HERCULES NO EIKOU II Walkthrough by Overdrive version 1.01 for questions and comments, email robhmton@earthlink.net or findrobhere@excite.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Copyright Notice 3. Version History 4. Characters 5. Walkthrough A. General Information B. Guide to the Game a. The Beginning of the Quest b. Cerberus and the Centaur c. Woman Without a Soul d. Quest for the Sorrow Zui e. Quest for the Hatred Zui f. Quest for the Chaos Zui g. Reaching Heaven and Recruiting Hercules h. Lord of the Titans/Endgame 6. Monster Compendium 7. Weapons and Armor 8. Items 9. Magic Spells 10. Codes and Cheats 11. Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION In 1989, Data East released a role-playing game titled Hercules No Eikou II (Glory of Hercules II). A Dragon Quest/Warrior clone set in Ancient Greece, it was not released in America (much like the other three or so games in the series). However, in 2000, the game was translated into English by Spoony Bard. Since no one has written a FAQ, walkthrough or anything else for this game and I've wanted to do a strategy guide for some time, I figured this would be a golden opportunity for me. I've been playing role-playing games since the old days of Dragon Warrior I and Final Fantasy I and after playing some of the newer "style over substance" games being released now, I've gained a new appreciation for the older games and have been snapping up just about every translated RPG that I can find. Anyone wishing to contribute material that I may have missed or correct possible mistakes that I've made may email me at the above address and you will receive recognition in this guide upon verification by me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This guide is copyrighted 2002-2003 by Overdrive/Rob Hamilton. You may read and copy this guide for your personal use. You may use it for your website if you email me and ask for permission. You may not take this guide and post it wherever you want just because you feel like it. That is called stealing and I will not be too happy if that happens. A lot of time is going into playing this game and writing the guide for it and I would appreciate it if you respect that. Believe me, I have no problems in letting anyone use this guide as long as I get proper credit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. VERSION HISTORY 1.1 (Dec. 9, 2003)--- Got an email from Hans Neidermaer (hansneidermaer@ sympatico.ca).... Well, actually, I got it back in July, but I never did anything more than look at it. But, feeling ambitious at this time, I am making the additions. This new version has one correction and two additions (one of them pretty major). 1.0 (July 25, 2003) --- Finished the game and walkthrough in a nearly complete manner, including a bit of proofreading to correct some noticable blunders (such as including two definitions of the "sleep" status ailment in the same section). Everything you need to know to finish the game is here. As far as I know, the only things missing are (a) information on a few minor spells, items, etc. that I couldn't figure out the purpose of, (b) some special effects of weapons and armor (for example, I know the WaterSc helmet has something special about it due to its high price and low defense value, but I'm not sure what), (c) experience and money totals for one monster that I wasn't able to kill and (d) what all Hercules can equip -- for him, I've only included the stuff he comes with and anything stronger that he can put on. After all, does it really matter if he can equip weak weapons when he enters your party with one of the best ones in the game? Anyone who wishes to make additions to the walkthrough may and I will include them, but I can't see me doing much else with it of my own volition. 0.5 (July 2, 2003) --- After another hiatus, I started back up again. I did the footwork to get the Chaos Zui, putting me one step closer to beating the game. 0.4 (Feb. 18, 2003) --- Motivation struck me so I played through a couple more dungeons and made the necessary additions. I also made a few corrections/additions to areas I already had completed. I'm feeling a lot more motivation to play, so hopefully there will be some real progress in the near future. Of course, on the other hand, I'm also working on about three other FAQs, so you never know... 0.3 (Jan. 22, 2003) --- It's been a while. Laziness was the culprit, as I've had information on hand for months, but haven't typed it up. This is the next couple of dungeons, as well as a large sum of Game Genie codes that were submitted to me. I will continue working on the game and the walkthrough and updates will be made - just don't look for a set timetable, as work will be done sporadically. 0.2 (July 5, 2002) --- Made a number of corrections and additions to my lists. Also advanced the walkthrough to just past the Cave North of Loren. It's not a huge update, but it keeps the quest moving along. 0.1 (June 28, 2002)--- Started walkthrough and gotten to area around town of Aros. Started appendix lists for monsters, items, weapons and armor. I haven't done a huge part of the game, but I wanted to get something out because if I waited until I beat the game to do the walkthrough, I'd probably forget just about everything from the first half of the game and have to rely on my ability to decipher my notes. ;) I realize that I don't have all the information on some of the items and spells that I've obtained. I'm still trying to figure out what they do. Things are a bit tougher without the instruction book to tell you what the spell "Exis" or the item "Carrot" do. Rest assured, I'm working on it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. CHARACTERS This section details both characters who are in the party and characters who you name. Most NPCs will be discussed in the Walkthrough. HERO: This is the main character who you begin the game with. From the town of Nana, his goal is to eliminate the threat of the Lord of Darkness. While he gets the occasional magic spell, his main use is as a fighter. GIRL: A hometown friend of the Hero, you name her early in the game, but she doesn't have much of a role in the story early on, but will later. She gives you the PallosFl, but stays in Nana to take care of the Hero's grandmother and work in the tavern. She does play a major role in the plot later on, though. GRANDMA: The hero's grandmother. Throughout the game, people make references to how her bravery is an inspiration to others. Strange...she never steps foot out of her house the entire game. The bravery of a shut-in is supposed to inspire me??? She's not really that important of a character, but you do need to talk with her at the very end of the game to wrap things up, so I thought I'd include her. CENTAUR: Referred to as a wimp, he tests your bravery. After you pass the test, he is impressed and joins you, so he can become brave. He doesn't have the Hero's strength, but gets plenty of spells. His magic mainly seems to cure the party and cause status problems for monsters. STATUE: A woman made of brass that you rescue from a temple. She was made by the gods, but has no soul. She joins you in order to fill that void in herself. She is extremely weak physically, but learns a variety of attack spells. HERCULES: You get the services of this fabled warrior of Greek Mythology late in the game. No magical ability whatsoever, but he doesn't need it. This guy is all muscle and will give your party a heavy hitter in every sense. He joins at Level 30 and likely will finish the game there. It is possible to move him up in level, but it takes so much experience that only the insane or curious will find it worth their time to try. After doing the first of the two dungeons that you have his help on, I went to a Church and saved. The old man there said that he still needed just under 200,000 experience to go up. CRONOS: Everyone's favorite King of the Titans. This fellow, who you meet late in the game, is the cause of all the world's problems. He also could be a finalist in the NES All-Time Trashtalking Championships, as he delivers a few good zingers to your brave heroes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. WALKTHROUGH GENERAL INFORMATION This section contains little tidbits that players should know about the game. a. Towns: Towns are sources of information, items, weapons, armor, healing, etc. Several of them are located in the game and many of them share common characteristics. Inn -- By staying one night at an inn, you will heal your party. By staying two nights, you will cure poison. Three nights will cure numbness. Temple -- At temples, you can Heal (not sure, but probably involves status ailments), Purify (remove curse), Revive (bring back to life) and Pray (save game). Item Shops -- Buy herbs and other items. Armories -- Buy weapons and armor. Harbor -- Catch a boat to somewhere else (assuming there is a working boat -- several towns seem to be lacking one). Tavern -- Only open at night, people here will freely give out information. Storage -- Here, you may store and retrieve items and gold. There is a fee for doing this, though. b. Day/Night While walking outside, day will quickly turn into night and back again. The time of day determines what is happening in towns. Some people may be asleep at night, while others may only be active at night. Armories and item shops typically are open at day, while taverns are open at night. Also, some events can only be triggered at day or at night. In other words, visit each town at day and at night. Sleeping at an inn turns night into day. Also, there is an item that will turn day into night and a spell that will do the same. c. Status Ailments Some monsters have the ability to cause status problems if they are successful with certain attacks. As I discover these ailments, they will be listed below. Death - you lose all hit points. If everyone dies, you will be warped to the last temple you saved your game at with all your experience and items intact, but half your gold missing. Poison - walking will cause your hit points to diminish until either you cure the poison or the poisoned party member dies. Numb - affected party member can't act in battle until cured. They can cast spells outside of battle, though. Stone - affected party member can't act in or out of battle. Sleep - affected party member won't act for a few battle turns. Will be dispelled at conclusion of battle. Confused - affected party member will act uncontrollably and may attack teammates. Will be dispelled at conclusion of battle. d. Helpful Hints Here, I will put hints and tips to make gameplay a bit easier for those not overly experienced with this type of game. 1. Save often, whether at temples or by using emulator freeze states. Bad stuff can happen any time at any place -- don't watch half your hard-earned gold disappear because a group of enemies had a bit more bite than you were expecting and don't lose expensive armor because an enemy tends to break equipment when it connects. 2. If you're struggling in an area, gain a level. The one or two attack and defense points this will give you can mean a lot. For example, when fighting Cerbrus (the first boss) at Level 8, he hit me twice per round for 25-30 damage points and slaughtered me. Gaining one level gave my hero two defense points. In the rematch, his attacks were only taking off about 20 points and he was missing much more often. That's a huge difference right there. 3. There will be a lot of misses in combat. I'm not sure if it has to do with your attack and defense levels or another stat, but your characters will dodge a lot of attacks. And as you progress through the game, the odds of you missing against newer enemies will increase. 4. When you get to a new town, make a dash for the armory if one is present. Upgrading your weapons and arms is key for any group of adventurers. To upgrade, you will have to equip the new items. If you don't, they will just sit in your inventory. 5. There is more to weapons than just attack power. Some weapons can have a large affect on your character's agility. For example, the Minos Axe is far stronger than any weapon you will have at the time of the game you obtain it, but it will slow the Hero to a snail's pace. 6. Watch out for cursed equipment. Starting with the Cave North of Loren, some items may have an adverse affect on you if equipped. This guide will pinpoint the locations of these undesirable items. e. Glitches. I figured that I'd put whatever glitches I discovered during the course of play (only one for my game). This may not happen to you, but be warned that it might. 1. Centaur's Agility goes bye-bye: As the game went on, the Centaur became my most agile party member and in most battles would be the first to act. However, when he reached Level 55 (way higher than you need to be to beat the game), he suddenly became the last person or monster to act in a round. I went to the status screen and his Agility wasn't lowered (over 250, I think), but for all intents and purposes, it might as well have been 0. In every battle for the rest of the game, he was the final combatant to act. --------------------------GUIDE TO THE GAME------------------------------- **NOTE** -- This walkthrough does not pull any punches. It describes exactly what I've seen and done while playing the game. That means there ARE SPOILERS. If you do not want any or all plot points revealed (and possibly broken down), then be very careful with how (or if) you use this guide. You have been warned. A. THE BEGINNING OF THE QUEST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Nana -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop -- MedHerb, AntHerb, Carrot, Torrent, TornPtl. Armory -- Flail, Dagger, Tunic, Hide Armor, Hide Helmet. Nana also has a Temple, Inn (2G/person/night), Tavern, Harbor and Storage. After you name your character (who will be referred to as Hero in this guide), you will see a cutscene where Hero's grandmother is saying she put a note in his room. After you take control, you will notice that you are only wearing a Tunic and holding 100 gold. If you talk to a guy to your left, you will have the opportunity to name a local girl (to be referred to as Girl). Next, go to your house (lower right area of town) and go upstairs. Face your bed and select the "Look" option from the subscreen. You will find the letter which says, "Our country is at war with the Lord of Darkness. We need more men for the battle. Please come to the castle immediately." When you go downstairs, Hero's grandmother is blocking the door. When you talk to her, you will receive the Rusty Sword and Rusty Shield. Go to the castle. Everyone will direct you to talk to the queen. She says that the servants of the Lord of Darkness, known as Titans, are torturing innocent people. Guess who is nominated to get rid of the Titans? That's right, you are. The queen tells you to visit Homer in Athens. Since Homer is a world-famous poet, he likely has heard stories that will help you. Greek Mythology Note: Homer -- A real-life poet, he wrote the Iliad and Odyssey, which are considered two of the greatest works of heroic fiction of all time. Now that you have a purpose, you probably should spend that money of yours on some new gear. Depending on if you want to focus on defense or offense, you could either spend 100G on some Hide Armor