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MM MM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM iii;iii::::i:ii;7 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMM 8MMMMMM ........, MMMM MMMMMMMMMM BMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Heisei Tensai Bakabon (Heisei Genius Bakabon) FAQ/Walkthrough NES 1991 Version: 1.02 released on the 1st of August 2008 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== 01.) Introduction | G0100 | 02.) Overview & Controls | G0200 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03.) Walkthrough | G0300 | Circus | G0310 | Ninja | G0320 | Gym | G0330 | Lab | G0340 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04.) Passwords | G0400 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YY.) Version History | GYY00 | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Heisei Tensai Bakabon' for the NES, released by Namco in 1991. It was only released in Japan. There is also a port for the Gameboy which is very similar. Tensai Bakabon (Genius Bakabon) is a manga and anime series created by Fujio Akatsuka which began publication on April 9, 1967 in Weekly Shonen Magazine. It is about the misadventures of a dim-witted boy (Bakabon) and his insane father. The show Heisei Tensai Bakabon aired from January to December 1990 with 46 episodes in total. Heisei refers to the Heisei era which began January 8, 1989, one year prior to when the show aired. [WikiPedia] This document uses some Shift-JIS encoding to display Japanese characters. It is only used for a small bit, but if you want to see it and your browser or file viewer does not display it properly, set the encoding accordingly. KingMike has released a translated version of this game if you prefer to play with some localized (i.e. English) text. Suggestions, comments or errors - tell me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) OVERVIEW & CONTROLS G0200 =============================================================================== Controls: ````````` ______| |____________________________ | ............. | | ............. Nintendo | | _ ............. | | _| |_ SELECT..START | | |_ O _| ..__.....__.. _ _ | | |_| (__) (__) (_) (_) | | ............. B A | |_____________________________________| D-Pad Move, Dodge/Duck, Climb A Jump B Umbrella B + D-Pad Run START Pause/Resume To get up on higher ledges, jump and then hold UP to climb on top. If there are two blocks of spaces and walls on either side, jump up on one side and press up to push yourself up. The side you were standing against must have the shorter or equal height to climb up to. Basics: ``````` You have a certain time limit to complete a stage. Bakabon is pretty slow, especially in climbing and recovering from falls. There is enough time to get plenty of bonus items and jump over traps safely, but too much backtracking is not recommended. Use the umbrella to float down safer from high ledges. Falling will cost you half a life circle. If you run into the wall you will be flattened, comically. However, this also costs you half a life point. When you run out of lives, Unagi-Inu might come and bring a bottle of milk to replenish some lives. This probably depends on how to have progressed and possible the amount of points you have collected. If you completely run out of energy, you are asked to continue or end the game. When quitting, you get the current stage's password to continue later. Display: ```````` _____________________________________ | | | B C D E | | | |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| | | | | | | | | | | | | | A | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________________| Area A is the main action view where you control Bakabon as he jumps and runs through the level. The level information and data are found in the top bar. B is the current score, as it aptly says so. Next to it (C) is a picture of Bakabon and a few dots. The full dots are health, the number of times he can be hurt without dying. If the dot is empty it can be re-filled with milk bottles or a bowl. Further right is the current stage name (D) and the level of that stage. Each level has four stages and one boss stage. Lastly, E has a clock icon with a countdown. This is the time remaining to finish the current stage (note this is stage, not level!). The Umbrella: ````````````` There are several ways to make use of your trusty umbrella. - Parachute down slowly, thus you do not take damage from the high fall. This means you are unable to move for quite some time and enemies may be waiting for you at the bottom. You can still tilt slightly into one direction. - Walk the tightrope. Simply holding the umbrella up will enable you to cross safely without falling down. - At certain times there is a high thin wall. The game will automatically know this and you can use the umbrella to jump over like at pole vaulting. - Hook on poles sticking out of the walls. You can swing back and forth and then let go to either drop down or fly forward quite a bit. - Fighting. This only happens for the mini-bosses where you automatically draw the umbrella. Poke the opponent high or low. - Protection. A certain situation may arise where you can protect yourself from falling items. You