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Copyright =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Intro =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hollywood Squares is based on an old TV show were they combined answering questions and tic-tac-toe, this faq has almost all the (outdated) questions and answers for if you want to peek or use the questions yourself to test your knowledge. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Basics =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The basics of this game are pretty simple, to win you must get three crosses or circles in a row, to get this you must answer a question correctly, if you answer it wrong than your opponent gets his/her circle/square there but if there are already two squares or circles for her/him than there doesn’t come one. The game lasts three rounds, in the second round there is a secret square with a hidden trip behind it, if you answer the question correctly than you win it, if you win the whole thing then you can pick out a car, if the key doesn't fit than you can play another round and get a chance to win the car again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Questions and answers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q. Can you teach a pig to fetch? A. Yes Q. This legendary comedian was known for his sober, straightfaced look and his distinctive pork-pie hat. What was his name? A. Buster Keaton Q. When can you tell a young duckling has finally matured? A. It gets new feathers Q. True or false? When you get a bloody nose, it's a good idea to lie down. A. False Q. According to Ann Landers, the 3 things that hold a marriage together are love, respect, and.... what else? A. Loyalty - fidelity Q. True or false? There's a version of Vogue magazine for dogs called "Dogue" that features ads for Kennel No 5 perfume and fashions by Yves St. Bernard. A. True Q. According to the "Old Testament," Jonah lived in the belly of a whale for three days. What made the whale spit him out? A. God commanded it Q. When it's cold outside, what parts of your body are the first to feel it? A. Your fingers and toes Q. What is another name for the wild, flat faced, big-mouthed creature known as "Yeti"? A. The abominable Snowman Q. Meat that hasn't been properly covered and left in the freezer, may get white patches on the surface known as "freezer burn." Is it still safe to serve it to guests? A. Yes Q. You've just spilled red wine on the carpet. What will happen if you pour white wine on the stain? A. It will help you remove it Q. Kyat, Kwanza, Kip, Taka, Sol and Leck are ... what? A. Different foreign currencies Q. According to the " World Book," does a clam have a foot? A. Yes Q. You can find a cockle in the sea, but can you eat a cockle and suffer no ill effects? A. Yes Q. Most often when the stomach growls, what does this mean? A. You're hungry Q. You take the eggs from a sturgeon, rub them trough a screen, wash them, rub them with salt, drain, and then dry them. What would you get? A. Caviar Q. According to legend, The "Flying Dutchman" had too sial around the world for eternity until he found... what? A. A wife who would sacrifice everything for him Q. We know a centaur is part horse and part man. Which part is like a horse? A. The back part Q. In the "Bible," who is described as "Just a man but perfect in his generation. He walked with God" ? A. Noah Q. We all know about George Washington’s famous wooden teeth, but true or false? His dentist is credited with inventing the first dentist drill. A. True Q. What are "bugs" to the average skin diver? A. Lobsters Q. Though the handshake is an acceptable greeting in Japan, most Japanese actually prefer ... what? A. A bow - a simple 15 degree bow from the waist is advised Q. Why did British miners take with them into the mines? A. To determine the presence of gas Q. Its full real name is CHUNG-WA-JEN-KUNG-HO-KWO, but we know it better as ... what? A. China. It is the official name of the People Republic of China Q. True or false? The average American nun is over 60 years old. A. True Q. Through the years, people have tried such things as celery necklaces, raw fish, chilli peppers, oysters, ice cream, and tabasco to get rid of a ... what? A. Hangover, but according to the FDA, there is still no cure Q. Do most Americans dream in color or black and white. A. Color Q. A Muslim leader who has attained power is called " The Ayatollah." What does Ayatollah mean? A. Gift of god Q. You've been invited to someone's home for dinner at 8:00. According to Miss manners, you should never arrive after... what time? A. 8.12 Q. According to legend, who was unwilling to go into the Ark because she thought Noah was crazy? A. Noah's wife, Waila Q. Is there such a bird as a bar-headed goose? A. Yes, they can usually be seen migrating to India Q. True or false? Eating kidney beans will lower your cholesterol level. A. True Q. Do most Italian women say they are more romantic than their husbands? A. Yes Q. According to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, when a couple gets divorced, most of their friends remain with the husband. Why? A. Men usually have the power and the money. That influences people! Q. Would you eat a "tenderpod bush snap"? A. Yes. It's a bean Q. Why is it a good idea to put milk of magnesia on your face? A. It disinfects and absorbs skin oils Q. "Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her mother forty whacks; when she saw what she had, she gave her father'.. what? A. Forty-one Q. Is it ever a good idea to put vodka on your eyeglasses? A. Yes, for cleaning Q. According to the UCLA Biology Department, what are the building blocks of life? A. Proteins Q. What's that popular spectator event in which drivers keep ramming their old cars into each other? A. A demolition derby Q. According to the "World Book," if you were a barber, could you give a whale a haircut? A. Yes, whales do actually have a little hair on their heads Q. What was first made in Egypt over 3000 years ago by mixing fruits with nuts and honey? A. Candy Q. According to the "World Book Dictionary," is it a good thing or a bad thing to be "diddled"? A. A bad thing. It means you've been cheated or swindled Q. Do most of us think that the quality of a college education is getting worse? A. No Q. According to Pflueger Taxidermy in Hallandale Florida - where sport fishing is king - what is the most popular fish to mount and stuff? A. Sailfish Q. Is there a real difference between a real estate broker and a real estate agent? A. Yes Q. In the comics and toy world, what is the name of He-Man's beautiful and fabulously developed twin sister? A She-Ra Q. Deceptions, Transformers, Wrinkels and Madballs are all currently... what? A. Toys for kids Q. True or false? Thomas Paine, one of the most important and influential of the Founding Fathers of our country, was a corset maker by trade. A. True Q. At a very formal dinner, what do you use the little fork for? A. It's for the fish: oysters, lobsters or gefilte Q. They are extremely blood-thirsty, travel in groups, and have been known to tear the flesh off skeletons of animals and people in just a few minutes. What are they? A. Piranha fish Q. A growing number of parents think their young children should be present when their mother is giving birth. Does the American Psychiatric Association agree? A. It's