging attacks long enough to allow the guy in the sky to start reining down attacks to create stars. Three hits apiece will kill off the two, but remember that the Wheel Power is a superb Power for running through the enemies constantly, not allowing them any time to recover and attack. o--------o | Kracko | o--------o This Boss Fight has two main portions to it, so it will be divided thusly. Note that the strategies offered here are likely the best and easiest to use but they are not the only ones. a) You will need to work your way upwards along the cloud platforms, so inhale and swallow the nearby Jumping Dan for his Hi-Jump Power. Continually jump upwards, moving to land on the next set of platforms before continuing the upwards climb. Remember to be careful of Kracko as he anxiously dogs your steps, and if he does indeed catch Kirby, find the nearest Jumping Dan to make your ascent much easier once again. The following map is a representation of the platform locations as Kirby climbs from bottom to top: _________________ Key | | JD - Jumping Dan | __ - ledges | _________________| BOSS FIGHT _____________________ ___ __ JD ___ _ ___ ___ ___ JD ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ JD __ ___ ____ ___ ____ JD ____ ___ _______ ___ ___ ___ JD ____ _____ _________ _______ JD _______ _______ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ b) Now that you have reached the top, Kracko will form into his usual cloud self, he will return to tactics that early Kirby veterans may recognize. He will use a sweeping lightning storm attack, so fly over him when he does this. He will also sweep around the screen in a large arc to try and hit Kirby, so dodge that, and he should follow that up by dropping a Jumping Dan for Kirby to inhale so he can do one of two things with it: i)Spit the Jumping Dan back at Kracko in star form, then repeat the dodging procedures to get five more Jumping Dans to turn into stars to make six total hits to send Kracko packing. ii)Swallow the Jumping Dan for the Hi-Jump ability (or use it if you have it from the ascent) to use on Kracko by jumping through his body. It will take eight directs hits to take him down, more if some are just glancing blows that barely pass through Kracko's body. This is the preferred method for most people, but Hi-Jumping can leave Kirby vulnerable as he falls back to the ground, so be aware. o------------o | Heavy Mole | o------------o This beast will continually be moving, plowing his way through the dirt. He will move along, cutting the path with his swinging cutters, keeping a fairly straight path. However, once he starts to spit out his projectiles (called Dyglops), he will start to swerve his path in all directions, so Kirby will be forced to keep up by flying/jumping/etc. as getting scrolled off the screen equals death for Kirby. Kirby has the job of inhaling the Dyglops and spitting them back at the beast to damage it, landing 6 direct hits to finish him off. Also note that their are two types of Dyglops, both of which can be swallowed to give Kirby a Power. The Orange Dyglops will surrender a Hammer Power to Kirby, which will take eight smashes to kill off Heavy Mole (this can also break the dirt around Kirby so be wary of accidentally digging a hole to your own demise). The Red Dyglops will surrender the Sleep Power when swallowed, and it is a VERY BAD IDEA to try and do this because the Power serves no purpose as well as making Kirby rather vulnerable to being scrolled off the screen. o-------------o | Meta Knight | o-------------o You will enter the room to see a Sword fall to the ground, so grab a hold of it and then the Meta Knight will FINALLY battle Kirby one on one. He has prepared Kirby for this battle by constantly helping him as well as pitting the Meta Crew against Kirby to sharpen his battle skills. So, get ready to have a wicked sword duel! The Meta Knight will run towards Kirby frequently, jumping into the air. If he jumped into the air and then points his sword downwards, use a slide tackle to move out of the way of the ensuing attack. Your job is to hit the Meta Knight with your sword, followed by moving away from him while he is still invulnerable (no sense in staying in his range of attack when he can not be hurt). Try to go after Meta Knight after he performs a jump as he is at his most vulnerable at this point in the fight. land twelve hits to cut the mask away and prove to the Meta Knight that you are strong enough to achieve your goal of getting King Dedede! o-------------o | King Dedede | o-------------o here he is, the big trouble maker! He has a myriad of attacks (as you would expect from such a sinister enemy), including: the run and trip (run away from or jump over him), the Hammer Smash (run from him, turning to inhale the star his Hammer produces), the Jumping