Great Battle Cyber : .. .. . FAQ/Walkthrough 57 Y 2B k Version 1.0 iZSPr, 7.r F,72BBiBB by Seth0708 . SuYuEi BBuB1 .Y 7PBB. . 7kL77j1 B0YMB :BBB8u.r5.,Ev .,.7, .ivXUr;ivF: ,, 0SiM7 .. XBXBBBOXiXBP: :77Yvi:JqEE7rGjriiiLv JL:YMXr8P7;LL rGGBqMBB: .LMqY7UF7r. ,N0S7L7irU. ; ,.2GMEN:,,u BB1jkPBB: .u;XY..G uBNY7LL7LY: UZZUUE5O5ZN7 SrJMk5BB2 .jrLPUU;v8Jr:i7UvPu::. BMqUONLN0EBB UGZGG::BU ,:iJFvUBi:5ULriir,LFYj7: LB5YO1YrJPMJBG iBBB0.B0 :i777iiiUj8i:O: 7kY::,,i7j7 OB0S02OMNkXUBB .MBB.UB ,7Jii71L,i2. :::UXriiri7r1r. 1SUjJYkU:. L:U YBr .:j1Yi:r7 ,ij:,..u57;ir77YJ. PX1uFjqP: :BUrrMB; :;ri,rv .M ,712YYr7r7YY BZFOE8kM YBBBU,Bqu vLi,..i, LU;.:5YL;772i B200BZNMi :MM8BBJYMBM: ...GEr riUN. .UU7iiJ2: LBFZMvMZNB SMk0BBGM8B8MM, . 7u:. iYJBN YUr:rJ1. GBEBP BMNBi F8NBB0 BBBBSM5 . , . r :,..,vq7i:YY. 2,1B. qBF:r SBBB; i; jBrN .L. :r: : ..:F1riYL i8,XB 7BX;L BBB. EOB7 . 77i .: ,:: FZkUSr. LBOBY .Bq8G BBBi kBBM .j, ...:r.FBU:iYGM7 rJL7 7 ,P BBB :B0Br .. U, :,,.LB ,ui MFB: ,BBB MB1 5BBY .:i7 ,: ..:B. OPB 2BB EB7 BBr LYuB. 7OB 1BB: 7MGB27 .rXBBB0 kB; iuEBF5r 7Bi 0k: .r,,ir JNNYrr: :BB UjY: BB Great Battle Cyber was the first in a series of titles appearing on the NES, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, and Playstation. This guide was completed as part of the NES Completion Project on GameFAQs. With this guide I am trying something a little different than with my previous guides. This game, while very fun, is not a very difficult or unintuitive title. As such, after some feedback from the FAQ Contributors Board, I have decided to try and interject some humor into this guide. If anyone reading this feels strongly about if this was a good or a bad mood, please drop me a line and let me know. It could influence how I write future guides. Anyway, let's move on to the game itself. It starts simply enough with an unassuming title screen that offers a password feature and an option to start. You can chose from three characters. The character you use can be changed from stage to stage, so you can have a chance to play as all three on any one playthrough. All three can crawl by pressing the down button twice. From left to right on the character select screen these are: () Kamen Rider Black Hero of "Kamen Rider Black" and "Kamen Rider Black RX" (no bonus points for figuring out which is the sequel series). Kamen Rider Black, like Young Chuck Norris, uses his hands and his feet and kicks and punches with his hands and his feet. () Victory Gundam Title character of the series "Victory Gundam," the namesake battles with his beam saber. Many of his attacks move upwards, allowing you to attack annoying enemies that jump around (I'm talking to you Zaku II!). Even though he's got a sword, his attack range seems to be less than Kamen Rider's, which makes no sense at all. () Ultraman Taro On the far right we have Ultraman Taro. Ultraman Taro is the hero of his namesake series from the early 1970s. Ultraman Taro dies a lot in his show, but like all those Ultramen he just keeps coming back. At first glance you might think he has lost this power in his 8-bit conversion, but with an unlimited supply of lives thanks to the game's password system, it would seem he has the last laugh on that front. Curse you Ultraman... This guide breaks each stage with an individual heading, stage number on the left and stage password at the right. I have done my best to identify all the enemy characters encountered in this game, but if anyone out there finds that I have misidentified someone, please drop me a line and let me know. *********************** * Level - 01 ********** *********************** Enter the villains. The first level begins with a short scene in a hidden villainous fortress where two Shocker Soldiers are discussing something very evil. What it might be I cannot say for certain as they are speaking in Japanese, or at least the subtitles are in Japanese, they may in fact be speaking in any number of languages, but I can say for certain it is evil and it involves the large map in the background that labels the stages of the game and not much else. After a brief dialogue, the game begins. You start out in the mountains. In Great Battle Cyber you have to work your way up to the high level targets that the bad guys want, like parking garages and rock quarries. So right now you got to save the mountain from the domination of whoever these conglomerate of evil is. Begin your adventure to glory by walking right. You may get confused and want to go back to the left, but trust me, going right is the way to go. Keep moving in a linear fashion until you come upon your very first enemy. -Shocker Soldier- Shocker Soldiers were the random, generic henchmen of the villains in the first few incarnations of Kamen Rider. These soldiers were, apparently, Japanese Nazis bent on world domination. They changed uniforms ala Star Trek, so what we face here is the second incarnation of these guys. Anyway, this guy has three hit points and doesn't like being punched in the face. I recommend punching him in the face twice, thereby defeating him. Keep going right after you defeat the Shocker Soldier to face your second nefarious foe. -Eleking- Eleking was an Ultraman Taro monster that would disappear in a puff of smoke whenever the sun rose. It doesn't do any disappearing in this game, prefering instead to kinda flail about and run at you. He only has three hit points too and really doesn't act much different from the Shocker Soldier. He also dislikes being punched in the face, so deliver three blows to finish him off as well. Go right until you come to a raised ledge, which you will want to jump on top of to keep going right. Jump the water pit at the bottom of this ledge and, fighting back the urge to turn around and go left, keep trudging to the right. Go up and down some hills until you come to the Ultraman Taro enemy thrown in for variety. -Birdon- The pink tetradactyl with punching gloves gets four hit points. Even though it has boxing