too stressful for a young child Q. According to "Parents" magazine, babies will definitely cry less if parents do something more often to them. What? A. Hold them Q. According to the book "Childhood Friendships," what is the main reason children tell lies? A. To make their wishes and fantasies come true Q. According to the old rhyme "A red sky at the morning is a sailor's sure warning," but what brings a sailor's delight? A. A red sky at night Q. True or false? According to "Good Housekeeping," if you pull your panty hose too tight over your feet, you'll develop hammertoes? A. True Q. According to "U.S.A. Today," do most happily married couples tell each other everything? A. No. Happily married couples stress the upbeat and downplay the negative Q. Red roses symbolize passion; white, innocence; pink, gentility. What do yellow roses indicate? A. Jealousy Q. According to etiquette expert Elizabeth Post, what's the earliest one should leave a dinner party? A. You should not leave until one hour after dinner is over Q. Yawl, dinghy and skiff are all... what? A. Small boats Q. When Ronald Reagan entered a room, the band was supposed to play "Hail to the chief." What did they play when he left? A. "Hail to the Chief" also Q. He was a popular figure in the early days of TV, in his blonde curls and pink tights. Who was he? A. Gorgeous George... the wrestler Q. True or false? According to the "World Book," at the Coliseum in Ancient Rome, winning gladiators often participated in a game remarkably similar to "The Dating Game." A. True Q. Your dentist applies some highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide on your teeth and then uses a special heat producing light. What is he doing? A. Bleaching them Q. According to the "New Testament," we are all born with original sin. What is the only thing that can remove it? A. Baptism Q. 11 percent of all Americans said it was the greatest invention of all time. What is it? A. The wheel Q. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, if you do not know the correct wattage for a light fixture use a bulb no larger than ...what? A. 60 watts Q. In the Disney classic, "Sleeping Beauty," she wakes up after the Prince kisses her. Does she say anything? A. No. She smiles but never says a word Q. Toward the end of World War 2, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin met several times. What famous nickname did they earn? A. The Big Three Q. Who was it who uttered the famous words: "These are the times that try men's souls"? A. Thomas Paine, the American Revolutionary leader Q. President Kennedy's father said, "The way to avoid being intimated by businessmen is to picture them in... what? A. Underwear Q. Reagan had a Bush... Carter had a Mondale... what did Nixon have? A. Agnew or Ford Q. According to the National SKI Areas Association only 2.5 of every 1000 skiers are... what? A. Injured while skiing Q. In the "Bilble," when Ruth said, "Whither thou goest, I will go," who was she talking to - her husband, her rabbi, or her mother-in-law? A. Her mother-in-law Q. Where do they answer the phone by saying "Pronto"? A. Italy Q. 90 percent of all parsley served in the United States is what? A. Thrown out Q. A new study by the A.M.A in Dallas flatly says blood pressure goes up when.. what goes down? A. Income Q. When eating lettuce or spinach, it's always a good idea to choose one with a darker green leaf. Why? A. It has a higher vitamin content Q. An experienced spelunker will always explore it in groups, but will never take anything. What do Spelunkers explore? A. Caves Q. You are in a very important business meeting and your stomach starts to growl. What's the best way to handle this embarrassing situation? A. Take something sugary such as a piece of hard candy Q. Traditionally, something in Mexico lasts for 3 hours. What is it? A. The Siesta, but it rarely does anymore Q. The touch-me-not is a flower that grows primarily where? A. In low, damp areas of central and eastern U.S. Q. A survey of retailing organizations shows that 42% of all goods stolen from stores are taken by whom? A. Employees Q. Hank Aaron is #1 on the all-time list, and Babe Ruth is second. Who is the third greatest homerun hitter of all time? A. Willie Mays Q. True or false? According to the "world Book," a "sitzmark" is the impression a skier makes in the snow when he falls? A. True Q. True or false? Storing your pantyhose in the freezer will prolong their life. A. True Q. Your dinner partner suddenly starts coughing and then says "The food went down the wrong way." According to the University of Miami Medical School, What does he mean? A. It went down the trachea instead of the oesophagus Q. According to "Psychology Today," just by carrying this with you when you go out to buy a car, can save you up to $200. What is it? A. A current price guide for new cars Q. If you lose weight too fast, what's likely to happen to your hair? A. Some of it may fall out Q. True or false? University scientists recently crossed a firefly with a tobacco plant. A. True Q. When Moses went up to the mountain, he brought back the Ten Commandments. What did Mohammed bring back when he went to the mountain? A. The Koran - the Holy Book of Islam Q. Leading exercise experts agree, before beginning a serious exercise program the first thing you should always do is what? A. Consult your doctor Q. According to the American Psychiatric, do most therapists think it is OK to have a romantic relationship with someone who is no longer a patient? A. No Q. It can be taught to do anything that a 3-year-old child can do. What is it? A. A chimpanzee Q. Can you make soap out of peanuts? A. Yes Q. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, when is the best time of day to spray household insects? A. Late afternoon Q. According to the "Farmers Almanac," is it best to stud your animals under a full moon? A. No - it makes no difference Q. According to "New Woman" magazine, do most married women having an affair tell their friends? A. Yes Q. According to etiquette expert Elizabeth Post, what should a host do when a discussion among guests gets too heated? A. Step in and change the subject Q. Julliet Low started it in 1912 with 18 girls. To date, more than 50 million of them have participated. What is it? A. Girl Scouts of America Q. According to experts, in what decade did the automobile become the chief means of passenger transportation in the U.S.? A. The 1920's Q. Which two houses form the British Parliament? A. The House of Commons and the House of Lords Q. According to Greek mythology, Zeus gave it to her, but who actually opened Pandora's box? A. Her husband Empimetheus Q. True or false? In parts of Florida it's illegal to snore. A. True Q. To someone in China, what are "oolong" and "woolong"? A. Kinds of tea Q. According to the book "Money Talks," how much is Richard Nixon's signature worth: $50, $500 or $5000? A. $50 Q. When Queen Elizabeth went to China recently, she took 3 tons of it with her. What was it? A. Luggage Q. It is defined as a puzzling question or enigma, which is to be solved by guessing. What is it? A. A riddle Q. According to "Working Mother" magazine, do the majority of parents expect something in return for giving their kid an allowance? A. Yes Q. If your son was a Rhodes Scholar, where would he go to study? A. To Oxford University in England Q. True or false? Most