or spend 50G on a Flail (to replace the worthless Rusty Sword) and 40G on a Hide Helmet. After you are done buying, talk to Girl. She will give you a flute known as the PallosFl and tell you that it could be helpful. Now, go into the harbor and take the boat to Athens. Note: The boat only goes to Athens and back. No exploring the seas for you (at least not yet). B. CERBERUS AND THE CENTAUR -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Athens -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop -- MedHerb, AntHerb, Wings. Armory -- Cane, Tunic. Athens also has a Temple, Inn (3G/person, night) and Harbor. As soon as you enter Athens, look around. You will soon notice that the selection of weapons is quite poor in comparison to Nana. One of the first people you will talk to says that Homer is a travelling poet, who doesn't stay in one place for long. However, you soon get another quest to occupy your time while searching for him. A man named Hippocrates tells you to go to Selan to tell Daedalus that his son, Icarus, is in Athens and injured. By talking to other people, you'll find out that Selan is east of Athens and that Daedalus is looking for an item, so that he may fly. Greek Mythology Notes: Hippocrates -- a doctor with amazing abilities given to him by the gods. Well, until he tried to bring a dead man back to life and was killed for his arrogance. Apparently, he's not quite so skilled at his profession in this game. Daedalus -- a genius inventor who, among other things, built wings, so man could fly. Icarus -- the son of Daedalus. He flew too high and the wax holding his wings together melted, causing him to fall to his death. After talking to everyone, leave town to build a couple of levels and make the short trip to Selan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- From Athens to Selan -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters -- Scorpio, Slug, Treeman. In the area near Athens, you will encounter your first enemies -- Slugs and Treemen. Neither enemy offers much resistance, but the Slugs can poison a character, so watch out for that potentially fatal status effect. At night, you may always explore Athens and sail to Nana to see the differences in those towns after dark, but there is nothing significant that only happens at night at either place. After you've build up a couple of levels and upgraded your arms, follow the coast around Athens to the east to the town of Selan. As you get closer to Selan, Scorpios will attack. They are just a bit stronger than the enemies you have been fighting, but can attack twice in a round, so be careful if Hero's hit points are getting low. Warning: Do not go too far to the north. As you get close to the mountain range to the north, there is the distinct possibility that tougher enemies such as the Condor will attack. At a low level, the Hero will be shredded by these enemies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Selan -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop -- MedHerb, Wings. Armory -- Cane, Flail, Dagger, Hide Armor, Hide Helmet. Selan also has a Temple, Inn (3G/person/night) and Harbor. As you can see, the armory is stocked with the same equipment as Nana's, so if you aren't fully equipped with the best items, you can buy them here, rather than sailing back and forth to Nana. Also, the Temple is referred to as an Oracle in this town. It has the same functions, with one exception. At this Oracle, you may not pray, so to save the game, you'll have to go back to Athens. There are plenty of people to talk to in Selan. A man close to the town's entrance is looking for an item called the "Ares' Bone", another man says Homer traveled to Minoa and another says that Daedalus is upset. Also, one person notes that Daedalus is the manager of the town's graveyard, but one day something came in the sky and everything changed. In the graveyard (go to a small square-shaped area in the northern part of town). You will be taken to the graveyard), a woman says that the manager (Daedalus) left to get an item. A man in the graveyard says that the grave he is next to is called the "King's Grave" and that the town was originally named "Hebe". Greek Mythology Note: Ares -- The god of war, he delighted in it and the turmoil that it brought. Also, on the second floor of the inn, a man says that staying at an inn for two days cures poison, in case you didn't already know that. There is a harbor in town, but the ship sank years ago and apparently has never been replaced. If you go a bit east of Selan, you will find a working port. However, people there are waiting for the ship to come. A woman there says that Daedalus is going to Loren. So where do you go now? If you have good equipment and have reached Level 6 or so, go to the mountain range that I warned you about earlier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Village of Minoa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters -- Condor, Ibo-Ibo, Scorpio Almost directly north of Athens, there will be a strip of land without mountains that you may cross. On the other side of the mountain range is the village of Minoa. You also will see a mountain covered by a cloud in a clearing in the mountain range, but there is no way to get there now. While the Condors should no longer be a problem, the Ibo-Ibos can poison you, so make sure to wipe them out first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Village of Minoa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop -- MedHerb, AntHerb, Wings. You've finally found Homer. He is staying in one of the houses and he has a message for you. "Long ago the gods sealed away the Dark Lord. If you want to defeat him, you must break this seal. To do this, you'll need the Chaos Axe. The only person able to carry this axe is Hercules, but he's in Heaven. That's the problem..." The only other thing going on in town is that some kids are bullying a centaur. Greek Mythology Notes: Hercules -- the legendary strongman of Greek Mythology. Basically, he was a one-man army. Centaur -- a warrior clan of half-human, half-horse beings known for their hard-drinking, womanizing ways. The one you meet in Minoa just doesn't meet that description. This is the first town that it is necessary to revisit at night. By this time, the kids have left the centaur, but he is partially buried in the dirt. If you rescue him, he will tell you that there is treasure in the next cave, but it is guarded by Cerberus. Greek Mythology Note: Cerberus -- Multi-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades, preventing trespassers from entering the afterlife. Time to go spelunking in a cave!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave East of Minoa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Cerbrus (boss), Ibo-Ibo, Scorpio, Slug, Tropie. Treasures: AntHerb (2), MastBall, MedHerb, 76G. A couple AntHerbs are in this cave and with the presence of two poisonous enemies (Ibo-Ibos and Slugs), they both could come in handy. Also, watch out for Tropies, who pack a pretty good punch. When I first entered the cave, I was Level 7, but it wasn't until I reached Level 9 that Tropies became a pretty easy opponent. This cave is pretty straightforward and it doesn't take long to get to Cerberus, so let's start exploring. When you enter the cave, follow the path to a large room with a treasure chest in the middle. Open it for an AntHerb. Now, there are three additional corridors to explore. Take the one to the north for another AntHerb, then go down the one on the top left. This path takes you down to the second floor, then to a dead end on the first floor, but you will receive 76G and a MastBall for your trouble. Now, go back to the main room on the first floor and take the path to the lower left. There is a chest with a MedHerb and stairs down to the second floor. Open the chest and go down the stairs. From here, follow the trail to a set of stairs leading to the third floor, then take the next set of stairs to the fourth floor. Follow the corridor on the fourth floor until you come to Cerberus' room. When you are ready to battle, talk to the dog and the fight will start. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Cerbrus -- app. 130-150 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This can be a very tough battle, especially since it is one-on-one. If the Hero is on Level 9, he will have 75-80 hit points and a Pow spell that can restore 30 per turn. Cerbrus can attack up to twice in a round for around 20 hit points of damage or poison you. The reason it is important to be on Level 9 is that not only does the boss cause about five fewer hit points of damage per attack, but he also misses much more often. Being poisoned in this fight is actually a good thing (as long as you have an AntHerb) because that means that you took no physical damage in that round. Basically, the only strategy for this fight is to track attacks with Cerbrus and heal with necessary. If you are on Level 9 and have a Dagger, it will probably take five successful hits to win the battle (unless you get a critical hit at some time). After winning the fight, you'll soon realize that Cerberus was not guarding any treasure. Let's go back to Minoa and have a little talk with a certain centaur. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minoa Revisited -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to town at night and talk to the Centaur once again. He explains that he was testing your bravery. He was impressed by your courage and asks to join you. Accept him into your party and name him (I'll stick with Centaur for this guide). The first thing you should do is equip his items. He is holding a Wooden Bow, Hide Shield and Tunic in his inventory. Centaur starts at Level 1, so you'll have to give him some levels pretty soon, as the monsters will start to get tougher. If you want you may go to all the towns you have been to and see what they say now that you are not alone, but there are only a couple of differences. The kids in Minoa are bored now that they can't torture Centaur. Also, the Queen of Nana is happy that you have an ally. Anyway, when you are done looking around, buy Centaur Hide Armor and a Hide Helmet and go to the port east of Selan. The ship has come in and you may now take it across the sea. C. WOMAN WITHOUT A SOUL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Off To Loren -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Gamates, Insepta, MtGoat, Perasgo, PoiSlug, Spider, Spirit, Trellus, Venom, Vulture. The simple path to get to Loren is to leave the port and go north along the east coast to the town you see. Before discussing Loren, I'll tell you about the continent you are now on. In the center of the continent, there is an area where the ground is a dark red color. Don't walk here -- you'll take damage. There are bridges leading to lands on the left and to the right. You'll be going to the right soon enough, but ignore the bridge on the left for now. Not only are you stopped by a guard in the building on the small island that it leads to, but there is one annoying monster on that island and in the northern reaches of the mainland. MtGoats have the ability to break equipment when they hit -- something that is very aggravating, especially since your party probably isn't rolling in money. The other enemies in that area (Perasgo and Spirit) do offer a lot of experience for little risk, but overall, it's not worth it. Also, don't go north around the mountain range in the area around the left island yet. While there is a cave there, you don't need to go there until later. In the mainland, you'll fight several tougher versions of old enemies, as Trellus, Gamates, Vulture, PoiSlug and Venom all bear a startling resemblance to enemies on the first continent. Several enemies can poison you, but on Level 3, Centaur learns KMisu (antidote), so that will no longer be a problem. When ready, enter Loren, a bustling city. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Loren -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop -- MedHerb, AntHerb, Carrot, Wings. Armory (Right Vendor) -- Dagger, Wooden Bow, Lumber Axe, Linen Clothes, Leather Armor, Chain Armor, Hide Shield. (Left Vendor) -- Sword, Half Moon, Iron Armor, Trick Clothes, Iron Shield, Steel Helmet. Loren also has a Temple, Inn (2G/person/day), Tavern and Harbor. First off, the left vendor at the armory will rip you off. The Sword is 530G more expensive than the Lumber Axe, but does the same damage. If you buy the Half Moon for 1240G, you'll add one whole point to your attack rating (see note below). The Trick Clothes are 1360G, but only two defensive points better than the 540G Iron Armor. If you want the best, then prepare to fight for a long time. Of course, you'll gain a couple levels for the Hero and the Centaur will become much stronger if you do, so it's your decision. (Note: I didn't make the correlation until I got a weapon with a similar name in a later dungeon, but the Half Moon may have a very useful ability. Equipping it possibly allows you to attack twice in one round with the Hero. When I originally played through, I only had this weapon for a short period of time. Coincidentally, during the time I was in this area, the Hero was hitting twice in a round for a brief period. Later on, I got a weapon called Dark Moon and immediately began hitting twice in a round again. So, if one and one add up to two in this case, it's a useful weapon, after all. Of course, I might be wrong....). (Addendum to note -- from Hans Neidermaer: The Half Moon only hits once in a round. Apparently the only thing it does have in common with the Dark Moon is part of its name). You run into the same man who asked you about the Ares' Bone in Selan. This time, he reveals himself as Daedalus and says that Ares' Wings won't fly without the Bone. Homer has returned to tell you more. This time, he notes that you need to find the Sorrow, Hatred and Chaos Zuis to make the Chaos Axe. He adds that Heshiodos, who is in Aros, knows where they are hidden. Also, a woman in town tells you (in a fortunate coincidence) that if you cross the bridge to the east of Loren and go south, you will reach Aros. At night, if you go to the bar, you will see two men. One says the guard at the shrine (the building on the island west of Loren) won't let anyone through. The other adds that something important is at the shrine. Also, the bartender refers to a member of your party as "Lord Babatar". Strange. After you've done some upgrading, cross the bridge and travel to Aros. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Land East of Loren -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Bebudd, Drop, Spider, Trellus, Vulture. In the northern part of this area, there is a building which you should ignore for now. Instead, go to the south and enter the tiny village. The enemies here should be easy pickings for a veteran party of Levels 10-13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Village of Aros -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop -- MedHerb, AntHerb, Carrot, Wings. Aros also has an Inn (3G/person/night). This small village has some important information for you. First, talk to the man who looks like Homer's double. This is Heshiodos. He tells you the Sorrow Zui is in Laos and the Hatred Zui is in Dokora Lake, but he isn't sure where the Chaos Zui is located. Oh well, two out of three ain't bad. You also hear some strange stuff about the building on the north end of this area. A girl says she hears a woman's voice saying "Come to me, Hephaestus." Also, a man says that an ancient temple is to the north. Back in the day, the gods lived there -- now, only monsters do. Greek Mythology Note: Hephaestus -- One of the gods. A great blacksmith, he used to live on Mt. Olympus, but was cast down by his mother, who was embarrassed by his ugliness. Well, with nothing better to do with your time, let's go explore that temple. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temple North of Aros -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Conjrer, Gamates, HellCoin, Mintaur (boss), PoiSlug, Skelton, Spider, Trellus. Treasure: Cane, CutTool, Linen Clothes, MastBall, MedHerb, Minos Axe, Wings, 15G. There are two parts to this temple. First, you must defeat the Mintaur. After that, you must use the CutTool it guards to rescue the Statue. However, if you are at a low level, you should go visit the Statue before fighting the Mintaur. Your party likely will build up a couple of extra levels by doing this. When I entered the Temple, Hero was at Level 13 and Centaur was at Level 12. When I fought the boss, Hero was at Level 16 and Centaur was at Level 14. It was a pretty easy battle for me. However, due to me forgetting to write down the experience and gold reward for beating it, I had to reload from an earlier save and fight it again. This time, Hero was at Level 13 and Centaur was at Level 11. I still won, but Hero was dead and Centaur was close to death. So, in conclusion, for a good challenge, be somewhere in between where I was during my two fights. Now for the Temple walkthrough.... The first part of the dungeon is the Temple grounds. Just make your way to the north and enter the building to actually go into the temple. None of the enemies in the temple are difficult, but the Conjrers can be annoying, as they tend to heal themselves whenever they are hit. On the first floor of the temple, follow the path until it forks. To fight the boss, take the north fork. To visit the statue, take the south fork. North Fork Follow a long path to the stairs to the second floor. On the second floor, go south to reach the stair to the third floor. On the third floor, go north. You will see two treasure chests guarded by the boss. Talk to it and the fight is on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Mintaur -- app. 230-280 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mintaur can attack twice in a round for decent damage, but that's it. Basically, just have the Hero attack every round and, depending on the situation, have the Centaur either attack or heal. If Centaur has gained the Powra spell, this will be a piece of cake, as the Centaur will be able to negate all the damage the Mintaur does. Greek Mythology Note: Minotaur -- A fearsome creature that was half man and half bull. It lived in a maze-like prison called the labyrinth and killed all who were imprisoned there until it was killed by the hero Theseus. As you can see, this game changed the Minotaur's location to something a bit less maze-like. With the beast out of the way, you may open the treasure chests. The left one contains the Minos Axe, which is a very strong weapon that the Hero may equip. Only equip it if you are willing to have the Hero attack last in every round, though -- this item greatly lowers his agility. The right chest contains the CutTool, which will be used soon. Now, go back to the fork on the first floor. South Fork You shortly will come to the stairs to the second floor. Take them and then go north to reach the stairs to the third floor. Once on the third floor, go around the large room in the center (where the Minotaur is) by going left, then south, then east. You will see stairs leading back to the second floor. Here, you will be in a room with eight chests and a figure. Two of these chests are fakes that contain HellCoins (the bottom left chest and the chest on the top row that is second from the right). These enemies are very much like the Metal Slimes and Metal Babbles from the Dragon Quest/Warrior series. They will run away at the first chance they get and are tough to hit even if they stay (which is why I haven't figured out their experience and gold values yet). The other chests contain a MedHerb, Cane, Wings, Linen Clothes, MastBall and 15G. Talking to the figure reveals that she is a brass statue of a woman that was brought to life by Hephaestus. However, she was not given a soul. She knows Hephaestus can give her one, but she needs your help to get to heaven, where he dwells. If you have the CutTool, you can get her to join your party (if you don't have it, read the North Fork section of the Temple walkthrough again). Once she is in the party, name her (Statue in this guide) and leave the Temple. Before you go, you should equip the Linen Clothes and Cane that are in the treasure boxes in the room you find Statue on her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Next??? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statue starts on Level 1 and only has the equipment you found in the Temple, so the first thing you'll have to do is build her up a bit. She can equip a Dagger, so buy one. In Loren, there is a new person in town. This man, located near the town's temple, says he just arrived from Laos. He was looking for the Tree Key in the Tower of Darkness, but doesn't have the strength to go on. Well, I guess we're going to Laos to help out. Go to the island west of Loren and enter the shrine. The guard is asleep, so go down the stairs and follow the path to the other side. You'll exit the shrine on the other side of the ocean. There are no monsters inside the shrine. In the shrine, there is a room just off the path. Inside, there is a man who says he is keeping the silk reins for the gods and will someday give them to someone worthy of seeing Heaven. D. QUEST FOR THE SORROW ZUI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going to Laos -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters: Darkman, Harpie, Wizard. Stick to the north end of this new land until you reach a bridge in the northwest corner, cross it and you will be at the village of Laos. This is a pretty large area and the monsters don't offer much of a threat, so this is a nice area to help Statue earn a couple of levels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Village of Laos -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop: MedHerb, AntHerb, Carrot, Torrent, Wings. Weapon Shop: Spear, Silver Bow, Silk Clothes, Copper Armor, Stone Shield, Linen Gloves, Suede Boots. Laos also has an Inn (4G/person/day). You can earn a huge amount of money in this town if you feel like it. Near the entrance of Laos, a man says that he gave control of his weapon shop to his son and business is booming. If you go into the shop and purchase equipment, you'll notice obscenely high prices for the merchandise. However, the young fellow must not be good at math, because he neglects to charge the last "zero" in the price. For example, while the menu says the Spear costs 1900G, it really only costs 190G. Even better, if you sell the spear back at the item shop in the same building, you will get half the listed price of 1900G (950G) in return, instead of 95G (half of 190G). If you go to the store at night, the boy is there wondering why he's not making any money. However, there is more to Laos than just scamming the townfolk. You see, all the dogs have been taken from town and imprisoned at a huge tree south of Laos. The only way to rescue them is to get the Tree Key from the Tower of Darkness, which is north of Loren. You also hear from the elder that the Sorrow Zui is kept in the Ice Tower, but the town's hero, Allegro, is getting it. Unfortunately, as soon as the elder is done talking, Allegro walks in the door wounded and saying that the monsters were too tough for him. You'll have to go to the Tower of Darkness before the Ice Tower, though. The Ice Tower is located in the middle of an icefield and your party will take damage if they try to cross it on foot. The only other information you get in Laos is that staying at an inn for three days cures numbness. So after buying a bunch of new equipment, it's time to go to the Tower of Darkness. Go back to the continent that Loren is on and go north from the bridge to the shrine that you used to cross to Laos. When you get around the mountains, go east and you'll see the tower. However, to get to it, there's the small matter of crossing a mountain range between you and the tower. Luckily, there is a cave that you may enter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave North of Loren -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: LeafKilr, Skelton, Zombie. Treasure: AntHerb, Carrot (2), Flare Bow, Lead Gloves. While this isn't all that large of a cave, there seems to be a pretty high encounter rate in it. The game seems to enjoy giving you plenty of battles with three or four Zombies, which can be troublesome since they have the ability to both poison and numb party members. Make sure Centaur has plenty of magic points and keep some Carrots on hand to keep your party in action. As for the cave itself, go north from the entrance. The path will branch out to the east, but continue north to pick up the AntHerb and Carrot in a large chamber. Now go east until you reach another fork. You could go south here and get a treasure chest, but that isn't advised. The chest contains a Flare Bow, which is a cursed weapon. I equipped it on the Hero and couldn't take it off. Worse, it cost 4000G to have the curse removed in Loren. Another negative was that for some reason, a couple other pieces of armor the Hero had and one or two items disappeared. It definitely does not pay to equip cursed items in this game. So, go north and follow the trail to the stairs, which lead to the second floor. Follow the corridor to a fork. Go south to make your way to stairs leading to the third floor. On this floor, you will find some Lead Gloves. It's a good idea to equip them on the Statue, as they will give her a much-needed defensive boost. Now, go back to the fork and go north this time. The path will lead to a chest containing a carrot and stairs leading up. Once back on the first floor, it's a quick jaunt to the surface. Now, you are right at the doorway to the Tower of Darkness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tower of Darkness -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Graeae, Harpie, LeafKilr, Medusa (boss), PerasKn. Treasure: Death Ring, Mirror Shield, NtCurtn, Tree Key, WoodAsh, 16G. The enemies in this tower are not particularly tough and there is an inn close to the entrance, so you won't have to worry about leaving this place until you've completed it (which is good, since you probably don't want to have to go through the cave again). There are three staircases on the first floor. To get to the inn (which you will want to do after making your way through the cave) take the stairs in the upper left portion of the floor. The inn costs 2G per person per night and there is an oracle residing in this place. You can't save the game with him, so either you're in the tower until you complete it or you use save states if you have to stop (unless you want to warp to a town and then go through the cave). This oracle will tell you that if he had the Mirror Shield, he could repel the stone glare of Medusa and that the Mirror Shield is in this tower. Greek Mythology Note: Medusa -- a demonic women with snakes for hair. She was so ugly that anyone who directly met her gaze would be turned to stone. The hero Perseus killed her. Leave the inn and take the stairs in the upper-center portion of the first floor. On the second floor, go around the left side to reach stairs to the third floor. Note: at any time, that you are near the edge of the tower, you may step off the edge to leave the tower. This can be useful if you are low on health or magic and don't think you can backtrack all the way to the inn. On the third floor, there are stairs to the fourth floor near where you are. If you take those, you will be able to obtain the Death Ring on the fourth floor. This is a cursed item, though, so you probably don't want it (it's only purpose is to sell). Instead, go right to find a chest with WoodAsh in it. Also east of the stairs you took to get to the third floor is another staircase, which leads to the fourth floor. This staircase leads to a path which you follow to another staircase to a different part of the third floor. This is where you will find the Mirror Shield. This shield, which may be equipped by Hero, will hurt your defense a little bit, but makes the fight with Medusa a bit easier. Now go back to the first floor. Heal up at the inn and take the remaining staircase (located in the lower portion of the floor). If you go north, you can get a NtCurtn. This item can change day to night, so it will be useful whenever you need to do something at night, but don't want to run around fighting enemies until night falls. Follow the path from the stairs that leads around the floor and you will find stairs that lead to yet ANOTHER part of the third floor. This set will lead you right up to Medusa. Equip the Mirror Shield on Hero and talk to her to start the fight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Medusa -- app. 505-530 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now this boss can be a bit of a challenge. She may attack up to three times per round, poison you and turn you to stone. Fortunately, thanks to the Mirror Shield, your hero won't have to suffer this fate. As long as Centaur doesn't get stoned, he has the KSton spell, which turns you back to flesh. Also (as I found out by trial and error after Centaur got stoned), the Torrent item will also cure this condition. Just keep attacking until she falls. My hero was on Level 23, while the Centaur was Level 21 and Statue was on Level 14 for this battle, but (as always), I'd guess that Medusa is beatable at lower levels. After winning the battle, take the stairway behind her to the second floor. In a room here, you will see two chests. While one just has a small amount of gold, the other holds the Tree Key. Now leave the tower and warp back to Laos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tree Dungeon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies in area around tree: Reaper, Spirit, several Laos-area enemies. To get to the giant tree, go south and west of Laos and follow the land south until it widens (directions are more clear when actually playing game). At this point, go east and enter the really large tree. Don't go across the bridge south of the tree yet. That comes a bit later. Enemies in Tree Dungeon: Anteatr, Reaper, TurtBug. Treasure in Tree Dungeon: Thorn Whip. While this dungeon looks complicated due to a large number of staircases, it is actually quite simple. Most of the staircases lead to dead ends and there is only one path to the end. In most areas, stepping off a tree branch takes you out of the dungeon. There is one important exception to this rule, though. As far as monsters, the only thing to worry about is status effects. Anteatrs can poison you, while TurtBugs can numb you. Other than that, this dungeon is as easy as it gets. As soon as you enter, go up the stairs to the second floor. On this floor, there are six staircases. Five of these lead to dead ends. The one you want to take is the center-most of the three on the left side of the floor. On the third floor, ignore the stairway immediately above you and go to the right and take the staircase there to the fourth floor. Now, remember what I said about there being one exception to the rule of falling off branches to leave the tree? Here it is -- follow the path south to the dead end. You will fall through the tree trunk into the base of the tree. Open the chest to receive a Thorn Whip (better attack for Statue, but it weakens defense) and take the stair down to where the lost dogs are being kept. Use the Tree Key on the door to free them and go back to Laos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To The Ice Tower -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies in icelands: Freezer, IceGol, Mist, SnGoat. Talk to the people of Laos. One of them will hitch up a dogsled now that the dogs are back. By using the dogsled, you may now travel across the frozen wasteland north of down without taking damage. Guess where we're going now? The icelands await!!!! The enemies here are a bit tougher than you're accustomed to. Especially of note are the Freezers, who can hurt all party members for roughly 20HP of damage with a blizzard attack, and the IceGols, who can break your equipment. In the icelands, go east to reach the Ice Tower. Leave your sled and enter the tower to (hopefully) get that blasted Sorrow Zui. Note: If you want to scam the weapons store for more money, do it now. This is no longer an option after you complete the Ice Tower. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ice Tower -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Cyclops (boss), Freezer, IceDrop, IceSkel, Mist. Treasure: Argus Spear, Dark Moon, Foolish Gloves, Hades Ring, Jewel Sword, MedHerb (3), Sorrow Zui, Trumpet, WaterSc (2), 42G. There are two ways to do this dungeon: the long way and the short way. By using the short way, you will get to the boss quickly, but by going the long way, you will get a lot of good items. First I will detail the long way, but at the end of this section, I will briefly describe the short way. As for the monsters, Mists and Freezers return from the icefields, while IceSkels and IceDrops make their first (and only) appearance. IceSkels can cause a blizzard (like Freezers), while IceDrops can cast Pago on a party member for decent damage. Now to the walkthrough: There are two staircases on the first floor. Ignore the one directly north of the entrance and go left around the perimeter of the level. This path leads to the less obvious staircase to the second floor. On this floor, to the south of the staircase are two chests. The top one has a MedHerb, while the bottom one has the Trumpet (item that may lower enemy defense). Get these items, then go north to a staircase to the third floor. Go north on this floor to find two staircases. First, take the set up to the fourth floor, where you may grab a Jewel Sword. Equip it on the girl if you want. It's not as strong as either the Dagger or Thorn Whip, but it will greatly boost her agility. Now go down two flights of stairs to the second floor. Two chests here will get you another MedHerb and a Dark Moon. This is a great weapon for your hero. It won't increase your attack power by much, but you will attack twice in a round with the hero (very, very useful). Farther south, there is a chest with Foolish Gloves and another stairway to the fourth floor. While the name "Foolish Gloves" suggests a cursed item, these gloves actually give the equipping character a nice attack and defense bonus with no known adverse effect. Go to the four floor and open the two chest for a pair of WaterSc. Now take the other stairway to a different part of the third floor. Here, there is a chest with 42G and three sets of stairs. Sets that go to the second and fourth floors are close together, while another set to the second floor is farther south. Go to the fourth floor to get the Argus Spear. This weapon is horrible for attacking, but does have a hidden use. Give it to Statue and have her use it as an item in battle for 95HP of damage to all enemies in a group (that it hits), so keep it. Go back to the third floor and take the nearby stair way down to the second floor for a third MedHerb and a cursed Hades Ring. Ignore the stairs down to the first floor and go back to the third floor. Now, head south and take the other stairway to the second floor and then go down to the first floor. You are now in the boss room. Once again, talk to it to fight the Cyclops. Greek Mythology Note: Cyclops --- fierce one-eyed giants that captured and ate humans. Not very bright, though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Cyclops -- app. 987-1036 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe I've leveled up a bit too much for the purposes of getting as much information about the game as possible (Hero L26, Centaur L25, Statue L18), but this was one easy battle. The Cyclops really only has one attack of note. Sometimes his regular attack will instantly kill the character it connects with (but it doesn't happen often). Normally, he just attacks once in a round or calls a blizzard. Kill him and open the chests behind him. The one on the right contains Thief Boots, while the one on the left has the Sorrow Zui!!! Leave the dungeon and go back to Laos. Not much has changed here. The elder is astonished you were able to succeed, while the owner of the weapon shop is in shock that his store has gone bankrupt. No one tells you what to do next, so the only option is to cross that bridge south of the Tree Dungeon. E. QUEST FOR THE HATRED ZUI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- South of the Tree Dungeon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies in Temis Region: Centaur, Ghulah, Mage, MudGol, TreeDv. After you cross the bridge south of the Tree Dungeon, new enemies appear. Ghulahs can breath fire (roughly the same as the blizzard attack), Mages cast For (45 damage to each party member they hit) and MudGols have a brutal physical attack, so there is the potential for major damage to be absorbed by your party if you are not careful. Cross another bridge to your south and you will see a village. To the west of the village is a cave and to the south is a shrine on an island on a lake that you can't get to at this time. Might as well go to the village. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Village of Temis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop: AntHerb, Carrot, MedHerb, TornPtl, Torrent, Wings. Temis also has a Temple and Inn (2G/person/night). Welcome to the town of old people!!! The people here have issues - namely that they have to sacrifice a young person in the cave to the west. Because of that, there are no young people left in the town. Fortunately for them, they were able to find a young person whom the elder is currently taking to the Cave of Sacrifice. Unfortunately for you, that young person happens to be your friend, the Girl from Nana. If you need items, go to the item shop; if you need to rejuvenate, go to the inn; if you want to save, go to the temple. You can't enter the elder's house, since he's taking the Girl to the cave, so let's follow them. Head west and enter the cave. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave of Sacrifice -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Bubble, Element, Ghoul, Griffin (boss), GorgDog, MudGol. Treasure: Adoris Spear, AresBon, Burn Shield, Charm Ring, CoalAsh, Eagle Boots, Funky Clothes, Ogre Helmet, Summon Staff. There is a lot of good treasure in this simple cave and the enemies aren't that hard. Then again, my levels were: Hero L27, Centaur L25, Statue L19, which might have had something to do with that. The Elements can tear up your party with magic (For spell will cause a lot of damage, while Trello may confuse a party member), while Bubbles and Ghouls can inflict you with various status problems. I advise targeting Elements before other monsters because of the potential damage they can cause (especially if they successfully nail your Hero, who has the ability to hit twice in one turn thanks to the Dark Moon, with Trello). And now for the cave walkthrough. After entering the cave, following the main path in B1. There is a side path leading to the north that leads to two chests. The one on the left has a decent weapon (Adoris Spear), while the other has the cursed Summon Staff. Resume traveling along the path until you reach the stairs to B2. There are three staircases to B3 on this floor. One is in the southeast part, one in the southwest and a third in the west. Near the west stairs are three treasure chests. Two contain a Burn Shield and Ogre Helmet, both of which are armor upgrades. The other has a CoalAsh. The stairs in the west and southwest are connected and there are Eagle Boots in that part of B3. Now, take the southeast staircase from B2 to B3 and go north. Ignore a stairway to the east leading to B4, as it is a dead end. Further north is a chest with a Charm Ring and east of that is the real stairway to B4. Here follow the path around to a small room with the Girl and a monster. The monster ignores you until you talk to the Girl. At that moment, you're in for a fight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Griffin -- app. 2038-2060 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, he has a lot of hit points, but this battle is still very easy. All he seems to be able to do is hit twice in a round. When I fought him (and I stretched the battle out for several rounds), he used no special attacks. So, just bludgeon him to death, while healing if necessary. After killing the Griffin, the Girl says "Thanks...but...I'm sorry...I can't...go...goodbye...ugh..." and runs away. Not exactly the thanks you were hoping for, was it? Before leaving the dungeon, open the chests. One has cursed Funky Clothes, but the other has the AresBon (the item Daedalus was looking for). Now leave the dungeon and go back to Temis. Note: You might be tempted to find Daedalus now that you have the AresBon. So far, I have found no point in doing so. He is back in Selan to the left of the town entrance. When you talk to him, he will combine the AresBon with Ares' Wings and you will have what looks to be a wing behind the third person in your party when you walk. However, I have found no benefit to doing that and you are unable to use spells to warp between towns with the wing equipped. Talk to Daedulus again and say that his invention is not useful and he will say that if the bone was tight, then you could fly, and then he'll remove the wings. However, the AresBon itself can be equipped by a member of your party for a small agility bonus. Anyway, when you return to Temis, you will find out that the people are no longer old. It seems like they were pretending to be old, so they wouldn't be sacrificed, but now that the Griffin is dead, they don't have to worry anymore. Of course, you possibly lost your friend in the process, but, hey, what's the big deal? Resist the urge to burn their little town into the ground and talk to the people. Two of them will be helpful. One person says that he saw the Girl turn into a Griffin and fly south. The other person is the elder, who you can finally talk to. Enter his house and he will give you the IceBowl. This item will allow you to freeze water. Guess where you'll be using this? That's right. On that lake to the south, so you can get to the shrine on the island. Go south, and walk to the edge of the land peninsula on the southern side of the lake (where there is only one space of water separating you and the island). Use the IceBowl and walk across the bridge to the shrine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Shrine -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsters: DethGod, Ghoul. Treasures: Ghost Key, Golden Key (1), RobrEye, Royal Shield, Stone Key (2), Wooden Key (4), Wings. Enter the shrine and talk to the old man. In return for choosing to undergo the test, he gives you one Wooden Key and disappears, allowing you to go downstairs. If you ever get stuck in this dungeon, go back to this room and talk to him. You will lose whatever keys you have, but you will get one Wooden Key, so you can try again. This dungeon is a lot different than any of the ones you've endured to this time. Here is a basic layout. There are three main floors that are all connected. For the sake of the walkthrough, I will call the floor you enter from the old man's room (with the Wood Door to the north) F1. If you go down the stairs, you will be on F2 (with no door to the north). Go down the stairs again and you will be on F3 (with a Gold Door to the north). If you go down the stairs again, you will be back on F1, so the floors essentially loop infinitely. On each of the floors, there are numerous "black holes". Also, some of the treasure chests are trapped and will turn into "black holes" if you open them. Fall in a black hole and you will be in the basement. This is the only part of the shrine with enemies. You will encounter Ghouls (from the Cave of Sacrifice) and DethGods. The latter enemy casts status-affecting spells and is quite hard to hit. So far, the only way I have inflicted damage (and killed) one is by using the Argus Staff as an item in battle. However, these monsters do run away pretty often, so don't worry if you can't kill them. In the basement, you have one goal. To leave by going up the stairs in the northern part of the floor. However, you need the Ghost Key to open the Ghost Door blocking the way to the stairs. To get that key, you have to open the chests in each of the four corners of the room (fighting quite often along the way) until you get the Ghost Key. Here is what each chest contains: Northwest, Royal Shield; Northeast, 48G; Southeast, RobrEye; Southwest: Ghost Key. Take the key, open the door and go up the stairs. Go up the next set of stairs and you will be in a different part of the floor you initially entered the dungeon part of the shrine. Anyway, what you are trying to do is make your way through the shrine, while finding keys to open the various doors. There are many, many chests in this shrine. A good deal of these contain various amounts of gold and won't be included in this walkthrough. I will detail the various chests that have keys, items or are traps. If is isn't mentioned here, it is a gold chest that you can pick up if you want (at this point, I had the maximum carryable amount of $99,999, so it wasn't important to me). So, as for the chests, on the Wooden Key floor (the one that you need a Wooden Key to access most of), in the center near the stairs that you take if you come up from the dungeon, is a Wooden Key. Use a Wooden Key on the door to the northeast and you will access two chests. One has another Wooden Key, but the other contains a Stone Key. One of the chests behind the Wooden Key to the northwest has another Wooden Key. On the Stone Key floor (no door near the entrance, but multiple Stone Key Doors scattered throughout the floor), the right chest in the northwest room and the left chest in the northeast room both are traps