will know when this time comes. Items: `````` Jumping on certain boxes will reveal hidden items, often just points. Bowl Adds 1 extra life circle to the total. Milk Bottle Refills up to three life circles. You get these at the end of a level too. Clock Adds 100 seconds to the time limit. Score: `````` Point coins are all over the levels. Collect them for a higher score. You also gain 10 points for each second left on the clock at the end of a level. For example, 140 seconds left is 1400 points. However, this is rounded so if you only have 139 seconds then your bonus points are only 1300 points instead of 1390 you might expect to get. Each life circle left gives an extra 200 points, too. For example, six full circles is worth 1200 points. This is called "Vitality" within the game. Passwords: `````````` At the start of the game, you will be asked to input a password. If you input anything incorrect you start at Stage 1. Using a password does not save any extra information but the stage number, so you have to start out with 0 points, the default time and the default life circles. Check the password section for the list. =============================================================================== 03.) Walkthrough G0300 =============================================================================== oooooooooo o Circus o G0310 oooooooooo Stage 1: ```````` Jump up on the first trunk and then lift yourself onto the small window on the left. Grab the bowl to get an extra life circle. Jump over a couple of spike patches and then run over the next two. Do not be too hasty to move on just yet, and instead jump on the triangle box in the air and find a milk bottle to fill that new life circle. MINI-BOSS: Lion Tamer. Pathetic challenge. Either time your advances or jump over his whip to hit him with your umbrella. After each one he backtracks to the right, and after the third time you hit him he will surrender. Climb up on the right side and then jump on the small boxes in the air rather than trying to take on the enemies below. You will also get some bonus items here. Jump down on the other side, then get the milk bottle from above if you need it. Stand between the gap, jump straight up and hold right to wedge into the gap. Slide up and then go through the door. Dodge the birds and then slide down the small hill. Jump over the snake but do not go to fast into the pipe. Jump on it to find a clock. Crawl up the hill, slide down on the other side and then jump over the spikes to find another door. Get the bonus item, then jump down when the snake is on the right and do a small jump over it when it comes over. Quickly crouch between the narrow gap and run & jump over to the other side. At the end of the path, jump towards the small stick pointing out from the wall, and you will automatically hang on it with your umbrella. Watch the right snake and when it is about to leave, jump when Bakabon is on the right side of the swing. Stage 2: ```````` First time your jump through the fire ring. If you run and jump there is a bigger jump you fall into the snake on the other side. Get the extra bowl and repeat the fire ring exercise. Grab the milk bottle hidden inside the next box and start climbing those large crates. Use the umbrella to get across, or float down with it, avoid the snake and uncover the large spring. Get the left coin if you want, then jump right to the other stack of large boxes. You need to jump again once the spring is retracted, it needs to be fast. Jump over to the small pole to swing over the spiked patches. MINI-BOSS: Lion Tamer. Same as before, but this time you have to hit him four times. Still super easy. Do not forget to grab the hidden bonus atop of the door before you leave. Stay away from those lion cages, if you get too close they will swipe and damage you. So jump around them with care. Crawl underneath the small gaps and do one of those full-body climbs up the left side of the lion cage. Use the umbrella to float down safely on the other side. Time your jumps past the snake, then climb up the ledges and jump over the spiked patches at the top. They are quite tough, run and jump just so you make it over, then break before you hit the lion cage on the right. Get the hidden clock from the box on top though. Climb up the ladder further right, you can just about stop on it so the lions do not swipe you. Stay crouched before you go up to get the timing right. Jump over the large area of spikes and then try to get past the lion cages without getting hit, it is close to impossible. There a hidden milk bottle on the left side after you descend past the snakes. It surely helps right now. You need to stand here anyway, as you need to make a running jump and then land on the spring, jumping to the right. If you did it correctly you should be hanging on the green block instead of landing right in the spikes. Get the bonus points from the chest, then climb up the crates and swing to the other side rather than through the tricky fire ring. If you swing too far right you actually drop past the crates which hurts a bit, so try not to. Stage 3: ```````` Some work is needed for an extra bowl. Go up first and jump over the snakes. Then land on the trigger box