Hammer Smash (avoid him in mid-air as he swings his Hammer), the Flying attack (slide tackle/move underneath him when he is high enough off the ground), the Jumping Attack (avoid him as he lands, sucking up the stars that are produced), and the Inhale (if he sucks Kirby in, he will spit him across the screen). Other than when he jumps into the air to splat down or he chases Kirby with his hammer, your goal is to avoid him (the aforementioned attacks will produce stars for Kirby to use on the King). Land yourself 10 successful hits to send the King down for the count, but remember that on his Jumping attack, you can suck in two stars at once, creating a more Powerful star attack to do extra damage to the King! o---------------o | Nightmare Orb | o---------------o Kirby will be spit up high into the sky by King Dedede along with the Star Rod, and he will be flying in the air on the left side of the screen to start. The nightmare Orb will be on the right side of the screen, flying up and down while performing attacks. The following are the attacks that the Nightmare Orb utilizes: i) Three quick star shots in a row. ii) A quadruple spread shot of stars (these can move in a myriad of ways). iii) A triple spread shot of stars. iv) A double spread shot of stars. v) Multiple Sonic Booms from varying altitudes. vi) Charging across the screen to ram Kirby. Kirby will need to be alert and ready to dodge these attacks as they will not relent in their intensity through out the battle. Meanwhile, Kirby will have to keep firing off his Star Rod to hit the behemoth and wear him down, and you should know that it requires 60 connecting shots to finish off this terror! To top it all off, you will need to defeat the Nightmare Orb in a set amount of time, as Kirby will crash to the ground and die if he takes too long! An exceptional challenge, but you have been training the whole game for this fight, so lay out this Nightmare Orb with extreme prejudice to get the Warp Star to appear! o-------------------o | Nightmare Vampire | o-------------------o Now his true form is revealed as the Nightmare Vampire makes itself known! Kirby will need to dodge all of the attacks the Vampire uses, including: The swoop (duck underneath him), the Star attacks (just dodge them as best you can, remembering the slide tackle is faster in a pinch than walking), and his slow descent attack (best time to attack him). Whenever he has his cape open and you can see his energy core, hitting him with an attack will damage him. The following is a lit of the attacks that he can be hurt on, and the method that allows Kirby to do so (remember throwing a star does more damage than touching him with the rod if you have a choice): i) Slow Descent (throw a star OR touch the rod to him). ii) Star Attacks (touch the rod to him). Note that he has three or so different Star Attacks, but Kirby can easily get in close enough to damage the beast if he aggressively seeks out the Nightmare Vampire. Also remember that jumping into the air will cause the Star Rod to spin along with Kirby, making him a much more difficult to damage target. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Switch Locations------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15)This section will look at the Switch Locations that open up side areas in worlds that they are located in. o-----------o | Level 3-1 | o-----------o After defeating Clock Work, head right through the small hallway, taking on the Lazar Ball, the Blowfire, and the Bronto Burts to reach a door. When you reach the next room, jump the first gap but fall down the second one to find two Star Blocks for Kirby to inhale, revealing a door! Pass through it to inhale another Star Block, which Kirby should used on the now revealed Bomb so it will open the passage up to the next door that will lead to a switch that Kirby can hit to reveal an Arena in the main area of the World! o-----------o | Level 3-6 | o-----------o When you reach the open vertical area of the level with cloud ledges, you are in the right spot in the level. Instead of risking life and limb by using the cloud platforms to climb up, fly up along the wall on the right, breaking the Star Blocks to reveal a hidden door! Go through it to hit a Bomb, followed by flying right as fast as possible to beat the newly forming wall to find a Pep Brew, then enter the next door to find a switch to hit that reveals the Egg Catch Bonus Game! o-----------o | Level 4-1 | o-----------o After passing the area with the Mr. UFO's, here you will find a bouncing Chicky, followed by a Glunk, two Gordos, and then a Birdy. Continue heading right to fight a Chicky and a Sleepy, followed by some Waddle Doos trapped in Star Blocks. Kill them as you move right through the structure, cutting upwards to the one part of the diagonal pattern that