gloves, it prefers to attack by headbutting you. It also can block much better than the previous two monsters, so it might take more button mashing than usual to finish this bad boy off. Oddly the animation for him blocking is also the animation for him getting hit, so you need to check his little life bar at the bottom of the screen to make sure you are actually hurting this thing. Once his little life bar runs out (a cute wittle life bar for a cute wittle Ultraman monster) you can continue on to the first boss. Jump over the semi-pit, then over the two water holes, to land on a bridge. Of course this bridge will start to collapse, so run to the right and jump to the safety of land. Just ahead you will find your first Gundam enemy. -Zaku II- Zaku II bursts in, all big and baddy, and yells something at you, probably insulting Ultraman Taro's mother. Put that fool in his place. Zaku II has five hit points and attacks with his heat axe. He can perform both a direct slash of his axe and a jumping downward strike. He can be hit mid-air, deflecting an attack, but this will do no damage to him as any hit touching his axe will not hurt him. Instead you need to hit his body proper, which is made somewhat of a challenge since he will block continuously any time you are performing an attack. The advantage this presents is that you can attack the air to largely prevent him from doing his jump attack. Get close, wait for him to wind up with his axe, then hit him before he follows through with his swing. If he starts jumping around like a maniac, just fall back until he stops, then move back in to deliver some more blows. With the Zaku II defeated, run to the right and enter the cave to finish the first stage. *********************** * Level - 02 * 52146F * *********************** Cut back to the Shocker Soldiers, who I like to imagine are talking like Vic from Red vs. Blue. "Dude, those guys are tough," the one on the left (called Vic for the rest of this guide). "Dude, you said it," responds the one on the right (hereafter called Steve). Because of this startling development, the villains plot to ambush you, the player, in the caves. Go right and drop down to the ledge below. -Eleking- Give that tail-wagging abomination a repeat performance of what you did in level one and let him know his ilk is meant to stay on the first stage where he belongs. Go right and drop down again. Up on the left is a power-up, if you want to grab it, but the action continue to the left. The power-up is useful, however, as it allows you to fire projectiles, so you might as well make things easy and get it. Once you do, go left (we're switching it up here) to run into another enemy. -General Shadow- Some weird Kamen Rider monster that looks like a rice cake is blocking your way. He's got three hit points and functions a lot like the Eleking. If you picked up that power-up some projectiles will finish him off before he can act in any way. If not, just spam the attack button next to him for the same end result. Go left and crawl through the opening to drop down yet again. Go right to face another repeat from stage one. -Birdon- Fight him like before. You want to jump th first opening and then jump up to the next opening going in an upward left direction. Going either down or further right will send you in a circle that goes nowhere. Climb up, run down the hill and jump the hole, and approach the flats. If you do fall in the hole, simply go left until the path feeds back into the area just after Birdon and then go back up. -King Joe- King Joe is a villain from Ultraseven. Although he looks like that king from Katamari Damacy, trust me, this abomination came first. It has three hit points, but can only be damaged when fully assembled. Chakrum will float in one piece at a time until all three pieces assemble. Once they do you can hit it once before it breaks apart and hovers above you, raining shots down at you with two pieces as the third swoops along the ground to the other side of the screen. Move to the opposite side of the screen as it rises, then jump back over the swooping piece as it approaches. Turn and wait for it to reassemble, then hit it for one damage. Go right, fall down the pit, and follow the path left to another enemy. -Z Ton- That's not a generic name, but the actual name of an Ultraman Taro villain. He has five hitpoints like the first stage boss and hopes around like a madman, which he may be dressed like he is. Z Ton's only attacks are to jump at you and to occaisionally fire a projectile. His constant movements are the most difficult thing about him, making him hard to hit at times. If you have the power-up from earlier in the stage this fight is much easier. Once you send the villainous evildoer to the same place you sent Zaku II (to a lifetime of senseless battles in the Ultra Fight), carefully move left and drop off the ledge, hugging the wall. Now that you can see the spike pit, jump it and continue left to a slope. Dash and jump your way up this area to a landing. -Turtle Bazooka- Turtle Bazooka will sit and launch artillery rounds at you. If you still have that power-up you can shoot it four times. If not, dash up to it and hit it quickly. Run left, then slide down to the right past a falling spike behind you. Keep going deeper to another foe. -Baltan- The first of three appearances of Baltan, each with a different attack pattern incidently. This one shoots projectiles from its claws at you. That's about it though, so jump the projectiles and jump kick him four times. -Apollo Geist- Apollo Geist is next. He hops around and will shoot at you if you don't do anything. If you hit him, however, he will try to hop away before firing even a single shot. Naturally, hit him hard and fast. He only has three hit points, which is odd since this is his only appearance all game. -Kumo Otoko- Kumo Otoko crawls along the wall. As you pass under him, he will drop down to the floor trying to hit you. Run