to make the bowl appear underneath. Wait for the snake to disappear and quickly grab the bowl. Either return the way you came or time your walking past the snakes on the left. Crouch underneath the ravens and then use your body to reach the top of the crates. Using the umbrella, jump between the electric fence and the spikes on the left when the middle spark has just started. You should make it down without a scratch. There is a milk bottle in the next trigger box, float down to get it. The lower trigger box on the right has a clock, I suggest not to bother with the top one as it is only 100 points. Get past the snake at the top of the next crates and purposely fall into the pit when the snake is going right. Quickly sneak through the left side and trigger another bowl. Get back up into the door. The rightmost red stripe triggers a spring. Once you are at the top, this part is very linear. Near the end, jump over the jester. The suspicious icon in the floor reveals a spring, which with enough running can get you up to the top right for a milk bottle. If you do not need it, do not worry, it is probably more risky to jump over the jester a couple of times and avoid the raven in the process. Drop down slowly, the icon is some bonus points. Jump over the snake, then do a running jump onto the spring to get across in one go. The chest reveals a milk bottle. MINI-BOSS: Lion Tamer. What? You did not think this guy was gone, right?! Well the same tactic applies and all that is different is that you need to hit him five times for him to surrender. Float down and get all the points on the left if you want to. The small crawlspace on the right also has some bonus points. Jump up when the spark has gone near the top, then shimmy up on the left side to reach the box. All you get is points though. Stage 4: ```````` Open up the umbrella and get over the ropes. You can not swing to the second pole, just jump to in front of the box. Then stand on the orange box and time it right so you can swing before any of those bombs get close. There is a milk bottle hidden on the right side if you need one. First you can dash quite a bit but it is better to take it slowly when the birds are around. Each chasm has a spring to get back up. Pull out the umbrella and wait for the right spark to be around the middle of the lower orange signs. Float down to get past them both. Stand on the S symbol to temporarily switch off the electricity above. Climb up quickly and stand on the blocks. There is a lion behind the elephant crate, be careful. The area underneath the fire ring has another bonus item, as well as both upper rows on the right. If you already have full lives then you probably do not want to bother with it. Take the lower path, dodge the raven and jump over the snake to find a door. Pull out your umbrella and time your float past the lion cages. The sequence is one-swipe, two-swipes in that order. So after the 2nd swipe, quickly drop down and you should just make it past before the single swipe. Jump up past the lion cage, time it past the two snakes and then drop down on the left side to avoid all the lion cages, as the crate also houses one. Jump on top of the next one, there is some bonus contents in the top blocks, then jump over the snake and swing across the poles. BOSS: Evil Clown Rather than hurting him, you need to try and stay alive. Protect yourself with the umbrella and catch all the balls he throws. If any one those hit the floor you lose half a life circle. When he runs out and you are still alive, you win. Also note that the balls bounce off the wall so do not just stand underneath the clown, be ready for anything. ooooooooo o Ninja o G0320 ooooooooo Stage 1: ```````` The first jump is already a little tough, time a run past the frog and then across the bamboo spikes. Walk right and jump on the block to find a bowl. Climb the ladder and jump over the worm, then run and jump over the bamboo and then crouch underneath the next hazard. There is another bowl in the block below. Stay at the top to find a milk bottle soon. MINI-BOSS: Ninja The ninja can throw shuriken, so either duck or jump over them. He seems to alternate with both. You can jump over the higher ones too but it is just so much easier to crouch. Get close and stab him with your umbrella, after five stabs he will surrender. There is a point bonus behind the barrel if you jump left off the spring. The path splits and you can go either way to the exit. I prefer the higher one as it has point coins and is easier. Time your walking past the spike, then climb up the logs and start jumping from one to the other. There is another bowl on the way, you can not miss it. There is a milk bottle in the spiderweb-filled area on the left where the moles pop out. Do a running jump over the spikes and climb the ladder. The spike guarded floor below has another bowl to eat, well worth it. Climb up the ladder and triple-jump over the spikes. The block at the end will reveal some milk below which fills everything just before you end the level. Stage 2: ```````` Stay at the top half and crouch underneath the swinging blades. At the end go through either door, both other sides have some tough navigation. At the top you need to