is filled in. Remove the Star Block, go into the area that it was lying over, and press Up to pass through the invisible door there to find a switch to trip to reveal the Egg Catching Game in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 4-3 | o-----------o When you reach the area with the heavy left to right wind, fly all the way to the right side of the area, followed by looking on the lower right corner to find a door. Inside that door is the Switch to trip that reveals the Museum in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 4-6 | o-----------o After cranking Clock Work, fly through the door above to find three Bronto Burts coming for Kirby! After they are disposed of, jump to the ledge above, drop down to the next level, and then stand right beside the wall to the left of Kirby and press UP to pass through the door hidden in the dark to find a switch that reveals the hidden Warp Star Location! o-----------o | Level 5-1 | o-----------o After passing through the initial area, Kirby will be in a large area where he can free fall, plowing through enemies thanks to his momentum. If you are the UFO, just cautiously fly downwards, using the myriad of attacks it supplies you to rid yourself of the more persistent annoyances. When you reach the bottom, ignore the door you see and instead make your way through the Star Block floor to reach another set of Star Blocks, taking out the stack on the left side to find a door that leads to the secret switch that unlocks the Crane Game! o-----------o | Level 5-4 | o-----------o Climb the ladder to head right past a Chicky to find a set of small ledges leading over a massive waterfall, all of which have some sort of guardian to them in Glunks or Squishies. Next up is a Shiny Knight, then some Waddle Dees and Waddle Doos, which are in the way of Kirby reaching a small waterfall. If you look carefully, you will see that it is in fact a door, so pass through it to find another door nearby for Kirby to go through to find a secret switch that unlocks the path to the Arena in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 5-5 | o-----------o From the very start of the level, head right past the Shotzo, let the Waddle Dee fly past overhead, and then drop through the hole to the left of the Shiny Knight to fly right to pass through a door. Here Kirby will need to swallow the Jumping Dan, destroy the Star Blocks, drop the Power, and then swallow the Q-Burt. Use his Fire Power to light the fuse, fly up over the wall, jump down into the cannon, and get launched into the sky to hit the secret switch that reveals the Quick Draw bonus game in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 5-6 | o-----------o To get the secret switch in this level, you will need to have the Hammer Power upon entering. So, seek out bonkers in Level 5-2 or battle him in the Arena to gain possession of the needed Power for the secret switch. After passing the area with the Rockies, Kirby will face Waddle Dees as he heads right, so tread carefully as you keep your Hammer Power handy. You will fly across some water and a Blipper, entering the first door you encounter to find Star Blocks. If you took care of entering the level with the Hammer Power-Up (available from the nearby Arena) and managed to retain it to this point, use it on the green blocks to shatter them, followed up by destroying the Star Blocks to reveal a hidden door that leads to the secret switch that reveals the Warp Star Location in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 6-1 | o-----------o After passing through the first area of the level (the area with a lot of water), your duty here is to find a combo of a Blowfire (Fireball Power) and a Sparky (Spark Power), setting off a mixing of Power. This has a 50/50 chance of coming up Hammer Power (the desired Power) or Needle Power (not useful). Continue right once you have managed to gain your Hammer Power to find a door to enter, leading to an area with a 1-Up and a Maximum Tomato waiting to be grabbed. More importantly however, is that the brick below the door can be crushed by the Hammer, allowing Kirby to reach the door below, where he can go through to find a secret switch to hit to reveal the Museum in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 6-2 | o-----------o After passing through the initial area of the level, climb the clouds past a Parasol Waddle Dee to find a Kaboomba, then jump the Shotzo to head down to the bottom area again, this time fighting a Kabu and a Cappy. Climb up the clouds to the right to take out a Parasol Waddle Dee, then enter the nearby door to bait the two Sparkies together to form a mix Power that will come out as a Hammer when you do not interfere. Use this Hammer on the stake to access the door below the ice, going through it to find a secret switch that will