Americans over 85 are in nursing homes. A. False Q. "A house divided against itself cannot stand" is a well-known phrase. Where did it orginiate? A. The Bible Q. According to the "Wall Street Journal," you can now buy artificial cheese. What's the main advantage of artificial over natural cheese? A. It costs less Q. According to the book "When Your Parents Grow Old," if your 80-year-old mother still scrubs the kitchen floor each day, should you try and get her to stop? A. No. Routine helps the elderly feel safe and secure Q. True or false? Mistletoe is actually a parasite whose berries may be poisonous to people. A. True Q. According to mythology, what would a mermaid do when she wanted mortal man to live with her in the sea? A. Slip a magic cap over his head so he could breathe Q. True or false? The monkey wrench was named for its inventor, Charles Monkey. A. True Q. Which scientist would most likely have a laboratory filled with "schist"? A. A Geologist Q. When storing wine, why should you always lay it on its side? A. So the cork doesn't dry out Q. Is there a difference between a rabbit and a hare? A. Yes. Rabbits are smaller than hares and have shorter ears Q. Adam and Eve wore the world's first clothes. What were they made out of? A. Skins of animals Q. Of all the birds in the world, only one has two toes. Which is it? A. The ostrich Q. Sarah Ferguson just spent four weeks studying so she could do it by herself, and Prince Andrew was delighted. What did she do? A. Flew solo in an airplane Q. Who was the entrepreneur who said the phrase, "There's a sucker born every minute"? A. P. T. Barnum Q. True or false? Some birds fly as high as 20000 feet. A. True Q. In China, when does your host know that you have had enough to eat? A. You lay your chopsticks across the plate Q. According to good housekeeping, "is it proper for a woman to apply lipstick at a table in a restaurant? A. Yes, it's permissible Q. According to the "World Book," what is the only important difference between a peach and a nectarine? A. The skin Q. According to "Self" magazine, once your baby starts walking, you should put off buying shoes until... when? A. They're needed for outside protecting Q. True or false? There's a new magazine on the market, designed specifically to be read while you're in the bathroom A. Yes Q. According to top modelling agent Blanchard, don't even think about trying to become a model unless you are at least five foot ... what? A. Five foot nine Q. According to "U.S.A. Today," in the first half of 1986 alone it happened more than 39000 times in New York City. What? A. A car was stolen Q. What country has the highest percentage of females in top government positions? A. Norway Q. You suspect that your husband is a "somniloquist." What was your first clue? A. A somniloquist talks in his sleep Q. In New York, the new tie color for the executive who wants to project an image of power and authority is... what? A. Pink...deep, dusky pinks are the new power ties Q. True or false? Happily married women have stronger immune systems than those with sour marriages. A. True Q. Madame Marie Curie was the first woman ever to win it... what? A. The Nobel Prize Q. According to Dr. Joyce Brothers, more and more people are suffering from addiction to television. What's the most common side effect of being a TV addict? A. Gaining weight Q. A Memphis State University study reports that the top three reasons a person smokes is stress, craving and what? A. Weight control Q. True or false? The Miami Indians settled in Miami Beach and built large, elaborate wigwams for other Indians to stay in while they were visiting. A. False Q. According to Greek mythology, Neptune, god of the Sea, always carried his trident in his hand. What's a trident A. A three-pronged spear Q. "Folk Medicine" tells us that eating 15 raw almonds very quickly is a good way to get rid of something...What? A. A headache Q. According to "Pediatrics" magazine, what's the best method for putting an end to a child sucking his thumb? A. Coat the thumb with a bitter substance Q. According to the "World Book," why did the ancient Egyptians bury their dolls? A. To act as servants in the next world Q. True or false - for most people, one foot is larger than the other? A. True Q. What is hypothermia? A. It's a condition when the body temperature falls well below normal Q. According to "American Health" magazine, if you have an insatiable urge to chew ice cubes, what is your body deficient in? A. Iron. The craving is a recognized symptom of iron deficiency Q. According to "Folk Medicine, "the number-one cause of puffiness, particularly in the face, is... what? A. Too much salt in the diet Q. Why does a chameleon change color? A. In response to light or temperature changes Q. You are having trouble with "floaters." According to the family doctor, who should you see: an eye doctor, a foot doctor or a psychiatrist? A. An eye doctor Q. According to the "Old Testament," who actually gave Samsom his haircut? A. Delilah had a servant cut off Samsom's hair Q. According to a major Chicago Medical Center, is it okay to eat fish that has a fresh ocean smell? A. Yes Q. A llama does something unusual when he is angry. What? A. He spits at you Q. Who are the only people allowed to enter the sacred city of Mecca? A. Muslims Q. Can you get lead poisoning from being pricked with a pencil? A. No Q. According to the "World Book" Billy the Kid was 15 years old the first time he did it ... did what? A. Shot his first man Q. According to "L.A." magazine, what is the number-one cause of potholes on freeways and highways? A. Trucks Q. According to the "Old Testament," on the day god gave Moses the Ten Commandments, was the weather sunny, thundering and lighting, or snowing? A. Thundering and lighting Q. We know that your mother said it was good for you, but according to nutritionists at Wayne State University, what's the worst thing about liver? A. It contains large amounts of cholesterol Q. According to the "Dictionary of Scriptures and Myths," when you hear the voice of God, you are really hearing ... what? A. Your conscience Q. According to Greek mythology, Cerberus, the dog who guarded the gates of Hades. had something that most dogs don't have. What was it? A. Three heads Q. In a "U.S.A. Today" poll of almost 2000 adults, who sis the majority say were harder to raise, boys or girls? A. Girls Q. Traditionally, what is given on one's 60th wedding anniversary? A. Diamonds Q. According to a study at Emory University, what is the normal amount of hairs that a woman should lose daily? A. 100 Q. True or false? When buying fresh fish, the best way to tell if it is fresh is to stare into its eyes. A. True Q. In the "Bible," what famous thing was made out of gopher wood? A. Noah's Ark Q. The term "beating the spread" refers to... what? A. Betting Q. What is the main thing that distinguishes vultures from other large birds of prey? A. Vultures are bald... they have no hair on their head Q. According to the book "Do's and taboos Around the World," which contains tips to tourists abroad, what does it mean when an Arab grabs your hand? A. It's an honor - a sign of friendship Q. Your cat keeps rubbing up against you. What is he doing? A. Rubbing his scent on you Q. Do some deer bark? A. They bark when nervous or scared Q. According to the "Arabian Nights," when Ali Baba yelled the magic