under him, let him touch down, then hit him. Repeat once he climbs back up. This Gorgom creature has five hit points, which in all liklihood you will take without even losing one. Approach the opening in the ceiling just beyond Kumo Otoko's area and wait for a spike to fall. Once it does, wait for it to move back up and run under it. The next screen has the boss. -Hachi Onna- Hachi Onna attacks by pulling her saber back and thrusting it forward. Her seven hit points look intimidating, but she is easily handled by jumping and kicking as you come down on her. Her sword attacks very low and will not hit you if you are in the air. *********************** * Level - 03 * E31471 * *********************** Now we find ourselves on a train, a train to destruction! Again I am not sure exactly what the Shocker Soldiers are saying, but I think it has something to do with that they have hijacked a satellite laser system and are using the train as an operating base to threaten the Pentagon with. Seems Steven Seagal isn't available, so guess that means we got to save the day. The real challenge of this stage are the overhangs you pass as you try to move towards the engine of the train. You need to duck when low overhangs pass before you get crushed on the left side of the screen. When you reach the end of a car, wait until the ceiling above you passes to where the ceiling moves at an upward right angle. Jump as this section passes to be mid-jump in the open section that follows and land on the next car. A total of seven standard Shocker Soldiers and a five hit point boss Shocker Soldier lie in wait as you move along the train. All of them fight as they did before. Defeating the last Shocker Soldier, and taking about four steps to the right, will end the mission, ending the possibly made-up threat of a deadly laser satellite. *********************** * Level - 04 * 8F126F * *********************** Vic and Steve have a lot of exclamation points in whatever they're saying this time (probably to make up for lack of real dialogue). Well they better be excited because you are now in one of their factories that is apparently not producing anything! Ride down the slide and approach the thing that is bobbing up and down that has a handgrip (I really am not sure what to call it). To use this, you need to hit up as it moves to the top of the track it is on. If you do, you will be launched upwards. Hold to the right until you touch the wall, then let go and pass the first opening. Once you do, hold left until you hit the ceiling and fall down another slide. Slide to the bottom and go left. Crawl under the space (by pressing down twice) and into a small room. -Bound Doc- This strange-looking creature is actually supposed to be Bound Doc from Gundam ZZ. When they list the creatures at the end of the game, I was shocked to learn this. Anyway, Bound Doc only has one attack here, which is a punch that has a decent amount of range. Due to the low ceiling even if he jumps you can still connect a hit from the ground, so his three hit points won't last long. Climb out of the pit and latch on to the handle thing again. This time you need to go left and into the small opening above the overhang. It is easy enough to see, but getting there may take a try or two. Continue left and jump up the "steps" that block your way by performing a running jump (hit left twice and then jump at the edge). Once you reach the top move left to face another villain. -Rick Dom- Why is the Rick Dom blue? I don't know, maybe it is some sort of hybrd Gouf- Rick Dom, or maybe the color pallete was limited. It has five hit points, giving the indication that this the boss and this level is really short. Rick Dom here likes to swing his saber repeatedly, not giving you the opportunity to get a blow in. To counter this, move away from him and wait for him to start hopping like a bunny at you. Hit him mid-air to both send him backwards and hurt him. Repeat until he hops back down the bunny trail to syndicated local markets. Go left and ride the slide down, wondering to yourself why spikes are falling some ways behind you where they cannot hurt you. When you reach the floor, go right to run into the real boss. -Gyan- You may have thought it was over, either because the Rick Dom had five hit points or because of my misleading remarks above, but the real boss is another Gundam enemy, the Gyan. In the original series it was piloted by Zeon mobile suit designer M'Quve. Gyan fights like the Rick Dom, but his saber swings will send three projectiles out with some of them. These are easily dodged with a higher ceiling than before. Instead of staying away from the Gyan though, move up on it and spam the attack button on him. He is less aggressive and will try to block, but when he attempts to charge a swing you will hit him. Defeat him to complete this non-productive factory place. *********************** * Level - 05 * F51372 * *********************** Looks like you have gone from the frying pan into the fire, literally. Vic and Steve seem to have cooked up a foundary for you to battle through. Show them your fire for life and get to a point in the level where you don't have to read my bad puns by going right. The first pit you come to has two platforms that rotate 360 degrees. Jump as quickly as you can across them as they move pretty fast. Leap onto the bridge on the other side and run right as it collapses behind you. Leap as far as you can at the end and ride the ramp downwards. Dash and jump across the lava at the bottom and then jump up and grab the platform above the next ledge. Jump up to the ledge above this and climb up each succeeding platform until you come to Z Ton again. -Z Ton- This time Z Ton just sits in one place and shoots at you. Due to the low ceiling it is hard to jump his attacks so I recommend just taking the hits and hitting him between each one. He still has five hit points, which is annoying and will probably cost you four life