reveal the Arena in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 6-3 | o-----------o With your newfound Hammer Ability in hand after defeating Bonkers, climb the ladder, break the crate to the right, and head down and left to destroy a Bomb (flooding the lower decks of the ship) as well as a Sir Kibble guarding a Pep Brew. Now stand where the Bomb was, press UP to pass through the invisible door, holding DOWN to get a 1-Up before it falls off the screen, and then kill the Blade Knight. Now shed Kirby of any Power he may have, press UP where the Blade Knight was located, and swallow the Lazar Ball for his Laser Power (also grab the Maximum Tomato). Go through the small opening below in the water to return to the previous room, and then pass through the door on the left to kill a Q-Burt. You are in the Cannon room, but you still have to do one more thing properly, so use the following diagram to position Kirby properly: ___________ KEY | | ~ - Water | C - Cannon | D - Door | F - Fuse | K - Kirby | ___________| ___________ | | |__D________| |/ __ \| | _D_ K_ | |~~~~~C~~~~F| |_____FFFFFF| Have Kirby stand where illustrated, have him jump and fire at the angled wall piece on the right, and then hustle into the cannon before the lit fuse fires the cannon, thus shooting Kirby high off into the sky to find the secret switch that unlocks the Crane Bonus Game in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 6-4 | o-----------o After passing through the first area of the level, Kirby enters an area where Bombs await your slice as well as Broom Hatters. A Pep Brew is guarded in a small alcove to the right by a Shotzo, but head down the corridor below to break a Bomb to continue the movement through the corridor to fight a Sir Kibble and then a Blade Knight. Continue by breaking the Bomb, enter the water, swim left and climb the platforms if you wish to grab a 1-Up, and then continue through the water to the right past a couple Gordos to find a Broom Hatter waiting on dry land. Go into the water on the right, swim into the cubby hole below the ladders, and press UP while as far left into the crevasse as possible to find a secret switch that uncovers the Egg Catcher Bonus Game in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 6-5 | o-----------o After passing through the water area with the Shiny Knights, Kirby will face Waddle Dees, a Waddle Doo, a Q-Burt, and a Bronto Burt on the way to a Bomb, which will open a path leading down into the ground. Go down to find a 1-Up, then light the fuse you find (swallow a Q-Burt to get the necessary "fire" Power... HAHA!), and then fly upwards again and turn right to find a second Bomb to destroy, followed by quickly diving down the hole to land in the cannon to be shot off the screen! Here Kirby will find a secret switch that will reveal the Quick Draw Bonus Game in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 6-6 | o-----------o From the start, Kill all the Waddle Dees, Waddle Doo, Sparkies, Sir Pengy, and a Shiny Knight to reach a door. Upon passing through, swallow a Mr. UFO, backtrack through the door, and then fly down and to the left to find a secret cave below the area you traversed. Charge up your UFO Power attack to the highest Power (the multiple star projectile) to break the ice blocks that guard the door, and then pass through to bust the secret switch that releases the warp star location in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 7-1 | o-----------o When you see a massive pile of Star Blocks clogging the path ahead, you are in the proper area. Drop your Laser Power, take out the Star Blocks with your slide tackle ability, and then swallow the Sparky when you reach him for his Spark Power. Now use Spark Power to carve away all of the Star Blocks while dealing with the enemies, stopping when you reach the Blowfire. Use your ability to tunnel down to the Waddle Doo, drop the Spark Power, swallow the Waddle Doo for his Beam Power, and then continue moving to the right. When you see the area with the three Waddle Dees, slowly remove the Star Blocks so you open a single space where Kirby can get on top of the Star Blocks, and then jump and beam the bricks in the roof to plow a path that will get Kirby within two small blocks of the door. These two blocks are made of tougher stuff, so drop the Beam Power, run to the left, and inhale through the wall to get the Blowfire so you can swallow him for his Fireball ability. Now return to the tough wall, Fireball through it, and Kirby will smash the secret switch to make the Crane Bonus Game accessible in the outer area! o-----------o | Level 7-6 | o-----------o Now you are outside in a vertical area, so head down past the Waddle Dees, fly up into the windy path above, and then slide tackle through the Star Blocks to reach the more open area. Now fly upwards carefully, moving past the Sir Kibble and the parachuting, Parasol wielding Waddle Dees to see the star door. HOWEVER, go above the star door to the crescent moon and press UP to enter into a secret area where a Maximum Tomato, a 1-Up, and a secret switch that unlocks the Warp Star Station in the outer area await Kirby! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Bonus Games-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16)This section will look at all of the Bonus Games that Kirby can play as he advances through the game. o-------o | Arena | o-------o Kirby will enter into a one-on-one battle with a specific Mini-Boss, fighting to the death! If Kirby loses, he loses a life. If Kirby wins, he will not only win the Power of the defeated Mini-Boss, but he will also win a Maximum Tomato for his efforts! The following is a list of the Mini-Bosses Kirby will face in each World's Arena: World One..: None World Two..: Mr. Frosty (Freeze Power) World Three: Big Wheelie (Wheel) World Four.: Bugzey (Back Drop) World Five.: Bonkers (Hammer) World Six..: Flame Mane (Fireball) World Seven: None o------------------------o | Crane Fever Bonus Game | o------------------------o With two chances to grab some prizes, hold the A Button to move the crane right till the claw is over the desired Kirby target, release the button, and see if you successfully get your prize. Two chances are yours at a small Kirby (1-Up) or a Large Kirby (2-Up). There seems to be no set pattern to winning, other than luck. o------------------------o | Egg Catcher Bonus Game | o------------------------o Eat the eggs and not the bombs that King Dedede throws out in play, with the more eggs being grabbed the better your reward will be. Here are the following reward values for the amount of eggs captured: 01-06: 500 Points 07-12: 1000 Points 13-18: 3000 Points 19-24: 5000 Points 25-29: 1-Up 30: 3-Up o----------------o | Launcher Bonus | o----------------o Every time that Kirby successfully reaches the star door at the end of a level, he will be entered into the Launcher Bonus. The idea is to press the A Button while Kirby is as low on the Launcher as possible, with the lower he is on the launcher when pressed, the better the reward. The following are the rewards that he can receive: Tier 1: 1-Up Tier 2: 5000 Points Tier 3: 2000 Points Tier 4: 800 Points Tier 5: 300 Points Tier 6: 100 Points Tier 7: PUSH A (i.e. you suck) o--------o | Museum | o--------o Every World contains one of these structures, offering a free Power or two for Kirby at any time. Be sure to check out each one to see if they have a Power-Up that you want! World One..: Sword World Two..: Fire/Laser World Three: Hi-Jump World Four.: Sleep/Ball World Five.: Stone/Tornado World Six..: Wheel World Seven: None o------------o | Quick Draw | o------------o Once your opponent draws, draw your weapon and shoot them! Your rewards will increase the more opponents you get rid of. Note that you will have to be under 20 for the third opponent, under 15 for the fourth opponent, and under 10 for the fifth and final opponent. 1 Opponent : 1000 Points 2 Opponents: 3000 Points 3 Opponents: 5000 Points 4 Opponents: 1-Up 5 Opponents: 3-Up o-------------------o | Warp Star Station | o-------------------o When you find these, you will be able to travel to any other World that you uncovered their Warp Star Station. This is a superb way to go to previous areas to look for specific Powers, 1-Ups, or even hidden Switches! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Credits---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17)This section salutes those who helped me write this FAQ. Cyhwux - For letting me use his mix tables for the Powers section. Thanks dude! Also people, check out his FAQ for some extra in-depth discussion on that very subject if you wish to learn a bit more. Devin Morgan - For the enemy names and his thoughts on some parts of this FAQ. Check out his FAQs as he writes a wide range of games and systems! Trace Jackson - For helping me out with some small critiques of my format and the like, even if I used very few of them. You rule dude, but when we gonna see SMB:DX FAQ!? :P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Final Word--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18)As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2004. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is www.gamefaqs.com, www.ign.com, www.retronintendo.com, and www.honestgamers.com. You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at briansulpher@hotmail.com. You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address. A superb game that sadly came a little bit after the Super NES, so it got lost in the shuffle of things. This is a must play for any fan of the mighty Power that the NES possessed!