words, " Open Sesame," what opened? A. The robbers' cave Q. What famous thing ran all the way from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California? A. The Pony Express Q. If you're about to suffer from motion sickness, is it a good idea to eat some green olives? A. Yes Q. You have just promised to lead a life of obedience, chastity and poverty. What are you now? A. A monk or a nun Q. A parakeet's foot has two toes pointing forward and two facing backward. What main purpose does this serve? A. Makes climbing and gripping easier Q. According to the "New England Journal of Medicine," ballerinas often suffer from weak bones because of too much exercise and too much...what? A. Dieting Q. Where is "Mona Lisa" hanging out these days? A. The Louvre in Paris Q. True or false? According to the Associated Press, some doctors are now using zippers instead of stitches on surgery patients. A. True Q. A recent Louis Harris survey found that teachers think it crucial to the good education of our youth. What? A. A strong family Q. Big Girl, Big Boy, Tiny Tim and Basket King are just some of the better known... what? A. Types of tomatoes Q. according to the National Safety Council, what object is most often caught in the throat of most Americans? A. Toothpicks Q. Can smoking have an effect on a man's reproductive system? A. Yes, tests show that male smokers are less fertile Q. Why would your dentist attach electrodes to your mouth and body, and then run an electric current trough your mouth? A. To reduce pain Q. According to the "Los Angeles Times," in what historic event did the expression "May the best man win" come from? A. The ancient Olympic Games Q. When a person is held against his will, he's been kidnapped. When a sailor is held against his will and forced to work on a ship, he's been what? A. Shanghaied Q. You are spread across a withering rack and air blown to remove excess wetness, crushed, locked in a fermenting room, and left to dry out in an oven. What are you now? A. Tea Q. When the famous author O'Henry called it "Baghdad on the subway," what was he talking about? A. New York City Q. In the old nursery rhyme, where would you find the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker? A. Going rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub Q. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 50 to 75 percent of jobs available to the next generation will involve ... what? A. Computers Q. According to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," besides grinning all the time, the Cheshire Cat could do something else that made him unique. What? A. Vanish at will Q. According to "Working Mother" magazine, if your child is 4 years old and still sucking his thumb, should you be concerned? A. Yes Q. A study among Eskimos in Greenland who eat a lot of fish showed a considerably lower incidence in what? A. Heart disease. The fatty acids in fish help reduce heart disease Q. Who is the personality most closely associated with "Poor Richard's Almanac"? A. Benjamin Franklin Q. Egyptian mummies were found wearing them, the ancient Greeks and Romans wore them, so did the French in the 17th century, who powdered theirs. What were they all wearing? A. Wigs Q. According to the FBI, it is the #1 crime committed by women. What is it? A. Larceny, primarily shoplifting Q. True or false? By age 50, 95% of all people have eyesight too poor to drive a car without wearing glasses. A. True Q. Why is "virgin wool" so called? A. Because the wool has never been spun Q. What can gain as much as 200 pounds in one day? A. A whale Q. At a most traditional Chinese meal, what's the very last thing you get? A. Soup Q. According to "Self" magazine, is giving in to your partner a good way to keep a relationship going? A. No Q. According to a study at Wellesley College, is it a good idea to give your child a reward to get him to be creative? A. No Q. The name of the first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong. What was the name of the first car on the moon? A. The Lunar Rover Q. It's a powder of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide and magnesia burned together in a kiln and pulverised. What is it? A. Cement Q. The "World Book" says that you should have long arms, a long neck, and a short body in order to be a great what? A. Ballet dancer Q. According to the "World Book", do most teenagers prefer the company of their friends or the company of their parents? A. Their friends Q. Can a potato get a pink eye? A. Yes, it's caused by a bacteria that is quite common in most soils Q. As part of their job, what kind of person would slice you up the back, pin back your gums, fill you with sawdust, stretch your skin tight and then hang you up to dry? A. A taxidermist Q. Fashion experts tell us that if you go around showing off the chic designer labels on your clothes, it really is a sign of ... what? A. Weakness or insecurity Q. The American Cancer Society suggest three things for people who don't want to gain weight when they give up smoking: eat less calories, exercise more, and learn how to what? A. Relax Q. According to "Fortune" magazine, what was the hottest-selling toy fad of 1986? A. A laser gun toy called Lazer Tag Q. It's called "daytime sleepiness," and it causes children to fall asleep in school, or almost anytime. What is the most common cause of daytime sleepiness? A. Letting your child stay up too late Q. Every baby has a soft spot on his/her head. Why? A. To accommodate brain growth Q. David only needed one stone to kill that big guy, Goliath. Where did it hit him? A. On the forehead Q. We know there's chrome on cars, but is there chrome in some of the food that we eat? A. Yes. Tiny amounts are in cereals and some vegetables Q. According to the "Ladies Home Journal," the average cost of doing it for eighteen years is $199650. Doing what? A. Raising a child to age 18 Q. We know that too much sugar is bad for your teeth. Can too much starch harm your teeth? A. Yes Q. According to a recent Roper poll, the two household tasks that children hate most are cleaning their room and what else? A. Washing the dishes Q. In Buddhist philosophy, people can find relief from the suffering of life in a state of complete happiness and peace. What is this place called? A. Nirvana Q. Is there such a thing as "ice cream headache"? A. Yes. It can be the result of eating ice cream or other cold foods rapidly Q. President John Adams and his wife Abigail did it longer than any other presidential couple. What? A. Stayed married longer Q. True or false? You can tell if the nuts in a shell are stale by holding them to your ear and shaking them. A. True Q. Lie on your back, elevate your feet and place a wine bottle cork between your upper and lower teeth. According to "Glamour" magazine, why would someone do this? A. to relieve tension. It relaxes jaw and face muscles Q. According to scientists originally it came from ultra violet rays mixing with ammonia, nitrogen, methane and water vapor to form a primordial liquid. What do we call it today? A. Life Q. In the comics, who is Charlie Brown's little sister? A. Sally Q. What famous movie star once sang a very sultry version of "Happy Birthday" to President John F. Kennedy? A. Marilyn Monroe Q. According to the "World Book," over half the workers in Russia who lay bricks, dig ditches and repair streets are what? A. Women Q. Trailways