bars. Once he is gone, continue climbing upwards until you come to a handhold. Jump and grab it, then launch yourself onto the cart across the pit. You need to ride this until it reaches the bottom and then use your momentum to launch yourself over the lava pit and grab on to a small handhold above certain death. Yeah, for real. Add to this that for whatever reason this cart really doesn't want to let you ride it and will try to dump you, without warning, anytime it goes up or down an incline. If you jump on the cart, let it run past you, then wait for it to respawn and try again this seems to put it in a better mood and this problem disappears. (If you don't believe me, try it.) Ride the handhold track to the end and leap to the safety of the ledge ahead before it dumps you into the lava. Walk forward to end the level. *********************** * Level - 06 * 041373 * *********************** Combining the most aggravating moments of gameplay so far, Vic and Steve have placed our heroes on a train in the factory. Oh yeah, only the most fiendish of minds could have come up with this plan. My guess is that they have some Sentai Snobs on the payroll making this stuff up. Put an end to their fansubbing days by completing this gauntlet of pain. (Don't worry, we'll put an end to Disney's "reimagining" ways later in the game.) Let the train scroll a little, then run up the first ramp and down the other side as soon as the opening appears. If you dally too long on either end you will get crushed, so run like there is a free pancake feed on the other side. Repeat this through the next jump. A spiked "wall" awaits on the other side. Just wait a few moments and it will move backwards automatically. Leap over it now and dash forward before it backs up into you and hurts you. Jump through the opening on the next roadblock until you come to another row of spikes. Leap over this at the small opening that appears and keep moving to the edge of the screen. The path splits up ahead. Take the top path as the bottom path will lead to your untimely demise. Keep moving to come to a series of isometric shapes the Sentai Snobs have placed precariously over a pit of spikes. Jump across them (there's about four) and land on the upper ledge. Let the train carry you forward to a wall looming ahead to crush you, but thankfully bad editing will save you and complete the level. *********************** * Level - 07 * A31374 * *********************** Time for the obligatory sewer level. Sewer levels are always bad news in video games. The Ninja Turtles aren't going to come and help you, so it's you against whatever drove all the alligators and molemen away. This stage does not fall far from the sewer level tree and is very difficult, much harder than any of the stages thus far. -Takkong- As soon as the level begins you have to face off against a Kamen Rider monster. This one rolls at you. It doesn't punch, throw things, quote bad one-liners, no, it just rolls at you. Just hit it as it approaches three times and it's done. Guess it figures it could just bleed on you like the Black Knight and win. Drop down to the next floor ahead to face a more formidable enemy. -Z'Gok- The Z'Gok has three lines of attack. It will try and stab you with its long fingernail-like talons which has a very long reach. It also has a projectile which it uses sparingly. Lastly, and most commmonly, it will jump above you and try to stab you from above. It has four hit points, making it tougher than the average enemy up until now. Your best bet is to let it jump, dodge out of the way, then hit it as it lands. Since it cannot block mid-air, this is a guaranteed hit every time. Jump and grab the handhold just beyond the Z'Gok and swing and jump over the spiked pit. Drop down a floor and move right. -General Shadow- General Shadow just throws things this time, and doesn't appear to block, so punch his lights out and be done with it. Continue right. At the drop, jump to the small alcove and wait for a spike to shoot towards you. It will stop before the alcove and move back, so drop by it to the small hole below. Wait for a second spike to shoot forward, then go by it as well. There is a power-up in the opening where the spike comes from, but instead of trying to climb in and get it, just jump by the ledge it is on. You can grab it through the floor and continue without any fear of damage. Dash under the spikes hanging above the passageway (they will not drop until you are under them, so you need to dash to get by quick enough). Drop to the next floor. You can dash jump to the left, past a falling spike, to an extra life if you want, but to continue onwards you need to go right. -Bound Doc- With your easily acquired power-up you can just shoot Bound Doc in the face and end his menace without incident. Until I beat the game I thought this was actually Antlar, a bug monster from Ultraman that was afraid of a blue stone. It was a magic blue stone, mind you, but a stone nonetheless. Maybe if had that stone in this game this sewer would be no trouble at all. I wonder if falling spikes are afraid of blue stones... climb upwards and wait for the spike to back up behind you. Run forward and climb above where it flies in. You'll reach a flat spot shortly to face the sub bosses. -Hachi Onna- Hachi Onna hails all the way back from the original Kamen Rider. She wields a sword with an impressive range and six hit points. If you have the power-up from earlier, however, you can gun her down before she can do anything. If not, her long range makes her very difficult to hit without taking a lot of damage, so do yourself a favor and just grab the easily acquired power-up before facing the bee lady, okay? -Z Ton- This lame villain just won't stay away. He's just like he was in stage two so take out Quickdraw McGraw here and hope he stays in those repeats of Ultra Fight for the rest of the game. After this gang, jump on the ledge at the right, then dash jump and grab the