double jump over the mole and spikes plus avoid the worm. At the bottom you need to avoid the mole and crouch underneath the spikes, plus jump over a swinging blade. Shimmy up at the end and time your climb with the ninja. When he is about to disappear, get up on the ledge and quickly jump into the gap and open your umbrella. In the gap after the frog is a time bonus. The rest of this part is pretty straightforward. Get up to the top and run past the spot where the ninja is. Simply jump forward because you will not take damage when landing, as it leads to... MINI-BOSS: Ninja Same as before. Go forward and jump the trampoline, then float down the other end to finish this short level. Stage 3: ```````` Jump over the long spike patch and climb up the ladder. Do a double jump over the worm and spikes and then try to avoid the blades. It is not so bad if you get hit, as a milk bottle spawns from the block at the end. MINI-BOSS: Ninja Same as before. This guy does not seem to be any different at all. After the step-like blocks, take the upper path past the blade and spikes, then float down to the door. Take the lower path. At least time your first jump past the bat but thereafter (again) do not be worried to take too much damage, because there is a milk bottle on the blocks before the frog. Get past that frog and the ninja on the right. Pull out your umbrella, then walk underneath the frog and float down. There is a bonus on the left if you want it, then do an umbrella leap over the wall to the door. This part is quite easy, just jump past the small creatures and always hang on to the blocks and platforms, so you do not get hurt. At the end of the shuriken-filled path, float down with the umbrella and then use the trampoline to reach the door. Jump the step-like blocks, there is a milk bottle at the end before the exit. Stage 4: ```````` After the box, there is a tough triple-jump at the bottom. I find the top even harder with the blade and taking one damage is not so bad. Shimmy up and you have another choice, but first take the milk from the blocks before the chest at the bottom of the screen. Then jump the boxes and avoid the ninja on your way to the door. Jump the platforms until you reach the other side. There is a milk bottle in the top right corner if you want to evade all the moles. Otherwise jump towards the door and be careful of the frog as you enter it. Take the middle path here, it is easiest plus leads to the door. A milk bottle awaits on the middle platform, then do a running jump to the peg to swing across. This next part is a little tricky. First jump on the block just past the frog but make sure you stand right so it does not hit you when jumping. Then wait for the spikes on the next block to rotate and jump to there. Hang on to the block above so the spider does not hurt you. Climb up and quickly jump to the block below and then the one ahead. This one will spawn a milk bottle so it was not all that bad. Start going up the steps and avoid the ninja as you descend. Float down to the ladder, then simply jump into the end of the screen to finish the last stage. BOSS: Frog You do not really fight the boss, but instead you are required to collect 5,000 points from all the coins that appear. They start out as 500 points and count down by 100 with every second or so until they disappear. Once it does you lose half a life circle. There are two pegs at the top to get to around, the only real hazard is falling down a long distance. Also be aware of the gap where the trampoline is, as you will get stuck and have to climb out. It will take a while and you would probably miss the coin. ooooooo o Gym o G0330 ooooooo Stage 1: ```````` Jump past the fly, then stand on the block above it for a bowl. Pull out the umbrella and walk on the white beam. Avoid the upper boxing glove, then step on the 'S' to stop the lower one. If you missed the chance to make a gap, try again in a few seconds. You still need to jump over it though, and hanging on to the left platform before you drop. Get a second bowl in the left dead end before moving on. Climb the ladder for milk to fill those new life circles. Get past those two gymnasts swinging, and use the umbrella to walk the beam again. MINI-BOSS: Karate Champ He does not look it, but he can pull an evil punch. Wait for it, then move it for the kill. After six blows he will already surrender like the others. Stay at the top for the next part, then swing across all pegs. If you want some milk, take the left route underneath the large beam. Do not be too eager to race through this, this is not 'Sonic'. The first part you can, but once you reach the second bear you want to take things slower. After the penguin, jump over the block with your umbrella to float down. Then watch out for the falling icicles. After you made it past everything, get the milk in the bottom right corner before moving on. Shimmy up, the float down. Get on the right side of the bee and then follow it to the left until you nearly reach the green ruler thing. Take a long running jump onto the trampoline and reach the peg to swing to the exit. By the way all those @s in the background also mean "Exit ->". Stage 2: ```````` Jump over the first obstruction