that will drop you to the dungeon. The other chest in the northwest room has a Golden Key. Use a Stone Key on the southwest door to get a Stone Key (yes, that is a waste of time). Slightly southeast of the northwest door is a chest with Wings. A bit farther east is a Stone Key and another Stone Key is in the northeast room in the untrapped chest. If you are worried about opening a trapped chest, use the RobrEye that you get in the basement. If a chest has treasure, it will be described as shiny; if it is trapped, it will be described as black. On the Golden Key floor (a Gold Key door is next to the entrance), enter the floor and go right to get a Golden Key. In the main part of the floor, the chests in the southwest and northeast both are trapped, but the southeast chest has another Golden Key. If you have a Wooden Key left over, use it on the Wood Key door in the northern part of the room and take a series of stairs back to the Wood Key floor. Here, you'll be in a room with two chests. The one on the left has the Hatred Zui (what you are looking for) and the one on the right is trapped. For the quickest way to get through this shrine, read below. It's really quite simple. Here we go. After getting the Wooden Key from the old man and going down the stairs to F1, ignore the Wood Door and continue down to F2. Open the chests that are out in the open until you get a Stone Key. Use this to access the northwest room and open the left chest for a Golden Key. Now, go back to entrance and take the stairs down to F3. Use the Golden Key to access the main part of the floor and go directly north to the Wood Door. Use your Wooden Key (that the old man gave you) to open this door and take the stairs twice to get to the Wood Floor. Open the chest on the left to get the Hatred Zui. Now, open the chest on the right to fall to the dungeon. Go to all four corners to open the chests, then use the Ghost Key (found in a chest) to open the door in the north and leave the dungeon. Follow the stairs and you will be in the center of F1. Open the chest right next to you for another Wooden Key and head around to the Wood Door in the south. Open it and go up the stairs to leave the shrine. In the entryway, you will find the old man. Talk to him and he will reveal himself to be your old friend Heshiodos. He will tell you that the Chaos Zui is in Elm, which is south of Nana, and let you know that you need to find a ship. To accomplish this, go to Nana (warping's the quick way) and talk to the queen. She will tell you that she had a dream that you were looking for a ship, so she's giving you one. Go to the port inside the castle and now you can sail away. Note: After getting the Hatred Zui, you will find some new equipment in the Nana weapon shop, according to Hans Niedermaer. Apparently, the other brother has taken over at the upper counter and has some new, improved goods to sell. I can't vouch for how effective this equipment is (as I never realized this when I played) but I can give you the names of the equipment and their costs. You can buy: Guard Axe (2400G), Battle Sword (12000G), Steel Armor (4600G), Coral Armor (17800G), Scaly Shield (16000G), Guard Helmet (3200G) and Iron Boots (50G). So get as much of this stuff as you want (or wait -- there is a weapon shop in Elm, where you'll be in a short amount of time). F. QUEST FOR THE CHAOS ZUI -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailing the Ocean Blue -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies on the Ocean: Fishman, KilrShell, Kraken, Piatt, Sahagin, SeaDevil. Odds are that when you've left Nana by boat, you'll be wondering where to go. After finishing the Key Shrine, you found out that a place called Elm is south of Nana, so you might as well head off in that direction. For the most part, the enemies are fairly easy, but a couple of them can get frustrating. KilrShells are annoying, as they can put party members to sleep. Sahagins can turn people to stone. If one does that to the Centaur, you'll have to go back to a town (by boat, the Noarn spell doesn't work while you're sailing) unless you have a couple of Torrents, as he is the only member that can cure that status ailment. Also, the powerful Kraken can break equipment, although that didn't happen too frequently to me. It's not all that hard to find Elm. My directions will probably make it sound more complicated than it is. Go south from Nana until you reach a new continent. Go west along the coast and go into a channel which divides two lands. Follow it until you reach what looks to be a temple. This is Elm. There are two ways to disembark. In this case, just sail into Elm and you will port in town. Also, going through the channel, you likely saw some darker colored land bordering the water. You can dock at any spot like this, as well. While that knowledge might not be useful for this journey, it will be in the near future. Anyhow, enter Elm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Elm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Shop: MedHerb, AntHerb, Carrot, Torrent, Torn Ptl, Wings. Weapon Shop: Halberd, Spiked Hammer, Isis Clothes, Ebony Shield, Guard Helmet, Steel Glove, Golden Bow. Elm also has an Inn (5G/person/day) and Church (the usual). Your party can hold a maximum of 99,999G. You'll be using all that and more in this town. The very expensive Isis Shirt gives the Statue a nice boost in defense. Ebony Shields are worthwhile for the Hero and Centaur. You'll be able to upgrade the weapon of the Centaur (my pick was the Spiked Axe --- it had the best attack power with only a slight agility penalty), but I'd keep the Dark Moon for the Hero. The extra attacking power these new weapons give doesn't make up for the two hits you'll get with the Dark Moon. You also can buy Guard Helmets and Steel Gloves for various characters to give them a few more defensive points. By talking to the citizens, you'll find out that someone named Smeagol is making everyone sick and has ruined a formerly great country. You'll also hear that the king is sick and has a weak heart. One person will tell you (if you answer "yes" to his question) that Talga is to the east. If you go into the castle (building in north-central part of town), you'll find out that all the soldiers were killed when they marched against the goblins, leaving only a few people. One of those people says that the king knows where the Chaos Zui is, but he's sick. Talk to the king and all he does is moan about a nightmare. Just great. So how do you figure out what to do? Simple. Leave town, wait for night and re-enter town. Now go to the tavern (west side of town). Besides the bartender, there is only one person here, but he is important. He'll tell you that if you're sick, eat a LifePip, which grow on a tree south of Elm --- but no one has been able to make it there lately. You have a new objective!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting a Life Pip and Healing a King -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies on Land: BlackMg, Dolinger, Goatee, HeavyAr, Kumora. Enemies on Water: Same as before. Enemies in the Elm Cave: BlackMg, EvilMage, Kumora, Pormitt. Treasure in the Elm Cave: Clinger Helmet, Hades Sword. Go out of town and go a bit south and you'll find that there is a reason no one has made it to the tree in a while. First, a mountain range blocks easy access. Second, the only entrance to the area the tree seems to be in is via a cave. As you may know by now, caves equals monsters. If you explore the area around Elm, you won't find much that can help you at the moment. If you go west across a bridge and then south, you'll find an empty shrine, but that's about it. If you're trying to buy all the best in equipment for your party, you'll want to walk around some, though, as you'll need to fight to get money. Goatees are easy, but don't drop much gold. Dolingers are very tough, as they can hit one person for a lot or breathe fire for a good deal of damage on everyone. They also don't drop much gold, but are worth a lot of experience. The HeavyArs do drop a bunch of gold, have few hit points, are slow and rarely connect even if they do get a chance. However, you still need to be careful fighting them because if they do hit, (a) you will take a TON of damage or (b) they'll break a piece of equipment. After you're done playing with the Elm monsters, head to your boat and look for a way to that tree. It's not hard to get too, simply leave the inlet and sail west around the continent. Go south along the west coast and then go east along the south coast (passing the empty shrine mentioned above). Soon after that, you'll get to a new beach you haven't seen yet. Disembark and look around. There are some new monsters here, but nothing too tough, although the BlackMgs have some formidable magic spells. You'll see a cave near where you're at and a bridge on the eastern end of this small area. Ignore the bridge for now (you'll be crossing it later) and go into the cave. The main damage you'll take here are from the spells cast by BlackMgs and EvilMages. Also, Pormitts can poison and sleep party members, but they're mere annoyances in this dungeon. This cave has many twists and turns, but most are just dead ends. If you know the correct path to take, this is a pretty simple area. If you don't, you might be going in circles for a while. After entering the cave, follow the path until it forks. Take the north fork until it splits to the east and to the west. Going to the west takes you to an item-seller who has MedHerbs, AntHerbs, Carrots, Wings and CoalAshes for sale. Going to the right takes you to the stairway to the second level. Both paths also loop around and connect with each other, so if you go to the item-seller, it's still a quick jaunt to the staircase to B2. To get all the treasure as quickly as possible, follow these directions. 1. Follow path to an area where you have many choices. 2. Head to the northeast and go up the stairs to B1. 3. Follow path to the west and south until you reach an intersection. 4. Go west until you reach a chest (Clinger Helmet). 5. Now go north. To a room to your left will be a chest with the Hades Sword. While this is a strong weapon, your hero still is better served with the Dark Moon. 6. Keep going north and take stairs back to B2. 7. Go south until you find another stairway to B1. 8. Now go north. Ignore the first two paths to the left, but take the third to make it out of the dungeon. 9. Walk up to the giant tree. "Look" when you are one square in front of it (not standing on the trunk) and you'll get the LifePip. 10. Return to Elm. Now that you're back at Elm, go to the castle and use the LifePip on the King. He'll immediately get better and tell you while he was ill, the Griffin came and took the Chaos Zui from him. He'll give you the Jade and tell you to get the Zui. Make your way back to the land where the Elm Tree Cave entrance is and cross the bridge to the east this time to begin your search for the Zui and Griffin, who may just be Girl from the beginning of the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Talga -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies in overworld: Antaeus, BlackMg, HellRidr, HotDrop, SandGol. Weapon Shop: Golden Bow, Sharp Staff, Lunar Clothes, Dragon Armor, Hephae Shield, WaterCr, Silver Glove. Item Shop: WaterSc, MastBall, CoalAsh, WoodAsh. Talga also has an inn (4G/person/day). It's very easy to find this town. Just take the hilly path between the two mountain ranges and then go north a bit (avoiding the really big desert for now). The town will be right there. This is a pretty boring place on the surface. Remember the fellow back in Elm that said his brothers lived here? Well he was right. His three brothers are the only full-time residents of this place. Go to the second floor of the inn to meet the only important one of the brothers. He works as an innkeeper/item shop salesman/weapon shop salesman. When you initiate conversation with him, he ask if you want to stay at the end. Say "no" and he'll ask if you want to buy items. Say "no" again and he'll offer some great weapons and armor. You'll likely have to earn a lot of money to buy everything. The most expensive item, the Sharp Staff, costs nearly 60,000 gold, but it's worth it. It will add a huge amount of offense to the Statue, making her worth a strong contributor in melee combat. The Dragon Shield, Hephae Shield and Silver Glove all will improve the Hero and/or Centaur's defense, but none of those items are as high of a priority as the Sharp Staff. Besides this place, there's nothing else to do in Talga -- during the day. At night, go into the house on the west end of town and take the stairs that lead down. Follow the path north to Homer, who tells you that the Griffin lives in the Desert Ruins and that you should play the flute there and retrieve the silk reins. Before going to the ruins, you should make sure you have the best equipment possible. To do this, you'll likely have to spend a decent amount of time harvesting the monsters. The very common HellRidrs aren't that tough -- except for their instant kill attack. HellMists and HotDrops are weaklings with a little magic. SandGols have the annoying ability to stone party members. The less common Antaeus is worth a good amount of experience and gold, but hits really hard. Greek Mythology Note: Antaeus --- A giant killed by Hercules. His special ability was that he constantly regained strength as long as he remained in any sort of physical contact with Earth. Hercules picked him up in a bear hug and essentially crushed him to counteract that. In the game, he's just a simple wandering monster with a name that has to do with the Greek Mythos, though. After you've picked up everything you'll need for the journey, it's time to hit the desert! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Desert Shrine -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies in Shrine: ChaosMg, Efreet, Griffin (boss), HellMist, MetSlime, Slasher, Stalker. Treasure in Shrine: Ares Bow, Chaos Zui, Deadly Armor, Deadly Helmet, Death Sword, Wither Armor. To get to the shrine, simply go into the desert east of Talga and head south. Once there, you'll notice something sadly lacking in the previous dungeons (Key Shrine excepted): PUZZLES!!! Yep, you have to actually think to make it through this place. Of course, unlike the Key Shrine, you'll also have to fight and fight often to make it through. The magic of the ChaosMg and the fire breath of the Efreet make those the most dangerous enemies, while the other foes provide little challenge (outside of the sleep breath of the Stalkers). Upon entering the shrine, you'll find your party confined to a fairly small area with three staircases leading down. All of those lead to another small area with two treasure chests. The left chest has a Death Sword (would be good except for the fact that a Hero with the Dark Moon has the potential to do far more damage with the two hits he gets with that weapon --- I'm sounding like a broken record on that aspect). Oh, and your defense also gets greatly lowered by equipping it. The right chest contains something you haven't seen for some time --- A MONSTER!!! The MetSlime dodges attacks like crazy, loves to call allies and will run away if given a chance. However, unlike the HellCoins (which immediately fled the scene), these monsters stuck around, so I was able to put a few of these fellows away. After clearing these two areas, you might be wondering exactly what to do. You can't access any other part of the shrine and the game didn't tell you to come here solely for a Death Sword. Well, the answer is simple. Walk to the entrance to the shrine and then go one step south (so you're on the desert square closest to the actual shrine, but not on the world map). Now, walk around the shrine to the west and turn north. Go north far enough and you'll find a new entrance, which takes you into the main part of this dungeon. As you re-enter the shrine, you'll see a staircase leading to the second floor. While it's not mandatory to go this way, you can get a couple good pieces of armor. If you choose not to take it, skip the next paragraph. If you choose to take it, read on. On the second floor, go north until you reach the stairs to the third floor. This floor is divided into four sections connected by an intersection in the middle. You will enter the floor from the northwest quarter and each of the other three quarters has two treasure chests. The chest on the right in the northeast quarter has a Deadly Armor, while the left chest in the southeast quarter has a Deadly Helmet. All other chests contain MetSlimes. Both these items can only be equipped by the Hero and are slight improvements over what he currently has. After you're done on this floor, retrace your steps until you're at the second entrance to the shrine again. Now, go north and follow the path around. Go past a set of stairs leading up and follow the path until it ends at a second set of stairs. Go up to the second floor here and follow the path until it splits into two branches. First, go west and pick up the Ares Bow for the Centaur. Then, go north to find yourself in a room with eight faces on the floor and a treasure chest. The faces are in a pattern like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 First, open the treasure chest to get a message saying: "Of the eight, only four are real. Find the real ones to go on." Also, a wall will trap you in this room. The solution lies in the eight faces. Four of them are real and will light up when you step on them. The other four are fake and will drop you into the basement where you got the Death Sword if you step on them (leaving you with a long trek back). The solution (unless it is random, in which case you'll get MY solution for the time I played through) is to step on faces 2, 5, 4 and 7. This causes the open chest to turn into a staircase. Take the staircase and you'll find yourself --- back on the first floor at the point you entered F2 at???!!! Console yourself. You didn't just waste a bunch of time solving a puzzle for no reason. Now retrace your steps until you get to that other staircase to F2 (the one I told you to pass up a bit earlier). Go up it and then go up another flight to a different third floor. Follow the path to the large blue door (you could go all the way around to the treasure chest, but it only has a cursed Wither Armor, so there's no real point of wasting your time doing so) and walk up into it. If you solved the "Face Puzzle", you'll be able to walk right through it -- so there was a point in doing it after all! Now that you're on the other side, you won't be able to walk back through the door (must be a one-way portal), so walk around until you're in the very center of the room (where the two faces are). Stand on the face on the right and blow the PallosFl. This summons the Griffin, so walk up to it and talk to it to start the fight! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Griffin -- app. 2508-2578 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you got here, you'll win easily. It can take a lot of damage, but all it can do is deliver three weak attacks per round. Wipe the temple's floor with this thing's carcass and then prepare for a bit of a startling discovery. Remember how one of the people of Temis told you that after you beat the first Griffin, the Girl from Nana turned into one and flew south? Well, that story was true. After beating the monster, it turns back into the Girl and tells her story. She decided to come help you after hearing that the Chaos Zui was in Elm, but her ship wrecked, causing to to land in Temis. While there, she was poisoned by the Griffin, which turned her into a griffin. She then dies, while you wind up with the Chaos Zui in your inventory. Now you have all three Zuis, but now you have to find out how to make the Chaos Axe and then you have to find Hercules in Heaven to give him said Axe so he can break the Dark Lord's Seal. Well, no one ever said that it was easy being a hero... G. REACHING HEAVEN AND RECRUITING HERCULES This chapter is more of an intermission than anything. You do next to no (mandatory) fighting and most of your time is spent running errands for others. Consider it a rest break before the final confrontations with the forces of evil... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Kingdom for a (Winged) Horse!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you recall, Homer told you to get the silk reins. If you remember, way back in the early part of the game, there was a man in a shrine that said he was holding them for a hero. You now meet that qualification, so let's go get them. The quickest way to do this is to warp to Laos and head east to the shrine that connects that continent to the one that Loren is on. In the shrine, take the side path to the room with the man and talk to him to find out that Daedalus stole the reins from him. You may remember from early in the game that Daedalus is the manager at the graveyard in Selan, so warp there. You'll find him standing in front of a tombstone, so talk to him. He'll tell you that he stole the silk reins to summon Pegasus because his son, Icarus, wanted to fly. However, Icarus was dying and is now dead, so he won't be able to. Daedalus then gives you the SilkRein, so you can summon Pegasus. Greek Mythology Note: Pegasus --- winged horse of legend. To do so, go outside of town and face any grassy plain area (the squares of ground that have a few specks of green on them), find the SilkRein in your inventory and use it. Pegasus will land on that square, all ready to fly you to anywher you want to go. To disembark, land on another grassy plain square. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Friendly Skies -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The great thing about flying is that while you are doing so, you get a respite from all the random encounters this game throws at you. After getting Pegasus, you are supposed to go to Heaven, but there are a number of other places you may visit. 1. Camragi, town of Centaurs. Okay, technically you can sail to this small town that is located just south of Aros (across a mountain range), but it's not really worth the time and effort. But now that you can fly and not have to worry about battles, it's a good idea to come here. This town has a cheap inn (1G/person/night) and you can buy Holy Armor for your Centaur. Also, his mom is here (pointless dialogue). To wrap things up, one of the tombstones hides a one-way path to Aros (not useful, but it's there...). In the vicinity of Camragi, there are a couple new monsters, in case you're keeping count. Ghanzs give decent gold, while DthRobes give okay experience, but neither are really noteworthy. 2. The Venus Temple. This is another place you can get to by boat, but you'd really be going out of your way for no reason if you have done that by this point. Fly to the Desert Shrine and either go east or west (your preference) until you come to an island with a temple on it. At this point, if you go in, your way will be blocked and you'll be told that the Titan Devil is imprisoned here. Greek Mythology Note: Venus --- a bit of a mistake on the game's part. Venus is the ROMAN goddess of love. Aphrodite is the GREEK equilivant of her. 3. Shrine Northwest of Elm. This shrine, which you may have seen before, is on a three-by-three square island right off the coast of the continent Elm is on. At this point, there is a guard that won't let you go any farther. That means, you must go to Heaven (Olympus if you're trying to keep the Greek name intact). Remember the floating cloud south of Minoa that you couldn't get to way back at the beginning of your quest? Use Pegasus to fly there now and you'll be able to use the cloud to go to the town of Heaven. There really isn't a great deal to do here. The old man in the center of town is Zeus. He tells you that the Chaos Axe can only be created by Hephaestus, who might be somewhere on earth. Zeus adds that the shrine in back of him leads back to Earth. From searching the town, you also may find that Icarus is there and that Hercules is there. However, Herc is busy fighting Talos right now and he needs the Chaos Axe to put an end to that confrontation. Sarius, the God of Bravery, also resides in Heaven. This person tells the Centaur that he'll find bravery on the surface world. Greek Mythology Notes: Zeus --- King of the Gods. Talos --- A giant monster with only one weak spot that eventually was destroyed by Jason. Entering the shrine behind Zeus will take you to a portal that allows you to take a one-way trip to the surface world --- more specifically, the shrine southwest of Elm. Call Pegasus and head to the shrine northwest of Elm. The guard that blocked your path before is gone, so you may enter the back room. Here, you will find Hephaestus. The god will take the three Zuis and create the Chaos Axe, allowing you to obtain Hercules for your party. As a side note, if you talk to Hephaestus again, there is a rather bizarre conversation between him and the Statue. She tells Hephaestus to come into her mind and stay there, but he refuses, saying that if he doesn't enter Talos' mind, he will have failed. She retorts by saying that he might become like Talos. Then the conversation ends. Obviously, Statue was looking for Hephaestus so he could become her soul, but the god apparently has no interest in her... Anyway, with the Chaos Axe in hand, get back on Pegasus and return to Heaven. Go to Hercules and talk to him and he'll take the Chaos Axe. For some reason, he won't immediately beat on Talos with it --- he has you step in and try your hand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Talos --- unknown hit points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not really an authentic boss battle, this is an exercise in humility. First, you WILL miss with all your attacks. Second, he will hit every time for either a ton of damage or with a blow that automatically kills the character it connects with. Yep, this is a battle you just weren't meant to win. But, on the bright side, after you lose, Hercules uses the Chaos Axe to destroy Talos AND then joins your party (all of whom are brought back to life with full HP and MP). Hercules is a monster as far as physical strength, but can't use magic. Then, again, why would you want to use spells when you have a guy who can hit for the damage he can? Speaking of damage, to maximize Hercules' capacity for causing it, you'll want to equip him. He holds (but does not have equipped) a Roar Sword, a Bright Shield and Zeus Armor. All of this is better than what the Hero has, so you can either keep it on Hercules or give it to the Hero and let Hercules have the leftovers (with the exception of weapon -- Hero keeps the Dark Moon). Talk to Zeus again and he'll tell you to go to the Venus Temple which is where the magic seal is. Before going there, pick up Silver Gloves (Talga) and a Guard Helmet (Elm) for Hercules to improve his stats a bit more. Now you're ready to break the seal -- an easy task. Go back to the Venus Temple, preferably by ship this time (instructions given above). Now, the guard lets you by. Go up two sets of stairs and walk up to an object that looks to be an open treasure chest. Use the Chaos Axe and you'll break the seal. Go outside and things will change. The world will turn to darkness and an opening will open in the water immediately south of the Venus Temple. If you took the ship here, just get in it and go into the opening. If you took Pegasus, you'll have to teleport to a nearby town (Elm) and sail all the way to the opening. Whichever way you choose, you'll end up at the same place. h. LORD OF THE TITANS/ENDGAME Enter the opening with your ship and you will be teleported to a very small area with one thing of note: a tower in the middle of a tiny island. Nothing else to do here, so enter the structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Titan Tower -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Cronos (boss), DropLrd, DvHorse, HellDog, Oceanus, Romulus, Titan. Treasures: None. Well, it's time to find this evil ruler that is terrorizing the world. To get to him is very simple...if you know the way. If not, you're in a spot of trouble, as you could wander around aimlessly for awhile, contending with the very high monster encounter rate this area seems to have. To be honest, by the time I had gotten to this point of the game, I was at such advanced levels with my original three members that the monsters here didn't give me any real problems. However, if you're not obscenely strong, you might have some trouble with a couple of them. DropLrds cast For-3, which can hit for 120 damage to all members if it connects. DvHorses can instantly slay party members on occasion. HellDogs can breathe fire for heavy damage. And the Romulus dispenses status ailments with regularity. When you get farther into the dungeon, you'll fight the durable Oceanus and the generic Titans (random giant encounter, not the Titans referred to as the scourge of the land). Greek Mythology Notes: Romulus --- Actually, this might be Roman Mythology, as well. But anyway, Romulus was (along with his brother, Remus) raised by wolves and wound up founding the city of Rome. In the game, Romulus is a palette swap of the boss, Medusa, so you could say this character really got shortchanged. Oceanus --- The Titan who ruled the sea until the Gods defeated them and Poseidon took over. In the game, it's just another squid-like enemy. If you want to get to the boss without any problems, just follow these directions. Unless I was really careless and missed something obvious, there is no point in following any other path unless (a) you like doing things in a long, tedious manner while fighting battles every three steps or (b) you really need a couple more levels. What you'll be doing is following a long, but straight-forward path to the boss. Go left and just follow the path you are currently on until you get to a staircase up to F2 (don't take the side path to the other set of stairs on the left side -- that just leads to the right side of the first floor, which isn't exactly helpful). Take it and keep going up stairs until you get to the fourth floor. Here, you'll have to take a hallway north to get to stairs to the fifth floor. Now, take a hallway down and to the right to find a set of stairs leading back to the fourth floor. Keep taking staircases down until you've reached B1. Here, there are two staircases. Don't take the one near you, as it leads to a dead end. Take the one in the northern end of the room down to B2. Here, go north to stairs back up to B1 and then take another set to 1F. You are now in the room of Cronos, the main baddie in the game. Walk up to him and talk to him. After calling you foolish for breaking his seal, he promptly challenges you to a fight. Pleasant guy. Greek Mythology Note: Cronos --- The King of the Titans. He heard a prophecy that his son would end his rule, so he attempted to kill all his children. However, they were able to escape and he was defeated by Zeus. Now, he's back for vengeance. Unfortunately, Zeus has better things to do than accept rematches, so you get to step in and defend the honor of the Gods! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Cronos --- app. 3063-3162 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cronos is just testing your power in this battle, so don't expect him to go all out to try to beat you. In other words, you shouldn't have any problem winning. Yes, my levels were obscenely high (Hero and Centaur were about 50 or so and the Statue wasn't far behind), but I doubt a few less levels would have made much of a difference. He really doesn't do too much that's noteworthy. He'll cast Powra to restore 80 HP every once in a while, but that doesn't even make up for one hit by a weaker character. You really shouldn't have much trouble wearing him down and even if you do, one cast of Powte by either the Hero or Centaur will completely heal one character. After you've won, Mr. Evil has a good laugh, call you pathetic and makes a threatening reference to your hometown of Nana. Then he leaves and turns out the lights, so you're trapped in the darkness. Looks like you're in a spot of trouble, eh? Well, there is one key item that you haven't used yet, so get it out. Yes, use the Jade and you'll be magically teleported out of the tower back into the Venus Shrine. Yes, it would have been nice if the game has hinted that you use the Jade for that purpose, but that's life (unless it did and I just missed it). Because I suffered, you now know. Leave the tower and immediately warp to Nana. You aren't going to like what you see here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nana Castle Dungeon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies: Apollyon, Bloody, Cronos (boss), DevilBull, EvilKing (boss), Preeze. Treasures: None. By talking to people in the town, you'll get the idea that Nana has turned into a place of evil that no one really wants to remain in. Go up to the castle and you'll find even more grim news -- the Queen was murdered. Instead of believing this news, go on up to the throne room to undergo your own investigation. Sure enough, the Queen has been replaced by Cronos' pathetically weak bodyguard. Talk to instigate combat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: EvilKing --- app. 2549-2684 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only difference between this boss and the four-armed demon monster encounters you've faced before is that this guy has a lot more health and is a bit more powerful. He attacks three times a round, but you should not have any problem slaughtering him. Your reward for victory is that a staircase leading up appears where the monster was standing. Go up to enter the dungeon itself. This area is very easy to navigate, as you follow a completely linear path (no sidepaths, dead ends, etc.). However, some of the monsters can offer a challenge. Apollyons have fire breath, while Devilbulls may emit a blizzard. The Bloody isn't tough, but it can attack three times in a round and it will likely move first. And then there is the Preeze. Like the DropLrds in the previous dungeon, it casts For-3 (as well as other spells). However, these guys take a lot more damage and are much more likely to cause problems with their spells. Odds are that you'll make use of your healers as you head toward your final confronation with Cronos. Walk up stairs until you get to F5. You'll notice that this area looks just like Cronos' throne room in Titan Tower. With one exception -- instead of him at his throne, there is another staircase. Go up. On F6, just go north to the stairs to F7. The seventh floor looks more daunting than it is. Basically, the entire floor is one long, winding path...and you will have to cover the whole area. While it will take some time, it is all just one path, so it should not be too difficult to make it to the next staircase up. After that floor, you go up about three or so tiny floors (four squares each, with the stairs down and up taking up two of them) before reaching the final floor. Go north to find Cronos standing on a podium waiting for you. Talk to him to become the recipent of one good old-fashioned burst of pure trash-talk. He mocks the dead Queen, he mocks you, he mocks the virtue of courage. It is probably the best villain dialogue out of any I've seen on the NES. While I won't give away his entire diatribe, I'll give you a highlight. "Courage can never be beaten? Hahaha! That's a lie!" It's not Shakespeare or anything like that, but for the NES, it's pure gold. Anyway, after Cronos calls you out, there has to be action taken. So, let the fight begin! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss: Cronos --- app. 4068-4167 Hit Points -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlike the previous bosses, this one can be a challenge on any level. Of course, what else would you expect from a horrific being that looks a lot like Satan? You HAVE to keep everyone above 200 HP at all times, or you are running the risk of having to bring people back to life. Regardless of your level, you'll be healing, as C-Man has a number of attacks, many of which can be painful. Let's look at some of his moves. 1. Attack twice: He does this one fairly often. He didn't hurt Hercules much at all with it, but the Hero took about 100 HP from one hit. 2. Powra: He only did this once against me. Anytime he casts this spell, it is a wasted turn. He heals himself for 80 HP, which is all well and good until you consider that if all my party members connected with him, he loses slightly over 600 HP. 3. Fire Breath: Another move you're hoping he does. Potentially can hit everyone, but it won't hurt them too bad. 4. Buzma: This is what you're trying to avoid. This magic spell that your characters don't learn is the most powerful attack spell in the game. It will be cast on all of your party members and (if it connects) will damage them for 200 HP. Odds are that after this spell gets cast, you'll be doing some healing the next turn. He doesn't cast it too often, but you have to be waiting for it at all times. As long as you can keep people healed sufficiently, you should be able to win with a minimum of trouble. The key to this battle is simply recognizing potential trouble and casting Powte on a character before that potential trouble becomes an actual problem. Anyway, you win the battle and the death of Cronos will cause his castle to crumble. Fortunately, Pegasus rescues you from it before you go down with it. Ride Pegasus to the nearest ground surface that you can land on (Nana's Island doesn't have any grassy plain, so you'll have to fly for a while). If you've played any of the Dragon Warrior/Quest games, you'll recognize this part of the game. It's the area after beating the final boss, but before the ending, where you can go from town to town soaking up all the adoration from the peasants. After your ego has been gratified, warp to Nana. You'll notice that there are fewer people here than before, but one key person still remains. Go to your house and go upstairs to see your grandma. The minute you walk upstairs, she starts talking to you and the ending of the game begins. I won't go into great detail and spoil the ending for you (my belief is that regardless of how much you use a guide to get through a game, you don't deserve to have the ending ruined --- unless it's a rip-off ending where all that happens is that the game gives you the Karnov treatment and you just get a screen that says "Congratulations! You won!" while some stupid victory theme plays). So let's just say that happy endings are in store for all the good guys! Then, the credits role with little screenshots from the game and you're all done. Hope you had fun with it and hope you enjoyed the guide! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. MONSTER COMPENDIUM Note #1: I have experience and gold received for defeating monsters, but not the amount of hit points they have. If someone has those figures, please send them to me for inclusion and you will be credited). Note #2: Monsters denoted with an * are bosses. Note #3: Some enemies may have special attacks that I haven't seen yet. As I find more, I will put them in. Anyone finding a special attack that I haven't may email it to me to get credit. Note #4: Hans Niedermaer figured out the gold value of the HellCoin, so for all the monsters I encountered, I am only missing the experience value of the Hellcoin! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name Description Special Att. Exp. Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Antaeus purple giant 720 400 Anteatr purple spider 2 attacks, poison 216 4 Apollyon purple/yellow demon fire breath 980 84 Bebudd green tree 48 16 BlackMg red ghost wizard magic 600 32 Bloody purple 4-armed beast three attacks 840 188 Bubble blue slug sleep 292 380 Centaur green/flesh horse-man 300 120 Cerbrus* red 2-headed dog 2 attacks, poison 128 40 ChaosMg light blue seer magic 540 296 Condor gray/orange bird call ally 16 8 Cronos (1)* purple/yellow emperor magic 4096 12 Cronos (2)* red satanic demon 2 attacks, magic, fire breath 0 0 Conjrer purple wizard magic 100 20 Cyclops* green 1-eyed giant blizzard, instant kill 1020 40 Darkman red soldier magic 192 36 DethGod blue ghost wizard magic 360 4 Devilbull green bullman blizzard 916 240 Dolinger red 1-eyed giant fire breath 800 200 Drop blue gnome magic 60 8 DropLrd yellow gnome magic 440 400 DthRobe yellow ghost wizard magic 480 4 DvHorse red horse-man instant kill 600 420 Efreet red demon fire breath 900 84 Element green ghost magic 303 16 EvilKing* yellow 4-arm demon 3 attacks 5120 40 EvilMage gray/purple/red seer magic 528 336 Fishman green lizardman call ally 400 400 Freezer blue demon blizzard 240 28 Gamates orange frog poison 72 92 Ghanz red spider poison 120 380 Ghoul orange corpse poison, paralyze 284 28 Ghulah purple frog fire breath 280 400 Goatee red goat magic 400 280 GorgDog orange 2-headed dog 2 attacks 330 92 Graeae green wizard magic 198 120 Griffin (1)* white/green bird-cat 2 attacks 2046 40 Griffin (2)* yellow/green bird-cat 3 attacks 0 0 Harpie orange birdman magic, call ally 144 84 HeavyAr grey armor break equip. 280 480 HellCoin yellow coins 3 attacks ?? 480 HellDog purple 2-headed dog 3 attacks, fire breath 792 296 HellMist red ghost magic 784 72 HellRidr grey horse-man instant kill 400 280 HotDrop red gnome magic 280 400 Ibo-Ibo green frog poison 12 20 IceDrop green gnome magic 80 400 IceGol blue melting man break equip. 184 200 IceSkel blue skeleton blizzard 252 280 Insepta green insect call ally 36 24 KilrShell purple clam sleep 200 400 Kraken yellow octopus 3 att., break equip. 600 276 Kumora pink bug magic 852 12 LeafKilr purple scorpion 2 attacks, poison 159 120 Mage gray wizard magic 313 100 Medusa* orange snakewoman 3 attacks, poison, stone 510 40 MetSlime green/yellow coins 3 attacks, call ally 510 480 Mintaur* red bullman 2 attacks 256 40 Mist purple ghost 276 4 MtGoat yellow goat magic, break equip. 120 80 MudGol brown melting man 324 132 Oceanus purple squid 3 attacks, sleep 1000 92 Perasgo blue/flesh soldier magic 152 24 PerasKn flesh/gray soldier 180 28 Piatt red clam 180 100 PoiSlug red slug poison 80 12 Pormitt purple corpse poison, sleep 560 56 Preeze purple seer magic 840 188 Reaper purple bird magic 160 28 Romulus green snakewoman poison, numb, magic 776 12 Sahagin red lizardman stone 440 212 SandGol orange melting man stone 585 40 Scorpio red scorpion 2 attacks 8 12 SeaDevil red octopus 2 attacks 520 132 Skelton white skeleton 112 80 Slasher green 4-armed beast 648 188 Slug green slug poison 4 8 SnGoat blue goat 224 16 Spider green spider 2 attacks, poison 68 20 Spirit gray ghost magic 160 4 Stalker purple skeleton sleep 720 160 Talos* light blue giant instant kill --- --- Titan yellow/grey giant 612 804 TreeDv grey tree 318 48 Treeman orange tree 4 4 Trellus green/orange soldier 92 32 Tropie yellow soldier call ally 24 16 TurtBug yellow/red bug numb 204 12 Venom blue scorpion 2 attacks, poison 44 24 Vulture red/purple bird 56 60 Wizard purple wizard magic 152 24 Zombie flesh/green corpse poison, numb 165 28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. WEAPONS AND ARMOR If you notice nothing beside a weapon or piece of armor besides its price, I haven't yet scraped the money together to buy it, yet. Rest assured, by the time this thing is done, I'll have all the info. As for the "Who Can Equip" section, "H" stands for Hero, "C" stands for Centaur, "S" stands for Statue and "He" stands for Hercules*. I don't have the amount by which each piece of equipment affects agility listed. If someone wishes to contribute that, credit will be given. Items with an *: I sold them early and the Centaur and Statue never got a chance to try them on. Items with an ^: While at least one character can equip these items, they are cursed and therefore undesirable. In other words, don't even try to put them on!!! Note: For Hercules, the only pieces of equipment marked are (1) those he came with, (2) those I bought for him to supplement the ones he came with and (3) ones I found after obtaining him. I saw no point in going to every store in the game to see what weak items he could use. I mean, when a guy enters your party with a weapon that raises his attack power by over 100 points, who cares if he can equip the Cane? Note2: Hans Niedermaer located a number of new weapons and armor from the shop in Nana. These pieces of equipment appear after you find the Hatred Zui and I never went back to the store after that time. Therefore, I never located them. For these items, I have their name and cost, but if anyone has their damage/defense value and who may equip them, please send that information to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS Name Cost Damage Who Can Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adoris Spear ---- + 35 H,C Ares Bow ---- + 52 H,C Argus Spear ---- + 23 (use as item for damage) H,C Battle Sword 12000 Cane 30 + 5 H,C,S Dagger 70 + 12 H,S Dark Moon ---- + 35 (2 hits/round) H Death Sword ---- + 95 (-32 defense) H Flail 50 + 6 H,C Flare Bow ---- Cursed ----^ Golden Bow 18000 + 42 H,C Guard Axe 2400 Hades Sword ---- + 70 H Halberd 5350 + 40 H,C Half Moon 1240 + 28 (poss. 2 hits/round?) H Jewel Sword ---- + 8 (big agil. boost) S Lumber Axe 320 + 27 H Minos Axe ---- + 45 (big agil. loss) H Roar Sword ---- +108 H,He Rusty Sword ---- + 4 H,???