higher ledge to the left. Jump the pits and climb up to the swinging handholds above. Swing from the first and to the floating block, then jump to the next and repeat. Oddly to make these jumps you need to hit jump on the backswing so that you will jump at the forward end of your swing. From the third handhold if you fall you die, so it really counts at that point. After that jump, leap over the two spiked balls and grab the far right ledge. Climb up and jump to the ledge on your left, noting that again if you fall you will die here. -Rick Dom- The stage's second Gundam villain. He's just like before, including that cool death animation of him getting cut in half by your... bullets? -Birdon- Rick Dom is followed by another round with Birdon, but with the power-up of love he'll fall just like Jay-Z in the video for 99 Problems... in a hail of bullets. Follow the path, crawling and jumping when necessary, to the area with spiked floors and dropping spikes. Drop to the safe ledge, wait for the first spike to fall, and leap over it and grab the much coveted full health. Repeat with the second spike to continue onwards and upwards to some more opponents. -Marshal Armor- He's got a whopping eight hit points and a mace, but Marshall Armor is rather easy considering the full health you now have. His only attack is to swing his mace at you, but he is far more defensive and will spend a lot time blocking. Since you will not have your gun now since you got the full health, instead just stick close to him and spam the attack button. He will block most of your blows, but his attack requires some charge time so you will connect whenever he attempts to use it. If he leaps backwards, wait for him to attack, then move in and repeat. Marshal Armor was the final "general" of Destron to combat Kamen Rider in season three of the original series. -Turtle Bazooka- You didn't think with all the two-for-one enemies in this stage that the boss would be an exception, did you? Turtle Bazooka is another Destron flunky, who incidently is a giant turtle with a bazooka on his back. Don't give him the chance to use it by pummeling him quickly. Continue right, jumping past the drop ahead. Walk through the pillars that appear to be blocking the path (they're actually part of the background) to face a recycled boss. -Zaku II- He's just like in stage one, except now with only three hits points. Drop down a floor and jump to the moving handgrips. Press left and jump as it is on the far right side to leap as you approach the left side and catch the next grip. Repeat this again to leap over the wall and land on a safe spot. From here dash and jump to clear the spikes and fall to the bottom level. curve around the corner drop down to meet a new face. -Kampfer- Kampfer's bazooka might be its most obvious form of attack, but the real pain it can cause is due to its dash. Kampfer likes to dash into you, which will deal damage, forcing you to time your strikes to hit him as he approaches. He only has three hit points, so he won't be causing too much grief. Kampfer has been in a number of Gundam productions, but first appeared in Gundam 0800. Now we approach something very odd and disconcerting. Ahead is a crawlspace with two falling spikes in front of it. I spent over an hour trying to find some way through here, but to no avail. Seeking help at the FAQ Contributors Board, adaml provided me with the solution: "You have to run and then press down right before you reach the spikes. You will turn into a ball or something and roll past them. You might want to practice this maneuver in an area where you have a lot of room to practice before doing it near the spikes." Put more directly, you need to double tap forward to run from the far edge of the ground floor and then hit down as you reach the crawlspace. This takes a lot of practice as adaml points out. I had to use two different directional pads to do this, one to run with and one to hit down with. Just beyond is a familiar face for Kamen Rider fans. -Shadow Moon- Shadow Moon blocks the exit. He has six hit points, although his only attack is a basic punch. I don't know why the programmers of the game decided to make him such a loser, maybe they agreed with the general television public and thought the two Kamen Rider Black shows should not be watched or maybe they were just lazy. I don't know, but put Shadow Moon out of his sad existence in this sewer quickly. Rest in peace, Shadow Moon. Loop around the path and drop to the next floor to find another foe. -Gomora- And what a bozo this guy is. He's only got one hit point and there's nothing even mildly entertaining about him. He's a drab grey color and has a horn he doesn't even use. Why is he here? Where did he come from? Could he possibly be more than a one-shot enemy? These are the sort of questions we ask of far more interesting enemies. -Twin Tail- This ridiculous looking sea anemone is only mildly more interesting than Baltan. He attacks with his face and has three hit points. Take him out and keep going. Run right and jump up the path. When it starts to come back down, watch out as there are spikes along the floor after the second drop. Past this you will come to a handhold that bobs up and down. Use it to grab the extra life and the health before moving on to the actual boss. -Quebeley- Quebeley flies to the upper left to launch four of her funnels at you. These funnels will swirl around in a circle, trying to hit you, before returning to her. Hold all the way right as the funnels circle by, then jump kick her as she swoops to the right. She will flee back to the left corner upon being hit, repeating the process. She has six hit points, so just repeat this until she goes down. *********************** * Level - 08 * B81577 * *********************** Not another sewer level! Ugh, this one begins with a sequence that is just like the falling spike area before Shadow Moon. Dash and hit down to roll by these things. Walk to