Bus Lines is trying to compete with the airlines, so they're doing something the airlines have done for years. What is it? A. Showing movies Q. A sad person feels blue, a jealous person is green, a coward is yellow. What kind of person sees red. A. An angry person Q. Where did baroque sculpture first appear? A. In Rome. This art form first appeared there in the late 1500s Q. In a "Good Housekeeping" survey, in social situations who do women dress to please: themselves, men or other women? A. Themselves Q. "American Health" magazine tells us that the best thing you can do to preserve your skin is... what? A. Stay out of the sun Q. According to the language of the Old West, what did it mean when a cowboy "sold his saddle"? A. He was disgraced Q. What is the only animal besides man that can get a sunburn? A. A pig Q. What is the only animal that will actually eat a skunk? A. An owl Q. If someone asked you if you were in the mood for a little "snooker" and you consented, what would you end up playing? A. Billiards or pool Q. 98% of them are grown in California. The four main ones are named Mission, Sevillano, Ascolano and Manzenillo. What are they? A. Ripe olives Q. According to a "Shape" magazine poll, would more men rather meet a woman who is good-looking or intelligent? A. Intelligent Q. On TV, where could you see "sweathogs"? A. On "Welcome Back, Kotter" Q. According to "Self" magazine, what's the best way to instil good eating habits in your kids? A. By you eating what you want them to eat Q. True or false? Most male gorillas are only interested in getting romantically involved about once a year. A. True, which may explain why the gorilla population is down Q. According to the fashion and gift consulting service at Macy's in New York, men consider what they wear to the office a statement of their what? A. Authority Q. Why doesn't a hippopotamus get water up his nose when he's under water? A. They close their nostrils with special muscles Q. You are depressed. Statistically, are you likely to be a man or a woman? A. A woman Q. What is happening when Arabs are said to be "basking in each other's breath" ? A. Conversing Q. The U.S. Conference of Mayors has published "The Mayors Cookbook." What recipe did Mayor Clint Eastwood contribute to the book? A. Apple pie with cinnamon Q. In 1891, Witcomb Judson created the first slide fastener. Today it is known far and wide as the...what? A. Zipper Q. Rock-siren Madonna told "Life" magazine that she has something extremely unusual in her bedroom. What is it? A. A shrine to Marilyn Monroe Q. It's called "Dobbermask." It's a foam rubber mask that resembles a Doberman Pinscher and may be placed on a small dog or cat to scare intruders. True or false? A. True Q. According to Greek mythology, who was the first woman on Earth? A. Pandora... she was created by Zeus Q. Was the title of Loretta Lynn's autobiography "Coal Miner's Daughter, "Stand By Your Man" or "Bound for glory"? A. "Coal Miner's Daughter" Q. Butternut, Crookneck, Pattie Pan and Acorn are all different varieties of what? A. Squash Q. In 1957, a Russian dog named Laika did something no other dog or human had ever done before. What? A. Travelled in space Q. According to the vice president of men's design for Polo, Ralph Lauren, what sells men's sweaters? A. The color Q. According to "American Health" magazine, if you are on a diet is it a good idea to skip lunch? A. No Q. It's every bit as popular in Japan as it is here. Over there, it's called "Macudonarudos," What is it called over here? A. McDonald's Q. What's the next line of the song - "When somebody loves you... It's no good unless they love you...? A. All the way Q. What well-known thing comes to mind when you hear the phrase "Plop-plop-fizz -fizz"? A. Alka Seltzer... it's one of their classic advertising slogans Q. In the National Football League, when the referee holds his arms straight out away from his body, it means... what? A. Time out Q. According to new Government figures, the #1 stolen automobile in the U.S. today is... what? A. The Pontiac Firebird Q. What is known as the "City of Bright Lights"? A. Las Vegas Q. Who would use something called a "half nelson" and a "full nelson" ? A. A wrestler - they're wrestling holds Q. Miss Roach's 5th grade social studies class in Springfield recently graded President Reagan and sent him the report card. He got only one "A"... for what? A. Leadership qualities Q. This tip from the pages of "Good Housekeeping" magazine: you are more likely to experience indigestion and heartburn if you eat a heavy meal within 2-3 hours of what? A. Going to bed Q. According to "Self" magazine, what is the most stressful month of the year? A. june ... the kids are home from school Q. Who was the first person to walk in space: Edward White, Alexi Leonov, or Yuri Gagarin? A. Alexi leonov Q. In 1714, a British inventor described it as "an artificial machine or method of impressing letters singly or progressively one after the other. "What was it ? A. The typewriter Q. Here's something you might not know: Many insurance companies are now offering discounts to owners of cars containing what.. what? A. Air bags Q. Some early writers used the secretion of cattle fish to make it, others used oak-gall, hawthorn bark and even wine. To make what? A. Ink Q. At Mardi Gras time in New Orleans, "Fat Tuesday" is always the day before what? A. Ash Wednesday Q. According to the "Chicago Tribune," will moth balls sometimes keep gophers out of your yard? A. Yes Q. According to the "New England Journal of Medicine," 40% of all patients shouldn't really be there. Why? A. The same treatment, and cheaper, can be obtained as an out patient Q. Whose fans are known as "The Baker Street Irregulars"? A. Sherlock Holmes Q. What do we call that thing many Shriners wear on their heads? A. A fez Q. Mixing the chemicals obtained form coke, grain, potatoea, petroleum and other raw materials will give you what? A. Synthetic rubber Q. According to "Bartlett's Familiar Quotations," who first coined the phrase "the silent majority"? A. Richard Nixon Q. According to the "World Book," what does a firefly use its light for? A. To attract a mate Q. Some names just naturally go together: Sodom and Gomorrah, Cain and Abel, David and ...who? A. Bathsheba Q. Eskimos may live in igloos in the winter, but where do they live in the summer time? A. In tents made of sealskin or caribou Q. in 1847, an English company, called Fry and Sons combined fermented cocoa beans with sugar and made the first... what? A. Chocolate Q. In a unique policy, the state of Virginia is now requiring prison inmates to do this before they will even consider parole. What? A. Learn to read, at least to 6th grade ability before parole is considered Q. According to "Redbook," there are several signals that could warn you of a marriage in trouble. The first is when you no longer do what together? A. Laugh together Q. To make sure your chicken is cooked all the way trough, you should always use a meat thermometer. Where should you stick it? A. in the thick part of the thigh next to the body Q. Before he started frying chicken, what did Colonel Sanders do for a living? A. He was a tire salesman Q. According to "Parents" magazine, what is the average allowance of a child under seven? A. One dollar a week Q. What U.S. city consumes the most prune juice per capita? A. Miami, Florida