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"###" .@##" .$##$$$####@" $##@"$#####$ ##$$$#####$ "@##$ $##$. $##$. .@##" "###" $##$ .$##$$@####@" $##@"$#####$ $$$$$$$$$$ "$$$$ $$$$. $$$$. $$$$ $$$$$ "$$$ .$$$$$$$$$$$" $$$$$$$$$$$$ HEAVY BARREL SYSTEM: NES RELEASE: 1990 PLAYERS: 1/2 |-------------------------------------| | TABLE OF CONTENTS | |-------------------------------------| |1. VERSION HISTORY [HIST]| |2. INTRODUCTION/OVERVIEW [INT]| |3. WALKTHROUGH [WALK]| |4. ENEMY LIST [ENMY]| |5. ITEM LIST [ITEM]| |6. AFTERWORD [AFT]| |-------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1. VERSION HISTORY [HIST]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 Submitted to GameFAQs, all sections complete (Or so I think) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2. INTRODUCTION/OVERVIEW [INT]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome, all, to my second guide! I've loved this game since I was a little kid, so I was excited to find that no guides were written for it. A little info about Heavy Barrel: There are chests scattered throughout the game, which need a key to be opened. You get a key when you defeat a red enemy. Note that you can only carry four keys at a time, and any further keys are wasted. Chests contain anything from grenades to extra lives, including the most powerful weapon in the game: Heavy Barrel. You have to collect 6 pieces of it from the chests. I'll try to point out which ones contain pieces to it. Once it's complete, you get 60 seconds to lay destruction to everything around you with an extremely large beam ray thingie. CONTROLS: ------------------------------------------- | D-Pad | Move | | A | Fire main weapon | | B | Throw grenade | | Start | Pause game | ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 3. WALKTHROUGH [WALK]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the guide I will not point out what is in each chest. If you need to know what's in each chest, TVotava's map guide does a better job of explaining than I could ever do. --------- |LEVEL 1| --------- After unstrapping your parachute, proceed to the north. The little flying things do nothing except increase your score. Soon after, you'll encounter your first enemies. Kill them and collect the keys. Watch out for the machine gunners, as they pose the most threat. Also, I don't think I've mentioned it above, but if you so much as make contact with an enemy you die. Continue north, opening chests as necessary. There's a tank at the north of this path. You don't have to destroy it, since it will drive away, but killing it nets you 1000 points. Four blue grenades are enough to destroy it. Continue over the bridge to the east, minding those machine-gunners. At the end a helicopter will assault you. I found that using the main weapon was easier than trying to get a grenade in there. Continue east, grabbing keys and killing men. At the curve northwards, another tank will come by. It will keep going up and down, so you can kill it or just move on. Continue northwards past the open gate and watch in amazement as the ground loses all texture! Oh, and there's a boss here, too. The large blue APC shoots rockets in eight directions, however if you stay as far right as possible they will all miss you. It shouldn't take much to defeat it, but make sure you watch out for the other enemies, especially if you're at the edge of the screen. Once the ground is textured again, head north and blow up the big blue gate. --------- |LEVEL 2| --------- Welcome to stage 2, better known as the elevator stage! Probably the only time I'll ever do this, but get the right chest up ahead for a flamethrower. This will be invaluable on the elevator, as it can destroy the cannon emplacements. Head to the right to get to the elevator. Before long you'll be assaulted by flying blue men with guns. The flamethrower will make it easier to take out the hoards of enemies coming after you on the elevator, however it isn't necessary. During the course of the elevator you'll be assaulted by cannons, green men on stairs, and of course the flying blue men. After the elevator, head right, past the black pit. A tank will assault you, so destroy it and continue on to the second elevator. This time you're going up. After the third or fourth turret, some green men will jump off platforms next to the elevator. A steady stream of fire to the left and right (assuming you're in the center) will keep them at bay. Now for the boss of this level, an oversized crane game thing. It'll move left and right on its track, which will occasionally dip down, so don't stay at the top of the elevator. It will also lower the claws when they're above you, so make sure to avoid them. Use grenades to destroy it, making use of the times the claws lower to lob two grenades then follow up with some rifle fire. Another easy boss defeated. Blow up the gate and continue on to level 3. Oh, and watch out for the machine gunner at the top. --------- |LEVEL 3| --------- Back in the desert again! The tracks aren't just there for decoration, as there will be carts