the spike pit and wait for a small platform to approach. Jump on this and duck down as it passes under the low wall. On the other side leap to safety and keep moving. -Shadow Moon- Shadow Moon is back for more and this time he has seven hit points. He's still a pathetic translation of the character. Maybe we'll just call him Robo Rider and pretend he's the lame Saban version from that crappy Masked Rider rendition of the series. Another falling spike section requiring the old dash and slide follows. -Gyan- Remembering his humiliating defeat in level four, Gyan returns for a rematch. He's still only got five hit points though, so this fight is identical to that earlier battle. Jump from ledge to ledge across the spike pits. At the end is a swinging line you need to jump to and grab. Leap across it and hop on the platform at the end. Ride it until you come to the handhold hanging before a large drop. Jump to it and ride downwards. Once you see a second handhold, leap to it before you crash into a spiked wall. This entire sequence continues for a long time, forcing you to jump from handhold to handhold all the way to the bottom of the level. Timing is everything with these jumps, making it hard to describe here. What you need to do is pretty clear, doing it however can be frustratingly difficult. Once you reach the bottom, dash and jump to the left to grab the handhold. This sequence has handholds that run in circles. Jump from one to the other to climb upwards. The fourth loop is a little different, jerking upwards on the left side of the loop. Hit up as you approach the top of this side of the loop to be launched upwards. Hug the left wall until you pass through the opening, then move back to the right to hit the roof and drop into another area. Launch yourself from this handhold. You have to dodge the spiked platforms and make it to the top. To do so, move to just above the first spiked platform on the right side and pass two spiked platforms along the right wall. Once you pass them, move right a little and pass by a platform directly to your left. When you do, hold left to move right into the small opening and land safely. Move left to finish the level. *********************** * Level - 09 * 951376 * *********************** More sewer levels than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game? Now we're just being ridiculous. Loop around the path to face your first enemy of the third sewer level. -Baltan- About time Baltan showed up, with three hit points and the ability to teleport around the screen. He doesn't seem to have any attacks though, which is really odd to say the least. Hit him as he appears, or wait a while then hit him, it doesn't seem to really matter at all which. Crawl through the crawlspace, then dash under each of the falling spikes on the other side. After about five of them, you will find a handhold. Grab this and ride the track downwards. When it levels out at the bottom, jump just after it does so and grab the next handhold. Ride this until you reach a grounded opponent. -Propeller Beetle- You can actually ride the handhold and just slam through him, taking all three of his hit points as you pass by. Just be sure to drop off the line before it leads you over the pit and to your death. Dash and leap across the pit past the guy who broke your fall. Ahead is a big foe. -Sazabi- The final incarnation of the Red Comet awaits with seven hit points. Sazabi slashes almost constantly and will jump backwards to dodge your attacks with relative ease. There is no easy way to hit him and he can pin you in a corner and just wail on you until you die, leaving you powerless to resist. Jump kicks are the best way to hit him, but even this is not a guarantee as he can hit you on an upswing with his beam saber. Once you defeat Sazabi, move right to finally get out of this sewer. *********************** * Level - 10 * C01377 * *********************** Now that you got through their diabolical sewer, Vic and Steve plan to ambush you in the ice level. I always wondered where these levels made of solid ice come from? There's no place like them anywhere in Japan, so where did the villains find them? And why is it connected to the sewers? These are the things that keep me up late at night. Climb upwards until you come to the area with a downward icy slope at the left. You need to jump on this and then leap from it near the middle to land on the surface to the right. From there, move ahead into the opening to find an extra life. Head back and repeat this slide and jump procedure up through the ice. You will eventually come to a slope followed by a less steep slope. Dash and jump to the back end with the less steep slope. You can leap back and grab the extra life, then jump from the slide back to the less steep slope. Continue forward to face Z Ton again. -Z Ton- It's the one that sits there are shoots again. Five hits will finish this guy off once more. Slide down and jump to safety after the enemy. If you hit the spiked balls you won't die, so if you miss you'll just lose one life point and keep moving. Keep climbing upwards until you come to a spot with three slides in a row over some spikes. You need to dash and hit the back corner of the lower slide, jump immediately to the left slide, then immediately jump again to the third slide, followed by the same action up to the top. This is very difficult and very frustrating as you will often somehow travel through the floor of the slide and get hurt, as well as probably flying over the top ledge the first time you make it and fall back down into a different set of spikes. When you get on top of this part, leap the first pit and slide along the next incline. Jump quickly to the small alcove and keep going upwards. The next area has rotating spiked balls in each alcove you need to jump into via the slides. This looks pretty intimidating, but the spikes are slow enough to be easily avoided. You can actually jump and hold to the