Q. Hard to believe, but about 75% of Russia's doctors are what? A. Women Q. True or false? According to the "World Book Encyclopaedia," it is estimated that termites cause as much property damage each year in the U.S. as fire does. A. True Q. According to "Redbook magazine, is it better for you to take long, hot showers or quick, warm showers? A. Quick warm showers Q. According to the Sleep Disorder Center, what is the number-one cause of classic long-term insomnia? A. Depression Q. Who would you see if you were having trouble with your semi-circular canal and your cochlea? A. An ear doctor Q. What's so amazing about the eyesight of a mallard duck? A. It has 360-degree vision Q. Kringels... stollens... guglehupfs... and hoskas are all kinds of what? A. International baked breads Q. According to the "Journal of the American Medical Association," do most patients prefer their doctor to wear a white jacket? A. Yes Q. According to the "Wall Street Journal," are there any game shows on Soviet television? A. yes Q. According to "Consumer Reports," the best ones in 1936 were Shelvador, Adjusto Shelf and Norge. What were they? A. Refrigerators Q. One of Hollywood's most endearing and enduring movies was "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House." Who played Mr. Blandings in this 1947 film favorite? A. Cary Grant Q. Which of the following is not a real animal: an aardvark, an aardbird, or an aardwolf? A. An aardbird Q. It doesn't have batteries, it's not a Teddy Bear, but in a recent study of children in nursery school, two-thirds said they owned this classic toy. What is it? A. Little red wagon Q. TV's "Mister Togers" has been wearing plain, zip-front cardigan sweaters for almost 20 years. Where did most of them come from? A. His mother Q. In 1992, what will draw worldwide attention to Barcelona, Spain? A. The Summer Olympic Q. According to the National Sporting Goods Associating, what is the most popular exercise among senior citizens? A. Walking Q. True or false? The latest flu vaccine is made by combining human flu viruses with the flu virus from a duck. A. True Q. In the Israeli desert, camels are now required to wear something usually found on bicycles. What is it? A. Reflectors Q. According to experts, if your younger sister is constantly playing with your things, what does that probable mean? A. She wants to be like you.. she looks up to and emulates you Q. What is a paparazzo? A. A photographer who pursues celebrities Q. According to a syndicated medical columnist, what is it about doctors that bothers people the most? A. Insensitivity. Most people find doctors uncaring Q. According to "American Health: magazine, is it ever a good idea to put oatmeal in your shoes? A. Yes, oatmeal will help soak up excessive moisture Q. When Muhammed Ali fought the classic "Thrilla in Mannila," who was his opponent? A. Joe Frazier Q. According to U.S Customs Law, in order to be recognizes as an official antique, it has to be a minimum of how old? A. 100 years old Q. A recent survey by the National Institute of Child Health discloses that pregnant women who suffer morning sickness are less likely to have what? A. Problems with their delivery Q. According to "Shape" magazine, what is the lowest-caloried yet most nutritious snack to nibble on when you are hungry? A. Popcorn Q. Finish this popular rhyme: Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace, Wednesday's child is full of woe, Thursday's child..? A. Has far to go Q. According to a study of divorce in many countries over a 35-year period, most people divorce in the fourth year of marriage. Why? A. It's about the time it takes to raise a child trough infancy Q. What famous event took place in a glittering ceremony at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris in 1804 A. Napoleon was crowned emperor Q. Health experts report that many people burn up as much as 800 calories a day just by doing something while sitting at their desks. Doing what? A. Fidgeting... nervous fidgeting is a big calories burner Q. What was the relationship between Peter Pan and Thinkerbell? A. Just friends Q. True or false? There is a new hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan where you can get nose jobs, tummy tucks and face lifts ... and charge it to your room? A. True Q. Because the Japanese people use 20 billion of them a year, they now have to import them from Hibbing, Minnesota. What are they? A. Disposable chopsticks Q. "Webster's Dictionary" defines it as "An automatic apparatus that ordinarily performs human functions and operates at what appears to be almost human intelligence." What? A. A robot Q. After helping mediate an end to the Russo-Japanese war, he was the first American President to win the Nobel peace Prize. Was it Roosevelt, Wilson or Coolidge? A. Teddy Roosevelt Q. The early Romans brought live chickens to the table and dunked them in red wine. Why did they do this? A. To flavor the birds before eating Q. According to the "World Book," when do boys usually become bigger and heavier than girls? A. By age 14 Q. Why do pigeons bib their heads around when they walk? A. It helps them keep their balance Q. Would someone ever have any reason to put a mortarboard on his head? A. Yes, it's a type of hat Q. According to "Hints from Heloise," is it ever a good idea to pour cola on the battery of your Rolls-Royce? A. Yes, it will remove corrosion from the terminals Q. Way back in the 1950's, a show called "Hawkins Falls" became television's first live... what? A. Soap opera Q. According to the Federal Reserve Bank, what do average consumers use the most often when making a purchase: Cash, check, or credit card? A. Check Q. According to a recent poll, the 3 most disliked foods in America are tofu, yogurt and ... what? A. Liver Q. Does the garter snake have teeth? A. Yes - no fangs, just even teeth Q. In what year was George Washington sworn in as the first president: 1776, 1783 or 1789? A. 1789 Q. One of the most talked-about new weapons in the U.S. military is something called the "stealth bomber," and it can do something no other type of aircraft can do. What? A. It can avoid being detected by radar Q. Can a person turn orange from eating too many carrots? A. Yes, cut them out and it will disappear Q. Which "Robert" first penned the famous line "The best laid schemes of mice and men...": Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Burns, or Robert Frost? A. Robert Burns Q. Extra-short radio waves are causing friction inside your food. What are you doing? A. Cooking it in a microwave oven Q. According to Roman mythology, who was the messenger of the gods? A. Mercury Q. After getting a pet, what usually happens to a person's blood pressure? A. It goes down. Pets provide comfort and companionship, which reduces stress Q. A recent Roper poll asked people to name the one thing they just hate to be without around the house. What was the #1 answer? A. Toilet tissue Q. Why does a cat have whiskers? A. Whiskers are feelers to enable it to judge distance from objects Q. According to a study on the breakfast habits of American children, when asked what their favorite breakfast was, was their choice pancakes, cereal or eggs? A. Eggs Q. According to the "World Book," where does mohair come from? A. From the angora goat Q. You've just gotten Rocky Mountain spotted fever. What has bitten you? A. A tick Q. True or false? In