while avoiding the bee. Dodge the shots from the guys as you make your way around. Soon you will find another... MINI-BOSS: Karate Champ You should know the drill by now. The next part is a little tricky, some good timing in your jumps is required and when you get near the end, quickly crouch underneath the barricades and jump over the first shot, then hang on to the box over the machine gunner to dodge the salvo. There is some milk on the left side which you probably need. In the next area, turn on the spring and get to the top. Drop down past the boxing gloves and crouch to the ladder. Time your climb, then wait for the next few gloves to stop punching. Carefully jump and hang on to the first green block, if you get too far right you will get hurt. When they stop punching again, drop down a bit and wait again. Swing over the spikes and then shimmy up to the top. Pull out the umbrella and walk across the beam. The block at the end has a secret, just be careful when you get it so they rolling gymnast does not come back. Jump over the green column. Run past the swinging gymnast and then swing over the spikes, but do not forget to quickly jump up to the green block before the crazy goon catches you. Get the milk at the top and then go through the door. There is a bonus behind the gunners, then climb up the ladder. There is another bonus where the bee is flying about. Swing to the exit, if you land on the green box at the bottom you take some damage too, but it is better than the spikes. Stage 3: ```````` Run past the diagonal shots, climb up and dash over the spikes. In the air, pull out the umbrella and if you are lucky you will miss the shot coming from the top right. You can also not pull out the umbrella and take some falling damage instead. Climb up to the door. The swinging gymnasts do not have as huge reach as it looks, so stand behind the pummel horse and jump over it, then run past the gymnast and repeat. Run after the rolling gymnast and just before you reach him, jump to get over the green column. There is a bonus on the right of the boxing glove. Drop off just to the left with the umbrella, and you should miss if timing is good too. If you do not want all the points, just jump along the green blocks near the bottom. Duck on the one beneath the gymnast until he went past. There is a bonus when stepping on the top right block though. Get moving but take it easy once getting close to the spikes. After you jump over, land between the pipes for a clock bonus. Get back up, get over the penguin and bears and then dash down the slope. Swing over the spikes and the door is here already. The green block above has a milk bonus, it might be worth getting but you also risk getting hit a couple of times so perhaps not. Mini-boss: karate champ Of course this guy wants a piece of the action...the usual tactics apply. I Think this time it is an extra hit to take him down but that is about all there is to say. Dodge the last few flies before the exit. The alcove to the left has a bonus if you want to go there. Stage 4: ```````` The first block above has a bonus as usual, it is easier to reach too. More importantly, the gap between the two chest piles has a clock bonus, so get that before dashing past the shooters. The next few shots are actually easier to dodge that it looks. Get to in front of the long chest, then jump right over when it is clear. Crouch below and then shimmy up. The spot behind the last gunner has a milk bottle. Jump on the peg, but before you swing over let the top guy shoot once and then jump underneath it. Step on the 'S' for a spring and then get to the door. You can dash the entire way, but of course then you will get smashed into the wall at the end. It is only half a life worth of damage and a lot more fun than going the entire way slowly. If you can spot the door early enough you could just slow down I suppose. Either walk along the beam with the umbrella or just down on the right block for some milk, then switch on the spring to get back up. After a while you reach a large field of spikes where you need to swing across, after you make it the last stage is complete. BOSS: Gymnast This is a race. You need to arrive at the other end first or you lose all life instantly. What this requires is some good jumping. Start running and jump over the green boxes without hitting them. If you do it right he will jump smoothly rather than drop down from the blocks and take up lots of time. About half-way through there is a spring, this makes things even faster. Hit it to get up on the pegs and then swing across to the end. The last drop will hurt you just a tiny bit but as you are at the end it does not matter at all. Step on the platform and wait for the gymnast, who might be very far behind. ooooooo o Lab o G0340 ooooooo Stage 1: ```````` Climb up and jump over the small robot. Parachute down and then go left to find your first bowl. Use the moving switches to get up and over the spikes. If you drop down at the end you would activate a milk bottle at the top. There is also a clock bonus guarded by the helicopter. The lone box in the air also has another bowl, but you first have to go around the bottom, dodge the helicopter and then jump from switch to