left to "climb" up these slides to get a better jumping height as you climb. Crawl through the small crawlspace above this area to continue going. Falling into the pit here yields some health, but ignore it. Backwards jump up the slide above the crawlspace, then leap to the ice block across the pit. Jump to the next landing and walk forward to end this level. *********************** * Level - 11 * BA1479 * *********************** We're back on the train, only this one is a bright pink threat to masculinity everywhere. This one has you jump between three floors, all of which are just high enough up that you cannot reach them unless you dash jump. This makes things somewhat aggravating, but fairly straightforward. Making things worse, some routes are dead ends before you even can see them. Given this, I have made a map and posted it on GameFAQs. Hit back and refer to it to get through this nightmare. It also covers specific points of interest in this level, so use it exclusively until you reach level twelve. *********************** * Level - 12 * 861379 * *********************** Looks like Steve and Vic hired Dr. Wily to construct this level because the tile set just screams Mega Man. It's also a scrolling level as nasty as any the good doctor cooked up. And what is the justification for this scrolling? I can understand it on a train, but this is just some kind of metal complex, why does it scroll? Why can you be crushed by "nothing?" Where's the beef? Shortly after the level begins a missile will drop down and fly at you. Hold back and jump this. Move forward until you come to the pit. Wait until the level scrolls all the way to you, almost forcing you off, before leaping to the spinning platform. Quickly jump from it to the second, then hang out in the middle of the platform and jump repeatedly to stay on it as it spins. Once the far upper ledge comes into view beyond the third rotating platform, jump atop the third platform and up to the ledge. Wait for the scrolling to reveal a downward slope and a safe ledge beyond it. Slide down so your head is level with just below the arrow pointing right and jump. Wait any longer and you will not make it. Wait again for the same thing, then slide down and jump about two-thirds of the way down the slope to make it to safety. The next rotating platform spins continuously. Wait for the second one to appear, then quickly leap from the spinning one when it is flat and to the middle of the second one. Jump repeatedly as before as it spins. When it slopes upward to the right, and the upper ledge is in sight, run up it and jump to grab that ledge and climb up. Four slides follow. It is best to slide down and leap across right as the far ledge appears so you do not over jump to the next slide. Once you pass all four you will finally come to an enemy to fight... sort of... -Kampfer- Kampfer is hiding below the floor and shoots upward at you. Although a three hit life bar appears, you cannot hit him. Wait until the path completely opens and run across, right past his range. As you do, a missile will lower at the end that you need to dodge by dropping to the bottom floor. Once you do, Kampfer will be left behind to be crushed by that moving "nothingness." -Sazabi- Immediately you will see ten hit points appear in the enemy bar. Do not worry too much as you do not have to fight this guy, you just have to dodge him. He first appears above your path, stabbing downwards. If he hits you you will be hit repeatedly for up to five life. Move back and forth to dodge him, then when the crawlspace ahead appears dash and roll (like in the sewers) to get through. On the other side both Sazabi and Kampfer will be there, one above and one below, so repeat your dance with them for a few more screens. Once you pass these enemies you come to some jumps with slopes leading toward you. You can jump to these and backwards jump up them, or just backwards jump until the screen pushes you up. Repeat this for the next two slopes. Once you make it past the third one, the level will end. *********************** * Level - 13 * 0B147A * *********************** We are nearing the end and it is time for the obligatory enemy gauntlet level. Far as I can tell, the only way to make sense of this level is to interpret it as one of those pseudo-clip show episodes from Power Rangers that combines a bunch of battles from episodes that didn't get remade. That or the programmers were running out of ideas. -Shadow Moon- Shadow Moon appears once more, this time with nine hit points. He also has a new flying kick move that allows him to essentially dash across the screen and hurt you if he touches you. The best way to deal with this Shadow Moon, who actually lives up to what he should be, is to jump and kick as he nears you. If he jumps at you, your hit should connect. If he does not, you will either connect with a hit or push him back. Sometime he will connect on you with this strategy, but if you can keep him off you he will not be able to combo you with his punches and kicks. -Twin Tail- He's still just as ridiculous and dumb as ever, which may be a blessing if you barely beat Shadow Moon. Just beyond Isoginchaku are some steam pipes. Damaging steam will come out of the holes in the piping. Wait for it to appear, then dash through to avoid it from the first two holes. The next pipe you come to sprays continuously, so to avoid it you need to crawl under it. A collapsing bridge looms ahead. Dash onto it and roll under the small space ahead. This is pretty difficult to do, so if you need to practice your roll in the area where Isoginchaku was, do so. If you mess up on the bridge, you will die. Dash ahead and pass by the steam pipe. Just after this is a spike thing that moves back and forth. Wait for it to come towards you, then dash and jump over it and run to the next area. -Gyan- Gyan has five hit points now, but he has not received the sort of upgrades that Shadow Moon got. As such, he will