with gunners rolling around on them. The gunners take one hit to kill, and the carts only take two more from a standard rifle. Head north, staying off the tracks to avoid carts until you reach a wall. Staying on the north side of that track, head west. Watch out for the fighter jet ahead, as it'll shoot you with weird mutating blobs. Stay on the lower track, since no carts or enemies will come from its direction. Stay heading west, past the second jet. Up here be sure to stay off of both tracks, as there will be carts on them. When you get back to the desert, start going north. Fend off your enemies, and you'll get to a cart boss. If you have Heavy Barrel (If you've been opening chests, you should have one on this level, but no big deal if you didn't) then go crazy on your poor A button and shoot the cart until it dies (Which will be very, very soon). However, since not everyone is lucky enough to have Heavy Barrel, I'll go over this boss without using a super weapon. It's actually quite simple. Stay about five of your character's width on its right. This way the spread shots won't hit you. Just keep shooting and staying at roughly the same distance, and you should get through it without a scratch. Head up and destroy the gate. --------- |LEVEL 4| --------- After flipping into the level, you're immediately thrown into chaos. Destroy the initial enemies, then head north to the stairs. Watch out for the rotating turret! Your best bet is to quickly run up the stairs, but you can destroy it with a grenade or two. At the top of the stairs, it is strongly advised to get the right chest in order to get through the mine field. Once passing it (Preferably with the shield) go around the walls and quickly up the stairs before the tank has a chance to shoot you. Up through the gate there's another mine field, however this is easier even without a shield. Just throw a couple grenades at the mine launcher and shoot your way through the mines. Ahead you'll find two chests and two keys to match, and on a narrow walkway ahead you'll find two more chests, which contain the pellet gun and flamethrower. Oh no, here comes a red helicopter! This boss is kinda tricky, mainly because you have such a narrow space to maneuver in and the helicopter shoots a steady stream of bullets. The helicopter will circle around you. If you have red grenades, now is the time to use them. Blue grenades are much harder to use, since they have such a small radius of explosion. Also, the flamethrower is extremely effective on it. After the first helicopter is destroyed, a second will fly in. Destroy it in the same manner and then hop through the gate. --------- |LEVEL 5| --------- Back inside again, and another elevator stage (Atleast for the first part). The two chests contain a pellet gun and flamethrower, so stock up before heading onto the elevator. Destroy the turret that's following you, and get ready for stair-jumpers. After them you'll encounter another turret, and a few more sets of stairs. Below them resides two missile-launchers that slide back and forth on the two bars. Then there are four gunners, and then you're off this elevator. To the right lies a hoard of enemies. Just keep progressing forward, however it is likely that you'll die atleast once here. Now we're at the second elevator. You'll encounter two pairs of two turrets, so just lob a few grenades at them. Continue to the east, over bridges, catwalks, and the like. There won't be too much opposition after the first bridge, so don't worry. Oh, except for the flamethrower things. Try to stay away from them and kill them with grenades. Past here (Finally, enemies that drop keys!) you'll have to take a north turn. I advise to stay to the right here, so you don't get run over by the tank. After the first tank, you'll get a couple more men and then another tank. A good method of killing it is standing with the key that the red enemy dropped at the top of your screen. Throw two grenades upwards, then run down if necessary. With any luck, they'll destroy the tank. Continue upwards through the area with about 20 guys shooting you at once (AKA Hell). Ooh, look at the massive tank thing! This is pretty much a normal tank with two turrets. An easy way of defeating it is standing at the bottom of the screen, slightly right of the center. This way neither turret can hit you, but your grenades should still make contact. Also, it will never come to the bottom, so it can't run you over. No, I don't know how we went from an elevator stage to metal to desert. --------- |LEVEL 6| --------- Level six, only one level left after this one. Head up and watch out for the machine gunners on tall platforms. Up ahead you'll also encounter guys riding conveyer belts. Continue upwards, killing enemies at your leisure. There'll be a tank at the narrow pathway, so don't be too eager to rush up there and be run over. Past there it's the same as always, except in a westward direction, and with the mine carts from level 3. There won't be much change up ahead until you reach the blue piping, and another elevator. You'll