Russia, if a woman gives birth to more than 10 children she is rewarded with cash and prizes. A. True. It's called the "Mother Heroine" award Q. The face of George Washington appears on our $1 bill. On our $5 bill, it's Abraham Lincoln. Whose face adorns our $10 bill: Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson or Ben Franklin? A. Alexander Hamilton Q. Can you get anything by trying to mate a pheasant with a chicken? A. Yes ... something called a "phicken" Q. According to the California Tomato Advisory Board, why is it not a good idea to keep your tomatoes in a plastic bag? A. They'll spoil faster Q. True or false? For $15 you can adopt a humpbacked whale. A. True Q. True or false? The famous opera "Rigoletto" is the story of a one-legged pasta maker who falls in love with a woman with 15 starving children. A. False Q. The word "Aloha" has 4 separate meanings: Greeting, Welcome, Farewell and ... what? A. Love Q. According to the American Optometric Association, the minute you see a dress or suit that you like, what do the pupils of your eyes do? A. They dilate Q. According to the Center for Health Statistics, what's the minimum number of hours sleep you should get for good health? A. At least seven Q. According to the American Medical Association, how long is the average waiting time in a doctor's office? A. 20 minutes Q. True or false? There is now a bicycle that can go up to 65 miles per hour. A. True Q. According to ancient legend, the griffin was a creature with the head of an eagle and the body of a ... what? A. Lion Q. According to "Good Housekeeping," is it correct to place candles on a table when you are serving luncheon? A. Yes, but unlit Q. True or false? The mating call of some wild monkeys is almost identical to the sound of fingernails scraping across a blackboard. A. True Q. According to syndicated columnist and author "Miss Manners," have manners become fashionable again? A. Not really Q. According to the "World Book," these people got their name from the Indian word which means "eaters of raw meat." What people are they? A. The Eskimos Q. Is there anything you could do to make a chicken go 30 miles an hour under it's own power? A. No, the fastest a chicken can travel is 9 or 10 mph Q. True or false? In mythology, the daughters of King Midas were known as "The Golden Girls." A. False Q. In what Walt Disney classic film will you find a cute, furry little critter named Thumper? A. "Bambi" - Thumper is Bambi's rabbit pal Q. True or false? Swedish scientists have come up with a birth control device that goes in the nose. A. True Q. According to "Good Housekeeping" magazine, what do most women say is their favorite remedy for curing the common cold? A. Over-the-counter cold remedies Q. On an average, for and hour of use, which costs you more - your television, air conditioner or microwave oven? A. Microwave oven Q. Where did Barbra Streisand get her first screen kiss? A. In "Funny Girl"... from Omar Sharif Q. According to "Parents" magazine, children who were subjected to this kind of light had more cavities, more absences from school, and were more misbehaved. What kind of light? A. Fluorescent light Q. According to American folklore, what will happen to a cat if you butter its paws? A. It will stay home Q. According to Ms. Hot Tips should your shoes and belt always match? A. Not necessarily Q. In Greek mythology, what is the name of that wonderful place where the souls of virtuous people dwelled happily ever after? A. The Elysian Fields Q. According to "Health" magazine, the most important thing to consider when shopping for a therapist is, will therapist... what? A. Understand me Q. It was something that tormented the French people for years. So when the revolution came, the first thing the people did was to storm the what? A. The Bastille Q. In a British restaurant, what should you expect to get when you ask for a "banger" ? A. fried sausage Q. The "Ladies Home Journal" says that if your teenage daughter is a slob and her room is always a mess, you should just close the door and ignore the disaster. True or false? A. True Q. According to "Parents" magazine, what are you teaching you child if you tell him to close his eyes, put his hand on his eyes, put his hand on his bellybutton, and breath through imaginary holes in his feet? A. How to calm himself Q. There's a company that now makes disposable telephones. Who are they primarily for? A. Hospitals. To protect patients from germs Q. In the United States, we say, "Merry Christmas." In Spain and Mexico, they say, "Feliz Navidad," In what country do they say, "Wesolynch Swiat"? A. Poland Q. According to body politics, your arms are crossed, your coat is buttoned, and you are starting to rub your nose. What inner feelings are you expressing? A. Defensiveness Q. If your jaws hurt when you wake up, what does it usually indicate? A. You've been grinding your teeth in your sleep Q. To the average newspaperman, what's a "double truck spread"? A. A two-page advertisement with the pages facing each other Q. There is a famous guy around these days named Yo-Yo-Ma... and he is one of the world's finest... what? A. Classical musicians... he plays cello for the world's finest orchestras Q. Do some bats really sleep hanging upside down? A. Yes Q. If someone tells another person he has "bats in his belfry," what is he trying to say? A. He is a little weird, maybe even crazy! Q. What is the shark's most common natural enemy? A. A larger shark Q. According to "Better Homes," although as many as 70% of all Americans would like to move to another part of the country, they usually don't. Why? A. They don't want to leave family and friends Q. When you go by Buckingham Palace in London, there's a pretty easy way to tell if Queen Elizabeth is at home. How? A. The royal flag is flying Q. In a nationwide poll, college freshmen were asked what they think is the #1 cause of acne. What did they say? A. Stress. 74% blamed it as the #1 cause Q. According to a major accounting firm, if you're called down by the IRS for a tax audit, the basic thing to always remember is ... what? A. Have all the information in order. Don't fumble Q. What is an oenophile an expert on? A. Wine Q. According to an old Chinese proverb, it can often be found under a shabby hat. What? A. A good man Q. According to the "Miami Herald," the richest man in the world earns more than 155 million dollars a day. From what? A. Oil Q. A great old Duke Ellington standard tells us "The fastest way to get to Harlem" is what? A. The "A" train Q. According to "Good Housekeeping" magazine, why is it a good idea to sprinkle baking soda in your shoes? A. It eliminates foot odor Q. In the "Book of Genesis," what did Noah finally do at the age of 500? A. He had three sons...Shem, Ham and Japheth Q. After doing for just 4 months, Britain's Prince Edward says he wants to give it up because it is simply too tough and demanding. What is it? A. The Royal Marines... military life Q. True or false? William Evans, an eight-foot giant who served in the court of King Charles of England, always carried a dwarf in his pocket to make the King laugh. A. True Q. According to the medical section of the "Los Angeles Daily News," the most frequent ways colds are spread is by... what? A. Touching Q. What is a plebiscite? A. An election... a referendum vote Q. When is the best time to apply an