flee as quickly as that weird face monster you dealth with earlier. Beyond this is a fast moving platform over some water. Drop onto this and move to the next pillar. Dash and leap to the swinging handhold over the next water pit. Swing and leap from this to the next area. Here another steam pipe is, with steam switching between an upper and lower opening. Wait for the lower one to issue out and walk through as the upper one follows. Four rotating platforms follow. By now you should have this drill down. Once you get across there is a nasty steam area. Approach them one at a time and let them shoot once. These will take a few moments to fire again, so move by each one at a time. Grab the power-up while you pass through. -Dom- With the power-up you can watch that cool Dom death animation really fast. -Turtle Bazooka- Turtle Bazooka doesn't have as cool of a death animation. -Z'Gok- Bet you're glad you grabbed that power-up, aren't you? -Quebely- Quebeley flies to the upper left to launch four of her funnels at you. These funnels will swirl around in a circle, trying to hit you, before returning to her. Hold all the way right as the funnels circle by, then jump kick her as she swoops to the right. She will flee back to the left corner upon being hit, repeating the process. She has six hit points, so just repeat this until she goes down. The next sequence will throw a series of missiles at you. These lower in and will shoot straight ahead when they come into your line of sight. Either jump up and have it shoot overhead, or stay low and jump as they fly by. -Marshall Armor- Use the last of your power-up to take out the now ten hit point strong Marshall Armor. -Z Ton- He now fights like a cross between his two forms. Run up on him and jump and kick him repeatedly. He won't fire while you are in the air, so you will come down with a strike each time, then leap back to safety. Five hit will finish him off again. -Takkong- Run up on him and just punch or kick away. You'll take off all five of his hit points before he can respond with anything at all. -Kumo Otoko- Kumo Otoko crawls along the wall. As you pass under him, he will drop down to the floor trying to hit you. Run under him, let him touch down, then hit him. Repeat once he climbs back up. This Gorgom creature has five hit points, which in all liklihood you will take without even losing one. -King Joe- A blast from the past, way back in stage two. King Joe still only has three hit points, but can only be damaged when fully assembled. Chakrum will float in one piece at a time until all three pieces assemble. Once they do you can hit it once before it breaks apart and hovers above you, raining shots down at you with two pieces as the third swoops along the ground to the other side of the screen. Move to the opposite side of the screen as it rises, then jump back over the swooping piece as it approaches. Turn and wait for it to reassemble, then hit it for one damage. Once it is destroyed, the level is at an end. *********************** * Level - 14 * 311082 * *********************** Steve and Vic are gone! Guess you killed them... off camera? Must have been the American edit of level thirteen after all. Level fourteen is ridiculously short and ridiculously easy. Easier than even level one, which is very surprising. -Zaku II- He's got three hit points, just like both times before. Once Zaku II is defeated, move right. Soon your character will automatically start running for many, many screens. Eventually you'll come to an old foe. -Sazabi- Sazabi has ten hit points again, and this time you have to fight him. He will swing wildly and move across the screen, leaping back to the right once he reaches the left end of the screen. Jump just above him and kick as you come down in front of him to hit him with little risk of damage. He is a huge push over. With Sazabi defeated the level is at an end. At this point in the game I came to the sad conclusion that there are in fact no rock quarries or parking garages to be found. I think that's where the villains went wrong here. Gorgom, Lother, the Baltans, and even the Goa'uld all launched major strikes on rock quarries and parking garages. It's the key to success I tell you. *********************** * Level - 15 * 471083 * *********************** The final level is just a boss battle with an enemy unique to the Great Battle series. I tried to think of some witty way to end the guide, but I think the giant brain looming overhead as the stage begins speaks for itself. -Dark Brain- Dark Brain has twenty hit points. It won't do anything initially, so get in as many hits as you can by jump kicking it in the brain. You can get in two to five hits, depending on how fast you act. Once it is is free to "move," it will shoot a claw at you. This claw will home in on wherever you were standing when it appeared, so leap and jump kick it in the brain as soon as you see a claw appear. The next claw will likely shoot for the air where you were at, so jump behind the claw as it passes and kick it again. This attack sequence is followed by Dark Brain firing a volley of bullets at the lower left, followed by the upper left. Jump and kick as it fires low, and when you touch down it should be firing up high. This will be followed by it walking forward and back, doing no damage when it touches you. Twenty hits will come pretty quickly, granting you victory. *********************** * Helpful Links ******* *********************** Below are links to some sites for the three franchises featured in Great Battle Cyber. Several of these I used to try and determine just who exactly I was fighting as I worked my way through, which was rendered moot by the end credits which identified all of them for me, and forced me to change some of my jokes. Dedicated to Black Gundam - GEARS Online The Kamen Riders The Monster Archives *********************** * Copyrights ********** *********************** Great Battle Cyber is (c) Banpresto