encounter three of the missile-launching enemies, then 2 staircases with guys jumping at you. Some of the flying blue enemies will hassle you, then you'll come upon the crane/claw game boss of level 2. Exit to the left and continue shooting your way through the terrorists. Get the lower chest containing a flamethrower, and head left for the easy boss, or rather bosses. Oh no, two robot things with a long snout gun! They'll just fly around shooting you occasionally. They only take about three or four shots each from the flamethrower (Which is why I told you to get it). Blow the door open, and enter. --------- |LEVEL 7| --------- Wow, we're at the final level, which actually looks pretty cool. Head upwards to the cluster of chests. You can open whichever you want, because there are four red guys in this area. About three screenlengths north is a tank, so don't stand in the middle. On the blue section you'll see a cool red guy fly away. A little north of here you'll fight the final boss. Wow, look at those arms! They can stretch across the screen and kill you easily. It also shoots a pair of rockets steadily about every 1.5 seconds. This boss is pretty hard, as it can get confusing when you get into the fight. Throw grenades at it every chance you get, and shoot it if possible (Flamethrower preferred). Both arms are separately destroyed. When they're destroyed, just attack the body and it'll die. It will take quite a few grenades to kill it, but if you keep at it you'll eventually be victorious. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 4. ENEMY LISTING [ENMY]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listed in rough order of appearance, and I will not be covering bosses in this section because they're already described in the guide. NAME: Green Man DESCRIPTION: Looks like a man with green clothes...Which is exactly what it is. ATTACK: There are two types: Handgun and machine gun. The handgun breed runs around shooting you with a handgun. The other stands still and shoots you with a tripod-mounted machine gun. NAME: Red Man DESCRIPTION: A man with red clothes. ATTACK: Runs around shooting a handgun at you. This breed of terrorist also drops keys. NAME: Tank DESCRIPTION: A brown tank that drives forward and backward. ATTACK: Apart from running you over if you get too close, it'll shoot rockets in one of eight directions. NAME: Helicopter DESCRIPTION: A green helicopter that flies around. Even though it's flying, touching it will still kill you. ATTACK: Shoots a semi-rapid-firing gun at you. NAME: Flying Man DESCRIPTION: A blue man with a jetpack on his back. ATTACK: Shoots four bullets rapidly at you NAME: Turret DESCRIPTION: A purple/gray turret ATTACK: Shoots a radioactive blob at you. Earlier models (Purple) have three tubes it can come out of, and later models (gray) have a rotating tube. NAME: Cart DESCRIPTION: A brown cart with a man riding in it ATTACK: The man will shoot at you, and if he dies the cart'll suicide ram you (If you're on the tracks) NAME: Missile-launching Turret DESCRIPTION: A small gray turret that slides left and right on a horizontal pole. ATTACK: Rapidly launches five missiles straight ahead of it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5. ITEM LISTING [ITEM]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Key USAGE: Unlocks chests (Dropped by the red men) NAME: Blue grenades USAGE: Thrown with B. Explodes in a very small radius NAME: Red grenades USAGE: Thrown with B. Explodes in a large radius NAME: Mace USAGE: Replaces grenades. A star circles around your sprite, damaging enemies as it goes outward. NAME: Flamethrower USAGE: Replaces rifle. Shoots a burst of flame forward. Useful on bosses and mechanized vehicles NAME: Pellet gun USAGE: Replaces rifle. Shoots a five-shot spread burst forward. Useful on groups of enemies NAME: Extra live USAGE: One more life before a continue or game over NAME: Star Shield USAGE: Creates a shield around you. Useful for getting through many enemies or a mine field NAME: Heavy Barrel USAGE: This ultimate weapon lasts for 60 seconds. You get to shoot rays of energy that decimate enemies, even bosses. You must collect 6 pieces of it to use it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 6. AFTERWORD [AFT]| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the codes require a second controller. You hold down the buttons on the second controller then press start on controller 1. CODES: ------------------------------------------------ | UP+RIGHT+A | Level 2 | | RIGHT+A | Level 3 | | DOWN+RIGHT+A | Level 4 | | DOWN+A | Level 5 | | DOWN+LEFT+A | Level 6 | | LEFT+A | Level 7 | ------------------------------------------------ This walkthrough created for the NES Completion Project (http://web.njit.edu/~dbm7/) LEGAL INFO: This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. Any unauthorized use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide is currently authorized to be placed on: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.neoseeker.com All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.