switch. After the helicopter, step on the block just before the nuclear symbol to reveal a spring at the end. Ride down the vertical switch and swing to the door. The left block has a milk bottle. Run right... MINI-BOSS: Mad Professor There is a laser gun mounted at the ceiling, watch out for its rays. The professor has a spray can with quite a reach. Unlike the previous mini-bosses this guy only retreats a few steps after you have hit him, and might even spray while he does. So do not follow him all the way right. Like the previous mini- bosses though, he goes down in just six hits. The left block before the door has another milk bottle. Follow the sparks up the top and ride the switches to the right side. The two platforms at the bottom has a bowl each, very helpful. Jump over the robot and then take off from the edge. Gently float down to the right side of the spikes. After you crouch through the gap, jump to the top left area to reveal another milk bottle. The block above the helicopter has another bonus item as well as the one below the conveyor belt and the lone block on the left side of the diagonal switch. The exit is beyond a few more switches. Stage 2: ```````` Climb up the ladder and jump over the scorpion-like toy. There is a milk bottle on the left side after the acid drops. The rest of this part is pretty much straightforward. After going through the door, jump over the astronaut and run forward... MINI-BOSS: Mad Professor You know the drill... Dodge the second astronaut and go through the other door. Getting up the steps is not as easy as it looks, you need to make sure every single jump is precise. Also try to get going when the floating tentacle is just about to go towards the ceiling so it will not bother you at all. After the umbrella-jumps, take the upper route and follow it around to the exit. Stage 3: ```````` As you start, the upper block already has a bonus item. After you have made it through the pipe-filled steps you can get a milk bottle on the left of the scorpion. Get over the acid pools and jump the column. After swinging over the next few, get the bonus item in the top area if you want to. Shimmy up the narrow passage and then parachute down on the other side. This time you have both the astronaut and space ship to avoid on the way to the... MINI-BOSS: Mad Professor No surprise here. Do not forget about the milk bottles on both sides of him. If you did forget, climb up the first set of blocks and grab the milk bottle. Jump across the switches and then dodge the helicopters in the tunnels. Parachute down, switch on the spring on the left and jump back up. There is a milk bottle on the left of the robot tank. The rest of the way looks a little strange with many blocks all over the place but it also should not give you any trouble. Stage 4: ```````` Last stage. This first looks pretty horrible at first. You WILL get hurt on the way to the right, just minimize the damage. Getting hit 3-4 times is ok here. At the end, jump up to the block on the right to make a clock appear. When you get the clock a milk bottle shows up too. You can get more points if you walk back left. Leave through the door when you are done here. Jump over the gaps and then start swinging over the acid. The drops do not hurt you while you swing. Get running on the conveyor belts. Each one has at least one toy and an electric zap at the end.When you reach the mid-section, do not bother with any other tunnels and just continue straight. The others mostly lead to milk bottle but are far more hazardous to your health. This stage ends shortly even though there is sign, just jump to the right. BOSS: Scientist The boss has a small display over his console. It will display the number of the block you need to stand on. You only have ten seconds to get this done. Additionaly you must avoid standing on the wrong blocks or he will move on to the next number while you lose half a life circle. Most numbers are pretty obvious, only for '1' you need to shimmy up from below. Touching the scientist also hurts by the way. After you get around 20-30 correct the game is completed. =============================================================================== 04.) PASSWORDS G0400 =============================================================================== Input the password at the start of the game to continue at the desired area. Circus: (サーカス) S2: いばまい S3: とえのと S4: いただい Boss: たちらた Ninja: (忍者) S1: ちをとち S2: ここをい S3: あばとの S4: ばだとと Boss: えまちが Gym: (体育館) S1: たがらえ S2: ががまま S3: えだだち S4: めばだら Boss: めちのら Lab: (科学) S1: らまたえ S2: まとだと S3: ななちち S4: ばちだい Boss: まだをと =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First release, complete walkthrough (17th of April 2007) v1.01 Minor update with fixed typos and format changes (31st of July 2008) v1.02 Forgot to add the display info (1st of August 2008) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Namco for this game. WikiPedia for the info on Tensai Bakabon, including Heisei Genius Bakabon and the Heisei era. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensai_Bakabon KingMike for hacking the game using my translations. You can find it on his website or maybe romhacking. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=