* Sharp Staff 58000 + 75 S Silver Bow 590 + 32 H,C Spiked Axe 6400 + 44 H,C Spear 190 + 31 H,C Sword 850 + 27 H Summon Staff ---- Cursed ----^ Thorn Whip ---- + 16 (-8 defense) H,C,S Wooden Bow 130 + 10 H,C ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARMOR Name Cost Defense Who Can Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chain Armor 220 + 8 H,C Coral Armor 17800 Copper Armor 880 + 14 H,C Deadly Armor ---- + 24 H Dragon Armor 15000 + 21 H Funky Clothes ---- Cursed ----^ Hide Armor 100 + 5 H,C,S Holy Armor 9000 + 19 H,C Iron Armor 540 + 11 H,C Isis Clothes 62000 + 30 S Leather Armor 140 + 7 H,C Linen Clothes 40 + 8 S Lunar Clothes 11600 + 26 S Silk Clothes 580 + 10 S Spring Clothes 32000 + 6 S Steel Armor 4600 Trick Clothes 1360 + 13 H,C Tunic 10 + 2 H,C,S Wither Armor ---- Cursed ----^ Zeus Armor ---- + 28 H,He ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHIELD Name Cost Defense Who Can Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bright Shield ---- + 21 H,C,He Burn Shield ---- + 10 H Ebony Shield 21000 + 18 H,C Hephae Shield 14000 + 20 H,C Hide Shield 160 + 4 H,C Iron Shield 320 + 6 H,C Mirror Shield ---- + 2 (blocks stone gaze) H Royal Shield ---- + 12 H,C Rusty Shield ---- + 2 H,???* Scaly Shield 16000 Stone Shield 380 + 8 H ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELMET Name Cost Defense Who Can Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinger Helmet ---- + 14 H Deadly Helmet ---- + 16 H Guard Helmet 3200 + 6 H,He Hide Helmet 40 + 2 H,C,S Ogre Helmet ---- + 10 H,C Steel Helmet 800 + 4 H,C WaterCr 4800 + 2 H,C,S ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAND Name Cost Defense Who Can Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foolish Gloves ---- + 3 (+6 attack) H,C Lead Gloves ---- + 14 H,C,S Linen Gloves 120 + 1 (+1 attack) H,C,S Silver Gloves 1800 + 3 (+4 attack) C,He Steel Gloves 360 + 2 (+2 attack) H,C ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOT Name Cost Defense Who Can Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eagle Boots ---- + 1 (larger agil. bonus) S Iron Boots 50 Suede Boots 20 + 1 H,C,S Thief Boots ---- + 1 (small agil. bonus) H,S ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER Name Cost Attribute Who Can Equip ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AresBon ---- Agility bonus H,C,S Charm Ring ---- Big luck bonus H,C,S Death Ring ---- Cursed ----^ Hades Ring ---- Cursed ----^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. ITEMS In the early stages of gameplay, I have found several items in stores that I have not found the purpose of yet. My guess is they help with various status ailments, but you never know. When I find out, I'll post it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Cost Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AntHerb 20 Cures poison. Carrot 30 Cures numbness. Chaos Axe ---- Destroys the evil seal. Chaos Zui ---- One of three Zuis you need to collect. CoalAsh 1000 Use not determined yet. CutTool ---- Frees Statue. Ghost Key ---- Opens Ghost Door in Key Shrine. Golden Key ---- Opens Golden Door in Key Shrine. Hatred Zui ---- One of three Zuis you need to collect. Jade ---- Escape from Titan Tower after beating Cronos. LifePip ---- Heals a sick king. MastBall 1000 Damages all enemies (about 20/enemy). MedHerb 10 Restores 30HP to one character. NtCurtn ---- Turns day to night. PallosFl ---- Given by Girl before you leave Nana. Plays song, but use has not been determined yet. RobrEye ---- Determines if treasure chest is trapped. Sorrow Zui ---- One of three Zuis you need to collect. Stone Key ---- Opens Stone Doors in Key Shrine. TornPtl 100 Use not determined yet. Torrent 50 Cures stone. Tree Key ---- Opens door in Tree Dungeon. Trumpet ---- Lowers enemy defense. WaterSc 1400 Use not determined yet. Wings 24 Warp to town. WoodAsh 400 Use not determined yet. Wooden Key ---- Opens Wooden Doors in Key Shrine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. MAGIC SPELLS Magic spells will be divided between characters, so if you're looking to see what spells one specific character learns, you can find all of them together. Under the "Where Cast" column, "B" means in battle and "O" means outside of battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HERO Spell Name Level Received Cost In SP Where Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pow 6 2 B/O This is a low-level healing spell that will restore 30HP to one character. Noarn 10 7 O Warps you to most towns that you've been to. KTrell 20 8 B/O Removes confusion status ailment. Spara 22 10 B Increases power of character it is cast on. Powra 25 6 B/O Restores 80HP to one character. Imake 29 16 O Will bring a deceased character back to life with one hit point. Powte 32 8 B/O Completely refills HP at a very cheap cost in SP. This is probably the best healing spell in the history of RPGs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTAUR Spell Name Level Received Cost In SP Where Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pow 1 2 B/O This is a low-level healing spell that will restore 30HP to one character. Exis 2 0 O This lousy spell seems to attempt to make an enemy vanish. I say "seems to" because every time I've tried to use it, it either has no effect or the attack misses. However, I had the Centaur cast it on himself and the game said something like "the enemy vanishes", but nothing happened. Regardless, this is looking like a worthless spell. KMisu 3 2 B/O An antidote spell, so you don't have to waste money on AntHerbs. Daste 6 2 B A spell to lower the defense of enemies. Molsi 8 4 B This spell is useful against enemies that use magic, as it will block their spells. KPara 9 6 B/O Cure the Numb condition, so inventory space won't be cluttered with Carrots. Powra 12 6 B/O Restores 80HP to one character. Spim 13 4 B This spell improves the posture of one character. This is a fancy way of saying that character's agility is raised for the battle. KSton 15 B/O Removes Stone condition. Miu 19 2 B Increases defense of character it is cast on. Dastr 20 4 B This spell is the opposite of Miu. It lowers the defense of enemies. Thana 21 14 B If successful, this spell will instantly kill an enemy. Note: It may not always go for the kill. I've run into a monster that casts this spell, but instead of killing my character, it takes roughly half their HP away. Powte 25 8 B/O Just like the spell of the same name that Hero gets a bit later on. Two characters casting a Heal-All spell for next to no spell points is simply incredible. Miura 28 8 B Raises a character's defense. Illuma 32 18 B/O Raises a character from the dead with all hit points returned. Great way to neutralize those monsters that apply the old "auto-kill" attack on you. Powma 34 16 O Heals all party members by 50 HP. It's really quite useless since by the time you get it, you should have two party members who are able to heal one person completely with Powte for half the MP. Prnam 38 18 B Goes after every enemy in a group. The game says that the enemy's power has been rubbed off and they take a healthy amount of damage. My guess is that is might be a version of Thana that hits more enemies, since when enemies hit me with Thana, instead of killing me, it took HP away. So, unless someone knows something different, I'm saying that it kills weak enemies and damages strong enemies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUE Spell Name Level Received Cost In SP Where Cast -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paras 2 2 B Causes 15HP of damage to one enemy (if it hits). Nectr 3 2 B Causes enemy to stagger. I have no idea what this may or may not accomplish. Pajo 4 4 B Causes 30HP of damage to one group of enemies (for each one that it hits). Dakep 5 8 O This spell warps the party out of a dungeon. Chaos 6 4 B This spell attempts to put enemies to sleep. For 8 4 B Causes 45HP of damage to all enemies (assuming it connects). Aku 10 2 B Purifies member of party. I'm not positive as to what this actually means, but guess it must involve status ailments. Pago2 11 6 B Causes 50HP of damage to one group of enemies (for each one that it hits). Noarn 12 7 O Now Statue can cast a spell to warp you back to town. Yay! Para3 14 12 B Causes 100HP of damage to a group of enemies (for each one that it hits). Cultm 15 10 O Turns day to night. For-2 17 8 B Cause 75HP of damage to all enemies (if it hits successfully). Trello 18 8 B Attempts to confuse an enemy. Balisd 19 6 B Causes a party member to "glow". I have no idea what this accomplishes. Para2 20 10 B Will cause 100HP of damage to any one enemy (if it connects). Akros 22 6 B Will purify all members of the party. Like the Aku spell, I'm not sure what that means, but am guessing it involves status ailments for now. Pago3 24 14 B If this spell works, it will hit the members of one group of monsters for 100HP each. Param 26 14 B Attempts to hit all enemies on the battlefield for 60HP of damage. For-3 29 18 B Powerful attack spell that tries to hit all enemies for 120HP damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. CODES AND CHEATS Note: Personally, I don't use Game Genie codes or the like, but out of respect for those who do, I am including them. Everything in this section has been submitted by Javier Alejandro (wwjab@yahoo.com.ar). I personally have not used or verified the accuracy of any of them (heck, I don't even use Nesticle or VirtuaNES, so I couldn't verify those if I wanted to), so don't blame me if any of them don't work the way they are supposed to. Just email me and I'll put a note next to the offending code. Some of them may be useful, some may be just for fun. Anyway, here they are, so have at 'em. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Game Genie codes. Code What it does -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SXVLZAVG This code affects the battles. Some enemies attack you until all the party is eliminated. NYKAITVK Again for the battles. the enemies attack themselves one or two times. OZUSTPVK The colors of the game are changed. VKKZKOSE Always attack first. This code is strange. It works only one time per battle. If you try to use a second time, the game will be freezed until you switch off the code. ELEAXVSA Sleep at the Inn always costs 1 gold. You can stay 4 days for 1 gold! SXSUPSSE Infinite gold. (NOTE: Lance Underwood emailed me to say that this code did not work for him.) SZOKGUSE A weird code. If you press A and, when the menu appears you press B, you will be teleported to a strange city. Your party and all the people will be black. SXKNNSSE Transform all in the party into the Statue. All the party characters take the forms of the statue. ATVEAXSZ Play without enemies, (except the bosses like Medusa, etc.). Also, walking in the icefield doesn't hurt you. AVEEOSSZ Take no damage from walking in the icefield. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Hacking guide for Nesticle save states. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Y axis=2006 (--up + down) Modify your position vertically. X axis=2004 (+right - left) Modify your position horizontally. Gold=1736/173A Hero: Inventory=179B/17A6 Max HP=1671 Max MP=1673 Power=1666 Agility=1668 Vigour=166A Luck=166C Attack=166E Defense=1670 Experience=1675/1678 Points needed for the next level=1678/167B Level=1660 Current HP=1661 Current MP=1663 Spells=1800/1811 (1E/2E) Centaur: Inventory=17A7/17B3 Max Hp=1691 Max Mp=1693 Power=1686 Agility=1688 Vigour=168A Luck=168C Attack=168E Defense=1690 Experience=1695/1698 Points needed for the next level=1698/169B Level=1680 Current HP=1681 Current MP=1683 Spells=1814/1825 (1E/2E) Statue: Inventory=17B3/17BF Max Hp=16B1 Max Mp=16B3 Power=16A6 Agility=16A8 Vigour=16AA Luck=16AC Attack=16AE Defense=16B0 Experience=16B5/16B8 Points needed for the next level=16B8/16BB Level=16A0 Current HP=16A1 Current MP=16A3 Spells=1814/1825 (1E/2E) Offsets: Weapons: 00=Flail 01=Dagger 02=Rusty sword 03=Cane 04=Wooden bow 05=Lumber axe 06=Sword 07=Hf. Moon 08=Spear 09=Guard axe 0A=Halberd 0B=Spiked axe 0C=Silver bow 0D=Battle sword 0E=Golden bow 0F=Sharp staff 10=Hades sword 11=Adoris lance 12=Lone sword 13=Argus lance 14=Ares bow 15=Summon staff 16=Jewel Sword 17=Death sword 18=Dk. Moon 19=Hemp staff 1A=Thorn whip 1B=Roar sword 1C=Flare bow (cursed) 1D=Minos axe 1E=Flame whip 1F=Zeus sword Body: 20=Tunic 21=Hide armor 22=Linen clothes 23=Chain armor 24=Leathr armor 25=Iron armor 26=Trick clothes 27=Steel armor 28=Silk clothes 29=Copper armor 2A=Coral armor 2B=Isis clothes 2C=Deadly armor 2D=Holy armor 2E=Wither armor 2F=Spring clothes 30=Lunar clothes 31=Zeus armor 32=Dragon armor 33=Funky clothes Shield: 34=Rusty 35=Hide 36=Iron 37=Scaly 38=Burn 39=Mirror 3A=Ebony 3B=Stone 3C=Bright 3D=Hephae 3E=Royal 3F=Zeus Head: 40=Hide 41=Steel 42=Guard 43=WaterCr 44=Chain 45=Deadly 46=Ogre 47=Clinger Hands: 48=Linen 49=Steel 4A=Silver 4B=Lead 4C=Foolish 4D=Brave Feet: 4E=Suede 4F=Iron 50=Thief 51=Eagle 52=Thorn 53=Life Tools: 54=Hades bracelet 55=Charm bracelet 56=AresBon 57=Death bracelet 58=WaterSc 59=MastBall 5A=HairPin 5B=Letter 5C=MagSack 5D=RedCord 5E=CoalAsh 5F=BalocBl 60=MedHerb 61=AntHerb 62=Carrot 63=Torrent 64=Wings 65=TornPtl 66=IrScrap 67=WoodAsh 68=NtCurtn 69=Trumpet 6A=SmllKite 6B=Shovel 6C=Giant's key 6D=CutTool 6E=Tree key 6F=IceBowl 70=Wooden key 71=Stone key 72=Golden key 73=Ghost key 74=Chaos axe 75=Pallos bracelet 76=Minos key 77=LifePip 78=RobrEye 79=PallosFl 7A=SilkRein 7B=Jade 7C=Hatred Zui 7D=Sorrow Zui 7E=Chaos Zui 7F=? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- c. VirtuaNES Cheat File Code Purpose -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #1 7736-03-FFFFFF Gold #1 7660-01-FF Hero: Level #1 7671-02-FFFF Hero: Max HP #1 7661-02-FFFF Hero: Current HP #1 7673-02-FFFF Hero: Max MP #1 7663-02-FFFF Hero: Current MP #1 7665-02-7FFF Hero: Power #1 7667-02-7FFF Hero: Agility #1 7669-02-7FFF Hero: Vigour #1 766B-02-7FFF Hero: Luck #1 766D-02-FFFF Hero: Attack #1 766F-02-FFFF Hero: Defense #1 7680-01-FF Centaur: Level #1 7691-02-FFFF Centaur: Max HP #1 7681-02-FFFF Centaur: Current HP #1 7693-02-FFFF Centaur: Max MP #1 7683-02-FFFF Centaur: Current MP #1 7685-02-7FFF Centaur: Power #1 7687-02-7FFF Centaur: Agility #1 7689-02-7FFF Centaur: Vigour #1 768B-02-7FFF Centaur: Luck #1 768D-02-FFFF Centaur: Attack #1 768F-02-FFFF Centaur: Defense #1 76A0-01-FF Statue: Level #1 76B1-02-FFFF Statue: Max HP #1 76A1-02-FFFF Statue: Current HP #1 76B3-02-FFFF Statue: Max MP #1 76A3-02-FFFF Statue: Current MP #1 76A5-02-7FFF Statue: Power #1 76A7-02-7FFF Statue: Agility #1 76A9-02-7FFF Statue: Vigour #1 76AB-02-7FFF Statue: Luck #1 76AD-02-FFFF Statue: Attack #1 76AF-02-FFFF Statue: Defense #1 76C0-01-FF Girl: Level #1 76D1-02-FFFF Girl: Max HP #1 76C1-02-FFFF Girl: Current HP #1 76D3-02-FFFF Girl: Max MP #1 76C3-02-FFFF Girl: Current MP #1 76C5-02-7FFF Girl: Power #1 76C7-02-7FFF Girl: Agility #1 76C9-02-7FFF Girl: Vigour #1 76CB-02-7FFF Girl: Luck #1 76CD-02-FFFF Girl: Attack #1 76CF-02-FFFF Girl: Defense 11. CREDITS 1. Data East for making the game. 2. Spoony Bard for translating the game. 3. GameFAQs for publishing my guide. 4. Myself for writing the guide. 5. Javier Alejandro (wwjab@yahoo.com.ar) for submitting Game Genie codes, Nesticle save state hacking codes and VirtuaNES cheat files. 6. Lance Underwood (jtjenkins@hotmail.com) emailed me to note that he couldn't get the Infinite Gold Game Genie code to work. Looks like you all will have to earn your money now -- just like I did! :) 7. Hans Niedermaer (hansniedermair@sympatico.ca) emailed with with these three additions. First, disproving my theory that you might be able to attack twice per round with the Half Moon weapon. Second, telling me the monetary value of the HellCoin enemy. Third, telling me that after you get the Hatred Zui, there are new weapons and armor at the shop in Nana.