antiperspirant? A. Immediately after showering Q. According to the "Singles Almanac," if you want to meet a stranger of the opposite sex, what opening line will guarantee you the greatest success? A. Hello Q. "Finesse," "Dummy," and "Trick" are all words used in what? A. Bridge Q. In the newspapers, who's that put-upon little fellow who is always sighing, "Good grief"? A. Charlie Brown Q. We're all familiar with the story of "Robinson Crusoe," who was shipwrecked and stranded on a desert island. Did he ever get back to England? A. Yes Q. Where would you usually find something called a "cowcatcher"? A. On the front of a train engine Q. According to the National Weather Service, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the continental U.S.A was in Death Valley, California. How hot was it? A. 134 degrees Q. You've just peered into the "Zone of Avoidance," What are you looking at? A. A part of outer space Q. More and more dentists are heating their Novocaine. Why? A. It will hurt less when heated before injection Q. Who was the famous "Virgin Queen" of England? A. Queen Elizabeth 1 Q. According to sailors' folklore, where is Davy Jones' locker? A. At the bottom of the sea Q. According to the "Information Please Almanac," the famous Pacific "Ring of Fire" relates to... what? A. Pacific Ocean volcano's, many of which are still active Q. In Holland, applications for the Air force rose dramatically because of something that came out. What? A. "Top Gun" opened there and enlistment went way up Q. According to "Psychology Today," if your infant is beginning to explore the wonderful world of breakable objects, should you restrain him with a light slap on the hand? A. No - they'll just do it again! Q. True or false? The apostle bird gets its name because it travels in groups of 12 just like the 12 Apostles A. True Q. It's one of the most rigorous exercise events around and it's called a triathlon. It involves a 112-mile bicycle race, a 26.2-mile run, and then for 2.4 miles you do... what? A. Swim Q. The average human body has around a million million of them. Of what? A. Cells Q. True or false? According to the National opinion Research Center, 1 out of every 3 Americans now claims to be clairvoyant. A. True Q. On your body right now, where will you find an upper, a filler and a welt? A. Your shoes. They are all parts of shoes Q. True or false? In the world of fashion etiquette, the general rule of thumb is the farther west you go in the country, the more casual the attire. A. True Q. You want to lose weight. According to Dr. Richard B. Pearce, is it better to take a sauna or a steambath? A. Sauna Q. According to "Esquire" magazine, the single most important requirement for confident, aggressive skiing is... what? A. Strong leg muscles... especially upper leg strength Q. According to the National Commission on Working Women, there are no women on TV right now who are portrayed as... what? A. Poor Q. According to Ann Landers, "I will repeat this for the zillionth time... children want this because it makes them feel loved." What is it? A. Discipline Q. If you go into the bathroom and discover you're out of the real thing, a mixture of baking soda and salt makes a pretty good substitute for... what? A. Toothpaste Q. Astronomers might call it a "close proximity G2 spectrum yellow dwarf." What would you call it? A. The sun Q. According to the book "Understanding Your Pet," when your little puppy has an accident, what should you do? A. Lead him to the spot and scold him Q. One third of all the ice cream sold in America today is ... what? A. Vanilla Q. In a survey of nearly 2000 working men and women, what factor caused the greatest on-the-job stress? A. Not doing the kind of work they want Q. In the "Bible," what rides on a horse that is very pale? A. Death Q. It will take place just before midnight on March 20th. What will happen on that date? A. The first day of Spring Q. What was Karl Marx talking about when he called it "the opium of the masses" ? A. Religion Q. The Indonesian island nation of Brunei has the world's highest per capita income. What is their principal source of income? A. Oil Q. According to legend, Lady Godiva said she would ride naked down the streets of Coventry if the Mayor would lower taxes. Did he? A. Yes Q. True or false? Dry onions, eggplant and garlic should all be stored at room temperature. A. True Q. Are carrots really good for your eyes? A. Yes Q. The Civil War began with the attack on Fort Sumter. in which state is Fort Sumter: South Carolina, North Carolina or Georgia? A. South Carolina Q. A sociologist in "U.S.A. Today" refers to it as "A universal human practice in which people cement human bonds." It's not marriage. hat is it? A. Gift giving Q. A survey in "New Woman" magazine reveals that 41% of the married women polled had cheated on their husbands. Where did the majority meet "the other man"? A. At work Q. According to the "Book Publishers Annual," what is the all-time, best selling children's book: Peter Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland, or Winnie the Pooh? A. Peter Rabbit Q. According to the "World Book," if you can perform Downs and Ops, Eggs in a Basket, and Upcast and Downcast, what are you good at? A. Jacks Q. The 5 branches of the U.S. Armed Forces include the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, and what else? A. The U.S. Coast Guard Q. What is the term used when investors are so anxious to buy stocks, they will buy just about anything? A. Panic buying Q. Plant breeders have now developed a "supercarrot." What's so special about it? A. It is extra high in vitamin content Q. In literature, who was King Arthur talking to when he said, "Ye are a marvellous man"? A. Merlin... in the "Tales of the Round Table" Q. According to "Parents" magazine, should you pay your child as an incentive to get better grades in school? A. No. Children are not strongly motivated by money Q. According to the tarot, what will it mean if you look on the reverse side of the moon? A. Good news! Setbacks will be overcome, and good times are coming soon Q. Scientifically speaking, what is that amazing thing that is capable of making a quantum leap? A. The atom... when it makes the jump to a new level of energy Q. 54 million Americans do it, yet 85% of them now say they would like to stop doing it. What? A. Smoking Q. According to "Science News," what was probably the responsible for the mass extinction of life on earth 65 million years ago? A. A huge comet or meteor that hit the earth Q. According to Greek mythology, who was condemned to hold the sky on his shoulders for all eternity? A. Atlas Q. Climbers on Mount Rushmore have found something quite valuable in Abraham Lincoln's nose. What is it? A. Silver Q. Is there a difference between a carpet and a rug? A. Yes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Questions and anwsers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -Rare for making this game. -Nintendo for making the NES/Famicom. -CjayC for Gamefaqs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Copyright =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c) 2004 Pietjepuk. All rights reserved. This file was entirely written by me. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way. Hollywood Squares (R) is copyright (C) 1989 Rare, inc. NES(R) is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America inc.